This is a thread dedicated to the development and production all the fan-characters and OC's that represent /mlpol/'s community. All user input and new ideas are welcome.
Previous Thread:
>>25806 →
Going to dump a few of the pics from the previous thread.
So far, this board has produced (names still in development):
>Fireaxe: the mascot of /mlpol/'s /rwss/
>Leslie Fair (F): the Libertarian/Ancap pone
>Happy Enning (M): The Happening Pone
>Mai Gaia (F): The MAGA pone
>ICE (F): The Immigration/Law Enforcement pone
>Rem Move (F): The Kebab-removal Pone (soon to have a brother)
Ideas for the further development of any of these characters (or new ones) are very much encouraged. They're still in development, so if you have questions or suggestions about their appearances or personalities, please speak up
These characters were created on this board, but several /mlpol/-adopted fan characters also exist, including:
>Aryanne: Nazi hoers and /mlpol/'s default mascot
>Syrianna: Syria's Nation-pone, and mascot of /mlpol/'s /sg/
>Franzika, Kyrie, Lufkrieg, and all of Aryanne's volk
>Veronika: The communist pone (if you care)
If you have any other /mlpol/-fitting characters you know of, please let us know in this thread. All artwork, writing, questions and discussions are welcome.
Pls forgive. I suck at starting pony threads.
App has it moments so each time may take longer per coloring.
For the cutie mark for Rem and Vald
>Brother is Vald now
Im thinking Vald has the Ruby and pearls, while Rem has the star with a blank spot where the gem would be. Other Ideas welcomed for this
>>40721What app are you using for your pony drawing?
>>40730Picsart. One of their updates wiped out alot of old work so I have not updated it. I decided I might as well, but before I did I installed it for someone else. It was gutted to be like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Deviant art and myspace all in one. So I can't update it. Its what Ive used for a long ass time now for shops to coloring to drawing
>>40732Damn those 40K pics are beautiful
>>40732You certainly do a good job with the colors.
I've been trying to subtly shift this RD tattoo into Aryanne for 3 days now...
Speaking of colors, have we come to a consensus on Vlad and Rem Yet? I'm thinking yellow-orange for Rem, and Gray-slate for Vlad.
>>40742Thats what im going for with em.
>>40685For tat, its just trial and error until you get the scheme right. Have you taken a brush tool to it, setting the transparency on a lower % to slowly change its color?
>>40742The silver color of the original has always been pretty much the only way I could think of the pony. But I guess that so long as Vlad (Vald?) is grey or silver I guess an experiment could me made with the female pony to model her more off of the Yugoslav civil war
>>40747>setting the transparency on a lower % to slowly change its color?I tried that on a bunch of other drafts; it's just not easy... I guess I might just be getting to obsessive about it though. My end goal was to subtly recolor RD as as Aryanne, and then shoop violet-tinted glowing eyes onto the finished product and tweet it to him. It's mostly just a practice project to get used to the tools I have access to for digital pics. I've also been trying to color vectors for pones.
>>40751stick with it. the more you get to know the tools, the faster it gets. Its why losing picsart is a blow I cant have atm
>>40750I was thinking slate, so that he would match the other Slav pone in that regard: I thought it would be nice to have one that isn't a commie.
As for Rem, I think her original color-scheme works out fine.
>>40754I don't know if this has any relevance to any thing or is just pedantry, but the model (Vlad Dracul) probably wasn't slavic, but was probably the decedent of one or another set of invading Central Asian raiders. The Family name of his grandfather was of Turkic origin, probably Cuman or Pecheneg. Stoker's Dracula was a Magyar noble. In fact, the Vampire accent depicted in media is a Hungarian accent.
But on a less autistic note, I really like the light grey/silver of the drawings from the other thread.
Eh, I guess I mixed him up with the Slavic vampire folktales and the Translyvania batpone that I heard about back in the communist pony thread two months ago.
I think slate looks good though.
So, I was practicing drawing horses, because they're easier to draw than ponies for me at this stage, when I wondered: What exactly is the pattern of Happy Enning's mane? How much red/purple does he have, and in what places?
Is it just a single stripe of red, or is there more in the back?
Also, if anyone has some unfinish pony sketches/vectors that I could practice on, That would be much appreciated.
>>40772Its a strip of read that travles down the middle. With this goggles on, the right purple is mostly tucked away
>Working on back shots of him for refrence Tail has a red in the middle in between purple
>>40780A side profile would be nice too, or at least a rough sketch so I can tell how where to put what color and how long the hair is.
After lurking /mlp/ for a month, I've come to see that a character's silhouette/vector is perhaps the most important part. Since there aren't that many artists on this site producing OC, it may be important to establish the character's shapes spo that they don't just end up as blobs of color, as Leslie is right now (currently a recolor of a recolor).
>>40803Im giving it a go but ive never had a style of any kind. Im hoping to provide enough rough sketches until someone comes along and can make it user friendly.
>Fire Penis Jebuz
>>40804>Im hoping to provide enough rough sketches until someone comes along and can make it user friendly.Well, you're doing a good job as of so far. I'm still learning as of now, but I hope to get a hang of it soon.
Gotta log off. Work tomorrow.
>>40732Why not gimp or krita?
>>40814Gimp doesn't work on my Chromebook for some reason.
>>40814Its always been a cluster fug with me, havent seen krita so ill check it out. im using a phone btw so
>>40795Im getting ready to make backside shots with the cutie marks. Should Vald keep his? Should I split it
>>40721 ?
What would Rem have then, if not? Dose Vald have another symbol or item worthy?
>>40841Vlad should keep his
I'm not so sure that his hat was so much of a symbol as it was his favorite piece of jewelry. The really symbol of the Dracula order is actually this burning cross thing (also, the dragon choking itself). I don't know why I didn't bring it up earlier.
Colors on the cross may need to be altered to contrast the hide.
>>40879But I love his hat... Also, Vlad will have an optional hat to wear.
I had given Rem at first an Iron Cross so this will be perfect to do I think. Im thinking the cross can be orange ruby and the feather look on the ends can be either pink pearl or remain the gold. Im leaning pearl. Also next image is going to have Ice included with Rem and Vald
>>40885That sounds great. Looking forward to seeing it.
>>40888Checked n small update
>>40969Coming along well.
Is Ice wearing some kind of wrist watch there? Or is her sleeve the same color as her fur?
>>40971Sleeves. I'm going with the blue arm version that made ice, though still working the color. Might switch it to black, or dark brown
Ice is adorable to draw everytime.
>>40994That is adorable. But shouldn't she be thinking about deporting aliens rather than Vlad's ass?
>>40995Usually yes but I think im going to have Ice smitten with Vald, Rem obviously knowing this, adds to the teasing she can do.
>>40995I think part of the appeal of a character with glasses is that you can picture them thinking just about anything behind the glass.
It's also a good excuse for a character with that seems bipolar at times. I personally thought of Ice as a kind of hard-boiled, cop-like character while she's working, but it'd be nice to give her a cuter side as well.
I think that the best way to make OC that the entire board will use is to make reaction images, they are good for those who have little/no art ability like me.
>>40969>>40994>>40994I am the guy that proposed the art idea for ICE, and I just want to say how great of an artist you are for making amazingly high quality OC of a character I made in MS paint, Thank you!
>>41023>make reaction imagesGood idea, m8. I was looking for some pony vectors to practice on anyway.
Got any more?
>>41027Those are just a few examples from google I found, however it is possible to simply take an image and paint over it like I have in MS paint to make semi-original OC.
These Fahrenheit 451 Fireaxe pictures are an example of what I mean. All I did was use the paint bucket tool to do most of the recoloring and then used the pencil to get the individual pixels that did not change.
>>41023Reaction images would be great! They are the most useful pony pictures. Also, I love ICE. My profession needed a pony representation
>>41010>>41023T-thank you.
Im going to see what I can do with those. I might be able to get a few out but it depends on the program
>>41028The Fahrenheit 451 Fireaxe was great idea. It makes for great potential alternate universe dystopian stories (also, in term of reaction images, she's literally a inversoion from /rwss/ to /rwds/).
>>41029Keep up the good work, officer.
>>41040Oh no, only a lowly legal intern. I hope to be a prosecuting attorney soon enough though
>>41043Amen and keep up the great OC creation!
I'll be sure to practice with that one.
I cant post. Keeps saying everything looks automated
Hey guys, we're posting a lot of our memes and art etc on Derpibooru right now, with the tag /mlpol/. Feel free to post if you have anything ready. Or don't.
>>41167Finally! Looks like I can at least post in this thread.
>>41155The colors look amazing!
>>41166I asked a couple questions on that thread: Please respond. I want to get these tags right.
Does anyone else think that Romania Anon's rant could serve as a good supplement for Rem and Vlad's CYOA's?
I imagine that Vlad's dark, gloomy character comes from tough life as a Vangaurd, trying to protect gypsy ponies from themselves as much as from the Turks.
>>41222I fucking loved that story. So creative. We need to do something with it
>>41222I do like this alot. Fits them both well tbh. Rem still has that energy quirk that makes her poetic rants much more to look forward too when she gets srus
OPartfagapprove if that means diddiles
I'd say Vlad and Rem need just a bit of world-building along with their character building to shell-out their character roles.
Was practicing trying to make stick figure comics (lost the draft, sorry). I imagined that the Pope-pony (aka, Kyrie's head badly shooped onto the current pope), assigned their family to Romania to serve as Vanguards against kebab incursion, and that Vlad and Rem were the most recent generation, as Count and vice-count of the ponified Romania.
It was just an idea I thought up while playing with awful stick figures. I am somewhat attached to the thought of a Pope-Kyrie CYOA though (due my longing for the next pope to call a crusade).
>>41230*the ponified Transylvania
>>41256It's coming along very nicely
Taking a break to redraw Mai, since Vlad needs slight editing
>>41256good luck with that.
Also, I'd suggest to go a bit more minimalist: few of the ponies in the show wear clothes. For Characters like Rem and Vlad, a chestplate or cape would be more than enough to fill out their roles.
I'm still working on my vectors. Currently studying the show-style to get a hang of how to draw ponies. This has been quite a bit of fun.
>>41256Not to be Nitpicky, but it would be more technically accurate if ICE's uniform were a police-like black and grey, because that is the actual color of ICE Officer uniforms
>>41407Good point, the reason I made the vest tan was to not get it confused with the rest of the uniform/fur.
I also remember seeing a picture of an ICE officer wearing a tan tactical vest, but I cannot find the picture.
>>41409You might be thinking of Border Patrol, which is different than ICE. They wear olive drab.
>>41407Basing her vest off of a copper-doggo's stab-proof vest wouldn't be a far stretch either, considering she's a quadruped.
I've actually tried some dozen times to draw over that pic of a police doggo barking at that one antifa faggot on the beach, in an effort to produce even one original pic of Ice, but I keep fucking up on the face... I'll learn to draw heads some day..
>>41404I was thinking that too, but didn't for my sketches because I wanted to see them a bit fancy lol. In long term, Vald gets cape, Rem will have that purple neck tie thibg, I forget what it's called, with their outfits gone.Mai is just getting her hat, possibly a tie.
>>41414 I can attempt doggos vest for it instead.
>>41414I wonder how these police vests would look on a pony.
>>41604That looks much better. The black looks sleek and professional.
I have taken alot of projects on atm, so I might be going into lurking mode for awhile. I will keep up on suggestions and post progress so often. One project that is consuming time is that I want to make ALL of our OC and mascot pones in one image, kinda like pic related.
I am NOT that good so this will be a long term. Gibs me a fun break tbh
>>41609No problem, m8. We love your work.
Have a rare Barney.
>>41695Kek. Fucking sweet! Love it.
adding horn to Vlad and Rem. I forgot...
>>42120Holy fug! That looks awesome!
*Sets as profile pic on new derpibooru account*
Ok, so a good Anon friendo suggested this, well asked but since ICE belongs to mlpol, need to ask. Should Ice be related to Snow Drop?
>>42136New to this fandom.
How typical is it to make OCs related to the show's characters? It seems somewhat cancerous to me, so I wouldn't want to do it if it's unprecedented.
>>42136>>42139*Reads filename*
Wait, is she blind? Maybe that could work out then..
>>42142>Snowdrop has Ice over for tea>they go for a walk, talking about their lives>Ice sees an illegal and proceeds to beat the shit out of them>Snowdrop is just laughing cheering her on as she cant see whats happening
>>42147If only, anon... Snowdrops time has since passed. We could always bend the rules because fugit
>>42150>Snowdrops time has since passed.What do you mean by this?
>>42152>>42140The video explainz no spoiling this feel
Just wanted to drop this here.
Is this her when she was a filly?
Learn to handle sharp objects properly, young lady!
>>42715A tad older than that.
>>42712Forgot to fill in a small portion. Here's a couple other versions, so my post isn't to waste.
>>42856Can you make a version with the axe separate from her (off to the side)? Seeing that sharp tool teeter irresponsibly on her back triggers my autism.
>>42864I will edit it to be balancing off of her head just to spite you.
>>42867I guess that's what I get for being a lazy faggot and not editing it myself...
I'm working on my own vector for a death squads pony right now. I'll unveil it later after I finish work.
Did anybody else realize that the ADL website's database of "hate symbols" is the best place to get ideas for cutie marks? It's a goldmine of subtle symbolism.
I swear being bad at filling-in vectors feels like failing Preschool fingerpainting class. I absolutely suck at this digital stuff..
Here's a half-hearted attempt to try to illustrate what Luftkrieg's father would look like. I Imagined he was a solider who died during the war. It's mostly just practice for the death squads pone I was working on. I tried filling-in vectors I found on line to make out the basic shapes,
but I think I'll just go back to drawing my own..
>>43001But, Aryanne is Luftkriegs's "fathe"...
>>43003Yeah, but that fanon sort-of pissed me off...
Maybe I'm just incredibly homophobic and intolerant.
>>43004It's wacky I admit, but it's been so established. I can't really think of any other way.
Don't worry, mate. I hate gays too.
>>42940>H8White supremacists use the letter/number combination H8 to mean "hate." This usage dates back at least to the 1990s and may originally derive from the punk subculture, but it has become more common in recent years, with the spread of text-message abbreviations. Common motifs for the word include playing cards and billiards balls
So this is literally considered a hate symbol by law enforcement?
>>43010>So this is literally considered a hate symbol by law enforcement?Not sure about that, but the kikes who run the ADL take that shit incredibly seriously.
You'll be surprised at how many symbols, shapes, phrases, and numbers are actually "hate symbols". Did you know that the Triforce is a symbol for the Klan?
>>43011Honestly this is the first time I've looked at that shithole of a site and I can't help but laugh at all the stuff they have listed
>>43012They already lost when they listed Pepe there. I don't know why anyone would take them seriously after that.
I do make a point of reading it though. Using the knowledge of the ADL's database, I've been able to reach new heights of memetic hatred.
>>43008I do accept that Aryanne helped raise Luftkrieg, but I just couldn't deal with the whole "magical yuri-spawn" bs.
I was thinking of writing a long-ass greentext, when I had the time, that involved Kyrie having had a love affair with a maremacht soldier, but never speaking of him after she fled the continent, because the affair was out of wedlock and she was heartbroken that he died.
>>42940I was surprized they had a black supremacist group in their database, you'd think that such a SJW group would never consider criticizing anything nonwhite.
Also, AYAK just sounds like a typo for kayak.
>Buy kayak>Want to tell your friend>Text friend without double checking>Hey dude, check out my ayak>Suddenly, ADL tolerance troopers storm house>Send you to progressive reeducation camp>They take your home>They take all your money>They take your kayak
>>43020Back in the day, black supremacist groups were largely influenced by radical Islam, meaning they targeted Jews as much as whites. This was back before the Jews had the idea to use Mudshits to weaken the West, so it makes sense that they'd put them there.
May as well steal some links from the /mlp/ drawfag improvement general:
>Copied from draw threadDRAWING TUTORIALS
>Pony ->Human ->Drawing Books & Videos -!2RARFaLA!VTiQb6eRXfV4V6mYQ6FJTA>Inking and Coloring in Photoshop ->/ic/ Drawing Guide ->/ic/ Resources -
>GIMP (open source Photoshop or Sai alternative) ->FireAlpaca (Paint Tool SAI alternative) ->Krita (Multi platform open source alternative) ->MediBang Mac/ iPad/ iPhone/ Android
Draw or make comics on practically any device!!
>ArtRage gives you real world painting tools on your computer in a stylish, easy to use environment.
>Drawfag Improvement chat>Solami's pony chat:
>>43261I feel like this deserves its own thread, but I'm worried we have too many threads geared towards our ocs.
>>43489Yeah, I didn't really think when making this thread. It was meant to be mostly discussion and search of existing /mlpol/-tier OCs, but I called it an art thread because I wanted content.
>>41023Decided to make a few for Leslie Fair, because I'm lazy and she seemed easiest to do.
>>43632Alternative vector color:
>>43632>>43634Nice, I like it.
Posting colorization practice I did of Mitsuko for practice, and the original pic for reference.
>>43261>using discord>ever
>>43755I really can't thank you enough for doing that for my old art.
>>43765Ah, I thought I recognized the style.
Nice pic, btw.
>>43755The hell is "Mitsuko" and what does it have to do with mlpol?
>>42152>>43769Imperial Japan pony, friend. If you want to know more I suggest you go take a look at the Official Aryanne thread.
>>43769The Imperial Japanese pone, and "Honorary Aryan", made in part to encompas the "Jews fear the Samurai" meme on /pol/. She's one of Aryanne's allies.
I took a liking to her, because I used to be a massive weeb...
The pics you see in this thread are the only pics of her that currently exist, so I thought I'd do the character a favor and colorize one of her old pics.
>>43261>>43489>>43490>too any thread centered on our own OCWhat? OC threads are the best threads
>>43792All threads should be OC threads, in one way or another.
>>41023Does anybody have any moar generic, blank vector templates like this?
>>43792I suppose that equires a response. Question is that are there any aspiring artists or decent artists looking to improve?
>>43814Not exactly decent, yet, but aspiring.
Would like to at least start by making some moar reaction images for existing OCs.
>>43814Well shit I need to get around to learning how to make my own OC sometime. Thing is I don't think I have any talent and I certainly don't have any experience
>>43817Yeah recoloring vectors is the best path of expansion for OC
>>43829I can find vectors, but manes are beyond my skill level.
Does anybody have some moar exploitable templates?
>>43831Most of our OC are recolors anyways. Can't the original manes be left behind in most instances (like both Aryanne and Leslie are Rainbow Dash Recolors. ICE is a Pinkamena recolor - harder to find - but still)
Got a couple Pinkamenas that I thought would make good ICE's, but I'm such a low-level pleb that I couldn't even do the glasses...
>>43829>>43829>Thing is I don't think I have any talent and I certainly don't have any experienceJust the right man for the job.
Starting the art improvement soon. Any objections? Any commitments?
>>43838Art improvement what?
>>43840Well, thread of course. It's going to be a thread. Although, I have my doubts for it lifting off. In the meantime, anyone could ask for advice here I guess.
>>43838Cann't commit completely (gotta work overtime to keep the business afloat), but won't object.
It's me who has been asking for a lot of the advice anyway.
>>44074I like it! We should have her arrest Antifa pony.
>>44081>the cutie mark is a snowflake in a badgeCute. These are really nice. Though should she have the word "ICE somewhere on her? Either on a vest or on her Cutie mark? I guess it would be hard to make a vest, and the snowflake is there to symbolize it it, so it may be unnecessary
>>44074>>44081Consider wireless ear piece
>>44084Working on vest later. Have to hand draw it so posted blue-print. ICE is on the chest and collar once done.
>>44086I liek the idea of that tbh.
>>44074>>44075>>44081>Mfw I spent an hour trying to recolor those vectors, only to come back to see that someone else did it twice as well as I did, and was able to do the badge and glasses on top of itAmazing work, m8. I love your content.
I may as well hunt for moar vectors.
Also, should ICE have a first/last name? ICE is a little lacking for a pony name. I was thinking a name that started with P, like Polly or Paula (since 8/pol/'s "Right Wing Deportation Squads" was originally called "/pol/ICE", as in "police"), but I've yet to find a name that sounds good enough...
>>44106I used the paint bucket for it then uesed phone for the photoshop, just easier for me that way. PractivePracticePractice. I agree with a proper name for ICE. I have nothen atm, so lets get some community input on this, ja?
>Polly Ice >Paula Ice >Poliisi Ice, Fin for Police
>>44109>>44106I don't know if this matters, but the law enforcement sub-agency she is based on is called "ERO," or Enforcement and Removal Operations. They are one of ICE's police branches and the one most responsible for going door to door arresting people
>>44113Ero Ice?
Erolin Ice?
Remy Frost
(Removal Force)
Frost also = Ice
>just a thought
>>44119We already have a character named Rem.
I attempted to make a War Hammer version of ferinheight 451 Fireaxe. The other is an infantry version because why not?
(Also, happy 4th my fellow Americans!)
>>44492Kek. They look great.
It's funny how the /rwss/ pone can so easily be turned into an /rwds/ pone.
>>43765Does this rocket scientist look familiar?
>>44506>>44506Of course! Thanks again, comrade!
>>44505Also, isn't it great how Schutzstaffel means "Protection Squads"?
Also, I had the idea for a whole name for Fireaxe: how about Frieda Axmann? I got the name from Artur Axmann, the German national leader of Hitler Youth. I thought it would be nice to name her after him because he he helped develop nationalism and good citizenship for young Germans by having them volunteer as firefighters.
Frieda is a German name i thought would be good because it's kind-of sounds like "fire": it means "peaceful ruler".
>tfw Her cutie mark is a subtle fascist symbol
>>44511Glad to do it. I was just getting a hang of the tools.
Would anyone be interested in two new ocs? One representing /vx/:
>I was thinking some sort of conspiracy theorist oriented pony mixed in some Lovecraftain esque cultist because I can't enough of that and it's an interesting spin. Somepony that could represent /vx/. Maybe a breed that kind of resembles Reckless, or at least the pattern. Other idea for the design would be a long, light mane that slightly frayed, and cold, stark eyes (maybe a blueish green.)
And another being an antifa pony sort of as a joke and lewd.
I have a lot in mind for them, and would like to know there's interest here.
>>44545>would like to know there's interest here.There's always interest here.
>>44546Alright, I'll post the two concept images when I am done.
>>44547Did you think of making her look a bit like Vivian and/or /x/-tan?
>>44552I already have a clear idea for how I want the antifa pone to look like, whereas I want to flesh out the /vx/ pony a bit more before working on the design. I'm going to try to avoid taking inspiration from /x/-tan, so that she doesn't come off as derivative.
>>44558Sounds good.
I'm probably still going to shoop rainbow socks onto her though.
>>44558Here's a pony antifa member I found on Czaroslaw's Deviantart.
>>44584But, I wanted to draw a fuggable one...
>>44514So.. Is anybody else interested in that name?
>>44586I like it. A nice Pinkamena Diane Pie type of name.
>>41222Does anyone else think Vlad keeps a kitten in his room that he cuddles at night while he shivers in fear of vampires, werewolves and creepers?
>>44587Should I update all the derpibooru pics now..?
I think I'll wait until there's a bit more of a consensus within the community.
>>44597This will probably should be brought tomorrow when everyone is not out.
>>44584>CzaroslawJust saw his derpibooru. He drew these gems:
>>44598I really do think Axmann is a perfect name though.
>>44113>>44114"Ero" isn't exactly a name or a word though. I think one acronym is enough.
>>44074Why did you save that second one as a .jpg?
>>45206So are you suggesting just call her "ICE"?
>>45245Why "Frieda"?
>>45246Frieda is the full name for Fireaxe.
>>45246I thought a name that started with F would be better, since "Fire" wouldn't be the best first name.
I mostly just wanted something that complemented Axmann.
>>45248Wait. Since when? Also, "Axmann" makes me think of Axe cop; not sure if that means anything
>>45251And... clicked "reply" before I could attach the image
>>44514I thought it'd be nice to name her after Artur Axmann: the Hitler Youth leader who taught young men good citizenship by having them volunteer as firefighters.
I remember this pony from the Elections. I thought there would have been a bigger following for her.
>>45255Didn't know about her, m8.
I also only got into ponies after April.
>>45256There were multiple threads with the first picture on disguised as political threads during election time. It usually brought in some salt.
>>45254It's also the only name I could find that sounded remotely like "axe". It means something along the lines of "Noble".
>>45254Ah... Okay.
>>45255I've seen that pony repeatedly and of course have it saved. What is her name and where did she come from?
>>45259Her names appear to be Poker. Looking at the sources, she was the brainchild of this one artist on deviantart.
>>45258Although every time I hear "Frieda" I think of Frida Khalo, that ugly Mexican Communist artist.
>name means something along the lines of "noble"Well, there are quiet a number of Germanic names derived from "noble." The top part of this link has a list if you are interested in exploring>>45260>creates pic relates and titles it "The Heart of a Nation"I like this artist
>>45262I like that artist too. Wonder if we contact her.
>>45263>Hello, nice to meet you. My name is Kate and I'm a 24 years old right-winger, gamer and former EA Forums moderatorNice DA account description. Her requirements for commissions seem pretty strict - she wants to be paid in Deviant Art account points and wants you to have created at least one OC image of your own and uploaded it to deviant art. Her facebook page and youtube accounts center on racing games... Interesting think it's worth contacting her, and see if she interested in mlpol, or at least creating a vector or two for some of our OCs. Having some help from a vector artist would be pretty great.
>>45262Well the name Frederika, Fredericka, Federica, Freda, Frida, Frieda, Frederike and all names with that root all have meanings akin to "safety".
>>45266Forgot Federica
Also, all the names with that root have meanings akin to "peacekeeper", or "powerful ruler".
>>45268>>45266But it's all so foreign sounding for a pony who looks like she's from the American heartland
Well, Frieda Axmann is now an aliased tag for Fireaxe. A derpi mod responded to the post.
>>45269You wanna just call her Freddy?
>>45278Actually, scratch that. I hate it.
>>45269You do have a point... She does look American; especially since fire Brigades are an American invention.
Are there any other Anglo/American names that start with F? Or works that could be used as a name?
>>44511You got any other old outlines, m8? I found that pic on derpibooru because I recognized your art style. Coloring these has been good practice for me.
>>43001>>43003>>43004>>43008Luftkrieg's creator here, I've been meaning to reply to this thread for a while. I do like Luftkrieg's "father" being Aryanne. But I like to see what other come up with on how she was born, and other things, I honestly I like making things ambiguous so I can see what other comes up with.
>>45461>creatorid like to see some evidence for this claim
>>45462I own all of her art every since I made her. I even own all the wip picture that were made too. What else do you want me to give?
>>45470That's enough proofs for me. I love your OC BTW.
>What else do you want me to give?Moar art, especially the kind depicting Luftkrieg in a Hitlerjugend in form.
If you could even do a pic of her volunteering as a firefighter with Fireaxe (see
>>44514 ), that would be spectacular.
Sorry if I'm being greedy. I just really like your artstyle.
>>45475Thanks! But I'm not super good art but I suppose I could give it a try. I am writing a cyoa over on 8chan /pone/ if you wanna give that a try?
I'll give it a visit.
>>45461Ambiguity is good: it allows for the community to present the characters in multiple ways.
I prefer the idea that Luftkrieg's father was a soldier who died in a war; although I respect the prospect that Aryanne fulfilled that role in raising her, like the rest of the community has accepted.
>tfw Fireaxe is so unique and original that a nufag like me can't just recolor other pony's vectors to produce content
I need moar content for /rwss/, but my skills are lacking...
Does anybody have any vectors with similar bangs?
>>45661Octavia maybe? You could also crop this hat from this picture.
>>45517Yeah, I like seeing what other come up with anyway,
>>45666I thought of Octavia myself, but that stretching it, and I do not want to abuse this OC by crapping out shitty sonic-fanart tier pics.
I'm currently in the process learning to draw my own vectors. I think I'll just trace her face on paper 100+ times until I get a hang of it.
>>45696Carry onto improvement then. If you want, I know this vectorfag who could help you with some tips.
But, I can only contact him on discord.
>>45420I don't think I have anything else that really needs coloring (that's political at least), besides maybe this one picture that I kind of stopped working on.
>>40879I considered putting the Dracula insignia in a shield to make it pop out more.
In hindsight, it just looks bad and makes the CM more complicated to draw...
It's just an idea though.
>>45784But that's kind of a pretty symbol
>>45720Wasn't really sure what to do with this one, with the eyes and all..
>>45790Really? Did it in ten minutes. I just posted what I made of it to show the artist I didn't ask him for nothing.
It's good if you like it, I guess.
>>45786It is pretty, I was just concerned that it may be too complicated for other Anons to want to draw.. I'm new to the fandom though, so I'm not familiar with CM standards.
>>45789for some reason i hear a Xena scream in my head when i look at this picture
>>45963>i hear a Xena scream in my head In a good way or a bad way?
>>45965And wtf do I have a Canadian flag?
>>45965neutral i guess
>>45967some other Anon reported wrongly having a canuck flag in another thread, might be a site issue
>>45976it might have to do with the fact someone wasted the 1776 get on our /qa/ board not a week after the US's birthday.
>>45997Ah, I got the 1777 get, then another Anon said I wasted it, and I apologized because I'm a submissive cuck. That's probably when I got leafed.
>>46001I was in that thread and said the guy shilling for the hezbollah flag wasted it, it was the 1776 get and not the 1777. I have no idea why you replied to me when I was talking to the other guy.
>>45997>>46001>>46013But, that was me who wasted the get. It wasn't so wasted however since early US didn't like Jewry neither.
>>46021Leafs for all who waste gets
>>46019then you deserve the leaf.
I made this. I first made some simple drawing and then finished it in gimp 2 with lineart. Criticizim please?
>>46654Cute representation of her. She looks wasted asf.
>>46654Pretty nice! I think you've most got the legs right. I would say though that the neck is a bit too long, and the lower part of the neck is as wide as the torso, so it's not clear where the neck ends and the torso begins. I'm less certain about the muzzle, maybe make it begin lower. The ponies in the show have fairly indistinct muzzles, where it's kind of hard to see where they begin and end on the face
>>46663Thanks. It was supposed to be inclided in next chapter about Leslie Fair and her life in ancap society. I am hoping to get some green going again sometime.
>>46668Thank, I will try it with new drawing next time.
>>46654her neck is too long and you need to work on the head. its argueable the most important part of a ponies body.perhaps make the body a little smaller?
if you feel confident about shading, maybe try it. it will make the picture look a lot better!
I actually meant to transplant this pic from the last thread, quite a while ago...
>Simo Hoofha. He removes Gommunism.
>>46680this is an excellent pony OC for a place like ours, finnish white nationalist
>>46654>>46654Looks good, much better than what I would be able to make. Perhaps inkscape is your thing and make her in vector graphics, looks like it would fit that art-style. But use the tools you are comfortable with.
Sadly I don't have any tablet so I can do digital drawings other way then line art.
>>46707You don't need a tablet to draw vectors. It is just mathematical lines (or some better explanation). Simple way to say it is you basically set two points, and a line is drawn between them. You can then click on a point on that line and drag out an extra point from it and set the curve that should be to that line (or something)..
>I am bad at explaining>pic related is vector art
>>46727Oh, well. I know this tool. I used it when making that picture I uploaded. Gimp 2 has it. Thanks for the advice anyway, hopefully I'll remember the name of the software next time someone else will need help with getting one.
>>46735Ah,, I didn't know Gimp had vector art functions. Nice to know.
>>46654The pose is a human pose, yet she is a pony. That is the biggest mistke which causes the anatomy to fail. A load of good references are in the show if one wanted know how a pony would sit, that or vectors are easily available.
>>46727>mfw didn't even think of this>mfw I've been trying to learn to draw "vectors" with a fucking mouse all this time>mfw I just thought I was really bad at digital artAll. That. Time. WASTED!
>>46765No learning is wasted. And your art is beyond superb. If you can't draw no software will make it better, and you can draw really well.
If you want to continue with that images in vectors there is a function in inkscape (and other vector drawing software) to convert bitmap into vector. You can then alter the lines you want to.
>>46744>the pony that could sit anywhere.
>>46767>your art is beyond superbI think you might be confusing me with someone else.. The best pic I've don so far was that Mitsuko colorization...
>>46769Kek, reminds me of this.
>>46770I stand by my statement, and I refuse to change my mind. But regardless you are probably better than you think.
>>46779Oh... Thanks.
I've mostly just been fucking around with line art though.
>tfw you accidentally saved your colorization as a .jpeg with %80 quality, and now it looks like a fucking nazbol meme
>>46784>just import it into inkscape and convert to vector and problem solvedBut shame to loose art due to save settings.
>>46785This is it after i tried to clean it up.
It was just coloring practice anyway. It was a good obstacle to try.
>>46791Pretty Nice real horse version of Vlad
>>46779>>46770>>46767>people mistake someone for youThanks I guess.
>>46769Quite the amazing horse.
>>46791>>46784Thats pretty good horse.
>>46824Eh, it was mostly just using the bucket tool on some line art.
>>46796Love your work, m8.
[YouTube] [Sαɱ Studio]How I animate pony running
[Embed]An little video of someone doing vector art/animation of Scootaloo.
>>47522You made this? This is some really solid work!
>>47522Fucking nice! I'd love to see more like these
anyone willing to tackle the SyriannaxElway requests?
>>47902Syriana's creator has requested a green text for it.
>>47998alright, who's good at writing? I'm not, and probably won't be for a good amount of time.
Hey guys, how about a Leslie Fair version of this?
>>47902So, wait? Syriana fugging John Elway? Man, this is going to be fucking awesome.
>>45255>>45263Hmm... She has an odd taste in cutie marks. It's cute.
>>47998I'll take a crack at it later but be warned I've never written one before, still seems easy enough I'll just read a few on /mlp/ that seem well written to get the format down.
>>49009I'll be looking forward to it.
>>49012>tfw still cannot find those >nohooves edits of Syriana. Ugh, it's killing me! Maybe it wasn't published by him yet?
>>49016*40 seconds later*
There you go, you anthro-fag.
Interesting, I wonder if he wil attempt to make sfw EqG version. Like when she sits by the desk, with maps and compass, doxxing rebels and their training camps.
>>49026>EqG versionI didn't see very much EqGay styled art on his page, but I would encourage you to try to contact him via derpibooru so that either him or one of his friends could draw-up a version of her in that manner: she could make for a great GR15-evasive waifu (alias: "Syria-chan") that could be cross-posted to/from 4cuck.
>>49026Nope. I dont work on that style. Actually I have no specific style defined yet so you may see many of my recent drawings and sketches different one each other.
Also, I dobut I would draw Syriana like you said. She`s a girly mare who likes to do comfy things in company with Mr Barrel. Maybe lewd things in >nohooves style.
Love your OC btw.
>>49054She was made to be loved.
>>49057As are all ponies.
>>49057Yes and I will love every piece of OC made for her
if it looks good of course. I'll start working on that greentext too.
>>45276*checks booru*
Ah, it seems like we've got a proactive mod lurking here.
>>49283*Has not checked booru*
Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
>>49293IDK. I only got into that site a couple weeks ago.
>>44081That design for the snowflake-badge wasn't meant to be the "official" drawing-style for the CM, was it? It's far too difficlut to reproduce with all of those spines: It's too hard to draw the same way every time like that, and shrinking/shooping it for use makes it look like the mark of the Jude.
Three converging lines/spines should be enough to stand for a hexagonal snowflake. I'll try to draw a simplified version when I have the time.
pic entirely unrelated
>>49293*Comes up with a hunch*
It can't be that bad. Proactive mods are good conversation contributors.
I guess it just means that the name Freida Axmann is here to stay.
>>49349>Freida Axmann is here to stay.Is that her actual name now? If so I can fix her name for the team.
>>49382I still call her Fireaxe, but see Frieda Axmann as her full name. Think Pinkie Pie, whose full name is Pinkamena Diane Pie. Hell, Aryanne has a full name, Aryanne Hoofler.
>>49386Pretty much this.
Both names are good.
>Hell, Aryanne has a full name, Aryanne Hoofler.She even has a middle name and nicknames. Its always nice to give your pony more depth to make her more of fleshed out personality behind the cartoon horse facade. Gives the character more grounding towards a less idealistic child cartoon world.
>>49439>She even has a middle name and nicknames.I didn't see any other aliases other than "aryanbetes". Mind telling?
>>49439 Tell me the secrets!
>Name: Aryanne Hermine Hoofler>Nicknames: White Death, Windmill Pony of Friendshipthis is from her Bio on DA,
Aryanbetes is not a name, thats just a poor pun tag for cute pictures on Derpibooru
>>49450>HermineAh, nice etymology. In terms of the Germanic version, it stands in for the feminized form of Hermann, which means "soldier". It mashes well with her military theme.
Know any other hidden names from characters created in the Aryanne threads that you could share?
>>49454Not much to tell here officialy. Development for the side characters wasnt very heavy in general since the Aryanne threads usually lacked a reliable writer. The related creators either never bothered or never delivered.
Personally, I always thought the names Wagner (for the Pegasus) and Manegele (for the Unicorn) meshed well.
>>49458By that Pegasus and unicorn, are you referring to Kyrie and Franziska?
>>49450>White DeathThat's an awesome name. A google search shows it's the nickname for Simo Häyhä, a Finnish sniper who killed 259, or perhaps as many as 505 Soviet soldiers in the Winter War. "White Death" also sounds like a kick ass name for a a soldier of the White reactionary forces of the Russian civil war
>>49467We already have a ponification of that guy:
>>49467>killed 259, or perhaps as many as 505 Soviet soldiersThat's quite a big margin of difference there… Where did you find those numbers?
>>49314no, just for shops tbh. Easier for me that way since I mainly shop over draw
>>48564Rem and Vald look freaking greatm8
>>49525I can get that much, I was just thinking that that particular snowflake starts to look like the star of David when you shrink it too small.
It's no big deal though. I was just getting finicky about it. The snowflake in the badge is a great design, and I'm sure a popular way of drawing it will emerge eventually.
That was just some coloring practice using pic related.
I've found it to be pretty hard to find good line-art depicting unicorns, because so many depict European unicorns (Goat-like, cloven hooves, beard, long tail), while the show style is based off of the Arabian variety (just a hoers with a horn). It's even harder when looking for Western-Styled paintings.
>>45253Is this show good?
>>49536Yeah, I hope others hop on for it. My rl got fuckton busy and all my electronics are one by one offing themselves it seems.
>I have many shops near done but can't even get them out of the saved for later gallery Any simple snowflake design would work as long as it is easy to redraw.
I tend to make a hybrid of pony and my abstract. Its hard trying to leave out that part of my work
>>49543>I tend to make a hybrid of pony and my abstract. Its hard trying to leave out that part of my workDon't leave too much out: go for what you're comfortable with. Art is ultimately best when you do it in your own style, even if it is great to study/try-out other styles to expand your scope of skills (which is why I'm so intent on experimenting with this digital stuff).
The ball looks like its starting to budge. I hope to draw-in moar content creators some time.
pic unrelated
So, the bump limit has been raised? What's the new ceiling?
Also, I'm thinking of leaving "art thread" out of the title for the next thread. The original thread wasn't just an art thread, but a discussion-based thread for development and discovery of OCs that fit /mlpol/'s gig. I feel like putting "art thread" at the top has discouraged Anons from participating in the development of the OCs, or implied that we didn't want pre-existing pics of OCs to be posted.
Maybe there could be a drawthread somewhere else, if enough Anons were up for it to participate.
>>49556The new bump limit is 350
>>49556I'm up for ita seperate art if anyone else is up for it. I redline art every once in awhile.
Is there an Identitarian pony yet? They're one of the largest nationalist movements in Europe.
>>49575Go ahead and start one whenever you feel like it, so long as you're ready to produce content for it.
>>49591Not that I know of. What would it be like?
Also, redpill me on identitarian politics.
>>49593 [Embed]Here's a video which sort of provides insight about them. There are probably better sources of information about the movement if you search "Identitarian" on YouTube or Google or whatever.
>>49592I can't draw for shit if I'm not tracing.
>>49607Practice makes perfect, m8.
>>49607Don't even bother. You're shit
>>49635Please be nice!
>>49607It's better than anything I will ever draw. Keep it going.
>>49636>please be nicewhy?
>>49638Because friendship is magic
>>49635>>49639I think I recognise your art style. Did you ever draw a tutorial here?
Jewgle search tells me these guys are related to the "hipster right", brought up in
>>46328 →I'm thinking of tough, masculine bronze Pegasus with a Spartan theme, maybe? The cutie mark could be a Spartan Lambda: the shield that long ago defended the West from sandnigger hoards. It'd also be cool, because it's nice to give a classical Greek theme to Pegasus characters.
>>49651A better pic of Generation Identity's symbol
>>49651>>49652I think that would look good with Leslie, she has an identical color scheme. Also bundling her up with identitarian ideology would help to move her away from leftist anarchism.
>>49653Eh… Leslie really is the libertarian/Anarcho-capitalist pone though. Mixing her up with identitarian politics would kind of dilute/spoil her character, wouldn't it? The two characters wouldn't really have very much in common, aside from that they share similar colors, and are both right-wing(ish). Libertarians aren't so concerned with national borders (although they're fierce about property rights), while Identitarians are adamant about them.
Why not just make the identitarian pone a different hue, like yellow closer to bronze? I think it's be better for a Spartan pony to be male anyway: that way we could base him off of Leonidas.
Alright, I’m just gonna try and compile a list of all the OCs, that I can remember, that this board has/may adopt (not gonna include descriptions, because I’m tired; If you want to know more about any of them, just ask). Please add any other names of OCs that you know of, that you’d like to see more of on this board, to this list:
First , I guess we’d include the OCs created in the Aryanne threads:
>*Prominent “Aryan Ponies”*
Others that match with /mlpol/ topics:
>Milo Highliss
>Veronika (still a political pony, I guess)
>*Any popular “nation ponies” for countries of interest*
>*Any prominent “political ponies” that you may know of
OCs that were created/completed on/for this board:
>Happy Enning
>Rem Move
>Vlad Move
>Mai Gaia
>Leslie Fair
>ICE (Paula Ice?)
>Fireaxe (aka Frieda Axmann)
>Smoke stack
>Report stat
>>49659Yes and No. You cant really have 4 dozen individual characters dedicated to obscure groups or ideologies. One simply cant expect them all to be genuine, good looking and fully supported by community & artists. Many end up in the next ditch because people either dont care about them or dont like them.
Good Pony OCs in particular are hard to come by. For the sake of MLPOL I would suggest to stick more to the OCs we already have. Leslie, Syriana and Fireaxe are all pleasant as far as my judgement goes.
>>49663Some girl from europe recently started drawing a lot of art for this SS Unicorn on DA.
>>49664We could always just take our existing OCs and depict them in unique situations. Fans do that with the show characters all of the time.
>>49669What's her name?
Are there a lot of pics of her and/or greentexts in any of the old Aryanne threads?
>>49652>>49653Definitely think bronze would work and make more sense.
>>49664OCs dont have to be "good" or "fleshed out" to be made. A pony should be as popular as it's associated movement. If the Identitarian movement is small and temporary, so should be the OC. There's no reason to approach every OC like it's some epic meme that everyone will recognize. If the subject matter of the OC is good enough, it will stick, and if not relevant enough, it will become forgotten and so be it. Mixing and mashing OCs just makes the OC a hodgepodge of different peoples opinions and takes the OC in too many directions, ruining its purity and impact.
Theres a difference between OCs and memes, and while an OC can be included in a meme, it shouldnt be appropriated into being the meme itself.
If you don't think the OC will be good enough for the movement, either meme other preexisting OCs without changing their cutie marks, or just dont make one. Also, the OC in question should at least make sense in the meme such as a nazi pony rather than an ancap.
>>49683I agree.
An obscure OC can still exist, even if it's only for a couple situational reaction images. Such OCs don't really need very much group effort to develop, but just one artfriend making the memes of his/her OC for his own use.
Did Happy Enning ever have an unfinished character bio? I want to upload some of his personality quirks to derpibooru, if that's even possible.
I'm just gonna post my ICE photo edit here because I'm a narcissistic faggot who wants to show off his progress; and I want to spur a bit more discussion about her character, before this thread kicks the bucket.
So I get that her character is based on the "Ice-Cold" archetype: Would that be akin to the "hard-boiled cop" archetype? Or would she be like more like the Men In Black styled government agent, who shows up suddenly for special task enforcement, instead of being the regular patrolling officer?
I myself, am more partial to the later option, since the show already has a police hoers (Copper Top) and it's best to try to purify solidify character before deviating from her original theme, although I would like to see her portrayed in a lot more R-rated police themes (Copper Top's the good cop, but sometimes you need a bad cop to do the job).
On another note, I kind of also like the thought of her like the thought of being a Kuudere who tries to act cold, but is actually really complex beneath the surface (you should never assume the thickness of the Ice, after all). I think the artist who made the first pic in
>>40685 had a good idea to make her secretly very shy/self-conscious, or even sympathetic, when she's not wearing her glasses. The thought of it is just cute to me (also a good excuse for her to always wear her glasses up to her face, instead of letting them casually slide down her muzzle and revealing her eyes like Copper Top does).
>>49682The Name of the OC is Viktoria Turner. She seems to be relatively new, the related account of the artist is barely 3 months old.
Vicky is technically not an OC from the Aryanne thread, but she seems to have some loose ties to it and even started drawing Aryanne OC's. The artist herself is decently skilled and does commissions as well for little money.
>OCs dont have to be "good" or "fleshed out" to be made.I respectfully disagree. I value a handful of recognizeable characters with accpetable community backing more than a myriad of obnoxious or poorly designed characters that barely anyone can tell apart aside from their creators. That said, not every train of thought fits with every character, but MLPOl already has a decent amount of characters. Further expansion should be done with care, lest we end up with a Zoo of ugly lolcows.
>>49950You've got some good points..
Although, I have to say at this stage, most of the development for the new OCs at the top of the thread would come from reaction images/memes that would be reposted by Anons here so that they would have a base to produce /pol/ memes with a pony theme.
Don't take my opinion too heavily though, I'm a total nufag to this pony stuff, or creating characters in general. I just hope we can pump out some exploitable memes with the OCs that we have, and then maybe they'll get popular enough for some writefaggotry.
I agree that it's pointless to churn-out too many obscure/unoriginal OCs though. On top of the production of useless cancer, unused OCs are just sad to look at. Artistic talent and writefag skills should be observed to developing the ones we have now, or at least to
I found a few (only 8) ponifications of Dracula, under the tag "Vlad Tepes", while looking for Romanian pones. I these were the only pics I thought were worth sharing for thought.
I'll look into the "Dracula" tag too later, when I want to consider characteristics for potential headcanons for Rem and Vlad.
Anyway, do it seems like basing Rem/Vlad's backgrounds on RomaniAnon's rant (see
>>41222 ) was fairly popular. What about the characters themselves though? Should Rem's reflect on any Romanian tradtions/myths? It seems like an interesting train of thought to me.
>>49948Don't be condescending to your self for promoting your content. Its faggots who are dicks to content creators who have caused this fandom to hemorrhage artists.
>>49009>>47902Has anyone been working on this? The time is now for this content.
>>50472I'll work out a sketch when I'm not dead inside.
>>50486Dead inside from depression, illness or intoxication?
Whatever it is, get well soon.
>>50490>>50490No. No. Sleep deprivation. Alhough, grannted, lack of sleep has sometimes driven me to create.
>>49592I might make a sketch for one soon. Probably going to make it look hipster-ish, definitely gonna give it a Lambda cutie mark.
>>50580What colors are you looking at?
>>50631I think I'll take
>>49659 's advice and make him bronze.
>>50672What about his mane/tail? I think maybe a rusty red-bronze might look good, or even a greenish-bronze color might work.
Been working on Fireaxe a bit for fun. Combined my favorite elements from both the 451 pic and classic Fireaxe. What do you all think?
>>50698Pretty nice.
Here's what I've managed so far. What should we name him?
>>50699The Bloc identitaire are French and European nationalists are they not? So how about something French.
>>50701I think it's more of a Europe-wide movement.
>>50701I thought to give him more of a greek theme (being Spartan). He's already got the skin/fur color..
>>50698I'd suggest cropping her tail similar to her hair, but in any case:
>>50710>unironically cropping your tailI like the tail bun the wat the original guy did it. It was nice, being all wrapped up to avoid catching fire
I think only the clothes should change for the 451 version.
>>50711>>50710Thoughts? Was the first the best? Anything she still needs?
>>49948I like your idea of using the bad cop trope as basis for Paula's character. I would like to introduce an element I see would fit. Now, the movie "Dirty Harry" has more or less been a great influence on my views on justice. That justice is a rigid structure beyond the complications of law. Harry Callaghan has a steadfast perfectly brutal sense of this concept. He is the bad cop, but not corrupt. No, no, the exact opposite of it. I think this can be applied to our very own ICE pony, especially with her situation of dealing with homeland security. Just think about it. The issue of immigration until now had been such under such neglect that I would see anyone in Paula's position grow the deepest sense of contempt for all the trivialities in the way. There's a damn bloody problem in the way, and it's needs to be solved despite the implications. Finally, does someone else that understands this principle comes along to run things. The mare would be relieved with someone like Trump coming into play. Finally some sense. Although, that never stops the senseless, raving loons who think what Paula is doing is the stuff of evil. And, just like that, it's another day of work.
>>50747Eh, no. I like thed way the tail and hat were before. Also, just keep the 451 (could literall be "squad 451) on the front: SS (safety squads) is a force for good; it doesn't mean anything in the context of Fahrenheit 451. Also, the orange visor looked more badass.
Just stick with your original design if you want to do more for 451 Fireaxe.
>>50814Not the guy who made the 451 OC I just liked the color pattern more than the original Fireaxe. I wanted to take what was best from both and merge them. The helmet and body really didn't work well together in the original and I thought that the 451 had a better color theme which is why I blended the two.
Ay mods, could we get this into the archives?
>>50909I see it has passed even the new, higher bump limit, and s new thread will be made. When it falls off of the board, it will automatically be added to the archive. We can of course add it to the featured archive as well, so it is never deleted. We can also move it to Golden Oaks.
>>50912The featured archive is good enough, mod.
>>50912I was thinking of making a new thread actually, for the sake of separating the drawthread and the OC thread.
I was just putting it off since this one is still on page one.
>>50913Okay, we'll do that
>>50914New threads should definitely be made. Possibly more than one. It seems a bit weird storing the art of 4 or so different ponies in the same thread, besides having tutorials for how to do art in the thread
If I were to introduce a new board oc, should I make a new thread for it specifically or wait for a new general art thread like this one?
>>50922Both. I have a few ocs I want to introduce myself.
>>50922Uh… Do either? I think a delegate thread is cleaner
>>50939Thanks for the advice. If you can draw him better than me, feel free.
Alright, I'm going to make a new thread some time today, although I'm not the best at making pone threads. How should I phrase the OP to make the purpose clear, and what kind of OP image should I use?
>>51318Short and simple. Not much needs to be known, but a list of our ocs would be preferable.
>>50699Since he's a Spartan, why not name him Leon Idas?
>>51880Don't be a pussy and just grab one of pics in this thread