I knew it! The right wing will be the new "low key cool anti-establishment" group that hipsters gravitate towards!
http://archive.is/qqbFNFeels good to be "hip" and "cool" for a change, amirite?
So modern. So trendy. So unique. Wow.
Lets hope these people see the higher point of our deeds and realise this is for the good of the parts of humanity that actually matter.
That's interesting..
If we become a trend just like rock did a few decades ago, in the future people will adopt our cause just because it's cool (like hipsters are doing now)
That's interesting, well, as long as they contribute someway to the cause it's good.
>>46328Aww, you didn't greentext the best parts of the article. It shows that these people are actually taking actions to protect their nations
>They call themselves Generation Identity. Made up of mainly 20-something tech-savvy members, the Identitarian movement has been described as the hipster right.>Fiercely anti-immigration and anti-Muslim, >ts aim is to stop mass migration to Europe. With headquarters in Austria and France, the group may be small in size, but its message is starting to resonate in Italy - a country where sympathy for migrants is wearing thin.>this new "alt-right" movement says it will do whatever it can to protect Italian identity and culture from outsiders>This summer the Identitarian movement tried to stop a Medecins Sans Frontieres rescue ship from leaving port.>"We think that in every city where multiculturalism is present, radical Islam and violence is also present." >>46350>>46342These guys are prerry based, desu. They seem pretty proactive.
They're not breaking any laws though, are they?
>>46353It looks like their favorite activity is blocking rescue ships from going out. Not sure if that's legal
>his means the group will keep targeting boats run by NGOs trying to rescue the migrants. "We want to defend Europe against mass immigration and multiculturalism," says Mr FiatoBut it looks like the Italian government is in agreement with them. They want to shut down rescue ships too
https://archive.is/ybAw7>Italy has threatened to stop vessels of other countries from bringing migrants to its ports.>The warning came as Italy's EU representative, Maurizio Massari, warned in a letter to the bloc the situation had become "unsustainable".>"The idea of blocking humanitarian ships flying foreign flags from returning to Italian ports has been discussed. Italy has reached saturation point.">Rules on disembarking are governed by international law and the EU office on migration said any changes to guidelines should give humanitarian groups time to prepare.>The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea dictates that any ship learning of distress at sea must assist regardless of circumstances, and that the country responsible for operations in that area has primary responsibility for taking them from the ship. >>46328Here come dat Hipster Right
oh shit heil hitler
>>46373These people arent even migrating because theres bombs exploding in their neighborhoods. It's literally just cheap opportunistic/parasitic niggers coming over for handouts under the guise that their land is war torn.
>>46373>The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea dictates that any ship learning of distress at sea must assist regardless of circumstancesinb4 all the migrants set sail anyways, trying on purpose to wreck their ship so they can send a distress signal and be saved by the guilty whites.
>>46411A thousand times this!
Right Wing Docking Squads, sail out!
I never really thought of them as hipsters. Interviews I've seen with them they come off as smart kids that don't take shit and isn't want their people replaced. This article seems like it's trying to paint them as just a trendy thing when they are very serious.
They're symbol is the Spartan Lambda, the literal shields that defended the west in ancient times.
>>46328I nearly blew my brains out reading OP.
>>47974Did you read the link?
The information contained in it
>>46350>>46373 >>47971 is pretty great
>>47971Pretty cool, desu.
I think they call them "hipsters" because they're not conforming with trends: said trends being to spread ones asscheeks for Muhammad.
>>47975I read that too. It was just the shear combination of a retarded news article and OP's faggotry.
>>47979So, what do you think about these guys trying to stop boats from docking?
>>47986it's a good start, by no means all that needs to happen though.
>>47988It's nice that the government isn't very keen on stopping them yet. I bet they secretly wish they could do the same, except they're getting cucked by international law.
>>47974>>47979lmao ur a faggot almost blew my brains out reading your bigoted comments
>>47979What was so bad about either of them?