I know that we have the beautiful Aryanne already, but I was thinking we should make more mascots so we don't get bored with just one.
So /mlpol/, what do you have in mind?
>>25808This. We need more Leslie Fair OC.
>>25806Hm. I do like this idea of an OC mascot. Anyone have cutie mark ideas? The flag could make a decent one, simple design yet now our own by sheer shop power
I'm not so great at drawing, but I support this endeavor. Political/issue-based pones promote board solidarity by giving /pol/acks good reaction images and making politics more fun for the /mlp/anons.
Are there any OCs out there that pre-date /mlpol/ we could appropriate?
So far I know of:
>Aryanne: natsoc pone and first board-mascot, predating the merge
>Leslie Fair: newly-named ancap/libertarian pone and economics enthusiast
>Fireaxe: Public-safety pony for /rwss/ (i'd love to see some calendars for her)
>>25819Redpill me on the safety squad.
>>25824Read through our archived thread on /go/
>>>/go/415 → >>25827I already know the gist of /rwss/, but what's the story behind the ocs?
>>25824Oh boy..! I'd say much more if it weren't 11 pm and I hadn't stayed-up for the past two days...
/rwss/ (Right-Wing Safety Squads) started as a campaign on 4chins to btfo leftards by having their cucksheds shut down for critical safety violations.
After the horrific warehouse fire in Oakland CA, it became clear that a lot of liberal flophouses going by the alias of /diy/ """""""""""safe""""""""""" spaces (usually rundown libtards where dozens of jobless libtards squat together to make afford the excruciatingly high rent that comes with living in a progressive city) weren't actually safe. Judging by the pictures they openly posted on social media, a lot of them were in critical breach of serious fire-safety and zoning violations. These deathtraps were (and still are) a serious danger not only for their residents, but also the properties around them, so /pol/ took the initiative to scan social media for serios zoning violations and reporting them to the local public safety inspectors. In less than a week, /rwss/ managed to shut down eight of those hellholes. Many a kek was had and OC was mass-produced. Lefties got triggered all across the internet, and eventually r/anarchy and /leftypol/ banded together to raid /qa/ and harass Hiro and the mods until Hiro decided to shoah the project for good (the mere mention of it will get you b&).
...I'm too tired to explain further...
>>25827 even though 3/4 of the thread wasn't preserved... You should still get the quick rundown there though.
>>25828Oh.. Well, the Ocs were made to redpill the board on fire-safety, and boost enthusiasm for the thread. They're all still in the development phase, so they don't have much backstory other than that they're all members of an equestrian fire brigade.
Fireaxe (for lack of a better name) is the mane character. Some of her basic features may include:
>Fire-axe cutie mark (allusion to the "fascis" ax of fascism)>Flame-resistant coat>Tail tied in bun (to prevent it from catching fire>Yellow coat, orange mane>Her trusty ax>caltrop-proof boots>red has with "SS" on it, identifying her as a member of the Safety Squad. >>25833Maybe it's time for a new RWSS thread. Or at least it may be soon. Summer is coming up and college students may have extra time on their hands
>>25834I think the real reason it never popped up is because It was the height of college exam season, followed by Easter. The thread was low-energy, and nobody actually took the initiative to carry-out the L.O.S.E.R process and shut anything down. If someone could actually report and shut down one of those hellholes in the name of /rwss/, and post the evidence in their OP, then maybe that could finally jump-start the project again.
I made the original thread, and I admit that, aside from creating some great OCs, it didn't really accomplish anything. I was really busy at the time, so I just kind of sat back and expected the rest of the board to work its magic, without actually reporting places and providing leadership. Also, we didn't have that many active posters at the time...
I do encourage anyone up to the task to produce pone OC for /rwss/ though. Summer could be a great opportunity to attract moar posters to this board, and some good OC could potentially encourage discussion of the topic, without even needing to make "generals".
>>25840Well, if 4chan is going to delete or sage RWSS threads, we may as well attempt the project here again. I hope it will be a good time to do it soon, after finals are over. I don't think we should expect success right of the bat, it may be enough just to find leads of possible locations. Once people see that much they may be interested in diving in themselves
>>25842Yeah, we certainly need some people taking charge if this show's gonna get on the road.
Moar OC of Fireaxe would also be helpful.
>>25840Oh boy, /mlpol/'s first summer!
>>25860im ready anon. are there any places in Denver?
i am sick of these worthless fucks.
>>25862>are there any places in Denver?Judging by the first page of Jewgle search, there may be several.
/diy/ """""""""""""safe"""""""""""""" spaces generally aren't that secretive; they advertise their flophouses on social media so that they can attract moar starving artists and somehow make rent. They only get away with their illegal activity (i.e. public-safety/zoning violations, drugs, illegal substances, sex with minors) because inspectors and law enforcement have their hands full, and they aren't exactly adept at working with social media.
If you do find a place, don't hesitate to post it here along with any and all evidence of serious safety violations: the LOSER process can be carried out by sole individuals, but the purpose of /rwss/ is to provide support, information, guidance, and encouragement.
There should be an I.C.E. pone, rounding up donkeys for deportation.
>>25860I can't wait to draw a short series of this! Do it! The child must experience this! Safety is important!
>>26197Oh boy! Now I have to make this work.
>>26187Something like this?
(I can't draw, so this is what I can do)
>>26206Maybe give him/her a coat that says "I.C.E" in white letters on it, for starters.
There should also be an ice motif to the character.
>>26206Just saw the name.
I can already imagine him/her shouting "Freeze!" before pursuing human traffickers.
>>26215Here are some other versions, feel free to make some of your own.
>>26217I did not think about that. that is funny. However, if anyone has a better idea, I am open to it.
>>26215 >>26238My original vision was a unicorn freezing beaners with her magic, but I think the Earth pony is a better idea (From the looks of it, unicorns aren't really into manual labor).
I'll try giving gimp a shot for my own ideas, if I can find the time.. I was thinking of basing the OC off of ICE agents and their design.
Also, "ICE" isn't exactly a good cutiemark. I'm a newborn to this fandom, but I've gathered that there aren't any ponies that have actual letters on their flanks (probably because 6 year olds can't read). I'll se if I can come up with a good design.
>>26238>>26206Maybe use the Department of Homeland Security seal or something based on it for a cutie mark? I think it's copyright protected though
>>26245>I think it's copyright protected thoughDoes that really matter though? I doubt anybody would get in trouble for it, unless some kike figures out how to make a gorillion shekels off of it. Copyright images are used in memes every day: It's not like we pay royalties every time we post rule 34, let alone Pepe.
I do think her mark should vaguely resemble the I.C.E's coat of arms though, preferably with some sort of ice
(water) reference in the center. There's also the option of creating an Equestrian I.C.E badge, so that she/he (what gender?) could be backed up by a bunch of other officers with the same uniform and badge.
>>26264It's an idea, but that design isn't going to cut it...
I personally like the idea of a snowflake on top of a police badge (I'd post my design, but I asolutely suck at using gimp without a mouse. It was pretty simple though).
>>26267>isn't going to cut it…Let me elaborate on that: I meant that it would need to be changed so that it actually resembled a wall (less square).
All those individual bricks are gonna be a pain for anons to reproduce too.
>>26272Pretty much exactly what I've been trying to draw for the past 15 minutes.
Also, is your pone a female or male?
>>25862I will partner with you COanon. I live in Weld county.
>>25833>>26187>>26197This bread is comfy to the max!
>>26272Methinks Bulk needs one a them shades and jackets
>>26274Because you gave me some Ideas and criticism, I will let you choose.
>>26288I'd go with a mare, because females are generally more easily idolized.
There's could alway be room for a male OC too. The shades and uniform give potential for a bunch of faceless officers backing her up.
>>26286This is good source for us to base a new /rwss/ thread on. I also had this one saved from when they tried them on 4/mlpol:
https://pastebin.com/AKVNG1Wa [Embed] >>26296Alright.
More resources can be found on 8chins /rwss/: the board is long dead (can't even use the catalog) but most of the resources remain there. That little bit i posted was just one paragraph from the sticky.
Also, did you save the pic of Fireaxe sliding down the fire-station pole? I neglected to save that one.
>>26301sorry bud. don't have that one. have some maga pones
>>26301Here you go
>>25833>Fire-axe cutie mark (allusion to the "fascis" ax of fascism)That's bit of a stretch
It just meant "cutting" down "fire" risks,
but whatever floats your boat, I guess
>>26325Ah, I guess I read into it a bit too much (I was drunkposting at midnight after reading some book on Italian history that I picked up at the library). I associated it with a Fasces or Labrys out of habit.
I'm not a fascist myself, although I am interested in a couple natsoc principles. I just think of the word "fascist" when discussing /rwss/ because I remember all those desperate/angry raiders from r/socialism and faceberg trying to convince us to stop what we were doing and calling us "fascists" or "nazis" (to which we laughed in their faces); One particular post in one of the earliest threads stood out in particular because the firebug said that we should stop because "some fire safety regulations are borderline fascist" (oh really?).
Fascism eventually came somewhat of a running joke in the /rwss/ threads, in the way that the libtards claimed that we, by enforcing existing laws and keeping people safe, were fascists. We even put a filter on the 8chins board to filter the word "fascist" to "upstanding citizen" because the shills that came to disrupt us used it so much (just like how this board filters "d r u m p f" to Thrackerzod).
>>26325Also, are you the creator by any chance? If so, kudos to you. She's by probably my favorite OC pone so far.
>>26441Would snuggle with. Top cute
He may not be a pony but he always looking to show his power level and not giving a fuck for the men in power.
Also when it comes to fanfics he ten to show up once in a blue.
[YouTube] Dan Vs FiM: "House Call"
[Embed]>>26627when you think about it his even more of a litle dick to people than
>Anonymous is. This is a ggod thread, so I'll bump it.
Also, how do I into art? What software do you guys use to produce OC?
I just added gimp to my chromebook, but I'm like a newborn... If any of you could point me to some helpful videos, that would be great.
>>26441Some face pngs would be lovely m8
>>27955Really though. If anyone could give me some tips on how to draw these things, that'd be great.
>>28232Start with the pony guides on /mlp/'s drawfag improvement thread, shade circles a lot, and draw lightly.
We have a few, now we need one for each country
I was thinking of starting a thread on /r/, but I was too lazy (also, I have no pics to dump).
>>28548Made him last night so I have a Happening pony.
Could we get a side profile?
Shit I have a friend just like that.
I mean he's in college, he decided to study graphic design, obviously he has no job, nor money, nor food.
Sometimes he sees furniture in the trash and wants to take it and I even saw him eating strawberries from the floor once..
I don't have the hearth to tell him he wasted 3 years studying graphic design (he will graduate in one or two years) yet I still feel bad for him to have chosen such a shitty career.
He doesn't even want to work at mc because his sister brainwashed him saying that he should have some pride in being a designer and college student..
I don't know how to tell him he will become a beggar if he continues like that
>>28565Born during a happening loss to ponykind and earning his cutie mark at the same time, Happy Enning forever sees the end in his eyes, as well as projects it. Thus he wears blast shielding goggles for when the time comes and so others don't see their own doom. Making another Oc, Rem Move- Removes Kebabs and others deemed for removal, pic not related
>>28579We'll need some superb reaction images if you want this OC to kick off.
>>28581I have plans to make 3 Oc pony for us, reactions included from smug to sad. Also thinking of doing some commissions for free to test the waters of pony drawing/coloring. Man's gotta eat somehow and I'm still new to pones.
>>28579Touching up Happy and started on Rem Move
>>28611Also, could I get a pic of Rem and Ice (see
>>26288 ) in the same shot?
>>28611Female, detail not added yet
>>28613Yes and yes
I need a 3rd OC. Friend helped with Rem, made Happy on a whim. What should be number 3 OC for mlpol? It will be earthed pony
>>28614Well, we still don't have a MAGA pone..
I don't have any new ideas right off the bat, but I would like to see any of the other OCs discussed in this thread drawn in your art style, moar content is always welcome.
Also, it would be nice if you could give some basic profiles for your OC, so the rest of us could reproduce them in our own styles (or in the show's style).
>>28618I got an idea for the Maga, via color but not so much on looks atm.
I'll try, but background story stuff I tend to suck at. I'll give them each a bio. I'll get on seeing what's here and makensome.
The story
>...Then after he tells me about his kids, I rounded them up too.Rem- *Snort*
Reallife calling, hope to have it done tonight
>>28690Is Rem wearing Armor?
Also, we please post the cutie marks of your characters.
>>28692A crusader coat, yes. I'll do that as well. No real idea for rem atm besides a shield and cross ,Happy has a mushroom cloud. I'll also draw out Ice's cutie mark
>>28697If you're going to do a cross, be careful not to make it look too much like Kyrie's.
Also, (sorry if I'm nerding-out on this), is she wearing full iron armor, or just mail with the standard-issue, white mantle?
>>28690Wow, that is awesome! You have done a great job! Can you pleas make some as reaction pictures? They will be useful.
Also, as the guy that made the ms paint idea
>>26288, you have my permission to decide the character's personality.
all of the rest of you can make her backstory.
>>28705>you have my permission to decide the character's personality. C-c-can I contribute too?
When I first saw her, I imagined her a the ice-cold, "Men in Black", government agent type; the kind who'd suddenly show up to your house, unexpected.
Currently still learning to draw...
>>28699I'm thinking of using both in and off. It's why it looks hybrid I kept changing my mind
>>28705>>28711I'll try to do her honor. Tho new to this
I like that idea of MIB. I also wanted her to make awful ice puns, mabeh.
>>28711This is an open project. I came up with a spark and I implore anyone interested in adding anything they want/can to it.
I also encourage everyone to make more awesome OC so we may continue the process!
Working on another one. RL once again, so taking time on em
Mai Gaia, have more on her with next piece
>>28614Also, his new name is Happ Enning
>>29088..Is there a Yellow MAGA hat?
Simo Hoofha. He removes Gommunism.
>>29097We already have a pony on the job, but she appreciates your help.
>>29097Does he have a face underneath that suit?
That pic with Rem bullying Ice is solid gold.
>>29411Actually, now that I look at it, I'm pretty sure it's only the princesses who wear those horse-shoe things. It may not be appropriate to depict rem wearing them.
Also, what's Mai's cutie mark? It looks like a torch to me.
I get that OC needs to be produced in order to develop a character, but what about an OC's personality? Do you guys do writefag generals; or do most of the characters just gradually manifest out of the pics surrounding them, like Aryanne?
I'm new to this pone OC thing, so I'd like some guidance so that my work doesn't come off as deviantart, Sonic-OC tier.
>>29421My attempt at iron shoes for the outfit
>>30308Are you working on a pic for her whole body? It'd be helpful to get a profile, so that the rest of us could draw her, and the rest for that matter.
>>30433Been meaning too. Getting use drawing faces first, followed by the backside.
I can't into pony drawings and end up with... monsters lol. I'm trying to get stuff done, but lack paper now and phone needs to be conserved. I'm in the middle of trying to do back stories for them all as well but community input > my writing
Real life still ripping me a new one but got somethen done.
Name- Rem Move, Mare, Unicorn
Living on the boarder of zebralands, Rem grew up removing most illegal crossing species, often times by force.
Appearance- Mute red and brown mane, orange coat.
Green jacket covering chain mail up to flank
She loves green apples and removing unwanteds with Ice.
French accent though remains quite most of the time.
Working on Happ Ennings next
I suck at these, but hope this helps others expand on them
>>33809You're certainly making more progress than I am, so trot-on.
I really like your OCs, btw. I'd draw them myself, if I had the time and I wasn't such an incompetent bum...
>>33809I think name Hab Ennings or Hap Enning would sound better.
>>33817Meant Happ Enning.
Enning's should of been how I written it
Also making human versions
>>33820I kind of like the name "Happy Enning" from
>>28579 , because it sounds like both "Happening" and "Happy Ending".
..Of course "happy" isn't a name, but I thought it was nice, especially since it ironically captures /pol/'s tendency to celebrate when the rest of the world reels in horror.
>>33834New character name: Happy Rabbi
>>33841I found it on google pics. Query Jew Pony
>>33839The embodiment of smug Jewery.
>>33863Reminds me of Tattered Suite who I'm working on
>I saw everything, depending on how much it's worth!Constantly chances fate to make a quick bit and has yet to learn how to slow down behind ambulances
>>33820Same reason I first called him happy, but just sounds off lol. Happ Enning has an Australian accent btw, Mai Gaia, American accent with slight British tossed around
>>36197I noticed that the Red highlight flowing down between Rem's eyes seems to be prevalent in most of her pics. Is that supposed to be a part of her character?
we have a lot to choose from already
>>36383An Anime girl, Mascot From Picarto TV, an art streaming site. Think her name is Mimi. Also kind of looks like RD.
>>36384.. You want her to be a board mascot?
>>36384Is she a pony? Because we need a pony, or ponified something
>>36386>>36387naw, was just one of the pictures that came up when i looked up "mascot". what I am tryign to say is, we already have such a broad range of characters, we dont really need to make any new ones. If anything, they get created by themselves.
>>36388>If anything, they get created by themselves.There's something to be said there.
>>36393Ikr. She's my new favorite.
>>36335For now, yeah. Hair that falls on the muzzle
>>36391Reckless is amazing
>>36391Where is he getting those chips from?
The character is named Sgt. Reckless (thread
>>34501 →), named after the actual war horse who was decorated in the Korean war.
She once ate over $30 in poker chips (more than $300 today).
>>36410Oh, so she swallowed them
I'm just happy to see pony object vore >>36413She was known for her willingness to eat nearly anything, including scrambled eggs, beer, cocoa cola and even blankets.
>>36415Sounds like she'll make a pretty fun pony character
>>36417She's pretty fun as a horse too. Read her Wiki, or the /mlp/ thread up about her ( she was only ponified a couple days ago).
>>36418I hope mlpol can make some art for her. I'd like for us to claim her.
And I'm hopeful for vore potential >>36419I think she'd make a great mascot too. I've really taken a liking to her.
Also, stop your degeneracy. I just came up with a new idea for an O.C., I Fahrenheit 451 reskin of Fireax. I don't know what we should call the character, (or if he is even relevant to the board) but I wanted to do it anyway.
>>37710Couln't she just be an alternate-universe fireaxe?
>Fahrenheit 451I loved that book. This would make a great headcanon for an /mlpol/ greentext in which a humble but disillusioned firepone begins to wonder about the state of her society.
>hePretty sure Fireaxe is a she, m8.
>>37712The society which burns books merely because they might offend someone, if I am not mistaken.
Very fitting, is it not?
Could make a thingpone composed of half-incinerated paper. Symbolism.
>>37713Yeah, SJWs kind of always reminded me of Cold War era McCarthyism to a certain degree (no pun intended), but Bradbury was clearly thinking far beyond his current era at the time. It always struck me how relevant that book feels, despite how long it was written ago: The author's vision of a world in which people don't read, children act like niggers, family doesn't mean anything, and digital corporate advertisements dominate everyday life just strikes a nerve in me.
>>377141984 goes in a similar way, instead focusing on the all encompassing idea of "the ruling party". It holds up just as much, especially in the regard of an ideological totalitarian party without a clear leader or incentive held up in a perpetual circle of self-reverence that continually modifies history and the news to aid their own cause, using confusion and a measure of consumerism to keep the middle class sedated.
But that's a bit off topic. Fireponies.
>>37715Yeah. Any chance you could do the same for her friends? I don't think Fireaxe's CM needs to change, because she's the one who sees the light, but Smokestack and Report stat could have dystopian-themed CMs.
If only they had a dog or something: then there could be a mechanical hound.
>>37717I am slightly confused, do you mean MCs like making Report Stat Wilson from 1984, or making Smoke Stack a thought police officer?
>>37730 >>37733Oh yeah. I thought Report Stat could be in the place of Captain Beatty from the book. By CMs, I meant cutie marks: a smoke-detector isn't exactly fitting in the context.
>making Smoke Stack a thought police officer?That works. Write it however you like.
>>25833Holy shit that's fucking genius and we need to do it again.
>>29088>>36197The seemingly randomized color schemes of those characters are setting off my autism. Try improving their palettes a little, friend-o.
>>38663Honestly this.
It's difficult to tell what the colors represent, except for Mai who's clearly in patriotic colors.
>>38663>>38686I'm up for changing em. Red stays in all manes tho. Represents /pol/acks. I did my best to use complementary colors, to a degree.
Also might try to explain color choices.
Happ Enning- Green, old4cha. Red and purple mane-/pol/ and /mlp/
Rem Move- Orange, burning the Muslimshits. Red and mute red mane- /pol/ for red, mute was picked by another Anon. Green magic for her green apple fix/old4chan. Calvary blue eyes- represents history of calvary/riding to aid.
Mai Gaia- Red white and Blue represent USA and UK mainly, yellow eyes and hat for equestrians/The Don.
>>38687I'd say, Happy's colors look pretty, because they compliment red, orange, and yellow backgrounds for explosion-themed reaction images.
If I could be so bold as to make a few suggestions.. I'd suggest removing the Templar cross from Rem's coat, since it's kind-of overshadowed by Kyrie's cutie mark (since there's already one crusader pone). For a kebab-removal theme that isn't so closely related to crusading, I'd suggest going for more of a vanguard-style look, like Vladimir Tepes (Dracula); that would also open-up the opportunity to make her more sadistic and less hospitable (as Templars claimed to be more "gentle" and forgiving), and would also solidify her purpose of keeping Mudslimes out of Europe.
I really do like Mail, especially since the way she sticks her tongue out reminds me of a dog. I would mention that letting her ears stick through the top of her hat smothers a lot of the possibility for production of countless MAGA-hat photoshops like Momiji has, being more difficult to shoop different hats onto.
That's just my honest opinion though. Draw them however you're comfortable with.
>>38704Hey burgerbro, can you please tell me where I can discuss these anons? Which thread were they original published in?
>>38704Happ stays the same, woot! Honestly the only one I don't want to change.
Rem has never been finished, so I'll work that idea. I'm thinking along the lines of Vladimir Tepes/Inquisition Warhammer.
I can make custom drawn with hat ears or flat like Sgt. Reckless, either will work and can be interchange.
I may of made them but they are not mine.These OC belong to all of you. More imput from the community the better.
>>38715Alright. While you're taking suggestions, I'll say that Vlad's helmet-gem would make a great base for a cutie mark. Her current one seems like a bit of a pain to draw.
>>38720Picking color scheme, gonna make 3. Any suggestions?
>>38758The center image in
>>38715 looks like a great model. I would say the cutie mark should be like a ruby in a gold star (what it appears to be modeled on) and thus ruby red on the inside and gold-yellow on the outside. i would suggest that very deep red color for the coat, but that could go wrong easily, so I don't know about the coat
>>38758..I'm trying to think of one that doesn't blend into the coat too much..
I'm just looking up the hat right now, to check it's meaning.
>>38768Alright, I can't find anything on the hat…
I'll see if I can paint-up something that works..
>>38783That color scheme looks like it works
>>38783Looks great, although she looks a bit like the commie pone, Veronika with that color scheme..
Then again, weren't there a couple Transylvania-themed generals with a slav-pone loosely based off of her? Maybe those could be culturally-appropriated (only 89 images of her on derpibooru: commies clearly don't give a shit about her). She could even be a relative/ancestor (kind of like Aryanne's herd).
Yeah, I think I could work with this. Her face would need to be revised though.
>>38783If you are going to make a Transylvania themed pony, I would strongly suggest a bat pony. What you have here looks like what
>>38789 said
>>38789No cultural appropriation here. This should be a new creation. (though we should culturally appropriate those too later).
>>38793Sadly it may need to be a bat pony, though I kind of like just an earth pony
>>38793Yeah, but this is the "Christian" (as far as Romanians go) Vanguard Vlad, not the vampire Vlad. The character objective is kebab-removal, remember; the Kebab-removal theme should be the most prominent.
I guess old Vlad might have a bit too many stories about him to get full credit for his kebab-removing achievements. Are there any other famous/infamous kebab-removers we could draw themes/symbolism though? Now that I think of it, /pol/ hasn't actually produced and purely anti-mudslime symbols.
>>38799That's actually a pretty meaningful difference. one sucks blood out of innocents, the other creates a forest of 20,000 impaled Turkish prisoners.
>>38803He doesn't get enough credit for that, imo. The guy was an over-the-top, draconian warlord, but he directed that malice at the right targets (mostly).
>>38807History is written by the cucks, Anon.
>>38817Sadly, this…
The way it's presented also carries some weight.
>Be in history class in middle school >Be told Andrew Jackson was terrible for slaughtering natives>Do research on him myself>Find out Andrew Jackson was renowned by Americans for standing up to big (((bankers))) in his time>"Why didn't they tell me this in school?".jpgIt's important to read about history yourself, because there's always (((someone))) with an incentive to twist the narrative.
>>38793I'll make a 4th for bat. Rem unicorn. I imagine her using magic to swing heavy weapons around, etc.
>>38789The end color will be a lighter silver then gray, longer mane, has a square like muzzle so far.
Looks good.
I'd advise against making the tip of her nose so pointed in the future though. Even irl hoers have a bit of rounding around the top of the muzzle
DanVS in a SS uniform and crush cap.
>>38941Are you just /r/equesting a shoop, or do you think he represents some aspect of the board?
Who is this guy, anyway?
>>38942In a way, all of the above. Dan is a hater who somehow ended up in equestria, living with flufflepuff. It looks like a shoop req to me tho, and it fits.
>>38996Excellent! This pony is coming along quite nicely so far
Also, is that thing across her face her hair, or a scar?
>>39037That was discussed earlier. Clad is meant to represent the Christian defender of Wallachia against the Turkish hordes, and not Count Dracula.
Also, why is this pony a she?
Need ideas for bat pony
>>39037>>39039Because she was requested by an Anon when I asked wayback when
Since this qualifies as some sort of mascot project, consider having a look here
>>39046 →We are having a vote thread about the design choice for /mlpol/ Anonymous. If you have input for design changes, let us know!
>>39623Thanks. I just found it on Jewgle earlier.
Guess he goes here too. /sg/ pony
He looks great.
Although I think I should point out that the combination of the floppy ears and the beard makes him look a bit more like a goat than a horse, out of context.
>>39642True. Like with Mai though, I want two hats. One with ear holes, one without
>>39643Alright, well good luck with that. We all love your pics.
I'm still currently working on a project to get a handle with digital art, although I haven't made very much progress (work)….
I gave up on gimp, and just tried to teach myself to make image edits via
https://pixlr.com/editor/. I think I've been making out okay. I at least want to be able to produce memes, rather than just consume/distribute them.
>>39653Th-thanks for your support..
>>39647I know Gimp essentials. I can make a guide/s. Guess it could be helpful.
Here are few things I made with it:
1. Merely edit of original pic from here
2. Edited in Rainbow Dash and her background in the billboard.
3. This took about 5 or 6 hours but it was some of my first creations after some time.
4. Still feel like I kinda botched that one. Probably could have used better techniques on it.
>>39658Were you able to save images from gimp for free? When I tried it, they wanted me to pay for some cloud storage bullshit premium. I couldn't even screencap it from my chromebook (has to pull a trick by opening a couple side windows and right-click to open the task bar).
If you could recommend any free tools and maybe any beginners' youtube videos, that would be great. I used to draw quite a bit as a kid, but I can't into computers that well…
>>39669Meant to post some of my 'progress' (sorry for ripping you off). I didn't realize digitally recoloring pics would be so hard on this software.. I'm still practicing with some other pics though.
>>39669I never get asked to pay for anything when using gimp. I guess thats the thing with google chrome OS, sadly.
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/gimp-on-rollapp/eodhmnkhmnkmimhckfpkgmbmcgjkaddo >>39714Oh boy, I haven't found free options for Chromebooks when it comes to any decent image editing software. Shit man…
Started to color her in fully/ slightly change her appearance, community input willing
>>39974She looks pretty great to me. She seems somewhat stoic and grim in this pic.
Although, while I do love the bound tail, it may not transfer so smoothly to other art-styles, so it would be best not to make that an essential part of her character. Also, if I'm not over-reaching too much, i'd suggest changing her eyes to green: Dracula has been described with "large, deep-set, dark green, and penetrating eyes" in a famous portrait by Niccolò Modrussa, and there would be more artistic potential to make her eyes glow the same color as her magic.
Also, is that a scar across her face?
>>39977Checked. Yes, its a scar. I plan to shrink and resize it as I color. Im willing to change her eyes to green. I can give her Calvary color on the outfit instead. Her horn will be thiccer too.
The tail was at first bound at the back only, and just flowing down. I'll switch it back to that
How do you envision her dispositions and personality? This new one looks kind of gloomy, contrary to the more energetic-looking one we see in
>>28690 ,
>>28608 and
>>29411 .
Both perceptions are interesting. While a darker, stoic one would fit the Dracula-like Vangaurd theme more (it's a hard job), the energetic, smiling pone seems to communicate a smuggish, /pol/-vibe.
>>39981Im going for looks grim, but quirky. Shes quite most of the time and when she dose talk its cracking a joke or simply stating no or yes. She still has a french accent.
When she is serious, she can get a little poetic. Her best friend is Ice. She still has a love for green apples and stealing Ice's sunglasses.
When not removing unwanteds she spends her time maintaining her weaponry or hanging out with Ice and the other pones from time to time
>>39985Jebuz and all that jazz, YES
>>39985I made a shitty colorization to practice my non-existent photo-edit skills.Say, If Rem were gray, what color would her armor be?
>>40159She's a light silver compare to gray
>Dat communist pone took itI'm thinking green, purple or black
>>40168>I'm thinking green, purple or blackFor the hide or for the armor?
>>40168>>Dat communist pone took itShe's a Transylvania-themed pone. If the rest of the board likes the color palate, I'm not about to let some commie-pone, with less than 90 images on derpibooru, created out of sheer envy of Aryanne, get in my way. If push comes to shove, we could say that Veronika is her autistic cousin.
Also, if she's going to be silver, her armor should be a distinctly different color. Maybe black, or a very dark green?
I tried-out her older color-scheme.
>>40172the green purple or black for the hide, what would be her coat. the gold is perfect on the armour n coat trim, so either dark green or purple will work.
The oranage still looks good, but the silver is growing fonder as I think of the blood style memes she can go with and all.
>Pure silver with stains of red as she performs removals >>40174I tried purple with gold armor.
To be honest, my preference is caught between orange and dark gray.
If she has green eyes and green magic as part of her theme, then the rest of her should be a different color.
There's always the option of making two pones, if the themes diverge. >>40182my mistake on wording lol. her coat the gray/silver. Gray works well, but so dose the silver as being a pale like coat. the armour has gold trim, and will either be purple, green or black
>>40186A Silver coat, but technicolor armor? I'll have to see a pro draw that one first.
>>40188I'll know it when I see it.
>>40216This is coming along quite well.
The green circas came along much better than I thought.
>>40216I'm definitely liking this new pony. My only issue is that the model looks more like a make than a female, and the historical figure she's based off of is male, so I'd kind of prefer a male
>>40220Hm. Well. Hm. I guess I can since no ones really requested she remain as a mare, but others voiced for Rem to be a Stallion. Meh, so be it
>>40224 is me from a third IP. (This is kind of messy I know)
>>40226ill make two finish versions, one female the other male
>>40220I was wondering about that too…
I guess there's always potential to split-up the themes into separate characters, but it's be best to focus on just one at a time for now..
>>40229I could make two. Brother and sister
>>40231That'd be a good idea too. One could be the grim, gloomy, Vlad type, while the other could be the smug, energetic type.
>>40234They can even be twins, for twice the easy lazy I want to be
>>40236Well, you're the most prominent drawfriend here, so portray them how you like.
Program problems atm. Looking for a new one
>>40347What programs have you been using until now?
>>40357a phone app called picsart. Can't update it because they killed it. I've been using an older version of it for about a year now
>>40359Ah.. too bad. It sucks losing a good app you're used to.
Program working again.
Rem and her Twin brother Remington
>Name for now, community input welcomed
>>40547Are those glasses in Rem's maw?
>>40549Yes. Also reworking Remming so he more or less trys to help Ice out with Rem taking her glasses, etc
>>40550Nice character chemistry you've got there. It's cute.
>>40547Those are neat pictures, and I like the experimentation with two separate genders of the ponies. Just a question on the names: when did the base/female pony receive the name "Rem" and why? I thought it was "Vlad"? "Remington" is cute, but it's undeniably an English name, and I thought the pony was intended to be of Slavic, Magyar, Cuman, or Penecheg lineage like the historical base?
>>40553I got drunk, made Happ Enning, asked a Anon on an idea for a Removal pone for the site. Rem Move was the name given for the sake of a name. Had no real start for backround until now, so changing names won't be a problem tbh
>>40554Say, m8. Do you know any online guides I can use to get a hang of digital art? I was pretty good at drawing back in high-school, but I absolutely suck at it with computers as of now (pic related: deviantart-tier cringe). I just want to get a hang of the basics.
Also, could any other /mlp/ Anons link me up with a guide to making pone vectors? I think I could get a hang of this if I practiced a bit more; I'm just not sure where to start when it comes to digital stuff.
>>40592Not really. I cant into using a mouse for art so I use touchscreens and pen for it. Or I just draw something and then take a pic to color it in
>>40599>touchscreenMaybe I'll give that a shot, if I can. The shakiness of the mouse was the biggest issue for me.
>just draw something and then take a pic to color it inI might try that as well.
Also, it looks like this thread is about to hit bump limit. I'll bake a new one in an hour or so when I'm on break, if it isn't made already.
>>40600Ebin! They're both coming out spectacular. I love Rem's snarky, mischievous expression.
I'd suggest making the male's face/jaw a bit thicker in future images though: That seems to be the biggest distinction between males and females in the cartoon, as I've gathered.
>>40608Didn't mean to spoiler that..
Ok, this came to mind. Remington I am thinking can be a bat pony and editing his horn out wont be hard. Think this will work?
>>40624I like him as a unicorn, although a Dracula-like batpone alternative version of him sounds fun too. Both could work. There could even be potential for some funposting about him secretly being a Vampire/batpone if the character takes off.
>>40628Hm.. For now he will remain a unicorn, but if he dose take off I do hope someone makes a story where he becomes bat pone.
>He could Pinochet for removal >>40629Patpones are cool, but I also like the theme that parallels Vlad's character too: The vampire myths were in-part generated from the fear that he may have been using supernatural powers to win his battles (which were usually total curb-stomps). I like the picture of a dark, caped unicorn wielding his magical powers to smite Turks, with chaotic good undertones.
>He could Pinochet for removalKebab focus would be better for him, but his slav-pone characteristics could also create potential for a resistance to communism too. That's certainly a good idea though.
>The physical removal of the kebabAlso, I think it'd probably be better to leave Pinochet's themes to Leslie, although I imagine she could be friends with Rem.
I'm baking a new thread. Any necessities for the OP?
Again, didn't mean to spoiler that Vlad pic…
>>40634Not really. A basic art thread would work. I can see Ice and Les as those twos main pony hangouts
>>40634OP should include images of the current work on Vlad/Rem (by the way I vote for "Vlad" as the name of the male of Rem) and ICE pony, as well as links to resources on how to draw your own ponies and some instructions on how
>>40648I think Leslie needs her own thread. I could make one, as I have every image, or almost every image saved
>>40648Alright. I was referring to how it should be written, moreso, but I think I've got it. Let me just save some pics.
Also, I just colorized that other Anon's vector as practice. I'm officially coloring-book tier.
Through my mingles with the ponyfuckers on /mlp/, it seems as though using clothing as an essential part of a character is a bit uncommon, but I like this design (with this color theme, she displays most of the colors on the Romanian flag). Also, You think Vlad (the male) would look good with a cap of some sort?
>>40656There's one already up, but its nearly at its limit.
>>40660Go ahead and click that pic.. I didn't mean to spoiler it..
>phone posting
Just my luck for the power to go out! I was just about to hit "post".
Give me a few minutes.
Fuck it. I'm only using one pic in the OP.
New Thread:
>>40669 →>>40669 →>>40669 →>>40669 →>>40669 →>>40671Pls post there. All of my pics are on my laptop, and the router is still giving me shit.