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/mlpol/ Movie Night 3 Revengeance
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/MLPOL/ Movie Night

We like movie nights on Fridays. These movie nights are usually prefaced with a Pre-Stream event before we watch a movie or two, which is then normally followed by several episodes of Ponies.

Registering an account on the streaming sites we go to is not required.

The Pre-Stream for the Movie Night usually starts at 7:00pm EST.
https://cytu.be/r/FlappyPterodactyl is the normal room for the Pre-Stream.

The Movie Night proper usually starts at around 8:00pm or 8:30pm EST.
Location varies depending on various factors.

Last full Movie Night thread: >>34962
Previous improvised Movie Night thread: >>349623 →
596 replies and 867 files omitted.
If anyone wants to follow up with another afterparty, I'll be online all night, officially starting at 8PM EST, i.e. two hours from now. I'm happy to let the chat pick via poll/request what to play. We can watch more of Asha Logos' series on Aryan history, Our Subverted History; we can share game content, such as the classic Let's Play God Hand by Kung-Fu Jesus or the extra-detailed alternative LP done by mkob; we could get a real movie going by watching Night on the Galactic Railroad, or a little rerun of Idiocracy for those who missed it last night; we can talk it out ^^
Oops, might need a link for yeh.
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mouthpiece anti patriarchy.png
mouthpiece anti pinkie boss you around.png
mouthpiece anti rape jokes.png
I think I fixed the image embed filter not being able to do "jpeg" images correctly.
flutter panic 2557698__safe_fluttershy_pony_pegasus_open+mouth_animated_floppy+ears_gif_scared_scene+interpretation_frame+by+frame_seizure+warning_shrunken+pupils_.gif
flutter panic 2759484__safe_fluttershy_feather+flatterfly_female_pony_mare_male_pegasus_screencap_open+mouth_wings_stallion_duo_animated_sitting_glasses_spread+win.gif
flutter panic 2903307__safe_fluttershy_pegasus_wings_spread+wings_signature_scared_scene+interpretation_blue+eyes_eyes_eye_pink+mane_hurricane+fluttershy_yellow+co.jpg
flutter panic  6759056__safe_imported+from+derpibooru_screencap_fluttershy_pegasus_pony_filli+vanilli_animated_avengers-colon-+infinity+war_black+and+white_disintegration_fema.gif
File (hide): 89FF2E216D7128245E4B26C7C77649EA-3108483.webm (3.0 MB, Resolution:640x360 Length:00:00:09, fluttershy mounting panic.webm) [play once] [loop]
fluttershy mounting panic.webm
So, it has come to this. Another night of merriment and Ponies. When the inevitable is something fun, I think that's something to celebrate.

I'm popping some videos of people playing music to farm animals (including horses!), Some skit videos from Scootertrix Studios that I'm sure you're going to love, BGM's new song that he just released an hour or two ago, a couple of skits / scene rewrites / concept trailers that use 15.ai voices, and the regular mix of music and ReBoot episodes.

I think we're going to have a good time tonight.

In ReBoot news, we sadly lost the Saucy Mare F for the Saucy Mare last week in a gambit to retake the Principal Office. Thank goodness it worked. We watched that major fight scene where Matrix kicked Megabyte's ass and sent him into a monster-infested lovecraftian hell. The issue for the rest of the story arc, which is the rest of this season, is that the system itself is very damaged. That's bad. Shit gets a little weird. We might see a return of someone from Matrix's past. Also keep your eyes open for visual references. This is from back when you could do those in a public project without worrying too much about legal issues.

Pony Theme Of The Week is Fluttershy and Panic, because I saw a couple images of that on the PonerPics front page.

ReBoot Episodes

38 (v3.4.3) System Crash - 17 January 1998 (Canada)

Megabyte is sent to The Web and Mainframe begins to crash. The Instability causes tears that allow saved User avatars from games of previous episodes to leak into the city and attack. While the protagonists fend them off, Bob tries to save the system by entering the core.

Cultural references: Four binomes are dressed up as KISS. Another five are dressed and act like the girls of Sailor Moon. Fax Modem and Data Nully (the parodies of Fox Mulder and Dana Scully) appear, Modem is witnessed looking at two signs, one saying "B.C." and the other "L.A." (lampooning David Duchovny moving The X-Files production from Vancouver to Los Angeles). A binome wearing a fedora is chased by a giant 8-ball, just like Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark. Bob goes into the Core in order to save Mainframe and is exposed to radiation. When Megabyte tells him there is nothing he can do, Bob replies with "I don't believe in the no-win scenario", a reference to Captain Kirk's line in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. Afterwards, he asks: "System... out of danger?", another reference to Star Trek II, in which Spock asks, "Ship... out of danger?" after having exposed himself to radiation to save the Enterprise.

39 (v3.4.4) End Prog - 24 January 1998 (Canada)

A game cube threatens to push the crashing Mainframe over the edge. The User restores the system, and everything returns to a functional state, effectively returning it to what it was before the war, with a few exceptions. A five minute musical summary of the episodes Web World Wars to End Prog plays beginning after the credits start to roll.

Cultural references: Lieutenant Chauncy, on being cured by the User of Megabyte's infection, exclaims "Oh Great Norton's Ghost!", a reference to disk-recovery guru Peter Norton and the popular Norton Utilities software suite.
The musical is performed to the tune of Gilbert and Sullivan's "Major-General's Song".

Ready to hang out when you are.

Room link:
John Elway
## HorseWhisperer
3933913 - Fluttershy Friendship_is_Magic Knochka My_Little_Pony.png
Evening gents, here is tonight's movie schedule:

Merrie Melodies: Daffy Duck and Egghead
If I'm not mistaken, this is the first appearance of Daffy Duck.
The Honeymooners: Hello Mom

Office Space (1999)
Second Mike Judge movie that was requested a couple of weeks ago.

S7 eps 24 and 25

Charlotte eps 9 and 10
366036 366038
Here you go.
>So please just unfollow me right now.
Unfollowed for good.
What a disgrace.
>woke means good because we said so
>only idiots/assholes think woke is bad because we said so
>only idiots/assholes say woke because we said so! stop using feminist like it's a four-letter word!
Those communist pedo-supporters really don't understand this, but their euphemism treadmill games are all they have left.
John Elway
## HorseWhisperer
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Hey all, just letting everyone know that I will be away on horse-related business this weekend, and as such will not be available to screen films. You'll have to make do without me, I'm afraid. We will return to our usual format next week.
F. Your sacrifice for the hoers will not be in vain. Praise be to Football.

In that case, what will we watch tomorrow night? We could watch the one movie mentioned a few weeks ago, Night on the Galactic Railroad, as it is on youtube. We could watch Redacted, a movie length season of SCP related short films. We could focus on non-movie content such as let's plays or editorial videos. Any suggestions, frens?
Thanks for calling ahead, Elway.

Before thinking about putting non-movie content on, I think it would be nice to have an idea of how much time the non-movie content in the second half of the stream takes up.

Outside of the two pony episodes, do we mind if the rest of the content is pony related?

The easiest thing to do would be to plug the movie and extra content into the playlist via internet archive. It's worked before.

I have a two hour black and white video from an anticommunist society that I've been meaning to watch. It just might be a bit long for a serious subject during shenanigans night.

Regardless, we have options. I'll keep an eye on the thread tonight for suggestions.

It might be an idea to put two movies in with some episodes of something in between as a spacer. Fewer choices to make and simpler organization.
I personally just like finding and being shown new stuff, poni or not. I'm not opposed to watching the black and white film. I'm just one guy though -- were it up to me, I'd be subjecting you to nearly five hours of a little cat person with a light bulb questioning his existence.

Poor Niko. Poor, poor Niko...
I'm making an extra-long playlist and add some more Red Green episodes. I picked randomly from a "top ten episodes" list I found somewhere, I'll try doing that again. Then I have a movie in mind, if I can manage to find a copy.
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dash as pet.png
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SiM celestia 87.png
SiM Octavia taped up.png
Theme of the week is bondage because it is REAL easy to get lost on the "video selection" process, making any deadline always feel tight.

I've got almost half an hour of non-pony stuff, if I remember right. Right now I have a few episodes of the Red Green show after the normal pre-stream. I wasn't able to find a copy of the movie I wanted to show this week, so I think the best thing to do might be to try to actually livestream a movie from my computer. Then again, I know of a couple of YouTube videos that would fit our time requirements...

Bottom of the line: The back end of the night still needs a little work.

This season of ReBoot was actually aired as two movies. I think it may have been for pacing reasons. I'll keep the tab open to add new episodes if the pacing is off and people are in to that. The movies may have just been chopped into four 22 minute episodes without regard for pacing, but we'll find out.

ReBoot Episodes

40 (v4.1.1) Daemon Rising 18 - November 2001 (Canada)

The forces of Daemon have infected most of the net, and begin to invade Mainframe. Hexadecimal seals the system but at a certain cost.

Cultural references: The game in this episode is a parody of both James Bond and Austin Powers films. Matrix is loaded as Dr. Evil and Enzo as Mini-Me. The UPC on the back of the DVD case Phong gives to Enzo is the actual UPC for the original Season 4 DVD release of ReBoot.

41 (v4.1.2) Cross Nodes - 18 November 2001 (Canada)

Daemon continues to plan in order to retrieve Bob, who could help her infect the entire net. Matrix comes across a fully infected Turbo, and Hexadecimal experiences a certain change.

Cultural references: The Stargate-style Gateway Command from "When Games Collide" is shown again. Also, Dot's father bears several similarities to the character Dr. Jackson in the Stargate movie and TV show, such as having theories about life off-world. Mike the TV sings a parody of a gospel song, while dressed up as James Brown in a scene borrowed from Blues Brothers 2000. The user in the game bears a strong resemblance to Brendan Fraser as he appears in the film The Mummy. Even the game itself is about mummies. The game's description also makes reference to Tomb Raider and upon Rebooting, Dot is disappointed she doesn't have "A pair of .45s" referencing to that game's protagonist Lara Croft. Phong makes reference to Otacon from Metal Gear when Dot does not respond.

I don't think we'll run out of time before running out of stuff to watch, depending on what movie/video we watch, so I'll start things soon. Room Link so you can hop on in:

John Elway
## HorseWhisperer
Aaaaaand we're back. Here is tonight's schedule:

Merrie Melodies: Porky's Poppa
The Honeymooners: The Deciding Vote

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004)

S8 Eps 1 and 2

Charlotte Eps 10 and 11 (numbering got messed up last time but we should be good now)

Assuming Flappy is still getting the prestream together, we will most likely start around the usual time.
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The dark side.jpg
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Pony Theme of the week is Crossovers, because. Just because.

This is the last two episodes of the first movie, Daemon Rising.

ReBoot Episodes

42 (v4.1.3) - What's Love Got To Do With It? - 18 November 2001 (Canada)

Matrix and Mouse plan to stop Daemon after AndrAIa is infected by her. Meanwhile, Dot tries to get Hexadecimal to bring back her father. Bob attempts to cure Turbo but his code doesn't work.

Cultural references: Bob flashbacks to his tutor Dixon Green, a reference to police show Dixon of Dock Green. Daemon slows down Matrix's bullet, referencing bullet time in The Matrix. Matrix was in a fighting game where he won a Hell in a Cell Match, he later goes on to the ring ropes and yells "AndrAIa" parodying Rocky Balboa's cry to his girlfriend Adrian at the end of the first Rocky movie.

43 (v4.1.4) - Sacrifice - 18 November 2001 (Canada)

With Matrix, AndrAIa and Mouse converted, Daemon travels to Mainframe herself to complete her plans. Enzo finds himself the only one who can turn the tide, until Hexadecimal gets power from Mainframes core.

Cultural references: Daemon is revealed to be a cron virus, and everything she infected will self-destruct at a scheduled time. In a Unix system, the cron process runs regularly scheduled tasks.


The room is open and ready for action.

366477 366479
I got a recommendation for Stepbrothers. Based on the trailer I saw, it looks like it might be very funny. Can another Anon check out the trailer or a couple of clips to see if it's the kind of movie that would fit well into the movie night?
I've seen it as a lad with my family in the theatre and I had a giggle. It might be rich in Jewish humor but I remember it being a bit of wholesome fun.
Its very funny
celestia zoom.gif
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mlp celestia ssg8iwWQv1.png
Welcome, frens, to the weekly Movie Night. We might think about getting another title when we have to remake the thread, since we have so many things other than "a movie" going on.

It's wonderful that there's still a bunch of new stuff coming out every week. I even found out about another album from HeyLasFas from 2014 that I found out about a little while ago. I'll try making an album a full week's playlist one of these days.

There's an hour an a half of pre-stream content, roughly, so I'll go ahead and start it.

Pony of the week is... Celestia.

In ReBoot news, we've finished with the Daemon storyline, and we're starting to deal with the two (2) Bobs here. That's a thing now. And there's no horrific disaster happening for once, the characters can focus on interacting with each other like earlier in the show. Lower-stakes vibes is a good tonal shift to have once in a while.

ReBoot Episodes

44 (v4.2.1) - My Two Bobs - 25 November 2001 (Canada)

With the Daemon threat gone, a second Bob appears in Mainframe, leaving Dot with a difficult decision as to which one to marry. Meanwhile Matrix and "New Bob" deal with a game as "Glitch Bob" questions if he is in fact a copy.

Cultural references: The beginning is somewhat similar to the classic series The Brady Bunch. The game is a parody of the Pokémon games, with the player being a parody of a Dragon Ball Z character. When Matrix goes to attack the user Bob shouts out, "stop trying to hit him and hit him." This is a reference to the Matrix. The Pokémon style game they are playing is called "Pantsu Hebi X", a potentially R-rated title as it literally translates to "Underwear (or trouser) Snake X" in Japanese.

45 (v4.2.2) - Life's A Glitch - 25 November 2001 (Canada)

'Glitch-Bob' thinks about separating Glitch from himself to return to his normal self. Matrix, AndrAIa, Enzo, Phong, and "New Bob" deal with a game that has a familiar User.

Cultural references: Hack and Slash are ReBooted into two soda/soft drink cans called "POKE" and "PEEK", two commands used in the BASIC programming language. In addition, Hack and Slash are red and blue cans of soda. Poke (a word similar to Coke) is on the red can, while Peek (in reference to Pepsi) is on the blue can. Phong reboots into a container of Yogurt, and he speaks in the sentence structure and voice of Yoda, or more specifically, of Yogurt, the Yoda parody character from Spaceballs. There is also a reference to Star Trek – when Glitch-Bob is trying to remove Glitch from himself he steps into a teleporter from Star Trek. Prior to this, on his first attempt to separate himself and Glitch, Bob uses what looks like the telepods from The Fly. As he steps in, Bob assumes the same pose as Jeff Goldblum in the film. When his final attempt fails and he is frozen, Bob assumes the pose of Han Solo frozen in carbonite. There are other Star Wars references, with little Enzo pod racing and big Enzo's doll looking like Darth Vader, as well as the "Use the sauce" line.

As always, the room link is here.


One of these days I'll get back to doing this stuff ahead of time and posting to the thread half an hour or more before the night starts. Maybe it'll work in the winter schedule.
John Elway
## HorseWhisperer
Sorry for the delay, will have movie list up in just a second.
John Elway
## HorseWhisperer
Merrie Melodies: Porky at the Crocodero
The Honeymooners: Something's Fishy

Scent of a Woman (1992)


S8 eps 3 and 4

Charlotte eps 12 and 13 (finale)
This was a good movie. I like how it portrayed someone as very unhinged yet sympathetic. Also the acting was amazing.
Personally I think a better and more plausible ending would have Charlie expelled from the school, but it doesn't matter because all his friends promise him future jobs.
Starting on this week's pre-stream playlist. Haven't picked the pony / theme of the week yet.
John Elway
## HorseWhisperer
Barakamon - 10 - Large 01.jpg
Greetings all, it's that time again. Here is tonight's schedule:

Looney Tunes: What Price Porky
The Honeymooners: Twas the Night Before Christmas

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)

You'd have to be cuckoo not to use Phillip's Brand Detergent.

S8 Episodes 5 and 6

Barakamon Eps 1 and 2
Starting a new series tonight. I find this show comfy af, not sure how this group will respond to it. Hopefully you will all enjoy.
John Elway
## HorseWhisperer
add this to the playlist pls
celestia daybreaker 16165.png
celestia daybreaker 1530491173168.jpg
celestia daybreaker 1530492994969.png
celestia daybreaker 1530497679165.jpg
One more week, and with this we wrap up the episodes of ReBoot. Major spoilers in here, so I apologize for all the black all over the episode descriptions. There are three more videos that are a kind of documentary on the series and how they made it. For internet culture relevance, this is the documentary where the "for kids" phrase with air quotes comes from. I'd like to put them in, but only one of them is five minutes. The others are twenty to thirty-ish minutes, and that's too long for the timeline we've got right now.

I know that next week I announced that we'd watch the '97 Berserk, but I'd like to float an idea. It's 14 and a half hours of video content in chunks ranging from around an hour and a half to the less than 10 hours of content in the 25 episode '97 series in 22 minute chunks. This is the -Berserk Redux-, and it is a project one person made that compiles as complete a telling of the Berserk story possible using all available sources of video berserk media. There are clips from the '97 series, the 2016/17 series, the videogames, and the movies. Compiled into story arcs. I have downloaded these from a site like dailymotion, but I have not watched them yet. I might be able to pipe them into the room, but that would depend on them still being up.

Since a chunk of this is just whatever new stuff I've stumbled on to, you're getting a few comedy skits from a channel I watched three short videos of. Harry Potter, but with insane scripting.

It's already a bit past seven, so the pony theme is... Daybreaker, to go off of Celestia from last week.

ReBoot Episodes

46 (v4.2.3) - Null-Bot Of The Bride - 25 November 2001 (Canada)

With "Glitch-Bob" incapacitated in the Supercomputer, Dot decides to marry the new Bob, but as "Glitch-Bob" regains his health and original form, the new arrival is revealed to be a disguised Megabyte.

Cultural references: The episode title and the events surrounding the wedding preparations recall the Father of the Bride films, both the originals and the Steve Martin remakes.

47 (v4.2.4) - Crouching Binome, Hidden Virus - 25 November 2001 (Canada)

With Megabyte now a shape-shifting Trojan horse virus, Bob, Dot and the others attempt to track him down and capture him. However, Megabyte tricks them and seizes control of the Principal Office, and swears revenge in the form of a Predatory Hunt. The series concluded with a cliffhanger ending. In 2008, Rainmaker attempted a continuation via the web-comic "Paradigms Lost" written by Jeffrey Campbell, but it remains uncanonical to the series proper.

Cultural references: Mike the TV (a disguised Megabyte trying to incite panic) asks the rhetorical question "Is that really your pussy, Mrs. Slocombe?!". This is in reference to the BBC television series Are You Being Served?, in which the character Mrs. Slocombe owns a cat that she always refers to as her pussy. The scene in which two binomes drive over a bridge and send members of the "neo-virals" flying is a parody of the scene in The Blues Brothers, in which the brothers drove over a bridge and disrupted a neo-Nazi demonstration. As well, the license plate of their car reads BDR 529, that being the license plate number of the Blues Brothers' car. The last police unit at the bridge has the ID A12, a reference to police TV series Adam-12. The title is a pun on the Chow Yun Fat film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. The "Gateway Command" design is from Stargate. "Don't you love it when a plan comes together?" was a catchphrase from The A-Team.

I very nearly forgot to pop the room link in!


Chat with you soon!
You got it.
I'm getting the playlist together now. I've found Berserk '97 on Internet Archive. We will be watching the dub, since this is one of maybe 3 animes of the era where the dub is actually pretty good.

I also made a thread on /mlp/ for the stream, so we might get some additional people in the chat tonight.
Stream is up and running. Something's coming up for me IRL, so I have to be away from my keyboard for a while. Stream Night Start post will happen in a bit.

The early stuff is just a show music video on a vinyl record.

The short of it is that I made a thread on /mlp/ to invite them over, so we might have more people in the chatroom this week.
John Elway
## HorseWhisperer
Here is the movie schedule for tonight:

Merrie Melodies: Now That Summer is Gone
The Honeymooners: The Man From Space

Outside Providence (1999)


S8 Eps 7 and 8

Barakamon Eps 3 and 4

Also, since Flappy forgot to put it in his post, here is the link to the cytube:

Movie program will begin when pre-stream concludes.
I made a thread on /mlp/ to try to invite more people, so I'm putting a half hour of show music ahead of the normal stream time, just in case people hop in early.

This is the week where we'll be starting Berserk. For those who haven't watched the 97 series, the movies, the Berserk Redux thing, or who haven't read the manga, you're in for a treat. This is a very significant series. There are plenty of video essays discussing this (which I've made an effort to archive), but the very short bulletpoints are that the music, character, and the _weight_ behind the violence is fantastic. The first episode starts "in media res", and then the rest of the '97 series is a flashback arc. This anime run covers the introduction to Berserk.

You would be well served to not spoil yourself on Berserk if you haven't read or watched it yet. It's not the worst thing ever, but you'd be robbing yourself of incredible experiences.

Berserk Episodes

1 - The Black Swordsman
A girl is being assaulted in a bar when Guts walks in. He kills all the assailants but one and orders him to tell his master, the Baron, that the Black Swordsman is coming. Guts later finds and kills the Baron, and removes a demonic relic called a Behelit from around his neck. Soon after, Guts remembers the events in his past of when he fought the knight Bazuso.

2 - The Band of the Hawk
In a flashback, Guts remembers when as a mercenary he killed the knight Bazuso. Later he encounters the group who would change his destiny: the Band of the Hawk. Corkus attempts to rob Guts and Griffith sends Casca to help him, but Guts defeats her. Guts then challenges Griffith, who grievously wounds him. Griffith orders Casca to lie with Guts during his convalescence. When Guts recovers days later, Griffith asks the swordsman to join his group but again he challenges Griffith to a sword fight.

I'm making this week's theme Berserk.

Some of the emotes (have to look at rest later):
>emote-rarity-shocked - 3039212 (inof 6615895)
>emote-rarity-stop-arguing - img/view/2023/1/31/3037452/thumb.jpg
>twi-evil - img/view/2023/2/16/3047817/thumb.jpg
>dance-lightningdust-headbob - 2950316 (inof 6518044)
>umm... - 3092462 (inof 6671837)
Terri Softmare themesong
Hello, hi, how're you doing on this fine Friday?

The weather's getting really cold in the morning and really hot during the day. It's that time of year. Y'know what's better than the weather? Pony.

This week, we've got 100% pony content (because I added that first before my spacer stuff and decided to try it out again). No shorts this time to space things out. Highlights include Brony Polka, but replaced with the original songs, a duet of songs titled “Flight” and “Flightless”, Electric Wings made an animation to go with Mare Vs. Machine, and I just found out that Deavas86 made a Brony Metal Medley 2, to pair with Bronyfied's original Brony Metal Medley.

Pony of the Week is Bulk Biceps / Snowflake.

In the Berserk section, we get to see Guts fighting Griffith, Guts being really hardcore in a way that I've never really seen done elsewhere.

Berserk Episodes

3 - First Battle
Griffith defeats Guts, and makes him a member of the Band of the Hawk – an alliance between the philosopher and the berserker. The Hawks go on a midnight raid and Griffith chooses Guts for the most important position of rear guard; Guts succeeds and the band hails him as a hero.

4 - The Hand of God
Guts settles in with the Band of the Hawk, and Griffith shows him his Behelit. Guts remembers his childhood, being raised by his adoptive father and mentor Gambino. The young Guts was forced to kill Gambino when he tried to kill the boy he blamed for his wife's death. Three years pass and the Band of the Hawk grow in power and numbers.


See you soon!
Does anyone know what's going on with "replay bot"? I didn't add a bot to the room. I suspect it's just there as clumsy telemetry, so if it doesn't have a clear or useful purpose, I think I'll try to kick it.
I have no idea what it is
Off with it's head, then.
John Elway
## HorseWhisperer
Here is tonight's movie schedule:

Merrie Melodies: Porky the Fireman
The Honeymooners: A Matter of Record

The Dark Crystal (1982)

Jim Henson's magical puppet adventure, in which a bunch of good puppets fight a bunch of suspiciously Jewish-looking evil puppets.

Horse Theatre:
S8 Eps 9 and 10

Weeaboo Theatre:
Barakamon Eps 5 and 6 finally got the subtitles working[/b]

>thetwigs - /img/view/2022/3/3/2818244/thumb.png
>celestia-after - /img/view/2023/2/27/3054225/thumb.png
>argument-fight-aj-rarity - /img/view/2023/4/7/3097093/thumb.png
>aj-chillout - /img/view/2023/4/6/3096310/thumb.png
>pinkie-point - /img/view/2023/4/10/3105206/thumb.png
>aj-cares - /img/view/2023/4/7/3100463/thunb.jpg
>ightningdust-hoovestogether - /img/view/2022/11/19/2990822/thumb.png
>lightning-dust-dance - /img/view/2022/9/19/2950316/thumb.png
mlp comic background 1.png
mlp comic background 2.png
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New Scootertrix Studios video ahoy! Ponies Vs The French. The other big headline for tonight, is what looks like a twelve-minute documentary on what happened to Mister Davie/Davey. I don't know if this is from someone in the fandom or not. Outside of that, we've got the regular smattering of Pony music and a few non-pony items to break things up.

I'm still putting the finishing touches on it, but the room has an album running in it right now.

Thanks everybody.
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...I wrote this up in a text document and forgot to post it.


The Berserk Episodes this week will be Episodes 6, 7, and 8, since we watched 5 last week.

Berserk Episodes

Episode 6 - Zodd The Immortal
Guts leads his men to raid a castle under Chuder occupation, but his men are wiped out by Nosferatu Zodd the Immortal, a fearsome giant warrior. Guts enters the castle keep and engages Zodd in battle. When Guts manages to stab him, Zodd transforms into his 300-year-old demon form. Zodd nearly kills Guts before Griffith and a group of Hawks comes to his aid, but they are ineffective. When Zodd is about to kill Griffith he sees the Behelit and ceases his attack. He then sprouts wings and flies off, telling Guts that should Griffith's dream die, it will be his doom.

Episode 7 - The Sword Master
Though he and Guts are still injured from their encounter with Nosferatu Zodd, Griffith uses it to get closer to the King and his daughter Charlotte. Guts and some of the Hawks feel that Griffith is pulling away from them.

Episode 8 - Conspiracy
Griffith and Guts continue to have success in battle and Griffith is made a count. The king's brother, General Julius, is furious about this as he and Minister Foss plot Griffith's murder with a poison arrow during an upcoming hunt.

John Elway
## HorseWhisperer
Here is the movie schedule for tonight:

Merrie Melodies: Katnip Kollege
The Honeymooners: Oh My Aching Back

Sin City (2005)


S8 episodes 11 and 12

Barakamon episodes 7 and 8

Also, just to let everyone know, I will be away next week and will not be able to show movies. Our regular program will resume the following week.
This might be the wrong place for this, but how were we going to co-ordinate for Mare Fair? I can't find "The Discord". I do have a discord account, but I'm just not in the room.
Old fashion and well done. Thanks.
Mare Schizo Nights
Yes that's right Movie night is still on this week sort of.

Three Xavier Episodes
A smattering of Mare Content

Three Movies
Sync: something something indy film about having no more extra lives.
The Adventures of Mark Twain: It's claymation what else is expected.
No Hooves Another Movie Again!: About the movies probably.

Due to conflicting activities Movies and extra content will be running until this weekend.
John Elway
## HorseWhisperer
I mentioned this in the Mare Fair thread, but my travel plans fell through and I wasn't able to make it to Florida. It looks like Occult has picked up the slack for the week and has something planned, and I have no intention of stepping on his toes since I announced already that I wouldn't be available. However, I'm just letting people know that I will also technically be available to stream this week if needed. Since it's an off-week and it sounds like several of our usual crowd won't be here I don't intend to try and do the regular program, but I do have some fun comfy stuff I could potentially run if anyone is interested.
If anybody shows up the stage is all yours if you want.
Starting at the usual prestream time.
In about three or three and a half hours from this post.