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/mlpol/ Movie Night 3 Revengeance
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/MLPOL/ Movie Night

We like movie nights on Fridays. These movie nights are usually prefaced with a Pre-Stream event before we watch a movie or two, which is then normally followed by several episodes of Ponies.

Registering an account on the streaming sites we go to is not required.

The Pre-Stream for the Movie Night usually starts at 7:00pm EST.
https://cytu.be/r/FlappyPterodactyl is the normal room for the Pre-Stream.

The Movie Night proper usually starts at around 8:00pm or 8:30pm EST.
Location varies depending on various factors.

Last full Movie Night thread: >>34962
Previous improvised Movie Night thread: >>349623 →
596 replies and 840 files omitted.
>2nd pic
A six legs mare.
A mare needs six legs and fingers to be able to play the trumpet. Don't you know anything about music schools in Equestria?
>six legs and fingers
Welcome again, one and all, to the very good Watch Party That Doesn't Have A Consistent Name!

I hope the strangeness of this Spring weather has been treating you all well enough so far. It can be a bit below freezing in the morning, and you could be sweating in the afternoon. It can be hard to dress for this.

In news of the Culture War, GW tried to make Custodes (the super-er than space marines guys) suddenly “always” have had female members despite decades of their own lore saying that they were an all-male group. The fans don't like that, and TL;DR it looks like the company might possibly die as a result. Remember, this is a setting with one of the cultural sayings of the human faction being “the rewards of tolerange are treachery and betrayal”. This feels like a significant enough pushback to draw morale from.

I neglected to put Arch's (formerly ArchWarhammer, who covers a lot of 40k content) April Fools day lore video in the last few streams, so I have it in this one. “Is Celestia Evil?”. Bumpers this week are sketches of a demented animation, and should be fun.

In Grimgar, we're following our crew into the underground to fight some kobolds. The episode descriptions make me think we might have seen these episodes already, so I'll post the episode descriptions for the next pair if it comes to that.

Without further ado, let's cover the Grimgar episodes.


Grimgar: Of Fantasy and Ash

Episode 09 - How to Rest
Haruhiro and the group take a day off. During dinner, Haruhiro suggests that they change hunting grounds to the Siren Caves, citing increased goblin activity at their present hunting area.

Episode 10 - I'm Not Fit To Be a Leader
Haruhiro and the gang reach Siren Mines and defeat a few kobolds as they work their deeper into the caves. Haruhiro has doubts about his ability to act as their leader.


In respect of the Culture War news in 40k, and Arch's “Is Celestia Evil?” video, I'm making Warhammer 40k the pony theme of the week. We've got a bunch of images on PonerPics, so there'll be fodder for the chatroom.

The room is ready and running.

John Elway
Alrighty folks, it's that time again. Here is tonight's movie schedule:

Merrie Melodies: Sniffles Takes a Trip
The Honeymooners: Dial J for Janitor

Walk the Line (2005)

Biopic of Johnny Cash.

-S1e03 (presented in glorious nipPONEse)
-G1 shorts: The End of Flutter Valley parts 5 and 6

S2 eps 18 and 19
John Elway
We about to throw on 11.22.63 for the afterparty if anyone is up for some real nigga hours
Got home later than usual.

Stream Room has The Red Green Show running in it in the meantime.


Regular playlist plus announcement post to follow in a little while.
I'll be in, just going to take me a bit to get in. Thanks Flappy!
John Elway
Evening all, here is tonight's movie schedule:

Looney Tunes - You Ought to be in Pictures
The Honeymooners - A Man's Pride

Tonight's episode is the last of the Honeymooners. I will have something else for us next week.

Kiss Me Deadly (1955)
Now with 20% more women exploding into flames.

My Kawaii Poni
G4 - S1 episode 4, Applebuck Season
G1 shorts - The End of Flutter Valley, parts 7 and 8

S2 episodes 20 and 21
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Welcome and good tidings to you dear viewers! It's still chilly in the morning and very warm in the afternoons. That's spring for ya.

We meet once again based on a mutual love of ponies and a lack of care for political correctness. Time passes, but it doesn't have to be wasted. Make memories.

For the regular playlist this week, I started us off with a couple of episodes of The Red Green Show, , a few animations (both recent and classic), and some PMVs. We've got a Cinemare Sins wpisode, a lore theory episode about what if Cadance was a Villain, and Episode 1 of 《Misty Dream》, “Onset of Moonrise”, by Viento Studio.

Further, we have a few bumpers that I haven't seen, and plenty of music and PMVs to keep things running well.

We'll be finishing off our series of Grimgar: Of Fantasy And Ash tonight. I'd like to add the OVA to the playlist, but if the regular streaming site is out, that might not work. It would be a hot springs-ish animation set between episode 2 and 3, if memory serves.


Episode 11 - Between Life and Death
The sight of Death Spot has paralyzed Merry and we see a flashback of her previous encounter with the giant kobold. When she snaps out of it, she leads the party away, since they would be at a disadvantage in the open field.

Episode 12 - See You Tomorrow
Ranta manages to escape Death Spot and eventually reunites with the others. They attempt to flee to the surface but Death Spot follows them and blocks the way out.

Episode 2.5 (OVA) - Youth Hung on the Bath Wall--One More Centimeter


That'll about do it for the preamble. You know the drill by this point. Party over here:

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I thought to myself: It's been a little while since I've done a themed night, hasn't it? I should do that again. Lo and behold, tonight's going to heavily feature the content of BGM.
In other structural news, we've got the /mlp/ AI Redub 5 in here as our main feature, several pony video bumpers, two camping related bumpers, and a review for what I propose as our next show in this time slot.
Following this, I've put in a couple of Murdoch Murdoch episodes. Episode 40 - The Great Meme War of 2016, and Episode 41 - The Alt Light Strikes Back.

Some Highlights
- /mlp/ AI Redub 5 [24:27]
- Pony Shitpost bumpers in the music
- Youjou Senki - A Ruthlessly Biased Review [17:34]
- MurdochMurdoch Episodes 40 and 41

In recognition of BGM's YouTube Avatar, I declare -Anon- to be the Pony Theme of the Week.

Room's open, depending on when people get in, I might pop some Red Green in the playlist ahead of the pony stuff.

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Hey, if you don't have a movie picked for tonight yet what about this one?
John Elway
Movie schedule will be up momentarily.

We can probably manage that.
John Elway
Here is tonight's schedule. We finished The Honeymooners last week, so this week I've got a new thing to show, let me know what you guys think. If we all enjoy it I will continue showing it.

Merrie Melodies - A Gander at Mother Goose
Wodehouse Playhouse Ep. 1 - Portrait of a Disciplinarian

Land of Mine (2015)

Suggested by >>373326

S1 ep 4, Griffon the Brush Off
G1: The End of Flutter Valley, parts 9 & 10 (finish tonight)

S2 eps 22 & 23
File (hide): 6518D090ED616D85B4432E9720FA9FDD-3112193.webm (3.0 MB, Resolution:720x404 Length:00:00:44, 1701559447771527.webm) [play once] [loop]

Great stream last night, thanks to John elway and flappy pterodactyl, Land of Mine was depressing, the saga of tanya the evil was great, lucky pony slutto as excellent as always and i especially enjoyed the episodes of Mr Mercedes
are we on for tonight?
John Elway
Yes. Movie schedule will be up momentarily. I'm not sure where Flappy is, but I'm assuming he'll have his thing going in a bit as well.
I'm here, just got distracted a bit while gathering images for the post.


We're moving through May and getting some of that authentic Spring weather. Remember, there's value in having a hat and sunglasses.

The theme night worked out so well last week that I figured we could have it on again. I found a PMV channel of the name LUMO_Xu, and put their stuff in the lineup. It's a nice sized package of content from someone who's been only occasionally making PMVs over what seems to be the last 3 years. In between the rest of the music is Man Versus Ponies 6 (MLP in real life) by StormXF3, some bumpers spaced out as usual, and an older Silver Quill video “After the Fact: Studying Starlight”.
Other highlights include a video discussing Equestria At War, a Hearts Of Iron 4 mod, a video about the Canada Mass Grave hoax, and an epic video of a fish refusing to give up. The wrap-up before we get to the Tanya The Evil episodes for the night will be Steel Wings, a song by BGM with PrinceWhatever [Yes, the video is currently misspelled as that].

As alluded to by earlier posts, we ended up starting The Saga of Tanya the Evil last week. We will continue onwards.


The Saga of Tanya the Evil

Episode 03 - Deus Vult
After recovering from her injuries, Tanya is assigned to the Tactical Instructor Squad away from the front, to her great relief. She tests a new type of computation jewel (a device necessary for mages to perform magic), the Elenium Type-95, but this proves to be as dangerous as fighting on the frontlines due to the extreme instability of the Type-95. Chief Development Engineer Adelheid von Schugel pushes her to her limits, but is unable to make the Type-95 sufficiently stable. After criticizing the technology, she requests a transfer which is approved, and the project is frozen. That night, Being X animates a nutcracker doll and accuses Tanya of not having developed any faith or insight, but Tanya disagrees with Being X and destroys the toy. She wakes up the next day and assumes it was a dream, but sees a paper with Deus lo vult (God wills it) written on her bedside. Tanya participates in one more experiment and just as the Type-95 is about to explode, Being X performs a miracle and stabilizes the jewel to prove His power to Tanya. As a result, the Type-95 is now usable only to Tanya, and greatly amplifies her power when used, on the condition that she prays to Being X. She views this as a curse. The next year, Tanya is again sent to the front, eventually leading to the events of Episode 1. Headquarters decides to send her to officer training and she recommends Viktoriya for officer training as well. They both prepare to return to Berun for officer training. Meanwhile, Headquarters realises the necessity of a rapid response unit in the Imperial Army.

Episode 04 - Campus Life
Six months after leaving the frontlines, Tanya is still training to be an officer at a military academy and is doing well at her studies. She meets General Zettour in the academy's library and he asks for her opinion on the war. She predicts that it will become a world war and outlines a strategy for the Empire, using the firepower and agility of mages to minimise military losses. He is impressed by her battle knowledge and ideas and asks for a report, which she sees as an opportunity for career advancement. Later, Tanya meets Captain Uger, one of her academy rivals, in a café. Uger reveals to Tanya that he is more concerned about his family than the war and of the future impact the war will have on his daughter, who he fears may one day be forced to fight. Tanya is able to emotionally manipulate him to drop out of academy in exchange for a safer line of work, securing her position as one of the elite students at the academy. Zettour passes Tanya's plan to General Kurt von Rudersdorf. At a conference held at the Imperial Strategic Headquarters, Zettour tables Tanya's plan for a rapid-response mage battalion, which is accepted. At the Western Theater Garrison, Rerugen is furious when he learns that Tanya's plan has been implemented with her in command of the rapid reaction force. Tanya is invited to dinner with the Colonel, where she is put in charge of a new 48-strong rapid-response mage battalion and will be promoted to the rank of Captain. Much to her horror, this will actually be more dangerous than fighting on the front lines. She tries to find ways to delay the implementation of the battalion, especially after a large number of applications for the battalion are received, but a newly-promoted Viktoriya is assigned to assist her, thus preventing Tanya from further delaying the formation of the battalion.


Silver Quill and two of LUMO_Xu's PMVs have ol' GlimGlam in the thumbnail, so she'll be the Pony Of The Week.

The room is ready, and music will play as arrivals happen.

John Elway
What up, chumps and chumpettes? Here is tonight's movie schedule:

Merrie Melodies: Tom Thumb in Trouble
Wodehouse Playhouse: The Rise of Minna Nordstrom

Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991)

Prequel to Robin Hood II: Archduke of Embezzlers.

S1e06: The Boast Busters
G1: The Ghost of Paradise Estates Pts 1 and 2

S2 eps 24 and 25
Work stuff ran a little late, so the stream stuff might be a bit later than usual. I'll aim to get something in the room to keep things interesting while I put the playlist and other stuff done.
John Elway
Evening all, here is tonight's schedule for my portion:

Loony Tunes: Patient Porky
Wodehouse Playhouse: Rodney Fails to Qualify

Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters

I've had this for awhile and thought it would be fun to watch.

S1 episode 7: Dragonshy
G1: The Ghost of Paradise Estate Pts 3 and 4 (finish)

S2 eps 26 and 27

super-sekrit real nigga hours program for anyone man enough to stay awake:
Mr. Mercedes, S1 eps 9 and 10 (finish season) + Season 2 eps until whenever

We will commence whenever the stars align.
Horray horse of course time!
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While I start to get things together, have a couple of episodes of The Red Green Show to tide you over.

Wow, that last week seems to have really flown by in a flash, hasn't it?

Happening right now are episodes of The Red Green Show.

Upcoming is some music, PMVs, two Man News bumpers, and a nine-minute AgrolChannel animation about hugs.

I'll drop the Tanya The Evil episodes and get things going.


The Saga Of Tanya The Evil

Episode 05 - My First Batallion
Tanya holds a test to decide whether or not the mages who have sent in the applications are worthy of joining the new battalion, but most fail, resulting in a low recruitment rate, leading to her superiors complaining that her standards are set too high. Tanya accepts this compromise to accept more lower-standard mages, and declares that she will bring all the mages to an acceptable standard in just a month. She is granted free rein on how to go about it. She holds a gruelling training regime, with many nearly dying (which she hopes would deter them from further training), but the mages are instead frightened that dropping out will incur even worse punishment and decide to continue. Some are even inspired to meet her lofty standards. Within a month, they have been successfully transformed into skilled soldiers, even by Tanya's standards. She then receives instructions to go with her battalion (named the 203rd Aerial Mage Battalion, or Pixie Battalion) to the Grand Duchy of Dakia which has mobilised its troops and crossed Imperial borders. There, the first battle the 203rd encounters is totally in their favour. The Dakians have no mages and still use techniques for out-dated forms of warfare, even lacking the capability for the most basic of anti-aircraft operations. The Dakian attack is repulsed with ease by the elite 203rd, resulting in massive Dakian casualties. Tanya commands the 203rd to follow her to the Dakian capital to test their combat prowess, leaving the remainder of the Dakian invasion force to regular Imperial forces. There, they locate the Republic-backed Carbelius Arms Factory that is undefended from aerial attack. Tanya orders the 203rd to attack it; but in accordance with international law, they can only destroy the factory if they have declared their intentions in advance, allowing for armed retaliation. This would give away the 203rd's surprise advantage. However, Tanya uses a child-like voice to broadcast her intentions to destroy the factory over a radio, which is dismissed by factory workers as a harmless child's prank, allowing the 203rd to completely destroy the factory. The 203rd, satisfied with their overwhelming success, returns to base.

Episode 06 - Beginning of Madness
Headquarters concludes that Imperial troops should be able to completely occupy Dakia by winter and turns their attention to the fact that the Empire is still fighting on two fronts: against the Entente and the Republic. They decide to focus their efforts on destroying the Entente first, but are worried that there will not be sufficient supplies to do so with there only being enough to last the Imperial Army through winter. Finally, an order is sent for the 203rd to transfer to Norden against the Entente. Later, Tanya and Viktoriya discuss the possibility of the Entente being allied to the Republic and/or the Allied Kingdom (analogous to the United Kingdom), which is later shown to be true. Tanya realises that Being X may be orchestrating the upcoming world war in order to force a situation wherein she would have no choice but to worship Him. At Norden, Viper Battalion fights against attacking Entente forces but faces heavy losses. The 203rd comes in just in time to rescue Viper Battalion and to launch a counterattack. When offered to be reinforced by additional Imperial Army units, Tanya turns down the offer to create a reputation for the 203rd. She chooses to go after enemy bombers, leaving the rest of the 203rd to carry out the attack. After downing a flight of bombers and landing to look for survivors, Being X once again stops time and animates a dead Entente soldier, and asks Tanya how it feels to fight a war against the whole world. Tanya shoots Being X's avatar down and later eradicates a hidden Allied Kingdom observation post that was gathering data on her. At Parisee, Lieutenant Colonel Zevran Biantot informs General Pierre Michelaud Lugo of the failure of the Entente's attacks and of Republican mage casualties, advising him to refrain from sending more Republican mages to assist the Entente. However, Lugo refuses, seemingly under the influence of Being X. In the Entente Ministry of Defence, it is revealed that Anson Sioux has been promoted to Colonel, but is worried about dying and leaving his wife and daughter (Mary Sioux) behind.

I think I'll pick “fire” as the theme of the week. I saw that image of Pinkie having a a barbecue and had to have more of something related to that.

Here's hoping you have a great meal tonight.

I'll see you in the room.


Hello again.

Here's the situation so far: I think I'm making real good time on preparations for the stream night. I popped a couple of culture war related videos in the front instead of Red Green because I can't connect to our normal site and I don't have a ready backup. I'm going ahead with the culture war videos because the video suggestions kinda set a theme for the night, but I would like to search out alternatives if this happens next week, too.

After assembling the announcement post, I'll start getting the room ready to start with a single click.

I hear that next month is going to be another one of the month long cultural pressure waves to impress on the populace what they are supposed to hold in high regard and agree with. It's one of the very colourful ones, but I'm honestly not bothering to track which one it is. Consider this to be the theme of "defence" or "shields up".

Also, the poses and scenarios look pretty dynamic and interesting to me. Check out the Pinkie Preview Picture (PPP) attached to this message.

I've got about two hours and forty-five minutes of content in the playlist right now, including the Tanya Episodes, but the first half hour is just time filler so I don't wander off onto the wider internet. After this will go the Tanya Episodes, which would total about forty-five minutes more on to the playlist before the livestream.

>Trying out a slightly different format this week. If there's interest, I can try doing the :fancy-pants: Thinking Thursdays :fancy-pants: hangout room again to get more culture war / politics videos in. It's a different vibe than what I usually go for.
Weather the storm! Or enjoy the weather. Whatever's relevant, let's get down to have a good time with each other.

The stream night format is going to be a bit different tonight. There were some suggestions and I put them in the playlist. If there's more consistent interest, and some people want to try coming to a Thursday room hangout with some culture war items, then I can see about that. I just don't want to be the only one constantly on the search and always evaluating and adding new videos. It'll be a video potluck.

In news of Tanya's continuing adventures, we're going to have what I remember as a good fight scene with an interesting set piece. This will be followed by introducing a new character, then getting a good look at the specific legalities of war. That's one of the special elements of this one.


The Saga Of Tanya The Evil

Episode 07 - The Battle of the Fjord
At Port Arnelus, Colonel Sioux bids farewell to his family as he leaves for his post at the relatively quiet Orse Fjord, located far from the front. Some time later, he discovers that he had received a rifle from his daughter as an early Christmas present. Meanwhile at the Imperial Army Northern Theater Command's Strategy Conference, Tanya proposes a strategic retreat, thus shortening supply lines for retreating Imperial forces, allowing the Imperial Army to resupply and making it easier for them to launch an offensive in spring. She asserts that while the retreat would continue the war, an offensive at the moment would exhaust the Imperial army in Norden, thus limiting its effectiveness. Despite this, it is decided that an offensive would be carried out regardless of the potential losses. Afterwards, during a conversation with Rerugen and Rudersdorf, she deduces that the offensive's main purpose is to be a diversion for Imperial forces to launch an amphibious offensive at the rear of the enemy. Rudersdorf decides to send the 203rd to launch a surprise attack at the heavily defended Orse Fjord in advance of their North Sea Fleet. During the attack, the 203rd is intercepted by a battalion-sized unit of mages led by Colonel Sioux. Tanya leads the 1st Company in intercepting enemy mages while the 2nd and 3rd Companies destroy the defensive cannons located along the coast, allowing the fleet to land and take control of the railroads, in turn allowing for Imperial forces to take over the port. Sioux’s mages are devastated by the 1st Company. In a final confrontation, Tanya bayonets Sioux, who falls into the sea. Tanya recovers Sioux's rifle and claims it as her own.
In a post-credits scene, Mary Sioux and her mother in Arkansas hear over the radio that the Orse Fjord's defenders were wiped out, causing Mary to cry.

Episode 08 - Trial by Fire
Bientot and the Republican Army's 2nd Mage Company support a rebel uprising in Arene City against Imperial occupiers, located in former Republican territory in the Western Theater. This is a problem because the Arene rebels now control the large railroad that passes through Arene, which is straining Imperial supply lines. The 203rd are ordered to intercept and destroy all resistance even if it means civilian casualties. They find the city heavily defended. However, Strategic Command has a plan to rapidly suppress the Arene rebellion; as in accordance to international law, should a city not be evacuated after an evacuation order, all remaining people in a city will be treated as enemy soldiers. After a fierce attack by the 203rd, battered Republican mages seek shelter in a building. Following a refusal to surrender or evacuate, the 203rd observes the murder of a captured Imperial soldier by Arene rebels, providing a casus belli for retaliation. Arene comes under sustained attack from Imperial artillery, causing countless civilian deaths; the Republican mages are driven off completely and control of Arene is returned to the Empire. Second Lieutenant Vooren Grantz refuses to open fire at the Arene rebels but Tanya pressures him into doing so. At Strategic Headquarters, Zettour reveals to Rerugen that the idea for the destruction of Arene actually came from a thesis written by Tanya that details methods to circumvent international laws on city bombardment. At an Allied Kingdom hospital, the critically wounded Colonel Sioux slowly recovers from his encounter with Tanya and says that God told him to destroy the Devil.


The theme of the week, as mentioned in the earlier post, is “Defense” or “Shields Up”.

Room's Open!

John Elway
Hey all, still getting things put together. Movie schedule will be up in just a moment.
John Elway
Basketball2to3 poster.jpg
Alrighty folks, here is tonight's program:

Looney Tunes: Prehistoric Porky
Wodehouse Playhouse: Romance at Droitgate Spa

Baseketball (1998)

Early movie by the South Park creators, pretty funny as I recall

S1 episode 8: Look Before You Sleep
G1: The Great Rainbow Caper, The Glass Princess pt. 1

S2 eps 28 and 29
John Elway
Hey everyone, quick preemptive heads up. I may be a bit late to the party today, but barring any unforeseen circumstances movie night will still be on.
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The room is open, and we're running!

We've got a good mix of things, including a handful of longer videos. This is so I can easily chainsaw lots of length off of this night's playlist and easily re-order it. It's a traditional mix of shorts, music, an animation or two, and what looks to be a good PMV to top things off. Gaming related videos are included for pacing and format flexibility.

See you in the room, detailed post to come later on in the night.


John Elway
Alrighty folks, sorry about the delay. Here is tonight's movie schedule:

Looney Tunes: The Sour Puss
Wodehouse Playhouse: The Truth About George

American Graffiti (1973)

A movie about the 50s made in the 70s. Inspired the show Happy Days.

S1e09: Bridle Gossip
G1 shorts: The Glass Princess pts 2 and 3

S2 eps 30 and 31
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Here are the episode notes for the archive trawlers in the future.


The Saga Of Tanya The Evil

Episode 09 - Prepatations for Advance
Some days after the battle at Arene, Tanya meets Major Uger from the academy, who tells her of a plan to withdraw Imperial forces on the Rhine to draw Republican forces into a trap: "Operation Revolving Door", consisting of four separate phases. Zettour proposes this plan at the Command Strategy Conference and arranges to use the 203rd to attack the rear of Republican forces. The Empire carries out a widespread disinformation campaign as the first phase "Operation Fog and Sun" to trick Republican forces of a large-scale Imperial retreat. Rerugen tells Tanya that the plan for the second phase "Operation Shock and Awe" is to take out Republican command headquarters and their communication systems. Schugel announces that a new high-speed rocket weapon, the V-1, will transport the 203rd to the three potential locations of the enemy headquarters. Meanwhile at the Rhine, Imperial troops retreat from the front, resulting in the confident advance of Republican forces. Unbeknownst to them, the Imperial Army left booby traps while retreating.

Episode 10 - Path to Victory
Sioux is shown to have survived, and seen to be travelling on an Allied Kingdom ship and plotting his revenge on Tanya. Following the success of "Operation Shock and Awe", the 203rd proceeds to retreat via submarine. At the Imperial High Council, various military leaders undergo a grilling by government officials on their strategy of withdrawal, accused of exposing Imperial manufacturing facilities to potential Republican attack. They delay their response, stalling for time while they wait for Tanya’s unit to report on their status. Finally, Zettour announces to the Imperial High Council that the enemy command structure has been destroyed and the commencement of the third phase of "Operation Lock Pick". It starts with the detonation of the traps left behind by the retreating Imperial Army, resulting in widespread Republican losses. Without communications, the Republican forces are in disarray and suffer a sustained counterattack by Imperial heavy armour and mechanised infantry who completely encircle Republican forces. During an investigation on the cause of the communications breakdown, Bientot arrives at the ruins of the Republican Army’s headquarters and is horrified. The 203rd takes part in the fourth phase of "Operation Revolving Door", a series of mop-up operations against Republican Army remnants but suddenly come under attack from an Allied Kingdom mage unit with long-range weapons led by Sioux.
Ah, the fourteenth. The first fortnight of the month. The Friday of fun, films, and fillies. Also it starts with the letter F.

I've put some videos by the talking heads in that talk about Culture War updates at the top of the list for the early birds, before we start off with our music and spacers.

Highlights of the week include a Beyond her Garden animation, an AI Cover of Sweetie Belle singing Giddy Up, and the Hugging Ponies 3 animation. After this we'll get into Tanya The Evil.

We've got one movie to watch that has a specific event in it that I know you guys are going to love, one “special episode” which is a more self-contained operation that works like a short story rather than extending the plot, and one episode 6.5 that summarizes events up to that point from Tanya's POV. We can have a more detailed discussion of what to do/watch in the room.

For Pony Of The Week, I think this week will be this hoers. She is a good hoers.


The Saga Of Tanya The Evil

Episode 11 - Resistance
The diminished 203rd goes on the offensive rather than retreat. They use their altitude advantage but suffer heavy losses, especially when Sioux uses a magically-enhanced trench gun. Sioux pursues Tanya and when they come face-to-face, she bayonets him. She then recognises him from their previous encounter, but he is possessed by Being X and grabs her. Viktoriya helps Tanya break free and Tanya empties an entire magazine into Sioux, penetrating his magical defenses. Riddled with bullets, he detonates an explosive, but Tanya and Viktoriya resist the blast just as a battalion of Imperial reinforcements arrive and chase off the Allied Kingdom mages. It is shown that while injured, most of the 203rd has survived. After the severe losses suffered by Republican forces because of the Operation Revolving Door, the Republican Army abandon Parisee, resulting in Imperial forces moving in and occupying the city. Imperial High Council congratulates the military on their success, and discuss the acquisition of the Republic's colonies. While the men of the 203rd celebrate on a Republican beach, Tanya and Viktoriya discuss the ending of the war, and Tanya suspects the Republic is planning to evacuate by sea to prepare a counter-offensive. She requests permission to attack the Republican military port of Brest, but it is refused and she is also prevented from undertaking her own "reconnaissance". She bemoans this opportunity to end the war.

Episode 12 - How to Use a Victory
While the Empire celebrates the truce (that could finally lead to an armistice and so to the end of the war), Tanya explains to Rerugen of her being aware of the fact that it is only a matter of time for the war to restart, since the Republic and all other nations will never allow the Empire to become the most powerful country in Europe; but more so that refusing to admit defeat and choosing to keep fighting no matter the consequences is simply part of human nature. In fact, the Empire's overwhelming growth finally pushes the remaining superpowers of the World (the Allied Kingdom, the Russy Federation and the Unified States) to form an alliance against the Empire. When General Lugo of the Republican Army proclaims the birth of the Free Republic from Tunis, it becomes clear to the Empire's citizens and soldiers that the war is far from over. While the battles begin once again, Tanya and her squad are sent to Africa to begin the fight against the Free Republic. While haranguing her men, Tanya tells them that the war is proof that God has failed, and that the power to influence mankind is now in the hands of Man and, especially, of the soldiers, once again launching her challenge against Being X. Meanwhile, in the Unified States, Mary Sioux (blessed with Being X's power) enlists in the U.S. Army in search for Tanya, seeking vengeance for her father's death.


The room's ready.

John Elway
Howdy folks, here is tonight's entertainment pogram:

Merrie Melodies: The Fighting 69 1/2th
Wodehouse Playhouse: Unpleasantness at Bludleigh Court

Fargo (1996)

Been shown before but a rewatch was requested

S1 episode 10 - Swarm of the Century
G1 shorts - The Glass Princess pt 4, The Pony Puppy

S2 episodes 32 and 33: The Hound of Ulster, Walkabout
Soon, it will be the weekend. Soon, also, will be the time for ponies. So soon that it's now, in fact!

We've got a night where I thought more about formatting.

For the shorts portion, we've got music, two short animations, and some wholesome shorts as bumpers. Following this is a handful of covers of the Tanya The Evil songs. I think you'll like some of them. They're spaced out with an animatic and PMV from The Collaboratory.

The episode portion will be that self-contained short story episode mentioned earlier, and video talking about The History of CANON My Little Pony OCs by TobbyMLP.

The Tanya movie, taking place right after the last episode last week, will be tonight's movie, thanks to Elway.


The Saga Of Tanya The Evil

Episode 13 - Operation Desert Pasta
Tanya and the 203rd Air Mage Battalion are sent to fight the Free Republic and its foreign allies in the southern desert. Food is scarce, but Colonel Rerugen sends a shipment of dried pasta to the battlefield for the troops. However, given the harsh conditions and shortage of water, the pasta cannot be cooked. Following a raid, the 203rd manages to acquire a substantial quantity of water but the boiled pasta is virtually tasteless. Tanya gains approval from headquarters for the 203rd to embark on a series of "force recon" raids under the name of "Operation Desert Pasta" on the outposts of the Free Republic and its foreign allies. She omits the detail that they also plan to gather ingredients for a pasta sauce. The operation is highly successful and the 203rd enjoy the benefits of eating pasta with a delicious sauce, accompanied by quality wine.

Pony Theme of The Week will be Ponies Being Silly

The Room is Ready and Running!

John Elway
Hiya folks, running a little late tonight but here is our movie schedule:

Merrie Melodies: Tortoise Beats Hare
Wodehouse Playhouse: Voice From the Past

Saga of Tanya the Evil: The Movie

Movie of the anime series we've been watching in Flappy's stream.

S1 episode 11 - Winter Wrap Up
G1 shorts - Bright Lights pts 1 and 2

S2 episodes 34 and 35: "Mark of the Panther" and "The Sentinel"

Real Nigga Hours:
More episodes of Carnivale if anyone is both interested and awake
I usually miss Movie Night, but I'd like to take a moment to recommend Inside Out 2. I saw it with family today, and it was pretty good.
John Elway
Maybe at some point. I'm not sure about streaming something that recent.
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Any chance we could watch Gus (1976)? Very fun movie starring an equine
John Elway
I think that was requested awhile ago. It sounds like a fun movie, however I've been trying to download it for literal weeks now and there are like no reliable seeds. It's barely up to 1.2%. If you know where I could find it, I'd be happy to show it.
Other than having a physical DVD I'm out of leads too, sorry.
It is available on streaming sites, a download will be difficult. If you stream via obs, that might work. Example link
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Hi Dudes.

We've wrapped up Tanya The Evil for now. There's supposed to be a new season coming up at some point, but I don't think it's out yet. That means we'll be starting something else for a while.
There's an older show that's a cult classic, and I think it might fit the vibe of the night. It's called Undergrads. It's non-woke creator-driven animation, from before that “Death of creator-driven animation” article came out that led so many of us to check out MLP in the first place.
It's a regular enough night, with 22 minutes of instrumental music titled “World of Color” to start us off. The video/audio is reuploaded by WinterRose, and they named LoreRD as the original author in the comment section.


Episode 01 - Party
Four high-school friends try to maintain their friendship as they go to separate colleges. Nitz runs into his long-time high-school crush Kimmy Burton, discovers that she's a member of the Drama department, and wants to meet her at a dorm mixer, but she might have a thing for Mark, the Drama Guy whom she doesn't know is gay. Rocko wants to get into a Fratenity, and insists on passing an initiation they don't have. Gimpy vows to spend all year in his dorm and gets his fellow nerds to spy on Rocko, while Cal is too swamped with girls hitting on him.

Episode 02 - Traditions
Nitz snubs college traditions like the Exposed Expo, where students run around naked on campus during the first snowfall, then changes his mind when he discovers that Kimmy Burton is joining--until he puts on some extra weight. Gimpy slams traditions week at Techerson Tech, until Rita the R.A. makes fun of him, then vows to prove himself to be the new "traditions master" with help from his minions.


The theme of the week is Ponies in Blankets. Take care of yourself out there, guys.

Thanks Flappy, going to not make it this time, hopefully I'll be able to join in next time.
unfortunately also not going to make it this week, my bud is back from his last boomer patrol so its PARTY TIME
John Elway
Hey all, here is tonight's schedule:

Merrie Melodies - Goofy Groceries
Wodehouse Playhouse - Anselm Gets his Chance

Maverick (1994)

Based Mel Gibson time travels to the old west so he can beat the Jews at poker

S1E11 - Call of the Cutie
G1 - Bright Lights parts 3 and 4

S2 eps 36 and 36 - Pendragon, Eye of the Storm
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Thanks for calling ahead, Occult. Have a good night.

And thank you, too, Anon. Party Hard!
John Elway
I actually have some good news regarding Gus. I tried a downloader for ok.ru and couldn't get the link to save, but in a weird bit of serendipity I did come across a DVD that has Gus + three other Don Knotts movies. So, barring any unforeseen circumstances, we will most likely be watching Gus this week. We will probably do the rest of these as well at some point in the near future.