Can we talk about getting an AnCap/Libertarian OC? Since the NatSocs have Aryanne, I figure it makes sense that we get a pone too, also being an important demographic of /mlpol/ and /pol/.
179 replies and 59 files omitted.
>>752>>753I got bored and did a painting of it
gotta add another coat once this dries
>>754Wonderful, keep doing Kek's work. Also, checked.
>>754Holy shit good work.
>21877Dubs proves that Kek approves
>Leslie Fair
God tier name right there
There's a new namefag in town boys
need moar mlp helis pls so i can shoooooop ancap ponies
>>762shoop this getting tossed/hanging on
>>763Hanging on with Aryanne about to stamp her face in with her jack booted hoof.
>>763here ya go
>>764I would need such an aryanne pls
fuck it i'll post the full size; I'm lazy
>>651Good OC's are hard to make. Since you seem to have settled for Ancapone, I would suggest to just stick with it and maybe contact her creator on DA, maybe he will make some new art for her now?
>>769I'll try, but I don't think he's active anymore.
Also, holy shit that OC.
I tried to make OC recently because people do a fuckload of it here and I love it but I didn't have pony vectors yet to make /mlpol/ related stuff
>>773Why is Porky being thrown out?
>>667Leslie Fair is a very good name.
I think everyone in this thread should be aware of this thread >>>/r/204 on the Requests board
>>735"Lassez Faire": It's a French term that roughly means "let it be". It's associated with libertarian economic policies.
>>776Still nothing, unfotunately.
>>780The eyes are very appropriate for that character
I fucked my propotions up, so now she's extra thicc.
Leslie meets an ancom pone
>>785I didn't even know AnCom had a pony
>>786>>786Everything is pony you fool
>>788No, I just recolored Leslie Fair to make her look like an AnCom for laughs.
>>789AnCom doesn't even have a pony. What a pathetic ideology
>>776>>778Does anyone have a suggestion for a pose or a scene? I'll pick up the request.
>>791anything showing pussy and crotchtits
>>793Truly the crowning achievement of the fanbase. /mlpol/'s mastery in the art of drawing is unparalleled.
>>791either draw this right or kill me please
my misery must be ended somehow
A gift to the collective of libertarians for their individual desires.
>>797Please don't do anything dangerous, anon.
>>798Thank you based OC anon <3