Can we talk about getting an AnCap/Libertarian OC? Since the NatSocs have Aryanne, I figure it makes sense that we get a pone too, also being an important demographic of /mlpol/ and /pol/.
179 replies and 72 files omitted.
>>653just grab a couple tutorials and give it a shot you nigger.
There's an ancap pony for sure already.
Green background one is oc I made.
>>658Uh no, czaroslaw90 on deviantart created her, but no name in any descriptions.
>>659Well, I looked, and it doesn't look like her account is very active. Maybe it's time we give this pony a name, and start drawing and posting her around.
>>662Im down with it. Id say respell first name as:
Lazy is ick. This way its kind of like daisy. True source spelling is laissez
>>664How about Lezzie Fare
Laissez faire joke
Fare as in cost and capitalism.
Lezzie so not lazy but makes tge name intuitive for english speakers. Idk.
How about "Leslie Fair"? That sounds nice.
Nice try goys, but it's no Aryanne.
>>657>not editing the book to say pony actionhow many levels of pleb are you on my dude?
>>672you think that's funny you son of a bitch
>>667Yes Leslie Fair is best name.
>>670>>670Fine god damn nigga mods.... making me step up.
>>671Talk about some
Pony Action>>672yeah that was actually my first panel of ponifying that.
>>675Eww altbrony
>>673Well I thought it was funny
>>680No, I meant the Argentine flag poster name-fagging as "AltBrony," a user who was banned from and chased off of this site ten or so days ago
>>682just don't be a faggot and everything is cool
>>682Yeah I know it was not the real Alt Brony and it was a joke. That's why I said it was funny
>>685Did you think it was him? The actual AltBrony would have written a considerable amount of text in somewhat choppy english, and wouldn't have posted an anarcho-capitalist meme as that is ideologically unpure. Lurk moar.
>>681AltBrony was never chased off you fool.
>>692But the episode is about overcoming prejudices...
>>695That is a good meme for mlpol
>>696A Zebra is not a Pony says Twilight.. and if ponies are the representation of human society, then ...
Ns are not human.
>>697I can kind of see that. Though they come to the conclusion that Zecora is welcome at the end
>>697fuck dude I never realized that.
>>699only because she cures them with their stereotipical mambo jambo voodoo stuff haha .
Still out in everfree forest because rest of ponyville dont know this