Can we talk about getting an AnCap/Libertarian OC? Since the NatSocs have Aryanne, I figure it makes sense that we get a pone too, also being an important demographic of /mlpol/ and /pol/.
179 replies and 64 files omitted.
>>701True. She remains segregated. Though the town let's her introduce the children to Nightmare Night
Would you like to... engage in voluntary interaction?
I warned y'all I wasn't an artist.
>>698you forgot to namefag homie
>>703Kill it now. flush it down the toilet
Also, here's a speedpaint of my shitty art, just like a real artist might show.
>>703Lol you did the back leg well thats hardest for me.
Now, we need to start making vector reaction images of Leslie Fair. Once that is accomplished, the next step is obvious.
>>710I'm a third of the way into creating something, kind of a scrubnub artist, so don't hold your breath for high quality :P
Here's an edit. Not much good, but it's a start.
>>678Did you draw that? That's really fucking good and your post is underrated af.
>>715This shit triggered my OCD, I like original Artists color palate. SO I had to do this.
>>719That looks a lot better, thanks.
>>651you nigs already have offical characters that fill the position
>>722sorry forgot to add the images
>>723>Being a commie>Saying sorryYou really are the ultimate leaf.
>>725I don't usually like country, but that was a damn good song.
Just finished some psuedo OC (Rerendition of pinkypie art)
>>729After seeing the horrors of Communism first hand Leslie Fair radicalized to be everything commies aren't.
>>668>Leslie FairWhat's exactly is this name based off of?
>>738Ten for a tuggy, twenty for a blowie, twenty five if the cameraman is gonna watch
>>740Who is the red and black pony?
>>741my homestuck trollsona donut steel
I made this one without tracing anything. A little less than great, but I like it.
Pinochet pony would be amazing