Can we talk about getting an AnCap/Libertarian OC? Since the NatSocs have Aryanne, I figure it makes sense that we get a pone too, also being an important demographic of /mlpol/ and /pol/.
179 replies and 72 files omitted.
We need more OC over here
>>831definitely, I'd also say we need at least 2 more quality pornographic images
>>831I really wish I could draw. If we could just build up a bigger stock of quality Leslie Fair images I could start shopping some memes together.
Have any of these been uploaded to derpibooru? I didn't find anything when I searched through the relevant terms.
>>834There is one image under the tag oc:leslie fair.
>>835>oc:leslie fair.Ah, saw that.
Do I need an account to upload images? These OCs deserve to some sunshine.
>>836No, but having an account can keep things in order.
>>837Ah. Are you familiar with the site's rules?
When i checked the help page, I saw that there seemed to be some pretty strict rules regarding the tagging and uploading of content. Would I run into any issues if I tried to mass-upload these memes?
>>838They probably have a system for limiting how many posts people can make at a time. We could probably organize some mass shitposting, though, if we had more people active at a time.
>>840Neat! We need more OC of this character
>>840Leslie looks like she's been huffing something fierce in these ones.
>>842She chose a bad week to quit sniffing glue.
>>845She's cute when she's disgusted.
Leslie Fair is disturbed by human central banks.
Should we introduce Leslie to the 4chan /mlp/?
>>857/mlp/ should learn of free market snekonomics. Yes.
It's happening. Get over there and post, everyone! Godspeed!
>>677This pic used to be on derpibooru, but now it's gone..
Did management shoah us?
Looks like the /mlp/ is gaining some traction.
>>865Unfortunately a lot of it is from commie rats.
>>866Whoever is defening Aryanne needs to pick up the slack. I'm having an easy time btfo'ing socialism with just mere questions. I might jump in myself.
I had myself quite the conversation in the /mlp/ thread. Should I cap it or what? I feel like there's room for examination. And, I don't want to feel like I contributed to a board I hate without contributing to this one.
>>87010/10 would repost in Fashwave thread.
>>870That message box on the bottom left is a great touch
>>870brilliant work, 10/10 would spend .02 bitcoin on.
Fresh propoganda for all of you
>>874That is an AMAZING picture. Very nice work