Can we talk about getting an AnCap/Libertarian OC? Since the NatSocs have Aryanne, I figure it makes sense that we get a pone too, also being an important demographic of /mlpol/ and /pol/.
129 replies and 49 files omitted.
>>780The eyes are very appropriate for that character
I fucked my propotions up, so now she's extra thicc.
Leslie meets an ancom pone
>>785I didn't even know AnCom had a pony
>>786>>786Everything is pony you fool
>>788No, I just recolored Leslie Fair to make her look like an AnCom for laughs.
>>789AnCom doesn't even have a pony. What a pathetic ideology
>>776>>778Does anyone have a suggestion for a pose or a scene? I'll pick up the request.
>>791anything showing pussy and crotchtits
>>793Truly the crowning achievement of the fanbase. /mlpol/'s mastery in the art of drawing is unparalleled.
>>791either draw this right or kill me please
my misery must be ended somehow
A gift to the collective of libertarians for their individual desires.
>>797Please don't do anything dangerous, anon.
>>798Thank you based OC anon <3
>>798Gonna make it a point to fap to this later
>>791I don't know, but her eyes remind me of a snake's.
>>805Very possibly the point. Don't tread on Leslie
>>805Digits confirm.
We need some snek eyes leslie
We just made memeball obsolete
It's too bad ponies don't wear gloves...
when you don't know how to spell tomahawk
Just read through this thread. I love this place.
Vaporwave style Leslie Fair art
Some Leslie Fair propoganda posters I designed.
>>823Glad to see we've got more new ones coming
Got any images with guns? I imagine Leslie prefers the bigger guns.
>>826I'll take a look for a fitting one
>>828I'll be sure to use that one.
We need more OC over here
>>831definitely, I'd also say we need at least 2 more quality pornographic images
>>831I really wish I could draw. If we could just build up a bigger stock of quality Leslie Fair images I could start shopping some memes together.
Have any of these been uploaded to derpibooru? I didn't find anything when I searched through the relevant terms.
>>834There is one image under the tag oc:leslie fair.
>>835>oc:leslie fair.Ah, saw that.
Do I need an account to upload images? These OCs deserve to some sunshine.
>>836No, but having an account can keep things in order.
>>837Ah. Are you familiar with the site's rules?
When i checked the help page, I saw that there seemed to be some pretty strict rules regarding the tagging and uploading of content. Would I run into any issues if I tried to mass-upload these memes?
>>838They probably have a system for limiting how many posts people can make at a time. We could probably organize some mass shitposting, though, if we had more people active at a time.
>>840Neat! We need more OC of this character
>>840Leslie looks like she's been huffing something fierce in these ones.
>>842She chose a bad week to quit sniffing glue.
>>845She's cute when she's disgusted.
Leslie Fair is disturbed by human central banks.
Should we introduce Leslie to the 4chan /mlp/?
>>857/mlp/ should learn of free market snekonomics. Yes.
It's happening. Get over there and post, everyone! Godspeed!
>>677This pic used to be on derpibooru, but now it's gone..
Did management shoah us?
Looks like the /mlp/ is gaining some traction.
>>865Unfortunately a lot of it is from commie rats.
>>866Whoever is defening Aryanne needs to pick up the slack. I'm having an easy time btfo'ing socialism with just mere questions. I might jump in myself.
I had myself quite the conversation in the /mlp/ thread. Should I cap it or what? I feel like there's room for examination. And, I don't want to feel like I contributed to a board I hate without contributing to this one.
>>87010/10 would repost in Fashwave thread.
>>870That message box on the bottom left is a great touch
>>870brilliant work, 10/10 would spend .02 bitcoin on.
Fresh propoganda for all of you
>>874That is an AMAZING picture. Very nice work