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I think I might have a problem
4047 4049 4050 4052 4055 4058 4134 4311 4365 4433
I tried to sneak a redpill into my pony fanfic, by including a scene in one chapter where someone argues with Glimmer over her dumb commie ideas, and the communist ideology is debunked.

I got carried away, so it's at 107,920 words right now, and only 80% finished.
291 replies and 126 files omitted.
4189 4365
I wish I was making this up.
4048 4061
slacktivist tbh
u wot m8?
That isn't the entire work, that's one chapter of my work.
4051 4053
Channeling your inner Rand there.
I meant characters
Beat me to it.

It hardly has to be said, but you're not really "sneaking a redpill in" at this point, OP. You could be the most amazing author who ever lived for all I know, but if it were me I'd be having doubts about if anyone would bother reading it.
You might want to consider a rewrite if the goal is influencing the reader. Or put in a [politics goes here] placeholder, move on with the story and come back to it later.
Characters getting into open arguments doesn't sneak in much of anything soince the whole point to to express ones point of view as loudly as possible. Sneaking in a red pill would be like a one or two phrase comment or statistic that directly relates to the events taking place or a clever comeback/joke to show displeasure for anothers line of thinking.

Here's an example that was explained to me by someone who watched Steven Universe, the mc is a cry baby bitch, but when he finally man's the fuck up instead of crying about issues he gets his powers or whatever. Another one was that the place they live in which is lead by a woman and has heroes which are all women is consistently falling to shit.

Of course I can't vouch for how accurate it is since I don't watch the show but if it is true that is a good example of how to do it.
The pubbies strike again.
Don't worry, HClegend btfos this idiot all the time.
Watch as he gets triggered.
4064 4365
You're still here, Hclegend? You're still lying? And you're still salty about getting told to stop spamming Glimmer by me a year ago?
That's actually pretty funny.
I, Battlebrit, diagnose you with Ligma.
It's funny that you think you're a good writer.
4057 4059
>1 post by this ID
>no argument, just libtard-tier personal insults and "hurr durr"ing
Nigel, calm down, all this salt can't be good for your blood pressure.
post pastebin nigger
>namefagging/one post by this ID
You DO know Reuben's a moderately popular green writer, right? And unlike you, people read his shit.

Seriously can you quit hurr durring about how everyone that doesn't like you is muh libtard that you somehow pwned epic style?
This nigger doesn't even have pastebin. He thinks fimfic is the only place he can post his shitty fics at.
This. You're not Voltaire. You're not this ingenius political commentator. You're an anon who can't shut his mouth. Nobody is gaining enlightenment from your circlejerking and so far nobody here has even expressed mild interest.

Fuck off to r/the_Donald, Nigel.
He actually regularly uses reddit and in a similar manner I'd imagine a twelve-year old 'expert modder' would.
He is so desperate for attention he basically tries to suck people off for it in these self-congratulatory premature reddit OPs or whatever they're called.
I, Battlebrit, am I prematurely self-congratulatory bitch.
I l-o-o~o-ve to act as if I actually think my words mean something coming from myself.
4067 4068
>thread hasn't even gotten to page 3 and people don't like me...
>let's make another thread about the exact same topic begging for positive reception! That won't piss anyone off.
4068 4069 4072
The first time he told us about his budding fimfic career I found his story with >muh autism based on his (wussy humblebragging) stat brags >muh likes and dislikes >muh ratio
You'd think a retard who'd by that point would know it's probably a good idea to stop prodding the autists, nope, shits up the main-board with two or three threads shilling his dumb fucking story. With random OP images too.
Must've interpreted my digging as positive encouragement.

I have his name, I have photos of him and if he hadn't returned with this 'new' story about Glimmerniggertry I might not have those (archives galore too).
Fuck you, fat piece of shit.

Oh sweety. #YouToo
4070 4071
File (hide): 243BE975E4F95D3EFAB2D12A4B68F00B-261400.mp4 (255.3 KB, Resolution:900x382 Length:00:00:04, Out Of Hand.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Out Of Hand.mp4
>two different IDS
>same flag
Whoa now. No need for doxing. Just contact a mod to get him banned if he persists. I believe in free information and that means not encouraging doxxing and threats of forced silencing.
4071 4075
I know right? I honest-to-god thought there was only one vril anon posting on the board this entire time.
There can be only one Vril. The Vril you see now killed the former Vril and ate every organ that was spherical, thus transferring the awesome powers into a new vessel.
dsp phil smile for the camera.png

You should see Nigels "high IQ" youtube channel. We have the spiritual child of DarkdysePhil here in our mids. over 5.000 (!) videos with literally no views.
I remember offering up writing advice to you, many months ago. A shame then, that you were never interested in improvement, only in crowing about your 'talents'.
Remove yourself from my board.
cute squid girl.jpg
Idiot. Cycle theory encompasses the subject study of many.

On the subject of anonymity:
Look, I don't want him banned, he's hilariously fun to poke, just to see if or how he'll sperg out.
I won't dox him either. (mods are based - (would spank)).

I believe in free information too and especially the importance of preserving anonymity (in an age where it is slowly on the down-trend and dying).
I'm not going to dox him, I hardly want to dox him, there's nothing particularly interesting to be garnered by doing it and it's an important value to me.

On the issue of Silver:
I just want to poke him and see him sperg, oh, mods will spank me for saying his name? but I only do it because it's hilarious and I wanna see him sperg.
It's not even a dox, I did nothing illegal to obtain it, didn't call his ISP and abuse a loophole in the flow of information to find out more about him or anything like that. This is all pretty public stuff (he has a very heavy footed internet-presence and history).

Let's call it what it is leddit (-dox's, doxx's and doxxx'es, oh my!) it's glorified web-page crawling.

When he first shilled his shit here I poked fun at him with his name and I fully expected him to remove his name from the public, instead he ignored it. If I was all '''dox'''-happy I would've already done it, if anything I'm being kind, for example; I have no interest in getting other people involved (who can't do it themselves) into digging around about 'EpsilonuuFivuuSevenruu' and I fully expected him to shoa his internet presence after something as profound (but uncompromising to his anonymity) as his name.
Considering this is the internet that kind of kindness, weakness and mercy is something nobody would usually expect or rely upon.

>(but uncompromising to his anonymity)
Did I mention his real name is a dead-end? His 'personal information' only goes so deep before abruptly stopping.
His name isn't some kind of gateway to further gathering of his personal information, it's basically just an identifier.
>muh anonymity
It's no more anti-thetical to his flexibility of anonymity on a site like mlpol.net than if I was to call, label and name him a 'dysgenic faggot' every-time I think it's him posting.

Besides, this is what he gets for saying I 'follow him around on old people subreddits' on fimfiction.net that one time!

Cute pony. Would-
I wasn't meaning to say you were already doxxing him, I was just saying don't take things too far. You can never be too sure with some people.

Also I wasn't defending his shitty behavior, and I wasn't saying anything about his heavy-footed history. I haven't even gotten into seeking info on him because it's not worth it to me. I just don't want to see something like what happened to Vernaculis on youtube, where his family and personal life totally concealed from his personality were put on blast because he said he was going to make a video about a controversy.
I'm speaking to everyone at large, you're being sound-boarded, I want my position to be clear infidel.
4079 4365
Oh hey, this is being bumped. Trying to give the impression that this Nontroversy is a far-reaching epidemic, are we?
The only far-reaching things I see are the butthurt Glimmer fans in the other thread. And this one, too, I suppose.
Nah, I just want my position to clear, you can read?
4081 4365
Your irrational self-congratulatory position on an issue you dreamed up out of nothing? Why would anyone care about your position on this nontroversy?
Stop the presses, everyone: MLP Fimfiction writer pisses off local Glimmer fancult by writing a chapter in which she is beaten up and called a loser.
Surely, this has never happened before.
You shouldn't have pissed us off six months ago, or six months before that, hell, you probably pissed us off before even that latter one at the conception of /mlpol/, you fucking degenerate.

You should respect Sunset Shimmer.
4083 4084 4365
Oh, no, I should not have pissed off the mighty 9gag army by...
Tell me you're joking.
Is there some kind of confusion here? Because I like Shimmer.
Sunset Shimmer is how you write a generic shit Gary Oak Knockoff villain and then salvage her through a well-written redemption arc that makes her a compassionate and considerate person who deserves her own show.
Horse Schoolgirls lost all its potential to be its own "Sunset Shimmer In Humanville Adventures" show by overselling the human version of the mane six: five shit knockoffs of the real deal and one alternate take on Twilight. That alternate take would be interesting, if she was allowed to develop in her own way, but all this "You must embrace the magic, forget science, and be like pony Twilight" crap just makes Sci-Twi feel like yet another Twilight Knockoff in a franchise already bogged down by an overabundance of Twilight knockoffs.
There are more Twilight knockoffs in MLPFIM than there are Ryu knockoffs in the Street Fighter series.
And Starlight Glimmer is just a Knockoff Sunset Shimmer used as a mask for shit writers who want to live out their "Tomoki from Heaven's Lost Property" fantasies in this show, of all shows.
Do you have a loicense for that post mate?
You shouldn't have pissed of the mighty 9/pone/ army, we will destroy you.
Sunset Shimmer is a poni you like? Nobody cares.
Eat more cum shitheel, EQG isn't cannon and Sunset Shimmer is better as a villain, redemption arcs are overdone.

Trixie should have been redeemed at the end of her arc, Sunset should have been the main character antagonist, instead you get no competing character interests and character conflict between the protagonists and antagonists who should have vested interest and provide the main source of character conflict.
Instead you get one-hit wonders like Tirek to shake things up and provide conflict in general, sad.

But I'm talking to somebody who actually watches a children's show and expects better from it and thinks what they currently have is or was ever good. What an idiot.

Die, barbiefag, this,
this is your mindset.
4094 4365
*dabs on hater*
You'd be just as pissed as you are now if I only included a 100-word scene where Silver laughs about the time he conned a corrupt government official out of cash and Glimmer laughs about the time she conned her idiot fanbase at Our Town out of their lives.
King Battle
4087 4093 4095 4105
Silver Star leaned against his totally awesome motorcycle and stared pensively up at the sky. The mares were all staring at him again, but that was to be expected.

"Everywhere I go," he sighed heavily to himself. And it was true. Ever since he had unmasked the nefarious scheme perpetrated upon this universe by the evil monster-in-pony-form Starlight Glimmer, and saved Equestria from a fate worse than death, all the mares in Ponyville were constantly staring at him as if they wanted to jump him and ravage his tasty no-nos, even more so than was usual for him. He sighed heavily again. Sometimes it was rough being a rich and handsome superpowered genius who was an all-powerful magician and time-travelling quantum physicist who could bend time and space to his will and was also the world's greatest ninja. He sighed heavily a third time, and cursed himself internally. He had noticed that the mares always got quivery in their no-nos whenever he sighed heavily while leaning against his super-awesome motorcycle looking moody, and had vowed never to do it again, if only for their benefit, yet here he was forgetting himself.

"Such is life," he said ruefully, pushing up his rad sunglasses with one hoof. Several mares swooned.

It had already been a month since he defeated the evil, horrible, no good awful yucky sweet Celestia I hate her so much Starlight Glimmer, and he realized that he was still just as glad to be rid of her as on the very first day he had sent her rocketing off to do penance for her evil ways. He recalled the sight of her stupid pony face, her ugly dum-dum mane with its stupid green highlights, the smugly-satisfied look of pure evil that was on her face every time she booped herself, and again he was filled with rage.

"I hate you so much, Starlight Glimmer!" he muttered, to nopony in particular.

He realized he needed to calm down. Just thinking of Starlight Glimmer always awoke in him feelings of uncontrollable rage, and he knew it was not good for a pony of his awesome power to forget himself like this. He could already feel the earth quaking beneath him as he inadvertently summoned powers so great they could destroy the entire universe, and he knew that he must not do this, even by accident, for to do so would make him almost as evil as that stupid ugly evil horrible no good pony Starlight Glimmer god I hate her, who was, as all ponies know, and as he had proven irrevocably to all who had not yet been enlightened, truly the worst pony of all.

To calm his nerves, he reached into his pocket dimension and pulled forth the gem. The orange gem. His gem. The gem belonging to him, Silver Star. Silver Star's gem, the gem that was his, the gem that was orange. A gem that had a particular color, and that color was orange, belonging to none other than Silver Star, the pony of that name. Him. He. The owner. The owner of the gem. The orangest of gems. Silver Star, who was he, the owner of that gem, pulled forth a gem belonging to him, and it was none other than that very gem. The orange gem, gemlike in nature, orange in color. Owned by he, him, Silver Star. The gem whose coloration was orange, and whose owner was none other than he, the pony known as Silver Star, owner of the gem. That gem. The gem of orangest orange, orange in color, orange in hue, saturation and value. Orangest of all orange was that gem, and it was in the possession, currently, of a pony. And that pony was he. Him. The pony named Silver Star. Who was, of course, the gem's owner. Which gem you ask? Why, the orange one of course. The orange gem, that is.

So lost was he in his contemplation of the gem that he almost didn't see Twilight Sparkle trotting eagerly towards him. Not wanting to accidentally blast her off into another dimension with his super cool magic gem, the orange gem, the gem containing magic power that was orange, and owned by he, Silver Star, he put it back into his pocket dimension.

"Oh, hello there Princess," he said casually, still leaning against his awesome motorcycle. He gave his rad sunglasses another push with his hoof and watched in mild satisfaction as Twilight's no-nos visibly quivered. "What are you doing here?"

Twilight stopped short.

"W-w-what?" she stammered, looking as if somepony had just kicked her in the crotchteats, "Aren't you here to pick me up?"

"Sorry," he said, "I forgot all about you. Sometimes I just like to park my totally awesome motorcycle outside random magic schools and lean against it while looking moody and cool. I just happened to be doing it here, at this moment, as you were getting out of this particular magic school where you were giving a lecture on the super-complicated magic spell I used to hurl the evil and horrible worst pony Starlight Glimmer into that alternate dimension!"
King Battle
4088 4093 4095 4105
Twilight's lower lip began to quiver. Her eyes filled with tears, and her flanks shook with embarrassment. Inside his head-quarters, one of the tiny Silvers enjoyed a hearty chortle at his mirthful teasing of his luscious little bride-to-be, so beautiful, so unlike that awful Starlight Glimmer god I hate her so much. Another tiny Silver raised his head above the cubicle wall in alarm.

"Hey! Cool it! You're going to blow it!!" he stammered.

"I can't help it! She's so cute when we tease her like this," another Silver laughed casually from a third cubicle.

"Still, we don't want to tease her too much," said yet another Silver, often the voice of reason among the group. "Just look at her."

The Silver Star of the non-meta world looked and saw that this Silver was right, for Twilight now looked as if somepony had just told her that the horrible Starlight Glimmer was going to be taking her out to dinner instead of him, the handsome and talented millionaire Silver Star. Tears were now streaming uncontrollably down her adorable, non-Glimmerlike face.

"Hey, dry those tears Princess! I was only foolin'!" laughed Silver, giving her a mirthful tap on the shoulder with his hoof. "Of course I'm here to see you, you goof! You didn't think I'd forget our date, did you?"

Twilight sniffled cutely, in a way that made Silver's no-nos expand a little.

"Oh, Silver," she said, "I know you wouldn't forget. You're too amazing to do that. It's just that...I saw you earlier. With Trixie."

Silver threw back his head and laughed heartily.

"Oh, is that what you were worried about? Don't give it another thought. That was one of my Silver Spares! You see, Trixie has been lonely and vulnerable ever since I showed her how wrong she was to not think that Starlight Glimmer was totally icky and the worst pony ever. I sent one of my Silver Spares to service her no-nos and comfort her through the grieving process, as only I know how to do."

"Do you mean it, Silver? I've seen the way the other mares look at you, and I just...I don't want anypony else to make your no-nos quiver like I make your no-nos quiver."

Silver laughed again.

"Rest assured, m'lady, that my no-nos are saving themselves for your no-nos, and your no-nos only."

Twilight could barely contain the shivering in her no-nos, and had to sit down. However the expression on her face was pure joy.

"Oh, Silver!" she cried, "You've made me the happiest mare in the world!"

Two hours later, they were sitting at a booth in the swankiest restaurant in Ponyville, eating the most expensivest meal.

"...and then I said to him, 'You're wrong! Glimmer is the worst pony ever! And then I told him why!"

They both laughed.

"Oh, Silver. You always know how to make me laugh." said Twilight, wiping a mirthful tear from her eye with a foreleg.

"But seriously though, Glimmer is the absolute worst pony ever." said Silver, his face getting all serious for a moment. "You can't ever forget that. Not even for a second."

"Yes. Of course. She is just awful."


"Dreadful. Worst pony in Equestria."

"Worst pony in the multiverse you mean!"

They laughed again.

King Battle
4089 4093 4095 4105
Then, suddenly, the ground around them began to shake. All the plates and dishes and stuff in the restaurant began to shake, rattle and roll. All the ponies began to flee in hysteria as a portal to another dimension opened up, and out stepped a pony that Silver thought he would never see again.

"It...it can't be!" he cried, clenching his hooves with rage. "It's impossible! Literally impossible! The spell I cast should have made it so you could never return here!"

The pony smiled.

"Oh, that?" she said. "That little spell of yours was easy enough to break. Foal's play, actually."

She trotted casually forward and booped herself. When all the other ponies saw who she was, they all screamed and ran out of the restaurant.

"You should have realized, Silver. You can't Shim Sham the Glim Glam!"

Starlight Glimmer booped forth, booping Silver with a mighty boop that would have shattered the soul of a lesser pony. Twilight cried out in terror as her beloved Silver was thrown back through the restaurant, knocking over all the tables and stuff so that there was a terrible mess on the floor that somepony would probably have to clean up later. A second later he hit the wall, and it became apparent that nopony would have to clean up the mess after all, not now, not ever; for Silver hit the wall with such force that a shock wave radiated out, destroying the entire restaurant.

Most ponies would have been killed, shattered into thousands of pony pieces, but Silver Star was made of sterner stuff. He was on his hooves in an instant, staring across the rubble-strewn wasteland that was once the most fashionable restaurant in Ponyville.

"Heh. Not bad." he said, pushing up his rad sunglasses. "I might have to use a tenth of my power to take you out. And this time, you're gonna stay down! Kōmon Shōkaki!"

In a flash, his zanpakuto sprang forth from nothingness, wielded probably with magic or something as horses do not have opposable digits and it is dumb to arm one with a sword in the first place. Glimglam laughed evilly, and summoned her own blade.

"Enough talk. Let us kung fu fight!"

She charged, rising up into midair in a flash of magical power.

"Inkei wa kuso de ōwa rete iru!" she cried, and her tetsusaiga burst forth into a thousand Glimmer legs, each one booping the boop of a thousand boops.

Undeterred, Silver charged to meet her midair, dodging the boops with lightning speed so that to Twilight, everything looked like a purple and silver blur. One of Glimmer's boops connected with Silver's Kōmon Shōkaki.

"Chokuchō no kaze!" cried Silver, and a burst of magical energy exploded from the blade, sending them both flying back. They both landed on their hooves and slid backwards until grinding to a stop in a cloud of dust, facing each other.

"Not bad, not bad." Silver said again. "I can see you had some tricks up your horse-sleeve that I didn't know about. But let's see how your power holds up against my super-secret attack!"

He lept into the air, summoning forth the mighty power of his ancestors, who were also all super powerful genius scientist ninjas and also Grand Mages. Channeling their hatred for the eternal Glimmernigger into his blade, he called forth the name of his lethal final attack.

"Silver Star Anti-Glimmernigger Ninja School Finishing Move: Watashi no kao o benki ni tsukatte KUDASAI!!!"

A burst of cold blue fire exploded from the center of the blade. Lightning crackled all around Silver as he summoned his power, then sent it forth in a single, terrible wave of destruction that none could possibly stand against. He somewhat hoped that Twilight wasn't still standing around watching the fight somewhere within the blast radius, because it occurred to him that it would totally suck if she got vaporized before he even got to play with her no-nos.

The mighty blast shakes the heavens and earth for what feels like eternity, bathing everything in a blinding blue-white light of pure destruction. As it subsides, Silver stands on all four hooves, breathing heavily, peering into the impenetrable cloud of swirling dust that whirls around him in the wake of the destruction.
King Battle
4090 4093 4095 4105
Surely, nopony could have survived that... he thought.

He sees the soft edged silhouette of a female pony walking towards him.

"Twilight?" he says hopefully.

The pony stops just before him. She reaches out her hoof and--


A soft boop. A light boop. A mocking boop. The dust settles, and Silver can finally see who the pony standing before him really is.

"No...it can't be...!"

Silver fell down onto his haunches, all of his strength expended in that last attack. Glimmer stood before him, completely unharmed, looking down at him with open disdain.

"I tried to warn you, Silver," she said. "You can't Shim Sham the Glim Glam!"

She booped him again, hard enough to sap the last shreds of his strength.

Silver collapsed completely to the ground. The fight was completely gone from him. He could only stare up helplessly as she stood triumphantly over him.

"And now it's time for my finishing move." She booped herself again for good measure. "You see, as it turns out, you're not the only one who understands quantum interdimensional travel, Silver! I can play that game too! And now, I would like to introduce you to a little place I like to call 'The Universe of a Thousand Dicks!'"

Glimglam trotted gaily around and stood over him, her no-nos just above his haunches. He couldn't move his body, but he turned his head and gazed in horror as Glimmy's no-nos began to change...and expand. Naturally, Silver, being the world's handsomest millionaire, was also the most well-endowed pony in all of Equestria, in this universe and all the universes; however, it now seemed that he had dropped to second place.

Silver could only groan helplessly in protest as Glimmy mounted him from behind.

"Time to Glim Glam in your jim jam!" she said pleasantly, and began to push her hateful, evil, Glimmyglam stallion no-nos into his bad place. A crowd of mares had gathered around, probably because the giant cloud of destruction was not something that was often seen in Ponyville. Also, it was still dinnertime and many ponies were probably coming to the restaurant to eat, only to find that it had been destroyed.

"Wow, it sure is a shame that the restaurant was destroyed!" said Lyra to Bon Bon, who were both approaching the restaurant hoping for a nice hot meal. "We saved up all our bits for a month just so we could come here and get the expensivest meal!"

"I know!" said Bon Bon. "Also, what's that going on? Is that Silver Star? And...Starlight Glimmer?!?"

All the ponies were there, standing in a circle around the ruins of the fanciest restaurant in Ponyville, watching with curiosity the scene unfolding before them. Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Trixie, Lyra, Bon Bon, Derpy, and all your favorite cartoon pals were there, staring as Starlight Glimmer performed her strange new magic show. Princess Twilight Sparkle clambered her way up from under a pile of rubble, searching for her lost love.

"Silver? What happened? I almost died in that blast of destruction you caused but fortunately I remembered that you are supposed to duck and cover in those situations so that's what I did, and--oh! What's going on, Silver?"

She stood watching curiously as Starlight Glimmer pushed her long, throbbing, impossibly thick wrong-gender no-nos deeper and deeper into Silver's bad place while Silver could only groan in protest. Suddenly a stallion trotted into view and all the ponies turned to see who it was.

"Twily!" called Shining Armor. "Hey, I'm sorry to bother you, but Cadance got all tingly in her no-nos thinking about how super awesome Silver Star is, and she sent me down here to find one of those Silver Spares to service her for a while. She's gonna be pretty mad if I come back without one. Any idea where I could find--hey, wait a minute, what's going on here?"

He stopped short and joined the crowd of onlookers. Silver groaned in pain and humiliation and tried to cover his face with his hooves, but Glimmer batted them away and pinned his front legs down with her own.

"None of that now!" she cried gleefully. "We want everypony to see, now don't we?"

"I've got one last trick up my horse-sleeve, Glimmer!" Silver stammered out. "S-silver Spares!"

He threw his last ounce of strength into summoning as many Silver Spares as he could. They appeared and started charging their power to attack, but Glimmer only laughed.

"Oh, that's right. I can do that too! Glimmy Glam Glam Glozzle!"

She tore open a rift in the space time continuum, and thousands upon thousands of Glimmers, from every conceivable version of reality, poured through, booping themselves and each other. Each of them sprouted a mighty Glimdong, and soon the Silver Spares were pinned down in a fashion as humiliating as the original.
King Battle
4091 4093 4095 4105
"No...you can't do this...you can't....you're......worst......pony......"

In Silver's headspace, red siren lights were flashing and alarm bells were ringing as tiny Silvers ran around in panic and confusion.

"The enemy has breached the perimeter!" cried one Silver. "Any news from the front?"

"Forget the front! It's the back we're concerned about!"

Suddenly, a door burst open and one of the Silvers from the basement levels sprang into the control room.

"Sir!" he cried to nopony in particular. "The...the enemy...it's too late...advanced so far, there was nothing we could do...the rear guard is completely wiped out! Annihilated!"

"What do we do?" cries a panicked Silver, nearly in tears, who just a couple of hours before had been so smugly amused at the teasing of a young Princess.

"There's nothing we can do!" cried the basement crewman in despair.

Full pandemonium broke out. Multiple Silvers were abandoning the office, gathering up as much sanity as they could lay their hooves on and diving out through any opening they could find, never to return again. Back in the real world, the original Silver Star was lying on the ground in a semi-catatonic state, a thin ribbon of drool dribbling out of the corner of his mouth, making unintelligible noises as the Glimglamming intensified. Most of the Silver Spares were gone now, and the thousands of Glimmers were standing around booping each other.

"Ah...yes...there we go..." Glimmer was panting hard now, lost in the ecstacy of triumph. "Almost there...and a one, and a two, and a....Glim Glam Sha BAM!!"

Her mighty Glimdong exploded into the depths of Silver's body. Silver Star let out an ear piercing shriek that could be heard all the way to Canterlot as Glimmy filled up his bad place with literal gallons of best pony. The ground shook. The ponies gathered around, now numbering in the thousands (not even counting the thousands of Glimmer clones) stood and watched in silent awe as Glimmer pumped the last of her mighty load into Silver. The defeated Silver lay on the ground, panting, groaning unintelligibly. He would never be the same again.

Glimmy pulled out and stepped back, her massive, dripping no-nos already receding into the void from whence they came, returning to the regular no-nos of a mare. Princess Twilight approached her timidly, her eyes cast shyly at the ground.

"Wow, Starlight! I never knew you could do that!" she said, her no-nos visibly quivering to Silver's dismay. "Would you...would you like to hang out some time? I don't know why, but it...it just seems like you're a really great pony all of a sudden."

"Yeah!" chimed in Applejack. "Starlight, you are the best pony Equestria has ever known. We'll always be friends with you."

"Coolest pony in Equestria!" cried Rainbow Dash.

"Hear hear!" boomed a familiar voice.

"Princess Celestia!" cried all the ponies in unison.

The Princess of Equestria descended from the heavens and landed gracefully, tucking her wings to her side and approaching Starlight.

"Starlight Glimmer," she said, "For the valor you have shown today, I hearby relinquish my title and pronounce you Princess of all Equestria, which shall from this day forth be called Glimmernigeria! All other Princesses are now subordinate to you, and you may do with them as you please!"

Twilight Sparkle stepped forward shyly.

"As the Princess of Friendship, I hearby pledge my no-no regions to you, now and forever. Do with me as you please! And that goes for all of my friends as well!"

"Hear hear!" cried Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy.

The ponies of Equestria all bowed and paid homage.

"All hail best pony! All hail best pony! All hail best pony!"

Pinkie Pie suddenly pulled a party cannon from some dimension beyond the stars and blasted confetti all over the place.

"Hey everypony! Let's all head back to Sugar Cube Corner and have us a Glimmer is Best Pony Par-TAY!!"

The ponies cheered, raised Glimmer on their backs triumphantly, and trotted gaily off towards Sugar Cube Corner, a crowd of 1000 Glimmer clones trailing behind, booping themselves in rhythm as they marched. Silver watched them go, still unable to move. He threw back his head and let out a mighty wail of despair, except that all the sound he could muster was a tiny, almost inaudible moan.

"Pssh. Are you still here?" He looked up to see Lyra Heartstrings standing above him, glaring down with an irritated look on her face. "What are you lying around for? Start cleaning up this mess you made with your stupid battle scene!"

Bon Bon trotted into view and glowered at Silver alongside her friend.

"Yeah. We saved up all our bits for a month just to eat at this restaurant, and then you go and destroy it with a dumb anime battle. Good thing Best Pony was here to save the day!"

"Yeah!" cried Lyra, and they both trotted off, laughing gaily to each other.

Silver closed his eyes, a single tear rolling down his cheek. After what felt like hours, he heard the sound of hoofsteps next to his head. He opened his eyes.

"S-Sunset Shimmer?" he croaked out, as the pony standing before him came into focus. "I-I always liked you. Please help."

Sunset Shimmer glared down at him, and spat.

"You suck, Silver Star."


I agree
textbook definition of EPIC
4096 4148
Opera Snapshot_2018-08-23_100835_mlpol.net Glimmernigel The Final Battle Glimmernigger MLPOL Fanfic.png
Riker clapping.gif
loli towel thumbs up.jpg
batman thumbs up.gif


Stunning and Brave. An instant modern classic of equine literature and a new hallmark of MLPOL. Finally, Social Justice has been served. I hereby vow that I will republish this on every website I know, with references to the author and his works.

All hail Queen Starlight Glimmer and the Banana Republic of Glimmernigeria!!!

4107 4112
Can I steal that and upload it to Fimfiction?
Because if you won't do it I think someone should, it's too good not to disseminate with optimal comedic timing.
Although Silver Star would have to become Star Silver.

>derails self
Words cannot express the love I have for thee at this moment.
4097 4099 4108 4148
I get that you probably wanted me to be pissed off over this, but the first chapter was actually kinda funny. I'll read the rest later.
Great job, man! I'm glad I inspired you to be creative.
Seems he always has been while your work still lacks
4099 4101 4106 4108 4112 4148 4365
Alright, I read the whole thing, and it went downhill quickly.

I thought you were going to do something creative with the whole "this character thinks he's the coolest" thing, but then you didn't. You just wrote the self-indulgent fapfic you believe my work is. You wrote what my work appears to be, in your eyes. And then your Glimmy tulpa felt slighted by my work, so you added a scene where Glimmer magically recovers from losing my magic and molests someone bigger and physically stronger than her. It's kind of disappointing, really.

Portals aren't exactly complex, Glimmer lost most of her magic near the end of the chapter in a way that would allow me to write a "Glimmer learns moral lessons as a weakling who cant magic her way through everything and might gain a cutie mark in temporal repair" story if I ever felt like it, I'm not familiar with Bleach(Zanpakutos are from that, right?), and Silver's Spares barely have 1hp each, they would break apart into wisps of magic blue smoke if you patted one on the back too hard.

But the comedic timing of the first chapter was good. Get over your blind love for Glimmer and desire to whiteknight for her, and you could be a great writer some day.

4102 4365
I don't get it
Why did autocorrect change "her magic" to "my magic"?
It's a satire portraying the immaturity and low level of your work, it took you a considerable amount of time to realize that *maybe* you will not like what he wrote.
4104 4105 4106 4108 4112 4365
But that isn't how satire works. To use simple terms, you smeared shit on a canvas and said that's what my art is.
Sure, that's what it is to you. But it isn't for you, and I could only make this for you by making my story into exactly what y'all wrote: more nonsensical "Glimmer is teh best" trash.
You didn't even parody my work right. It started off as one, painting Silver as a motorcycle-riding bad boy everyone lusts over, but...
It seems that you pissed yourself off while writing this. Emphasizing his ego to the point of absurdity was funny, but emphasizing how much he hates Glimmer... There are jokes that can be made about this. But you didn't make any jokes about it. You just emphasized Thrackerzod's skin tone- I mean Silver's dislike of Glimmer and called it a day.
Well, you didn't exactly call it a day. You wrote "Glimmer sucks" so many times, you had to write a "Glimmer molests him and is loved by all" fapfic to calm yourself down. Then you called it a day.
I mean, really. You could have made the obvious joke, you could have had Silver take Glimmer's sue status and end up the way he was before you derailed your own fic, that would have been funnier.
I get that this was written to "totally btfo me", but this is leftist-tier comedy.
Trump. Donald Trump. Dolan Thrackerzod.
Soy. Is that also censored here?
This. This is true art.

>not getting any sort of lesson
File (hide): A145E3294557D91F65E1F5C002C4FD6A-1358047.mp4 (1.3 MB, Resolution:640x360 Length:00:00:16, Curse ye hame ha Chris Chan.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Curse ye hame ha Chris Chan.mp4

>"You dont even get humour!", moos the lolcow as it damage controls your mockfic.
King Battle
Save it, it's all yours my friend.
Wow. For just one brief, fleeting second it almost looked like you were going to learn something there.
>more nonsensical "Glimmer is teh best" trash.
>You just emphasized Thrackerzod's skin tone- I mean Silver's dislike of Glimmer and called it a day.
>leftist-tier comedy


>Get over your blind love for Glimmer and desire to whiteknight for her, and you could be a great writer some day.

The unbelievable, universe-shattering, sides-obliterating salt on display. This was probably the best thing to wake up to in months. No, years. You sir, are the right-wing equivalent of the chick who attended Trump's inauguration to scream "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" So absolutely unaware of any facet of personality, worldview or politics beyond yourself that anyone who isn't an exact clone of your idealized self with the same taste in media, the same caveman's range of words, the same pleb-tier understanding of nationalism, fascism, social justice retardation, race, and muh horseshoe must be a harcore SJW who has a life-sized Glimmer they bought from BigSexyPlush.

I would rather spend my life as a human-interests editor at Al Jazeera than edit a single one of your works. That mockfic had you down pat.
drama alert.jpg
4112 4114 4115 4118 4124 4128 4130 4135 4136 4142 4152 4154 4157 4158 4162 4173 4187 4189 4191 4197 4198 4201 4208 4210 4211 4212 4230 4231 4267 4269 4273 4274 4275 4278 4283 4301 4308 4309 4313 4316 4321 4322 4324 4327 4339 4348 4362 4364 4365 4367 4372 4373 4379
What am I supposed to learn here? That a bunch of whiny and hypocritical Glimmer fanboys love to project? I already knew that.
What, exactly, am I supposed to "Learn" from you "Enlightened Commissar Teachers"?
That I'm a fool for not loving Glimmer and Communism as much as you? That I'm a fool for not being what you consider cool? Why do you feel entitled to not only my respect, but my reverence?
You children barely have the comedic understanding that made Epic Movie what it was.
What am I supposed to say, "Haha wow ok sorry guys looks like I made Silver too much like your version of him"? He acts cooler than he is, that's an aspect of his character. Something that flew over your head, it would seem.
You'd say that no matter what his name was, because that's the level of literary understanding you pseuds operate on. If it has Bad Tropes, like The OP OC, it is a Bad Story. It should include Good Tropes that you like, instead.
You say you hate it when writers "Won't take your criticism", but what you really mean is that you hate it when writers won't take your criticism as gospel.
You aren't entitled to representation. You aren't entitled to a pat on the back and a "Good job!" for saying you don't like the taste of OCs because of what your circlejerk says about all OCs, regardless of quality. You aren't entitled to my time. And I don't really care what words and tropes and other badwords you call me on this site or any other site. You aren't my target audience. Do you know who does want you as their target audience? Youtubers who post slideshows of reddit screencaps.
If you want me to turn my story around and rework it for your precious, delicate sensibilities, pay me.
King Battle
4113 4116
Also if you need a profile image, I would urge you to use this one, of my personal OC Silver Star. Silver Star is a super ultra rad motorcycle bad ass with a heart of gold. But he's also humble. And a scientist. Did I ever tell you about the time he went on a date with Twilight Sparkle and spent the whole date talking about troll physics? Man, it was great. There's really a lot you can learn from this OC, I hope you like him.

I don't know who you are or why you're on this board impersonating me, but I really think you need to get over yourself. All I wanted to do was post a piece of original fiction I wrote that I think has a really great message if you give it a chance. You seem to be interpreting it as some kind of satire of your work. Sorry, but I'm afraid I've never heard of you. My name, though, is King Battlebrit, and I am a prolific author of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic-inspired original fiction, and I think you could learn a lot from my work if you give it a chance. Allow me to provide an in-depth explanation of this work for you, so that you may better understand it and possibly even further advance the quality of your own work, if you're indeed a writer that is.

As I mentioned, you seem to think this work is some kind of low-effort satire of your work. Nothing could be further from the truth. This is a completely original piece of fiction written to make a complex statement on the subject of urban decay, featuring my ultra-rad OC Silver Star, whom you seem to have misinterpreted as some kind of ironic parody of a similar character you came up with. Again, I apologize if you misunderstood, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to claim independent invention here. See pic related if you would like a visual reference, I'm sure it should clear up any misunderstandings about similarities to your work.

In any case, the central focus of this story is the restaurant, and it's eventual destruction by forces outside the control of its management staff. The phrase "less is more" has always been a central tenet of my literary philosophy, and I always like to incorporate elements into my work that you don't always see. This particular restaurant is, as the story mentions, the best restaurant in Ponyville, neigh Equestria. It's owner, an aging Earth Pony by the name of Emerald Whiskers, is a tough-as-nails old pony who has seen it all. He is, might I add, rather famous for his emerald colored whiskers. He spent his whole life building up that restaurant, in an endless, Sisyphean struggle against hostile government regulation, mob interference and the like. Read Atlass Shrugged by Ayn Rand to get a better picture of what I am talking about. In the end, though, it was all in vain as his restaurant was eventually destroyed during the ebin battle between Starlight Glimmer and my personal OC, Silver Star.

To add to the tragedy, Lyra and Bon Bon, a pair of hardworking mares who scrimped and saved for an entire month just to enjoy one single meal at a fancy restaurant, arrive finally on the day they had set, only to find the restaurant in ruins. Can you imagine how crushed they would be? Not even by the flying debris that was launched through the air during Silver's final attack, although that would cause the tragic death of several ponies, who were regrettably unable to attend Glimmer's eventual coronation due to being dead. No, they were metaphorically crushed, emotionally damaged beyond repair, all because one selfish pony wanted to have an ebin anime battle in the middle of Ponyville's expensivest restaurant.

Incidentally, if you would like to learn more about the art and craft of writing, I would direct your attention to the subtle plot building I did near the top of post >>4088, where it says, and I quote: "Twilight cried out in terror as her beloved Silver was thrown back through the restaurant, knocking over all the tables and stuff so that there was a terrible mess on the floor that somepony would probably have to clean up later." At the end of the narrative, you'll note that Silver is then tasked with the moral burden of cleaning up the rubble of the restaurant he destroyed. And the ponies who give him that task are none other than the unintended victims of his actions, Lyra and Bon Bon. It's a literary technique called "foreshadowing," and it sets the tone early on for the eventual resolution of the moral conflict the story introduces. Read The Turn of the Screw by Henry James to get a better picture of what I am talking about.

>I'm not familiar with Bleach(Zanpakutos are from that, right?)
Bleach is an epic drama penned by Tite Kubo, whom many regard as the F. Scott Fizgerald of modern Japan. Much like Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto, it is a fascinating tale, essentially Dragon Ball Z but with different characters, that draws upon overused tropes of the Shonen genre without contributing anything significant to it. I deeply feel that it is something you would enjoy.
4115 4365
So, this is happening. Great.
Am I "Btfo"d yet?
Jesus, the left really can't meme.
>what lurn
Glad you asked!
>He acts cooler than he is, that's an aspect of his character
Sounds like OP to me
>You aren't entitled to representation. You aren't entitled to a pat on the back and a "Good job!" for saying you don't like the taste of OCs because of what your circlejerk says about all OCs, regardless of quality
Ditto, except replace "saying [...] all OCs" with "writing another fic"
>You aren't my target audience
Then fuck off. You say you 'don't care' (or whatever the literal quote is) and yet it is obvious you do by the extraordinary lengths you will go to try and plead your case to an audience which seems increasingly adversarial.
This whole scenario is particularly amusing to me because I've just spent hours bingeing on Gordon Ramsay, and the comparison between you and many of the chefs/owners/managers who he literally has to berate sense into is astonishing.
Yes, actually

>t. guy who took you seriously and gave you (and will continue to give) honest suggestions that might help you improve your writing if you'd stop sperging for just one fucking second

I love you man holy shit
What was uploaded there?
Wubba lubba dubdub my dude. Whenever they lift your ban, I'd love to share my Rick and Morty edits. I even got a shirt, to show my status as a high-IQ reddit friend! :^]
It was a screencap of Battlebrit's fic. I think someone reported it :^)
4121 4123 4128 4130 4135 4136 4142 4152 4154 4158 4162 4173 4187 4189 4191 4197 4198 4201 4208 4210 4211 4212 4230 4231 4267 4269 4273 4274 4275 4278 4283 4301 4308 4309 4313 4316 4321 4322 4324 4327 4339 4348 4362 4364 4365 4367 4372 4373 4379
>>He acts cooler than he is, that's an aspect of his character
>Sounds like OP to me
Stopped reading there. You really don't understand what the word means. But that's alright, I won't call you out. I'll just skip over posts from this ID.
But could you tell the others here why you feel it "BTFO"s me when some Glimmer fan decides to mockingly imitate what I either am, or seem to be conflated with for the sake of convenience?
If that's all you see when you read my posts, why bother reading them? Why not close your eyes, open up Notepad, and type about how hard you're laughing at the cringiest mooiest thing you can imagine there?

And to the other gommies here...
I'm used to debating politics on the internet. I'm used to seeing crying hypocrites claim that I'm this or that, or that I need to stop acting in this or that way, and there's never any substance to these liberal arguments. It's always "I feel you're a X", "I feel you need to stop being so Xish", "I feel you're so triple-hilarious megalmao-level wrong that I don't need to explain why", that sort of garbage.
I wrote a chapter where Glimmer, instead of going back to her home planet, is sent to what her new home planet should be. I knew this would get some crossdressing panties in a twist, and it did. What would I gain by taking their screeching projections seriously?
You keep using those words, I no think they mean what you think they mean. Stating an opinion three paragraphs into a factual rebuttal doesn't make it an argument from feelings. Insulting you after showcasing in-depth the sweet nectar that has been spilling from your kek-teat does not make it ad-hominem.

I have an idea: delete system32 and spend a week reading fascist literature. Maybe by the end of it you'll be a bit better at being a member of the alt-right you seem to like gatekeeping for while telling others they're gatekeepers.
Nigel. Honey. Sugarplum. I don't appreciate you insulting my fellow horsefuckers-in-arms like this, much less my Commonwealth brothers from another mother.
You will cease and desist all of your outrageous attacks on the character of my friends this instant, or I will be forced to curse you with my dark, >leafy >green sorcery.
Oh right, cuz I can't just reset my router n shit
File (hide): 12AB867062F2D715EE1891E2AF9FC923-610468.mp4 (596.2 KB, Resolution:1280x720 Length:00:00:04, DSp worthless humans.mp4) [play once] [loop]
DSp worthless humans.mp4

>You children barely have the comedic understanding.
>You aren't entitled to my time.
>You aren't my target audience. (are we "over", too? .0.)
>your precious, delicate sensibilities
>pay me.

Get out of here, Sean Bradley Dickenson. This thread is about King Battlebrit and his glorious Glimmernigeria fanfic. Nobody asked for your plagiarist opinion.

He's only worth teasing. No extra energy at this point is worth a penny. Let this thread be a reminder that you should sooner kill traitors and normie plebbitors than an enemy. Out of the three types of NatSocs, he can only qualify as a soldier, and that will take much training that may not even pay off.
4127 4365
Lol gay
The true intellectual wit of The Scholar, and the mental fortitude of an Adventurer, clearly exhibited by glimmernigel.

I take it back, you aren't even worth keeping around as a warrior. You would likely Petraeus rather than fight the enemy because without a glimmer, without that thing to fight for the sake of fighting it, you're nothing.
4129 4130 4131 4132 4133 4135 4141 4183 4229 4240 4309
glim glam.png
Listen, you limey autist. I opened your story yesterday and I slogged my way through all ~20,000 words of this dreck (well, to be fair I skipped over like 70% of the argument between Silver and Glimmer because it didn't seem relevant to the story). I'm going to tell you exactly what's wrong with it, whether you want to listen or not.

1. Your OC Sucks
As much as it seems like I'm beating a dead pony at this point, I would like to once again draw your attention to the simple fact that your OC is God almighty fucking terrible. There is not one redeeming feature to this character. Not. One. There is nothing that can be done to salvage this character other than to discard him and start again. Your character is the literal definition of a Mary Sue. If you take Plato's theory of the Forms as gospel, the Form of the concept of a Mary Sue character would be Silver Star, even beating out the original Mary Sue from that Star Trek fic eons ago that the name is derived from. It's honestly like you went to a convention panel called How to Avoid Creating a Mary Sue OC and did everything they said not to do. Let me demonstrate:

>Sometimes it was rough being a rich and handsome superpowered genius who was an all-powerful magician and time-travelling quantum physicist who could bend time and space to his will and was also the world's greatest ninja.
This is a quote from a trollfic some anon probably wrote in an hour while sitting on the toilet. You've accused him of misrepresenting your character, but this sentence literally describes your character verbatim. You literally made your self-insert character rich, handsome, ridiculously overpowered both physically and mentally, a more powerful magician than the canon world's established top magician and protagonist, Twilight Sparkle (who is naturally madly in love with him) an interdimensional traveler who writes books about quantum physics, and literally the world's greatest ninja.

What do you do with a character like this? What is his purpose? Where is his development arc? His struggles, his travails, the things that makes the audience root for him and want to see him succeed? There are none, the only thing the audience (such as it is) wants to see him do is succ.

This character is even bad by the standards of the shit-tier anime you blatantly rip off (Naruto, etc). Most Shonen Jump protagonists are stupidly overpowered badasses with little personality. That is to be expected since these stories are written for nine year old Japanese boys who just tune in to watch battles and explosions. However, even crap anime protagonists have more depth than Silver Star. Those characters are usually at least given some kind of flaw or foible, something to make them human and sympathetic to the audience. He might be socially awkward, bad with women, goofy, silly; the kind of person who can beat any opponent in battle, but in between fights is always making the other characters roll their eyes at him. A good example would be Vash the Stampede from Trigun (a much better anime imo than Naruto or DBZ or any others you rip off actually, but it works well enough as an example here). He is a powerful superhuman with a gun built into his arm, who is literally powerful enough to destroy the world if he wants to. However, that's just in battle. Most of the series he is treated almost like a comic relief character, a goofy awkward sperg who is always fucking things up. By the end of the show you are endeared to him and genuinely sympathize with his struggles. Silver Star? Not at all. From the very beginning he is overpowered and a master at everything he does. His love interest practically worships him. The entire plot arc of the story is nothing but him lecturing another pony. He learns nothing. He doesn't grow. He doesn't struggle. He doesn't have to. He's already the world's richest and handsomest magical super scientist ninja, who all the mares love and all the stallions want to be. His only role in the story is to be awesome.

I'm going to split this into multiple posts because frankly, Nigel, this has been a long time coming and I want to make sure I get everything out that needs to be out.
Hooohh shit here we go niggers, I got my popcorn ready after reading that first post. This is gonna be satisfying.
4131 4132 4133 4135 4141 4183 4229 4240

2. Your Insufferable Narcissism

If your garbage fanfic can be said to have any sort of overarching literary theme, it is its egregious, over the top glorification of your own ego. Like most autistic individuals, you exhibit extreme narcissistic behavior, with your own perception of your talents and significance contrasting with reality, as well as a complete inability to see yourself the way others see you. This is ultimately why you respond so negatively to criticism, it's not just that you don't want to see how awful you or your work are, it's that you are literally incapable of it. Well, again, I'm going to explain it to you anyway.

The entire first chapter of your work consists of a "date" between Silver "Massive Faggot" Star and Twilight Sparkle. The focus of the writing should be on the development of their relationship. If you had any talent as a writer you would dial back Twilight's level of interest and dial up Silver "I Chug Stallion Cum" Star's level of spergy behavior, so that he is constantly putting his hoof in his mouth and Twilight is continuously getting offended or weirded out by him. At the same time you would add in a couple of cute flirty moments, and maybe conclude with Twilight learning something about Silver "Anus Gaping From All the Raping" Star that, while she still isn't quite sure about him, maybe makes her feel a little sympathetic to him. You would then conclude the date, leaving the reader feeling as if progress had been made but ultimately looking forward to the next installment of the romantic sub-plot.

However, this is not what you do. As mentioned earlier, Silver "Stick it in my Ponut" Star is already super powered and beloved by all, which Twilight already knows. She doesn't need to learn anything about him to know she is madly in love with him, she already wants his mighty member more than she wants to be the Princess of Friendship. She's only on this date so she can worship him and ask him questions about himself.

That brings us to the crux of the biscuit. While this chapter is ostensibly a date between Twilight and Silver "I can't talk about myself right this second because my esophagus is literally bursting with cock, but as soon as I'm finished I'll go on for twelve pages" Star, that really has nothing to do with what is really going on here. The "date" is really just a flimsy framing device you use to dump in walls of text about the autistic details of how magic and technology in your setting works, and how Silver "Please stick it in deeper you're not even touching my prostate yet" Star is the undisputed master of all of it. Twilight, the love interest of the protagonist, is barely even a presence here. Her only role is to ask questions that serve as preludes to the spergy bullshit you want to crap all over the page, and occasionally interject things like "wow" and "neat" to remind you of how awesome Silver "Balls Against my Chin For the Win" Star is, in case the reader might have forgotten.

In fact, you get so carried away blathering about world mechanics that you don't even want to waste space paying lip service to the flimsy framing device. You start off the date by having Twiggles and Silver "Cum On My Lips and Win a Prize" Star agree to a you-ask-me-one-I-ask-you-one kind of dialog. This is almost immediately abandoned. The entire conversation is Twilight asking Silver "give me two bits and you can slide down the chimney" Star questions about all the amazing things he can do, because apparently she is just so madly fascinated by Silver "never mind the two bits just fuck my throat already" Star that she ends up eagerly asking him question after question, never even stopping to consider that he might want to ask her some questions (what a self-centered cunt, amirite?)

The only questions Silver "I'm starting to run out of gay jokes" Star has for Twiggles are "What is your favorite color?", "Are you single?", and "What was your first day in Ponyville like?" The last question is probably the only one that could indicate this colossal verbal monument to the author's self-centeredness has any interest in learning anything about Twilight, and naturally the story cuts off before she even answers. The chapter ends with Twilight "owing" Silver "I'll never run out of gay jokes because this character will never run out of gay" Star I think, six questions? I honestly stopped counting because honestly, who the fuck even cares? You'll never get back to it.


>Silver "Massive Faggot" Star
>Silver "I Chug Stallion Cum" Star
>Silver "Anus Gaping From All the Raping" Star
>Silver "Stick it in my Ponut" Star
>Silver "I can't talk about myself right this second because my esophagus is literally bursting with cock, but as soon as I'm finished I'll go on for twelve pages" Star
>Silver "Please stick it in deeper you're not even touching my prostate yet" Star
>Silver "Balls Against my Chin For the Win" Star
>Silver "Cum On My Lips and Win a Prize" Star
>Silver "give me two bits and you can slide down the chimney" Star
>Silver "never mind the two bits just fuck my throat already" Star
>Silver "I'm starting to run out of gay jokes" Star
>Silver "I'll never run out of gay jokes because this character will never run out of gay" Star
This thread HAS to go in /go/, if not for the fic earlier than it absolultely has to just for this list of nicknames for Silver "If It Ain't Gay It Ain't the Way" Star.
>100k words of muh glimmer is a commie
You have to be pretty fucking creatively bankrupt to base your entire story on a meme and then go into neck deep into political sperging which nobody wants to read.
4136 4141 4183 4229 4240
1513916__safe_artist-colon-slb94_starlight glimmer_cute_female_glimmerbetes_mare_pony_simple background_sitting_solo_transparent background_unicorn_vec.png

2a. Clumsy World Building

I'm including these sections as a subscript to my section on your narcissism because it relates to your handling of the Silver-Twilight date.

I'm going to say this bluntly first and foremost: DUMPING HUGE WALLS OF TEXT INTRICATELY EXPLAINING HOW MAGIC AND SCIENCE AND WHATEVER THE FUCK ELSE IN YOUR WORLD WORKS INTO QUOTES AND HAVING IT SPOKEN BY THE MAIN CHARACTER IS NOT HOW YOU FUCKING WORLD BUILD. This cannot be overemphasized. Nobody wants to sit and read all that dreck. Nobody cares enough how magic in your universe works to sit and read all that, and even if someone did, they wouldn't want it explained to them all at once.

The shit you wrote about magic and whatever is not something you publish for the reader. You write it all out for yourself, save it into a text file on your hard drive, and use it as a reference to maintain continuity whenever something in your story happens that uses those mechanics. Even if your intention was to write a plotless, shallow, Shonen Jump-ripoff action story completely devoid of character building and feeling (mission accomplished, btw), the kind of autists who read that sort of garbage and obsess over all the stupid details like what power such-and-such character has, and who would win in a fight between so-and-so, don't want to be spoonfed the details all at once. They want to watch battle after battle after mind-numbing battle, and have the mechanics demonstrated so that they can obsess over the details themselves. I seriously doubt even the most brain-dead Narutard would give even two fucks about your stupid GOD FUCKING AWFUL OC (I'm just going to point to >>4128 again because I really want to emphasize that your OC is horrendous), but if you took the time to do it properly you could probably salvage your world mechanics and build a better story with a better MC. And when I say better I mean better according to the standards of your chosen genre, in which fortunately for you the bar is really not set all that high.

Incidentally, what I mentioned would apply equally in a quality story with actual literary value. When writing a story focusing on romance or politics or attempting to make a moral commentary you will want to downplay battles and world mechanics in general since your audience probably won't care. However if you want to write out world mechanics for continuity it's probably a good idea. However in your case I would not attempt writing anything good before at least managing to successfully write something that isn't god-awful.

2b. Disrespect for Canon Characters

This also relates directly to your handling of the Twilight date. As I mentioned earlier, Silver "Semen Please Daddy" Star spends the entire date blabbering about himself and shows essentially no genuine interest in Twilight at all, other than the dumb scene taking place in his head in which he makes le awkward comment and freaks out internally. This is probably intended to be funny but it falls short, mainly due to its having no effect on the conversation whatsoever; Twilight's level of interest doesn't change and she just keeps asking him tedious questions about how he gallops and how time travel works and whatever the fuck else.

If you made your character a narcissistic asshole on purpose you could use that as a plot building device by having Twilight react appropriately to Silver "I don't care if your dick has Zebra shit on it I want it in my mouth" Star's egotism and storm off, similar to Rarity's reaction to Prince Blueblood's behavior in the Gala episode. This would then present a fine opportunity for Silver "Help Me I Am Literally Drowning In Cum" Star to do some self-reflection, realize he might not be as great as he thinks he is, apologize to Twilight (if you want to make the reader actually give a shit you should probably have her act like a tsundere bitch for a couple of chapters and make him work for it before she forgives him), thus setting the stage for the second date, which if done properly the reader would care about. However, this would unfortunately require a level of self-awareness that you don't seem to possess.

There is not even a hint of irony to how Silver "You know what on second thought don't help me, just give me more cum" Star behaves in this story. You, the author, are genuinely as narcissistic as he is, and seem to honestly believe that the reader is more interested in how Silver "Mrrmphrrrgarblgarblgarbl that's the sound I make when choking on half-breed donkey cock" Star manages to travel between worlds and split the human genome and how he totally kicked the shit out of Goku that one time, than he is in the mare he is supposed to be on a date with.
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2b. Disrespect for Canon Characters - Continued

This is a hard pill for authors like you to swallow, but the simple fact is that fanfiction audiences are going to care more about the established canon characters than they do about your OC. Even if you knew how to create an OC that wasn't absolutely pure, undiluted warm diarrhea streaming out of the butthole of a Zebra-Griffon-Donkey chimera created through whatever the fuck magic process you autistically described that created your dumb half-horse-half-dragon thing that Silver "Mommy Dressed Me Like A Filly When I Was a Colt and This is How I Turned Out" Star had his long, drawn out mock Naruto battle with to impress Twilight who he is only superficially interested in because the author likes to rub his pathetic knobby limp dick to pictures of her directly into the mouth of the reader whether they want to taste said diarrhea or not (protip: they don't), the reader is still going to care more about how you depict the canon characters than how you develop your OC. It's not an excuse to make a shitty OC mind you, if anything it means you should work even harder to make your OC likeable because you have a steeper grade to climb with him. However, you need to remember that people reading your fanfic are going to be coming into this story with feelings and opinions regarding established characters and they are going to expect you to write them properly. You don't even attempt to do this with Twilight.

Even ignoring the fact that you don't write dialog for her that sounds like anything she would actually say (I feel like someone else in this or maybe the other thread pointed this out to you, and in a rare moment of introspection you actually admitted it was a shortcoming of yours, so I won't focus on it, although how to properly write dialog for established characters is definitely a subject you should research), you write Twilight in a way that is frankly insulting to anyone who even remotely gives a shit about this character.

She doesn't say anything. She doesn't do anything. Her only purpose in this story is to be Silver "Ho ho ho I am Santa Claus, get it? It's because there is semen all over my face and it looks like a beard" Star's love interest, and you don't even treat her with enough respect to even make her effective even as that. I really want to drive this point home. You put Twilight on a date with Silver "I'm not even going to give him a nickname this time as his real name is literally synonymous with sucking cock" Star, and instead of using this as an opportunity for the two to have a meaningful conversation, you turn it into a massive masturbation scene for your garbage OC, who, I would once again like to stress, is just awful.

The universe you are writing in is called "Friendship is Magic", not "Autistic Battle Scenes With Lasers and Explosions are Cool". The whole series is about relationships. I get that some authors like to write edgy or dark stories, or try to put in more action or drama, but ultimately this is a show about friendship. Interaction between characters is important in this world. Whatever else you want to add to the universe by writing fanfiction, you need to learn how to write stories about how characters relate to each other. Nobody, and I mean literally nobody, wants to read a story that is just a huge egotistical jerkoff-fest for a terrible character you created. Learn who your fucking audience is before you start writing, you turbosperg.

Pic related is Twilight this time instead of Glimmer. I want you to look at her. I want you to remember that according to your own rules, by writing this god-awful story, you created a parallel universe in which this poor, beautiful, intelligent creature has been reduced to a flimsy, one-dimensional, empty-headed nothing that you stuck in your story for no reason other than to give yourself a boner, and to prop up your shit-tier OC, one Silver "Fuck My Ponut Until it Tears At The Seams, Resembling A Leaky Raspberry Jam Filled Donut that has been stepped on" Star. This poor pony, once the Princess of Friendship, is wandering around the shitty world you made for her, probably struggling to remember who she was and who she is supposed to be, but all she can think about is how badly she wants to jump the bones of the stupid character you foisted upon her as a love interest. You created that world. Now suffer for it.
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Oh yeah, one point I wanted to make that I forgot to include:

>His eyes widened. “Out of all the theories I’ve heard, that one’s definitely the smartest.” He said, and she grinned, making that cute little squeaky-toy noise only a pony could make. “But no,” He said, and, surprised, she made that noise in reverse.
I am quite frankly a misogynistic pig who has mentally put ponies into some pretty raunchy situations, and even I think this statement is almost jaw-droppingly demeaning to Twiggles, particularly when taken in context with the rest of this section of the story.

This entire date scene can be summarize thusly:
>Twilight and Silver "I want you to pump my asshole like you've been wandering in the desert and just found one of those old timey water pumps and are desperately trying to get water out of it" Star meet for lunch and "conversation"
>Silver "seriously, I am a colossal faggot have you figured this out yet" Star spends the entire date talking about himself
>asks Twilight her favorite color and whether or not she is single
>beyond this shows no apparent interest in her
>Twilight is compared to a chew toy, reduced to making cute squeaky noises just because Silver "I will suck your dick so hard you will literally turn inside out" Star gave her some superficial praise, not because of anything she said or did, but because she is so far the only pony who seems intelligent enough to understand just how totally awesome Silver "pound my asshole until my hips break" Star actually is
>This is all 100% unironic

I know self reflection is a tall order for you Nigel, but please try to absorb some of this. It really is crucial to your understanding just why everyone keeps shitting so hard on you.
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Alright, I am off to take a short break to eat something, and then I will resume. If anypony would like to grab a snack or use the bathroom, now is the time.
God's work man. I'm on the road but just know I'm loving every last syllable. I only wish I had access to my desktop so I could personally be the one to screencap this thread and spread it like wildfire.
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Very cogent stuff, friend! Well, for me, at least: can't speak for Nigel. Keep it up!
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3. Blaming the Audience

This section is less about your work itself and more about your reaction to criticism of your work, but it's all part of the same lesson, and it's just as important for you to absorb if you have any hope at all of improving as a writer (which at this point I'm not even sure is what you actually want).

So far, your reaction to criticism (and frankly, there has been some valuable and insightful criticism made in both threads already, which you sadly seem hell-bent on ignoring because muh ego) has been dismissive and insulting, and shows that you frankly have no idea why you should even want to write fanfiction in the first place. The single recurring theme I am hearing from you over and over again is "this wasn't written for you." This is bullshit.

Even ignoring the simple question of if it wasn't written for us why would you even bother posting it here, statements like "you didn't get what I was going for" or "you're not the intended audience" are the perennial complaint of the talentless hack. Here's the thing, Nigel: you don't pick your audience, your audience picks you. You're asking people to take time away from whatever it is they're doing and devote a portion of it to reading some pile of shit you wrote. If you're going to do that, the absolute least you could do is make it interesting for them. If you can't even be fucked to do that much, the absolute least you could do is not berate them when they tell you to piss off with it.

While it's true that certain stories are usually aimed or marketed at different groups of people, that doesn't really apply here. It can be assumed that since this story is set in the FiM universe and is posted on FiMfiction, you are probably writing a story aimed at fans of the My Little Pony franchise, specifically the FiM series. Thus, if fans of that series and that type of fiction are telling you your story is shit, you should listen.

Here's another thing, Nigel: you say that the story was written for a different audience, but who is that audience exactly? This is a board made up of at least half pony fans, with the other half being /pol/ anons who are at a minimum willing to tolerate pony. Nobody is shitting on your story because it's a pony story. You specifically made the story about politics (a bad choice of theme for this story and you pulled it off poorly, but we'll get into that later), so it's not as if anyone here is criticizing it because of your political stances. If we're not in your target audience, who is?

The crux of the biscuit here is that we are not in your target audience because nobody is in your target audience. This kind of pure, undiluted, 100% homegrown weapons grade toxic-to-human-and-pony-life-alike shit doesn't have an audience. Your target audience is anyone who is willing to wade through the ocean of verbal diarrhea you wrote, suck your dick and tell you how awesome you and your shit-tier OC are. You came here looking to find such people, and surprise surprise didn't find any, so you flip your shit and tell everyone that it's us, not you, who are the ball lickers. Well, fuck you.

Okay, I'm cutting this one short for now because I completely forgot I picked up a shift tonight and have to go to work. I will be back in like four hours. Nigel, I don't know if you're reading this or if you're off somewhere sulking, but I'm going to give you the in-depth criticism of your shit-tier work that you yourself demanded if it takes me all night tonight and all day tomorrow. Remember: you brought this on yourself.

To those in the gallery eating popcorn and enjoying the show, I bid you adieu and implore you to stick around for the remaining acts.

Until we meet again, friends and countrymen.
Glorious stuff so far. Can't wait for the political portion of this - the suspense is killing me to hear the portion where you really fucking nail that faggot until he begs you for more.
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Im learning myself and might give writing another go tbh
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Oh, I'll be watching this intently, even if I can't do it real-time. Hell, I'm itching to contribute something to the thread myself, should Nigel remain obstinate.
You definitely should. Hell, any excuse to reboot the old writefag thread is a good one.