April is coming edition
>what goes hereThis thread is for all Chan related current events, happenings, and news.
>whybecause there is a widespread of imageboards, and untouched communities. There is also a wide amount of users, that are clueless of what is going on when it comes to alt chans, however this is no spoonfeeding thread, this is a move to create a loop of information, that any anon can contribute to.
>I dont know what to postthis is an open bulletin, post what you feel is relevant to be discussed that is happening, as long as it is not old news.
>I dont know any alt chansNgr you are in one, if you found this place you must be somewhat in the loop, or came from 4chan, which news from there is still relevant.
http://www.2chan.net/https://www.4chan.org https://www.8ch.nethttps://endchan.xyz/310 replies and 197 files omitted.
>>1962inb4 this /r9k/ drama ends up being some mk ultra type shit.
>>1962Ngr if you know something say something.
/leftypol/ is planning to go after meguca /pol/
>>1967According to meguca /pol/ the site was raided earlier today/
>>1983I'm hearing it is the result of a DDoS. Some people on 8chan are saying it is because of pizzagate.
anyone know why 4chan keeps going down?
>>2005hiroshimoot sleeping on the job.
8/pol/ filtered the word nigger.
>>2052Codemonkey just kicked out imkampfy. Everyone's sucking his cock, but he's only doing it "because it was an 'emergency'". He still needs to get the old archive working, fix other boards/stop the "hands-off" approach that doesn't work **likewise with actual societies; to say that imageboards, and perhaps Internet subculture as a whole, is nothing like an IRL society is just silly**, and he ought to have done this much, much sooner, ever since GEX was removed. I guarantee you that no one knows who is on that site.
Also, I will say it again. At the beginning of Trump's announcement that he was running for president back in the summer of 2015, on 8chan /pol/, someone posted a timestamp image showing that they were a worker in Trump Tower. I hope, I sincerely hope I saved it, because I cannot find it, and NO ONE seems to know what I'm speaking of, or acknowledge that.
>tfw can't remember shiteLearningcode, rachposter....
>>2055>someone posted a timestamp image showing that they were a worker in Trump Tower. I hope, I sincerely hope I saved itthat is why when important shite like that comes along you siphon the whole thread Ngr, its easy for things like that to disappear with time.
>neglect /qa/ for 10 days
>join meetup
>hear about pic related
what the actual fuck is going on, am I the only slowfuck that found out about this late?
final post, the entire concept is cancer. If this pulls through there is going to be a new wave of problems. I know full well this is some sort of little advertising ploy for the site -nothing new- but this is a whole other level of cancer, I see posts mentioning this as some sort of way to communicate without hiro's language barrier, but that is just fucking retarded. Where were you when 4chan became an orbited cute anime girl?
on a side note, this art is cute as fuck, hard not to like it.
>Creating a Vtuber
This guy really knows how to milk a cow
>>2214more like a final nail in the coffin for users that actually care about the site if it gets poplar, not implying hiro dont, but I just worry this will get too big, I am sure there would be some decent content made out of it. I just see aids in the future.
>>2219Season 1 Tomoko represents average chan-posters pretty well.
>>2219oh yeah, some submissions were pretty bad, did you catch on to this when it was happening? or are late as well?
Anyone else sick of the state of 4chan/8chan?
>>2228yeah, all the time. Have you taken a look at 8/b/ its fucking garbage, where are the mods. most boards are either dying or have gone to complete shit. Lately just been hiding out in alt chans other than 4/8/end lately because its the only decent place to find decent communities. Sadly most are slow as ever.
>>2228Imageboards are in a pretty sad state right now. Hell the internet in general is in a pretty sad state. I wonder if it might be time to start migrating to Usenet, HAMnet, or the dank web to avoid all the normies.
>>2227So that's what they picked, or...?
Also, interesting that most of them probably have never heard of pic related.
>>1967>"let's just call the capitalists in to shut them down instead of dealing with them ourselves!"Christ. These people are animals with a nonsensical alien moral code.
>>2343There was a thread asking for rape/guro of awoo~ just because she'd been coopted for alt-kike Trumpstein cancer. But, "morality's a sp00k :^)"
>>2344forgive drunken postings, i was saying she would have more parts now days.
apparently we got another move being made by hiroshimoot, and there apparently is going to be a split between blue and red boards, what is the current take on the situation?
current discussion:
http://boards.4chan.org/qa/thread/2426588/>>2350its gonna cause a massive shit storm.
/Bant/ looks like its gonna get deleted along with /tg/
>>2351Damn. And we were just starting to become friends with /bant/ too.
>>2354we wont know until the split actually occurs so we'll have to wait and see.
>>2362Seeing that new domain name is just so wrong. And moving a previously hidden board there too is hard unloving rape and spitting in the eyes of all /qa/ posters.