April is coming edition
>what goes hereThis thread is for all Chan related current events, happenings, and news.
>whybecause there is a widespread of imageboards, and untouched communities. There is also a wide amount of users, that are clueless of what is going on when it comes to alt chans, however this is no spoonfeeding thread, this is a move to create a loop of information, that any anon can contribute to.
>I dont know what to postthis is an open bulletin, post what you feel is relevant to be discussed that is happening, as long as it is not old news.
>I dont know any alt chansNgr you are in one, if you found this place you must be somewhat in the loop, or came from 4chan, which news from there is still relevant.
http://www.2chan.net/https://www.4chan.org https://www.8ch.nethttps://endchan.xyz/311 replies and 209 files omitted.
>>1726>>1724will include these to resources on next update.
>>1726Someone should inform them about that...
8/pol/ is being raided. Rumor has it there is only one mod left on the board.
>>1761Can confirm, are mods asleep or ded?
>>1762This has been going on for a couple of days now, so I am assuming mods are ded.
>>1764It's back up. Timing was suspicious though. Keep an eye on other /pol/ boards.
>>1761to think one of infinity's main arteries would suddenly go down, Only strikes curiosity of what could have happend to the mods. Best to keep an eye out.
8chan just deleted all their pedo boards.
https://8ch.net/b/res/7852580.htmlKrautchan is officially kill, after soo long. No word on where the community will migrate to next, honestly sad to see one of the root communities come to an end, word is that the owner just got fed up with maintaining it, and instead of transferring ownership, just let it go all together.
>>1844That's unfortunate it was a good imageboard.
I guess this is sort of imageboard related. reddit shut down /r/4chan. 4chan is going to see even more reddit refugees.
https://www.reddit.com/r/4chan/>>1856jesus fuck, that can't be good, any sauce on the reason?
>inb4 april fools joke
>>1866this is why we have altchans with reliable mods, for reasons like these.
>>1856What was the point? Why not just go to 4chan? I don't understand.
>>1870its pretty simple, redditors are not there for the culture, or to assimilate with it. They show only for the maymays, lurking is too hard for them to do. so they find it easier to go where they wont be told to fuck off for being cancer, and they still get the artificial flavor of being a "4channer"
>>1859It was an april fools joke. r/ 4chan is back up.
Shit is going down on 4chan's r9k
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asybQ4vO46o Some people started trying to get /r9k/ users to take HTR so they could become traps for their harem.
>>1932we all feel bad for /r9k/
>>1931I realized some big trap derailing days ago, didn't thought it was this big of a problem.
Maybe we should help someway?
They are full on destroying the future of already damaged robots.
>>1934Sadly it has been going on for years, but apparently way worse now. I am all for helping out the robots, they deserve better.
>>1935Well, gathering redpills might be a good start, they will need ammo for this.
Maybe i should make a thread on /mlpol/..
>>1936From what I've seen /r9k/ is pretty redpilled, they shun leftist like the plague. So giving them stuff to counter with could be a good thing. I just fear that the leftists wont back off and /r9k/ won't be a comfy board ever again. /r9k/ was hit long before /pol/, it was hard to watch it decline (Jesus looking at the catalog now its utter shit).
>>1937If r9k gives up, they will just die indeed and the left will win, destroying the life of god knows how many boys who fall there.
I'm giving what i have, but in the end robots will have to defend themselves (or ask for help)
>>1938I know there have been a few that said bye to the space robots when the initial decline had gone on too long (2016). So I fear they don't have the stamina to fight, they have struggled enough in their lives, and just want to be left alone. But true they have to reach out for help or take the fight.
>I think /r9k/ would be the ideal SS soldiers. Wanting to make the world better. Holding conservative and family values hight. And willing to die for that world to become true. All they need is to be allowed to go out and make it reality. >>1938Read some threads, and looks like there is some fighting back going on, so that is good.
>>1940Yeah, i'm triyng to help over there, i will have to sleep soon tho.
I worry about these guys, i will try to help all i can.
>>1941Me too, need to acclimate myself to the board again, so a day of lurking and I'll start posting. Sleep well.
>>1932>>1933Yeah, but what can we do?
>>1934>>1935How can we help the robots?
>>1943Hard to tell, looks like the mods at /r9k/ is like the mods at /pol/. Actively trying to kill the boards.
>>1943I was just about to create a thread on mlpol, but it seems like the mods started deleting both the war threads, the trap threads and the anti trap threads.
This will work for some time, but this is not the first time the traps strike.
>>1942Tbanks anon, i hope you have a nice day or night
>>1944Not sure we should bring them here.
>>1946If they got their own board and was left alone it could work. If it became like in the old days with comfy thread and greentext and just robots having a nice time without being bothered it could be nice. But it would take some effort getting them here and purging undesirables that follows them just in spite.
>>1947I don't know mate. This is /r9k/ we are talking about here. Do we really want to bring them to this site? Look I feel for them I really do, but if we bring them here we might really hurt the site.
>>1948That is true. /r9k/ as it is today is not something to long for. But /r9k/ back before they were known was a comfy and fun place (with some shit threads too, but that is unavoidable). If people just had been content with lurking and reading fun stories... So I might have a bit rosy view of what /r9k/ could be, but probably never will be again in a long time.
>>1949make a thread on /mlpol/ see what the rest of the site thinks.
>>1950I'll hold of and see how the war heads. Also need to go to head towards bed soon. So I guess I can make a thread on /qa/ tomorrow seeing what the rest of the users think. But you might be right that bringing lots of robots might not torn out too well
Anyone know if the rumors about the mods being involved in the r9k shit are true?
various boards on 4chan are currently down, no word on why, but will check IRC and update.