A new Role-playing game, using mechanics from DnD 3.5, and the Universe of My Little Pony and the My Little Pony based mod for Hearts of Iron 4, Equestria at War. The setting is an industrialized Equestria after the nation has been split between The Changeling Empire and former Equestrian colony.
Sounds neat. So is it a boardgame or electronic? Also, Equestria no longer exists and the Changelings won? Tell us more about the story.
>>67942>>67941Lol, it's a roleplaying game to be played here on /vx/, essentially D&D, as that is the mechanics I will be using.
This story features an alternative timeline where Chrystalis, rather than doing the grand infiltration she did in the two part season finale of Season 6, unified a set of changeling hives, developed more modern weaponry, and attacked Equestria in force. Meanwhile, on the continent of Griffonia, the Equestrian colony of New Mareland suffered a Great Depression, excessive griffon immigration, and threats from griffon nations after the chaos caused by the fall of the Griffonian Empire. They declared Indepence, and installed a Pony Nationalist government called the Black Hooves. They invaded several smaller griffon nations, causing Equestria to declare war on them. When the Changelings invaded, New Mareland invaded the opposite side of Equestria, and ultimately Equestria was defeated and split down the middle.
This story takes place in the New Mareland occupied zone in the area of Baltimare, the Forbidden Jungles (of Daring Do), and the Dragon isle. It features both magic and modern weaponry from around the Interwar period.
It features a number of factions, including Communist Rebels, ponies who want to restore the Equestrian Monarchy, Changeling spies, and the New Mareland government. Further south in the forbidden Jungles, there are Bandits, Natives, Settlers, and Industrialists trying to develop the forests. This is of course besides the Chimera, Manticores, and so forth that one is liable to run into
>>67944Dark Star
An Orphaned pony that is looking to the Black Hoofs, For assistance. The only Friend He has Left is his Owl Companion. He is Currently Heading to The City Hall, to join the Black Hoofs Party.
str 13
Dex 17
Con 15
Wis 7
Int 12
Cha 15
Fort 4 Ref 4 will 1
25 hp
Bolt Action Rifle
+2 +2 +1 2 Evasion,Link,Share Spells
I guess we're starting now?
Okay, my character comes towards wherever-the-fug the exposition is centered, dragging a cart. She's cliaked in a dress that covers her mane and head, not unlike that of a Catholic nun; it appears to be rather a rather plain and formal attire, as though she were dressed for Sunday Mass.
The cloaked figure is dragging a small cart with a canvas tarp draped over it, and is slowly making her way towards the center of attention with slow, tired steps. By her head floats a cane made of gnarled, laqured wood, suspended in the air by magick as she slowly but drags her payload.
>>67946Well, I don't think i will let any players
start the game already in possession of a firearm other than a break-action rifle, anyways....
Before you stands the Grand Baltimare Hotel. 5 stories tall, the brick building is the tallest of the Baltimare City Square, and follows a model of Architecture popular in the 950's. Of course, it's not the "Grand Baltimare Hotel" anymore. The windows on the upper levels are sealed shut and closed, and the lower level has a small section of cast iron fencing around it. This is now the Headquarters of the Black Hooves in the Baltimare Autonomous District, and a new sign has (finally) been placed above the entrance to reflect that.
To the side of the steps that lead up to the entrance are two Griffons, one with a rust red feather coloration, and the other with black. They are tall and mean looking as Griffons tend to be. One is smoking, and both are wearing tan military uniforms, complete with “Brodie” metal helmets. Each carries a rifle in their claws, some sort of Karbiner of foreign manufacture. Up the steps, and by the door, are two ponies, one a lavender Earth pony and the other a white Unicorn who stand immediately by the door. They wear full black outfits that resemble police officer’s uniforms, but much darker. They wear caps that resemble officer’s caps, and while neither carries a gun, at least one can be seen to have a handgun in holster.
>>67949Which one seems to be in charge?
>>67948>>67948The gangway to the steamer is drops down onto the dock. The [i]Serene Traveller was a medium sized ship that carried as much or more mail and spices as passengers, but at least a hundred ponies, zebras, and other assorted races walked down on the docks. As you walk down, a Sailor directs you and all passengers to go through Customs.
At the customs house, you stand in line and eventually walk up to a tan Unicorn in Green uniform and with a black cap. He looks down at your cart, and says “looks like you have some items to declare.” He casts a spell on you. “Please give truthful responses to the following questions.”
He asks you in sequence the following questions. Please give answers to each in order
“What is your name?”
“What is your place of origin?”
“For What purpose do you come to the Baltimare Autonomous Region?”
“How long do you intend to stay? If you intend to stay indefinitely, answer that your purpose is ‘immigration’.”
“Are you currently or have you ever been a member of the communist party of any nation, or have you ever been a member of any left-wing political organization of any nation that seeks the establishment of a workers state by means of violent revolution?”
“Are you an Anarchist? That is, do you believe in the overthrow of the government by means of violence or assassination of public officials?”
“Are you or have you ever been a member of the Reformitsen parties of Hellquil or Longsword, or have you ever been a member of an organization that perpetrates genocide against ponies?”
“Finally, have you been infected with a vile or infectious disease in the past six months?”
>>67951Well, that'd be through the door
>>67944In a bar in Baltimare, a stallion is finishing up his duties cleaning up before heading to his room upstairs.
>>67953Does he have a long, heavy night of sulking in misery planned?
>>67951Eh, I'll set out the next scene. As you go up to the door, a black uniformed guard stops you, and pats you down for weapons.
You tell the guard that you want to join, and he directs you to a unicorn on the far left after you enter.
When you enter the first floor, you see an open lobby with a pair of marble counters, including of course, the unicorn on the far left. In the lobby are a few people walking by. A pair of ponies come down stairs, and in the corner, a minotaur in Tan stands with a submachine gun in strap hanging over his shoulder
>>67952As im walking towards the building i look at the griffons by the door and say "Hey Feathers, is this the place to join the Black hoofs?"
>>67955The one who is smoking looks up at you, and pauses for a moment to take out his cigarette.
"It's party headquarters, yes"
>>67954i salute everyone i see in the room over zealously.
>>67954>long, heavy night of sulking in miseryClose enough
>>67957The minotaur looks at you with a kind of surprise. The mailman is even more surprised.
You may now approach the unicorn, who is sitting on a chair behind the counter. He is a very dark blue, and wears a black vest. His horn is covered in gold plate two thirds above the base, almost like a tooth filling. You can see that his left foreleg is actually a metal prosthetic. His Rear right leg is likewise prosthetic, missing below the thigh. Where his cutie mark should be on his left is a pink and tan area of hairless hide, as it it were burned off. On his right flank, you can see a cresting wave cutie mark
>>67958You are not drunk yet
>>67959Oh yes, the blue unicorn also has a black eye patch over his left eye, and a a scar on his mouth on the left side
>>67959He can't afford to be drunk when he doesn't have his papers.
>>67959>>67960Dark Star walks over to him "hello, i am DarkStar. i would like to join the party."
>>67961I see, so what is your next course of action?
>>67962"Dark star. I've been told you have applied before."
He reaches out his right hoof to Shake hooves
"What sort of membership role are you looking for? Enforcement? Or just a regular membership"
>>67964Onyx Steel decides to check that his weapon is out of sight before counting off some money to go look for a shop.
>>67964>>67962"My Name is Sea Breeze, by the way"
you can see he has a number of medals on his vest, though they look mostly like campaign medals
>>67964"Whereever i am needed,sir."
>>67965If it's in his room that is above the bar, then it is definitely out of sight from the general public
>counting off money'Bout how much you think you have?
>>67968Enough pay to at least afford some bread.
>>67967"We need every frontline soldier, and every garrison reservist we can get. We don't have nearly enough Able bodied ponies"
>>67969That, yes. But if you want super fancy ultra-magical gear.... I'm afraid you don't have that kind of paycheck
>>67970As long as he can get some bread in town to feed himself, he'll be fine.
>>67966"impressive medals,sir."
>>67970"I am more than willing to be sent to the front sir, i dont have much left to live for anyways."
>>67969Go to the bread line
>>67972>>67972"Thank you. This one is my Zaphian campaign medal, this is my Hellquil campaign medal, this is wounded in action..." he lists like 5 of these
>>67972"Since you've come by here before, we can start the process. Follow me"
He gets up and makes a nad signal to a pony across the room. You notice this pony has great difficulty walking. He uses unicorn magic to move up his rear leg, and his front is stiff. He also seems to have pain with unicorn magic. The gold plate sparks a couple times.
He gets out from behind the counter, and walks into the lobby, over towards a stairwell
"Follow me up here. We need to do a test, then ask you some questions"
>>67952>“What is your name?”"I go by the name of
>“What is your place of origin?”"I hail from hail from a monastary in the East, the Far East."
>Purpose"Have traveled from afar in to this city to devote myself to service to the poor. Where there are cities, there is poverty; I go where I sense I am needed."
>How long"For as long as I am welcome. Should the need for my services expire, I would humbly make my leave."
>Are you an X"Communist? What's that?" The mare seems perplexed at the pony's questions, seemingly not used to being asked so many things at once
"I assure you that needless violence is against my way of life. All life is sacred."
>Longsword, Reformitsen, Hellquil, etc"I don't recognize any of those names."
>Disease/health"I can wholeheartedly declare that I am in condition to serve." She says, puffing out her chest fluff boldly
>Anarchist>Government>Revolution>Violence"... I'm not entirely sure what a 'government' is, but I am more than willing to abide by the customs of this land."
>Something to declareThe cloaked mare smiles warmly beneath her shawl, as she slowly pulls back the tarp of her rickety old cart, using the tip of her gnarly cane.
The tarp falls away to reveal a cart filled mostly with fruits (bananas, leches, oranges, etc). Among the goods like a collection of medicinal herbs, of a rather old-fashioned variety. There appear to be several simple cloth dolls and wooden knick-knocks, pickles, candied fruits and other mundane goods, including a copiuous amount of Chinese medicine balls.
"Medicine, for the children.."
A magical glow gently picks a sealed red envelope (stamp included). On the outside of the package is a note to reveal that the envelope contains a letter of credit: a rather large donation addressed to a poverty center in the city.
"And expenses.. All I can afford to give."
>>67974Dark Star looks at him with pity as he follows behind him as not show disrespect by looking at him with pity to his face
"Yes Right Away,sir."
>>67976He walks down a hallway on the second floor, making you walk in front of him. He comes to a room where a white Griffon with, well, "sharper" features than normal stands. The Griffon opens the door.
"Go on in, this is the location. Please sit in that chair over there"
You are in what appears to have been a hotel room, with part of a wall taken out and a mirror placed in. In the room is a green earth pony in Black, who seems to be missing a hind-leg and has a prosthetic. He carries an automatic pistol in his mouth. The griffon stands on a separate side from you, and is holding a submachine gun
>looks for food market to buy some grub
>>67977"nice Feathers."
i walk over to the chair and take seat.
>>67975"Uh, I'm going to put you down as answering 'no' to
questions 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. Alright mam, it appears that you are eligible to enter Baltimare under an immigration visa. We'll make an ID for you and a visa, but as for your cart..... Well, I think we are going to need a customs officer to take a deeper look at that, if you wouldn't mind parting with it for an hour or so."
"But now, could you please follow me? we are going to have to do a mandatory test on you. Please don't be startled by the armed guards, this is only a precaution."
She directs you to go into another room to your right, as officers pull the cart away. A Red and Blue flag hangs, with a separate flag of red and blue stripes with a diamond shape, and two horseshoes in the center, one on top of the other and the top one upside down
>>67979"Merci Beaucoup" the griffon says to you
Sea breeze directs you to look straight into his eyes.
"Alright, please keep both eyes open. Please remain looking at me. And don't mind them with the weapons, it is only a precaution. The Griffon has his submachine gun pointed at you, aiming down the iron sights (from a direction to your left, so he wouldn't hit Sea breeze in front of you), and the green earth pony aims his pistol at you as he stands to your right and to your front.
Sea breeze says "please be calm and still"
>>67980*Follows the pony*
>>67981Dark Star is completely calm
>>67979>>67982In this new room there is a sectioned off area. Two ponies with green uniforms stand, with three blue uniformed officers stand over to the side spread out. One of the blue uniformed officers approaches her
"You must be restrained for the duration of the test." She places what are essentially handcuffs on the kirin's forehooves, then back off. You can see that the three ponies have now drawn pistols and are aiming them at her
"Look into my eyes," says a green uniformed pony. He pulls out a flash light, and aims it into the kirin's eyes. "Don't blink."
He does this to each eye for a number of seconds, and then turns the light off.
"Alright, we are done."
He makes a hand signal to the blue uniformed officers, and they put their guns down. One comes and takes the hoof cuffs off.
"Alright, proceed to the room on your right."
>>67983Sea Breeze pulls out a flash light, turns in on, and shines it into Dark Star's right eye. "keep 'em open." The light is blinding. He does it to the left eye, then says "Alright," and turns off his light. He looks over to the griffon, and says "Jeane, that's all for now, you are excused." The griffon leaves the room.
The earth pony sits down in a chair looking at dark star
>>67985"Was that a Changeling test?"
[1d20+9 = 12]>>67985Rolling Spellcraft, to attempt to discern what they did (she thinks it's magic).
>>67987*Proceeds to room on right*
>>67978Onyx steel works in a commercial area that is not far from several markets. Across the street is a normal grocery market, as well as a delicatesin. Instead of either of these, he goes to a much poorer bakery. He sees a pony outside that looks like a young colt, with a black coat, grey mane, and wearing red vest. He says to passers by
"Why should our taxes go to foriegn imperialists? Our landowners and facotory owners get rich off our product. Why can we only afford to buy bread when they live lives of luxury? Fellow workers of the world, I tell you not the Princess nor the Black Hooves nor the monstrous changelings have the interests of the working class in mind"
>>67989Onyx sits down and listens while deciding what meager meal he'll eat tonight.
"Maybe he's right..."
>>67987With her advanced knowledge of magic, the kirin is able to discern that no magic was invloved - they shined a flash light into her eyes while she was restrained and pointed guns at her
>>67988"Alright, sit here, and smile"
A flash of light blinds her before she is ready
>>67986"Aye mate, I see you know something already. Now let me ask you a few questions"
The Unicorn looks at Dark Star
"Do you swear to tell the truth, and nothing but the truth?"
He casts magic on Dark Star (zone of truth)
"Why do you want to join the Black Hooves?"
"How do you feel about Priness Celestia?"
"How do you feel about Griffons?"
"Are you a Communist?"
>>67990The little colt actually wags his tail in an adorable way, and hands onyx hoof a pamphelt
"Hello fellow worker? What's your name? You look like a crystal pony. Are you from the Crystal empire?"
>>67991"The name's Onyx, and I was from the Empire..."
>>67992"Nice to meet you Onyx, My Name is Olly. I'm really sorry about what happened to your homeland. Do you have loved ones there?"
>>67993"I do, but I haven't heard from them since they left..."
Onyx shrugs a bit
"But hey, mail travels slowly during a war."
>>67991The mare blinks profuses with her heavy eyelashes, surprised by the sudden flash.
>>67994"Aye, Let's hope they are okay under those parasitic Changelings.... Do you need a bite to eat, and would you like a helping hoof?"
>>67996"Eh, I'm just out to buy a small meal tonight. But I do thank you for the offer, and the pamphlet."
>>67991>"Do you swear to tell the truth, and nothing but the truth?""Yes"
>"Why do you want to join the Black Hooves?""to Honor my family."
>"How do you feel about Priness Celestia?""Shes fairly attractive,id like to take her out behind the barn if you know what i mean *wink* And she is A traitor to our people."
>"How do you feel about Griffons?""on the whole They Seem Fairly Decent. But Theres a Specific Griffion i Hate."
>"Are you a Communist?""if i was i would put myself Down. I Hate Communists more than anything else in existence."
>>67995"Alright, it looks like we have you cleared. As for your cart, well! I don't think you've ever heard of 'the Gastly blight' but it kills the hell out of citrus fields. We are going to have to confiscate your fruit - the bananas, oranges, all of it - and burn it. You, however, are free."
They hand you your cart back with what is left of your stuff, and a seperate pony hands you a document. It is a visa with your name and picture on it. You can see your eyes are closed for it.
You are now free to walk out into Baltimare
>>67997Any time you need a helping hoof, we have a kitchen just up the road that gives out meals for free."
The Pamplet shows Proud ponies harvesting wheat together and sharing food on its cover, all in the socialist realism style
You go into the bakery, where there is bread on the wall, a pony buying bread, and a sort of tired earth pony with a wiry black mane at the counter
>>67998Sea Breeze laughs at the part about having sex with Celestia
"To honor your family and a specific griffon? Did you have a life experience that affected your decision to join the Black Hooves?"
>>67995>>67991Is she directed to go anywhere else after the picture?
>>68000They hand her her visa, and her cart, and tell her "Welcome to Baltimare."
"May a purchase a loaf of bread?"
>>68000Double checked
>>68002He looks kind of grumpy, but says "Yeah. That colt try to get you to join his religion or something?"
>>68003"Just a bit, I haven't even looked it over"
>>67999"Yes, my brother and i where orphaned at a young age.He Had a Friend In The Black Hoofs Back in New Mareland Before the war.He told me all about Fascism and i loved it. But he was Murdered just Before the war started, By a Griffon By the name of Scar. so i thought that maybe the party could help me."
>>68000"Oh, young mare, I almost forgot to tell you the terms of your visa. Your visa can be suspended, and you may be removed from the country if you are found to be materially aiding the enemies of Baltimare, or if you engage in Aggravated criminal activity. You are also not allowed to be a member of the communist party while here, and becoming a member can result in your removal"
>>68004"He's been trying to direct my customers away all day"
>>68005Sea breeze is a little perplexed
"you want the party to help you?"
>>68006"Sorry to hear that sir"
>>68007>>68007"Aye, now how much bread do you want?"
>>68006"Celesta never had anyone look into it. I thought Maybe i Could Find Some Comrades to Help me track him down."
[1d20+9 = 21]
Rolling knowledge (nature) to see if I know about Ghastly Blight
>>68008"Just a loaf will do"
>>68010Ghastly blight is a fungus that affects many species of fruit bearing trees and plants. It is native to Zebrica and afflicts plants there, including causing multiple famines. It has more recently spread to Equestrian shores, and has already caused thousands of acres of many fruit trees to die, and need to be burned in containment. It does not yet threaten the trees and wildlife of the Forbidden jungles - the trees are well spaced apart, unlike in fruit orchards. Baltimare has ennacted customs requirements on fruit as a precaution to protect it's local industry
>>68009"I see, who is he and where did this happen? Did you contact the local police?"
>>68011"Here you go, that'll be three bits. You know, what that kid says about the Princess is utterly disgraceful."
>>68012>Hands over bits"Thank you. And you're right. Where would our light be without her to raise the sun?"
>>68013he closes his eyes and places his hoof over his heart
"Praise Celestia and her light"
He looks at Onyx
"You sort of sparkle though. Are you one of those crystal folks?"
>>68012I think one of my spells could fix that. They probably wouldn't believe her if she fixed it though...
The Kirin mare seems visibly disappointed by the loss of the fruit she had planned to donate, but sits patiently and does not argue with the guards. With what remains of her humble dowry, she makes her way to the orphanage with her delivery.
>>68012"Yes, i was told word had been sent to celestia,But She Never got around to helping me. so i did a little digging, and found out his name, its Scar. He is a white feathered griffion with bright red markings, ive heard he might be lying low in the south."
>>68014"You'd be correct"
Onyx then looks back over his coat
"Not as shiny as usual though"
>>68015The kirin walks forward into the city from the Customs house. She can see many walking around, buildings of 3 to 6 stories, and many carriages. More than one Automobile and Truck goes through the streets, faster than the horse drawn carriages and seeming sort of dangerous. But they are the exception, not the rule. the city is much bigger and more urban and industrialized than she is used to. Mostly it appears clean. Mostly. The city is not, however, quite what she had expected. it is less impressive than the images she sees of Manehattan, appearing smaller, with shorter buildings, and fewer factor stacks. It does, however, look like it is probably host to a number of disadvantaged ponies
>>68014"I see. Now, how do you plan to help the Black Hooves?"
>>68017"So, you a, pledge allegiance to that Love Princess? What are you doing down here?"
>>68018Is there an orphanage or similar poverty center she could visit?
>>68018"The war ended up driving me here"
>>68018"Whatever The Party Needs Me to do.Sir"
>>68019She'd need to ask somepony for that, or find a map, or succeed on a knowledge check
>>68020"I see. Well, I hope you have a better day tomorrow"
>>68021He moves around his prosthetic leg to a more comfortable position.
"Half this city is run by Communists, down south we have bandits and occasionally unruly bandits, all with the ever looming threat of changeling infiltration or invasion."
>>68022"You too"
Onyx takes his bread and heads back to his room above the bar.
[1d20+10 = 26]>>68022Rolling Survival to navigate through the city
>>68023I'm not perfectly sure what to do with your character now>>68024Oh she could navigate it alright. But she doesn't know where to go
>>68022"I Would be Partial to removing the communists if i have a choice."
[1d20+10 = 17]>>68025Is that knowledge Geography?
That's not a class skill for me, so I could only roll if it were common knowledge (DC 10).
>>68025Just throw something interesting at me if you'd like
I'll get fully started on this tomorrow but a new challenger approaches
[1d20+3 = 21]>>68026"Well, that actually coincides with what we had in mind. You see, we can't really afford to train you formally or let you in just yet, but we could let you in on a provisional basis if you could maybe prove yourself to us with a sort of.... 'task,' if you will"
>>68027just buy a map or ask somepony
>>68030eeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Where do you want to start?
[1d20 = 11]>>68031Okay
Rolling Gather Information to find the orphanage.
>>68031"A task you say? What did you have in mind?"
[1d20 = 17]>>68030>Cuts self on the edge>>68031
>>68031Undetermined. I haven't read the thread very far, just wanted to get my hoof in the door
>>68032The kirin finally decides to just ask somepony. The first pony was offended that a stranger wanted to talk to him, the second one was kind of creepy, but the third one had some useful inormation.
"Why I think you are looking for the Ophranage at the top of the Hill. It's operated by the Sisters of Saint Prancis. I think they would welcome volunteers. just go down this road until the end, then to the left down the end"
>>68033"We have two of our griffon reservists that we believe are secretly members of the communist party here in Baltimare. We'd love to follow them, but, well, we don't have any pony that whose faces they haven't already seen. We'd like you to follow them in a couple nights, and if you can, sit in on their meeting. We think they meet somewhere in the factories near the docks. Now, just meeting and talking about communism is not illegal, but if they are planing the overthrow of the state, if they have foriegn supporters, or if they are importing arms, well... that is arrestable
>>68034Onyx steel walks down the street. After traversing some distance, a Dire Rat springs out of a trashcan.
It closes distance in its round, where it has initiative
>>68035That's okay, I am starting each character separately at the moment
[1d20+9 = 26]>>68036Onyx steps on the rat
>>68036The Kirin lowers her head in a modest bow.
"I humbly thank you for your assistance."
She gives him a silent prayer, and heads off in the direction he showed her, with her cart of donations in tow.
>>68036"Can i beat up on them if they are communists?"
[1d3 = 1]>>68037Is step
Rolling for damage
>>68038She goes down the street past restaraunts, shops, and eventually even things like factories, until the building narrow out a bit. She finds herself on a hill that she can be sure is the orphanage. It is three stories tall, grey brick, and there is a nice, inviting door.
>>68039"Only if they do one of the things I mentioned - conspire against the government, conspire with foreigners, so forth"
>>68037>>68041Blood splatters everywhere as Onyx's oblong step is enough to crush the rat, killing it instantly
>>68040The Kirin Sister wheels her cart up to the door and takes a moment to ensure that her shawl is in order, before politely knocking on the front door with her oversized cane.
>>68042"Maybe I could stand to lose a few pounds...."
>>68043The door is opened by a brownish Earth pony dressed fully in black dress. "Come in! What is your name?"
>>68040"Ill be honored to Do this for the party,Sir."
>>68046"Well, you seem trustworthy enough...."
He looks away for a moment, then back again.
"I think we can allow you on a provisional basis. Complete this task, and you will able to get more priviliges"
"You need only know them as "red" and "Black." He hands over two images of griffons. Despite having similair color schemes to the two griffons outside the building, they seem distinct looking. In fact, you have to notice that the griffons you have seen look kind of....
"Find out where these two of our reservists are going, and maybe you can join. Don't shoot anyone you aren't supposed to, or we will disown you and say you are a random criminal."
He pushes over a revolver pistol, then a box of shells
>>68044Onyx looks over to his side, and sees that a little white pegasus colt has been watching. He was so close, his face is covered in blood. he has a horrified expression.... at first. His face turns to an expression of Glee.
"That was AWESOME! You are incredibly strong Mr."
>>68048Onyx really hopes this doesn't turn into a repeat of all the new recruits seeing his strength for the first time.
"Uh, thanks"
He makes sure to turn so his injured eye is away from the kid.
>>68045The Kirin bows politely.
"Greetings, sister. You may call me call me Ash.
I hailed from a far away land to devote myself to serving the poor children of this city."
>>68048"Yes,Sir. I thank you for giving me this opportunity."
>red and black
>>68049"Mr., you are so strong, do you think maybe you could help my daddy?"
>>68050The Pony Enthusiastically shakes her hooves.
"Aye, I'm Sister Marery. We are the nuns of the Order of Saint Prancis, and we take care of the Poor orphaned Children. You know there have been so many since the War, and we haven't been able to get as much money from canterlot. We need all the help we can get...."
>>68052Sea Breeze tells you more Where you could expect to find these two. They don't know for sure, but a coworker heard some things, and has seen them around with the wrong crowds. as for the communists meetings, they haven't done many of them, mostly because of fear of police raids, and when they do, they rarely do anything, well, illegal. But they seem to have grown more audacious recently, like something is up.
>>68053Onyx's ears twitch
"What kind of help?"
>>68053"Would you like me to infiltrate them?"
>>68054"Well, you see Mr., my daddy owns a shop on the other side of town, and there are these ponies that come in and take money from him. They say it is for his protection, and that I don't need to worry about it, but I've seen the way he looks the two times I was there when it happened. And well, you look like one of those people who fight to help others.
>>68055"Of course. Or at least spy on them from a distance. They don't know who you are, so if they find you, it won't cause them to flee thinking there is a raid. Or shoot you. Keep your cool, and find out what is going on"
>>68056"I will not fail you,sir."
>>68057Sea Breeze shakes Dark Star's hoof, and allows him to leave
>>68056Onyx looks like he's seriously considering saying no, before sighing and hanging his head down.
"I'll help, but first I need to grab something. Can you wait here?"
>>68053*Bowing intensifies*
"I would wish to assist in anyway I can.
If you would accept, I have brought a humble offering to the children of this establishment."
She wheels in her (reduced) cart full of goods and pulls out the red envelope from her chest fluff.
"As much as I could offer, for their sake."
>>68058As Dark Star Leaves the building, he walks up to the minotuar in the lobby.
"Excuse me which way to the docks?"
you did say they were at the docks right?
>>68059The colt looks up at him, impressed, and sits on the ground
>>68060"Why, Praise Celestia! Sisters, we have donations! A number of other ponies come down, all wearing similar black dress. They go over to the cart, and pull up items. "We've been very poor. The Orphanage run by the Domanenicans had to shut down in Moonlight Shores..."
>>68061Sea Breeze pulls out a map, and shows the approximate location. He doesn't know the exact building, and in any event they probably change it regularly
>>68062Onyx chuckles a bit while heading back to get his halberd. Once he returns, he asks the colt to lead the way.
>>68062*salutes Sea Breeze as hes leaving*
>>68063The colt happily prances forward. You can see he was actually a decent way away from the shop. The shop is a flower establishment, and when he walks through the door, he gets a face full of pollen, and can see the Stallion who the colt says is his father: A tan Pegasus who looks a bit older and with a beard. When he moves, he seems to have a sort of limp, as if he had an injury to his side or his hip
>>68062"That's so unfortunate.. I shall do all I can to help.."
Then her expression warms somewhat
"Now, where are the children?"
>>68065"Good day sir. Your son met me in the street and asked if I could help you. I was wondering what you needed help with."
>>68064Sea Breeze nods, and Dark Star leaves the building. He has a holster for his revolver, and a permit, but the pistol is visible when he wears only a vest. Or whatever he wears
>>68066"Right down this way."
Sister Marery goes first into the room. The children seem to be frightened. They are actually hiding underneath covers.
"It's okay little ones, it's not the Stallions from the Harbor. You can come out. This is Sister Ash, she comes from the East and has brought goods for us." The little colts and fillies come out. They look kind of malnourished, actually, and the clothing they have looks used
"We really can't say how grateful we are."
A little tan colt comes up to Ash
"What are you supposed to be exactly?"
A fillie pokes at her scales
>>68068"You here for the Florist job?"
>>68069*Dark Star heads to a tailor*
>>68069Onyx looks at the kid
"Is that why you brought me here?"
>>68062The envelope is rather gaudy, laced with chinese symbols like the envelopes given to children on new years (pic related). Inside is a considerable amount of money, worth more than 9000 bits. It should be enough to pay off the mortgage for he church, and pay for any renovations necessary.
"My sisters pooled the last of our resources for this package. Our temple has been all but disbanded in these past few years; it's the least we could do to offer what we had left to the needy.."
She looks somewhat gloomy
".. I have no place to return to.. I can only beg your hospitality, and pledge to you my services."
>>68071The colt looks to Onyx and his father
"You know father, the men who come in and take your money"
He responds
"for the seventh time, they are business associates of mine, nothing you need to concern yourself with. And who is this guy"
"He's a big big guy who hurts dangerous things. He looks like one of the soldiers of old"
>>68070Baltimare does not have the fancy Saddle Row of Manehattan, nor the high class boutiques of Canterlot, nor even the tailors of Filliedelphia. but it has it's selection, and a few shops exist in Baltimare worth your time and bits. What are you looking for?
>>68072"I see, we too have hard times, I am sorry for your temple. May Celestia be with you and your sisters"
Sister Marery takes the envelope and is astonished, shocked beyond words.
"Aye, if we take this, we're not going to get a visit by stallions in a month demanding interest, are we?"
>>68069The Sister smiles warmly, her mood visibly lifting in the presence of the children.
"I'm glad to meet you all." She says, kneeling down to eye level
>What are you supposed to be exactlyShe passes for a bit, somewhat unsure how to respond
"... I'm your new new Sister, of course..." She says, dodging the question
>>68074Onyx absent mindedly kicks at the ground
"Well, um, I'm sorry to have intruded then."
>>68075*Eyes narrow*
"... Interest..? For charitable donations..?"
>>68076You walk to the store of the Pommel Fashion line, a one story building with nice Stallion's dress in the front. A older stallion with grey hair greats you.
"Good afternoon sir" he says with a fancy accent
"What can I do for you today?
>>68077"Are you going to help us?"
"What happened to sister Sage?"
"your horn looks funny"
>>68079"Well I just wasn't sure if we were being tricked into a loan or..."
>>68078"No! come back! My dad needs help, he just won't admit it"
>>68081"hello,Sir. Do you Have a Duster Coat? And do you sell cowpony hats?"
>>68081"Well, I don't know kid. Do you have any ideas of what I could do?"
>>68082"Indeed, we can get you a duster coat. As for the hat, well, I believe I know what you want, yes"
>>68083"If you could stay around until they come. I know they come every month. They came a couple days ago and he told them he didn't have money. They said they would be back. Soon"
>>68081*Tickles foal*
"Yes, I will."
Sister Ash takes the hoof of Marey, stopping her as she speaks.
"Trust me. Only a wicked fool would think to deal 'loans' (she seems to spit this word out) to those who had nothing to offer themselves."
>>68084Onyx stares at the kid for a minute.
"Alright fine, I got nothing better to do anyway"
>>68085The foal is tickled and giggles. A swarm of foals slowly start to attack her wild mane, feel the weirdly shaped horn, and rub the scales
"Aye indeed, but there are plenty of wicked foals in this world."
She moves around, and kneels down next to Ash, almost wispering.
"So tell me. Ya not a follower of Celestia are ya?'
>>68084"Do they come in Black?"
>>68086The colt sits him down in the flower shop. A couple customers come in or out, mostly buying for funerals and grave sites... or something. He's actually not entirely sure what people buy flowers for. The colt seems to spend time helping water flowers and the like, or checking petals for damage and so forth, and putting price tags on things. Onyx sits there for like an hour. The Stallion tells him his name is Petal Prancer, and tells Onyx far more than he could ever want to know about flowers
>>68088"Indeed they do. We have fifty shades of black"
>>68087[Also whispering]
"I cannot say that I am.. yet.. The people of my homeland are unfamiliar with the ways of your own. My allegiance is with nature, and my pledge to give up my body and spirit to those who cannot provide for themselves."
Then she bows once more.
"I humbly request to preach under your guidance, in service of these children."
>>68091"You can stay certainly. We've got the room. As for vows, that can only be bestowed on the full followers of the Universal Colt of the Sun"
>>68092*Bows for the six gorrilionth time*
"I will be in your care."
And with that, I'm turning in for the night.
>>68090"How many bits will those be Sir?"
>>68094For the fancy, and fully fit? We could rush it in an hour or so at 150 bits for the set
>>68095"that sounds good to me. ill be back in an hour" *Dark Star shakes the ponys hoof*
"i never got your name sir. mines Dark Star."
>>68095Are there any run-down, abandoned buildings for a shifty vagabond type?
>>68096"My Name is Trim Fit, thank you sir. By the way, if you need anything else, I can tell you where to look"
>>68097This is Baltimare.
Baltimare. Hell yes there are run down buildings? What are you looking for, abandoned house, abandoned factory, buildings that were nice before they got hit with an Artillery shell?
>>68098Oooh! The last one!
>>68098"Well, i was thinking of finding a nice bar and heading there for an hour. Do you know any good ones?"
>>68099Well, I must say that you've come to the right place.
East of Main street, between the Harbor and the city square, lies the oak branch apartments. This was a very nice part of town with nice little shops on the first level and apartments above them. However, the nothern section had it's roof cave in after being hit by Naval artillery fire. The southern portion has a smaller hole in it's roof, but was abandoned for some reason. Something about an unexploded 500 lbs bomb in the basement, I don't know, normies are superstitious in their understanding of what is and is not a safe place to live. Anyways, it has several rooms that are actually not water damaged, even if all of the windows on the first floor have been broken by looters. Thanks to an abundance of abandoned buildings in Baltimare, you may not even have to share it.
And if you don't like that, there are more>>68100The guy leans over and looks at him
"I don't think you're the kind of guy who wants a
nice bar. I think you want one as rugged as you are"
>>68101"This seems a decent enough place to start" the shifty bat-pone Eeeeee's
thinks to himself, his eyes taking in the remant aesthetics of the building. "Doesn't seem to be anyone here, and the price is right." he Eeeeee's as he carefully sidesteps broken glass and fragments of debris. Locating the most apparently stable room (preferably one with 2 exits) he unties his pack and begins laying out his bedroll. "Baltimare,..." he whispers quietly to himself as he lays down. He lays there, unable to sleep as his mind is racing.
>>68102"Let me tell you. There's this tavern in center town that is neither Hoity Toity, nor a hive of villainy. Just right in the middle. It's Called the East Side Tavern on East Main"
>>68103There is an entire apartment free, with an exit out the back and front
>>68103Roll for Listen check
>>68104>Eeeeeee's quietly staring up at the ceiling, trying to concoct a plan. Will develop more tomorrow
[1d20 = 7]>>68105Stats are unassigned or determined so far, but let's see what the dice says
>>68107You don't hear him until he's in the room. You get up to see a pissed off badger. Evidently the room
wasn't so empty after all, as it yells at you in that weird animal language the vermin are liable to use
[1d20 = 16]>>68108Is it hostile, or just pissy?
"Oh ffs, piss off you damn,... what sort of insult DO you call a badger?" he Eeee's internally, hooking a hoof on one of his throwing knives.
>>68109What is that roll?
>>68104sorry got distracted by memes"Thank you,Mr fit. ill be back in an hour or two."
*heads to the bar*
>>68110Uhhhh, sense motive? It totally wasn't a mistake of not deleting the dice roll from previous, I swear
>>68112Oh it's freaking hostile.
"Rable Rable get out of my house!"
>>68111I'm guessing you want to meet up with Onyx?
>>68114Well, he's offline now, and I want him to have a fight before he goes back to the tavern
[1d20 = 19]>>68113Throwing knife
>inb4 I wasted my chance with that accidental roll
[1d6 = 3][1d20+6 = 20]>>68116Fucking hits
Rolling damage and to see if that is a critical
>>68115We Could say some time passes if you want.
>>68116>>68117The Knife lands right in the eye of the angry badger, and it falls to the ground, bleeding. Dead. It looks like, by right of adverse possession, you have won the apartment against the opposing claimant. Also, there is a dead badger getting blood on the floor
>>68118You head down to the bar and see the establishment, a two story wooden building
[1d20 = 4]>>68119Stick it again
>>68119Any ponies of interest outside?
>>68120upon plunging your knife into it, you discover it had a tiny bit of life left in it as it bled out. But it's definitely dead now. And thus you learn the valuable lesson of the important of the Double Tap.
>>68121At the moment, nopony appears to be outside of the establishment. At least, no pony you can recognize
>>68122*Dark Star walks in*
>>68122"Who's house?" he quietly mocks the badger before realizing that there's now a dead animal in his room. "At least it wasn't the cops," he sighs, dragging the body to another room before returning to retire for the night. "So far, so good" he Eeeeee's internally. "Too bad about that blight though, what I wouldn't give for a kiwi."
>>68123A Dark Brown earth pony bar tender stands behind the bar. Other ponies sit else where in the bar, playing pool or talking
>>68124Alas, there are no kiwis. They are outrageously expensive, like 2 bits just for one of them. No police either
>>68125Any good looking Mares?
>>68126I mean, how good is good looking? Like maybe two 5s? It's a week night
*Walks over to the bartender*
>>68128He looks up and smiles
"What can I get for you tonight?"
>>68129"Some Apple Whiskey,Sir."
>>68130The bar tender pours him a shot
"I thought our help would be here by now"
>>68132"I mean a guy who works here. He doesn't usually bar tend though. Cleans dishes and such. Anyways, it's just me tonight, that's all I meant to say. Anyways, how's your day?"
>>68133"ah things are looking up for me, thanks for asking. if you need some help i could assist with dishes or something."
>>68134"I am good now"
He hands over the drink
Dark star drinks it
"can i get another one?"
>>68136"Of course"
He pours another one
>>68137"hey what do you think of the communist running around?"
>>68138"They've been doing this since before the War, they've always been popular here. I can tell you I don't want the state taking my bar"
>>68139"Ah yea i could imagine, i wouldnt want my property taken either. How do you feel about the Black Hoofs?"
>>68140"They fucked us over in the war. We could have held off the Changelings if they hadn't come in"
>>68141*thinking horse noises*
*Drinks the second shot*
"Well there certainly better than the changelings and the communists."
>>68142"That's not saying much"
A guy takes issue with his last point, and interjects
"Oh please, Celestia declared war on them because she wanted to protect Griffons, and couldn't even keep the Changelings out of Los Pegasus. Hell, the Black hooves are the only ones who keep Chrysalis off Celestia's own throne"
>>68143"All Celestia Cared about was Staying on her throne, she didn't care about us, and certainly not about me."
>>68144>>68144“Well, that [i]is what the communists have been saying for the last several years now, so you aren’t alone in thinking that”
He starts to clean a glass
>>68145"Bartender Pour him and me another drink."
>>68146He pours the two another drink
The one who spoke is a grey Earth Pony with a pick axe cutie mark
>>68147where is he at? is he at a table? or at the bar?
>>68148At the bar, further down
>>68149"Whats your name friend? mines DarkStar."
>>68150He looks over, at first uneasy to talk, and perhaps still reluctant
"My name is Steel Heart"
He takes a drink
"Thank's for the drink," and looks forward again
>>68151how long has it been?
>>68154"I had been for many years, worked in the Smokey Mountains as a miner."
>>68155"I always wondered how mining operations worked."
>>68156"They had gotten better over the years. It used to be we had to remove the ore with shovels. They brought in steam shovels, then real big steam shovels, first to remove the top soil, then to remove the ore. I did pretty much all of this over the years"
>>68157"The Black Hoof party Values our Workers more than the Communist ever could. The communists only pretending they love the worker until they take power then the workers are oppressed terribly."
>>68158He seems unsure how to respond to that, and looks at him strange. He takes another drink.
>>68159*Downs shot*
"Bartender,can i get one more."
>>68160The bartender obliges, giving another shot
>>68161How strong is this whiskey?
>>68162Evidently not strong enough for your purposes
I don't drink alcohol, so I can't really say what it is doing and how long it would take, only that it's enough that the bar tender should be aware you wouldn't be allowed to legally drive a vehicle if it were in the U.S.
>>68163*stars humming the theme song*
>>68090Onyx's patience is now running a bit thin.
"Listen kid, I'm sure you care a lot about your dad. But nothing is happening"
>>68169>>68169He looks at you with eyes of unfathomable sadness.
“Please Mr.?”
>>68171I was wanting to finish with Onyx Steel, so no unless you know what you want to do with your character now
>>68170Onyx sighs and looks at the kid.
"Listen, I've been here for the better part of a day and I know more about roses than I ever cared to learn. How much longer will I have to wait?"
*Drunk horse going on a rant about fascism noises*
>>68172My character would only be getting to know the orphanage as she stands.
>>68173The colt continues looking cute
"Dad closes shop in an hour. If they come today, it will be in the next hour"
>>68174Steel Heart is... still surprised. Listening, I guess
[1d20+6 = 13]
I'm going to go ahead and roll Knowledge (Religion) to see what my character knows about Equestrian Clergy, particularly this church.
>>68176"An hour...."
Onyx decides that he was just gonna drink alone anyway, so he might as well just stick around.
I could use some more ranks in that skill...
>>68176"You seem surprised,Have you not heard about their policies?"
>>68175The main portion of the orphanage includes a kitchen, a common area, a play area for the younger fillies and colts, and all of the room. The colts and fillies are of every race, mostly children who lost parents to disease, crime, or the War. The orphanage is definitely full, but seems as if it has fewer foals than sister mary's description of the situation would imply. The sisters act with extreme distrust to stragers, and many of the foals hide when Ash walks into the room, but warm to her almost immediately.
The building is attached to a nunnery, which includes multiple classrooms where nuns teach the children. There is a chapel that always has nuns praying to the Princesses, with nice stained glass windows, besides dorms an such for the sisters. Out back, there is a garden with edible plants, and a small graveyard
>>68177Unfortunately, she doesn't know that much about the Pransiscan Order. All She can really know is that they are a mendicant order of the Universal Colt of the Goddess of the Sun founded many centuries ago by Saint Prancis of Ass-Easternly. They follow an ascetic lifestyle and preach helping the poor. You know they do charity work and religious education. Aside from that, you don't know much else
>>68178An hour goes by, and ponies come in and out, and buy flowers. The father is finally about to close up shop
>>68180He seems uninformed
>>68181Onyx decides to step just out the door while the shop is closed up.
>>68182The air is a bit colder now, sort of surprising for the time of year and location. Ponies are on the street, and the colt comes up to him, and holds onto his leg
>>68183>Picks up leg>Shakes"Listen, I'm not leaving yet. Just staying out of the way"
>>68184Some ponies pass by. Probably 5 minutes after closing time, a dark Earth pony and a Diamond Dog walk up, wearing black jackets. They walk past, and go in. No one has said anything to you nor have they said anything, but you can be pretty sure that these creatures are sketchy as hell. The Diamond dog's right claw is underneath his jacket. They approach the pegasus
>>68185Onyx ducks inside before the door closes, hoping this isn't about to go down how he knows it will.
>>68181"They Believe in A Strong Independent Economy, coordinating large corporations with the state, busting labor unions, and strong state-based worker protections, so the People Dont Get Fucked over,like they did under celestia and would under communism."
>>68186The Earth pony goes up to the father and can be heard saying
"So where's the money"
"I told you that I don't have it. I need more time"
"We gave you more time"
The colt hides behind you, and doesn't feel the need to state the obvious
>>68187Steel Hooves takes another drink
>>68181How many foals/nuns are staying there altogether?
Sister Ash goes about the church, politely introducing herself to all the foals and the nuns. Later she asks Sister Marey (or whoever's in charge) where she can begin to help.
>>68188Onyx grabs his halberd in his mouth, and knocks it on the ground enough to make a decently loud
>>68188"Hey Bartender, id like to invest in your business."
>>68189I want to say there are around 10 nuns and 3 dozen foals, maybe more foals.
As stated before, the foals tend to be reticent, and the Sisters tend to avoid her or move away. Sister Marery starts to accompany her as she walks around to tell them "It's okay" and "she's not from the waterfront. They seem much nicer after that. Most seem fascinated by her scales and weird horn. Not only have they never met a kirin before, they haven't even heard of one
Sister Marery tells her we need help most with the laundry. But something tells me you would do well in the garden"
>>68190The Earth pony looks at him, and the Diamond Dog turns fully towards him. The Diamond dog moves his hand out to show he is and has been holding a long knife, which he displays to Onyx. The Earth pony says "Oh, you want to go
medieval?" The Diamond Dog says, in a voice that is a bit too high pitched for such a large creature "You're not with the police. Who sent you?"
>>68191Now the
bartender takes a drink.
"How much?"
>>68190>>68192The Earth Pony reaches to evidently draw a weapon
>>68192"1000 bits. i want this place to succeed."
>>68192Sister Ash dutifully proceeds to the garden and inspects the plants.
[1d20+12 = 15]>>68193Onyx decides there's no time like the present, and charges the Earth pony.
[1d20+3 = 20][1d10+6 = 8]>>68194He raises his eyebrows
"That could be a 10% share"
>>68195The more prominent portion of the garden concerns plants used for spices and the like. Mint, Rosemary, so forth. These plants grow bountifully. There is also a section that grows lettuce and tomatoes, besides peppers and cabbage. This is in less well shape. There is a small orchard of plums and apples, which the sister tells you don't grow as well here as in more temperate climates. You can see that there is a field where corn is growing, not fully successfully. Sister Rose tells you they made the field to try to see if the Earth ponies of the orphanage can learn how to grow. Not full success
>>68196Hits, and rolling 1d10+6 damage on the Earth Pony. The Diamond Dog attacks with his knife
>>68197Oof, that's a hit.
[1d4+1 = 4]>>68196>>68197The Earth pony is unambiguously wounded. He Stabs you with his knife. The Diamond Dog's hit lands. Rolling damage
>>68197"That seems fine. i have an arrangement i need to get to, Good Day Gentlecolts."
[1d20+10 = 17]>>68199Onyx then quickly switches targets to stab at the dog.
[1d10+8 = 18][1d20+3 = 22]>>68199>>68201I forgot to to roll the attack for the Earth pony
That attack on the diamond dog lands
>>68202*DarkStar leaves the bar*
>>68197Sister Ash closes her eyes and takes in the presence of the garden.
In a subtle, whispered tone, she gives a silent prayer in her native language.
And uses up her prepared *Plant Growth* spell, using the *Enrichment* power of the spell. Link for convinience:https://dnd-wiki.org/wiki/SRD:Plant_GrowthThen she picks up some gardening tools and puts herself to work.
But yeah, it seem every attack will be hitting today.
[1d20+3 = 19]>>68202>>68201The Dog falls to the floor. He is Dead.
The Earth Pony decides to turn and run away. He is bleeding Badly and not running fast.
A mare walking by heard the commotion and looked through the widows. She yells at the top of her lungs "POLICE!!!!" and runs
Rolling to see if the Earth Pony's stab was a critical
[1d6+1 = 7]>>68205The Earth pony's knife landed in a soft spot, causing double damage
>>68205>>68206>>68207You have taken 18 total damage to health. You are bleeding badly. The Earth pony is disengaging and limping away. The ponies in the store are shocked.
[1d20+8 = 10]>>68206>DeadShiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
>>68207Onyx winces, dropping his halberd, before attempting to overrun the Earth Pony
[1d20+1 = 20]>>68209Uh, I guess so.
The Earth pony's strength check opposes
>>68209>>68213Your attempt to overrun the Earth pony has failed, and both of you fall to the ground in a pile of blood
Onyx then turns his head in the direction of the colt.
Onyx collects himself, and limps away before the police arrive.
>>68209>>68213The Earth Pony gets back up to continue to limp back out
>>68215The colt smiles and waves. "You are my hero." As you leave the shop, probably at least six ponies across the street watch on in a kind of curious shock, having been alerted by the Mare
>>68216Onyx finds his way back to the bar, smiling the whole way back.
>>68216Do i see this crowd as im heading to the clothing store?
>>68217I think you need to make a dice roll.
>>68218Do you want to? If you want to, you can
>>68220yea i do
"Hey! Whats going on here!?"
>>682214 Baltimare police officers are at the scene of a crime at a shop. Ponies talk to each other and whisper
>>68222You manage to leave the street, but don't go far until a Pegasus and an Earth Pony pass you. They wear Blue Police uniforms and caps, with "BPD" on their uniforms. You are very visibly injured. They stop and address you, very clearly concerned about your wounds
"By Celestia, are you alright?" a mare asks, as if the answer weren't abundantly obvious
>>68223"Y-yes I'm fine"
Onyx doesn't look nervous at all.
>>68223"What happend here?"
[1d20+10 = 17]>>68204Well, that's going to occupy her for the rest of the morning.
Rolling Survival to predict the weather for the next few days in advance (DC 15, +1 for each additional day).
>I'm only asking this because some of my spells have varying affects depending on weather.
>>68224The mares get on each side of him, and look more closely at his wounds
"You look like you've been stabbed"
>>68225A police officer says "It looks like there was an altercation over a "protection" payment. One is dead. He's a known gangster. A crystal Earth pony is still missing, as is a dark Earth pony. Both are wounded and fled the scene"
A black uniformed officer walks up. You can immediately recognize him as the Green Earth Pony who was there when you were questioned at Black Hooves Headquarters
A civilian across the street whispers "good riddance"
>>68226Cloudy with a chance of rain, especially Tuesday
>>68227"Hey,I remember you from the headquarters. Do you guyss need any help here?"
>>68227"I promise you, I've had much worse"
Sister Ash works for the rest of the morning in the garden, meticulously tending to the crops, plucking away weeds and parasites, watering the fruiting branches, and other mundane tasks.
>>68228He looks at him.
"Dark Star isn't it? Anyways, this isn't really our jurisdiction. But you can see the local police are having their time with the local organized crime"
>>68231"Is there an Suspected Communist Involvement?"
>>68233"No. If it were, we'd be involved. It just looks like another death to crime. You can thank Mayor Larry Berry for that"
>>68229"I don't think we can let you go when you are in that bad of shape. Let us take you to the Hospital. You can get free treatment there"
>>68234"Ah,ok is there a mafia Family in town?"
Meanwhile, the edgy bat-pone who has yet to introduce himself finally wakes up as the sun begins to set.
"Fug,... hungry again. Guess I'd better go find something."
Onyx's eye twiches as he realizes he left his only possession in the store.
>>68235"It's merely a scratch, I was just on my way home to treat it myself"
>>68236"There's crime syndicates. Exactly what they do is a bit mysterious, but this dog here was apparently in a protection racket"
>>68237The Bat pone is indeed hungry. Now, where to go?
>>68238The policemares look at him, and take a more serious tone
"Sir, we're not allowed to let you go. According to city ordinance, all severely injured persons must be treated, and cannot refuse. Besides that, you look like you were the victim of a crime. I know you probably don't want to talk about it, but we can tell"
>>68239"Has he been searched for anything that would shed any light on anything?"
>>68239Onyx tries to decide if running is a viable option.
"Might as well try and find a place to eat." he Eeeeee's to himself. He makes his way from the apartment/house/place and ventures toward the downtown area, in hopes to find some tasty noms.
>>68241Well, he's very wounded. One of the Mares is a pegasus and can fly. The other is an earth pony but is not wounded. Onyx is not
currently charged or even suspected of a crime, but there were a hell of a lot of witnesses. He thinks he has a defense... will that work? He can't tell if running would be "evading police" or not.
>>68242What kind of price range? There are many markets and restaurants in the city. Maybe also alternative food options
>>68240"He had a knife"
Onyx's voice drips with resignation.
>>68243"Better go with something cheap for now, until I get a better feel for the city," he Eeeeee's. It pains him to be frugal, but it would pain him worse to expend his resources too quickly. He's on his own now, and he can't afford to be frivolous.
>>68244"Oh he did. A diamond dog of the Diamondhund hinterlands of Equestria. A known criminal and suspected gang member
>>68245He is escorted to the Hospital by the two mares. It's a larger white building. A yellow unicorn is the surgeon apparently.
He asks "How did this happen?"
>>68246Among other options is a grocery store nearby in the river front area, carrying fruits and vegetables of many kinds. A bakery is included
FRUIT" his stomach demands, upon eyeing the grocery store.
"I suppose I haven't had anything sweet in a while," he Eeee's in response.
>>68247"I fell with a bottle and the glass cut me..."
>>68247"I never Trusted Those Damn Bitches, We should Expel Everyone of them. Which Gang was He with?"
>>68248The store includes Apples, Apples, and shit loads of Apples. Pears also exist from u`p north near Ablion. Strawberries, imported from Tall Tales now in the Changeling lands, can be found but a little-bit pricier. Almost guarded near the register, are a set of Kiwi fruit, still untarnished from the fields of Great Cross, have a a higher price tag on them
>>68250"We don't know what they call themselves. We know them only as 'The Waterfront' gang. I'm sure a baltimare officer knows more, but as I said, this isn't my jurisdiction"
>>68249"Alright, we just needed to know if you were stabbed. Knife wounds go deeper and can cause internal bleeding. If it's just a glass cut we can stitch you up"
>>68251He tries to appear nonchalant while inspecting the kiwis,... but its been a looooooooong time since he's had kiwi.
Think you can handle four players at once?
A gray earth pony finally exits the Forbidden Jungle. He spots the city of New Mareland and starts travelling towards it.
>>68251"The waterFront gang huh? I have some business there maybe i could ask around for you guys."
>>68254Sure. One little thing though, new mareland is across the Sea. Would you like to head over to Baltimare or some other city in South East Equestria?
>>68253The Cashier watches
>>68252"Alright, we'll get you stitched up"
>>68256 Bugger. The stallion after seeing the mass amount of water, decides to travel to Baltimare.
>>68257The Grey Stallion emerges from the forests of Duskaway. An unpaved road is beneath him, and he can see the city off in the distance, with a few taller buildings and industrial smoke stacks. The tree line thins out with a few pastures and some agricultural fields, mostly of corn. The houses increase with density as he approaches
[1d20 = 16]
As Sister Ash completes her work in the garden, she keeps an ear open to judge the other sisters' attitudes, asking a few inoffensive questions here and there as she gets to know them all.
Rolling Gather Information to see what she can discern about these "waterfront" stallions, and what they meant to the orphanage.
>>68256"Well don't just stand there, make like a cashier and sell me these!" Is what he thinks he says. What happens is he points toward the kiwis and lets out shrill "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"
>>68259"Ask around for what?"
>>68260The Cashier puts his hoof over his ears as the eeeeeeeing goes on. He takes 10 kiwis and places them in a bag
"That will be 20 bits. They barely grow these anymore you know"
>>68259When she asks, the mares get sort of hushed and sulk away. The foals too are afraid.
Sister Marery finally gives an answer
"A group of villainous scum they are. Offered to lend some money when the Ophanage was running low. We had no other choice. We took some. But then they came broke some things. And....."
Sister Marery gets very quiet
>>68258The gray pony explores the town until he can find a tavern, seeking a crewmember role on a ship travelling towards the general direction of New Mareland.
>>68261the stallion stitches up the two wounds
"Alright, this should get better in some days. Be careful not to put too much weight on this."
Onyx can see the two police mares walking back in the hospital
>>68264Onyx makes like a banana and trys to split
Several taverns exist. He walks back in and passes a few. The Saltlick, the Watering Hole, the Eastside bar and so forth
>>68265As he sets his hoof down, he discovers he is in deep pain. The stallion tells him "watch yourself with those stitches"
>>68266He chooses the Watering Hole, as it sounded like something a tavern related to the docks. He enters the tavern, searching for a ship in need of dumb labor.
>>68266Alright fine, he
limps his way away.
>>68262Eeeeee'ing in satisfaction, he spirits away with the kiwis, only regretting that the store had the presence of mind to place them in a spot that made them difficult to steal.
Yes, he paid for them, but he didn't like it.
The grey Earth pony enters the tavern, and sees several ponies drinking and talking to each other, some rather loudly.
Well, I will say that the original intent of the game was to have everypony stay in the region of South-East Equestria, and meet up to go on quests. Right now there are 5 seperate characters, including yours, doing their own things going on adventures. I don't mean to say your pony can't go to a tavern and look for crews to join, then go to new Mareland and have his own adventure, just that I have a seperate tavern scene for another character, a nunnery for another character, and so forth so my creativity is just a bit stretched. In a standard D&D setting you generally tell one story that 4 or 5 people are all a part of.We love to have you, and I think you should flesh out your character a bit more. Perhaps you want to create stats for him? That helps with Fighting and dice rolls
https://hobbylark.com/tabletop-gaming/Making-a-character-in-35-DDhttp://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?135028-Article-D-amp-D-3-5-for-Total-Beginners>>68269It's a real shame to be sure, but somethings in life can be hard.
>>68268The mares see him
"Excuse me sir"
>>68270"ah well ill see you later,sir. ill report any findings on the waterfront gang i find to you next time im at hq"
*DarkStar heads to the tailor*
>>68270Onyx stomps a couple times in frustration, but says nothing
Devouring one of the kiwis almost as soon as he left the shop, he feels the blissful satisfaction os the delectable fruit coursing through him. Stopping to deposit his remaining kiwis at his makeshift home, "Alright, now it's time to find some trouble," he Eeee's to himself, before setting off toward a tavern.
>>68271When he arrives at the Tailor, he sees Trim Fit
"You order is ready"
>>68272"Come with us"
>>68274"Thank you sir."
*DarkStar hands him 100 extra bits*
>>68273Which one? Our Earth pony is at the Watering Hole, our crystal pony would be at the Eastside tavern...
>>68275He takes the 100 bits with glee
"Might you have something
more for your gear in mind?"
>>68270 Oh wait, I was where everybody else was? Damn. Sorry GM. By the way, I have a crude sheet for him, don't worry. Fighter, Str is highest, proficiency in unarmed. The gray stallion deflated at such magnitudes of ponies dazzling about, clearly lost among the mass of ponies. There must be an easier way to travel at New Mareland. He realized he's tired from the trip and decides to stay at Baltimere
Which I hope there's the other players somewhat for some time, trying to get used to the place.
Sorry for the troubles, DM
>>68276"I could potenially use some rope, Maybe Some Bird Food" *gestures to owl on his shoulder* "Are there any where, where there are a large number of rats?"
>>68267Welcome aboard New Fren, Have you played many RPGS?
[1d20 = 5]>>68262Sister Ash turns around slowly at the sound of the new voice.
>>68279Didn't mean to roll
>>68277You're doing fine.
>>68274Onyx sighs and follows the police.
This... This can't end well for me>>68277You'll be fine, new players are always welcome
>>68277I guess I can also post the sheet while I'm at it
Strength 17 (+3)
Dexterity 11 (+0)
Constitution 11 (+0)
Intelligence 9 (-1)
Wisdom 10 (+0)
Charisma 8 (-1)
Initiative modifier: +0 = +0 [dexterity]
Fortitude save: +2 = 2 [base]
Reflex save: +0 = 0 [base]
Will save: +0 = 0 [base]
Attack (handheld): +4 = 1 [base] +3 [strength]
Attack (unarmed): +4 = 1 [base] +3 [strength]
Attack (missile): +1 = 1 [base]
Grapple check: +4 = 1 [base] +3 [strength]
>>68283That looks like a decent build for a Fighter.
Also, mind that previous Earth ponies get +2 to Stength and Constitution, and a bonus feat at first level.
>>68283FYI we're starting at level 5
>>68282>>68277>>68283That'll work.
I will be leaving soon, but there are 4 other ponies and Kirin in Baltimare, only one of whom is being detained by police. You may interact with them while I am away
>>68279Well, I think I will be leaving soon enough. I will try to make some posts and replies over the night but I will not be at my laptop.
>>68283Starting level 5, Here are the Earth pony racial modifiers:
Earth Pony and Crystal pony:
+2 strength
+2 constitution
One free feat
Tactile hooves
One free skill maxed out
Cannot perform arcane magic
It's stronger than a base D&D race, but hopefully balanced with the other races
>>68285"Sir, we have a few questions for you"
>>68287A simple grunt is their only response
>>68287*DarkStar Returns to the bar after paying for his long coat and cowboy hat*
>>68283What fighting style do you intend to build?
>>68291Wouldnt monk be better for that?
>>68292I'd rather not be lawful, but if unarmed fighter can't keep up with standard D&D meta, I can change its proficiency to a sword or spear. Didn't want to be lawful
>>68276The Tavern sounds like it would have better-paid clientele
>>68293Thats fair. you Dont have to Change anything if you dont want to, i didn't want to give that impression.
>>68291An unarmed fighter, huh. Interesting.
>>68293A Monk only gets bonys feats in levels 1 through six. He could be an ex-monk.
>>68295I'm just a newbie here. I'd rather not burden the party for my own sake. But if it's viable, I'll keep it for now.
>>68298Newcommers are always welcome.
I'm paying a Kirin nun, btw.
>>68298>being politeAwwww, it's adorable
>>68298Its No burden to us.
>>68298We all only just started yesterday.
Tell us about your character.
>>68302A tribesman from the Forbidden Jungles. Strength is the norm. Has ventured to complete his path to adulthood.
Sorryy for lack of response, trying to fix a bit the char sheet unsuccessfully.
>>68303mine is Dark Star
An Orphaned pony that is looking to the Black Hoofs, For assistance. The only Friend He has Left is his Owl Companion. He is Currently on a mission to take down Some suspected Communists for the Black Hoofs Party.
>>68303No rush; the DM isn't even here. Your character sounds pretty cool.
I'm playing a Kirin Druid.
She's a disciplined, faithful, ascetic mare who put gave up comfortable life to pledge dedicate herself in service to the poor. She works as a healer and herbalist, helping those who cannot help themselves.
>>68302>>68301>>68300Ok, so I know I have 19 STR and 13 Con for earth pony trait, also took some perks for unarmed exclusively. Put some points in jump, climb, move silently and hide. (+1, +1, +0,5, +0,5 respectively) Will add another feat for my race, taking Stunning Fist if possible. If not, I'll take Combat Reflexes. Am I doing this right or am I missing something?
>>68306Also should know I used this:
http://pathguy.com/cg35.htmlTo create the char sheet
>>68306we are starting at lvl 5, so you have 56 skill points you can use.
>>68306If you wanna be a Fighter, you're definitely going to want Power Attack.
>>68309I also highly suggest this.
>>68310As a fellow fighter I third it
>>68313This slightly less edgy looking horse is Onyx Steel. The newly made criminal...
>>68313>>68314Ok, here's the new char sheet.
Strength 20 (+5)
Dexterity 11 (+0)
Constitution 13 (+1)
Intelligence 9 (-1)
Wisdom 10 (+0)
Charisma 8 (-1)
Initiative modifier: +0 = +0 [dexterity]
Fortitude save: +5 = 4 [base] +1 [constitution]
Reflex save: +1 = 1 [base]
Will save: +1 = 1 [base]
Attack (handheld): +10 = 5 [base] +5 [strength]
Attack (unarmed): +10 = 5 [base] +5 [strength]
Attack (missile): +5 = 5 [base]
Grapple check: +10 = 5 [base] +5 [strength]
Is this ok or should I put more points on skills?
>>68316Skills are pretty important.
It's fine if you want to wait a bit to sort things out. I still haven't picked all of my feats.
>>68317That's for sure. I added 8 points already by the creator, but it seems to add by 0.5. So should I add 48 more skill points?
>>68314>those eyesI’m not sure you want to use that color scheme. Or use it, see what happens.
>>68316That will work, just please note that fighters only have 2 skill points per level plus 8 at the beginning. With an intelligence modifier of -1 plus your cutie mark skill points, you only have 16 skill points, 8 of which must be in one skill that relates to the character’s cutie mark.
Also, a character who is s native pony of the forbidden jungles is a splendid choice
>>68319i would suggest doing that,yes.
>>68319You only get a 1/1 ratio of skills/points on class-specific skills. Cross-class skills advance at 2/1. For a fighter, that includes things like moving silently, which is predominantly a rogue skill
>>68320Too late, I'm using it
>>68320Thank you.
So after the first 8 from normal D&D I put 8 more limited to cutie mark relevance. Then I have the rest of the skill points to distribute as I please or I just have 16 points total?
>>68324You have only 16 total if we strictly adhere to the rules for the fighter class. That other player with 56 points is playing a Ranger, which has more skill points
>>68325>>68324oops,sorry friend
>>68325Ok, so my char is fully done. Feels good.
>>68327Does he have a name? or would you like to reveal that in game?
>>68328I'd rather do it in-game. It's a rather simple name, fitting for a tribe name. But I can show how he looks like.
Warning: Kinda dull looking
>>68329He looks pretty cool.
>>68330Looked messy, so I took it. I like how he turned out. Gives the "I live in a jungle vibe".
>>68331Thanks man.
>>68333Oh cool.
>>68335>>68331>>68332Any hints on your backstory, you three, or will you expand in-story?
>>68336Well, other than become a criminal there's not too much to Onyx.
He's a crystal pony who servered in the war
who has one glassed over eye.
>>68336I haven't thought very far into detail in terms of backstory, but I think i:'ve got my character's traits semi figured out.
I decided she would have come to the city because it would be the logical place to find impoverished ponies. She's only concerned with helping the poor, in addition to natural creatures.
I'll expand on how her dispositions cane to be later on, as she interacts with other characters.
>>68336I Would Prefer to Expand on it in character.
>>68337Huh, it's flexible. Wonder how you'll expand him later. Lots of potential, can go anywhere.
>>68338It's nice. Good waifu material. Can't wait to see her backstory.
>>68339I bet she/he is addicted to mangos
>>68340IVE BEEN FOUND OUT! oh no!
>>68340>Good waifu materialHuh, I guess I made a decent character after all. Thanks.
>>68340Thanks! I look forward to seeing where your character goes too.
>Waifu materialThis gonna be good
Well, it was a nice chat. I'll see you in the afternoon, maybe even midnight. Let's have fun times together with this game!
Remember, no commie
>>68278He looks astonished, as he was apparently expecting something different.
"Rope... There is a hardware store on Mareton Hoofer King Avenue that sells rope. As for Rats.... You may find those wondering about in trashcans on the same street at no cost."
>>68289Or you can do that
>>68279Sister Marery seems to have shut herself up now
>>68294Oh God....When he gets to the East side tavern he can see a few ponies there. In the corner a jolly stallion in a sailor's uniform speaks to an older wealthy looking fellow with a fine unicorn mare next to him, lost in a conversation. At the bar, the bartender yells something about his help being three hours late, as a Brown, overly edgy earth pony walks in and head to the bar. Besides ponies playing pool and so forth.
>>68288The Policemares grab onto him and walk him to the Police Station. Everytime he moves his forehoof, he feels a sharp pain, which the policemares do not fail to notice. They take him into a room with a table, and set him down. He is left alone for two minutes, and a Unicorn stallion, light grey coat comes in, along with a pink pegasus mare with a blue cap. The Stallion says to him
"You are not under arrest at this time, we just have a few questions for you"
He looks at you. "Do you perhaps need something to handle your pain?"
>>68293I know alignment is normally a big part of D&D mechanics, especially in older systems like 3.5, but I am fine doing things differently. In a normal D&D campaign, you make a character, and that character reacts to the world thrown at it based upon its personality. Here, I kind of want to throw the characters into the world, and you make choices as they are presented, and the character becomes who the character is based upon the choices made. That's the hope anyways
>>68348what was he excpecting?*i stay in the shop*
>>68288Note that as you arrive in the police station, a set of police officers search you for weapons and the content of your pockets
>>68349"Well, you seemed like the type who would want, shall we say, a
protective vest"
>>68350"Well... Your not wrong. How much would one cost?"
>>68351"A few hundred bits, depending on your preferences.
"What we have in stock are a few... Army surplus vests. Nylon fabric with steel plates woven in, used by Equestrian pilots in the war as protection against shrapnel. They've become somewhat popular among wealthy ponies who think themselves possible targets of crime. They will not stop a rifle bullet, but they might stop a knife or fragment of shrapnel.
I cannot tell you it will feel like you are wearing nothing at all. You will feel the weight on you, it will make you a little less maneuverable, and a little harder to jump or swim. But you may just be able to fit one underneath your jacket without any pony noticing."
>>68352"That Sounds like something i would need."
*gets out bits pouch*
"how much did you say?"
>>68353He takes you into the back into another room. It has several suits of armor. He picks up a green vest. It has a little thickness to it, but doesn't look heavy when he holds it.
"This one here is a... fairly standard airman's jacket, against the Changeling air-defense guns. It is mostly heavy Nylon, with some steel plating. Around 12 pounds, not too bulky or heavy. It costs 300 bits."
>>68354"And this thing can stop a knife?"
>>68355"It can stop many knife attacks, yes. But I don't know if I can guarantee you a knife that hits solid into it won't pierce it. What I can tell you now that it will improve your odds against all manner of danger - artillery, knife, claw, and maybe a glancing or distant bullet. Many an airmare is alive today because of it."
>>68357Trim Fit hands over two of the vests. "600 bits"
>>68358*Drops down 600 bits*
Deciding to get accostumed to the city and earn some bits, the gray stallion seeks work as muscle for any pony willing to buy his service. He will do that on the outskirts of the Watering Hole, as the lack of space would bother him a bit.
Let's see who bites
[1d20+5 = 10]>>68348I'm going to roll Sense Motive, to see what's concerning her.
>>68348*Approaches the bardtender*
"Eee <clears throat>.. I mean, I couldn't help but over-hear that you might be short-handed. I'm between jobs at the moment, and while I was hoping to find a drink, I could just as soon fill in for you."
>>68363The stallion looks at The Bat with a sort of astonishment. He is in genuine pause for a minute.
"I definitely need the help. If you could clean tables and the floor *beat* that'd be very useful"
He hands over a wiping rag
>>68361She dare not speak the unspeakable, and her expression conveys sadness, fear, horror, and guilt
>>68360You wonder if perhaps tales of the unemployment in baltimare are overrated, as a blue Earth pony gives out a holler
"We got a cargo that just came in in the harbor and our normal hooves can't handle it. Looking for ponies to unload the ship in the next few hours. 3 bits an hour"
>>68364The gray stallion approaches the blue pony.
"Hello", he says, "I will move the boxes you want. Show me where the "cargo" is and it will go there"
>>68365"Excellent! I'm sorry, but we really are on a tight schedule. Go to that pony over there and he will take you down to the docks"
He directs you to a bigger Earth pony with a cap on who has a number of other ponies around him. He speaks in a gruff voice
"this way"
>>68364*Makes an obviously un-military salute and gets to
casing the customers cleaning tables*
>>68367The first table has only a few empty glasses on it, with a plate, so you guess there must have been food served or something? Anyways, it's totally unsuspicious to clean, and more importantly is right next to a booth containing the pegasus in the sailor's uniform, and an older stallion with his overly cute unicorn mare
>>68364Sister Ash's decides it's better for her not to pry into matters; instead she lowers her head in sympathy.
"I can see you have suffered.. you've been forced to make many difficult decisions. You have my sincere condolences.."
Then she turns around slowly, as she picks up her broom (I'm subbing the cane for a broom, because it fits her character better) to return to work.
>>68369A little fillie comes by and wags her tale at sister Ash. "Were you sent here by Celestia? Sister Rosemary tells us that she looks after each of us, and she will return to save us some sunny day"
>>68366The stallion follows.
"Why do you need help with this? You seem tough enough to move puny boxes around." He glances at the Captain dissapointedly, looking for any excuse as to why he'd need help for such a simple job. He also inspected the crew that had to move the cargo, maybe he's the only capable stallion around here.
>>68371He seems a little annoyed by this question
"It's a lot of cargo, and it needs to be moved
quickly. We need all the ponies we can get for it. Now are you in?"
>>68370Sister Ash tassles the little filly's mane, and smiles.
"Then I'm glad she sent me here to you."
>>68373The little fillie wags her tale. She says sadly "Our dreams haven't been as happy since the armnis-cis-cyst. It used to be that even when I had a bad day, I could go to my dreams to be away from it"
>>68372After a bit of thought, he reluctantly nods. "I don't have anything else to do. I... "am in" as your folk say." His posture slouched a bit, annoyed as well. Here's hoping that these bits are worth the trouble. Guess life in this "cee-vee-li-sei-tion" is as boring as foraging. "Now, point me to the cargo and where to place it."
[1d20+7 = 27]>>68374>dreamsI feel like answering to this appropriately requires a knowledge (religion) check, on the subject of Celestia and Luna, to see what Sister Ash actually understands about Luna's dreamweaving.
Also, would non-Equestrians have experienced this too? Have *everyone's* dreams been messed up since Luna was captured?
>>68375The stallion walks you down to the docks, at least a half-mile past shops, then factories, then warehouses, to a specific dock.
"This one, right here."
He points his hoof to a red painted ship called the
Swift Pheasant that seems to have itself only just arrived, as up-swells of water imply that maneuvering thrusters are on, and a crew seems to be throwing ropes over to moor the ship. You can see the the crew from a distance. Half are Earth ponies, but half are a creature you've never seen before in your life: what you understand to be 'griffons.' The registry below the ship name is "Skyfall." You can see more ponies - and a few zebra and one diamond dog - assembled in a group waiting to unload the ship. Your little group recruited in town joins with this group, and the Earth pony yells out to you:
"We got a few dozen crates to transfer before 3 PM, that's two hours from now. Half will go to that ship over there, and half will go by truck into town. Do as I tell you"
>>68376Dreamweaving is the careful art of the Princess of the Night, Princess Luna, who crafts delicate dreams to her followers, most especially young foals who need the emotional support. With the power of her alicorn magic she visits a great multitude each night. The magic naturally responds to the emotions of each foal, and she gives the dream a more personal touch where a foal needs particular guidance or life lessons. Only Believers receive pleasant dreams from the Princess, while those who do not believe suffer nightmares and dreamless slumbers - a small taste of "what dreams may come" after death.
>>68377Do non-followers include Sister Ash, who came from outside Equestria, in this case? What have her dreams been like?
>>68378Assorted dreams of daily life, fears of public speaking while naked, and the occasional dream of wondering through the forest and experiencing life in a way that makes her feel like she is connected to something greater in the cosmos. She has never had a dream that included Princess Luna, even since she was a young.... fillie?
>>68378I'm only asking because I'm considering the implications of my character's experience, before formulating a response to this filly.
>>68379Pretty sure young Kirin is a filly. The only other options would be faun, kid, or calf.
[1d20+5 = 14]>>68377"Fine." He walks towards the crates. While it's a boring job, showing strength will earn respect. That much was truth at home. He'll carry as much as he can without breaking a sweat. He'll focus on transporting the half towards the floating metal hunk.
I'll post my load capacity over head here: "Lift over head: 400 lb". Heavy load is between that and 267. Also I'll place a strength roll just in case its needed, also practicing how to use the dice
>>68382And indeed, his strength in transporting crates is noticed. He can carry on his back crates that would otherwise take two ponies. A number of crates are transported first to a waiting truck that immediately leaves. The truck it's self is a a two and a half ton with a fabric canopy like an army logistics truck, and it leaves immediately. A few more crates now are hauled a thousand yards further down the docks to another much smaller ship called "The Jungle Express" with a Mareida registry.
As you come back for another crates, the two pegasi handling a crate being lowered by the crane shout "lookout!"
Roll for Reflex save!
>>68379>>68377>>68374Sister Ash pauses for a moment, a subtle air of confusion then worry washing over her; her wishing she could understand the filly's turmoil more deeply. She retains her adamant composure though, taking a breath as the thinks of how to answer the filly.
"... Around the world.. ponies have been having difficult times.. Many ponies, even the Princesses, have been struggling to make ends meet, and you, me, and everypony in Equestria have been feeling it... But that's only for us grown-ups to worry about..."
She stops for a moment, hoping she hasn't disturbed the filly.
"...We all struggle together, which is why we have to think work are hardest to help one another. All of the sisters have been trying their best to let the foals in this Abby live happily together, so be a good little filly and do the same for your friends here.."
Another pause
".. Do you underdtand..?" she asks, tilting her head slightly counterclockwise.
>>68384He manages to roll out of the way of the falling crate, which crashes down on the docks and shatters. Wood break apart in splinters, and the contents come out: Rifles. Bolt action rifles of what seem to be a foreign manufacture. They must not have been made for ponies, because the trigger guard is much to small to allow a hoof inside, unlike the rifles with giant trigger guards that you've seen in the forbidden jungles. Many of the rifles spread about over the dock and two fall into the water
The deck foreman is horrified and yells "Get these up! Quickly!"
>>68385The little fillie seems put at ease, and is silent for a moment.
"I think I hear what you're saying" she says
"When we went down to the soup kitchen, there was a colt who said similar things, and so did the stallions who worked there." She continues "They told told us about the struggles we all face. The workers, the poor, the ophans. He said we were all united in a struggle. Every creature - pony, Zebra, Griffon." You can tell she wants to name another race, but can't actually name it. "You."
"The sisters won't let us go back there because she says she they spook bad about the church and about the Princesses."
[1d20+5 = 25]
Time for some paddling
The grey stallion jumped down into the water, intending to snatch those two rifles that had fallen down the dock. Time to show the strength of the Earth Pony.
I'll roll for swim first
>>68388>A 20The pony jumps down into the water, and hits the mud bottom - not before he can feel
both rifles and return to the surface
[1d20+1 = 5]>>68389Swim underwater and attempt to hide one of the bolt action rifles somewhere at the shore if possible. While he'd want to hide both, it would hurt his honor to just jump into water without any results.
>>68390Well, here's the thing. The shore has a concrete sea wall that lets ships come right up to it, and the dock itself is wooden in the pattern docks are famous for. So it's not perfectly clear where to hide it
Sorry if it takes me a few minutes to respond. I'm busy atm.
[1d20+7 = 16]>>68391DamnAfter looking at his surroundings, he realised there's no way to actually hide these guns here, no land near shore to bury or any other dry patch to hide it in. Instead he simply decides to take both rifles and climb into the ship. No chance for profit from it, but at least he'll gain some renown... if these still work that is.
>>68393The deck foreman looks over to you and is clearly astonished for the feat of swimming, as he had already written off in his mind any cargo that fell over the side. He is speechless for a moment, then yells "Get these things up"
After a minute, some ponies come in with a new crate, and they start to place them inside
>>68393probably could of jammed one between a support beam and a plank under the dock, it would just be a bitch to come back and get
>>68395I would've wanted to hide it on somewhere drier than that. Thanks for the future info, may be useful later.
>>68396The thing about rifles is that they are very difficult to hide
also very loud
[1d20+4 = 20]>>68394"I will," he starts walking towards the remaining crates "However, you almost broke a crate on me." He glares at the foreman. "While that would not have hurt me a lot, It still shows disrespect towards me, and I will not let you get away with that." He steps closer towards the foreman "I will take an eighth of the price the crate that almost fell over me or else I will challenge you to a fight for my honor." He is now right in front of the foreman "I will not let this stand down"
Using intimidate for this one
>>68398"Excuse me?"
A griffon on the ship notices, and ponies on the shore look over
[1d20+3 = 15]>>68399>>68398Opposed Intimidation roll
>>68398>>68400The Deck Foreman backs away, first slowly, then a little more quickly
"We got a rowdy one"
Ponies look on from the shore, and one signals to another pony who goes inside
[1d20 = 14]
Making a dice roll to determine the time
[1d20-3 = -3]
Profession check, cleaning tables and floors
>>68403You're not great at it
>>68404Very not great at it.
No worries, its all to get close to the 'client' anyway
>>68401I guess I should roll intimidate again, right?
>>68387The Sister nods in understanding, setting her broom and dustpan aside to near down by the filly
"When times are hard, some ponies can be find it difficult to be gracious. They're so concerned for the sake of themselves and their friends that they sometimes stray and may lose faith in others. The Princesses of this land are struggling indeed, and they cannot offer so much of what they used to; so some ponies may feel that they're alone."
She pauses and looks around
"To the sisters of this Abby, who offer all they have for nothing, such words can be painful. But understand, that they only care for your well-being; so that you can know that you are loved."
*Returns to sweeping*
>>68405From your position at the table, you can see that they are at a table in a booth, and seem to be talking about their own adventures of sorts. The Sailor in particular talks of his experiences in a recent stop at the City of Los Pegasus
"Now, don't misunderstand me. I went to the casinos there when Gladmane ran the place, and then when Flim and Flam ran it. I have great respect for those stallions and what they did with Los Pegasus. But this new Tasian, wow!
Hear this. Now you know dancing fillies and the like? Get this? Mares that change shape to look like
any mare you like. A princess, an element of harmony, you name it. A perfect replica who will look at you with predatory eyes, let you take her back to the hotel room and do
anything to her you like. For cheap too!"
The older stallion seems entranced by the concept of shape-shifting prostitutes. The mare seems to be able to hold back her disgust and revulsion at the two, and is the most drunk. She is focused on the stallion
>>68406No, that dice roll was the other character's intimidation roll. He lost, you won, and he is retreating a little back. Now you chose what to say next
>>68348>At this timeWell, little comfort to be had.
"I've handled worse."
[1d20+4 = 11]>>68401Well, hopefully I'm even more intimidating to obtain the dosh without a fight"Well?" The stallion stands, forelegs bent, ready to strike. "Will you comply to my demands and restore my honor or will I have to fight you to prove my worth?". He snarls a bit, showing his teeth. "Because I will not tolerate my honor being tarnished."
>>68407The little fillie seems sated by this, and goes back to her room. A sister comes up to sister ash after 15 minutes or so
"Beggin' your pardon, but a - you're not from around here are ya?"
She knows that the next question is probably a bit insensitive and inappropriate, and maybe that's why she waited until she could find Ash alone
"What exactly do you believe when it comes to the divine?"
>>68409"Interesting" He nods
"You were found walking down 6th street bleeding and with wounds, were you not?"
>>68410The foreman clearly does not want to pick a fight with a stronger, native pony, and backsaway. A mare walks forward from the shore, with a hat and a long jacket
"I take it you're not from around here, are you kid?" She says confidently
>>68412"Do not interfere, mare," his heads snaps towards the intruding mare. "He has almost killed me by the incompetence of his crew and now I seek retribution for his deed. I will not be trampled on by one who only contols a floating hunk of metal." He looks towards the stallion again. "Now, do you comply, or do I have to fight?"
"I'll take that as a no"
She looks back at him and smiles
"Accidents happen, and not every crane operator is worth his pay. Now, I don't think you understand who runs this show. This stallion here is my underling, and you are his underling. And this, here, is my cargo. And those pegasi who dropped the crate, are somegriffon else's mooks"
She smiles again
"Welcome to Baltimare. I don't think we've been properly introduced. But all you really need to know is, don't fuck with us"
>>68416He looks at you with a more serious expression
"Now tell us what happened at the flower shop"
>>68415He looks at the mare, eyebrows raised slightly. "What filthy mouth you have, mare. Stallions are too soft around here that mares have more wit than a stallion. Truly a disgrace." He shakes his head. "I have made my point. Hopefully you will obtain better workers that do not fail you again." He walks up towards the mare. "I will not fight you, mare." He stops in front of her. "I am Iron. I am willing to move the crates again."
>>68418She looks at him again
"I take you like to be the big strong stallion? Push ponies around to your will?"
>>68417"Gigs over eh? They both pulled knives on me when I was talking to the owner."
>>68419"I only fight for my honor. He tarnished it. I see your compassion, mare." He smiles softly. "Truly you can be a great mother for your childern." Iron's head veered towards the foreman, smile fading. "It is sad that you have to protect these overgrown colts from actually facing their problems." He looks back towards the mare. "I will move the crates now, as agreed." He starts walking towards the crates.
>>68420At this point, another stallion enters the room. He wears a black uniform that also appears to be some kind of policemare's uniform, with a hoof symbol on the shoulder. He is a green Earth Pony stallion with yellow hair and seems to have a prosthetic hind right hind leg
The pink mare says to him
"Homicide is the jurisdiction of the Baltimare Police. Not yours"
"Maybe" He pulls out a cigarrette and leans against the wall as he tries to light it. "But insurrection
is in my jurisdiction, and this guy right here..." He points to Onyx. "Was found with this little beauty on his pony" He pulls out the communist leaflet Onyx had and holds it up, before taking a long huff of his cigarette.
The pink mare is offended. "possessing pamplets of the Baltimare Communist party isn't illegal"
He blows out his smoke in the direction of the mare. "No more illegal than killing in defense of others" She glares at him. "Continue" He motions with his hoof.
She looks back to Onyx, "And so what happened next?"
>>68421She doesn't move from her spot, but all of the ponies, who were watching the scene, get back to work moving the crates. There is a feel of urgency to it now, and the mare watches on
>>68422"After that you guys found me and took me to get stiched up"
Onyx pulls off as much of a shrug as a pony can.
"Ah for the leaflet? Some idiot spouting heresy against the princesses gave me that. Hadn't even looked over it."
>>68423"So how did the diamond dog die, and what happened to the other pony?"
>>68408"Sounds like changelings, if you ask me,... oh sorry, pay me no mind." he quips at the group.
>>68422Iron keeps moving the crates as instructed, same amount as before the incident. "Cee-vee-lai-sei-tion" sure made the population weak. He shaked his head. Poor mare, he thought, had to defend these stallions when naturally it is the other way around. He sighed softly, this trip sure cemented his belief that this is a hidden hell for everyone, slowly burning their natural instinct and leaving them defenseless.
>>68426When the crates are moved, the foreman directs all of the ponies to get off of the docks. Noticeably, only the crates on the top of the deck have been moved, and the ship is still more full than not. At 3PM, a pony in green officer's clothing and several griffons go onto
The Swift Pheasant>>68425They pay you mind, looking back at you. The mare starts to spout something about prostitution exploiting vulnerable mares, but then retracts the statement when she senses it doesn't apply to the situation
>>68427The blue uniformed stallion now asks you forcefully
How did it
>>68428Watch as they enter, silently calculating their strength and weaponry while looking down on them for their reliance on weapons.
>>68429You are at a distance from the ship, but you can hear the stallion shout "customs!" The griffons carry carbines and the green uniformed pony looks unarmed. The mare and the deck forepony instruct everypony to remain out of view
>>68428"The horse pulled a blade, I charged. Then the dog got me, providing the wounds your officers saw. I then got him, and chased the horse. You know the rest"
The two ponies look at you a bit frustrated, with the third pony carrying a look of indifference
"We have six ponies who say they saw you running from the scene. But the only two who saw the killing said the dog was holding the knife the whole time and was clearly threatening with it"
The mare says "Carrying a Halberd though..."
>>68430Iron walks towards the mare to inquire about this ship and its owner. While he is at it, he will ask some questions about the city itself, such as any opportunities for strength related work inside the city. He will also ask for his pay, since he did not recieve it after the whole crate moving business.
[spoilers]Unless it is already taken and didn't notice.
>>68433>The ship"Skyfall Trade Federation. Griffons overseas. We tell the Customs agents it's Talouse. As for any other details I wouldn't share them with you even if I knew."
>The City"This is no land of opportunity. It wasn't before the war and it certainly is not now"
>The pay"I can tell you now you forfeited
that when you disrespected and then intimidated our Capo. Normally, when a pony disrespects a capo, they all of their legs broken by a tire iron. And hell, try to fight and I would have had those griffons above you put a couple bullets into your thick head, tie your hooves to cinder-blocks then toss you out at sea. That is what happens when you mess with the Waterfront gang. But you aren't from around here, so your ignorance can be forgiven, and we'll let you go free. And let me tell you, I admire your strength and your audacity, I think you could go very far. So if you want to make all of that money back and
much, much more in just a short amount of time, we may have a Job for you that suits your talents better than moving crates"
>Opportunities for strength related workThere are a lot of ponies in this city who owe us money, and we could really use a debt collector as big, strong, and as intimidating as you. Just today we have a new job opening. And let me tell you,
no one will be disrespecting you. So if you want to make money with all that muscle..."
>>68411"... 'The Divine'.. is something more sophisticated than I could ever hope to understand, let alone explain..
I come from a far away land, very different from this one.. Where I come from, pegasi do not interfere with nature, nor do the foals of the Earth till the soil when it is already fertile.. Clergy is not so formal to my people: our circles and temples come and go with the wind, settling when and where they are needed. The winds spoke to me to come to this land, and so I came to pledge my service to the creatures of this land.. But again, a mare of faith should not need a reason to serve the poor, should she?
Ponies.. are peculiar creatures.. They are so unconditionally loved by creation,and yet at times they can stray to believe that they are alone. They build spawling cities where lush grasslands and forests once stood; they build worlds to meet their desires, and yet also bring their own suffering.. So peculiar, but so beautiful..
My own faith is one one of self-dicipline.. For my kind, faith is our way of quelling the fires that ravage our beings, in life and in death. We assemble circles every few centuries to nuture our soldidarity, to protect the world from both ourselves and the nameless horrors of the beyond. Our circles were once made up of magi, who bound together to fight evil and ugliness whereever it stood.. but the temple that I trained in is no more, for it stood where it was not needed, and thus drifted away.
I too sought out faith to quell the fires within me as well, fires that blazed and blistered until they threatened to destroy me from within.. I wasn't always such a patient mare; no, I was wild as I was naive.. In the past I made mistakes; I've broken many things, and lost many things, and so now I've chosen faith to guide my path. I spent many years alone looking for faith, learning from what the trees told me.. At one point, I believed that I was growing callous, but as I wandered across the continent alone, I found that I could see things that others could not. I see when creatures are suffering, struggling against illness, evil, and destitute. I had myself taught myself to live without wealth, joy, security, shelter, or even love, but the creatures of this realm still struggle; and thus can only I offer up my body in service."
The pauses for a moment, then turns
".. These Princesses that you speak of.. although I do not know them, feel righteous to me, since they are able to let such a selfless establishment as this abby exist.. I sense they've worked for many centuries to allow your people to grow in peace.. but today.. they too must struggle.. I pray for them, and for all of you.. I would love to know these Princesses some day as well."
>>68428"Sorry folks, maybe its not my place to say, but I'd be cautious about ponies that can appear as any sort of pony you'd want. I mean, prostitution is kind of a touchy subject as it is, without involving crazy magic or,... well,... bugs. Are you alright on your drinks? I can have a waiter over here in a jiffy."
Sorry, I've been in and out.
[mystic dragonhoers noises]
>>68434Iron laughs at the mare. "Your attempts at ruthlessness are funny. At least you have more spine than your... "cah-po". Poor stallion lost his balls underwater." He audibly laughs, then maintains a small grin. "You have a deal, mare. How will the money arrive to me when my deeds are done?"
>>68435Maybe that was a bit too long for a normal conversation...
>>68439"Didn't your mommy and daddy teach you respect? He's a made stallion, and in Baltimare, that's a title that carries weight. As for business, you take the money from them and give 4/5 to us, and you keep the remainder. You'd be working with a partner who will direct you where to find debtors and where to deliver the money"
>>68436They still look a bit dumbfounded at the interjection. The mare finally says "I'll have another drink"
>>68435The mare strikes an expression of fear and horror at about the first paragraph, and maintains that expression until after sister Ash is done
>>68441Iron nods. "Very well then, mare. I hope your money is actually good. I would be dissapointed to see you flaunting about power when the only ones that owe you are small merchants that are broke." The stallions turns around. "As for your first question, I only respect the strongest. The one that can fend off anyone by themselves, especially without those tools of war you have. I will be at the outskirts when you need me. I am going to rest a bit." He leaves the city and sets camp at the outskirts, intending to rest a bit until the supposed partner arrives.
>>68443"Hahhaha," she laughs, "it's not 'our' money you should hope is good. Go to the Watering hole at sundown. The guy we would normally pair you with is severely injured, so we have a fill in. They'll meet you there. But so you know, jungle boy. Once you leave those trees, you'll find there are many kinds of strength"
[1d20 = 12]>>68444Iron nods as he walks off, heading to the outskirts. Meanwhile he checks the time by looking at the time of day. He decides to forage a bit of food and attempts to rest near a tree.
Roll for forage gathering
>>68442>HorrifiedMe and my big
mouth keyboard...
Sister Ash takes her broom again and continues sweeping, trying not to look too much like a witch.
>>68445Time is perhaps 3:45 PM by the time you get to the outskirts. As for foraging, what are you looking for?
>>68446"Zebrica is a no place for a pony" she says as she walks away, and you get the feeling she was not talking to you
>>68447Foodstuffs to eat and all that.
>>68441"Of course, what are you having?"
>>68447Sister looks at the space where the mare once stood, contemplating if she's said anything that may have disturbed the mare.
Having done all she can in the garden and the halls, she proceeds to go to help with the laundry.
[1d20+3 = 23]>>68450Rolling Profession (laundry) because rolls are fun.
>>68451Thats some damn fine laundry work
>>68451You clean clothes so good. You're a laundry magician!
>>68449"Something with alcohol in it.
lots of alcohol in it"
>>68448Well, he could find two wild turnups, a couple fruit, and.... well, Grass. A decent amount of grass
>>68450>not doing some sort of dice roll to determine what it wasShe goes over to where a sister and an older foal are washing the laundry. It's a large stack of mostly bed-sheets, with some foal's clothing, and the sister's garments. The washing is in a metal tub. Clothes are made wet, scrubed with soap, then scrubbed hard and repeatedly with a smooth river stone against a hard plank, dipped in water repeatedly, and rinsed off in a seperate tub of non-soapy water, before being sent through a ringer and hung to dry on lines in an area on the roof of the orphanage.
I remember when I washed clothes the old way at a homeless shelter in Rome...>>68451And she's great at it, perhaps even inspired by Celestia
>Foals = fed
>Garden = Grown
>Laundry = Annihilated
I think it's safe to say that this has been a successful day in the life of a Sister.
>>68455"Ever tried an AMH?"
>>68455I just did the laundry because Sister Marey said that's what they needed the most help with, since she already did the garden.
>>68455If that's what I will find, I'll take it. Need to keep the stronk body.
>>68457"What's AMH?" The drunken mare says
>>68456>>68458When did you do the garden? I feel like I missed that post
>>68460"Adios Mother Hoofer, I'll have the bartender make you one and you can try it."
*quickly runs off to the bartender (I know he said he'd get a waiter, but fuck that)*
"Hey, I need an AMH for the lady over there." He nods toward the mare in question. "Who is she, do you know?"
>>68461"I can't say I know her personally. But she likes to follow around the guy with the biggest paycheck or the most power she can find, and she has the body and the looks to do that pretty easily. I think her daddy is someone, but I'm not sure. And what's an AMH?"
>>68460A while back, when the Sister recommended her to do it. It was the first thing she did, before predicting the weather.
She even used up her Third level Plant Growth spell to enrich the garden to supernatural levels (33% more productive for the next year).
>>68463>Using magic to increase plant growthMaybe she can learn the special role ponies play in complimenting nature after all, rather than simply standing aside
>>68464I mean, that's what a sister would say
>>68465[Shrugs in Druidic]
Whatever she can do to help.
>>68465>tfw to excited to finish reading"Thanks for the vests, ill be going now. heres a tip"
*DarkStar gives the tailor pony 100 extra bits*
*He then leaves the store and heads for the factories near the docks*
>>68462He represses the urge to EEEEE at the bartender, instead replying "Its like a Long Island, except its got Blue Curacao instead of cola".
>>68468Trim fit takes the 700 bits
As for if you want to go to the Factories near the docks, be aware that tonight is not a night you were told was a meeting night. So you can go reconnoiter if you like, but there are other ways to explore the socialist presence if that is your intent
>>68469"Sure...." He makes the drink, and hands it back
>>68432"If that is against the law here, then I guess I am in the wrong. But sometimes old habits die hard."
>>68471"I take it you were a made stallion back in Manehattan"
*brings the drink to the mare*
"Here you are miss,... might I ask your name?"
[hard-working nun noises]
[1d20+7 = 12]>>68470Rolling Gather infrmation to try and see where the
GlimeristsSocialists hang out
>>68472"I wouldn't say I've ever been a
made stallion. And definitely not in Manehattan."
>>68476"Where are your papers?"
>>68477"My army papers?"
Onyx tilts his head
[1d100 = 35]>>68455This time I'm rolling to determine what the next chore is
>>68473She gleefully takes the drink "I'm Petunia Prancer"
>>68475He looks slightly to his left, and sees a poster for a rally by Golden Delicious of the Baltimare Socialist Party at the convention center. Tonight actually
>>68478"So you are an underling then?"
ID. The ones that prove who you are."
>>68479Looks like somepony needs to cook supper for all the sisters and foals
>>68480*DarkStar thinks to himself*
"Hmmmmm, i suppose i could sit in and make sure they dont do anything illegal."
>>68481Well, police should be there anyways, so during the rally itself at least you can be sure they won't be saying anything illegal
>>68480"A pleasure to meet you Ms. Prancer,... or is it Mrs.? I would hate to offend."
>>68481>>68482"hmmmm maybe i can convert some cute mares from communism to the Black Hoofs."
>>68480*Proceeds to the kitchen*
>>68483The mare is drunk. The stallion she was hanging is a little offended
"It's Ms. Prancer" she says
>>68484Besides that flyer, there's no obvious other signs of activity, at least here on this street
>>68484>>68486*Heads to the convention center*
>>68485It's a fairly large room with now some stacks of vegatables and loafs of bread
>>68488>tfw no ranks in cookingIs there anyone else there?
>>68489Three mares, one colt
>>68487When he gets there he can see a number of ponies assembled out side in various groups talking. There are several officers of Black and Blue. There are small stands set up next to the building, and many ponies are already heading inside
[1d20+3 = 5]>>68490Well, I guess I'll start by spending my prepared Purify Food And Drink Orison to prep the ingredients and give them a small circumstance bonus to the cooking check.
Rolling to use Aide Another action, to give an addition bonus (lending a hand).
>>68492>A 5I'm not entirely sure what you are attempting there, but i think it failed. One pony is cutting vegetables, and another sets a fire for a pot to boil
>>68492>Tried to help, but wasn't significantly usefulAt least she didn't screw up..
>>68493Sister Ash just does what she can to help the working ponies, taking advantage of her telekinesis to take the burden off of anyone who would have had to use their hooves.
>>68495Let's assume she bothers to ask them first what they are doing
[1d20+2 = 5]>>68491Preception to find any mares by themselves
>>68496Yeah, that would have made sense.
I guess I should RP this:
"Could anypony use a spare hoof?"
>>68480"Ah yes, those. Funny story... I, er, lost those..."
>>68497He sees a couple ponies that look like mares, that are standing and... probably talking to people? It's kind of a crowd
>>68498Sister Catherine responds
"There's a lot of vegatables to cut"
Mostly parsley and onions
>>68499"You lost them? How?"
>>68500*he walks over*
"So Whats this Communism thing all about?"
>>68500Sister Ash busies herself with the cutting.
"Do you handle the cooking every day here?" She asks Catherine, as she picks up the knife with her scarlet horn
>>68500"Er... They fell off a boat. I'm sure a fish may have found use of them"
>>68501He finds a unicorn mare with red hair, along with a stallion, also a unicorn, a little larger
"Oh, you are new?"
>>68502"We rotate the chores around, and today is my day to help cut the vegatables. mostly my job is to teach the foals how to read and write in ponish. I lead several classes 4 days a week for the foals of various ages
>>68504"Do you think I am stupid?"
>>68505"Yea i Decided on a whim to come check this whole thing out."
>>68507"Stupid or not I did lose them off a boat"
>>68505Ok, I am back and ready to pretend it's sundown alreadyIron, seeing the sun near the horizon, travels back to the city having a little rest and some food to fill up his energy again. He stops at the entrance of The Watering Hole, inhaling deeply. He prays that the tavern was less crowded than the first time when he tried to directly go to New Mareland. He opens the door and steps inside.
Also, r00d, didn't give me mah turnips[/spoilers]
>>68505I haven't picked my languages. How many are there in this setting?"You work hard. Quite commendable. Teaching foals is an honorable role."
>>68507She looks skeptical at first, but then starts talking about communism
"Yes, the princesses and nobles for years have been made rich off of the labor of hard working ponies. Like you Earth ponies. Now, wealthy industrialists are taking much from the lower classes, forcing them into long working hours and into conditions that are in-equine. And these changelings are parasites even worse than the rich. New mareland also taxes us and keeps the industrialists in power, while preaching a pony-exclusive message. But the poor and disadvantaged are the poor and disadvantaged everywhere. Griffon, pony, all are robbed of the fruits of their labor.
We want the working class to unite and take control of the means of production"
>>68508"Why do you not have an ID?"
>>68509He walks in and looks forwards for a minute, when a voice says behind him
"You must be the new guy. The Underboss told me about you. You're a stallion from the wild who hasn't been broken in yet"
>>68511"Obviously you're not listening. I LOST it.
>>68510Hell if I know, but everypony in Equestria speaks Ponish. That is, except for some of the pony tribes of the Forbidden Jungles who speak Neighuatl. New Marelanders speak Ponish, changelings have their own language but pretty much everyone you could reasonably encounter speaks Ponish, there's another pony nation that i don't think has been mentioned yet, and the Griffons speak like a half dozen different languages
>>68512"Okay. Why didn't you get a new one?"
>>68513"I've never been here before, so I don't know where to get one."
>>68511Iron turns around and seeks the voice behind him, intent on checking who he is and what he is carrying. After this he asks about his "work", like who the person he should visit. After this, he inquires about his part in the job.
>>68513I guess pony replaces Common in this setting then.
I get Common, Druidic, and one extra language based on Intelligence (plus any racial automatic languages available to Kirins), so I guess I'll take Neighuatl to round out any language barriers.
If that's not available, I'll just take Ignan, Terran or something else related to the elements monsters.
Sister Ash continues working in the kitchen, helping the ponies with whatever they ask for, for as long as it takes to finish preparing the meal.
>>68511"hmmmmmm, Sounds very interesting in theory.How is it in Practice?"
>>68514"So where are you from?"
>>68515I intended to give a description, but forgotThe voice comes from a Zebra Mare, who is a bit smaller than Iron. She has a sort of basic dress and a saddle bag. If she is holding a weapon it isn't immediately visible at least from this angle. She has the same sort of Caribbean accent as Zecora, but lacks her rhyming skills
>work"A few stallions we loaned money too, gambling debts as well. We will be visiting their residences.
>his partI will do most of the talking. You are here if they need any more persuasion, and if they try anything. The capo will know if we try to short him, avoid police, and don't kill anypony or let any guns go off, because that'll get police on you."
>>68517She seems a little surprised that you asked this question, but answers happily
"Why Stalliongrad has recently managed to stop all food shortages with their agricultural collectivization, and over in Brodfield they threw off the shackles of the old nobility
>>68516>common and druidicWell, sure, if "common" is ponish, and "druidic" is the kirin language.
>NeighuatlTell me how she knows Neighuatl if she's never been to Equestria
>>68518"Hmm, acceptable." He gets closer to the zebra mare. "I follow, you lead."
>>68518Onyx looks back over his shiny and slightly translucent coat.
"Well, uh. I figured the fact that I'm a crystal pony would show that I'm from the Crystal Empire."
>>68518Well, I get one bonus language based on intelligence, plus the equivalent to Common.
Druidic is an obscure magical language that comes to a Druid upon taking their first level; it is forbidden to teach. It would not be available to non-druid kirins.
If Neighuatl isn't on the table, I'll just take Ignan: the language of Fire Elementals.
>>68521Or Draconic. Do dragons have their own language?
>>68518*Thinking horse noises*
"And you Said Communism Helps The Workers? How Exactly Do they do that?"
>>68521>>68522Well, I guess that meta can be dealt with later.
Sister Ash proceeds with her work in preparing the meal, making small talk with the nuns about their shifts and schedules as she gets to know the workings of the abby.
>>68519He follows her to an apartment building, and she knocks on the first door
"Who is it?"
"We're here to collect our money. We loaned you last month and it's due now"
"I haven't got it"
"I can smell you've got the money for alcohol."
She decides to get some input from Iron to let him try
>>68520The green Stallion interjects
"Well, with that King Sombra coat he doesn't exactly shimmer in the light, but if he's not lying, that'd mean he's stateless
>>68521We're doing this based on the pony universe. I didn't say it was impossible, I just asked how it is plausible
>>68523"You see, when the nobles or the industrialists own the means of production, they take the products of the labor. Think of a serf on a farm. The serf's labor works the land and makes it grow food. But the landowner takes the fruits of the land, and only gives enough back to the serf for the serf to survive, if that. But really, the landowner hasn't created any value. Only the Serf has done that. It's more or less the same in our capitalist setting, just on a grander scale. the laborers create value by their labor, but this wealth goes to the capitalists who take the surplus and give back only a little to the workers who created the value. It's the exploitation of the worker. But when we remove the capitalist or the landowner or the noble, the laborers can enjoy the fruits of their own labor and share the wealth among themselves. They enjoy the surplus wasted by the rich
>>68525I'll take Draconic then.
Kirins are basically dragon-ponies, so it'd be plausible for her to be bi-lingual.
>>68525Onyx blinks, having never considered the resemblance.
>>68525"But what if the communist elite are corrupt? What happens then?"
[1d20 = 20]>>68525>>68524I'm going to role gather information to subtly try to see if Sister Ash can overhear anything about these Waterfront Stallions mentioned earlier.
[1d20+4 = 9]>>68525Iron gives his partner a look. "Alright." He leans close to the door and speaks to the random pony. "Open the door and things will be easier for both of us. You really do not want me to break this door, because I will not be playing nice like my partner here." He knocks once. "If you do not open this door by the third knock, I will let myself in by force."
fingers crossed
>>68529>Third 20 in one dayPraise!
>>68527"So what does that mean for me?"
>>68527"Alright, we'll ask you directly: are you wanted for some crime in Manehattan or Canterlot"
>>68528"The workers through them out. Steel Stallion especially was known to put corrupt officials on trial. But anyways it's really only the Markist-Lemmonist variety of communism that emphasizes a bourgeoisie vanguard of the revolution in pre-industrial states. Industrial states can theoretically go directly into the communist state without much need of a vanguard of the revolution.
>>685Most of them work at the orphanage, especially providing an education to the orhpans. They spend a significant amount of time in meditation or praying
>>68529She learns too muchseriously, I'm wondering if what I had planned originally was too intense>>68530The Zebra whispers to you, "really? that's the best you've got?"
The stallion, however, takes the threat seriously enough, and opens the door. "My landlord is going to be pissed if this break again"
>>68533"Nope. But what does being stateless mean for me?"
>>68532"Depends on if it's true. Now tell me, how did you get those scars?"
>>68533*Braces for the horror*
>>68533Iron motions the Zebra to talk.
>>68535"My gun exploded in my face. I had to wear a type of mask until it healed."
>>68533"it seems to me like pony nature is being over looked."
>>68537"Give us the money." She states demandingly
"Alright, here's half. My next paycheck is in two weeks"
He pulls out a set of bits
>>68538"Your Gun? Where did you have a gun?"
>>68534"to be Stateless is to be owned by no nation. Forever a stranger."
>>68536When Canterlot was captured by New Mareland, the order lost its main source of funding. This didn't change after the war, when Canterlot was placed in a different "autonomous region" and basically a different country. The war produced orphans, and not many of the mothers and fathers who went off to war returned. Besides this, the orphanage of Moonlight Shores closed down, sending their orphans to Baltimare. The overcrowding and dire financial situation caused the Nunnery to be vulnerable. they sold some property and items, but when the Waterfront gang came by offering money, they had no real alternative. They took loaned money, and it seemed for a couple months the Waterfront gang would be almost patient. But then, they wanted it paid, as if they didn't know that was not possible. What causes much grief was when they came and took a number of children. Most were evidently impressed into service as gang members, and quite a number were sold to "loving families" In far away cities. The sisters can't really be sure what happened to any of them.
The most Traumatic incident was when a sister Sage was taken away when she protested too much to the removal of the children. No one at all can say what happened to her. On one instance when the gang came it seems there was an attempt to violate the vows of a sister, but if any fillie or sister was actually violated that hasn't been alluded to.
Hopes seemed to raise when the central government in Sunset took notice of the situation of the orphanage. But the stallion they sent didn't offer the sisters direct help, they instead took more than half the kids away, who, it is claimed, would be raised by families and taken in by orphanages across the seas. They probably did this because they suspect the sisters to be Restorationists, and so want to keep children away from them. At least when the Government became involved, it seemed to scare away the gang
The sisters are incredibly hurt by all of this, although at times they admit that they aren't really sure they could have given the foals much better lives than where they are now. At least, where they hope the foals are now.
>>68539"But don't you see? Society shapes behavior, and when we have a society that rewards greed and emphasizes competitiveness, we will have competitive, greedy ponies. But when we build a society based on sharing and working together for the greater good, we can build a better pony"
>>68540"Well, I would have hoped I had a gun in the middle of a damn war."
>>68540First, open the set of bits and, with my partner, confirm that they are real bits and that it is half of what he owes. Iron whispers to partner "If you want to choke the guy for more, say the word."
>>68540"That Sounds like something the black hoofs would say."
>>68540A dark, stormy cloud brews over Sister Ash's head as the details all the misfortune pile up before her, which she immediately fans away with her hoof.
Now, I take it she didn't just hear this directly. What's the atmosphere in the room (or at the table, if the meal is finished)?
>>68541"Are you saying that you fought in the war?"
>>68543"Those pony Supremacists? They prop up the industrialists
>>68542Check and check
"Choking might be a bit aggressive, but this guy has the other bits"
>>68544When the mares leave the kitchen and set the tables there is a much happier atmosphere. the Nuns direct all of the children to sit through a prayer to the Princess
>>68547Sister respectfully joins them in prayer.
[1d20+5 = 16]>>68545"They also improve the workers Quality of life or so i hear."
bluff roll to act like i dont know.
>>68547Sister respectfully joins them in prayer.
>>68549The bluffing technically works
"Well, indeed late stage capitalism has resulted in some benefits to the working class, but the fruits of their labor still mostly goes to the industrialists"
>>68551"the Black hoofs are Capitalists?"
>>68552"Capitalists of a different flavor, to be sure, but capitalists nevertheless. They retain private property and corporations"
[1d20+4 = 13]>>68545"I will take that as "the word." Iron turns his head towards the indebted pony. "Do you take us as fools? We know you have more on you, so cough up or the owner will pay far more to clean up your corpse than a broken door."
I feel like such an edgelord
[1d20 = 12]>>68554Rolling opposed intimidation roll
>>68555Wew, close call there. Goddamn.
>>68557>>68554>>68557he holds his ground for a moment, then blinks.
"Alright all right, I'll give you the money I saving for an engagement ring"
He hands over the other bits. The Zebra nods at Iron in contentment
[1d20+5 = 15]>>68553"i Would Argue that Capitalism and.....wait what where was called again? Fashieism? i would argue that they are 2 very different things From What ive Seen."
>>68561"It is, all the same, a distraction from the Worker's state and the class struggle. The Blackhooves are imperialists, and they don't accept the Griffon working class as equals in their society
>>68560"Good riddance. You do not need a ring to claim a mare.", he turns to the Zebra mare, waiting her next move. Along the way, she asks why a zebra is here instead of her homeland.
>>68563"That's a fairly normal take, although most will pay up immediately, and some really don't have money. My family came here before I was born. My father was a sailor who visited this land. He liked it so much he moved here with his wife, and I was born here"
>>68564He nods. "Your father sounds strong. Did he battle often?"
>>68562"No Griffons iv seen has been treated poorly by the black hooves."
>>68565"No, no. He was employed out of a port in Zebrica. We were part of the 'upper class' I guess. But I've been told I had great grandfathers who saw battle"
>>68566"Why, they are impressed into military service and not allowed into the government"
>>68567"Because this State was traditionally pony land?"
>>68567"That is fine. I have not seen many strong ponies around here either so it is understandable." He looks around. "So who is next in line to collect?"
>>68486"A pleasure Ms. Prancer, please enjoy your drink, and do let me know if I can be of further assistance. My name is Brie." He says with a wink
Alright, here's the thing.
This so far has developed as about 5 different stories, which has been managable, but it's not really a D&D campaign. For a few of you - Onyx, Iron Hoof, and Dark star, I have at least one more scene before I would think the current storyline of the mini-character would be at a place where it could be concluded satisfactorily. And when the party could be united as one, it's less clear as to why the party as whole would be motivated to do one thing, when each character has their own motivations and a couple now have factions.
I don't think the plan I had for this originally will be interesting for a long period of time
>>68571I can do whatever it takes to get the party moving. Just give me a nudge and I'll play along.
>>68571as the gm you have the power to shoves together without an explanation if you want.
>>68571I can continue to pretend to flirt with mares so I can end up walking them home and then robbing them blind at a later date until everyone comes together, I don't mind waiting.
>>68571The name's just IronI have an idea on how to join up with crystal man. After that, you should encourage all of us to join a single faction, whatever it will be, opting for the Black whatevers, and then, as fascists had religion, we go on missionary business somewhere and then we bond there or something. Just my opinion tho. How it happens is up to you, or even IF it happens.
But if we continue along the same line
>>68568"The Griffons owned the Western shore of Griffonia before they came 500 years ago, and many of the Griffons are Aborigines, and some are immigrants"
>>68569The next two ponies in line paid without any real fuss. Less fuss than legal debt collecting half the time, really. The one after that, the mare made the guy cry. It didn't seem like you'll be getting money out of that one. And the fifth one, well, that's where it gets interesting
The Zebra, whose name you learned is Black Cauldron, knocks on the door, in what is the second floor of an apartment complex.
"We hear to collect on your gambling debts"
"I ain't payin' no debts"
the Stallion looks out through the hole.
"Open that door and talk to us or we'll break it down."
The Stallion takes the lock off the door and opens it. He is somewhat inside the door, which is now fully open, but he has a break-action rifle in his hooves. He points it directly at Black, and the barrel is very slightly outside. It's a single shot rifle
"I told you, I ain't payin' no gambling losses"
>>68570She smiles and winks, but the guy next to her is irritated
>>68576"Oh, please pardon me sir, I was captivated by the young mare here. Can I get you anything?"
>>68578"Oh please sir don't be bashful, its no trouble at all."
[1d20+4 = 20]
Iron put a menacing glare, placing himself in front of Cauldron. "Put that tool down right now, colt. Do not make me snatch it away from you if you want your heart inside you instead of outside being raven food. This is a gamble you do not want to make."
Here's hoping if I fail the intimidate I get to roll initiative
[1d20+8 = 24]>>68580The Stallion gets extra modifiers for holding a gun. Boosts confidence
>>68580>>68581You get to roll initiative
[1d20 = 13]>>68580Rolling initiative
[1d20+1 = 5][1d20 = 7]>>68583Rolling for the Gambler and for Black. Black has the +1
>>68583>>68584Iron wins Initiative. The Gambler is second, followed by Black Cauldron
>>68576"Excuse me but i never got your name. id like to get in contact with you later. you're pretty cute to be honest."
>>68586She's kind of offended at the "pretty cute" comment. Her boyfriend, who has been standing next to her since Dark Star first approached them, is even more offended
[1d20+10 = 26]>>68584>>68585Ok, I'll improvise. Tell me if I'm missing anythingIron nonlethally attacks unarmed with improved unarmed strike.
>>68587"hey hows it going buddy?"
>>68588Improved unarmed strike is automatic, you don't have to declare it (though it was good to state it was a non-lethal attack)
>>68588That sure as shit hits. the question is if it's enough to knock him out before he shoots
>>68589"Hey" he glares
>>68579The bar tender signals to Brie, and should he chose to listen, is told this
"You charmed that mare a little bit, but you're never going to make her leave a guy with more money for a guy like you. She's the kind of Succubus that seeks out prey with the most money and the most power. It's her way of affirming her value, and of being better than the other mares. She can only offer her looks and herself as a target of your affection. But she'll take from you all of your affection, your attention your money, and a piece of your life force as she dumps her insecurities and her hatred of her life onto you. When the Changelings roll into this town at the end of next year, mares like her will find that they are out of a job."
>>67940*currently asleep in the back of a hay wagon wearing a straw hat, hitch hiking to the nearest town*
*plucky doesn't know where she is headed because that would require a level of planning that she simply isn't capable of*
*a small guitar lays beside her in the hay*
>>68593>when*whispers back*
"I'm not trying to win her affection, I'm just trying to walk her home, if you catch my drift."
>>68594He moves back and away, and he pulls the mare away with him
>>68596"And that's exactly the thing. She will never let anypony walk home when another stallion can drive her in a Mustang Royal.
>>68595Hmmm, I'm not entirely sure what to do
>>68597figure out where the driver of the cart is going in order to best facilitate my character into the story, she'll hop out and start playing anywhere
*and then you hear some bitch playing a guitar*
>>68597"Well are
you gonna tell me where she lives then?"
>>68597"ah i see,my bad buckaroo.sorry."
*walks back to the bar*
[1d3+4 = 5]>>68591What's your modifiers on this? I think this dice roll is right? Anyways, rolling damage
>>68599"What exactly are you intending to do to my customers?"
>>686015 base and 5 for STR
>>68603I mean specifically the damage
>>68604It's a bare hoof if you're asking for weapons. Hold on, maybe the sheet says
>>68602"Nothing improper, I can assure you of that. Research, my good man."
>>68600Hmmm. So I take it he went to the socialist event to pick up mares, and went home before the speaker even arrived?
>>68606"I think her dad is on..... well... Damn. Let me think"
When you are about to give up, he responds "oh yes, she is on sixth and Harerington"
>>68608Then I guess he won't out anything about secret meetings, but alright
>>68609No idea where it says on the sheet, so I guess the dice is ok?
>>68598The town of Moonlight Shores is behind the cart, driven by an already annoyed Mule, and Plucky Strings. They head towards the night and into that realm between lighted towns
*he goes inside the event*
>>68609*makes note*
"Sounds ritzy. I guess I've got my work cut out for me then."
[1d20+1 = 13]>>68610Well shit, he hurt him, but not enough to disable him in one strike.
The Gamble fires his rifle straight at Iron.
>>68612When he gets inside, a director tells him to go to Hall C, which is now filled at least a thousand ponies, probably far more, and has a big stage. It takes a few minutes to get inside and get a seat.
>>68613"Well, I don't know what your work is, exactly, but they are a part of the town Bourgeoisie, I can tell you that"
[2d6 = 8][1d20+4 = 16]>>68614The bullet hits Iron. Black Cauldron swings at the stallion with her crowbar
>>68614*He Grumbles About Getting Cockblocked by that stallion*
>>68614"I just mean it will take more than a little flirting and getting the mare drunk to work my way into that crowd."
>>68615So I got hit for 8 damage? Also what's with the two dice for the damage?
>>68610>>68615Iron takes damage, about 8 points. I'm not entirely sure what that corresponds to, but probably something like a shot to the shoulder. It's very far from placing Iron in critical, but he is shot, he is losing blood. You don't have the money yet. You are on the second floor of an apartment and a gun has gone off, so expect witnesses to come into the hallway
>>68618I figured a Break Action sporting rifle is about a 2d6 in damage. Guns are powerful. I still can't quite say how much HP you have in total. I think you rolled a 13 for con, and add the Earth Pony racial modifier you'd have 15, so an HP of something like 4d10+20.
*hops off the back of the hay cart*
"Thanks for the ride old timer, have a lovely da... er night"
*looks around feeling uneasy about how dark it was*
*strums the guitar lightly*
>>68619Weird, it made HP rolls to get health, do they count? I'm sure I have more than 15 since I picked Toughness twice, but if the HP rolls per level count, I have 48 health total, so no sweat broken here.
>>68617"Oh yeah. You'd need money and nothing less"
>>68616The Speaker comes in. It's none other than Golden Delicious, the leader of the local communist party.
"We give praise to Larry Berry, our City Mayor, who was elected in this city for the first time 6 years ago on a pledge to help the working class."
His speech is mostly similar to what you heard from the communist outside, but there are some details
"We all fear the changelings, yes? Monstrous parasites? But we worked so long under the princesses, who were in their way, like parasites." He says some more things about Baltimare
Do you want to know more, or zone out until the end?
>>68621Your HP is a full 10 at first level, and a d10 dice role for each level after that. So 10+4d10. Add to that, 2 HP for each level from your con bonus. So another 10. What ever you get from toughness, add that to it.
I think it's very safe to say that Iron could take a few more bullets before he's down. The issue is the fact that a gun went off inside of a building.
>>68622Alright, I'm still fighting, but roll damage for the zebra since she attacked and all.
>>68622*DarkStar pays attention*
[1d6+1 = 2]>>68623Black Cauldron hits with her crowbar
>>68623>>68625Well shit, this guy ain't quite out yet. Looks like it's Iron's turn again
>>68622"I wonder if their money would be enough." he Eeee's to himself.
"Alright, I guess I'll try my luck elsewhere." he says aloud.
[1d20+7 = 22]
"Come on, mare. Let's show him that we are not to be shot at. No one shoots at me without paying for it in pain!"
Iron uses power attack to increase damage by 3 and non-lethally attacks the gambler unarmed.
>>68624Golden Delicious's speech focuses overwhelmingly on Equestria before the war, and tries to dissect the concept of Harmony and it's place in history. He notes that it's always been tolerant of inequality, with particular note of the Canterlot elite, who were always wealthier than the common pony. He makes what seems to be a comment criticizing Rarity, talking about making dresses for wealthy ponies when many are unclothed. He disparages the Mane Six more generally when he says that Equestria was so dependent on the few to protect them, that the great masses never learned to protect themselves. They were docile and subservient, he says. He talks about Equestrian Imperialism when he speaks about the Buffalo and the Encroachment on their land. This might be a reference to New Mareland imperialism in Griffonia, but it's subtle. He finally says that Baltimare has been a proud defender of the Equestrian people as it was the place of the final surrender of Equestria (to NM, not the Changelings). He says they fought not for the princesses, but for the workers, mentioning how Baltimare elected a socialist six years before. He praises Stalliongrad, and gives a description of its success that is probably exaggerated, but who can be sure? He speaks against the resurgent Griffonian Empire and it's aggression against griffon nations as well as it's theocratic form of fascism. The Griffonian Empire is an has been a sort of ally of both the Changelings and New Mareland.
On the Subject of Baltimare, he praises Larry Barry's attention to the the Poor, and blames Baltimare's economic struggles on the War and a general lack of industrialization. A stallion a row in front of you whispers something about Berry not doing anything about rampant crime and especially knife murders. Delicious praises the Socialized medicine system. He criticizes how the natives in the south are "expolited" by industrialists who now enter the southern forests
As a gist, you can gather three things. Golden Delicious seems to be attacking mostly the princesses, perhaps to convert their followers. He will never attack New Mareland directly, but always indirectly. Thirdly, the government in Baltimare is already somewhat under the socialists. Importantly, the south is seen as kind of under the control of Capitalists
I think something in that should be meaningful
>>68631You misunderstand. I'm going to try and rob them blind now that I know where they live. This wasn't a seduction attempt, it was reconaissance
>>68633The gambler is punched upside the face and falls to the ground thoroughly unconscious. Iron is still bleeding, you still don't have the money, and ponies are likely to come out side their apartments to see what the noise is. You are on the second floor.
>>68634Iron commands the zebra to search the room and take the weapon from the gambler. While she does her thing, he closes the door and looks for alternative exits, also making sure to place the unconscious gambler on an open space with no cover like tables and furniture of the sort.
>>68635To clarify, I went inside the room and then closed the door. The scene is in the gambler's apartment.
>>68635>>68636After Black Cauldron is done being offended by being "commanded" by the new underling, she grabs the rifle and starts prying around for money. That apartment door is the only way out of the apartment, an you can't be sure if this fire-trap is within city code. There is a door that leads out to a small balcony, just big enough to two ponies to sit on chairs but not really even move. It has iron bar railings and is one floor above the street, which has ponies on it. There is a window out a bathroom that could probably be opened, but is somewhat narrow. It is one floor above an alley way
>>68637Iron slowly peers outside the door to see if there are any escape routes available. Windows, doors leading to stairs, etc.
>>68638Nothing appears readily usable besides Jumping from the balcony onto the street, and jumping from the window onto the alley. There is no fire-escape
>>68639Iron closes the door, moves to the bathroom and inspects the alley below, looking for any soft landings nearby like filled dumpsters and the like.
>>68641Why don't you roll a d20 for luck?
[1d20 = 12]>>68642Here goes a single die of 20 sides. Let's see who has fate on their side.
>>68643Hmmm.... Not bad. But not terribly good. It looks like the best you have in the alley under you is a wooden crate platform to break your fall. Jumping out of that small window will also be kind of awkward
"Larry Berry huh?"
[1d20 = 11]>>68644Iron hatched a small plan. When Cauldron finds the bits to pay up the debt, she jumps out the window to the wooden crate. Meanwhile, he will move some furniture to block the door and checks to see if the gambler had a mattress. Roll luck again, see if he finds it.
You can nullify the roll if you want
>>68645Democratically Elected Mayor of Baltimare under the Democratic Socialist Party, since long before the war
>>68646Well, since the odds of pony having a mattress are at least 50/50, he has a mattress. Cauldron is a bit skeptical of leaving him there
>>68647can i roll to see if anything he said stands out to me?
>>68648Yes, but what kind of "stands out"?
>>68649Like an encoded message, or something of the sort.
[1d20 = 13]>>68647Iron shrugged. "If you have the gun, it will be fine. I am capable of dealing with him if he wakes up." Iron now checks to see if the mattress can pass through the balcony to the streets below. After this he checks the furniture one more time, see if can put the gambler in any big closet or wardrobe. Of course I roll luck again.
>>68653Well, one thing in particular....
Golden Delicious praises helping the poor, and he praises industrialism. Except.... He does not praise the infrastructure and building programs in the south. These are in areas with very large numbers of natives, and with settlers along the coats. He talks about a time in Equestrian history when the natives rose up and attacked groups of workers working on a railway.
>>68652Iron can fit the Matress diagonally through the Balcony door
>>68653One more thing. The speech is "Shocking" and "offensive," as it were, for the way it speaks of the Princess, and that is what you can bet will be reported in the papers. It seems that Golden Delicious is taking full advantage of the repeal of the Blasphemy laws
>>68654>>68655"the south.hmmmmmmm."
>>68654Iron finally have all the ends tied up. He only needs to wait for Cauldron to find the blasted pouch of bits. He stands guard at the door, looking directly at the gambler. The mattress was dragged near the balcony but did not pass through the balcony door. This plan involved splitting the total loot where he had just a tenth of the total amount and Cauldron had the rest. First, when she finds the pouch, they both push the mattress out of the balcony and let it fall on the street. Then he escapes through the balcony while she escapes through the window. He relays the plan to her while she is looking for the pouch, staring at the gambler's unconscious body.
>>68657The Gambler is still unconscious. Cauldron has what she thinks is of value
"I didn't grab everything of value, just the cash. When the police get here I want him to have to explain to them that he was doing illegal gambling with the mafia if he wants to tell them who assaulted him. Not just let him say that he was robbed by some evil Native and a Zebra"
She maneuvers herself through the window. She's quite agile and smaller than iron, so she manages to hang onto the window sill with her hooves before she drops down onto the palate
>>68656As ponies get up to leave, you get the sense that some of them might want to go off to other, more secret meetings at other locations. A sort of "After party"
>>68659i attempt to tail them
"There she goes." Iron said. The gambler had to get up to relay the info Cauldron. As he waits, he decides to drag the mattress near the balcony door to set up his escape.
>>68661What are you waiting for exactly?
Time is not exactly your friend>>68660Dark star follows a little group, who in turn split of into little groups, one of whom seems like an organizer of something
>>68661Well, only option I see is to intimidate the gambler to spill the beans and all. I don't have incriminating evidence of the sort to pin him of illegal gambling.
>>68663Cauldron yells up from the ground. Whispers loudly, anyways
"If he chooses to tell police that he was accosted for money, they'll understand quickly he was doing something to get that debt. Have faith, and get out of there before someone sees you"
>>68664Well, Iron will try squeezing through the window.
[1d20+2 = 18]>>68662listen check
>>68665If you are going out the window, and not the balcony, roll for Jump
[1d20+7 = 17]>>68667I was expecting to get stuck on the window for some reasonIron jumps from the window to the crate below.
>>68666Pretty lucky listen. You heard a small list of places communists intend to go to, although starting almost immediately. One in midtown in a hotel, one west in an official's home, one in a manufactury near the docks, and one south in a sugar mill
>>68669Oh he damn near got stuck, but is able to fall and hit the ground with his hind legs before falling on his back
Cauldron: "Now come on"
>>68670*Follows them to the Docks*
>>68671Iron follows Cauldron.
>>68674"Now we got to get that wound patched up. Do you think you can continue working tonight?"
>>68673Make a spot check
>>68675Iron nodded, closing the distance between him and Cauldron "I have had worse at my tribe. I can continue with the job."
>>68676Neither Red nor Black appear visible in this group
>>68678Can i head to the official's home?
>>68677She appears impressed, and places a cloth over his wound to cover the bleeding
"I know a place where we can fix this later. Now we still got places to go."
Roll for luck for the rest of the locations
>>68679You can head to any location, just so long as it is one location
>>68680i make my way there.
Do you want another encounter, or is it time to wrap it up tonight. Literally in the case of Iron's wound>>68682As you head that direction, a pony asks you how long you've been attending communist meetings
>>68683"i just started. tonight was my first one."
>>68684I see. I take it you were very moved?"
IRL I will stop. Need sleep In-game I just let the zebra wrap me in bandages and continue work. The encounter can wait until midday without a sacrifice in-game, right?
>>68686Kek, sure. I need to sleep as well
>>68685I will try to craft something tomorrow
>>68685"iw was one of the most amazing experiences of my life, its like waking up for the first time."
*What Does this pony look like?*
[1d20+6 = 13]>>68540I would like to roll Knowledge (Religion) to see if I recall any useful facts about this "Restorationist" faction, and the central government's attitude towards them.
>>68694Yep, I have got to put more ranks in that skill...
>tfw 13 only Int
>>68695Don't sweat it. Your dish CPS is more important.
>>68697Cleans per second, of course
Laundry doesn't do itself. All those habits need to be washed every day (which is why most ponies don't wear them).
Unicorns are lucky, they can just cast Prestidigitation to wash their things.
>>68695But on that note, Int is a pretty god-tier stat for any class with more than 2 skills. It's basically your IQ stat, and determines how versitile your character is going forward.
My previous characters have been a Rogue, a Bard, and a high-Int Artificer, so i:'ve never been wanting skillpoints before.
I guess it's not my Niche though; I'll just put all my points into class-specific skills like knowledge (religion), Spellcraft and Heal, and let the rest of the party handle the intensive skillwork (once we meet up).
It's nice that Driuds get 4 skillpoints per level though, although they don't get Knowledge (Arcana) like Clerics do.
[1d20 = 8]>>68688Hmmm....
She's an Earth pony of a kind of light lavender color, with a yellowish mane you could call "blonde."
>>68694The Restorationist faction is ponies of a more or less conservative bend who want to go back to the status quo ante bellum, where Equestria was an independent nation under alicorn rule. Basically the essence of the doctrine is the restoration of the Diarchy. The Central Government, for it's part has claimed to be entering negotiations for a release of the princesses from their captivity. The government has strongly condemned all instability caused by restorationists, and has generally snubbed restorationists in favor of Black Hooves affiliates when it comes to appointments for offices in the autonomous regions
>>68701Hmmmmm, I have a hunch that the central government might not be so eager (or capable) to release the princesses as they claim to be.
>>68695>13 int gang>>68701"Do you Go to the meetings as well?"
>>68701>>68704The pony stamps her hooves in excitement
“Golden Delicious couldn’t say most of what needed to be said, but you’ll hear more”
“I’ve been attending for a while now”
>>68706"What Needed to be said?"
What time of day is it, where my character stands?
Oh, and one more thing:
Do the Sisters pray in the morning, evening, or both?
I need to designate a time/event at which I prepare my spells, and I would prefer to join them in in their practices for as long as Sister Ash remains at the orphanage.
>>68706Ok, When you're ready, we can continue where we left off with
BIG Iron
>>68702That’s pretty easy to do when Chrystalis has all 4 of them
>>68710They pray in morning and evening, and sometimes just when they can. The more formal and serious session seems to be in the morning, lasting an hour and conducted in a language that seems to be other than ponish
>>68707“Things he couldn’t say in public”
>>68711>>68711Well, I’m away from my laptop, so I’m a bit limited in what I am able to do right now.
>>68713I can wait, no rush. A rushed scenario will always be bad after all.
>>68713*interested horse noises*
From this point on, Sister Ash will make her prayers in the morning with her fellows, preparing her spells as the sun rises.
And we're back!
>>68715Black Cauldron gets back onto the route of collections to make. Two more collections are made in different apartments that go more or less without incident. A stallion who saw Iron's wound seemed to be somewhat intimidated by it, as if it brought awareness of the severity of the situation.
The next collection does not take place in a multi-family unit, but at a single family residence. As you walk through the neighborhood it is dark and the homes seem to be small units of a sort of "shotgun" style with small lawns in what seems to be a working class neighborhood. The unit that Black Cauldron stops at has a particularly unkept lawn, and no lights are on. She knocks on the door. She knocks on the door again. And a third time.
"I know you're in there"
After probably two minutes, she finally gets a response. "I'm not opening that door"
>>68716"Wait until we get there. It's a meeting of sorts
When you approach the home you see a home that is white with pillars on the front yard. It's a colonial style, almost like a plantation house. Of course it isn't on a plantation, but a two acre property in a residential neighborhood in town. "Here it is. I think we will meet in his library"
>>68724"Youre messing with me right? People have libraries in their homes?"
[1d20+3 = 6]
Rolling to wash dishes after dinner.
>>68726>tfw you suck as dishwashing
[1d20-2 = -4]
Rolling to clean tables and floors
>>68546>>68559The pink mare and the stallion seem a bit confused, but finally say "Alright, that is all the questions we have for you right now." They start to get up, and signal that you can get up. The black uniformed Earth pony says
"Before we can release him, there's one thing we have to do first. Especially seeing as he has no papers on him."
He stands up and moves in front of Onyx. He takes out from his pocket a small flashlight and turns it on.
He looks over to the others and says "assume a ready position." They stand up and move more closely, and then take out batons.
"Alright, now look at me."
He looks into Onyx's eyes, and seems a little perplexed
"This clouded eye, I'm guessing you can see with it?"
>>68726>>68725"Ponies of culture and taste often do. They collect books from around the world and enrich their knowledge in their free time"
>>68726>>68728A sister approaches Ash
"We thank you for your help sister Ash, but maybe washing dishes and cleaning tables isn't your calling"
>>68729The Kirin mare shrugs defeatedly
"Where I come from, ceramic plates are only used on special occasions.."
>>68729"my Familiy never had a large amount of bits."
>>68731"And neither did mine, but we shall have more when the day comes"
The ponies go into the house, with nice wooden floors, and seats assembled. There are more ponies than chairs or seats, so some sit on the floor
>>68730"Well then, what did you use to eat on normal occasions?" the Mare asks
>>68729"Uh, no. I thought that's the scar you meant earlier."
>>68732*DarkStar stands at the Back of the Crowd*
Brie continues to clean tables and floors, watching Ms. Prancer and co. out of the corner of his eye but otherwise neither interacting nor engaging anyone, memorizing her residence and contemplating what the bartender said.
>>68732"..At the monastary where I trained, we did not possess so many things of practical value.. We were taught that material luxuries, like china, were mere distractions from our meditation..
For what little that we ate, we cooked wrapped in java leaves, and ate off of them without much zeal..."
She trails off
"..It was a simple life. A life with little for company but my elders and the trees.."
>>68731>>68734>>68732A pony comes through a door in an area on the far right with tables and open windows. She says "I'm sure many of you have already met the stallion who is about to speak. But this is hardly a lecture. When the worker's state is established, it will be ruled by a workers council chosen directly from the ponies. In the struggle that is to come, you all will play a direct role, and so your input is valued. Now, the pony here has played a direct role in what has been accomplished so far in our city, but as you all know there is much more that needs to be done, and he shall shed some light on that. I introduce to you now the director of the Health and Equine Services Department of Baltimare: Affordable Care
Affordable Care walks into the room. he is a grey Unicorn with a white mane and a stack of papers as his cutie mark.
"When Mayor Larry Barry promised healthcare for all 6 years ago, many ponies thought that that was only a dream. But I knew it was possible, and worked hard to make it a reality. And now, Baltimare has made Healthcare available to all creatures. Now, I know many of you believe mayor Larry Berry has not gone nearly far enough, and I agree. Because, just as affordable healthcare was percieved as a utopian fantasy six years ago, many people think that an international union of states run by worker's councils is a fantasy. And that too, can be made a reality. No, it will not be easy nor will it be done over night, but with the help of enough ponies - ponies like you - it can be made a reality"
>>68733"Well, I just wanted to know if your eyes are functioning. Anyways..."
He shines the light into Onyx's eyes, moving the light back and forth between each eye
"Keep them open"
He seems confused a bit about the milky eye, and focuses his attention on the good eye. He looks into it. "Hmmm." Then his face turns into an expression of worry. He shines the light across it again. "well." He seems very unsure. He runs the light across it again, and again. His expression grows to more concern.
"alright, I think you are good. Now we can leave the room. If you will follow me this direction." His hoof darts about
>>68736"Aye, I see. Some orders, like the Order of Blessed Word, are more frugal than we, thinking it gets them closer to Celestia. We don't go quite that far in our vows"
>>68735The trio of ponies start to leave together. The sailor is the least drunk of the three and leads. The Pony with more facial hair who is a bit older gets up next. Ms. Prancer is the most drunk, and hangs onto the older stallion in a flirtatious manner
>>68737He checks the time
>>68738Uh, 11 PM? Midnight, maybe
>>68737Onyx follows
"So, uh waht was that for?"
>>68737Whenever you're ready, you can continue Iron's substory of debt collecting.
>>68741"Just a test, continue this way"
>>68742Already started. See
>>68737*gives the appearance of thinking*
>>68743Need to increase perception>>68724Iron checks to see if there is any peephole or keyhole to look through. He may have fallen for the gambler's trap, but it's not happening again.
>>68743Onyx continues to follow
>>68744He describes now the dream that the Baltimare zone will be turned into its own workers state that will be in federation with other workers states. He speaks especially of Stalliongrad, which was able to successfully expel Equestrian garrisons 25 years before. The area of Souther Severyana is of particular concern. It is its own autonomous region in the New Mareland Occupied Zone. He speaks of attempts by Stalliongrad to take this land back. He must be tolerant of group participation by this point, because he accepts it when a mare interjects
"Why should we focus on historical, ethnic, and linguistic barriers. These don't really define creatures in the way that the universal exlpoitation of the working class does. He responds that there will be a union of states, but the base states will likely be what used to be historical nations. More discussion erupts
>>68745There is no peep hole on the door, nor anything to look through on the door. The only ways to look inside the house are through the windows to either side
>>68746The stallion leads them into an open area of the Police station as the other two move behind them. When they arrive in an area with many more ponies, the stallion turns. He reaches for something.......
He pulls out a pistol and aims it at onyx. So do a half dozen ponies around him. At least two cock shotguns
>>68747Onyx goes rigid and comically falls on his side.
>>68747*Thinking Pony noises*
[1d20+4 = 16]>>68747Iron motions Cauldron to sneak towards the windows and see if there's any traps around them. While she does this. He stands closer to the door. "You have lent money and now you do not even pay back? You should reconsider, since I will not hesitate to break this door down, crack every one of your bones and punch your face until you either lose all your teeth or give us the money that is owed. You can avoid it by giving us what you owe now, so make this easy on us."
>>68737Not really necessary when you worship a horse who sits on her ass and eats cake all day.".. I cannot say it brought me any closer to the divine.. but I learned things in that temple while it lasted.. our training was strenuous . Eventually, I was able to accept that I didn't
need material possessions to be content, faithful, or wise.. but I could still use them.."
She turns
".. On one occasion, the Lord of the lands adjacent came to the temple and seek audience with our elders over a turmoil that he'd faced. When the Lord came, he brought his stallions, and with the cooks came china: exquisite, beutiful pieces that only a king could flaunt. So glorious, so sinful. The Lord offered a feast to show his his gratitude, and so we ate together, even though we did not need to. For us, eating was merely an expression of solidarity; a means to accept the the stallion's hospitality. He was quite the bold stallion, and surely would not leave without paying, and so as the elders honored his favor he was put at peace..
... China.. is only good when it is shared with others, is it not?"
>>68748A swarm of officers surrpound Onyx. Two Cuff his legs. Each set of legs
The Black uniformed officer says to the others "Help me carry him down stairs"
Onyx is more or less dragged through a hall, down a set of stairs, and into a concrete basement room less welcoming than the interrogation room he left. The black officer yells out to get other personnel, and comes into the room. Two other officers aim weapons at him while others guard the door
The black uniformed officer asks seriously "Why are you here?"
>>68749The topic of debate now shifts to Changelings. One pony is very insistent that the Changeling worker drone is just as oppressed as the pony, and that they too, are ripe for revolution. Another pony insists the Changelings can never be trusted, pointing to a statement by the General Secretary of Stalliongrad that called Changlings "monsters." Everypony Agrees that Chrystalis is naked imperialism, and must be removed
>>68750The pony hesitates to respond, and then, with a shaking voice says "I'm not going to open this door"
Intimidation is a bit harder when they have a physical barrier to protect them>>68751Know who brings the Light you ingrate"Of course. The teachings of Harmony show us that you will only find your place in interdependence with others. Life is gloomy and unhappy without friendship and those around us. Tradition, Community, Family, and our friends are the cornerstones of Self-fulfillment, along with contributing our own special talents to society.
So... what do you think of our China?"
>>68752"I don't know, why did you bring me down here?"
>>68753"Because you are a Changeling Operative"
>>68752"Death to imperialists Changelings!"
>>68752"I take it as permission to bust this door down." he looks at Cualdron, see her reaction to it before fully commiting to the action.
>>68754Onyx squints at the pony infront of him.
"So now you're accusing ponys that fought against, and lost friends to the changelings of being their operatives?"
>>68756She shrugs, but also opens the window
>>68757"You're not fully convincing"
A mare comes in and spreads a sort of green goo substance on Onyx.
>>68755Dark Star's remark incites another remark about the failure of Larry Berry's administration to deal with the exploitation of the working class, as industries are still mostly run by large corporations. They start to criticize the Black Hooves and New Mareland, and eventually come to the agreement that the owners of Capital will not part with their power without revolution - in contradistinction to the ideology of Larry Berry's movement
>>68758"And just what the hell is this?"
[1d20+5 = 12]>>68758Iron nods and bodyslams the door. Rolling strength check to see if successful first try.
>>68758*Darkstar commits the pony that said that to memory*
[1d20 = 19]>>68759"You tell us, Changeling"
Iron slams himself against the door, but his effort could hardly be called his best. It is, however, enough to beat the wooden door, and the deadbolt.
Rolling the cook's reflex save on the door
>tfw you type out 3 paragraphs of monologue about the metaphysical meanings of freaking table plates, but then your page crashes right as your about to finish and you lose it
>>68762"I still don't know what this shit is"
>>68763It's honestly better than having to delete a post because of misclicks tbh. I have that happen like 5 to 6 times last night.
>>68763A moment of silence
>>68762>>68760The Cook deftly moves back and out of the way of the Door. He is holding a sword. A freaking Medieval Sword
>>68761The topic now shifts to what the ponies all came there for: Revolution. All agree it must be done. The harder part, is how to pull it off. Discussion rages as to whether a revolution in Baltimare alone is possible, whether it would need Manehattan and Fillidelphia, and whether the Changelings must be dealt with first. All agree that they must take up arms if the Changelings come in and New Mareland abandons them.... but is there greater urgency? There is a worry that Stalliongrad will be invaded by Changelings
>>68763The Sister pets Ash to calm her
>>68765"We ask again, what is your purpose here?"
A cutie Pegasus mare, of a light blue almost white coat enters, with Blue hair, and a lanky almost cat like appearance enters the room, and comes to Onyx's side. The Black Uniformed pony tells her "This one denies he's a changeling"
>>68768"Less denying and more stating to be honest. Denying would mean I am one."
Onyx then looks around
"Now is anyone gonna explain the green goopy bullshit?"
>>68768OOc, Would this be enough to get the RWDS to take these guy?
>>68770Unfortunately I think that can only be done in Character
>>68769The Pegasus mare walks around Onyx, inspects him, presses her hoof against parts of his body, and especially checks the place where the green goo was placed. The Mare says "He's not a Changeling" to the other ponies
The Stallion says
"Well, looks like you are now free to go"
[1d20+4 = 23]>>68768Iron nods in approval. "Ah, your choice in weaponry is good, colt. Reminds me of a friend." He readies himself. "Well, I did tell you I would crack your bones now, but I give you one last chance. Hand the bits over and I will not break you." Iron cracks a smile. "If you want to test our skills in combat, step forth, and I will show you the true meaning of strength."
>>68752She continues
"... The china that the Lord brought on that day.. was quite spectacular.. Stark white heirloom ceramic in antique, historic condition.. They were glazed with enough colors to match the church's windows, each displaying elegant, unique paintings of tigers, dragons and phoenixes, with gaudy golden trim. They were certainly the gloat of a stallion who took great pride in flaunting the glory of his wealth.. and for that purpose, they were splendid.."
She looks closely at a plate
".. These plates.. are simple in nature and practice. Plain, monoform pieces molded from inexpensive materials. If one breaks it can easily be replaced without grief or mourning.. Humble plates indeed.."
She turns toward the duster as she gently carressses the plate with a washcloth
"But precisely because of that, they are here in this abby. They are plates that are fit to feed the children of this orphanage; simple plates that can be trusted even to a child. They're not made to impress anyone, but their purpose is sublime. Plates that Sisters and children can use together to enjoy a earnestly-cooked meal. And for that matter, they're certainly better than the plates of that stallion; those plates who sit on the shelves in his castle collecting dust for years on end."
She puts the plate down (after taking 10 on her cleaning check).
"Plates that are humble enough to be trusted to children are the only plates we need. But for now, I think I'm better trusted with the laundry."
[zen dialect intensifies]
>>68772The mare, who has a perpetual smile, walks up to you
"It's the Blue Green eyes"
She points to her own eyes, which also have a blue green coloration
"They can cause false positives on one of the Changeling identification tests"
>>68770Still more discussion speculates. Some ponies think that because the Baltimare area does not share a border with the Changeling lands, they are safe from immediate invasion in the event of a general revolt. Another pony states that there is a problem. The ponies of the forbidden jungles, especially the natives of Tenochtitlan, would probably not join in any general revolt. they can't even be sure of the ponies of Moonlight Shore. Affordable Care assures them that all of these issues are being worked on
>>68774I don't think Ash can take a 10, but anyways,
"What do you think of the wealthy of Canterlot. Maybe you don't know those ponies.... but... what do you think of those that do chose extravagance?"
>>68776"Whats being done to ensure they help us?"
>>68776"Huh. Don't think a Changeling would bother making himself half blind though."
>>68777"We are working on, shall we say, convincing the ponies of the South and to the East"
>>68778"Don't underestimate the care changelings put into their appearances" she says
>>68773The pony stares at him in a sort of shear horror.
He drops his sword
>>68779*Even more thinking horse noises*
>>68776"For me, humble life is that of a personal choice; I myself knowing that I do not know need the luxuries of mortal life to be content in my sovereign soul. I never payed very much thought to those who seek wealth and hoard the treasures of their excess. I could say such a life of extravagance is shortsighted and vain, for they will not find wholeness in affluence; but who am I to judge others for their own choices? I chose this way of life to quel my my own fire; some others may find virtue in their own paths.
I am not familiar with the area of Equestria. Agglomerations of industry and sprawling cities of asphalt.. none like the place where I grew up. I only came to the city because I've come to learn that where there are cities there are ponies who suffer from poverty and destitution, horrors of the modern world.."
>>68780Iron's posture slackened, deadpan expression clearly showing. He walks towards him and takes the sword and places it next to the door, then he plants himself next to the door. He gestures Cauldron to do her thing.
>>68779Onyx thinks about this for a moment.
"So can I leave?"
Bored, and somewhat curious, Brie approaches the bartender.
"Hey, I wanted to ask you something."
>>68781Another pony asks for more details, but he says that he is not at liberty to say much more
>>68783And Cauldron does her thing. But the Cook finds new motivation
"So what are you going to do now? Rob me blind?"
>>68781A pony expresses concern especially about the native tribes. She things they may become as collaborationist as the ponies of Manehattan. Affordable care assures them they know how to demoralize
>>68782"I think you've heard of the other foals, haven't you?"
>>68784The Green Earth pony points a hoof
"Exit's that way"
>>68786Onyx leaves the building
>>68787He is not arrested, detained, or otherwise harassed or accosted by police on his way out
>>68785"Now what might that be?"
>>68789"You mentioned something about changelings earlier, I was curious what you meant."
>>68786Sister Ash frowns, then nods
"I have gathered an air of misfortune.. for those circumstances, I give my condolence."
>>68790"I mean I think it is pretty obvious they will take what they didn't take six months ago. Chrysalis thought she almost had all Equestria 10 years ago, and she won't be happy taking only half of it. She probably won't be happy only taking Equestria, really. Those New Marelanders tried to grab land when land was there to grab. All they want to do is suck away resources and whoever will join them before they abandon the continent to the wolves"
>>68791"Only a condolence?"
>>68792It's around midnight, and Onyx has probably done his good deed for the day
>>68786"If you were going to avoid your responsibility that you agreed and tarnish the trust between you and the lender, then they are forced to "rob" you." Iron narrows his eyes. "You should have paid them. You should not drop to the ground and cry when things do not go your way, colt." He cranes his neck forward. "Grow up already."
>>68786*thinks even more*
>>68793"Interesting. Do you really think they would occupy a place like Baltimare tI thought they feed off positive energy or something like that,... this city doesn't seem like it would,... be appetizing."
>>68794He heads back to his room one more time, this time getting some well deserved sleep.
He's still pissed about loosing his only possession
>>68793Sister Ash's normally disciplined complection breaks down into a scowling twitch for a fraction of a second, and if the Sister looked closely, she might have noticed a very faint momentary whisp of smoke hissing from the corner of the stoic mare's eye.
"..Those who predate on ponies who have been rendered defenseless by destitute, and exploit the helpless innocence of children... Are a kind of creature I cannot forgive...!"
>>68795"Oh, look at you. Think you're the righteous one because you've got big muscles? I tell you, you're all a bunch of crooks"
>>68797The bar tender looks over to Ms. Prancer as she stumbles out the door with her two stallions.
"Not every pony likes the good stuff. Some are scavangers. The Cheap thrill of vice could never satisfy the way the high and noble love that fills the Crystal Palace could. But it's enough to wet the appetite. And if Changelings are anything like ponies, that'll be enough to make it worth their effort"
>>68799"The police said they were looking into it, but I am not convinced there is much they can do"
>>68800".. Tell me.. Sister Sage.. how long has she been missing..?"
>>68796"We have some help that will be arriving in at the docks tomorrow"
>>68801The sister is quite for a many seconds. Then she says
"Four Weeks, about. Most of this happened a little more than a month ago"
>>68803Sister Ash nods in sympathy
".. And the stallions who took her.. have they returned sinc..?"
"The Docks,seems like Red and Black might be working with Affordable care"
"They came by once, demanding money, about last week. When Sister Marery mentioned that a Stallion from Sunset had taken half our foals, they got scared and ran off"
>>68800"If you decide to take the bits of other people who expects you to pay them back and you do not pay them back, then you are a crook yourself." Iron frowns "The worst kind of crook." He glares at the Cook "The cowardly crook, who runs and pleads to get his way. You would kiss the ass of a stallion only to stab him in the gut with a knife." He leans sideways towards the wall. "Do not expect others to respect you when you are a traitorous weakling."
>>68806".. Scavengers.. Ruthless as starving jackels, looking for easy prey.. They're more than likely to be back, once they realize that Sunset isn't protecting this orphanage, if they haven't found some other poor souls to feed off of.."
As she speaks, she looks out the window in sentinel as if glaring at the villains she envisioned.
"The Waterfront.. do you know anything of their volk?"
>>68807>>68807I wish I could find a video or gif of that scene in Futurama this reminds me of
Cauldron looks over at him
"This is about how much you owe us. You're lucky we don't charge convenience fees"
>>68808"Yes, 'the Waterfront Gang' is so named because they tend to operate most heavily by the docks and the factories around there. To them though, it's just 'our thing.' They recruit from the poor, the disadvantaged, and the marginalized of society, especially in the working class neighborhoods. They have a hierarchical system. Their leader in Baltimare isn't exactly know, but is believed to be a unicorn known only as "The Lady." They make their money mostly from loan sharking, illegal gambling, and protection rackets, but are also know to traffic in illegal goods and sell counterfeit goods. They prefer to keep a low profile and aren't anything at all like those villains down south in the Forbidden Jungles, or over in the wilder parts of Griffonia. But they will kill, rape, steal, traffic ponies, and even assassinate public officials where they think it necessary, or when they think they can avoid retaliation…. like when their victims are helpless nuns."
*Chinese eyes narrow even further*
"For those who recruit from the poor, they're awfully ruthless when it comes to finances.. Loan sharks are a special kind of malevolent"
>>68811Fuck. I saved the fucking undercuck version bull accident
>>68810Wew, almost responded there and made my char look schizophrenic>>68809Iron nods, then awaits departure.
>>68810".. Do you think they'll come back..?" Sister Ash says in a hushed tone, a look of concern creeping across her face
>>68811"Yes... I don't think any of us have recovered from that day. But you should know... There is worse"
>>68814"I don't know... The fact that they came back at all means that they must think we must owe them something. But with half our foals gone we are worth less to them now, and they avoid any place a federal officer has walked like the path of a black cat. Now that you are here, we do not need to borrow anything."
>>68813She leaves the house
"Well, that's another one. Only a few more houses tonight. How is your wound?"
>>68805His thinking is a bit louder than he thought. A pony next to him asks "Who are "red" and "black"?"
[1d20+5 = 23]>>68816Bluff
"My Local union leader"
>>68816"It was the least I could do for such selfless disciples." Sister says, bowing her head in respect
I gotta sleep now
>>68817"I see... huh, I thought those were banned. Larry Berry's really delivering on the change he promised." The pony goes back to minding his own business
>>68816Iron smiles. "Do not worry, Cauldron. I have been through worse. I am glad you still have your motherhood intact, even with this shaking job." He shakes and moves every part of his body, checking if there is any pain from moving about from the bullet wound and to prove his point.
>>68819"Larry Berry, Is a fine Mayor."
>>68820>Motherhood"Come again?"
There is pain around the area of his right front sholder that has spread slightly. More okay than not okay, but neither is he perfectly fit
>>68821"A little too cozy with the rich for my tastes"
>>68822*Goes back to listening to Affordable care*
>>68822He grimaced a bit, maybe the door bashing pushed the bullet around there, but he was not one to give up half-way. "What I mean is that you will take care of your future children well. That is what motherhood is. The pain is bearable. I can continue with the job."
>>68823"We've secured help in our struggle. We haven't set a time for any action, but we are laying a foundation"
>>68824She blushes, and after a moment says "Only a few more houses, and then we are done with this job for the night. I know where to stitch you up"
>>68825Iron nods and keeps following Cauldron.
>>68826Roll for luck, twoce
[2d20 = 3]>>68827I hope this works
>>68825*DarkStar Fakes an Apperance of Joy when he says this*
>>68828>>68829As you walk out the Neighborhood, a pair of police officers approach.
"We've been told their were loan sharks, causing a disturbance?"
>>68831Iron stays silent, letting Cauldron do the talking.
Hopefully she has a higher bluff check than 0
[1d20+1 = 10]>>68832"I hope you catch them"
[1d20+1 = 19]>>68834Opposed
>>68832>>68834>>68835"Sir and mam, do you mind telling us what you are doing walking about at this hour?"
[1d20-1 = -14]>>68836Seeing the suspicion the cops have on them, he steps up
with an admitedly shit bluff check "I am a bodyguard for her. Her father is very protective of her, and with reason." He points at the bandaged wound he has. "The crime here is too high. I am escorting her home."
[1d20+1 = 18]>>68838Opposed
[1d20+1 = 19]>>68838>>68839The police are unconvinced.
Black Cauldron sighs.
"This Stallion is my coltfriend. I don't want my father to know, and we have been trying to keep it a secret as Zebra-pony relationships are not universally approved of. That wound is from a fight that happened yesterday"
[1d20+1 = 2]>>68841Opposed
>>68841Ok, it's going a little better.
>>68838>>68841>>68842A police mare is horrified at the thought of a society and a family that doesn't approve of love. She growls to the other officer. "I told you that just because a Zebra and a Native are walking after midnight, does
not mean they are up to crime"
>>68843If you feel like I stole your opportunity to do something clever, you have a separate 2 luck roll that can put you in a similar situation to try again
>>68845Lolno, I was trembling the whole way and shitting my pants, praying for dice gods' favor.
>>68846With the police officer's pony privilege properly checked, the two walk away quickly, with Black cauldron staying very close to Iron to give the appearance of romantic interest to the officers if they were watching as they walked off
"Well that was close. We only have a few more stops"
I'm thinking another luck roll, unless you want to keep the 2
>>68847While I would jump at the opportunity at an easier time, the rolls have spoken, and I do not intend to break the dice's will.
I'll probably regret it later, but eh. This could be epic
>>68847Iron chuckled lightly as they cops went out of view and earsight. "Huh, never thought you would go for that excuse, Cauldron."
>>68848I have two different ideas, and I am not sure which is better. Roll a 1d2
>>68849She bats her eyes at him
"Since the Princess tried to take Equestria in a more 'open' direction, the police and local government have been afraid of appearing "pony nationalist" like the Blackhooves
>>68852This adds fuel to Iron's laugh. "What a way to show weakness! I am more confident now that those Princesses wanted to let the country be taken."
>>68853"Indeed. That is why we must be strong, and take care of ourselves"
>>68851"Well," she says, "this is our next to last stop." This new location is a bit unlike the other ones you've been to. It's a tavern that seems to be closed right now, with just a light on.
"This one closes early, but he's here"
The two of you walk through the front door (unlocked) and see that the front room is empty. "They must be in the backroom"
They walk up to a door to a room in the back of the tavern. She knocks on the door
"What do you want?"
"We're here to collect on a loan last month"
No response. Iron's turn
[1d20+4 = 24]>>68855First, check door for any open spots like last time. Then say "We are asking nicely here. If you want to do this the hard way, then I will let myself in and spill your blood into as many bottles of liquor as your body provides."
Is there a perk where the requirement for an intimidate check changes from charisma to strength in 3.5?
>>68856Dice gods bless me this day.
>>68856The stallion graciously opens the door for the both of you, and lets you walk in....
The stallion is not the only one there. Inside the room, which is rather spacious, there are 5 other creatures - four ponies, one griffon - sitting in chairs around a table, wearing Black and Red Bandanas
"And who the hell are you?" one of those 5 asks
>>68859Let Cauldron repeat her demands, ignoring the question.
>>68860Cauldron tells him again:
"We lent you money last month, and we are here now to collect"
A pony interjects: "The lending of money at interest is an exploitation of those who do not have money by those who do"
The stallion in question says something like "easy now"
[1d20+4 = 6]>>68861Iron turns to the offending pony. "Well, you are stupid to accept a loan in the first place. You could have ventured out with just your wits, living off the land, but you, afraid of losing your precious comfort, opted to accept something you supposedly knew it was a bad idea." Iron walks to him until he is face to face. "Now tell me, why should I listen to you complain about it like a foal and decide to bash your head in until you comply instead?"
>>68862This is why we can't have nice things.
>>68862The Stallion stands up.
"You, sir, are a bully. You take advantage of our weaknesses. The fact that a pony needs food, clothing, shelter. And you think that the fact that you already have the money means that you can take even more from creatures like us. The ones who don't live by money-born-of-money, but who
work. I tell you, we who work are
done being exploited by the likes of you. And what you and all of those like you will soon find when we rise is that
we outnumber you."
On cue, and embolded by the pony's words, the other 4 creatures ride from their seats and stand behind him, with now 5 angry creatures, and a sulking stallion.
>>68865>On cue, and embolded by the pony's words, the other 4 creatures ride from their seats and stand behind him, with now 5 angry creatures, and a sulking stallion.
[1d20 = 3]>>68865"What brave words you said. But your words still come from a place of weakness. If you want to show me your strength, then so be it. I will show you true strength!" Iron readies himself for battle.
Also rolling initiative
>>68867Oh shit. Where are you dice gods?
[1d20-1 = -4][1d20 = 19][1d20+2 = 16]>>68867Rolling. The one with the positive modifiers is Cauldron, who has more dexterity. The negative modifiers are for the creatures further away
[1d20 = 20][1d20-2 = -11][1d20-2 = -9]>>68870The next two ponies and the griffon
>>68871>>68870At least Cauldron attacks first? Woo?
[1d20 = 16][1d20+1 = 14]>>68867The initiative is:
Red Feathers
Red and Black Leader
Red and Black 3
Red and Black 4
Red and Black 2
>>68872Red Feathers attacks with Claws. Black Leader Punches
[1d20+4 = 16][1d3+1 = 3][1d3+1 = 2]>>68872The claws scrape into Iron's Hide, and Black Leader's punch lands. Cauldron swipes at Red Feathers with her crowbar, which she pulled out while Red and Black leader was blabbering
[1d20 = 11][1d20 = 12][1d20-1 = -6]>>68874>>68872The next three red and blacks attack, one on Iron, and two on Cauldron
[1d3 = 1][1d6+2 = 8]>>68872>>68876The last red and black failed to land a punch on Iron. Iron has taken 5 damage, non-lethal. Well, maybe some lethal from claws. Cauldron lands a hit on Feathers. Cauldron dodges one punch, and gets hit by another. Rolling for damage on feathers and damage on Cauldron
>>68872Feathers got pretty damned beaten. Cauldron is barely hit.
Iron's turn
[1d20+5 = 18]>>68878Iron picks up the table and throws it at the griffon and the two ponies that attack him.
If it's allowed of course.Target priority is the griffon.
Also, should I get attacks of opportunity for each pony that fights me since they're using unarmed attacks, hopefully without improved unarmed strike?
[1d6 = 5][1d6 = 2][1d6 = 6]>>68879The table is turned on its side and in the direction of the three creatures. None of the three escape in time
But no strength bonus to damage because of the awkward way in which the table is thrown, and strength is already factored into attack bonus>>68880Well... probably yes, so I guess he can do so in the next attacks
[1d20+4 = 24]>>68880>>68879>>68881Feathers has taken 5 damage. He's still fighting. Quite a tough bird I say considering the damage he's already taken from Cauldron. Red and Black Leader is barely damaged, but hurt. Red and Black 3 is pretty hurt though, but he ain't out yet
>>68882>>68881Cauldron whacks black 3
[1d6+1 = 6][1d20+4 = 7]>>68882>>68883Ow. Is black 3 even still alive?
[1d20+1 = 14][1d20+3 = 23]>>68882>>68884Black 3 is out, but first, Red and Black Leader and Red Feathers attack iron
[1d3+1 = 4][1d3+2 = 5][1d20+3 = 5]>>68882>>68885Red Feather's claws are quite sharp
[1d20 = 6][1d20 = 4]>>68882>>68886Red Feather's claws fail to hit a vital spot, but he does cause 5 damage to iron, and Red and Black Leader causes 5 more. For those of you keeping track at home, Iron has taken 15 damage in this battle, and 8 more before. 23 damage
Two more attack Cauldron
>>68882>>68887Both Fail to hit Cauldron, who has taken two damage
Iron's turn
[1d20+7 = 23]>>68885>>68886BEfore attacking, I use power strike to increase unarmed attack by 3. Then I strike at the griffon and
if possible through Attack of Opportunity the other ponies that attacked me
Yes I am focusing on the griffon scum
[1d20+7 = 8][1d20+7 = 14]>>68890The other two dice rolls are here. Do not know why it didn't let me
[1d3+7 = 10][1d3+7 = 8]>>68890>>68891As Red and Black Leader came in for the punch, he himself was punched. Likewise, Red Feathers gets a hoof right in the beak. Iron does not land an attack on the griffon when the griffon attacks.
>>68894Wait, there's only one griffon in the fight, which other griffon did I miss? Or is Red Feathers not the griffon?
[1d20+4 = 18]>>68894As each feels the hooves against their faces, they come to understand the true meaning of Strength. Both are knocked out.
>>68895"The griffon" is still Red Feathers. I wrote it in present tense for some reason.
Black Cauldron slams at another Red and Black
[1d20 = 12][1d20 = 11][1d6+2 = 5]>>68896The two remaining are unambiguously startled, but fight on, still targeting Cauldron
[1d3 = 1]>>68897>>68895One lands, but so does Cauldron's attack
Iron's turn. Two remain
[1d20+7 = 19]>>68898Still with power strike giving three damage, He charges one of Cauldron's attackers.
[1d3+7 = 8]>>68899He hits the Red and Black
[1d20+4 = 21]>>68899>>68900Red and Black 4 is knocked out
Cauldron attacks number 5
[1d3+1 = 4]>>68899>>68901She hits him
He's the last pony standing, and he tries to run out the door. Past Iron
[1d20+5 = 20]>>68902I guess it's my turnIron overruns the retreating pony (improved overrun active), rolling STR check.
[1d20 = 11]>>68904Opposed
He'll need a 20
>>68904And the retreating pony is knocked down onto the ground.
The Stallion, still cowering in the back of the room, says "I think I keep a rainy day fund somewhere. Let me get the money"
Iron gestures at the stallion cowering down on the floor to toss it on one the chairs left standing. After this, he picks up the knocked pony by the scalp and places him next to the other stallion. Then ask Cauldron to see if it was all the money that was owed.
>>68907She counts through the bits, and then checks through a list in her pockets
"20 bits short"
>>68908Iron looks sternly at the stallion, seeking to cover all the payment. "If you do not want to join the others, I suggest you give us what we are owed."
>>68909He looks through the pockets of one of the unconscious ponies. "promise I'll pay you back later" he says to the unconscious pony
"Here you go" and hands it to Black Cauldron
>>68910Iron nods. "Next time, control your friends and pay up like you are supposed to." He turns to Cauldron. "Our job is done here."
>>68911She smiles, and they walk out. After they are out of the tavern, Black Cauldron jumps and hugs him. "That was AMAZING!" It takes her about three seconds to realize "but you are very hurt? Do we need to fix you up now, or can you make the last stop?"
>>68912Iron laughs. "No need to be worried, Cauldron, I will finish the job as instructed." It's so cute when mares show care for others.
>>68913It's late at night, but one more stop. Roll luck
[1d20 = 15]>>68914By the way, are YOU ok? I'm pretty sure that you don't stay awake at this hour.
>>68915The Mare at the next location took one look at the bleeding stallion, and handed over the money
"I'll just pawn my grandfather's jewelry to pay this month's rent"
After that, Cauldron tells Iron. "It usually goes more smoothly than this, not that you can ever eliminate the risk from the job. Well, I think I should take you to a certain guy. You probably still have that bullet in your shoulder, and you have so many scratches that could get infected
I'm unemployed and unemployable at the moment, so I am fine to sleep lateAlso, I think I count only 9 collections? That feels like too few, needs at least 10 or 12
>>68916First was intimidated with a roll, second was the gambler, third and fourth were randos that gave money. fifth was the sword boi and sixth were the commies. I count 6 stops total.
>>68917I think there were a few more that were intimidated more easily or just paid up, but I think there are enough guys with rifles and swords to represent ponies who wouldn't pay
>>68916Iron nods. "I will follow."
On the way, he asks about the sudden hug after the tavern fight.
>>68919"Uh.... That was impressive what you did, and the whole situation was exciting. Anyways, this guy we are visiting is the Vet we use for many of our more exotic animals. He can heal any wound with no questions asked"
>>68920"Huh. No pony in my tribe ever did that, we only fought eachother to prove our worth. The winner is respected while the loser is shamed." He looks ahead. "Is there anything important to know about this person who will cure me?"
>>68921"He's not a part of the government provided healthcare system, but the underboss will cover wounds sustained while doing business. What else do you want to know?"
>>68922"That is all I need."
>>68923They go to the building in question. Cauldron knocks on the door. A yellowish Unicorn Stallion answers
"It is
well after midnight. What do you need me for at this hour?"
She responds "He's been shot, and clawed, we need help." he takes a look at the wounds
"Hmmm. This one here did get to the bone. This one will need stiches. I guess I could fix this up tonight." The stallion applies cotton and such to the bleeding wounds, and starts to disinfect them. He injects Iron with an anesthetic. "Hold still, this won't kill you." And then he uses a set of tools to extract the bullet. After that, he disinfects the wound and stitches it up. He likewise stitches up the other wounds. Black Cauldron does some medical work of her own, making a brew.
"Use this tonic, it will help with the healing process. And this here, if you place it over the wound will help as well"
>>68924Do as advised and place the tonic and the other thing now. "I thank you, Cauldron. You are a great partner." He smiles. "Now, time to split the bits as agreed."
>>68925She starts counting the collected amount, and splits the totals. "It looks like you made about 400 bits. That's quite a large amount for a single night, even if it may not seem like it's worth... all that" she motions to Iron's various wounds.
>>68926Iron laughs. "As I had said before, it was only a scratch." He composes himself. "Will we meet again at the same spot or is there a change in plans?"
>>68927"We'll see what tomorrow brings," she says
>>68928"I see. If there is any change, I will be at the outskirts of the city." He starts heading outside the building, bits in hand. "Thank you, medicine man," he says before leaving through the door. Today was a good day, a good night's rest will do.
>>68929Cauldron waves goodbye, and goodnight
Iron reaches the outskirts and looks for any trees with holes on them to hide his newfound loot.
>>68931Ok, that was that. Damn fun that was. I'll go to bed now. You should too.
Wow, you guys really were playing all night.
>tfw Last 50 posts' isn't enough
>Yay! Quads are back
>>68818Since I think it's somewhere close to late evening whereshe is, Sister Ash finishes her work, and retreats to whatever chamber or barn or hole in the ground she has to sleep in for the night.
Alright, we have now reached a point where can
almost wrap these individual threads up and send the characters together
>>68830Various ponies speculate as to what the establishment of a worker's state would look like. They see the fact that the other districts of Equestria are further from revolution as a sort of roadblock, and most believe the Black Hooves' line that throwing out the Blackhooves would leave a vacuum the Changelings would try to fill. Some, however, are optimistic about the chances of establishing an Semi-Enclave state in Baltimare, seeing as the Baltimare district does not share a border with the Changelings, but has another district as buffer to the East, Fillidephia to the North, the Fire Sea to the South, and open Ocean to the west. One pony suggests that maybe the Black Hooves would allow them to break off peacefully, or set themselves up as a worker's protectorate. This suggestion is laughed at, but he points out that they've let Larry Berry's socialists be elected, as well as Restorationist governments in Fillidephia and some towns in Manehattan, with only the border districts being denied any right to go against the party line. Another set of talk suggests that the Workers would do a better job of defending their homes than the Black Hooves ever would.
>>68798Roll for luck
>>68935A sister says "we are going to tuck all the foals in and put them to bed. If you're tired, I can show you a room"
>>68937Sorry for the wait, I'd forgotten that this thread had hit bump limitSister Ash bows her head
"If you would be so gracious, I would humbly accept."
>>68938She takes her to the room. It's like an slightly austere hotel room, with a full bed, dresser, curtains and so forth, with some sowing instruments on a table. There is a lamp on a stand beside the bed.
"This used to be sister Sage's room."
>>68939Sister hangs her head in sympathy, but does not bother to pick at the Sisters' wounds.
"Thank you." She says, with a sincere nod, as she rests her broom on the wall and removes her shawl, her lion-like mane of swirling fluff looking out as it is released from its confines.
>>68940>Looking out*Puffing out
>>68940>>68941"Goodnight, and thank you for all you have done for all of us," the sister bids her, and leaves her to the room"
>>68942"You are very welcome, Sister. You are all more than deserving, for your dedication to these foals." Sister Ash says with a bow, as she extinguishes the lamp and retires to bed.
>>68943About what time would she wake?
>>68944Very early. She has to be ready to pray before the sun rises to prepare her spells, so she'd be up like a rooster.
Actually, I guess I outta pick a new list of prepared spells for today.
>>68945At some point, a sister stops by and cracks open the door, and when she sees that Ash is up, says "We will all be at morning mass at 6:00 AM. We'll be getting up the foals after that"
>>68946>>68945If I don't need to specify where my character sleeps apart from sleeping on the grass like a true native near a tree, then I'd like to follow her footsteps and sleep until the same hour to heal up my wounds.
0 level (Orisons; 6):
>Detect Magick
>Create Water
>Cure Minor Wounds (2x)
1st level (4)
>Cure Light Wounds
>Produce Flame
>Obscurring Mist
2nd lvl (3)
>Heat Metal
>Animal Messenger
>Flaming Sphere
3rd level (2)
>Call Lighting (a good day for it, since it's cloudy)
>Wind Wall
>>68946The pony would find that Sister Ash is already up and about, and is busy trying to wrestle her mane into the Equestrian religious habit with her telekinetic feelers (or whatever you call the magic glove-thing that unicorns use to move stuff).
"Oh, yes dear, just one moment now.."
*tames the mane*
>>68947Iron finds an area of open green with a tree, and sleeps there. When he wakes, he feels like he has mostly regained his strength - that tonic must be magical stuff. Ponies walk past him, as he realizes this wasn't exactly a private area. A policemare stops, and gives him a dirty look, before going on her way.
>>68948Alright, but can you link the shillagah or whatever that weird Irish name is? I think you also have one wild shift
>>68949"One moment for what?" she asks
>>68949Once her raging forest fire of a mane is restrained, Sister Ash grabs her broom and proceeds to the Equestrian mass.
>>68950Iron explores the outskirts for a bit, looking for anything interesting going around the area he woke up on.
>>68950I don't need to prepare Wild Shape. It's not a spell, but a class feature equivalent to limited polymorph.
Shillagh is a spell that makes a wooden weapon (a broom in this case) count as a magick weapon for the sake of overcoming damage reduction, and deal damage as if it were two size categories larger (in this case, a medium sized staff deals 2d6 damage).
https://dnd-wiki.org/wiki/SRD:ShillelaghI figured it was very nun-like, since Catholic School teachers are always carrying around canes and brooms and rulers to smite naughty sinners.
>>68950>for what".. My mane.. could get used to this Equestrian attire.." she says, giving her shawl one more pat to make sure it's smoothed over
>>68953>>68948To clarify, Sister Ash hasn't actually prepared her spells yet, but they will be prepared as soon as the Sun rises and the prayer begins. She only has to meditate for a minute to prepare her spells (no spooky pagan shit), but she has to designate a time of day when she does it.
In this case, she chose to do so as the Sun rises: a silent, personal gesture to her solidarity with the sisters of the orphanage.
>took Flaming Sphere today, cuz she's praying to the Sun
>>68951Ponies are gathered in a chapel, which has a circular shape with a central Tabernacle of Black Marble, and giant windows of glass with decent visibility behind the Tabernacle. There are stained glass windows featuring scenes of the two princesses around the room, and some of saints, including Elements of Harmony. Arranged in a semi circle around the tabernacle are perfectly good black wood pews, but every pony is on their knees for some reason. Every single nun is there, and also a few stallions who you think must be among the older foals at the orphanage.
At the Tabernacle is who you guess must be the priestess. She is a Yellow earth pony with a lighter yellow mane, who you have not seen among the sisters. She does not wear the nun's habit. Rather, she wears a white Scalpular with Gold stripes on the back, with a golden robe underneath, as well as a Black collar and.... could you call it a "scarf" of black around her neck. You are there when it starts. A fillie in dress lights incense, and carries it around. The session is entirely in a language you don't understand - it's not ponish
The session begins before sunrise, with some singing and reading. The rising sun is visible through the windows behind the priestess. At the moment of sunrise, the priestess raises her forehooves up, and the nuns bow down, as she sings words in exaltation. It continues as the sun slowly rises, with calmer words spoken afterwards.
>>68952As he walks around, he sees single family residences, and a couple shops. Ponies walk on the side of the street, at first in fairly thin numbers, but then far more. He can hear loud whistles off in the distnace from factories and mills. What is particularly new are Automobiles that drive down the street. They are faster than the horse drawn carriages, and seem unsafe. Likewise, trucks can be seen, mostly of a more or less similar model to the trucks he saw yesterday at the docks
[1d20+6 = 25]>>68957>saintsThat's interesting.
Rolling knowledge (religion) to see what I recognize about these particular Saints. Just their names would be fine though.
Sister Ash joins her sisters throughout the ceremony, carefully observing and absorbing any rituals she did not already recognize.
She makes a silent testement to the safety of the orphanage, as she beholds the arrival of the morning sun.
>>68957He takes an interest at the shops, checking to find any sort of armor or weapon shops.
>>68958On the far end of the glass is a figure you guess must be Blessed Word. Blessed Word is the founder of Equestrian Monasticism, who, many hundreds of years ago, in a time of war and strife in Equestria, sought to remove himself from society and live as frugally as possible. He lived in a cave in the mountains for a period of time, and eventually got other mares and stallions to join him in a monastery in the mountains. The glass in question features him out in the brushlands, almost starving to death, in a pilgrimage he made to imitate the sufferings of the earliest equestrians as they moved south into Equestrian lands.
The second stained glass belongs to Golden Horse. He is very well known as one of the great intellectual backers of the Equestrian church, one of its great theologians. His work, "City of the Sun," for example, teaches ponies of the superiority of the spiritual over the material, and not to be too concerned over the dire state of the pony kingdoms at the time, but rather to place faith in Celestia. His even more well known autobiography teaches of his personal journey to spirituality and self control.
The next pane is Equinus, another Philosopher and theologian. His works seem to borrow heavily from the earlier philosophy Mareistotle, and seem to take a more positive tone on the material realm, while providing an ethics of self actualization and a very logically formatted metaphysics
The Central Panel contains a saint elevated perhaps among the rest. It is Saint Prancis of Ass-Eastly, who lived a life of devotion to the poor, and broke away with another monastic group to start his own when he though that it was not austere enough. The panel in question features a famous scene where the young saint went to Griffonia and displayed himself and to the Griffon king during a crusade, and hoped to be martyred for his faith.
The next panel is yet another philosopher, Saint Celestialhelm. She is probably best known for her proof of Alicorn divinity.
The final panel features the pony known as "revered." he was a soldier of an empire that was persecuting the faithful, and when he saw a believer about to break under the pressure, gave a speech to tell him to keep his faith. It was so inspiring that it even converted several onlookers, but resulted in him being killed himself. The glass in question features the extremely well known scene where a half dozen arrows failed to kill him
>>68959Hardware store, pawn store, specialized weapons store? Your pick
>>68958>>68960The final panel features none other than the Mare herself: The mother of the sisters, the great Fausticorn
>>68960If I am going off the rails, warn me beforehand. Don't want to ruin the plan you haveIron decides to explore the pawn store out of curiosity.
>>68962The pawn store does indeed have some armor and weapons, what are you looking for?
>>68962Someone had to role a 19 on a knowledge religion question about lore, so that took most of my time after you posted
>>68963No sweat. Every player is important.He looks for any sort of gauntlets for sale.
>>68960>>68961Very very interesting.
Sister Ash takes a while to appreciate the glasswork after the ceremony is complete, marveling at the figures of those that she until then only had to chance to hear of through spoken word and independent study.
"Ponish aesthetics.. certainly do live up to their reputation."
>>68963If it's any compensation, you did a great job of describing it.
>>68966I like it when children's cartoons pander to my appreciation for Western art and culture.
>>68965As you look around, you see that they do indeed have what appears to be gauntlets: Iron shoes that can be placed over the forehooves, and give quite an extra punch to... well, punching. You guess it must have been dumped by its owner very quickly (like in the time it takes the police to get a search warrant) because it's very cheap
Forgive me, but is gauntlets the main way u want to go? Gauntlets, as I understand them, keep the damage for an unarmed strike the same, but make the damage lethal instead of non-lethal. That takes away what is probably the best aspect of unarmed strike - that you can beat an opponent down with the worst crime committed being misdemeanor assault, which the police couldn't be bothered to follow up. If you want lethal damage, a sword, crossbow, or rifle would probably better. But of course, if you know what you have in mind....
>>68966And as she does, with little more a subtle nod, she has prepared her spells for the day.
>>68968Imo, I think enchanted gauntlets outta be the go-to way for letting Monks weild magical weapons. Could also work for damage reductions, like cold iron and silver too.
>>68966>>68967One thing is for sure about the Colt of the Sun. Whatever else you have to say about them, they love their art. The stained glass and the tabernacles are the most ornate part of the chapel, which otherwise is more plain than not.
"You should see the artwork of the Cathedral at Bales." you hear behind you. It's the priestess. "Hello, I am Sundew, the priestess of the North Baltimare Parish. I don't believe I've seen you before"
>>68970Isn't he playing a fighter?
>>68968I would have hoped they increased damage at least. If I want to be lethal, I don't need to buy some metal thing since improvd unarmed strike does that, right?Iron shakes his hard, this won't be useful for him. He exits the shop in dissapointment
>>68972They can increase damage, sure. Also I believe you have two hooves for unarmed strike which opens opportunities for more attacks
>>68971Sister Ash bows in respect
"Getting, maredame. I go by the title of Sister Ash. I recently traveled to the adjacent orphanage to dedicate myself to the protection and service of these foals."
>>68974"Celestia knows they need it. I take it you've heard?"
Monks don't lose their abilities if they stop being lawful. If you played an ex-monk (former Monk), you could get most of the Monks combat abilities and bonus feats (most of the good ones come levels 1-6), and then just be a Fighter for every level after that.
>>68975"Indeed..." Sister Ash says, bowing slightly to conceal her gritted teeth
".. these ponies have suffered.."
>>68973Iron scratches his forehead in frustration. Guess he could buy a belt to put his pouch of bits as well as other pouches for rocks to throw at his enemies.
>>68976I'm no ex-monk. I do not think my character has the discipline to be one, being a savage and all.
>>68976The Improved Natural Attack feat can raise the damage of a natural weapon or unarmed strike by one size category.
>>68977"Indeed they have. We at the diocese can only do so much to help... and it's not always enough"
>>68978There is a large fitting belt, only 5 bits
>>68976>>68979stahp the irrelevant meta posting for classes no one here is playing
>>68980"It is never enough.. but it is virtuous to do what one can for the sake of the destitute.. I, for one, am willing to to all it take "
>>68980Iron nods and pulls out 5 bits. When bought, Iron wears it and places his pouch of bits hangingi on the belt. He also wants to find another small to medium pouch to store rocks inside.
>>68983*To do all that it takes
>>68984Likewise, a medium sized pouch is available, only 4 bits
>>68983"Thank Celestia, because we need somepony who is. Err... somecreature who is"
>>68986Iron nods again and buys it, doing the exact same motion of hanging the pouch on the belt. Now he'll seek for small rocks to pick up. He knew that some cowards have wings, so he would need a decent backup for them.
Are rocks lethal when thrown?
>>68986".. Pony is fine.." the Kirin says, somewhat awkwardly
>>68987Sure. What is more difficult is imagining to be on par with a Longbow or Crossbow. I guess maybe if the rock is bucked by the hing legs it would be comparable to a crossbow?>>68988She thanks Ash, and says "if you need any guidance or help, I am with the Diocese. I must now leave to the North Parish Church"
>>68989I have a high jumping skill,so I should be able to jump towards them and pull them to the ground if it is not enough.
>>68989Also, do I roll to see how many rocks I can find?
>>68990You're intent on no formal weapons, aren't you?
>>68991Inside the pawn shop you could find maybe 1 if you rolled a 20
[1d20 = 8]>>68992I guess it's a luck roll
>>68989Sister Ash Bows her head once more
"Thank you for your service, maredame. I bid you farewell on your endeavors."
>>68993There are no rocks to be found inside the pawnshop.
>>68994A sister approaches Ash
"beggin' your pardon mare... I don't know if you are budy, but you say you lived out in the wilds of nature?"
She looks unsure if she is asking the question right
"I mean, I don't mean to be offensive, but if you have experience"
>>68995Iron, annoyed, decides to exit the pawn shop, content with the storage increase.
>>68995The Kirin swings a hoof casually, shrugging off any air of offense
"I spent months alone in the wilderness as part of my training, and many more after my circle disbanded as I sought faith by myself. There is no better place for a pony than on a lush plains, in my experience, that is." She replies warmly
>>68996>>68997"i'm afraid it's a bit of a dire situation. This morning we sent a colt out to South end of the property to fetch some wood, little Sunny Day. But Sunny day hasn't been back, and he isn't in the orchard. A colt said he was talking with sunny last night and Sunny thought it was a shame he never got to see the old Priory building. We think he went over that way. The thing is, that's in a heavily wooded and dark area. Wildlife in Equestria isn't known for being nice, and it can be dangerous out there. We were hoping you could help us try to find Sunny"
>>68996Where to now for Iron?
>>68999Iron decides to go near any rivers to pick up rocks.
Fug. I should have waited until the prayer was over to post my spells list...
"I'll see what I can do." The Kirin says, as she grabs her broom and wanders in the direction of the orchard.
>>69000A good choice. Inside the city there are a couple river fronts. The river must have moved or been otherwise molested, because the stones don't appear particularly suited for his purposes. Further South, however, is pristine riverbank. This looks like a place for good stones
>>69001"Come this way"
She takes you outside of the chapel and to the south of the property. You can see the Orchard there, and beyond it a vastly thicker strand of trees.
"This area beyond the orchard was one of the oldest parts of our order. It became used much less when we moved to the new buildings over here, and the old priory was abandoned maybe 15 years ago. It's become a part of the wilderness now, and we sold the property two months ago to new owner."
>>69002"Who owns the property now?" The Kirin inquires as she scans over the Grove, her eyes narrowed for any signs of a foal playing.
[1d20 = 11]>>69002Iron walks along the river to the riverbank and starts looking for rocks
Thanks Primitive Tecchnology man for the rock abundance tip. Also rolling survival for rock amount
>>69003"I believe they are owners of a paper mill. I guess they want to harvest the trees or something, or maybe they intend to develop it or sell it, I don't know"
No foal can be seen in Orchard
[1d20+3 = 5]>>69003Spot check just because
>>69006Better now than in a fight.
>>69004He finds a decent number. Many are too big, too small, or too oblong to be stable in a fight, but many are decent for the task
>>69006She cannot see anything moving, aside from the frightened sister
>>69005"Well, pray I find him.." Sister Ash says as she wanders into the orchard, towards the wood, slightly less confident than she was moments prior.
[1d20+1 = 17]>>69010Search check, to look for clues/hoofprints or any signs of anything.
>>69009Content with the amount obtained,he stuffs them in the empty pouch he bought. He decides to explore the area further for any other interesting events.
>>69011It appears to be as the sister suspected - a set of hoof prints leads into the forest. When you follow it more, you can see that there is a trail that runs through the forest
>>69012If you mean to say the unpopulated area south of the main city, it seems that there is nothing clearly going on
>>69013The sister follows the footprints closely, moving slowly to make sure she doesn't miss anything. She makes her way into the forest.
[1d20 = 10]>>69013It is somewhat relaxing. It reminds him of home. Iron forages for food like yesterday to eat right then and there.
Yes I'm serious
[1d20+10 = 18]>>69014Survival check, I guess
>>69016Jesus, how many points did you put on survival? I did not expect that.
>>69015If his stomach is as strong as his name, there is a large set of tall grass by the river. Fruit and tubers, however are a bit lacking, and there really isn't much to eat otherwise
>>69016She is able to follow the trail and into the woods. The sister follows. "This was wooded even when we had it before. Now, it is even more overgrown"
>>69017I put in 5. I have +3 Wisdom, and +2 synergy bonus for Knowledge (nature).
[1d20+1 = 18]>>69018He shrugs, having eaten worse and chows down on the grass. Rolling constitution check.
>>69018"Hmm, perhaps the child got lost..." Sister Ash wonders, as she proceeds into the wilderness, following the hoofprints.
>>69021A horse is still a horse, of course, and he can spend about as long as he likes eating succulent grass and relaxing by the river bank
>>69022Do I need to roll to keep tracking through the forest?
>>69025He stays there for a bit, relaxing near the riverbank. To think ponies decided to leave behind this life of freedom for security. They deserve their misfortune as a society. He thought about the pony spewing nonsense at the bar last night. He dressed kind of funny and had an insignia if he remembered correctly. He should keep that in mind when his next assignment arrives to ask about that.
>>68797Well wouldn't you know, Ms. Prancer walks into the bar, looking around and walking quickly
>>69026You would, except the path is fairly clear, and in any even the sister knows the way. After some minutes you come upon a sort of clearing with a hill. On this hill is a rectangular brick building which the sister identifies as the Old Priory
>>69028"Is this where he was last seen?" The Mystic Mare inquires as she approaches the building
>>69027>>69028Iron suddenly had an idea. He should buy some fur armor from a predator, as he remembered one of the tribesmen speak about their thick skin. Problem is, where could be find that? He starts heading back towards the city to look for it.
>>69030Well, that is quite a conundrum. Where
do you go to find armor?
>>69029"He was last seen in the Orchard"
>>69031"Well, he certainly didn't just vanish. Let's check this place out." Sister Ash says as the approaches the door of the building.
>>69032The door is mostly metal with wood, and the hinges work. There is a window through it. It seems unlocked
>>69033Sister Ash peeps through the window (just in case).
>>69034It's dark and not well illuminated inside. The rooms don't really look empty, with furniture and assorted items that seem to have been stored and forgotten there
>>69035With a deep breath, Sister Ash moves to open the door.
*Turns to Sister*
"You didn't happen to bring a lamp, did you?"
>>69036"No," she says. There are at least windows that allow natural sunlight into the building, so it could be worse
>>69037"Very well then.."
And with that, she opens the door and proceeds into the building.
>>69038the first room appears to be mostly open like a sort of lobby, with a hallway down the end. On the ground are chairs and the like, some knocked over, some stood up. There a few leaves on the floor. Folded tables rest on walls, as if stored there an abandoned
[1d20+1 = 5]>>69039>LeavesAre there any openings in the cieling/walls?
Rolling search to scan the room for any clues of recent activity, as Sister Ash proceeds through the lobby.
>>69040All she can see is that the ceiling is not caved in
>>69028"Why miss Prancer, lovely to see you again. Is there something you're looking for? Perhaps,... someone?" Brie approaches with a smile.
>>69042Sister Ash proceeds through to the next room (if there is one; whichever is the way forward).
>>69043She looks at him a bit confused. Like "who are you." She is a little hung over.
"No, I'm just here to get my purse, I think I left it"
>>69044she goes forward past some debris, hears scampering of what hopefully is just a mouse, and comes to the first room headed down the hallway
>>69045"Let me check with the bartender for you."
"Not what I was hoping for, but who knows, this could pay off," he Eeeee's to himself.
Brie walks up to the bartender. "Hey, have you seen a purse around? The mare says she might have left it here."
>>69047He responds "You mean this one?" He pulls out a fancy white purse of some Canterlot designer. "Drunken mare must of left it"
[1d20+5 = 25]>>69046Listen check
>>69049Wind howling in the distance, and blowing through an open window. A bird chirping in the forest. Leaves rustling outside. A mouse moving. A foal sobbing. Metal crashing down where must be literally five miles away or more
>>69048He returns to Ms. Prancer. "There is one, a fancy designer looking one at the bar. Can you come verify it?"
>>69050*Ears tilt like sateloy dishes*
"... There he is."
Sister wastes no time in making her way towards the sound of the crying foal.
[1d20-1 = -1]>>69031He decides to ask the townsfolk around the slums, see if they know anything about a man who manufacutres fur armor, since he believes that type of armor is cheap. He has no more options than that. Roll gather information.
>>69051She is stressed and looking around and under booths, but when he finds her, she answers "Yes. Sassy Saddle's Porte Haute Blanche of the Canterlot Carousel"
>>69054You're in luck! They tell you of a shop in North side that makes what you are looking for
>>69055Crit fail and I find something? SuspiciousHe traves to the North side to see if the info is legit.
>>69055"I guess she's used to being waited on," he Eeeee's to himself.
"Coming right up!" He returns to the bartender. "Yeah, that sounds right, some overly complicated, foreign-language name I couldn't repeat if I tried."
>>69052He's not in that room. The sound is far down the hallway, past several rooms, into a room towards the end of the hall that seems to have been a bathroom. And right there, sure enough, is a cowering foal with a sun cutie mark
>>69056He finds the shop. Inside are all manner of animals - bears, bobcats, you name it. A Brown stallion comes up. "Hello, I'm Cotton stuff. You have need of a taxidermist?"
>>69057He hands over the purse. "if that had been an original Carousel product, it would be priceless. They don't make those anymore. But damned if this isn't the next best thing." He hands over the overly fancy bag
>>69058He returns to Ms. Prancer. "I gotta say you've got fine taste. Is this it?"
>>69058"Awwww.. There, there, little one. Did you get lost here all by yourself?" Sister Ash says as she steps towards the frightened foal
>>69059Her stress is greatly relieved. "Yes! Thank you!"
>>69060He's still frightened, but answers "I'm here alone"
>>69058"Tah-zee... what?" Iron was taken aback by the complex word he never heard of before. "Do you have fur for me to wear? I can pay." He looks around, seeing these many animals around him, he must be an animal carer or something.
>>69061"Its my pleasure, anything for an esteemed patron. Is there any other way I might be of assistance?"
>>69061"Shhhh, it's all fine now.." Sister Ash whispers, as she moves closer to comfort him
"We're here for you. Now why don't you come back with us to the abby? I'm sure your friends are waiting for you."
>>69062Cotton Stuff smiles. "Oh no no no, we don't have clothing for you to wear, we stuff animals dead animals, so you can have the appearance of the animal preserved without rotting flesh. See"
He points to taxidermied animals
>>69064"I was just trying to explore the woods to go see the priory, then there was this wolf and I ran in here to hide. I was so scared" he says extremely quickly
>>69063"Thank you, I don't think I need any other assistance"
>>69065Iron inspects the animals inside the store, looking specifically for predator ones.
>>69065"Very well. Please have a safe trip home, and do come back soon!"
>>69067The filly is hugged, and somewhat calmed down
>>69066Oh yeah, they are there alright. Wolves, bobcats
"We've had clients bring in tigers and, well, even more majestic animals, they are just too valuable to leave up as store displays."
>>69069Sister Ash waits a few moments, before gently coaxing the fool to its hooves, and leading the foal outside.
>>69070The foal is afraid to go outside
"you first"
>>69072The foal is still afraid
>>69069Iron scratches his chin. "Can I buy one of those unstuffed tiger corpses? I can pay."
>>69074"oh, I don't believe I have any unstuffed tiger corpses. Hunters bring those in. You'd have to acquire one yourself"
>>69073Ash looks at the other Sister awkwardly, before trying once more time.
"Is there anything I could do to make you feel better?"
>>69076"Just get me home"
>>69077"Then follow us." She says, her tone still gentle
>>69078The foal comes to the door of the building, and then scans the woods, he then canters over to Ash, and stands close to her
[1d20+5 = 11]>>69079"There. Now on our way then."
Rolling Listen to check for monsters
>>69080Is the sound of shaking leaves caused by the wind or by feet moving through along the ground? Who can say? You hear no growls, no obvious breathing, or any other obvious sign of life besides what you think are the Sister and Sunny
>>68937"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible,Will make Violent Revolution inevitable."
>>69081Sister Ash proceeds forward, feigning a sense confidence to keep the child comfortable.
>>69075"Do you take me for a fool? You must have at least one of those corpses." Iron hated hunting since most creatures ran away from him the moment they see him, and he was not the sneakiest one, only passing the hunting test out of luck when he threw a rock so hard that the prey was knocked unconscious. "Fine, did the hunters tell you where to find them?"
>>69083The sister looks out, and then concerned.
"I haven't walked this way in many years.... Which way is back?"
>>69084Cotton Stuff laughs. "Oh no, I don't hunt the animals, hunters bring them to me. They get them way down south. I mean way down south, in the Jungle. When they get off their ships here they sometimes send them to me"
>>69082A mare nods
[1d20+12 = 31]>>69080Ummm..
Rolling Survival to retrace steps (I forgot to add the bonus for Nature Sense last time)
>>69086Thankfully, she is able to determine exactly where she had been. The trail is through the densely wooded area
>>69085Hmm. "What about these wolves you have here? Where do you get them?"
>>69088"Those are also brought by hunters, though from much closer. They hunt in the Hayseed Forests south in Duskaway. There are more than a few around here"
[1d20-1 = -18]>>69089Rolling a knowledge check to know how sturdy were the wolf and tiger skins.
>>69090They qualify as hide, and can be stronger when treated. They do more than no protection against knives and arrows, and are not nearly as sturdy as steel
>>69085"The Black Hooves Cruelty to the Griffions Will end!"
>>69087Sister Ash confidently strides down the path, the brush almost seeming to part away from her path (woodland stride); as she leads the two ponies back to the abby.
[1d20 = 13]>>69089Iron tries his luck. "Do you also receive the skins of bears? Any bear, brown or grizzly. If so, do you know where to find it?"
>>69092This statement leads a stallion to ask what they will do about the continent of Griffonia. Someone comments that the workers of the griffons will rise eventually as many of them already have
>>69093She proceeds down the path with the Sister close by and the foal as well.
>>69094"Oh yes. We take bears. There are bears in these woods, and in the swamps, and in the forests down south. What do you want exactly?"
>>69095"See? It's not so bad now, is it?" The Sister says, trying to comfort the foal as she magically swats briars and thorns out of the way with her broom.
>>69095Iron nods. "Since you are not selling me the fur I want, I will have to hunt them myself." He ponders for a moment. "Any hunter you know that can be hired for the job? I do not mind race."
>>69095What time is it in game?
>>69098Should be early morning, maybe closing to midday from what I read.
>>69097>>69097Cotton Stuff pauses for a moment. “If what you want is the hide of a black bear or a wolf, I have a couple that are not suffed, and of course several that are stuffed. If you want a fancy fur suit, I know a few outlets. If you want the corpse of a dead wolf or bear, I know a couple vendors. If you want to hire someone to make a corpse for you, who I send you to will depend on the animal. And if you want a live bear or wolf, well, I’m not sure if it’s legal, but....
Like what are you trying to do exactly? If you don’t mind my asking.”
>>69101"Oh, so you do have unstuffed hides." Iron looks relieved by this sudden change. "I want it to wear it as armor. I heard bear skins are pretty tough." Iron lowers his eyes "And no, I do not want to protect myself with something like metal. Only weaklings use that."
Sorry for that roundabout way of saying what I wanted. Had to consider all options.
>>69096Do they make it back to the orphanage?
>>69102>>69102“Oh, so it’s armor you want! I’m more than happy to sell you hide, though I will say that, depending on what you need it for, I’d rather have a customer who comes back. I tell you I know a couple armorers, who se to the rich who fear crime, to hunters who go into the jungle, to mercenaries who go into the jungle.
You think metal is for the weak, but what about ballistic nylon? Let me tell you, if anything is ‘weak,’ it’s steel against Manticore claw and hot lead”
So everyone knows, I am away from my laptop and will be entirely unavailable for a few hours I’m not too long. I hope to get everything concluded for the characters by the end of tonight though
>>69103Lol, no. Roll for listen check
>>69104"I guess an armorer will have to do. Do they sell bear armor? Also, Bah-lee-stick Nai-lone? What is that?" he asks, confused.
[1d20+5 = 11]>>69105Oh dear...
>>69108*Nervousness intensifies*
>>69107>>69107“Ballistic Nylon. It’s a fabric that is used in modern armors, but a person who sells those sort of things can tell you much more than I could. But of course, if you want a bear hide, I’ve got a nice one here”
>>69108She hears now a growl, and a very large shape walks out from the woods before her. It’s a wolf. And I don’t mean like an ordinary grey wolf that is smaller than a pony, no, this is the grey wolf’s badass grandpa: the Dire Wolf. Like a timber wolf, but a bit fleshier and less magical. It stands on the path before them and growls. The two other ponies are terrified, both clinging to each other
>>69111Fuck it. I'm going for it. Too cool to pass upIron unclapses the pouch of bits from the belt. "I will take one of them in the best condition possible. Name your price. I would like for you to give me the directions of the armorers. I may visit them later."
[1d20+7 = 15]>>69111Ummmmm
"Sh-shoo now..!" Sister as says, putting herself between the wolf and the ponies, raising her broom, preparing to parry (+2 AC, fighting defensively)
Rolling Wild Empathy to soothe the beast
>>69113It was worth a shot...
>>69113Seems like you win this.
>>69111*Continues listening to the speech*
>>69112>>69112Cotton stuff holds up the bear skin, and it’s too large for the whole thing to be lifted off the ground. “This beauty is 30 bits, and a wolf is 25. As for armor, well, if you’re looking for what the elite trust to protect them, well, there’s a high end store called ‘pommel’ that up front sells fancier clothes than you’d care for, but in the back sells high grade armor if you ask. Adventurers tend to go to the Jungle Gear store, closer to the docks.
>>69113The wolf, leans forward and barks
>>69116Iron nods, this is nice. Maybe wolves and tigers were bar armors since their skin was thin, but bears should have thicker skin than both of them. He hands over the 25 bits to the buyer.
>>69118"I said SHOO!" Sister Ash says, much more loudly this time, a faint whisp of smoke trailing from her left eye
As she says this, a white hot ball of flames erupts from the tip of her broom, sizzling as it pushes threateningly towards the beast
>Flaming Sphere, but she hasn't attacked yet
[1d20+2 = 22]I’m not sure how much I’ll be able to respond, and I’ll probably have to put the fight on hold until later tonight during the fight
>>69119He hands over 25 bits if he buys only the wolf hide, 30 bits if he buys only the bear hide, and 55 if he buys both.
>>69120Seeing as the intruder does not back down, roll initiative
Be advised that this is not intended to be the important encounter this day. Also, I may not be able to do much more dice rolling until later
[1d20 = 19]>>69121>20*Sighs*
>>69121>Be advised that this is not intended to be the important encounter this day>20
>>69121Iron deduced that if he bought both hides, he would have double the protection (and intimidation) and handed over 55 bits to the man.
[1d8+10 = 14][1d20+11 = 21]>>69122Ash has great reflexes, but it appears the wolf barely beats her. It lunges to bite. Also rolling damage just in case it lands
Now that I think about it, this may be worth expending some spells on.
[2d6 = 6]>>69125Ouch. That's half my health.
As a Move Action, Sister Ash pushes the 5 foot wide ball of fire into the the dog that just fucking bit her.
2d6 damage (15 DC reflex for half)
Anything happened to Onyx while I was gone?
[3d10 = 16]>>69127Well fuck, it's not going to fuck off from that kind of damage.
Sister Ash spends her remaining standard action to call down a bolt of Lightning (16 DC reflex for half; 3d10 cuz it's clouy today).
>>69128Seems you need to roll for luck to continue your adventure.
>tfw only have a 40% chance of surviving another hit from this thing
>>69132I really hope you can manage. I'd be pretty pissed if I died against a damn dog. I shall spread the dice gods' favor to sway them to your side.
>>69134This is worse than my crit fail intimidation and had to fight 5 guys. At least I left with half health and a zebra's mild infatuation. I really hope you crit hit and win. I'd hate to see your character die without any interaction with players in game.
[1d8+10 = 15][1d20+11 = 15]It’s intermission in the Christmas play which means another post
>>69127The fire burns the fur and some of the flesh of the Dire Wolf. It’s not enough to cripple it by any means, but it certainly grabbed the attention of the Dire Wolf. A scaly pony that shoots fire and doesn’t die with 16 damage, and the wolf is beginning to think it made a miscalculation when it picked a fight with a Dragon. The wolf retreats 30 feat and stares in pouncing position with a “what are you” stare at the.... whatever it is
>>69128Yes. He missed work last night and may be replaced. He should see his boss/landlord
>>69135Well, it'd be easier if I didn't have to be a meatshield for two dependants, but that's a risk I took...
>>69136Sister Ash pushes the five foot ball of fire menacingly towards the beast, simultaneously using it as an improvised shield (it would have to move around the ball).
The sky above crackles with energy, as she prepares a readied action call down another bolt of lightning on it if it makes another threatening move.
With her wild empathy, she signals to the wolf to begone, or face her wrath, her left eye now leaking flames and half her face charred black as she growls through wounded pants.
>>69136>Missed workThe fuck is this? He was closing up last I checked.
>>69139Bitch, please. You think you close up a bar at noon then go do shopping? The hell lind of bar does that? Anyways, I didn’t fail your dice role, so you are okay anyways.
>>69138Roll the dice to see if it got the message
>>69139>>69140You didn’t fail the dice roll
>>69140Iron buys both hides for 55 bits.
[1d20+9 = 18]>>69140I'm claiming a +2 circumstance bonus, because I'm threatening it with a giant fireball.
Also, upon close inspection, I couldn't actually hit it with lightning last round, because that would have been a full round action.
I can now though, and I will if he takes another step.
>>69143Alright, I am back to my laptop, where I can spoiler text and don't need to attach an image every time I post
>>69068She makes her trip home
>>69117The discussion wraps up. They agree that preparations must be made to strike. And important part of that preparation involves the docks the next night. And the next, or perhaps first important stage involves the South
>>69138>>69143The Dire wolf cowers ever so slightly, but continues growling, with a posture as if it is going to lung forward. It takes steps backwards, always facing forward towards ash, one step back for every step forward the fire ball is moved, plus an additional 5 feet, now 35 feet away from the fireball.
>>69142Cotton Stuff takes the money and Iron is now the proud owner of both a bear and a wolf hide. Now where to?
>>69145Of course Iron takes off the leather belt, then puts on, in order, the wolf hide,the leather belt and the bear hide right there. After this he inspects himself through the reflection glass.
Mainly to see if the hides actually fit, which may make me go to a tailor or cut it to my measurements. Also you can tell me how I look more accurately to others.
>>69146The leather belt can be adjusted so it is the right size, the wolf hide is the closest fit, and the bear hide is, well, it's a black bear. It's big
>>69145Sister Ash pushes the giant ball if fuck-off forward Another 30 feet (it can only move 39 feet per round), toward off the doggo threateningly. Above, the sky crackles with energy, filling the area with the smell if ozone.
>Tfw this ball-thing will disappear in 3 rounds
>>69148The Wolf moves back, first by a couple steps, then runs back and turns back towards Ash, barking repeatedly. It is 35 feet from the location of the fireball
[1d20+9 = 14]
I guess I outta roll one more time.
Sister Ash beams to the wolf in a dialect it can hopefully understand
>>69147Iron was a bit dissapointed by the size of the bear hide, he should cut it down a bit. This means he should find a tailor. He guesses that the Jungle Rush the stallion told about should do the job just fine. "Thank you." He steps out the shop and goes to Jungle Rush.
>>69150I-is that a good role?
>>69149Ash pushes the ball towards it, her now-undone mane standing on end as she prepares to zap it if it tries to get within 39 feet of any of them.
It's still hungry.
>>69140>Middle of the afternoonI thought it was the evening
>>69145*DarkStar Leaves the House and heads towards the market*
>>69151Jungle Gear is a fairly large building by its own, with canoes on stands and a whole row of rifles behind glass cases. The Stallion greats:
"G'day mate. What can ah' do for 'ya"
>>69150>>69153It barks again, repeatedly, and again backs up for each movement of the fireball
>>69155Well, it's morning now.
Onyx should probably try to acquire some weapons or armor>>69156Which market?
>>69157the closest one, he trying to make sure no one follows him.
[2d6 = 4]>>69157Fuck it.
Ash pushes it right into him.
Reflex for half damage
>>69157Iron signals his bear hide. "I heard that you work on armors. I would like to trim this hide so that it fits me."
>>69159God, make this stop. I'm so tempted to metagame and "oh so casually" go to your fighting spot.
>>69157Onyx has no money to aquire those things.
[1d20+7 = 13]>>69158Uh, well there is a grocery store just down the street
>>69159The wolf is startled as hell and tries to move out of the way
>>69160He starts to laugh, then catches himself, and asks "what are you armoring yourself from?"
>>69162I know you have your ways
>>69163*he goes to that one*
>>69163I know not what ways you mean tbh.
>>69165Hmmm. Well, our other fighter is also unarmed and unarmored, so you're not alone
I take it you don't want to see if you can get the halberd back>>69164He enters the Grocery store. They have vegetables and temperate fruit, though the tropical fruit selection is a bit lacking
>>69166The wolf lets out a whimper, falls to its feet, gets back up, and scurries off of the pathway
It is still alive, but now out of sight, last seen on the side of the pathway you will need to cross about 65 feet up
[1d8+5 = 6]
With her remaining Standard Action, she chants a prayer to try to close her wounds.
Cure Light Wounds. Rolling for damage healed.
>>69167I figure it would have been taken as evidence
>>69167*DarkStar goes to the pony at the counter and asks
"Do you have any mangos?"
[1d20+3 = 17]>>69167Rolling Spot to check if it's actually gone
>>69161Iron hesitated to answer. "I heard there is business on hunting predators, so I thought to take advantage of it. Now can you do the job or not?" The only predators he would hunt are the sneaky vulture-kind, that sustained themselves by loans who did not intend to pay, as the payment was satisfactory to him.
Is it too late to have another join you guys?
>>69170"Well, sir, we've had to restrict our supply. They are rather expensive, but we have a few"
>>69171You can take another bite
>>69172He's a bit further back in the trees, watching
>>69169Well, you can get it back if the case is closed, but if you want to chalk it up to another weapons sweep
>>69173He's a bit confused. "do you want this to be the armor itself or would you like it as an aesthetic venir to cover a more traditional nylon and steel jacket? If it's the former we need to boil and harden the hide, the latter is an easier process"
>>69177Onyx goes to get his halberd back then.
[3d10 = 20]>>69177I've had it.
Sister Ash gives a prayer in her bative language, and a bolt of lightning drops down on the wolf, where it stands.
16 DC reflex for half damage
Iron is confused. "What advantages and drawbacks do both options entail? Can I do this process on my wolf hide as well?"
>>69181*What is the cost of both methods on both hides?
>>69177I was thinking of being a sorcerer class unicorn. I have 9 str, 11 dex, 11 con, 11 int, 10 wis, and 16 cha. I chose the spells:
Detect Magic
Read Magic
Ghost Sound
Mage Armor
Silent Image
True Strike
Disguise Self
Scorching Ray
Protection from Arrows
[1d20+7 = 9]>>69178He goes to the police station, or the one he figures he was at last night
>>69179Yes, we have three
>>69181"Well, you see the hide on it's own isn't that strong until treated. When it is treated, we could make a substance that will do a lot to stop animal bites and knives, but won't do much to stop a bullet, and the more forceful and direct attacks from claws and knives. It will let you move around a lot, however.
Nylon and steel, however, are bulkier and heavier. But they are much better at stopping attacks. A basic flack jacket is mostly nylon with some steel plating, and is mostly maneuverable and less protective, and you can add more steel for more weight and more protection. If you opt for the steel and nylon, we can use the fur as a sort of aesthetic venir so it looks like a bear hide, or maybe even attack the plate directly to the bear hide in place of nylon.
Think about what kind of hunter you want to be. Do you want to be swift and able, but not as able to take hits, or slow but sturdy.
As for costs, the heavier armor will cost a hell of a lot more, but what else is money for?
Basically look at the armors in the Medium Armor class on this page, and choose what you want. Also see Splint Mail armor in the "Heavy" category">>69183Is that with taking racial adjustments into consideration?
>>69180>>69184The wolf is hit by lightning, and with a loud whimper, runs away as far as it can from the witch dragon pony
>>69184Yes. Do you have a certain place for me to start, or do I decide?
>>69184"Hello, can I pick up a possession that was used in a recent case?"
>>69186I don't know where to start, except that it is in the City of Baltimare
>>69187"What's the item and case number?"
Sister Ash falls to her knees panting, her shawl a mess.
I'm getting ready to pass out... I am sick today..
>>69188"It was a halberd, and I don't know the case number."
>>69184"How many bits for them"
*He pays and leaves*
"thank you."
*He Heads to the Party Headquarters*
>>69184Iron thought a bit. He was already sturdy as it is and he did not want to be a hypocrite and go back on his ideals like a coward. "Just treat both hides without steel and nylon. How much will it cost in total?"
>>69189The sister is horrifed. The Foal is impressed.
"I never knew you had... such
"Oh thank you! You beat up that bad wolf!"
>>69190"Alright, can you describe the date and location of the incident, as well as the type of incident?"
>>69191He pays 6 bits and eventually arrives at the party headquarters
>>69193"Yesterday, at a flower shop, self-defense. Seriously, how many halberds do you get in here?"
>>69193Are there Griffons by the door?
>>69193Sister Ash hobbles over to the foal, placing a hood on his head to check for any bruises.
"Are you alright..?" She asks, weakly
>>69192"Only 50 bits"
>>69196Both griffons are by the door, same as earlier. They are of a red and black coloration, but as stated before, those two red and black colored griffons are different than the red and black colored griffons you are to follow the next night
>>69194She looks at him. "You'd be surprised. Anyways, yesterday.... I see, looks like a fatal stabbing at a flowershop with.... no wait, that involved a knife. Wrong flowershop"
>>69196"That was awesome! You saved us!" The foal hugs her, then pulls away when he is covered in blood
>>69198Iron agrees to the transaction. "How long until the armor is done?"
Onyx looks ready to plow his head into the wall.
>>69198"Pardon me, dear.." Sister Ash wheezes apologetically, as she spends her two Orisons to try to close her wounds.
>HP is now 24
>>69198"Hey Feathers whats up?"
>>69188I emerge from the woods, and head out towards Baltimare.
"Why, what do we have here? Think it will be any different than the ones before it?" I ask myself as I meander down the road.
"Doubtful. But if it ends the same as the other one, then we will at least have a good laugh about it."
>>69201>>69198"Now.. let's get you home.." she continues, picking up her broom and leading the way back to the Abby
>>69200"Stabbing with a halberd.... knife, knife, spear, knife, HALBERD! Wait. Not at a flowershop."
After two minutes "Okay, I think I found it. Item 10520. We normally wouldn't release evidence only a day after a homicide, but the case is as solved as it is going to be, and we need the space in our evidence room"
She goes to ask someone to retrieve the item
>>69201The sister looks at her "Goodness, I think we should take you to a doctor"
>>69202He looks at you with the griffon equivalent of pic related
>>69204"Ash.. what was that? The lightning and fire?"
>>69205"Good Talk."
*heads inside*
>>69205>Doctor".. Yes, if you would please.."
>Lightning and fire"Magick." she says flatly, appearing somewhat hurried
"Just a few tricks I learned from the trees..."
>>69207"What exactly is in those trees?"
In any event, they call up priestess Sundew to drive her to the hospital. They place her in the back seat, and sister mary comes along
"I heard you saved a foal and a sister from a dire wolf"
>>69206Counters are mostly the same as last time
>>69198Iron hands over the bits necessary. "How long does this process take?"
>>69208Do i see sea breeze?
>>69208"It was the least I could do.." Sister Ash says
>DriveDo they have automobiles, or just wagons?
>>69211Mot have wagons, some have automobiles
>>69210Yes, he is there
>>69209"2 hours? If you rush it"
>>69211If it is OOC, then yes, my character saw automobiles when he explored the outskirts. Don't know if they are those first cars in existence or any other thing.
>>69212*DarkStar Walks over to him*
>>69212Iron shrugs. "I expect quality, not speed. There is no rush."
>>69214"Back already? We do we need to move to a more private location?"
>>69215"3 hours"
>>69216Iron agrees with the alloted time. "Is there anything to do while I wait? Any odd jobs or requests around these parts?"
>>69217He gets up, and limps to a room down the hallway on the first level
"What did you find?" He catss some sort of magic
>>69219"In three hours? Hard to say"
>>69220"Alright. I shall come three hours later then." He checks the clock to see the time and decides to visit the Watering Hole to see recreation activities.
>>69220"I Have infiltrated a communist cell, They Are planning a revolution, it is still in its infancy right now. Affordable Care Is Planning Something at the Docks, i assume it has something to do with "red and black" They Are also planning on Causing a revolution in the south."
>>69222"I see. We suspected as much. Now, what details can you offer me? Especially in the South and on the waterfront?"
>>69221What kind of "Recreation Activities?"
>>69224He'd be particularly interested in strength-based activities, maybe hoofwrestling or the typical "who can carry the most" kind of challenge. I can push to alcohol resistance since it's a kind of strength based on endurance.
>>69224>>69225Heck, have a damn fight club while you're at it.
>>68779>>68802>>68825>>68937>"We are working on, shall we say, convincing the ponies of the South and to the East">"We have some help that will be arriving in at the docks tomorrow">"We've secured help in our struggle. We haven't set a time for any action, but we are laying a foundation">Various ponies speculate as to what the establishment of a worker's state would look like. They see the fact that the other districts of Equestria are further from revolution as a sort of roadblock, and most believe the Black Hooves' line that throwing out the Blackhooves would leave a vacuum the Changelings would try to fill. Some, however, are optimistic about the chances of establishing an Semi-Enclave state in Baltimare, seeing as the Baltimare district does not share a border with the Changelings, but has another district as buffer to the East, Fillidephia to the North, the Fire Sea to the South, and open Ocean to the west. One pony suggests that maybe the Black Hooves would allow them to break off peacefully, or set themselves up as a worker's protectorate. This suggestion is laughed at, but he points out that they've let Larry Berry's socialists be elected, as well as Restorationist governments in Fillidephia and some towns in Manehattan, with only the border districts being denied any right to go against the party line. Another set of talk suggests that the Workers would do a better job of defending their homes than the Black Hooves ever would.>>69223"Not much information about either sir."
It wouldn't be that difficult for me to think of sistuations where Iron is briefly hired as an escort for a hunter, or a body guard for an important figure, or he places bets on how much weight he drag, or he does some illegal boxing for cash, or, well, something. But at the moment I feel like it would be hard for me to follow through, I need a little time>>69227"I see. It sounds like they are indeed planning a revolt, but fortunately they don't have much prepared. We have time. It sounds like what is happening tomorrow will indeed be significant. And it sounds like they may have another faction aiding them"
"If you could go tomorrow to the docks, perhaps with some help, you could gather information, and then once we know what we need to know, try to hold them down long enough for us to send in the Reservists"
>>69228>try to hold them down long enough for us to send in the Reservists""you mean i get shoot communists legally?"
>>69228It's actually not that bad. Like I said before, I can wait to plan and perfect a little quest to pass time. I'll be up for 1 more hour at the least. Do not focus too hard on me and finish up Dark's quest first. I'll do something IRL in the meantimme.
>>69229"Well, yes, after they've demonstrated that they are conspiring to revolt, or are working with foreign governments against this one. And it would be great to try to kill their plans in the craddle. but we also need them to keep talking, because there is a lot of information we don't know. You would need to act only after they've said their piece. As for sending in the reservists, well, it would be better if we never sent in any uniformed officers at all. The moment we do that, they are tipped off that we've figured out their plans, and they change tactics or attack us more quickly and directly. What would be best is if we could have a group of ponies with no known allegiance to the Black Hooves attack them and stop them. It would look like a gang killed them, like they failed to pay or came onto the wrong turf"
>>69231>it would be better if we never sent in any uniformed officers at all. The moment we do that, they are tipped off that we've figured out their plans, and they change tactics or attack us more quickly and directly."That Does Sound like a Problem."
>What would be best is if we could have a group of ponies with no known allegiance to the Black Hooves attack them and stop them. It would look like a gang killed them, like they failed to pay or came onto the wrong turf""Have Anyone in mind?"
>>69233"I Could ask around the tavern."
>>69234He laughs at this
"Hiring like you're filling in a crew on a sailing vessel? Alright. Well, it may actually be a benefit if they have no experience with the black hooves, because then it makes it more convincing that we are not the ones doing it. If you need help, we can provide some, but I don't think we quite have the mares to do it"
>>69235"Any Particular skills we need to pull this off?"
>>69236"Well, to be honest, we still don't know the exact location, unless you learned that last night, except that it is in a group of buildings near the waterfront. I would think you would need to be able to either sneak in and around the buildings quietly and unnoticed, or go inside like nothing was peculiar about you at all. When things get ugly, you're going to need strong stallions who can take down opponents. Preferably both silently, and with a gun when the bullets do finally start flying. I would think that if you find yourself in the position that you have to fight sentries, you'd want to do that without alerting the main group of communists. And if some pony can do magic, that'd be real useful.
We still don't know exactly what role the Waterfront gang and the police play in all of this. We suspect the gang is giving
some support, but we don't know what or how much. We don't know to what degree the Police are helpful or corrupt. Expect both the gang and the police to stop by when gunshots ring. Above all else, find out who the new faction is, and stop them"
>>69237"Yes Sir!"
>>69237"Sir one other thing im not sure if its relavant or not but they also mentioned possibly having a revolution in griffonia as well. and sir, i would like to requisition a Bolt Action Rifle For this mission."
>>69238"One last thing, we have a liaison to set up between us and you, who will help you set things up. Meet Blue Skies"
A cute looking Pegasus Mare comes into the room, with a blue-white almost cloud-like coat and a Dark blue mane, blue green eyes and a yellow cutie mark of a sword with wings. She is smiling and has a slender appearance."
>>69239"Ask her"
>>69240"Nice to meet you miss skies."
>>69241She offers a hoof to shake
"If you are infiltrating, where are you going to hide a rifle?"
>>69242*Shakes her hoof*
"I was thinking about stashing it somewhere on the docks in case things go south."
>>69243"That could work. Anyways, nice to meet you. I help the governate police around here, and can help with supplies, maybe tactics, until you have your team ready"
>>69244"How do you think it should be done?"
>>69245"I could hardly tell you how to assemble a team, I'm mostly just here so you don't need to keep making trips back to headquarters while you prepare"
>>69246"Alright, ill see you later miss skies. im off to
Assemble the partyWork."
>>69247She follows him, with almost the casual manner of a cat
Alright, I think that's all for tonight
>>69230Sorry, I think i failed to make anything special for you here tonight
>>69248>tfw pass out from touching your bed a little too muchIt's fine, seeing as how I was not even up.
>I can summon a dire wolf by giving up a third level spell
Nah, he would've just gotten angry/territorial. Didn't want to hurt him too badly anyway.
>>69252The driving of the car is rather erratic and fast, and you get the strong impression that these devices need to be banned or at least heavily restricted. The sister adds "you're lucky there was only one of those wolves. They are supposed to come in packs."
Sundew adds "This isn't exactly a wilderness. If there were more of them, they must have all been killed." You all arrive at the hospital, and the two mares try to help you inside. A nurse asks a question and then directs you immediately to the emergency ward. A stallion starts to look at her wounds
"These look like they've already been lightly healed"
>>69253[Ochophobic shaman noises]
"I.. I-it's too bad. All the deforestation in recent years makes them all the more likely to encounter ponies. Anyway, I hope he learned his lesson and will stay away from the orphanage." Sister Ash replies through gritted teeth, as she braces herself to the seat of the infernal driving machine.
>healed"Just a bit. I learned a few tricks about healing myself, in my training, but I wouldn't call myself an expert..." She says, staring at the gash in her flank, hoping it doesn't scar.
>>69205"Thank you...."
Onyx reflects in how bad crime must be to have this many halberd stabbings.
>tfw inferior Druidic healing abilities
>>69254The vehicle is utterly terrify.
"Well, it looks like it stopped the bleeding, so the wound is already mostly stabilized. Now please, hold still for this, it may hurt a little, but will make the pain go away."
He levitates a hypodermic needle and injects Ash with it. With a blue glow of unicorn magic, he starts working on the wound with that "modern medicine" voodoo wizardry people talk about, disinfecting the wound and applying stitches and whatnot.
Sister Marery says to her "I never knew you were a mage"
>>69255The mare hands back the halberd, which has a blackish brown venir on its pointed end. "Here you go."
>>69257>REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE needles!Sister Ash makes a horrified expression as the doctor
stabs her, but manages to hold still long enough for him to finish
(and resist the urge to burst into flames)"Oh, yes. I am a bit of a mage, you could say. I wouldn't call myself a Wizard of any sort like those unicorn magi in Equestria, but I do know a few spells that have come in handy over the years. I was never very good at working with my hooves." Sister Ash says, talking rather quickly as she distracts herself from the treatment
>>69258"Easy now. Many ponies have a fear of needles, and some ponies have a Vascovagal response to it." The doctor, for his part, is happy to have found a part of the pony-thing that isn't hard scales.
"So... you're a unicorn?"
>>69257Onyx grabs it in his jaw and nods before leaving.
>>69259".. In way.." the Kirin replies , a hoof drifting up to her branch-like horn
"I'm not from around here. My kind were known to you ponies as 'Kirin'.." she continues awkwardly, her understanding of racial relations being rather limited.
>>69261"It's just that some of the sisters are concerned about the source of your powers, seeing as we don't know what spirits and what magics they consort with down in Zebrica. I don't mean to be rude. I am not sure sister Rosemary and Sunnyday would have made it home without you, and I thank all you have done for us"
>>69260He now has his halberd and is free
He heads back to work, not wanting to be late.
>>69262The Shamanistic Sister frowns at the subject, not entirely sure how to respond, but nods her head in understanding
"Among the circles I had a privilege to attend, I met many kinds of magi. The Shahir and the Wu Gen were exceptionally powerful, drawing their magick (she puts a bit of extra accent on the k) from the teachings of the spirits they conjured.. fearsome spirits, the likes of which you could never imagine.." she trails off, as if remembering something unpleasant
"I however, had no such training, or privilege for such magick. I never considered myself an arcanist, but a disciple of the Elements. As for 'spirits', if that's what you would call them, I do see them, speak to them even. In prayer, I can feel them, watching, listening, surrounding us every aspect of our lives. The Elements are like... What's the world you ponies use for it? The forces that drive this world..?"
>>69263The Bartender and owner greets him when he enters. "Now where have you been?"
>>69264"The world drives itself. It's Harmony that orders it, gives the seasons and the celestial bodies a schedule, and unites ponies together in common purpose"
>>69265She snaps
"Harmony! That's the word." she says, a ghost if a smile returning to her face
Then she continues
"The Magick of my people naturally follows a path that would be suspicious to the arcanists of this nation.. The Winds brought me here to serve the poor, which, but my own mission.. was to gain a greater understanding of the gentle Magick of the Equestrians. Harmony.. is a notion of great value where I come from; for without it, we only face fire and destruction."
>>69250As Iron approaches the Watering Hole, he sees that there are police inside and outside
>>69267"Well aren't we all? What was so special about last night"
>>69266Dark Star goes where he goes, with Blue Sky trailing him, 10 to 20 feet behind him
>>69265*Darkstar Heads to the Eastside tavern
With blue Skies in tow?*
>>69269Iron, curious, apporaches the police guards close to the door and ask why are they there.
>>69269"Some gang members jumped me. One, if not both, won't be jumping anyone again."
>>69269>>69270"Not to be rude miss skies, but i think the eastside my be a little rough for a beautiful mare such as yourself."
>>69268"Very well then. But we are glad to see you have powers to use for good. Because celestia knows we need a protector."
The doctor has been working this time. "Soon to be done"
>>69270The tavern is before him, a two story red building on a street corner. If he goes in, he sees the same bartender, a coal-black pony talking to him, and a grey Bat pony talking to a rather nice looking white unicorn mare. Steel Heart is not present at the moment
>>69273"Oh I see. No thanks, it's calm enough early morning."
>>69272He looks a bit concerned. "Alright then. Glad to see you are in one piece"
>>69271"Sting operation, several petty criminals were arrested. The bar will be closed for a few more hours though"
>>69275"Glad to be in one piece"
Onyx sets to work.
>>69273>>69275Fucking hell, I miss understood the scene. There is no bat pony or white mare, and Blue Skies says "I assure you I can handle myself. I just need to make sure you can handle tonight"
>>69276The fill-in guy last night didn't quite fix everything right. Some chairs and tables are dirty
>>69277"Could have sworn I cleaned these before I left..."
>>69275Sister Ash nods her head
"Powers that cannot be used for the sake of foals are of little worth in having."
>>69275"Hey Barcolt, Hows business today?"
>>69275Iron questioned about these "criminals", what they look like and what organization are they in, if they are in one at all.
>>69277"If You Say so miss Skies, If anything gets To Bad i have my Revolver" *winks*
>>69278"Funny thing about tables in crowded restaurants. they have this annoying tendency to need to be re-cleaned."
>>69279The doctor says "Alright, this should heal in short time, but you are good to walk now."
Sister Marery tells Ash. "Sundew had to drive back to the diocese, so we must walk back. I hope you are good to walk, and I have to make a couple stops."
>>69281"All we can really say is that it is a few ponies, mostly members of the Waterfront Gang"
>>69280"A bit thin, but that's to be expected midday"
>>69282"hehe," *winks back* "you're gunna need that gun"
>>69283"Ha ha, very funny boss"
[1d20 = 9]>>69283Iron frowned. No wonder they did not contact him again. He tries to look behind the cop to get a better look at the scene under him. Rolling spot.
>>69283"2 Drinks please. 1 whiskey and a maretini for the lady. And my good Colt Do you know of any Strong stallions That are looking for a job?"
>>69283"Oh, I'm fine. It's not the worst wondering I've ever had." She says, waving her hoof dismissively
"I'd be glad to accompany you."
>>692855 separate ponies. One of them appears to be a pony you saw at the docks and did not speak to, though you can't be sure
>>69286Blue skies: "D'aww"
Bartender: "Well, we had a bat come in last night, and there's also the homeless veteran"
>>69287She goes first to the hardware store. She takes a few minutes and comes out with what seems to be a tank of pesticide
"Be wary of this next place. Mother Sundew wanted me to check on a stallion who has been missing from her flock, and she thinks he will be here"
The approach, would you guess it? The Eastside Tavern
>>69289"A Vet? Where is he now? Why would a Bat Fly into your bar?"
>>69289"I'll be on the lookout then." Sister Ash says, clutching her broom
>>69289Iron scratched his chin. He decides to look for any back entrance and how many guards were at the scene and how well equipped they were. Maybe they'd give a sizeable reward for the rescue.
Just checking, who is in the East Side Tavern atm?
>>69290"The vet is one of those Crystal ponies that were released when the General didn't want to hand them over to the Changelings. The bat came in last night looking for work, and showed a particular interest in one of my customers."
>>69291>>69292Police are armed with standard battons, and cover every entrance with at least two officers
>>69291>>69293Sister Marery goes in, kind of disgusted by the enivornment. She quickly sees who she came for though, and heads over to the far side. The bar tender is there, with a white and blue pegasus, a black earth pony with a black jacket, and a black earth pony wipes tables
>>69294"I Also need somepony who can do magic."
>>69294Sister Ash appears similarly uncomfortable, herself not being used to bars, but follows in suit.
"Have you been having an infestation lately?" She says, eyeing the tank
>>69295*Ears twitch* (she's lost her shawl)
>>69295The Bar tender shrugs
"Ask around"
>>69296What is "the tank" and who is she talking to?
>>69298Sorry, I meant the can of pesticide.
She's still speaking to the sister, making small talk
>>69299>>69296Sister Marery tells her "We have some bugs in the Orchard," before she goes to the stallion she needed to talk to
>>69300"Ah, it's important to take care of orchards. They can last for ages, but they'll die quicky if neglected. I heard that Equestrians took a good deal of pride in their fruit."
>>69298*walks over to the black pony cleaning tables*
"Hey hows it going colt? Do you know somepony who can do magic that is looking for a job?"
>>69294DarkStar is red
>>69301"Indeed, we do. I'm sorry dear, but I need to talk to this lost and lonely man for a few minutes. The Mother thinks he's falling into Alcoholism"
>>69284Say something nice
>>69294Iron huffs in annoyment. He could bust their flanks since he is strong, but he feels like it is going to have major ramifications his mind could not comprehend. However, the potential for renown and rewards is higher still. After a bit of a mental discussion with himself, he is stuck in place, looking for a sign of the Gods of what to do.
>>69302"Colt? You're about as lost there as I'm lost knowing anyone for magic."
>>69307"Are you the vet?"
>>69308"Yep, and who are you?"
Sister Ash busies herself with trying to use her Magick to tie back her mane, having lost her shawl in the wolf attack.
>>69306>>69306A hoof gently taps him on the shoulder. When he turns around, Iron sees Black Cauldron. “Shut of your favorite bar?” She smiles. “There are other bars in this town you know?”
>>69309"Im DarkStar, Me and my Friend over there *motions at Blue skies* Are putting together a team for a job. i thought you might be interested."
>>69311Iron shakes his head. "I am sorry, Cauldron. I was overthinking something. Any other taverns to wait? I was using the bits to manufacture some armor for me."
>>69313"Ah you know a little of this, a little of that. *He leans in where he thinks no one else can hear and whispers* "you might get to shoot some communists."
>>69315"Hmmm, I'm interested."
>>69310"Woah, what are you?"
>>69316"i thought you might be. we gonna try to get them to talk, so we are gonna Pretend to be Communists if they start shooting at us Shoot to kill."
>>69313>>69313You instantly recognize the “friend” he points to. It’s the exact same mare who, last night, messed with the green goo that was placed on you and said you were not a Changeling. For her part, she turns, looks at you, then instantly turns back around
>>69314“Sure. A little further away is the Eastaode tavern”
>>69317The Kirin seems a bit annoyed to be distracted from the daunting task of restraining raging mane, but answers politely.
"A foreigner." She says flatly, hoping the stallion will be satisfied
which he won't
>>69319"Oh, it's you again"
>>69318"Sounds good to me"
>>69319Iron nods. "I shall go there, then. It was nice seeing you." He smiles warmly towards her. "I thought you were in the Watering Hole for a second there."
>>69320"ive never seen anypony like you, where are you from? whats up with that thing on your head? is it a horn?"
>>69321"The Job is tonight at the water front, by some warehouses."
>>69322She smiles more. "No, though I think I know some of the ponies who were. Where have you been?"
She starts walking forward, presumably on the way to the Tavern
>>69323>>69320*DarkStar walks over to the foreigner*
>>69324Iron follows. "I have been to the riverbank south of the city. It was calm there. It reminds me of home."
>>69321The white-blue pegasus does not act as if she heard him
>>69327"Where is home for you, exactly?" she asks
>>69323"I'm from off the continent. And yes, this 'thing' is indeed my horn." The scaly creature replies
>>69328Onyx think it's for the better.
>>69329"Can you Do magic like a unicorn? Are you from the East continent of the southern one?Are you a lizard pony?"
>>69332>>69331A pegasus mare of light blue coat and blue mane approaches the kirin. "Oh, you're a foreigner too?"
>>69333"this is my friend Blue skies, oh im sorry i never introduced myself. my name is darkStar. Whats your name?"
>>69331"The South. And yes. I can do a little bit of Magick.." she says, clutching her broom to her chest
>>69333The dragonhorse nods
>>69328"I cannot say where exactly, but the jungle is my home. I ventured out to mature, to understand and endure the outside world. The elders warned us about the dangers of these places, of…"cee-vee-lai-sei-tion. I can see how it weakens the people in here. Their lives are miserable here."
>>69335"Say if somepony got shot could you fix them? Whats Zebraca like?"
>>69334blue skies comes right up next to Dark Star, and positions herself such that dark star is between her and Onyx
>>69335"I am from the eastlands"
>>69336"It can be miserable, but we make a living."
You now approach the tavern. It is red, two stories, and on a corner
"here we are"
>>69340"So what have you been doing, Cauldron? I do not expect you to sit around all day. You are an energetic mare."
>>69341"I've been helping some relatives with their businesses, my brother runs a traditional Zebrican medicine store"
>>69338>Shot"Blood poisoning.. the ponies of this land have drummed up a habit of poking holes into each other with lead filings. Such wounds need to be treated immediately.."
>Zebrica"It's big." She says flatly
>>69342"Ah, that is why how you had that tonic." He opens the door and heads inside. "Do you want to stay and mingle or do you have something to do?"
>>69344"I make tonic on my own. We can mingle, I have time"
When they enter, they see the bar tender, and a group of a few ponies. A Dark Red Earth Pony with a black jacket, a skinny and kind of cute light blue coated pegasus mare with a dark blue mane to his left, and a Coal black earth pony to his right. To the far left of that table is a weird dragon pony looking creature
>>69340The Kirin nods again in acknowledgement.
>>69346Getting the sense she doesn't want to talk, the pegasus mare walks away, and back to the bar
>>69345Iron sits at the table next to the ragtag group of ponies, beckoning Cauldron to follow. "What is there to do in this place? Seems like a boring place to be." He looks around the place further, trying to figure out this place's purpose.
>>69347Onyx then walks behind the bar.
"Whatcha ordering?"
He can't neglect work now
>>69338"... I could be done..." The Oriental mare continues, after a few moments
>>69343>>69350"So Could you use your magic to fix it?"
>>69348She laughs and says "Not every pony likes spending every hour getting shot or beating down ponies. Some mares like a nice drink. Anyways, this is a place to meet new creatures and talk"
>>69349Her ears quickly droop, she reaches for a glass, and says "The red stallion over there got me a drink. It's on his tab I think"
>>69351".. To a limited extent.." she replies, sheepishly
>>69352"Hey if you've already got one it's less work for me"
Onyx then starts putting away glasses and bottles.
>>69352"A place to talk?" He scratches his chin. "How boring." He looks towards the counter. "I heard there are fights here. I thought it was a natural occurrence." Iron laughs. "Maybe it is tainted by the first visit at the bar we went together, with the costumed ponies. I can be wrong."
>>69353"Do you have communists in Zebrica? are you a nun?"
>>69354I believe that the last part of
>>69355 was addressed to you. It's a large Earth pony stallion who looks like a native, with a pouch and a belt, and a Zebra mare behind him
>>69355I believe you've met
>>69354. It's a coal black earth pony stallion behind the bar
>>69355"Fights? Not that I know of, unless you're looking to start one. And what's this 'we'? Do I know you?"
>>69356"I am indeed a nun.. I'm not familiar with what you call 'communists'."
>>69360"Well they Are responsible For Terrible things. They Murdered 20 million ponies to achieve their ends of ruling over the populace, in which case they implemented terrible polices including the banning of religion,Mares are property of the state, Dumping waste in the rivers which kills all the nature. and numerous other horrible things."
>>69355"... Those are some nice pelts." a creature in the far corner says unsolicitly, before turning back to her chat
>>69361"That's unbelievable.."
>>69359Iron shakes his head. "Sorry, I was talking with my friend here," he points to Cualdron, "but I will be glad to spar with you if you think you have the guts." He cracks his neck, loosening it. "You may just surprise me."
>>69363"Maybe after hours, you want a drink?"
>>69362"My politics Directly opposes them. The Black Hooves believe in the highest law:The Eternal fascism of nature, so we Do all we can in order to protect it and at the same time we raise the workers up to their rightful place in society.And Family is Highly Valued."
Disregard that last comment about pelts. I was confused and thought he was still wearing wolf skin
>>69364Iron grins. "At least you did not wet yourself like the others. Alright."
>>69367"What would you like?"
>>69366"I am unfamiliar with the drinks around here. Surprise me."
>>69363>>69367"Spar? How About a game of Strength? I Challenge you to a hoof wrestling match."
>>69369"Scotch it is"
Onyx pours Iron a drink
>>69370Onyx gets a little grin
"I'll challenge the winner"
>>69365The Draconic creature narrows he already narrows eyes
"I was never really studious in my research of ponish ideologies.. Back where I trained, our circles would just come and go with the wind.. Equestrian politics is not exactly a string suit for me." She clutches her broom in what looks like an attempt at a shrug, but winces as her stitches hurt
"I only try to do what I can for the impoverished."
>>69370Iron looks at the challenging pony. "You think you have what it takes, colt? I do not want you to cry when you break your arm trying to push mine." He places his foreleg on the table, ready for the "battle" ahead.
>>69372"So Do i. but let me cut to the chase here *DarkStar leans into The kirin* "I have a job for you if you are intersted. ill fill you in on the details after this Hoof Wrestling match"
>>69373"You Dont Look so tough." *sits Down across From Iron* "Ar you Ready Colt?"
>>69375The dragonblood looks perplexed as she stands back for the stallion do his strange stunt
>>69375"Now no dirty tricks you two. I don't wanna clean up any blood."
>>69375"You will regret saying that." Iron grins. "I hope you do not mind losing so badly. I am ready to show you my strength."
>>69378*DarkStar Brings up his Hoof to Hoof wrestle with iron* DarkStars Expression goes from happy and smiling to an intense expession*
>>69378>>69380Just roll 1d20 +str
[1d20+5 = 14]>>69378Opposing
>>69384Damn, foiled by the dice gods
>>69381>>69384Blue Skies sips her drink
>>69385>>69384"Ha Pretty good Big Guy."
>>69386Does she seem interested that i won at all?
[1d20+4 = 8]>>69387Onyx then sits across from Dark Star and takes him on.
[1d20-2 = -4]>>69388"Bring it on!"
>>69387She seems most interested in the display
>>69390>>69389>>69388>>69387"I underestimated you. You do have stength after all." Iron nods in approval. "I will not fail next time we hoofwrestle." He looks over the coal pony. "You are also strong. I will take you on later."
Going AFK for a bit
>>69387The dragonblood looks confused at the strange foreign ritual
"anyone else think they can beat me!?"
>>69395"... I could try.." the repto-mammal at the table says, putting up her hoof, that is revealed to be cloven
>>69396"Hoof Wrestling a mare doesn't seem fair."
>>69397"I don't know what it's supposed to be about, but I made a commitment to learning Equestrian customs." She grasps his hoof
[1d20-2 = -3]>>69398"Alright if you insist"
[1d20-2 = -7]
*Weak-ass nun push*
>>69400"my hoof slipped. rematch?"
>>69400>>69399*Opens eyes*
"H-hey, I won."
[1d20-2 = -4]>>69402"Is that how it works? Okay then..." She says, less nervous than before
[1d20-2 = -10]>>69405"the best 2 out of 3"
[1d20-2 = 1]>>69406*Groans*
>>69407"oh no did i hurt you?"
>>69409".. I-it's nothing.." she says, clutching her side
"I was just a little reckless."
>>69410"Do you need help?"*worried horse noises*
>>69412"Are you sure you look hurt."
>>69413"It's unrelated.." she, turning away
"Just some trouble from this morning."
>>69414"Do you wish to continue?"
>>69415"No." She pants
"I think I've learned enough about this game."
>>69415>>69415Blue skies is finished with her drink.
“If you’re done playing paper rock scissors, remember you have a job to do”
>>69417"oh right haha. *leans into the dragonmare and whispers*
>>69416 "the a job i have, for you is, infiltrating a communist cell. if things go hot id like to have a Magic user on our side."
>>69417Iron perks his head up. "A job, you say? I could partake in it... for a price. A pair of hooves is always nice in a pinch, and I am bored."
>>69418".. Ummm, while I'd
love to join you on such an endeavor... I do have prior commitments. I recently joined an Abby, you see.." the nun says nervously
"N-no offense though."
>>69419Tell me about it.
>>69419"you seem strong enough. i need Some muscle."
An edgy looking bat-pone approaches the Scaly Chinkhoers. "Good evening it is evening, isn't it?, are you doing alright? Can I get you something?"
>>69420"Are you sure its only for the night, if money is a problem im willing to pay you for help."
>>69422It's somewhere around noon-ish
"I'm fine (lies). A glass of water would be appreciated, if you would please." The nun replies
>>69421"Name your price, then."
>>69423"It's not the money thst's a problem.." then she stops
"Just what is it that you intend to do?"
>>69419>>69419The skinny Pegasus mare says with extreme confidence.
“I’m afraid it’s a job only for stallions who of strength, who can keep their cool under pressure, who are willy, cunning, and brave, or who are blessed with magical powers. This is not seasonal work to pick bananas. I’m sorry to disappoint.”
>>69425>>69426“Dark star, please don’t bid on farm hands”
>>69426That's like nothing.
>>69427"Infiltration. Theres Something Going Down on the Docks tonight. An Interested Group of ponies want us to keep a eye on them. But if something goes wrong there could be some violence. and its in everyones benifit that we keep an eye on them, especially the homeless. this group wishes to Recruit them for sinister motives."
>>69424He raises his eyebrow. "Water coming up, though if you like there's unfermented cider. Think about it." He rushes to the bar to retrieve water for her.
>>69425>>69426Approaching Iron and Dark, the bat pone bears a smile. "And how about you gentlemen? Can I interest you in something to drink?"
>>69429"Sorry miss skies, he looks like he could trash some thugs." he seems like just the pony we need."
>>69432"Just water will be fine."
>>69432"hmmm you must be the Bat the BarColt told me about.Would you mind getting me an Apple Whiskey?"
>>69434(He just gave her some water)
>>69431"Hmm, sounds like awfully violent work "
>#Praying4UThe nun still seems unconvinced, but visibly interested.
"How long would this endeavor take?"
>>69437*Dark Star looks to Blue Skies*
>>69435"Would you like the Well whiskey, or are you fixin' for something more top-shelf? We have an 18XX year Cidrehaus,...."
>>69439"How much is the ciderhaus?"
>>69440"That depends,..." he suddenly drops the cheerful and cordial overtone and his faces becomes a steely-deadpan gaze. "What kinda job are you looking to pull, and how much is the reward?"
>>69441"That would Depend on what your skills are"
[1d20+7 = 14]>>69442Throwing knife attack at nearest dart board
2 7's, and trips. That's gotta count for something.
>>69444"Thats pretty edgy."
Sister Ash looks over towards the other Sister, still feeling somewhat awkward to be in this new environment.
>>69450"I'm even better with locks and safes, if you catch my meaning"
>>69450"I'm fine..." The Kirin replies
"Just not used to these parts."
>>69451"How Are you at not being seen?"
>>69428"That is quite funny, mare. I bet I will be more useful than you." Iron laughs "I am not about to slack off at the job. I have honor for my job." He turns to the stallion. "I accept the payment."
>>69452"Alcohol helps with that."
>>69454*throws over 200 bits*
"Half now half when we are done."
>>69455"I don't drink." she says "or at least not in bars."
>>69453e_e He Eeee's quietly. "Try me," he says. "Tell you what." he walks away for a moment, and talks to the bartender. He returns shortly with the
entire bottle of Cirdehaus (which is about 2/3 full) and plants it on the table.
"Alright then. Let's talk
business." he says with slight emphasis.
>>69457"oh thats too bad."
>>69458"Now we are talking."
>>69459"No, now we're drinking. So let's talk."
>>69456Iron picks the bits up and he stores it on the bit pouch. "Alright, it is settled."
>>69460"What Did you want to know?"
>>69462"Where are my manners?" He steps away and returns with (enough) glasses (even one for her Scalyness), and then proceeds to pour himself a drink.
"What's the job?" he asks, bringing the glass to his nose to take in its bouquet of aromas.
>>69463"Infiltration. Theres Something Going Down on the Docks tonight. An Interested Group of ponies want us to keep a eye on them. But if something goes wrong there could be some violence"
>>69464"Disguise infiltration, or covert infiltration?"
>>69465"A bit of both, your role would be the latter."
>>69466dubsHe takes a short swig of the cider. "Good, I'm not the best at disguises. Now I know you might be a bit put off, because I'm just random bat from left field, but I like you guys. You seem like decent chaps who are actual players in a game that someone has painstakingly set out to depict. I like that. It sounds like fun,... better yet, it sounds like
trouble." somehow, when he says 'trouble', its almost indistinguishable (perhaps more emphatic) than 'fun'.
>>69467"if this were a game you just broke the 4th wall"
*looks at the camera*
"and thats the edgiest thing you coid do."
>>69468He shrugs. "I just like to keep a level head is all. When I'm not *ahem* getting into trouble, I like to think about the nature of existence."
>>69470T> "Just go with it, he's trying to make it seem less awkward that the random waiter wants to throw in with strangers. He could make it
more awkward if you really wanted,...."
"Who said that?" the bat asks, slightly alarmed. "You heard that right?"
>>69472>>69471Iron looks annoyed by the antics. "Are you ill or something, bat? I would rather not have a madpony as support." He turns to the employer "I do not know about you, but I ceirtanly do not."
>>69472"... erm,... uh,... nothing." he says downing his drink.
"WHO ARE YOU?! WHY MUST YOU TORMENT ME?!" he Eeeee's internally.
"So what sort of environment is to be infiltrated? You mentioned the docks, which gives me a few options. I could approach by sea, or by air. I could do it by land of course, but the other two seem to be more tactically sound."
>>69473"We Need Someone with his skills."
>>69474"I Suspect the Waterfront Gang may be involved. As well as an Communist organization. they will be there tonight. i suggest going by Air."
>>69475>Waterfront*Ears twitch*
>>69475"Splendid. Is there a plan, or is it 'play it by ear'?" he says, twitching his oversized bat-ears.
do I get bonuses to listen checks?
>>69475The mare speaks up
"Did you say Waterfront?"
>>69477"Have any of you been to the Docks?" he asks everyone "i havent myself. so i guess well play it by ear, so to speak."
>>69479"yes i suspect they may be involved."
>>69481She grits her teeth
"They're a dangerous lot. A bunch of godless low-lives."
>>69479"Waterfront, as in the gang?"
these docks, but I
might have ventured to docks in a hostile setting previously."
>>69482"Shh, I'm assuming a gang, which means they're conditioned to expect/rely on strength in numbers. They're also going to be comfortable since its their home turf and 'who would dare assault us at home',... or at least thats the mentality 'I've heard such groups employ'." he says with a wink, pouring another drink of the cider. "This is really good, you lot should try it."
>>69482"I take it youve met them?"
>>69484"They are also near warehouses i have been told."
>>69485"Already had a run in with them myself"
>>69485"Not personally..."
>>69488"Two guys jumped me. Luckily I had this"
Onyx gestures to the halberd behind the bar.
>>69489"You Dont have a gun?"
>>69489"It is a great weapon, indeed." Iron looks at it more closely. "However, it could kill you if your enemy does not fear it."
>>69490He looks at the red stallion. "Guns are for the weak. It makes you soft with time."
>>69490The bat pone makes a 'Tch' sound at the mention of not having a gun.
>>69484"They're nothing more than a bunch of scavengers.. picking on their own kind.." she murmers, clearly irked at the mention
>>69490"I don't even have anything but this. Never liked guns anyway."
>>69491"Never failed me yet"
>>69491"I can pick off a stallion at 50 yards with this"
*he pulls out his revolver*
>>69490"What time-frame are we talking? Do you know when this meeting is to occur, or is it a surveilance leading to infiltration mission?"
>>69491>>69494"you colts are pretty old fashioned huh?"
>>69496"i would like some surveillance on the docks would you mind doing a quick fly over and seeing where you think the meeting would go down. as for the time,its going down tonight."
>>69487"How do you know them?"
>>69497".. Those bastards.. recently abducted several foals from the orphanage on the hill.."
>>69498*the smile leaves Dark Stars face*
"They What?"
>>69499"They're kidnappers. Foal traffickers.. When one of the sisters tried to stop them, they took her away too..."
>>69500"No mercy will be given."
>>69501Iron shrugs "If we go to kill, we kill." He turns to the dragonmare. "Are you sure you are fine with killing ponies, as evil as they may be? I do not want you to harm your innocence, and frankly, do not think you can pull if off."
>>69502"Shes for if we get shot. i dont expect here to kill anyone if she doesn't want to."
>>69205 Sorry for disappearing on you guys
>>69506The sorcerer heads into the first bar he sees.
Iron's eyebrows lower a bit. "You sure have a big gash there. Do you not have a stallion to protect you? I have seen some mares acting tough, but you seem to be pretty kind so far."
>>69507whats your character look like?
>>69509I'd hope he looks like a horse
>>69509I didn't really think that part out... but I'm going to go with similar to Chancelor Neighsay but tan instead.
>>69497"Flyby is easy. How soon ya want it?" He's clearly getting a little bit more comfortable as the discussion proceeds,... also the whiskey.
>>69512*dramatically stares back while walking into somepony*
"My apologies."
*moves over to the side some and continues to dramatically stare*
>>69513*leans in to Brie*
"As Soon As you can."
>>69454"Oh please, plantation boy. The best you could do is soak up bullets, and I bet you won't even be good at that"
>>69473>>69484>>69491"Do you know what will make you weak, plantation boy? Being dead. Those bacteria will may you soft real quick"
>>69502"Can you pull it off?"
>>69513"You seem Shifty" A blue pegasus mare says to him, like that's a complement
>>69482Sister Marery approaches Ash. "I am done now. Poor stallion really needed the help"
>>69514*DaRkStar Burst out laughing*
>>69519I walk over to the laughing pony.
"And who might you be?"
>>69520"Me? Just another Anti-communist. my names DarkStar."
>>69518Sister Ash turns her head as Marey returns
"Addiction.. it can destroy a pony."
>>69518"pleased to meet you sister, my name is Dark Star."
>>69521"And if a patron at this bar overhears you saying that, and then spots you at the meeting, what will you do?"
>>69522"Indeed it can. Did you make some friends tonight?"
>>69523She is dressed in a full nun's habit, "And I'm sister Marery"
>>69525"that will be harder to do if they have the drop on you, and you are surrounded by 30 of them"
>>69524"Oh just having a chat."
She gestures to the stallion
"This is Dark Star."
>>69526"Im sure it will Be Fine."
>>69521"Interesting. So, what brings you to a place like this?"
I look around.
"Are there many communists here?"
>>69516"No need to be extreme, mare." Iron laughs. "Many times was my life was attempted to be taken in the jungle and I am here, talking with you." Iron leans closer to the offending pony. "You, on the other hand, look like a newborn with that silky coat, so forgive me if I do not believe you ever fought before." he leans back "Yes, I can kill just fine, by the way."
>>69530"just getting a few drinks."
"in this bar? i hope not ha!"
>>69528"Just be careful"
>>69531"Hahaha, little colt, I'm not sure you understand the nature of the mission here. It involves far greater dangers than jungle cats or defensely shop owners, or whatever you are used to dealing with. We're talking Communist rebels, Changeling spies, and other more serious matters."
"I look prettier than you, it is true, but just because you are ugly doesn't mean you're fit to be a Soldier. Now please,
drop the attitude, and stop acting like you are superior to everypony around us. Because all you've proven to us, is that you are the weakest hoof wrestler at this bar, and
nothing more"
>>69523"... Say.. those Waterfront stallions you mentioned earlier.. do you know anything else about them?"
>>69534>"I look prettier than him"yes you do."
>>69535"not as much as i would like."
>>69537"I would certainly like to know more.. not that the police are any help.."
>>69535>>69537I order a drink and sit nearby to listen in to the conversation.
>>69538"if we Do this im sure, well find out more about them."
>>69539I think our bar tender went to sleep
>>69541I stare at the bartender that is asleep on the job.
>>69534Iron waved it off. "If you are talking about those weaklings that preach about equality I heard your partner say, then I have taken down 5 of them after they decided to fight me, mare. They were not tough at all. I do not expect anyone else did that the first day they come here." Iron stands back. "A simple hoofwrestle does not equal strength. Of course, you try to hide your inexperience fighting by equating strength with a simple game. Fighting is the true manifestation of strength, but I am indeed being carried away. Let us refocus on the mission."
>>69539Onyx pours whatever the new horse ordered.
>>69540Sister Ash still looks unsure.
>>69534"..Marey.. Could I get back to you later this afternoon? I think I've found something that could be of use."
>>69544New horse tips the sleepy bartender one bit.
"Thank you."
I continue listening to conversations that are none of my business while simply holding the drink.
>>69543"Your hubris will get you killed. You think you're the world's greatest fighter because you took down a few anarchists in bar fight. These guys we will be going up against are anything but 'weaklings.' We can expect experienced mercenaries, foriegn advisors, secret agents, and a hell of a lot more commies than just 5. And so long as we are comparing numbers, I've taken down a hell of a lot more than 5 in my short time on this continent. So please, stop telling us all you are the greatest fighter ever, because you haven't done anything but lose in my presence"
>>69545"You're free to do as you like. You've already done much for us, more than we could ever thank you enough for. We can have the older foals help with basic chores"
>>69546"My name is Shimmering Spark... though I never cared for it."
>>69548Iron shrugs "Guess I will show my prowess to you when I have the chance then."
>>69546Blue Skies stares at you, as if she wants something
>>69550She seems contented with this answer
>>69548The mare grabs her broom and her satchel
"I'll message you back later on. Take care now."
>>69553"Before I leave, did I hear something about Communists?"
>>69551"Not much anymore. I just wander around and cause a little mischief for fun now and again."
>>69552"Yes, miss Skies?"
>>69554".. You'd have to ask Mr. Star about that. I'm not all that familiar with Equestrian ideologies. Apparently, they might have something to do with the Waterfront."
>>69555Checked"How Do you Feel about communists?"
>>69558"They are a mixed bag. They are the easiest to pull a joke on, but the hardest to get a laugh from."
I chuckle.
"But I suppose you mean how I view their policies. If they love their communism so much, why not sneak over to Stalliongrad? Because they want to take what we have for themselves."
I sigh
"What little we have anyway."
>>69559"And i suppose you can do magic since you are a unicorn."
>>69559"That much is true. They are weaklings as far as I know"
>>69560"Yes. I know a spell or two."
>>69561"Why else do they roam in packs?"
>>69560"When were you meaning to set off?"
>>69563"After Our Bat Friend Does Some Recon."
The batpone awakes with a start, having nodded off. "Apparently its not good practice to go a day and a half without sleep," he Eeeee's to himself.
"Yes, reconaissance!" he proclaims, downing the remainder of his unfinished drink.
>>69564".. Is that today?"
>>69556She show him an empty glass
>>69557"I'll tell you what Communists are. Who they have shown themselves to be. In the revolution in Aquellia, Communist rebels went into a convent of the order of Boreas, and gathered the nuns in a line. They told each to renouce their faith, and every one that refused, right then and their, had her throat slit, and their corpse thrown into a well. This is besides, of course, those Priests of Gryphus they put on river boats, then set on fire, or those long buried corpses they un-buried and displayed to show the public that the nuns were but ordinary gryphons -
as if that weren't bloody obvious. And when the "moderate Democrats" won control of the government, they confiscated all Church property, banned
all religious education, and removed all religious symbols in public buildings. They even removed religion from the cemeteries. Would you believe that? What happened in Stalliongrad wasn't quite as dramatic, but the result was the same. These are people are not simply goddless power craving bullies. They wish to destroy the spiritual. They believe everything is material, and the only motives are economic. And that is the world they will bring about by any means necessary."
She is almost crying
hate the Fascists. They betrayed our Princesses, and they took half of our foals because they feared we would teach them the Princesses were the rightful rulers of Equestria. But let me tell you, I hope they arrest every communist, and I hope they overthrow those bullies in Aquellia and Stalliongrad while they are at it"
>>69561"They will teach you real quick, buddy. Arrogance can be fatal."
>>69562"How would you like A job?"
>>69568"A job? Sounds like trouble for a trouble maker, but what did you have in mind?"
>>69567"BarColt Another Drink for my friend miss skies."
>>69567"We will do what we can to destroy it sister."
>>69567"O-oh.. I had no idea.. o_O Th-that's unthinkable..!"
>>69568"Then, I'll take my time to prepare." The mare replies, clutching her broom
>>69567Iron only response is a sideways glance.
>>69570Blue skies is contented by that
Sister Marery wipes a tear and composes herself
"May Celestia be with you"
>>69571"Not unthinkable lassy. It could happen here."
>>69573"If you don't come back, that saves Dark Star 200 bits. So in think as you please"
>>69569"How would you like to Prank Some communists?"
>>69572"Ill be here."
>>69574Iron grins "We shall see who stands, mare."
>>69575"Then again.. I don't really have anything to prepare.. Except maybe finding a bigger stick."
>>69576"If it's them left standing, they will eventually throw this whole city into chaos. And the jungles down South as well. Much is at stake here."
>>69577"wouldnt it be funny if when the tried to fire their guns they exploded?"
>>69578Iron interjects "Speaking of which, I have to pick up something up at the Jungle Rush armory. When we pass there, I will pick it up."
>>69579"It is charming that you care for my kind, mare." Iron smiles. "Do not fret, I will not fail this mission when my honor is at stake."
>>69580"Hmm... I haven't done something like that in a long time. But hearing your stories about them. I'll do it."
>>69581"Oh, don't misunderstand me. I'm conveying the concerns of my employers. Not that I want lose yet another home"
>>69585"Hi" The blue pegasus says
The batpone, having missed the introduction of the sapphire pegasus, simply shrugs and carries on with his now tardy mission of performing reconnaisance of the docks and warehouse. Nodding to the bartender on the way out, he leaps into the air and takes flight.
>>69585>>69586"I take it we can prepare, then?"
>>69586"Hello." The Kirin says politely
>>69588"Yes. You'll want the strongest armor you can buy, a quiet but lethal weapon, and, well, preferably a gun for when things get really nasty. Getting to know the area first would also be useful"
>>69589"I believe he's selected you as well? I am his assistant in this manner"
>>69587"Hi There. You seem shifty"
>>69588"I'm as prepared as I'm going to be today.. Carry in with your provisions."
>>69590"Pleasant to meet you." The mare replies
"I go by the title of Sister Ash."
>>69592"Sister? You're a nun? Neat. My name is Blue Skies"
>>69590He would(?) appreciate the comment, except he immediately bolted (he's not much for introductions)
>>69590Iron stands up "Alright, I will head off to take the armor I sent to make. Maybe pick up a knife there if they have any." With that, he heads to the door. "Where exactly do we meet up later? I do not want to miss out on the mission."
>>69594I posted the same thing to the character an hour ago>>69595"Dark Star is the planner for this, but I suspect it's this tavern"
>>69590"Hey, miss Skies im gonna go find a spot for my rifle."
>>69595"the tavern."
*Heads down to the docks*
>>69597>>69596"Good. We will meet up here later." With that, he steps out of the tavern and goes to Jungle Rush to pick up his armor.
>>69596I know, I had to do a thing, so for plot continuity I determined that batpone fell asleep, since he had technically gone almost a day and a half without sleep. As such, he missed the first one. But no one noticed he was asleep, they just thought he was being quiet and edgy. Cuz he was being quiet and edgy, but he was also asleep
[1d20+12 = 13]
Sister Ash leaves to occupy herself until the planned event
Rolling survival to find the largest, heaviest branch she can carry
>Big stick
>>69599Hope you don't sleep when infiltrating. It would be really awkward for the guard to see a batpony sleeping standing up menacingly
>>69600Leave the bad rolls come now and the good ones will come to aid you later.
[1d20+3 = 19]
Batpone runs back into the bar, boops the sapphire mare and then runs back out into the night
>>69600"Stupid urban environments and their lack of random sticks..."
[1d20+12 = 15]
Survival check to gather round pebbles for a sling.
>>69606I can give you rocks if you want.
>>69604The mare is ferociously booped
>>69609I'll just pretend nothing happened along the wayAfter some time, Iron reached Jungle Rush and entered the building. He asks the man who owns the store if he has his armor ready.
>>69611"Aye mate, we got it right here. You sure you don't want something a bit tougher?"
>>69612Iron thought a bit, but decided not to back down against his ideals of natural strength. "It is fine. I will take it. But I can buy a gauntlet if you have any, preferably spiked."
[dragon-pony noises]
*Loiters by the docks*
>>69613"We've got that" He pulls out a set of steel shoes with spikes
"20 bits"
>>69614We need a new thread first
>>69615He nods and passes 20 bits to the armorer.
Okay. It's 1:42, so I gotta sleep now.
>>69614So,... not waiting for Brie to return with recon?
>>69617Ok, goodnight. I'll follow when I purchase the gauntlet and go back to the bar.
>>69618I suggest keeping the info until every player is here. We're going to need all the players for this mission.
>>69620It hasn't happened yet, I'm just trying to subtly imply that it would be... odd for the nun to run off to the site when the apparent plan was to have someone (me) run recon and report back.
New thread
https://mlpol.net/vx/res/69622.html#69622>>69618They left behind Blue Skies too, so you're not alone
>>69616Is done
>>69621Oh sorry, misunderstood the question. Pretty sure GM did not count that action.
>>69624It makes sense for a flying rogue to do the scouting. Brie's problem is that he did not ask for specifics about where the location would be
>>69623With a nod, he unequips the leather belt, and again chooses to wear the wolf skin, now actually armor, first, then the leather belt and finally the bear armor. After this, he believes to be ready to fight this mission, equips the boots on his front forelegs and walks off to the tavern, ready for action.
Alright, I'll be turning off my system and going to sleep. I will consider myself as "being at the tavern" already. See you all next thread