>>68411"... 'The Divine'.. is something more sophisticated than I could ever hope to understand, let alone explain..
I come from a far away land, very different from this one.. Where I come from, pegasi do not interfere with nature, nor do the foals of the Earth till the soil when it is already fertile.. Clergy is not so formal to my people: our circles and temples come and go with the wind, settling when and where they are needed. The winds spoke to me to come to this land, and so I came to pledge my service to the creatures of this land.. But again, a mare of faith should not need a reason to serve the poor, should she?
Ponies.. are peculiar creatures.. They are so unconditionally loved by creation,and yet at times they can stray to believe that they are alone. They build spawling cities where lush grasslands and forests once stood; they build worlds to meet their desires, and yet also bring their own suffering.. So peculiar, but so beautiful..
My own faith is one one of self-dicipline.. For my kind, faith is our way of quelling the fires that ravage our beings, in life and in death. We assemble circles every few centuries to nuture our soldidarity, to protect the world from both ourselves and the nameless horrors of the beyond. Our circles were once made up of magi, who bound together to fight evil and ugliness whereever it stood.. but the temple that I trained in is no more, for it stood where it was not needed, and thus drifted away.
I too sought out faith to quell the fires within me as well, fires that blazed and blistered until they threatened to destroy me from within.. I wasn't always such a patient mare; no, I was wild as I was naive.. In the past I made mistakes; I've broken many things, and lost many things, and so now I've chosen faith to guide my path. I spent many years alone looking for faith, learning from what the trees told me.. At one point, I believed that I was growing callous, but as I wandered across the continent alone, I found that I could see things that others could not. I see when creatures are suffering, struggling against illness, evil, and destitute. I had myself taught myself to live without wealth, joy, security, shelter, or even love, but the creatures of this realm still struggle; and thus can only I offer up my body in service."
The pauses for a moment, then turns
".. These Princesses that you speak of.. although I do not know them, feel righteous to me, since they are able to let such a selfless establishment as this abby exist.. I sense they've worked for many centuries to allow your people to grow in peace.. but today.. they too must struggle.. I pray for them, and for all of you.. I would love to know these Princesses some day as well."