1531 replies and 84 files omitted.
>>69525"that will be harder to do if they have the drop on you, and you are surrounded by 30 of them"
>>69524"Oh just having a chat."
She gestures to the stallion
"This is Dark Star."
>>69526"Im sure it will Be Fine."
>>69521"Interesting. So, what brings you to a place like this?"
I look around.
"Are there many communists here?"
>>69516"No need to be extreme, mare." Iron laughs. "Many times was my life was attempted to be taken in the jungle and I am here, talking with you." Iron leans closer to the offending pony. "You, on the other hand, look like a newborn with that silky coat, so forgive me if I do not believe you ever fought before." he leans back "Yes, I can kill just fine, by the way."
>>69530"just getting a few drinks."
"in this bar? i hope not ha!"
>>69528"Just be careful"
>>69531"Hahaha, little colt, I'm not sure you understand the nature of the mission here. It involves far greater dangers than jungle cats or defensely shop owners, or whatever you are used to dealing with. We're talking Communist rebels, Changeling spies, and other more serious matters."
"I look prettier than you, it is true, but just because you are ugly doesn't mean you're fit to be a Soldier. Now please,
drop the attitude, and stop acting like you are superior to everypony around us. Because all you've proven to us, is that you are the weakest hoof wrestler at this bar, and
nothing more"
>>69523"... Say.. those Waterfront stallions you mentioned earlier.. do you know anything else about them?"
>>69534>"I look prettier than him"yes you do."
>>69535"not as much as i would like."
>>69537"I would certainly like to know more.. not that the police are any help.."
>>69535>>69537I order a drink and sit nearby to listen in to the conversation.
>>69538"if we Do this im sure, well find out more about them."
>>69541I stare at the bartender that is asleep on the job.
>>69534Iron waved it off. "If you are talking about those weaklings that preach about equality I heard your partner say, then I have taken down 5 of them after they decided to fight me, mare. They were not tough at all. I do not expect anyone else did that the first day they come here." Iron stands back. "A simple hoofwrestle does not equal strength. Of course, you try to hide your inexperience fighting by equating strength with a simple game. Fighting is the true manifestation of strength, but I am indeed being carried away. Let us refocus on the mission."
>>69539Onyx pours whatever the new horse ordered.
>>69540Sister Ash still looks unsure.
>>69534"..Marey.. Could I get back to you later this afternoon? I think I've found something that could be of use."
>>69544New horse tips the sleepy bartender one bit.
"Thank you."
I continue listening to conversations that are none of my business while simply holding the drink.
>>69543"Your hubris will get you killed. You think you're the world's greatest fighter because you took down a few anarchists in bar fight. These guys we will be going up against are anything but 'weaklings.' We can expect experienced mercenaries, foriegn advisors, secret agents, and a hell of a lot more commies than just 5. And so long as we are comparing numbers, I've taken down a hell of a lot more than 5 in my short time on this continent. So please, stop telling us all you are the greatest fighter ever, because you haven't done anything but lose in my presence"
>>69545"You're free to do as you like. You've already done much for us, more than we could ever thank you enough for. We can have the older foals help with basic chores"
>>69546"My name is Shimmering Spark... though I never cared for it."
>>69548Iron shrugs "Guess I will show my prowess to you when I have the chance then."
>>69546Blue Skies stares at you, as if she wants something
>>69550She seems contented with this answer
>>69548The mare grabs her broom and her satchel
"I'll message you back later on. Take care now."
>>69553"Before I leave, did I hear something about Communists?"
>>69551"Not much anymore. I just wander around and cause a little mischief for fun now and again."
>>69554".. You'd have to ask Mr. Star about that. I'm not all that familiar with Equestrian ideologies. Apparently, they might have something to do with the Waterfront."
>>69555Checked"How Do you Feel about communists?"
>>69558"They are a mixed bag. They are the easiest to pull a joke on, but the hardest to get a laugh from."
I chuckle.
"But I suppose you mean how I view their policies. If they love their communism so much, why not sneak over to Stalliongrad? Because they want to take what we have for themselves."
I sigh
"What little we have anyway."
>>69559"And i suppose you can do magic since you are a unicorn."
>>69559"That much is true. They are weaklings as far as I know"
>>69560"Yes. I know a spell or two."
>>69561"Why else do they roam in packs?"
>>69560"When were you meaning to set off?"
>>69563"After Our Bat Friend Does Some Recon."
The batpone awakes with a start, having nodded off. "Apparently its not good practice to go a day and a half without sleep," he Eeeee's to himself.
"Yes, reconaissance!" he proclaims, downing the remainder of his unfinished drink.
>>69556She show him an empty glass
>>69557"I'll tell you what Communists are. Who they have shown themselves to be. In the revolution in Aquellia, Communist rebels went into a convent of the order of Boreas, and gathered the nuns in a line. They told each to renouce their faith, and every one that refused, right then and their, had her throat slit, and their corpse thrown into a well. This is besides, of course, those Priests of Gryphus they put on river boats, then set on fire, or those long buried corpses they un-buried and displayed to show the public that the nuns were but ordinary gryphons -
as if that weren't bloody obvious. And when the "moderate Democrats" won control of the government, they confiscated all Church property, banned
all religious education, and removed all religious symbols in public buildings. They even removed religion from the cemeteries. Would you believe that? What happened in Stalliongrad wasn't quite as dramatic, but the result was the same. These are people are not simply goddless power craving bullies. They wish to destroy the spiritual. They believe everything is material, and the only motives are economic. And that is the world they will bring about by any means necessary."
She is almost crying
hate the Fascists. They betrayed our Princesses, and they took half of our foals because they feared we would teach them the Princesses were the rightful rulers of Equestria. But let me tell you, I hope they arrest every communist, and I hope they overthrow those bullies in Aquellia and Stalliongrad while they are at it"
>>69561"They will teach you real quick, buddy. Arrogance can be fatal."
>>69562"How would you like A job?"
>>69568"A job? Sounds like trouble for a trouble maker, but what did you have in mind?"
>>69567"BarColt Another Drink for my friend miss skies."
>>69567"We will do what we can to destroy it sister."
>>69567"O-oh.. I had no idea.. o_O Th-that's unthinkable..!"
>>69568"Then, I'll take my time to prepare." The mare replies, clutching her broom
>>69567Iron only response is a sideways glance.
>>69570Blue skies is contented by that
Sister Marery wipes a tear and composes herself
"May Celestia be with you"
>>69571"Not unthinkable lassy. It could happen here."
>>69573"If you don't come back, that saves Dark Star 200 bits. So in think as you please"
>>69569"How would you like to Prank Some communists?"
>>69572"Ill be here."
>>69574Iron grins "We shall see who stands, mare."
>>69575"Then again.. I don't really have anything to prepare.. Except maybe finding a bigger stick."
>>69576"If it's them left standing, they will eventually throw this whole city into chaos. And the jungles down South as well. Much is at stake here."
>>69577"wouldnt it be funny if when the tried to fire their guns they exploded?"
>>69578Iron interjects "Speaking of which, I have to pick up something up at the Jungle Rush armory. When we pass there, I will pick it up."
>>69579"It is charming that you care for my kind, mare." Iron smiles. "Do not fret, I will not fail this mission when my honor is at stake."
>>69580"Hmm... I haven't done something like that in a long time. But hearing your stories about them. I'll do it."
>>69581"Oh, don't misunderstand me. I'm conveying the concerns of my employers. Not that I want lose yet another home"
>>69585"Hi" The blue pegasus says
The batpone, having missed the introduction of the sapphire pegasus, simply shrugs and carries on with his now tardy mission of performing reconnaisance of the docks and warehouse. Nodding to the bartender on the way out, he leaps into the air and takes flight.
>>69585>>69586"I take it we can prepare, then?"
>>69586"Hello." The Kirin says politely
>>69588"Yes. You'll want the strongest armor you can buy, a quiet but lethal weapon, and, well, preferably a gun for when things get really nasty. Getting to know the area first would also be useful"
>>69589"I believe he's selected you as well? I am his assistant in this manner"
>>69587"Hi There. You seem shifty"
>>69588"I'm as prepared as I'm going to be today.. Carry in with your provisions."
>>69590"Pleasant to meet you." The mare replies
"I go by the title of Sister Ash."
>>69592"Sister? You're a nun? Neat. My name is Blue Skies"
>>69590He would(?) appreciate the comment, except he immediately bolted (he's not much for introductions)
>>69590Iron stands up "Alright, I will head off to take the armor I sent to make. Maybe pick up a knife there if they have any." With that, he heads to the door. "Where exactly do we meet up later? I do not want to miss out on the mission."
>>69594I posted the same thing to the character an hour ago>>69595"Dark Star is the planner for this, but I suspect it's this tavern"
>>69590"Hey, miss Skies im gonna go find a spot for my rifle."
>>69595"the tavern."
*Heads down to the docks*
>>69597>>69596"Good. We will meet up here later." With that, he steps out of the tavern and goes to Jungle Rush to pick up his armor.
[1d20+12 = 13]
Sister Ash leaves to occupy herself until the planned event
Rolling survival to find the largest, heaviest branch she can carry
>Big stick
>>69600Leave the bad rolls come now and the good ones will come to aid you later.
[1d20+3 = 19]
Batpone runs back into the bar, boops the sapphire mare and then runs back out into the night
>>69600"Stupid urban environments and their lack of random sticks..."
[1d20+12 = 15]
Survival check to gather round pebbles for a sling.
>>69606I can give you rocks if you want.
>>69604The mare is ferociously booped
>>69609I'll just pretend nothing happened along the wayAfter some time, Iron reached Jungle Rush and entered the building. He asks the man who owns the store if he has his armor ready.
>>69611"Aye mate, we got it right here. You sure you don't want something a bit tougher?"
>>69612Iron thought a bit, but decided not to back down against his ideals of natural strength. "It is fine. I will take it. But I can buy a gauntlet if you have any, preferably spiked."
[dragon-pony noises]
*Loiters by the docks*
>>69613"We've got that" He pulls out a set of steel shoes with spikes
"20 bits"
>>69614We need a new thread first
>>69615He nods and passes 20 bits to the armorer.
Okay. It's 1:42, so I gotta sleep now.
>>69614So,... not waiting for Brie to return with recon?
>>69617Ok, goodnight. I'll follow when I purchase the gauntlet and go back to the bar.
>>69618I suggest keeping the info until every player is here. We're going to need all the players for this mission.
>>69620It hasn't happened yet, I'm just trying to subtly imply that it would be... odd for the nun to run off to the site when the apparent plan was to have someone (me) run recon and report back.
New thread
https://mlpol.net/vx/res/69622.html#69622>>69618They left behind Blue Skies too, so you're not alone
>>69616Is done
>>69621Oh sorry, misunderstood the question. Pretty sure GM did not count that action.
>>69624It makes sense for a flying rogue to do the scouting. Brie's problem is that he did not ask for specifics about where the location would be
>>69623With a nod, he unequips the leather belt, and again chooses to wear the wolf skin, now actually armor, first, then the leather belt and finally the bear armor. After this, he believes to be ready to fight this mission, equips the boots on his front forelegs and walks off to the tavern, ready for action.
Alright, I'll be turning off my system and going to sleep. I will consider myself as "being at the tavern" already. See you all next thread