>>22626 →>Court City would not be as effectiveYeah, I think it wouldn't be either. But look at it this way. The court city used to control the entire planet. If just ten percent of the cities still want a suzerain, then that means if we take the court city, then we have the court city, those two cities, and a Casus Belli to conquer whoever is attacking the cities we take as protectorates
>Tracy would have followedIf she's being cooperative, then Trumpaladin would have cut it short with Adam, and then taken her to the Crime scene since she's obviously the best character to look for clues and he doesn't have to fuck Slovenia to get back at her for ditching
>>22627 →I love this idea too
Wtf do posts keep disappearing?
>>22546 →For the most part, I
>>22547 →>trolls"This appears to have been an indigenous raiding party. They were disorganized, and had poor strategy. I doubt that anyone was behind it, though their presence indicates they may have a village somewhere."
>>22585 →You'll get your chance, though I am sorry it didn't play out.
You guys r silly btw
>>22647Uh... the "you" was referring to me. How do I all of the stuff I do while not being intoxicated
>>22648>>22649I was really pissed off when you refused to cooperate last night, so I need to do
>>22646but your better than him man.
>>22651But Tracy's faggot keeps pissing me off...
>>22653you dont have to delet my posts
>>22654I was salty because you were indifferent and going along with the evil-edgy thing...
>>22656What's wrong with killing trolls?
>>22647GM, were those troll hides or troll bones useful at all for Tracy's armor? I want to make masks out of their skulls and/or faces.
>>22662I doubt more armor would do you much good, it eats into speed and dexterity
>>22662Other than aesthetics, no
>>22663Troll hide seems thicker than hydraskin. Anyway, the mask is the cool part. Infernius said he wanted the bones too anyway.
Are you good?
>>22666Trump's faggot keeps editing my posts...
>>22665And hide a pretty face?
>>22670Like you don't already know the answer to that
>>22668is there a way for me to make a mold of the troll skulls?
>>22671Idk what he actually saw though.
>>22672Well, I kinda glossed over some of the bits that resulted in this current exchange, and the pic is in relation to that. I had hoped it would blow over,....
>>22673For why?
>>22673I'm also interested in this, for shoulder-plates and helmets and whatnot.
>>22676It's bone. It shatters easily. Get something real, like steal
>>22675to make an adamantium helmet in the shape of a troll skull.
>>22679Wouldn't a helmet fitted to a minotaur skull work better for you?
>>22682troll skulls are scarier, and im gonna need to be scary if we are gonna be rezing those pirates.
>>22685Our reputation will be scary enough. Besides, Minotaurs are threatening. These were weak ass trolls we were facing, but we are strong
>>22686Take your meds
Oh FFS you two,... you fight like ur actually married
Skulls are aesthetic.
>>22696Yeah, the masks wouldn't be a far cry from that.
Trump, please (read: bitch), can you not?
>>22702Nothing will
ever happen with Ponimaru (remember, their first meeting had him gutted), and even if, she cray cray. That aside, deleting/editing posts only makes things confusing.
Tracy,... <sigh>
>>22703But he keeps doing his own little side projects when needed to do other things in the group. Last night the tracking skills would have been useful at the bank, but he just had to do ponimaru stuff instead. And this has happened many other times, like during the battle with the tarrasque when he diverted to go after the body of Kefka instead of attacking the dangerous monster in front of us. This was after a like 30 minute conversation on this exact point. He just keeps doing it and if he keeps on doing it it's going to explode for all of us, so I figured it's best to do something now rather than let it be a problem every weekend
Thez leans over to GM.
"You know, leashes aren't just for kink anymore."
>>22705GM glares at Thez. "Look what you did."
>>22705"leashes interesting."
TBH, I don't care what you guys do to eachother. I do ask that posts not get edited or deleted, but thats a request (not a demand), and as long as the game can/does continue I'm really (REEEEEALY) disinterested in the play-by-play.
"I'nis, are you here? I need to ask you something," Thez says, reaching a conclusion.
>>22712"Would you mind joining my faggot's rabbit for just a quick sec?"
>>22710"Mr Trump,... I'm sorry to bother you, but I sorta need your opinion." Thez asks, her hands clasped behind her back, rocking back and forth almost like she has to pee, except not quite.
>>22718"Hold on then," she says offering her hand.
I am indeed alive.
Sup fuckers?
>>22723Everything was deleted for wrongthink, so not much.
>>22723Drama. Same as always
>>22724See pic
>>22725Uh, who
>>22724Is who?
Hi trump
Holy shit, thats a lot of missing posts
>>22732inb4 we all somehow get banned
>>22731It was a whole conversation about troll skulls.
>>22733It wouldn't surprise me...
>>22736Doesn't need a reason, apparently.
>>22732>>22733>>22735Can we all just try to get along now?
>>22738We were, until you started deleting/editing posts.
>>22739I don't think we were
>>22740Okay, everyone
but you was getting along fine.
So, now what are we doing?
I wish it weren't this way. I really wish it weren't
>>22748No damn it, I'm not banning anyone
>>22748I just wish things weren't this way
>>22750were on the same side you know.
>mfw this could've been a good thread...
>>22753whats wrong? lets talk it out.
>>22757[happy pony noises]
I'm still mad at you.
>>22758*Sad but petting paladin noises
And I was really mad at you. Can we just try to get along... Please... please...
>>22759this. thats infernuis's main goal.
I'm too exhausted to deal with this horseshit tonight...
If GM has something interesting planned, I'll lurk for a bit more to check that out, but otherwise it beat time for me.
I'll wait on GM for another 10 mins before I turn in.
>>22763Sorry, the 'interesting' bits are,... subtle
>>22763Happening in PM. Pic absolutely related
>>22764I can lurk, if there will be anything worth reading.
>>22764Actually, no.. i need to yet up at 5:00 tomorrow..
>>22767Probably best to sleep then.
>>22768How! (in the stereotypical native-american greeting)
>>22769Did Torc find anything about the missing money?
>>22767I think the situation is resolving, but
>>22770Yes, and I've been trying to get to that for most of the night, but there have been pressing matters.
>>22771I understand, thats fine
>>22772Almost finished I think
>>22773can we watch some minecraft lets plays?
>>22774Not on mondays. I didn't pick the video for its content, but if you don't realize the irony of the content, I'll fill you in later.
>>22777>wasting trips againPHILY CHEESESTEAKS
I can't use because no android website
>>22778"Sorry, I broke a rule again,... there's been game-related going off off-board. I'm sorry for that, but I am confident that it was a necessary (and exception to the rule)"
>>22780>even more confused
Lets just say that Torcuil attempted his consultation, Infernius attempted his,... well,... Thez knows a thing or two about psychology in her own right.
For those of a apocryphal bent, Thez just taught the lesson of Saint Magdalene (you WON'T find that one WRITTEN)
I'm so damn confused right now
>>22786what did you mean by this?
>Infernius attempted his,… well,…
>>22788Poor punctuation on my part. It should read "infernius attempted his, and well,...."
>>22786Is she named after Our Lady of Fatima?
>>22789im still confused as to what you mean.
>>22790Magdalene? As in Mary Magdalene? I'm getting (uncharacteristically) biblical here. Mary Magdalene was deserving of the title of "whore" given the bent and disposition of Catholocism, but she was no less (indeed MORE) of a prophet and a disciple of Jesus than ANY of the others, precisely BECAUSE of her application of the feminine attributes/virtues. She had the ability to 'give' them things that no other could/would.
>>22792I meant Thez/Gilana de fatima
Mary Magalene was a priestess of the goddess of love. If one can understand this in the context of her also "being a whore",....
>>22793There is heavy and deliberate influence, yes.
Look, I'm going to state outright; I'm not going to illustrate or describe what has transpired. To do so would both ruin the significance, and destroy the ultimate aim of the exercise. Stuff was said, stuff was done, and things were expressed. I do not explicitly detail for a variety of reasons. What I will say is that Thez has a better understanding of the circumstances around her that she observes, and has done her due diligence in working to improve the situation.
>brain short circuts
Moving on
"I love you guys, truly. Some more than others admittedly, and I'nis above all and pre-eminently, but not exclusively. Sorry, but its true."
*tears up*
*infernuis goes to the mountains to brood*
>>22798MOVING ONWhere is Torc?
"I'm back"
>>22798"I love you unequally as well"
>>22799"You don't have to speculate where on the chain you are"
>>22800In the tower with ben probably, unless he wants to be at the crime scene
>>22799"Oh you,... don't be sad. You totally missed the role I put you in!" Xp
>>22802*digs a hole big enough for me and lies in there for awhile*
>>22803"Why you sad Inferius? She said she loves you most of all"
>>22800Torcuil is finishing up his investigation of the scene. In his determination, there were no less than 4 participants to the crime, given the foot-traffic. They were all of slight build (smaller than humans), and were coordinated, in that they largely disguised their movements by stepping in their own footprints. They acted with deliberation and efficiency, and left SCANCE trace of their activity.
>>22805How much material did they steal? And I don't mean value. I mean physical weight and volume
>>22806"So why sad?"
Are elves smaller than humans?
It could also be dwarves...
How did they get in the vault?
>>22803"If I didn't love everyone, I wouldn't be the person who you have come to love right? In a lasting sense, you're the one who wears
my ring, and I yours. Please don't be distressed in that I felt the correct course of action was to tend to someone else for a moment."
>>22807"me know what happend"
>>22808The footprints suggest that they compromised one of the walls, but there is no evidence on/around the wall to show how it was done. The wall is solid and un-marred.
>>22807Not nearly the equivalent of the jew hoard, but ~50k gold worth of bullion and materials.
>>22810"I can say truthfully that it wasn't as bad as you are probably thinking."
>>22811Of course, professinals
"Troll, can you think of common species smaller than a human?"
>>22812Holy shit.
>>22812How could all of that be stored? A single bag of holding? Several? Entire wagons? A ship?
>>22811What do the footprints look like?
>>22814Were Elves and dwarves not good enough answers?
>>22814"Most species' are smaller than humans. By the size, I am want to think elf, but elves are not known for engaging in this level of strategic nefarity. Wait. Well,... not high elves at least," she says with a sigh.
>>22817Torc, remembers something
"Troll, have any of hhe elves we saved gone missing?"
>>22815Exuse me, is this your case?
>>22816Never confirmed or denied
Clearly everyone missed the foreshadowing when GM previously indicated he had read MANY books pertaining to the Drow, the Underdark, etc.
Also, Tracy DID express a desire to get her hands on drow-knockout poison, didn't she?
>>22817"Either the gold was removed by land, by air, by sea, or it's still here. Perhaps a plane shift or astral gate, but I'm betting land and sea
>>22818It's my case now
>>22819The hell is drow?
Did Tracy fuck us all again?
Trollestia narrows her eyes and utters, "Dark-elves."
Thez gets an enthusiastic look on her face and asks, "Dark elves?"
>>22820Lenos leans over and whispers, "Dark-elves"
>>22819>drow>there are drow elvesUhhhhh, shit
>>22820Torc took it first. You didn't want it
Quick rundown - Dark elves are like elves, except with an elf's commitment to organized crime
>>22822Yes I did! I wanted to go with Tracy and you wanted the trolls, then everything was screwed up when Tracy forced herself onto the trolls, and blah
>drow elves are mostly immune to magic
I hate this shit.
>as though from a cheesy fighting game, GM exclaims
>>22827>>22823>>22826DARK ELDAR
"I'm going to need
two bolters for this"
>>22824If Trump was really dedicated to this city, he would put it first.
>>22827*curls into a ball in the hole*
>>22825*Pats Minotaur consolingly*
>>22825"I'll make it up to you, I promise," she says, knowing her words will avail little, but cementing the intent to be witnessed by all and delivered upon in time.
>>22831"throw dirt on me"
>>22829I was dedicated to addressing both issues simultaneously. Anyways, the Orcs are defeated and now we must deal with the Dark Eldar
>>22834The fuck is an Eldar
They're elves
So to Tl;dr everything, yes. The party has a new opponent, and one who has their game on tight. Don't expect any favoritism in this one, there's a player in the midst of this. ^_~
>>22833"It wasn't how you think, but I won't fault you for your melancholy. It wasn't my first choice, but I won't apologize. I did my best." Thez says as Infernius burrows deeper into the earth.
>>22835"Not just any Eldar.
Dark Eldar"
>>22837"Where do these Dark Eldar reside?"
>>22836Can't say I know anything about it
>>22837Yay, a new opponent,
Right before I leave...
>>22837*infernuis sobs harder at this*
>>22841I now retire what little dignity I have at messing up the
>>22838She smiles, "I don't need/want thanks, I want everyone to stop fighting each-other."
>>22839Its not like you or the party are immediately fighting them, you're just becoming aware.
>>22840"Oh quit being a baby!" she mutters something about bulls and feels.
>>22840"Inferius... I know you want to bury yourself, but we must first bury our enemies.
Shall we target the Dark Eldar first? Find the source of the Orc Whag? Or shall we go on Crusade against Heretics?"
>>22843"They insulted us though by stealing from us. We must murder them. Unless we can conquer other shit more easily first"
>Thanks"It was sarcasm"
Thez perks up for a moment.
"Does this mean spooder? SPOODER!!!"
She's all smiles again, for reasons that may be detailed.
Fun fact, while I know Thanksgiving may be a holiday that anons have requirements, responisbilities, and obligations toward, GM is only working until 10a on wed and has thursday/friday off (in addition to the weekend).
I only just learned this today. So IF players are around in/around the 4-1/2 day weekend, I'm already in development for plot devices and developments.
>>22845>sarcasmNot surprising, Thez has weird boundaries
>>22846I have a city I need to go on a diplomatic mission to.
Saint Nixon opened up trade with Red China... I strive to be like him. Except, you know, do a better job at hiring burglars
Thez, pacing about chants: "Spoo Der! Spoo Der! Spoo Der!"
>>22848>burglarsCheck w/ the fight club
Also, that reminds me. To do with the Trolls, it occurs to me that the party has at its beck and call, a number of civilian forces which were more than sufficient in combatting the adversary (the trolls). Consider FURTHER delegation in the future?
>>22849We have an Imperial Guard to purge the Orcs? Excellent. Great way to train them.
>>22849I shall make you proud, Saint Nixon
>>22846I can't be around. But if everyone else can just have Torc fall into a coma>>22849"I don't want to know what she is going about. I'm just gonna head back to the tower, later guys."
Torc then turns to Trollestia
"Thanks for the help. I appriciate it."
Then he walks bakk to the tower
I'm heading out. See you guys tomorrow
>>22850Oh, NOW you're glaring,....
>>22843>>22844*develops flowcharts*
Thez tells everyone "Remember, even if it isn't about Love (which is a subjective concept/experience in its own), its equally about "Not-hate". Please be well, until next time," she smiles warmly and sincerely.
>>22854"Help me crusade!"
>>22856"whats the point?"
>>22855>Until next timeOh No you Don't! I have more questions
Also, come to think of it, Nixon didn't know jack-shit about how to run a monetary policy. Gonna have to borrow from Saint Reagan for that
>>22857"But you were so happy to do it earlier..."
>>22858>>22858>moar q'sOkay,....
Unless Thez knows.
She probably doesn't though
"What do you know about the Court City? Would it be in a state of anarchy now that Kefka is gone?"
>>22861"Hard to say, the court city is said to be filled with Kefka's most favorable adherents, though that is no doubt to do with the threat of death that hung over everyone's head. They might be most receptive."
>>22862"Receptive to what, do you believe?"
>>22857Thez squats down next to Infernius, deliberately (but glancingly) showing her lady-parts (there's a subtle message there). She runs her hand through his mohawk, even though he's not feeling it.
"You,... I couldn't have asked that of anyone else. Thats one of the reasons I love you. When you're ready to come out, I'll be here," and she sets up a simple tent JUST on the edge of Infernius' hole.
>>22864"To new management, who doesn't toss them to the Dog whenever they displease or dissatisfy."
>>22866"How much of Port Barry is known to them?"
>>22867"I doubt they have heard of the rapid expansion, but the existence of the port is well known."
>>22868"Is there an aristocratic class we need to worry about, should we venture there?"
>>22870Why ever would there be aristocrats in a court city, GM asks dryly and with several loads of sarcasm.
>>22872Alot of that will depend on dice rolls and diplomacy. Too early to determine
>>22869>>22865*gets up and enters tent*
Can I get a dog collar or something for Slovenia? I feel like she's going to physically assault someone at some point, and I'll need something to grab onto.
Also does she want perfume? I need to get her perfume so that way Tracy can smell it on me
infernuis: cuck status confirmed.
I'll think about i(recent posts. For now, GM is snore
>>22877No more than Jesus was, was
he a cuck? Incidentally, ever read the Koran? Its fine if no, but there's a concept I was hoping to reference.
I'm going to have to deal with a whole lot of horseshit crashing down on me in meatspace for the indeterminate future.. so please don't feel offended if I don't play as hard...
Can I get a quick rundown on what has happened since last night, before I head off to join the rat race again?
How much time has passed since conception?
>>22882Not a lot happened last night,
"Well there was,"
QUIET you. Torcuil successfully concluded that there is a team of Dark Elves who are responsible for stealing the Port's wealth. Beyond that, it was bants and shitposting (per usual).
>>22883>Dark ElvesInterdasting.
Are we going to go to the Underdark?
Tend to meatspace anon, I've got a 4-1/2 day weekend coming up, and I am planning on using every bit of it to orchestrate, illustrate, and develop in.
>>22884>UnderdarkTechnically, the underdark is a particular locale pertaining to a particular world. This interaction is on-going in the Game world, so explicitly no,... but Infernius has realized his ability to plane shift, as can Torcuil and Lenos. Venturing outside the Game is now a very real possibility.
P.S. Legends of escaping the world (re: the Terrasque, etc.) were just silly rumors and stories. In truth, Plane Shift is all that was ever necessary, its just that no players previously had made that connection.
>>22886I have a few minutes.
>No players had ever made the connectionDon't all high-level Clerics get that spell?
>re: the TarrasqueI don't follow.
On that note, there's technically two Tarrasque now...
>>22887No, no one has checked on the game-ball, but per the Terrasque's rules of regeneration, the game-ball has turned to sludge. There's always only one.
>spellYes, and not just clerics (its a 5th level cleric spell, and a 7th level mage spell) but many players have been noobs (no bully) and either didn't realize or didn't appreciate the vast cosmology that is available to enterprising characters. The more experienced players have been too busy waxing about how awesome they are to realize how awesome they
could be. Its sad really, but it is part of what led me to try this game on an anon-board; tl;dr I have no regrets. ^_^
Previously, I alluded to the defeat of the Terrasque as potentially opening a gate or doorway to other dimensions as a plot device to give players an apparent 'ultimate' goal, while omitting the fact that players/characters have always possessed the ability to go wherever and do whatever (I gotta keep SOME things to chance and character development!). So while I had said "If you beat the Terrasque, you may be able to go 'home' (in reference to the "you died to get here" story-element)", that was literally a dangled carrot to lead the donkey to the next adventure.
Sidenote for Trump - Slovenia is partial to the smell of Pine trees.
>>22888>the game-ball has turned to sludgeSorry everyone...
>>22891Kek. Like EVER so much of this Game, it wasn't planned, its just how things played out. Don't sweat it. Its not like there can't be other game-balls, and that was just a momentary inspiration to suggest that Football was (among other things) derived of defeating a monstrous opponent (which in a way, it is)
>>22892Yeah, I just feel kind of bad for losing the boss trophy, for everyone.. Trophies make the monsters worth fighting, after all.
That's what muh dungeon was for...On that note, it's too bad we never actually got to meet the trolls. I was going to attempt some futile diplomacy and jokes, before the intense melee began. Trolls are some of my favorite fantasy creatures, be they friends or foes.
*replaces inferius's place in the hole, curls up, and cries*
>>22888>The more experienced players have been too busy waxing about how awesome they are to realize how awesome they could be.This is the cool part about being a noob.
I'll just build a new secret underground lair, somehow.. A cool place for all the Ebil player characters to hang out and store their skulls and trophies.
>>22896>Not a private bedroom for self and husband
>>22890*rubs self in pine needles*
*buys pine air freshener*
>>22888 > either didn't realize or didn't appreciate the vast cosmology that is available to enterprising character
I need to conquer this planet first
>too busy waxing about how awesome they are to realize how awesome they could beHow long until I can get the God-Emperor prestige class?
>>22881Important things happened off-board in PM
Also, the Court City might be take-able by diplomacy
>>22852>>22853I would make a gay joke but I'm to touched>>22883Haha I was right
>>22901For what purpose?
The way he'd most like to live is more or less the way the apartment in Port Barry is set up: a position that reminds him of his conquests. A room that is massive, and gives a full view of a city or landscape that he has some degree of ownership over, from atop a tower that is itself impressive, a feat of engineering, and is at least some degree his.
A dark hole in the ground is kind of the exact opposite. He would wonder "why are you hiding? What are you so ashamed of? Don't you feel proud? And if you are proud of who you are and what you have accomplished, why not show it off?" Or at least that's the way his thoughts would run if ever articulated.
If you mean a sort of "hunting trophy" room to have sex in, yeah, he'd definitely use that, although he'd probably wonder why the trophies aren't displayed, you know, publicly.
tl;dr for fug, yes
>>22894Where was it being kept anyway?
>>22904Under lock and seal but visible through heavy glass in the Stadium's reliquary, of course
I feel like I missed something important last night...
>>22906Story happened off board, leaving GM and Inferius knowledgable. And then GM worded a statement in a way that confused Inferius. And then I worded a question in a way that confused GM.
>>22907You missed a couple questions that you can read the answers to in this thread, and a couple things that involve other characters
>>22907I didn't understand last night...
>>22908>confused InferiusAlso confused me to hell and back
>>22881no jesus wasnt a cuck and i guess im not eiter, no i havent read it but im familiar with a few concepts in it.
Idk wtf happened last night to make Infernius bury himself in a hole, but I guess it's better not to pry.
Before we go hunting Droves, can I work on item crafting? Some minor rings or cloaks and what not?
>>22911I want to make a journey to Spinitar, and perhaps the Court City. Want to go? (I intend on not killing anything. But if shit comes up...)
>>22912The trip shouldn't come immediately. There'd be preparations to make.
I'm going to craft some basic items first.
>>22913It's a purely diplomatic effort (although having a spy would be great). If there's trouble or difficulties, I just run straight back.
If a creature's ability says it's used "at will" does that imply it's ability is a free action?
Some of these monsters are spooky...
>>22916I think that's a reference to what preparations are required and how many times a day it can be done.
Is the next session starting Friday or when?
>>22918GM stated that there are more days open for session this week because of thanksgiving. I believe he said he works until 10AM Wednesday
>Torcuil is gonna have to coma for a while
GM, how can I make this happen?
>Tocuil, suddenly keeling-in to the stress caused by being surrounded by psycopaths, has a midlife crisis and hides himself away in a cave, protected by the most elaborate magical shield
>He claims to be studying his magic, but faint sobbing can be heard echoing at the entrance
>Nobody can convince him to come out; everyone decides to just give him his space let him get it out of his system
>He occasionally appears in the kitchen to look for haggis, but teleports away at the first sign of company
>>22920Say he tried to examine the source of Sad Alex's power, but in an accident, turned himself into a statue, to revive another day
>>22922Mine is funnier
Although maybe a bit mean...
>>22921This is kinda funny. May use, let me think.
>>22922Ehhh, maybe. Though statue is a good idea
>>22924Oh by the way, I may need to borrow Trollestia while you're out
>>22925>borrowYou do realize Torc doesn't own her...
shit man that's terrible.
>>22907I had to ask a couple questions that asking them in thread would have resulted in some unavoidable meta-decisions.
>>22910If you ever get the chance, look up the "Anima".
"That's RIGHT you're not, you're bottom bitch!" she's been like this all day. "Hey, did you hear about the time Infernius crawled into the tent with me? It was fucking in tents!"
>sigh>>22916"IKR? Nigel's head would explode if he ever went to the infernal realms. All day, everyday, someone's ALWAYS popping off saying,... that blasphemy phrase,... simply because they can. At will is haxx."
>>22920All of a sudden, Torcuil starts twitching and his arms start spasming. He appears to be having a seisure, and he collapses on the ground. He's still breating, but he's deathly still.
Thez starts writing on his face with a pen. I told you, she's been like this all day.
GM, if I level-up Tracy as a Blackguard, can I have an Undead Companion instead of a living fiendish servant? Tracy isn't going to use a mount or cohort, but I want a spooky butler.
>>22930I'm willing to do any kind of mission or prereqs to get the necessities for a good one.
>>22930I haven't been able to use my paladin powers to kill any undead yet...
>fucking in tents!
top fucking jej
>>22932I haven't been able to use my cleric powers to kill any undead yet
>>22929i hold torcs neck and make sure he dosent bite off his tounge.
>>22936Might it be a good idea to place leather or something in his mouth?
>>22936Nah, he's still. He's in a coma. No, I don't know what he's doing, that didn't (necessarily) happen. That was kind of a visual caveat toward asking the GM about putting themselves in comas, or other easily and cruelly ironic (or even literal!) requests. ^_^
>>22938does he have any robe pockets?
>>22939I'm still not sure he had an aneurysm or whatever, but yes he has robe pockets
>>22935>>22932Thez glares at GM. "I agree."
>>22938>MaybeThat's all I need to dream.
>>22942Be content with a fiendish servant. Whe you make it to 5th level black guard after two more level ups
>Upon or after reaching 5th level, a blackguard can call a fiendish... horse or pony
>>22943Hmmmm. That gives me a fiendish idea.
>Wonders why Thez is suddenly so giddy and elated
>Remembers why
>>22941i take a shit in one of his pockets
>>22943Yeah, but Tracy
is a fiendish pony.
I'd rather have a servant of hoo-manoid shape, like a Fallen Paladin's undead companion. That way he could shoot arrows, fit armor on her, help craft items, read books, or any other things that are difficult for a little mudpony to do by herself.
Also, I've always wanted a spooky skeleton butler. I'm willing to cross any distance to make the phylactery.
>>22945Did I miss something?
>>22948Thez gave Trump some advice. No spoilers
>>22940 Koran has some useful information about the Anima.
>>22950oh i am familiar with jung
>>22938I'm not in it yet you retard
Does Tracy have time to craft anything?
>>22946You sir,
Are a massive massive asshole
>>22946>Cleric pickpocketingStop stealing muh gig
>>22954>>22950jej gm how bad does minotuar shit smell?
>>22955i didnt pickpocket i shitpocketed.
>>22956I'm not ready for the coma yet. I wa asking GM if it could even happen
>>22954Kek, you can tell he has a massive asshole too by the size of the shit
>>22958A still conscious Torcuil finds his coat pockets to be far heavier than he recalls
>>22952>>22958Don't tempt me then!
>>22960I still need something starting tonight. Is that fine?>>22959Go choke on a bag of dicks
>>22961>a bag of dicksTRACY! Do you have dildos or sex toys?
>>22962You can go choke on the condom your dad should have used
I'm sorry>>22963NO
>>22964Uh,... yeah, I suppose so
>>22964that was a very shitty thing to say.
THEZ! You definitely have to have some worn down and over used sex toys
>>22966I'm a shitty person
I really am sorry.>>22965Thx
>>22967I have seen the demons of hell, and they looked like beutiful angels compared to... that.
>>22969It shall be your guardian angel during your away time
>>22968*considers curseing trump for such a statement*
>>22970I hate that name
>>22971Correction: I hate you in general
>>22971where will his angel sleep?
>>22976Very near is certain
>>22977will he seep in torcs CAVE?
This thread hasn't been very good...
>>22990Says anon who posted the muscle-dildo
>>22991I mean, GM has a point here
Can Tracy begin crafting now?
>>22996This too
Torc looks for a place selling far away goods.
>>22995i thought i finished it for you.
>>22997You mean the bazaar? The town square that has been staring the party in the face for the whole ime? A veritable mall of,....
ahemYes, you can go to the bazaar.
Tracy get's to work on a Cloak of Charisma, and a Ring of Evasion.
>>23001rips trips and quads.
>>23002are those bastard swords done?
>>23002>bazaarDid somebody say bazaar? I love bazaars.
Even though they're always run by Arabs, still good, honest people to trade with.
>>23002Oh go....
Never mind, Torc begins browsing hoping to find some magical items.
>>23007With your levels, you could probably craft anything you want, with tips from Lenos.
"Saaay, you like to collect dead things don't you? You wouldn't happen to have Kefka's wing would you?"
>>22996its gonna be okay.
>>23010Just what the fuck has been the point of the last three years of my life? I think I'm stuck now
>>23008Yeah, but why make my own shit when I can buy it and have GM come up wihh the ideas.
Plus, I can't think of something to make
>>23011everything works out in the end.
>>23009*looks almost giddy at the chance to show off her collection*
*whispers, ushering Thez off to the side* "Yep, I even dried them out in the dark to preserve their color. Would you like to see them?"
I'm glad I mentioned her pitting it in the bag, before the dungeon was kill.
Trumpaladin goes to the Weapons shop and or armor shop
>>23015I thought that was cleaned out?
Could it have restocked since then?
>>23014"You,... dried them?"
>>23015>Belligerent duck"Welcome sir, is this your first time here?"
>>23017Is there a place for artifacts and magical items?
I also need some exotic foods
>>23017"Only enough to keep them from rotting; the rigidity is pretty much the same. You have to dran the blood out of these things if you don't want them to get all stiff and eaten by worms."
>>23017"I don't think so. What've you got that accentuates killin'. Or helps in protectin'. Preferably I'd like to see any new acquisitions since the re-opening of trade"
>>23003How long should these take?
>>23012... Will you help me craft?
>>23021Those are wondrous items with extremely high costs and extremely high buffs. You don't just ask "can you have it done by Tuesday"
>>23022Torc could help, but currently he is shopping what do you need
>>23024Any spells or enchantments that Tracy might need in her crafting.
>>23018"But of course habibi! EVERY booth holds ancient and wonderous artifacts!" A bald-headed fellow greets.
>>23021A few days
>>23023Not a few days?
>>23026where is infernuis at?
>>23025Holy shit. Uh, GM what would I need to do for this?"
>>23026"Anything good in the magic department?"
>>23026"Impress me. I've seen a lot of shit over the past few months, so that won't be easy. We have more money than God, so it'll be worth your while"
>a few daysThose weren't that important to me. Tracy is going shopping next.
>>23030I will find a way.
>>23031We still have those troll skulls.
>>23033>finger of death>animate object>fly
>>23031i go to the town square and talk to some npcs
>>23035Okay, Torc knows fly, animate object shouldn't be to hard. Finger of death.....
>>23034Don't forget the hydra skulls
>a bald man approaches
So 3 gather informations, and one diplomancy?
>>23038B E G O N E
>>23038rick harrison you are not welcome here!!
>>23032>>23031Is there a spooky/dark side of town where Tracy can find all the ebil merchandise spooky wares?
>>23037I was meaning to make a helmet out of one of those one day.
>>23042Understandable, have a nice day
Oh, Tracy can use
>>23038 skull
>>23039This too.
>>23044I don't want that one...
>>23045But it's scary enough
>>23046She could do something with it... just not wear it on her face...
>>23047can you make it into a cod piece for me?
>>23046Ohhhhh, so
now you reach your limit for evil
No. Kill Starlight
[REDACTED], then you can use her skull as a death mask
>>23049She hasn't met him yet.
>>23050can i keep her mane?
[20d1 = 20]>>23050Oooh, there we go.
Torc stabs the bitch
>>23048Please tell me I'm the first roll
[1d20 = 6]>>23053Fucking hell, not again
Shoot me
>>23053>>23055I'm never rolling again
>>23055Wait. That was
unintentional? Tippitty top fucking kekles!
>>23053>>23055>that was a legit accident>not even ironic>mfw
>>23059>>23058>>23056Torc getting raped was less embaressing than this shit
>>23060And like getting raped, it happen a second time
>GM died from my stupidity
>>23061It has been said, so it shall be
If I get more ranks in Gather Information, can I find better wares around town?
>>23062Nah, he's working with a calculator. Two of us got shit rolls so...
>>23067atleast you guys get to do stuff the universe is ignoring me again.
>>23068Could be worse. Could make you go all the way across the fucking country before telling you to fuck off
Can't lose your dignity if you didn't have any to begin with.
>>23005The one is fitted, yes.
Oh, I forget to reply to one post out of over a dozen shitposts
>>23069>>23068Pussies. It could
always be worse.
>>23072I've been looking for an excuse to max-out that skill.
>>23075>>23076Me too, thanks
>>23073yea im glad gm isnt a douche.
>>23078May as well say I do too, while we're being fags.
Well, Torcuil finds a vendor with a robe of pockets n pockets.
Its a robe with limitless pockets. Everywhere. There are even pockets inside of the pockets, but the pockets are all pocket-size
>>23079The rest of us can be at times though..Yeah. This game has been pretty consistently fun. I love it.
Tracy discovers a wand of sneezes, guaranteed to upset your oppponent at the worst time.
>>23083Well shit, I'll take one of those
>>23081"Yeah, no thanks."
Torcuil looks for some tropical fruit
>>23086Fucking take it, you bitch.
>>23088What the hell do you store in pocket sized pockets?
We aren't talking pockets that can store and infinite amount of items.
We are talking pockets all over the robe.
>>23082That meme made me sad. That poor GM
>>23086>fruitPlenty of that though. Take your fill
>>23091Sounds pretty awesome, imo...
>>23091Pls take the robe. I'll take it from you if you don't want it.
>>23092GM!!!! Korak said something about a "tropical island where I found her. Beautiful place." Is there a market for Tourism? Can I do some investigations?
>>23095You know what, fuck it.
Torc buys the stupid ass robe. Maybe he could find a porpose for it some day.
>>23092Torc buys all the
>>23083Can it at least give my enemies light colds?
>>23099If you don't want it...
>>23097Korak said what?
>>23098And there were bananas
>>23099Try it
>>23094this. if torc dont go we gotta make him tell us about it.
>>23102Points rod at....
I'm not that much of a jerk..At space full of nothing.
>>23105"Not for you"
>>23102Torc teleports himself and the bananas to the stables
I'm suprised no one picked up on my plan
>>23102During the festivities after Korak arrived when he was talking to Trump and Tracy, he started talking about Slovenia. He said "I found her on this tropical Island. Beautiful place. Even more beautiful mare" something like that. It just screams out to me as a potential resort destination in a world with wealthy people no existing international trade.
I think I know an NPC who might know something about that place...
Actually, I think I know quiet a few
>>23108Slovenia said she came from Equestria. She wasn't native to that island.
>>23109You point? Island still exists, and she's seen it
>>23107You want to go to the moon?
>>23111Nobody asked for your opinion on the matter
>>23111i do our engineer needs to Research rocketry
>>23112>>23113If you do go to the moon, and there are moon nazis there, please bring back genetically engineered horse waifus. Please
>>23108good idea we would need to clear it out. we dont want any deaths.
>>23114aryanne is gonna be my second waifu.
Does Thez still want the wings? They're perfectly preserved.
>>23118you have the most int.
>>23117How many body parts do we need to cut off of you to get you to learn your lesson?!
>>23121trump gets two waifus. and something happend that hurt me alot.
>>23117Aww hell no! She's mine!
>>23122Slovenia isn't a waifu. She's a carpenter
>>23123s'hell just call you a kike.
>>23123>pic related
>>23108No worries, I just didn't recall that detail
>>23119"Yes PLEASE!"
>>23125Maybe if there's an army of aryannes we can each get one. I mean, there's an army of Taylor Swifts in one dimension...
You have plane shift
>>23127>assuming the teleportation worksTorc walks into the stable.
"Hey Troll, I got a gift for you."
The bananas are still outside so Troll cant see them
>>23128There is also a dimension with an army of Tracy's.
Sure you want that kind of power in her hands?
Idk what they actually look like.
Thank God it's Inferius's power...
>>23126That's the saddest "This" (you) I've ever gotten
>>23131"THANK Yoouuuuu......"
She yells as she runs off with the wings.
>>23136>didn't notice file name until thisKek
>>23130>There is also a dimension with an army of Tracy'sSounds Unoriginal.
>>23129Can confirm that's not what it looks like
>>23138sigh... That's what I thought when I read that too
>>23135"Just your friendly neighborhood body-snatcher doing her job."
>>23140"Does the friendly neighborhood body snatcher have Kefka's head? I don't need it yet, but I'll need it soon"
>>23141It's safe and sound.
>>23127Do I get an item GM?
>>23135Waiting for responce on
>>23142Except the face, that got eated.
Didn't you roll a 6?
>>23145You've gone toa greatlevel of effort, good mage."
>>23142Do you have any essential articles of clothing? Anything that anyone who had ever seen him would look at and say "yeah, that came off of him. And you had you have killed him to get it because he loved that thing"
>>23147>roll a 6For what?
>the face, that got eatedWh-When did she..?! Oh well..
>>23147"Well, you've gone through plenty of effort dealing with my stupidity. Consider this a thank you."
>>23148Everything is in the bag.
Except for the face..
>>23148Thez ate the face., you were there for that, there was a 'moment' wrt Thez eating faces.
"It was delicious, at the moment
>>23152Ah, I remember now.
>it was deliciousWhat kind of clown make-up was he wearing? I'd take it he could afford the fancy stuff.
>>23152"Did you think, for a moment, that maybe faces are useful for the process of identifying human beings? Like if we said "we killed Kefka" and someone said "bullshit," maybe having his face around to prove that we have his severed head might be off use?"
>>23151I need an article. Preferably the stupidest looking part of his headdress
>>23154All enemies faces belong to Thez. She never even once demanded anything else.
We'll just have to figure it out without the face.
>>23155Tracy has all of his clothes.
>>23157>>23156"Can I have an article of his clothes?"
>>23158You are not in the same placeI'll give you his feathery-thing later on.
>>23159We're both in town looking for shit aren't we?
>>23160Yeah, but Tracy's in the dark, spooky, ebil side of town.
Do you have anything else to say to her?
>>23161Can I have the wand?I feel like this question is supposed to shame me into a particular response...
>>23162It is, but I'm too tired to pry for it tonight...
If you're a good boy
>>23150After this statement, Torc feels a blunt pain in his stomach. Not unlike getting hit with a baseball bat. He falls over in pain.
"Help me" He wheezes out.
No he is not dying. I'm going with a sudden coma caused by a chaos magic flux
>>23163Damn it, now I want to know what it is you want me to say!
Tracy returns to the tower to work diligently on that ring and cloak.
Tracy's faggot goes to bed.
>>23161>>23163>>23162>>23165Let me think...
I don't think there's anything she wants me to apologize for
I don't think she want's me to small talk like "how was your day" or "how are you feeling"
I don't think she expects a proposal or be made mount at this weird time and place
She doesn't care if I say I love her
She doesn't want to be asked for sex
She doesn't want to go on a date
I don't think there's any information she thinks I have that she wants
I don't think she wants me to help her in her crafting, since I don't think she thinks I can help
I would ask her to accompany me to Spinitar of the Court City as a spy, but she'd say "no," and that can wait anyways
I would ask her for a cloak or a ring, but she'd say "hahaha no"
Like I'm legitimately at a loss for what she wants me to ask.
>>23164>GM is killOkay then, continuing
Torc looks like he is having a seziure, but stops after a minute. He is still alive and breathing, but he does not respond to any stimultion.
Good night guys, and Happy Thanksgiving for my fellow Americans.
I'll be back Sunday night to fuck up everyone's plans and flowcharts
>>23168Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless America
We'll be waiting
>>23167I should be asleep, but holy shit it's the exact opposite of literally everything you just said.
>>23170I am insanely confused right now
>>23169>>23168god bless america remove zog when?
>>23172>>23171she wants that trump dick.
>>23154"You can still identify his face, I only ate SOME of it. Sheesh!"
>>23160I'll have better bazaar responses later on, those were just initial finds.
>>23168Stay safe
Also Thez starts doodling on Torcuil's face.
She wants all of the things you just said she didn't want (to a mathematic level). Her faggot just doesn't do a very good job expressing it.
Can enchantments be added to existing magic weapons?
>>23179Or existing items in general?
>>23180In nightmare form, does Tracy have Nightmare stats or Cauchemar stats?
>>23181Nope.. her transformation is greatly nerfed (would be epic otherwise though).
>>23182She does get a slight stat boost though.
Cauchemar's are like fucking tanks.
>>23181I misinterpreted the question.
GM said she doesn't get Cauchemar stats. I assume her transformed state is closer to a regular Nightmare's stats.
>>23180Only to non-magical masterwork weapons or items
>>23184Its mostly because transformed or not, she's still a poner base.
>>23184Well, she'd get +8 Hit Die, +10 AC, and +4 strength in that form as a Paladin's mount, which would be like a 50% in health if using player stats, and about a 40% increase in armor.
Depending upon her current base attack level and Hit Die, she'd probably also see a reasonably substantial increase in her base attack bonus
>>23187Uhm,... no not quite.
The listing for a paladin's mount refer to the creature being substantially better than a 'normal' hoers or mount, alluding to how a paladin's mount is exceptional even for its species.
Tracy is already plenty exceptional
>>23190That's not what the text says. The text says
>Paladin’s Mount Basics: Use the base statistics for a creature of the mount’s kind, but make changes to take into account the attributes and characteristics summarized on the table and described below.>Bonus HD: Extra eight-sided (d8) Hit Dice, each of which gains a Constitution modifier, as normal. Extra Hit Dice improve the mount’s base attack and base save bonuses. A special mount’s base attack bonus is equal to that of a cleric of a level equal to the mount’s HD. A mount has good Fortitude and Reflex saves (treat it as a character whose level equals the animal’s HD). The mount gains additional skill points or feats for bonus HD as normal for advancing a monster’s Hit Dice.>Natural Armor Adj.: The number on the table is an improvement to the mount’s existing natural armor bonus.>Str Adj.: Add this figure to the mount’s Strength score.
>>23191Yes, but you're talking about a 16HD character, who already has a plethora of skills, attributes, and both standard and non-standard buffs. Its a little late to expect me to go 100% by the book.
>>23186Can she at least get the full stats of her hybrid form (warhorse)?
>>23193S16, D16, C13, W9, I13, Ch11
>>23194What creature is that?
>>23192Just make the difference between being a mount and not being a mount pretty clearly large so I have some bargaining power
Also, for the record, could we at some point establish the traits of ponies as a formal race? Tracy isn't exactly an iconic example of a normal pony (being borderline semi-anthro), but there may be more characters who want to play as ponies.
In stature, they seem similar to halflings; although they also have several item-usage limitations, and a non-humanoid build. I've been looking at traits of halflings, horses, and even centaurs trying to figure out a decent conjecture of their racial traits, but I'm not really experienced in designing races.
>>23195Tracy's transformed stats. They're based on her existing scores vs. Light Warhorse
>>23197Hmmm. This is a good point.
>>23198>Light WarhorseCan I just go with the regular Warhorse stats, and reverse the Int and Wis? She's not going to be doing any Assassinations in that form.
>>23199I'm not seeing a 'regular' warhorse listed, I have "Light" and "Heavy". I also have "Warpony".
>>23200I'd prefer Heavy, but the point being was that both warhorse varieties have 13 Wis.
>>23196Just let me play a regular Cauchemar,
while she's mounted, and shirk class skills during that period.
>>23202It's not me you're going to have to ask if you want cauchemar stats
>>23202Now here's the big question. Note, I haven't said no, but first answer this:
Why should I?
>>23204I just want to have something to trade him that he actually wants
>>23205Trade? What are you talking about?
>>23204...Because it would make us both very happy, and we'd greatly appreciate it?
>>23203The point of the transformation was meant to buff her as a mount.>>23206Also this.
What "trade"?
>>23206>>23208Nevermind I guess
>>23207This was your most compelling argument, however I'm unconvinced. Tracy is already a walking haxxor ball of murder who catches fire from time to time so I'm really not seeing the immediate necessity desu, but I'll look into it as something that can be progressed toward.
>>23210AllI want is to end this damned constant cold war between myself and Tracy's faggot. This has thus far proved impossible, because I don't have anything to give him that he wants, so there's no real benefit to coopoeration over competition. All he wants is to add on buffs, spells, ranks, and other things onto his character like M.A. Larson adding wings onto Twilight. But almost nothing else interests him.
Paladin's Mount is the biggest set of wings he could put on that character. While remaining entirely within D&D canon. It gives buffs worth more than several classes. Even if it were nerfed and half of the powers were taken away, it would still be worth more than several magical items. But all of this would go to him
if I gave it to him. That is to say
if I want to. And if we follow the actual requirements of the class, it would allow me to exercise some degree of control through "Call Mount" and "Empathic Link." Even with those nerfed to a degree it's useful. And all of the benefits can be taken away, at least I think, by "releasing the mount from service." I would finally have the necessary carrot for cooperation.
>>23210>>23213Just nerf the base form (for example, a nightmare has vastly less than 16 hit die. like 6 or 9) but keep the Mount buffs, or at least some of them, so that way it even out
>>23214NPC Cauchemar has 15 hit die. Just let her be in full NPC Cauchemar form, but only while being ridden, then treat that as the Mount's dice increase instead.It would make for an insane Cavalry charge, during boss fights with a whole army of NPCs to push through.
>>23215>Cauchemar only when mountedAnd that is a perfect story-inclusive, customized explnation as to why and how. Alright, now I'm convinced.
>>23215>>23216Well... If we say that she's a nightmare but with mount buffs, then she'd be superior in several regards to a cauchemar, most clearly in AC and having the benefit of improved evasion like that ring you wanted. But she'd be much weaker in strength and a few other regards.
I think it would be more balanced because it would allow her to maintain the buffs while not being ridden - like when we have many enemies and it makes it easier to split up after different targets - but neither would she be extremely strong when both are together attacking an extremely strong antagonist, like a player character (cough, leader of the drow, cough) or a dragon, or a tarrasque
>>23216Just give me Call Mount with reasonable limits
>>23217Every other buff but Call Mount seems more reasonable, imo: that one works because the Mount resides in the Celestial plane. She'd have to literally teleport for you to summon her any time. I have absolutely no problem with that though.*teleports behind you*
>>23217It's good that way. In that form, she can't really use most of her rogue skills, use a bow, dual wield, or perform effective sneak attacks anyway; due to her build. It's really best for intense fights with large targets or multiple enemies, or just quickly bulldozing her way out of trouble to flee when stealth fails.
>>23223I actually had a different use of the trips in mind
>>23221Which is good this way? Cauchmare when riddent or Paladin's Mount Nightmare any time in Nightmare form?
I think Tracy should have Command Powers even in pony form, since, well, she'd still be an equine.
>>23219You wanted her to be an extra planar entity...
>>23221On one condition. You both have to post "Fusion Dance" for it to work.
>>23224The way I interpret it, is by becoming a paladin's mount, she gains the command and summon-able powers, and she only transforms (Full Cauchemar, with the flaming and smoke n shit) when ridden
>>23226That works. So long as Tracy's faggot is fine fighting like a rogue when being ridden is unnecessary
>>23224My point was for her only to be able to fully transform in while being ridden.
Her incomplete transformation, as to my knowledge, has a limited number of rounds per day, has nerfed stats, and causes intense fatigue and starvation afterwards.
>>23225I'll think of something funnier.
>>23228Basically, just 1/day Rage with a fancy makeover.
"Can I use coma-Torcuil as a weapon? Kind of like how Jackie Chan fights with a ladder?"
"I mean I can always throw him in the entertron if I break him,...."
Thez picks up Torcuil and slings him over her shoulder. <whoooof>
By the way, the bazaar is still going on.
>>23234Tracy continues walking deeper and deeper into the depths of the bazaar, looking for the spookiest and edgiest merchandise to match her tastes.
What's it look like?
>>23234Trumpaladin is meeting a bald guy
>>23235Its rows and rows of booths and tabled areas. Its like a flea market except fantasy RP setting.
>>23236Not sure what you mean by that
>>23026 was the last post when he went into the weapons and armor shop
>>23237The puts on her hood to avoid attracting unwanted attention, and checks out some of the stands and shopkeeps.
>>23239Tracy finds a scroll of monster summoning III.
>>23238Wait, you're
not at the bazaar?
>>23238I guess I have a lot of driving to to do. In the mean time, leave the weapons shop scene open, and I think I need to encounter Tracy to make
>>23226 >>23228 >>23231 happen
>>23240>>23240I had him go to the weapons shop. It seemed like the best idea at the time
>>23240That's a nice find.
How long does the summon last for?
>>23241Stay safe
Nothing of the stock at the weapons shop seems to have changed since the (((rats))) were routed. They appear to be in need of suppliers.
>>23243caster level 3
>>23244Well fuck that then. This city is an obvious entrepôt location, so go to the place that most likely would benefit from that fact. I guess the bizarre then?
Note to arrange for weapons imports
>>23244>caster level 3So, 3 rounds?
>>23246*disorganized ay-rab open air mall
>>23245Thats a good idea. Trump senses he might find something useful browsing the tables.
>>232464. It would be 3, but you got that right (that was a test)
Does she have any time to keep looking around?
>>23250Continues browsing like it's the Indoor Emporium settup at the Rodeo
>>23249After searching high and low through the tables and displays, Trump comes up with nothing. Everything here is not to his satisfaction, is lacking in some way, or is generally not a good idea.
"Wait! Habibi! I found something you might like!!" the bald fellow (think Maz Jobrani) calls to Trump as he shows his disgust openly.
"Is FULL plate, not like plate you have! You have FIELD plate, this FULL plate. It have level 17 spell resistence too!"
>>23252Not really, the vendors are closing up for the day
>>23254TAKE IT
I though I had that already
>>23254Can the Bazaar be treated like a pantry? That is to say, you don't find anything you want, lower standards and repeat?
>>23257No, I distinctly and deliberately informed Trump - very early on - that he was wearing ceremonial armor, which though shinier and prettier, does not protect as well (field plate is essentially parade armor)
>>23258Not this afternoon, but in future.
>>23259I... Don't remember that
Why wasn't I corrected when I said he was wearing full plateTakes the full plate! Offers Jew gold or whatever is necessary to make it so
>>23256I've have her head back to the tower and keep crafting until the next session then.
>Tracy and Trumpaladin, although both thoroughly exploring the same location for a period of perhaps an hour, never meet each other
>>23260that jew gold isnt ours,kike.
>>23261For the record, she's working on the cloak and the ring mentioned earlier.
>>23263Also this.
>>23263We have no other funds. Don't be rude
>>23263Oh, cuz you're gonna give it back to jews,....
>>23264You were hoarding the damned gems, the only other money we had. Shut up
>>23266its for the citizens and betterment of port barry.
>>23267>the only other money we hadThere's still a pile of treasure in tower, isn't there?
>>23268This, desu.
It should go to developing the Port and raising the standard of living of its residents.
>>23268The gems are off limit for some reason, Ben is out of money now, so what it left? It's a procurement for the public defense anyways. That benefits them
>>23270What about the treasure that was uncovered the day the Ant Queen was defeated? The treasury was full.
>>23272Then hand over the gems so we can spend it kike
>>23274Spent over the months
Thez looks at Tracy expectantly.
>>23274THAT hoard went to Make Port Barry Great Again, ver 1 and 2
>>23279This. The city burnt down, and wasn't cheap to rebuild. Besides other investments
I said earlier that Tracy left it in the dungeon for Thez to pick-up, after I heard her say "Don't you DARE spend them!"... Did Thez pick it up before the dungeon was kill?
>>23280you know trump i think i got a pretty good idea to help protect city.
>>23281Kek, no she didn't. "My pretties," @_@
>>23284Oh crackers... ;_;
>>23283we would need mages and since torc is down for the time being it would probbbaly cost us a bit, i was thinking a giant force field that keeps out monsters and kikes.
>pic related except us and the towns folk can move through it.
Any Idea how it could be accomplished? For maximum effectiveness it would need to keep out even the sneaky little things like drow
>>23286>except us and the towns folkToo complicated. Everyone would need some kind of item to let them pass through the fence. Also, Port Barry is a port: new people and ships come and go every day.
>>23288>Magic itemLike a passport or ID? It's not an unoriginal concept
>new people come and goLet humans elves and dwarves pass freely, or make the force field not extend to the harbor area
>>23285Thez taps her mask and suddenly appears to being one of those oversized prom dresses, except with funeral colors
>>23289Port Barry national IDs?
>>23289>Let humans elves and dwarves pass freelyDrow are elves. Korak is a dwarf. That's not necessarily going to help anyone.
>>23288we assign them an insignificant item.
>>23287i have no idea im looking through spell lists and other stuff right now.
>>23291Drows are excluded and Korak would have been harmless
>>23292>>23290Did Tracy lose the gems?
>>23294i like the passport idea.
>>23293>an insignificantA lot of port barry's residents are sailor's or fishermen though. Parties interested in entering the port could do so by stealing said items from the sailors while they're traveling.
>>23295None that were readily known
>>23295I said I left them for Thez to pick up,
but then...
>>23298That does not answer my question
>>23297Photo ID
>>23299Yes, but wouldn't a Tarasque just leave items like gems alone?
>>23300>Photo IDThat would require border agents to check every individual as they go in and out though...
>leave items like gems aloneIt matters how fucked-up the dungeon is...
>>23301Yeah, but an enemy with just 10 ranks in Disguise could fool the system.
>>23302>assign some gestapo to it.
>>23298>>23290>>23284>>23285>>23281Well, that entire conversation and everything was retconned when the timeline was reset. That scene had depicted the entire group together. But instead, the timeline reset with Trumpaladin being away at that point. So Tracy never hears "don't you dare spend them," doesn't place the gems in the dungeon, and the gems remain either in the treasure holding area or the bag
>>23302Have you never gone through an airport in a foreign country? Have you never gone through an airport in this country after 2005? This is normal
>>23303Let alone an Assassin class enemy. Or an Epic Infiltrator.
>This is normalI guess so\\, but idk how medieval fishermen would like having to go through customs every time they commute from work/home.
This doesn't even touch on the possibility of Teleportation.
>>23303one of the steps to get in is to strip down to their loin clothes.
>>23306>teleportationHence the magic field
>assassinsIf that's the only people who can get in then I'd say we're pretty secure
>>23307Yeah, but then every sailor/fisherman in the Port would have to do that every day.
There's also the Disguise Self and Control Shape spells.
>>23303>>23306I think we can just assume that all of the people in this universe who could have leveled up to be strong rogues or assassins decided to spend all of their ranks on Blackguard instead, and so missed the opportunity
>>23310punch em in the gut so they lose concentration.
>>23312>punch every fisherman in the gut to get into his own city>>23311You've never met the Drow before.
>>23313You better not have fucked us all over with the gems
>>23313im sure they would understand if we explained some things.
>>23315He's just trying to distract you from the fact he may have lost all of Thez's money
>>23316>>23313someone needs a beating?
>>23308>Hence the magic fieldDo you mean, like a Dimensional Anchor spell on the whole city?
>>23317I thought it'd be safe until Thez came to take it back. I was wrong.I had anticipated something terrible to happen to the tower.
I'm saying that the conversation itself was retconned, so the gems were never moved. I'm also saying that if they were in the dungeon, they are inorganic and tasteless so the Tarasque would not have eaten them. They are also tiny and insanely hard, so they are unlikely to have been destroyed when it went through.
But if the gems are gone, we may have to sell Tracy and all of her stuff so we have money
>>23319Why the actual fuck did you not just say that instead of "because I can and want to?"
>>23320Wut?>>23321Because I was angry at you for trying tell me what to do.
>>23322Those were all of our gems. Not yours to secret away and get eaten
>>23324They were Thez's gems. I wasn't going to spend them anyway.
>>23326They were Thez's gift to the party, and if you thought they were Thez's you should have given them to Thez. Not placed them in your hiding hole without telling Thez
>>23327I did say so. I moved them back into the dungeon shortly after I dumped them in the treasury, because I heard Thez say not to spend them.
>>23328THAT'S WHAT I JUST SAID. You moved them to your hiding hole and out of the treasury. And you never told Thez
>>23329I could've sworn I had Tracy tell her,
shortly after she returned.Did Thez ever take her Staff back btw? If not, it's still in the quiver.
>>23330I just hope you've learned something from all of this
GM, is every room in the Dungeon kill, or does it just have a big tunnel driven through it?
>>23336I really do hope you've learned somethingReminder to GM that it's really hard to break diamonds, especially unintentionally
>>23337THE TERASQUE could have eaten them.
>>23338They are gems, not meat. Entirely tasteless. Why would it eat them?
>>23339it has the swallow whole ability so it could have been by accident.
>>23340There were no animals to swallow whole
Also, I think the tarasque would have started in the dungeon, so it would have been tiny
>>23341there were rotting corpses in her dungeon right?
>>23342>rottingNo, just dried hides and a few animal bones.
>>23342Hopefully not close to the Gems. I still think that conversation got reteconned
I wish we had the chance to fight those Trolls... I was going to paralyze one and tie it to a tree with barbed wire so Tracy could keep cutting off its head and limbs, to farm troll bones.
>>23343Look, I know you don't like me because of some autistic game involving post numbers or whatever your reason is, but you need to stop acting on spite in the game. It always ends up hurting Inferius, which pisses him off, and then Torcuil sees the three of us arguing, which pisses him off, and then GM sees the four of us arguing and he is pissed off that he has to deal with our autistic drama. Stop keeping secrets in game to spite other characters for things their players do outside of game. If you have complaints about site moderation, or whatever your issue with me is, take it to the /qa/ board.
>>23346the gm loves our autistic drama though.
>when I should be going home, but my room is still occupied by my brother and sister in law, and my parents will ask me if I've heard back from the last two interviews
>>23350Aura of butter sounds over powered
>>23354Thank you.
It was edited from the parody of this, if you didn't already see.
>>23345Ponimaru said a troll village probably exists. I think I'll lead an NPC party to go exterminate them
>>23356ill be happy to accompany you with some gestapo personnel.
>>23355i havent seen that.
>>23347We do need to get experience with our armies in combat
>>23336The soil has been so rearranged that everthing that is still 'there' is impossible to locate.
>>23356Idk. I will slaughter trolls, brutally and irrationally cruelly, if they attack, but otherwise I just find them fun to keep around (i find them funny, and cute in a way). I wouldn't just go there just to genocide them, because then there'd be no more trolls, and I'd feel sad.
Trolls are some of my favorite field monsters, in more ways than one.
>>23360Could it ever be rebuilt into a new hideout? It's basically just gone back to being a cave, right?
>>23360The placing of the gems was retconned. The gem thing was in response to something Thez said which was in response to something Trumpakadin said. But then when I said "Trumpaladin definitely spends the night with slovenia" the whole intervening set of character interactions got wiped away
>>23361>doesn't believe in genocideThat's why Inferius and I will be doing it
>>23364Just don't kill them all. Best to keep a sustainable troll population, for game.
>>23365why dont you take a male and female alive?
>>23362Sure, and a hideout with cool stuff buried here and there.
>>23368It was mostly full of raw materials, scavenged metal, and the bones of the local wildlife.
>>23366Their life cycle is pretty long though..
Oh well..
>>23370keep em in the cave with barbed wire.
>>23371Too much work.
Better just to ignore the one cave they're already breeding in, and let them think their under the radar.
>>23371>>23370>>23366No. Stop. He already saved the Tarrasque from extinction, and I don't think we've benefited from it. Stop trying to make sure this universe is full of more evil enemies than it needs to be. A single troll village that threatens the town logging industry and hikers is destroyed? I promise you, there are more trolls and other always chaotic evil races further away from the people we are trying to protect, if the preservation of evil creatures is what most interests you
>>23372We can't even collect wood without having trolls try to eat the loggers. No. Fuck that. We need wood
There's always shit to fight
You said the cloak and the ring would take a few days? Would they be ready by next session?
Can I get a reminder on the ring and cloak?
>>23378Cloak of Charisma and Ring of Evasion.
>>23358That isn't even his final form.
>>23380does he have over 9000?
>>23381If your character gets over 9000 Str as a Cancer Mage, he/she can evolve.
>>23379Thank you. Hmmm. For one, characters are supposed to only be able to work on one item at a time (to completion) . Additionally, aside from post bazaar, Tracy hasn't put much time into either.
>>23383They're not important.
What about just the ring?
>>23382I wish i had over 9000 str...
[sad minotuar noises]
>>23385can i go to the bizzare?
>>23387Its closed up for the night
>>23388i try and trak down that ork tribe in the mountains.
>>23386you have as much strength as the rest of the party combined. Shut up
>>23387Come craft with Tracy. We could make make more progress together.
>>23390Orcs or trolls?
Tracy can track better.
>>23393The jibberniggers are something I do want to genocide.
>>23393infernuis is bored.
>>23394the orks
>>23397Those are way beefy for these orcs. These orcs are all skinny and shriveled, like sjws
>>23399Orcs should be SJWs in this universe.
>>23398So, is this an exploration, investigation, or hunting trip?
Tracy never did check out that city beyond the cliff..
GM, does Slovenia want to start work on the trebuchets immediately, or is she interested in going into town for food first? Also, does she need help?
>>23406"Food? Yes, food,... that's a good idea," she already has a miniature prototype built, and her mane is slightly disorderly.
>>23405>>23404The city Tracy is talking about is in the same general direction as the last point that Infernius got shot at.
>>23407The ring can wait.
Is there time to check around that area?
>>23408Time? Sure, it is dark though, that will complicate things.
>>23410Thez emerges with Torcuil, now mummified, and padded in some areas. "Is something happening?"
>>23409Take a walk through the forest to Search the area.
Tracy strolls around through the moonlight instead of sleeping, like a 'normal' criminally insane serial-killer/rapist does. Then she sees Inferius, trying to find his way through the dark.
"What are you doing up at this hour?"
>>23407"I myself haven't eaten, and I missed ramen earlier when we had to help rescue the loggers. I see you've been pretty busy as well. I'm rather impressed with the model you made. You're going to have to tell me all about it. Would you like to have dinner with me, perhaps in town?" Smiles
>>23411"we go investigate greenskins."
>>23412"me try to find way back to green skin camp."
>>23411"I've been meaning to get a peak at that city past the cliff. I thought it'd be better to go under the cover of dark."
>>23415"Greenskins? What are those?"
>>23413"My goodness, I don't think I've eaten anything,... today. I've been so fixated on the trebuchet,... its an amazing marvel of design. Dinner would be nice!"
>>23414Thez thinks for a moment. "Will there be beatings?"
>>23417"thing that shoot at me the other night look like a people but it have greenskin."
>>23418"maybe,if they try anything but me reach out to them and try civilize savages."
>>23419"That sounds like beatings,... mind if I tag along?"
>>23418>Will there be beatings"If anything gets in my way."
>>23419"You're going to get yourself killed in the dark. I'm headed through the forest, so why don't you follow me?"
>>23421"Sure. Why not?"
>>23421"me would be offended if you didnt."
>>23422"okay that be best me think."
>>23424THez squees a little. "You guys go on without me, I'll catch up quick, but I wanna try something!"
>>23418"I'm very glad to see you appreciate the engineering as much as I do. There's something about the terror and the power of the sling and shot that feels geninuneky.,. Glorious, when its let go. I can see already you'll do an excellent job of harnessing that power in all its beauty in the full scale models.
Might you be interested in going to my own restaurant in town, the Trump Grill. We have a wide variety of food options. Yes I know we have the kitchen here, but after all you've been through, and all you've accomplished, you deserve something a little more.. Special. Please, let's go, and tell me all about your plans"
>>23424"Alright, red guy. Follow me and try not to trip. Let's get moving. I don't have all night."
*leads the way through the dark forest*
>>23425Tracy gives Thez a quizzical look, but moves forward anyway.
Alright, so they both go into the forest.
Let's start with a he basic Spot Search and Listen checks to scan the area for SJWs and jibberniggers.
>>23425Trumpaladin goes, retrieves, and offers a brush to Slovenia, if she wants to fix her mane
[3d20 = 31]>>23428forgot to roll
>>23427"Its nothing bad!" she calls after, as she rushes to her room.
>>23429"Oh, yes of course. I should probably, thank you. I trust your judgement, I'll only be just a moment," she says stepping away,
>>23430>20Hey, there's one now and he hasn't noticed you yet.
>>23432Tracy doesn't want delays yet. Is there any hope of moving by him while towing a large, clumsy technicolor bull?
>>23433Thez pops her head from behind a rock and whispers. "You could follow him."
>>23434"Hey, fyi. One of those green things you mentioned earlier is up ahead. He hasn't seen us yet, but it'll be inconvenient if he does. Try not to be so loud and let me do my thing. Just walk several spaces behind me,
quietly, and we'll follow him back to his nest or whatever."
Tracy can get finicky when it comes to her stalking...
>>23432>I'll only just be a momentI know where this is going
>>23438A few moments later, she appears to have washed up, gotten the bits of wood out of her mane, and straightened it. "I hope I wasn't too long."
>>23436The orc appears to be gathering wood, and is entirely focused on some contemplation.
>>23437Tracy, with utmost stealth, furtively stalks the orc back towards whereverthefuck it's going, checking the surrounding area every so often, and signalling to Infernius to come a few steps closer in increments whenever she's determined the coast is clear.
This'll take a while..
[1d20 = 2]>>23439~OOOOOOrrr.. we could ignore him and silently move away from him and past him...
Actually, Tracy moves a bit closer to Listen to what he's focused on.
[2d20 = 17]>>23441Its in a completely different language, "Hibbity hooblah" is all she can make out.
>>23441"remeber we here in peace if the savages accept our friendship."
>>23446Thez peeks her head out of a shadow, and flashes hand-signals that somehow convey "But, muh beatings."
>>23443>tumblrese"Darn, it's been a while since I've heard this..."
>>23446"Shut up, bull. Let's keep moving."
*advances towards direction of the city*
>>23447>has almost gotten used to Thez's shenanigans, but still jumps a bit"One isn't enough to share. Let's find the pack first."
>>23439"By no means! You look fantastic, as graceful as the grove I plucked you from this morning. Now, let us waste no more time. Let's go.
I'm assuming you're a vegetarian?"
Trumpajadin walks with Slovebua to the Trump Grill
>>23447*hand signalizes back*
"if they deny us you can beat them sweetie"
>>23448*continues crouch walking*
How thick is the forest? Is the City far off?
*advances forward; still on the look-out for SJWs*
The orc finally gathers enough wood and makes its way purposefully. Before long, it comes across
>>23450"You assume wrong. Rigorous labor requires protein and lots of it."
>>23449You haven't EVEN seen her shenanigens yet! She lost her spells, so her skills will be much more 'in play'.
>>23451She doesn't seem to comprehend, but waves it off and sinks back into the shadow.
>>23454>another horse that eats steak
>>23453The city is more to the west of your current location. Not terribly far, but a good enough distance that it can't be seen. Also, the forest thickens as you follow the orc.
It comes across an area with dangled ropes and ladders. It loads the wood onto a platform, and then ascends a ladder. The platform raises upward as he ascends.
[3d20 = 15]>>23456Spot and Listen checks to sense how many creatures in the vincinity
Search check to get a feel of the top of the platform
"Hmmm.. That's something.."
*signals Infernius to come forward a few paces*
>>23454Trumpaladin gets an evil grin on his face
"Perfect. We've got the best meat selections. Just the best. Our angus steak is divine. You'll also love our Taco Bowls"
Trumpaladin realizes, to his horror, that Port Barry does not have a proper Barbeque shop
>>23457Aww shart...
At least he's got +5 on the Listen and Spot checks.
Did she hear anything?
>>23457I think you misunderstand. The platform is a sort of dumb-waiter, and continues ascending as the orc makes its way up. The tree the orc is climbing appears to have a large permanent platform further up, which the dumb-waiter is leading toward (and attached to).
>>23461*looks up at the tree*
What's the top look like? Any activity?
*contemplates burning-down tree to speed things up*
Bored. Posting Orc memes.
>>23465Don't spam the thread just because GM is occupied by work for a few minutes
>>23466I wish, my computer crashed cuz I had too many things running.
>>23462The platform is a large central circular shape, with ropes and lines running to other trees and smaller platforms. Though it is entirely uncharacteristic of orcs, these ones seem to live in trees.
>>23466I like orc memes though. I don't mean any rush; just felt like sharing some.
>>23467Tracy relays the information to Infernius, and asks for what he intended to do once he found the settlement.
>>23469She had it coming.
>liking the memes even though they probably crashed his shit
Except that these orcs are SJW-types and not mussies, its perfect
>>23470"bring them into the current year, and civilize them."
>>23469"It looks like they live up there. Now just what did you intend to do once you found them?"
>>23472Tracy makes an annoyed look, but restrains herself
"So what are you going to do? Knock on the front door?"
>>23472Thez appears from a pile of leaves nearby. "Civilize them? Hmmm. I don't know that they can be civilized, but they might make for good manual labor," she says before fwoofing back into the pile of leaves.
>>23474>>23473"enslavement does sound nice. we can make them convert too."
>>23475>slavesI'm sure you mean fiscally-dependent, uneducated laborers (wage-slaves)
*Tracy's irritation grows*
"So? I found the greens. What comes next? Do you want to get their attention, or should we keep moving?"
How many Tree-houses are there?
>>23471Trumpaladin and Slovenia arrive at the Trump Grill, where she sees the walls and ceilings are elegant and fancy, but not in such a way that it feels oppressive, like it's forcing you to be equally fancy. One wall looks like it's been hastily repaired though
He orders drinks... what exactly does she want? Trumpaladin gets diet coke.
>>23477>>23475I will knock some freaking sense into you when I see you
>>23479"we comeback when theres more light. me read up on how bits did things."
>>23478i cant speak orcish.
>>23480From the ground its impossible to determine how many are houses, but theres several dozen platforms.
>>23481"Elegant in its simplicity. I approve. I'll have a Mint Julep, thank you."
>>23482"I didn't come all the way out here for nothing. I'm heading West." (towards the city)
>>23485"tracy can you find chief orc? and take him prisoner?"
>>23486*irritated scowl intensifies*
"If I find him on my way, then sure."
Tracy continues further West, intent on investigating the city before dawn.
>>23485Tracy heads off toward the cannon-lined city. She approaches from a different side than the cannons are pointed at, and there is a large gate at the perimeter.
>>23486Thez pokes her head out of another, completely different hiding place.
"You want to capture him? Are you sure that's a good idea?
Are you sure its a 'him'?"
>>23484*Trumpaladin wonders to himself "the fuck is a Julep," but makes damn sure the waiter fulfill the order*
"Thank you... sort of like the Trebuchets. I am confident you could bring the same if you were to create the furnishings for some of our other buildings. I want to ask you, what exactly is it you wished to accomplish in your second life, your chance to do it again. You wish to be a master carpenter?"
>>23488"we need Xir as a bargining chip."
[2d20 = 27]>>23488Tracy approaches the gate in stealth.
Search and Spot checks to examine gate and sense for guards.
>When you really want to yell at another character, but you can't because your characters are miles away
>>23489"I hadn't really thought of that. When I first found myself here, I never really had a chance to stop and think. I've spent all my time responding to the circumstances as they came and doing my best not to flip out. What I want,... thats an interesting question."
>>23491Light peeks out from the door, but the area is otherwise unilluminated.
[2d20 = 22]>>23493Unilluminated, as in no activity, or unilluminated as in Tracy can't see anything past 60 ft?
Tracy approaches closer, walking up to the gate, still stealthing for comfort.
>>23494Didn't mean to roll.
>>23494No activity, AND no one is bothering to illuminate the area
>>23496Tracy walks right up to the gate and inspects it.
Does the Robe of Colors provide for increased stealth at night?
>>23493>alcoholI like Trollestia's teatotalling better. But it's a Southern Drink, so that's good
"I felt the same. I wasn't really sure of my purpose here at first. I just wondered around and ran from a certain particular danger. It was when a citizen of this town looked at me, and thanked me - us rather - for killing an oppressor, and asked us to protect them... That was the momement, the precise purpose, that I knew what I was to do. I was to resume my role as protector of nations, same as I tried to fill in my previous life.
You, well I know you've had it difficult so far. I can understand if you are overwhelmed by all of it. Take your time, and feel no pressure."
Time to order food?
>my PC is crashing too
Maybe a fresh loaf of bread is in order..
>>23498No. In fact, it makes hiding
more difficult, even though it conceals what's going on under the robe.
>>23499"I,... yes,... maybe you're right."
>>23500And maybe you're right as well. Gimme a sec.
>>23501>it makes hiding more difficultI'm glad I asked first.
>>23501Puts hand on hoof
"You're going to be alright, I will make sure of that"
Orders Taco Bowl!
[1d20 = 5]
[stealthy minotuar noises]
>>23503"Could I,... have a steak?"
>>23506Hopefully the waiter will ask this
"How do you want it cooked?"
>>23504>Stealthy noises>Stealthy>Making noises
>>23505>>23506>>23507charges into orc camp screaming "kek kek kek fight me orcs!!"
>>23507Now you're getting it. Assassin spells aren't quite spells in the conventional sense, they're more the character thinking "Fug, I'd better be extra quiet" or "Oh fuck, I hope they don't see me" or "I must not miss!", etc.
>>23508He would have of course, I was just allowing Trump to be gentlemanly.
"I'm glad you asked. Rare. Blue-rare, if they'll allow it!"
>>23510>chargesNo, you'll have to climb a rope-ladder. Also you've been quieted.
>>23512i climb the ladder.
[1d20 = 15]>>23511>UndercookedFucking heresy
"But of course!"
Order on steak is placed as Blue-rare
Sense motive on what she finds most interesting now
>>23510 [Embed]
>>23510Go to bed, Infernius. You're better at this in a group.
>>23513Oh for fucks sake. Just set the tree on fire.
>>23515i cant take slaves if they're dead,
>>23515*cough* This and this *cough*
>>23517That's why you should take their leader out first, and not agitate them so that they all come at you in a group.
>>23519theyre puny little bitches.
>>23520Yeah, meaning they'll all get splat if you take them all on. You did want them alive, right?
>>23521your right i need a big cage.
>>23513Thez> Tee hee
>>23514>undercooked heresyYou do realize that the more you cook a food, including steak, the more you deplete its vital nutrients? You also realize that the most nutrient-rich food is literally raw?
>>23524Trump (our president) likes his steak well-done.
>tfw want to shitpost from bed, but caan't find phone
>>23525well-done master race.
>>23524I don't consider bacteria and parasites to be "essential nutrients"
>>23525Also this
Daily Reminder that Donald J Trump is President of the United States
As Infernius climbs the rope-ladder, he hears a powerful voice rise above the rest:
"Hibbity. Hibbiy and HOOBLAH! Hooblah hibbity, hibbity hooblah! Hibbity hibbity hibbity hibbity. Hibbity hooblah. Hooblah hibbity hooblah, hibbity hibbity hooblah." A silence descends on the orcs.
"Hibbity hooblah?" says a meek voice.
"HOOBLAH!" responds the forceful voice.
>>23525And this is why I don't fully trust Trump
>>23528Let me just ask, have you tried steak Tare-tare?
>>23530I don't speak Indonesian
>>23531Cut tragically short by e-coli
>>23529i climb down and go see if we have a cage at the tower i can carry.
>>23530you mean raw ground meat?
>>23534That's not safe for human consumption
ketchup is the best condiment for steak.
>>23539>>23540why bananas though?
>>23543It's not actually mine.See
*Trumpaladin thinks to himself, "well, that's a little weird, but still a hell of a lot less weird than the last girl. And so long as she doesn't try to pin me to a wall this will be a definite improvement"*
>>23540Fug. I'll try it, but I won't go easy,....