The latest installment of the Game, which has Tracy getting in line for heaven knows what. Trump, Torcuil and Trump are quickly,... not getting there 'cuz Trump tower only actually moves at an oxen-pace.
Previous bread here:\r
809 replies and 61 files omitted.
>>10079ill pick it up and use it after he throws it.
>>10080You're (you). That doesn't count. Infernius seems game tho.
Kay, Im back for a while
GM, I need someone to hit on me in the middle of the battle. I'll explain when it happens
>>10083there are succubi here be warned.
>>10083Not sure, but noted. Any "as soon as shit kicks off" plans?
>>10084Nah, Trump evicted the succubi
>>10084At least no one would ever want me
>sobbing>>10085Ummmmm, Trump are you opposed to changing size again?
Succubi are very weak demons tbh, not much more than dretches. They work well on civvies cuz lame, but they don't have any fight to them
Fuck Yeah Let's do this!
Music will instead be "Rock You Like a Hurricane"
[YouTube] Scorpins - Rock You Like A Hurricane
>>10090infernuis flah you the horns hand sign.
Tracy? Last chance to declare actions.
>>10090Torc grows Trump to 62 feet when the battle begins, magically preparing music
I'll be ready when everyone else is
>>10091>How did you knowFlashes the sign right back
>>10096germaaneigh had a very good rock scene.
>>10095I guess I'll be too big to ride Fae, so I'll leave her to attack seperately. Also, I'll hand the halberd over to Inferius then
>>10098Shit, I gotta go oo the store
I'll stay in a fortifyed position, focusing on keeping Trump yuge.
Go to full size and attack the weakest link from the side with full force, but avoid being injured so easily. If the next target isn't immediately available to mow down, find space to take cover.
>>10095Torcuil is set.
Tracy, just waitin' on you. Its gonna happen, so decide what you're doing first.
>>10100Oooh, got a pali with the last. Is that your move?
>>10101Idk, what can I do in one turn?
Does she get a boost from Rage or Psionic Surge? Her bloodlust is at maximum right now.
>got a paliWhat does that mean?
Okay, last modification:
Throw a javelin through the cone of smoke before she flanks the horde.
Actually, can I cast, tweet, throw the Halberd and then grown yuge?
>>10103Palindromes r unappreciated GETs.
>>10105>not growing big first and throwing a YUGE halberd
>>10107>best answer but too late
So, it seems everyone is here. Its earlier than originally stated, but are we ready? I'm saying this more for pacing and reference than allowing the players to second-guess or re-evaluate.
...okay, waiting for confirmation from Torcuil then,...
>begins typing anyway
[1d20 = 15]
From the quarantine wall the party bursts into action. Infernius speeds off into the fray atop Uatchit, while Trump lifts off atop Fae. Tracy is pony sized (though only JUST, as she's got smoke coming out of everywhere) and Torcuil gets busy with some meme magic. He's not sure he quite remembers how he made Trump big last time, but here goes,....
[2d20 = 4]>>10113Toss the Halberd
Slash and fuck you!
>>10114Don't worry, there's lots of 'em. I'm sure you stuck one, even if not who you were intending.
>>10113Wait, do I have to write it out again?
>>10113>Autistic frog noises
>>10117Assuming you mean throwing the halbarrd/pony, growing in size, pulling out vandereim and getting jiggy, no. I got that
>>10118Past the point of no return then.
>>10117Just in case:
Silently move around the side of the horde to flank them from the side.
Grow to full size in a fit of psychotic (psionic) rage and snort 15-foot cone if smoke out into what's in front causing massive confusion. Throwing a javelin into the smoke cone, and draw a kunai knife to slash the wimpiest looking fucker she sees after charging in with two flaming hooves to the chest and a slash at the jugular. If successful, immediately snort smoke again and slash the next faggot, or recoil and pull back prepare for the next charge inwards.
>>10120I don't think you're getting that far around a horde that size
>>10119If I give Trump twitter acsess, does the opposing army's morale go down?
>>10121They're bottlenosing at the bridge, right?
>>10122POnly if you can think of a funny meme/joke to do it with.
>>10122I think I need that already>>10123The tweets should cause them to all come right towards us, and ignore the bridge
The people of Port Barry are frightened, exhausted, and at wits end. Hours ago, there was peace and normalcy in their city. Heroes had appeared who promised growth, prosperity, and development, and who seemed to have the mettle to mete out such ends.
And in a moment, that hope faded.
It is no one's fault, but that day the party happened to collectively wander. No one had any hint that something was about to unfold, but suddenly and without warning came a <SLAM> at the city's main gate. <SLAM>, <SLAM>, the gate shuddered under increased impacts. The guards attempted to reinforce their positions, but they were untrained for a situation such as this.
As the increasing barrage ultimately rent the front gate, the clouds above began to swirl and spiral, darkening to an abnormal hue. It is from there that the first of the damned spewed forth upon the land.
>>10124>Implying Trump's twitter isn't good enough
>>10127Gib memes, meme man!
>>10127>>10128they better fucking be good to
The sky became its self a portal, and from there all Hell and Abyss did rain down in a fever pitch. Thez emerged from the brothel (more on that later Xp) to find that it was literally raining fiends, and not in a good way.
For a time, she fought them individually, and in groups. She focused on keeping civilians safe and providing distraction and cover for whoever needed it. How many she felled is irrelevant.
As she gained a degree of composure, she called upon the Denver Broncos, as she knew that Trump had chosen a solid bunch and that they would not falter. She called also on the fight club she'd been developing (that was the 'in a bit' part) to aid the young and in need.
She began shielding people. She knew these weapons couldn't do lasting damage, but also knew that they were largely mortal weapons against non-players. So instead of flitting about for the best opportunity to strike, she looked instead for the fatal blow that she could catch, and positioned herself accordingly.
Port Barry came together that day, well in advance of what was to come. More survived than should, and more who are alive are ready to die than were. The opponents are innumerable, and they lust for human blood.
That is when Trump and co first appear on the wall.
Are you guys ready?
[Read more]
>>10130Diss gonna be good
GM, remember the deal. I'll signial you when its time.
Meme sugestions?
>>10130Bring it on!
>>10132Anything to do with Happenings, war, blood, demons justice, etc.
Fuck, this is not my night. I has to go again
Torc runs towards everyone else
Noticing a lull in the battle, Trump pulls out his Blackberry, and sends a tweet
His thumbs type out "I have never seen a thin person drink Diet Coke" and then send
sips diet coke
>>10136what that thing trump?
>>10137A magical potion from another world. It doesn't do anything (at all).
>>10137"No Matter,"
Throw Halberd like a lance, then slash
Now's your cue Tourcil
>>10138A delicious tasting magical potion
>>10141Make an attack Tracy, and one that makes sense given the enemy's position
>>10134>I gtg, but read the spoiler ONLY WHEN GM has someone flirt with meTorcuil confused by someone approaching him, especially during a battle, becomes awkward. Spaghetti shoots out of his pockets like a rocket. This hits the enemies with extreme force, but also knocks Torc out
>>10139Just what I was typing.
Trump throws the halbard (if for no reason other than to get rid of it Xp). It doesn't hit its target, but it does hit an enemy.
Simultaneously he speeds off on Fae, while Infernius speeds off on Uatchit. Both have weapons drawn, ready for murder.
>>10144GM, Tracy does this
>>10144Torc turns Trump yuge
>>10143If the pussy demandeth that it be murdered, than go forth and murder. So said John Elway in the book of Bronconius Devastationale
>>10145*shakes head*
The formations are a mile long, you're not flanking them before they attack you
>>10146Poor Fae...
[1d20 = 8]>>10145Well the only way you're gonna get flank at this point is to dive over the side of the wall, so,.... (don't worry, you'll be fine)
>>10146Yugeness by dice
>>10148Right you are, Fae immediately discard you as a rider as your proportions increase.
[1d20 = 12]
Slash those foreign faggots!
How many rolls do I need to make?
THIS time, Trump is "only" 24' tall, but he's several orders yuger than he was.
>>10151Well, unless you're biting you've only got 2 blades at the moment, so 3.
[1d20 = 9]>>10149perception to find a miniboss tier demon
>>10152I meant for her to charge in with a javelin in maw.
She's moving on all fours.
>>10151Just attack the enemy head on instead of taking half the battle to go around>>10152Reeee!
>>10143I'll be lurking but not posting
GM get my shit done
As the party come more or less crashing down upon the fray outside the quarantine, Thez shows visible signs of relief.
"If we can hold this position, the citizens will be safe. The nexus of the portal is in the air, so taking out their ability to respawn should be top priority. George appears to be biding his time in the stadium, assuming he's already won. That's all I know," she says, going into a dizzying attack-combo against the latest target.
[1d20 = 20]>>10157"How do we take out the portal?"
>>10154A shocking choice of actions. Literally. Not damaging, but wow.
Tracy comes barrelling in on all fours with a white javelin in her mouth, and a most peculiar mane-cut (cuz its electrified)
>>10155Fuck it then, forget the flanking and charge right in through the smoke, screeching like a hysterical pony to make an Intimidation check.
aside from that, this
>>10120 plan remains intact.
>>10159Is she at full size yet?
[1d20 = 8]>>10162CLENSE THE HERESY!
[6d20 = 66]
Idk how to roll this, but...
Cone of Smoke + Intimidation + Throw Javelin
Power Attack and Cleave upon charging
Full attack: Two flaming hooves plus slashing with a shortblade
Tracy barrels over several opponents, the javelin still firmly in jaw. Its kinda tingly once you get used to it. Though she's not aware of it (the electricity) she is full size and here hair is completely on fire.
Trump dramatically falls into the throng, Vandereim leading.
"Yea lad, this is what ah was MADE for!"
>>10165@_@ One sec
>>10164I thought you needed someone to hit on you. WTF is spaghetti anyway? Don't say a noodle
[1d20 = 15]>>10166i bull rush the advanceing horde.
[3d20 = 26]
The last thee numbers were above 10, I can I Cleave and attack again?
Flaming hooves to the chest + attempted decapitation with kunai
[1d20 = 11]Scotland the Brave emanates from Vanderiem as Trump cleanses the heresy outside the wall [Embed]
[1d20 = 9]>>10170DIE DEMON SCUM!
So aside from anything I missed, I have Infernius buzzing by on Uatchit, Trump is either on Fae or on the ground, in either case murdering.
>>10169Yes, anything past a 12 is a hit (for now)
[1d20 = 7]>>10173Make the slashing attack. Take the halberd if desired
[4d20 = 42]>>10169>decapitatedThrow kunai at next target as a feint (slieight of hand)
Make another charge with flaming hooves to the chest swinging the suckers' head and spinal cord as a bludgeon.
>>10176>Rolling 4 dice at once nowMake one attack sustained
[3d20 = 43]>>10176The last part got a roll deserving of how good the idea was...
Flaming hooves + kunai again!
[1d20 = 16]>>10174can i dual weild my claymore and the halberd?
As the party fills in, Thez slumps, obviously fatigued.
"And its a good thing I have improved endurance, otherwise I'd be exhausted!"
As she says this, Infernius comes through like a freight train, goring 2 demons as Uatchit lifts off to avoid smacking into the wall.
>>10175kek, you just ruined spaghetti, its ready
[1d20 = 12]Is it my turn? I don't know, but what I do know is that I want to kill things
>>10180>>10178REEEEEE!!! You don't get to just roll three dice every time so you can be sure you'll get one above 12
[1d20 = 20]>>10183Huzzah!
[1d20 = 2]>>10181i slash with my sword and cast burn
[1d20 = 7]>>10184You have to go back!
[3d20 = 49]>>10180>5 and 4Does this break the combo?
Cone of smoke for Concealment; Roar for Intimidation
Slash the next faggot in the vincinity.
>>10183I have three natural weapons (2 flaming hooves and a maw) I can attack how I want.
[1000d20 = 10524]>>10187Oh fuck you
[3d20 = 25]>>10187>13Attack again, again charging with full weight behind flaming hooves and a slash to the throught.
The party lands in decimation of their foes. Trump is now of grandiose proportions (not quite as big as last time, but still a tower of a man), while Infernius makes good use of Uatchit (not targetable, free to act). Tracy billows smoke around giving minimal concealment for the moment.
>>10187When you try to game the system by having not one, but three dice rolls, and not a single one of them meets the 12 required to advance, then yeah. It breaks the combo
>>10188Oh fuck you
>>10181So, does it work?
>>10192>>10190I'm confused now, can I make another cleave?
Lenos, seeing reinforcements, wades further into the throng with claw and tail and bite. His size and strength easily overpower the lesser devils and demons at the forefront.
>>10193Spaghetti? IDK, maybe?
>>10194You cleave a total of 5 opponents before stopping
>>10192There are plenty of characters that could attack with three rolls, especially monsters.
[1d20 = 3]>>10195i sheath my sword and fly by and attack with the halberd.
>>10196It's not a way to game the multiple cleaves, especially not with doing three rolls after only one breaks 12
Thez, between flurries says to the group: "I'm sorry everyone,... this is all my fault. I thought,... I didn't intend for everything to turn out like THIS." she says, accentuating her point by elbowing a fiend's head in.
>>10197e_e Just throw it away, its junk.
[1d20 = 20]>>10199ok i throw it at one of the demons
>>10200And for once, the dice decides it likes Inferius
[1d20 = 20]>>10199ok i throw it at one of the demons
>>10195Concealment with cone of smoke whirled around the area her body.
Charge the next target with flaming hooves.
>>10198point taken
[3d20 = 28]>>10203forgot to roll for the concealment and attack
"Soros is in the stadium. The town and outside are filled with his followers and those of the Bogdanoff's. Lenos and I can keep this position (and the citizens safe), or we can divert per your strategy."
[1d20 = 5]>>10202Mein Gott...
>>10200>kills 2Nice throw!
>>10205"The Bogdanoffs. Who are they? Can you give me a quick rundown?"
[1d20 = 3]>>10207primal scream.
[7d20 = 58]
At this time, the four (there were four) streaking blue streaks streak in front of the party. They look alot like praying mantises, are entirely blue, and have wicked spears in hand. Ice devils, if you're curious.
Amidst the 'basic' combat, they're engaging.
Trump, Tracy, and Infernius have attacks of opportunity
[1d20 = 12]>>10211I smite thee demons!
[1d20 = 13]>>10211aot go.
[1d20 = 5]>>10212And another!
>>10210Engaging who?
>>10205The Citizenry is of no minor importance. Are you certain you two can hold this position?
[3d20 = 20]>>10205Clear way towards the stadium, snarling and blowing smoke for Intimidation check.
Buck the first faggot to get in her way with both hooves and slit his throat
[1d20 = 20]
Slash again to finish off this faggot.
Attack the next if he falls and cleave further towards stadium.
Note: because of "throng" combat, all opponents get de facto flank. Deal with it, ur facing an army
>>10212Trump scores a successful hit. The devil is not felled, but in its flight it goes tumbling to the ground.
>>10213Likewise Infernius who has dropped the halbard. Don't look at me, I'm just saying what he should have done a long time ago.
Unfortunately Ice devils are immune to fire so no accellerated damage, but like with Trump the devil spirals down in a heap.
[1d20 = 19]>>10217"Looks like we're not going anywhere soon"
Smite the demons!
[1d20 = 7]>>10219Sime thee once more!
>>10216As Trump and Infernius knock their targets out of the air, Tracy goes full rage on some unfortunate bastard. Hes dead, we'll just leave it at that.
The way to the town (not yet the stadium) is momentarily clear, if the party hurries.
"GO! We've got this!"
Thez' insistence is accentuated by Lenos claw-impaling three enemies at once.
>>10221Then we fucking hurry
[1d20 = 10]>>10216Yes!
Charge towards the town/stadium with both hooves alight and decapitate anyone in her path, snarling and billowing smoke ahead of her as she goes.
(I'm going to stop rolling three, but attack with all three weapons)
The city lies in ruins. In order to get from your current position (avoiding unnecessarily large formations of enemies that is) is through the plaza and toward the NW point, and then doubling back from the wall.
[2d20 = 14]>>10222slash slash
[1d20 = 9]
Slash at any near
[1d20 = 19]>>10224>can fly (still learning)How many flying enemies?
Make a superpowered leap across the heads of a dozen or so enemies, and land on the next faggot with both flaming hooves
[17d20 = 194]
No subtlety eh? Alright
>>10229Subtlety? Why would we want or need that?
[2d20 = 23]
>dat roll
Cleave through the next few faggots, billowing smoke 5 yards ahead to to confuse the ranks.
[2d20 = 24]>>10231>fugSlit this faggot's throat and keep charging ahead, snarling in frenzy to check for Intimidation.
Plopping down in front of literal waves of infernals, the wavering light of city-fires (holy shit, did anyone else get deja vu?) painting themselves across the faces of the party and their opponents respectively, the group bursts into motion.
Infernius, astride Uatchit darts to and fro, taking aim at heads as one would golf balls on a driving range. Tracy - Thez' blades in hand - divides the opponents in the middle. Trump, proud and resplendent Trump, smites one opponent after another.
The party gains the plaza area.
[2d20 = 19]>>10232Cleave
Attack again, with both hooves and a kunai.
>>10234meant to roll once, but whatever
>Torc causes an Autistic screech so loud and high, it blows away all the glass in Port Barry
From the north, west, and east of the plaza, squads of D/Ds (devils and demons) race to join the fight.
[1d20 = 19]>>10237can we get an updated map?
>>10236>Banshee WailThe first two rows of incoming assailants fall dead before they can even engage
[1d20 = 19]>>10235I'm watching you
>>10236Don't you break my glass! That costs money
Like a Mecha walking, Trump devastates his foes
[1d20 = 7]>>10241STILL MORE!
[2d20 = 18]>>10236*screeches in tandem*
Roll for autistic synergy (Intimidation)
Slash next victi- I mean enemy
[1d20 = 9]>>10243>he livesRear and crush his ribcage under both flaming hooves
[2d20 = 36]>>10244>still alive?Stab a knife into his chest and leave it in him to bleed-out
Attack the next faggot with all three weapons.
[1d20 = 4]>>10246reeee you don't get to attack multiple times after repeatedly failing dice rolls reee
[1d20 = 16]>>10243>>10236roll to screech to add to intimidation.
[1d20 = 6]>>10248MAGA!!!!
>>10243Thanks m8
I give everyone a glass of caveman to boost their strength and vitality
>>10250No what?
*screeches autistically himself*
>>10248Nice roll
Billows smoke all around to conceal self and prepare for the next charge
With an individual, not to mention collective fury that was entirely inconceivable to both Devils and Demons, the party continues its deadly advance.
With stride and increasing gait/confidence, Trump cleaves through this opponent and that. Tracy flips all kinds of acrobatics, ultimately disemboweling or disfiguring her prey. Infernius cuts opponents down. Whether their legs, their torsos, or even their weapon hands/arms, he systematically strikes at not only his foe, but that of those he stands beside.
Each has taken their share of scrapes and gashes, but no one is worse for the wear. At the end of a SEEMINGLY endless line of assailants, the party makes the wall.
>>10251I will break your glass
If anything is close to me, I use my dagger
Charge out towards the stadium.
buck the next faggot in front with both flaming hooves and maul his throat out.
>>10255Trump makes a note to stir Tourcil's Haggis later. Oh, and take his waifu
[1d20 = 13]>>10253i light my sword on fire.
[1d20 = 6]>>10258Smash the fucker right in front of me right in two with the brute force of the sword
[1d20 = 16]>>10256roll (how many dice is appropriate for this?)
>>10255Torcuil! Torcuil's actions are not represented at this point. What would Torcuil do, surrounded by allies who are like minded, with a giant-size Trump on the side, not to mention the rest?
>>10260Roll however many you want, I'll use 'em or disregard
[3d20 = 34]>>10260>crushed and torn apartCleave!
draw another kunai and stick it into the next faggot in the vicinity, after bucking him with both flaming hooves
>>10261But my banshee wail
I'm trying to think of a dank meme for this
Give me a moment
>>10261I recommend the staff by default
>>10264It was excellent, but there's many more who aren't dead.
>>10266Whizzzz, another demon loses its head
[1d20 = 2]
Cackling like a madman, Trump twirls Vanderiem around, slashing at lines of demons
[1d20 = 14]>>10264>not having a meme prepared.
[1d20 = 4]>>10263Idk if that finished them off desu..
in any regard, stick another kunai in the next faggot available and keep charging forward, roaring in frenzy.
[1000d20 = 10723]>>10271Well fuck you too and fuck the dice too
>>10274>Got a result that was 199 higher than the previous thousand
[1d20 = 10]>>10274>trumpadin dies from a heart attack.
Trump, fully immersed in a blood-fury (not barbarian, but w/e) stumbles, losing his momentum.
>>10274Don't be mad, u know how many shitty dice rolls I've had to account for so far?
The party is still at the wall, and holding position.
[1d20 = 10]>>10277That counts as your roll, so I am rolling
Fuck you demons!
>>10278>The party is still at the wall, and holding positionWait what
[3d20 = 47]
Attack again with both hooves and a kunai