Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
Half of the party - Brie, Onyx, and Spark - are on a train to far off Bales to try to cross the border into the Changeling Lands. the other half remains in Baltimare, where Silver is searching catacombs seeking books filled with long buried dark secrets, Dark Star is having luck with his marefriend, and Iron aiding in trafficking exotic animals
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>>94826Oh, guess I'm up, then. Almost forgot Silver exists.Serebry, Silver. You did not live to be 68 simply to wither away to sadness now. Gathering up the resolve left in his heart, Silver pushes away the tears and the hurt, if only for the moment.
You can hurt later. For now, you have job to do. He grabs a clean plate, and dishes out some of the beans onto it for his meal. He also makes sure to turn the burner off. He doesn't want to set the hotel on fire, after all.
>>94828"they should all be rounded up."
Dark Star says with an almost emotionless voice.
"i hate them."
>>94830“Do not worry” she says, with a look of determined anger in her serious eyes.
“We are combating the Griffin Menace.”
>>94829Came the last night of sadness
And it was clear he couldn't go on
Then the door was open and the wind appeared
The candles blew then disappeared
The curtains flew then she appeared, saying don't be afraid
Come on honey, and he had no fear
And he ran to her, then they started to fly
They looked backward and said goodby, he had become like they are
He had taken her hand, he had become like they are >>94831"The sooner the war ends the better."
Dark Star says the color slowly returning to him
>>94831Don't fear the reaper >>94833She remains serious
“Nothing less than the complete subjugation of the griffin race will suffice”
>>94834Dark Star Smiles a little at this
"You know just what to say. that would be nice. are we going to ponify the captured lands?"
>>94835And now, a grin formed on her face as her eyes remain narrow and her head is lowered. It’s not her warm grin, but that expression of inner mic that is nearly her default
“But of course we are. We’re already in the process of doing it”
>>94836"Equestria Belongs to us.
Dark Star says His smile growing into a grin."
>>94838Dark Star Hugs Blue in a tight embrace
"to us."
>>94839*Poner is hugged*
The way she takes the hug suggests that she wasn’t expecting it at that moment. She is cold to the touch
>>94831With almost robotic motions, he sits down at the table and begins to consume his rightfully-earned beans.
>>94841“Then give me your warmth” she says
>>94842Unfortunately, it looks like the table is so covered in papers that no single spot is large enough for a plate
>>94844*Poner is kissed*
She also doesn’t seem to have been expecting this either, as her eyes go big and her ears shoot up. She’s still cold though
>>94843That mare...He grabs a few, setting them aside to make a spot for his plate.
>>94845Dark Star breaks the kiss
"let's ride the Ferris wheel, we'll have a little more privacy there."
>>94846It’s a good thing she’s not Silver’s to take care of. Now there is room for the plate and simple meal of beans
>>94847She smiles
“Let’s go then”
The Ferris wheel is decent size, and painted white
>>94848the only good colorDark Star with blue in tow heads for the Ferris Wheel
>>94849A ticket, and soon enough, they are in and on their way up. Yes, they have their own coupula car. Skies is a little surprised it seems by the restraining bar, and basically the whole situation.
“I’ve never ridden on one of these before”
>>94848He gets the feeling, as he finally turns to eating his beloved beans, that if they were indeed a couple, it might end up being Silver has to be the one to take over cleaning duties.
>>94850"Heh,me neither"
Dark Star looks slightly nervous
He puts his arm around blue
>>94851Looks like Silver dodged a bullet with that one
The beans are reasonably high in protein, but perhaps a little lower than Silver is used to eating
>>94852Her ears go up, then she smiles and looks at Dark Star
As the wheel rotates and the coopula goes up, the lights of Baltimare shine. Mostly low story buildings, although there are a few high rises. The lights of street lamps, shops, apartments, and a few headlights and factories can be seen in the distance
>>94853"Wow! it's beautiful up here."
Dark Star is Stare with his mouth open<His eyes Seem to regain their shine as he sees this.
>>94853Not like it is anything new to me.As for the beans: Eh. He'll make do with it.
>>94855Thus Silver makes do, like the Aquileian foreign legion.
Did Storm make him clean up, or did she do mare’s work?
>>94854As they go up further, more of this little area can be seen. Automobiles move down streets. Much further off, a lighthouse light rotates, and lights are seen on the ocean.
>>94856"is this what you see when you fly?"
Dark Star looks at her and his eyes shine more
>>94857Well... yeah, that’s kind of what a Ferris wheel is and does. What were you expecting?
>>94858“Only at night” she says
>>94859"That's amazing I-I kind of wish i was born a Pegasus like my brother."
>>94856It was a little bit of both, Silver thinks back. They often shared in the work, usually drawing straws or a raffle to determine who got what chores, sometimes even racing against one another to see who could get their chores done first. He laughs a little, a few cracks showing up in his emotionless robot routine, as he imagines that something of this nature would be appalling to those that grew up in "normal", traditional households. Something neither Silver nor Storm experienced.
>>94861She pets him on the shoulder
“At least now you know what you are missing”
>>94862Well... no more tradition breaking for Silver
>>94863He Glares at her for a second,then he Changes his expression to one of happiness and laughs.
"Yea, if i weren't an earth pony i would definitely want to be a Pegasus."
>>94865Dark Star laughs and then kisses Blue and says
"Earth Pony Supremacy."
>>94867She pulls back
>>94866Well, at least he has privacy
>>94869So he does. Blue Skies looks a bit like the other half of pic related
>>94870"Oh come on. you know i Believe all ponies are Equal."
>>94871She doesn’t say anything. But there’s something in her expression, some perceptible detail, that implies she means to respond “I don’t”
>>94872"That's Fine. i still love you even if you are a Wing supremacist."
Dark Star laughs and Hugs her
>>94873Again, cold to the touch, and she sits there passively as Dark Star hugs her
>>94874"oh come on don't be like that."
>>94875She cuddles the Ursa Major
>>94877By boop snoot you mean get me killed.>>94876"Fine."Dark star mumbles something about Superiority.
>>94882"if i do make it to the Campaign trail i never said that."
>>94884Dark star laughs to
"So uh Blue why did you Decide to give me a chance?"
>>94885“I’mlrd interested to know ‘why me’?”
>>94885“I’m more interested to know ‘why me’?”
>>94886"Well if im Being honest, the first thing that caught my eye was your Smile."
>>94888She leans back, and the wheel turns on its way down
“Oh really? Now why is that?”
>>94889"It's the most Beautiful I've ever Seen. And the 2nd thing i noticed? Your Nice Flanks."
>>94893"And i have to say,i'd Curb Stop 60 Ziggers to get a look."
Dark Star Grins
>>94894She smiles briefly in a grin of her own
>>94896Whats the difference?>>94895Dark Star winks at her
"You are the most Beautiful Mare i've ever seen."
>>94897She does her smile, and laughs again
>>94899"you never answered my question,Blue."
>>94901“Why did I chose you?” She places her hoof up to her muzzle, then looks up into the air
“Well... you wanted to stay after we had sex. And you
did do a good job with those Communists” she says that last word with disgust
“And you did prove yourself to be an effective leader”
Then she looks at him
“And you
did save me from that griffin back at the docks... so I kept you around”
>>94903Dark Star Touches his hoof to his chin
"Hmmmmmm. so you Aren't madly in love with me?"
>>94907She looks inquisitively for a moment. Then, after a second or two of silence, laughs
>>94909>attempting a boopOh, you’d better roll for that
>>94913"Have i Mentioned you're Cute when angry?"
Dark Star Grins
>>94913Yips and hisses. I feel like adding my own sound effect when booped as well.
>>94919"Your Scrunch is A Cute!"
>>94920“Do you want to know what it feels like to fly, Dark Star?”
>>94923“Touch my snoot again, and I’ll guce you the push you need to experience it, all the way to the ground from the top of the Ferris wheel”
>>94924"So i Can't touch your snoot huh?"
Dark Star kisses her
>>94925>>94927I gotta go to sleep. good luck Banging Cauldron,iron
>>94927Iunno if you're still here, but I'll say goodnight anyways.
So, as things are now,
Iron is taking a walk through a sketchy neighborhood with Cauldron
Star is antagonizing Skies on a Ferris wheel
Silver is learning that he don’t need no mare anymore than a fish needs a bicycle
Everypony else is pretty much MIA
>>94931First is yay, second is so-so. Last one I have no clue if it's that or simply more evidence that Silver needs a mare in his life.
>>94931Damn right. All he needs are the comforts of his beloved baked beans.
>>94931Antagonistic maybe a bit strong of a word. I perfer playful banter.
>>94943You are playing with Fire
>>94951Okay, that’s pretty funny
that's what Blue wearing a hat looks like.
>>94955I think you successfully captured her Nimbusian grace.
>>94962im probably gonna do a few more.
>>94964Keep it up! You're on a roll!
I'd say place a Black Hooves logo if you can find and do it. >>94969Keep the gravy train rolling mang.
>>94969>Skies as a Rainbow Dash recolorI mean, I guess that makes sense. I’l guess there are enough reasons for her mane to look like that
>>94971Your pony creator pic used the rainbow dash hairstyle unless it's supposed to be for somepony else.
>>94974D’aww, those are all cute
>>94975Got any Pictures you want me to turn into blue?
>>94977Alright gimme a little bit
>>94977>>94979Quite a lot of pics to be shooped.
>>94979>>94977Ufortuantly i dont know how to edit gifs
>novice meme smith >>94981Maybe just take a still image of the first frame?
>>94984Shooping takes long time, Ms Horse.
>>94984i think thats all of them right?
>>94987>>94986Weird, why do some of them still have the rainbow mane outlines?
>>94988its quiet simple really. im shit at editing.
>>94988ill go over them again a little later, editing all those at once was difficult.
>>94989Don't you have a spray tool that can paint over it in whatever software you're using?
>>94992You'd wuv her way more with correct editing.
Still, I get that working tiredlessly on simple edits is going to sap energy too fast.Speaking of, are you waiting on the three ghost ponies that are the Eee Master, the Coal and Spark?