>>95011Holy shid, the Rock Hoers is alive!
>>95013>>95012Not for long if he violates the Snootendoodle
>>95014What's a snootendoodle? Is that like a runny nose?
>>95015A runny nose on a pony would be a runny snootendoodle
I should actually be available today
>>95028>>95027Hey, Dark Boi is here too!
>>95027As far as I know, he hasn't choked on his beans. He's still just enjoying his well-earned dinner.
>>95031DISGUSTANG.>>95027If I recall correctly, Iron recently passed through the torn down church, tentment and another abadoned building.
So who wants to play today?
[1d20 = 1]>>95034I want you to do another dice roll, wisdom modifier
>>95035Well, Silver is enjoying his dinner. Alone. In a cold room. Probably should have mentioned earlier the bottle of Nimbusian wine that has appeared in the kitchen since early the sme day
>>95036Now that actually is a spooky natural 1.Where did that come from, I wonder? Silver levitates the bottle over to give it a look as he puts another spoonful of beans into his mouth.
And why is this room so damn cold? It did not feel this cold outside. >>95037Cauldron walks on forward, as her breath forms mist in the cool air
>>95038Marked as a Nimbusian wine actually, maybe 1/3 remaining. A deep purple color
There should be a thermostat on the wall
>>95039Iron follows along, a bit worried at the mist.
"How are you faring in the cold?"
I might have time to actually do something tonight
[1d20+3 = 10]>>95039I suppose they must grow red grapes in Nimbusia. Looks like Blue has imbibed quite bit of it already. He sets it back where he got it from.
To each their own, I suppose. Wine was never to my tastes.His coat floofs up in reaction to the temperature of the room. It is
really cold, even for the Severyanan stallion, it's quite shocking to him.
Spot: Silver leans back in his chair to look around the room for the thermostat, and see what it reads.
>>95040She nods
“I am okay. How about you?”
On the subject of most, some seems to be rolling in from the water, which is out of line of sight beyond buildings
>>95041Um... who are you?
>>95042Indeed, on the wall sort of between the kitchen and living area, but past the closet coming into the room. It’s a cream color. Looks like it is set to “Off”
>>95043If Silver was going to be staying for any more of an extended period of time, he'd probably turn it on. As it is, he doubts he'll be staying long enough to even recognize a change in the room's temperature. He'll suffer through it, even if he's still a little freaked out by just how cold it is for
him of all ponies.
>>95043"I am good. I think."
Iron's eyes wander off to the mist, a bit worried.
"What else is left?"
>>95046That's who I figured
Kerr is sitting upon a red couch - a chair that sort of extends from the side of the observation deck, when he starts to curl up in an expression of almost pain
>>95045"Oh, there are more buildings down this way"
Two dark figures walk through the mist
>>95044Silver now how free time to contemplate where he went so horribly wrong
>>95047Iron tilts his head and turns to Cauldron.
"It is opposite of the mist, right? I think there is an ambush awaiting to happen there."
>>95047Oh, that's easy: almost everywhere he could have gone wrong, he went wrong.
>>95049Hmmm... This seems to call for something a bit different
Where did Silver go
>>95048Cauldron stops, more than a little startled.
"That seems about right. I don't have my weapon on me"
A creature walks through the mist. It's a Griffin, or so it seems to be, a mix between a hawk or other bird of prey, and a large cat. he's a little bigger than a pony with a dark tan hide and feathers that black rusty color that characterizes dried blood. One of his eyes seems to be injured. There is a second bird with him, more of a dark brown hue, although he is a bit harder to see. Both seem to be looking at, and walking towards Cauldron and Iron slowly. Neither says anything
>>95050Well, he found love in his life, and helped to father three foals of his own. In his own mind, that in and of itself would make for a fulfilling life.
>>95051I mean, he could just be tired
>>95052So where does that leave the last 26 years?
[1d20-2 = -10]
2nd attempt
>>95054A very lonely life. Something Silver is trying his damnedest to avoid dwelling on at the moment. He's got a job to do, one he can't complete if he's spending all of his time feeling bad for himself.
[1d20 = 16]>>95050Iron cocks his head at the griffin duo, somewhat confused. He turns to Cauldron and whispers to her.
"Something tells me that they do not want to ask directions. I cannot gauge the griffon's speed and with the wings, they will probably catch up to us."
He looks around for any sort of improvised melee weapon Cauldron can use like a plank or a pipe system to yank off of.
"I know for sure we need to back off from the mist. Otherwise they may get the advantage."
>>95058Brie trots close to Kerr and whipers "Etwas stimmt nicht?
[1d20 = 14]>>95058Iron whispers to Cauldron yet again.
"There's a metal thing you could use. I will take point towards it, you watch my back."
And so, he slowly walks towards the improvised rebar as he looks over to the griffin duo. He takes this chance to study their physique to know what to expect when trying to fight the two as he goes, as well as keep track of their movements.
>>95059"Ich fühle mich nicht so gut" he responds
From behind, Brie can hear
"Oh hi! You again!"
>>95060Fairly big, one or both seem to be in position to be hiding weapons. Neither brandishes any kind of weapon. There may be a confederate behind Iron
>>95061"Shit, perhaps feeding them food wasn't such a good idea" Brie EEEs at himself.
Brie turns toward the voice
>>95058No idea what that means, but I imagine Silver continues eating his beans.
>>95062It's a smiling Unicorn who looks familiar, with a not so smiling pale green unicorn female behind him
"I just thought I'd come up to the other observation dome to take a look around around dinner. I see you are still with your son. Is he okay? Oh by the way, this is my wife Velvet"
>>95063Last thing Dark Star was doing was kissing Blue after antagonizing her
>>95064I mean, things he did right and wrong that day
>>95065More things that Silver would rather wait to deal with until he finishes with this job. It's going to take enough of his time as is without worrying about the numerous things he's done wrong.
[1d20 = 13]>>95061Iron huffs in frustration.
"Their postures indicate incoming hostility. Cauldron, we should hurry and get yourself the weapon."
With that, his paces goes slightly faster, motioning Cauldron to follow suit towards the rebar.
He takes this small movement time to check his surroundings for any other uninvited griffins that may want to do bad things to both of them.
I think Cauldron should be able to take the rebar this turn, right? >>95065"Yes, hello. Good to meet you Mrs. Velvet." Brie responds cordially. "Fug, I was supposed to remember his name wasn't I. I hadn't anticipated seeing him again." Brie EEEs to himself.
"Yes, Kerr isn't feeling well. It must have been something he ate. I'm afraid it might be best if we return to our room so he can lie down."
>>95066>>95066Now how does he plan on going about it?
>>95067Sure, if he moves fast enoughThe lead bird comes closer, then diverts his eyes and changes his movement slightly, as if to walk by
>>95068So... do you want to declare an action?
>>95069She nods, not saying anything. But the stallion....
"Oh, let me examine him! I'm a doctor now"
Velvet leans in, and says "Needle Pusher isn't licensed, just a med school graduate"
He immediately walks over to kerr, and seems to contemplate placing his hooves on Kerr. Kerr is... not so enthusiastic for this
[1d20+8 = 21]>>95070"Uhm,... I'm sure he's fine. If you wish to examine him, lets get him to our room first."
>>95071"Sure! What car are you in?"
[1d20+8 = 20]>>95070Iron, in an attempt to defuse the fight so there's no chance of Cauldron getting hurt, stares directly at the offending griffin that is trying to pretend to be walking by. His brow is furrowed and his glare indicates one to back off or get smashed to a pulp.
He does so as he picks up the pace and tries to maintain about two forelegs' length between the pony-zebra duo and the griffons.
>>95070Well, unless he
and by that I mean "I" can come up with something better, his best bet is to do it like he has been: buy three more potions with his remaining Bits, bring his cart back down into the catacombs, load it with books, and bring it back, hopefully without drawing the ire of the ghasts who would inevitably bring his demise.
>>95072Oh god dammit,.... Hold on,... (I can't show him the map, that would be bad)
>>95073He pulls back his beak in what undoubtably would be a smile of blackened teeth, if he had any
"Ah, a zeeb and a native together. Don't be
too feisty"
>>95075Wesley too, seems to have gut pains, though he seems less affected that Kerr at least thus far
>>95070Dark Star Puts his arm around her
"You're Really important to me."
Then he holds out the Camera
"say Cheese"
>>95077She is surprised by the presence of the camera, to say the least
>>95076Iron keeps his glare at the griffon as he goes to the rebar.
"Keep your distance and you do not have to worry about me getting feisty."
He glances quickly at the improvised weapon to gauge how much further they have to travel still, only to move his eyes back to the griffin that just talked.
>>95078"What? You Don't want to Take a picture?"
>>95079Now he laughs
"Why don't you come with me, native?"
They are moving forward, maybe 15 feet?
>>95081Dark Star Looks Disappointed
>>95081First 8 feet now 15 feet. What? Did you mean inches?Iron keeps his glare.
"I would rather not. I have other things to do."
He keeps on moving towards the rebar.
>>95085>>95085"Wouldn't want to get lost, would you?"
>>95087The Canterlot Mountains car, I believe>>95086She just looks ahead, not saying anything
>>95088Dark Star looks very concerned
"Blue,Whats wrong?"
>>95088"I have a map. I do not need your directions."
He keeps on walking towards the unreachable rebar.
Iron's glare is set on the big griffin while trying to see where the small griffin is at the current moment.
He whispers to Cauldron without moving his head.
"Keep an eye out for any flankers that may try to sneak attack us."
>>95089"Nothing is wrong, I just wasn't expecting to get a picture taken"
>>95090Probably the Crystal Car>>95091>>95091He doesn't have to look far. There is one right behind him, only a few feet
>>95094She's confused
>>95093"You could just take me there"
[1d20+8 = 27]>>95092He huffs in slight frustration at the encirclement maneuver as he
still goes towards the rebar.
"Tell your kin to keep its distance or his beak will be broken into pieces by my hoof."
>>95097Is this supposed to be intimidate? And if so, against who?
>>95096Dark Star also seems confused
>>95100You need to pick one of three, because Iron would necessarily need to be facing in opposite directions to address either the talkative one or the one behind him
>>95099She lowers her ears and looks away
>>95102He's trying to intimidate the talking one?
Jesus, just say directly what you are trying to do, because I can't always guess >>95096"The Clover Grove!" Brie exclaims, totally having not just spent however long pouring through logs to find it. "This way, its the second to last car."
>>95104Meant to put in spoilers. I apologize for any sort of rude talk that may have been perceived by italicspeak
>>95104His eyes go big, as it doesn't seem that he was expecting Iron to see him. He backs up, and lowers his claws, which hold a set of wire
>>95105"Very well"
Kerr tries to get up, though he is in pain, while Wesley gets up
Velvet follows unenthusiastically
>>95101Dark Star rests his elbow on the bar of the Car we are in and brings his hoof up to rest his head on then looks down at the ponies with a somber look on his face as he takes a drink from his flask
>>95107Brie goes to support Kerr, and guides them all back to the room.
>>95108It's on it's way down
>>95109Needle Pusher starts to ask
"So what did you feed them that might make them act like this?"
>>95107Iron looks at the wire-holding griffin, glaring daggers at him.
"If you want a fight, take one more step. I ensure you that your beak will litter the ground in pieces and your wings will be broken beyond repair."
So the rebar was forgotten or will Iron reach it the moment he and Cauldron have to fight? >>95110"Kerr and I ate a kiwi, while Wesley ate some cheesecake."
Dark Star looks rather Sad
He thinks to himself
"why do i fuck up everything i try?' i'm sure she's going to leave any day now.after she figures out how weak i am.Probably for Silver With how Hoovsie they've been.
>>95112They arrive towards the room, with Brie presumably opening the door. It's much the same as they left it
"Hmmmm... that doesn't
sound like it would cause food poisoning. Have there been any other symptoms?"
>>95111He backs away. But right behind Iron, he can hear a voice
"If that's the way you want it..."
>>95113Skies looks on at ponies at the fair as the wheel reaches the bottom a second time
Just pick up the damned rebar It's for Cauldron to wield since her signature weapon is a tire iron, but alright.
Also dangit Cauldron why don't you warn Iron that one got too close for comfort at the very least.
Can I simply roll to hit behind me with a negative modifier or can I simply turn around and punch the griffin?
>>95114"Nothing I can think of, come inside colts," Brie says, pushing the two into the room. "Maybe their stomachs are just upset from the train ride."
>>95114Rebar?Dark Star turns to her and hoofs over his flask
"Want some?" He asks
>>95115Did you not see her roll a 1?Moving is... Well, it's a movement action
>>95116"Mind if I check them?" He asks, coming inside of the room
>>95118Oh. Well dang.Hearing the griffin behind him, he turns around the face the closest opponent to see at what distance is the big griffon at.
Hopefully he doesn't do 7 damage or more or hit Iron to begin with. He's pretty down health wise.Could I roll reflex to dodge if it passes 10 AC? >>95119Yes, behind him, and she remains basically in the door way, a bit more "in" since being out would block the corridor
>>95120Right fucking in front of him, holding a... Mace?
I guess we could could his HP as super low >>95117She turns her head in curiousity
"Are you not happy?"
It seems plausible that some could fall in an area with dilapidated buildings. He rolled high >>95122i still Don't follow"I Don't know, it just seems like you're a bit distant."
>>95121"Please step inside, have a seat. Hopefully this won't amount to anything."
"And I mean that, it would be a shame if they caught wind of the Lings in this situation." Brie EEEs to himself.
[1d20+6 = 11]>>95121Iron hums.
"Alright. If you wish to fight. A fight is what you will get, bird."
He punches with all his might at the mace-wielding griffon on the side of his face. Power attack is used, subtracting 5 to hit chance for 5 damage.
If I can, of course. Feel free to nullify this and make me post again. [1d20+2 = 13]>>95123"Huh? Why would you say that?"
>>95124He reaches over towards Kerr, who lays on the couch. Kerr bares his fangs looking at Needle Pusher, who places a hoof on Kerr's shoulder
>>95125He moves his head over to the side and dodges, as Cauldron makes some action behind her presumably at the other griffin
"Not so easy"
He swings his mace at Iron
>>95125>>95127He hits Iron. Yes, it hurts
>>95126So does she NOT enter the cabin?
[1d20+9 = 19]>>95130Closing the door behind everyone, Brie does a slight of hand to lock the door
[1d20+6 = 13]>>95126>>95127Fuck. Next roll gimme the chance to roll reflex.
I am at 1HP.Iron recoils from the blow.
(If it were not for that tiger...)
He shakes his head, his claw wound slightly opening up. His hoof tries again to connect with the griffon's jaw. Same type of attack as last turn.
>>95126"well, you wanting to Bring silver along earlier. made me feel like you-uh really Didn't care about coming here tonight. that combines with how hoovsie you two have been lately. What Do you want out of this relationship?"
Now he definitely places a hoof on Kerr, who seems afraid
>>95133"Huh? No, I just didn't want him to feel lonely. I don't want out of this relationship"
>>95134"Are you Sure, He would Be a better choice anyway, he's stronger than me."
>>95134Brie trots over and places a hoof on Kerr's other shoulder to comfort him.
[1d20+5 = 22]>>95136She looks upwards contemplatively
>>95137"Your son is
cold" he remarks
>>95135 >>95135>>95135>>95138Cauldron hits him with the rebar, and between the two, he's knocked the fuck out. The third one is not far away, but seems afraid
[1d20+7 = 15]>>95138"Uh,... hmmm. We spent some time in the rear car, he must not have warmed up from that."
>>95138>>95139Iron snarls at the afraid griffon.
"Do you want to join your partner? Huh?!"
>>95140"I see... Let me check his pulse"
He places his hoof near Kerr's neck, causing his ears to shoot up
>>95142Roll intimidate. Iron should have blood streaking down him, so he is less intimidating than he could be
>>95138Dark Star Takes a big sip from his flask as he looks down at the ponies still looking somber.
[1d20+5 = 11]>>95145He backs up, spreads his wings, then starts to fly. Cauldron runs over with a muffled "Yip Yip" as she swings the bar in her mouth at the bird
>>95144"Aww... Do you not like me?"
>>95143Brie makes a slow soothing "Shhhhh" noise toward Kerr.
>>95147No, that was her turn for the round. Iron used his to intimidate>>95148"I'm... I'm having Difficulty finding a pulse on this one"
>>95149You're gonna make me tie them up and feed them to the Lings aren't you?
>>95146"What? Of course i like you, i love you. love should be like a two way street,ya know?"
Dark Star Remains staring Down as he says this
[1d20+9 = 25]>>95149Sleight of hand, retrieving a throwing knife
>>95153She just stares at Dark Star
>>95151Or bluff it off or tell him that the children are uncomfortable or... something
[1d20+7 = 12]>>95157"I'm sure you're mistaken, clearly he has a pulse. I really think he just needs some rest."
>>95157Dark Star looks over at her With a look of confusion
"Starry? What does that mean?"
>>95150It looks like for the moment Iron is safe... Is he?
>>95160Velvet looks over and whispers
"He just thinks he's a pediatrician. He does the same thing when he visits my parents"
"I don't... I definitely think I should be feeling something"
>>95161She laughs slightly
"That's your name now"
She pets him on the head
>>95162Iron sighs.
"When I asked for some energy spending, I did not mean this."
His hoof trails to the mace hit on his side, feeling the reopened scars from the tiger fight.
He turns to Cauldron, his eyes half-open.
"I think I need a place to lie down. Any safe place to go that is not your home? I fear they might want to follow."
[1d20+5 = 15]>>95163"Looks like muggers. I can lose them"
She looks on in the night
[1d20+7 = 21]>>95162"We should probably just let him rest"
Bluff again (not sure if there should be a negative modifier for a second attempt)
>>95165"You sure they don't need help?"
>>95166"Quickly, down this street, make a turn, then into the roadside bar. I know where to lose them if they follow"
>>95167Iron nods, then proceeds to follow Cauldron's directions.
(Good thing I do not have my armor on so we can move faster.)
>>95162Dark Star's Eyes twikle a little upon getting what she is saying.
He laughs.
"But yea, i do feel like love is a two way street,"
>>95167"I think they'll be alright. I appreciate you lending a hoof, but he seems more uncomfortable with you here than he did from a stomach ache."
Brie resists the urge to crack a joke about how a doctor who can't find their pulse is supposed to help, given the circumstances.
>>95169"What do you mean?" She asks
>>95168They go back the way they came, then make a turn to left down a commercial street. They go into the bar where she says something to a bar tender. She asks Iron to follow her into a back room, where she comes back with bandages
>>95170"But But..." he looks at Brie with big puppy dog eyes
Velvet pets his shoulder
"It's okay, you'll get your chance to save a foal with an emergency appendectomy some day"
>>95171As Iron enters the backroom, he exhales, feeling less tense for the time being. He awaits Cauldron's magic healing touch as she comes forth with the bandages.
"Pesky birds..."
>>95172She pours a dark brown liquid over his head
"Well... we got out of that"
She doesn't seem
that fazed by what happened
>>95173Iron lightly chuckles.
"We did."
His brow furrows.
"How many times have you had to deal with them? You seem almost unfazed by what happened."
>>95171"I think its better they rest. I'll keep an eye on them."
>>95171"Well, i asked you earlier about loving me and you kinda dodged the question."
Dark Star Rubs the back of his head
"And you said you only Kept me around because i stayed after we Made Love"
>>95174"Those ones? I've never seen them before. But I've been jumped before"
>>95175"Okay..." he heads towards the door of the room
"Is there any other way I can help?"
>>95176She pulls her head back, laughing
"Like a a stray cat after leaving milk out"
>>95177As the top of Iron's head is put into the dark brown liquid, he sighs a little.
"That is quite strange. Here I thought only one gang was in power and there were no others. I assume they are not afilliated with anyone?"
>>95177Dark Star looks Saddend by her laughing
"What's that supposed to mean?"
>>95177"Not unless you want to be eaten, which would make the whole trip awkward," Brie EEEs to himself.
"I don't think so. It's nice of you to offer, but I think we'll be fine." Brie gets up and walks over to the door hoping to unlock it before Needle can get to it.
There is little more confusing than playing a character in this game named Silver Sword while Anons on the main board are shitting on Silver Star.
>>95179She pets him on the head again
"You're adorable, Dark Star"
>>95178"There are random criminals at times... I don't know who those are"
>>95180"Okay... Good luck!" He walks out the door
>>95181>Silver StarBest ship
>>95182Iron nods.
"They would not have attacked us if they knew you. I trust you, do not worry."
>>95182Whew. As much as it might have helped the Lings to eat somepony, it might have ruined the whole trip in a big way, that might end with arrest and imprisonment. I'm sure there will be more isolated ponies along the way that can turn up missing without consequence.
>>95182"I'm not Adorable!"
Dark Star's voice cracks a little bit as he says this
"You're Adorable!"
>>95186"Reeeee! I am a proud warrior pony!"
>>95183She smiles in a "damned right" sort of way, then she says "alright, there's a back door here we can go out through
>>95184Wesley's eyes go wide and he lets out a suppressed gasp in fear at the other pony. This is nothing compared to Kerr's expression of terror and anger
Sie haben versucht, uns zu verkaufen!"
>>95190Iron nods yet again.
"Thank you for treating me yet again. Now, lead the way."
>>95190"Reeeee Im a proud edgy Boi!"
>>95190Oh great, this shit again.
"Ich habe nicht versucht, dich zu verkaufen. Dieses Pony war Arzt, und als Sie beide krank aussahen, bestand er darauf, Sie zu untersuchen. Ich wollte sehen, dass Sie beide sich von ihm ernähren lassen, aber wenn er und seine Frau vermisst werden, würde dies Fragen aufwerfen."
>>95191She opens a door and goes down a dark, white hallway before getting to a door that opens to an alley on the opposite side from where they entered, then, she goes down the alley, looking up on occasion and generally hugging the wall. After more turns and running, she eventually says
"I think we would have lost them"
>>95193Kerr says "okay..." as if reluctant to accept the answer, while Wesley says
müssen nicht vermisst werden"
Special emphasis on mussen
have to/need>>95192She does a sideways smirk
[1d20 = 18]>>95195Iron nods yet again.
"I think I had enough trotting for today. I say we go back to your place. I need time to heal my wounds."
He looks around just in case he's leaving a trail or a griffin is nearby.
>>95195Dark Star cocks an eyebrow up
>>95195"Scheisse. Daran habe ich nicht gedacht. Leider hatten wir keine Gelegenheit, uns mit Ihnen zu besprechen, bevor die beiden auf uns zukamen. Es ist wirklich schade, dass Sie kein Ponyisch sprechen"
>>95196No griffin seems to be on the block or in the immediate sky
>>95197"I guess I'll give you that, edgy boy"
Now, she rubs his mane, messing it up
>>95198"Ja, leider. Vielleicht kann ich es eines Tages lernen"
>>95194Of course.>>95200Iron nods yet again.
"Alright, I think we did lose them."
>>95202Cauldron herself looks less than fully convinced, and looks up at the skies
"Well... Maybe we can do more in the daylight, when something like that is
not quite so likely to happen"
>>95200Dark Star smiles
"and i suppose,you're an Adorable Warrior."
Dark Star rubs the base of her wings
>>95203Iron nods.
"I agree. We should go back to your place."
>>95204The base of the wings shows the wings themselves to be rather thick, muscular appendages. She seems just a
little peeved
>>95205She smiles
"Want to try some cassava?"
>>95206Dark Star Smiles
"Theres nothing wrong with being adorable."
Dark Star starts to stroke the base of her wings
>>95206Iron's eyes spark in curiousity and wonder. He smiles like he hasn't recently gotten hit by a mace. His cotlish demeanor is showing up again if his light excited trot in place is any indication.
"I do. I do!"
Is Silver kill?
>>95208She looks at him almost suspiciously
"What are you doing?"
>>95207"Schmerzen haben"
"Nicht so gut"
>>95209"Easy there, don't get too excited or you'll hurt yourself with those cuts on you"
They walk further home
>>95210Dark Star Grins
"Im not doing anything."
He rubs the base of the wings a little more firmly
>>95210Iron's light prancing stops from Cauldron's comment. He chuckles lightly.
"I just cannot help myself."
>>95211"St - stop"
She pulls back and tries to clamp her wings down
Her face has an expression of horror
>>95212"I'm not sure I should release you like this. You may need to stay the night at my place. You may need to stay the night at my place."
>>95215As far as I know, his beans haven't done him in.
What stuff are you referring to? >>95214Iron smiles.
"Thank you for your hospitality, Cauldron. I would not know what would I do without your help so far."
He inspects himself for any sort of things that may stick to Cauldron's coat like blood and that dark brown substance.
>>95217Mostly on his face
>>95216Wasn't he going to get himself killed in the catacombs?
>>95218Dang.Iron's smile is replaced by a little frown as he looks at his body.
"I am not making your place too dirty, am I?"
>>95214"to Lewd huh?"
Dark Star goes a little faster
>>95220"No... it will be alright"
>>95221"Stop hehe, that tickles!"
>>95219"Do you want to live forever?!"
>>95222Iron's hoof goes up and looks at it, unconvinced.
"Are you sure? I would hate to make you work more than you already have."
>>95222"ah ticklish eh?"
Dark Star's Shapes itself into a Smile that is more at place on Blue
He gets Close to her ear and whispers in a low Gravely tone
"Even better."
>>95222Silver looks up from his polished-off plate of beans to see who said that.
You monster"
>>95223"No no, it's fine. You are wounded and need help"
>>95226Um... nevermind...
>>95228Dark Star laughs
"I've been called worse."
Increase firmness of the wubs
>>95228A few seconds of silent confusion and a shrug later, Silver is
finally finished with his beans. He grabs the plate and the pan he used, and moves over to look at the mess of dirty dishes currently in the sink.
>>95228Iron hums, blinking once lazily.
"I guess that is true. Can I have some of that cassava you mentioned?"
He smiles.
>>95229"hehe, stop" she convulses at the tickles
>>95230Only a few cups that are dirty, no plates
>>95231"Only after it's cooked"
They arrive back at the apartment block
>>95233When reaching the place, he slightly wonder about Cauldron's improvised weapon.
"What was that metal bar you used as a bludgeon?"
>>95233Dark Star Increases the speed of the rubs and focuses on the most sensitive spots
"You love it."
He smiles
>>95234"A piece of rebar" she says, as she now enters her room
>>95236"'Ree-bah'? What is that?"
As he enters her room and waiting on her to close the door he asks.
"Was it better than the tire iron?"
>>95237"It's a construction material, made of steel, used to give strength to concrete. A piece must have either fallen off a cart or off of a broken concrete wall. I can't quite grip it as well, but it is heavy and slender"
>>95235"Gah!" she pulls away more so
>>95238Iron nods.
"I remember seeing one of the griffons holding some sort of shiny string. What was
He goes over to the sofa, sitting next to it just in case he messes it up with his fluids.
>>95239Dark Star moves one of his hooves to her Stomach to see if she's ticklish there to
>>95240"That was wire, I can't tell for what maybe an instrument or something."
She looks at him straight in the eyes
"I think he was trying to use it as a garrote"
>>95241She pushes is hoof away
>>95243Iron nods.
"So he was trying to strangle one of us. The coward..."
>>95233Well, it would be waste to wash only plate and pan...Silver gathers all of the dirty dishes and cookware together to wash them. He also looks around for those two glasses he saw Blue use for the tea earlier.
>>95245Actually, it looks like only the ceramic mugs used for tea on those or other instances are in the sink
>>95246She hates her teeth at Dark Star
>>95244“That’s what it seems like”
>>95247Iron shakes his head.
(Nothing like Redclaw.)
He blinks lazily, lighting stroking the floor, trying to a feel for the texture to see if it is comfortable to sleep on.
>>95249I guess she's rubbing her teeth together in a fit of contained rage?
>>95248The floor in her living room is wood, a soft tan color. But the area where Iron is is a rug, maroon and other colors. The rug isn’t that thick or fluffy, but it is softer than the wooden floor
>>95251He inspects it slightly, trying to see if it is being dirtied by blood and other fluids.
>>95251Dark Star's pupils cartoonishly turn into hearts
"D'awwwww i told you, you were adorable."
>>95247Good! I can give them washing they need. Stopping himself before he can embarrass himself, Silver remembers to look for a couple things that are very important to dish washing: most notable some dishsoap, a dishcloth, and a drying towel.
>>95253Pic related
>>95252It does not appear to be, though it wasn’t perfectly clean to begin with
>>95254Some washing fluid is available down below the sink. A dish cloth is similarly away in a drawer. A towel is availabke in the counter
>>95255Iron, poking the rug a little bit just to be sure, slowly lays down on the rug.
>>95255Excellent! And thus, Silver can commence with the dish washing. Interestingly enough, rather than just use his magic to wash them, he actually rolls up his shirt sleeves and dives his forelegs right into the warm water he's filled the sink with. It might be the Earth Pony inside of him, but he likes doing things like this with his bare hooves.
Anyways, I guess GM is ded.
>>95257Fuckin' Unicorns, "condescending" to act like Earth Ponies
>>95258Scrunchy face>>95256And Cauldron returns to the kitchen
>>95265I suppose I can respond, since I am always here and all.Iron simply lays there, staring forward.
(Strange. We did not have anything of value apart from our clothing. Are they that desperate to get anything for themselves that they resort to pitiful theivery of seemingly empty ponies? There has to be another explanation.)
>>95265It's not Silver's fault he was born to the most Earth Pony of Earth Pony fathers.
>>95271Iron's head perks up, sitting up for the new food that will come into his mouth.
"Do you need any help with setting the table up?"
>>95271Dark Star Pets the CUTE Mare.
>>95272“No, I can handle it. You get done rest, you’re hurt.”
>>95273Something along the lines of Pic
>>95274Irons fully stands up.
"It is the least I can do for your hospitality."
>>95274"The Madder you get the Cuter you become"
Dark Star grins at her
>>95275“Oh no, you’re fine. You can lay on the couch, by the way”
>>95276Point back the pic in
>>95255 >>95277Iron glances at the couch and reluctantly goes to it.
He pokes at it to see if it stains it in any way.
>>95277Dark Star laughs
"Hey,blue. Do you Ever wonder why we are here?"
>>95278He hasn’t stained it. Yet.
>>95279“What do you mean?”
>>95280He tentatively gets on the couch now and sits on it. He makes sure his head is not dripping any stains on the sofa.
>>95280"I don't understand,why any of this is here."
Dark Star Motions around at the park then to the city then to the fields
"I often wonder what is the purpose of everything. including the very nature of Existence itself. Are we here just to suffer? Some days it seems like it would be better if nothing existed at all."
>>95281Fortunately, the bleeding was stopped in the back room of the bar.
>>95282“Huh? No. Nature has ordained a special excellence for each living thing. Each thing has a purpose. Just like how a good plow can till soil, or a good hammer can nail, so too does each creature have a purpose to it for the sort of thing it is. A society is a whole and a living organism all its own, and the creatures that live in it are like organs in an organism. Thus the creatures in it act as its brain, it’s heart, or its stomach or its claws. There is a hierarchy to nature, but each creature plays its own part, whether it be leader or subordinate to another part. This is most obvious in the case of ponies, where each pony has a cutie mark assigning her her role in life, and where the different races for classes. Pegasi are the wise ruling warriors, full of courage. Unicorns are crafty merchants, if prone to greed. Earth ponies are the industrious farmers and miners, if prone to intemperance and laziness. But all serve a purpose in the larger whole, with every creature striving towards its own purpose, and having s purpose within larger nature.”
>>95284Sighing in relief, he finally lets himself relax as he sprawls over the sofa, now confident that he won't stain anything for now.
>>95285“I must say Dark Star, I never took you for an atheist. That is the problem with the self-aledged Reformers. They reject any kind of purpose inherent in nature, and they reject the concept of pony-nature. They instead assert that each pony individually decides its own purpose, or that a collective decides its purpose from a ‘General will’ that appears out of nowhere. But purpose, by definition, must come from something beyond your own will, and must be grounded to it. Any alleged purpose that comes only from your own desires, and is not grounded to something beyond it like Nature, Society, or Pony Nature, is like a balloon not tied down. It is soon lost in the wind. So that is what they do. They throw away tradition and respect for Nature, but find that once those are gone they have no purpose, thus they destroy everything around them in a self-induced existential angst. That is what happened in Aquelia, in Stalliongrad, and to a lesser extent in my own Riverlands.”
>>95285Roll die
>>95286>>95284"I'm only an atheist, Because celestia Failed me. and for all that other stuff, life just seems so Futile, like evil always wins and Conquers Goodness."
>>95287He passes. For now...
>>95288She turns her head slightly and narrows her eyes at him
“The Great Mother May be a mother of sorts, but she is not one to let all just suckle her teats. Grow up. Provide for yourself, and fight. Don’t expect others to make everything happen for you.”
>>95290>pass with a sixSpooky.Iron remains lying on the sofa, his eyes threatening to close and nod off to sleep.
(Keep yourself together. I want to try that cassava before going to bed.)
>>95290Dark Star looks as if slapped him in the face
"Oh i know, I've learnt that lesson on the Hard way on the Streets as i had to fight off ziggers and Yaks,Even the occasional Griffin thug. I had to Grow up fast. I killed my First Creature when i was 16."
>>95291Oh he can smell something
>>95292“Then why are you still moping?”
>>95293Iron starts sniffing at the smell, curious of it.
>>95293"Because some times i need to talk about it or it drives me crazy."
>>95294A bit of spice in the air, and boiling... something
>>95295She pats him
“Now stop with that ‘no purpose to existence’ blasphemy. Only a Communist or a Liberal is so nihilistic”
>>95296Iron sniff some more, faintly propping his head up. One of his forehooves is slowly reaching to edge of the sofa to reach the floor as he keeps on sniffing.
>>95296Dark Star smiles at the Pats and his leg starts kicking like a dog being scratched
"Thanks for listening to me. i really appreciate it my Baby Blue."
At this time, the coupula returns to the bottom again, and the ride ends
>>95297Hard to identify, but she’s definitely cooking
>>95299Iron feels even more compelled to go investigate.
He slowly gets off the sofa, following the scent back to its source.
>>95302“Sure” she takes his hoof, then exits to coupula
>>95300She’s boiling something in a pot
>>95303His mind a bit fuzzy from all the beatings, he approaches even closer at the pot, smelling even harder. He has a tired but focused gaze. His eyes blinking slowly at the pot he's seeing.
>>95304Something like shredded potato and onions
>>95301Silver missed out on another philosophical argument
>>95303is that all the rides or abstractions?
>>95307No, as has been said before
>>95306He goes even closer yet, as his muzzle tries to be right on top of the pot to get every single detail he can, clearly allured and intrigued.
>>95309It isn’t too intense of a smell, as it’s vasicakky tubors and vegetables. But from is there, he can smell something starchy, onion, and an oily smell
>>95306I saw that. Doubt Silver would have too much to say on the matter, anyways.
>>95311Something like:
Roller Coaster
Maybe something like a teacup or swing ride, but it may also need to be cut short for time purposes
>>95310Iron takes a big whiff. He talks while on top of the pot to Cauldron.
"This is smelling nice~"
>>95313"Teacups? i've never seen those before."
>>95312Is Silver not a fan of meta ethics?
>>95315Probably go with no on that one. Or maybe...
>>95314She looks so n at the food being prepared, but he can see she smiles at that
>>95316Iron sluggishly walks over to Cauldron. A dopey smile adorns his face as his eyes are half-lidded in presumed tiredness.
"Did you like the trot before the birds ruined the fun? It was rather relaxing."
>>95316"They weren't here when i was a colt."
>>95316Nah, he just doesn't normally think about that sort of thing. I imagine Blue Skies or Dark Star could probably get some sort of answer out of him if they ever wanted to ask, though.
Does any pony want to play tonight?
>>95325Seems like it.
Strange. I thought people get busy on weekdays, not nearing the weekend.
Is there some sort of holiday over there? Something that can catch attention?
>>95323A little late to the party, but yeah.
>>95328Hey. Sorry I was gone all day. It sucks, too, because today has been my lucky day so far. I coulda gotten a good dice roll, I bet.
>>95330>>95329GM is alive still so no worries. You could definitely try to roll good today.
We know it’s a lucky day for you, because you had better things to do than hover around an imageboard\r
>>95335Don't feel bad. He probably had some fun outside.
Not as much as vidya, but still fun. >>95334Silver imagines reuniting with Storm Warning and his three children. Then he wakes up
>>95337I don't have a sad enough image for this.
>>95339You don't really need to, we can all envision it. Maybe it is happier to think that they may some day all reunite in Tartarus?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHcunREYzNY >>95340Silver's already prepared for that to be his fate, but he really would hope his family gets better than that. Hell, if he could, I imagine he would take on the full weight of whatever punishment they would be handed down in the afterlife, himself, if it meant they could be in a better place.
>>95343Well shucks. Maybe he didn't have to deal with them maybe.Another one appears. Think GM retreated back to sleep if my time is anything to go by.
>>95345Don't beat yourself up over it. There's always tomorrow.
>>95347>>95346If i would have woke up sooner maybe we could have played...
>>95351There's a reason for thatYou can't boop the princess of loveI'm thinking the date needs to be wrapped up shortly, so now we have just one piece of the park remaining to be conquered: The roller coaster, closed briefly earlier during light rain, is reopened
>>95352>I'm thinking the date needs to be wrapped up shortlyAlright
>The roller coaster, closed briefly earlier during light rain, is reopenedNice
>SpoilerWrong. I have the powerDark star sees that the rollercoaster is open and looks excited
Almost as excited the first time he a blue fugged"Awesome! so we will get to ride it after all! it's so great!"
and i just realized i never described Dark Star's accent, it's a southern accent like AJ's >>95357>>95357"Hmmm, I've never ridden one of these before"
The rollercoaster before them is a large, wooden coaster named "The Cyclone," fairly plain and without much theming, it has a high drop before a curve and sprawls out in its own little area on the side of the park. Yes, there is a waiting line
>>95358Dark star's eyes are sparkling like a crystal pony's coat
"Oh Its So Great! You'll love it!"
Upon seeing the line Dark Star's eyes lose a bit of the sparkle
"Lets get in line."
>>95362They wait in line. Then wait a little longer, then they are ordered into a car - painted red with a yellow stripe, kind of a blocky shape. Does Dark Star want to sit near the front?
[1d20 = 12]>>95364They seat themselves in the car, and when the safety bars come down, Blue seems almost anxious about what comes next. The car starts to go up the long, wooden incline, and the "clack clack" sound of the chian pulling them up can be heard constantly as it pulls them up, slowly, 85 or more feet to the top of the incline. From here they have a nice view of the area around them, and even in the darkness they can appreciate just how high up they are, and how far they have to fall before them. The decline is sharp. Then, the car disconnects from the chain, pushed forwards, and starts its way down
Roll for will
>>95367The car is released, and begins its free fall down, accelerating quickly to 60 miles an hour, reaching a nadir at the bottom of the track before turning a corner, pressing them into their seats. Them it goes up another incline, some 40 or more feet up, with a slight sensation of being lifted out of their seats at the top, before diving yet again into more turns. Skies mostly keeps her composure, mostly. Dark Star is scared by the intensity of the ride, as it twists and winds its way through more corners, and more drops, with the great wooden scaffolds of the parts of the ride already traversed visible to the sides. After about 2 minutes, the cars arrive back at the platform, and the two are released.
>>95371Dark Star gets off the ride his knees shaking and his eyes wide
'T-That was sure something..."
He then Coughs and trys to regain composure
>>95373"It has been some time since i rode one of those."
Dark Star looks down at the floor hating himself for being a pussy, i mean what would white star say?
"I uh don't normally scream that much."
>>95375Dark Star Laughs to
Dark Star thinks to himself
"why am i such a weakling?" >>95376She ruffles his hair
“Don’t worry Starry. Maybe you’ll make
me scream soon enough”
>>95377"Oh Trust me i intend to"
Dark Star Grins
Dark Star Continues to think
"It Should Have been me instead of White Star." >>95378Skies lids her eyes, then moves in and nuzzles the tip of Dark Star's nose
>>95386Dark star Nuzzles her back
"We should get going, did you want to get a drink?"
>>95389Dark Star Hails a taxi and they make their way there
>>95390A taxi is quickly hailed
"Should I go put this away" she says, holding up the Ursa doll
>>95392>>95391"Yea go put it in your room so you dont lose it"
Dark Star grins and gives her a kiss
"i'll meet you at the bar."
>>95393"The Eastside Tavern, I take it?"
>>95394"Yea, thats my favorite one, invested in it."
He smiles
>>95395She laughs slightly
"I'll meet you there"
She leans in, and kisses him
>>95396Dark Star kisses her back then gets in the taxi and goes to the bar
>>95397Skies, I guess, is left to fly to the Grand Baltimare, while Dark Star rides to the Eastside Tavern
>>95403Ypu do have to respond to GM, Star, if you want to keep RPing
>>95402I’m trying to advance Silver and Star to the next part of the night. Iron is probably going to remain with Cauldron for the time being and can’t really see any more action, given >1 HP. I have something very big planned for Brie, Spark, and Onyx, but at the very least I need signs the latter two are alive and still playing, and whether they want their characters to get off at the next stop
>>95405If that's the case, maybe after a week of bat/coal/Spark absence I can RP Iron into sleep.
Maybe get touchy with Cauldron. He is lightheaded from blood loss to go all touchy feely >>95383I'm here. Today's been a weird day.
>>95407You're having the mean mare with the softest side ever for select people coming towards your location to place a plushie she got at the fair.
Either fall into lust again or do whatever.
>>95410Eh...okay? I'm currently more concerned with how I've apparently made the GM ded.
>>95411Pfft. No you didn't. You're taking credit for something you didn't do.
>>95413>>95411Told you mang. Of anybody here that can kill GM's fun, it's me.
>>95397He arrives at the bar soon enough
>>95414Some time passes, but it seems that Silver is still in the room. He can hear the door open, and then skies comes in, seemingly alone, and carrying a large blue bear doll with white stars speckled across it. She has not noticed Silver
>>95309"Patience. It will be ready soon enough"
>>95416Dark Star Walks Through the door and heads over to shimmering glass
>>95418"What can I get for you?"
>>95416Finally at laptop. Fully available now.Iron pouts dramatically as he approaches Cauldron.
"Aw. But it smells so ready."
>>95416"..." Well, no time like the present, or so Silver thinks to himself. Might as well get whatever awkwardness comes out of the way. To that end, he announces his presence with a firm cough.
>>95421Skies looks over, pulls out a .38 revolver, looks at Silver, lets it ease down, then says with an expression of indignant astonishment
"I didn't give you permission to come inside, Silver"
>>95420She places a hoof before Iron's nose, and continues looking at the food
"Nah-ah! Wait until it's ready"
>>95422Well, getting a gun pulled on himself is kinda deserved, Silver thinks. He'd probably do the same if he was in her shoes. The double entendre, intentional or not, is not lost on Silver, either. "I apologize for any rudeness on my part. I have just finished cleaning up after myself after having made use of your kitchen."
He looks at the ursa doll she's bringing in. "So...did you two have fun on your date?"
>>95422Iron, in a little haze from the day's damage, accidentally allows himself to be booped in the snout by walking over to the offending hoof.
It causes a ripple effect that shook his spine lightly and he lets out a little squeak of surprise.
The scrunchiness of his face clearly showed the
damage and destruction Cauldron has done to poor Iron at his weakest.
Also, that Skies line was pretty funny. Nice pun. >>95419""one of those drinks from Germaneigh, a yagger bomb."
>>95423She places the gun away, but the look of "I wasn't expecting you here" doesn't go away
>>95424CRITICAL HITCauldron seems unaffected, and now slides a chopboard of chopped onions into the pot with a knife.
>>95425There is no 'Germaneigh' in this world. The Changelinglands are German themed, while the Griffonian Empire is Austrian themed and the Griffon knights of Hellquill and Longsword are Prussian/Teutonic themed"Sure, coming up"
>>95426> no germaneigh
:'("Thanks,pal. Hows business?"
>>95427"Been doing okay. Things have been picking up in the last couple months. Either things are returning to normalcy and ponies are going out more, or ponies are even more depressed and want to drink more. Either way, ponies are spending more time in bars."
>>95426Iron, snout still on her hoof, scrunches harder. He tries to speak, but the boop has severely restrained Iron's speaking abilities. It comes out as a series of undignified mumbles.
>>95429Cauldron's tongue comes out of her mouth and presses against her upper lip as she stirs the onion into the mix in the pot
>>95428"It's probably a combination of all 3."
Dark Star Drinks out of his flask while waiting for his drink
>>95430Iron mumbles some more, somewhat flustered. His forelegs weakly flailed around her foreleg, not really trying to push her off but still showing mock resistance towards the cataclysmic event that is the Boopening that his snout has suffered and subsequent conquering of the food it guarded.
His scrunchiness will be a big price to pay to see the food done.
>>95431He pours the drink, then slides it over to Dark Star
"Here you go"
>>95432At the touch of his forelegs she moves over, forward and to the side to get out of his way. She pulls back even further and says
"Now we wait for it to cook"
>>95433Iron's balance was too forward from the
clearly ruthless attack he had done to the tyrant Cauldron.
He falls facefirst to the floor, not really damaging anything else other than maybe his pride, as more mumbling came from the now obstructed mouth as he now was silenced by the floor.
>>95433"Thanks, you know what i really hate? ziggers. the cunt of a mayor kicked me out of my family home and gave it a bunch of those stripped abominations."
Dark Star Downs the yagger bomb
>>95436"A tough life it's been for a lot of ponies"
>>95434She looks down at Iron
"Are you okay? You've been fairly injured"
>>95426"Yes, yes...that is, uh...that is good. Very good." Whaddya know, it
is awkward. Still, for as lonely a pony as Silver is, he's not going to complain about. "So, was that end of night for you two, or...did you have something else in mind you two were...uh, going to do together?"
>>95427There is a mod someone made for Equestria at War that replaced the Griffon nation of "The County of Franmistria" with the Pony nation "Pheonixburg", which for all intents and purposes is the same thing as Germaneigh. Even adds Aryanne into the game, apparently. Too bad it's only available in Russian localization.>>95435F"Cyka blyat." - Silver, 945-1014 ALB. >>95439She starts to lose her expression of shock
"No, we were going to go to the East Side Tavern. I am supposed to meet him there"
She moves forward into the room, turns around to face Silver, and then places the bear on the bed
>>95438Iron simply looks up at Cauldron. He has a dopey smile, similar to what a drunkard would have. His voice sounds somewhat like it, although lacking any sort of foul alcohol breath.
"Of course I am fine. I am invincibe!"
He pulls up a foreleg up to accentuate his assertion. Only to plop it back down lazily.
>>95438"You know i think we should remove those socialists and their minority pets."
>>95439hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm maybe i should dl the russian localization files [1d20-1 = -5]>>95440And thus, Silver sees he's going to be a very lonely pony once again. Despite this, he tries to hide the fact that this realization is a little painful for him to take. After all, it's not like he can do anything about it.
Bluff: "Ah, good! I hope you two, er...continue to have fun!"
[1d20+7 = 22]>>95443ROLLING OPPOSED!
>>95442"Having a tough day?" He asks
>>95441She giggles, then pets him
"You must have lost a lot of blood. Go lay back down on the couch. I'll bring you food"
>>95445As it turns out, Silver is not much of a liar. At all.
>>95445"yea, i got embarrassed at the Fair."
>>95447He tries to maintain the facade for just a couple seconds longer before he realizes that, yes indeed, it's been blown all to hell. His brave face slowly falters after this, at first, before plummeting. "I, uh...I will be honest...I was...you know...kind of missing you two. It is...kind of lonely..." His face betrays a deeper hurt he's trying to keep bottled up, lest it consume him.
>>95449"I uh got scared on the roller coaster there."
Dark Star looks very embarrassed
"i was with my mare friend at the time. i feel like a loser. if im being honest."
>>95445Iron's eyes close in platonic pleasure when Cauldron pets the native poner in front of her. His dopey smile increase in radiance as well.
"Alright, you have been granted forgiveness for assaulting my poor snout for tonight."
He slowly stands up to his full height again. His smile turns mischevious as he points at Cauldron and he poses dramatically.
"However, tomorrow you will not be as lucky. You shall fear the wrath of my boops, Cauldron!"
Finishing his sentences, his stance becomes lazy again and walks slowly to the couch.
>>95450"Aww. Why don't you come to the tavern with us?"
>>95451"Oh, it'll be alright. Plenty of ponies can be afraid. Just show her that you will be strong from here on"
>>95453His ears perk up slightly, though he isn't giving up his hopes just yet. "...Are you certain? I do not wish to be burden..."
>>95454"Why not? I think Dark Star likes you"
>>95453"thats the problem though. i'm not strong, i've never been the strong one that was always my brother. i've been trying but im not very good at it. i'm affraid she's gonna find out she's not the stallion she thinks i am."
Dark Star looks melancholic
>>95456"Well, you got her to go out with you in the first place, didn't you?"
>>95455His smile returns, even if it's a small one. "I...think I would appreciate that very much."
>>95459Silver joins at her side, feeling much better without the looming threat of being alone hanging over his head. "Thank you, Blue."
>>95457"well, yeah. but thats only because i shot some communists,And an other thing"
>>95452"You should definitely lie down"
>>95461"Also... I didn't want to push you away earlier. You're good with magic. And though you may not think yourself a skilled debater, you are talented with your tongue"
>>95462"Well, it sounds like she's already found something in you that makes you worthy in her eyes. Don't worry about it. Be confident, and she will pick up on that"
>>95464Iron plops down into the couch facefirst, rubbing his face in the softness of it. He mumbles something along the lines of his e-bil plan of attack against Cauldron's snootle tomorrow still.
After a little time doing this, he fumbles a bit, trying to remove the probably stained clothing Cauldron has given him.
(It should be washed later.)
>>95464Okay, now at this point Silver has become completely unsure about whether all of these double entendres are intentional or not. He does take the compliments with a slightly stunned smile. "I...thank you!"
>>95466A few minutes pass, then Caldron comes over with a plate, and says "It's ready!"
>>95467"Alright, now let's go"
>>95465"Anything else I can do for you?"
>>95468Iron's tail wags excitedly for the idea of new, exotic zebra food.
He sits up a little too quickly for a pony with mayor bloodloss. His clothing given by Cauldron is left next to him, fully taken off.
"Ready!" He chirps out.
>>95468"Yes, I will follow." Silver gets ready to do exactly that.
>>95468"get me another yagger bomb."
>>95470"Shit... would you mind paying for a taxi?"
>>95469It's a plate of a yellowy cooked vegetable with cooked onion in it, as well as some spice, and yam to the side
>>95472Well, I suppose I will only be able to take two more trips to catacombs... Silver keeps his thoughts to himself as he nods to Blue. "Of course!"
>>95472Iron stares in wonder at the plate in front of him. Some drool escapes his lips.
>>95475Silver opens the door for Blue, first, beckoning her inside the vehicle. "After you."
>>95476"yesh, im a little sad, i learned my brother was KIA today."
now Silver gets into the taxi, and closes the door behind him. "To Eastside Tavern, please."
>>95479>>95472>>95474Cleaning his drool slightly, he lowers down and bites on the main cooked vegetable.
>>95480He pats a hoof on his pastern
"I'm sorry for your loss"
>>95482Almost potato like, spiced up by the onion and nutmeg
Skies smiles at Silver, then pets him slightly
>>95483Iron nods and moans in satisfaction. He goes for it fully now, chomping down at all ingredients on the table and cleaning the plate up in a savage eating.
>>95483"He Died saving his comrades. i can only hope i go that way."
Dark Star smiles
>>95483Silver gets that look of contentment he always seems to get from being petted. Maybe it's just a unicorn thing?
>>95486She looks forward, and places out her left hoof in the middle seat between herself and Silver
>>95485"Always good to die a noble death, if you must die"
>>95484She has a sort of smile on her face at this, not sure if she should be entertained, flattered, or disgusted
>>95488"you're a good pony mr.glass."
>>954882/3 are good feelings so mission success.Finishing up the meal, he contently sighs. She could see tiny droplets of the food's remains near his mouth. His tongue darting around catched them quickly enough.
"My goodness. You never cease to amaze me, Cauldron. Who could have known the outside world have so much to offer?"
>>95488There's a slight part of Silver that wants to do the unthinkable and
hold Blue's hoof but he ultimately decides not to. He does, however, put his hoof down in the same seat sitting right next to hers. "You know, I do not think I will ever get fully used to riding in motor vehicles."
>>95487To Silver's credit, he's not suffering from multiple head trauma wounds. >>95491She gives half frown, and then says
"It's kind of new to me, but I am used to it now"
>>95490She laughs again
"Glad you like it"
>>95489"Just trying to help"
>>95492He laughs with her.
"I hope you are having fun as well."
>>95492If the frown is having any effect on Silver, Blue can't really tell. "It is just interesting to see how different this world now looks compared to 70 years ago."
>>95494"I know. Where I am from was stuck 70 years in the past at least... at least. It's a big difference"
>>95493She moves into her room for the moment
>>95495Iron cocks his head for a bit at her moving to her bedroom
(Where is she going?)
>>95492"this is my favorite bar in all of baltimare."
>>95495He smiles a little. "What was it like, experiencing such drastic change in technology in such short amount of time?"
>>95497"Glad to hear that. I hope you stick around."
>>95496She's out another 30 seconds at least
>>95498"It was a shock... but I was going through a lot of shocks at that time, so I adapted"
>>95499"i plan to, i hope i'll be able to be elected mayor. I'd put our Interest first. "
>>95499He stands up, quite intrigued at her current actions.
He walks up, now powered by exquisite zebra cooking, to her bedroom and peeks inside.
>>95501"Well, yes..."
>>95500"Whatever you need, you can patronize this bar"
>>95502She looks up with a 'what are you doing?' kind of expression
"Go lay back down"
She is picking up blankets from a basket in the side of the room
>>95503"Thank you mr.glass. i appreciate it greatly."
Dark Star exxtends his leg to shake hooves
"Do you know any artists?"
>>95503"I do not suppose you would be willing to share what those shocks were?"
>>95505"Losing a home... Losing two homes. Losing a family. Like an earthquake, a metaphorical one"
>>95504"What do you mean?"
He takes his hoof
>>95506"i was thinking about getting some pamphlets made or posters maybe."
>>95503Iron's torch in his head lights on.
"Oh! Silly me. I was thinking something super secret was going on."
He goes back, a little embarrased for overthinking small things like that. His tail was tuck inbetween his legs and his eyes darted to the ceiling in order to appear inconspicuous.
Settling back on the couch, he awaits the incoming blankets that will be sent his way to the sofa backfirst against the soft cushions.
>>95507"Oh, you mean like a physical artist"
>>95508She looks at him
very strangely.
Eventually, she comes out with a set of blankets and pillows
"This should be good for you tonight, you can lay on these, and cover up with these"
>>95506Something Silver can understand, or at least understand enough of. After a couple seconds of silence Silver wraps a foreleg around Blue and pulls her into a close embrace. "You know, if you ever need somepony to talk about this with, or to work things out together with, I am always here for you."
>>95509"yea, do you know anypony like that?"
>>95509He smiles sheepishly when at the couch from how does a bed is made exactly and his previous investigation.
"I appreciate it but I have little clue on how to use these things. They seem so much more complex than what I am used to."
>>95511He looks up, and taps his hoof to his chin
"Hmmm... well..."
"And if you need somepony to talk to yourself..."
>>95513His other foreleg joins to make it a full hug. "You will always be first that comes to mind. Thank you, Blue."
>>95512"This goes under your head" the pillow
"And this goes over your body" the blanket
>>95514*poner is hugged*
She smiles warmly at this, and closes her eyes
"We're here. That'll be 4 bits" says the driver
>>95515Iron nods, following Cauldron's instructions from his prone position.
He rears up his head and places the pillow under it with a combination of his mouth and forelegs.
Then he leans to the blanket, grabs it with his mouth and tries to cover every single part of his body. However he is unsuccessful in covering his lower half of his body and is visibly struggling.
>>95516He tops off the hug with a squeeze before letting go to pay the cab driver. Using his magic, the door on Blue's side of the taxi pops open for her. "Thank you for driving us here!"
>>95518"You're welcome"
Skies exits
>>95517"Here's another one" she hooves him another blanket
>>95520Silver follows suit. "I wonder if Star has started another impromptu political rally in time it took us to get here."
>>95520Pushing his upperbody to reach for the second blanket, he grabs the second blanket and places it in its lower half.
"Thank you."
He gets a feel of the room's temperature to see how the blankets are doing temperature wise.
"I have one little question..."
He looks to the side a bit uncomfortable.
"Have you had fun tonight?"
>>95521She shrugs
"We haven't been out
that long. Give him at least an hour to start a pogrom"
The driver still wants to be paid, while Skies starts forth
>>95522I hope Iron likes it warm
"You mean almost getting garroted by griffins?"
>>95524"I've had worse nights" she says
>>95513All of a sudden dark stars head hits the counter as he passes out.
>>95523I thought Silver already paid the pony, but yeah, he gives him the 4 Bits he's due.
"You never know with Star. He is as ambitious and charismatic as they come."
>>95525"Oh. I am sorry."
Iron feels slightly guilty from souring the mood again.
"You did have fun before then, right?"
>>95527She nods, then heads in
A minute later, inside, Skies is poking on a passed out Dark Star
>>95526*poke poke*
"Dark Star? Hello?"
>>95528She smiles briefly
"I enjoy cooking for those who appreciate it"
>>95529>>95526Silver, following Skies, looks at the scene with minor amusement. "Looks like all of this drinking he has done today has finally caught up to him."
He looks over to Glass. "How much did he drink since he arrived, exactly?"
>>95529Iron has a ghost of a smile on his face.
"Who would not ever appreciate your cooking? Your expertise would astound even the most stoic of ponies."
>>95531"I don't... know. I didn't think any pony could get drunk that quick"
>>95530*poke poke*
>>95532"Well, we try to get as many customers as possible, but there are only so many who appreciate Zebrican cuisine"
>>95533Dark Star mumbles something racist
"Wake the fuck up, booze boy"
>>95533"But your food is amazing. How could some ponies not appreciate Zebrican food?"
>>95533"Well, he is very light for Earth Pony. I do not imagine it takes much drink to get him like this."
>>95534>>95535Silver winces in sympathy pain at the meaty smack.
>>95538Skies requests a glass of water from the waiter
>>95539That won't do anything. This is his way of breaking up with her without breaking up with her >>95538>>95540"...If it was not for fact that he is snoring, you would almost think he is dead."
>>95541Skies just looks on in disbelief
>>95536"Well, it's different, and not what they are used to"
>>95543"Hmm...have you tried smacking him on ass, yet? I do not know many ponies would would be able to sleep through that."
>>95543Iron nods.
"I see. They are afraid of the different. I understand their concerns."
His vision looks up, his
"Change cannot be controlled as far as I know. Therefore some ponies avoid it, scared of what might happen."
>>95548She nods
"That might be. Not every pony likes zebras or foreign culture"
>>95549>>95544He looks comfused
"Oh hello. Im wet. Why am i wet?"
>>95550"Normally I say that... It's because I poured water on you, wake up"
>>95550"You passed out drunk, and Blue tried to wake you."
>>95551Dark Star laughs
"Yea you do."
>>95552"Heh, one second i was talking about getting some posters made, the next second im waking coverd in water."
>>95549He gaze is fixed to the ceiling.
"So far, things have not been so bad. I have seen most of the advantages civilization has to offer. The tools I learned not to rely on I use now after some catastrohpic failures. To be fair, the commodities are quite nice."
A small frown appears on his face.
"I hope that I do not become complacent to them and weaken myself from overrelying on them."
>>95553"Some posters? Like what?" Silver sits down in a free seat at the bar, next to Star.
>>95553"Are you alright?" she asks
>>95554"If you did, you'd be far from the only one"
>>95555Somehow... Skies is displeased
>>95555"For my campaign, its never to early to start thinking of some good propaganda."
>>95556"My flank hurts a little."
>>95557Silver smiles at him. "I was just mentioning to Skies outside about how ambitious you were."
>>95556Silver, naturally, doesn't understand why. "...Is there something wrong?"
>>95556Iron sighs.
"I know. I still remember those lazy ponies back at the bar that we beat up. The fact that I could become one of them is disturbing. To be just a whiner. A pony that cannot actually do anything but ask for everything to be brought upon my lap."
>>95559Dark Star nuzzles her
"You didn't kick me did you?"
>>95560"Yea i get it from my Dad. He was a Great pony. Wish i could have got to have a Relationship with him."
>>95560She doesn't say anything, just continues standing there behind Dark Star
>>95561"Just as well, considering what happens when they
do try to do something"
>>95563Silver leans back and looks around to see if there are any other free seats at the bar. The thought occurs to him that he accidentally took the last seat without even realizing it.
>>95562Dark Star doesn't know why, but something about that statement really seems to hit Silver right in the feels.
>>95564No, there are other seats in the Bar
>>95563He shivers at the thought.
"To simply destroy everything around you because it does not tail to your interests. Those communists are disgusting."
>>95565Now Silver looks to the other side of Dark Star to see if there's anyone in that seat.
>>95567There is no pony
>>95566"Well, I can't say they are wrong about a lot of their complaints. There aren't that many opportunities for the poorer ponies, and to see the rich so rich while the poor are so poor, can be kind of disgusting"
>>95563Dark Star Grins at her
"That was Naughty,you know."
>>95564"You ok?"
>>95569She does that smile of hers
>>95570He hugs her and whispers to her
"You're gonna get it later."
>>95568Iron hums.
"I feel like the main movement leaders are simply manipulating the poor's desires to suit their own interests. They will probably stay the same after their holy revolution. Some may go up the hill, but most do not."
He looks at Cauldron.
"The pony usually has to power to improve their life by their own. After that, communities are created to improve their lives even further by checking off all skills necessary for self-sustenance. That is how my tribe was created. Although we do not have your commodities, we live free."
[1d20+3 = 17]>>95568Now Silver is
really confused.
Sense Motive: Since she's remaining reticent on what's bothering her, Silver looks for anything in her face that might tell him what's wrong.
>>95569"I, uh...no, no, I am fine, it just...you reminded me little bit of somepony I know." He turns away, visibly saddened by something. He pulls out the letter from from his son Rain again, just looking at it idly rather than reading it. Star's words echo in his head.
Wish I could have got to have a relationship with him. >>95573Dark Star pats silver on the shoulder
"Come on, you can tell me about it.i wont laugh."
>>95572"All the same, there is an ailment in this city. A creature isn't really all powerful, even over their own lives. In just about everything, we really on someone else. Someone else to grow the cassava, some one else to build the housing... someone else to own it and rent it back to us. Someone else to protect us. There's a division of labor here in this industrial system you just don't have back in primitive tribes. It's good, because it means we have better clothing, better houses, better choices of spice and so forth. But it is also bad because it means that we have to rely on those who own factories for jobs, on the government for policing, on landlords for our housing. We get more, but we have less power over our own lives. And there is no doubt that many of those who do have power aren't using it in a way that is good for us. If anything, they take from us, and leave us with less. And they leave us with few ways inside the law to get ahead. That's what those communists want, however they chose to go about it. To live free."
>>95573She seems to have wanted to sit between Silver and Star
>>95575Iron hums in thought.
"I think I get it. They want to hijack the top spot to gain the riches from them because they are not properly tended to. I do not know how your system works, but it will probably reset the cycle, only the leaders that have gained the following of the disenfranchised moving up while everyone else suffers the same treatment again from another set of ponies."
>>95574>>95575Silver takes in a deep breath, and lets it out as a sigh. Before he starts speaking, he moves to the next seat over, to allow Blue to have what she wants. "...My son, Silver Rain. After Storm died, he...became distant. Almost hostile at times, even. I could not blame him. Witnessing that would be hard on anypony, let alone for 14 year old colt. When he turned 18, he left home, and that was last I heard from him for 20 years or so. Then War happens, and when I finally come back after we had capitulated, I find this in mailbox." He motions to the letter in his hooves. He's visibly trying to hold back tears from being shed in this public place. "It is from Rain. There are many things in it, but mostly, it is about him...apologizing, for those days back then, after Storm was gone. And him...wanting to get to know to know his father again, before War started and I would send myself off to help my country's efforts. He even invited me to Las Pegasus.
"But I never got chance. It seems fates were cruel. He sent it one day before Changelings declared war on Equestria. And by time I received it, Chrysalis had already taken Las Pegasus. It simply became too dangerous, for both of us, for me to make trip down there. I...I hope to Celestia he is alright. That all my foals are alright. That I can tell them that I love them, that I have missed them, and think about them always. So that I can get chance to say things that I have yet to say, while I have chance to say them."
>>95577"Maybe. That is what the social democrats have done. They say they want to make things better for the lesser creatures, but really they just become like the old nobility and the industrialists. The communists claim they have a way out of the cycle, to bring opportunity to everycreature. I don't see or hear much of them though, so I can't say."
>>95578She sits down, a little away from the bar so that Silver and Dark Star have line of sight to each other and can come close to each other
>>95579"Me neither, to be honest. This is mostly speculation, biased for ever putting natives in danger. I could have been targeted for being who I am because of some pony pretending to be one of us decided to kill somepony important. Thankfully, their plan was stopped for now."
>>95578"I Dont know what to say."
Dark Star pats him on the back
"Its alright, im sure they made it out."
>>95580"Did you really hear them say that?" She asks, a bit concerned
>>95578"I mean, it took them like 8 months to take Los Pegasus from the declaration of war. That's some damned slow postal service here in Equestria."
>>95582"I did. They explicitly said to disguise themselves as natives and use something called 'gueh-ree-la' tactics to ambush business ponies into antagonizing me and my kind, just to shorten the supply of black fluid."
>>95584"Damn... that's pretty ruthless. Then again, I can't say that I haven't seen things done like that in the criminal world on a smaller scale"
>>95581Underneath the olive drab button-up shirt he's wearing, Silver feels quite warm and...fluffy? His face and head look a little fluffy, too, when Star takes another look at him. He seems to enjoy the pats, and the comfort he receives from them. "Thank you, Star. I hope, more than anything, they're still out there...even if...even if I know it's unlikely." He can't hold back a sniff, even if he's valiantly guarding himself against a waterfall of tears.
>>95583"I was out in field when it arrived in mail. I did not get it until I had arrived back home, after War's end."
>>95586Dark Star being a little drunk, Hugs silver.
>>95579He pets blue
>>95585Iron nods.
"I am not worried if you ever did that. You are a fine mare to have around."
He smiles at her.
"You seem quite honest overall. You never did rat me out to the mademares when I said I would visit them. It never crossed your mind that we may have gone and hurt them at all. You trust me. I trust you."
His gaze turns upwards again.
"I guess it makes me slightly selfish to allow ones to do things like that while others do not since it involves me."
>>95587And Silver, not being drunk, hugs him right back. Eeyup, Silver definitely feels soft, fluffy, and warm. A little bit like a really big stuffed animal doll.
>>95587*is pet*
>>95586She has no response
>>95588She makes an awkward smile, then blushes
"No... it's... it's natural to care more about the things that are closer to you than those things that are further away"
>>95590He breaks slightly away from Dark Star's embrace, though not entirely. "That would be my winter coat." With his magic, Silver undoes the top couple buttons on his shirt and pulls it apart, letting his thick chest fluff practically explode outwards. It looks
incredibly soft, and it's of such a volume that it hides all but the very worst of his scars well. "See? This weather down here has it little bit confused, as it took while to actually come in, but it has come in nicely."
>>95591Iron chuckles lightly.
"Sorry If I am being too sappy. I think my super tough macho pony persona left with the blood. It should come back tomorrow."
His smile turns warmer.
"You look cute when you blush."
He sighs a little.
"I know it is. But from what you say, there are many more important ponies to care about that will hurt your closest ones. Hit the insolent pony that tarnished my name will probably hinder the ones closer to me due to this network of connections. It is honestly dizzying."
>>95593She shrugs and looks away, then does a smile at the “cute” remark.
“It can be quite a thing to keep track of, yes”
>>95594Iron keeps his warm smile at her positive response.
(Glad she likes the compliment.)
"Practice makes perfect. How do you think I got these legs?"
He pulls out one foreleg from the top blanket and flexes it, then realizes he has to do the whole cover the top body again and chuckles.
"Mind still needs some learning though."
He attempts to place the blanket on top of him except for his head again.
I think Star is ded. Silver's overwhelming fluff killed him.
>>95595“And your first lesson is don’t try to fight a tiger”
Skies pulls up a hoof, finds she doesn’t have a drink, then sets it down
>>95598Iron chuckles some more.
"You are right about that. At least for now. Soon
I shall beat the tiger instead of the other way around."
>>95598Silver, noticing this, calls Glass over. "Hey, can we get two whiskeys over here, please? One for me, and one for my friend."
>>95600She give Silver that malign grin, then takes her glass. Silver, likewise gets a glass
>>95599“... And it sounds like you still haven’t learned”
>>95601Iron grins.
"We always have to push our limits to become better. Tell me you never tried going for harder and harder targets to extract cash from or sneaking into buildings with higher and higher security."
>>95601Silver gives her a "come on" look, before laughing and raising his glass to her in a toast. "To great drinks, and even better friends."
>>95602“I can safely say I never purposefully did that.”
>>95603She hesitates for a moment. Then she raises her glass
“To friends”
>>95604Iron facehooves himself.
"Right. I was using the sidejob as an example. How about making harder and harder Zebrican recipies and poitons?"
>>95604With that, Silver takes a drink of his whiskey, letting the smooth, burning liquid wet his throat on its way down and quench that special thirst he has for drink.
>>95606Iron cocks his head.
"You do not sound like you had much success."
>>95608“Well, there are only so many opportunities when there are other things to take care of”
>>95607Skies finishes her sip quickly
>>95609Iron nods solemnly.
"I understand."
He smiles slightly.
"If it were because of the difficulty of obtaining ingredients, do not fret. I shall help you on that. You have my word."
>>95610I mean... there’s no harm in them just talking... I think>>95611“Well, ingredients, time. So forth”
>>95612>inb4 they fuck in front of him while he's goneIron hums again.
"There should be a solution somewhere for your problems. We should talk about our visit to the jungle if there are any sort of constraints on your jobs."
>>95613“Well, I’ll need a fill in with the gang and with my father’s restaraunt. Just so long as I can meet the bills.”
>>95612Fair enough."So, I saw you have new possession. Who won it from fair?"
>>95614Iron nods.
"The gang part should be easy. There should be many like you to replace for a while. Finding a cook, especially one as good as you, will obviously be the main concern, unless your sister cooks with the same quality like you."
>>95615That smile again
“I did”
>>95616“There’s that, but there’s also the question of whether he’ll have enough money to cover expenses. I support my family. It’s why I do what I do”
>>95617Iron pokes his chin.
"Maybe I can add another salary to cover it. It should repay all that you have done for me so far. However, I would need a job either geared for intimidation or strength. That way, we could save money to cover expenses for the time we go for the jungle later."
>>95617He gets a laugh out of that. "Now here is
real question: what was competition?"
>>95618“Well, if you are intimidating enough, there should be options”
>>95619“Dart throwing”
>>95620Iron smiles with a hopeful look on his face.
"That should solve all the problems, then. Right?"
>>95620Silver puts on a comtemplative look for a bit while he considers this. After a couple seconds, he nods to her. "I can believe that. It sounds like throwing weapons would be among types of weapons you would have learned to use back in Nimbusia."
>>95622“There are some, yes. It’s rather stealthy, although a javelin is generally preferred to a dart”
>>95623"Of course. They may be more difficult to learn how to throw, but they are more powerful, and javelins can be used just same as short spears in melee." He looks up to his horn. "I could never get hang of it, unfortunately. I prefer throwing axes to javelins."
>>95621“It... May”
>>95624“You throw axes?” She takes a sip of her drink
>>95625Iron smiles wide.
"Then we shall get to it."
Hm... I'm failing to keep up the conversation long enough... Iron's open for any sort of question Cauldron could ask to keep the talk going. >>95625"I have dabbled, in past. It is traditional weapon in Severyanan culture, and is regarded by some as artform." Silver likewise takes a drink of his own whiskey. "I have no delusions about being anywhere near as good as some back in Motherland, but I can at least throw axes without them flying backwards or straight up into air."
>>95627“Huh...” she takes another sip of her drink
>>95626“I’ll think about it. I don’t have to worry until tomorrow”
>>95628Iron smiles.
"Either way, I shall follow you along. I hope you do not mind."
>>95628"It is tricky to learn. Most young bucks who pick up their first throwing ax usually make mistake of releasing too early, which results in them doing what I mentioned earlier. Then some overcorrect and throw their axes into ground right at their hooves." Silver finishes his whiskey, and turns to Glass. "Another whiskey, if it pleases you."
>>95630“I can’t aay I ever wielded an axe... for any purpose.”
>>95629“I guess if you could tag along one night you can tag along more than one. You keep the Griffins away, and I’ll handle the cats”
>>95631Iron smiles.
"You can count on that, Cauldron. Next time, I will not be so lightheaded, that is for sure."
>>95631His ears perk up a little. "Well, I could
try to teach you one of these days, if you wanted. Just do not count too heavily on my ability to actually teach."
Now GM is kill.
Press F yet again.
In case anyone reads this before I get back, it'll be a couple hours or so before I'm ready to play.
>>95639“You better believe it, Starry”
>>95640"that's a weird way to say i won it for you."
>>95641“You were there, Dark Star. You saw who was the better dart player”
>>95644She rolls her eyes and shakes her head
“If that’s what you just tell yourself to help yourself sleep at night”
>>95645Dark Star laughs
"Thats what the alcohol is for."
If we go by raw dice rolls, Skies won 9 out of 10 dice contests. The one and only one she lost was forfeited. She won every single set of opposed die rolls. If we artificially inflate Dark Star’s score by adding 2 points to each individual die roll, or 6 points to each set of die rolls, Star wins in 5 out of 10 contests, or half of them
>>95647>>95649Aka the fight is actually viable since both of them "won" if the inflation happens.
>>95649Oh yes, pic in
>>95649 is Skies’ response to Dark Star’s remarks
>>95649Dark Star drinks from his Flask
>>95652“Do you have an alcohol problem, Dark Star?”
>>95655She thinks his motive could be, To drink to dull the pain.
>>95656“You were passed out when we arrived. We weren’t gone long at all”
>>95657"Yea, i had a couple strong drinks. while i was waiting."
>>95658“Is this going to be a recurring thing going forward?” She asks
>>95659"no. its been a rough day, finding out about White Star."
>>95661"I have to tell father mareon about it tomorrow,He's not gonna take it so well either.He was our guardian for a while."
Dark Star winces