Previous thread,... oh hell it should be obvious by now.
Continuing the Game.
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>>8933It's pretty clear. You left your position into the forest, landed in a field outside the north gate, went though, found the wickitty splickett or whatever it's called, and ordered something
>>8927Yes. When/as you're ready, you find yourself awaking with a start in relatively simplistic bare room. The surfaces, walls and floor are an opaquely dark glassy substance. You're on a bed, and aside from a glassy chest at the foot, there's a single door. In your possession is a familiar pistol, which you recognize immediately.
>>8932>FrogVery good
Have ou heard of our Lord and Savior Kek, and his son Stefan Karl Stefenson?
>>8934I know that much. The question was about the fire: they probably wouldn't even recognize her like that. I'd just be a lvl 11 difficulty, Huge-sized flaming monster waltzing into town and asking for shoes.
>>8935I Scream "I DID IT I BROKE THE CONDITIONING" at the top of my lungs.
>>8932Do some character development on trump you can still catch up.
>>8937You underestimate how distinctive Tracy's appearance change has been. You're the pastel blue pony (MLP style), with a spiked collar and armor, who was recently flying to and fro. Its all good.
>>8939How does Trollestia react to my Backstory?
>>8940So what does she look like now? The same as before?
>>8942>*stops, drops, and rolls*Okay, back to normal. Pretend she did the things I typed earlier.
>>8942Whether you do or not, my point is the people will be like "Oh, its that one. She's with the group that had the giant shiny Trump guy who cut the arm of a friggin' huge demon, before beating the crap out of those constructs,... all this after btfo'ing the (((rats)))
>>8947>already famousIt's going so be pretty difficult to earn the Assassin prestige class in this town...
>>8943"It needs revision," she says.
Its a start thought.
>>8944Her appearance hasn't changed THAT much, she's just bigger, and with apprpriately bigger accoutrements (cuz I'm lazy and am going to sleep soon and don't want to have to re-o interactions with townspeople.)
>>8949You just need to kill everyone
Then no one can catch you sneaking around
>>8950What do you mean "revision"