Occupied Equestria: set six years after season 6, it presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while an Equestrian splinter colony - soured to Princesses notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestruan Southlands, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and even ancient necormancers and dark gods threaten the city and the surrounding regions. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
In this latest episode, the crew has united once again, and returned in full to the catacombs under the Curwhinny farm. What old secrets they will unearth, whether they will survive without being turned into undead monsters... whether Silver will ever get paid... will be determined in this thread.
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>>81104>>81099As they go down the stairs, the first thing they notice is that the area below them is
really damaged. Large rocks, bigs chucks missing from the ceiling of the tunnel.... even twisted pieces of metal, like a bar that looks like it once belonged to a door
>>81109"Alright, but I'd hate to have to find somepony to replace you"
>>81109Silver shrugs. "I do not know. I only know it keeps undead from seeing, hearing, smelling, or sensing us."
>>81110"Be very careful with walls. This tunnel does not look very stable."
>>81110Dark Star turns on his flshlight
>>81111Not the best statement for those numbers. Hope it won't come true.
>>81113>>81110Silver chugs down his potion of Hide from Undead, and starts to maneuver his way around the various rubble on the ground.
>>81111Dark Star Stays Quiet but makes eye contact as hes going down the stairs.
>>81113>>81115When they get down stairs, they can see first, that this new hall is about as wide as the wider one up stairs. On the ground is, of all things, detritus, like thoroughly decayed leaves. The walls look stained To the left side are big opened arched rooms. They seem to have once had iron bars as walls on them, but now they are open, with rusted iron on the ground. They look more or less empty now. The same to the right for at least the first few feet. And now, ahead of them, at least three of those yelloweyed creatures
>>81116"I mean, find a new deputy"
>>81117>>81116Silver motions for Dark Star to be calm. "Do not attack them. They do not know we are here." Silver looks to see if these creatures and the empty rooms are the only things here.
>>81118This section only spans a little ways before branching off right. There does seem to be a door on the right side though
>>81118"Alright lets go past them and see whats ahead then."
>>81120"I believe we can not go past them without touching them."
>>81119Is the door past the ghasts/ghouls, or is it before them? Blue Skies droops her ears, and after a moment resumes her staring into the darkness behind them
>>81121The door on the right is sort of near them. It is possible to go forward without touching them
>>81123>>81120"Follow me." Silver tries to avoid contact with them as much as possible as he makes his way to and through the door.
>>81122Iron feels the worry she has. "They should be fine down there. With their potions and their skills, they should not be in any danger." Iron says softly to Skies.
dark Star follows him past thrm
>>81125“I think I offended him...”
>>81124>>81126The door in the right leads into a large and very long room. To the left is open space with restraints and what appears to have once been cages, and to the right, are shalllow pits
>>81127Silver peaks into the pits as he goes past them.
>>81128The first is empty. The second one has two wolf skeletons. The third is empty. There are more of those white undead pony things in this room, which seem to simply roam around
>>81127Iron stands a bit closer, shaking his head. "I do not think such a little comment could destroy the love that he has for you." Irom smiles. "It could be at most a small issue that you can talk it out later when this catacomb business is over."
>>81127Dark star looks at the cages
[1d20-1 = -10]>>81129Silver doesn't like the idea that he was experimenting with creating undead wolves.
Search: Silver looks for anything else of interest in this room.
>>81131"This would be difficult fight. There is lot of undead down here..."
>>81130If you have ever seen a cat or a dog stare at attention at some dark corner, or through a hallway, you have seen something like how she stares into the darkness that lies behind the party, marking where they have been and the paths they did not take
I saw that Silver’s keepsake picture earlier. The way that he stared at his Pegasus bride. That will never be me”
>>81132>>81131Dark Star and Silver are able to determine three things from this very long room. First, that the cages look most optimum for keeping animals in, and there seem to be some areas that were more open perhaps for storing food. Second, this area is vastly more deteriorated than the main section. The iron that made up the cages is basically gone. Only parts of it remain in rusted piles on the floor. Thirdly, the pits are partly flooded, with some skeletons in water
[Read more] Okay, so the other two are investigating the lower floor?
May as well check these two rooms then.
>>81135>>81131Silver keeps a mental note of this. "I do not think we will find much else in here. Come, we should still have some time left on these potions. Perhaps we can squeeze by those undead in hallway."
>>81132>>81135"Did he keep ponies in these cages?"
>>81137"yea lets get back by."
Dark Star heads back towards the undead
>>81136Sister Ash investigates the first room.
>>81138"I saw wolf skeletons in one of pits, so likely not. It looked like other rooms we passed could have held ponies."
>>81139Silver follows, sucking in his gut for squeezing past the undead.
>>81141>>81139The hallway to the right starts approximately after the last room ended. It is long, relatively narrow, and has two doors on the left. Again, this one is longer than normal
>>81140When she enters, she seems that it is actually one very massive room. There are big bookshelves, a writing desk, tables, a carpet, and cultural items from Zebrica and Griffonia, besides quills and so forth
>>81142Sister Ash cautiously approaches the shelves investigates the books and items one by one.
>>81142>>81139"Let us search different rooms." Silver enters the first door.
>>81143I'll note that she positions Caleb by the door, to look out for danger.
>>81142>>81144Dark Star opens the second door
Iron nods. "I understand your concerns. It is a natural feeling to feel unworthy of somepony. To think that a pony could devote their whole existence to any other pony is unbelievable to anyone." He looks at Skies "But remember, he jumped at the slightest suggestion that I made to him to kiss you. He wanted to be with you. He glared at me when I said you were jealous back at the docks. He cares about you. Do not beat yourself up just because you do not look or act like a mare of another stallion, because no mare is perfect overall, because he believes you are perfect." Iron wraps her foreleg around her neck. "Trust me on this. He loves you. Not that mare in a picture. You: Blue Skies. Do not forget that."
[1d20+9 = 25]>>81143May as well roll spellcraft, before I burn all of this garbage.
>>81143>One by oneDoes she have three hours to do this? Because that is how long that would take. This is a library
One book is "on the worship of Marewu and Vodun." Another is the "Quamoon-e-Islamb, or the customs of the Moosemares of Saddle Arabia" by Jade Saffron. A third book seems to have been handwritten, "On the Cult of the Eagle of Lemon-Orange"
>>81144There was no door to block the doorway, as it was open. The very first thing Silver could not about this room is that it has natural light: at the far end of the room, is an open hole in the the wall that leads to what must be the quarry. There is at least one creature in this room. There are the remains of iron barrel rings on the ground, and it appears to have been a store room, but basically everything that is not stone is well past any conceivable use, being eaten by warm water microbes long ago
>>81146There was no door to open, as the door decayed away long ago. On the ground is the remains of a skeleton, who wears the remains of clothing that appears to have been woven by machine. The pony skeleton wears a hard hard, has a smaller pick, and has a plunger as would be used for detonating explosives. There is likewise a lantern on the ground. Inside the room there are the remains of what were once wooden boxes and barrels. It seems to have been a store room
Blue Skies enters the room, and starts rummaging it
>>81147She sighs "I hope you are right"
She leaves when Ash explores the room next to them
[Read more] >>81150Iron nods. "I am sure of it." He notices Ash's disappearance and goes to her current location.
>>81151"What did I miss, Ash?"
>>81151"So, this is where tunnel leads..."
>>81146Silver calls out to Dark Star. "I found exit to quarry!"
>>81151i pick up the plunger. is there any wire leading away from it?
>>81154Some, maybe 5 feet. It seems to have broken
>>81155Silver trots over to the room Dark Star is in. He notices the plunger in his hooves. "Hmm...perhaps we could use that to seal off quarry exit, if we could find more wire on spool. I do still have dynamite from yesterday."
>>81151Just checking if there was anything but junk.
Sister Ash's brow furrows with smoke
"..Pestilence..!" She growls
She immediately sets the bookself on fire and watches the ghostly blue flames consume the room.
>>81156the plunger its self or the wire?
>>81157"thats what i was thinking."
Blue Skies grabs a few items and rushes out
The books are very close together
>>81157Silver's dynamite had adequate fuse for detonation >>81160I'm not a dynamite expert, so I don't know if that means Silver has to light it manually or if he can detonate it remotely with a plunger.>>81159"Alternatively, I could just stick it on wall, light it with lighter, and run like there is no tomorrow."
>>81158>Ghostly BlueActually, not really. For while the contents of the books may concvern themselves with arcane magics and cults long forgotten by history, they are still composed of Carbon and hydrogen, and as such burn like normal. The firs glows red and very quickly becomes smokey, then smokier as oxygen runs out, spreading soot
>>81164>>81160Iron, hearing the commotion, decides to go where the shout came from.
>>81160"Just disposing of some
trash.." Sister Ash replies, her hooves scorching the floor and setting the rug alight as she torches more ill-gotten gains
[1d20+7 = 15]>>81163"either way is fine with me lets see if we can find any wire before we do that though."
Spot Check to look for any wwire
>>81164B-but.. much special kirin-fire..
>wanted it to be blueSister Ash leaves the room as soon as everything is satisfyingly on-fire, and proceeds to the next room.
>>81165>>81166The books glow bright red, orange, and with black smoke, as flames spread further. Ash spreads more flames
>>81172Sister Ash pays the fire no regard as she proceeds on to the next room.
>>81172>>81169Iron is shocked at how the fire has spread so much in the room. When he sees Ash go to the next room, he follows her. "Are you sure this is wise, Ash? There must be a better way to dispose of these books." He is worried.
[1d20+3 = 17]>>81170Ash ends up being the reason we all die.Just like the old gypsy woman said.>>81167Spot: Silver aids Dark Star in his search.
>>81175What gypsy?
>>81174Sister Ash turns her head.
"There is nothing in this vile dungeon worth saving." She says flatly
>>81169It isn't Ash that is burning, it's the books, Ms. 451
>>81165>>81169Blue Skies grabs some items, as the books burn with thick smoke, almost more like a charring than a direct burn
>>81175>>81167There is no wire in the hallway at all. In the wide hall with the arched-rooms, on the other hoof, they may have seen some wire
>>81167>>81163Wait. You guys were setting dynamite?!
Fuck. Now I regret starting this fire...
>>81177>>81167Silver grabs the dynamite out of his bags. "If you would, look for wire in other hallway. I will get to work on setting dynamite up."
>>81176Iron is not amused. "What about us, for example? Your stunt will leave us without air to breathe. I am not saying not to destroy all the books. I do not care. I care about living here." Iron states as he follows her.
>>81177He is worried even further by how the books burn.
>>81178Ash always ends up exploding the room. This is just hilarious.
>>81177Is the smoke flooding the hall or anything?
>>81179"i doubt there will be any. go ahead and set it."
[1d20+5 = 13]>>81180She looks down the hallway.
"The exit is right other there. The smoke shouldn't cause too much trouble."
>>81183Fuck, fuck, fuck. I'm sorry...I thought the dynamite plan was cancelled.>>81184Fuck..
>>81185"Fine, then. Go ahead and meet back up with others. No need for two ponies to be down here when I set it off." Silver heads back into the other room, heading down the hole in the wall to prepare the dynamite.
>>81187F for Silver >>81182It may be wise to vacate that area
Blue skies bolts out with a number of parchments, coughing, and almost dropping a book in her mouth
>>81186He feels a little lightheaded, but okay
>>81179Six sticks, with fuses
>>81187Ash feels
really faint
[Read more] >>81189Sister Ash feels an instinctive urge take over, and she bolts for the exit.
>>81189Can I detect what is going on, or do I need a roll?
>>81192Eh, it's okay. It's in character. No one should die in this situation.
>>81189Silver tries to set it up in a place he thinks will have the most effect in blocking off the exit.
>>81193How could he possibly miss it? There is a large, smoking fire in a pair of rooms right next to him
>>81195I take it he wants to set it up in the store room with the hole?
>>81190As she runs, she feels her legs fail her, and she trips, falling down to the ground, slowly losing consciousness
>>81196Ummm.. can Caleb drag her?
>>81198He drags her outside at half his full speed.
>>81200>DownstairsHe should have been murdered by all of the undead then if he went down along with the two who took the "hide from undead" potions
>>81196>>81201Iron notices Ash falling in front of him, but sees the dog carrying her. He decides to help Caleb with his dragging.
>>81202Then why didn't you say I was attacked? I just waited at the bottom of the stairs and you didn't mention anything about it.
>>81199>>81185Dark Star and Silver feel a kind of wind, drawn past them from the quarry to upstairs by an evident negative pressure
>>81205Silver stops in the middle of setting up the dynamite to look around. "Did you feel that Star, just now?"
>>81188Dark Star goes to the stairs but waits until silver lights it to go back up
>>81205>>81207"yea...that was strange."