Occupied Equestria: set six years after season 6, it presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while an Equestrian splinter colony - soured to Princesses notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestruan Southlands, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and even ancient necormancers and dark gods threaten the city and the surrounding regions. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
In this latest episode, the crew has united once again, and returned in full to the catacombs under the Curwhinny farm. What old secrets they will unearth, whether they will survive without being turned into undead monsters... whether Silver will ever get paid... will be determined in this thread.
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>>82825"Want to head back to the room?"
Dark Star Smiles mischievously
>>82828"Or that." Iron scratches his side.
>>82826"I do not believe this should be possible for somepony not in touch with the spirit of Harmony, no. It probably didn't work for her, but there wasn't much reason not to try"
>>82828"No, they would have done something different. A more direct, more magical approach. When you combine the chemical and the divine, it is easier. Like how removing dirt is easier with water"
>>82829And she smiles mischievously back
>>82828Tl;Dr: she's trying to figure out if there's some way non-casters can manage to reproduce the effects of divine spells through certain incantations.
As an individual who trained for years learning how to use divine magick, what she saw last night absolutely baffled her, so she want to know more about anything that might be similar.
>>82831Dark Star pays glimmering glass,then Stands up and leads her back to the room
>>82831"Ah, optional material components can alter or empower the effects of certain spells. The Arcanists in the circle carried several rare components with them for their casting, although I never really took up the practice because most of such materials are rather expensive.." she says
>>82831Iron is a bit uncomfortable. "Well, it is important to know still." More scratching of his side. "I guess." Magic is strange.
>>82834"So are you able to replicate some spells through simple ingridients instead of wishing for them?" Iron is really trying to understand here.
>>82834He raises an eyebrow at her
It's not the same spell. That's why I spent an hour on the phone as an Archivist went through old archives rather than call in a Bishop from Fillydephia"
>>82833The pretty pegasus pony follows
She is... not terribly impressed with the room
"Well, it has walls and a bed"
>>82836"well,you know its... cozy."
>>82837"I guess that is so"
She closes the door
"What did you have in mind for the afternoon?"
>>82837>>82836>>82838OH YEAH, THIS IS THE SHIT. KILL ME, NOW!>>82836"Oh, nevermind then." Iron is stumped with all this magic talk.
>>82839What's wrong? You don't enjoy reading about two ponies in love?
Okay, I have no idea what's up, but I'll have her stop asking questions
Sister Ash is visibly confused, but decides that what she witnessed was not at all similar to the drastic effect she witnessed last night.
".. I thank you for your excellent assistance in this matter." She says, with a bow of her head
>>82841>>82840I am finding this more awkward than other sex scenes so far. Sorry for the outburst.
>>82842"No need to thank me. It is what I must do"
>>82842>>82844Iron just goes along with it, not wanting to scramble his head anymore than he needs to. He is ready to follow.
Okay, I'm going to go to sleep now.
Goodnight Anons
>>82846I'll go with the flow since I have no idea where Ash will go next, so night everyone.
>>82843More awkward than them doing it outside while watching the party fight? Kek.
>>82838Dark Star picks her up and sits her on the edge of the bed
>>82846Good Night
>>82849At least that was a smooth sail, unlike this. I can feel the complaints about the room coming up during the scene. 'Ugh, the bed is made out of boulders or something?' and the like.
>>82850And now, she gives him a strange look
"Dark Star, is something up?"
>>82851Oh well. Not all the encounters can be top tier material. Sorry it isn't to your liking.
[1d20+9 = 22]>>82853She pushes back for just a moment.
Sense motive
>>82854Let us see what happens, then I'll judge the scene. It's just assumptions that I'm thinking right now from the room comment alone.
So, just thought of a question: which member of the party do you guys consider to be the party leader, if anyone's the leader? I'm thinking Spark's the closest to being leader.
>>82858Eh, Dark Star sounds more like the charming leader rather than Spark, but I wouldn't know. It's not clear cut yet. Ash is Iron's focus at the moment though.
>>82859So you're the danger. The one who knocks.
>>82855Dark Star is buzzed and wants some fuck
>>82862Dark Star hears the word no Stallion
ever wants their mare to tell them. Ever.
"Dark Star, why don't you open up to me about your feelings? Something is off"
>>82856Looks like you won't have to worry about a sex scene after all.
>>82866>>82867What are the dice trying to tell us?
>>82871I'm'a say Skies wins this one, just 'cause
"Star, what is going on?"
>>82873"But I know you are uneasy about me"
>>82874"its just, i see the way you look when i mention foals. Do you not like me?"
>>82875"What? No. I mean, I do. I do like you. It's just that we've known each other for 3 days, and I wasn't expecting to settle down in a family"
>>82876"i guess.when you put it like that it does sound a little Weird."
>>82877She chuckles
"You needed a 'first love,' didn't you?"
>>82878Dark Star looks embarrassed
>>82879She smiles at him
"You silly Earth Pony. I am a few years older than you. That's alright."
>>82881"you are actually my first marefriend."
>>82883"Hehe. So. What makes
me the one you want to stay with besides being willing to sleep with you?"
>>82884"Theres too many things to list. but your smile is beautiful. and the way you Kill Communists. are only a couple of things i love about you."
>>82885In her eyes that range from the blue of the sky to the rich jungles underneath, he can see a special hatred make its way up to the surface
"Oh I have
many ways of killing social reformers and Communists. I haven't been able to use it very often, but I cherish every ounce of pain I can give back to them. It's a passion, shall I say"
>>82887*pegasus cooing*
she nuzzles him
"I will say that you've been an astonishing success thus far, either through direct action or your team. Killing two special forces advisers and more than a dozen communists besides destroying 1500 rifles. And those books found... Do you know what we could do with those? Interrogation of even the dead. Re-purposing life unworthy of life as attack ghouls. The Duke could live a thousand years and truly replace Celestia." Her eyes are bright "But all of that is speculation, we can't know for a very long while. What I mean is, nice job"
>>82888Dark Star looks very happy
"well, i couldnt have done any of that without you."
When She mentions what they could do with the books Dark Stars visage turns serious
"Thats all well and good,but some of that stuff could be really dangerous. especially the old ones."
it was the "old ones" that were mentioned in that book right? >>82889Within the text of the book they were referred to as "outer ones" in reference to their origin on planes beyond the terrestrial in a more or less Greek-styled heliocentric model of the universeShe rolls her eyes
"Pfft, they are already dealing with things that are very dangerous. I can't say I fully trust those boneheads, but it's in their hooves now"
>>82890"i know but the Outer ones could wipe all of us out in the blink of an eye."
>>82891"Outer Ones? Come again?"
>>82892"oh right, that book i was reading earlier today. it recounted a story About a group of unicorns to the north that Found the existence of beings from beyond the moon."
>>82893"Typical unicorns. Bothering with things to far away too have any meaning while expecting everypony else to farm or fight for them"
>>82894Dark Star laughs
"yea those eggheads cant even resist reading while they make us earth ponies farm."
>>82895She laughs lightly
"Did you say you grew up on a farm?"
>>82897"yea, its just outside the city." Dark Star gets a sad expression on his face. "larry had it seized. i think a "family" of ziggers live on it now."
>>82899"Aww. Fucking socialists, I've seen collectivization. You'll get it back. You'll get it back..."
>>82900"i hope theres something left to get back."
>>82901She just looks at him with sadness in her turquoise eyes
"But at least you can go back"
>>82902Dark Star hugs her tightly
>>82903She feels soft, and she rubs her head against his neck
*pegasus cooing*
>>82904Roll a d20
>>82905"first the changelings then nimbusia."
>>82907"I guess... I guess I may as well make my life here"
>>82906 >>82908Dark Stars eyes are shining with an intensity that blue hasnt seen before
"Blue. i promise you, before i leave this planet i will retake Nimbusia."
>>82911I'm pretty sure it's an average dream of sorts, or a nightmare by your character's standards.
I wonder how love feeding works. I'll prod the thread for any activity. Anyone have any guesses on the consequences of giving love to changelings?
>>82917I'm pretty sure we will. How long we'll play may be the issue here.
>>82916Sheesh. I hope changelings are not like that. The prospect of dying from just kissing a changeling itself is pretty daunting, since Iron doesn't know that and will try to get into a relationship with a changeling if given the chance. But there is hope since the GM did not place any debuffs to Iron when kissing the dream changeling queen, like suddenly getting weak and falling to the ground or something, but the dream did end when a changeling kissed Star on his dream. OOC I'm spooked. Well, I'm fairly certain Silver is ded. Or in a position where he'd rather be ded than where he is currently, so thoughts for my next character if I make a new one: I'm thinking Cleric since we don't have a dedicated healer.
>>82920You aren't dead. Do you hate your character? I actually liked him.
>>82920Wait, I'm confused, what happened to him?
>>82923I thought it was that he got captured by changelings in the dream. I'll read over it again.
>>82920Oh, stop being so dramatic. Changelings don't just kill off ponies for the sake of it. At worst case scenario, you will wake up being transported somewhere, all tied up or something. At best, it's just dreams of bad things again, maybe your wife turns into one mid-dream. There's no way he'd die just because you rolled a joke.
>>82922He said jokingly 'Hey, was I captured by changelings or something?', which in reply the GM said 'Roll a d20'. He rolled 14, GM goes 'Hmm' and then in spoilers said RIP in pasta when Silver goes sucidial mode again.
>>82921I like him too.
Also, he has great stats; don't give that up. The rest of us rolled below-average stats (I wish I could have just used point-buy). His stats are good enough to give him the freedom to multiclass as a Fighter/War-Cleric too.>>82923Don't go killing him off now. I doubt he would have been attacked when he was at only 5 hp and resting for the next encounter, because 'reasons'. Even if he were captured, Changelings have an incentive to keep him alive; even if that means another sidequest.
It's probably just a nightmare. Everypony has had bad dreams so far, which is probably a testament to Luna being imprisoned.
>>82927Given that you live in the one place the party can agree to team up at, we will know you aren't there. That's if you really are gone at all.
>>82927Trust me. GM would never do such a thing without proper foreshadowing of it happening. Specially for a joke.
>>82916I really don’t understand where you are getting this idea that FiM Changelings are harmless
Whether or not love is a zero sum game, Changelings are definitely creatures that see it that way, which is kind of the whole point of race in the show. They are not simply given love, they
take it. When we see Shining Armor in a Canterlot Wedding, he is extremely tired and has severe headaches. He is unable to cast spells. Eventually, he is left unable to do much of anything. He stares forward with a thousand yard stare, he does not seem to notice his wife or sister talking to him, all while he is clearly awake. Of course, this seems to be caused by a mind control spell as well as the feeding, so we can’t say that this is purely the result of feeding, but I cannot see how he is better off than if he had been energy drained. He looks to me like he can neither think nor feel.
In the first comic to feature Changelings, we see them eat and basically destroy a civilization of loving kittens. I’m not sure how this could possibly be interpreted other than deadly. In a later comic, we see more feeding on ponies. They seem to be able to do it voyeuristicly, able to feed off of love that is expressed at something other than the Changeling itself. The feeding has a green energy go from the pony into the Changeling’s mouth, or maybe horn where applicable. It causes the host pony to collapse to the ground. We also see Chrysalis disguise herself as the fiancé of a Pegasus named Orion. When he expresses love towards her, he feeds on his love to the point that it “reduces him to a husk.” He is visibly weakened after this, appearing emaciated and physically aged. Rainbow dash said that he thereafter “flew so high that he became star light.” Both Twilight and Chrysalis say “that isn’t what happened to him,” but the latter says she likes Rainbow Dash’s telling of the story more than the historical fact.
We know from the show that feeding a Changeling can be a asymptomatic. Shining Armor and Cadance openly let a starving drone feed from the love that emanates from their child (this scene kind of bothers me. I can image exposing your neck to a vampire, but
offering your child just seems like a risk a parent would not take). The feeding itself is off screen and very loud, I think for comedic effects (a fan comic showing bone-crunching sounds felt appropriate), and does not harm the child in any way at all, not even dampening her mood. We learn after the fact that the experience was more filling for the Changeling than normal feeding, presumably because of the altruism of Cadance and Shining Armor. This implies that the more voluntarily love is expressed towards the Changeling, the more nutritive value it has.
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