Welcome to the latest thread of Occupied Equestria. Set six years after season 6, it presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while an Equestrian splinter colony - soured to Princesses notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestruan Southlands, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and even ancient necormancers and dark gods threaten the city and the surrounding regions. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
In the latest episode, we are starting day 4. Ash is finally getting to sleep after dealing with foals that scarified animals to evil gods, Iron is disappointed to find that the only sex he is getting is in his dreams, Dark Star has declined to have sex, Onxy has discovered the joys of socialized medicine, I don’t know what Spark is doing, and Silver has discovered that when you don’t complete a quest, you don’t get paid for it
1864 replies and 38 files omitted.
>>80433"I hope you punch hard and fast. Star, would you mind lending Iron your flashlight?"
>>80431She looks like she wants to be offended, but knows really that she can't
>>80433"Yeah, the undead aren't the dog down at the bar. You're going to want a weapon"
>>80430Dark Star Pulls out his regular revolver and hoofs it to blue
"here you go. just in case."
>>80436She pulls out one from under her wing
"Oh, I already have one"
>>80435"No. I said I would show my strength, and my hooves are the means of which I show it."
Serious talk. Is there more disadvantages from attacking unarmed against zombies in the SRD instead of the usual melee fortitude saves? >>80432"Come on Spark we have to go check out the other end of the tunnel."
>>80437"Alright. try not to shoot Iron."
Dark Star Pats her head
>>80438"Well, I guess I shall see if that works out for you"
Undead are a real bitch because they can suck your soul, drain your strength, your constitution, and basically everything, plus supernatural diseases... Unarmed fighting has a lower damage die than a weapon, so you are likely going to be doing less damage than you could otherwise while being directly in the danger zone>>80439She smiles cutely when he pats
"I would have done it already"
Cast Light on Iron's armor so it glows for him to see.
"I suggest we go slow and listen for noises."
>>80439"Do not worry. I can take a shot." Iron laughs. "I do not this armor, shield and muscles for nothing."
>>80442"Don't worry, I can aim directly for the head and other soft areas of armored individuals, if only they are non-suspecting" She smiles and almost squeaks
>>80439>>80441>>80442"If we are all going..." Silver sheathes his greatsword and instead opts for his new rifle, loading in a clip and chambering a round. He also lights up his horn to serve as an additional light source.
>>80440Well, there's always power attack to give guaranteed damage to be on par with medium dice rolls for strength. My shield and armor should deflect most hits by the mean zombies, except maybe sucking my soul, which surely does not have nice, sexual kind of tones."Fair enough. Never fought the things before so it is going to be my first."
>>80441Iron starts heading inside the open hole.
>>80443"That is not very nice of you. Do not shoot Ash or you will pay for it." Iron stares daggers at Skies.
>>80446"And do not piss me off again, or
both of you, will pay for it"
Right fucking back
If you want soul sucking with sexual overtones we can do that in this campaign, just not in the catacombs >>80447I'd rather not.Iron keeps staring daggers as he enters the open hole Spark opened up.
>>80448Silver motions for Onyx and Dark Star to follow Spark. "I shall cover rear."
>>80449Something about her eyes makes them creepier than normal eyes
>>80450"are you sure you dont want me to cover the rear?"
Dark Star smiles
>>80453Silver's voice goes deadpan. "You covered my rear enough yesterday, I think."
>>80452Iron shrugs it off. He moves his head to look forwards now, shield not acting as full cover since the zombies would get the element of
surprise if he walks straight into one.
>>80448"Spark, was it? What did you find exactly in here apart from the zombies?" He asks without looking back at him, armor shining as a beacon of sorts.
>>80456Blue Skies quickly comes up to Dark Star and tells him
"You know, on second thought, I have work to do"
>>80455"Skeletons, but those zombies are no push over. I think Silver called them ghast or something. They are an abomination to all that is good. They have an overpowering stench that weakens you, as well as paralyzing attacks, and don't let it bite you. Dark Star was dying from a infection last time we were here."
>>80457"No funny business with Ash!" Iron shouts as he keeps walking forward, now actually getting out of earshot.
>>80455"Skeletons, mostly. We also found empty sarcophagus. Take that of that as you will."
>>80457Silver sighs at this, and stops. "If you are leaving, then I will stay behind with Sister Ash."
>>80458"I see." Iron keeps walking forward until something else stops him or something.
>>80457Dark Star gives her a kiss
"Stay Safe."
>>80460"If you want to be her bodyguard and guardian, I guess you could. But shouldn't you be clearing the Catacombs?"
>>80459>out of earshotThat's what Iron thinks. Iron thinks wrong
"I have no business with her at all asshole"
>>80464"You better not!" Iron shouts back.
>>80464"Yes, but I do not want to keep Sister Ash alone."
>>80466Caleb barks at Silver to call for his attention.
>>80468He wags his tail and bends his frontlegs playfully. He then approaches Silver and licks Silver's hoof. After this, he sits in front of him, looking at him.
>>80469Silver sits as well, not knowing what to do with the dog. He rubs the back of his neck, feeling a bit awkward about the situation. "Okay...hmm..."
>>80470Caleb wags his tail and accepts the pets. He then goes back to guard Ash, sitting next to her.
>>80471*remove 'and accepts the pets'
>>80471Silver follows him, sitting across from both Sister Ash and the dog. "So...you are dog."
>>80473Caleb is sitting here, looking for any attempts on Ash's life. He does not seem like he can talk like a pony, but he is smart. He barks once after Silver says that.
>>80474"...Right. That was..." Silver sighs and looks down, holding his muzzle with a hoof. "...that was great...observation there, Silver...Ты идиот…"
>>80475Caleb cocks his head sideways in confusion.
>>80476"Ah, do not worry, boy." Silver looks up at him, smiling. "Silver is just berating himself for being stupid. Like now, where he is...talking...to dog..." The smiles slowly goes away as he sighs again.
>>80477Caleb barks again. He then looks which ponies are still in the room except Silver and Ash, of course.
Uh, is the GM alive? I have no clue what's going on right now.
>>80479i think everyone passed out.
>>80480Probably. Getting to that point, myself.
>>80481>>80480I guess. I will be awake for about two and a half more hours.
Well, this has been another session of Iron needlessly threatening and mocking my NPCs without any thought, which left me with three options
1. Continue and basically reward Iron for being a complete ass by letting him do things while the Silver character, who actually deserves to play, is forced to babysit
2. Have the Iron character specifically encounter 1 or 3 of those CR 7 undead with touch attacks that are “roll fortitude save to avoid permantlu losing a third of your wisdom, strength, or constitution, and you die when you run out”
3. Just stop responding, halt the game, and hope he wasted time
Option 1 was entirely intolerable and out of the question. Option 2 was tempting, but option 3 won when s friend messaged me asking to go to a bar in the city before last call. And this my absence
tl;dr Iron I hate you
[Read more] >>80483Iron can babysit Ash if you'd like. It's his duty to protect her after all. Silver can go back and play and stuff.
>>80438The main disadvantage to fighting unarmed is that it's not a two-handed weapon. Two-hamded weapons are much better for strength-based fighters, unless you interpret the Monk's unarmed combat ability to cause the Unarmed Strike to count as a 2-handed weapon.
Also, some undead are only affected by magick weapons, so you're going to want a set of magick guantlets somewhere down the line.
Although, now that I think of it, I really should have prepared magick fang..
>>80485I have a flight today.. Sorry if I've been a drag...
>>80486That's why I was keeping the armored hoof part. It counts as a gauntlet itself.
>Being a botherNah, it's just Iron being rude against NPCs. It's not really your fault. Have a safe flight.
>>80485I'm certain Silver would appreciate it.
>>80488Alright, when GM comes, I'll make Iron, in a fit of jealousy, go back and be with Ash after hearing Skies will be going out and Silver offering himself to protect her.
I've got a 4 hour flight, leaving in a bit over an hour. I can chat a bit until then, but I don't think I'll really be able to play today.
>>80490It's ok. The party is actually somewhat ready to fight the undead now, with some anti-undead stuff to throw or coat weapons with.
They can coat their weapons with holy water to increase damage, right? >>80492I think it's for damage increase.
>>80492Enhancement bonus is the most basic kind of magick bonus. It adds it's number to whatever roll or value it's designated.
A +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls is exactly what it says: +1 to attack rolls.
Enhancement bonuses to weapons are usually +1 to attack and damage rolls. Masterwork weapons have a +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls only.
Enhancement bonuses from multiple sources to the same value absolutely do not stack by any means.
>>80496There are other kinds of bonuses too.
Magick Weapon is a spell that's useful at lower levels, when the party may have not had the chance to purchase magick weapons. Certain creatures may take reduced damage from non-magical weapons, and other creatures may not be harmed at all by non-magical weapons.
Also, can I get a quick rundown on the situation? Particularly what the objective of the mission is, and who the party is working for?
>>80497The situation is that there's zombies, ghasts and other undead spawning around this quarry and ranch area. We are tasked to stop this influx of undead once and for all. I don't know who is the employer in this situation.
>>80498>spawningOnly particularly high-difficulty undead can do that.. This could be a challenge.. Glad I put those ranks in Religion lore.
Did they consider dynamiting the place?
Also, I'll have to get on a plane in just a few minutes.
>>80499I'm not really sure if the spawner is alive or not. Maybe it's the remains of the spawner's undead. I think they sent an army in there but failed to clear the place out. Also I think the owner wants to reclaim the place with little to no damages so dynamiting the place was not considered.
>>80502Does unarmed damage count as a blunt weapon?
>>80500Well, there has to be something generating the small ones. Finding that should be the top priority.
>>80503So Iron's trash against skeletons. Noted.
>>80505No. Bludgeoning damage trumps skeletons' DR.
>>80506Oh, so what was the GM telling Silver that zombies had some resistance against his greatsword?
>>80508And in that same sentence, GM said skeletons had some DR against bludgeoning.
>>80510About 5 or 6 threads ago, when Silver was thinking what weapon to buy.
>>80510Oh, I read it wrong. Nevermind. Disregard my words.
Alright, I am going to post the last update for a while. While I may or may not be able to play today, I can very safely say that I don't want to. While I would like to be able to pretend that what follows is directed generally and to no person in particular, I can't. It's directed at one player specifically.
A character that is constantly acting superior to everyone else, making insults in every line of dialogue, and threatening other characters when there is no fucking reason at all whatsoever to do so is really unfun to play with.
While it would be nice to say "oh, there's a disconnect between the character and the player, so we don't have to be affected by what happens or what is said to the character" it's just flatly fucking wrong for two reasons. First off, and less importantly, you are not interacting with the character. You are interacting with the human puppeteer controlling the character's actions and dialogue. So while it would be nice to think that the player is always indifferent, this is a fiction that breaks down when an action or line of dialogue is particularly uncalled for, or when it keeps happening in every single solitary fucking scene. The second and more important reason why it is impossible to be indifferent to a character that is always an extreme asshole to other party members and certain important NPCs is that the entire point of creating these characters is to like at least some of them and to care what happens to them. So yes, if you like someone's character, you care if they are threatened randomly and for no reason. The fact that it's the DM controlling the victim character (where it's an important character) does not change any of the above facts.
Characters are supposed to be the protagonists of the story. They are supposed to be characters that you want to succeed and root for. If they are constantly arrogant when there is no reason for it, giving insults in every line of dialogue, making threats to people who are only trying to help them and are obviously non threatening, and doing all of this to characters you have an investment in rather than to throwaway NPCs - then you won't be rooting for that character. You'll be rooting for the zombies to brutally murder that character.
Don't give the bullshit defense of 'oh, the character is one that is intended to be unlikable if you met them in real life.' Because if that is so, then don't be shocked when other people hate the character when that character acts in such despicable ways towards characters which we actually do like. Unlike in real life, where you can just avoid that person, talk shit about them to others, and fantasize about murdering them while trying your best to never see them ever again, in an RP, you are stuck with them. Like a family. The only way to get away is to either make the murder fantasies a reality, or to quit.
I can safely say that I have never hated a ship more, nor more actively rooted against a ship than Iron-Ash. And while I am not sure if I have ever hated a fiction character more than Iron, I can safely say he's heading there, and I absolutely want to see him suffer.
Like why, the actual fuck, is the first thing he says when he sees Silver "do not touch her." Was there any hint at all that he had any desire at all to do so? Why does he get to be a dick about the treatment of Ash when he does not actually have a special relationship with her above the rest of the party? Why does he have to try to load a personal insult into every single line of dialogue with Blue Skies like he considers her his definite inferior? And I frankly don't give a shit if there are 'valid' reasons for these, because regardless it's not fun, it only makes me angry.
And for the cherry on top of all of this was when Blue Skies volunteered to babysit Ash (which is an entirely unnecessary thing to do in the first place because she is fine in the basement). She's taking time out of what she's doing so that Iron can go into the catacombs and basically play the game, which was a decent enough solution to the entirely unnecessary insistence that she have a babysitter. But not only does she not get a thank you, she first has a second character left behind with her, the dog, as an open sign by Iron that he does not trust her. This was an understandable enough act, even if from a game mechanics perspective it's utterly stupid to leave behind your only good spotter and sniffer in a group that does not have a rogue. And now here it is, an act so incredibly beyond the pale of good taste and common sense that I am still dumb founded: Iron threatens her not to do something to Ash. Why, the actual fuck, would Iron threaten her? She just did him a massive favor in offering to guard her. He already left behind a dog to help guard. And why, oh why in all of the actual fucks, would Iron think that she had any motivation to harm her? She's a female with no observed homosexual tendencies. there is no reason to think that she would molest Ash. Ash has nothing to steal. Why would she be motivated to harm Ash? The only conceivable motivation she could possibly have to harm Ash is to indirectly harm Iron in revenge. And throwing threats at her when she's fucking helping Iron and being nice to him is only going to increase that motivation, not cause her to stop.
And no, having Iron be irrationally jealous of the old man guarding his not-girlfriend doesn't solve that problem.
I think that this pattern of behavior has been motivated in part by two fictions the D&D mechanics perpetuate. The first is that when a character has a decent number of levels, they have enough HP to survive even a strong knife hit or gunshot without serious consequence, when of course in real life that would never happen. The other is the fiction that when a character has on steel plate that covers all of the body except the head or neck, that it would be impossible for a person to walk up behind them and slit their throat or execute them by shooting them in the back of the head. This too is a fiction of the D&D mechanics, because it obviously has no place in real life. I may need to suspend both of these, as well as bring in anti-tank rifles, if it's necessary to discourage saying and doing things that in real life would cause you to be murdered
Finally, I shouldn't even need to say this, doing the behaviors described above out of character also causes hate. It's not a hate of the character, it's a hate of (you), the player, because you can't hide behind the character, obviously, when you are out of character
[Read more] >>80507>>80508>>80514Zombies take -5 damage from everything except slashing.
Skeletons' weakness is bludgeoning.
Also, I just payed 8 bucks for in-flight Wifi. It's not in my budget, but I'm feeling reckless today.
I can RP/chat via mobile for a while.
>>80513Oof.. I'm going to need to backread a bit...
Hey, just to note. Ash doesn't really need to be babysat at all. The comment I made about her fainting from malnutrition was just a joke I made as an excuse for why she wasn't being responsive, since I was sick as a dog and couldn't control her effectively.
I mean, if the party were to go ahead without her, she'd be fine. She can take 10 on a survival check to avoid random encounters while she's just standing around for no reason.If all hell broke loose, she could just turn into a badger and hibernate underground for 5 hours.
Please don't take any detours just because I couldn't play.
>>80515Oh hey, you're back. You asked for a quick rundown, so here's what I know, or at least the extent of it: the area is owned by a pony looking to develop the area, made up of old farmland and a large quarry turned into an artificial lake, into real estate. After the quarry, they found a tunnel filled with undead that made any projects in the area impossible to complete. These undead are the results of experiments by a one Joseph Curwhinny, a slave trader and farmer who had an interest in necromancy and obtaining forbidden knowledge. At least one group of vigilantes had rallied to try to stop him over 200 years ago, and failed. So far, we've found two ghasts that had escaped from a pit (now dead), an EDF soldier that had been turned into a ghast by these two (also dead), three more in a second pit that haven't escaped, one ghoul in a third pit, a number of jars containing the soul-infused ashes of long dead ponies, who were likely necromancers themselves, one empty sarcophagus that used to house a mummy, and three skeletons that were summoned upon us reaching the crypts in the tunnels underneath Curwhinny Farm (all so very much dead).
>>80517I know, but it wouldn't really make sense for the party to completely abandon her. And if she woke up, I doubt she would know where to go or what to do if there wasn't someone around to fill her in.
[Read more] >>80518*After they had drained the quarry
I really need to proofread more.
>>80515Well shit, if you paid that much I may as well make it worth your money
The area where Ash wakes up is a basement of an old destroyed house. There are two giant holes that are entrances, the walls are brick, and the ground is tile. There are leaves and detritus on the ground, and the roof is held up only by granite bracers. There is a door that leads down to a smaller, deeper cellar. That area is stone on both the walls and the ground. There is a slab that covered over an entrance into a tunnel with stone steps, although that might have been re-covered. At least Caleb is in the room, she might catch Blue Skies as she exits stage right, and maybe Silver
>>80518Fucking farmers and their insistence on undead labor...
Well, if the ghouls he created are still about, they must have been trapped somewhere dark and damp they couldn't struggle around and hurt themselves (since they have no means of healing). The fact that they were all created by the necromancer in charge has probably kept them the ghouls from trying to eat each other. Best to investigate this pit and how deep it goes.
Considering he was "experimenting", there might indicate that he has some more powerful types deeper in the crypt: those who may be capable of creating spawn.
The jars of soul-infused ashes need to be dealt with immediately. If they're what I think they are, they may have been trapped for centuries, and need to be reposed. An evil caster or a spell-components dealer would pay quite a heavy price for them, but the party doesn't know that (well, Sister Ash might, but she wouldn't tell you that).
The sarcophagus is a note of concern, because I doubt the necromancer who owned the place had any use for an empty sarcophagus. The mummy who laid there may still be about, possibly mistaking the dungeon for a crypt it was embalmed to guard. Heck, it might have even been convinced to go back into the coffin and await his purpose, had it not be needlessly broken while he was away... e_e
>Smashing historic artifacts>>80520>>80521Ash gets up and follows Silver, asking for the quick rundown. She'd relay information and opinions similar to what I posted above (minus the part about selling the jars).
[Read more] >>80522"...And that is where we are. I am sorry for making introductions like this, but...we could use your help. I have heard from Star and Spark that you have been willing to help in past, and that you are superb healer. Your aid could mean difference between life and death for us."
I've got dinner to eat, but I'll try to get back as soon as I am able. >>80522this pony was a (((Farmer)))
>>80524He was actually a merchant involved in international trade, most notably a sort of intercontinental slave trade. The farm is just a hobby, or something
>>80525Was it a farm or a plantation?
>>80513Also i really like iron.
[1d20+12 = 15]>>80522Wait, I prepared Mending for today. At least I can fix that tomb.
Also, Survival check while we're still above ground to find a stick large enough to be a club. She tears off part of the fabric beneath her gown and fashion a sack for sling bullets (rocks).
Does Dark Star have 5 ranks in Dungeoneering, by any chance?
>>80524Necromancy (of most kinds) is an evil magick, which is primarily concerned with the production of slaves.
The myths concerning zombies actually originated in Africa (where Voodoo comes from): niggers feared rumors of witchdoctors poisioning them and trapping their souls inside their bodies, so they'd be forced forced to work in their fields all day and night.
[Read more] >>80526He'll just obey Dark Star as a leader, while needlessly insulting his girlfriend with some sort of 'I am better than you' in half of his lines of dialogue. I promise you that if you controlled this character, you would not.
Exactly what was raised on the property has not been disclosed to Dark Star. He only knows that it has been referred to as a 'farm,' slaves were taken there, and one of the letters said something about feeding the ghasts cattle
>>80528>"Reeeeeee slavery!">"Reeeeeee killing cattle!">"Reeeeeee necromancy!"Sums up Sister Ash's response to these matters as they're presented to her.
Did the party recover those jars of Ash?
>>80529Most they did is lick that. Not much else.
>>80530"They did
what?!" Sister Ash exclaims, as she picks up this information
>>80527If this area used to be forested or partly forested, those trees are gone now, bulldozed when the adjacent properties were bulldozed. This property has only one tree on it, which does not appear to have any free limbs suitable for use as a club. There is a dilapidated farm house on the property that has not yet been bulldozed, which maybe has something, but it isn't a tree.
>>80529No, the jars remained where they were left. Except for one jar of ashen-salt, which Silver just casually poured into his bag, which made an ominous as hell noise when so moved
>>80531"Yes, Onyx and Star decided that best way to figure out what they contained was to lick their contents." Silver throws a glance in their direction.
>>80532Sister Ash grumbles in annoyance as she years about the treatment of the jars.
She proceeds slowly into the cavern, along with the rest of the party, picking up a few stones for ammunition as she goes. Caleb moves a few feet ahead of her, using his keen hearing and smell to detect any creatures that may approach.
>>80533To those few:
"You have a very, very, very high likelihood of being possessed at any time within the next year." She pouts indignantly