Welcome to the latest thread of Occupied Equestria. Set six years after season 6, it presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while an Equestrian splinter colony - soured to Princesses notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestruan Southlands, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and even ancient necormancers and dark gods threaten the city and the surrounding regions. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
In the latest episode, we are starting day 4. Ash is finally getting to sleep after dealing with foals that scarified animals to evil gods, Iron is disappointed to find that the only sex he is getting is in his dreams, Dark Star has declined to have sex, Onxy has discovered the joys of socialized medicine, I don’t know what Spark is doing, and Silver has discovered that when you don’t complete a quest, you don’t get paid for it
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>>79927Sister Ash shakes her hoof, giving a little chiding 'tsk tsk'.
"Ah, but you would have found yourself doing it anyway, or worse." She she replies, as she picks up the completed stack and straitens it out neatly
"Best get used to it. You would have had a far worse time if you were in magi class."
>>79864"Oh ok. Whats going on here?"
>>79869>>79867i just woke up
>>79878i was trying for 2 but i was hoping for 1
>>79928“What is that supposed to mean?”
>>79929“I guess I should ask you that. It looks like you are exiting a church with some of your friends”
>>79932"We picked up some holy water for the job."
>>79931"It's means that you need to understand the consequences of your actions." She says sternly
"Magick is dangerous the same way fire is dangerous. Incurring supernatural effects have real world consequences, on nature and morality. Learning this is the first and foremost discipline of magick." She continues
"When I was in my early years of training, I was in.. what would you call it.. a rebellious phase. I too pushed the limits of morality to see what I could learn..
When the elders caught me transmuting aberrations in the forest, they were ever-furious. They made me wear a sweater made of nettles, and catalog every species of Flora in the grove... It took me almost four days, fasting.. but I learned my lesson; and I'd like to say I turned out better because of it."
She turn her face towards the filly, fully expecting every ounce of annoyance to come
"These things may feel torturous in the short term, but only while they last. When you get older, you might even come to appreciate experiences like this." She says
>tfw trying to explain the meaning of punishment, but no Charisma
>>79933“I see that... Well, I can say that in all my time doing various... jobs, I have never needed to use Holy Water”
>>79935"So What are you doing here?"
Are we in front of the orphanage or are we at the church? >>79934Well, she’s definitely getting a look of annoyance out of her. After a long pause, she retorts: “
If I get older. The heroes my father trusted in are gone... My father is gone. I wasn’t rebelling. I was standing up”
>>79937“I figured I’d come see you. You told me you would be here”
Church, along with all of the other S characters
>>79939"Awwww see i told you, you were sweet."
>>79940She sits, wraps her tail around her, and places her hoof to her mouth as she giggles
“Her Dark Star, I would like your opinion on something. Come the day of the sword... or the bug spray or birdshot, who should be slain, and who should be spared?”
>>79939Sister Ash stands up and pats her head
"Ah, but the way you went about it was wrong." She chides, impervious to the Filly's discontent
"And you're better off learning early on than later that actions have consequences, especially concerning magick. This is the ready way, despite how it feels."
"I wouldn't expect you to understand immediately, but I hope you take some time to think about it."
>>79941"well, thats a strange question to ask me out of the blue. all the non communist ponys would survive as well as our greatest ally the Griffions. but the changelings wouldn't be so lucky nor would any communists."
>>79946Dark Star needs someone to breadpill him.
>>79947Sister Ash will breadpill him.
Just you wait, he'll be an exalted hermit in no time.
>>79943"Oh Dark Star, how could any such question be out of the blue?" Once she says that out loud, her face changes to a sort of "I see what you did there"
"Have you no faith in our coming victory? And if my time in East Equestria has taught me anything, it's that just because you've won the war, does not mean you've won the peace. You need to plan out your endgame before you fight.
Now why would the Griffins be our allies and the Changelings our enemies? The Griffonian empire regularly raped, raided, invaded, pillaged and destroyed the pony lands of the east. But for the strong Pegasi warriors who held them back, they would all be subjugated.. Even now some of their... 'progressive' factions fight against the Equestrians of the eastern continent. The Changelings however, fought against the aggressive Princesses, and bared the bulk of the fight. If anypony deserves the title of 'greatest ally'..."
>>79946Poor Silver. He's from Stalliongrad, and thus shall never get the bread"
>>79942And now she's even more annoyed
"Just what am I supposed to do?"
[Read more] >>79949Sister Ash continues paying her head, despite protests
"You'll need to learn how to protect yourself without defiling yourself. Evil doesn't protect anyone; it only takes advantage of fear."
>>79949>her face changes to a sort of "I see what you did there"Dark Star smiles at this
>Have you no faith in our coming victory?"Yes i do. i have more faith in us winning than anything else."
>Now why would the Griffins be our allies and the Changelings our enemies?"Because the griffions forgave us for our pony supremacy and let bygones be bygones. while the changelings feed off of us and replace our foals with theirs."
*/r the donald Squeaking Begins*
>The Griffonian empire regularly raped, raided, invaded, pillaged and destroyed the pony lands of the east."i-im sure they would never do anything like that. next thing you will be telling me is that they invented communism"
*/r the donald Squeaking intensifies*
>>79950She spreads her hooves apart
"Look at me. I'm a small egg-shell colored fillie. If their god couldn't protect me, how am
I going to protect me?"
>>79953She stands up and walks closer to Dark Star. Then, she flips her tail and rubs it right over Dark Star's muzzle, in front of his eyes
"The griffins most definitely have
not. They've always eyed our territory greedily, hungry for what we have. And they have tried their best to take it... many times. They've warred with us then and now. Their 'Aquellia,' in particular not only does not respect the destiny of ponies, but does not even respect the culture, tradition, and history of griffins. Remember that it was griffins on the docks supplying weapons to Communists, and it was a Griffin from the east who was here helping to train the Communists"
[Read more] >>79954*Squeaking Stops*
"But if you are right.... then that means what mom told me was a lie. i..."
>>79955“Like the lie that Celestia and the elements are enough to protect you? Strength lies in every pony. Only by rising together as a collective nation do ponies realize the power of
true Harmony. The harmony of being a part of and contributing to a nation, a culture, and a tradition. Wasn’t it a griffin who killed your mother?”
Definitely need Silver to hear this >>79958"... yes she was. she went into the Griffion Ghetto over by where our house used to be, She would donate the food that we wouldnt finish to the Griffion Shelter. But She would Stress the importance of being an individual, and that only the individual are responsible for their own actions."
>>79959She comes in closer and... hugs Dark Star
“If that’s true... then it’s a hell of a lot of bad individual griffins who have guided their history”
I heard some pegasus was talking shit about Celestia like I wouldn't hear.
>>79961Then go ahead and defend your deity already, boy.
>>79961She’s right outside the door if Silver wants to jump in
>>79960"i guess im trying to hold onto that knowledge she gave me,so i could just put all of my anger onto Scar."
>>79963Silver suddenly laughs, having been quiet through the whole ordeal. "Did you say you think
changelings are greatest ally?"
>>79964She now pets him behind his ears
“It’s good to have a loving mother. And I can tell she raised an incredible son. But she may have wasted some of her love on creatures that had only hate, greed, and jealousy to give back”
>>79965She looks directly at him, and gives him her grin. She still has her hooves around Dark Star’s ears.
“It was a rhetorical proposition to Dark Star. He was able to recognize Changelings as hostile, but
not Griffins. So I pointed out the inconsistency in that logic. Why don’t you tell me why you think Griffins and the other assorted creatures are greater allies than Equestria’s own colonial ponies?”
>>79966"HA! Greatest ally...we do not have any allies. Ponies are not even allies, anymore. It is only us Equestrians left to defend Harmony, against all world. All world has forgotten Harmony, true Harmony. All world knows anymore is war. And it will be death of us, at this rate."
>>79966"im not incredible. thats probably true."
Dark star Hugs her
>>79967“Then why, oh why, do you defend a regime that would war against ponies for the sake of griffins, zebras, and dragons?
Equestria has fallen. That is alright, because they lost the mantle of the defenders of harmony when they forgot that that harmony is the domain of ponies.”
>>79968*squeaking Pegasus noises*
“D’aww, Dark Star”
>>79969Wuh ho. The petitte mare has called you out! Quick, rebute her claims of ideological superiority!
>>79969"And why would you defend regime that does not care for you at all? This Duke, when did he send soldiers to Nimbusia? How long was it into war against griffons?"
Onyx shakes his head at the politics and looks for a drink to nurse.
>>79975The only one around is Tipsy. He's outside a church
>>79971"Why, the Duke wasn't in charge at the time. That honor belongs to your glorious former leader, Princess Celestia. And no, she did nothing to help"
>>79977"You know what I mean. Whoever it was who was in charge of New Mareland, whether it was colonial governor, whether it was independent group, I do not care. When did they decide to go on their own to try to aid Nimbusia?"
>>79978"And as I said before, the Princess just sat there on her fat ass and ate cake. No. She didn't send aid. But it wasn't griffins that fell Nimbusia. It was their own idea of Equality" She almost gags "... harmony, progress,
social change that disrupted the proud warrior tradition"
>>79979Silver looks understandably frustrated at her. "You are worse than griffons when it comes to arguing."
>>79980"True. The griffins will just try to shoot or stab you. They don't care for philosophy, or if they do it's a philosophy of the guillotine and bayonet for Nobles they don't like. We Nimbusians, by contrast, are well versed in the subject. And we wield it as adeptly as our blades"
>>79980Already going for personal insults?>>79979>>79981Just for me to know. There is no interruptions betweeen Ulnori and the Abbey, right? Something like a certain spat between a smol mare and an old stallion?
>>79982Only if he wants to take a much more northerly route. But they should all be on their way to the abbey anyways
>>79975>>79977For some reason, Spark feels uneasy. He holds his glass closer to his side.
>>79983Roger. Iron does not really have a reason to take that route, so I'll stay at the ready just in case.
>>79984Onyx looks at the glass and then Spark
"Can I have a sip or do you wanna run to a bar with me?"
>>79981"Then you should understand it is not in interest of New Mareland to care for you, or your people. Or to care for me, or my people. New Mareland does not protect ponies. New Mareland protects itself. It is only reason they invaded Equestria, why they 'ally' themselves to changelings and griffons, if you could even call it an alliance."
>>79985"Dark Star, don't you have a certain 'truth seeker' to teach Griffins, communists, and other unenlightened creatures? Help them leave the cave for once"
>>79986He should be there eventually, although Ash has died of flu and so won't be able to meet him
>>79989So, can I enter the abbey and take my bison necklace from Thyme?
>>79987"You can't have Tipsy, so I guess we will run to a bar."
>>79987>>79991Watch out you two. Don't want another party separation again.
>>79991"Better than standing around shitting on each other"
>>79993"I work at a bar, day drinking is nothing new here"
>>79995Dark Star considers it
"you can go get a drink if you want, but we were about to go find that nun so we can head back to the quarry."
>>79996"Well it seemed like you were more interested in letting your marefriend tell you what to believe than find the nun"
>>79997"i hadn't realized how bad things really were."
>>79988"True, you are right about that. New Mareland does care about its ponies. They do protect themselves. They had relied on Celestia to protect hem for half of a millennia. After Celestia changed her management style, and after the fall of the Griffin empire, it became obvious that Celestia would not protect her ponies. . Neither from aggressive and iconoclastic griffins, nor from disruptive immigrants, nor from economic depression and want. So that is when they decided to forge their own path, free of the Princess. And in the process of their self defense, they saved half of Equestria - including you - from being Chrysalis's livestock
But you are wrong about one thing. They
do care about me. And I don't mean The Duke. In fact, to be honest, I've always been suspicious of ponies with bones growing out of their heads. No, it was Halcyon Shores, Governor General of the Baltimare district, who took me in. Back then he was just a major, but he saw my potential, and the potential of many like me, cast out of our countries from social change. I have lost not one but two homes to progress and equality. It was Halcyon Shores who gave me a new chance. A new homeland, and a new purpose. To root out communists and progressives who would rot and destroy society from within. And I knew in him I had found a devoted Reactionary. One who would not allow the decay of the old traditions nor a weakened stance against foreign enemies.
No. I don't like all New Mareland values, as they are by and large
Equestrian values. They have an idea of pony equality, where unicorns are more equal than others and tend to run things, those freaky pegasi with bat wings are allowed to be generals, and even earth ponies can join the secret police" *pets Dark Star* "But that is what they have done for over a thousand years, and in all their other actions, they resist the degradation of the natural order"
>>79990Yes, just know that Ash is dead of flu
[Read more] >>80002I have some mischevious plans when she comes back with that austistic colt she has been clungIron enters the abbey and asks the nearest nun where Thyme is. Surely by this point, she would have finished with his necklace.
>>80002Something about what Blue said seems to have struck a nerve with Silver. "Saved? If anything, it is New Mareland who has doomed us all. They have not saved anything, least of all themselves."
TBH, I really didn't want to actually get into a debate today. Or any day, really. It's just that Silver has to be getting tired of having to hear Blue constantly say bullshit like this. >>80003"Oh, uh, yes, she's out in the wood shop"
>>80005Iron nods. He then searches for the place mentioned.
>>80004Well, cut her with your sword or something if he's so tired from her rattling on about Celestia is incompetent. Or beta up and harrumph to the side.
Honestly, you're at a huge disadvantage when the person you're debating is actually the god of this world. Just keep that in mind. >>80004I've been craving it"Tell me now. How do
you plan on freeing the other half of Equestria?"
>>80006Assuming he asks for directions, it is a small white building in the back of the property, not connected to the other structures. When he goes in, he sees several foals working on various crafts. Sister Thyme has protective glasses and gloves on, and is working a piece of wood on some sort of machine with a colt
>>80007Yeah I know >>80008>>80004Dark Star does >pic related
>>80010And then he starts walking towards the Orphanage
>>80008Iron just watches what Thyme and the colt are doing. It seems important not to interrupt crafting time. He does walk and stand near the workplace where both are working.
>>80011>>79997"Well Onyx, looks like going to the bar might have to wait. We should find the nun and get everypony on the same page, by bringing them to the bar. Plus, it's a more suitable location for a brawl."
>>80012It seems to be cutting into and shaping wood. She seems to be teaching the foal how to do it
>>80010Blue Skies does pic related
>>80013"Fine by me, I just wanted to leave"
>>80007He wouldn't even need any of that. He could bend all the rules of the lore, he could bend none of them, it doesn't change the fact that my greatest weakness is in language, and debate.>>80008I congratulate you in being a much better debater than I am."Before New Mareland stabbed us in back? Cut changeling supply lines, destroy infrastructure as we retreat, destroy as many Panzers as we could, faster than they could rebuild them. And it was working...until New Mareland decided they did not like idea of Equestria winning.
"Now? We are all doomed. Chrysalis will invade, she will take all of Equestria. New Mareland does not have any armies left in Equestria to defend. Equestrian army has been killed, captured, or is in hiding. There is nothing left for us to do, at this point, except hope for swift death, and mercy from Her in afterlife."
>>80010Silver seems unaffected. He looks like he's fuming from where he's at.
[Read more] >>80014Iron waits until she finishes her teaching.
>>80015I head out after Dark Star
>>80011Silver follows, still fuming.
>>80016"But... if Equestria stood with her old Dominion, as well as the ponies of the east, and what griffins decide they don't care for Chrysilis or Iconoclasts... Wouldn't they then have the finest chance of beating back Chrysalis and her minions? Sounds better than laying down and dying, doesn't it?"
>>80018>>80019>>80020Just be aware that Ash has died of influenza
>>80017This could... take a few minutes
>>80021Iron decides, after a minute, to just poke Thyme to call her attention.
>>80022She looks up, kind of surprised, and turns off the machine
"Why hello. You're back"
>>80023"Yeah, I had some fun outside. Do you have the necklace? Ash should be ready to head out soon."
>>79954I'm sorry, guys... I'm too cooked to play rn, let alone think of how I'm supposed to respond to this filly.
>>80024"Oh, yes." She moves away quickly, and comes back.
"Here it is" she presents the waterbuffalo with a hole drilled through just behind its shoulder blades on a thin metal necklace. The areas where the holes exit appear smooth.
"It should be more or less balanced when on a necklace. I used a simple metal chain"
>>80026Can we just say that your character is abducted by the group?
And does she leave the foal on her back behind >>80026No need to just die trying to RP a kirin in a mongolian cookoff board. Take your time.
>>80021"New Mareland did not stand with Equestria, when they invaded. They had choice to. They chose to stand by Chrysalis instead."