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An Explosive Meteorite.png
UFOs and aliens are man made.
751 31887 103575 104116 104641 106452 116799 121571 122574
This post is inspired by >>>/mlpol/59382.

I have been researching UFOs and aliens for decades. I have found the best way to understand the phenomena is to time-line it and then see what else was happening around the same time. Time-lining it allows the evolution & origin of certain aspects to show up which means you can trace things back to origin points.

I don't concern myself with if each UFO/alien report is real or not real, but I look at it in a wide ranging meta-view and this shows a sensible evolution which implies it is real and therefore the reports are generally mostly real.

I am not sure what the best way is to do this data dump. I have decided to do a succinct 300 year history which can be expanded on by me asking questions. This allows me to keep my efforts in proportion to actual board interest levels.

This initial section is to show the development of human sky technology and also shows that nothing ET UFO like is happening yet.

1758 - Book: Concerning Earths in the Solar System, in which Emanuel Swedenborg detailed his alleged journeys (spiritual) to the inhabited planets (up to Saturn + 5 exo-planets), solar system barrier, suns are black.
1783 - France: Manned balloons
1803 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utsuro-bune
1850 - and onwards triangular shapes are reported in the sky but when researched most of these can be associated with comets and comet fragments (comets tend to break up near Earth, Sun and Jupiter into sharp angular fragments).
1851 - Dr. William Bland sent design: steam engine driving twin propellers suspended under airship to Great Exhibition, London
1852 - Comet fragment dramatically crashes to Earth with sheets of rain (comet water) and dark ominous clouds with read streaks before the massive chunk crashes into the English channel. The other interesting part about this is that it happens near dawn, and the dawn side of the Earth is in the direction of the Earth's travel around the sun. So the Earth overran this comet fragment and sucked it down into it. This dramatically shows how astronomical phenomena can produce UFO reports. Pic #1 Attached.
1863 - “Aereon” by Solomon Andrews (inventor) flew, unpowered, controllable dirigible,Perth Amboy, New Jersey.
1871 - Mystery airship, Mt. Washington, New Hampshire (Solomon Andrews?) See Pic #2. This is one of the earliest UFO reports and we can see it is consistent with an airship. We have no reason to conclude it is ET yet.
1871 - (Vril, the Power of) The Comming Race fiction novel by Edward Bulwer-Lytton. This book in Germany inspires the use of the term Vril for unknown magical/physical forces and leads to the nick name The Vril Society.
1881 - a comet was mistaken as an unusual object in the sky. See pic #3.
1886 - Book: A Dweller on Two Planets, Atlantis, life on Venus, advanced technology, karma, Mt. Shasta. “No telescope will ever reveal human life on Venus; not that it is not there, but its forms are of the One Substance effected by a range of force rendering them imperceptible to earthly eyes." -- what we see here is the myth of sentient life on other planets in our solar system starting to form. There is no reason to reject this notion at that time.
1886 - cheap way to manufacture aluminium is discovered. At this point airships are flying around, some are secret projects. They use bamboo and cloth and ropes. Cheap aluminium allows them to be made of this metal. France is becoming a leader in airship design. You can think of these airships as the B2 bomber of the day, these are very serious military tech for spying and air to ground attack. Therefore there is secrecy around designs as well.
1891 - Contactee Thomas Blott (William Simpson, 1828-1910) The Man from Mars is a book about a Martian explaining how Mars is great and Earth sux, basically. It is not clear if this was supposed to be fiction or a reported event.
1893 - In the article “Man of the Year Million”, H. G. Wells envisaged humanity transformed into a race of grey-skinned beings, stunted and with big heads. -- the greys!!

So with that look so far we can see many of the elements of aliens and UFOs exist but there are no reports yet of flying saucers or any meaningful reports of flying triangles under intelligent control. All of it, when it comes to ETs, is human imagination. We can reasonably say no ETs are showing up in this 1700s-1800s time period.

In 1893 science starts to speculate about gravity and if we can understand it better and control it.

1893 - Oliver Heaviside makes paper called A GRAVITATIONAL AND ELECTROMAGNETIC ANALOGY http://sergf.ru/Heavisid.htm -- this will be very important as we continue the time lining.
1894 “Aug 26, British admiral reported sighting a large disk with a projection like a tail” – Keyhoe (1950) -- Airship? Science experiment? There are no good references for this report and so it can't be examined further.
1896 - Germany 11 Sep, Zagreb daily newspaper Obzor “The day before yesterday we received a telegram sent by an amateur journalist. He informed us that David Schwarz from Zagreb has invented an [aluminium] airship which he hopes he could direct on his own free will."
1896 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mystery_airship -- this is the UFO flap of 1896-97 but they were airships, not disks, triangles or spacecraft. We know that airships won't work in space so these are human-made. This shows that human advanced tech can be a unsolved mystery. See pics #4 and #5


600 replies and 552 files omitted.
116799 117251
Something unexpected from the standard Mg and Fe:

In 1872-03-03 the sun had glowing Vanadium in 340 degrees of its 360 degree edge, according to one observer, who saw Vanadium lines throughout 1872 in the sun. 1872 is 2 years after the 1870 sunspot maximum. Vanadium is rare on Earth and 23rd most common element in meteorites ( https://periodictable.com/Properties/A/MeteoriteAbundance.html ) at 0.0061%. Is it a valid sighting? Why did it happen? Did it come from within or from outside? With Vanadium being rare even in meteorites does this suggest the sun had collected it over time and then displayed large quantities of it?

Source: https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1873MmSSI...2...20L
'f' line was calculated on average as being at 4471.4 Angstroms. An intense line belonging to Vanadium is at 4471.3176 Angstroms. ( https://physics.nist.gov/PhysRefData/ASD/lines_form.html )

Additional info on Vanadium and meteorites:
116684 117251
>Data line: sulphur is found <0.1% of time in asteroids or meteors, but why >15% of comets? Speculation incomplete for now. However: Red Rains of India experience consistent impacts of comets containing large amounts of sulphur, sheets of foul smelling gel often noted on water bodies. "Nature, you so crazy-'

I am re-evaluating spectra data assumptions because to many incongruities are turning up. In the process I discovered this:
>When burned, sulfur melts to a blood-red liquid and emits a blue flame. (pic)
a blue flame might be difficult to see during the day, and the redness of rain harder to notice at night. The sulfur might be collected and then sent en-mass from the sun.

Forgot source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sulfur

The sulfur burns due to atmospheric friction.
118138 118642 118825
Meteorite elements spectrum Fe Mg Si V.png
Sun and Meteor elements ratio.png
With silicon seemingly missing from the sun >>110885 (Atomic weight 28) but Vanadium being claimed in the sun >>116420 (Atomic weight 51), the idea that silicon is too heavy to churn up becomes a problem. So I relooked into the situation. I started collecting the spectrum of the common elements in meteors (pic1) and I noticed that the three cyan lines of magnesium are very close to three cyan lines of silicon. What is typical with the 1870s reports is 'b' lines (Mg lines) and '1474K' lines. There has been some controversy about the exact frequency of the '1474K' line. In the past it has been located at 531.6nm (1883MmSSI..11D..15F & 1912MNRAS..72..538F) but in 1919 it was changed to 530.3nm ( https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1919LicOB..10....8C/abstract ). This is relevant because the closest bright line for common elements in the sun and meteors is Si at 529.519nm. Again suggesting that Si was seen but misidentified. So reports of 'b' and '1474K' might be Silicon. >>113423

This lead to asking the question is Si actually missing from the sun today? I used two questionable sites for data in meteors and the sun, both have problems but this is just a rough look, and I removed the H and He from the sun and looked at the percentages of other elements in the sun in relation to the percentage in meteors.

The 2 sites:

This lead to the spreadsheet pic2. What showed up was the sun seems to have an excess of O, C and N, and a lack of Si, Mg, Fe and S. This isn't a surprise because I am expecting Si, Mg and Fe to be ejected in the form of, sometimes, UFOs and Ghost [insert name]s. What was interesting was the seemingly lack of S in the sun.

Coupling this with Afternon's, question about why comets have too much S, we now have an answer. S has the strongest diamagnetic repulsive reaction to magnetic fields of all these common elements. Which is the cause of:

>There is more sulphur per iron in the solar environment than the very best sulphur rich/iron poor space rock (0.11). Two sources of sulphur exist; the sun itself, or melting from space rocks (at a rate higher than iron), or both.
Lets now call it both, because both options are the same thing.

Paramagnetism and Diamagnetism: https://youtu.be/u36QpPvEh2c

Sulfur is not inclined to be in the sun's magnetic field or, presumably, in the magnetic field of natural UFOs from the sun. It therefore must be in the space environment. Sulfur "goes its own way." As comets come through they collect up the space-sulfur onto their surfaces (ices). Should those ices rain upon the Earth ( >>750 pic1 ) they would have high S content. In addition clouds of free sulfur in space might enter the Earth's atmosphere, and burn into blood redness then rain nucleates around it.

Since sulfur does not like magnetism, it has a bias against being at the Earth's poles and so Sulfur/red rain would likely fall around the equator. It would be interesting to know if historical red rain matches this.

Modern red rain has been associated with biology:

This might be another example of a mystery having multiple causes, some historical red rain may not be biology.

* Silicon may not have been missing in the metallic sun. If scientists were not careful to calibrate what they saw, by eye alone, then any 3 cyan lines became defacto magnesium.
* Sulfur might collect in space and therefore concentrate on comets and in the Earth's atmosphere.
Close to VEST estimate, Herr Vril. Or perhaps best. Regardless, impossible to speculate lower. Nominal estimate: 5-8 million tons of debris per decade. Reduce by 60% for total metallic mass: staggering numbers. Metallic coronal solar ejections responsible for near all asteroid/meteor swarms seen today. New extrapolation: capture distance, ie: "electromorphogenic field" occurs on planetary body basis. Some capture A element more, some capture B element less. Few re-feeds back into sun from ejected materials = massive decreases pre-1948. More correct term: morphogenic, or EM field dynamics. Ignore pseudoscience bullshit. Watched screens for 10 hours daily, most art of "job". Colleagues relied on to calculate/interpret data & meanings. from arrays. Not TechEng.

Correct again. Consider chum like 'tin', cardboard, glass, paper reprocessing facilities. Dropoff statistically unseen before. Not main factor no, deliberate accumulation decrease based on electromorphogenic planetary fields. Nature is fucking weird.

Near-maximum possibility. Most religions perform praetexta fabulosas ('shows of divine comedy') for conversion. Leads directly to indoctrination = cyclical degenerate stupidity.

Bigfoot = same problem as "Greys", "Greens", "Reds". Technology advanced too quickly to track. Remember list of inventions? 300KG+ footprints easily faked in 1950's. Propaganda + animal hair exports + rubber suits = 99% accounts for 'sightings'. Fuck coincidences.

Easily within observance range then. Unfortunate side effects not within logic or counter-propaganda. Not surprised, only disappointed.

No facts ever found in mythology or legendry. Damage found of 'great battle' on Mount Olympus provides greater proof of Pantheon than it does for zombie kike on stick. No miracles, only schlock.

Strange. Never noticed Carrington Event mentioned before even though pre-Vril Societe` noted large number of electrical/mechanical-electrical experiments failed during same time. Naturally caused electrical blackouts occurring without use of constructed weaponry = mildly disturbing. Mostly hilarious in context.

Difficult synergistic cross references state second is more extrapolation/projection than calculation.

Highly interesting. Collected dispersal as per prior coronal ejections. Tracked 160+ years prior to current? New dataline found: elemental silicon debris on Mercury coincides with high magenesium content. Consequence = magnesium reflection precluded silicon study until 2011. Asteroid/meteor impacts of historical significance than previously expected.

Fuck off Nature. Weird shit exists in all fields. Why specific wavelengths/colorations? Cause->effect->consequences persist. Same results each time. Losing track of own research now, too much study, more topics than can be handled.
>Some [planets] capture A element more, some capture B element less.
Yes. The sun is the main magnetic field in the solar system. Elements have different reactions to the field. This would lead to some differentiation in the solar system. The planets just happen to be at different distances/differentiation points. Sulphur might be generally leaving the sun until gravity/diamagnetism forces are balanced, if at all.

> March 29, 2019
>Researchers find that the sun's magnetic field is ten times stronger than previously believed

>cyclical degenerate stupidity.
We are stuck in a very awkward position. Baby making needs a certain level of animal-ness, the more intellectual a group the less it will breed. So there is an upper limit on how non-animal we can be and continue into the future.

>Not surprised, only disappointed.
A theme we all need to get used to as, hopefully, this bullshiting comes to an end.

>Vanadium 447.16nm
There are some other cases that look like Vanadium lines also, but they have Fe lines quite close, which has me doubting those. This singular case stands up fairly well as a lone case so far. 1872-Mar is just prior to the metal throwing spin up of the sun (sun spot peak was 1870, scientists noted that metal churning had a 2-3 year lag to sun spots). Sunspots are just the magnetic field, actual transportation of deep metal might take 2-3 years. A deep churn might pull up thousands of years of deep stored Vanadium. But I would like to see more than one case. But you might only get one churn this deep per X000 years. I am still debating it with myself as you can see.

>New dataline found: elemental silicon debris on Mercury coincides with high magenesium content. Consequence = magnesium reflection precluded silicon study until 2011.
After some effort I located your citation for you :P
It stated that Mercury surface is 18% Si. Meteors are said to be 14% Si. Close enough.

(This paper is from 2017 and has references up to 2017 and it is still discussing missing silicon to the point they are expecting that Mercury lost its outer crust to explain it. Looks like everyone has information fatigue.)

I am also thinking Mercury is getting coated with raw sun metal (blobs and dust).

>Why specific wavelengths/colorations?
Electrons have fixed quantum packet energy levels. The energy emitted to drop to the lower specific energy rung emits a specific frequency/energy packet size. So the scenario is, heat it until the electrons are perpetually jumping up and down in levels, absorbing and emitting.

>Losing track of own research now, too much study, more topics than can be handled.
I keep reminding myself to stay on only that which leads to 1947 Flying Disks. ("It does not matter if '1474K' line is Si or Fe, both are metal, keep tabulating and stop getting distracted, Vril!")

Silicon burning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7rUqECbyxE
>Thus silicon does not measurably react with the air below 900 °C, but formation of the vitreous dioxide rapidly increases between 950 °C and 1160 °C and when 1400 °C is reached, atmospheric nitrogen also reacts to give the nitrides SiN and Si3N4.
-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silicon

Silicon and Magnesium "ghost rockets"?
Forgot link.

>(This paper is from 2017 and has references up to 2017 and it is still discussing missing silicon to the point they are expecting that Mercury lost its outer crust to explain it. Looks like everyone has information fatigue.)
Solar Mg regions 1872 August page1.jpg
Solar Mg regions 1872 August page2.jpg
The sun viewed over a period of 13 days (sun rotates every 28 days so slightly less than half of the sun surface was observed) showing it to be 3/4s covered in glowing metal regions. These aren't erupting, they are the solar surface itself.

60 means the whole edge glowed metal spectral lines.
Just completed tabulating data up to and including 1872 regarding the metalicity of the sun reported in the Memorie della Societa Degli Spettroscopisti Italiani. Thought I might drop a summary of what I have so far. Note numbers refer to 1 day only and up to 6 degrees of the sun edge occupied. The same sighting over 2 days equals a count of 2. A sighting 12 degrees wide equals a count of 2. The purpose is to generate a crude sense of volume rather than incidences.

1868 had a couple of reports of metal but the spectroscope for the sun is not invented yet.

1869 has a few reports, solar spectroscope invented later this year.

1870 One report only.

1871 One paper reports 229 metallic eruptions but has no details. 15 reports in other papers.

1872 Jan: 8 eruptions over 4 days
1872 Feb: 7 eruptions/prominences over 8 days
1872 Mar: 56 possible Vanadium in 1 day, 10 prominences over 7 days, 5 eruptions over 2 days.
1872 Apr: 2 eruptions/prominences/faculae over 1 days
1872 May: 246 regions of Mg (or Si) over 12 days, 9 eruptions over 5 days.
1872 Jun: 579 regions of Mg (or Si) over 14 days, 4 prominences over 11 days.
1872 Jul: 1009 regions of Mg (or Si) over 26 days, 180 "1474K" (Probably Si) over 3 days, 51 eruptions over 13 days.
1872 Aug: 354 regions of Mg (or Si) over 8 days, 152 Vanadium over 4 days, 27 eruptions over 10 days.
1872 Sep: no data, missing data or no sightings, uncertain
1872 Oct: no data, missing data or no sightings, uncertain
1872 Nov: 17 protuberances/regions of Mg(and/or Si) in 1 day
1872 Dec: 57 Vanadium over 2 days, 35 regions of Mg (or Si) in 1 day, 1 eruption over 2 days.

The bias in the middle of the year might be due to the sun being higher in the sky in summer and so less atmospheric refraction dulling the lines. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rayleigh_scattering

and autism.
1952 0704 phoenix arizona republic -oskar linke.jpg
1952 Oscar Linke UFO encounter. Things will get more interesting once we get to the man-made Flying Disc conspiracy.
Source: https://ufocon.blogspot.com/2019/10/a-pal-kolyma-provided-vairous-newspaper.html
Back on track with original research. Old information used from 60's to 80's 'now' filed for patent 'rights: room temperature superconductors, high energy electromagnetic field generator, hybrid aerospacial-underwater craft (underwater & flight craft), plasma compression-fusion power generation systems, field reversal-configuration drives. Biefeld-Brown Effect, Project WINTERHAVEN, Avro Canada-JewS assets now coming full circle. More Royal Crown forces cuckery.
We appear to be in a slow exposure process:

What is unfortunate about all of this is it requires emotion driven hype to engage the public in what should be just logical information gathering and reason. Interesting how To The Stars Academy reads like Project Winterhaven (attached).

>Back on track with original research.
I'll be completing my sun analysis first it is necessary to bed down the natural UFOs which inspire the man-made UFOs.
Flying Saucers: Project Blue Book by Leon Davidson (1966)
0901.1149--Elemental abundances in the solar photosphere and in CI-chondrites.png
A proper redo of >>116799 where an attempt is made to look for what abundant metals the sun photosphere is short of (relative to meteors) presumably ejected.

The sun is short: Mg 2%, Si 3%, Fe 5% (also S 8%).
The sun has excess: Na, Al, Ca, Ni, V (also C)

This is consistent with expectations.
118140 118141
>what abundant metals the sun photosphere is short of (relative to meteors) presumably ejected
Do you considered that any mass ejected will be grabbed by the gravitational pull back?
Yes. If something is flung from the sun in any direction, and nothing further happens to it, it will crash back into the sun. This is because the distance from the suns center at launch is obviously less than the radius of the sun. So when it returns it crashes less than the radius of the sun from the center on the other side of center.

However if something affects it while in space it can achieve a stable orbit. Effects could be it is ejecting gas, the solar wind, or a planet's gravity redirects it's path. For the later Mercury is a good option. And might explain why some meteor showers swing by Mercury, because the first swing-by after leaving the sun is what made them get a stable orbit. See >>103521 graphs.

Another interesting thing is orbits do not decay, unless some force is slowing down the object (eg. atmopheric friction). Untouched, orbits are forever.

Which is the understanding I got from reading:
Space Flight for Beginners by Andrew Motes (2016)
The speed needed to escape the sun completely (includes exiting the solar system, so less useful as a UFO explanation) is 617.7 km/s (escape velocity https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun ) and the NASA video at the bottom of >>116284 states the sun ejected material at 3000 km/s at one point.

So the sun can eject material so fast it never returns also.


Did i miss the ayy lmaos?
Had a chance to look at some more precise spectrum readings in a paper from 1873:
https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1873MmSSI...2...54T (page 59)

5198.0 Fe I (5198.7108 = 0.7108 short) [ 2950], Th I (5198.79977 = 0.79977 short) [ 3000] no vanadium option
5226.0 Fe I (5226.8620 = 0.8620 short) [ 30900], V I (5225.725 = 0.275 long ) [150000] V is bright but 5564.6 at intensity 1120 was glowing so this Fe at 30900 would glow too.
5234.0 Fe I (5235.3864 = 1.3864 short) [ 2290], V I (5234.0720 = 0.0720 short) [450000] V is bright but 5564.6 at intensity 1120 was glowing so this Fe at 2290 would glow too.
5269.0 Fe I (5269.5370 = 0.5370 short) [1020000], V I (5267.611 = 1.389 long ) [ 9100], C I (5268.956 = long 0.044) [7200], Cu II (5269.9892 = 0.9892 short) [23000], Fe I (5270.3560 = 1.3560 short) [288000]
5282.5 Fe I (5283.6207 = 1.1207 short) [ 33900], V I (5282.480 = 0.020 long ) [ 30000]
5316 Fe or V (too imprecise)
5323.5 Fe I (5324.1787 = 0.6787 short) [ 78000] nothing else intensity > 1000 between 5320 and 5324
5327.5 Fe I (5328.0383 = 0.5383 short) [ 740000], V I (5328.804 = 1.304 short) [51000]
5564.6 Fe I (5565.7036 = 1.1036 short) [ 1120], Fe I (5563.5999 = 1.0001 long ) [ 1600] only choices intensity > 1000, Cs II is [3900000] but is 1.5756 long outside of apparent error margin.

Equipment seems to be short ~0.6787 Angstroms and (1.3864 - 0.6787 = ) 0.7077 Angstroms error margin. The equipment probably has 1 Angstrom delineations with the point numbers being eyeballed. The battle between Vanadium seen in the sun or not continues, V can be avoided in this sighting. [Square brackets] are NIST relative light intensity.

They also list: b1, b2 and b3 (Mg), b4 (Fe), Sodio (Na), and BC & Ba (not sure what these are yet). b4 glowing is a good sign that Fe was glowing and Fe does produce a large number of lines >>116799 so the Fe explanation (rather than V) works out well to explain all those lines. And I know now to expect up to 1.4 Angstrom errors. This is the best evidence I have for the sun churning Iron so far.
Meteorite elements spectrum Fe Mg Si V smaller--version2.png
Corrected and expanded spectrum that I am using for continuing analysis of the sun.
The reason for the noticing of cyan/green so much.

Silicon missing problem solved.

>Regarding silicon, none of the documents mention silicon lines. This has me greatly puzzled. Silicon spectrum was known in 1906. Therefore it isn't part of the Fraunhofer lines (1814) but this shouldn't stop the recording of the frequencies for Si post 1906. I still need to work out what is happening here, it is contradictory. They mention Mg and Fe but between both in a sun should be Si and S. Does Si and S end up in the corona instead?

The spectrum that the eye can see well was outside of the known Si lines until 1923, because of the notorius difficulties of obtaining pure Si and working with it. The 1800s reports concentrate on solar spectrum observations at about 500-600nm. In https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1923ApJ....57..279S/abstract (1923) Si was put in a vacuum and subjected to 70 kilovolts and produced four 518-521nm new Si lines. Since these cross the Mg b1 line, some b1 reports are actually Si reports.

TL;DR: Prior to 1923, Si on the sun would not have been recognized.

UFO caught on video over Cuba
That doesn't look like a chunk of metal falling from space OP.
Sure doesn't. But it is a UFO. Man is putting stuff up there also.
>A catalogue of UAP related "fragments" which have been analysed.

Lots of iron and magnesium but also aluminum. I was surprised to see that the Maury Island metal did get examined... maybe: https://www.scientificexploration.org/docs/12/jse_12_3_vallee_2.pdf
119920 119924
Found this today by accident:
>Gravity Control by means of Electromagnetic Fieldthrough Gas or Plasma at Ultra-Low Pressure
>Fran De Aquino
>Maranhao State University, Physics Department, S.Luis/MA, Brazil.
>Copyright © 2007 by Fran De Aquino. All Rights Reserved
Oh yes. You are a true hero. So many bullshit possibilities open up.
So the TLDR. By using math you can have an electric current (ie electromagnetic forces) with a vastly higher voltage, and a very specific low frequency per material (of the gas or plasmal can have negative gravity.

Making it more simple. A lightbulb, and specific magnetic/electricity can become an engine for controlling gravity.

Holy shit. That's what the macro putt-putt rumors are trying to stop.

Earth (with a g) has a very specific ultra low frequency. that oscillates.
Sun Terminology.png
Solar Metallic Prominence History.png
Sun metal history tabulating continues. 1873 completed. Dumping what I have in case anyone is interested.

And backing up my table here. See pics.

| Year | 1 gennaio || 2 febbraio || 3 marzo || 4 aprile || 5 maggio || 6 giugno || 7 luglio || 8 agosto || 9 settembre || 10 ottobre || 11 novembre || 12 dicembre || Yearly reported |||
| ::: | January || February || March || April || May || June || July || August || September || October || November || December || ::: |||
| ::: |region|prom. |region|prom. |region|prom. |region|prom. |region|prom. |region|prom. |region |prom.|region|prom. |region|prom. |region|prom. |region|prom. |region|prom. |region|prom.|eruption|
| 1871 |0/0 | |3/7 | |0/6 | |1/16 |H Ca Na|2/12|Hα Ca Fe|0/12 | |8 | | | | | |1 | | | |4|Hα Na Fe Mg | |14-15/d ^ 229 |
| 1872 |1/1 |8/4 |0/11 |7/8 |56/1 |10/7 |1/2 |2/1 ^246/12|9/5 ^579/14|4/11 ^1009/26^51/13^354/8 ^27/10 | | | | |17/1 |17/1 |57/2 ^35/1 | ^40/d | 111 |
| 1873 |34/10 |11 |10/3 |3 |75/8 |5 |106/6|4 ^203/8 |2 ^1078/20|7 ^603/11 ^36 |93/2 |15 | |3 | | | | | | |42/d |8-9/d | 128 |


Not enough data yet to make nice graphs but I know enough now to separate out the data usefully.
I'll be dividing the metal sightings into "region" and "prominence". The later is what we want to add to the >>113025 >>113294 charts, but the former shows us the metal "pooling" on the sun visible "surface". Sometimes seeming to cover the whole surface.

1869 was when a suitable spectroscope device was invented.
1870 was maximum sun spots.
1871 is said to have had 229 metallic solar eruptions >>116089
1872 May is when the metal started to show itself in force on the sun "surface". This inspired the formation of a society in Italy to monitor the sun. I am using their data.
Metal observations peak in June and July because the sun is higher in the sky (less atmospheric thickness) and the weather is clearer in summer. The oxygen in our air wants to disperse colors near cyan (see liquid oxygen https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxygen) which is where our eyes see best and Mg, Si and Fe have strong spectral lines.
>1871 is said to have had 229 metallic solar eruptions >>116089
1872 May is when the metal started to show itself in force on the sun "surface".

This suggests that the metal was launched from the sun's interior first and then fell onto the surface.
1873 Data Sources:
>macro putt-putt
>Meanwhile, I send the figures of an important eruption observed on January 23, 1874. In this we saw the stain being born just below the eruption. In the morning, P. Ferrari did the drawing at 9.00am and saw nothing in the 67° position counted from N to E. I towards the 11°, when I made the design of the protuberances. I saw no sunspot, but I found a beautiful eruption there or rather its top, which looked like a mass of boiling molten iron. There were upturned Ba, D1, D2, the b [Barium?, Sodium, Magnesium] and many others in the green, and many of the iron, especially that, which is between the two narrowest of magnesium. At 12.10pm the living mass had grown, but no sunspot was visible. Figure 1 was born at 1.59pm, with a beautiful jet, and I also saw black spots in the finder. Went to the Cauchuoix equatorial [telescope] I found the spot, fig. 4, and returned to the spectroscope I had the prominence therein marked a few minutes later. (See Table XXXVII).
-- https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1874MmSSI...3....7S and corrected Google Translate.
See right pic.
Some more from the same:

>This spot could not have become visible due to the solar rotation, because from the morning to the hour the sun had not rotated about 3°, which brings less than half a millimeter of senoverso, and they were three whole millimeters inside. They had therefore formed from the eruption in the interval of the few hours passed. Therefore we see that this fact confirms my ideas on the formation of stains.
>To complete the table, I introduced the beautiful figure of the observation made by us with Rutherfurd and Tacchini, and designed by the latter, where the casting and raising of the materials was so evident. They repeatedly saw magnesium masses, which jumped out and disappeared soon after. This eruption having occurred in the west, there was no visible stain at the time, but on 3 and 4 February (time of return) the edge was with patches and very tormented, so I think this is a remnant of that eruption, like the Tacchini until of then conjecture. The sun now has little stuff; we are in a minimum, which is to be monitored because the phenomena are clearer.

This is consistent with minimums resulting in fewer but more violent metal ejections. This specifically states magnesium was seen being ejected from the sun. This would be a requirement for the 1940s 'very little metal seen', but those few that do leave the sun are sufficient to make the first Ghost Rockets and Flying Disks.
Re 411
From https://www.reddit.com/r/Missing411/ (spoilered for those that are website sensitive)
Thoughts on Apollo 20 and recent project coelacanth 8867 stuff?
Hmmmm, that's some interesting correlation.
Cave systems to covertly move people around, and to protect their underground human trafficking railroad.
Thanks for these two subjects.

I had seen the "Apollo 20" video https://youtu.be/R9VwLkLfe44 before and it reminds me somewhat of the "Alternative 3" https://youtu.be/WE4e-Fp1UZE April Fools day video ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternative_3 ) which shows that sophisticated hoax videos can be made.

There are reasons to believe in classified space bases:
but no evidence.

The "coelacanth 8867" was new to me, so thank you. I was mildly intrigued by the initial part of the video in black and white. The content was understated and I am not opposed to the Germans or others getting something into space in the 30s plus. Or the American's in the 50s. This fell flat as the content started to double down on the number of craft and the air combat/bombings. And started to feel more like an art film similar to https://www.youtube.com/user/secureteam10 . Then I noticed the use of the projector noise to add ambience to the content. If this was a set of real films to be used for research it would not need "mood music" and it would have data content such as film date and film location or documents would be with the USB to help the presumed researcher.

We are all becoming more aware that we have been lied to for a long time by those in power. And I hope we are also starting to realize that mythology is also how we get lied to. If the myth of "alien abductions" exists strongly in culture (Thanks History Channel) then when evil elites abduct you, and mess with your mind and body, at 3am in the morning, culture will tell you to blame aliens, not humans. This false flag lets them get away with it.

An extension of this is the need to keep the public imagination stoked with perpetual emotionally driven "alien" propaganda. And these types of videos fit that too well (no data, just emotions). It is similar to posting MJ-12 documents to UFO researchers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Majestic_12 and watching them fall for the emotional content.

Research should be emotionless. Propaganda should be emotional.

Some more video fun: Ashtar Command Vrillon TV broadcast 1977

120504 120505
>coelacanth 8867
Sources: 1911MmSSI..40..126G, 1874MmSSI...3...90T, 1876MmSSI...5A...9T, 1876MmSSI...5A..26T, 1879MmSSI...8A..65T, 1887MmSSI..15...37R, 1874MmSSI...3....7S

| Year | 1 gennaio || 2 febbraio || 3 marzo || 4 aprile || 5 maggio || 6 giugno || 7 luglio || 8 agosto || 9 settembre || 10 ottobre || 11 novembre || 12 dicembre || | Yearly reported |||
| ::: | January || February || March || April || May || June || July || August || September || October || November || December ||:::| ::: |||
| ::: |region|prom. |region|prom. |region|prom. |region|prom. |region|prom. |region|prom. |region |prom.|region|prom. |region|prom. |region|prom. |region|prom. |region|prom. |:::|region|prom.|eruption|
| 1871 |0/0 | |3/7 | |0/6 | |1/16 |H Ca Na|2/12|Hα Ca Fe|0/12 | |8 | | | | | |1 | | | |4|Hα Na Fe Mg | | |14-15/d ^ 229 |
| 1872 |1/1 |8/4 |0/11 |7/8 |56/1 |10/7 |1/2 |2/1 ^246/12|9/5 ^579/14|4/11 ^1009/26^51/13^354/8 ^27/10 | | | | |17/1 |17/1 |57/2 ^35/1 | | ^40/d | 111 |
| 1873 |34/10 |11 |10/3 |3 |75/8 |5 |106/6|4 ^203/8 |2 ^1078/20|7 ^603/11 ^36 ^93/2 |15 | |3 | | | | | | | ^42/d |8-9/d | 128 |
| 1874 | | |2/3 |2/3 |57/9 |1/9 |95/4 |2/6 ^187/7 |4/6 ^841/18|11/18 ^575/14 |14/18^372/9 |7/11 |✘ | | | | | | | | |35/d | | 119 |

✘ = "August 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 bad weather. On the 21st I was struck by bleeding from the left eye, obliged me to suspend the observations, and I was not entirely free, on my arrival in India in November." -- [[bib>1876MmSSI...5A...9T]]

>Klingon fleet on Earth
Interesting thing. The original imgur link with all the photos was deleted, according to some, .ZIP file content was also altered.
skip to 1:37
It looks an atmospheric curiosity.

What I notice is some of the sparks are blue tinged (Mg?) and some are red tinged (Si?).

Mg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xCbal2YyaE go to 1:44
Si: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7rUqECbyxE


| Year | 1 gennaio || 2 febbraio || 3 marzo || 4 aprile || 5 maggio || 6 giugno || 7 luglio || 8 agosto || 9 settembre || 10 ottobre || 11 novembre || 12 dicembre || |Yearly reported¹ ||
| ::: | January || February || March || April || May || June || July || August || September || October || November || December ||:::| ::: ||
| ::: |region|prom. |region|prom. |region|prom. |region|prom. |region|prom. |region|prom. |region |prom.|region|prom. |region|prom. |region|prom. |region|prom. |region|prom. |:::|corona Mg|eruption|
| 1871 |0/0 | |3/7 | |0/6 | |1/16 |H Ca Na|2/12|Hα Ca Fe|0/12 | |8 | | | | | |1 | | | |4|Hα Na Fe Mg | | 4/d ^ 229 |
| 1872 |1/1 |8/4 |0/11 |7/8 |56/1 |10/7 |1/2 |2/1 |246/12|9/5 ^579/14|4/11 ^1009/26^51/13^354/8 ^27/10 | | | | |17/1 |17/1 |57/2 ^35/1 | ^40/d | 111 |
| 1873 |34/10 |11 |10/3 |3 |75/8 |5 |106/6|4 |203/8 |2 ^1078/20|7 ^603/11 ^36 ^93/2 |15 | |3 | | | | | | | ^42/d | 128 |
| 1874 | | |2/3 |2/3 |57/9 |1/9 |95/4 |2/6 ^187/7 |4/6 ^841/18|11/18 ^575/14 |14/18^372/9 |7/11 |☛ | | | | | | | | |35/d | 119 |
| 1875 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ☚^645/15|1/8d |112/4 |2/6d ^91/2 |2/5 |1/2 | | | | |37/d | 9 |
| 1876 | | |18/3 |1/7 |49/3 |1/7 |119/5|0/6 ^479/12|2/11 ^153/4 |1/5 ^894/19|3/20 ^875/16|3/11 ^168/3 |0/5 |211/7 |1/12 |26/1 |0/5 | | | |32/d | 15 |

>blue tinged
It might be aluminium
>red tinged
What about iron?
Al appears to be reddish yellow.

I think iron tends to be orange yellow throughout.

But the camera would see infrared and show that as white. So maybe white was not eye seeable?

China 1086 Bright "Pearl" UFO.png
China 1086 Bright "Pearl" UFO wikipedia.png

>1086: Report gives an objective account.
>2000: Report tries to anthropomorphise the account.
Are we evolving or devolving?
Are we controlled via mythology?
Notice the red sky? Aurora? A sign of strong sun activity at the time?
Many questions and just speculation to try to answer them.
>'Tucker Carlson Tonight' explores possible evidence of UFOs

The assumption of elements from outside the Earth implies aliens to most. But there is metal outside the Earth without the need for aliens bringing it to Earth.


Also attaching update on tabulations so far for metal seen in Solar Cycle 11. I am catching up on the earliest few years (1868-1871) before proper numbers were kept (1872). Then I will move on to Solar Cycle 12 (1878-1889) which has a dramatic drop in metal. >>116122

I am pondering that Solar Cycle 10 (1855-1866) and the Carrington Event https://youtu.be/7ukQhycKOFw https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_storm_of_1859 is what fractured the metallic silt layer in the sun*. Also because Fe is higher atomic mass it settles under Mg, Si, etc. When the sun's magnetic field becomes very strong and chaotic it pushes the Fe around and the metals on top get churned also. This would be what made the sun fill with glowing Mg in SC11.

* A search for anyone else suggesting metallic silt/crust in the sun leads to the Electric Universe people only: http://thesurfaceofthesun.com/index.html
And pic is the reason for the bias of more seen around July.
>The sun has been eerily quiet for 264 days in a row - just 96 hours short of setting a new record with no surface activity since March 24
>March 24 was the last time a sunspot was seen on the surface of the moon
>The modern record is from 2008 when a blemish was not seen for 268 days
>Solar minimums mean reduced activity on the sun as its magnetic field weakens
121572 122799
g y uy.gif
Any comment on the sun's orbit?
Sure, it takes about 225 to 250 million terrestrial years.
Grand minimum is coming: >>113295
Are our assumptions about the sun wrong?

>The formation and evolution of the Solar System began 4.5 billion years ago with the gravitational collapse of a small part of a giant molecular cloud.[1] Most of the collapsing mass collected in the center, forming the Sun, while the rest flattened into a protoplanetary disk out of which the planets, moons, asteroids, and other small Solar System bodies formed.
>This model, known as the nebular hypothesis was first developed in the 18th century by Emanuel Swedenborg, Immanuel Kant, and Pierre-Simon Laplace.

A hypothesis in science forms when we have the least amount of information and the most amount of speculation. If the subsequent data is ambiguous or not available these early hypotheses become the defacto standard. Given enough time they become accepted "facts". According to Wikipedia (and I assume most scientists) the solar system forms from molecules and we are also told that the sun is Hydrogen 73.46% and Helium 24.85%. H2 is a molecule is this the only molecule they mean? The sun is said to 4.6 billion years old, and the universe 13.8 billion years old. The universe was 9.2 billion years old when the sun was formed. Why would we expect the location where our sun was born to be a pristine hydrogen environment? And how could that be so when the planets around it are rock? Also would not the denser material be attracted the most to the centre of the gravity well? Was the sun born with a metal core?

Scientists are still learning how the solar system formed:

The sun rotates at different speeds at different latitudes: equator 25.05days, Lat16° 25.38days, poles 34.4days. And the suns core is said to https://earthsky.org/space/suns-core-rotates-4x-faster-than-surface . These mismatched speeds are said to cause sheer at a place between the dense "radiative zone" and the "convection zone". This https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun#Tachocline then cause the suns building up agitation.

I spent some time trying to discover the composition of the Tachocline but I found nothing. I am assuming that the Tachocline would be the area where metals, falling into the sun, would sediment out. I assume they would even differentiate by atomic mass. The three main metals from space rocks would differentiate such that Fe was on the bottom (atomic mass 55.8), Si (28.0) & Mg (24.3) on top. The Fe is ferromagnetic and therefore a strong magnetic field could counteract the suns gravity and lift the Fe to the solar visible surface. Since the Mg and Si are layered on top the Mg and Si get taken for a ride also. The Fe's path would be dictated by the field, but not the Mg and SI which could diversify. The Fe would be pulled back onto the solar visible surface by the looping magnetic field lines but the Si and Mg would just follow momentum vs gravity.

If we assume metal has collected on the radiative zone at the tachocline; and we know suns spots represent where the sun magnetic field lines broke through the surface and therefore represent the strength of the suns magnetic field; and we know when the sun spot maximum was; and when the metallic prominence maximum was; we can calculate the travel time for the sedimented metal to reach the suns visible surface and see if this idea makes mathematical sense.

For solar cycle 11 the sun spot max was 1870 August. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_solar_cycles
The metallic prominence max appears to be 1873 July (Pic: 603/11=54.818)
= 35 months

The Tachocline is said to be 0.3 solar radius's down.

(696342 km solar radius * 0.3 tachocline down) / ( 35 months * (365 days / 12 months) days * 24 hours )
= 8.176km/h average travel speed from Tachocline to visible surface.

The slow speed implies that fighting against the suns massive gravity is very difficult and so only in the most extreme magnetic disturbances is it possible and it takes a few years to reach the surface. The surface speed is likely to be faster than the average speed.
>Why would we expect the location where our sun was born to be a pristine hydrogen environment? And how could that be so when the planets around it are rock? Also would not the denser material be attracted the most to the centre of the gravity well? Was the sun born with a metal core?

The sun is a Generation I star, meaning it is the third "generation" of stars in the universe. Generation III stars were the first stars in the universe and were pure hydrogen, growing to monstrous sizes and dying off in a matter of a few million years. Generation II stars came afterward and had some heavier elements produced earlier, but still had dramatically lower metallicity than later stars. Most stars today, including our sun, do indeed have a high proportion of metals and heavy elements relative to earlier stars, which is how Generation II (old) stars can be identified.

I'm no astronomer but watching Anton Petrov really helps in getting a general grasp on scientific updates. Most interestingly, NASA is studying the sun at a close distance and has found that solar wind emanating from the surface is not straight but generates kinks due to magnetic forces. Was the Black Sun scientifically accurate all this time? www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1DPhNa1CjQ
Thanks for this. I wasn't aware of the 3 "generations" of stars. It is very interesting that the sun is seen as in the more metallic group. While poking around on this subject I also learned that "Metallicity" is a common astronomical term (although bastardised). I was using the term without knowing this. On the wiki page for this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metallicity they are careful to state that the ratio of elements applies to the surface of the sun, as though the deeper down ratios are not known:
>For the surface of the Sun, these parameters are measured to have the following values:

I also located an article on the population III stars that have been found:
>The more interesting of the two, a galaxy dubbed CR7, proved to be the brightest galaxy yet found in the early universe—three times as bright as the previous record-holder. As well as its strong ultraviolet light from ionized hydrogen, it emitted a strong signal from helium—an expected signature from a galaxy of population III stars—but nothing else, suggesting that the stars lacked heavier elements. “There was no trace of other lines, only helium and hydrogen,” Sobral says.

It suggests that H/He only stars can't produce a full spectrum, but our sun does. This suggest then that pressure does not change emission frequencies. Our sun emits a almost full spectrum, which suggests there has to be a menagerie of elements within it to cover so many frequencies.

The sun emits strongly in green, the atmosphere is transparent in that area, our eyes are most sensitive in green, and Mg, Si and Fe emit strongly in green. It is almost tailor made or tailor evolved for us.

121614 121630
Huge UFO Soaring Over Las Vegas - Just Now! • Dec 19, 2019
The lights match the stroboscopic man made ones. The hovering matches a helicopter. The guy is jumping to wished conclusions TBH.
Solar activity.
Taken from >>>/mlpol/253714 →
More info, but the British tabloid looks like yellow press.
Not having a go at you, anon, but those authors need to know that local temperature change is not necessarily global temperature change. But it good to see Global Cooling becoming a topic. Another example http://www.climatecooling.org/.

What is rarely discussed is how the inner Earth responds, does magma rise up when the crust shrinks due to surface cooling?

I have a proposal for a way to do UFO sightings research which avoids having people pick a favourite hypothesis and then argue, or worse use vague sightings to push one hypothesis. All UFO investigations should begin with all categories of answers as an option, then the data is used to cross out those explanations that are impossible. Ideally you get down to one remaining explanation. However with UFO sightings they usually have insufficient information to do that.

I also have a categorisation system which is:

| intelligent | natural |
| extraterrestrial | ETI | ETN |
| terrestrial | TI | TN |

We have insufficient data in that sighting to eliminate any of the 4 categories of explanation. Therefore debate is pointless. All explanations can make a case and none can be eliminated.

This is one of the reasons why I started looking at ETN, the other 3 are well researched/speculated but ETN has been ignored because back in the founding of the UFO myth we were very ignorant of ETNature (despite having astronomers in the mix who acted very unlike astronomers!). ETN needs to be fitted into the UFO options as an equal possibility, but it is boring so it wont catch on with the public. ETI is weak because we have not shown that ETI exists outside of UFO events, whereas the other 3 can be shown to exist outside of UFOs, but excited the public.

"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth."
-- Arthur Conan Doyle
I've been trying to resolve the small conundrum where Mg all around the sun (1872) got memory holed. Today I found this which also adds a more detailed description of the situation:

>I should further add here that when the sun is moderately active and can be well observed, as in a fine climate like that in Italy, this magnesium layer can be detected all round the sun, so that we have in the chromospheric layer, first of all, a layer of hydrogen with its prominences, and then at the bottom of this layer another layer of magnesium, which wells up sometimes where the prominences are most active.
-- THE CHEMISTRY OF THE SUN by Lockyer (1887)
-- https://archive.org/details/chemistryofsun00lockuoft/page/110 (bottom right)
Chemistry of the Sun by Lockyer (1887) element layers undisturbed.jpg
Chemistry of the Sun by Lockyer (1887) element layers disturbed.jpg
>The view of the sun's atmosphere, in 1873, was one something like this : We had, let us say, first of all an enormous shell of some gas, probably lighter than hydrogen, about which we know absolutely nothing, because so far none of it has been found here. [He discovered 1881, AM=4] Inside this we had a shell of hydrogen [AM=1]; inside this one of calcium [AM=40, diamagnetic], another of magnesium [AM=24], another of sodium [AM=23], and then a complex shell which has been called the reversing layer, in which we all the metals of the iron [AM=55.8] group plus such other metals as cadmium [AM=112.4], titanium [AM=47.9], barium [AM=137.3], and so on.

>The solar atmosphere then, from top to bottom, consisted, it was imagined, of a series of shells, the shells being due not to the outside substance existing only outside, but to the outside substance extending to the bottom of the sun's atmosphere, and encountering in it, at a certain height, another shell which again found another shell inside it, and so on; so that the composition of the solar atmosphere as one went down into it got more and more complex ; nothing was left behind, but a great many things were added. We had, dealing with known elements,

> Highest . . Hydrogen [AM=1].
> Medium . . Magnesium [AM=24], calcium [AM=40, diamagnetic], sodium [AM=23].
> Lowest . . Iron [AM=55.8], nickel [AM=58.7], manganese [AM=54.9], chromium [AM=52], cobalt [AM=58.9], barium [AM=137.3], copper [AM=63.5], zinc [AM=65.4], titanium [AM=47.9], and aluminium [AM=27, strangely low].
-- https://archive.org/details/chemistryofsun00lockuoft/page/166
-- THE CHEMISTRY OF THE SUN by Lockyer (1887), page 167-168, also read up to including page 171.

AM=Atomic Mass. Pics also show how metals leave the solar visible surface.
>probably lighter than hydrogen
No element is lighter than hydrogen.
But, did you consider the existence of ether?
I think what they are actually refering to is the corona. The corona is millions of degrees hot and very low density. At the same time they don't know about Helium so they seem to have confounded the two things into one. What is interesting to me is the strata mostly based on atomic weight and biased by magnetic susceptibility. This will be interesting in the next post.
Chemistry of the Sun by Lockyer (1887) Thorium 1.jpg
Chemistry of the Sun by Lockyer (1887) Thorium 2.jpg
Thorium Mass-Abundance.png
A hypothesis has emerged after fighting off it's contender that the 1872 Meteor Storm might have flooded the sun with metal. The problem with the later also is the sun is HUGE and storms aren't relative to the sun.

The Hypothesis:

* "The solar storm of 1859 (also known as the Carrington Event) was a powerful geomagnetic storm during solar cycle 10 (1855–1867)." -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_cycle_10. Perhaps caused by the Grand Solar Cycle maximum (what ever that means). >>113295

* This fractures the sedimented differentiated metals at the base of the Convection Layer and allows the metal to churn into the Convection Layer for the second half of SC10 and all of SC11.

* Solar Cycle 11 (1867-1878): 1869 Thorium (pic1 and 2) [Atomic Mass=232!!] a rare heavy metal (pic3 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thorium#Formation ) is seen in the sun as evidence of the severity of the event. The metals slowly return below the surface over decades, with smaller upsurges each solar maximum. Heavy metals first, light metals last, somewhat biased by magnetic susceptibility.

Ordinarily I would have been doubtful about the Thorium seen, but between 3-5 spectral lines are reported so it must be accepted. Thorium is very heavy so something big must have happened. Since the only store of Mg large enough to flood the sun in 1872 is the sun itself it is simplest to assume the Thorium came from the sun also via he same process. Therefore a big event is needed. Carrington Event was a massive event.

The metal finished settling mostly in the 1950s, UFO reports are at there lowest in the early 1960s, surge in the late 1960s (TI?: man-made UFOs?) and fade out in the 1970s (TI?: MKUltra ended 1973 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKUltra ) >>70176 .

Speculated percentage of UFO causes over time.png

Chemistry of the Sun by Lockyer (1887) Thorium 2.jpg
Fixed 2 errors. One "Thorium" demoted to unlikely, the other promoted to very likely, resulting in no change to the overall hypothesis.
Chemistry of the Sun by Lockyer (1887) Metallic Prominences 1.jpg
Chemistry of the Sun by Lockyer (1887) Metallic Prominences 2.jpg
Scientists watching metallic prominences exit the sun at a speed that would allow them to leave the solar system.

400,000 miles per hour
= 6667 miles per second
= 10729 km per second

Sun escape velocity = 617.7 km/s
Bad maths! :(

400,000 mph / 60 / 60
= 111 mps
= 178.8142 km/s

Sun escape velocity = 617.7 km/s

Doesn't escape the solar system.
Now it's clear and correct.
Before I ignored it because was in imperial units. my bad.

121945 121953
>UFO Sightings: Real UFO Caught On Camera Over Myrtle Beach South Carolina • Dec 31, 2019

Object falls from the night sky then breaks up and the components fly around seemingly randomly.
https://pubs.giss.nasa.gov/abs/st02710y.html :

>Stothers, R., 2007: Unidentified flying objects in classical antiquity. Classical J., 103, 79-92.

>A combined historical and scientific approach is applied to ancient reports of what might today be called unidentified flying objects (UFOs). Many conventionally explicable phenomena can be weeded out, leaving a small residue of puzzling reports. These fall neatly into the same categories as modern UFO reports, suggesting that the UFO phenomenon, whatever it may be due to, has not changed much over two millennia.


>This collection of what might be termed ancient UFO reports has been culled from a much larger number of reports of aerial objects, most of whose identifications with known phenomena are either cer-tain or at least highly probable. Embedded in the mass of relatively explicable ancient reports, however, is a small set of unexplained (or at least not wholly explained) reports from presumably credible witnesses. If these reports are examined statistically, essential features of what I will,for argument’s sake, call the ancient UFO phenomenon can be extracted:

> shape — discoidal or spheroidal;
> color — silvery, golden or red;
> texture — metallic or, occasionally, glowing or cloudy;
> size — a meter to well over a meter;
> sound — usually none reported;
> type of motion — hovering, erratic or smooth flight, with a rapid disappearance.
121952 121953
It looks like all these occurrences were and are happening under the nose of the authorities, but they keep silent and no reaction is ever noticed.
May be it is time to replace them for someone competent and accountable?
There was a point in 1947 where scientists had the chance to notice meteors that have strange flight paths, but they chose to deny it was possible because it did not fit their presumptions.

https://archive.org/details/Sky_and_Telescope_1947-07-cbr/page/n5 also >>79260

Also at that time scientists stated that they believed UFOs were classified technology. Since it was a patriotic time I would expect the scientists to just overlook UFOs. This then became culturally normal.

What happened subsequently was in 1950 citizens formed UFO research groups that believed in aliens. After that aliens were an advantageous false flag cover story, perhaps for MKULTRA in the field (most MKULTRA documents were destroyed) >>29447 pic3 and 4, perhaps using German Discs. >>759

What seems to have happened is post WW2 the US took on a lot of Germans and was affected by the ideology. Since that time TV became more propaganda and the public was seen more as a resource to exploit (kidnapped children, drugs, "alien" abductions). We seem to be at the extreme of the propaganda part today and an exposure of it in its current form. I hope this will also ultimately expose it all the back into history too and expose the alien hoax.

On the other hand:

>#UFO? Is It Skydivers with lit suits and pyrotechnics
121955 122054
>After that aliens were an advantageous false flag cover story

>Simulated Alien Abductions: the CIA, a Hot Hooker, and Secret Experiments
>In a new article posted at his The UFO Trail blog (titled “Vallee declines to Substantiate Claims of CIA Simulating UFO abductions“) Jack Brewer wrote, on December 19: “Dr. Jacques Vallee declined to attempt to fully substantiate the assertion contained in his book, Forbidden Science – Volume Four, that he secured a document confirming the CIA simulated UFO abductions in Brazil and Argentina.

Possibly referring to pdf @ >>20033

Thanks for nothing, Vallee. I want a refund.
UAP | Shape-shifting metallic Sphere - Poland

If they are molten blobs of metal, they can shape-shift and absorb each other. If they are magnetic they can attract each other.

UFO | Famous flying saucer over Sweden 2012 with interview.

Notice the natural urge to anthropomorphise the unknown.
>Possibly referring to pdf @ >>20033

The person who made the document:

>Old incidents.... new interest?
>Such stories, in the 1978 time-frame, were not something discussed very much, if at all, about UFOs and military/CIA created events.
I sent the paper and notes to Jacques Vallee’s postal address that Lucius gave me but never heard back from Monsieur Vallee.
When Bosco was arrested for child seduction I think and his CIA connection made known, his name surfaced and appeared on Errol Bruce-Knapp’s UFO UpDates.

UFOs, the CIA (MKULTRA) and child "seduction"? Is that why some greys are short?
>Simulated UFO Abductions: When Did Mind-Control Programs Begin?
>I’ve written a few articles over the course of the past week, and into this week, on the matter of what have rapidly become known as “simulated UFO abductions.” The theory is that these “abductions” – primarily in the 1950s onward – were not the work of aliens, but the work of intelligence agencies, possibly to determine how easy (or difficult) it might be to fabricate an alien encounter. After all, if you can hoax an E.T. incident then maybe you can fabricate something amazing on the battlefield and, in the process, freak out the enemy. In that sense, perhaps the abductions amounted to forerunners of bigger, far grander plans. We’re talking about the likes of the CIA’s controversial MKULTRA “mind-control” program.
>According to the Committee: “Because MKUltra records were destroyed, it is impossible to reconstruct the operational use of MKUltra materials by the CIA overseas; it has been determined that the use of these materials abroad began in 1953, and possibly as early as 1950.”

122092 122095
Is this a better candidate than the Carrington Event?

>An Explosion (?) on the Sun
>On the 7th of September [1871], between half-past 12 and 2 P.M., there occurred an outburst of solar energy remarkable for its suddenness and violence. Just at noon the writer had been examining with the telespectroscope an enormous protuberance or hydrogen cloud on the eastern limb of the sun.
>The whole phenomenon suggested most forcibly the idea of an explosion under the great prominence, acting mainly upwards, but also in all directions outwards, and then after an interval followed by a corresponding inrush : and it seems far from impossible that the mysterious coronal streamers, if they turn out to be truly solar, as now seems likely, may find their origin and explanation in such events.

>The same afternoon a portion of the chromosphere on the opposite (western) limb of the sun was for several hours in a state of unusual brilliancy and excitement, and showed in the spectrum more than 120 bright lines whose position was determined and catalogued—all that I had ever seen before, and some fifteen or twenty besides.

* The author interprets it as an explosion under the prominence, but it might be just a large CME.
* The opposite side of the sun seemed to react, and the 120 lines means metal would be part of it. This is the first mention I have seen of a large region of the sun's edge showing bright metal lines.
* Do both events have the same inner cause? Can a CME roll around the sun?
* This is Sep 1871. The sun showing large quantities of metal starts in 1872 May.

Be interesting to see how the time in between these events gets described.
Magnetic storm on Earth after the solar "explosion":

>It is worthy of notice that the great outrush witnessed by Prof. Young was not accompanied by any marked signs of magnetic disturbance. Five hours later, however, a magnetic storm began suddenly, which lasted for more than a day; and on the evening of September 7 [, 1871] there was a display of the aurora borealis. Whether the occurrence of these signs of magnetic disturbance were associated with the appearance (on the visible half of the Sun) of the great spot which was approaching or crossing the eastern limb at the time of Young’s observation, cannot at present be determined.
https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1871MNRAS..32...42P/abstract (page 51-52)

Looks like a good starting point for the hypothesis.
122130 122151 122153
1974RvGSP..12..329D--10.1029@rg012i003p00329--Comparison of Activity in Solar Cycles 18, 19, and 20--330.jpg
1974RvGSP..12..329D--10.1029@rg012i003p00329--Comparison of Activity in Solar Cycles 18, 19, and 20--331.jpg
1600-2000--Year Average Sunspot Count--Petersen, Edward (2012). Single Event Effects in Aerospace.jpg
UFO waves in years that end in ~4 and ~7 >>70176

Solar activity that is strongest in years ending in ~4 and ~7 (pic1)
-- https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1974RvGSP..12..329D/abstract

Sun spot counts that surge in the UFO era. (pic2)

- The Carrington Event in the sun spot surge (1859)
- The Young Event >>122091 in the sun spot surge (1871)
- The sun having a 10 year cycle in the UFO era >>114081 (pic2)
- Years ending in ~4 are the start of the sun cycle >>114081 (pic2)
- Years ending in ~7 are the max of the sun cycle >>114081 (pic2)
- The UFO era is the same as the sun spot era >>102272 (pic)

Is it all just a coincidence? Lets test it! Pic 3 suggest we should also see some extreme solar activity in:

- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_cycle_17 (1933-1944)
-- result: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_1938_geomagnetic_storm (hit!)
--- Sun spot max: 1937

- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_cycle_18 (1944-1954)
-- result: "values of the solar flux during this cycle turned out to be particularly high."
-- result: https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1947Natur.160...59P/abstract "occurrence of a severe magnetic disturbance on April 17-18" (hit!)
-- result: look back at Pic1 (2800MHz solar flux: 457.9 highest of 30 years, Date: April 7, 1947) (hit!)
--- Sun spot max: 1947

Correlations between the sun and ETN UFOs:
- 10 year cycle
- Solar grand cycle surge correlated with UFO surge.

Bonus: pic4 showing sun spot counts back into 1600. "They are regions of reduced surface temperature caused by concentrations of magnetic field flux that inhibit convection." (Wikipedia). Sun spots are a surrogate for instability in the suns magnetic field, which results in it protruding from the sun visible surface, which in the past was churning up metal. When they snap/explode they throw material into space. In the past did they throw metal blobs? Pic4 is a count of sun spots which show a similar story pic3, but pic3 is based on a simulation, and pic4 is based on observations.

I'm having a hard time falsifying the Sun/ETN UFOs link.

Can the greenies fix the sun??!
>The Sun is spitting out 'lava lamp blobs' 500 times the size of Earth

Is it related?
SELECT date,R1,R2,R3,R4,R5,R6,R7,R8 FROM `magnetic_storm` where R1 > 550 or R2 > 550 or R3 > 550 or R4 > 550 or R5 > 550 or R6 > 550 or R7 > 550 or R8 > 550.png
UFOCAT sightings by year vs month vs count_matrix 8y6m.png
Data suggests a tentative hypothesis on what happens between solar metal ejection and Earth UFO sighting:

The correlations in >>122095 are good but the magnetic disturbances associations suffer from selection bias. I decided to look at the situation from the opposite perspective, from the geomagnetic storm side. Do geomagnetic storm waves correlate with UFO waves?


Pic1 is geomagnetic storms > 550 from 1868 on wards. Some quick points of interest:

* 1872 Feb had a bigger geomagnetic storm than the previously mentioned 1871 storm. It is also 3 months before the sun is seen to go very metallic. Making it a better candidate to blame. It is 20 years before it happens again. This matches metallic prominence data >>113025 , the slump in solar activity >>114081 and slump in sun spots >>122095 (pic4).

* 1972 to 1986 has a 14 year gap in magnetic storms > 550 and UFOs have a slump in the 1980s. The time delay might be explained by pic2 section.


Pic2 is the UFO heat map showing UFO sightings per month in UFOCAT and the stars are geomagnetic storms. Dark green > 550, light green > 450. The storm waves occur between the UFO sighting waves. And appear to be offset by 8.5 months. I am not sure if this is imagined or not. But if we speculated on what it means some interesting ideas emerge:

If metal plasma has been launched from the sun (and we know when because we have the magnetic storm dates) and it returns back to the sun, (because of orbital mechanics, unless a planet or moon affects it) 8.5 years later (.5 being the important aspect) it is falling back into the opposite side of the sun, as expected. Except the Earth has intercepted it and we get to watch the metal plasma transformed into while in space for 8.5 years.

So it started as a metal plasma gas but in outer space it has cooled and gained electrons. We can speculate then that the outer portion gained the most electrons, and radiative cooling, and has become cool ordinary metal. The core could still be metal plasma in a hot or cold state. The core is similar to a gas because of the low density of plasma repulsing itself. This means it can float in the Earth's atmosphere. Also it generates magnetic fields from the core plasma, which can produce hallucinations in us.

If the core plasma has cooled enough it could be also a superconductor plasma, this has potential anti-gravity properties https://arxiv.org/abs/cond-mat/9701074v3 which could produce erratic accelerations. Also escaping plasma might produce thrust.

It's easy to see why capturing and keeping secret such ETN UFOs would be a priority.
Solid metal plasma airships with superconductor anti-gravity, produced by the sun and cooled in space for 8.5 years?
Strange Lights Over Tampa, Florida
122148 122149
Multiple previous technologies from: Project Redlight, Project HARD COPY, Project Winter Haven, Project TONE CONTROL, Project SOUND STORM, culminated into direct usage:

Notice lampshade (deflection) names in nu-media of "Project Blue Beam" upon searching. True new(er) names: Project STAR BEAM, Project BLUE SENTINEL, Project ION HAZE, Project SIGHT LINE 2 AKA Project SKY BANNER, Project SKYHAVEN 2, Operation DAWN BROADCAST, Project DAVY JONES, Operation CORONA SUPERIOR, Operation FREEDOM RAINS. Notice all reference water, air, space, solar entities, then concepts of "control", "defense", "media". New lead opening.
122152 122200
Geomagnetic Storms and UFO waves -- incomplete.png
Welcome back, Afternon, your timing is good. I am building a 4 dimensional map of Year vs Month vs Solar Storms vs UFO waves/flaps. It has very interesting consequences. Lots to do and verify still but I might be closing in on attributions for each wave. Verifying photos with the charts assumptions will be fun.

Vertical lines of icons are likely astronomical origin (same month, same point in space = solar ejections, meteors, seasonal clear sky).
Horizontal lines of UFO icons are likely man-made. (same year, multi-month project, especially interesting if > 6 months/half Earth orbit).

Small icons = minor yearly peak -or- 500-1000 sightings per month (UFOCAT).
Big icons = 1000-1500 sightings per month (UFOCAT).
Red big icons = 1500+ sightings per month (UFOCAT).
Coloured squares are magnetic storm (presumed solar coronal mass ejection) intensities.
It seems that blobs from the sun can take years to reach Earth (assuming vertical ejection).

Pre-1952 looks different to post 1952. 1952 line coincides with CIA interest in UFOs for psyops, Adamski and LSD experiments.
Not sure about the other horizontals yet.
Spikes can occur when man-made horizontal runs into astronomical vertical.
>The Gulf War hologram story might be dismissed were it not the case that washingtonpost.com has learned that a super secret program was established in 1994 to pursue the very technology for PSYOPS application. The "Holographic Projector" is described in a classified Air Force document as a system to "project information power from space ... for special operations deception missions."

You know what else you can do with that? Crop Circles.
>I'm having a hard time falsifying the Sun/ETN UFOs link

Geomagnetic Storms and UFO waves -- incomplete.png
The full theory on how the sun produced UFO waves:

I was thinking it was a one step process, sun launches metal, metal goes to Earth. This had problems. The solar storms/CMEs are loosely connected to the solar cycle, they can be in bands of 5 years wide, UFOs tend to be in bands of a few years. Also the chart >>122148 wants to suggest that it can take up to 15 years or so for them to arrive at Earth. Its a bit of a mess, unless...

1) The CMEs which are fairly random are depositing the metal blobs in space. They might be slowly falling back into the sun, or in orbit of the sun because solar wind, Mercury or Venus modified their path, they may have orbited for up to 10-12 years or more.
2) They wait patiently for the sun to wind up into a solar maximum. In year ???4 the sun begins to wind up and produces mildly increased solar wind and mag fields. By year ???7 the sun is at maximum. This imparts thrust to the metal stored in space between the Sun and Earth.
3) The light small material is easily thrusted and so arrives on Earth first (year ???4+), the heavier denser material arrives last (year ???7+). This is what makes the UFO waves match the solar cycle despite the CMEs being somewhat random. It also sorts the blobs into small first, big last.

Source CME 1927 -> orbit in space -> Solar ramp up 1933-1937 -> Ghost Fliers 1934-1937
Source CME 1941-1942 -> orbit in space -> Solar ramp up 1944-1947 -> Foo Fighters 1944/5 (small), Ghost Rockets 1946 (medium), Flying Disks 1947 (large)
Source CME 1959-1963 -> orbit in space -> Solar ramp up 1964-1968 -> Flying Disks 1965-1967

Also note that strong CMEs (1941-2) lead to strong showing of Flying Disks (1947). Weaker CMEs = weaker UFO count.

I still need to complete this graph then set about falsifying it. But I want to share the apparent success of a complete hypothesis from sun to UFO sighting. This doesn't mean man has not made and flown flying disks, it just means waves come from nature and happens along side man. 1952 on the chart does not match the "Solar Compression UFO Wave" (as I've called it) but is consistent with mans interest >>29447 (pic 3-4). End the CIA!

Man made activity is below the threshold of my chart because the chart draws icons (mostly) at over 500 sighting in a month, and man-made flights are likely smaller in number than that, so the chart catches mostly ETNs from the sun. And the sun does 2 launches to get to Earth!!

Solar UFOs (ETN) are used as a cover for man-made UFOs (TI) whilst false flagging ETIs.
Source for geomagnetic storm data:
* https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/geomag/indices/aastar.html
* ftp://ftp.ngdc.noaa.gov/STP/GEOMAGNETIC_DATA/AASTAR
Thanks, NOAA, and 150 years of scientists efforts.

So the theory is when the sun ramps up the ETN UFO wave begins and it ends when the sun has peaked.

In 1561 this happened: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1561_celestial_phenomenon_over_Nuremberg
And in 1566 this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1566_celestial_phenomenon_over_Basel

A look at the solar model chart in >>122095 (pic3) shows 1561 is the start, and 1566 is peak of a solar cycle. Yes I counted pixels like an autist.
The hypothesis above explains how the sun can change its look and send objects to Earth so fast. The objects were waiting nearby for the sun to ramp up and push them. Can we really trust Celestia?

Well, there are ways to find out what the fuck those lights are.
122291 122294 122296 122355 122371 122515 122557
Operations HIGH BEAM and Popeye. In 1948 "science fiction" stories given precedence in Chair Farce/blue water circles. Man of the Year Million by H.G. Wells features release as certified reading material. When did first little men in gray rubber costumes "event" occur?

Confirms Mercury hypothesis null post-1879. Mars ejections less than >0.01% correlation. Solar 'flares' not flares, physical material ejections abound. Brilliant cover ploy for short term. No longer.

Hybrid technologies. Long range directed ultrasound/infrasound usage combined with holographic systems, speech-to-skull, creates "semi-religious feeling". Not fooled.

Previously unable to offer updates due to immediate request for face to face meeting with hyper-paranoid colleague. Unpleasant circumstances occurred. Don't talk. Information overload on multiple levels. Direct dropoff on specific subject: Missing 411 Canada video dated 10 December 2019. Watch, take notes. Why? Events are direct associations with technological timelines given. No coincidences. Next update soon.
Big Buck Registry episode 280, dated 14 July 2019. Take notes. Compare timeline.
>When did first little men in gray rubber costumes "event" occur?

1893: In the 1893 article “Man of the Year Million”, H. G. Wells envisaged humanity transformed into a race of grey-skinned beings, stunted and with big heads. Similar for later books. -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grey_Alien

1918: Aleister Crowley's LAM, vaguely grey-like or Hill Abduction like (see 1961) -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleister_Crowley

1933: Western Australia - Aboriginal woman .. 'large shiny egg' .. men grey skinned and man-like .. stunned .. abducted .. shining table .. apparently experimented with -- The OZ Files by Bill Chalker (1996) ← Rex Gilmor

1933: Grey alien type in fiction: Swedish novelist Gustav Sandgren, aka Gabriel Linde, science-fiction novel: Den okända faran (The Unknown Danger) -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grey_Alien

1941: Claim from 1991 (therefore suspicious) Stringfield book: Reverend William Huffman asked to pray over alien crash victims outside of Cape Girardeau, Missouri in the spring of 1941 -- http://www.majesticdocuments.com/pdf/rswood_mufon2001.pdf https://youtu.be/xzwTlf73xsk?t=452 . Related: “They seemed wrinkled and human, like three thin, big-headed children, yet, rather strange. The bodies were somewhat gray in color, long-limbed and rubbery-looking. People stood in a daze and stared down at the lifeless strangers, quite perplexed.” “There were three 'people' present at the site that may have worn the oddest attire of all: wrinkly, tight-fitting, silver-gray flight suits, appearing almost like crinkled aluminum foil. Or was that just their crinkly, trauma-and-atmosphere-affected skin?? William was unsure.? These odd, silent figures seemed - all stretched out - to be about only four feet in height, and remarkably thin.” “How is it they all had such identical big heads and black eyes!” “The same goes for all three identical-looking beings.” – MO41: The bombshell before Roswell by Paul Blake Smith (2015 <- therefore suspicious).

1961: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney_and_Betty_Hill but also includes humans, a german shepherd dog, and a UFO equipped with road signs. (pic1 and 2 from "CAPTURED! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience" by Stanton T. Friedman (2007))

1967: Alleged time-frame for Betty Andreason's grey aliens abductions – MUFON UFO Journal 1979 May.

1980: The first conspiracy book about Roswell UFO Incident was The Roswell Incident by Charles Berlitz (13 years US Army, mostly intelligence) and Bill Moore (ufologist) (1989 MUFON conference, Moore claimed: did “disinformation” against Bennewitz for AFOSI). Pop culture associates Roswell UFO Incident with Grey aliens.

1985: Contactee Whitley Strieber claims to be contacted by aliens including “greys” leading to 1987 book which standardised the “Grey” look.

1987: "Communion" by Contactee Whitley Strieber, multiple themes, the beginning of the modern grey alien. Subsequently he has claimed military mind control instead: https://archive.org/details/WhitleyStrieber-MemoriesOfMindControlAndChildhoodAbuse

Therefore the root of the modern grey alien myth is military mind control, add in rubber suits as needed.
>>122291 (You)
Also, 1981: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budd_Hopkins#Books

The hoax seems to have started about 1980 and reached fruition in 1987. Perhaps as a continuation of the shut down MKULTRA. The very emotionally believable Roswell witnesses could have been hypnotised etc.
>little men in gray rubber costumes

What happens when you bite an "alien"?

>He kept pulling back. "She [the alien] was pretty strong," he told Chalker. "She pulled me over and my mouth was basically on her nipple. And I bit."
>Khoury said he doesn't know why he bit the woman, but even though he felt a small piece of her nipple come away in his teeth, she did not cry out. But "the expression on her face was like, 'this isn't the way.' In a way it was shock or confusion... She looked at the Asian one... and looked at me like, this isn't the way it's supposed to happen. You've done this wrong."
>Involuntarily, Khoury swallowed the small fragment in his mouth, and it caught in his throat. He went into a coughing fit. Suddenly, the two women simply disappeared.

* Bite nipple, no pain response.
* "nipple" caught in throat like rubber.

More info here: https://www.amazon.com/Hair-Alien-Forensic-Evidence-Abductions/dp/0743492862
SELECT SUBSTR(date,9,2),highest FROM `magnetic_storm` where ( SUBSTR(DATE,1,7) = '1882-04' ).png
SELECT YEAR,MO,DAY,COUNT(*) FROM `ufocat` where YEAR = 1897 and MO = 04 GROUP BY YEAR,MO,DAY.png
>Solar 'flares' not flares, physical material ejections abound. Brilliant cover ploy for short term. No longer.

The horizontal line of icons is now thought to be caused by solar thrust (solar wind, or magnetic field expansion) due to rising solar cycle activity. I previously stated that the material, once ejected, orbited. The data does not support that it orbits, because it enters the Earth's atmosphere years later but in the same month/Earth orbit location. Therefore it is stagnant in space until pushed again. Which sounds absurd. Possibilities are diamagnetism or solar wind balanced against solar gravity. In an effort to explore this oddness further I have looked at the 1882 April solar storm and it's later presumed ejecta insertion into our atmosphere as the 1897 April Mystery Airships. See pics.

The first pic shows the Earth's geomagnetic storms that occurred in April 1882. These are the correlated source of the bulk of the Mystery Airships (which I presume would have seen as lights only but attributed to airships). The storm would have arrived 1-5 days after the CME ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geomagnetic_storm ).

The second pic shows the wave of Mystery Airships (MA) of 1897 April, the two MA peaks are 1-2 days prior to the 1882 April geomagnetic storms which is within 1-5 day range.

This does not argue against the material being parked in space awaiting the sun's second push. I still find this odd. The Mystery Airships are the best and cleanest test for this hypothesis. The Ghost Fliers seem to be under reported in UFOCAT.* And the 1940s+ is tainted majorly by man-made discs and psyops. Therefore the "Mystery Airship wave from the Sun in parallel with man-made airships" test is a clean continuing confirmation of the hypothesis.

It is not possible to overstate how astronomically large a solar ejection can be: https://hesperia.gsfc.nasa.gov/summerschool/lectures/vourlidas/AV_intro2CMEs/additional%20material/corona_history.pdf and https://b-ok.org/book/2156106/d47ac7 pic3 and 4. Bear in mind that the Earth's volume is 1/1,300,000th of the sun in those pictures.

* http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/avistamientos_ovnis/Keel,Mystery%201930s%20Aeroplanes-2.pdf which is from FSR,1970,May-Jun,V 16,N 3 (pg11); FSR,1970,Jul-Aug,V 16,N 4 (pg10); FSR,1971,Jul-Aug,V 17,N 4 (pg18); FSR,1971,Sep-Oct,V 17,N 5 (pg21). Keel states there were hundreds of sightings but UFOCAT has less than 50.
122371 122372
>Missing 411 Canada video dated 10 December 2019. Watch, take notes. Why? Events are direct associations with technological timelines given. No coincidences. Next update soon.


>Big Buck Registry episode 280, dated 14 July 2019. Take notes. Compare timeline.


I regret to say that I was under whelmed by these videos. I also watched the latest movie, "Missing 411: The Hunted".

Concerning things I noticed:

1) Perpetual statements of "impossible, makes no sense, unsolvable" (why investigate if you have no thought that you can solve? Promoting myth or sales?)
2) Witness leading: The interview techniques were flawed and leading, in one cause two interviewees expressed uncertainty and he forced them to agree with him.
3) The movie showed cases that could be explained by hypothermia but only mentioned hypothermia to dismiss it AFTER the spookiness of the cases was emphasised and whilst the viewer had no knowledge yet about hypothermia. The perpetual dismissal of hypothermia was concerning and biased:

The case was the woman who was found naked, near her camp site, in the creek. This is a classic severe hypothermia reaction. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypothermia#Paradoxical_undressing My personal experience with cold is that we judge ambient temperature by unconsciously comparing skin temperature with internal temperature. The difference indicates (perhaps falsely) the environment temperature. When we are sick we feel chills because of raised internal temperature, and correspondingly if core temperature falls we would feel the environment has over heated, this results in (carefully) discarded clothing and belongings, and in extreme cases seeking additional cooling (like naked in a creek, or the child found in an abandoned house bathtub, splashing in water.)

All cases that involve removed clothing should be de facto hypothermia. I doubt medical science has a good understanding of server hypothermia. You can't exactly do experiments!
Mild Hypothermia leads to mental confusion - these people are doomed from the start because they are alone and their brain is malfunctioning.

Hypothermia may make helicopter FLIR detection not possible if it depends upon normal body temperature.

Severe weather is associated with the events. The implication seems to be that the spooky antagonists can control the weather to cover their tracks. But a simpler explanation is that variable weather is a requirement to create unexpected cold snaps leading to hypothermia, then confusion, then death. Mountains push warm air up thereby making rain and snow often.

There is another source of externally created brain malfunction that could affect these people, magnetic fields. Persinger has shown that mild MF of the right character can cause hallucinations. The researcher highlights that many of the 411 sites are granite mountains, granite has 20-60% quartz (Wikipedia), quartz has piezoelectric qualities. Natural MF could cause brain malfunctions.

Water was mentioned as often associated, this could cause infrasound visual hallucinations and electric currents causing magnetic fields.

The end of the movie has two paranormal cases. One involves sound recordings of strange "animal" noises however no movement was ever reported. The witnesses hid in a shelter. The movie claims the sound was analysed and the creature were larger than a man. It is then opinionated by the scientists (it doesn't seem to be a part of the scientific report) that they sounds are an unknown language. However the scientist is sitting at the camp fire with the witness at this point, friendship causing bias? The sounds could be recording played by unknown humans to spook the hunters away.

The last case in the movie does not actually qualify as being of 411 category and seems to be included to ramp up the spooky to maximum levels. The case has a woman seeing a seemingly invisibility cloaked entity moving from tree to tree. In addition her phone takes a picture at a resolution not possible for the phone. And furthermore a UFO was reported by her son in the vicinity at the time, and her husband is the UFO researcher https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Maccabee . She is a hunter but is barely meters into a wooded area from their house. She reports that her behaviour was out of character after she saw the "entity", as she stayed to hunt and also subsequently forgot to report the incident despite her husbands interest in such subjects.

The simplest explanation for all of these events is that the UFO was a plasma object (perhaps even from the sun) and it's magnetic field interfered with both the witness, producing hallucinations, and the phone, producing corruption of the photo. The photo itself shows nothing interesting except multiple streaks of streaming sunlight stretched into multiple rainbow spectrums overlaying greenery. They then debate about if it is her hair!

The only other thing of interest was two reports of metal sharp noises making me ponder doors to underground being latched. Those areas should be examined with ground radar, archaeologists use those all the time to find dig sites.

Profile Points mentioned:
* Point of Separation = requirement for 411: brain failure + no help = dead
* Time of Disappearance (4pm) = optimal I have enough sunlight, oh shit now I don't
* Boulder field = tripping = injury and/or hypothermia = confused wandering = dead
* Near water = MF/Infrasound
* Disability or Illness = optional for disaster
* Canines can't track = weather washed away scent?
* Found in area previously searched = victim went through after was searched
* Missing Clothing = severe hypothermic paradoxical undressing
* Unknown cause of death = lack of medical knowledge
* Geographical clustering = granite/water = MF/Infrasound = hallucinations or high visitor area.

All up I was not spooked or impressed. Seemed like "disinfotainment".

Additional to >>122355


* girl given food, water and shelter for the past 3-4 days, dry but rained, clean clothes = girl looked after by other humans whilst she was dysfunctional.
* milked cows = thieves
* dreams/summoned to death site = Praise be to God! -or- Selection bias. How many dreams failed?
* SWAT team - but SWAT created in 1960s.


* 4 days missing, pint of blood, opposite river, memory loss = why blood loss???? injury? biological harvesting? Needs follow up! Vampires?
* found opposite side of USA (underground rail? multiple personality? plane flight? More details!)
* USA, UK, CA, AUS in top 5 for 411 and UFO. Same agenda -or- same availability of English language data?

1950: dogs: no scent = weather washed away? Other smells masking?
>Seemed like "disinfotainment"
Too elaborated, too fuzzy, plenty of paths to nowhere. Diversions to entertain the plebs perhaps?
1882 Nov Solar Storm correlates to 1896 Nov Mystery Airship wave.png
If >>122296 is correct for the April Mystery Airship Wave, is it also true for the November 1896 Mystery Airship wave? Lets attempt to destroy the "solar ejection->park in space->push into Earth later" theory!

>mfw it also matches. (pic)

The difference is rather than being 1-2 days shifted (ie. angular drifted 2 degrees in space) it is shifted 4-5 days (4-5 degrees in space).

/I'll just be over here rocking back and forth slowly mumbling, "WTF, Nature?"
I think people have a natural tendency towards myth making. Through most of our evolution we did not have science, so our warnings are recording as stories. For the story to persist it needs to be emotional because our memory intensity is based on emotional content. The fear of the myth keeps you from the danger and so evolution supports myth making. Capitalism gives people what they want in exchange for money, people want emotionally engaging myths.
solar activity 2020.png
>2020: The Lowest Solar Activity In Over 200 Years
Ghost Fliers Mystery Aeroplanes 1934 Geomagnetic Storms 1926.png
Ghost Fliers. I Found a database for them at http://www.afu.se/afu2/ in http://files.afu.se/Downloads/UFO%20reports/Scandinavia/ with the ScanCat2009 database. Keel got his data from https://www.ufo.se/index.php/f/1993-franzen-ake who is in this group so this looks like the root source. I have used this database to compare the 1934 flap of Ghost Fliers to the Solar Storm of 1926.

Everything about this went wrong. The medium sized storm (green block on >>122152 @ 1926 Jan)
occurred at the end of January but the Ghost Fliers peaked at the front of January. There was a closer milder storm which was about 1/5th of a maximum storm, 5 days offset. The maximum sightings of Ghost Fliers was 13 sightings in a 24h period. Meteors can do this easily. The intensity of the 1926 storm and the ghost fliers is so low it barely pokes above noise levels. Making it even worse the flap occurs over Christmas and New Year which means the ability to both see and report them is different to normal.

The end result was the data half matched (red lines) and (black lines) half did not. The matching of the double bump is chosen by me and so is selection bias. There is nothing much here to cause us to blame sun. It is possible that the sun did a 'low effort' and man was doing some low effort aeroplane smuggling at the same time. The reports of Ghost Fliers in snow storms are likely to be meteors or small amount of sun ejecta.

Final result = meh.
122488 122489 122505
Ghost Fliers Mystery Aeroplanes 1934 Geomagnetic Storms 1926.png
The return of the Ghost Fliers from the Sun. Autism demanded that I refute my refutation of the GFs.

When considering how I was going to process the 1940s to the 1970s to look for solar causes amongst man-made causes, I realised that the larger the wave the less humans could have afforded to do it. Therefore the big events are most likely to be mostly from the sun. Therefore I should start with the biggest events and work down to the smallest events. The biggest is the 1947 June and July, Flying Discs. I then realised that I had discovered previously that the moon had affected the '47 Discs showing them to be of nature space origin, which then made me wonder if the Ghost Fliers were also affected by the moon. This turned out to be correct.

* The unexpected spike on 1933-12-22 was caused by the "moon bump" effect >>89607 >>90720 where the moon slingshots extra material into the Earth.
* The dip between Christmas and New Year is probably news papers being on holidays or low staff.
* The leaves only January 6th, which was a Saturday. More people outside?

The Ghost Fliers mostly fit the Sun hypothesis but distorted by the moon and the holidays.

I also checked if the Mystery Airships had a potential "moon bump" but they did not.

Next episode: How the massive 1941 CME made the whole Flying Saucer meme. Ultimately causing the CIA to make random farmers have sex with women wearing masks whilst on LSD!
>"moon bump"

It seems I didn't give a good source previously.
See https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1029/JZ068i005p01401
>Autism demanded that I refute my refutation of the GFs.
Extraordinary honesty.
122492 122493
Does the sun store metal at the bottom of the convection layer? I have suggest the the metallic sun of the 1870s suggests so, but while researching a mechanism for slow metal travel to the Earth from CMEs, I discovered a solar phenomena called https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_energetic_particles these are charged particles rail-gun'ed from the sun.

They consist of electrons, protons (H ions), and the enigmatically named https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HZE_ions these in turn consist of ions of: Carbon (C), Oxygen (O), Magnesium (Mg), Silicon (Si), Iron (Fe).

Aside from carbon those are the most common elements in space rocks. Our old friends and presumed natural UFO antagonists Mg, Si and Fe make a return appearence. These are electron-less metals plus C and O.

The bottom of the sun's convection layer is the top of the sun's radiative layer. The RL is the brightest place in solar system. Since photons cause electrons to gain energy and leave their otherwise stable low energy orbits, the absolute best place to become electron-less metal is at the bottom of the convection layer. This suggest then that the metal stored in the sun is stored as raw nuclei.

This then would explain the huge spike in the 1870s (and I think it happened again in the 1880s but research isn't complete) of glowing metal on the solar surface. The metal was in the process of re-acquiring electrons. Which cause those electrons to emit light as they reach the lower energy state.

This seems to be two proofs of the sun hiding quantities of metal inside.

I also found a video by a scientist pointing out that we cannot make any comments on what elements are actually in the sun (with many references on the YouTube page and in the video) and he goes on to point out other flaws in the scientific consensus regarding the sun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GqQWExwrtE

Scientific consensus is a logical fallacy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argumentum_ad_populum
>The RL is the brightest [accessible] place in solar system.
To be fair, the core is brighter but inaccessible due to the dense RL.
I have a question.
Did you consider that you are talking about plasma and therefore the known interactions among subatomic particles might not be valid?
One of my more recent thoughts is that some of the metal reaching our atmosphere is still ions/plasma. The glow of these objects is not simple burning or heat but the process of stealing electrons from the air. I am still learning more about what is happening in space between the Earth and the Sun. I am open to anywhere the data goes. But the atomic nuclei are still masters of what ultimately these ions become. metal..
Scientists have a understandable lack of interest in the ~10 year delayed effect of a CME.
My stabilized clips from the Polish 'liquid metal' UFO, Gebice, Mogilno County Poland, May 19th 2018-ricfz7rl1ta41.mp4
>mfw you do an excellent video analysis (jump to about 18 minutes in for the good images, after watching the intro made by the TV film crew) and even state the object tumbles in all 3 axes (plural of axis) and yet still want to ascribe intelligence to it, despite the fact that it shows uncontrolled flight.

Triangle UFO of Kaikoura (detailed description on YT)

What I found interesting was the "ball-nodes/corners" were like the balls in attached video, which is a stabilisation of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMrEdmcO6NE which I thought I posted at >>121976 but I posted the wrong link :( . We at Vril Labs apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Strange lights in the sky in El Paso Texas | I See UFOs • Jan 17, 2020

I find the following video fascinating because it looks like a mix of 411 and UFOs. When I was thinking about 411 and piezoelectric mountains, I also thought that such mountains should produce "earth lights" ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Min_Min_light https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marfa_lights https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hessdalen_lights etc. ) this video matches that idea. The alleged collapsed person, if alone, might have become a 411.

Strange lights in the sky in the Mojave Desert | I See UFOs • Jan 17, 2018
A civilian internet based effort to discover the cause of the Ghost Rockets of 1946:

Yay, information age.
13 Year Old Boy Blinded By Beam Of Light From UFO | Close Encounters

Run from UFOs.
1947 Flying Discs-Saucers from 1941 CME.png
>I realised that the larger the wave the less humans could have afforded to do it. Therefore the big events are most likely to be mostly from the sun.

Testing the hypothesis on the big daddy of UFO waves: 1947 June and July. Result: Another success for the Celestia's Solar Empire crushing feeble humanity's WWII era aircraft and showing Her dominance in the solar system. The solar storm of July 1941 + the July 4th Independence Day holiday + the moon slingshoting material explains the intensity shape of the Flying Disc wave.


Also adding some papers on the detection of the solar storm. Later I will look for some anecdotes on the magnetic effects on Earth, if any.
I don't expect anything to refute the sun being responsible for waves of UFOs now. I do expect that from 1947 onwards the correlations with the sun will get fuzzier as man-made craft and man made psy-ops fuckery become more prominent.

Celestia always wins.

>Later I will look for some anecdotes on the magnetic effects on Earth, if any.

Maybe they had other things on their mind: https://www.nature.com/articles/150212a0


https://youtu.be/bir1Wf5eSBQ - Here Comes the Sun
https://youtu.be/XSydapPO1DA - Solar - The End
https://youtu.be/pXEQ_ScGYx0 - Audiomachine
https://youtu.be/gtm2dQh36Js - Solar Invasion
https://youtu.be/LNo2h2dguTY - Solar - Burn Out
https://youtu.be/vpwe5I1YqV8 - Aurora
https://youtu.be/dmQJOzqtb2c - Solar - Magnetic Storm
https://youtu.be/97XObogf8lA - Audio Network - Solar Flare
https://youtu.be/izsjRpcgfmk - Sun
>When did first little men in gray rubber costumes "event" occur?

1973 MK ULTRA shutdown.
1979 Natural UFOs in decline.
1980 Grey aliens start.

Was it an attempt to keep the alien mythology going with the bulk UFOs missing?
122570 122576
UFOCAT Ghost Fliers Mystery Aeroplanes 1934 vs NOAA Geomagnetic Storms 1926 3 hourly.png
Ghost Fliers of mid-January and end-of-January from UFOCAT compared to Geomagnetic Storms of 1926. Matches well.

Added gaps in the top chart because the DB software does not create daily columns for 0 reports.
Geomagnetic Storms and UFO waves -- incomplete3.png
>When did first little men in gray rubber costumes "event" occur?

Trial run before settling on grey aliens in 1980?
Too much to crunch for a layman.
1941 July Solar Storm Creates 1946 July Ghost Rockets.png
1919 and 1941 August Solar Storms Create 1946 August Ghost Rockets.png
>Too much to crunch for a layman.

Agreed. In a way though this supports it. The sun got very unstable, then the UFOs turned up in waves. >>102272 (pic) That is the executive summary, that's all a lay person needs to know.

The minutiae, I am going through right now, might be irrelevant and just a product of me pushing too far into fine detail (autism). I am working on another overview summary (pic 1) to remove the data overload burden, but that requires me to look at the fine detail for a while longer to generate the summary overview.

Each UFO wave has about 33% (±5 days* in 30 day month = 10/30 = 33%) chance of success at matching a previous solar storm on any previous year, same month. That is a poor test because the random success rate is high. This might be also what you are seeing as data overload, it is "fuzzy matches overload" which is just the accumulation of "maybes". But if it happens 19 times, that becomes more significant. So the summary is the big tell, not these endless charts. (This thread doubles as a kind of research time-line blog also.)

* CMEs have a minimum width of 10 degrees.

Attached is the results for the Ghost Rockets (pic 2 & 3), this succeeded for 1 month and failed for the next, it required 2 CMEs. That means random success was 50% chance. Not a good test, but still not a fail.

The best I can do with this minute analysis is look for an absolute failure because in that one event I'd need to look away from the sun as the sole cause of UFO waves. If I can't find an absolute fail in 19 attempts that is a huge success. A fail could be man-made waves, or even aliens...

Those wanting a final result need to wait until all 18 waves are examined, or look at >>102272 pic.
Those wanting to see if a fail has happened at the minutiae level can keep looking at each chart as they are posted.

Current status:
1896/11 Mystery Airships = Success with 33% random chance.
1897/04 Mystery Airships = Success with 33% random chance.
1934/01 Ghost Fliers = Success with 33% random chance.
1946/07-08 Ghost Rockets = Success with 50% random chance. (33/100 + 66/100 = 99/200 = 49.5/100) <- examination still in progress.
14 more to examine. Can I find a wave the sun could not do in the remaining 14 waves?
Strange lights in the sky in La Mesa New Mexico | I See UFOs • Jan 18, 2020
122574 122578
Dear Mods
What is the best approach to preserving this thread so I can reference its data in the next thread? Can it be anchored?
In the new code the normal >>750 will automatically link to the thread/post even if archived (and show the post linked to with mouseover). The new code is starting to get ready and I'm polishing it now and will soon start the task of writing code to get all the currently archived and active threads into the new database structure. I can't give a definitive timeframe for when it is done but I hope in a few months it will be ready for prime time.
So I would just use the normal linking method and when new code is up it should work seamlessly even when this thread is archived.
Thanks, Pupper.
I've noticed something. When two magnetic storms happen close together (0-2 days) they seem to bounce off each other making a more widely separated UFO splatter. Be interesting to see if this trend continues.
>it gonna slide off
>on /vx/
* Mystery Airships have similar Natural appearence percentages.
* but April Mystery Airships have a large percentage of injured, killed or alternate state of consciousness (ASC) reports (Why? plasma or human pilot actions?).
* Ghost Fliers and Ghost Rockets have similar very high Natural appearence percentages.
>but April Mystery Airships have a large percentage of injured, killed or alternate state of consciousness (ASC) reports (Why? plasma or human pilot actions?).

CE4 definition: "Abduction".

Who exactly abducted witnesses in 1897?? (pic)
When abductions aren't abductions, and the "aliens" are all humans... These should be CE3s, thanks for the distorted data CUFOS.

122667 122672
1947 Flying Discs-Saucers from 1940 and 1941 CME.png
Another victory for the solar empire.

1940/06/25 CMEs -> 1947/06/24 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenneth_Arnold "Flying Saucer" sighting plus others.
1941/07/05 CME -> 1947/07/03-11 "Flying Saucer" wave

Assuming the sun can make random objects out of metal plasma + H/He plasma + vacuum, then 99% of 4248 reports can be considered to come from ET Nature.

49 (1%) pilots were also reported: Dwarf (17), Human (3), Pallid (13), Tall (1), Thin (3), NULL (11). The dwarves will show up in force in 1954. Dwarves are light weight adults, good for floating craft. Good for short "greys"?

Updated theory on Natural UFOs:

The blobs leave the sun as a plasma/ions. The solar cycle and solar magnetic storms clump the plasma together through successive waves magnetic intensity. When the blobs of plasma hit the Earth atmosphere they rob the atmosphere of electrons. This causes the material to glow as the electron go from high energy to low energy states.

When the plasma is metal the result is a blob of metal with a plasma core. The shell has access to atmospheric electrons, but the core has been cut off by the metal shell to some degree. The plasma core is low density and so a natural plasma metallic balloon has been created. This is reported as a Flying Saucer.

Post 1950s the sun surface has less metal indicating less metal is churnable and ejectable. Any plasma thrown at the Earth is now mostly Hydrogen and Helium. This is why recent YouTube videos of UFOs glow orange, but prior UFOs (Ghost Rockets, Kenneth Arnold etc) glowed brightly (metal). The end state for H/He plasma is gas that is transparent and floats away. The end state for metal plasma is a blob of floating metal.

pic3 Arnold's drawing of what he saw from his pamphlet.
More here: https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/arnoldbooklet.htm

You can read his description of events in his words here in Chapter 1:

This started the Flying Saucer myth/meme.
Also the description of the flight path characteristics that Arnold saw was a lead object punching through the atmosphere followed by objects in the low pressure slip stream. When they drifted out of the slip stream they were jostled back into the stream again. This happened consecutively down the chain of objects. Pic is a meteor similar to what I assume was the lead object, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIKpPMgQZRA (1947!)
Forgot pic3. Already posted, see Pic2 @ >>87743
Source: http://nicap.org/waves/Wave47Rpt/ReportOnWaveOf1947.pdf (Page 25)
1950-03-18 Duplicate CE3 entries.png
wilfredo 1950-03-18 from Gross 1950_01_03.jpg
1950 UFO wave from 1939, 1940   1942 storms   mystery.png
1950 UFO wave completed. Up to 97% can be explained as sun ejecta/meteors/ETN. 57 UFOs with pilots* (pic1)* More than 19 solar storms contributed to the UFO wave which were swept up by solar cycle 18 and pushed onto the Earth atmosphere.

There was a brief bit of excitement because one UFO spike did not have a solar cause. This turned out to be 18 entries (pic2) in UFOCAT for just one UFO with pilot sighting (pic3). Once duplications are removed it became a bump which could be potentially explained by a minor solar eruption in 1942-03-14.

The sun is still primary cause of waves so far.

Pic4 is a visual summary of the date alignments.

* The pilot numbers are so small so far that exploring those individually later is viable. Perhaps we will see an interesting evolution from a human look (Airships) to a alien/costumed/pressure-suited look (UFOs).
My Little Pony - Twilight Splarkle - So Much Studying.gif

>Any comment on the sun's orbit?
Many, but I think OP would refuse to consider it.
I am considering this idea......

>Perseid Meteor Shower Radiant Day 1`
>Here's my shot from this morning of 32 Perseid meteors over Frosty Drew Observatory in Charlestown, Rhode Island, USA. I tracked the radiant point from midnight until dawn. I will set out again tonight to capture more Perseid meteors to add to the composite. In this shot the radiant point of the shower is very apparent.
New thread: >>122800 →
New thread: >>122800 →
New thread: >>122800 →
New thread: >>122800 →
New thread: >>122800 →
New thread: >>122800 →

Thanks, Epona, for dubs.
Normies GTFO.
File (hide): 7C23E14C4E913FA8A46A3F4576884B43-277214.mp4 (270.7 KB, Resolution:390x360 Length:00:00:09, Spoilered) [play once] [loop]
do you glow in the dark?
what's your opinion on elephants??
Terry - Elephants that are better than real Elephants.mp4
do you like elephants?