This is /mino/ “Mlpol International News Organization”. The mission of this thread is to help spread the truth and increase the flow of international news to people around the world. Due to language and geographical barriers news of the current events and innerworkings of other nations almost never reach the international stage and what few times they do the news stories are jewed up and no longer news but propaganda. This thread and later threads are meant to combat that by having the local news of nations translate to English and summarized by members of our community, so we can have quality non jewed news and spread the truth of what is really going on in the world! This is meant to be a thread to fight back against the strangle hold the Jew has on information and for the truth to travel across the world and flow to anons like you and me! /mino/ will be a slower thread here on the board and only post when there is news there are a handful of anons from a handful of nations that will be working on this project to ensure there is a steady stream of news. Feel free to have discussions on the different news posted here in the thread.
>>184516Translation: In today's news an australian poster just discovered the Awoo News Network, which features stories that are already in English.
Stay tuned for news that probably wouldn't be available or easily translated except for those who already speak Russian, German, Polish, Finnish, Spanish, Romanian, several dialects of Chinese, and maybe a pinch of Norwegian.
Liberalism will dominate the world.
Today is the 100th anniversary of Poland regaining its independence.
We have annual manifestation called Independence March organized in Warsaw. Initially mostly far right (real far right, not blanket terms for everything conservative) groups took part in it but few years ago those marches gained a lot of momentum and popularity.
In the earlier years, there were quite a lot of incidents including fighting with police, burning stuff and general chimpouts by certain groups partaking in the march, but since 2015 it was generally calm.
[Embed] [Embed]Last year a lot of western media took notice of this march. It's the biggest such manifestation in Europe and in so large group you'll always find some retards who will take things too far and try to celebrate Poland's independence with presenting flags and transparent that shouldn't be there, soiling the image of the whole march.
There were a lot of articles about resurging racism and antisemitism in Poland. Some news agencies wrote even about nazism, which is completely retarded statement when you look at Poland. Most of our right wing despises nazis almost as much as commies.
This year of course it would be too boring to have our politicians forget about their feuds for one day and together celebrate this holiday.
>be mayor of Warsaw, member of the Civic Platform (opposition)>decide that its great idea to forbid nationalistic march from happening>do it only few days before the 11th>organizations immediately appeal to the court>in the meantime president and prime minister have a meeting related to that whole affair and decide that they'll organize their own, official march>same time and place where nationalists were supposed to march>court decides that mayor's decision was illegal>but now there are two different marches, parallel to each otherIn the end they somewhat came to an agreement both marches went together.
We had record attendance, initial reports talk about 200k people, so 3-4 times more than last year.
Looks like in the end everything went better than expected but now it's time to see how much backlash from western media our government will get for marching together with bunch of pretty radical guys from various countries.
>>184582update: police offered 5k of reward for pointing who burned EU flag during the march so member of one of the nationalistic organisations reported that it was their leader (on his behalf) and said that money will be gifted to their organisation
>>184582Wow 200k marching, awesome. The rest of us has a lot to do to come to your level.
>The capital without water:
The capital, has been without water since October 31 due to required maintenance to the water system.
"The purpose was to renew the water system so it can provide water while on maintenance"
In the meantime water trucks have been sent to provide water.
After a whole week without Water the service was restored and normalized in November 7
But in November 9 the government asks that none of this water is used just yet due to it being contaminated after the plumbing systems being without use for a whole week.
>About the migrant caravan:
the majority of the migrant caravan rejected the commodities that were set for them by the mexican government, such as protection and refuge
they also declined publicly to participate on the temporary program that allows them to stay in the national territory and have access to many services and a job.
many of them did stay on the refuges and accepted this aid,
The rest of the caravan wants to keep it's way into the border,
the current situation seems to be contained so far, but it still seems like the situation could get out of control any minute now.
Many caravans also seem to be turning in their own members to the police to be deported, if they find them breaking the laws or their own set rules.
>In other "news":
the media carried out a campaign the day of the mid-term elections in the US to encourage "latino" voters to vote democrat during their coverage of the campaign that day.
this was pulled out by many local news on TV and a few on the radio during the day of the election apparently all across the nation.
>The (((banks))) get hit where it hurts:
Banks actions went down after a proposition was made on limiting the amount of commissions banks charge to their clients.
this due to the fact that they charge even more commissions than in their home countries.
the banking coordinator stated that this is an abuse "close to usury".
To which the elected president answered by saying that "he didn't plan to make any fiscal changes on this on the first 3 years of his presidency".
>Congress representative's daughter shot dead during congress meeting:
A Congress meeting had to be stopped after a representative received a call that led to her breaking into tears
yelling that her daughter had been shot dead along another girl who happened to be there too.
her daughter was at a local gym when the hitman broke into the facilities, shot her 9 times and proceeded to enter a black car and make his escape.
Congress called out the government for the amount of insecurity in the country and asked for protection for she and her family members.
the killer was found dead in the same car he used to escape he was identified as "el Richi" a known felon.
>Güey Weed LMAO:
The elect president AMLO presented another proposition to legalize the production, consumption, and marketing of cannabis.
There's been scientific investigations about the subject this year and it's plan it's to have it regulated around mid 2019.
it's been said that unlike alcohol and tobacco this will be highly regulated and the penalty for selling it to underages will be highly penalized.
while it's commercialization it's still being discussed, the main subject currently seems to be more about "personal use"
The purpose of this is to try to diminish the amount of violence in the country related to drug cartels, while regulating it's use in the name of public health.
>The Mexican "right" gets dissolved:
The Ex-president Felipe Calderon announced that he would be leaving it's former political party the "Partido Accion Nacional" (PAN)
to create a new one with his wife who was a candidate for the previous elections,
One of the head members called him out on this move as an "ingrate" and accuses him of killing the only opposition to the incoming government.
Felipe Calderon left officially it's former party the 11th of october after he declared that it's current state was corrupt, mediocre and manipulable,
while the PAN itself declared that many of the flaws he speaks about manifested the most while he was in charge of the country.
>Guerrero violence level rises, organized crime takeover:
one of the towns in Zitlala, Guerrero was taken by force by an organized crime group who tortured and killed 3 people forcing around 60 townspeople to leave their homes, they group is heavily armed and according to testimony attempting to take over the whole community,
the residents have retreated to a sports field since they can't go back to their homes for the risk of getting killed.
>A "very posh" march in defense of the "NEW Mexican International Airport" (NAIM)
A march took place in the capital, where thousands of people marched into the capital center
against the results of the poll about the new airport, which took place in the last month of October.
they also took the time to protest against the presidential ceremony invitation made to the president of Venezuela.
Wearing brand items such as sneakers, shades and hats, they decided to march from "La glorieta del angel" (that big statue on the capital with an angel on it)
to "plaza de la constitucion" (the main plaza), It was apparently planned to go all the way to the "National palace" although apparently they didn't made it that far.
According to the people who saw them, the great majority of the people gathered seemed to be "new" in the marching scene,
people in social media has referred to it as the "posh march"
these protests seem to be more and more useless these days, but at least some of them seem to have a common point (and they usually get through as they planned)
the point seemed to be more about the usually auto-denominated "high-class" against some sort of classicism
while others marched proudly with banners then again auto-denominating themselves as the "high-class", also the majority of the young members of the march seemed to join for a while
just to take some selfies and then leave when they got bored.
What is happening in Taiwan?
>be Han Kuo-yu>be CEO of Taipei Agricultural Products Marketing Corporation (google translate is ur friend>gets called to parliament court on accusations of rigging vegetable prices, and btfo'ed the accuser: [YouTube] 王世堅大戰韓國瑜 竟讓柯文哲笑到翻過去
[Embed]>in court, DPP member Wang Shi-jian accuse Kuo of price rigging, collusion of giving out bonus end of year surplus earnings money to employees, partisanship bias, being thug like to dishonored ex president who cheated the people out of billions of dollars, etc, etc, etc...>accusational questions confused ex-dentist mayor (who isn't enrolled in a party), and asks which question is the representative asking, leaving Shi speechless, Shi says he needs a drink.>mayor is speechless by Shi's actions, and says he'll also have a drink of water.>Kuo says he doesn't have any water, can someone bring him some?>Shi: "Yah, thugs can get a cup of water" >Kuo: "Never mind about the water, I'm not a thug"btfo
>Shi: "Mayor, what are you going to do with this thug next to you?">Kuo: "Rep, no need to be so excited, I'll turn myself in. If really a thug, I'll present Immediate Solution (for thugs (he means going to the police)).">Shi: "Not your time/place to talk! What do you say mayor?">Kuo: "This is common sense"oof
>Shi: "CEO Han, are you going to apologize?">Kuo: "Apologize to who?"pause
>Shi: "TO THE FUCKING PEOPLE!! To XXX politican, to the president!(DPP)"long pause
>Kuo nods>Kuo: "Why do apology? Please say; please rep, explain clearly. I don't understand what you are saying right now. Not sure if its like, your grammatical issue, or wording, and calm down a bit, bro, and tell us."insert laughing tom cruise
fast forward to today, where the yt video resurfaced, Kuo's heroic comebacks has inspired tens of thousands. Farmers kneel down to him and present him with vegetables. Fathers shave their head to look like Kuo, and children cry because they can't recognize their dad anymore. He is almost like the second coming of Jesus (but with brains for comedy).
Kuo is running for Kaohsiung city mayor, a previously rock solid DPP vote base. This year though, it might be different. Heavily farming and industry based Kaohsiung, might actually flip to KMT, which is a major step against the green washing from the last Presidential election.
Despite the lack of funds (DPP president used executive powers to financially block all KMT assets), It has been another after another record gathering of events just this past two weeks. Just today was 90 thousand people have gathered. (pics related)
sources:[YouTube] 中天24小時直播最新網址→
[Embed] (24hr tw news (KMT channel))
I'm also happy to answer any questions of any specifics, since it takes way too long to convey this stuff in English. Easier to be asked of it and answer.
>>184517So this is for international news? Ok lemme try this
So the other day some dune coon did a terryrust attack in melbourne (PRONOUNCED MEL-BIN YOU FUCKING BURGERS) and stabbed some cunt in the neck. However as police were fighting him with batons, some random hobo ran up and slammed a shopping trolley into the attacker, stunning him for long enough that the pigs could draw and shoot the cunt in the chest.
Henceforth known as Trolley Man, this guy got on national TV, became a household name and even had a gofundme dedicated to him raise over 100 grand. However, discovered after he showed up on every national news outlet in the country, it was discovered this absolute mad cunt was also wanted for like 3 robberies. Now in police custody, the legend of trolley man lives on.
>>186676Firstly election campaign rallies in Taiwan looks really fun to attend.
What is the main political differences between DPP and KMT, and what changes will an KMT win bring?
>>186680DPP is the Democratic Progressive Party, KMT is the Kuomintang of China often translated as the Nationalist Party of China.
KMT obviously the longest standing party, DPP came on later when democracy was allowed in Taiwan.
The weird contrasting thing about political landscape in Taiwan is that:
KMT socially behaves like the Democratic Party in the US, but policies are very right (conservative).
The DPP is very Progressive socially, but hits really low, like whatever trump is doing right now.
DPP has your true to honest SJW agenda though, which is still a minority in Taiwan. Their voter base is usually the very old and the very young. The current president is a female, and as you guessed, the DPP party lead. Their people are usually less educated. There isn't a lot of educated DPP people in proper goings of the place.
KMT is literally the founding party of Taiwan (their party symbol is literally in the country flag), and they have... really natsoc nationalistic organizations of government, honestly. Which isn't that surprising because KMT had generals trained and educated by Nazis before during WW2, and some values might have translated.
>>186682I often envy Asian countries and their pride of their country and people. And I am glad to hear that the "SJW party" is in the decline (if I understand correctly), and that Taiwan is getting back to its roots and their people.
>>186683Hopefully, honestly. The identity problem is long lasting because of our larger neighbor (big brother mainland china). Mainland did suffer a cultural laps a lot more than the other Asian nations.
DPP supported pride parades, so you are pretty correct calling them the SJW party. "President" Tsai literally played the women card during her election, and had less than a 1/3 of the vote of all voters in Taiwan, but KMT people just didn't came out during the last election.
A lot of failure high horse failures on KMT's part. The candidate was too high nose, and of the elite. (like how out of touch Hilary is, without all the cloak and dagger satanic shit)
Not voting literally let the place into major decline... No leader, no spirit, lack of pride, and yah. Taiwan is the least competitive of the 4 modern Asian nations rn.
The road to "integration" back to china is long and hard and tenuous, and no one knows how its going to go. or what integration even is. But it won't be done by DPP people if DPP continue to follow their thuggish ways.
>>186688Correction, KMT had less than 1/3, and was split among another party called the People First Party, which had ex KMT politicians. Tsai obviously won because of that.,_2016
>>186688Also, if I'm not mistaken, the KMT (blue) party sees itself as the rightful heirs of China, while the DPP (green) promotes a more conciliatory stance.
I'm living in China right now but I have to say I don't want Taiwan to integrate until major reforms make the mainland less Orwellian (which may be never). I have no love for the (((Western))) world order, but the suppression of free speech and the social credit system is what it aspires to be. Got arrested some time back just for posting a (harmless) Bitchute link on Wechat. Screw it.
Taiwan is a beautiful place. Don't lose it.
>>186676Are you actually from Taiwan or is that just the VPN?
>>186691ooof, I want to know about that arrest of bitchute thing, maybe article?
So the thing with elites.... From like the perspective of a upstanding citizen, there shouldn't be elites that are enforcing their own will. They can exist, we have no right to stop someone who is more successful (by inheritance or ability) to take away their assets. But assets are not part of democracy, and should not be involved in citizenship. Its all on the people and due process.
There are definitly some consparicy levels of things going on behind the scenes though, the Soong family is questionable, (sabotoshed the KMT election in 2016) they are literally decedents of royalty still.
We honestly do still hope to be the "Original China" but its impossible to sell such a perspective to the international community. We have 100 places accepting ROC passports, though we aren't a "Country".
Structurally, financially, relationally (foreign affairs) Taiwan is literally a country in every aspect except name. So make what you will of that.
China isn't a complete shit hole, but its still half. While the other half is hyper future city dystopian. The most crazy combination possible. Huge topic for another time maybe?
Back to elites, the Soong family is possibly along side the holy see, but who knows really what kind of relations or status they have. I personally follow a lot of high conspiracy stuff, and I find that a lot of the recent western drama is, just that... If I have the time, I would honestly dig into all the high fly CFR, and special interests things around the world.
Oh and, nice image, that taiwanese kindergarden got btfoed for playing hitler at school play. sad. I wonder how much of a grip that reactionary "antisemite" accusation has control of us here in Asia...
JK, no, I'm using a vpn, because my generation has the worst educational future if we stayed in Taiwan.
I think I have a decent amount to start with even if I'm not even half-way done writing everything I want down. It's a start.
Hello, I'll be your Southeast Asian anon, ready to serve what I feel is important news.
International Affairs:
Most of the international news that the Philippines is involved with deals with ASEAN directly or indirectly at one point or another, ASEAN being the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. ASEAN is an intergovernmental organization centered around the Southeast Asian countries and integration between the ten countries that comprise its core. ASEAN is made up of: Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and Myanmar.
Diplomatically speaking, there are two very relevant concerns for ASEAN: the Rohingya affair and the South China sea dispute between the People’s Republic of China and many of the countries in the South China sea region.
New developments in the South China sea dispute saw an exchange between the United States of America and the PRC whereby the two countries upheld their mutual desire for peace and stability in Southeast Asia. Despite this affirmation, the two powers still exchanged words with one another concerning the military presence of the other in Southeast Asia. The USA asked for the PRC to remove its navy and missiles from its installations in the disputed Spratley islands while the PRC told the USA to stop patrolling the air and sea of the region to which the USA responded that the USA can and will travel around international waters. This is a likely jab at the PRC’s claim that most of the South China sea should be in its possession, including the Exclusive Economic Zones of many countries along the South China sea. Exclusive Economic Zones, or EEZs, are sea zones where only particular states have a special right to exploration and resource exploitation within them. As such, one might see how egregious the actions of the PRC are in legal and diplomatic terms.
The Rohingya affair, that is the claimed genocide of the Rohingya and their migration/expulsion out of Burmese land, is not being resolved ASEAN, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. Should ASEAN prove itself incapable once again of dealing with the Rohingya affair, ASEAN as an international body will lose face and suffer diplomatically. This is significant as ASEAN has consistently shown itself to be one of the best examples of large-scale regional organization. No matter what one’s feelings are concerning Muslims, the issue is deeper than mere ethno-religious conflict between the “baste” Buddhists and the “mudshit“ Muslims who “likely deserve it and even if they do not, they’re Muslim anyway so it doesn’t matter.”
As people here might not be too interested, I will not go in depth on the history of the Rohingya conflict and I will, at the most, give a short and overly simplistic overview of the history of the conflict. Historically speaking, the Rohingya affair has its roots in Myanmar’s colonial history back when the region was under British control. The British required labor and the local Buddhists did not meet the expectations and needs of the colonial powers thus the importation of Bengalese Muslim labor which was a group who saw greater revenues for land ownders. For many years, there was not any trouble between the two ethno-religious groups and one might even say that the relations between them were quite amicable and the entry of the Bengalese is not to say that there were no Muslims in the area prior to the entry of the Bengalese. Trouble began between when the Buddhists had to flee in droves from certain regions in Myanmar due to a sort of natural disaster. Landowners and officials saw this as a good moment to grant their preferred Bengalese some land, that is the ancestral land of the Buddhists which were recently unoccupied. The loss of that which they saw was theirs by their return to the region was, I feel, the genesis of the Buddhist-Muslim conflict which we now recognize as the Rohingya affair. The Buddhists attacked the Muslims and so started the deterioration in relations and the gradual escalation of the conflict between the two groups. An illustration of the heights of the conflict can be seen in the Second World War where the British had given arms to both groups to fight the Japanese with in guerrilla war, and rather than turn on them the Muslims had decided to turn on the Buddhists instead. It was around this time too, around the late 19th century and early 20th century, that the Rohingya became an entity as the various Muslim groups which have consolidated together and recreated themselves thanks to education giving them the means to do so. Rather than being a mix of various peoples centered around a religion, the Muslims created for themselves a new collective identity which was called Rohingya and rewrote history so that they were not merely a mix of migrants and some local peoples but a true ethno-linguistic group with a religion distinct from that of the majority in their country of origin. In effect, they made a creation myth for themselves.
The problem cannot be solved by a declaration that the Bengalese from Bangladesh must welcome its people back for they do not recognize them, nor is merely staying in Myanmar itself so tenable between the conflict in the country. In the end and by my understanding of the literature, the problem has its roots in perfidous Albion, and property rights having been discarded, and the connection that a people feel for the land of their ancestors.
>>187086Oh crap, formatting is a bit gimped there. Oh well. Sorry guys. I'll fix it with the next post.
Local Affairs:
President Rodrigo Duterte made a controversial decision: he sent the military to do a partial take-over of the Bureau of Commerce in an effort to “keep peace” for the BoC is “in anarchy.” While the military is not tasked with doing the technical duties associated with the BoC, such as keeping ledgers, and the overall structure has been preserved but the military has been tasked to facilitate the effort to root out corruption from the Bureau. The tipping point which the President might have pushed President Duterte to make this decision was the scandal that the BoC was involved in recently: the large-scale smuggling of shabu (crystal meth) worth roughly 1 billion php or $220 million.
In other news, President Duterte is said to be looking to the possibility of meeting with some of the leaders of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines, or the NDFP, in order to conduct a peace process with the Norwegians acting as a third-party facilitator. The Philippines has had a colorful history with subversive communist groups like the NDFP and Maoists such as the Communist Party of the Philippines and its military arm the New People’s Army, or NPA. The leaders of the NDFP and CCP are living in European nations due to their subversive activities and all blood spilled between it and the government.
It also seems important to inform people of the general sentiment and anger that the colonial past of a country feels for those whom they designate as having ties to their oppressors. As such, in some regions Westerners are being kidnapped and killed in vengeance of what has happened centuries past, and if one counts the colonialization of the Philippines by the USA, then it hasn’t even been one century since that has happened. Such are some of the issues with nationalism and the sentiments of history. While this doesn’t sound too important, that there are news articles about it indicate that attacks of this kind are happening at a pace that is more common than usual.
Economics and Business:
There have been a number of meetings of late that point to interesting times. Among Asia-Pacific leaders, there is an agreement known as the Regional Comprehensive Economic PArtnership (or RCEP) which is being promoted as a free-trade program that is to involve around almost 30% of the worlds GDP; signatories of the agreement include a majority of the Southeast Asian nations, Australia, New Zealand, South (Worst) Korea, Japan, India, and the PRC. I will assume that everyone here is aware of Trump’s actions and his rhetoric and one may retrace the general logic from there. There seems to be a general desire for more multilateralism in the Asia-Pacific, rhetoric for cooperation among nations. Talks concerning what the RCEP is and would be have been ongoing since 2011 and will likely be signed this year.
From my understanding of the RCEP, it is an attempt to lower barriers to trade and establish better economic relationships and trade, thus lowering prices, whilst boosting economic growth and ease of business with stronger institutions, allowing for healthier and more stable economies. Should this come through, the economies of the signatories will be more integrated with one another.
If one would rather read it for himself, refer below.
Quoting from ASEAN’s document proclaiming the guiding principles of the agreement:
“Recognizing the ASEAN Framework for Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), the objective of launching RCEP negotiations is to achieve a modern, comprehensive, high-quality and mutually beneficial economic partnership agreement among the ASEAN Member States and ASEAN’s FTA Partners. RCEP will cover trade in goods, trade in services, investment, economic and technical cooperation, intellectual property, competition, dispute settlement and other issues.
Negotiations for the RCEP will recognize ASEAN Centrality in the emerging regional economic architecture and the interests of ASEAN’s FTA Partners in supporting and contributing to economic integration, equitable economic development and strengthening economic cooperation among the participating countries.”
From the ASEAN website on RCEP:
“RCEP has the potential to deliver significant opportunities for businesses in the East Asia region, given the fact that the 16 RCEP participating countries account for almost half of the world’s population; contribute about 30 per cent of global GDP and over a quarter of world exports. RCEP will provide a framework aimed at lowering trade barriers and securing improved market access for goods and services for businesses in the region, through:
-Recognition to ASEAN Centrality in the emerging regional economic architecture and the interests of ASEAN’s FTA partners in enhancing economic integration and strengthening economic cooperation among the participating countries;
-Facilitation of trade and investment and enhanced transparency in trade and investment relations between the participating countries, as well as facilitation of SMEs’ engagements in global and regional supply chains; and
-Broaden and deepen ASEAN’s economic engagements with its FTA partners.
RCEP recognises the importance of being inclusive, especially to enable SMEs leverage on the agreement and cope with challenges arising from globalisation and trade liberalisation. SMEs (including micro-enterprises) make up more than 90% of business establishments across all RCEP participating countries and are important to every country’s endogenous development of their respective economy. At the same time, RCEP is committed to provide fair regional economic policies that mutually benefit both ASEAN and its FTA partners.”
Beyond statements, official and from various partners and signatories, there is not much else I have to go by.
More news soon, I'm just threading various articles together and adding information where I believe it is needed.
While I mentioned the RCEP news first, the most visible economic news and the most important one by most people’s estimations in recent times have been the price inflation which has clocked to more than 6%. The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas or BSP, the local central bank, has been doing a lot to curb the inflation and maintain the current GDP which has been flagging to levels below the high standard of 6% growth that the country has accustomed itself to. While successful in its mission to slow down the inflation rate, other actions that the BSP is taking may serve to hinder its desired GDP numbers. The greatest effect of the inflation is a decrease in consumption and investment all around that comes with the lower real wages and higher prices of goods all around. The BSP has also been looking to raising the interest rate which will only further drive the current GDP down as partially seen in the dipping levels of the Philippine Stock Exchange which clocked at 6,900. The peso is also weakening due to the widening trade gap that is seen in the great number of imports coming into the country. A lesson in prudence comes up though as once the figures have been dehomogenized, one realizes that the trade gap in imports is partially made up by capital goods. Capital goods point to increases in local productivity and investment once they have been set in motion as a part of the local economy. So it isn’t all that bad. If the good numbers are any indicator and that there are articles on these in the newspaper, the financial sector and the producer’s goods sector are doing well relative to others parts of the economy.
Rising energy levels, one of the highest in Southeast Asia in fact, are not helping either. While many lay the growth in prices of basic necessities and price level on the higher fuel prices, people are missing the fact that energy is an integral component across the entire economy since everyone requires energy to meet its needs. Higher energy costs affects the economy in its entirety, no industry is an island for all industries are interconnected the same way that all markets across the world are interconnected. The figures roughly come up to $1.11/liter of gasoline and $0.92/liter for diesel, while these prices are the 4th highest in Southeast Asia, they’re modest in reference to all other prices across the globe which stand at $1.93/liter in Norway and $2.15% in Hong Kong. While fossil fuel prices are rising, there is some hope in the green energy sector and the joint exploration program that the Philippines and the PRC are conducting in the search for fossil fuels. The latter is in exchange for waving rights to some of the country’s EEZ where the conflict between much of ASEAN and the PRC lay, the Philippines is receiving investment, loans, and assistance from the PRC (No matter one’s personal feelings on the matter, the words of Ferdinand Marcos echo in his declaration/prophecy that the country should seek cooperation with the PRC due to their immense strength and President Duterte seems to be following that word of advice in his dealings with the PRC. You may also call it him cucking out to what is the right of the Philippine peoples and you might also call it an indicator of President Duterte’s having sold himself out to the PRC); the former is in reference to the prediction by French experts that the green energy sector has a very good chance of becoming “vibrant, eco-friendly, secure and efficient” in five years which is due to shifts in consumer choice, regulatory framework, and technology. The main hurdles in green energy are poor government policies and “bankability”, the French experts recommend deregulation and competition in energy as a means to speed the process of green energy development in Southeast Asia.
Labor groups in the Philippines call for minimum wage increases, which was recently passed if what I know is true, and for a food subsidy in order to handle the inflationary pressures felt on the Philippine economy. All in all, the labor group Associated Labor Unions-Trade Union Congress of the Philippines or ALU-TUCP would ideally like a “sustainable” 800 pesos or $16. Economically speaking, this points to greater pressures on both the private sector and the public: greater deficits or lower surpluses in the budget while more businesses close down due to the higher costs associated with greater and greater wage rates, wages being the price for labor. This news comes while the government sees a rising unemployment rate which now sits at 22%, a 2.3% increase from the last quarter.
In reaction to the economic ills of the country, the government seeks policies to ameliorate the situation: the ‘Ease of Going Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery act’ and the Tax Reform for Attracting Better and High-Quality Opportunities’ bill or TRABAHO. The former desires to streamline business processes and reduce government processing time; the latter seeks to lower corporate income tax and rationalize incentives for investors. The effects of these are to attract investment and increase job numbers. Some industries do not see good in the TRABAHO bill so there is more here than it seems.
Last but not the least, the Millennium Challenge Corp. has rated the standing of the Philippines to be higher than its last evaluation for the MCC’s Fiscal Year 2019 score card which makes the country eligible for foreign aid should it be requested. Out of twenty indicators, the Philippines scored a passing mark in fourteen of them. The MCC scorecard is composed of three categories, Economic Freedom, Ruling Justly, and Investing in People. Under EF there are the following indicators: fiscal policy, inflation, regulatory quality, trade policy, gender equality, land rights and access; under RJ there are the following: political rights, civil liberties, control of corruption, government effectiveness, and freedom of information; under IP there are the following: natural resource protection, girl’s secondary education enrollment rate, and child health. The Philippines failed in the rule of law, economic freedom, health expenditures, primary education expenditures, and immunization rates.
Citations coming last. I'll be using the Chicago format since that is what I've been taught.
>>187128>r/PolandLcReally nigger?
Ben de Vera, “BSP Seen Raising Rates Again this Week,” Philippine Daily Inquierer, November 12, 2018.
Ben de Vera, “Think Tank: Import Deluge Making PH Stronger,” Philippine Daily Inquierer, November 12, 2018.
“Calls for Open Trade to Greet Pence; trump Skips Summit,” Philippine Daily Inquierer, November 12, 2018.
Doris Dumlao-Abadilla, “PSEI Seen Trying to Stay Above 6,900 Levels,” Philippine Daily Inquierer, November 12, 2018.
“Experts: Energy Industry must be Green and Bear Burden of Rising Demand,” Philippine Daily Inquierer, November 12, 2018.
Frances Mangosing, “US to China: Remove Spratlys Missiles,” Philippine Daily Inquierer, November 12, 2018.
In a number of articles in the Business section of the newspaper indicate general good news in various firms in the Philippine economy, mostly producer’s goods and the financial sector (November 12, 2018), multiple authors discuss these developments.
Julie Aurelio, “DU30: It’s Hard to Rid BoC of Graft,” Philippine Daily Inquierer, November 12, 2018.
Julie Aurelio, “Duterte Eyes Meeting with Red Negotations,” Philippine Daily Inquierer, November 12, 2018.
Julie Aurelio, “Extremists Target Westerners,” Philippine Daily Inquierer, November 12, 2018.
Julie Aurelio, “Palace Eyes Ways to Lower Employment,” Philippine Daily Inquierer, November 12, 2018.
Julie Aurelio, “PH Eyes Bigger Share from Oil Exploration,” Philippine Daily Inquierer, November 12, 2018.
“PH gets Failing Mark in ‘Rule of Law’,” Philippine Daily Inquierer, November 12, 2018.
Ronnel Domingo, “Fuel Prices in PH Among Highest in Region,” Philippine Daily Inquierer, November 12, 2018.
Roy Stephen Canivel, “Gov.t to Fine-Tune ‘Trabaho’ Bill,” Philippine Daily Inquierer, November 12, 2018.
Tina Santos, “Labor Groups Presses P500 Food Subsidy,” Philippine Daily Inquierer, November 12, 2018.
>inb4 "hurr why's that one citation just big sentence without reference to a specific author or headline"
That's allowed, cumstain. Turabian, Kate L., A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations: Chicago Style for Students and Researchers, 7th ed. (Chicago and London: University of Chicago, 2007), 186-187.
>>187133fuggggggggg :DDDDDDDDDDDD
I misspelled Inquirer
>>187086>>187091>>187092>>187115>>187117>>187125Many thanks, really interesting read.
The 22% unemployment rate is alarmingly high.
From Russia.
- Cold War II: Russia hasn’t gotten involved yet but is already winning.
(Make sure to press CC for English captions.)
[YouTube] Cold War II: Russia hasn’t gotten involved yet but is already winning.
From Russia.
- Germany is Reluctant to Fight the War Against Russia With the Rest of NATO.
(Make sure to press CC for English captions.)
[YouTube] Germany is Reluctant to Fight the War Against Russia With the Rest of NATO (Ruslan Ostashko)
What was that Trump and that Israel bullshit yesterday. Then Mike Pompeo goes full jew with Syria? Someone care to elaborate on this? I am confused on how to report this.
>>188279That one you mean? Oh it's all Assad's and Iran's fault!!!!!
ISIS? Rebels? Nah, they dindu nuffin.
>muh millions dead>officially it's around 500kDeath to America, of course!
>>188282That statement is gaslighting the American people beyond anything possible.
>>188282How fucking dense could you be to believe this horse shit.
>>188287I think that 90% of the Western world believe that.
The judenpresse is everywhere spreading these lies.
>>188289Well, retaking information channels is one of the priorities.
>>188302Purging of the corrupt is the first step. And we all know who the corrupt is.
>>184515Alright I guess it's time to make one a these
Antisemitism Boogaloo
>Romanian government is replacing a bunch of ministers for various reasons>President of Romania, Klaus Wernher Iohannis, has denied two of them>One of them was a jew born in Israel called Ilan Laufer>He immediately called antisemitism and reminded Iohannis about the 52 family members he lost in the Holocaust>>>designated jewish member of parliament, the Elie Wiesel institute and others denounce it because they think he's throwing the antisemitism accusation around too lightly the right article^
Metro workers to go on strike
>Metro workers are threatening to go on strike>They're demanding their salaries to be increased>The smallest monthly pre-tax salary for metro workers is 5300 RON (1137€), which is twice the average salary in Romania>They're demanding a 42% increase this year alone (they've had a 21% increase last year, which would increase their salary to 7526 RON (1615€), nearly 3 times the average salary in Romania and 4 times the minimum salary>This despite the fact that the Bucharest metro is extremely unprofitable and heavily subsidized>It's been shown that metro workers going on strike would be a *net positive* on the state budget, as subsidies are payed per ride to come a lil bit later: EU threatening Romania, threatened us with sanctions but dropped it.
>>188475>>One of them was a jew born in Israel called Ilan Laufer>He immediately called antisemitism and reminded Iohannis about the 52 family members he lost in the HolocaustThis trick is getting tiresome.
Taiwan Kaohsiung mayor vote is tomorrow, event is lasting through the night.
[YouTube] 中天24小時直播最新網址→
[Embed] [Embed]Have a look at how Taiwan does political events.
Some are comparing this to an early New Years, from how many people came to participate.
This bloke has a really good guest, Ian Easton, that speaks about Mainland and China relations.
[YouTube] China’s INVASION Plan for TAIWAN
[Embed][YouTube] #7 The Invasion of Taiwan | Ian Easton
[Embed]Comments on the podcast is stupid, the commends on the video is eh.
Ian Easton has good perspectives on the issue though. Well studied, knows the nuances, and has some what a solution through intellectual warfare. I think Americans (and the rest of the world) should take some opinions from Ian. He resonates with me, and his message is good and well measured.
The only thing I'd say is overemphasized is the part on democracy... It feels really nebulous to me, not that he is using the wrong words, but not specific enough. Personally I think there should be more nuance on what happens in a Democracy, but obviously for his purpose, it is the obvious difference between mainland and Taiwan.
> Ian: "... Taiwan has a ... American style democracy ..."KeK, more like French, but a lot of nationalism ingrained. The RoC government and public sector is nicely balanced. Checkbooks are well crafted, the government has enough of a stake in crucial infrastructure but still leave enough flexibility for massive industrial development, well developed corporation and public sector interactions, war time readiness (for a place of its size), and the huge stockpiles of cocaine beneath the Government.
> What is the first thing people ask them selves when they think of Taiwan[YouTube] #7 The Invasion of Taiwan | Ian Easton
- Russia’s 5th Column Speaks Out! Liberal Opposition Leaders Thank America for Russia Sanctions (Russian TV News).
[YouTube] undefined
>On Thanksgiving eve some Russian oppositionists decided to personally thank the US authorities for the sanctions against Russia. They met them in Washington, but instead of the traditional turkey, the guests offered senators and State Department officials to check out their lists of Russians who deserve to be sanctioned. They believe they're doing it to finally make Russia a civilized country. However, so far, the civilizers can't handle themselves. The former lawyer of Pussy Riot, Mark Feygin, pushed our crew out from the elevator.
International News and Geopolitics:
Community building, peace, and stability are the main points that President Duterte had pushed on in the recent summits (the 33rd Association of Southeast Asian Nations summit and the 26th Asia-Pacific Economic Council summit) with Asia-Pacific leaders, between Asia-Pacific countries.
There is the usual talk of the desires for integration, mutually-beneficial trade, and dialogue building. Some other developments in the South China Sea dispute between the PRC and a number of the nations in the ASEAN bloc: the two parties have renewed their commitment to the “full and effective implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea.” The Declaration is a series of principles and desired outcomes and manners by which the countries of ASEAN and the PRC may interact with each other in order to maintain peace and orderly communication, with the UN’s own laws and other recognized international legal codes are the basis by which the interactions are supposed to take place. What is likely to happen is that the PRC will maintain its militarized position in the disputed zones and the various Southeast Asian countries will learn to surrender to the PRC and let it take what it desires, nipping what one can back in the process, or face further difficulties in international affairs.
From the document (linked below), one can read the entirety of the Declaration but with regard to the South China Sea dispute, these would be the most important lines by my estimations:
2. The Parties are committed to exploring ways for building trust and confidence in accordance with the above-mentioned principles and on the basis of equality and mutual respect;
3. The Parties reaffirm their respect for and commitment to the freedom of navigation in and overflight above the South China Sea as provided for by the universally recognized principles of international law, including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea;
4. The Parties concerned undertake to resolve their territorial and jurisdictional disputes by peaceful means, without resorting to the threat or use of force, through friendly consultations and negotiations by sovereign states directly concerned, in accordance with universally recognized principles of international law, including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea;
5. The Parties undertake to exercise self-restraint in the conduct of activities that would complicate or escalate disputes and affect peace and stability including, among others, refraining from action of inhabiting on the presently uninhabited islands, reefs, shoals, cays, and other features and to handle their differences in a constructive manner.
Coming back to regional summits, APEC sees irrelevance and possible death on its 26th year as the USA and PRC clash, it was even described as the “most disposable of the regional summits.” Sadly, APEC’s (possible) dying spasms as described on this release will be as short as its importance on the international stage.
“APEC Fails to Live Up to Its Name,” Philippine Daily Inquirer, November 20, 2018.
Julie Aurelio, “Duterte Upheld PH Interests in ASEAN, APEC Summits-Palace,” Philippine Daily Inquirer, November 20, 2018.
Economics and Business:
The economic position of the Philippines seems to be improving in general as seen in confidence among business leaders and lowering prices, and a most interesting clash between the PRC and Japan over the Philippines.
Some general indicators of the increasing welfare and state of the country’s economy might be seen in the very enthusiastic treasury bill action done by the Bureau of the Treasury where investors in short-dated government securities bought out all of the treasury bills offered, totaling P15 billion as inflation worries eases. Treasury bills are debt obligations sold by a government to investors which is sold at a discount and whose full return is attained by its maturity. In a way, you may see it as a sort of IOU from government to the treasury bill holders. Echoing my post last week, the trade gap that the country is current experiencing is expanding but it slowing down and that it is not something to fear due to the general composition of most of the imports to the country. The imports mostly make up raw materials, intermediate goods, and capital goods, all of which support the expansion of the local economy. Most outflows in October 2018 mostly made up the Philippine government’s payments for its foreign exchange obligations, the government’s foreign currency withdrawals, and foreign exchange operations by the Bangko Sentral, the Philippine’s central bank. Another indicator is that the Philippine Stock Exchange Index (PSEI) rallied back up to 7,200 points, or 7.270.26 to be exact, which is 186.92 points or 2.64% up from the last point of measurement or more than 300 points ahead of last week of 6,900 points (
>>187115). The rally in the PSEI is attributed to shifts from developing markets to emerging markets, lowering oil prices, and the strengthening peso relative to the dollar.
President Duterte upheld the interests of the Philippines in the recent summits (the 33rd Association of Southeast Asian Nations summit and the 26th Asia-Pacific Economic Council summit) was in his emphasis on the need to “trade freely and fairly to spur economic activities, technology transfer and capacity” to quote the article, and his public support of micro, small and medium enterprises (or MSMEs), which he had called the “backbone” of any economy. The former is likely a reference to the position that ASEAN, and a number of Asia-Pacific countries are moving towards a more integrated economy and geo-political relations but the more relevant piece of information here is that MSMEs are being recognized as the backbone of the economy. This by itself might not mean anything, but it might point towards assistance being planned for the MSMEs, be it in some form of deregulation or a decrease in tax rates which in a way is already being fulfilled by recent bills such as the TRABAHO bill that I have recently reported on (
>>187117). The above can also been seen as an extension of ASEAN policy in the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership.
Lastly, the last bit of news is the most interesting of the economics and business news might be the most relevant one among all that I’ll be posting in my humble opinion. The Duterte administration requires a large amount of funding for his ambitious “Build, build, build” program. Where might the funding come from? We don’t know either for the PRC and the Japanese are battling over who would be the one to grant the $9 billion to the Philippines, likely trying to influence the country to favor the other more. Options between the funders and a shrinking debt-to-gdp ratio, thus invalidating most fears about a debt trap, allow for more bluster on the part of the Duterte administration, as seen in Budget Secretary Benjamin Diokno’s statements that the Philippines would search for the best rates available. Japan offers lower interest rates, the USA warns against taking up the PRC’s offers due to “opaque” loan terms. That the USA is also making its opinion known in this matter should be a signal there is more to this funding thing than mere soft power. I should watch this situation closely.
Ben O. de Vera, “$9-b Infra Funding to Come from Japan,” Philippine Daily Inquirer, November 20, 2018.
Ben O. de Vera, “T-Bill Rates Rise Across the Board,” Philippine Daily Inquirer, November 20, 2018.
Daxim L. Lucas, “PH Trade Gap Bloats to 10-Mo Dollar Outflows to $5.5B,” Philippine Daily Inquirer, November 20, 2018.
Doris Dumlao-Abadilla, “PH SHares Rally to 7,200 Ahead of Xi Jingping Visit,” Philippine Daily Inquirer, November 20, 2018.
Julie Aurelio, “Duterte Upheld PH Interests in ASEAN, APEC Summits-Palace,” Philippine Daily Inquirer, November 20, 2018.
From Russia.
Liberals Scream Putin Sells Russia and Call to Give Away the Kurils Islands.
(Make sure to press CC for English captions.)
[YouTube] Liberals Scream Putin Sells Russia and Call to Give Away the Kurils (Ruslan Ostashko)
[Embed]>Can a person simultaneously shout that the authorities of "this country" are selling out Russia, and advocate for giving away the Kuril Islands to Japan? A person can, if it's a Russian-speaking, pro-Western liberal.
-Turkey bypasses U.S.sanctions With S-400 sale over THAAD.
Turkey's president Erdoğan has elected to trade with Russia with their natural currency instead of the U.S dollar to acquire the S-400 bypassing sanctions put into place by the U.S. Federal government.
Local News:
Some news critical of the administration, both of which involve the military in some way: Senator Panfilo Lacson is concerned over the control the President has over the military and police as he sends them to some problem regions as it was mandated via a Memorandum Order rather than the more standard route of ordering the Armed Forces chief of staff or secretary of national defense; and youth groups are up in arms over President Duterte’s desires to reinstate Reserve Officers Training Corps, or ROTC, citing previous abuses and fears of “fascism”.
Senator Lacson’s concern seems to stem from the means that the President used to dispatch the forces to the regions where elections are soon to take place, protecting them from interference by Communist militias who might swing the local politics in their favor or commit acts of terror in general. Senator Lacson cuts straight to the point and questions if the MO is part of a plan to declare martial law or suspending the writ of habeas corpus, the right that stops governments from arresting people without due process. Now on to the ROTC concerns.
Youth groups, mostly a “national network of children’s organizations” with the Salinlahi Alliance for Children’s Concerns and the Kabataan party-list leading the charge, said that the suggestion that the President might reinstate the ROTC over fears of it teaching students “brutality, fascism, corruption and impunity” (Nevermind that most of those are already being taught by the simple fact that the institutional framework of the Philippines and the failures of governance already teach those, as does the realities of life outside of the paradise of perfection imagined by the idealistic; this might also be the time to be frank and decalre my general distate for the Kabataan). While it seems I’m belittling their concerns, and I certainly am with the accusations of Fascism of President Duterte, they aren’t all empty for there has been a record of human rights abuses and deaths at the hands of ROTC programs. I would like to see reasons why the ROTC is exceptionally horrible though. To be fair to the dissenters, ROTC was abolished in the first place by massive student protests. The representative of the aforementioned Salinlahi group also used this as an opportunity to slam the President for being subservient to (much more powerful and wealthy) countries such as the PRC and the USA, “selling out our resources, territory and patrimony in exchange [for] foreign loans and support for his tyrannical rule, they are not worthy to teach the youth nationalism and patriotism” so said Salinlahi secretary general Eule Rico Bonganay. Kabataan’s representative said that “there is no proof that ROTC will inculcate patriotism among the youth”; “ROTC would be teaching students the power of the gun”. It’s not all bad though, there is some level of support among from Army officials. Ideologues, the lot of these nor have they shown itself to be seriously informed. It’s not as though that I’m denying my own biases (I’m something of a neoreactionary myself) and those of the Army officials, but their ideological concerns are clouding their ability to be taken seriously with their “nationalism”. Realpolitik, people. Geopolitics is descriptive, not normative, and your efforts to keep applying the delusions of your “learning” to the unavoidable (such as being “subservient” to the PRC and the USA) do nothing to advance discourse.
Some news critical of the education infrastructure of the Philippines: multilingual and language groups demand that the colleges of the Philippines must teach about the other languages of the Philippines and not just Filipino, that is Tagalog dialect. For some background, the national language of the is Filipino alongside English. The difference between Filipino and Tagalog is that the former has a more “inclusive” vocabulary, opening itself up to the words of the various regional languages. The main argument that the national language must be rooted in Tagalog is due to the fact that Manila, the administrative and economic capital of the Philippines, is in the Tagalog region and so the administrative and thus national language of the Philippines must also be in the region where it is located. It would be preposterous to use a “greatest number of speakers” basis for the national language as some suggest since most of the civil servants in the capital would be of Tagalog origin and would be in a heavily Tagalog region. English works too as a more neutral administrative language and it is indeed used in that capacity. In light of geographic and pragmatic factors, non-Tagalog languages are not suitable unless some new capital be constructed on relatively neutral grounds so that most of the language groups of the country can send or find representatives there. There are other arguments, such as accusations of “Manila imperialism” which does have some merits: mainly that most of the history books of the Philippines and its “founding” stories per say as far as political independence and the pre-revolutionary background goes are centered mostly in the northern islands, mainly Luzon, and in the Tagalog region; one can say the same about the stories of the national trauma from the Ferdinand Marcos regime. In any case, many desire to see other languages included in the curriculums in colleges and universities; my head aches already just thinking of all the problems and logistical concerns that will come from trying to implement this, worst of all the wasted time of the already overworked students. There is also a conspicuous lack of magnitude given as to how many are involved in these pushes for a more inclusive linguistic paradigm. (For the record, I’m not Tagalog myself but my blood is from the Luzon island group).
Faye Orellana, et. all, “DU30 Order to Deploy Troops Stumps Lacson,” Philippine Daily Inquirer, November 26, 2018.
Mariejo S. Ramos and Mart Sambalud, “Youth Groups Assail ROTC Revival, Cite Program’s Culture of Violence,” Philippine Daily Inquirer, November 26, 2018.
Maricar Cinco, “’No Consensus to Make Filipino a Core Course’,” Philippine Daily Inquirer, November 26, 2018.
International News:
Two sides (but not the only ones, of course) on the South China sea dispute clash on the pages, both perspectives currently clashing being high-ranking government officials in the Philippine government; there is the Chief Justice on the one, and the Vice-President and a former Ombudsman on the other.
For Chief Justice Antonio Carpio, he sees President Duterte’s actions, that being the surrender of the recognized legal right of the Philippines over the disputed islands within Philippine territory, as a “legal formula” for settling the dispute with the PRC. By waving the UN’s ruling at the Permanent Court of Arbitration in exchange for a more mutually beneficial partnership in exploration and extraction along with investment and cash injections from the PRC, the President was able to create a greater atmosphere for cooperation and is thus “safe”. The deal between the PRC and the Republic of the Philippines was sealed with the memorandum of understanding, or MOU, but Chief Justice Carpio says that it does no invalidate the constitution of the Philippines and is still in agreement with the Hague’s ruling in favor of the Philippines (the issue with the constitution is that it is in the constitution that only the Philippines can and should utilize its natural resources for its people and thus one may describe President Duterte’s actions as being unconstitutional). The Chief Justice went so far as to say that the agreement between the Philippines and the PRC can be a template of sorts for other countries disputing the PRC’s great claims in the region’s waters. Evidently, not everyone sees it from this more, shall we say, pragmatic angle.
Call it editorial but describing the Chief Justice’s position as pragmatic seems as such when weighed against that of the Vice President and the former Ombudsman. Fears of military conflict do not deter former Ombudsman Conchita Carpio Morales and Vice-President Leni Robredo, their comments are “irresponsible” and with such actions the country “cannot survive treason from within”, even if the Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana agrees with the proposition that the Philippine military is negligible to the PRC’s forces. The country must not give up the fight if the opinion of these two notables are to be listened to, such statements and decisions injures the Philippines. “It is self-explanatory,” so says Morales.
Marlon Ramos, “PH Safe in Signing MOU with China, Says Carpio,” Philippine Daily Inquirer, November 26, 2018.
Vince F. Nonato, “VP: Gov’t Remarks on Sea Conflict ‘irresponsible’,” Philippine Daily Inquirer, November 26, 2018.
Economics and Business:
The economy looks to be on the upswing as the indicators favor recovery from the downward trend that was clear throughout the year as inflation exerted its effect on the economy. Problems with the rule of law, the composition of the laws of the Philippine economy, and the lack of attention to the development of the local economy, be it the lethargy of the state or its effects on the prevention of legal private action, continue to plague the development of key sectors and embolden the informal economy to increase its own gains.
indicators (PSEI,treasury bonds, rice imports)
There is a very strong demand in the market for government securities, so much so that the Bureau of Treasury rescheduled two upcoming Treasury Bill auctions a week earlier than originally planned. National Treasurer Rosila de Leon says that the robust demand can be traced to inflation troubles easing and bond yield increases. These are positive signs of the general confidence in the economy and the government in its current state and direction.
The Philippine Stock Market Index or PSEI advanced once again for the second week in a row to 7,340.18 points. The difference between this week’s PSEI levels and the last is up by 256.84 points or 3.63% from the much poorer position of 6,900 points not even one month ago. There is also a good chance that the PSEI will breach 7,500 and even 7,800 as momentum accelerates. Local investor confidence can be attributed to the drop in global oil prices and an improvement in emerging market currencies, foreign investors were also a major part of the bounce in the PSEI, another good sign. If my understanding of the general pattern of these things go, the strength of emerging market currencies are in a kind of inverse relationship with developed market currencies, specifically the dollar.
Also on the private market, price inflation in basic necessities will be driven down by the greater entry of imported rice as legislation keeping quantitative restrictions on rice will be eliminated in exchange for tariffs in a year’s time. In other words, the barriers to entry will be in terms of price rather than in the legal amounts of rice entering the economy. The government also plans to augment local production by means of a fund, the Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund, to provide farm machinery and equipment, seed production and training, access to cheap credit, financial literacy and other assistance. The lowering of the quantitative restrictions can be traced to World Trade Organization policy that had granted Philippine farmers up until 2018 to prepare themselves for this, extensions being granted to them as they prepared. For some historical backdrop, this is not the first time that the Philippine government has tried to augment local production in farming produce (and other things really such as manufactured goods), while predicting success or failure based on previous examples is not apt due to the great number of variables moving forward, I have my doubts that this current attempt will have much success.
>>189940 In some ways, the legal framework of the Philippines is as robust as ever but it is the same if not worse in a good few others. Tax reforms in recent years have been encouraging in its increases in government revenue, lower debt levels, and lower interest rates which allows for a greater presence of the government in the economy which has been instrumental in maintaining GDP levels as consumer spending has flagged in recent months due to inflationary pressures. Still, the tax situation can be much better on the consumer end with the increases in taxes in a lot of sectors of the economy, fuel especially. Other concerns regarding finance in the country of late are the recent operations of the government to curb dirty money that is used to fund terror. Leading the effort is the Anti-Money laundering Council or AMLC which created the National Risk Assessment report and the National Anti-Money Landering and Terrorism Strategy or NACS where it formulated viable strategies to combat money laundering, smoothing out the problems that the other government agencies might have with one another in the desired goal. Time will tell how effective this will be.
In response to smuggling, the government has decided NOT to lower excise taxes which is a large part of the problem but has opted to implement a fuel marking system in order to curb such troubles. Similarly, the government has done the same with cigarettes and other “sin” products. On a side note, this is an empirical example of arbitrage where the private market, the informal one that is and not the legal one, gets tipped off by signals in the market (rising prices/price inflation and greater demand) to fill in demand where the government has denied greater consumption on the part of the public and so transfer fuel from places that have a relative glut to the places with the greater demand. One may retort about the need for people to follow the law but it’s hard when one requires things in their daily life, fuel especially. Needs must and that can lead to breaking the law if the legal means are closed off from you, hence some pleas for the government to rescind said taxes. To supplement the commentary of Representative Miro Quimbo, the tax on fuel is not only anti-poor but anti-consumer in general. Everyone needs fuel, from business owners, to the rich, to the middle-class, to the poor, even to the government, even the government sector. Energy is integral no matter what and fuel is energy. It affects everyone as any major shift in the legal system might, or jsut about anything depending on what happens. Another notable case of the market reacting to demand is in the prevalence and toleration of railway carts. Railway carts are to be found on the tracks of many of Metro Manila’s roads where people in search of work where they can make a point of transporting people from one point to another while dodging trains as they go. Time and money is saved by utilizing their services, nor is it as dangerous as one thinks, there are almost no known cases of casualties associated with the railway boys network. The railway boys are examples of some of the developments an economy takes in its adaptation to the problems. The problem here is that of Manila’s transport system being insufficient to meet the growth in its population between 1995-2015.
Coconut farmers are receiving distinct attention as a special legislation that is going to infuse the industry with a fund worth P100 billion pesos or roughly $2 billion, most of which has been taken from the farmers themselves many decades ago, in the times of the Ferdinand Marcos regime. The bill is close to being passed, likely by Christmas even, and is very timely as the condition of the coconut farmers is very bleak right now due to a supply glut in the market and a poor state of affairs of other cash crops that the coconut farmers had been growing on the side. What’s worse is that it is happening in the middle of the harvest. A rescue package is being proposed to help the industry, an advocate of it being Ilocos Norte Governer Imee Marcos, daughter and beneficiary of the expropriated of the coconut farmer’s income from the Marcos era, which the farmers cite as being a large source of their long-term weakness as an industry.
The mining sector of the Philippines is also seeing some trouble, its own problems echoing the problem of the rule of law in the Philippines as indicated last last week by the MCC in this post [xxxxxxxxx]. Tax reform has hit the mining industry hard with the doubling of the excise tax on minerals to four percent of gross output. Tax increases, a lack of policy stability (so lots of flip-flops), banning certain manners of mining (such as open pitt mining) makes it so that the Philippines is among the worst in the world for investing in the mining industry so said the Chamber of Mines of the Philippines Chairman (or COMP) Edward Brimo yet it is a believable story as even international indicators agree with the assessment.
AFP, “Manila’s Railway Carts Dodge Traffic, Death,” Philippine Daily Inquirer, November 26, 2018.
April Lynn Tan, “Reasons to be Thankful for as a Filipino Investor,” Philippine Daily Inquirer, November 26, 2018.
Ben O. de Vera, “Gov’t to Stat Implementing Fuel Marking System,” Philippine Daily Inquirer, November 26, 2018.
Ben O. de Vera, “Treasury Advances 2 Bond Auctions,” Philippine Daily Inquirer, November 26, 2018.
Daxim L. Lucas, “AMLC Leads National Strategy vs Dirty Money,” Philippine Daily Inquirer, November 26, 2018.
Delfin T. Mallari Jr., “Coco Levy Trust Fund Danged as Christmas Gift to Farmers,” Philippine Daily Inquirer, November 26, 2018.
Delfin T. Mallari Jr., “Prepare for Influx of Cheap Imported Rice, Farmers Told,” Philippine Daily Inquirer, November 26, 2018.
Doris Dumlao-Abadilla, “Full Steam Ahead for PSEI,” Philippine Daily Inquirer, November 26, 2018.
Marlon Ramos, “Palace urged to Rescind Fuel Taxes,” Philippine Daily Inquirer, November 26, 2018.
Ronnel W. Domingo, “Mining Sector Seeks Boost from Government,” Philippine Daily Inquirer, November 26, 2018.
>>189941Shit, I forgot to link the post I was talking about
From Russia.
After Banning GMO, Russia On Track To Become The World’s Biggest Exporter of Organic Non-GMO Food.
[YouTube] undefined
>AMLO for president
This week we had president change, after years of having literally the same faggots on the power (and a few cucks) we have a quite ambiguous president that while some may label as a commie and others have compared him to Trump we are still not really sure of his plans overall.
So right now there's some people who think the change will be for good while some of us are still skeptical.
This time two ceremonies were made instead of the usual congress ceremony a public ceremony was made in which many indigenous communities came to greet him and give it's support
also Silvio Rodriguez
>The new "National Guard"
The new president came out with a new "security plan" for which he has been picked on for it being more like the one from the ex-president: Felipe Calderon.
The plan consists in the new creation of a military force which he refers to as a National Guard which will apparently be on the street as the current military is.
which also seems to be contradictory to his previous promise to take the military out of the streets, we don't know if this is temporary, but as for now the issue is a bit vague.
>About "Los Pinos"
Los Pinos is sort of like the "Mexican White House"
Which has been opened for the public to visit as the president has said that he won't be using it to live and instead, he will stay at his apartment, the first visits were a bit pintoresque including some quinceañeras.
In the same subject, some of the art that was displayed in there it's "missing" it's still don't know if it was stored somewhere else at the time of the change.
or it was just looted by the previous administration.
>>191752>Presidencial ceremony: few questions.
1 - What is AMLO?
2 - It is written something about Afro-Mexican communities. Are there niggers in Mexico?
3 - It is written that a purification ritual was done with incense. Are pagan rituals normal in Mexico?
From Russia.
The Americans wet their pants because of the Russian Tu-160 in Venezuela.
(Make sure to press CC for English captions)
[YouTube] The Americans wet their pants because of the Russian Tu-160 in Venezuela.
AMLO are the initials of the new president which should be for "Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador"
Technically yes but most of them are actually colombian so idk exactly what he meant either
They are but they're not usually like the one in the ceremony which is an indigenous thing.
rituals for the "santa muerte" (saint death) are probably the "normal" ones althought is more likely to be done by people involved with the cartel, some weird old lady or some cholos.
Or all the three together.
From Russia.
>China Is Beating the US in 5G - That's Why the US is Attacking Huawei (Russian TV News).>The universal US surveillance of everyone outside of America could be in serious trouble.[YouTube] undefined
From Russia.
>Game-Changer! New HYPERSONIC Missile System Means No One is Bombing Russia EVER![YouTube] undefined
Puebla's governor "Martha Érika" and his husband and senator "Moreno Valle" were suspectedly killed on a helicopter a day before christmas (24th of december) while coming back from Tlaxcala to Puebla.
The helicopter black box was probably sabotaged in beforehand since it was found damaged and exposed without it's armored cover.
While many have accused the current president of being responsible for this it is known that the couple had many enemies, including their own political party, this due to questionable operations of which they were accused of including electoral fraud, money laundering, diversion of resources, and also suspected links to the state gas thieving groups.
The president Lopez Obrador has already declared that investigations are being made until they can find the responsibles for the "accident".
>>195729Sounds like the plot of some hollywood movie.
There has been a bomb attack in a small town in the Eastern part of Germany. The background of the people who did the attack isn’t clear yet, but the police already arrested them. An attack on an AfD office isn’t something new, there have been multiple attacks all throughout December, but this is the biggest one yet.
>On Thursday the 3rd of January, around 7pm, a bomb exploded next to an office of the AfD (Alternative for Germany) in the small town of Döbeln.
>The police arrested 3 suspects in the same night.
>The bomb damaged the office, the 2 buildings next to it and a van, that was parked before the building. Luckily, there were no injuries or deaths.
>the bomb that was used was a firecracker, that is only accessible to professional pyrotechnists.
>The motive is yet unclear, but it’s very likely that it is politically motivated.
>SPD politician Martin Dulig says that there is no legitimate reason for this attack. He follows it up by saying that the AfD benefits from this incident.
Brief overview of the AfD: It’s a right-wing populist party that is the third biggest party in all of Germany at the time. It’s the biggest opposition against Merkel and her open-border policy. The AfD also strongly criticizes the Eu and wants to abandon the Euro in favour of a German currency. The party rose to popularity, when Merkel decided to flood Europe with massive waves of undocumented migrants. They also get a lot of votes from former CDU (Merkel’s party) and SPD (social democrats) voters who are dissatisfied with those parties, mainly because they abandoned any conservative value and idea in favour of left-wing policies.
From Russia.
Russia is trolling the West in the Arctic.
(Make sure to press CC for English captions)
[YouTube] Russia Is Trolling the West in the Arctic (Ruslan Ostashko)
Around 10 states have been having shortage on gas due to a strategy by the government to stop the gas thieving groups, the underground pipes which provided the hydrocarbons across the country will not be in service during that time for which PEMEX trucks have been dispatched to provide gas to the many stations that may need it.
Unfortunately this has caused problems due to the long lines that are setting up in the few gas stations that may have gas to fill up.
Rumors spreaded saying that oil imports had stopped however it seems like it was actually just a rumor.
However this has caused a lot of people to panic and while supposedly the gas stations are not allowed to sell more than 10 liters of gas in containers for security reasons, there is apparently people already selling gas on Facebook.
Apparently if the situation doesn't get any better soon all this could also damage the distribution of many goods and services.
If this strategy is going to work it's still not sure, however it will probably help to link the people who is involved in these groups.
>>198313>there is apparently people already selling gas on Facebook.Free market always makes its way.
From Russia.
>Venezuela in Danger! American-Appointed Exarch Juan Guaido Begins His Color Revolution Preparations.[YouTube] undefined
[Embed]It is interesting to watch, at almost the end of the video food delivery is made to the inhabitants by the communist government; which is the same to keep the people in a vicious cycle of welfare and client-ism.
From Russia.
>The most outrageous scandal of the week burst out in the USA. Jeff Bezos, the richest man on earth and the founder of Amazon, ended up in a spicy situation. The Washington Post that fiercely hates Trump is in his empire. But the hatred goes both ways.>In this battle, the National Enquirer tabloid takes Trump's side. The disposition These facts are important to understand why the National Enquirer is blackmailing multibillionaire Bezos by threatening to publish his intimate photos with his mistress. Bezos interprets the threats as political revenge. Like, Trump thus wishes to pacify the Washington Post. from Trump who is using this to put pressure on Bezos to tone down the attacks from the Washington Post.Unluckiest Man in the World? Amazon Oligarch Jeff Bezos in Hot Water Over Naked Mistress Photos
[YouTube] undefined
From Russia.
>'For Now, We’re Not Threatening Anyone': Russian TV Lists Nuclear Targets in the US>Russian state television listed U.S. military facilities that Moscow would target in the event of a nuclear strike, in a report which Reuters said "was unusual even by its own bellicose standards" and said that a hypersonic missile Russia is developing would be able to hit them in less than five minutes. The targets included the Pentagon, Forth Ritchie and the presidential retreat in Camp David, Maryland. A hypersonic missile Russia is developing would be able to hit them in less than five minutes, it said.Sauce: sauce: [Embed]
>INTEL LEAK: US to depose Maduro in March 2019>According to Maria Zakharova, Russia's Foreign Affairs spokesperson, the US plans to exacerbate their destabilization of Venezuela with a mass delivery of weapons to the region in early March 2019.[YouTube] INTEL LEAK: What's the US up to in Venezuela?
>US coup in Venezuela fails - but for how long?>On 23rd February, Venezuela intercepted what was said to be "humanitarian aid" crossing the border from Columbia. Upon inspection, it was discovered that the trucks were transporting weapons & barbed wire for radical opposition forces. In these outtakes - points are being driven home that if avoiding starvation and /or poverty in Venezuela is the goal, why not unfreeze their own government revenue, that far surpasses the amounts offered by "humanitarian intervention". >Why Venezuela's wealth is being kept in foreign banks is a question worthy of its own investigation.[YouTube] The 411 on Venezuela- Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
From Finland.
>The (((Finnish Police))) investigates a video published recently in social media by the vigilante group ‘Soldiers of Odin’ that announces a “hunt” for rapists and pedophiles.>The video, which is subtitled in English and Arabic, and has since been deleted from both Facebook and Vimeo, shows a group of masked men dressed in dark, armed with bats and chains march onwards to the camera amid winter darkness, accompanied by heavy metal music.
From Poland.
>‘How to spot a Jew’: Front-page headline in Polish paper openly sold in parliament sparks fury >Right-wing Polish-language weekly Tylko Polska (Only Poland) ran a story with the headline ‘How to spot a Jew’. The purpose of the jarring article was to teach readers about the “names, anthropological features, expressions, appearances, character traits, methods of operation” of Jews, along with their “disinformation activities,” it said on the front page.
>>210786Love it.
I hope the newsstand owners don't cave in and keeps selling the newspaper. Grzegrzolka call for only allowing politic-party approved reading like in the USSR should be fought with all means.
>>210786WTF? I Love Slavs Now!
From New Zealand.
>NZ Threatens 10 Years In Prison For 'Possessing' Mosque Shooting Video; Web Hosts Warned, 'Dissenter' Banned>New Zealand authorities have reminded citizens that they face up to 10 years in prison for "knowingly" possessing a copy of the New Zealand mosque shooting video - and up to 14 years in prison for sharing it. Corporations (such as web hosts) face an additional $200,000 ($137,000 US) fine under the same law.
From New Zealand.
>Authentic Memelord>New Zealand Mosque Shooter Flashes "White Power" Sign As He Is Charged With Murder>Accused Christchurch mosque shooter Brenton Harrison Tarrant smiled as he flashed an internet-memed "white power" gesture during a brief court appearance on Saturday when he was charged with murder in a shooting rampage that left 49 people dead in two New Zealand mosques. He did not request bail and was ordered to remain in custody until the date of his next hearing, scheduled for April 5. Police said more charges will be filed against him.
>>211791I love how the left is so scarred of its own shadow that even the most basic gestures can be appropriated as "hate symbols".
>>208542Some more Finland news
Finnish boy got bullied by somalis and half-somalis for being 100% FinnishRecent video material uploaded about a month ago on an internet archive discription
>This Is Together In The Finnish Multicultural Exercises At School>Topics multicultural school>Language Finnish>This is one of the most multicultural schools in FinlandIf some Finnish bro can translate what the shitskins and mutts are saying then that would be helpful. Hate for whites is instilled in these subhumans even as kids, diversity is a dead dream.
>>211994I hope an welcome committee comes to that school and beats those kids so hard they have to be home schooled for the rest of their lives.
Pasta news
Twelve students are rushed to hospital in Italy after Senegalese man hijacked their school bus and set it alight ‘to protest migrant deaths in the Mediterranean’">While driving his bus, in which many children had taken their seats, the man diverted it from his itinerary, tied the children with cables to their wrists and threatened them with a knife. Fortunately, one of them was able to keep his phone and call the emergency number.
>More than 100 carabinieri quickly identified and intercepted the bus and forced it to stop. But the driver, who had hidden petrol cans, spilled them and shouted to the police that he was making this gesture "to avenge the dead at sea". A reference to migrants from Africa who die in the Mediterranean in makeshift boats trying to reach Europe, while Italy denies them access to its territory.Then he set fire to the bus with the children still inside. The carabinieri then broke windows to get them out. They finally got away with it all, except for a few poisonings due to smoke. 12 children and 2 adults were transported to hospital as a precautionary measure." state that the musslim let off the kids before lighting the bus on fire. Trying to pretend that he's like Gandhi or some shit.
Lugenpress claim he's italian to hide shitskin crimes
>Italian driver hijacks and torches school bus full of children
>>212889Hope the kids get redpilled as hell from this. Important is that the teachers isn't allowed to blame the kids and their parents for it.
Bagette news
40% of the French want to overthrow the regime by violence, the whore of the Jews Macron mobilizes the army>We are approaching the breaking point.>An IFOP survey conducted on a European scale indicates that nearly 40% of French people support the principle of a revolution.>Germany has only 20% of supporters of the revolution, although this is far from anecdotal in itself.>Spain, despite the complete collapse of the economy and mass unemployment, stands at only 14%.>France is the true revolutionary epicenter in Europe and the Yellow Vests, whose scale in public opinion far exceeds the demonstrators alone, are the spearhead.>If we look at the sociology of the pro-revolutionary movement, it is massively supported by workers and employees (50%) and significantly by craftsmen and traders (43%).>The under-35s are slightly more in favor of overthrowing the regime, with 41%. Support is slightly more pronounced in peri-urban municipalities (41%).>But there is something even more interesting: the revolutionary people vote massively nationalist.>The nationalist electorate is more radical than the Marxist electorate. The Republicans, the Pensioners' Party, is 28%. These 28% are the elders who vote on the right but have a small pension or want to stop the Muslim-Negro invasion.>We are, without a doubt, in a pre-revolutionary phase.
New Zealand shooting: Jacinda Ardern bans all military-style semi-automatic guns and assault rifles>Prime minister announces gun buyback and says parts that can be converted into semi-automatic weapons are also now banned. >The Police Association has issued a statement congratulating the government “for demonstrating the courage to take decisive action and ban the firearms that have inflicted so much harm in New Zealand”.>Association President Chris Cahill says the reforms represent a fine balance between the practical requirements of legitimate firearms users throughout the country, and the need to protect society.>“I hope that the moves immediately attract cross party support because it is important for New Zealanders to know that their political leaders are all on board with this extremely important move,” Mr Cahill said.>Today’s order-in-council immediately moves to Category E class, all Category A semi-automatics that are not shotguns or .22 rifles.>“These are weapons that have been used to slaughter innocent children, women and men while they were at their most vulnerable – at prayer. It is a move we, as a community, can be proud of,” Mr Cahill said.>The Association welcomed the pledge to pass, under urgency in parliament, law that will ban all Category E weapons, including all MSSAs.>The Green Party is the next to welcome the government’s announcement on gun control changes.>Green Party co-leader James Shaw said: “Banning military style semi-automatic weapons and assault rifles makes everyone safer. Banning these guns is the first step towards systemic changes to our gun laws.
>>213004Ignoring the fact that this ban is retarded as is, why is it they always add "military-style" as if it means anything and isn't the most nebulous term that has ever been created to describe a firearm?
>>213009Because Military Style Death machines are super scary anon.
>>213020Good thing they didn't ban the technicolor pony guns then.
>>213004>Jacinda Ardern bans all military-style semi-automatic guns and assault riflesBut only the guns she cannot control. Zogbots still have them.
>Several Brits arrested for comments about New Zealand attacks >The (((System))) is silencing anyone resisting the invasion.
>French muslim openly willing to rape 5yo chinese girl >police censor the video
>>213245>police censor the videoThe time to make them accountable for their crimes is approaching.
>>213245>thanks for not spreading this video. [??? The workers of the Pharos network are on standby ???]. For signalling illicit content on the web, come to the Pharos platform: https://internet-signalement.gouv.fris french government website
From Russia/Yugoslavia
>Russia Remembers! This Week the 20th Anniversary of Barbaric Bombing of Yugoslavia by NATO!>This week, the world will mark the 20th anniversary of the barbaric bombing of Yugoslavia. Until the end of the last century, a large and prosperous European power, Yugoslavia, was located in the Balkans, with a strong army and a special way of life. However, ethnic conflicts, inflated with the help of the United States and NATO, ruined the country. In addition, the Americans also began to bomb the former capital of Yugoslavia, Belgrade. During the air strikes, the Americans used cluster bombs and depleted uranium bombs.[YouTube] undefined
>>214562Maybe importing loads of muzzies isn't such a bad thing.
From Denmark.
>Activists from the Nordic Resistance Movement conducted a banner activity on Friday evening in the city of Randers, Denmark. [Embed]
From Venezuela.
>China’s PLA troops in Venezuela is game changer>The reported arrival of Chinese military personnel in Venezuela last weekend is undoubtedly a major event in world politics.
>New Russian drone interceptor equipped with 12mm shotgun released [Embed]
>Russian Family Flees to Poland as Sweden Gives Kids to Muslim Foster Parents>After the Swedish social services attempted to place Denis Lisov's three children in a Muslim foster family, the Russian father took his daughters and fled Sweden, unleashing a thriller-like sequence of events.
>>216005God bless Poland, the Polish people, and the Polish justice system. May Poland be able to save many more from the clutches of the Cultural Genocide Sweden is part of.
>>216005Thank God for Poland.
>>184515a Clinton donor is going down for rape. funny how nobody from the tribe ever goes down but that's neither here nor there.
>>216079Why Poland, why did you expel him from Europe?
This was a great speech.
>>216119>Why Poland, why did you expel him from Europe?Simple, every Western country is infected with politicians, NGOs, journalists, zogbots, entertainers, …you name it, all dancing to the tune played by the kikes. Everybody who wants to "succeed" in social circles must conform or face the backslash.
When you believe that Poland, Hungary, or Italy are demonstrating some independence, and those governments have some chance to win, you deceive yourself. Look the Trump example, look Theresa May, it is all a farce.
The real tune is dictated by money and interests and if we look deep enough, we will find out that our governments are puppets representing powerful people, not us at all.
The (((System))) needs us to keep the production going and to extract resources from us. If you think about it, we are slaves dancing for paper printed by an alien race; (((they))) own us.
>Sri Lankan White Nationalists Begin Crusading Innocent Moslem For No Reason Whatsoever>In the town of Negombo, where an attack on a church during Easter services killed more than 100 people, gangs of Christian men moved from house to house, smashing windows, breaking down doors, dragging people into the streets, punching them in the face and then threatening to kill them, dozens of residents said. No deaths were reported, but many Muslims fear it is only a matter of time.
>Nazi Flag At Positions Of Pro-Government Forces In Eastern Ukraine
>Forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) filmed a Nazi flag at positions of forces loyal to the Kiev regime in the village of Maryinka in eastern Ukraine.
>According to pro-DPR sources, the flag may have been installed by the so-called Azov Battalion, a well known detachment of the Ukrainian National Guard. The detachment mostly consists of Nazis of various kind.
>Special Report On Kim Jong Un Meeting With Putin In Russia! Never Seen Scenes![YouTube] undefined
>Morocco is sending 422 imams to Europe for “religious guidance” during Ramadan – which starts today
>In an effort to ensure the unity of their community and the preservation of their mosques abroad, scholars will be sent to France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, among other countries.
Any doubts that the invasion is State sponsored?
>Thousands in Poland march against US restitution demands to Jewish families of the Holocaust>Thousands of Polish nationalists have marched to the U.S. Embassy in Warsaw, protesting that the U.S. is putting pressure on Poland to compensate Jews whose families lost property during the Holocaust. The protesters included far-right groups and their supporters. They said the United States has no right to interfere in Polish affairs and that the U.S. government is putting "Jewish interests" over the interests of Poland.
>Kikes' TV.>Guy Bechor interview on progressive Jews causing massive antisemitismA spot-on analysis about how gentile (golems) and jewish factions are repositioning. [Embed]
>>222690Based. Love it. I hope we get more politicians like this who is willing to expose the truth and stand up against the powers that try to destroy Europe.
>"You Might Be A British Right Wing Extremist If…">The British Army has allegedly distributed a cheat sheet of "indicators & warnings" if one suspects that they (or a friend) might be a member of the "Extreme Right Wing" (XRW).
>>223211>British army weeding out all of the actual British patriots from their ranks so that when revolution finally comes, the army will be nothing but soyboys, Muslims and women, and all the real soldiers will be fighting on the rebels' sideSomehow, I'm okay with this.
>Merkel says every Jewish institution in German must be guarded by policeTranslated: ZOG's gunmen will redeploy to protect the beings that really matter.
>Chinks are not happy>Chinese Activists Urge War With US 'Until Pacific Ocean Splits In Two' >"China must be prepared to fight a protracted war," says a presenter on a video posted to Watermelon Video - a media sharing platform that is under strict control of Beijing's Sate Administration of Radio and Television, "the propaganda control office that regulates all online and broadcast content,"[YouTube] Mars Phalanx Video
>200gs? Who Knows.>This is Russia's latest anti-missile defense. Just watch the start--this is how hyper-sonic missiles look like and I mean real hyper-sonic. Now imagine something like that (Kinzhal et al) going not up but down, in attack mode on some land or sea target. Good luck developing interceptors for that.[YouTube] undefined
>Yeah nah, mate! New Zealanders ignore nationwide gun confiscation program>New Zealand politicians who rushed to enact nationwide gun confiscation following the Christchurch mosque massacres are befuddled by the lack of enthusiasm from citizens who have yet to comply with the new law. The so-called "gun reform" was expected to rid the vast New Zealand countryside of most semi-automatic firearms, magazines over a specified limit, and shotguns.
>Philippine President Assures the Empire He’s Ready to Fight for the South China Sea — To the Last American >Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte dared the US on Monday to send the entire US 7th Fleet into the South China Sea to confront China if it really wants to drive Chinese forces from the disputed waterway.>His comments follow another speech, in which he accused the US of “egging on” the Philippines and using his country as bait.
Dr of what? Maybe the evolution of castings in moutain regions.
>>231059My normal thinking is if a news item is about the UK is coming from a .com address it should be taken as just bollocks. The UK media with its backward.filtration would have alreafy re.introduced crap that by the time .com is involved your are back to the.bowel site.
People should search for Vanessa George. A lady to took children and filmed them being abused in various ways from direct request from
She is going to be released from prison as deemed safe now. Although she may not last long if the relatives get hold of her.
>German police remove hundreds of far-right black wooden crosses symbolizing Germans murdered by foreigners >Police are now investigating suspected incitement to racial hatred.
>GERMAN POLITICIANS DEMAND SPECIAL PROTECTION>Across Germany, rage and violence against public officials are on the rise. Last year, more than 1,200 threats, criminal insults, and acts of physical violence were committed against officials
>In a Tit for Tat action. Iran’s Revolutionary Guards capture UK-flagged tanker Stena Impero>The incident mirrors another that occurred earlier this month involving the two nations. On July 4, Britain along with its dependency, Gibraltar captured Panama-flagged supertanker Grace 1, accusing it of carrying crude from Iran to Syria in violation of EU sanctions. Iran reacted angrily to the incident, branding the vessel’s capture an act of piracy. [Embed]
>Major Polish Magazine Includes ‘LGBT-Free Zone’ Stickers In Lastest Edition>Inside their June 24 edition, The Gazeta Polska magazine, with a readership of over 110,000, has included stickers showing a black cross over a rainbow flag with the words “LGBT-free zone” written in Polish
>U.K. Elects Yet Another Jewish Prime Minister With Boris Johnson>Jewish news sites are abuzz with the revelation that another one of their own, Boris Johnson, has been elected as the U.K.’s next prime minister to succeed Theresa May
>Australian Parliament Votes AGAINST Immigration Plebiscite AGAIN!>The Australian parliament in Canberra has voted against a bill calling for a plebiscite on immigration numbers. To put this more bluntly, this is the third time in less than a year that the people elected to represent the interests of Real Australians have denied us a say over our own replacement. your own government betrays you again and you find out that you are powerless to do anything about it.
>Warning signs in multicultural, liberal London tell people not to poop in the streets >The decline of Western civilization continues. The once proud, historical City of London has become a mayhem of crime, terrorism, acid attacks, stabbings, pedophile gangs – and now also poo in the streets.
>Russia Unveils 'Hunter' Stealth Combat Drone In Maiden Flight Footage>The Sukhoi S-70 Okhotnik, or Hunter-B, which has been described as a stealth heavy unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV) being developed by Sukhoi as a sixth-generation aircraft.[YouTube] Первый полет новейшего беспилотного летательного аппарата «Охотник»
>NATO Harasses Plane With Russian Defense Minister on Board, Russian Fighter Gets Into Its Face >Russian state media showed a video of a mid-air confrontation over the Baltic Sea, where a Russian Su-27 fighter chased away a NATO F-18 that was moving toward a passenger plane.
>>233856*takes notes*
How many Lumens of light does your laser need to be before it can fuck these cameras up permanently?
>>238655It depends on the brand...
Hotter, and longer it kept in the exact same sport the more damage it will do...
So ideally at least one laser blocking it, then adjust multiple lasers onto the camera.
But honestly using lasers to do that kind of permanent damage isn't really practical. But it is possible. Hell they could jury rig high powered lasors, and send it through a mirror network to take down cameras during specific times.
The higher the power the easier it is to 'see' the beam (which is light bouncing, or splitting from the target direction.)
The light has to stay almost perfectly still, and at a single location so a clamp with a tripod or something is needed. Doing it with human hands isn't very effective for light due to how shakey humans are over long periods of time.
A rock, or a sling shot can ruin the glass/plastic facing trending it useless.
Or even a paint ball.
Different chemicals can easily ruin such a camera.
>>238325An amerimutt goyim in a Navy painted anti-air missile equipped F-18 attempts to buzz a Russian passenger jet carrying a Russian MoD asset. Oh gee, everyone should wonder (((who))) is behind that kind of movie script writing.
>>238687>amerimutt goyim in a Navy paintedIf you would read the article would know that it was a Spaniard plane.
>>238723Read between the lines anon. F-18's were built by shekel-loving amerimutts. What can one dare to expect from the spoyniords following Israel's very own loyal extra-national military force involving 90+ good goy countries?
>China's TERRIFYING Social Credit System>The Communist Chinese government is bragging about its social credit system has prevented 2.5 million “discredited entities” from purchasing plane tickets and 90,000 people from buying high speed train tickets in the month of July alone.>Chinese citizens are punished by having their social credit score lowered for engaging in a number of different behaviors, including;>–Bad driving.>–Smoking on trains.>–Buying too many video games.>–Buying too much junk food.>–Buying too much alcohol.>–Calling a friend who has a low credit score .>–Having a friend online who has a low credit score.>–Posting “fake news” online.>–Criticizing the government.>–Visiting unauthorized websites.>–Walking your dog without a leash.>–Letting your dog bark too much.[YouTube] China's TERRIFYING Social Credit System
>How Western Propaganda Promotes Homosexuality and Cannibalism>The propaganda of perversions in the West has reached new heights. The British leading sports clubs promote the LGBT “values,” and their scientists drag cannibalism into the category of normal.>No matter how much effort is made by the “normal countries” to promote degeneration, it never seems to be enough for them. In the course of pushing the Western agenda all methods are good. For example, the use of well-known sports clubs.Press "CC" for English subtitles.
[YouTube] How Western Propaganda Promotes Homosexuality and Cannibalism (Ruslan Ostashko)
>>238911here's an encrypted lst that a neighbouring country managed took down, though I gotta say I wouldn't trust it blindly since the references suck.
if you're gonna make one please be cultured enough to list evidence, references or sources.
>Sweden: Nigerian migrant rapper with 280,000 YouTube subs urges blacks to shoot, enslave, and kill white people >Jesse Ekene Nweke Conable, a Nigerian-born rapper who goes by the handle JCBUZ, has openly called for his fellow blacks to commit violence against white people during a hate-filled rant in a social media group. >In the rant, Conable propagates racism and urges fellow Africans living in Europe to kill whites, Samhällsnytt reports. >“If any white guy or white girl is trying to talk shit about you, shoot them!” Conable said in a closed group on social media. [Embed]
>>242493Here the video with English subtitles.
>New Zealanders Face 5 Years In Jail For Not Handing-In Banned Firearms>This despite the fact that the shooter himself said in his own manifesto that provoking mass gunfiscation was one of his intended goals. Mission accomplished.>Since the buyback scheme began, 19,000 firearms have been handed in. Most of the guns seen being handed in looked like ordinary rifles, not AR-15s.
>>242493>>242721It would not surprise me if the Swedish government gave him a "raise" in welfare payment to prevent him from carrying out an attack.
>>242871Can't be a buyback if the government never owned the firearms. Shitty doublethink.
>AfD’s Alice Weidel slams globalist politicians for destroying Germany in moving speech >During a scathing speech recently delivered on the floor of the Bundestag, Alternative for Germany’s co-leader Alice Weidel slammed globalist lawmakers for destroying the country through catastrophic migration policies and ‘disastrous and anti-business policies’.>Angela Merkel, radical leftists, other globalist politicians looked on as the nationalist-populist politician criticized the government for enabling the migration crisis by aiding NGOs who transport migrants into Europe. speech with English subtitles:!/v/vladtepesblog/QmUyJQANFEyh2kjKzvWzmmPYGpQ4bLsbWtkXzAVCTvX42i
>>242941>Can't be a buyback if the government never owned the firearmsThis is a extremely grave situation for Kiwis, I was looking at the numbers the government has to oppress the citizens and it isn't large, only 11,000 policeman/women/homosexuals/and assorted degenerates. How hard can be to disarm them and to take New Zealand back?
>Swiss Protest Rollout of 5G.>Switzerland was among the first countries to begin deploying 5G, but health fears over radiation from the antennas that carry the next-generation mobile technology have sparked a nationwide revolt.
>Watch Israeli Drug Crime Boss 'Escape' From Ukraine Police in Airport (Video)>An Israeli drug lord effortlessly escaped officers of Ukraine's Security Service. Footage taken in Borispol Airport is being actively discussed on the internet. How did the organizer of a major drug cartel manage to escape?[YouTube] undefined
>‘We Tracked Your Social Media, You’re Gay’: Russian Student Threatened With Expulsion>A Russian university is said to have threatened a student with expulsion after his pink phone case and membership in pro-LGBT social media groups fueled suspicions about his alleged sexual orientation.
>Zhirinovsky Proven Right! Turkey On the Brink of Leaving NATO, Breaking Ties With US!>Vladimir Zhirinovsky, head of the LDPR party: "I met twice with President Erdogan and had a face-to-face discussion with him. And he told me that Turkey could leave NATO and that he's ready for it. That would be a terrible blow to NATO as Turkey protected the southern flank of NATO."With any other guy I would say it is wishful thinking, but Zhirinovsky has a huge mouth and when he talks everybody listen up, he has a record of telling the raw truth and rarely is mistaken.
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>Nazi Design Exhibition in Holland Sells Out: Organizers Panic and Ban Cell Phones>A Dutch museum’s attempt to showcase what it claims is “evil” Nazi design art and architecture has backfired after the exhibition was sold out in the first few days - and the panicked organizers have now banned all visitors from using cell phones in the museum to stop people taking “selfies” with the display.>Furthermore, the organizers have announced, visitors have now been banned from taking photos of the items to stop them being “interpreted the wrong way.”>interpreted the wrong way
>>243026I wonder (((how)))
>‘Antisemitic’ Campaign Posters In Warsaw Warn Polish Voters: ‘Beware Of Parasites’>Posters warning voters about an international Jewish Mafia which is trying to control Poland have been put up all over capital Warsaw in recent days ahead of the country’s national elections
>Dutch farmers revolt, paralyzing roads with mass protests against environmental directives >The mass demonstration was triggered by a recent proposal by the D66 party, a member of the governing coalition, which suggested that livestock farming should be reduced considerably to reduce nitrogen emissions.>Jesse Klaver, the leader of GroenLinks (Greens), and D66 leader Rob Jetten, both have proposed that farmers halve their livestock.>Farming organizations say that their members are tired of being characterized by the mainstream globalist press, left-wing activists, and liberal politicians as ‘environmental criminals’ for producing the country’s food
>Mayor kidnapped, dragged behind truck: Mexicans show why politicians should follow through on campaign promises
>The residents of one Mexican city have grown so dissatisfied with their mayor over unfulfilled election promises that they turned vigilante to make their feelings known, kidnapping the man and dragging him behind a truck.
It is undeniable, people's justice works.
>Turkish billboards: “Don’t take Jews and Christians as friends” >Billboards displaying Quranic verses calling for Muslims not to take Christians and Jews as friends were spotted in the Turkish city of Konya earlier this week. >“Do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you – then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people,” the posters say, citing Quranic chapter five, verse 51.
>Mexico’s Government Has No Control Over the Drug Cartels>Twenty-seven of 31 suspected cartel members arrested this week in a Mexico City raid were freed by a judge, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said on Friday, marking his government’s second high-profile failure to keep suspected criminals locked up in as many weeks.>Considering the highly unstable situation in Mexico, this is clearly one of the biggest national security threats to the United States. Unlike Syria, Mexico borders the United States and it is becoming increasingly clear that violent drug cartels have more power than the government. And it is safe to assume that things are going to get worse considering the weakness shown by the Mexican government.
>>243290>Vladimir ZhirinovskyMore from this bizarre Russian politician.
Check this video out, beside many fulfilled predictions, at time 2:36 he predicted Obama coming to power. Like he has prime information of the (((Cabal)))'s plans.
By the way, he is a kike.
>Vladimir Zhirinovsky - 30 years of political prophecies
>>249524Hunh, that's certainly one way to have an open line of communication to forces in far away places...
Very interesting. Excellent find.
>>243290>>249524>>249525With enough raw data a deep fake could be used to probe, and see if it is a method of communication. Possibly subvert their own special forces, and depending on the time scale they will be too late to do anything about it.
>>249525>that's certainly one way to have an open line of communicationI'm not sure if I follow.
Putin and this guy Zhirinovsky, in some ways represent the nationalist faction in Russia, in a similar fashion than the struggle in America.
However, this people are in no way sympathetic to America neither the West for many bloody motives. Zhirinovsky is like a loose canon, if given free reign, would have launched the missiles many years ago against the whole Western world. One of the main Putin's advisors, Alexander Dugin, wants the West disintegrated and mongrelized.
So, if you meant for "communication" some kind of understanding, forget it, they will stab you in the back without hesitation as soon us you lower your guard.
>>249527Tbh it all may be a clever application of the "good cop bad cop" routine. Putin is certainly much more open and moderate in terms of foreign policy than his advisors and has remarkable patience. My own father (American) has oft said he as president of Russia would have issued the nuclear ultimatum against America for all the base-building and meddling being done.
It's quite clear that Dugin and Zhirinovsky do have influence but Putin is calling the shots 100%.
>>249529>but Putin is calling the shots 100%This!
But I understand that many confuse Putin's nationalism with some kind of misplaced affinity. Nothing more far from the truth, the survival of Russia depends of the West's fall. The funny part is that Putin is not doing much, as a Judo fighter he is using the mistakes and opponent's moves to achieve victory. But also there is the possibility that most of it is scripted and the world leaders are pawns playing along as
>>249524 video suggest.
>>249532The more world leaders are "in" on a conspiracy the less likely it is to hold due to cartel theory; it is more profitable for a member to break the rigid rules if he's likely to get away with it. Therefore I reject the assertion that world leaders are merely "pawns" but rather I believe they're players in the political games of their respective countries. These political games are conjoined but not similar, if that makes any sense, as international elements can guide or steer the process but ultimately power is obtained by those who outmaneuver others in the national political ring. This actually makes the international system more anti-fragile as it makes the political process in each country look more like typical games rather than directly controlled; there is also more stress tolerance as discontent may lead to the ousting of an incumbent without direct harm to the structure, and the newcomer who won is less likely to view the internationalist "in-group" as directly tied to his opponent and more likely to appease them for his own strength.
This is soft power and it is highly effective. I'm not quite sure how it applies to Russia as it overtly is on colder terms with the international clique, but there is likely an arrangement or understanding behind the scenes.
>>249534>I'm not quite sure how it applies to Russia as it overtly is on colder terms with the international cliqueAs I see it, the clique is just one, and its target is one world government, one religion, one monetary system.
The fight we are witnessing is among factions in the immediate below layer competing for resources and domination of the masses (workers) in the lower layers.
>>249534Watch this video.
The third power this general refers to, matches the clique description.
>>249541Here it is the IRL translation for America of what that General explained.
>U.N. Commission on Global Governance - Agenda 21
>Germany>Jewish Ringleader Calls for Broader Internet Censorship! Shut It Down!>Speaking at a meeting in Munich of officials from around the world gathered to tackle the issue of antisemitism, World Jewish Congress President Ronald Lauder demanded action against antisemitism, especially new laws that would regulate its spread over the internet. Lauder spoke at the Second World Jewish Congress International Meeting of Special Envoys and Coordinators for Combating Antisemitism, a meeting of three dozen officials from around the globe.
>UK>U.K. Jewish Pedophile Who Made Over 1,000 ‘Indecent’ Pictures Of Children Will Serve No Time In Jail>Paul Rosenberg, of Rowlands Close in Mill Hill, North West London, a synagogue security guard who downloaded more than 1,000 indecent images of children, many of which he apparently created himself, has inexplicably avoided jail after admitting a mere “porn addiction”
>Watch Chile Protesters Kill a Police Drone Using Hundreds of Laser Pointers>A police drone was disabled and fell to the ground after hundreds of protesters aimed their laser pointers at it.
>Swedish Police Respond to Shocking Rising Crime Levels by Inviting Gang Leaders For Pizza>Authorities ridiculed over ‘Operation Snowflake’.>Swedish authorities in Malmö, where violent crime and grenade attacks continue to soar, responded by inviting local gang leaders for a friendly chat over some pizza.>Explosions in Malmö, which is home to several no go zone migrant ghettos, are becoming commonplace, with the city suffering three blasts in the space of just 24 hours earlier this month.
>The atrocities of Russians in Syria / (Shocking Video)>In a previous post we posted a video of horror of the atrocities committed by Russian "fighters" in Syria. Here's the even more horrific "history" of this video, that is, the unspeakable sufferings of that unfortunate victim of the Russians from the moment he fell into their hands until his slow and excruciating death and ultimately the desecration of his dead body.>Deus Vult the soldiers in the video are exacting justice for the downing of the SU-24 in Syria by the Turks and the pilots' killing by jihadists when the pilots parachuted. One of the soldiers says -"For our air force".
>>251384>>251385What a bunch of hacks.
>Dutch Police ‘Baffled’ Why Special Force Fighting Rampant Migrant Organized Crime Is Disbanded>The Amsterdam police have announced that their special investigation team which targets serious organized crime is being disbanded allegedly ‘due to staff shortages‘.>Of course, the police won’t disband their special unit that investigates online ‘hate crimes’ such as politically-incorrect comments about jewish power and Muslim rape gangs on Facebook. That unit will continue to have unlimited staff and funding, of course.
>Moscow: FSB Raids Antifa Spawning Ground, Physically Removes Emerging Goon Threat!>Russian Antifa fighters who teamed up for a martial arts championship in Moscow found themselves rounded up by counter-extremism officers right in the midst of the tournament, it has been reported.
>STUNNING! Globalist Angela Merkel to German Parliament: We Have to Take Away your Freedom of Speech or We Won’t Be Free>Merkel argued that the government must take away freedom of speech to save freedom of speech.>(((
Christians tear down jewish menorah and replace it with Christian Cross.
>>252153>STUNNING!Not really. Merkel is a card carrying socialist. I truly hope she is hated by Germans and that they... remove her from power soon... In an election, of course.
>>252231God bless Moldova.
And may God save the rest of Europe from the degradation and lead it back into his fold.
>Is the Eurovision Song Contest too 'gay' for Hungary?>Hungary has pulled out of the 2020 Eurovision Song Contest that will take place in Rotterdam. No reason was given, but many people are speculating that the decision is related to the government's homophobic stance.>(((Deutsche Welle)))
>In Russia the Government Controls the Banks, the Exact Opposite of the US and Europe>Watch the head of Russia's largest bank by far, owned by the government, report to Putin like a schoolboy taking a pop quiz. The body language of the two tell you everything you need to know about who is in charge.>In Russia, the government controls the financial system and has dominant (but not complete) influence on the media.>In the US and Europe, financial interests control most of the media (except some of the alternative media), and have near total control over the government.[YouTube] undefined
[Embed]Very funny the bankster face.
>Ursula Haverbeck denied early release commonly given to all prisoners in Germany>A German court decided Wednesday that a notorious 91-year-old neo-Nazi serving a two-year sentence for Holocaust denial shouldn't be released early.>Ursula Haverbeck was convicted of incitement by a court in the northern town of Verden in 2017 and started serving her sentence last year.>Haverbeck has repeatedly asserted that the Auschwitz death camp was just a work camp. She has been convicted several times but long avoided prison due to lengthy appeals. Germany's highest court threw out her case against the Verden conviction.
>The West Slides into Satanism - Russia's Most Prestigious Political Talk Show (Russian TV)>Sergey Mikheev, political analyst: "From a metaphysical point of view, because for me, it is the most important thing, and from the point of view of a believer, it is definitely Satanism. What does the enemy of the human race want? He wants you to kill someone first, and then kill itself. That would be its ideal course of events. Trans National Corporations are irritated by sovereignty>Sergey Mikheev: Greta Thunberg is a Lunatic, Leader of a Worldwide Satanic Death Cult![YouTube] undefined
>Iceland’s Emigration Center Disappears under Snow: “We’ve never before had snow on this scale”>Located in a two-story house, the Emigration Center practically disappeared under a monster dumping of snow delivered by last week’s record-breaking storm.>“When building these houses, it never occurred to us we’d have to shovel [snow] off these roofs. There are, I believe, 9 meters (30 ft) up to the gable of the biggest house, and the roofs are very steep, too,” continued Þorvaldsson.>The violent snowstorm is also responsible for the deaths of up to 80 horses, according to Sigridur Bjornsdottir, a veterinarian for MAST, the Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority. >up to 80 horses killed>Heavy SNOWFALL. Iceland blizzard brings 149 mph winds (Dec 13, 2019) [Embed]
>"What an Anti-Semitic Pig!" - Putin>"[Putin] commented on the words by Poland's envoy to Germany, who promised to set up a monument to Hitler for his idea of deporting the Jews to Africa."It's official, Putin is another shabbos goy.
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cuntry now known as 'Russia' was co-opted and bought out by international banks shortly before the complete genocide of the Tartarian people. Since that time it has been controlled by the descendants of those inbred turkish kikes. All politicians in 'Russia' are required under approximately 400 laws, to never speak a word or act against against (((them))). For those that defend Gorbachev in stating that he was a good goy for 'loosening civil restrictions and laws', Gorbachev toed the line closer than Lenin, Stalin, or Putin ever did as he was a much more willing, compliant shekelslave. As a comparison: Gorbachev had 3 mansions and a palace, approximately >700 child slaves, 10 private (nontracked) planes built by Jew-S companies, a bank account worth approximately $180,000,000 in today's rubles, and over 10,000 soldiers to defend him. Putin has used roughly 400 billion worth of US shekels as of 2016 for his Black Sea mansion and roughly 24 other mansions and palaces across the world for his (((service))), and has a black card with unlimited spending. Not only does the jew ensure loyalty, they invest in generational corruption.
Between the 2000 Worldwide DotCom Bubble and the 2008 Worldwide Housing Bubble, numerous 'investors' both individual and private/public, all kikes of course, aided Putin: Aleksandr Ponomarenko, Roman Abramovich, yet most importantly were Rosinvest (owned by the Swiss LLC Lirus Management, a tax-free haven), the JSC ABRos Investment company which is 100% owned by Bank Rossiya (a "joint-stock bank" tax haven), Nikolay Shamalov whom was once involved with Bank Rossiya, Boris Titov whom owns the SVL Group (another tax haven), Abrau Durso whom owns an extreme high-end champagne company that caters to select multi-billionaries which may or may not use slave labor, and Alexei Mordashov, the owner of several tax haven companies as well as a member of the Leningrad Economics Engineering Institute. Mordashov was also given the (((Order of Merit of the Italian Republic)))" for his "humanitarian" and "philanthropic activities", despite being implicated in the Soros-Killer Klinton organ harvesting schemes in Yugoslavia, Serbia, Croatia, and Haiti.
>>254139Saved for further research.
>>254139For anyone doubting this anon, simply look into (((Hadassah)))
>>254557No corporation with a some intelligence at the top will continue to provide services to German users. I don't think Merkel want to stop with requiring ISPs to had over data (who in their right mind lock themselves into an ISP by using their mail service). The next step will be that any company operating in Germany would be required to have a way to retrieve passwords throwing out all kind of InfoSec regarding storing of passwords. I'm assuming Merkel want the passwords without the user knowing they have got them through secret court proceedings.
In the end all Germany will achieve is an influx in VPN and encrypted email, and users moving away from FB and the like that will bow down to Merkel. But it is scary how far down into 1984 Europe is heading.
>>254558>In the end all Germany will achieve is an influx in VPN and encrypted emailI think any VPN in the West is compromised as well "encrypted" email providers. No company is free to operate if refuse to cooperate with ZOG, and when they do, it is about to limit ordinary zogbots' reach. Glowniggers operate under a different set of rules, for example the Patriot Act, and most limitations don't apply to them.
>Netanyahu stumbles, calls Israel a 'nuclear power'>In an apparent slip of the tongue on Sunday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described Israel as a nuclear power before correcting himself with a nod and a smile.>“The significance of this project is that we are turning Israel into a nuclear power,” he said, before quickly correcting himself to say “energy power” and acknowledging his mistake with a smile.
>Iran's Olympic medalist Kimia Alizadeh says she's defected>Iran's sole female Olympic medalist Kimia Alizadeh announced that she has permanently left her country for Europe. >US State Department spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus commented on Alizadeh's defection: "Iran will continue to lose more strong women unless it learns to empower and support them," she said.>to lose more strong women unless it learns to empower and support them>strong women, another invader on Europeans dime.
>Australia>Couple flies Nazi flag over Victorian home>No crime have been committed but Jews and their gun-toting golems are looking for ways to hurt the "offenders".
>Ukraine tells Israel to stay out of debate about honoring Nazi collaborators
>Ukraine’s ambassador to Israel says honoring of Stepan Bandera is an internal issue, calls Israeli envoy’s comments against it ‘counterproductive’
>>255880>Shut up Jews, mind your own business.Based
>India>‘P*ss off!’ Indian city installs ‘mirror boards’ urging residents to reflect on public urination.>“We found that despite repeated cleaning of those spots they continued to be used as urinals by the people,” city commissioner Anil Kumar told ANI. “We, therefore, hit upon the idea of having mirror boards to prevent them from using the place as a urinal.” believe the part where they shit on the streets was omitted to keep the decorum.
>>255883>basedActually it's sad.
The Jews have infiltrated Ukraine at every level. The "nationalists", aka "neo-nazis", are funded by Ukrainian Jewish oligarchs and American tax money and they're used as cannon fodder against the Russian separatists.
The "based" natsocs know this very well but they are more interested in power and sheckels than the real ideology.
As soon as the money flow is cut, they'll turn into thugs against their own people as have done many times before, and this is a fact.
Economic sanctions against North Korea.
>North Korean Workers Return Home. Will Pyongyang Face Insurmountable Problems?>The deadline, established by the United Nations Security Council in December 2017, for ensuring all DPRK workers employed abroad return home was on December 22, 2019. As a result, all North Korean restaurants in Moscow closed down, and up until December 20, the Air Koryo airline had increased the number of flights between Pyongyang and Vladivostok from two to five per week. By November 19, 23,200 workers from the DPRK had come back home.
>Matteo Salvini Vows to Move Italy’s Embassy to Jerusalem if Elected Prime Minister you see the pattern?
>>254057>Putin Rewrites WWII History and Pushes Stalinist Propaganda>A rebuttal of Putin’s lies and defence of Poland.>A diplomatic row has emerged between Russia and Poland, after scandalous comments by Russian President Vladimir Putin emerged, in which he claimed that the invasion of Poland on the 17th of September 1939 was “necessary because the Polish government lost control of the country” and bizarrely claimed that the Soviet invasion “saved many lives”.
>Sweden Has 'Lost Control' After Bombings Spike 60% In 2019, Says MP>Approximately 257 bomb attacks were reported to police last year, up from 162 in 2018, according to the country's National Council for Crime Prevention.
>French Intellectual Sentenced to 2 Months in Prison For Calling Mass Immigration an “Invasion”>French intellectual Renaud Camus has been given a 2 month suspended prison sentence for saying that mass immigration into Europe represents an “invasion.”>Camus will only avoid jail by paying 1800 euros to two “anti-racist” organizations, SOS Racisme and the LICRA (International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism).>The writer, who is the author of Le Grand Remplacement (The Great Replacement), was charged with “public incitement to hate or violence on the basis of origin, ethnicity, nationality, race or religion.”
>China Closes Foxconn, Johnson & Johnson, And Samsung Factories Amid Virus Outbreak >A much larger problem in China is the shutdown of major parts of its economy, and those impacts will soon be felt globally. China is the growth engine for many economies of the world -- this is a shock that could tilt the world into a prolonged slowdown.
>French police clash with firefighters protesting difficult working conditions>Paris descends into chaos as riot police deploy GRENADES & WATER CANNONS against striking firefighters
> Kim Jong-Un’s Aunt Appears Alive After Six Years of Media Saying He Killed Her>There was, as there usually is when it comes to coverage of North Korea, little self-reflection as to how and why the media had reported fake news for six years.
>Family Of Russia’s New Prime Minister Owns $45Million In Real Estate, While He Declares Zero Property>Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin has been on the post for 14 days, and reports of his astounding properties have begun surfacing.
>360 Billion Locusts And Growing – A Plague Of 'Biblical Proportions' Is Destroying Crops Across The Middle East And Africa>What we are witnessing in east Africa and across much of the Middle East… 360 billion locusts are eating everything in sight, and UN officials are warning that this plague of ‘Biblical proportions’ could get many times worse over the next several months. Desert locusts can travel up to 93 miles a day, and each adult can consume the equivalent of its own weight in food every 24 hours. These voracious little creatures are traveling in absolutely colossal swarms that are up to 40 miles wide, and they continue to push into new areas. If urgent action is not taken on a massive scale, millions upon millions of people could soon have next to nothing to eat.
>Orbán: Not a single Muslim immigrant in Hungary, declares liberalism over >While mentioning Europe’s growing Muslim population which has coincided with its rapidly declining Christian population, Orbán said: “According to the liberals, this is fine, because they don’t like Christian society,” before noting that the suicidal choice was theirs to make, but that forcing Central Europeans to follow in their footsteps is completely unacceptable.
>‘As long as I’m president we will have ‘mother’ & ‘father’: Putin backs traditional family values once again >Russia will not introduce politically correct terminology such as “parent #1” and “parent #2” any time soon, Putin told a constitutional reform working group on Thursday, as they discussed family values in Russia.
>China>As China Grinds To A Halt, Firms Can No Longer Afford To Pay Workers>With every passing day that its economic disintegration is not reversed, China inches closer to what may be a very violent tipping point, one which sets billions of angry, starving, broke and quarantined citizens against the communist party oligarchy.>Putting it all together, China's economy has ground to a halt, people are furious at the propaganda that all is well as over 760 million people are living under some sort of quarantine, food prices are soaring as domestic supply chains collapse, and now, employees aren't getting paid: arguably the perfect recipe for a violent revolutio>As for China scrambling ruling party, it has just one task: prevent a revolution that will unravel the socio-economic fabric of Chinese society, and put the billionaire rulers of China in prison. Good luck.
>Slovakia effectively bans Islam from country, forbids mosques >Since 2016, Slovak legislation makes it impossible for Islam to become a state-recognized religion. Slovakia has adopted measures making it difficult for Islam to become one of the country’s officially recognized religions, making it the European country with the toughest laws against Islam in all of Europe.
>Indian Minister: We Made a Mistake Not Committing Genocide Against Muslims >A government minister has sparked controversy after expressing his regret that India did not sufficiently ethnically cleanse itself of Muslims during the countries’ creation in 1947. At a public event in his native Bihar state, Giriraj Singh, Minister of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, rallied his supporters, claiming, “It is time to commit ourselves” to building the Indian nation properly.>This is not the first time Singh has called for retribution against the country’s 138 million Muslims. In 2016 he called for controls on Muslim procreation to limit their numbers relative to Hindus. Article Two of the United Nations Convention on Genocide (which India has signed and ratified) explicitly prohibits “imposing measures intended to prevent births within a group” as genocidal behavior, while its definition of the synonymous crime of ethnic cleansing includes “rendering an area ethnically homogeneous by using force or intimidation to remove from a given area persons of another ethnic or religious group.”
>Norway: Three Norwegians face 3 years in prison for “hate speech” language>People who’ve commented on the case are not happy. One says: “The witch trial starts, and the “anti-racist” center rub their hands. Whore and other slurs are legal. Because the new master-people cannot be sent to court.”
>>260242Sheep are ever busy being fleeced by the sheepherder, the so-called "shepherd", which is why they cannot
honestly consider why Hitler, Mussolini, Hirohito, etc. were inspiring men to their peoples. They were men whom conveyed honor without arrogance, conviction without dogma, intelligence without subversion, kindness without deception, and humanism without ingratiating arrogance. India has been
utterly cucked since the britniggers gained control of it. They've seen the complete subversions of nearly all their cultures according to (((Manifest Destiny))) styled control mechanisms and the worsening of economic, political, and cultural situations, while all foreign relations were controlled by the cuckqueen. Yet the worst of all facts is that the Indians have been carefully, under planned stages, been indoctrinated into becoming the lowest common denominator of Asia through the use of shekelberg banking wherein the average man makes, at best,
2 to 3 Jew-S shekels per day at current. It is well known that the Rothschild, Warburg, Silverberg, Silverstein, Goldstein, as well as Net-an-yahoo himself and nearly all previous pissrael (((leaders))), have been speculating the food prices of India. This has caused the so-called "Untouchable Cultural Problem" where the bottom paid workers, the Untouchables, are forced to subsist on government micro-shekels, their own farming efforts, or starve to death in forced ethnic cleansing of 90-95% of the entire country.
The Bengali Starvation is the most well known of britnigger efforts in World War Jew to wipe out India, yet >30,000,000 died from starvation and disease by Cuckshill the traitor's orders. He demanded that more and more foodstuffs were to be "forcefully appropriated" to support breton-cucked shitskins throughout Arabia, particularly the Saudis.
This, however, is amazing news. Giriraj Singh has earned his support through great adversity. Perhaps India IS salvageable.
>Dozens Dead as Hindu Mobs Launch Anti-Muslim Pogroms Amid Trump Visit to India>Gangs of Hindu mobs and paramilitaries are roaming Dehli, attacking those protesting against Modi’s anti-Muslim Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and National Registration Council (NRC) laws.>Our opposition is to the opposition of those against the CAA. How dare they [Muslims] protest like this in our country? Is it their country? It is our country. Are they bigger goons than us? We are the bigger goons. We will show them their place, not allowing them to remain (even) in their homes.
>Russia Up in Arms as Famous Priest Speaks Truth: 'Living with a Man and Not Married? You're an Unpaid Prostitute'>Archpriest Dmitry Smirnov, who has raised eyebrows in the past for calling abortions “worse than the Holocaust” and comparing today's young men to “scrawny chickens,” said recently that Russian women “don’t know what marriage is.”
>>260900(((orthodox))) styled judaism.
>Polish MEP Warns Illegal Migrants: “If You Don’t Want To Be Shot, Don’t Come To Our Borders”>Dominik Tarczyński, member of the Poland Law and Justice Party, member of the European Parliament, and Vice Chair of the European Conservatives Group, during a recent interview on The Newsmakers, defended Poland’s harsh treatment of migrants who attempt to illegally cross Poland’s borders.
>Marine Le Pen Calls For Referendum to Stop “Submersion” of France via Mass Immigration>Accuses establishment politicians of “treason” for failing to defend their people. [Embed]
>German domestic intelligence places AfD’s rightist wing under surveillance >The leading figures of the “wing” are Björn Höcke, the Thuringian head of state, as well as Brandenburg’s AfD chief Andreas Kalbitz, and Hans-Thomas Tillschneider from Saxony-Anhalt.>According to Thomas Haldenwang, the President for the Protection of the Constitution, the positions held by the “wing” are not compatible with the Basic Law.
>Merkel refuses to close border to visitors from Italy after warning 70% of Germany could be infected with coronavirus >Serving as Merkel’s first public address on the outbreak, she warned that border closures would not be enough to prevent the spread of the virus, according to a report from Hungarian newspaper Mandiner.>“This is a test for our solidarity, our common sense and care for each other. And I hope we pass the test,” she said. However, she ruled out following Austria’s lead in banning visitors from Italy.
>Orban: ‘It’s forbidden to say so in Europe, but migration is an organised invasion’>Orban said Hungary’s secret service had a particularly clear view of “how the movement of migrants is being organised” because his government agents monitor the movements closely.>He insisted that the migrants were backed by organisations claiming to be NGOs but which are actually operating as human trafficking gangs. These organisations had significant financial resources and considerable logistical capabilities, he pointed out. Migration is helped by “half human trafficking organisations calling themselves NGOs,” he told the journalists at the impromptu news conference.
>‘No Exceptions’: Philippines Bans All Foreigners over Coronavirus>The Philippines stopped issuing visas to foreigners, banning all nationalities from entering the country, on Thursday in an effort to stop the spread of the Chinese coronavirus throughout the island nation.
>Angela Merkel goes into home QUARANTINE after contacting virus-infected doctor >A doctor that vaccinated Merkel on Friday, against a bacterium that causes pneumonia, among other diseases, has himself tested positive for the virus, Seibert said in a statement, without revealing any further details about the medic.>“The chancellor has decided to immediately place herself under house quarantine,” he said, adding that Merkel is about to go through a series of coronavirus tests in the coming days, as just one test would be not be sufficiently indicative. The chancellor will continue to work from home.
>>263561Is it wrong i hope she gets it?
>>263583>Is it wrong i hope she gets it?Not given how much good that would come from her no loger being in power.
>>263561Couldn't have happened to a more deserving person.
>Hubei Residents Riot After Quarantine Lifted; Police Beaten With Their Own Shield, Cop Cars Overturned>Residents of Hubei province in China teamed up with their local police force to battle the police from neighboring Jiangxi province - who set up a roadblock on the Yangtze River Bridge to prevent the people of Hubei from crossing and returning to work.
>>264118Why are these guys so much more successful than the French protestors when it comes to fighting back against commie globalist police tyranny?
Is it because they're being helped by their own local police forces?
>>264131These are run-of-the-mill police you might go have a beer with, they're not a specialized force trained for riot control.
>>264132This, also the Yellow Vests are not organized to be a counter assault force.
>Danish parliament bans “misinformation” about coronavirus >The Danish parliament, last week, passed a law which makes it possible to shut down websites and to fine or imprison persons who publish information about the COVID-19 virus that doesn’t line-up with the government’s guidelines.
>Germany: Police use photo of white male to depict assault by African migrant >An African migrant, 31, was arrested in Munich last month for sexually assaulting a 15-year-old German girl. But what made an already tragic situation worse was that the police used a photo of a white male sexually harassing a woman in their statements about the incident on social media.>In their statements about the incident on social media, however, the Bavarian State Police chose to use an image of a white male groping a white woman to illustrate them. Twitter users objected to this distortion, some pointing out that it would not be considered acceptable if a crime had been perpetrated by a white suspect and a black person was used to illustrate it.>“Thank you for the numerous comments,” the Bavarian State Police said in response to the criticisms in a tweet. “We will discuss your comments and opinions internally.”
>France: Police accused of being racist against the French >Speaking on the CNews television news channel on Sunday, Bigot complained that the police have been targeting ordinary French people when it comes to the pandemic containment measures, while allowing juvenile delinquents to do as they please. “The curfew law must be the same for everyone,” Bigot said, according to a report by Valeurs Actuelles.
>>265271During the Hong Kong Revolutionary Riots, there were some people who got in the way of, distracted, and delayed Chinese Military Copthugs on their way to attack helpless citizens.
Everyone recognized these people as heroes.
Because Communist police are villains.
During the Yellow Vest Riots, when a man in France boxed with a copper and beat him up, he was hailed as a hero.
Because Globalist police are villains.
>Italy>Mafia distributes food to Italy's struggling residents>Organised crime groups offer support to quarantined families who have run out of cash>As Italy struggles to pull its economy through the coronavirus crisis, the Mafia is gaining local support by distributing free food to poor families in quarantine who have run out of cash, authorities have warned.>In recent weeks, videos have surfaced of known Mafia gangs delivering essential goods to Italians hit hard by the coronavirus emergency across the poorest southern regions of Campania, Calabria, Sicily and Puglia, as tensions rise across the country.
>Anti-5G fever spreads to the Netherlands as towers suffer ‘arson and sabotage’ > Several 5G broadcasting masts across the Netherlands were damaged in what authorities have described as “a worrying development.” Similar acts of sabotage have previously been seen in the UK.>The Netherlands has experienced a string of arson attacks in the past fortnight, with the latest one happening on Friday in the northern city of Groningen, according to a report by newspaper De Telegraaf. The outlet cites Rob Bongelaar, director of the Monet Foundation, an industry group in charge of installing cellular broadcasting towers in the country.
>Italians Burn Down 5G tower - kill grid take down [Embed]
>Roman Authorities Investigating Jesus For Violating Stay-In-Tomb Order>JERUSALEM—Roman authorities are investigating controversial religious leader Jesus of Nazareth for violating the Empire's clear "stay in tomb" order. After crucifying him and laying him in the tomb, Roman guards put Him under strict orders to stay there and not come back, rising victorious over sin and death.>But Jesus, answering to a higher authority, refused to stay dead and busted out of the tomb, establishing a kingdom that would never end -- again, in clear violation of the government's orders.>"Jesus is a dangerous rebel, refusing to bend the knee to Caesar and not abiding by the law of sin and death," said one Roman official. "He clearly broke the law by leaving the tomb, and we're going to be issuing a citation and placing him under mandatory quarantine for these crimes."
>McDonald’s Apologizes After Franchise in China Bans Niggers>A McDonald’s restaurant in China took the common sense step to ban niggers from eating at their restaurant. Unfortunately, corporate management disagreed with this very smart and logical business decision.
>‘Commander’ Of ‘International Neo-Nazi Terror Group’ Targeting Jews Turns Out To Be a 13-Year-Old Estonian Boy>Jewish supremacists groups such as the ADL and WJC have been in high gear lately trying to convince the world that a shadowy international network of ‘White supremacists’ likened to ISIS or Al Qaeda is conspiring to target Jews and other people of color, but so far the ‘scariest’ one they’ve come up with is a 13-year-old boy from Estonia:>A 13-year-old boy in Estonia was a key figure in an international neo-Nazi group that has been linked to plots to attack a Las Vegas synagogue and detonate a car bomb at a major U.S. news network, the Associated Press reported.>The boy, who called himself “Commander” online, was a leader of Feuerkrieg Division, though severed ties with the neo-Nazi group after authorities in Estonia confronted him earlier this year, according to police and an Estonian newspaper report.
>France>Attacks on first responders on the rise amidst lockdown>Police are concerned that if the lockdown goes much longer, violence in France’s migrant areas could increase, especially once existing illicit drug supplies are exhausted due to bans on international travel [Embed]
>Italy>The Corona-Chan conspiracy is being uncovered>This is from today on the floor of the Italian Parliament.>don’t say 25 thousand dead here too, that’s not true! Don’t use the dead for rhetoric and terrorism. The data of the Istituto Superiore della Sanità say that 96.3 percent died from other pathologies (Comments by MP Trizzino) Exactly the data, the numbers, the numbers say This is the truth!>I simply said that the numbers give them all, but they don’t give false numbers. 25 thousand Coronavirus people did not die in Italy: it is not true! It is a way of terrorizing Italians and imposing a dictatorship of consent: it is ridiculous (Applause of the deputy Cunial)![YouTube] SGARBI SCATENATO ► "STATE MENTENDO SUL NUMERO DEI MORTI PER IMPORRE UNA DITTATURA DEL CONSENSO!"
>>266053>Anons meme about the FBI being filled with aras<Some Anon is actually confront by an ara working for the FBI>Anons meme that aras are trying to deplatform imageboards so that they can imprison shotas and do whatever they want to them<That article:
>France>Police asked to stand down during Ramadan >A leaked internal document shows that police in the French department of Calvados have been asked to “show restraint” in dealing with migrants during Islam’s holy month of Ramadan, which began on April 23.>In cases where police receive calls from concerned citizens about such incidents, police are instructed to tell people only that “their call has been taken into account,” and that officers should “take care not to comment.”
>Venezuela Captures Two American "Mercenaries" Involved In Failed 'Invasion' Attempt>An astounding and unexpected development which is about to launch US regime change efforts in Venezuela straight back into the headlines. The Maduro government says it has captured two Americans who were leading a 'Rambo-style' armed coup effort. [Embed] [Embed]
>French intellectual says no-go zones must be reconquered by force (VIDEO)>Eric Zemmour, a prominent conservative intellectual and political journalist, recently argued that France’s crime ridden and drug infested ‘suburbs’ – also known as no-go zones – have become foreign enclaves and must be reconquered by force or abandoned entirely.>During a discussion segment on the French television channel CNEWS, Zemmour contends that a catastrophic situation has arisen where hostile foreign forces, most of which are Islamic, have taken over the suburbs of various cities in France and continue to wage war against law enforcement.>Zemmour, who’s also a spokesman for the police union Synergie, described an ‘asymmetrical war’ being waged by the Left-wing media against the police, who are smeared as colonizers and blamed for the violence which often takes place in these migrant enclaves.>Zemmour, who’s also a spokesman for the police union Synergie>spokesman for the police [Embed]Wait, aren't those the same that with violence and kidnappings against the French people enforced White Genocide and the Muslim invasion?
>Russia>Claims of Coronavirus’ Manmade Origin Are Fake, Russia Says>Russian prosecutors have shot down online conspiracy theories about the coronavirus’ manmade origins as fake, the Prosecutor General's Office said in a statement Wednesday. >Prosecutors ordered Russia’s media watchdog to delete videos claiming that Covid-19 “is a genetically modified bioweapon artificially created to implant microchips into the population and establish a global world order” from YouTube and Russian social networking website Odnoklassniki. The videos also claimed that the virus was created to “destroy humanity under the guise of vaccination” and that numerology could predict its spread.>“Neither the World Health Organization nor the Russian government or other official authorities have confirmed information about the artificial manufacture of coronavirus,” the prosecutor’s office statement said.>Russia last month passed a law punishing those who spread “intentionally false” information about the coronavirus with up to five years in prison. A number of Russian social media users have been fined under the new law, and several anti-lockdown protesters have been charged under the law.>five years in prison for to counter the narrative Putin isn't in bed with the Jews.
>North Korea>Anatomy of a fake news campaign: Media spreads lie from US-govt funded Korean outlet that Kim Jong-un died>Corporate media outlets spread fake news claiming North Korean leader Kim Jong-un had died. The lie originated with a Seoul-based website funded by the US government’s regime-change arm the NED.>There may be no other country on Earth lied about more than North Korea. Western corporate media outlets have absolutely zero editorial standards when reporting on the country.>Absurd lies are routinely treated as newsworthy stories, from the cartoonish claim that Kim Jong-un executed his uncle by feeding him to pack of starving dogs (fake news), to the notion that all North Koreans are drones forced to choose from state-mandated haircuts (racist-tinged fake news), to the assertion that state media swore it uncovered a unicorn lair (insanely stupid fake news based on a mistranslation).>But these lies are not just innocuous errors that come out of nowhere; they are part of an insidious pattern, and a decidedly political one. They are a form of information warfare aimed at destabilizing North Korea’s government, known officially as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), which has an independent foreign policy and geo-strategic location — and just so happens to be sitting on trillions of dollars worth of mineral wealth.>Many of these fake news stories originate with Korean opposition groups that are funded to the hilt by the US government’s National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a CIA cutout created by the Ronald Reagan administration to push regime change against foreign countries that don’t sufficiently kowtow to Washington.
>Belarus>Russian State TV in Media War Against No-Lockdown Belarus>Belarus kicks the Russian doomsday info warriors out>While Russians have been forced into Sobyanin’s cybergulag (now expanded nationally) Belarus has met the virus with the scorn it deserves, has allowed its people to remain free, and will press on with the May 9th Victory Day parade. The contrast is not a good look for Kremlin, so the state media has to invent Belarusian mass deaths if it can.
>Migrants keep arriving in Italy despite global health crisis>Many migrant boats have left the North African coast in the past two days in the hope of reaching Europe.>“At the request of the Member States, we are ready to act as we have done in the past,” the spokesman for migration and internal affairs of the European Commission, Adalbert Jahnz said. “As regards the specific situation, which affects the people who have been landed in Italy, we have not yet received a request from Italy to coordinate a relocation.”>The migrants have remained in Italy instead: The minors were in fact accompanied to Campania, while the adults were relocated to Puglia.>This situation could have many political consequences, given that the Italian government has been making fraudulent claims about relocating migrants.
>Riot police clash with hundreds of protesters in Berlin chanting 'freedom' in demonstration against coronavirus restrictions as Germany death toll rises by 147 to 7,369>Mobs flocked to Alexanderplatz in Berlin to protest the government's lockdown >Thousands descended on Munich and Stuttgart for peaceful demonstrations >Germany eased measures last week when cases showed signs of decreasing how this Jewish outlet calls the people "mob".
>Belarus has the Victory Parade That Russia Canceled Over Viral Hoax>Russia has been hoodwinked by the viral internet hoax known as “coronavirus.”>Belarus hasn’t been, and is functioning normally.>This disaster is as bad for Putin as it is for Trump. the rest look incompetent at least and treasonous at most.
>The People are Rising Up – Journalists & Politicians Beware>A former respected journalist has come out quite angry and has called for the people to overthrow the Merkel government. He states he is willing to go to prison but begs everyone for the sake of the country and their families to reject Merkel and her links to Bill Gates and is effectively calling for a non-violent Revolution. He is not even offering a specific alternative. Just to throw out the Merkel government. [Embed]
>>268262Indeed, Putin looks like a retard nigger now.
>Putin Ends Russia’s National Lockdown Order>My assumption is that Putin saw the Victory Day parade that took place in Belarus which was never subjected to lockdown measures and that this played a role in his decision to end the insanity. Belarus has only had a little over 100 coronavirus-related deaths and this fact alone shows what a dumb hoax this whole thing has been.
>Ukraine>National Police Demand Names of City’s Jews>Demand comes during organized crime investigation.>A JEWISH GROUP is condemning Ukraine’s national police force for “open anti-Semitism” — which seems unlikely since Ukraine, ever since the US-instigated coup, has a thoroughly Jewish government — after a high-ranking police official asked for information on “all members of the Jewish community” in a western city, including phone numbers and places of residence.
>Burundi.>Burundi Becomes 2nd African Nation To Expel WHO>Tanzania isn't the only African country that's asked the WHO to pack its things and get out.>Reuters reports That Burundi is expelling the national head of the WHO and three of his subordinates as the country prepares for a presidential election that is being held next week. The WHO had repeatedly raised concerns, claiming holding the vote during the middle of the pandemic wouldn't be prudent. >Unlike many other African nations, Burundi has no lockdown measures in place at all, and reporting from the country is too sparse to tell how badly strained its health-care system might be.
>>268637Based. Also, you can't have a strained healthcare system if you don't have a healthcare system.
>Germany: More mass protests against lockdown, antifa assault protesters>More mass protests against the ongoing lockdown in response to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak took place in cities across Germany over the weekend. Antifa also assaulted a group of men at a protest in Stuttgart in what was believed to be an attempted murder, while the government is warning that “Right-wing extremists” are trying to exploit the chaos for their own ends.>The choice of the authorities to focus exclusively on the Right is somewhat baffling in light of the fact that Left-wing extremists have openly stated their intention of exploiting the pandemic for their own political goals by inciting chaos, as previously reported by Voice of Europe. [Embed] [Embed]
>NORWEGIAN STUDY FINDS TRACKING APPS REVEAL OPERATIONS AND ACTIVITIES OF POLICE AND MILITARY PERSONNEL>Every day, Norwegian officers and soldiers shout out where they are. Without knowing it.>NRK has acquired information on the movements of Norwegians from a British company. The company has a business address in the heart of London, and states on its website that they ‘make accurate data available to everyone’. >The information comes from apps Norwegians have installed. The data package costs 35,000 Norwegian kroners and shows how easy it is to map parts of the lives of military personnel. Many of the people NRK has found utilizing the data are officers with in-depth knowledge of the Armed Forces’ weaknesses and strengths. Others have access to sensitive areas. This included, among other things, a soldier who has stayed in the quarters of the Armed Forces’ elite soldiers, and a person who has visited of the Intelligence Service’s stations in Northern Norway.
>Belarus>no lockdown, no masks, no social distancing>After 7 Weeks of the PLAGUE RAVAGING Non-Lockdown Belarus 99.998% of Its People Are Still Alive>Covid catches up to 2020 Belarus deaths by fires>Belarus population: 9.5 million. Belarus deaths of people so far who had tested positive for Covid-19 (so that’s deaths with Covid, not even of): 185>185 as a percentage of 9.5 million: 0.002%.
>Denmark>Danish PM 'falsely claimed health agencies backed lockdown'>Denmark's Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen has been accused of misleading the public by implying that the country's health agency backed her decision to impose a strict lockdown on the country, when in fact it had not.>In her historic speech announcing Denmark's lockdown on March 11, Frederiksen repeatedly said that the tough measures being imposed had been recommended by 'myndighederne', a word which in Danish means 'the authorities', or 'the agencies'.
>Manhunt in Moscow after GUN BATTLE with KALASHNIKOV rifles & pistols erupts in broad daylight (VIDEOS)>Deafening volleys of gunfire startled residents of a sleepy residential area in south Moscow, on Sunday. They witnessed video-game-like scenes of men firing AK-47s and other guns in broad daylight below their windows.>Five of the perpetrators were later detained and taken to a police station for questioning. One person was reportedly injured in the shootout. He claims he was an innocent bystander who came to rent an apartment at the complex, but ended up a victim of the fracas. >Investigators have launched a criminal probe into attempted murder, illegal possession of firearms and hooliganism.[YouTube] Перестрелка в ЖК Ясный 11 стрельба польба убегают
[Embed][YouTube] Перестрелка с автоматами Калашникова в Москве 24.05.2020г. Недалеко от ЖК Ясный.
[Embed] [Embed]
>Bolsonaro Explodes Over 'Humiliating' Lockdown Orders, Demands Populace be Armed Against Tyranny>Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro went off during a recent closed-door cabinet meeting over the fact citizens are being arrested for violating mayors' lockdown orders while real criminals are treated with kid gloves.>President Bolsonaro began by slamming the country's Supreme Court for refusing to enforce its own laws against handcuffing people who do not post an immediate threat, saying "Sir Minister of Justice, please. It was decided [by the Supreme Court] not long ago, that you couldn't handcuff almost anyone. Why are they putting handcuffs on a citizen or a woman in a public square. And the Justice doesn't say anything? You have to f**king speak!" [Embed]
>>269615Jair Bolsonaro President of Brazil calls for guns for the people.
>‘Orwellian dictatorship’: Italian government to recruit 60,000 ‘civic assistants’ to snitch on Covid-19 rule-breakers>The Italian government is preparing to recruit unemployed citizens to act as volunteer social-distancing enforcers, who will operate amongst the masses as life returns to a semi-normal state after the Covid-19 lockdown.>The government will publish a call this week for 60,000 so-called “civic assistants” to help perform control and assistance tasks – like reporting social distancing infractions or a lack of masks – during its reopening phase, to prevent non-compliance and a new surge in infections, AdnKronos reported.>Unsurprisingly, however, the plan for social snitching has not gone down very well on either the right or left of Italian politics.>The plan also ignited outrage and disbelief on social media, with some wondering if they would need to show documentation to people who are not actually public officials. Economist and author Ilaria Bifarini described the situation as being like an “Orwellian dictatorship based on hatred and mutual distrust.”>Another tweeter questioned the sanity of putting random people out on the streets to confront large groups of young people who may be drinking alcohol, asking: “Whatever could go wrong?”
>>269682>b-b-but Italy is so redpilled and based, you guys!Italy is gay
>German Police Use Water Cannons To Break Up Antifa’s Anti-Freedom Counter Protest>Rife with irony and beyond parody, Antifa terrorists in Hamburg, Germany staged an anti-freedom counter protest to a group rallying to lift the coronavirus lockdown orders. That’s right, Antifa gathered to protest a group who rallied in support of the right to assembly. [Embed]
>>253131>Ursula Haverbeck
>Russia>RUSSIAN FIGHTER JETS INTERCEPTED US AIR FORCE B-1B STRATEGIC BOMBERS OVER BLACK SEA (VIDEO)>On May 29, Su-27P and Su-30SM of the Russian Aerospace Forces intercepted B-1B strategic bombers of the US Air Force over the Black and Baltic Seas. The Russian military released a video of the interception over the Black Sea.[YouTube] undefined
>WATCH: Brilliant Kremlin Ad Ridiculing and Condemning Gay Marriage and Adoption (Video)>YouTube deletes homophobic campaign video created by media organization linked to ‘Russian troll factory’>YouTube moderators have deleted a Russian campaign video that used homophobic humor to urge participation in an upcoming plebiscite on constitutional amendments.>In the video, two gay men adopt a young boy, to the horror of orphanage employees. The campaign ad depicts a hypothetical Russia where voters have rejected new constitutional amendments, including a proposed change to Article 72 of the Russian Constitution to define marriage explicitly as a heterosexual union. to pro globohomo Russian media is alive yet: [Embed]
>Ghana Invites African Americans to ‘Come Home’ in Wake of U.S. Protests>Ghana, considered a gateway of the brutal slave trade to the United States that began more than 400 years ago, is urging “unwanted” Americans of African heritage to resettle within its borders in the wake of the police killing of Minnesota resident George Floyd.>During a memorial and wreath-laying ceremony in honor of Floyd last Friday, Ghana’s Minister of Tourism, Arts, and Culture Barbara Oteng-Gyasi invited African Americans to “re-settle in Ghana if they feel unwanted” in the United States, the Independent Ghana news outlet reported.
>‘No police, no peace’: French cops reject government chokehold ban (VIDEOS)>French police have marched in protest through central Paris, saying the government is denying them life-saving tools with its new ban on chokehold and chest-pinning, imposed in the wake of the death of George Floyd in the US.>A French police union staged a protest march from the Arc de Triomphe down the Champs-Elysees boulevard on Friday morning, with dozens of police vehicles gathering in front of the iconic Paris landmark.
>>272357I really do not know why the police in all countries are not better trained in the martial arts. My 90 year old father-in-law could throw me to the ground and put me in pain without any injury to me and with zero chance of me fighting back.
I watch the videos of police in the US and think what a bunch of shitty fighters.
>>272357Fucking Cuckstaner. When it's yellow vest he's giving orders to shoot, when it's negroes, "wola, leave them alone"
Niggers, all of them.This is the worst government.
>>272358>I really do not know why the police in all countries are not better trained in the martial arts.Why waste the time struggling with a person in order to get them into a chokehold rather than just shoot him? Also, they do teach some of that stuff?
>>272374Not a huge fan of cops, but it bears mentioning that there's really 2 types of cops on a spectrum.
There are cops who will spend time off-duty exercising, working out, and yes learning/expanding their martial arts skills.
And then there are cops who fill themselves with donuts and sit at home drinking beer or drinking at police-friendly/specific bars and clubs.
One camp tends to involve level-headed, responsible, critical thinkers who tend to favor the spirit of laws (Hey, you have a tail-light out, get that fixed), while the other camp tends to involve unreasonable faggots on a power trip (Your tail-light is out! You broke the LAW!).
Police agencies cannot make martial arts compulsory, otherwise they would have to establish a particular martial art and/or school/dojo as being the de facto place to learn, just as they can't do so for fitness and weight training. It is quite usually encouraged, but considering that many police organizations actively discourage the hiring of more intelligent (and thereby more responsible in general) officers, because they are able to see nuance and context and are more concerned with actual law enforcement, rather than code and policy enforcement (police is short for policy enforcement fyi).
>>272376The is a police station near me where every morning you can hear the cops hitting each other with sticks and shouting. I assume some type of Kendo. I think getting rid of agression at the beginning of a shift will help keep them calm during the shift. The police in the US do seem to be very wound up and have very short fuses and absolutely no discipline.
From the new incident where the burger joint gets burnt down for reason unknown. I expect it is a tactic to add cost to each event and highlight it.
What I fully do not understand are two main things:
1. The black man is calm up until he is cuffed. WHY. If he wants to run he had 30 minutes before when he could have done it much better.
2. The police shoot someone who they have I.D. They have his car, most likely his name and address. They have body cam photo for identity. Why shoot someone in the back. Why even bother to chase him. Just report it. Add resisting arrest to the DUI and pick him up later. They even have his breath test result.
My conclusion is that the Police in the US are not very well trained and it is not about race at all.
My other conclusion is that if I am being cuffed I don`t attempt to run away because there is high chance of death.
Les cochons français très mal battus.
>>272490I have seen similar shit policing in the London stuff. You wonder if they have any form of command from the top. Maybe a street map that includes street funiture and a more strategic outlook of where and how to control the protest.
It all seems to be small groups of riot police in the middle and having zero direction.
>>272488>1. The black man is calm up until he is cuffed. WHY. If he wants to run he had 30 minutes before when he could have done it much better.The nigger was passed out drunk.
>2. The police shoot someone who they have I.D. They have his car, most likely his name and address. They have body cam photo for identity. Why shoot someone in the back. Why even bother to chase him. Just report it. Add resisting arrest to the DUI and pick him up later. They even have his breath test result.He ran off with the cop's taser.
>>272499>He ran off with the cop's taser.It's a non lethal weapon, right?
The zogbot took a life because of a stolen electric gun, hardly a reason to kill, not even if the nigger was pointing it at him. And i'm not thinking about the nigger's life, but countless Whites murdered and brutalized by these criminals.
>>272504>It's a non lethal weapon, right?<Tasers are a class of “less than lethal” toolsAnd, to copy what another Anon has posted:
<The difference between less-than-lethal and non-lethal is that the goal of a non-lethal weapon is to not kill while the goal of a less-than-lethal weapon is to ensure minimal death. So if a non-lethal weapon kills someone, it can be expected that it was due to that person having some health problem that would have otherwise not resulted in death or that the non-lethal weapon is somehow defective. Less-than-lethal is expected to kill people, just slightly less, and as such people dropping dead isn't exactly considered a surprise or any defect. Obviously people can either die to non-lethal or not die to lethal and I agree that this distinction is retarded, but it is something to consider.So, to answer your question:
yes, it can kill people.
>The zogbot took a life because of a stolen electric gun, hardly a reason to kill,And, had he just let him run off, who knows how many people the nigger could have harmed with his new toy; and you'd still be blaming the cop, except now for allowing the nigger to run off with his weapon and cause additional harm.
>not even if the nigger was pointing it at him.He did point the taser at the cop. And, what would have happened if he did pull the trigger before the cop shot him? Would have dropped the cop to the ground and then the nigger could have grabbed the cop's gun and run off.
>>272515To resist is a natural and healthy reaction to any aggression, to defend yourself from a deadly threat by any mean necessary also it is. So, what the government teaches in school to little children about submission to authority is a pile of crap to keep control.
I understand that reason isn't applicable to some unruly racial elements, but, to be subject of the same brutal treatment it's not my flavor and not reasonable person will allow an out of control gang to impose its rule on society, to fight and retaliate is the way to go.
>>272499Go watch the T.V. he was woken from his slumper. Spent 30 minutes chatting and walking the line. Cop tries to cuff him and they scuffle on the floor for a couple of minutes before he runs off. Plenty of time to run and hardly passed out.
>>272522I have had my fair share of dealings with police. The best policy is to remain calm no matter how much they try to wind you up. I know many people who have done different and they cause themselves a lot more problems and stress.
It is hard to know the situation in the US but maybe a little bit of how to deal with arrest would be helpful. In London in the past they used hand out little cards on what to do if caught with drugs, soliciting, stop-n-search. If the BLM really wanted to help the situation they could issue clear guidelines on what to do and in that way the police would follow their rules of engagement rather than the other way round.
1. Stay calm
2. Request officers ID number
>>272525>If the BLM really wanted to help the situation they could issue clear guidelines on what to do and in that way the police would follow their rules of engagement rather than the other way round.
>>272527That has probably prevented quite a few killings. Has anyone checked the numbers of killings of blacks by police before and after this was shown.
>Five African Students Hold Black Lives Matter Protest in Ukrainian City – City Council Minister Asks for their Names So He Can Deport Them>This didn’t work out so well.>Apparently, the Ukrainians are not as “woke” as their colleagues in the West.>A group of five African students held a Black Lives Matter protest in Tarnopil, Western Ukraine.>Following the demonstration the Deputy Chair of the City Council asked for their names so he can deport them. [Embed]
>AfD’s Petr Bystron explains why the German government finances violent, extremist Antifa[YouTube] Angela Merkel finanziert Antifa-Unterstützer
[Embed]Press CC for English subtitles.
>>268637>Burundi Becomes 2nd African Nation To Expel WHOA follow up:
>Burundian President Nkurunziza Dies Suddenly After Expelling WHO For False Pandemic>Jun 16, 2020 – President of Burundi Pierre Nkurunziza, 55, has died “following a cardiac arrest”. The sudden death comes as a surprise as he had been evaluated recently as being in good overall health.>But controversy has emerged in the African country as local pundits have suggested that his death could have been the consequence of poisoning.>Less than a month ago, the Burundian government ordered the expulsion of experts from the World Organization of Health (WHO) responsible for ‘advising’ on the false pandemic COVID-19.>The unexpected death of Nkurunziza is reminiscent of the mysterious plane crash of Polish President Lech Kaczyński in 2009, in which he was killed shortly after he refused the vaccine made by the WHO against the H1N1 flu.
>>272527God I miss when everyone could just laugh at shit like this.
>March against the New Order>Multiple protests in many cities against the government's quarantine>People's complaining about economic destruction>People's saying either the quarantine ends or the government falls.>People's saying the government is selling the Nation to the NWO.>People's demanding to end the lie, there is no pandemic and it's bullshit>Kike's meme everywhere>People says -"You're gonna pay freemasons mother fuckers" [Embed]Video in Spanish and I'm jealous how redpilled they are.
Shit, those quads don't lie.
>>273333Checking the id and quads. That is heartening to see. Thank you.
>Russia>US EMBASSY HELPS RUSSIANS TO VOTE YES ON CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS>It is an open secret that the majority of the Russian population is against the official promotion of LGBT and neo-liberal values that became mainstream in the West. Even in the biggest cities like Moscow or Saint Petersburg, the number of people supporting so-called ‘neo-liberal’ values does not exceed about 5%. There is a Russian federal law “for the Purpose of Protecting Children from Information Advocating for a Denial of Traditional Family Values” that bans LGBT propaganda among people under 18yo. In these conditions, the move of the US embassy could be described as an intentional provocation.>Over the past weeks, Russian citizens have been able to follow the situation in the United States, where LGBT activists were supporting left wing and black rioters. The June 25 action initiated by the US Ambassador will motivate a part of uncommitted voters to support the conservative changes to the constitution.>In this situation, the US embassy decision is a foolery or an agitation trick in support of the “YES” vote. Mr. Putin should thank US diplomats or even give a state decoration to Mr. Sullivan.
South Korea.
>Here's what the US Embassy in Seoul looks like these days: [Embed]
>>273514>>273606>>273673O'er the land of the free,
And the home of moar gay
>>273683Cuz this is the MINO thread fgt. Rule 11, it's in the 2-3 existing threads that cover the topic
>>273684My bad should've checked the archive, have a thicc animu flutterbutter...fag
>Germany Disbands Special Forces Group Tainted by Far-Right Extremists>For years, far-right extremists were tolerated inside Germany’s most elite military unit. An underground bunker of explosives has woken the authorities to an alarming problem.>BERLIN — Germany’s defense minister announced Wednesday that she would partially disband the most elite and highly trained special forces in the country, saying it had been infiltrated by far-right extremism.>The defense minister, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, said one of four fighting companies inside the special forces had become so infested with far-right extremism that it would be dissolved. The rest of the special forces unit, known by its German acronym, KSK, has until the end of October to overhaul its recruitment, training and leadership practices before being allowed to rejoin any international military exercises or missions.
>Turkish television Exposes the Truth Behind Adrenochrome>Adrenochrome is a substance that has captivated many powerful men for millennia. What is happening today is becoming clearer and clearer. This report from Turkish National Television gives great insight into the world of pedophilia and adrenochrome [Embed]
>Zimbabwe Vice President blames colonisers for not teaching locals how to run economy >"We got our independence but the white man never gave us knowledge on how to run our economy," Mohadi said in an address broadcast on national television on Saturday. He said the only knowledge the locals had was to run bottle stores and general dealer businesses.>"That was it, nothing more than that," he said.'s the White man's fault.
>>273514>>273606>Russian President Vladimir Putin mocked the U.S. embassy in Moscow for flying a rainbow flag to celebrate #LGBTQ rights, suggesting it reflected the sexual orientation of its staff. [Embed] [Embed]
Well, I believe Putin called their faggotry out.
>Tensions high after thousands of protesters storm Serbian parliament over planned lockdown>Protests in Serbia against occupied government in service of globalism - Police stand against own people>Tensions remain high after thousands of anti-lockdown protesters stormed the Serbian parliament building in Belgrade on Tuesday evening in a demonstration against a new lockdown planned for the capital this weekend to curb the spread of the coronavirus.>Although on Tuesday, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic had said a new lockdown would be imposed in Belgrade on the weekend, he said on Wednesday he had ultimately advised the government and health authorities not to introduce it.>Vucic called on protesters on Wednesday to stop attending anti-government rallies to avoid further spread of the coronavirus after dozens of demonstrators and police were hurt in overnight clashes.[YouTube] Tensions high after thousands of protesters storm Serbian parliament over planned lockdown
>Maniac Judge Upholds 6-Month Prison Sentence for German Patriot Who Called Out Jew Bigot>The leader of Dortmund’s far-right fringe party “Die Rechte” (The Right) lost an appeal over his conviction for sedition and assault on Friday after the German Constitutional Court upheld the original ruling.>The higher court agreed with the conviction based on the notion that the term “cheeky Jew” incited hatred.
>Russia>Head of Jehovah's Witnesses cell in Siberian city detained on extremism charges>A search of his apartment is underway and investigators are questioning the witnesses>Jehovah’s Witnesses is an international religious organization that supports offbeat views on the essence of the Christian faith and provides special interpretations of many commonly accepted notions. In August 2017, the Russian Justice Ministry included Jehovah’s Witnesses and its 395 local religious branches to the list of organizations outlawed in the country. The Russian Supreme Court satisfied the claim of the Justice Ministry to shut down the organization on April 20, 2017.
>Russian Police Major Falls to Her Death After Testifying Against Former Boss>Mishkina’s death is the latest in a string of mysterious incidents where people who have upset or crossed the Russian government or other figures have ended up falling to their deaths. As Russia has grappled with the Chinese coronavirus in recent months, three healthcare workers have died in such a manner after having criticized the Kremlin’s handling of the pandemic.
>>275910Jehova's Witnesses? Why?
Aren't they just hilarious harmless idiots who go door to door begging you to join their retarded cult?
>>276140Look it up. It's out there.
No seriously do the research. Even a jewgle search can show you what they can do.
>>276145Eh, feel like refreshing some of the stuff I've found over time.
Been a while since I've watched this guy. Very handy for starting your own cult, and leeching others away from different cults. More practically it gives you and those you care about knowledge about what is going on.
For anything.>Short answer: No, not harmless.This person as an Ex-Jehovah's Witness talks about his time in and after. They use cult tactics to ensure you stay with them.
[YouTube] Are Jehovah's Witnesses A Cult?
[Embed][YouTube] Jehovahs Witnesses Keep Each Other Controlled
[Embed][YouTube] Jehovahs Witnesses Control Peoples Minds
[Embed][YouTube] How Cult Members Re-Brainwash Themselves | Bunker Videos
[Embed]Also he discusses is things are a cult (group of people that through manipulations and duress force you to stay with them and do what they want you to do.) to deprogram.
[YouTube] How To Deprogram A Religious Extremist
[Embed][YouTube] The Nature Of Influence | How To Deprogram Religious Extremists
[Embed]During a crisis they assert their 'authority' and take claim to whatever is to be had. By force or manipulation. To become its own 'CHAZ' that spreads.
>Shocking footage | Mexico’s ‘cartel army’ prompts government inquiry>Mexico’s Public Security Secretary Alfonso Durazo announced that the authorities were determining the authenticity of the viral video that appears to show heavily armed, uniformed troops in the service of one of the country’s most powerful drug cartels. [Embed]
>"The Nile Is Ours!" Ethiopia Tweet Outrages Egypt As Giant Upstream Dam Being Filled In>A week ago Ethiopia took the hugely controversial step of initiating filling the reservoir behind the 'Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam', further enraging Egypt which says the project will devastate its economy, farming, and ecosystem bound up with the Nile River downstream.>Ethiopia days ago added further fuel to the fire when the country's foreign minister tweeted in the national language, Amharic, that "The Nile is Ours". >Once the effects of the dam are felt by the Egyptian population, which some analysts fear could lead to famine given the central importance a healthfully flowing Nile plays to to Egyptian agriculture, Cairo will be pressured to possibly take military action. Andargachew's tweet has certainly intensified the standoff. is an extremely poor country, so the question is, who is funding and building the dam?
The the consequences down the river will be famine, where the people will emigrate?
If the people emigrate, what will be of the vacant land?
Just anodda cohen-cidence?
>Anti-Zionist Writer Alain Soral Jailed, Jewish Lobby Overjoyed>It’s not clear what Soral has actually been arrested for. He had recently been sentenced to jail, if memory serves, for republishing a holocaust cartoon. A higher court softened the sentence to paying a €5000 fine.>I suspect this time Soral is being shut down because of his highly critical, to not say conspiratorial, takes on the coronavirus pandemic. Certainly, many tech giants have felt more confident about banning alt-media on grounds of public health – even if they had long wanted to ban these people before for ideological or ethnic crime-think. [Embed] [Embed]Alain Soral was posted before in the coronahoax thread #4
>>272539 → and
>>273774 →
>Illegal immigrant harassing a girl, three Spaniards teach him a lesson
>no zogbots around to protect the invaders
>>277736Would be great if this was shared around spanish sites. the spanish probably know why Islam's bullshit, right?
>MAJOR: Germany Awakens as Half-a-Million March Against Covid-19 Lockdown, Masks, Distancing>BERLIN – A large-scale rally against restrictive measures in connection with the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has taken place in Berlin today, August 1st. The procession started on the boulevard Unter den Linden and moved along the central streets of the city at noon local time.>The marchers shouted energetic slogans “Show me your Smile!”, “We are loud because our freedom is being stolen!” “No to Dictatorship – we’ve seen this before!”, “Arrest Bill Gates!”>“Since the meeting at Unter den Linden was quite crowded, our colleagues strongly point to the need to maintain the necessary distance,” the press service of the Metropolitan Police wrote on Twitter.>According to their data, which are confirmed by the footage coming from the scene, practically none of those present were wearing masks. Some of the participants brought with them flags with the symbols of various federal states.[YouTube] Berlin: Thousands protest against coronavirus restrictions
>>277739>Would be great if this was shared around spanish sitesThe problem with that idea is that social sites are kiked and that video would be flagged as xenophobic and you know, every adjective in the commie manual to discredit it, when not banned.
The invader problem has not solution without crippling the police enforcing genocide.
>TikTok Dancing Slut Arrested & Charged With Inciting Debauchery
>If ‘inciting debauchery’ were a criminal offense in the West, half the female population would be in jail.
NO Sources
>Food for thought for sure - great info>Varg Vikernes [Embed]Varg describes Norway as a full fledged marxist country, so socialist as Venezuela, being the economic differences based in that Venezuelan economy is being sabotaged while the Norwegian one is not.
A truly revelation, at least for me.
>U.S. concerned over neo-Nazi groups after Hungarian rainbow flags torn down>BUDAPEST (Reuters) - The U.S. Embassy in Budapest warned on Monday that neo-Nazi groups should not be tolerated after two rainbow flags were torn down from municipals buildings in the latest anti-LGBT incidents in Hungary.
>"Until You Kill Me, There'll Be No Other Election!": Belarus' Lukashenko Defiant As Strikes, Protests Spread>After a week of violent protests following Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko's re-election for a sixth term he issued a surprise concession on Monday, saying he'd be willing to hand over power after a referendum.>“We’ll put the changes to a referendum, and I’ll hand over my constitutional powers,” Lukashenko said as cited in Reuters. However this is unlikely to pacify the demonstrators, given he emphasized “But not under pressure or because of the street” — though it's being widely interpreted as a sign he is indeed feeling the pressure given the rare potential compromise gesture. >Should the street protests gain their desired momentum to force the whole country and infrastructure to essentially come to a halt, it will be hard to see where the embattled president can go from there, other than attempt to make as graceful and swift a political exit as possible.>At that point he would likely hasten to aforementioned referendum and choose to make a face-saving "transition" via political means. [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>>280057The context of the situation in Belarus has plenty of intrigue and backstabbing like a spy novel.
To make short, the president of Belarus wanted to play at both sides (NATO and Russia) and it backfired spectacularly.
>August 10>Putin and Russia are facing a very serious crisis in Belarus>August 12>A quick update on Belarus
>>280057>>280058>Belarusian President Alexander LukashenkoI forgot the masonic hidden hand.
>When Propaganda Is Plain Desperate: North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un Orders Citizens To Eat Their Dogs>North Korea is struggling with food, according to South Korean media which are widely known as spreading all sorts of unbased rumors regarding Pyongyang.>According to the South’s outlet Chosun Ilbo, North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un has even gone so far that he’s ordered citizens to their pet dogs so they can be killed and eaten as, reportedly, a new famine threatens the country.>“Authorities have identified households with pet dogs and are forcing them to give them up or forcefully confiscating them and putting them down,” a source told the newspaper.>The pets are rounded up, with some of them being sent to zoos and others being sold directly to the restaurant trade. this pseudo news was published as fact by:
>Belarus ‘Opposition’ Document Reveals Agenda to Pull Country Into NATO and EU>Recent events in Belarus appear to have been designed to moved NATO’s ever-expanding eastern front even closer towards Moscow.>EU bureaucrats, along with Washington’s change agent in the region, the notorious German Marshall Fund, are attempting to push the situation in Belarus deeper into the familiar ‘Color Revolution’ impasse, towards street violence and evenual ‘regime change,’ with the ultimate aim of installing a pro-US and pro-EU leader.>Following its recent Presidential elections, western leaders have called on Belarussian President Alexander Lukashenko to step down and make way for the US-backed candidate who lost the recent election, Svetlana Tsikhanovskaya, claiming that the election was ‘unfair’ and that Belarussian authorities must ‘stop the repression against the Belarus people’ and ‘open a dialogue with civil society.’>Tsikhanovskaya is already forming her own western-backed ‘government in exile’ which will eventually be recognized by Washington and its allies as the “legitimate leader and government” of Belarus. This follows the familiar ‘humanitarian intervention’ template which the US has laid out for targeted countries like Libya, Syria, Ukraine, and most recently for Venezuela.[YouTube] Address to European Council | Обращение к Европейскому совету
>Berlin Bans Protest Against Pandemic Restrictions, Deploys Thousands Of Police>Authorities in Berlin have banned a series of planned demonstrations against the country's COVID-19 lockdown measures - claiming they were organized by "right-wing extremists" and would lead to the spread of the virus. The city is deploying several thousand police around the German capital this weekend, citing threats.>The German city notably did not ban a June Black Lives Matter protest in which approximately 15,000 people turned out.
>>281273Holy shit, redpilling trump-loving cuckservatives into racial awareness and the sin of the blacks has never been easier than it is right now.
The System is against whites.
>>281667Like a lovecraftian tentacle lifting people about to its own eldritch whims. Or perhaps fae and spirits being 'playful'. Even more so that the aerodynamics of a three year old aren't all too suitable for those kinds of activities.
It's extraordinarily lucky nobody was harmed. Thanks to the people willing to help, and that the landing was actually not too fast or rough.
>>281682Indeed. It was a miracle.
>Riots rock Malmö after far-right Swedish activists burn Qur'an>Leading imam condemns violence after police battle more than 300 on streets of the city
>Spanish Tyrants Arrest Woman for Not Wearing Facemask Citizens Free Her While Chanting Liberty.
>prepare weapons
>>282205The day whites become unafraid to rescue innocents from pigthugs is the day cops stop turning us into political prisoners.
>Sweden: The Violence Is "Extremely Serious">Things in Sweden have now deteriorated to such a degree that on August 29, the Swedish police published a statement titled "The trends in violence are extremely serious." It said:>"Recently, there have been serious incidents and serious acts of violence linked to criminal networks, in which several people have been murdered and others seriously injured...>"In Stockholm, two people were murdered in the past week, and in Gothenburg, criminal groups have tried to demonstrate power by controlling vehicles entering certain districts. Earlier in August, an innocent 12-year-old girl was murdered... [during a gang incident], and in other parts of the country there are conflicts between various criminal networks and other ruthless crime, as well. On Friday night, a violent riot also occurred in Malmö where several police officers were injured...">Sweden's National Police Chief, Anders Thornberg, made what sounded like a plea for help from the rest of society: "Swedish police are in a tough operational situation. It is now a matter of society joining forces behind the police,"
>>282291>It is now a matter of society joining forces behind the police,">non Whites terrorizing SwedenThe same police looking for support, was and is today intimidating, investigating, and jailing Swedes for mildly resisting the invasion while protecting the invaders; and all that treachery because of some petty shekels. Ironic, isn't it?
>Slovakia Bans Mosques Nationwide, Effectively Banning Islam from Country>Slovak legislation, established in 2016, makes it impossible for Islam to be a state-recognized religion.Slovakia has introduced measures making it the country with the toughest laws against Islam in all of Europe.
>>282451Checking your time digits
>Lebanese Researcher Jihad Saad: Police in the U.S. Are Carrying Out a Policy of Killing Black People So Whites Can Have More Face Masks, Which Are in Short Supply>masks [Embed]MFW
>>282493When I opened that in a new tab, I got an error message saying that content is not available to me.
When I opened it in a new incognito window, the page loaded just fine.
What the fuck? I don't have a twitter account.
>MAJOR: Venezuelan Military Shoots Down Cocaine-Loaded US Plane>CARACAS – Venezuela’s military has shot down a US-registered aircraft carrying drugs, Interior Minister Nestor Reverol announced. According to the interior minister, the incident took place on Tuesday, with the aircraft downed after illegally entering Venezuelan airspace in the province of Zulia near the border with Colombia, RIA Novosti reported.
>Iranian Court Orders The Amputation of The Fingers Of Three Teenagers Under Sharia Law>We have previously discussed the brutality of Islamic nations enforcing medieval Sharia law. Iran has given the world another shocking addition to the long list of beheadings, floggings, and other forms of Islamic punishment. A "court" has ordered the amputation of the fingers of three teenagers found guilty of theft. this was meant to be anti-Iran propaganda, then I believe it backfired big.
The sandniggers know pretty well how to deal with predators.
>5G>Employees at France’s Biggest Phone Company Undermine Country’s 5G Push>The massive antenna infrastructure required for 5G, the billion more wireless devices that will be interconnected and MIMO technology are predicted to exponentially increase wireless energy consumption, significantly contributing to the carbon footprint of wireless technology.>In Europe, like in the U.S., telecom companies have been capitalizing on the economic devastation created by policy choices in regard to COVID-19 to present 5G as the economic savoir and those who object to 5G as a threat to the economic recovery. A recent Council of the European Union report expressed the importance to “fight” the claims of 5G health effects while the courts of these countries have consistently ruled for plaintiffs who have become sick from wireless, both for those who have developed microwave sickness and cancer. Hundreds of scientists filed an appeal to the EU calling for a moratorium on 5G quoting potential devastating effects to people and the environment.
>Married Argentinian MP resigns after kissing his mistress's breasts during an online parliamentary session because he wanted to see her new implants
>Spain Runs NATO Missions by 'Gender Advisor' to 'Integrate Gender Perspective' Into Military Ops>Spain's military is now running their NATO operations by an obese feminist "Gender Advisor" to "integrate gender perspective" into their operations and missions.>They claim this is "crucial" to their military operations. [Embed]One of two, or the military execute with extreme prejudice the high brass, politicians, and the corporate euro globohomo; or soon they will train and march in miniskirts and lipsticks.
>Macron Vows Crackdown on ‘Islamist Separatism’ in France>President Emmanuel Macron of France on Friday outlined measures designed to rein in the influence of radical Islam in the country and help develop what he called an “Islam of France” compatible with the nation’s republican values.>In a long-awaited speech on the subject, Mr. Macron said that the influence of Islamism must be eradicated from public institutions even as he acknowledged government failures in allowing it to spread.>The measures include placing stringent limits on home-schooling and increasing scrutiny of religious schools, making associations that solicit public funds sign a “charter” on secularism. While these measures would apply to any group, they are intended to counter extremists in the Muslim community.>Under the measures, the widespread practice of bringing over foreign imams to work in France, where they are often accused of preaching an outdated or extreme version of Islam, would be ended.
>Swedish Journalists Ingrid Carlqvist and Maria Celander Indicted for ‘Thought Crimes’ Against Islam (Video)>Ingrid Carlqvist and Maria Celander are Swedish journalists who were indicted for “hate speech crimes”, known in Sweden as “incitement against an ethnic group”. Their “crime” was publishing an op-ed written by an ill woman on their website expressing concerns over whether the large numbers of Muslims employed at Swedish pharmacies filling prescriptions would follow the dictates of their religion and discriminate against kafirs (unbelievers). >Ingrid felt that this was a “totally reasonable dilemma” because “Muslims have a duty to put their Muslim brothers and sisters before the kafirs.” During a recent interview with Swedish news station SVT24, Ingrid explained
>>284840Wait, NOW they want to rein in radical islam?
Is it because the population has been so un-whitened that the elites no longer have a use for islamic terror attacks?
>>284923>Why?Elections are coming.
>Greece>Greek Government Declares Nationalist Party's Elected Officials a "Criminal Organization" Over 2013 Antifa Member's Death>Thousands of communists, anarchists, and international NGOs have descended on Athens to celebrate a Greek court's decision to declare nationalist opposition party, Golden Dawn, a criminal organization. >The decision to arrest Golden Dawn's parliament members was made in 2013 by the conservative government of New Democracy, led by Antonis Samaras, who decided to make the highly controversial move shortly after a meeting with the World Jewish Congress and other American and European Jewish organizations. Benjamin Netanyahu, Shimon Peres, and other Israeli officials also lauded the crackdown.
>French freed humanitarian boomer turns islamists and wants to get kidnapped again>The French government has negotiated last Sunday the release of over 200 Malian jihadists (according to France24) in exchange for a 75-year-old white woman who has decided to devote her life to the proliferation of African demography, Sophie Pétronin, and a Malian politician, Soumaila Cissé. The scandalous release will inevitably lead to more deaths, with the 200 freed jihadists soon returning to the insurgency to fight and kill more French soldiers. This could have been a scandal, but we not have covered it otherwise.>The French humanitarian aid worker was kidnapped in December 2016 in Gao, in the north of Mali. The last French hostage in the world was released this Thursday.>Just arrived in Bamako, Sophie Pétronin, the Frenchwoman freed in Mali with three other Malian and Italian hostages, declared on Thursday her intention to return to Gao, in the north of the country. She wants to make sure that the children’s aid organisation she headed before she was kidnapped nearly four years ago continues to function properly.
>American Ambassador to Poland Gets into Squabble With Polish Government Over LGBT Policies>U.S. Ambassador to Poland Georgette Mosbacher is butting heads with the Polish government over its LGBT laws.>Twitter user @Progrockfarmer posted “Once again the Trump-appointed Ambassador to Poland is trying to bully the country into adopting pro-LGBT laws.”>Poland has gained international attention in recent years for passing laws that allow municipalities to keep radical LGBT agitators at bay,>President Donald Trump nominated Mosbacher to the position of Ambassador to the Poland back in 2018.
>US Spy Planes Keep Setting Transponders to Appear as Civilian Planes of Third Countries>US use of Philippines code over Yellow Sea questioned >MANILA, Philippines — National Security Adviser Hermogenes Esperon said US counterparts should explain the alleged use of a Philippine-assigned code by a US Air Force plane while flying over the Yellow Sea that could incriminate the country amid rising tensions with China.>Esperon said in an online presser yesterday that they have sent communications to the US embassy in Manila over the incident but there has been no update yet.
A nationalist demonstration.
>Marine Le Pen Rejects New EU Migrant Pact as ‘Suicide of Europe’>French populist National Rally (RN) leader Marine Le Pen has launched a campaign against the new European Union migration and asylum pact, stating it will lead to the “suicide” of Europe.>The new proposal by the European Commission to radically reform the bloc’s asylum policies away from the previous Dublin agreement was put forward at the end of last month and, according to Le Pen, could see as many as 60 to 70 million migrants settling in the EU in the coming years.>“It is an organized plan for the submersion of Europe and the nations that make it up,” Le Pen said Friday at the RN headquarters in the city of Nanterre, broadcaster TV5Monde reports.
Jailing and suppressing nationalists.
>Rule Through Law: Nationalist Politicians Are Being Imprisoned For Their Beliefs Across Europe>Multiple European Union states are breaking with post-war liberal conventions and openly imprisoning prominent political opponents and intellectuals for ideological crimes. >The tactic being used by these governments is "rule through law," as opposed to rule of law. The strategy is commonly deployed in nations like Saudi Arabia against journalists, intellectuals and opposition figures who are targeted for repression first, then selectively prosecuted using often vaguely defined existing laws after. >Various Jewish organizations have also celebrated the embrace of hard power by nervous liberal elites currently enduring a worldwide crisis in them and their failing institutions.>While many European nations have hate speech laws, this is the first time in recent memory that liberal democracies have mustered the nerve to begin sentencing elected officials to long prison sentences for their ideas. These acts are highly discrediting to the neo-liberal project and will likely have unforeseen consequences in the long-run.
>Denmark to criminalise hate speech against trans people>The Danish government wants to add new terms to the country’s hate speech laws to protect trans people from discrimination.>The Social Democratic minority government plans to add the terms gender identity (kønsidentitet), gender expression (kønsudtryk) and sex characteristics (kønskarakteristika) to section 266b of the criminal law code – commonly known as the ‘Racism Paragraph’.>Newspaper Kristeligt Dagblad, which was first to report the proposed law change, writes that it would be made with the intention of preventing hate speech against trans people.>The law change would mean that hate speech against trans and intersexual people would be treated as a crime on the same basis as all homophobic and racist speech.
>Armenian Breakaway Leader Accuses Israel of Being Responsible for Genocide Against Christians>Did you know that, last week, the president of the Armenian Christian region trying to break away from Moslem Azerbaijan accused Israel of being responsible for genocide against Christians? No, of course you didn’t. Because the Western media didn’t report it. The story was completely blanked out.>Outside of the Western world, though, it was reported, including in the English language.>Here, for example, is a Paki English-language news report about it.>Somehow, however, Western journalists managed to miss this one, despite the October 10th press conference at which Arayik Harutyunyan, the Armenian breakaway leader, made these remarks being live-streamed on YouTube with simultaneous translation into English.[YouTube] LIVE | The President of Artsakh Arayik Harutyunyan
>“ALLAHU AKBAR”: ANOTHER Muslim Terrorist Attack Shakes France, Three Dead in Stabbing Attack>Three people have died and several others were wounded following yet another Islamic terrorist attack in France, this time in the city of Nice.>Per the BBC, French authorities said an elderly victim “was virtually beheaded.” The two other deceased victims were a man and a woman. [Embed]
>>286556ow wow I wonder what we could do about such a >PM
...declaration of war against us?
I fancy the idea of mosques shootings.
>>286610>ow wow I wonder what we could do about such a >PM >...declaration of war against us?The undeniable reality of western governments allowing the invasion and punishing anyone for even complaining.
Western populations are so gaslighted that are lashing out against the invaders instead of to annihilate their leaders, enforcers and even soldiers if needed. No wonder the downfall it's a never ending downward spiral.
>The French ambassador in Sweden (Etienne de Gonneville) says that "France is a Muslim country" - video [Embed]
>Dozens of Raids Over “Racist and Xenophobic” Online Speech Sweep Germany>Police have raided dozens of residences in Germany as a part of a Europe-wide effort to silence online speech deemed racist and xenophobic.>European Union law enforcement agency Europol and German prosecutors say that police have searched 83 apartments and other buildings on Tuesday to seize smartphones and laptops while 96 people are being questioned about “hateful posts” they made online, reports Reuters.>Reports suggest that some of the raids have been justified over anti-Semitic comments and in one instance insulting female politicians.>A Europol spokesman confirmed to Reuters that the raids specifically focused on online posts that promote racism and xenophobia.
>Resistance Movement take action against degeneracy>The Resistance Movement recently took action against organisations hosting drag queen “story times” in public venues. The activism was met by virulent headlines in the media.>Sweden’s Nest 1 cordoned off public venues hosting subversive activities in the localities of Nykvarn and Täby on the night of 17 October, which generated a lot of attention in the media.>This is not the first time the Resistance Movement has acted against subversive activities that seek to sexualise our children and young people.
>European Union Moves To Outlaw Encrypted Apps>An EU council of ministers resolution spearheaded by French Prime Minister Emmanuel Macron and Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz of the conservative Austrian People's Party would mandate that apps such as Telegram, Signal, and WhatsApp provide European intelligence services with backdoor access in order to allow them to better monitor the conversations of their citizens. >Encryption is an important tool used by dissidents, journalists and privacy conscious citizens around the world in an age of mass surveillance and strict social media censorship. Millions have started embracing the technology in the West as the rulers of the Anglosphere and Europe continue to lose public confidence and become more repressive.
>Brazil’s Bolsonaro Hints at War with U.S. Under Biden: ‘We Have the Gunpowder’>Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro threatened military action against the United States on Tuesday in response to presidential contender Joe Biden threatening to tank the Brazilian economy during his first debate with President Donald Trump.[YouTube] "Quando acabar a saliva, tem que ter pólvora", diz Bolsonaro sobre Amazônia
>Mexican Drug Cartels Control Over 20% of Mexico, and Own Large Chunks of the Land>It’s no overstatement to suggest that Mexico is being overrun by drug cartels. For the last two decades, the United States’ southern neighbor has been caught up in a violent drug war that sees Mexican law enforcement and security units often outgunned and outmaneuvered by criminal organizations. Despite solid economic growth thanks to economic integration with the U.S., Mexico still does not appear to have its political house in order.>As its economy has grown, so have opportunities for cartels to profit and consolidate their power. That’s the double-edge sword of promoting an economic growth at all costs strategy to development. Cartels have grown incredibly powerful in the past three decades in Mexico and they’re beginning to challenge the Mexican government when it comes to the exercise of sovereignty. This became clear after cartel gunmen killed police chief Ricardo Barrón Guzmán back in September in the Mexican state of Zacatecas. Additionally, the arrest of the former Mexican Defense Minister Salvador Cienfuegos in Los Angeles, California, where he was alleged to have helped cartels smuggle thousands of pounds of heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine into the U.S., has laid bare how corrupt the Mexican government is.
>China’s Five-Year Plan Proposal Stresses Eugenics in Birth Policy, Says Expert>China, known for its decades-long one-child policy, is now looking to counter its aging population by encouraging Chinese women to have more babies — but only certain kinds of women.>Among the Chinese Communist Party’s goals listed in its policy blueprint for the years 2021-2025 is to “optimize its birth policy” and “improve the quality of the population.”
>Hungarian PM Orbán: George Soros is “One of the Most Corrupt People in the World”>Orbán pointed to Soros as a key figure in the push to sanction Hungary and Poland within the European Union. Liberal countries have sought to crack down on the central European nations for their tough approach to immigration, political correctness, gender ideology and globalism.>“George Soros is threatening Hungary and Poland,” PM Orbán said. “George Soros is one of the most corrupt people in the world; he has plenty of politicians in his pocket who now want to blackmail Hungary and Poland for access to EU funds.”>Soros recently penned an op-ed demanding that EU member states exclude Hungary and Poland from budgetary proceedings in the European Parliament. This defies any claim that the political union has in regards to democracy, tacitly silencing two longtime members of the EU that have as many rights within the body as any other nation.
>>291656Oh fuck, what if they attack birthing rights to their social credit system so you need a high score to be allowed to reproduce?
>>291968Actually they want to improve their population genetic quality. This is 100% NatSoc policy.
>>291969I meant attach
Also you're right. Come to think of it civilization's a place where people with all sorts of skills can prosper. Even if you can't shoot for shit you can get a job making guns for someone who can.
But the people who can't do anything but take up space, or don't want to do anything but take up space... Should society break its back trying to fund the existences of these people and pay them to breed when all they'll ever do is vote for more free shit?
Maybe all first-world nations that want a high-quality population should encourage the best and brightest to breed while they can and in great numbers. What policies do you think could encourage this?
Also fuck muslims
>>291972fuck muslims, i archived a page where muslims lie and preach the old "there are no muslim terrorists! whites are instead! we's am oppressed an sheeit!" shite.
>>291972>What policies do you think could encourage this?At this stage thinking about policies is just idle thinking because White people are not longer in charge in their own land, therefore there's not possible solutions without to take the land back first.
>>291974I know but speculating on this can be interesting.
Also fuck Muslims I found another one one's kind of funny
>1)In The History Of The World Who Has Killed Maximum Innocent Human Beings?????>“Hitler”>Do You Know Who Was He?????>He Was A Christian?????? ??>But Media Will Never Say That Christians Are Terrorist!!!!!>2)Joseph Stalin Called As Uncle Joe>“He Has Killed 20 Million Human Beings Including 14.5 Million WereStarved To Death”>Was He Muslim??>3) Mao Tse Tsung (China)>“He Has Killed 14 To 20 Million Human Beings.”>Was He Muslim??>4) Benito Mussolini (Italy)>“He Has Killed 400 Thousand Human Being.>Was He Muslim??>5) Ashoka“>In Kalinga Battle He Has Killed 100Thousand Human Being.
>Was He Muslim??>6) Embargo Put By>George Bush>In Iraq 1/2 Million Children Has Been Killed In Iraq Alone!!!>Imagine This People Are Never Called Terrorist By The Media.>Why??
>Sweden: Muslims Demonstrate Against Macron, Warn Leaders to Enforce Sharia or ‘We Will Do It’>The demonstration, a declaration of supremacy and dominance of sharia over European and secular law, was organized by a controversial Imam and his mosque. The protesting muslims threatened Sweden, bashed Macron and demanded that if Police do not enforce blasphemy laws, they will!
>Hungary Seeking Constitutional Amendment to Prevent Gay Couples from Adopting and Protect Children from Transgenderism>Hungary is one of the last Western nations committed to at least some social conservatism.
>Syrian Migrant Stabs AfD Politician – Prosecutor Immediately Sets Him Free (Video)>On November 18, 2020, an Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) politician, Alexander Arpasch, was viciously stabbed by a the 23-year-old Syrian migrant who resided in an apartment he rents to students in Karlsruhe, Germany. In order to protect young women, Mr. Arpasch came to evict the migrant after receiving several complaints from his female roommates that he was sexually harassing them.>When Mr. Arpasch, who was accompanied by two people, want to inform the migrant of his evictions, the radical took a sharp object and nearly killed him. Arpasch severed his biceps muscle, severed the artery in his left upper arm, dislocated the joint on his ring finger and tore his ligaments. He was left with abrasions, bruises and another cut in his right forearm. He was rushed to the hospital and had to undergo emergency surgery from the near deadly attack. >Despite the danger of attacks on the AfD, politicians like Merkel and her media have been sympathetic to these radicals and defended, downplayed and hidden their violence. Even more terrifying. as we see in the case of Alexander Arpaschi, they immediately release them back into the public where they could potentially attack more innocent people. Violent criminals are imported into Germany under the guise of seeking protection, and the authorities ignore their crimes while targeting those who expose the danger they pose.
>Prominent Academics and Macron Administration Attack American Anti-Racist Ideology As "Anti-White">Emmanuel Macron is making enemies in the American press after his left-liberal party, La République En Marche!, attempted to pass a bill that would withhold funding from academic institutions that preach values alien to the French Republic. >This rule was defeated after pressure from prominent figures, but it is one of a number of radical reforms Macron and party are trying to slam through the Senate. >Earlier in the month, Macron's Education Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer railed against the alien infiltration of American "Critical Race Theory" in the French social sciences. This is in the context of Black Lives Matter style violence that engulfed France over the summer, which surprised and angered the population. >Macron's new costume appears intended to totally coopt Marine Le Pen, who is known for her fixation on Islam. Many of Macron's aggressive new legislative proposals would be controversial and decried as "fascist" if tabled by Le Pen, but with a crime wave sweeping the country that the media is covering up, many leftists and liberals are staying quiet and letting Macron do what he thinks he has to do to prevent Le Pen.>In the end however, Macron's attempt to use "Trumpist" style politics -- make a lot of noise that rustles the feathers and triggers journalists, NGOs and other despised ruling class entities while not accomplishing anything substantial -- could fail. Most of the "law and order" and attacks on the Judeo-left have been superficial and pulled back last minute.
Italy, another muslim attack.
>Christian Persecution: Palestinian ‘Refugee’ Decapitates Virgin Mary Statue in Italy (Video)>On Wednesday evening, a 31-year-old Palestinian “refugee” decapitated and cut off the hands of a historical Virgin Mary statue in Marghera, a suburb of Venice, Italy. The police discovered that the Palestinian accused of the attack was issued a travel document for refugees in Belgium and does not have a residence permit. Police have launched a terrorism investigation and procedures for expelling him from Italy.>According to a local Italian news report by Antenna 3 exclusively translated for RAIR Foundation USA, the “perpetrator was identified by a citizen who was present at the scene, and confirmation by a video surveillance camera”. The report states that “condemnation was strong on the part of the municipal administration for a ‘vile act,’ Mayor Luigi Brugnaro commented, ‘which wounds our sensibilities.'”>Despite the pain caused by the act, the peaceful Christians have not reacted with violence.
>Japan>Japanese Foreign Minister Announces Plan to ‘Transform Japan into a Diverse Multiethnic Society’>The Japanese foreign minister has announced a plan to “transform Japan into a diversified multiethnic society” by encouraging mass immigration and giving foreign residents the right to vote.>During a Q and A session, Motegi said his “national vision” meant “transforming Japan in the 21st century into a “diversified multiethnic society” by way of mass immigration from all over the world.
>Hungarian cultural commissioner lights powder keg of controversy after >describing Europe as ‘George Soros’ gas chamber.Szilard Demeter, a ministerial commissioner and head of the Petofi Literary Museum in Budapest, used highly provocative language to describe Hungarian-American financier George Soros and his purported influence over EU policy.
“Europe is George Soros’ gas chamber,” the government-appointed cultural commissioner wrote in an op-ed. “Poison gas flows from the capsule of a multicultural open society, which is deadly to the European way of life.”
He went on to characterize Soros as “the liberal Fuhrer,” insisting that the businessman’s “liber-aryan army deifies him more than did Hitler’s own.”
The article was penned as a rebuke of Brussels' growing animosity toward Poland and Hungary, over alleged violations of legal norms and human rights within the bloc. According to Demeter, Hungarians and Poles are the “new Jews” of Europe. Both countries have moved to block language in a European Union budget that could withhold Covid-19 relief funds from nations accused of not honoring democratic standards. Warsaw and Budapest have denounced the provision as a witch hunt aimed at their socially conservative governments.
While the Hungarian government has been outspoken about its opposition to Soros and his well-funded advocacy for liberal causes, including the EU’s controversial open-door migrant policy, leading to an immigration crisis, Demeter’s article appears to have crossed a red line for many.
The op-ed sparked outrage from Hungary’s Unified Hungarian Jewish Congregation, which lambasted the article as “tasteless” and “unforgivable.”
The Israeli Embassy in Budapest expressed similar outrage.
“There is no place for connecting the worst crime in human history, or its perpetrators, to any contemporary debate, no matter how essential,” the Israeli diplomatic mission wrote in a tweet.
Soros, himself a Jew, grew up in Hungary and survived the Holocaust. However, some argued that outrage over Demeter’s metaphors was misplaced.
Democrat politicians say it everyday about Trump,”noted one Twitter observer about the fury over the Hitler comparisons.
Prime Minister Viktor Orban has been feuding with Soros for years, with his government enacting legislation which pushed a university and a charity funded by the billionaire out of the country.
>France takes to the streets to demand animal Macron step down! The butcher of Paris wants to make it illegal to take photos of police while they gouge people's eyes out for his neoliberal rule. This is not a colour revolution, the corporations aren't backing this one. [Embed]
>Paris Plunges Into Chaos As Protesters Denounce New Security Law >On Nov. 27, the French National Assembly approved the Global Security bill's Article 24, which makes it illegal to distribute images or videos of police officers that can easily be identified. >The security bill has been criticized by activists and journalists, who warn the government is set to increase its surveillance tools and restrict rights of posting images and videos of police officers online. Journalists say this violates freedom of the press.>According to Reuters, the demonstration began peacefully in Paris then quickly spiraled out of control as protesters and police clashed on city streets. [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>>293559Does Antifa hate french cops too? I thought they worked for the same lefty NGO/billionaires that owned the EU.
>Muslim Terrorist who Beheaded Teacher Samuel Paty buried with Honors in Chechnya (Video)>Tthe Chechen refugee living in France decapitated Paty after he taught his annual course on freedom of expression. Paty’s course featured some of Charlie Hebdo cartoons of the Islamic prophet Mohammed. These same cartoons were the motivation behind the January 2015 Islamic terrorist attack killing 12 individuals at the the Paris offices of Charlie Hebdo.>The body of the Anzorov, who was shot dead by police, was brought from France to his village in Shalazhi yesterday. His relatives had his body transported via Turkey. Unlike Russia, France gives out the bodies of terrorists to relatives and allows them to be buried at home or in the cities where they lived or were killed.
>MEMORIAL TO VICTIMS OF TERRORISM IN VIENNA RANSACKED BY TURKISH MUSLIM WOMAN (VIDEO)>A 56-year-old Turkish Muslim woman who ransacked a memorial for the victims of the Islamic terrorist attack in Vienna was arrested on Monday at the Vienna Airport. The memorial was created by citizens paying their respects to the four people killed and 23 wounded in the November 2, 2020 Islamic attack.>The police had previously speculated that stormy winds could have destroyed the memorial created at the jihad crime scene. However, a video which was leaked to Austria’s largest newspaper, Kronen Zeitung, captured the masked woman kicking over rows and rows of candles, flowers and wreaths. Attentive security staff at the airport recognized the woman and alerted authorities.<stormy winds
>"Hate speech against transgenders even when spoken in private punishable by year in jail">‘Hate speech against transgender people — even when uttered in private — has been outlawed by Norway’s parliament in an expansion of the country’s penal code that’s protected gays and lesbians since 1981, Reuters reported.>Those found guilty of hate speech spoken in private face a fine or up to a year in jail, the outlet said, adding that those found guilty of public hate speech face a maximum of three years in jail.
>>294528Worst thing (in addition to eroding free speech) is that all parties still tout the mantra that we have "free speech" in Norway. Nothing could be further from the truth.
>Hungary writes 'the mother is a woman, the father is a man' into its constitution as it bans gay couples from adopting children>Constitution amendment defines children's sex as that assigned to them at birth>Viktor Orban's government voted for law restricting adoption to married couples>The Prime Minister has sharpened anti-LGBTQ rhetoric in recent months
>Mechanic who beat a paedophile to death 'while rescuing a 14-year-old boy from his clutches' is convicted of murder and faces 15 years in jail in Russia>Vladimir Sankin, 34, killed convicted paedophile Vladimir Zaitsev in Ufa, Russia>A 14-year-old boy had been lured to his flat and ordered to strip naked >The boy's friend alerted the passing Sankin who beat Zaitsev with a wooden stick>Many in Russia have supported Sankin and believe criminal charges are 'unfair' >A jury found him guilty but asked for leniency in sentencing next week than the west, the (((authorities))) reserve for themselves the right to issue the rules and to punish the peasants at their discretion.
>>294699Literally exactly the same thing happened in Texas and the man was not charged for killing the pedophile.
>Per tutti i camerati caduti, presente!
>"Don't Panic": Entire Nation Of Pakistan Loses Power In Massive Blackout>Top government officials in Pakistan are urging calm after the entire country was plunged into darkness on Saturday night due to a breakdown in the national power grid.>"A countrywide blackout has been caused by a sudden plunge in the frequency in the power transmission system," Pakistan's Power Minister Omar Ayub Khan announced, according to Reuters. [Embed]
>MELTDOWN: Twitter Says Uganda Violates ‘Basic Human Rights’ By Banning Them Only Days After Banning Trump And His Supporters>Ugandan government widely praised for standing up for their citizens' right to free expression
>Belgium: One Third of the Country’s Population is of Foreign Origin, In Brussels Belgians Are The Minority (Videos)>Over the last decade, Belgium has changed dramatically. Without any public debate, it has become a massive migration state. Their left-wing government’s open borders migration policies continue to have catastrophic effects on the country’s safety and demographics.>According to Statbel, the country’s statistical office, one third of Belgium’s population is of foreign origin. The largest number of those being of Moroccan descent. In Brussels, native or indigenous Belgians are already in the minority. In “politically correct” terms, it is called “diversity”, but the more accurate term is, “colonization”. In Belgium’s capitol, Brussels, nearly 80% of the population is of foreign origin.>Belgium has become a terrorist breeding ground, the country has the highest per-capita rate of foreign fighters of any Western European country. The small country, has even been described by left-wing media as “Europe’s terror hotbed”.
>Belgium's ISLAM Party Supports Sharia - Despises Women>Belgium's ISLAM Party Wants To Turn The Country into an Islamic State>Tucker Carlson on Belgium's ISLAM Party Fighting to Make Then an Islamic State
German soldiers are forced to vaccinate.
> Previously one officer had refused a vaccination and was arrested for it. The same may apply for sars-ncov-2.
>>298930Oh, really? Did he try to politely refuse the vaccine?
>>298930Tbf isn't this the case for most soldiers in the world? I think even US soldiers can be forces to take vaccines.
>>298932For the record, he didn't refuse the thing they try to combat sars-ncov-2 with, it was a standard vaccine coctail that he refused.
He was arrested for not complying with a superior's orders or whatever you call it in english.
>>298933Wouldn't surprise me. Seems like this is a double bad time to be US military personnel.
>>298941>it was a standard vaccine coctail that he refused.The goyim know.
>Watch: Cargo Ship Battered By Heavy Seas Snaps In Half >A general cargo ship split in half and sank after it was battered by heavy seas off Turkey's Black Sea coast, according to Maritime Industry News Agency.[YouTube] Moment of breaking of the ship. M/V Arvin . 17.01.2021.
>France>Bloodied Man Throws Decapitated Head From His Window onto a Street in France (Video)>Today in the French city of Toulon, a bloodied man tossed a box with a severed human head in it from his window and out onto the street. French police, army and special forces were deployed to the scene. Shortly after, the police arrested a man, unarmed, in the apartment from which the box had been thrown. >According to French newsite Europe 1, the suspect is said to be a 45-year-old former submarine soldier who is going through a divorce. The former soldier was accommodating two homeless men in his house. Police were reportedly called to the suspect’s home last night after a fight broke out.>Police are reporting the head found could be that of one of the two homeless people who were being accommodated for the night at the suspect’s apartment. A katana was uncovered at the home which is thought to be the murder weapon.[YouTube] Toulon - Une tête retrouvée dans un carton
[Embed][YouTube] Suspect Arrested After Severed Head Thrown From Window in Toulon, France
>Hungary>Hungary Orders Publisher To Include Warning Label On Children’s Book That Depicts Homosexuality As Normal>The Budapest Government Office on Tuesday ordered a Hungarian publisher to place a disclaimer on books that “display patterns of behavior that differ from traditional gender roles” after the publisher released a collection of fairy tales featuring LGBT and non-white charactersAnd the key issue comes up, pretending doing something while actually doing nothing:
>And it’s not as if the Hungarian government is completely censoring this book — which they could do if they really wanted to crack down on sodomy and pedophilia — rather they are treating the book like a pack of cigarettes with a warning label to inform consumers of potential hazards associated with this product.
>Swedish capital sees 79% spike in shootings as govt laments ‘high levels’ of violence in the Scandinavian country >
Burma, also known as Myanmar.
>Myanmar’s Military Takes Over>Headlines are abuzz with the military in Myanmar announcing that it would be taking power for a year, citing electoral irregularities that saw a landslide victory for the nation’s defacto leader Aung San Suu Kyi and her National League for Democracy political party.>Western analysts have wavered between accusing the US and China of being behind the coup. Of course there is another possibility, that neither was.>Aung San Suu Kyi’s Government Was Installed with US-Backing >In reality, Aung San Suu Kyi’s accession to power was the result of decades of US funding and political support, both for her and her party as well as for a gargantuan network of parallel institutions funded by the US government through the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).>The US NED’s website lists some 80 programs admittedly being funded by the US government in Myanmar. There are also programs, organizations, individuals and movements that are not listed but are still receiving US government money. above article describes the balance of power between America and China. The video below describes Myanmar's multi-cultural and multi-ethnic powder keg that can ignite at any moment.
>Black Pigeon Speaks>Why the West REFUSES to UNDERSTAND the BURMA Coup d'état [Embed]
>Vibe check: A woman doing a live aerobics class in #Myanmar this morning, apparently unaware of the ongoing coup. Military vehicles arrive behind her to seize the parliament building. [Embed]
Burma, also known as Myanmar.
>Myanmar Bans Twitter, Facebook For Promoting Soros Protests Against Military Takeover Provoked By Voter Fraud>Myanmar takes strong response after social media platforms interfere in their internal affairs.
Biden quietly nixes Trump-era rule combating Chinese Communist-funded 'propaganda' centers>President Donald Trump tried to enact a policy that would put pressure on American universities to reveal cooperation with China’s Confucius Institute.>On January 26, President Biden quietly nixed the policy.
>In Angers/France, about 150 antifas try to attack the local nationalists but they found a wall of love with 20 french patriots that were enough to prevent them from entering the local street and to make them retreat.
<India.>India Threatens To Jail Twitter Employees For 7 Years After Alleged Interference In Country’s PoliticsJack Dorsey has openly come out in favor of the Soros-linked protests. [Embed]
>>300897What would a nationalist Indian look like? I've never met an Indian who didn't hate India and want to get away from it.
>Germany>Anti-Semitic flyer in German tram blames Jews for the COVID pandemic>The black-and-white flyer reads: “Do we really have a Corona problem? Or do we have a Jewish problem?” with a Star of David in the background next to the names of three prominent German politicians — Chancellor Angela Merkel, Health Minister Jens Spahn, Minister of Foreign Affairs Heiko Maas — and virologist Christian Drosten.
>France: Muslim Mayor Incites Jihadis Threatening Teacher With Samuel Paty Style Death (Video)>Didier Lemaire, a teacher for twenty years in the French city of Trappes, must live under 24-hour police protection. In addition, he must leave his profession after his life was threatened for honoring the memory of the beheaded history teacher, Samuel Paty, and for defending the values of the Republic. Instead of denouncing the threats of violence against the philosophy teacher, Ali Rabeh, the Muslim mayor of Trappes, further incited those threatening his life. >Lemaire became a target after writing an open letter in L’Obs [translated below] to his fellow teachers condemning the violence taking place due to the Islamization of his school, his city, and the whole of France. The letter by Lemaire is titled, “Open letter from a teacher from Trappes: ‘How to compensate for the State’s lack of strategy to defeat Islamism?'”
>Putin slams ‘caveman nationalism’ as detrimental to Russia, says every ethnicity should feel respected & at home in the country > President Vladimir Putin has warned against using nationalist slogans like “Russia is just for Russians,” stating his belief that members of each relevant ethnic group should feel at home in the country.>The president was speaking to leaders of Russia's parliamentary parties in a video conference on Wednesday. “Caveman nationalism, with the slogan ‘Russia is only for Russians,’ only harms Russians, only harms Russia,” he said. “We shouldn't allow this to happen. Of course, we must make sure that the culture of every nation, its history, and roots of every nation is respected and honored in our country.”
>>301947What the fuck he's supposed to be against jews and their communism/globalism/replacism
Afghanistan .
>Video showing a Taliban sniper with a Pulsar Thermal optic mounted on M16A4/M4 shooting at an ANA outpost, #Balkh. Startling how much of an advantage thermals lends the attacker & the reaction (or lack of) from those shot at.>Video emerged a week or so ago. [Embed]
>Catholic Cardinal Who Warned About Death of Western Civilization Removed by Pope>Cardinal Sarah resisted liberalization of Catholic Church.>A Catholic Cardinal who warned that western civilization was living through its “mortal hour” as a result of the masses being transfixed by “vulgar entertainments” has been removed by Pope Francis.[YouTube] Finally! a cardinal is speaking out about what's happening in Europe!
>UN/Switzerland >White supremacy a 'transnational threat', U.N. chief warns>GENEVA (Reuters) - United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned on Monday that white supremacy and neo-Nazi movements are becoming a “transnational threat” and have exploited the coronavirus pandemic to boost their support.>Addressing the U.N. Human Rights Council, Guterres said the danger of hate-driven groups was growing daily.>“White supremacy and neo-Nazi movements are more than domestic terror threats. They are becoming a transnational threat,” he told the Geneva forum. Without naming states, Guterres added: “Today, these extremist movements represent the number one internal security threat in several countries.”Side excerpt:
>U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet is to report to the council on March 18 on systemic racism against people of African descent.>suppressing the resistance to White Genocide, this woman Michelle Bachelet is a high ranking mason and cabal's golem, as well as the UN leadership and members, pics related.
>>302172E. Michael Jones commentary:
>Press TVs The Debate - White Supremacy Movements Threat [Embed]Jones says there's no White people, there's no threat, this is only oligarch speech to crash a popular movement.
>>302172>woman>high ranking masonMasons dont admit women. For women it's called Order of the Eastern Star
>>302216>Order of the Eastern StarIt's a mason organization indeed, outside the anglo sphere.
>>302216>Masons dont admit women.See:
>>302621 →
>Ukraine>Two Ukrainian diplomats ARRESTED at border in Poland-bound minibus allegedly packed with cigarettes and gold> A pair of Ukrainian diplomats have been recalled after being arrested for trying to smuggle 16kg of gold, thousands of packets of cigarettes and tens of thousands of dollars into neighboring Poland, officials said.>A driver for Ukraine’s embassy in Warsaw and an attache for consular affairs were detained by Ukrainian border guards on Sunday after being stopped in an official minibus at a checkpoint on their way to Poland. [Embed]
>France>France dissolves far-right group Generation Identity >The French government has dissolved the far-right group Generation Identity, interior minister Gérald Darmanin announced.>He said in a tweet the association "incites discrimination, hatred and violence".>The Lyon-based group had been at the centre of a number of controversies, including a 2017 “Defend Europe” mission on the Mediterranean Sea in which it chartered an “anti-migrant ship”.>It went through several legal battles, before being officially dissolved on Wednesday.
>Germany>German Intelligence Agency Places Populist Right-Wing Party AfD under State Surveillance>The BfV is investigating the party as a "suspected case" of "far-right extremism">“You know you’re living in Germany when one and a half weeks ahead of two important regional elections and a few months before the national election the domestic secret service declares the biggest opposition party to be suspicious,” said Jürgen Braun, another AfD lawmaker on Twitter.
>Terror Attack in Sweden – Afghani Migrant Stabs Eight in Vetlanda (Video)>Update: According to Swedish New Agency, Expressen the attacker is a 22-year-old Afghan citizen who has previously been convicted of drug offenses. The terrorist is said to have received regular visits from social services at home and has been suffering from “mental problems” for some time.>In virtually every instance of jihad attacks in Sweden, politicians & media hide the identity of the attackers. In rare instances when the identity of an attacked is leaked, the suspect is presented as possibly suffering from mental health issues.>Police White Genocide enforcers authorities are now taking investigative and security-enhancing measures and have initiated a special incident (procedure) to better handle the incident to keep gaslighting the normies while bringing more barbarians inside the city. We have on-going contact with police White Genocide enforcers authorities and Security Police White Genocide enforcers and are following the events closely laughing while punishing any attempt to resist the invaders.
>Woman, 36, 'is gang-raped on Gran Canaria by four migrants after stopping to talk to them about their situation'>Four suspects have been arrested over alleged attack on the woman last Friday>They had apparently set up camp in the park after recently arriving on the island>Alleged victim is a 36-year-old woman who lives on Spain's Canary Islands cunt asked for it.
>>303140"Will trade racists for rapists" would have been a much zippier slogan, and more accurate to boot. The left really can't meme.
>Iran Asks Why Israel Gets Preferential Treatment With IAEA Despite Its Arsenal of Nukes>Tel Aviv adheres to a policy of "nuclear ambiguity," meaning that it neither confirms nor denies possessing nuclear weapons. At the same time, the country reserves itself the right to bomb, sabotage or otherwise act to stop activities of any Middle Eastern power it believes could lead to the development of a nuclear weapon.>Israel’s suspected nuclear arsenal poses a threat to the Middle East and the world, and Tehran is concerned by the country’s apparent preferential treatment with the International Atomic Energy Agency despite its status as a non-signatory to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, Kazem Gharibabadi, Iran’s ambassador to international organisations in Vienna, has said.
Marine Le Pen defends Islam as "compatible with France" , last night, in an interview on BFMTV, Marine Le Pen criticised journalist Éric Zemmour, who had claimed that "Islam is not compatible with France" ... these fake patriots need the rope.
>>303704I can see her voter numbers and party members disappearing in real time with this announcement. But we all knew this was inevitable anyway, the heads of any government wouldn't allow those to be against their great plans unless they are controlled opposition
>Sharia Alert: Two More French Teachers Need Police Protection After Accusations Of Insulting Islam (Video)>Two University Professors at the Grenoble Institute of Political Studies (IEP) in eastern France have been placed under 24-hour police protection after being smeared as “Islamophobes” and “fascists.” The teachers’ lives are under threat after an Islamo-leftist student group, National Union of Students of France (UNEF), led a dangerous campaign against the professors for simply trying to question the concept of “Islamophobia”.>Despite the danger the professors are facing, the radical student union continues to incite violence towards them and is lobbying the school to have them sanctioned.>For two months the teachers have been dealing with harassment and denigration from the student group for simply wanting to discuss the validity of the concept of “Islamophobia”. On March 4, the words “Fascists in our lecture halls. Islamophobia kills” were plastered on the building housing the premises of the Grenoble IEP, accompanied by the names of the two professors.
Sri Lanka
>Sri Lanka moves to ban burqas and close more than 1,000 Islamic schools>Minister for Public Security Sarath Weerasekera said he had signed a paper on Friday for cabinet approval to ban the full-face covering worn by some Muslim women on "national security" grounds.>"In our early days Muslim women and girls never wore the burqa," he said.>"It is a sign of religious extremism that came about recently.>"We are definitely going to ban it.">The wearing of the burqa in the majority-Buddhist nation has been temporarily banned before.
>Seemingly red-pilled Macron cracks down on Islam
>The infamous guy from the early alt-right clips stating "French people must be replaced by 'x' date by sand-niggers one way or another, voluntarily or not", "Nicolas Sarkozy", it's arrested.
>Le Pen suddendly gets this cucked
Seriously french poner, what the actual fuck it's going on over there?
>>303976I believe all political figures are following a script, bait and switch is used to keep the voters hooked while pleasing the kikes.
Macron cracking the muslims is bullshit, what good can be to jail 100 in a few months while letting in hundreds every day?
Le Pen probably is reacting to some bribe she is expecting.
>>303976Macron only pretends or does random declarations against islam, sure but these are just speeches. He named Dupont-Moretti, a leftist, pro-islam judge as the minister of justice ( equiv, to your supreme one ) a guy who is for replacism and liberating all the nigs.
and as
>>303704 stated, yes, Marine Le Pen is just a complete cuck with her claims, like Islam is compatible with the Republic. She no longer opposes Schengen or the EU.
The Front National is over, it's no more. The Right Wing is no more but a distant ghost, there could be a strong opposition to Macron's socioliberalist ideology but all of the right is fragmented.
She can criticize Zemmour, he's much better than everything she has done the past decade, remains on his principles, supports critical thinking and takes an analytical approach on everything. If there's one guy who can reunite the Right, the true Republican and patriots, it's ironically that jewish guy with algerian origins.
>>303989>If there's one guy who can reunite the Right, the true Republican and patriots, it's ironically that jewish guy with algerian Trump?, i hope am wrong...
Thanks btw, the only French news-source i have it's, well...electre...
Burma, also known as Myanmar.
>Myanmar Regime Seizes Bank Accounts of Soros' Open Society Foundation>The military regime has seized control of the bank accounts of billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Foundation (OSF) in Myanmar and announced that it will take legal action against the foundation, which is accused of violating restrictions on the activities of such organizations.>On Monday, military-controlled MRTV announced that the military had issued arrest warrants for 11 staff members of OSF Myanmar, including its head and deputy head, on suspicion of giving financial support to the civil disobedience movement against the military junta.
> Biden’s Problem in Yemen: The Houthis are Winning>What comes after the dust settles will inevitably be a unique product of the past six years of civil war and human suffering. Any realistic foreign policy that Washington adopts in relation to Yemen must accept this, and certain other de facto realities, to engage with the war-ravaged country on pragmatic terms.>The Houthi rebels currently feel emboldened in Yemen’s war. The Iran-aligned movement believes that it is winning this gruesome conflict. This belief is well-founded. Ansar Allah (the dominant Houthi militia) controls the land where roughly 80 percent of Yemen’s population lives. Other factors contributing to Houthi confidence are the shift in Washington’s Yemen foreign policy with new leadership in the White House, and the continuation of Ansar Allah’s strikes against Saudi Arabia, recently exemplified by the Ras Tanura attacks of March 7 that targeted one of the largest oil shipping ports in the world. Rather than laying down their arms and agreeing to what U.S. special envoy to Yemen Tim Lenderking called a “sound” ceasefire plan, the Houthis have decided instead to continue their armed struggle to capture the hydrocarbon-rich Marib province.>Why Stop a War You’re Winning?
>"Might Take Weeks" - Suez Canal Still Closed As "Enormous Beached Whale" Ship Remains Stuck>The Suez Canal Authority (SCA) reported Thursday it had suspended traffic along the 120-mile long canal while eight tugboats worked to free a massive containership, according to Reuters. >SCA's statement said thirteen vessels had sailed south along the canal on Wednesday and were waiting in the canal's lakes until the containership was refloated. On either side of the canal's entrances, dozens of ships are piling up as the world's most crucial shipping lane grinds to a halt.
>>304563Re-routing to the old African lane.
North Korea.
>On Malaysia and the DPRK Breaking of Diplomatic Relations>On March 19, 2021, the DPRK announced a complete break in diplomatic relations with Malaysia, accusing Kuala Lumpur of illegally extraditing a North Korean citizen to US authorities. The DPRK Foreign Ministry said in a statement published by the KCNA news agency that “Malaysian authorities committed an unpardonable crime by forcibly transferring an innocent DPRK citizen to the United States”.>The culprit in the scandal was a 56-year-old North Korean businessman named Moon Chul Myung, who lived in Malaysia and bought expensive alcohol and watches and sent them to North Korea through dummy companies. These goods fall under the category of luxury goods banned for shipments to North Korea.>Moon has lived in Malaysia for ten years and was arrested in May 2019 after a federal judge in Washington issued an arrest warrant for Moon on May 2, 2019 on money laundering and conspiracy charges.>During the trial, Moon denied all charges, and his defense argued that he would not get a fair trial in the US and that his extradition was politically motivated and intended to increase pressure on North Korea because of the country’s missile program.>In the end, Moon’s appeal was rejected and he became the first DPRK citizen extradited to the United States on money laundering charges.
>As Russian Tanks Move Toward Ukraine, The Globe Braces For World War 3>At this hour, more Russian military forces are massed near Ukraine’s borders than we have ever seen before. >Western military leaders say that they are concerned that the troop movements that we have witnessed in recent days may be leading up to an invasion, and if an invasion does happen it will greatly test the resolve of the Biden administration, EU leaders and NATO brass. In particular, the hawks in the Biden administration would almost certainly not be willing to just sit back and let the Russians conquer all of Ukraine. There would likely be a major response by the United States, and that could set off a chain reaction that could ultimately spark World War 3.>So what made the Russians suddenly move a massive invasion force toward Ukraine?>Well, it turns out that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky essentially signed a declaration of war against Russia on March 24th. The document that he signed is known as Decree No. 117/2021, and you won’t read anything about it in the corporate media.>Basically, this decree makes it the official policy of the government of Ukraine to retake Crimea from Russia.>This is essentially a declaration of war against Russia, and Zelensky would have never signed such a document without the approval of the Biden administration. [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>>305213What does this mean for us?
Will healthy whites be drafted and killed in the war to reduce the global white population?
>>305241Can they force us to fight? They will use propaganda to make wasting our blood seem important and proper thing to do.
It's sad really but it seems strong white genes will be wasted again. [Embed]
>Easter Jihad: Five Muslim Women Planned Attack on Church in France (Media Silent)>French security agency, DGSI arrested five “radicalized” women, late Saturday in the Occitanie region of southern France. A church in Montpellier was supposed to be the jihadis target during this Easter weekend.>An 18-year-old girl was arrested and preparations for explosive devices were found at her home. The girl is suspected of planning to attack a church in Montpellier. Also taken into custody were her mother and three sisters, including a 15-year-old minor, who was present at the home at the time of the arrest.>The arrests came after the discovery of a disturbing message on social networks, Friday, which precipitated the operation. The young woman is suspected of having wanted to attack a place of worship in Montpellier or the surrounding area, but no specific church has been mentioned.>The National Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor’s Office (Pnat) has opened a preliminary investigation for “terrorist criminal association”. None of the five suspects are previously known to the police.
>Russian troops on Ukraine border ‘ready to defend country’ in event of war says Defense Minister Shoigu, warning of NATO buildup
>Chinese Nationalists Unite to Crush Left-Wing Feminist Rebellion on Social Media>While China is often demonized for their economic subterfuge of the West and the effects of their COVID-19 virus upon the world, the Chinese people do deserve some credit for refusing to succumb to certain modern forms of leftist degeneracy. >The West is pushing feminism in China to undermine their national unity and spirit, and unlike the United States, China is collectivizing to prevent this mind virus from poisoning their women. The fake news is not happy about these developments.
>Poll: Majority of French Agree With Military Generals That the Country is Heading Towards “Civil War”>Nearly half want the military to be sent into multicultural banlieues to restore order.[YouTube] Submission
>>307295>>307593Civil war isn't something I'd hope for, but it's good to see the frogs not putting up with this.
>>307593What will it mean if the french military is sent into those no-go zones of conquered territory?
Rip and tear? Arrest and deport? Arrest and send to internment camps?
Would they address the muslim problem at its root or only arrest the ones they already know are murderers/pedophiles/terrorists, while doing nothing to stop the islamic conquest through birth rates?
>>307597>Would they address the muslim problem at its rootOf course not.
The French military is an arm of NATO and the EU, there is nothing nationalist about that. The generals might be fed up but they now pretty well who pay their salaries and pensions and pull all the strings in France. As good soldiers they are order followers unable to gather moral courage to do the right thing.
I recall there being a right-wing French news site called Democracie Participative or something like that. It had very good articles on the Yellow Vests, but I can't seem to find it. Does anyone have a link or an archive for the site?
>Finnish Politician Charged With Hate Crimes for Tweeting Bible Verse, Criticising Homosexuality>Päivi Räsänen, former Minister of the Interior, could face 6 years in prison as a result
>"Shocking Act" Of "State Hijacking" Of Civilian Plane: US & EU Demand Belarusian Journalist's Immediate Release>It didn't take long for a flurry of condemnations from both EU and US officials in the hours after the Ryanair incident over Belarus, with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken calling for opposition journalist Raman Pratasevich's immediate release. Multiple EU leaders described Sunday's detention of Pratasevich after his commercial aircraft with 170 international passengers on board (including Americans, apparently) was diverted to Minsk complete with Belarusian MiG fighter escort as tantamount to "hijacking a civilian plane"...>Top EU officials were unanimous in their outrage and condemnation... [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>Belgium’s anti-lockdown ‘Rambo’ facing terrorism charges, TRACELESS for 5 days while several countries join manhunt efforts >A well-trained sniper from the Belgian army, Jurgen Conings, who has combat experience in several war zones including Afghanistan, Iraq and Lebanon, disappeared on Monday. Having reportedly left life-threatening notes to several top officials, the 46-year-old man is believed to have taken several anti-tank missiles, a submachine gun and a handgun with an ability to pierce bulletproof vests from his unit’s ammunition depot. He himself is believed to be wearing the vest.>Facebook groups with thousands of members openly support Conings, while a petition has been launched on a popular platform to “let Jurgen live.” Belgium’s Interior Minister Annelies Verlinden has criticized such sympathy. “People who make him a hero, or a Rambo character or a movie hero, they are mistaken, I think,” she said in an interview for local television, adding, “That man is indeed dangerous and has very dangerous intentions.” [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>>309167Godspeed to him, but I smell a psy-op. Sounds like a perfect opportunity to have zogbots patrol the streets and call out martial law.
>>309167>"That man is indeed dangerous and has very dangerous intentions."to them, not the people, i hate it when politijew imply that something that is bad for them is also bad for the populace somehow.
>>309224That's the trick of the democracy sham. By people voting them in power, they justify their fake right to rule over us and the also the false claim they that represent us.
The whole palestine vs israel thing is a sham for a presidental campaign. You know, to win some votes over.
South Korea.
>Belgium Recalls Ambassador To South Korea After Wife Attacked Workers>Belgium has recalled its ambassador to South Korea after his wife allegedly assaulted two employees of a shop in Seoul, an incident that elicited widespread public anger in South Korea.
>Cartels are hunting down police at their homes>The notoriously violent Jalisco cartel has responded to Mexico's "hugs, not bullets" policy with a policy of its own: The cartel kidnapped several members of an elite police force in the state of Guanajuato, tortured them to obtain names and addresses of fellow officers and is now hunting down and killing police at their homes, on their days off, in front of their families.
>>309470>abrazos, no balazos/hugs, not bulletsNever expected to hear this cringe in english, or any other language for that matter
>Nigeria Permanently Bans Twitter After Censorship of Nigerian President’s Tweet>The West African nation of Nigeria has banned Twitter following Twitter’s censorship of a tweet by President Muhammadu Buhari.>In an act of censorship, Twitter deleted a tweet where Buhari called for strong action against a militant separatist organization advocating for an independent state in the region of Biafra. “Many of those misbehaving today are too young to be aware of the destruction and loss of lives that occurred during the Biafra war,” Buhari wrote on Twitter. “Those of us in the fields for 30 months, who went through the war, will treat them in the language they understand.”>Nigeria is not the only African country to take action against Twitter for interference in domestic politics. Previously, Uganda also banned Twitter, after the company attempted to influence the outcome of the country’s presidential election. In Asia, Myanmar has banned Twitter, while police raided Twitter’s headquarters in India. [Embed]
>>309470>hugs onli, no bullihow does this faggotry function
>>309914Basically, if fighting organized crime can possibly ever result in civilian casualties during the process, Cops, the national guard (which amlo, the current prez created), the army and so on, will not engage organized crime.
As the article mentions, there has already been an instance in which a capo was captured, but because the cartel he ruled threatened to attack civilians if their boss was not released, he was quickly freed by amlo, i think there was a video about it in "the red elephants" channel.
In practice tho, it seems like it only applies to the drug cartels, as large and powerful groups of "guachicoleros"(the guys who steal and sell gasoline), are actually targeted extremely heavily regardless of its civilian impact, in 2019, the flow of fuel was intentionally halted for several weeks creating nation-wide shortages and long af columms in gas-stations, all of this to fight the huachicoleros to great effect, the state of Guanajuato where "el marro" the most powerful capo guachicolero used to live before he was captured, became even more of a shithole ever since, today it's the most dangerous state in the country as the CJNG(cartel jalisco nueva generacion), attempts to take away the state to these guachicoleros.
>>309942>(the guys who steal and sell gasoline), are actually targeted extremely heavily regardless of its civilian impactIt makes sense.
Stealing gasoline picks the oligarch's pockets, selling drugs doesn't.
>>309947Makes sense, sorry for the sloppy writing btw, i was in a hurry, but i think the last bit deserves to be explained better cuz it looks like shit.
>Important bitThe state of Guanajuato housed "el marro" the most powerful capo guachicolero along with his cartel, a shitstorm ensued as amlo cracked down on them, many civilians died in the crossfire until it eventually became the most violent state in the country, when el marro was finally captured in late 2020, his cartel tried to pull the same trick the drug cartels had used earlier on, they threatened to attack civilians if el marro wasn't released, but this time, amlo didn't really gave a shit and carried on regardless, now the CJNG(cartel jalisco nueva generacion) has declared war against el marro's gang, starting with a declaration on social media and now in direct confrontation, violence has only worsened ever since, some naturally wonder if CJNG is actually working with amlo.
>>309953>some naturally wonder if CJNG is actually working with amlo.Actually with CIA/DEA, then everything makes sense.
>French General says the truth (jews control the media) on live tv and its immediately shut down
A French army general was a guest on the television channel CNEWS. He explained in particular that according to him the press had coordinated to target and harm the army following the recent letter of the generals.
He accused the press of not being free but of being controlled by an anti-national elite.
The journalist then asked him in a very insistent way: "who is this elite?" And the general finally replied: "this community, you know it well".
Some people considered that he was talking about the Jews and so the presenter ended the program directly, asking "shut it down, remove the general, we can't continue".
This controversy adds fuel to the fire as the army has been under critics since the generals' statements about the risk of civil war.
>>310747Here the original clip.
> FIGHTING BACK: Lukashenko Opens Belarusian Border for Migrants Who Want to Enter the EU>Lithuania declares 'state of emergency,' the EU sends reinforcements — but why? The morally superior West loves migrants, right?>After catching 150 migrants illegally crossing the border from Belarus, Lithuania has declared an emergency and appealed to the EU for assistance. Vilnius and Brussels say Minsk is weaponizing migration in reprisal for sanctions.>Lithuania has requested help from Frontex, the EU border service, after catching 150 people who tried to sneak across the border from Belarus in just the past 24 hours. Most of them were Iraqi nationals, who immediately claimed asylum. [Embed] [Embed]
>Haiti Police Arrest Six Suspects, Kill Seven In President's Assassination>National Police Director Leon Charles told Radio Metropole that six alleged assassins were arrested Thursday and seven were killed in fierce shootouts across the capital. The men are allegedly responsible for shooting Moise dozens of times and critically injuring his wife. [Embed][YouTube] Haiti President Assassination
>Hungary PM Viktor Orban Scolds EU: LGBT Agenda Will Never Be Pushed on Our Children!>Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is telling the European Union to pound sand following the globalist bureaucracy’s proclamation that Hungary must teach LGBT “education” to their nation’s children.>“The European Parliament and the European Commission want that we let LGBTQ activists and organisations into the kindergartens and schools. Hungary does not want that,” Orban said on his official Facebook page.>“Here Brussels bureaucrats have no business at all, no matter what they do we will not let LGBTQ activists among our children,” the proud illiberal leader added, noting that EU bureaucrats are encroaching upon the national sovereignty of Hungary.
>>312254Ahhhhh yes, one of the FIRST men in Haiti to eliminate corruption throughout Haiti's government, reform the police away from their pro-CIA, pro-drugwarlod/warlord leanings, and to remove narcos from offices of power. Oh gee, sounds like he got Gadaffi'd! Real SHAM that is folks, guess he was super unlucky by taking on all those evil politically-aided terrorists that the CIA, DHS, and MI5/6 were aiding!
>>312287Not only that, the assassinated nigger was also anti-vaccines. A big sin.
Curiously, one of the arrested assassins was a bodyguard at the Canadian embassy in Haiti. Go figures.
>>312254I found this:
>Was The President Of Haiti Murdered Because He Was Against The Covid-19 Vaccine (RR Exclusive View) [Embed]
>>312289Not a nigger though. And WOW, what a HUGE surprise! I mean, it ISN'T as if <500,000 people around the world have outright died due to experimental mRNA snuffing vaccinations! It almost seems like there might be
another world wide conspiracy sponsored by the (((jewnited nations)))? But that's totally improbable since there's plenty of terrorists, right?
>cuckadian embassyGee, real big shocker there. MI5 glowniggers positively identified.
>>312290Hold the fuck up. Jacmel is the same shitty city that Killary Klinton originally based her Haitian """help""" organization out of. Formerly owned by a narco-mafia warlord under CIA jurisdiction, then a major center of organ harvesting & child slave trafficking. Not a fucking coincidence.
>Haiti’s Interim Government Asks US to Deploy Troops to Protect Key Infrastructure After Grisly Assassination of President Jovenel Moïse [Embed]So, a couple of dozen mercenaries is a motive to invite a foreign army.
It looks like a preparation for a massive vaccination campaign.
>>312300That combined with being turned into a complete banana puppet state rather than simply being an offshore tax haven and slave trafficking locale.
>>312918Do you think swedish police really could arrest and jail all migrant mafia members if they wanted to?
I bet they could, and the migrants only roam the streets because the cops are collaborators.
>>312955>Do you think swedish police really could arrest and jail all migrant mafia members if they wanted to?Absolutely.
Police is meant to maintain the status quo dictated by the (((oligarchs))). Also to attack and punish anyone applying rightful justice.
See how fast the police will mobilize with everything they got against the native population to protect the criminals.
It is clearer by the day, governments must be disarmed at any cost for the inhabitants to reclaim their sovereignty.
>South Africa>There has been one type of store untouched in #SouthAfrica by the looting. Guess which one. [Embed]
>Russia>Photos of senior Russian traffic policeman's large luxurious palace go viral after local cop 'mafia' arrested over bribery charges >Photos of a high-ranking Russian traffic cop’s gaudy mansion, including a golden toilet seat and painted ceilings, have gone viral after he was arrested for bribery and abuse of power, along with other police officers.>Alexey Safonov, the head of the southern Stavropol region's traffic police, was detained on Tuesday. The authorities believe he was the head of a criminal organization.[YouTube] Возбуждено дело в отношении членов преступной группы под руководством главы УГИБДД по Ставрополью
South Africa
>What is happening in South Africa?
>>310747Looks like there's a nationalist protest going on in France, the frogs are slowly becoming more based.
[YouTube] "QUI ?"🔥 Manifestation Contre la Dictature Sanitaire
>>313808>Bird maskIf one of us horsefuckers goes to a protest we should wear a horse head to represent Polestria. Unless that would be way too obvious kek.
Le France.
>Des individus s’en prennent à la BRAV-M en marge de la manifestation des #GiletsJaunes contre le #PassSanitaire. Du gaz lacrymogène est utilisé. [Embed]>PARIS - Nouvelle tension. Les manifestants forcent un barrage en direction des Champs-Élysées. Les gendarmes gaz. [Embed]>La manifestation des #GiletsJaunes contre le #PassSanitaire se tend à #Paris. Des manifestants tentent de forcer un cordon de la gendarmerie mobile. [Embed]>PARIS - La BRAVM attaquée par plusieurs manifestants. Une moto au sol. Gaz lacrymogène et projectiles. [Embed]Bonus video: [Embed]
>>313819I don't speak french what does it say
>>313856Gilets Jaunes = Yellow Jackets are battling the regime's thugs.
>Uzbekistan has rejected a US request for temporary accommodation for Afghan citizens>The United States has recently asked Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan to grant temporary asylum to 9,000 Afghans who have worked with Western troops in Afghanistan and are under threat from the Taliban, Bloomberg News reported recently.>The Wall Street Journal, meanwhile, reports that the US military is preparing to transfer 35,000 Afghan translators and their families to two US military bases in Kuwait and Qatar.
>China SURRENDERS as The BRITISH ARMADA With the Striking Power of 18 Fixed-Wing Aircraft Enters Its Kill Zone>8 of which are actually British>HMS Queen Elizabeth, a British aircraft carrier, and its Carrier Strike Group have entered the South China Sea, a territory predominantly claimed by China, reports the UK Defence Journal.>Britannia Rules the Waves of satire.
>>314060The UK is retarded. America has more boats and planes. Nobody will ever have more boats or planes than America. So the UK should pour money into inventing better military gear so it can be sold to the US.
>>314135>America has more boats and planes.It is not only about a ridiculous number of planes and ships, but the childish idea of senseless provocation.
If the Chinese react the whole "armada" would be sunk in less of of an hour.
On the British side, that would mean the formal end of the Royal Navy that would be crippled without remedy.
On the American side, it would be a catastrophe because a war with China will paralyse most of the country, remember that America doesn't manufacture even screws and depends from overseas goods, mostly from China.
And because the shots are called by the kikes which have interests at both sides, the prospects for war are practically null. It is all a show.
>>314139Why aren't whites allowed to make their own steel and screws? Why are they forced to rely on cheap chinese shit?
>>314147Maybe if the inbred brits didn't side with chinks during World War #JewToo on their pro-commie crusade, that would never have occurred.
>>314211>this fucking guywhy do you think brits are inbred?
>>314234Well studied and highly documented
tiny genetic distributions of a bottlenecked island population. Don't like facts? Too bad, they don't give a shit about your feewings.
>>314247>>314211Brits aren't really that inbred. The meme is fueled by stereotypes of nobility.
Right now their biggest danger is being replaced by shit skins.
Although, Muslim countries tend to have high rates of incest. Saudi Arabia is the worst in the world, iirc.
>Hungary Tells EU it Has No Business Telling Hungarians How to Raise Their Kids>Standoff over teaching of LGBT issues intensifies.>The Hungarian government has informed the EU it has no business telling Hungarians how to raise their kids following the globalist body’s interference over the teaching of LGBT issues in schools.>A law passed by Hungary’s National Assembly last month ensured that sex education in schools “must not be aimed” at “promoting homosexuality” or “changing gender,” according to ruling party Fidesz.>The law also bans showing children under the age of 18 material related to homosexuality or transgenderism on television, movies or in advertisements.>This triggered the unelected European Commission, which launched two infringement procedures against the law, while the leaders of the EU’s 17 biggest countries reacted by penning a letter arguing the legislation represented a violation of “fundamental rights.”
>>314248I've had britbongistan friends who unironically had in their own goddamn history tree weird instances of their great great grandmothers or some shit be both a mother and a wife to her own son who turned out to be their great grandfather and the rest of the family just fucking accepts it as something they don't talk about really.
Bits of history wherein fathers wind up marrying their own brother's children once their own wife dies, all sorts of degenerate shit really.
Yes it's not the majority, but it's been a normal enough occurrence historically that it's a meme at this point especially when people try to figure out their own family trees from 600 years back and still happens even to this day.
Elderly Vietnamese man WHALLOPS a cop in the face with a helmet over a mask.
>>314248>not (((that inbred)))>stereotypes of (((nobility)))>m-MoHAMmed deflectionYour whataboutism is oblivious. It is no surprise that kikes, their inbred (((cousins))) including the turkroaches that they most likely came from and the saudi quarter-jews. Same with most judaic descendants such as the amish, hutterites, mormons, and especially the cathodicklicks being commonplace sister/mother/cousin fuckers, even in current times. Same shit with baptists, pentecostals, or fundies of all ages. You think their shit genetics and commonplace genetic disease are (((normal)))? Apparently. In that case: take a hike into ancestral biology, go on to close-relation genetic studies, then get a functional brain since yours is fucking defective.
>>314778How long until they do to Hungary, what the did to Serbia in the 1990s?
>>315102Dude, I'm not defending the fucking British. I'm just saying that the inbreeding thing isn't as pronounced as you say throughout all of th isles. They definitely still have an inbreeding problem.
>Same with most judaic descendants such as the amish, hutterites, mormons, and especially the cathodicklicksWait, since when are these jew-descendants? Tell me more.
>>315127>>315102Can anybody who knows what they're talking about explain to me how those groups are descended from Jews? I didn't find anything after researching it.
Pony for guaranteed replies
>>315127>defending 45+ literal inbred generations of britroaches>isn't as pronounced throughout all of """the isles"I'll take this bait. Let me teach AND entertain you without being sarcastic... this time. Since it is blatantly obvious that you have
zero knowledge of genetic history, I will proceed with the assumption that you've not been exposed to historical biology. As most (((schools))) only teach (((approved pro-jewish sources))) for their (((lessons))), I will begin with this:
#1: the events that occurred to the bretons during the Pre-Roman era were a series of catastrophic crop failures caused by a COMPLETE FAILURE TO PERFORM CROP ROTATION (which was known by nearly all humans across the world by that time) and the near-total harvesting of of all fauna/flora on the """isle""".
#2: this obviously leads to a near-wasteland state of affairs. The bretons attempt to raid what is now known as Ireland, Skotland, and the Danes. Such attempts fail with 60-80% losses of male soldat (expendables)... but lead to a typical increase in available food! Wow, how amazing is that coincidence!
#3: said actions are noted by Early Roman Empire era historians to which the "stinking isle barbarian" considerations during multiple Caesars (proper pronunciation being: KAI-ZAHR, not SEE-ZAR like every dumbshit cuckgoy beliebs is correct) stating that the bretons were "inbreds, savages, lacking the knowledge to think properly" and "worthless to subjugate".
#4: with such limited "tribes", there were only two choices, the first to outbreed, the second to:
#5: add in the the Hapsburg Jaw, among 50+ other "unnatural deformities",
#7: now compare modern waist-to-hip ratio in brits being LOWER than Afrikaaners
#8: modern facial profiles in britmutts being worse than the average americuck
#9: modern attractiveness standards of britmutts compared to the average fat chink bitch are even lower.
Geneticists whom have spent the past 30+ years seeking facts: "WHAT TH- why are >95% of the known breton lineages so INBRED?!"
"BuT dAtZ nOt AlL BriTz!"
Geneticists: "Nearly all of them suffer from the same fucked up genetics, facial identifiers, and teeth problems. 5% being without those problems is not a statistically significant number!"
As for why (((those))) groups are judeo-descendants? The same slave religion created by jews which would eventually wind up as the (((canonized))) Earl Dark Ages judeo-cathobitch babble have not changed. Before you spring the typical basic bitch !!Oh BuT DaTz RoNg CuZ mUh FrEeDuMb Uv ReElIgIoN!! shit deflection or have heart palpitations, those
DENOMINATIONS and (((interpretations))) have been carefully modified in order to create ever more subservient goyim golems, thus creating more inbred proxies to control. Whether hutterite, moron, amish, cathocuck, pentecostal, baptist, most the lutherans, the vast majority of whateverthefuckyoustans, etc. etc. etc., they all (((believe))) the same dogshit: slavery "is freedumb, war is peace, authority is right, wrongthink is anti-semijewism!"
That now answered: why are the 130.000+ different sects of slave judaism-lite considered 'separate' by the same word that means 'money', ie: 'coinage'? Gee, seems a little suspect that all historical coin clippers were... jews. Sources:
-The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon (Stahan & Cadell of London 1776)
-The History of the Jews by Henry Hart Milman (Everyman 1939)
-The Conflict Of The Church and The Synagogue by James Parkes (World Publishing Company 1961)
-The Decline & Fall of the Roman Church by Malachi Martin (Secker & Warburg 1981)
-The Crucified Jew by Dan Cohn-Sherbok (Harper Collins 1992)
-The Christians As the Romans Saw Them by Robert Wilken (Yale UP 1984)
-The Romans by M. Lyttelon (Orbis 1984)
-A Distant Mirror by Barbara W. Tuchman (Random House Trade 1987)
-A History of the Jews by Paul Johnson (Phoenix Grant 1987)
-Christianity Before Christ by John G. Jackson (American Atheist Press 1985)
-Pagans & Christians by Robin Lane Fox (Viking 1986)
-Judaism & Christianity by Leslie Houlden (Routledge 1988)
-Pagans and Christians by Robert Lane Fox (Harper-Collins 1988)
-Jesus 2000 by Robin Keeley (Lion 1989)
-Chronicles of the Middle Ages by Donald Matthew (Angus 1991)
-Holy Faces, Secret Places by Ian Wilson (Doubleday 1991)
-Eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven by Uta Ranke-Henemann (Penguin 1993)
-The Orthodox Church by Timothy Ware (Penguin 1993)
-The Sacred Chain, A History of the Jews by Norman Cantor (Harper Collins 1994)
-Dictionary of Ancient History by G. Speake (Penguin 1995)
-Symbols of Catholicism by Dom Robert Le Gall (Editions Assouline 1997)
-The Egyptians by Barbara Watterson (Blackwell 1997)
-The Invention of Ancient Israel by Keith Whitelam (Routedge 1997)
-Canaanites by Jonathan N. Tubb (British Museum Press 1998)
-From the Holy Mountain by William Dalrymple (Flamingo 1998)
-The Word According to Eve by Cullen Murphy (Allen Lane 1998)
-A History of Jerusalem by Karen Armstrong (Harper Collins 1999)
-A World Full of Gods by Keith Hopkins (Free Press 1999)
-Chronicle of the Old Testament Kings by John Rogerson (Thames and Hudson 1999)
-History as Mystery by Michael Parenti (City Lights 1999)
-The Bible in History by Thomas L. Thompson (Pimlico 2000)
-Christian Theology by Alister McGrath (Blackwell 2001)
-Sacred Communities: Jewish and Christian Identities in Fifteenth-Century Germany by (Brill 2001)
-Religions of the Hellenistic Roman Age by Antonia Tripolitis (Eerdmans 2002)
-The Bible Unearthed by Finkelstein and Silberman (Touchstone 2002)
-The Incredible Shrinking Son of Man by Robert Price (Prometheus 2003)
-The Mystery Religions by S. Angus (Kessinger Publishing 2003)
-Roman Syria & the Near East by Kevin Butcher (British Museum 2003)
-The Closing of the Western Mind: The Rise of Faith and the Fall of Reason by Charles Freeman (Knopf 2003)
-The Jesus Dynasty by James Tabor (HarperElement 2006)
>>315297Oh, so you meant Jew-affiliated, not literally descended.
>>315354Looks like he's the one moving the goalposts...
>Afghanistan>How the Taliban Paid Their Way to Kabul, Bribing Unpaid Troops to Lay Down Their Arms>A state so corrupt salaries are not reaching its military and police>The spectacular collapse of Afghanistan’s military that has allowed Taliban fighters to reach the gates of Kabul on Sunday despite 20 years of training and billions of dollars in American aid began with a series of deals brokered in rural villages between the militant group and some of the Afghan government’s lowest ranking officials.>The deals, initially offered early last year, were often described by Afghan officials as cease-fires, but Taliban leaders were in fact offering money in exchange for government forces to hand over their weapons, according to an Afghan officer and U.S. official.
>Afghanistan - "A Light Unto the Nations">Mullah Baradar tells Western people that the Taliban does not hate us, it is only our governments, 'run by Zionists and atheists', who were their enemies. And he directs hopeful remarks to 'especially the Palestinians'.>The brief public statement to the world of the new leader of Afghanistan, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, is being censored from search results and major media, though it has been in screenshots on Twitter and 4chan /pol/ for some hours.
>>316789>>316794This stinks like a glownigger operation from miles away.
>>316794Is seeming based to me.
>>316798On the surface it would look like, but not paying salaries for months is sabotage from the top, plus a taliban leader popping up after he was under glownigger custody and released by Trump is more than suspicious to say the least.
>Internet Blowing Up Over Alarming Photos of One Female CNN Reporter in Afghanistan>Wow. What a difference one day makes, right? [Embed]
>>316801Possible but arabs are corrupt by nature, this is why they did not pay soldiers. In my opinion.
>>316808Sure, I agree. But looking to the evidence it really stinks.
The pamper head Muradar surely made a deal with the CIA when in prison. I read that when he was out of jail went straight to Qatar, and American enclave, and from there to Afghanistan.
Now the news is that the sandnigger army was left without pay, no way the Americans didn't know, while conveniently the taliban begun to hand over money to make its way across the country.
It would be naive not to notice that the American exit is leaving behind a CIA mole in charge of the taliban.
>>316810That is very suspicious. Perhaps I am just hoping it is inaccurate, because I want one country on earth free of THEM. If it is truth that is sad.
>South African Secession Movement Gains Momentum>A secession movement backed by most whites in South Africa’s Western Cape province appears to be gaining steam following the riots in Durban earlier this summer.>According to a poll conducted for the Cape Independence Advocacy Group (CIAG), 42 percent of Western Cape residents of all races would now support a referendum on whether to make it an independent country. Among those who are registered to vote, support for independence rises to 46 percent. The poll was conducted by Victory Research, a respected South African polling firm.>“This is a watershed moment,” said Phil Craig, cofounder of CIAG. “Before this, a referendum was looking extremely likely. I would say after these polling results the referendum becomes virtually inevitable.”
>>317150An independent Western Cape and a new Rhodesia, will put the rest of Africa to shame when they have to admit Whites knows how to govern. But there will probably be an international push to start a war because they won't allow that to happen just like with old Rhodesia.
>>317155>But there will probably be an international push to start a war because they won't allow that to happen just like with old Rhodesia.Absolutely this.
>>316818Not a chance. CIA, pissad, and MI5/6 have been pushing for this exact situation since 1942. Why? Afghanistan has an insane amount of mineral wealth due to being geologically stable. Deep mines are incredibly easy to set up in such a region. Technically, this is a win for (((them))) as not only are the (((taliban))) friendly to all the big realpolitik scum, they now have full access to well over a trillion petroshekels worth of "modern" military equipment.
tl;dr: you thought the JewS of A was a mercenary force of willing zealous goyim for pissrahell? Now that they're discredited, meet the NEW mercenary force of willing zealous goyim for pissrahell, except these ones only CLAIM to hate das juden!
>>315307Is... this one of
those references?
>>315354Sorry I didn't catch this earlier. Yes, I meant affiliated as in religiously, not genetically.
>>317199I disagree the previous state would have been better for them to rape the land and steal all minerals
>>317210Doesn't matter whom 'owns' the realpolitik locale. The goy chinks and pigslammers are Pavlov's abused dogs right now salivating for the bell to ring. Both are controlled by their enemies, have the same exact problems, and are desperate for a 'way out'.. which has just been so kindly provided to them by pissrahell for the low price of switching to the petroshekel. Which petroshekel? Doesn't matter, it's all funny money. Oh, they also have to become a heavily taxed open market subject to certain whims.
This whole shit is a repeat of the 1871ACE Korean War. Don't know it? In 1866ACE a salty JewSA businessgoy and a fuckload of kike bankers begged their government to invade Korea, then a closed economy, so they could (((profit))) from cheap overseas trade. But wait, it gets worse! This same EXACT fucking event happened in 1867ACE to the island of Formosa... now known today as 'Taiwan'.
>>317210Fuck, clicked reply too fast. Even BEFORE the last one, the
French tried to invade Korea and open up the borders for their own trade. Three big bankers sponsored it, supplying lots of shekels. It failed the same way as the next 3 attempts by imperial "powers".
>>317226>>317227Perhaps so. I still hold out hope however. Yes I just learned of the first a*erican Korea war the other day. I did know about zogs involvement although I suspected it. If you are willing to tell me more please go on.
This might sound mean but if America decided to let the talibam take over Afganistan and then conquer it through open warfare could they have renamed it, filled it with whites, and taken control of the oil for maximum profit?
>>317235Probably still not worth it because we produce oil domestically anyway.
Besides, colonialism is dead, not because of ethics, but because it's not as profitable as it used to be.
>Turkey and Iran Build 183 Mile Wall to Stop Afghans, While the West Flies Them In (Video)>Turkey and Iran are building a wall along their border to prevent a new influx of refugees, mainly from Afghanistan, as the Taliban takes over the country. But, while Islamic countries are protecting their borders and refusing to allow more refugees to enter, the West has begun to welcome even more of them.>A three-meter (9.84 ft) high concrete wall is under construction. Ultimately, it will be 295 kilometers long (183 miles). The wall will be lined with barbed wire and a large trench – 110 kilometers (68 miles) of which have already been dug and lined with around one hundred observation towers.
>>317231Look, I ain't """realpolitik""". I witnessed F'gings. Loved them. Agreed with all of them. WE need a few thousand every month, all throughout the entire goobermint. No jew or goy deserves to breathe. I don't get into that shit these days due to where I'm at, unless I'm asked to teach someone how "easy" it is for ziocucks (WILLING goyim) and ziocunts, that is: goyjews and their master inbred ultra-orthodox (((effendi))) and orthodox (little-godking) kikes, subvert countries. What I experienced was 24/7/365 being shit on by lobotomized (((captains))) and higher up ranks/positions/files/wannabe aristocrats that (((knew better than ANYONE EVER COULD))) why all the pissraniggers were DA BEST EBER AND SAYING OTHERWISE IS (((ANTI-SEMIJIZZISM))). I'll try not to be TOO serious, but this is a fucking rabbit hole that not even
I have been able to prevent blowing steam off from. Here goes:
#1: the problem with zionists is one of grift: NEVER GET INVOLVED WITH A CUNT-REEE that is supposed to "settle the peace (PIECE, or better stated: MONEY)". Whom are those? The cucked frogs (gold loving fuckbois), the cucked dutch (all cannibal psychopaths), the cucked bretons (coin loving sociopathic cannibals), the cucked amerimutts (coin loving socipathic, psychopathic, cannibal "ew but I'll do it" pigfuckers), the cucked russians (coin loving mutts), the cucked canucks (m-m-muh jewgawd kween), the cucked ausfalians (m-m-m-muh m0m jewgawd lurves us so we shouldn't rebel), the cucked jew zealandoors (same as prior except more inbred), the cucked spanyards (for m-muh jewgawd inbred niggurz cuz deyz better day uz), and more. Do you know about the 1811ACE Mehican-AMERIMUTT War? If not, refer to the following:
#2: the 1791AACE "WHISKEY REBELLION", where <10,000 alcohol distillers refused to pay taxes. BUT, Little Cuckgoy Bitchboi George Waaaah-shitton sent
>50,000 literal fucking britnigger redcoats to "put them down becuz dey didn wana pay dere TAXISSSS". Fuck Waaaahshitton. Fuck taxes. Fuck tareevs (tariffs). He wanted to be an aristocrat. Instead of protecting his own (((cuntreemen))), he had 5 counties (more correctly: the 'noble' count-owned regions) SLAUGHTERED TO THE LAST CHILD so that he could gain favor with a certain cuckqueen and cucking. That way Little Bitchgoy showed off how much of a GOOD GOY he was.
#2: the 1792ACE "COTTON REBELLION" where >15,000 cotton growers/pickers/shippers did NOT want a >40% tax on "cotton shipping from the (((colonies))) to the (((jewnited world market)))" as that would cause everyone to LOSE even a 0.1% profit rating. That's right: "you will work from dawn until midnight and own NOTHING, goys". That fucking event has been entirely forgotten due to the fact that cotton was a (((MILITARY NEED))) throughout the inbred britmutt empire! They couldn't get enough of it from India, ESPECIALLY after starving >80,000,000 dotheads to death, so they needed more WILLING cuckslave goyim and their own cuckslaved Afrikaaners in the (((jew world))) to send cotton back.
#3: the 1792ACE "TOBACCO REBELLION". Same as fucking above. I didn't read about that one in the history books!
#4: the 1793ACE "WOOD REBELLION". Yeah? No. Same as the last two except Cuckgoy Jorge Littleboipants thought that "selling lumber to cuntries that AREN'T m-m-muh great britcuckland IZ HEREZEE". Death toll unknown.
#5: ANOTHER "Whiskey Rebellion", except this time it was wine. Occurred sometime in 1793ACE. Records? None, except for a few Virginia manuscripts.
ANOTHER "Cotton Rebellion". EXPORT tariffs of cotton to britcuckland rose to 60%. Anyone that complained was labeled a heretic and killed... by actual fucking redcoat britcucks. OH GEE, I WONDER Why.
#7: the same events have occurred throughout Jew-SA history.
That is where you are wrong. Every single """military""" or """police""" action, every single """invasion""", every single """intervention""", have all been in the name of (((prophet))). OOPS, DID I MEAN (((PROFIT)))?! Oh, no, actually: no. There have been over 1,900 (((prophet))) attacks by the JewSA across the world, all in the (((holy))) name of shekel. Not ONE action has ever been in the defense of the Jewnited Estates of 'Murimuttland.
>>317235Looks like a neo-zionist post.
Sounds off like a neo-zionist post.
Uses buzz-words like a neo-zionist post.
Praises the JwSA like a neo-zionist.
Smells like pigshit.
Reads off like pigshit.
Yup, definitely a neo-zionist post.
>>317251>"colonialism is dead">"it's not as profitable as it used to be"What events happened in Afghanistan within the past 8 days? Are you braid dead, or simply ignorant? Also, when did (((domestic oil))) reach the fucking pumps, dipshit? Gasoline should be no more than $1 per gallon at most, but instead it's >3.50 petroshekels per gallon due to taxes, the Jones Act, and the Dicksucking Hurdurr Shitstains. Get a working brain for once in your life.
>>317317Very interesting I did not know about some of those. I knew about the whiskey rebellion that “town killer”washington put down. Did you know about the French town he slaughtered?
>>317327>>317251>opposing the very idea of building a white ethnostate where afganistan is and taking its oil like a based self-interested imperalist nation of sigma males>not with arguments but with bullshitI'm so good at exposing jewish spies.
>>317346I'm not opposing it. I just don't trust the government to pull it off, nor do I think going into the shithole that is the middle east is a worthwhile idea, after decades of pointless wars. I'd rather focus on stuff here at home.
>>317347That makes more sense.
Maybe the US is too large a region for any centralized power to manage effectively. DC is the seat of power in America, but why? Does it manage any important trade routes? Does it provide the food? The guns? Other states make the food and the tech and the guns, Washington makes that harder. The jews conquered so much of this country with their lies and their leftists and cuckservatives and niggers and other sins. Decentalizing power so whites can rule themselves somewhere is necessary. Accepting jewish laws and restrictions means accepting their rule. I don't know where, I don't have all the answers. I just know the status quo is a faulty answer for the jewish problem.
>>317346>"building a huwhite ethnostate in Afghanistan"Couldn't have worked in the first place, dipshit.
>(((sigma males)))Ah, the most beta-cucked of all beta cucks? Sure, Niggel. Keep patting yourself on the back while furiously masturbating to those shitty power fantasies where you are the REAL hero. Such a good dumbfuck goy you are.
>>317330Nope, nothing on that one. What I've heard from one of the "other" intel guys (had realpolitik friends with deep sources) stated Little Bitchgoy Washington was responsible for the murders, slaughters, rapes, and illegitimate deaths (recorded sources) of WELL over 90,000 people from 1791ACE until 1794ACE. I
think but cannot be sure, roughly 60% of those were First Nations (Asiatic descendants from Hokkaido and Korea whom landed in Alaska circa 21,000BCE or so and spread throughout N.America). That might not seem like much, except the (((colonies))) were absolutely fucking tiny at the time.
>Jamaicans Demand Removal of Pride Flag from US Embassy>Phillipa Davies, Advocacy Officer at the Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society says the flag represents life practices that threaten the Jamaican culture and the teachings of the Bible. She says it also affects the health of the society. [Embed]
>Greece Builds Wall on Turkish Border in Preparation for Waves of Afghan Migrants>The government of Greece finished the construction of 25 miles of new border wall in the nation’s Evros region this week, with Greek government officials pointing to the potential of mass waves of attempted migration from Afghanistan to the west in the wake of the Afghan government’s surrender to the Taliban.
>>317412>insults idea used to bait antiwhite sentiment after its status as bait was revealed>doesn't get the sigma male meme>"nigel">tries to bring in out-of-context accusations from other threads despite clinging to anonymityBruh, do you take vacations from this or is it your whole life now?
>>317847Sigma male is a meme. Great people achieve in obscure scenarios. Thats the basis for the sigma male meme. Titles are given in the aftermath, be awesome in advance. Also
>Nigel He's not wrong
>>317848Yeah, I'm that guy he doesn't like. I've noticed. It's not like he's reminded me of this that many times... this month.
I was using the sigma male meme ironically. You've seen those "quintillionaire grindset" videos that sarcastically promote some twat or literal cartoon character and his murders/poor habits for coping with misery/inconsiderate cuntishness/retarded solutions for simple problems/whatever as "the manliest thing possible" right?
I know the Jew.S.A. would never create a white ethnostate in another nation, and if they tried they'd be too jew-dominated to do it correctly. The very notion that they ever would is a joke. The very notion that anyone might think this anti-white nation would try to do something good for whites is also a joke.
It's joke.
>>317855>heAny sauce on that?
>>317857It would explain a lot if that user turned out to be a woman.
>>317871And who is this wamens?
>>317873Who else? This sissy gay
>>317876Are you sure about that? Are you sure you didnt get called out for another of your retarded-ass "I has an idea" posts that is otherwise irrelevant (read: derailing) to the international news thread?
Cuz it sure looks like you decided to start a hypothetical writing prompt or whatever, except in a thread clearly dedicated to international news.
You're the faggot here.
>>317899Writing prompt? Now you're just taking the piss.
>>317902No, Im being quite direct and literal.
If you want to hypothesize about colonizing a sandnigger country, start a thread. This thread is about international news. You are attempting to hijack the thread/topic with your ridiculous "hurrr, what if" shit.
Thank you to the anons who continue to provide news and information from and about areas that burgers and others might be oblivious to otherwise.
>>317903That's how you choose to interpret my comments? Wow. Guess I'd better stop commenting in this thread, then.
You and you perpetually-offended pussy friend win this one, nice teamwork. I'm feeling too lazy to argue against your spiteful attempts to ascribe villainous intentions to my deeds. Interpret this however you please.
>Brazil>‘Everybody has to buy a rifle, damn it!’ Brazilian President Bolsonaro tells his supporters
>Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro Packs the Streets with Supporters in Triumphant Show of Power>Big League Politics has reported on Bolsonaro’s defiant claim that next year’s election would end either with victory, imprisonment or death – saying no U.S.-style vote steal would happen in his country under any circumstances>Bolsonaro’s fiery words come amid growing tensions with the country’s judiciary, which he insists is comprised greatly of left-wing activists judges, and communist sympathizers who seek to remove him from high office.>To ensure a fair and balanced election in 2022, Bolsonaro has been trying, somewhat in vain, to revamp Brazil’s current electronic voting system – which like all electronic voting systems, can be easily hacked – to one that leaves a paper trail, and is thus less vulnerable to fraud. >Unsurprisingly, however, Brazil’s political left – like America’s left – wants to keep the current electronic voting system in place. [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>George Soros, Furious Over China's Nationalist Turn, Demands BlackRock Pull China Funds>George Soros is demanding BlackRock's Larry Fink pull his new China funds to punish President Xi Jinping for taking a hard right turn and throwing globalist billionaires in prison and seizing their wealth rather than letting them run his country.>Last month, Soros wrote a column in the Wall Street Journal declaring the "intensely nationalistic" Xi "the most dangerous enemy of open societies in the world.">Xi has instituted an aggressive series of reforms cracking down on every element of the liberal world order used to subvert our societies.>In just the past few weeks Xi has instituted new policies to enforce traditional gender roles on TV and throughout society, restrict foreign schools pushing woke bull****, ban "simping" and fandom culture, unleash China's "childbirth potential" through a new three-child policy, cap rent prices to encourage family formation and much, much more.>On Monday, Soros had yet another column published in the WSJ bashing Xi and calling on BlackRock's Larry Fink -- who manages over $9 trillion in assets through his investment management firm -- to pull his China investment funds. [Embed]
Hundreds of National Socialists & Fascists March in Madrid
Hundreds of National Socialists and Fascists marched through the Chueca district of Madrid, Spain, on Saturday, September 18. They chanted "Sieg Heil!", "Get the faggots out of our neighborhoods!" and other slogans which "disparaged" non-Whites and homosexuals.
Although anti-Whites were furious at the demonstration, they proved powerless to stop it.
The march, which was big news in Europe, was completely ignored by the (((media))) in the US, which preferred to focus on the tiny civic nationalist demonstration in Washington, DC.
>Demonstration by neo-Nazi group in Madrid’s Chueca district causes concern [Embed] [Embed]>Neo-Nazi march against LGBTQ+ community in Madrid raises alarm over growing homophobia>Regional prosecutors have launched an investigation into potential hate crimes while politicians have criticized premier Isabel Díaz Ayuso for downplaying the problem
>Russia bans Scientology: Justice ministry puts key Scientologist groups on list of ‘undesirable’ organizations
>Afghan Gun Shop Bonanza: US-Supplied Weapons Including .50 Cals Being Sold To Public>Since the botched US evacuation and withdrawal at the end of August, Afghanistan seems to have become one big gun bizarre where individuals with enough cash can purchase an array of American-supplied weapons and advanced equipment from right off the streets - no questions asked.>A New York Times report has found not only small arms like pistols and military assault rifles are showing up in gun shops around major cities like Kabul and Kandahar, but two-way radios and even grenades and night vision goggles along with ample ammunition. The American military items were "originally provided to the Afghan security forces under a U.S. training and assistance program that cost American taxpayers more than $83 billion through two decades of war," the report emphasizes.
>Poland Will Not Be ‘Blackmailed’ Into Accepting European Union Laws, PM Morawiecki Says>Arriving at a summit of the 27-member bloc, Morawiecki said that Poland “was as faithful to the rule of law as others and as the EU institutions are.” He added, “Some EU institutions assume the right to decide on issues to which they have not been entitled to decide. They assume competencies which have not been handed over to them in the treaties.”>Morawiecki said that EU laws maintain supremacy over national laws on matters transferred to the EU. “We don’t agree to the constantly broadening range of competencies but we will, of course, talk about it.”>On Oct. 7, Poland’s Constitutional Tribunal ruled that some elements of EU law were incompatible with the country’s constitution. This ruling, criticized by Brussels, essentially gave national law primacy over that of the EU.
>European Union Turns Away Migrants After Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko Puts Them on Their Doorstep>The European Union (EU) is telling Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko to stop sending third-world migrants their way, in an apparent reversal of their long-stated position in favor of migration.>The EU is angry at Lukashenko for sending scores of third-world migrants to their border with Poland where they are demanding entry. It is believed this is retaliation for the color revolution coup attempt against Lukashenko by the globalists last year.>Apparently the EU only likes it when they are able to control the flood of migrants into Western countries and does not like it when the tables are turned. Lukashenko’s bold ploy has exposed the tremendous hypocrisy of the globalists.
Invaders expelled a German from a cafe, telling him that the institution was only for their own. Soon, German nationalists in masks and with sticks broke into the eatery. Numerous visitors of the cafe could not fight back (did not try) and were beaten.
>“Slow Disaster Playing Out” As Germany Moves To Shut Down 8.5 GW Of Baseload Nuclear Capacity>By the end of 2022, the government will have shut down another 6 plants with a total (baseload) capacity of 8.54 gigawatts!
>VIDEO: Antifa Marxists Attack and Interrupt Massive Nationalist Rally in France – Are Beaten and Chased from Building by Crowd Chanting, “Everyone Hates Antifa!”>Antifa goons interrupted a nationalist conference in France on Sunday.>The Antifa Marxists stopped the conference standing in a line in T-shirts that spelled out “No to Racism.”>The angry crowd immediately began beating and hurling chairs at the Antifa Marxists. They were then chased from the building. [Embed]
>Taliban bans playing music in cars>The streets of Afghanistan are going to become much quieter. The Taliban has banned the playing of music in cars, in yet another prohibition introduced by the group since it took power in the country in August. [Embed]
>>329436If the afghan really did not want all of this they would of given a fight instead of running away like cowards and being useless leaches.
>>329450The Taliban is not wrong. Music may be demonic and women are tools used by the devil to stray men from the true path.
>French Churches Protected With Guns At Christmas>In early December, a Marian Procession was attacked in Nanterre France, by Islamists threatening to behead Catholics and spitting on priests. >The following week, police presence was needed at Mass in order to ensure that no one would in fact be decapitated as they practiced the ancient Catholic faith of the French people. >There was a near blackout on this story throughout European media for fear of the damage that it may cause to the Globalism project. >Now, footage has emerged of French churches being heavily protected with guns during the Christmas period. >In one set of images, those leaving Midnight Mass can be seen being guarded by men with guns. [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]B-but multiculturalism. /s
>>329454>(((demonic)))>(((tools)))Nice doublespeak there. Such a shame that you are objectively siding with Stone Age kike superstitions.
>Sweden Launches Psychological Defense Agency To Combat Misleading Information Disrupting Society>A defense agency that is set to operate under the title of Sweden Psychological Defense Agency has been commissioned and launched to counter the spread of misinformation. The distribution of such misinformation has been credited with disruption and misleading of society.
>Jalisco New Generation Cartel Drops Bombs On Rival Cartel From A Drone
Woman faces up to 2 years in jail for linking to passage from the Bible that condemns sodomy.
[YouTube] Catholic — News Report — Finnish Christian Under Fire
>Serbia Cancels Rio Tinto’s Mining Project Days After Australia Deports Djokovic>Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabić revealed on Thursday that the eastern European country had abandoned a profitable lithium mining venture with Rio Tinto, only days after Serbian tennis star Novak Djokovic was kicked out of the Australian Open for his position on coronavirus vaccines.>In a televised address on January 20, Brnabić declared that the Serbian government had “fulfilled all the demands from the environmental protests and have put an end to Rio Tinto in the Republic of Serbia,” referencing environmental worries highlighted by citizens, including Djokovic.
>Russia Flips Script on Nike, Investigates Company For Lack of “White Diversity” in Their Ads >A Russian citizen in Moscow has launched a formal complaint against American company Nike for its alleged racial discrimination against Russians.>We’re guessing Nike did nyet see that one coming.>Talk about flipping the diversity script on the Globalist American Empire…[YouTube] 43 anti white commercials
Russia>The financial director for Gazprom, the largest publicly-listed natural gas company in the world and the largest company in Russia by revenue, has been found dead by suicide in St. Petersburg [Embed] suicided.
>>336808So that's officially a weapon of war now... Good to know.
Putin's retarded for not setting up one big bank of Russia that answers to nobody but Russia. Unless he wanted this.
>>336853He did, you retard. The MIR cards work, it's the "convenient" hipster trash with phone-paying (i.e. giving your credit card info to foreign agents) that doesn't.
And people who use phones for anything but making calls deserve to suffer.
>>336876>people who use phones for anything but making calls deserve to suffer.This.
>Yuan deposits replace dollar and euro in Russian banks>The state lender is offering maximum interest rates for Chinese currency deposits to attract customers>Yuan deposits replace dollar and euro in Russian banks>With Russia now officially cut off from both the US dollar and the euro, the state-owned VTB Bank has offered its clientele the opportunity to open Chinese yuan savings accounts that yield a maximum interest rate of 8%. The country’s second-biggest bank has been hit by the Western sanctions aimed at the total financial isolation of Russia over its war in Ukraine.
> Russia to Seize 500 Foreign-Owned Airliners Leased to Aeroflot Worth $10 Billion>Owners want to terminate the lease to comply with sanctions. Russia says "we'll just keep them, thanks">On Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law that will allow Russian airlines to take control of hundreds of the Western-built planes leased from international firms, Russian news agency TASS reported, per The Wall Street Journal.>The jets will be added to the country’s aircraft register and be deployed on domestic routes, according to Reuters.
>Burger King says franchisee in Russia has ‘refused’ to close 800 stores>Burger King can’t shut down hundreds of stores based in Russia because its main franchisee in the country has “refused” to do so despite the ongoing Ukraine war, according to a top executive from the fast-food giant’s parent company.>Restaurant Brands International president David Shear detailed the company’s dilemma in an open letter to employees. Burger King operates in Russia through a “joint venture partnership” with businessman Alexander Kolobov, who handles day-to-day operations and oversight of approximately 800 store locations within the country.>McDonald’s knockoff ‘Uncle Vanya’ unveils nearly identical logo after Russian stores close >A budding burger chain in Russia called “Uncle Vanya” is looking to grab business that has been left on the table by McDonald’s — revealing a logo that looks strikingly similar to the “Golden Arches.”>A March 12 trademark filing with the Russian government showed an image that closely resembles the McDonald’s logo turned on its side. The sketchy filing shows a Cyrillic letter “B,” which references the “V” in “Uncle Vanya,” cast in yellow against a red background.>“Trademark squatting has begun in Russia,” tweeted Josh Gerben, a prominent intellectual property attorney who was among those who flagged the filing. [Embed]
>Germany Scrambles To Ration Gas After Refusing To Make Payments In Rubles >Update (1140ET): It looks like Moscow is making headway with its demands that “hostile states” (aka its European customers) start paying for their gas in rubles. According to Bloomberg, Putin and German Chancellor Scholz have agreed to let “experts on both sides” discuss the feasibility of Russia’s demand that Germany switches to rubles for its gas payments, according to an emailed statement from the Kremlin.>Both leaders have agreed that switching to ruble payments shouldn’t deteriorate contract terms for European importers of Russian gas (meaning that the price should remain stable regardless of which currency is used for payment and settlement). Putin also updated Scholz on the state of talks between Russia and Ukraine.>But Scholz isn’t the only European leader who appears to be seriously considering Putin’s demands. Italian leader Mario Draghi is also reportedly considering Putin’s demands.
>Now Russian TV host calls for 'regime change' in US after Biden demanded Putin be removed from power - and clamors for 'partner' Donald Trump to be reinstated as president
>Quran Riots in Sweden: Islamic Migrants Violently Seize Control As Police Retreat (Videos)>“Our actions have shown that freedom of speech and freedom of peaceful assembly no longer exists in Sweden. Now, Sharia is the law of the land.” – Rasmus Paludan>On Thursday and Good Friday, Rasmus Paludan, the leader of the Danish Stram Kurs political party, scheduled protests in Sweden against Islamic Supremacy. Paludan organized demonstrations in some of the country’s most dangerous, immigrant-dense areas, widely considered no-go-zones. These protests, which coincide with the Muslim holiday Ramadan, were to show that Islamic values are not compatible with liberal Swedish society and its freedom of expression and opinion.>Sweden’s exploding violent migrant crime rate poses a threat to his neighboring country Denmark, explains Paludan, because of the easy access between Scandinavian countries due to the Nordic Passport Union. The Nordic Passport Union allows illegal migrants residing in Sweden to easily travel and reside in Denmark without any travel documentation or even a residence permit.[YouTube] Korankravaller i Örebro
[Embed][YouTube] Korankravaller: Polisbuss i brand i Örebro
[Embed][YouTube] Polisbilar vandaliseras vid koranbränning i Skäggetorp - Linköping
[Embed] [Embed][YouTube] Polisen attackeras och bilbränder i Norrköping
> Why Is Russia Still Collaborating With Countries That Are Actively Working to Destroy It?>More 5D chess?>Close your eyes and imagine you’re Russia.>You’re scrambling to create an alternative financial system in order to bypass 100 gazillion sanctions.>At the same time, you’re formulating “global health” policies with the same countries that are actively trying to destroy your economy.>Something doesn’t quite add up here.
>Jew professor struck with a chair on live TV.
>Teen struck occupier professor with a chair on Live TV, Motive yet unknown.
>Amir Hetsroni is a professor of communication at Koç University, a novelist, and a publicist in Occupied Palestine who grew to turn into well-known for his controversial statements.
>Sri Lanka to run out of oil today as streets break out into chaos >The economic crisis is being driven by a number of things, including a foreign exchange shortage, rampant inflation and shortages in food and fuel. The country also recently called off an organic farming program which imposed a nationwide ban on synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. >Due to the policy, rice yields crashed by 20 per cent>Videos on social media show protestors trashing luxury vehicles and mobs purportedly hunting down wealthy Sri Lankans on the streets. [Embed] [Embed]
>Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro Tells Supporters to Prepare for War with Crucial Election Looming>Bolsonaro does not intend to allow a situation similar to what occurred in the 2020 U.S. presidential election to happen in his country. He is telling his supporters to be ready to fight for freedom in case his nation’s deep state perpetrates a vote steal of some sort.>To ensure a fair and balanced election in 2022, Bolsonaro has been trying, somewhat in vain, to revamp Brazil’s current electronic voting system – which like all electronic voting systems, can be easily hacked – to one that leaves a paper trail, and is thus less vulnerable to fraud.
>Russia Plans on Sending Troops to Nicaragua for “Humanitarian Operations”>Russian authorities have downplayed the impact of this troop deployment to Nicaragua by describing it as “routine.” >However, Nicaraguan state television offered a more ominous message:>‘If U.S. missile systems can almost reach Moscow from Ukrainian territory, it is time for Russia to deploy something powerful closer to U.S. cities…’
>Norway Terminates NH90 Helicopter Program, Seeks Refund >NATO-member Norway terminated a 20-year contract for 14 helicopters with a French defense company, citing delays, errors, and excessive maintenance woes, Reuters reports. >Norway decided to return the NHIndustries NH90 helicopters and demand a full refund it paid for the fleet, costing nearly 5 billion kroner ($525 million), according to Defence Minister Bjørn Arild Gram.
Sri Lanka
>Food Riots Continue In Sri Lanka As The Military Begins Shooting >The starving and hungry people of collapsing Sri Lanka have been rioting over the cost of food and lack of energy. As if things couldn’t get worse, the ruling class has taken to gunning down those who stand against being ruled.
>MEP Gunnar Beck Warns - EU is Planning the Africanization of Europe>President of the European Commission (EC) Ursula von der Leyen is promoting the “Africanization” of Europe, warned German MEP Gunnar Beck. In a shocking report, he reveals the EC’s plans to replace the population of Europe with African asylum seekers. As Bech explains, “This will include war and climate refugees, which just about includes the entirety of Africans — all the way to Botswana in South Africa.”
>Watch Beck’s powerful testimony which has been exclusively translated by RAIR Foundation USA:
>Spanish Government Ordered Military to Spray Lethal Chemtrails on Its Citizens as Part of Secret UN Program>A Royal Decree published by the Spanish government declared a state of emergency due to the Covid-19 pandemic, authorising the use of biocide chemicals.>In other words, the Spanish government authorised the spraying of chemtrails under the guise of the “state of emergency” declared during the pandemic.>The government order also details the intended application of the chemicals, which is via “aerial” techniques, not a manual application.
>>347884le happy merchant
SWEDEN>'Very Worrying': Swedish Police Ring Alarm Bell Over Gangs Armed With Anti-Tank Weapons - (Swedish language)
>>347884>picturedFAKER THAN YOUR HORSEFU
>>348262Says the chinckess' husband.
>>348262That's 100% approved by /mlpol/'s Fact Checkers.
Slovenia>MYTH of Democracy: Slovenia Legalizes Gay Marriage Despite Population Voting Against it 3 Times>Slovenia’s Constitutional Court has legalized gay marriage and gay adoption despite the country’s population voting against it in three separate national referendums.>The country became the first former communist eastern bloc country to legalize homosexual marriage, but it did so in complete violation of the democratic will of the people.>“On July 8, six judges voted to legalize same-sex marriages and adoptions, while three voted against,” reports Remix News.
>Young German girl, 17 year old Tabitha was murdered by a 35 year old Syrian in Asperg>Police are also investigating 'racist remarks which refer to the suspect's origin' >She is the 45th young woman to die in Germany at the hands of immigrants this year [Embed]
>Iranian Ministry announces ban on presence of women in advertising>Iran's Guidance Ministry has told advertising agencies that under the government's tightening of the so-called hijab and chastity law, women are now prohibited from appearing in advertisements.>The ministry sent a letter to agencies over the weekend following the release of a promotional video by the Domino ice-cream company that featured an actress wearing a sweater donning additional layers of clothing while images of ice cream flash across the screen.>At the end of the ad, she is wearing a winter coat and hat and takes a bite of the ice cream.>A government agency subsequently called the ad "a crime" and condemned the use of an actress saying such ads lead to the "promotion of immorality" in the society. [Embed]
>Why China's Youth Unemployment Has Hit A Record 19.3% >China has a new pandemic to worry about: Unemployment, underemployment and disillusionment is steadily spreading throughout China's highly-educated youngest generation. >As with most dismal economic circumstances, this one is largely the fault of government. As Bloomberg explains: >"A perfect storm of factors has propelled unemployment among 16- to 24-year-old urbanites to a record 19.3%, more than twice the comparable rate in the US. The government’s hardline coronavirus strategy has led to layoffs, while its regulatory crackdown on real estate and education companies has hit the private sector.">"At the same time, a record number of college and vocational school graduates -- some 12 million -- are entering the job market this summer. This highly educated cohort has intensified a mismatch between available roles and jobseekers’ expectations."
>Hungarians 'do not want to become mixed race', PM Viktor Orban declares, claiming multicultural Western Europe countries 'are no longer nations'>Viktor Orban defended his vision of an 'unmixed Hungarian race' in speech>Hungarian PM criticised mixing with 'non-Europeans' during speech in Romania>He said Hungarians 'don't want to be a mixed race' or a 'multi-ethnic' people
>Switzerland>Swiss Police Chief Warns About Potential Social Unrest Once Power Shortages Start Kicking Off>Like many countries in Europe, Switzerland is taking preparatory measures for potential power shortages expected to take place in the forthcoming winter. >Jan Flückiger, the Secretary General of the Energy Directors’ Conference, cautioned that “internal security then becomes a problem” when energy shortages start kicking off. According to Tyler Durden of ZeroHedge, Flückiger argued that the federal government has not grasped the gravity of this matter. >While he was interviewed for a Swiss-German newspaper Blick, Fredy Fässler, the police chief of Switzerland’s St. Gallen canton, shockingly argued that people may take to the streets and start looting if Switzerland faces an energy crisis this winter.>“Imagine, you can no longer withdraw money at the ATM, you can no longer pay with the card in the store or refuel your tank at the gas station. Heating stops working. It’s cold. Streets go dark. It is conceivable that the population would rebel or that there would be looting,” he stated.
>Footage of a drunken US Embassy employee in Moscow surfaced.
>Navarro Nicholas Stormy. Born in California on November 3, 1995, a career Marine who underwent special training in Quantico (Virginia). Since 2021 - security officer of the US Embassy (security of the outer perimeter of the embassy).
>The Marine tried to enter the embassy while being watched by Russian security but was unable to enter due to the doors being closed. He then headed to a different entrance and was allowed in.
South Africa
Black South African Mob Calls for Murder of White Farmers at Political Rally. [Embed]
>>350509Retarded niggers learn absolutely nothing from their previous attempts to chase off white farmers.
White farmers are retarded and
will come back to the niggers afterwards instead of letting the chimps starve.
>>350527>Retarded niggers learn absolutely nothing from their previous attempts to chase off white farmers.It has its western analogy with our SJWs.
Both are marxists, both want power to leech the working class, both never held a proper job, both want the wealth of somebody else in exchange of nothing.
>>350509A follow up:
>South African Supreme Court Rules Anti-White "Kill The Boers" Song Is Not Hate Speech>The Equality Division of the Supreme Court in South Africa has ruled that the song “Kill the Boers” was not a case of “hate speech.” The hateful song, which celebrates the killing of Dutch settlers in South Africa, is protected by freedom of expression and must be left to the political debate within society, according to the court.>The song says, among other things, “The cowards are afraid. Shoot the Boers, shoot, shoot.” The case was brought before the court by the organization AfriForum, an advocacy group for the minority White population living in the country, reported the South African news portal IOL.
>>350946This is how all hate speech laws work. It's not hate if it's against white people.
>>350560Marxism was invented by the jews to dupe whites into thinking acting like a jewish nigger is the right thing to do.
It lies about how the world works and what's right and wrong and what marxism will do to the world and has done to the world, all to justify atrocities. It lets them look at a starving family struggling to keep their family business afloat and say "Capitalist scum". Higher level marxists know it's all bullshit and chose this ideology specifically because it lets them be evil, serve authority safely, and bully the helpless. Even if their victims are only helpless because they choose not to meet communist aggression with bullets, retaliatory purges, and mass graves for communists.
>Chile voters reject proposed left-wing Constitution guaranteeing ‘right’ to abortion>Voters in Chile rejected 'the most horrid expression of legal wokeness ever devised.'>The proposed Constitution would have replaced the nation’s 41-year-old charter, which many liberal media outlets were eager to note was “imposed by” or had its “roots in” the rule of right-wing dictator Gen. Augusto Pinochet. An equal number of male and female delegates, who were elected democratically, drafted the now-rejected Constitution. It would have mandated “gender parity” in “state bodies and public companies,” declared “nature has rights,” and limited where lithium and cooper could be mined. “The text included commitments to fight climate change and protect Chileans’ right to choose their own identity ‘in all its dimensions and manifestations, including sexual characteristics, gender identities and expressions,'” the New York Times noted. [Embed] [Embed] [Embed][YouTube] Sadness and celebrations as Chile overwhelmingly rejects progressive constitution
Armenia - Azerbaijan
>Armenia Requests Russian Military Assistance As Fighting Breaks Out With Azerbaijan>Armenia is basing the request on the Collective Security Treaty Organization pact it has with Russia, and under which Russia previously sent peacekeeping forces to Nagorno-Karabakh after the Fall 2020 conflict. >Independent geopolitical analyst and Russia watcher Clint Ehrlich concludes of the hugely significant request at a time the Ukraine war is raging: "If Russia accepts, we could see a second NATO-Russia proxy war explode." [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>Russian Bots? German Authorities Have been Operating Hundreds of Fake Far-Right Social Media Accounts>According to the report by Süddeutsche Zeitung, — one of Germany’s largest newspapers — Germany’s Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution has been operating hundreds of accounts espousing extremist views for the purpose of infiltrating groups of interest to government officials.>The federal office has reportedly been paying civil servants to operate accounts posing as radicals on the left and right as well as the likes of radical Islamic extremists, anti-vaccination activists and so-called “Reich Citizens” — a term used to describe people who question or reject the legitimacy of the German Republic. [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>Russia Cuts Deal with Taliban to Provide Millions of Tons of Food and Energy to Afghanistan>Afghanistan will receive one million tons of gas, a million tons of diesel, 500,000 tons of liquid petroleum, and two million tons of wheat per year. The deal will run for a trial period and will continue if both sides find the agreement favorable, which may result in its expansion.
>Netherlands: Migrants Celebrate Living on '5-Star' Cruise Ship While Citizens 'Cannot Afford Groceries and Energy' (Videos)>Last week a “luxurious and expensive 5-star” cruise ship arrived in Amsterdam’s port, where 1000 asylum seekers were received. The MS Galaxy, which the Dutch government has hired with its citizens hard earned money, will remain in port for at least six months.>The Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers will manage the ship and provide “daytime activities and education.” In addition, the illegals can enjoy “a warm cabin for two people, wifi, and a private shower and toilet.”
>US occupation loots 55 tankers of Syrian oil from Hasaka countryside>30 October، 2022 Hasaka, SANA- The US occupation forces looted Sunday new quantities of Syrian resources from Syrian al-Jazeera region in Hasaka countryside and brought them out to their bases in the northern Iraq.
“A US convoy of 55 tankers loaded with stolen oil from Syrian al-Jazeera, headed Sunday from Hasaka countryside to northern Iraq via the illegal al-Mahmoudiyah crossing,” local sources in al-Ya’arubyia countryside told SANA reporter.
The US forces has also transferred a number of military vehicles via the aforementioned crossing, the sources added.
>Kinda ALMahmoud/ Shaza Qriema