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UFOs and aliens are man made.
751 31887 103575 104116 104641 106452 116799 121571 122574
This post is inspired by >>>/mlpol/59382.

I have been researching UFOs and aliens for decades. I have found the best way to understand the phenomena is to time-line it and then see what else was happening around the same time. Time-lining it allows the evolution & origin of certain aspects to show up which means you can trace things back to origin points.

I don't concern myself with if each UFO/alien report is real or not real, but I look at it in a wide ranging meta-view and this shows a sensible evolution which implies it is real and therefore the reports are generally mostly real.

I am not sure what the best way is to do this data dump. I have decided to do a succinct 300 year history which can be expanded on by me asking questions. This allows me to keep my efforts in proportion to actual board interest levels.

This initial section is to show the development of human sky technology and also shows that nothing ET UFO like is happening yet.

1758 - Book: Concerning Earths in the Solar System, in which Emanuel Swedenborg detailed his alleged journeys (spiritual) to the inhabited planets (up to Saturn + 5 exo-planets), solar system barrier, suns are black.
1783 - France: Manned balloons
1803 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utsuro-bune
1850 - and onwards triangular shapes are reported in the sky but when researched most of these can be associated with comets and comet fragments (comets tend to break up near Earth, Sun and Jupiter into sharp angular fragments).
1851 - Dr. William Bland sent design: steam engine driving twin propellers suspended under airship to Great Exhibition, London
1852 - Comet fragment dramatically crashes to Earth with sheets of rain (comet water) and dark ominous clouds with read streaks before the massive chunk crashes into the English channel. The other interesting part about this is that it happens near dawn, and the dawn side of the Earth is in the direction of the Earth's travel around the sun. So the Earth overran this comet fragment and sucked it down into it. This dramatically shows how astronomical phenomena can produce UFO reports. Pic #1 Attached.
1863 - “Aereon” by Solomon Andrews (inventor) flew, unpowered, controllable dirigible,Perth Amboy, New Jersey.
1871 - Mystery airship, Mt. Washington, New Hampshire (Solomon Andrews?) See Pic #2. This is one of the earliest UFO reports and we can see it is consistent with an airship. We have no reason to conclude it is ET yet.
1871 - (Vril, the Power of) The Comming Race fiction novel by Edward Bulwer-Lytton. This book in Germany inspires the use of the term Vril for unknown magical/physical forces and leads to the nick name The Vril Society.
1881 - a comet was mistaken as an unusual object in the sky. See pic #3.
1886 - Book: A Dweller on Two Planets, Atlantis, life on Venus, advanced technology, karma, Mt. Shasta. “No telescope will ever reveal human life on Venus; not that it is not there, but its forms are of the One Substance effected by a range of force rendering them imperceptible to earthly eyes." -- what we see here is the myth of sentient life on other planets in our solar system starting to form. There is no reason to reject this notion at that time.
1886 - cheap way to manufacture aluminium is discovered. At this point airships are flying around, some are secret projects. They use bamboo and cloth and ropes. Cheap aluminium allows them to be made of this metal. France is becoming a leader in airship design. You can think of these airships as the B2 bomber of the day, these are very serious military tech for spying and air to ground attack. Therefore there is secrecy around designs as well.
1891 - Contactee Thomas Blott (William Simpson, 1828-1910) The Man from Mars is a book about a Martian explaining how Mars is great and Earth sux, basically. It is not clear if this was supposed to be fiction or a reported event.
1893 - In the article “Man of the Year Million”, H. G. Wells envisaged humanity transformed into a race of grey-skinned beings, stunted and with big heads. -- the greys!!

So with that look so far we can see many of the elements of aliens and UFOs exist but there are no reports yet of flying saucers or any meaningful reports of flying triangles under intelligent control. All of it, when it comes to ETs, is human imagination. We can reasonably say no ETs are showing up in this 1700s-1800s time period.

In 1893 science starts to speculate about gravity and if we can understand it better and control it.

1893 - Oliver Heaviside makes paper called A GRAVITATIONAL AND ELECTROMAGNETIC ANALOGY http://sergf.ru/Heavisid.htm -- this will be very important as we continue the time lining.
1894 “Aug 26, British admiral reported sighting a large disk with a projection like a tail” – Keyhoe (1950) -- Airship? Science experiment? There are no good references for this report and so it can't be examined further.
1896 - Germany 11 Sep, Zagreb daily newspaper Obzor “The day before yesterday we received a telegram sent by an amateur journalist. He informed us that David Schwarz from Zagreb has invented an [aluminium] airship which he hopes he could direct on his own free will."
1896 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mystery_airship -- this is the UFO flap of 1896-97 but they were airships, not disks, triangles or spacecraft. We know that airships won't work in space so these are human-made. This shows that human advanced tech can be a unsolved mystery. See pics #4 and #5


556 replies and 492 files omitted.
i think the "cloud" may have been a space ship.
theres alot of wild things that tesla invented. so its not outside the realm of possibility.
did (((they))) kill tesla?
>1909 French Airship in England
>...two wheels at the bottom of the carriage, and a whirling fan at the tail.

>"Through gyroscopic action of my engine, assisted by some devices I am not yet prepared to talk about," he replied.

Oh you sneaky French, did you put a Tesla device on an airship? Is that how you did vertical thrust? Do other cases support hybrid Tesla/Airship craft?

>THE STRANGE CASE OF THE 1897 AIRSHIP By Jerome Clark (1966)
Pic #1.
>"A close examination showed that the keel was divided into two parts terminating in front like the sharp edge of a knife-like edge, while the sides of the ship bulged gradually toward the the middle, and then receded. There were three large wheels upon each side made of some bending metal and arranged so that they became concave as they moved forward.

>1906 Jun 1. Mitchell, South Dakota
>Herbert V. DeMott, 10, saw a “craft” come down near the well. “As I approached it, a door rolled back & I was welcomed inside.” The two occupants, who looked like ordinary men, sat on camp stools; they conversed with him, but did not divulge their origin. “The outer shell of the craft was filled with helium gas, and when the lever was moved the magnetism from the earth was cut off, allowing the craft to rise.” The pilots drew water from the horse-trough, to be used in making electricity.”
– CUFOS HUMCAT 1900-1909 ← Phenomena Research Reporter (Gribble) #3, pp. 5f., ← Albany (Ore.) Democratic-Herald, 8/27/73.

>1913 (US) Jul. Badlands area, Montana
>J. L. Buick & another prospector were startled by a small brown man saying “Peace be with you, my friends.” Sitting on a patch of sand was a silvery round object nearly 100 ft in diameter, with central dome & a small conning tower; no wheels underneath. Around it were other, small men in brown picking flowers, pebbles, etc., and some mining a rock outcrop. The occupant told the witnesses they were from another planet which had secretly been keeping tabs on earth for over a hundred years; they had learned English via spies working in a U.S. circus. The craft rose silently & then took off. Next day it came back, & they were given a tour inside 5 concentric saucers with diminishing air pressures, the outermost being evacuated. As to lift, “gravity is only a different type of magnetism”, so it can be controlled by an electromagnetic drive: they can do 9000 mph, and have artificial gravity inside the saucer. Rockets, they,were told, had tailed for space travel.
– HUMCAT_Index_1910-1939 (CUFOS) ← Witness's letter of 9/24/56 to Donald Keyhoe.

And America too?

A transition between airships and flying disks in ~1900s?

And then Germany does it again in the 1930s with a aeroplane/disk hybrid? Pic #2 & 3 and >>755 pic #4 & 5

> The “RFZ 1”: However, the birth of the “UFO” hit in 1934 and among the people of the Vril society - even if the beginning was a bust.
– Das Vril Projekt by Ralf Ettl and Norbert Jürgen Ratthofer (1992)

Seems to be enough pieces to make Pentagon Aliens >>65825 claim possible.
66002 66645 66945 67371 67892 70220
The 1893 Electrified Airship

>On July 3, 1893 several fishermen were awakened in the middle of the night by the presence of a strange craft that they described as an "electric monster." Their watches stopped and the craft/monster emitted electricity and light. The craft also made a loud sound. Two men were knocked unconscious in the encounter. The rest of the party fled in terror. They returned and found their two unconscious friends who were revived. Apparently the two men suffered no permanent injuries.
A PDF of the claimed newspaper article: http://ufosnw.com/documents/electricmonst/electricmonstnew.pdf

TL;DR: watches stopped, horrible noise, air filled with electricity, feeling of needles of pain, super bright light, called a monster, stream of water … blue fire, men move forward .. stream of electrified water downs men, called an electric fish, 150 feet long, 30 feet circumference, oval shape, upper coarse hair (electrical arcing?), walrus head, copper bands, electrically charged water thrown, revolving propeller like tail, at will electromotive force, goes under water.

1893 seems to early for such a device, especially in the USA.

AfterNon, what is going on here??
Perhaps it was a submarine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Submarine#19th_century but why was a propeller be seen?
Pic #1 http://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/OnlineLibrary/photos/sh-usn/usnsh-h/ss1-e.htm (1899)

Pic #2 Walrus head with fangs? https://americansall.org/legacy-story-individual/john-holland-1

Pic #3 Holland 4 showing bands, batteries and fuel. http://evworld.com/focus.cfm?cid=333
66646 66656 67892
I told you as much before: human ingenuity far surpasses fantasy. Did you ever care to research the BLATANTLY PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE that I shared to you? No, of course you did not. You are, as another Anon so eloquently stated in the prior months without a doubt passive and thus have little reason to understand that the contentment of basking in your preformed opinions creates in you your own worst enemy. I directly stated that THERE ARE NO ALIENS. THERE NEVER WERE. THERE NEVER WILL BE. Humanity is utterly alone. The rest of the universe is dead. So what does that leave? #1: propaganda, #2: Cover Your Ass, #3A: It's Aliens!, #3B: The Witness Lies!

You were given an exception to learn the fourth option at great cost from my colleagues. Now you shall be as alone in your search, on this 70% water planet which is wrongfully called "earth", as the rest of us are.
66648 66653
Welcome back, AfterNon! I'll go with Navy (or other ship yard) experiments using Tesla coils/turbine and a sub. >>>/mlpol/162850 →
Thank your colleagues for helping me. I have relooked at the answer >>46916 and I now see a new way to interpret it. The holograph does not need to exist in space, a unidirectional coded pulses of light using the eye-brain protocol could causes visions in the brain, not in the air. I imagine then it would look flat because both eyes get the same data.

Whilst I do appreciate your info I also need to verify what I can.

Easily searched = easily verified. Your end of the bargain was broken. Enjoy.
I still don't know what the bargain was.

whe i was searching for plasma propulsion saucers patents, i came across one by the same scientists about augmented reality that talked about neuronal implants and it sounded like brain cells "chips" that can be implanted for people to see what the emiter wants them to see.

if you can make a cluster of neuronal tissue to be injected in someone and act like an emiter of augmented reality to the brain .. think of the implications of that tech
1896/7 according to kikepedia:

>I told you as much before: human ingenuity far surpasses fantasy.
So we went out into the universe and found it dead?

>Did you ever care to research the BLATANTLY PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE that I shared to you? No, of course you did not. You are, as another Anon so eloquently stated in the prior months without a doubt passive and thus have little reason to understand that the contentment of basking in your preformed opinions creates in you your own worst enemy.
I am passive for now. I expect to be for a another 2 years as I deal with something of higher priority. I hope to return to a very expansive research after that.

>I directly stated that THERE ARE NO ALIENS. THERE NEVER WERE. THERE NEVER WILL BE. Humanity is utterly alone. The rest of the universe is dead. So what does that leave?
Not sure why you are REEEEing about this but 1) Your word is not gospel 2) I have no issue with this statement. 3) I have no idea why you assume I am on the alien train.
ALONE!!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfrSI2aiBJ8

>#1: propaganda, #2: Cover Your Ass, #3A: It's Aliens!, #3B: The Witness Lies! You were given an exception to learn the fourth option at great cost from my colleagues.
Broadcasting illusions to witnesses. I would add #5 The "aliens" are lying.

>Now you shall be as alone in your search, on this 70% water planet which is wrongfully called "earth", as the rest of us are.

I'll keep poking you and we can do the dance of misery together, because we like it. Poke. Poke. </3


Combine that with:

>Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves – https://patents.google.com/patent/US3951134

>Sure enough, hybrid EMR-hypnosis beams bearing “voices” were tested a year later by Dr. J.F. Shapitz, who proposed: “In this investigation it will be shown that the spoken word of the hypnotist may also be conveyed by modulated electromagnetic energy directly into the subconscious parts of the human brain” – another dream of Richard Helms was about to pass. The “voices,” Schapitz wrote, would program the subconscious mind “without employing any technical devices for receiving or transcoding the messages and without the person exposed to such influence having a chance to control the information input.” – Hearing Voices by Alex Constantine
One year earlier:
>A step in this direction was taken at Walter Reed Army Hospital of Research in 1973 by Dr. Joseph Sharp. Inside an isolation chamber, Sharp heard words beamed at him in a pulsed-microwave audiogram. An audiogram is a computerized analog of the spoken voice. ARPA's Robert O. Becker foresaw in the experiment nobvious aplications in covert operations.” He imagined a barrage of “voices” driving an enemy insane, and post-hypnotic suggestion radioed to a programmed assassin. – Hearing Voices by Alex Constantine
66661 66662 66663
Do you know how to download this or if its found in pdf and in english?

66662 66664 66669 66951
Das Vril Projekt (2002) 1_2 Googe English - Vril.pdf
Das Vril Projekt (2002) 2_2 Googe English - Vril.pdf
Scroll down to see download options.

My translated version using Google Translate attached. Not very good but readable.
The philosophy side comes from Norbert Jurgen-Ratthofer. The photos come from Ralf Ettl who seems to have gotten them from Messerschmitt archives. You can probably separate the text and the photos. Norbert converted Ralf whilst Ralf shared the photos for Norbert's books.
The same group ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neo-v%C3%B6lkisch_movements#Tempelhofgesellschaft ) made videos:
1988 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgGNz3up9pE
1992 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTXi55Z-bqo (skip forward 3 mins)
1998 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxEtseyHlNM (IN ENGLISH)
serveimage (15).jpg

thank you very much for those PDFs

>>66666 would have been a nice VRIL get tho

David Irving not banned in equestria


ok now is working, internet was working slow. thanks again
A gold mine of doco.
Did Irving say anything about flying saucers?
>There are so many rounded surfaces in Tesla's designs, that it gave me cause to wonder why Margaret Cheney, in her Tesla biography, Tesla: Man Out of Time1, using a passe', post-mortem Freudian psychoanalytic technique, alleged that Tesla had a near psychotic phobia of "rounded surfaces", evidenced by his revulsion and fear of pearls, based on an underlying "fear of the female breast". This hypothesis seemed belabored and misplaced, since Tesla's dislike for pearls appeared to be the result of his well-known phobia of germs, since pearls are essentially the result of a type of 'infection' in oysters. Could this sloppily surmised "phobia of rounded surfaces" be an O.S.I-designed ruse to lead us away from one of the fundarnental ideas of Tesla's flying saucer?
>Did Tesla realty have an irrational fear of "the female breast" and "all breast-like shapes" ("flying saucers"), as Margaret Cheney said?
>Quite to the contrary, many of Tesla's inventions are a glory to the breast, and a display of his apparati looked like a veritable garden of breasts, to be sure. Howard Hughes certainly had nothing on Tesla in this respect. The final design for his (originally "titty-like") Wardenclyffe Tower electrode, multiplied the titty motif literally hundreds of times, in different sizes! It looked sort of like a giant donut covered with bras. There is an unmistakable similarity between the Wardenclyffe Tower electrode, and early German saucers, presumably reflecting Tesla's original designs, which could just as well have been called "Flying Titties". "UFOlogists might have been called "Boobologists". Is the female breast shape the most perfect flying saucer shape? I have to conclude that I think Tesla loved the female breast, and other such shapes. I won't dwell further on this lovely issue; I should have made my point, so now I'll cut to the chase.
Pentagon Aliens by William Lyne.

Another mystery solved.
Hello Vril

have you read about this?:


i have read about Nibiru , Setcharia Sitchin etc many decades ago but i have never started to investigate about one race called "the Igigi"
in that link is explained they were the first slaves of the gods and when they refused to work Enki had to make the ADAMU the first person to replace them. When the sons of Adamu became too much and noisy and breed with Annunakis his brother ENLIL sent the great flood.

but what happened to the IGIGI...?

according to the sumerians they are similar to Adamus(lets call them like that) in aspect but a different race because they had the intelligence to revolt against the annunaki and one of them called Marduk was elevated to god level by the annunaki Enlil to stop the revolt as an agreement.

one theory is the IGIGI=Egiptians and made the piramids and put themselves as god kings after the annunaki left the earth but the great flood made their civilization dissapear. (maybe they survived underground some say an entrance to inner earth below the sphinx) or with the arc and nowaday humans are "IGIGI" descendants.

...while ADAMU slaves that want gold and are programmed to give it to their annunaki gods are the jews that say they are god's children and choosen people ...

Abrahamic religions call themselves descendants od Adam (Adamu) but.. what if that was an stolen story and abrhamic/semitic/kikes are just the Igigi working against the real Adamu descendants...?¿?¿?

this is a very interesting thing to read about.


>• 2016: DeLonge co-authors a book with A.J. Hartley called Sekret Machines Book 1: Chasing Shadows. This science fiction thriller is based on supposed real-life events. This same year, WikiLeaks shows emails between DeLonge and John Podesta and also reveals that DeLonge has been teaming up with Major General William N. McCasland to put together a UFO advisory team.

• February 2017: DeLonge is honoured with the UFO Researcher of the Year Award from OpenMinds.tv.

What’s DeLonge Been Up To Lately?


66947 67385
Welcome to the new religion to control the masses.

>My name is Carol Rosin. I am an educator who became the first woman corporate manager of an Aerospace Company, Fairchild Industries. I am a Space and Missile Defense Consultant and have consulted to a number of companies, organizations, and government departments, even the intelligence community. I was a consultant to TRW working on the MX missile, so I was part of that strategy, which turned out to be a role model for how to sell space-based weapons to the public. The MX missile is yet another weapon system that we didn't need. I founded the Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space, a Washington DC based think tank. I am an author and have testified before Congress and the Presidents Commission on Space.
>The strategy that Werner Von Braun taught me was that first the Russians are going to be considered to be the enemy. In fact, in 1974, they were the enemy, the identified enemy. We were told that they had "killer satellites". We were told that they were coming to get us and control us - that they were "Commies."
>Then terrorists would be identified, and that was soon to follow. We heard a lot about terrorism. Then we were going to identify third-world country "crazies." We now call them Nations of Concern. But he said that would be the third enemy against whom we would build space-based weapons.
>The next enemy was asteroids. Now, at this point he kind of chuckled the first time he said it. Asteroids- against asteroids we are going to build space-based weapons.
>And the funniest one of all was what he called aliens, extraterrestrials. That would be the final scare. And over and over and over during the four years that I knew him and was giving speeches for him, he would bring up that last card. "And remember Carol, the last card is the alien card. We are going to have to build space-based weapons against aliens and all of it is a lie."
Disclosure by Steven Greer. (And Greer promotes the alien idea!)

In 1891 onwards Tesla is giving demonstrations of high voltage electricity. In 1894 this book describes how it can be used to produce lift:
>“Furthermore, on the assumption that the independent carriers are of any configuration such that the fluid resistance to motion in one direction is greater than in another, a stress of that nature would cause the carriers to arrange themselves in groups, since they would turn to each other their sides of the greatest electric density, in which position the fluid resistance to approach would be smaller than to receding. If in a medium of the above characteristics a brush ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brush%20discharge ) would be formed by a steady potential, an exchange of the carriers would go on continually, and there would be less carriers per unit of volume in the brush than in the space at some distance from the electrode, this corresponding to rarefaction [low pressure]. If the potential were rapidly changing, the result would be very different the higher the frequency of the pulses, the slower would be the exchange of the carriers; finally, the motion of translation through measurable space would cease, and, with a sufficiently high frequency and intensity of the stress, the carriers would be drawn towards the electrode, and compression would result.”
– THE INVENTIONS, RESEARCHES AND WRITINGS OF NIKOLA TESLA by THOMAS COMMERFORD MARTIN (1894). Note: electron/atom not known until 1897 so they don't know what "independent [charge] carriers" are yet. Looks like this concept was tested in 1893 >>66001

Here is Tesla's patent for superconductivity in 1900 (but experiments with superconductors could go back to 1895 ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hampson%E2%80%93Linde%20cycle ):
My personal bias is that the lift comes from aligned atomic nuclei rotation (nuclear gravito-electromagnetic moment) and this is possible when thermal jitters of the atoms is low enough. That means supercooling and superconductivity. The atoms in superconductor material have naturally fast rotating nuclei. Turn that into a macroscopic event through nuclear alignment and what happens?

It is claimed Tesla was seen producing lift in 1894 >>65827

The craft are human tech. Have a read of https://www.scribd.com/doc/6990053/LYNE-William-Pentagon-Aliens and Henry Steven's Hitler's Flying Saucers. Lyne is a bad author but a good source for UFO-Tesla leads. Stevens is a great author with references to claims.

Why do aliens start looking like aliens when Hollywood starts doing special effects costumes? (credit: AfterNon)
Is this how Hollywood initially became linked to what becomes Pedowood? Why would you trust anything to do with Hillary's Podesta?


why do you sound like William Lyne?

>In 1893-94, Nikola Tesla, a patriotic naturalized U.S. citizen, of Serbo-Croatian birth, discovered a new theory of energy and gravity, called the Dynamic Theory of Gravity, which represented a unified field theory. Tesla's energy equation, "C = E/R", and Tesla's application to the Swiss Patent Office, for his flying saucer patent, was made while Albert Einstein was a second class patent clerk there. Einstein's work was an Illuminati conspiracy to obliterate Tesla's discoveries, so the Illuminati could control flying saucers and create our energy slavery.
- Pentagon Aliens by William R. Lyne.

It's easier everyday to think that power just becomes a criminal cartel. Damn that World Monarchy!

why welcome? are you from that (((religion))) to welcome people?

analising this stuff doesn't make you a believer. be careful kid.

This pic must be your only religion.

Also stop thinking everything from sumerians is (((control of the masses))) that is maybe what (((they))) want you to believe to keep you from checking it. Just like how they killed Saddam for rebuilding Babilon for the next coming of the gods.
luna_speedpaint_glowing mane.jpeg
>why welcome? are you from that (((religion))) to welcome people?
Just a saying.

>Also stop thinking everything from sumerians is (((control of the masses))) that is maybe what (((they))) want you to believe to keep you from checking it.
Okay. I was just saying aliens is a psyop. Sumer is cool. These guys look like fun too: Pic #2 and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mehrgarh But I see all of this as distorted memories of Neanderthals. The various figurines from about 40K years ago onwards all focus on features of Neanderthals that are different to homo sapiens. Pic #3. They aren't realtime models.

>Just like how they killed Saddam for rebuilding Babilon for the next coming of the gods.
The Aldebaran Nazi's have to get back somehow to save us I suppose.

Praise the Night.

synchronisity may be real. i was just reading about Neanderthal and Cromagnon and how Vasque/French region has the higher percentage of RH- blood.

SOme studies say that basque people have higher neardenthal dna percentage . Other studies say they are direc descendants of cromagnon.

the thing is they come from an isolated lineage of hunters that despised the africans.

so they are called the most europeans of europeans. but without the dna from middle east they lacked the carftmanship the first sapiens to enter europe had.

new studies have discovered there was hibridization . some people has up to 2% of neanderthal dna meaning that there was around 20% of crossbreeding between neanderthals and early sapiens.

ANd i agree with you about that Aliens can be used as a psyop by some . but i also think not all is psyop and the real thing will be covered by psyops.

There is something funny going on with the blood lines/types. It is a factor in, or related to, psychology. Pic and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_type_personality_theory it also has some bearing on "alien" abductions. I think really it is all just the same can of worms, locating the most exploitable people for the agenda.


>Neanderthals and Denisovans are extinct groups of hominins that separated from each other more than 390,000 years ago1,2. Here we present the genome of ‘Denisova 11’, a bone fragment from Denisova Cave (Russia)3 and show that it comes from an individual who had a Neanderthal mother and a Denisovan father.

>>67282 interesting info and yes i have read the "alien abduction" thing, and that takes us to that ufologists theory og them trying to reprouce and find compatible dna to hibridization..


use google translate for this. interesting view about adamic races and gods race:

"The [Hitler] couple were rescued around sunrise, April 29th, 1945, by flying saucer test pilot Hanna Reitsch and flight expert and navigator Hans Ulrich Rudel, who had made many flights to "Feuerland" ("Fire-land"). ... (Tierra del Fuego, on the southern tip of South America)" -- Pentagon Aliens by William Lyne
67288 67289

thanks to you brother. that war footage made me remember this about MAlvinas war in my country:


ok now i am very sad for both armies....
You and me both. Argentina deserves to get the Malvinas back. Those monuments shows that Argentina truly cares. Why did the Brits have to take something that clearly means so much for Argentina?

i am very sad right now to talk about the political background of all this but i have to say now i am only thinking of the suffering this kids went trought and how many died in that war. because they were mostly 17/18 years old .
And we see them as heroes because they were our ""300"" , a few old planes and young soldiers fighting an empire .

the song in that video destroys your hearth and sould to pieces. unfortunately not everyone knows spanish but i will try my best to tranlate the lyrics:

Loneliness (one of the islands is called "Soledad" )
is not a bad path
In this world
everything is wrong
Society continues to show
that is only
part of the evilness

Can tell you
sad stories
that in these lands I lived
I can feel deep wounds
that mortify my being
for seeing so much injustice

Mothers of today
they cry their children
In a city square
And the great empire
drank the blood
of the one who asked for his freedom

I do not know very well
what was the glory
In this southern war
today I can see
thousands of crosses
on these islands that god
gave us to all men

In solitude today I remember them
brave people from the south
And the truth
It is only divine
It's just a matter of waiting
May God do justice...

-by the Argentinian band Rata BLanca-

>And the great empire
>drank the blood
>of the one who asked for his freedom
67311 71024 89162
Extract from the book: Missing 411 - North America And Beyond, written by David Paulides.

Location: Loire River, France.
Date: May 20th, 1950.
Time: 4PM.
I received an email from an individual that had read both of my Missing 411 books. The person told me to obtain a copy of Passport to Magonia, written by Jacques Vallee. They specifically directed me to a story in France that was located on pages 95-97. I bought the book, read it in its entirety and was shocked at what I found.
Jacques Vallee was born in France where he received his bachelors and masters degree and then moved to the United States and obtained his PhD. from Northwestern University. His expertise has been in astronomy and computer science. He has notoriety for mapping the landscape of Mars for National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA) and for being the founder of several venture capital firms. Mr. Vallee has always had an interest in UFO's, which emanated from a personal sighting when he was living in France. In recent years he has worked on cutting edge technology for Stanford Research Center in Palo Alto, California.
Mr. Vallee has published eight different books. Passport to Magonia was first released in 1975 and then updated and reissued in 1993. The book focuses on folklore and unexplained occurrences with first hand stories from witnesses and individuals who have experienced significant phenomena. All of the below listed come directly from Mr. Vallee's story about the incident in France.
There are few details in the French story about where it specifically occurred. Mr. Vallee starts by saying that the incident happened "near the Loire River". The river is over one thousand kilometers long and is the longest river in France. We also know this occurred on May 20, 1950, at approximately 4PM and involved a woman of an unknown age.
The woman was supposedly hurrying back to prepare dinner and walking along an isolated path. She specifically stated that there was no wind or breeze. Rather than paraphrase what happens next, here is the quote from the book:
"Suddenly I found myself within a brilliant, blinding light, and I saw two huge black hands appear in front of me. Each one had five fingers of black color with a yellowish tint, somewhat like copper." She explained that the hands did not come from behind but appeared to come from above. She states that she took a couple of steps without anything happening and then the hands touched her. She didn't see any arms, just hands. "The two black hands were applied to my face with violence and squeezed my head." Her head was pulled back against what she described as a very hard chest, as hard as iron! The hands slowly gripped her head harder and harder. She described the hands as cold, as though they weren't made of flesh. The fingers on the hands completely covered her eyes, nose, and mouth. She couldn't scream out and she couldn't breathe. "When I was surrounded by the strong, blinding light, I had the feeling I had been paralyzed and when the hands touched me, I had the very distinct impression of a strong electric charge."
The woman felt helpless for a little over a minute. She describes a feeling as though being swung front and backwards. She again states that the subject swinging her had a metal hard chest and shoulders. She also claims that as she was being swung, she came back against "invisible arms" that were making contact with her shoulders. "It was at this moment that I heard his laugh, a strange laugh I could not explain; it was as if I heard him through water, and yet it seemed quite close, above my head." The laugh stopped after a few seconds and then the woman felt something like a knee hit her in the center of her back. The subject put her on the ground while still squeezing her head. He then dragged her rapidly along the path but she could not hear the subject breathing. "He pulled me into a bush or brambles and nettles and acacias, still going backward at an incredible speed, holding my head. At that moment I heard a voice above me, and it said: "There she is. We've got her."
It appeared that the abductor was talking with someone else. As she was hearing this, she was choking and having difficulty breathing and feared she was going to die. The abductor then dragged her into a field and stopped. She gradually felt the finger come off her face and at that point she tried to scream but couldn't. "After awhile I was able to sit among the brambles. I had a very hard time breathing. My bag was still in my hand with the money it contained."
Most people would hope that life started returning to normal for this woman, no chance. She states that she heard a loud and violent windstorm that started. "I saw the trees bending as if under a sudden storm, and I was nearly thrown down. Almost simultaneously there was a strong, blinding white light. I had the feeling that something flew through the air very fast, but I saw nothing. Soon everything became calm again. I felt discomfort and nausea."
The woman slowly made her way to a neighbor's to seek assistance. She stated she had an ongoing metallic taste in her mouth. At one point she believed some invisible force was brushing her off as she simultaneously was feeling an intense heat in the center of her back. At the end of the 5-6 minute walk to the neighbors, she estimated that the total event lasted approximately fifteen to twenty minutes.
The woman soon reached a business of an acquaintance. They asked her what happened as they had seen a bright light. The woman regained her voice while the shopkeeper stated that they saw finger marks deep in her face. After a short recovery period, the lady made her way back home and informed her parents what happened. The parents and the victim made a decision to call the local police.

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The Gendarmerie responded and interviewed her at length. They took her back to the location where the incident happened and then documented the facts surrounding the event. The police stated that she had been abducted and filed a report.

I viewed this report as one of the most important I've ever found. This incident includes many of the elements I have documented in North American missing person cases. This abduction occurred in 1950, a time that had high numbers of missing people in the United States.
The part of this incident that's unusual was the ability of the victim to describe intimate details of the event. We don't know the victim's age but she described an incident that is very similar to events described in North America.

Location of Incident:
Mr. Vallee specifically stated that this incident occurred "near the Loire River". This is important because the vast majority of disappearances I've documented have happened near bodies of water.

No Wind and No Sound
The victim describes a very quiet environment just before the abduction. I have personally witnessed phenomena while being in the woods as, "A vacuum of sound", complete silence. I was with a hunting partner at the time and we both felt it was completely abnormal and unreal. We sat down on each side of a huge Douglas fir tree and waited for 30-45 minutes until the sound came back.

Time of Incident:
4PM is the prime time for people to disappear in North America and that was the exact time noted in Passport to Magonia.

Scratches and Marks
The victim has scratches on her legs and face. The majority of the victims I've documented who have disappeared had scratches and marks as described in the France incident. The difference with this story: we have an explanation why someone would get scratches on their face and legs.

In past books I have written about victims being found inside bramble and berry bushes. There was never an explanation about how or why they were in that location, until now. The victim states, "I saw and heard the brambles scratching the empty space, and the grass being pressed as if under the steps of some invisible being" (Page 97).

Unable to Speak
The victim says that there was a time during her abduction where she tried to scream but could not. At the time many of the missing victims in North America are located, they cannot or do not speak. Some victims are found to have hoarse voices and even fevers.

Just as the victim believed that the incident was about to end, the weather changed abruptly. She described a loud sound, bright lights and heavy wind, wind so strong she believed she was going to get knocked down. Inclement weather is associated with many of the disappearances I've documented.

Date of Incident
How odd is it that this woman describes being abducted in May of 1950, while looking back at the list of missing people contained in both the Eastern and Western "Missing 411" books, 1950-1959 had more people abducted than any other decade that was covered in both books:
This list is found in Missing 411 - Eastern United States, Page 307.

Decade: Males+Females+Total
1868-1879 1+1=2
1880-1889 4+1=5
1890+1897 4+1=5
1901-1909 5+1=6
1910-1919 8+1=9
1922-1929 6+2=8
1930-1939 24+10=34
1940-1949 37+9=46
1950-1959 35+26=61
1960-1969 28+11=39
1970-1979 21+11=32
1980-1989 30+15=45
1990-1999 36+9-45
2000-2009 56+17=73
2010 1+0=1
Totals: 296+115=411

1950-1959 had the most individuals abducted under the criteria of this study; it also had the most females abducted.

We have no reason to disbelieve the story from France and we have many elements to the story that match hundreds of cases in North America during the same period. The story benefits our research by adding background to what may be occurring to the victims during that period when the majority either don't remember, refused to say or are unable to explain what occurred.
There are other stories in the missing books about women claiming they are being chased by men that they can't or won't describe. I think it's fascinating that in the France case the woman explains that she was taken to a location where it appeared she was being turned over to someone else: indicating that a conspiracy occurred. The real question is why was she taken and whom was she being given to? What was the point in the abduction? The answer to these simple questions will open Pandora's box that will eventually lead to why this phenomenon is occurring.
If there is one case in this book you are going to remember, commit this to memory.

Condition #1: victim was bombarded by one or more of the following: strobe OR pulsed LED, electromagnetic, sonic, ultrasonic, or infrasound weaponry.
As a direct result of this the victim was temporarily paralyzed without the ability to move or scream.
Condition #2: the victim was subjected to a "canned memory" situation in which an unreal experience, that of the "two huge black hands appeared in front of me", occurred. Combined technologies is most likely.
Condition #2a: victim had prior experience with "strong electric charge" before abduction as she knew what the sensation was.
Condition #3: male individual in hard metallic armor responsible for secondary method of capture.
Condition #4: paralysis experienced lasted longer than 1 minute. The victim estimated the time period of her paralysis as far longer.
Condition #5: "sudden, violent windstorm". There are several possible attributions here, the most likely being artificial ionic turbulence. Multiple means of ionic aerial locomotion were described by Tesla & Vril researchers as replacement for early helicopters & propeller-driven planes.
Condition #6: "very fast moving" aerial motion is eminently recognizable. Anyone that has ever had a near miss by even a small bird both knows and is able to explain the sensation peculiarly well.
Condition #7: deeply formed finger marks in the face. This would imply some form of mechanical force applied. Possibility of hand-driven servomotors in a prototype exoskeleton is high.

Analysis: the 1950's are, as remarked by David Paulides, the single most curious era for "strange" abductions. The period from 1948 to 1959 is when the Germans whom were forcefully abducted during Operation Paperclip performed the vast majority of their research. A colleague of some stature is in possession of only three documents related to this era:
#1: an explanation and partially redacted theory on the creation of a light emitting diode with the base color of red which was considered unsuitable at the time due to lack of easily portable batteries.
#2: a heavily redacted theoretical paper showing an experimental platinum-lithium-ion-nickel-oxide battery may be suitable for military use in submarines, flashlights, and thermal & night vision scopes.
#3: a brief outline of a project which detailed a large, aircraft engine sized device that would produce an electromagnetic field approximately the size of a football field to, quote: "...knock down trees, flatten stalks of corn. Create an opening for enfilading fields of of fire, in short."

You have more than enough evidence, Herr Vril. Become active as I am or you will continue to miss the chance to call the "aliens" out on their bullshit.
I love it when you post with clarity and references. Thank you for these posts! I am so glad you are still about.

My first thoughts go to this: http://www.viewzone.com/mkmk.html especially: https://history.state.gov/historicaldocuments/frus1950-55Intel/d244 but the report is from France, so a similar thing could be being tried. There is a somewhat similar UFO case:

>1979: Taylor claims he experienced a foul odour "like burning brakes" and that smaller spheres "similar to sea mines" had seized him and were dragging him in the direction of the larger object when he lost consciousness. According to Taylor, he later awoke and the objects were gone, but he could not start his truck, so he walked back to his home in Livingston.
>Taylor's wife reported that when he arrived home on foot, he appeared dishevelled and muddy with torn clothing and ripped trousers.

I am not sure why the British version is of lower technical ability than 29 year older French one. But the French did seem to have Tesla ideas attached to Airships in 1909 >>65834 ... "gyroscopic action" ... see pic attached 1949 US Airforce. So basically the French are the leaders in the tech. They also have the 1954 little green men. And the US is largely clueless but working on it. The other player is the Nazi's in South America?

Your quoted case makes me think this is some sort of Tesla levitating probe with some grapples. How horrendous that anyone might think this is a good idea, let alone build it and operate it! Also cloaking tech in 1950? Or hypnotic memory wipe? The laughing is telling as well.. people who report "Hell Hounds" sightings also report human like laughs. I think this fits with human operators laughing while making deceptive events.

>Folklore usually suggests that they have a horrific wail or howl which can invoke sheer terror in those who hear it, and they are known to even have a sinister, human sounding laugh, but that their foot falls are typically completely silent.

It's trivial to imagine these things as sensory (etc) experiments by psychopathic human operators.

>This is important because the vast majority of disappearances I've documented have happened near bodies of water.
Did they finally get the "subs" to fly with Tesla's ideas?

>"A vacuum of sound" ... "the weather changed abruptly" ... "heard him through water"
This fits with my space-time bending assumption and the use of superconductors which is viable 1947+
>“* Study of the superconductivity of solids. * Investigation of the nature of nuclear forces.” “The development of the ADL Collins Helium Cryostat (see 1947) as a reliable means for the quantity production of liquid helium has brought an entire field of research, previously carried on in only a few laboratories, into the range of every-day investigation and use. Phenomena which have been known to occur in the neighbourhood of Absolute Zero, and those which have recently been discovered, had not been exploited for useful purposes simply because of the excessive effort required to obtain these low temperatures. The general effect of extreme low temperature is the production of ordered states of atoms [nuclei?!] and electrons. Study of matter in an ordered state has revealed variations in behaviour which at higher temperatures were masked by thermal motion. These phenomena have made low temperature one of the most fascinating and fertile frontiers of current physical research, with practical development now only a question of time and research. Low-temperature physics is a technique which will make itself felt in all fields of pure and applied physics and engineering when the variety of uses to which it may be put is more fully realised.” .. “At liquid helium temperatures, the system of magnetic moments in most of the common paramagnetic salts is still in a thermally disordered state so that its magnetic properties are still varying with temperature in an interesting fashion.” “1. The electronic polarizability, which arises from the fact that the outer electrons of an atom can be displaced with respect to the nucleus by an external electric field thereby creating a dipole moment. This is a property of the particular atom under consideration [niobium? 9/2 spin, not radioactive] and is independent of temperature. [presure/mag. field?]”
– includes: superconductors (rings and spheres), Lear company

And if you can warp space-time can you make things invisible? What if the strong light is not strong light but a time distortion such that external light frequency moves out of perceptible range and so the local environment seems very bright? However strong EM would produce strong light.

Condition #1: yes.
Condition #2: this seems odd to me, why bother making the gloves vision? It serve the perpetrators no advantage. I'd argue they are real and necessary to grab her. See Condition #7. But what they are attached to being invisible is very odd. Cloak or hypnotic programming.
Condition #2a: Very common for people who have paranormal experiences to report electrical phenomena.
Condition #3: It read to me as the chest/arms/armor belonged to the gloved grapples. And remote humans were remote controlling this probe back to them with her attached like 1979 Taylor.
Condition #5: Yes. And I would add time distortion too if superconductors and nuclear spin alignment is involved to warp space-time/ether/quantum flux.

>You have more than enough evidence, Herr Vril. Become active as I am or you will continue to miss the chance to call the "aliens" out on their bullshit.
My life will be unstable for about a year, after that... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZXrrHbuDRs
We need secure comms.

Humanity is a major disappointment. We like self-harm.
>Missing 411
A correlation between missing people and UFO/"creature"/"alien" sightings should be done.
You forced my hand as you cannot be relied upon to perform the eminently simple searches for information. Certain members of the want-to-be World Monarchy have accelerated their time table by 2 magnitudes of propaganda, thus inactivity is discouraged.

Little difference between the incident in Passport to Magonia and the Taylor incident, only varying degrees of technological application or usage. Subjects are near always scratched and recovered with little memory or refuse to speak. No such thing as a coincidence.

It is not coincidental that the Vril Societe` and the French had great amount of contact during the late Industrial "Revolution" until a short time after WW1. French thought airships were safer due to being easily repaired. Germans knew otherwise yet could not convince their French colleagues until the late 1920's. Throughout his time at the Jew-S Patent Office, a certain cretin das juden had sold many highly impractical, dangerously altered designs to militaries across the world. There was a famous balloon set alight at one point. What do you think happened to multinational corporate interests whom deployed fleets of expensive aircraft for travel? Their "stocks" went from failing to sub-profitable in days.

There was never an organization known as "nazi" in history: that is a made-up jewISH slur. Regardless of the above, South America has kept a tightly imposed lid on their technologies for good reasons. Principally they do not want to reveal their past associations for fear of further world wide retaliation. The "War on Drugs" was a cover for such associations. I respect them for enduring such treason against humanity.

Both. The Manhattan Incident and its aftershocks coincided at the mid-point of memory manipulation trials. Again: no coincidences.

Yes. Newport News was where first tests were conducted. Later regions: Texas, Oregon, Washington, California shipyards. Hard to determine the spread, triangulation difficult.

One does not have to fold space-time in order to create "invisibility". Magnetic refraction or bending of light-producing ions is simple. Why use the mundane when the more fantastic yet utterly technological frightens the target or targets more often?

The only advantage of utilizing multiple technologies is producing greater amounts of divide and conquer. "It's aliens!" vs. "The witness is lying!" vs. "It's a (((conspiracy theory)))!" In essence this makes a multiple choice scenario where the given options are not correct answers.

Welcome to the New Age.
>You forced my hand

>as you cannot be relied upon to perform the eminently simple searches for information.
Oh AfterNon, lets cut to the chase: I can't be relied upon.

>Certain members of the want-to-be World Monarchy have accelerated their time table by 2 magnitudes of propaganda, thus inactivity is discouraged.
Yawn. Citation needed.

>Little difference between the incident in Passport to Magonia and the Taylor incident, only varying degrees of technological application or usage. Subjects are near always scratched and recovered with little memory or refuse to speak.
I'll assume this is 411 references.

>No such thing as a coincidence.
OMG, you're Q!! OMG!

>It is not coincidental that the Vril Societe` and the French had great amount of contact during the late Industrial "Revolution" until a short time after WW1. French thought airships were safer due to being easily repaired. Germans knew otherwise yet could not convince their French colleagues until the late 1920's. Throughout his time at the Jew-S Patent Office, a certain cretin das juden had sold many highly impractical, dangerously altered designs to militaries across the world. There was a famous balloon set alight at one point. What do you think happened to multinational corporate interests whom deployed fleets of expensive aircraft for travel? Their "stocks" went from failing to sub-profitable in days.
Nice story, bro... why am I caring?

>There was never an organization known as "nazi" in history: that is a made-up jewISH slur.

>Regardless of the above, South America has kept a tightly imposed lid on their technologies for good reasons. Principally they do not want to reveal their past associations for fear of further world wide retaliation. The "War on Drugs" was a cover for such associations. I respect them for enduring such treason against humanity.
I can see you picked your side and are emotionally motivated. I'm just an observer. Dance puppets dance.

>Both. The Manhattan Incident and its aftershocks coincided at the mid-point of memory manipulation trials. Again: no coincidences.
Why are you ending the story just as it gets interesting? I've learned nothing here.

>Yes. Newport News was where first tests were conducted. Later regions: Texas, Oregon, Washington, California shipyards. Hard to determine the spread, triangulation difficult.
Is this about Project Winterhaven? Why u no qote? Are you obscuring your comments from the internet police? I suppose this is the part where I don't do "eminently simple searches"?

>One does not have to fold space-time in order to create "invisibility". Magnetic refraction or bending of light-producing ions is simple.
This is the stuff I am interested in. I care not for (unsourced) HUMINT and tribe vs tribe struggles. Humans will always fuck humans over. It will never matter who wins. So I will never feel rushed. As an aside I am close to finishing milestone 1 of 4 before I will return to large scale research. So this can sit in my to do box until then. Thanks.

>The only advantage of utilizing multiple technologies is producing greater amounts of divide and conquer. "It's aliens!" vs. "The witness is lying!" vs. "It's a (((conspiracy theory)))!" In essence this makes a multiple choice scenario where the given options are not correct answers.
I don't need convincing here.

>Welcome to the New Age.
Multiple interpretations available. Clarification needed.

So I have concluded that I am researching tech, you aren't the tech guy. You are HUMINT, and I don't care about HUMINT except if it leads to tech. This is why we fight. The tips you give, HUMINT, only tease the idea of a tech explanation and leave me disappointed. You expect me to follow up on the HUMINT, and then when I don't, I disappoint you. This includes me not caring about World Monarchy take overs. And to further disappoint you, I am idle for about a year because physics and economics demands it from me and those things don't yield. But I'll poke about /mlpol/ when resting until then. Thanks for the 411 tip, it's in my to do list to examine deeper. Those National Parks are obvious places for underground bases. Large amount of indicators for that. Reminds me of the French Alps and LGMs.

1987 start of scoop marks.
Makes you wonder if they have this shit legally
>Nb3Sn [Niobium-Tin] was discovered to be a superconductor in 1954




>Measurement of Gravitomagnetic and Acceleration Fields Around Rotating Superconductors
>Abstract. It is well known that a rotating superconductor produces a magnetic field proportional to its angular velocity. The authors conjectured earlier, that in addition to this so-called London moment, also a large gravitomagnetic field should appear to explain an apparent mass increase of Niobium Cooper-pairs. A similar field is predicted from Einstein’s general relativity theory and the presently observed amount of dark energy in the universe. An experimental facility was designed and built to measure small acceleration fields as well as gravitomagnetic fields in the vicinity of a fast rotating and accelerating superconductor in order to detect this so-called gravitomagnetic London moment. This paper summarizes the efforts and results that have been obtained so far. Measurements with Niobium superconductors indeed show first signs which appear to be within a factor of 2 of our theoretical prediction. Possible error sources as well as the experimental difficulties are reviewed and discussed. If the gravitomagnetic London moment indeed exists, acceleration fields could be produced in a laboratory environment.


Gravito-magnetic field spiraled will make Gravito-electric field (just like a magnetic field spiraled will make an electric field and vice versa).
Gravito-electric field is what we call gravity.

Kavanaugh fiasco covering all noteworthy news. Power play for stalling time. Pedophilia & fed corruption arrests/indictments ramped up shortly before occurring, (((they))) needed a quick, dirty out. What better way than to perform a second Herman Caining by driving social pressure & "women's suffering" troubles. Same old news: more divide and conquer while SSDD happens behind scenes.

Hot air balloons became considered dangerous after a certain unusually over-publicized incident. Aircraft on the other hoof were prone to catastrophic failures more often. Being smaller they they could be covered up more easily. How many economic windfalls occur overnight as a result of a "tragic accident"? Cause is as important if not more so than symptoms of the contagion(s).

Not motivation, dedication. Mistaking the source once can be attributed to laziness or disregard. South Americans have been treated as "the enemy" nearly as long as Russians, Chinese, many others in propaganda.

Manhattan Incident is buried to the hilt and beyond. It is one example in which information retrieval is at a dead standstill save for the few that dare buck NDA's. Few are willing.

Possibly related. Newport News = naval submarine base. Other bases of similar size built in named states. Same technologies used on/in stealth subs also used in aeronautics. Aurora 1/2 & Desert Prowler for examples.

Fresnel Equation. Kerr Medium. Faraday Rotation. Critical Reflective Angle. Liquid quartz crystal sonar arrays. Pockel's Effect. Dielectric Boundary Plane. What do all have in common? Use of liquid mediums, non-natural materials, crystalline material phases. Not "new" methods either, made my job obsolete. Basics:

No. COMINT, electronic warfare, counter-EW, ground based radar & lidar operations. Engineering & Technology directly handled by others, science of wavelengths & understanding what they meant was my job. Half screen jockeying, other half tracking Surface-to-Air-Missile sites. Unpleasant. More insults lead to less cooperation, Herr Vril.

Information more readily accessible in this current year's New Age, less can be hidden easily. Absence of information creates questions of where/what/who/why/how/when. Questions lead to speculation: where is information? Who is guarding it? Why? Where? When was information sealed off? If a wall is encountered, what is behind it? Let's all peek over and find out. Remember black box statement. What and or who caused void? Search perimeter for clues.
Power corrupts.

>Cause is as important if not more so than symptoms of the contagion(s).
Power corrupts.

>Same technologies used on/in stealth subs also used in aeronautics. Aurora 1/2 & Desert Prowler for examples.
Ionocraft, disrupting the air and turning it into ion to reduce drag. Positive charged leading edge, negatively charged exhaust, causes exhaust heat to repel itself/disburse before crossing wing edge. Lowers infrared detection. Magnetohydrodynamics in flying saucers. Thomas Townsend Brown "electro-gravitics", so probably thrust as well.

>Fresnel Equation. Kerr Medium. Faraday Rotation. Critical Reflective Angle. Liquid quartz crystal sonar arrays. Pockel's Effect. Dielectric Boundary Plane. What do all have in common? Use of liquid mediums, non-natural materials, crystalline material phases. Not "new" methods either, made my job obsolete.
Thanks for all the surprising info. Sighting investigators could use someone like you.

>More insults lead to less cooperation, Herr Vril.
Strangely, I am getting better results. I understand you better.

>Information more readily accessible in this current year's New Age, less can be hidden easily. Absence of information creates questions of where/what/who/why/how/when. Questions lead to speculation: where is information? Who is guarding it? Why? Where? When was information sealed off? If a wall is encountered, what is behind it? Let's all peek over and find out. Remember black box statement. What and or who caused void? Search perimeter for clues.

Yes, people don't realise yet what the internet has done. The initial generation grasped almost nothing of it. This second generation is mostly lost in emotional dramas, with some seeing what information freedom is. 3rd and 4th generations will get very interesting. Information wants to be free.

Could you ask your friends if superconductors can produce (small or large) thrust?
Something has changed.
67366 67367

67371 67383 67384 67385
ufos are just airships for jews?
If UFO's work more or less like helicopters is there any group of people that has a similar decline in numbers that correlates to UFO sightings?
>assuming most of the UFO's were seen disappearing out to sea
Only when the corrupt seize or deceive to take power.

Not now. Perhaps never. Recent scars barely scabbed over will be dragged out for examination now. True history must be revealed, shown to all before being corroded and bent into faux-circles again. No more cheerful cover stories, only the raw, ruined remains of the sacrificed innocents.
what the (((allies)) did make me want to die.
67372 67373 67378
I have traced the 1868 reported craft from Vallee to Fort to:

>Copiapo, Chili, April, 1868 ... Its immense wings were clothed with a grayish plumage, its monstrous head was like that of a locust, its eyes were wide open and shone like burning coals; it seemed to be covered with something resembling the thick and stout bristles of a boar, while on its body, elongated like that of a serpent, we could only see brilliant scales, which clashed together with a metallic sound as the strange animal turned its body in its flight.— Copiapo (Chili)

Meteor? Science had only become convinced that rocks fall from the sky about 60 years earlier. The witnesses may not know of the possibility. "elongated like a serpent" could indicate that.

Falling airship? "metallic sound as the strange animal turned its body in its flight."

"Electric Monster" ( >>66001 ) ?? "head was like that of a locust" "it seemed to be covered with something resembling the thick and stout bristles of a boar". (Tesla is only 12 years old.)


1852: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giffard_dirigible
1863: Solomon Andrews's first airship "Aereon" - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solomon_Andrews_(inventor)
1870: Washington mystery airship - https://ufocasebook.com/bestufopictures.html
1872: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henri_Dupuy_de_L%C3%B4me#Navigable_balloons

I'll keep looking through the video, not finished yet. Thanks for posting.
its very interesting

April, 1868 Report:

An ordinary airship seems possible but it is in a strange place. I doubt so far that it is some exotic craft this early. The sun was 8deg above the horizon and WNW. They would have been looking into the sunset if it came from the NW.

Lyrid Meteor (most likely)

In 1861 Comet https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C/1861_G1_(Thatcher) was discovered. The comet's closest approach to the sun was also in 1861 and it takes 415 years to return. The comet path comes from the North, under the sun, then back up to the North. In 1868 we passed through its orbital path, this is called the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyrids meteor shower. This happens in April. A meteor from C/1861 G1 would come from the the North. Counter argument: The direction I would have expected for the object is from NE but witness say from NW. Witnesses also say "flight rapid and in a straight line" and "serpent" which supports a meteor.

I will try and resolve the NE vs NW discrepancy.

Hawaii Volcano projectile (unlikely)

There is a very tiny chance that the 1868 "strange bird" was a projectile from the volcanic eruption of Apr 2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1868_Hawaii_earthquake . The internet says (I can't find a good source) that projectiles from volcanoes can be up to 190m/s. This could send them 4000kms away.

The distance between the volcano and Capiapo is 10,500kms. The speed of the projectile would need to be 315m/s, which would be considered impossible I assume. The speed of sound is 343m/s. However the direction of flight from the volcano would be from WNW and the witness report says from NW. NW is also the direction of Central and North America if it is an airship.


The 1868 sighting was definitely a Lyrid meteor from the comet C/1861 G1, all the data fits. Where I thought it would have to come from the NE, I was wrong because I failed to account for the Earth's 23deg tilt.

* Earth axial tilt makes the origin just West of North matching the report.
* The comet's orbital path was closest to the Earth on April 19, ~5pm Chile time. Making it the best opportunity for a atmospheric fly through.
* The meteor would be expected to be seen while the sun is up because it is closer to the sun than the Earth as it passes near the Earth.

There is no reason to doubt this 1868 report is a Lyrid meteor.


Regarding the 1880 "Airship" here is how Vallee describes the report:

>1880 - Eastern Venezuela. A 14-year-old boy saw a luminous ball descending from the sky and hovering near him. He felt somehow "drawn" to it, but succeeded in backing away in spite of his terror. (Lor. Ill 206)
- "Passport to Magonia" by Vallee (1969)

That isn't a description of an airship. The (Lor. Ill 206) is a reference to "Strange Effects From UFOs, A NICAP Special Report" by Gordon Lore (1969) which I don't have.

1868 = Meteor.
1880 = a luminous ball hovers near, perhaps "ball lightning"
1897 = the well known https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mystery_airship of 1896-97

There is no evidence here of a secret group operating from South America flying exotic craft. I'll keep researching the video. It takes a while :) Maybe it will get more convincing.
This was a good lead. Thank you.
Source: https://hometownbyhandlebar.com/?p=7074
We know who (some of) the pilots were of the west coast airship(s)!

67386 67387
Dellschau Select SM.PDF

I am very excited. I believe I have worked out how the Dellschau airships worked. And what the secret was. There are two possibilities I can think of for producing a non-conventional type of lift for an aircraft. The first is Tesla's high voltage control of the ether which is reported to be stated about 1891 ( >>66945 ) in Tesla's demonstrations. The second method I propose is a consequence of superconductivity ( >>66945 ) which isn't possible until about the 1880s ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_low-temperature_technology ) when we manage to create useful amounts of super-coolant. So the idea that some sort of exotic "anti-gravity" is happening on the 1850s is hard to support. So what else was happening in 1850?

>Thereafter, research into the partial vacuum lapsed until 1850 when August Toepler invented the Toepler Pump and Heinrich Geissler invented the mercury displacement pump in 1855, achieving a partial vacuum of about 10 Pa (0.1 Torr).
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vacuum

Scientist we exploring how to create vacuums. A container with the air evacuated is more buoyant that the same container with air in it. If you can control a vacuum chamber on a airship you can raise and lower the bouyancy of your airship at will! The drum shown in pic#1 and #2 I suggest has fan blades in it and air holes to let air out and in pic #3 (Dellshau art).

The question then becomes what is with the water drops? The atmosphere is primarily made up of N2 and O2, the atomic mass of these molecules is 14 and 16. The atomic mass of a water molecule is 10. What little gas remains in the vacuum chamber, if you can make it water vapour, reduces the density in the chamber even further providing additional buoyancy to the airship.

The average molecular mass of the air is about 14.88 if the low pressure vacuum chamber contains low pressure water vapour instead you get an additional 32% efficiency. Very clever.

So, for example, you design your airship to be able to lift 99% of its weight. You design your vacuum chamber to supply 2% lift. When it is on you have 101% lift and when it is off you have 99% lift. You have descent/ascent at will.

Is there some evidence to support this?
>1913 USA, Jul. Badlands area, Montana J. L. Buick & another prospector were startled by a small brown man saying “Peace be with you, my friends.” Sitting on a patch of sand was a silvery round object nearly 100 ft in diameter, with central dome & a small conning tower; no wheels underneath. Around it were other, small men in brown picking flowers, pebbles, etc., and some mining a rock outcrop. The occupant told the witnesses they were from another planet which had secretly been keeping tabs on earth for over a hundred years; they had learned English via spies working in a U.S. circus. The craft rose silently & then took off. Next day it came back, & they were given a tour inside 5 concentric saucers with diminishing air pressures, the outermost being evacuated. As to lift, “gravity is only a different type of magnetism”, so it can be controlled by an electromagnetic drive: they can do 9000 mph, and have artificial gravity inside the saucer. Rockets, they,were told, had tailed for space travel. – HUMCAT Index 1910-1939 (CUFOS) ← Witness's letter of 9/24/56 to Donald Keyhoe.
- http://cufos.org/HUMCAT/HUMCAT_Index_1910-1939.pdf

The ability to control an airships movements at will is very important, especially from a military use perspective. An airship in the 1800s is the B2 bomber of the day. It is nearly impossible to shoot down an airship due to the low range of weapons and because puncturing the balloon has negligible effect because the gas in the balloon is not under pressure. A hole in the balloon has the lifting gas wafting out slowly giving plenty of time for the aeronauts to plan a withdrawal. The ability to control rise and descent, in addition to fans to control forward and back, and wings (think sails) to control turning left and right, makes a fully controllable airship. When it is discusses that the leader of the Club is killed to keep the secret, this makes sense for the time period.

Why has Dellschau made this art? I suspect that the diagrams had existed from the 1850s and Dellschau had held onto them. He fears letting the secret technology escape into the hands of military use. As he got older he hit upon an idea to get the secret out but obscured from the minds of the less scientific (military). He painted them to look like art so that people would under-appreciate them:

>For thirteen years (1908–1921) Dellshau worked on these Plates, binding them with shoestring into large book-like objects. Twelve of these “books” survived, but it seems, judging from the careful dating and numeration of each page, and large gaps in the numeration, that there were perhaps ten others of the same size and type whose whereabouts are unknown. 7 The twelve books contained in all about two thousand pages produced at the rate of about one every two days.
- "Charles A . A . Dellschau" book - Attachment #4

I would suggest he could not draw and paint them in 2 days continuously. But he could paint them that fast as a cover story for them being technical designs. The idea that they are art and imagination is intended. What needs to be looked at is, are there any airship reports in the locale in the period of the Clubs existence.

There needs to be more work done to flesh out what is going on here, but I am only interested in the technology timeline, and vacuum chambers filled with low pressure water vapour is clever and correct for the time period. This has consequences for things such as hovering orbs, foo fighters and perhaps even black triangles.

Thanks, anon!
67387 67390
> I believe I have worked out how the Dellschau airships worked.
my my, that is amazing!
Aerial Locomotive 1849-April-1.gif
Some results from the latest research. There are four threads to follow:

Thread #1 Solomon Andrews (1847)

"He purchased the old army barracks in Perth Amboy, New Jersey, in 1847 and converted the dilapidated wooden structure into the Inventor's Institute. Dr. Andrews later changed the name (and the focus) of the organization to the Aerial Navigation Company. This company was probably responsible for one somewhat famous 1849 New York Herald advertisement that offered airship transportation to the California gold fields." [1] See pic #1

"Three of the Sonora Aero Club members mentioned in Dellschau's notebooks are a Smith, Wilson, and **Andrews**. Smith and Wilson figure prominently in the 1897 Texas sightings." [2]

"Dellschau shows one Sonora Aero Club airship, similar in design to the airship Andrews flew in 1863, with the cryptic caption 'A la Andrews.'" [2]

Thread #2 Vacuum (1850)

Vacuum was being discussed again in science in 1850 ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vacuum )

Thread #3 Internal Combustion Engine. (1853)

In 1851 he Felice Matteucci met Father Eugenio Barsanti and appreciated his ideas for a new type of engine. They worked together to turn the primary concept into a manufacturable item, eventually developing a model suitable for mass production.


This seems to have been completed by June 1853 ( http://www.barsantiematteucci.it/inglese/documentiStorici.html )
And patented in 1854 ( https://patents.google.com/patent/GB185401072A/en ). The patent seems to be missing, which suggests some nefariousness is involved.

Dellschau travels to USA from Prussia (1853)

I don't know what month(s) he traveled to the USA. It is possible he brought knowledge, schematics or an actual Barsanti-Matteucci engine to the US. Alternatively the patent in 1854 would have tipped of the scientists and engineers. To give some context the official airship history celebrates Giffard's steam engine powered airship in 1852. A combustion engine is more powerful and efficient. It is understandable this would be a secret technology. The gas for the engine is said to be NB gas, the formula known by one person, who later died and the formula was lost (for a time).

>The general appearance of most of the flying machines, or aeros, is that of a gas-bag, semirigid, cylindro-conical shaped (dirigible-shaped) machine with huge fans providing the thrust. All were powered by a **secret fuel that provided lift and thrust by driving the ship's wheels, side paddles, and compressor motors.** Hydrogen gas was possibly used as a fuel in an internal combustion engine to provide the motive power, or thrust, for the aeros. [1]

Hydrogen is suggested as the secret fuel. I am unable to locate what the Barsanti-Matteucci engine burns. It has been assumed that the fuel must innately provide lift, hence hydrogen. But the language above leaves room for my vacuum chamber hypothesis ( >>67385 ). Indirect lift, rather than direct. Picture #3 in >>67385 also has the wording "overpressure escape" at the periphery of the "vacuum chamber" further substantiating the idea. So hydrogen may not be the fuel. The fuel was said to be called NB gas ( https://www.argunners.com/nb-gas-mystery-solved/ ) and could really be anything.

[1] Solving the 1897 Airship Mystery by Michael Busby (2004)
[2] https://www.houstonpress.com/news/secrets-of-the-sonora-aero-club-6567727

Any evidence?

Sonora, California was always small, and even today has about 4000 people. It is at the edge of large low population areas of California. Pic#2. The population of California in 1850 was 92,597 people, and in 1860 was 379,994 people. The California Gold Rush starts in 1848 flooding California with people and wealth. It is possible for testing to be done in the remote areas of California but there are no documented sighting reports of airships in California in the 1850s at all. There is, however one case which suggests a possible explosion (or flew too high?) of an airship in California:

>According to the San Francisco Herald of July 24, 1851, blood and flesh, with pieces ranging in size from a pigeon’s egg to a small orange, descended in a two- to three-minute shower on an Army station at Benicia, California, covering a spot of ground thirty yards wide and 300 yards long.
- "Unexplained!" by Jerome Clark (1999)

Benicia is 97 miles west of Sonora.

There are reports of airships in the US in the 1850s:

>As the nineteenth century progressed, reporting improved, and we are able to make more precise correlations. A UFO flap took place in 1850, and there was also a series of poltergeist cases.
>From 1848 to 1851 there was a worldwide UFO flap, and poltergeist cases hit an interesting peak in 1849.
> Pic#3 - "Most of the UFO reports in this particular study were from the United States"
- "WHY UFOS Operation Trojan Horse" by JOHN A. KEEL (1970)

3 October 1850, Talcot Mt., near Hartford, CT, USA - Astronomer observes a "meteor" for 1.5 hours.
21 January 1855, New Haven, Connecticut - Brilliant red ball undulates for 10 minutes.

UFO reports 1800s.jpg
The spoilers above were supposed to be bold. And pic#3 is missing and is pic#1 in this post.


1858, Jay, Ohio, USA: Silent vessel with passengers
>Alerted by a sudden shadow over the place where they were standing, several witnesses including Mr. Henry Wallace are said to have looked up in time to see "a large and curiously constructed vessel, not over one hundred yards from the earth." A number of very tall people were seen aboard this craft, which the recorder of the event believes was "a vessel from Venus, Mercury, or the planet Mars, on a visit of pleasure or exploration, or some other cause."
>Mr. Wallace reportedly added: "The vessel was evidently worked by wheels and other mechanical appendages, all of which worked with a precision and a degree of beauty never yet attained by any mechanical skill upon this planet (...) This was no phantom that disappeared in a twinkling...but this aerial ship was guided, propelled and steered through the atmosphere with the most scientific system and regularity, about six miles an hour, though, doubtless, from the appearance of her machinery, she was capable of going thousands of miles an hour."
- "Wonders in the Sky" by Jacques Vallee (2009)

Notice how we have the natural instinct to attribute technology we don't understand to magical or ET agencies.

>Western historian Mari Sandoz noted, “Back in the hard times of 1857–58 there were stories of a flying serpent that hovered over a Missouri River steamboat slowing for a landing. In the late dusk it was like a great undulating serpent, in and out of the lowering clouds, breathing fire, it seemed, with lighted streaks along the sides.”
>On the Nebraska frontier in the 1850s, pioneers attested to the presence of fire-breathing serpents writhing overhead.
More human body parts from airships?
>Another physician, G. W. Bassett of Virginia, recounted this event in the spring of 1850 in a letter to a colleague:
>About four p.m. yesterday, being Good Friday, a small cloud passed over Mr. Chas. H. Clarke and several of my servants, a few paces from the south bank of the Pamunkey River in the lower end of Hanover County, Virginia, on the estate called Farmington, and discharged around the parties, over a surface of something less than a rood of ground, various pieces of flesh and liver, too well defined in each sort to allow any mistake in their character.
>A similarly grisly rain is said to have taken place the previous February 15 in Simpson County, North Carolina, where pieces of flesh, liver, brains, and blood, all looking fresh, fell out of a red cloud and splattered over an area thirty feet wide and 250 to 300 yards long.
- Unexplained! by Jerome Clark (1999)

1857 October 8th. Illinois, U.S.A. Just before an earthquake a brilliant flashing light passes slowly across the sky to be followed by a loud explosion.
- -- Flying Saucers Have Landed by Desmond Leslie (1953)

So we have good reason to suspect that airships are being flown around in the US in the 1850s, in secret, and possibly occasionally killing the crew and dumping their body parts on the ground. And one case of that suggesting flights in California 2 years prior to the 1853 Dellschau-Sonora Aero Club and 3 years after the start of the Gold Rush.

Like most UFO-related events it hovers right on the cutting edge of human capability and suggest secret group operations for either military or commercial exploitation. These groups never become part of the official history and avoid being documented.

I'd like to see that mercury experiment done with the different mercury isotopes isolated. Mercury has 7 stable isotopes and one which has a half-life of 444 years. I'd like to see the same experiment with each isotope isolated to see if the rotation seen correlates with rotating nuclei. A rotating nuclei would make the nucleus a subatomic magnet.
i suspect the Die Glocke operated in a similar way to the Mercury experiment.
67393 67887
>...minus 200 Celcius...
>...Mercury Isotope 203...
Pic#1 from 4chan. No source.

>203Hg , half life = 46.595(6) days, nuclear spin = 5/2−
Good balance of nuclear spin vs half life. (Better is 93Nb = Stable, 9/2+)

>Red mercury is a compound of mercury, antimony and oxygen having the chemical formula of Hg2SB207 (Pic#2) . At room temperature and pressure it is a powder. It is red in color. But it seems that there is more to red mercury is not a simple chemical combination.
>Legend has it that once chemically concocted; red mercury is put into a nuclear reactor for a period of time in order to charge up. During this charging up process while undergoing neutron bombardment in the reactor, the red mercury powder changes into a thick liquid.
- Hitlers Suppressed and Still-Secret Weapons, Science and Technology by Henry Stevens (2007)

Minus 200 Celsius (aka 73Kelvin) is not low enough but helium can reach -269C (4K) which is enough for Mercury superconductivity at 4.2Kelvin. Liquid Helium is available in 1908.

They add additives to keep it from solidifying probably because they need it to swirl in a circular pattern while under magnetic field influence to align the nuclear spin axis in the direction of the swirl. This then causes the gravito-magnetic moment of each nuclei to be compounded with all of it's neighbours along the swirl, this rotation around in the horizontal plane (the swirl) converts the gravito-magnetic field into a gravito-electric field up through the centre of the swirling mercury, which is artificial gravity.

The reason for the cooling is the remove thermal jitters from the atomic nuclei so they can all align in the same direction without jostling about.

The atomic nuclei would produce there own magnetic field, because they are now not jittering about they are aligned magnetically they would produce a large macroscopic magnetic field. Through the middle of a ring a large electric field would also exist. Because mass is also a type of charge, the rotation of the nuclei mass produces a gravito-magnetic field also. ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravitoelectromagnetism ) EMF and the gravito-electromagnetic field, would be powered by nuclear rotation. The nuclear rotation is powered by an imbalance in the collective rotations of the quarks that make up the neutron and protons of the mercury nuclei.

If you extract from these self generated fields then energy needs to be removed from those quark rotations but since those quarks aren't going to slow down, the speed is fixed (quantum physics), then the only place to extract energy from is their passage through time. Therefore in proximity to this device while extracting energy from it time distortions should occur.

>According to the SS man, Hitler had a hidden facility in the mountains of the Harz region. There, deep under a mountain Hitler had constructed a time machine. Unfortunately, this machine was no longer accessable from the surface.
- Hitlers Suppressed and Still-Secret Weapons, Science and Technology by Henry Stevens (2007)

> “If the superconductors are rotated considerably faster than the 5,000- rpm speeds I've been mainly using until now, perhaps five to ten times as fast, the disc experiences so much weight loss that it actually takes off.” “Have you experimented?” I asked. “Yes,” he said meaningfully, “with interesting results.” It was then that I asked him if he had heard of Viktor Schauberger. It kind of came from nowhere but in actual fact it wasn't such a wild shot in the dark. There was something incredibly familiar about those rotation speeds. Schauberger had been generating a lévitation effect using rotational velocities of 15-20,000 rpm. If these were rapid enough to produce a usable torsion field, no wonder Podkletnov had been getting “interesting results” from 25-50,000 rpm. Podkletnov weighed his response before replying. “You should understand that I come from a family of academics,” he said after a long moment of reflection. “Both my father and grandfather were scientists. Shortly after the war, my father came to acquire a set of Schauberger's papers. Some time later, when I was old enough to understand them, he showed them to me.”
– The Hunt for Zero Point Nick Cook (2001)

The common ground here isn't that it is mercury but that atomic nuclei rotation aligned by supercooling allows the production of macroscopic electromagnetic and gravito-electromagnetic fields. A gravito-electric field is what we call gravity. There are three methods of invoking this, magnetic fields, pressure and/or supercooling.

See also: http://igorwitkowski.com/The-German-approach-to-antigravity.pdf

and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgyAFElQZcU
67396 67404
History_of_California_oil and gas production.pdf
Autism go!

I have been been examining deeper the Dellschau airship possibilities. It is looking viable.
California has people experimenting with balloons in the 1853. See Pics. California also had very easy access to oil from the ground. You could dig a hole in some cases and collect the oil that flowed out. These were called seeps, short for seepage. Delschau makes references to "suppe". Suppe is German and means soup. I am not sure if he is playing with words here.

These seeps have been used as a resource for a long time.
>When the Spanish explorers landed in California in the 1500s, they found Indians gathering asphaltum (very thick oil) from natural seeps.
>As early as 1849, travelers moving along the route used the seeps, pausing to lubricate their wagon wheels with oil.
>In 1854, oil was collected from seeps and excavations at Sulphur Mountain, in Ventura County, and refined in stills for home use. Complete records of the operations are not available, but it is reported that as early as 1856, a company organized in San Francisco began working the tar pits at La Brea Ranch, near Los Angeles, distilling some oil.
See PDF.

Asphalt has another name, bitumen. And in German the name can be "Naturbitumen".

Since Dellschau is from Prussia this could be the meaning of NB. Which takes us to "NB Gas". One very efficient flamable gas you can make from oil is "oil pyrolytic gas". This gas has the highest BTU yeilds. It makes sense to use it on an airship where weight is a concern.
>Initial experiments in 1817–1825, which were failures; began to be used widely in 1860s. Simpler, much less labor-intensive manufacturing process. Oil very expensive feedstock compared to coal; prices (and illuminous efficacy per ft3) double to triple that of regular coal gas.

Since the oil is almost cost free from the ground in California, they could have made this very efficient gas very cheaply, perhaps even in secret. They then feed it into the Matteucci-Barsanti engine on the airship and run the propeller(s) and the vacuum chamber. It is stated that when the NB gas secret holder died the secret was lost until 7 years later ( https://www.houstonpress.com/news/secrets-of-the-sonora-aero-club-6567727 ). Perhaps this is when "oil pyrolytic gas" became more commonly available in the 1860s.

TL;DR nothing in the story so far seems impossible and it is cutting edge. California is a good place to test a secret combusion-engine airships.

Also a horse went up in an airship in 1855
Pic#2 fixed.
I've been looking at Dellschau drawings to see if a Barsanti-Matteucci engine could be "seen" in the drawings.

Pic#1 is the engine from the 1854 patent from https://docplayer.biz.tr/4826435-Giris-1-distan-yanmali-motorlar-2-icten-yanmali-motorlar.html
Pic#2 is taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugenio_Barsanti
Pic#3 is from http://www.shishigami.com/srfa/Charles_Dellschau_FINAL.pdf

It seems this shows an engine in the center driving the "vacuum chambers". Note that the drawing is called "Recolections second part, Otto Krause Idea", so it was not necessarily built.
could you make one?
67409 67410
Dellschau-George Newells We goe it allone.jpg
Dellschau-Otto Krauses Batery Revolving Generator and Releaver.jpg
Dellschau-Plate 1767 Aero Dora Cloudstepp.jpg
A whole craft? Are you paying?
Take a hollow ball. Cut it in half. Put a small electric motor in it with attached fins such that it isn't a helicopter. Close the ball, poke air holes above and below. Balance it on a scale. Turn it on and see if it rises.

There is another gas as a contender:
>Methane, the main component of natural gas, is sometimes used as a lift gas when hydrogen and helium are not available. It has the advantage of not leaking through balloon walls as rapidly as the smaller molecules of hydrogen and helium. However, methane is highly flammable and like hydrogen is not appropriate for use in passenger-carrying airships. It is also relatively dense and a potent greenhouse gas.

CH4, same atomic mass as water.
>Crude oil is a mixture of many hundreds of liquid hydrocarbons. Dissolved in it are many other hydrocarbons some of which are solids and some gases (the lower members of the alkane family, predominantly methane and ethane but often with some propane and butane).

It would be a fuel and a lifting gas. Hydrogen could also be extracted from the oil and is needed for the main balloon.

>San Francisco Gas
>In the 1850s, manufactured gas was introduced in the United States as a means of lighting. Gasworks were built in the larger eastern American cities, but there was no gas industry in the West, however. In San Francisco, street lighting was available only on Merchant Street, in the form of oil lamps.[9]:11[10]

>Three brothers—Peter, James, and Michael Donahue—became interested in gas manufacturing while running the foundry that later became Union Iron Works, the largest shipbuilding operation on the West Coast.[9]:11[11] Joseph G. Eastland, an engineer and clerk at the foundry, joined them in gathering as much information on gas making as they could find. In July 1852, James applied for and received from the Common Council of the City of San Francisco a franchise to erect a gasworks, lay pipes in the streets and install street lamps to light the city with "brilliant gas". The council specified that gas should be supplied to households "at such rates as will make it to their interest to use it in preference to any other material".[9]:11–12 The Donahue brothers and Eastland incorporated the San Francisco Gas Company on August 31, 1852, with $150,000 of authorized capital. The company became the first gas utility in the West. Its official seal bore the inscription "Fiat Lux"—let there be light—the same slogan later adopted by the University of California. There were 11 original stockholders, and the three Donahue brothers subscribed for 610 of the 1,500 shares.[9]:12

>The original location for the gas works was bounded by First, Fremont, Howard and Natoma streets south of Market, on the then shore of the San Francisco Bay. Work on the plant started in November, 1852, and it was ready for operation only a few months later. On the night of February 11, 1854, the streets of San Francisco were for the first time lighted by gas. To celebrate the event, the company held a gala banquet at the Oriental Hotel.[9]:13 Gas lighting quickly gained public favor. In the first year of operation, there were 237 customers. That number more than doubled the next year, to 563. By the end of 1855, the company had laid more than 6 ½ miles of pipe and 154 street lamps were in operation.[9]:15

The timing here is very interesting. It also, again, shows why California is the place to try internal combustion airships and sets the time frame to 1853 on wards (if we assume the NB gas is manufactured by a company) consistent with the club founding date.

>E.C. Jones, chief gas engineer of the San Francisco Gas Light Company (later the PG&E) developed this ingenious process to turn oil into a gas very similar to that produced by the pyrolysis of coal using a catalytic backflush of already produced gas and steam to provide a hydrogen atmosphere to stimulate disassociation of the oil with the minimal production of lampblack.
...this gas was made of...
>As distributed, contains 35 – 40% hydrogen (H2), 45% – 50% marsh gas (methane, CH4), and the balance of higher hydrocarbons and carbonic oxide (carbon monoxide, CO).
...making it good airship gas and fuel.

The ability to separate the CH4 from the H2 might be interesting. The CH4 might pool at the base and be recoverable or in a centrifuge it would move to the outside. This might be alluded to in pic#2 The outer chamber seems to be called the Secondary Lift Chamber. Presumably then the inner primary lift chamber would hold H2 and the outer CH4. You could run the CH4 through your engine to make a useful disposal of it. This makes your "balloon" also your fuel supply and so burning the heavier CH4 (first) makes sense. This is like removing ballast.

The drops of "water" are still confusing... unless the water vapor is to replace the CH4 in the secondary chamber as the CH4 is burned away by the engine. Perhaps this is needed to stop H2 being pulled into the engine when the CH4 runs out.

Pic#1 seems to be a simpler version of the same chamber. It seems to show color variations in the chamber. Implying different temperatures or gases? The wheel this time touches the chamber walls. There may be two outlets in the lower right, this might be for the CH4 to escape, meaning that blue is CH4 and red in H2. The CH4 is then bled off to the engine. This version has no "water" drops which suggests water isn't a primary component of what they are doing. Therefore water might be a type of sealant to try to avoid the small H2 atoms from escaping through the container casing. Pic#3 further supports the idea of separating two gases, again no drops.

>Implying different temperatures or gases?
seem plausible.
>lover right
should be lower left.

The words from pic#2

>Measure 4 x 4 over all
> h. x l
>doubeline(?) plane
>nearly circular inside glide keel
>Battery(?) 8 + 2 - 10
Why battery? It could be that it means, holds energy. Or the original meaning of battery means "a group of two or more similar objects functioning together" ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_battery#Experiments ) so coupled with the numbers is it suggesting 8 + 2 units? (8 in the keel, 2 outside to stabilize?)

>Otto Krauses Batery
>Revolving Generator
>and Releaver
>simple chemical
>action basis
What chemical action? Why is it a generator? I don't see how this could be a rotary engine, and it is too early for them. ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotary_engine#History )

Inside the chamber:
>Pressure Control
>Reservoir | Primary Lift Cupola ?????? | Reservoir
> 1858 | 1900
>Secondary Lift Chamber | Over Pressure escape | Sensitive Sponges | Secondary Lift Chamber
Is the reservoir water or the chemical reactant? Why are the sponges sensitive?

I suppose its time to read Dellschau's awfully hard to read text and locate a better quality pic#1 ...
67412 67414
Dellschau-Lather Propospitions W.H. Browns Sucker Kicker.jpg
Lather Propospitions W.H. Browns Sucker Kicker Principles Houston, Texas. ?? Sucker . Kicker Principles
of Perfect Airship.
Huston, Texas November 28, 1898. As a description of any invention of
an Balloon might interest the ??????. The balloon if ever built
should be composed of Aluminium Cigar Shaped, such balloons have been [note: 1854: industrial aluminum quantities avail.]
constructed, filled with gas, and made to ascend, but the motive Power
employed, to propell it was attached to the rear, and on the Outside, The
Propeller could only cleave or whirl the Air in a rotary or Whirlwind
motion, the Air escaping to each side and hear offered no resistance
to the Stroke(?) of the Propeller. From a natural Law, Action and Reaction
bein equal, the Balloon remains stationary. My idea and Invention
is to make a pipe two feet high and eighteen Inshes wide, said pipe running [comment: the "chamber" is actually a pipe and so not an engine or balloon or is this separate?]
central through the entire Length of the balloon open on both ends
to allow passage of air, plaining a rotary or revolving Fan in Coridor
of this square pipe and snuggly fitting of the lower halve of fan is
in this pipe, upper halve revolves in an air tight box. By doing so the
lower part of the fan only strikes the Air. The upper creating no reaction
then through mechanical force applied, cause the fan to rapidly revolve
at a high rate of speed say ??? 7300 ??? - Turns a Minute ( Fire and Friction )
We will have a current of Air passing through Pipe at a rate of 1000 miles
an hour, and this ??ift Sot?d Current (Continuous Kick) passing out at rear End
will cause the outside Air to bank and offer resistance. Gravity been(?)
overcome, and the balloon wheighing less as Air surrounding it H????t
moove forward, there can be no other Result.
and as you increase the speed
[covered up!!]ions the greather the Air resists. See other Side.

Helicopter airship???
/back to being confused.
67413 67891
Dellschau-George Newells We goe it allone-large-comments.jpg

talks about making a enclosed series of fan to produce thrust.

Pic related is a rotary engine (without pistons) in 1850s????? I can't visualize how this works. Each of the eight compartments, divided by the eight blades don't seem to be sealed from each other when looking at the side profile. Why won't the ignited gas take the shortest path to the outlet on the lower right called "Automatic Press." Force is said to be clockwise. But if it rotates counter-clockwise who cares?! Is this an engine? The heated/burnt gas is also then a lifting gas, the exhausted heated gas can also be a bit like jet engine thrust. This is a hot gas balloon engine in one?!

The supplied fuel then can be a fluid like kerosene:

>Canadian geologist Abraham Gesner claimed that in 1846, he had given a public demonstration in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island of a new process he had discovered.[note 1] He heated coal in a retort, and distilled from it a clear, thin fluid that he showed made an excellent lamp fuel. He coined the name "kerosene" for his fuel, a contraction of keroselaion, meaning wax-oil.[18] The cost of extracting kerosene from coal was high.
>Gesner recalled from his extensive knowledge of New Brunswick's geology a naturally occurring asphaltum called albertite. He was blocked from using it by the New Brunswick coal conglomerate because they had coal extraction rights for the province, and he lost a court case when their experts claimed albertite was a form of coal.[19] In 1854, Gesner moved to Newtown Creek, Long Island, New York. There, he secured backing from a group of businessmen. They formed the North American Gas Light Company, to which he assigned his patents.
>Despite clear priority of discovery, Gesner did not obtain his first kerosene patent until 1854, two years after James Young's United States patent.

So the timing is right.
Delschau-Recolections second part, Browny Doobely.jpg
>I can't visualize how this works. Each of the eight compartments, divided by the eight blades don't seem to be sealed from each other when looking at the side profile. Why won't the ignited gas take the shortest path to the outlet on the lower right called "Automatic Press."

The hot gases want to rise to the top of the chamber. This might be enough to start the rotation clockwise. So the red represents heat and the blue cold. When these blow up that should be enough to throw some shredded body parts around ( >>67387 ). This might explain the water also... cooling.

"Spark Plugs":
> 1780s: The first electric spark ignition was probably Alessandro Volta's toy electric pistol from the 1780s.
> by 1859: Lenoir's experimentation with electricity led him to develop the first internal combustion engine which burned a mixture of coal gas and air ignited by a "jumping sparks" ignition system by Ruhmkorff coil,
> 1884: Siegfried Marcus patented his "Electrical igniting device for gas engines" on 7 October 1884.
See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Induction_coil#History

That's enough for today. But it looks like there is more than enough text from Dellschau to work out what was going on. I have barely scratched the surface. It is said he made thousands of these diagrams.
Aircraft propellers were a problem up until the Wright Brothers in 1903. This is why that long text on propellers exists.

>The twisted aerofoil shape of modern aircraft propellers was pioneered by the Wright brothers. While some earlier engineers had attempted to model air propellers on marine propellers, the Wrights realized that a propeller is essentially the same as a wing, and were able to use data from their earlier wind tunnel experiments on wings. They also introduced a twist along the length of the blades. This was necessary to ensure the angle of attack of the blades was kept relatively constant along their length.
1918 "Anti-gravity"? Quote:

Dr. Richard B. Spence (c) 2015
More to the point, who was John Randolph van Valkenburg? A Utah native, he
was a stone mason and tile setter with a well-established reputation as a tinkerer with
motors and other mechanical devices. He was a member of the Mormon Church, a
Freemason, and to all outward appearances a known and more-or-less respectable
member of the community. On 6 August Bone sent Bielaski a report on the interview.
Van Valkenburg had appeared at the local police station. Present at the questioning, in
addition to Agent Bone, were the chief of police, the chief of detectives and another
detective. Van Valkenburg, friendly and garrulous, eagerly explained that he had
discovered something that would “completely reverse the operation of gravity” and using
this had built a machine that could travel from Salt Lake to San Francisco in only 47
12 Besides buzzing along at 1,000 miles per hour, the machine could also remain
stationary in midair indefinitely. In fact, asserted van Valkenburg, there was no limit to
how fast or far it could travel. The “vital element,” he continued, was a “small controller
the size of a man’s hand.”13 This miniscule device somehow provided enough power to
carry virtually any weight under any conditions. The craft always remained level and
was unaffected by weather. Moreover, it required no wings, no engine, nor any fuel in a
conventional sense. Stability and propulsion depended on revolving “discs” which
“completely reverses the operation of gravity.”14 The revolving discs, which come up
repeatedly in the story, are an interesting detail because they echo a theme often found in
alleged anti-gravity devices such as Viktor Schauberger’s vortex powered Repulsin of the
1930s and 40s and in the later experiments of Henry Wallace and Evgeny Podkletnov.15
Whether the discs were part of the “controller” or something separate is never quite clear.
The craft could shoot up to 40,000 feet or more, invisibly and almost instantaneously. On
the way, claimed the inventor, one ascended through “seven different stratum of air” but
at the highest level entered an atmosphere “as on Earth but in a perfectly quiescent
>1969 The Menil Foundation organize the exhibition "Flight" which includes for the first time ever the works of Charles Dellschau.

>Peter Navaro, a local graphic designer and UFO enthusiast sees the works at Menil and is immediately stuck by their possible connection to "The Great Texas Airship Mystery"

>Over the next few years, Navarro studies the works of Dellschau at both Menil and Washington's Trading Post and ultimately acquires all the remaining books and obsesses over them for the next 20 years. Pete Navaro compiles "The Book Of Dellschau", a 500 page compendium of observations of every known work by Charles Dellschau as well as 15 volumes of field notes on the works of Charles Dellschau.



Summary of SAC by Peter Navarro, the first and most thorough investigator:

The tragic case of Jacob Mischer and his Aero will serve to point to
the severity with which the rules of this secret society known as
NYMZA were enforced.

Jacob Mischer was the designer and builder of a rather large, or
medium-sized aircraft which was called the "Aero Flyerless Gander".
This airship was flown on a hundred mile trip and was successfully
landed on land and on water, for it had wheels as well as pontoons.

Jacob Mischer, however, met a most unfortunate end, for he became
greedy and desired to make a profit from his invention, intending to
use it for hauling material and equipment for the miners in the
area. This was looked upon by the headmasters of the secret society
as being strictly against the rules and, one way or another, Jacob
Mischer ended up dead when his ship was destroyed in a blinding
aerial explosion. Dellschau alludes to this incident as something
that was deliberate and NOT accidental.

The most successful of their aircraft, and probably the first to be
flown was Peter Mennis' "Aero Goosey", which was built in 1857 and
set the precendent for all subsequent Aero designs and, although
modifications were gradually added to new Aero designs, the Aero
Goosey continued to be flown as originally designed with only minor
changes and was the aircraft favored mostly by Peter Mennis for
short flights.

Peter Mennis ranged far and wide on several occasions, but he was
able to land and use his Aero as a place to spend the night, for it
was equipped with a canvas conver which served as a tent.

The original "Aero Goosey" was a small craft with a basket-type
affair in which the pilot and passengers sat at the bow and stern
ends of the airship. It carried a liquid fuel container in the
center of the craft and a gas converter under the seats. Attached
to the center pole was the air-pressure motor which was used to
propel the airship, and two gas bags were on the sides. It was a
very simply designed airship, and, despite all modifications and
improvements that were made upon this original model and its "motor"
design, the mode of operation and function of its internal workings
remained basically the same in all subsequent models with the
exception of size and appearance and the addition of useful
conveniences such as galleys, toilets, beds, tables, and other
gimcracks of one kind or another.

Louis Caro, another member of the Sonora Aero Club expressed it very
well when he said that he and his colleagues agreed on one thing;
and that was the fact that they all longed for an airship design
which would have all the features of the Aero Goosey, but be larger
and yet be safe. Several very large models were designed toward
this end and proposed but were never built. There were, however,
several medium-sized models which were actually built, and flown.

One of these was the "Aero Dora", which was another of the most
favorable designs. This Aero was first envisioned by Ernest Kraus
and was later elaborated upon by several other members of the club
who were very pleased with its appearance and function and used it
as a basis upon which to apply their own ideas.

The Aero Dora was equipped with a "sucker-kicker", which was a
device for compressing air and operated very much like a JET for
propulsion. Yes, several of these Aeros had devices that were years
ahead of their times, and included up to date contrivances such as
retractable landing gear, shock absorbers, gas converters, spot-
lights, and many other novel ideas for their time, for one must take
into consideration that these were entirely new concepts, or
designs, with absolutely no precendent to go by, and it is for this
reason that some of the aircraft look so fantastically monstrous and
absolutely unfeasable as aeronautical machines. In other words,
none of them look like they could even BEGIN to get off the ground,
much less fly!

This was no problem for them though, for they possessed a formula
for producing a SPECIAL GAS, called "NB" gas, which was capable of
lifting the most ponderous construction with a minimum of gas. The
gas was produced on board the aircraft and carried in one or several
gas bags on top or on the sides of the airship. Marthin Karo, one
of the members of the Club and inventor of a "hood" for carrying
excess gas referred to this lifting agent as "FLOAT", which is a
good description of its function.

George Newell was the inventor of a "gas motor" called "VOLTA" which
produced the "Lift Power" used on most of the airships. This was a
modified version of earlier gas motor designs or "converters" which
were used in earlier Aero models.

As for the Cripel Wagon...this was actually a wheeled land vehicle
designed in 1837 by Friderich Schultz but was adapted in 1857 for
use as an airship by August Schoetler with the addition of gas bags
and "air squeezers" which made the vehicle airborne, converting it
into an airship with hydrowheels (wheels with water inside instead
of air). "Air squeezers" were similar to "sucker kickers" and
consisted of a tube through which air was compressed and ejected
(similar to a jet engine).

The "Aero Buster" was an airship that was built but never flown. It
was designed and built by Max Miser and was equipped with a
parachute-like device. Before it was completed Max Miser remarked
that if his Aero ever got off the ground he would not want anybody
going up in it but him. "I am enough to break my neck", he said.

The Aero was completed except for the installation of the power
chamber and the fuel which only Peter Mennis could provide, since he
was the only one who knew the secret formula for producing it.
However, for some unkown reason, Peter Mennis refused to provide the
fuel or help Miser with the construction of the gas producing
chamber and consequently this aircraft was never able to get off the
ground. Many years later (in 1912) Dellschau would reminisce about
this incident and would remark on whether gasoline would have
"filled the bill" and would have made it possible for this airship
to fly. Of course, gasoline had not been discovered yet.

Of the more than one hundred airship designs in Dellschau's books
probably not more than eight or ten were actually built and flown.
And they were a howling success!

Why they didn't announce it to the world and reap their share of
profits and fame from their efforts is strange indeed. Could it be
that they were only conducting tests for others to follow? It is
only too clear that NYMZA was a very strict organization and that
any member who disregarded the rules of this secret society usually

Dellschau faced the same threat to his life and it is believed that
he may have died a violent death, although this is strictly
conjecture. The fact is that Dellschau died in the year 1923 at the
age of 93 and was buried in Washington Cemetery in Houston, Texas.
He left behind a dozen large volumes in which he told many things
about their activities in California, but he never would say WHAT
NYMZA WAS, nor what the initials stood for, except to say that it
was work being done FOR THIS ORGANIZATION. Thus NYMZA remains a
mystery to all except to those who may read this and KNOW its
significance, for there may still be members of this society who
will continue to keep their vows of secrecy and may still be working
on yet other clandestine projects. You may very well ask; What
experiments could they (the present members of NYMZA) be engaged in
today? The spaceships of the 1990's? Who Knows?

P. G. Navarro


I am curious about the W and U confusion. In Dellschau's "art" he often adds bumps to the lower line in the digit 2. I am wondering if this is a hint that the names used are somewhat altered which is why the others can't be found.

>Despite exhaustive research, including searches of census records, voting rosters, and death records, nothing has been found to substantiate the existence of this group except for a few gravestones in the Columbia Cemetery where several of the surnames are found.
67433 85575
Fun with data.
CUFOS UFOCAT where the UFO report has a Longitude and Latitude.
188,000 sightings mapped, for each year, from 1800-2009.
If you download the pdf try to view the pages full screen the images are 1920x1080.

Years to take note of:
1896-97 USA airships
1909 NZ Airships
1934 Scandinavia "Ghost Fliers"
1944 Germany
1945 Japan
1946 Sweden "Ghost Rockets"
1947 USA Flying Saucers
1950 USA, Europe, South America
1952 USA, Europe, South America, Japan, Korea
1954 USA, Europe, South America<->Japan, Atlantic, Australia, NZ
1962 Oceans
Drops from 1978 until the black triangles turn up in the 1990s.

I didn't know about the 1909 Airships. So I decided to take a look:

>June 10, 1909, 0300, Malaysia
>That, in the Nautical Meteorological Annual, published by the Danish Meteorological Institute, appears a report upon a "singular phenomenon" that was seen by Capt. Gabe, of the Danish East Asiatic Co.'s steamship Bintang. At 3 A.M., June 10, 1909, while sailing through the Straits of Malacca, Captain Gabe saw a vast revolving wheel of light, flat upon the water--"long arms issuing from a center around which the whole system appeared to rotate."
-- Fort (1919)

>June 16,1909, 0410, Vietnam
>Donghoi (Annam). An elongated object following a west to east trajectory flew over the town. It gave off a strong light and was seen by two fishermen to plunge into the sea 6 km away from the coast, after a steady flight of about 9 min. {Anatomy 21) -- Vallee (1969)

From July on wards they turn up mostly in NZ (and a few in Australia).

>Later than July 1909, Port Molyneux [NZ]: An airship is said to have alighted and occupants who looked “Japanese” emerged and engaged a male onlooker in conversation. (Unknown 1909 issue of Olutha Free Press)
>3 Aug. 1909, Waipawa [NZ], Night: A resident declared having seen a grey torpedo-shaped structure which contained three men, one of whom shouted to him in a foreign language. He then watched the machine for some time. It carried two lights and circled before leaving. (Hawkes Bay Herald Aug. 6, 1909)”
-- MUFON UFO Journal - Nov. 1982

Can we blame the Asians for the 1909 NZ airship(s)?

67891 67895 67897
Slightly redacted Q&A given by a colleague: "When Tesla was being visited by the future-past pigeon talking to him through solid state laser-like wavelengths he sent the Vril Societe` an invention of his before he was murdered. They jotted down that it was, let me spell this out for you real carefully: a Piezo-electric crystalline vacuum-pump rotor. No, not motor with an M, rotor with an R. Their chief technologist, their term for transhumanist machinist or engineer, was supposed to spread copies of Tesla's plans as soon he could figure out what the alternate codes meant."

Piezoelectric: the affect/effects which occur when electromagnetic and/or electrical energies are refracted across crystals, natural or artificial. Study them and you will quickly understand how old the technologies are that replaced my job. A "law" was passed years ago which self-granted the "right" of the Jew-S government to seize any patent or product that could be used in military applications. CTS Corporation patent filed in 2018 for non-military piezoelectric crystal sonar arrays. 2006 is major turning point when Jew-S began showing off (((advanced technology))); white, blue, green, red hats among the rest began losing positions, titles, MOS's in big hurry.

Mark 61 nuclear bomb also of interest as each uses 2 piezoelectric crystals for inciting detonation:

"So many wonders-"
Not ones Butterrump would like, either.
>future-past pigeon
Secretly advanced people of that time?

>Piezo-electric crystalline vacuum-pump rotor.
I am not sure which direction this goes:
rotor -> pump -> vacuum -> mechanical stress of piezoelectric crystal(s) -> electricity -> comms?

Gravito-electromagnetic comms?

>electromagetism is the torsion and gravity the curvature of spacetime

>In a patent disclosure Brown wrote in September 1953, he described another version of this communication device, which was designed to send a signal from an audio oscillator to an electrically shielded radio receiver. However, instead of capacitors, this device used heavy spherical masses for the transmitter and receiver antennae. His Project Winterhaven proposal envisioned that electrogravitic wave transmission and reception could be developed into a fundamentally new communication technology. It noted that because of the extreme penetrating ability of these waves, messages could be transmitted to submarines and to underground shelters and military installations, locations inaccessible to normal radiowave communication. Brown's spherical antenna gravitational wave generator bore a close resemblance to devices developed by scientist and inventor Nikola Tesla in the early twentieth century.
-- SECRETS OF ANTIGRAVITY PROPULSION by Paul LaViolette (2008) <- T. T. Brown, "Electrogravitational Communication System," patent disclosure, September 1953. Eprint at: https://web.archive.org/web/20080723201702/http://qualight.com/ecomm/ecomm.htm (1953)

So we can communicate and/or detect by gravity waves which have no known shielding?


I am still doing background research: Ideas so far: The periodic table and chemistry is not well understood, making hydrogen, steam and methane accidentally might seem magical to them. If they make it on-board and it is hot ( >>67412 ) you get an additional lift better than ambient hydrogen or hot air balloons. Hydrogen spontaneously ignites in the air at 500C. Methane 537C.

Dellschau is said to have come from Prussia and calls himself a "spye". The SAC is part of a larger German(still checking Dellschau claimed this) group called NYMZA(translation of the substitution cypher: DM=XO). There are some vague references to airship waves in "Germany" in 1950s.

>Germany is involved in the airship mystery because the objects first manifested there in the 1850's. Unfortunately we do not have access to the German reports -- but how odd it is that so many German names crop up in Dellschau's list of men supposedly involved with the "Aero Club" of Sonora, Calif., in the 1850's: August Schoetler, Jacob Mischer, Ernest Krause, Julius Koch, A. B. Kahn and many others.
-- http://keelynet.com/gravity/aero2.txt <- Fate, June 1973 <- Jerome Clark and Loren Coleman (1973)

>During the 1850's mysterious "airships" regularly crossed the skies of Germany
-- http://keelynet.com/gravity/aero1.htm <- Mr. T. E. Bullard (FUFOR), published in 1982 under the name of "Mysteries in the Eye of the Beholder." Chaper X - Loose in an Airship - The Age of Phantom Dirigibles and Ghost Airplanes, 1880-1946. Page 205 (1982)

>"During the 1850s there was an enormous wave of airship sightings in Germany" - Jerome Clark
-- The Secrets of Dellschau by Crenshaw (2009)

These 1850s German events are missing from databases. Just another way that, despite no direct evidence, everything slots together. Even Sonora is good for a landing field as it has a secluded flat area.
67893 68864
Unidentified Submerged Objects

>70% water planet

1893 - electric monster >>66001 -- failed USO?

WW2 - “The U.S. already has at least one water base we know of, a naval testing facility beneath a deep lake in Bayview, Idaho established during World War II.” – https://science.howstuffworks.com/does-military-maintain-secret-underwater-bases.htm and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayview,%20Idaho

1950 - Apr. Off Northern and Central California: Sent to investigate 9 separate reports by fishermen, Coast Guard stations Coast Guard patrol planes. No subs sighted in 5 day search, but contacts indicated high speed underwater craft operating in the coastal Eureka area. – http://www.project1947.com/47cats/usnavydraft1.htm#1850 ← Source: Modesto (CA) Bee. 10 Nov, 1950.

1950 - Jun. ”.. 11:00 PM. .. breaking the nocturnal silence, .. loud noise of water violently disturbed. .. luminous object of oval form appeared emerging from the sea about 500 meters from the shore. It rose up vertically to a certain altitude and then made a turn of ninety degrees and disappeared towards the northeast in the direction of Argentine terrority.” – The MUFON UFO Journal, no. 130 (Sep 1979)

Buoyancy in air and water.

>Is this all fantasy? Is there any hard evidence for secret post-war German bases? Has a post-war German base ever been discovered? Yes, one has. New evidence for this exodus theory comes to us from the discovery of a German U-boat way-station in the Atlantic which had a hand in moving this clandestine cargo from Europe to the austral world well after the war, right into the 1950s. This information is revealed in an article in the July, 1984 issue of Nugget magazine titled "Der U-Boot Bunker von Fuerteventura" (20). Fuerteventura is the eastern most island of the Canary Island chain and lies just out of sight off the west coast of North Africa.
>Geologically, the base was formed by an huge, ancient volcanic bubble around which the molten rock solidified in the center of the island. According to the article, the Germans brought in excavation equipment and bored out three tunnels for underwater access by U-boats. On top of the island, directly over the bubble and the military facility rested a villa with a stairway leading down to the base from the cellar. The villa was owed by a respectable German family, named Winter. This base functioned during the war as a secret U-boat base for the Germans. It continued this function after the war as a way-station for transport U-boats.

Hitler?s Flying Saucers by Henry Stevens (2003, 2012)

(20) = Nugget, July and August editions 1984, "Der U-Boot Bunker von Fuerteventura"
A gravity wave sensor/receiver/transmitter?
T. T. Brown -> dielectrics -> "Many piezoelectric devices are made of the same ceramic materials as capacitor dielectrics."* -> piezoelectric -> gravito-electric comms through Faraday cages?
* https://www.britannica.com/technology/capacitor-dielectric

>solid state laser-like wavelengths

>1888 Hertz had demonstrated generation of electromagnetic waves, and that their properties were similar to those of light[1]. Before the start of the twentieth century, many of the concepts now familiar in microwaves had been developed [2,3]: the list includes the cylindrical parabolic reflector, dielectric lens, microwave absorbers, the cavity radiator, the radiating iris and the pyramidal electromagnetic horn. Round, square and rectangular waveguides were used, with experimental development anticipating by several years Rayleigh's 1896 theoretical solution

>Allan H. Frey was the first American to publish on the microwave auditory effect (MAE). Frey's Human auditory system response to modulated electromagnetic energy appeared in the Journal of Applied Physiology in 1961.
-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microwave%20auditory%20effect

Artificial telepathy.

>But what if there is another explanation for what happened at Roswell that not only is more plausible but has precedent in history? A theory that explains the entire flying saucer wave of the summer of 1947 and perhaps beyond - more down to earth in its origin and rooted in the very beginning of what later became known in history as the Cold War. This book will outline this alternative theory using declassified documents and sources, original raw reports and more importantly the unique corroborating time line of early Cold War history that transpired over the summer of 1947.
>I do believe that little green men were behind the UFO events of the summer of 1947, but not aliens from other planets, rather the type of little green men that I remember playing with as a young child – plastic toy soldiers that I sent to battle in my back yard. Except in this story, real life military members were the orchestrators, all of them battle hardened from World War 2 and willing to do anything to prevent another World War.
More literal. Instant communication network set up by the Vril Societe`. "Carrier pigeon" was one of Tesla's remarks. Notice similarity to "carrier wave"? Assigning a new meaning to one word prevents infiltration/subversion. At least for a while.

Yes. Analogous to quartz-crystal vacuum tube radio system, too expensive for mass production. Extrapolation: nearly impossible to intercept.

Highly likely in multiple scenarios. Electrolysis conversion engines are bitterly derided by idiots that love screaming "b-b-but that breaks the l-laws of thermodynamics!" Not laws, merely pathetic, basic bitch guidelines of testing working knowledge. Bayview still active like Fort Dietrick/Plum Island except now owned by Nigger Shit Adults, La Sia, and the kike word nasa which means 'to greatly deceive'. Gee, wonder what that could refer to.

Would explain why Vril Societe` and friends were never caught by (((Allies))). Better than satellite comms until recent innovations, harder to detect. Gravity is still poorly understood.

Electromagnetism was never seen as magical or mystical by thinkers, researchers, experimenters. All processes can be precisely examined, all carrier waves can be precisely tuned, all affects & effects can be controlled. Ever come across images of clouds being phased in peculiar wavelengths by H.A.A.R.P. or NexRad installations? Funny business indeed.

Corrupt little green men that found power and did not want to relinquish any of it. It was not that shithawks didn't want another Jew War, they simply wanted to win one with incredible ease. "Look at how profound and complete our victories are, we're the best in the world, no one should ever DARE to compete against us!" Korean (((Police Action))), the 1950's Central Asian (((Civil Wars))), Vietnam directly caused by the frog surrender cucks, 1970's (((drug wars))), the many African (((revolutions))), as well as too many other created conflicts to name = provided money, materials, slaves, captured researchers/scientists "needed" to overcome then-current knowledge before advancing designs. Remember Projects Montauk, Rainbow, Phoenix? All derived from stolen sources with the same limitations. All were utter failures until Operations Paperclip, Factory Shortage, Highway Construction succeeded in enslaving 20,000 to 30,000 Germans, 3,000 to 5,000 French, post-1945 an unknown number of Japanese, as well as close to 15,000 other peculiarly disappeared engineers, scientists, researchers, etc., forced to work as slaves. What is the joke here? A-12, F-117, B-2, F-22, F-35 are wasteful little jokes. Divert attention by creating something else entirely, then try to suppress the diversion which eventually creates """conspiracy theories""". Are you aware of the nearly 400 formerly secret installations across the Jew-S southwest & Australian deserts? A certain someone discovered them when examining data on cellular network access points. 21 trillion in worthless fiat currency is nothing compared to the costs those caused.
CIA-MKULTRA-1956-Experiments which were “too dangerous, too shocking, too unusual for routine testing--77-C00149546.pdf
Always interesting when you reply. I am somewhat dubious of the transmission strength and receptivity of gravity waves. But 2 lasers (or a mirror) that self cancel unless space-time distorts ........ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LIGO

Communications by gravity.... Neat! How long have the comms been secret Mr. T. T. Brown!!!? How do I get a gravity receiver??


>CIA’s illegal mind-control experiments exposed in secret files
>Experiments which were “too dangerous, too shocking, too unusual for routine testing would be of interest to us,” the memo from 1956 reads.

Attachment#1 -- source: http://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/cia-mkultra-collection/#2018 (Document 77)

Combine this with >>29447 (pic#2 and #3) and >>20033 (Attach#3). We all know where this is going. And it starts somewhere in the early 1950s. Which is also when the "contactees" turn up and right in line with the drift into MKUltra mentality. Timelining is leading to many correlations. Also Attch #1 makes Cathie O'Brien look even more less foolish. This is treason.


I am finishing up a study of the 1947 "Disc" Wave, because of the book above, which includes Kenneth Arnold's famous sighting and seems to be related to the Roswell event. The details are too many and incomplete to go into now, but one thing is becoming obvious. A wave of UFO reports occurs like this:

1) There must be (genuine) concerns about objects in the sky (criminal pirates, war jitters, etc) casing the public to watch the sky and report.
2) Nature then provides a meteor shower, the public and the media view the lights through the bias of the existing fears.
3) The military becomes alarmed at the mere possibility. This leads to finding ways to obtain or counter the assumed technology.

The space rocks responsible for these events were not detectable in 1947 or the 1933-4 Ghost Flyers of Scandinavia. 1896 Airships, 1910s Airships need to be looked at in this light also. So much to do!

This is very obvious in the analysis so far of the 1947 "Discs". I hope to do a series of posts on it soon.

pic #2-4 because the original intended uploads were already here and so ... because no way to unattach exists.
70463 71024 85155 101894 102001 102272 111542 121650 122095
UFOCAT sightings by year vs month vs count_matrix.png
Some extra fun with data. This is a heat matrix of sightings in the UFOCAT db. It shows a drop off in reports when MKUltra gets shutdown. Something else was reduced in 1979 also.

This is a useful tool because meteors will cause dark bands running upwards, and human activity will cause bands running horizontal. A "wave" can be when an upward (seasonal meteors) and horizontal (human activity) band meet.
70220 79216
What's your view of Bob Lazar? Is he the real deal?
Half truth. Flying saucers go back to the ~1910s and are consistent with aircraft evolution and our scientific evolution:
1886: cheap aluminium
1893: Tesla-like electric "monster" tries to rise(?) from the water >>66001
1909: rigid airships https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naval_Aviation#History
1909: French airship in England with what seems to be wheels (Discs? Tesla discs?) attached.
1913: saucers (discs) with vacuum assisted lift, and "gravity is only a different type of magnetism" (ie. Gravito-electromagnetism) >>32212
1940-50s: Flying saucers have human space brothers in them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contactee
There is a progression from airship to flying saucer by humans, and then using them for psyops on the public.

Lazar saying it was reverse engineered from alien is either a known lie or an unwitting lie. The only evidence I have found for ETs, where humans could not have staged it, is >>65820

So if we have discs flying around in 1910s, they can be in S4 in 1989. My speculation at the moment is that after MKUltra had exploited man-made flying saucers (as a flying experimental mind control and biological laboratories, to test unwilling victims driving at 3am in the morning) they needed a cover story. With the exposure of MKUltra in the 1970s a new "explanation" was needed for the 1950s+ UFO events.

In 1980 Roswell "alien" stories turn up, the witnesses are very convincing, but zero evidence. Mind controlled "witnesses"? In 1985 Whitley Strieber (who now believes he was manipulated by the military mind control) published Communion which brings Greys to the public consciousness and then they are retrofitted back onto 1947 Roswell.

And in 1989 Lazar claims "reverse engineering" of ET craft. This is the new cover up story for flying saucer based MKultra experiments on the local population.

You can see that the ET origin claim doesn't hold up when you look at our history. We did all this to ourselves.
An interesting tale which provides one interpretation for the collapse in sightings in January 1979. And feeds into just about every conspiracy:

AMB is these days primarily a research, development and deployment facility specialising in weaponry, anti-grav technology and dimensional-fold craft, and though it continues to be prone to outbreaks of violence between conflicting Terran and extra-Terran species, what goes on these days is nothing compared to the battle which ensued when everything came to a rolling boil in 1979.

The genesis of AMB dates from 1947 when President Harry Truman signed a treaty allowing the limited harvest (presumably under the auspices of research only) of local livestock—primarily cattle, sheep and goats—in exchange for what was presumed to be full access to extra-Terran weapons technology. This proved to be the equivalent of exchanging the island of Manhattan for a string of glass beads. As things usually unfold whenever a primitive race encounters a dominant one, it was revealed over time that matters were not going exactly to a plan that benefitted the primitives. Ingrained distrust and hatreds on the base culminated in what is now known as The Battle of Dulce. The timing couldn’t have been better—the cavalry were already mounted and ready to ride.

In 1977 National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski briefed President Jimmy Carter on what was suspected to be happening at AMB, namely, that livestock was not the only living thing being tagged or harvested. Carter was so freaked out he ordered a reconnaissance team assembled, calling upon the newly-established Delta Force accompanied by a group selected from Air Force Special Operations Command, Navy SEAL and Army Rangers.

The report revealed that the NSA had known all along what was going on, were backing the extra-Terran agenda of human research and had developed a Department X to administer the project. The foolishness of the NSA assuming they were capable of handling anything was made abundantly clear when the operation files were eventually prised from their iron grip. Contained within is the stuff of nightmares.

AMB’s ultimate goal was to produce humans who would stay child-sized forever, much like breeding dogs for their toy poodle-aspect, though what they discovered was that the more they strayed from the original genetic blueprint the less human the entities became; they were useless for purposes of sacrifice or sexual conquest because the more the form was tinkered with the less likely it was to house a soul.

Years of experimentation resulted in the production of human-shaped automatons acceptable for sexual use by the lower-ranking members of the elite—much like an inflatable sex doll compares to a human lover—but useless in terms of response capability when inflicting the trauma of rape or sacrifice, as well as yielding desirable pineal glands (the hypothalamus, pituitary and amygdala, as well) demanded for consumption in ritual at the highest levels.

To this day there appears no synthetic substitute for an actual, organically-conceived human child. As an aside, the health risks associated with eating the aforementioned parts of the human brain are alleviated by access to proprietary medications that forestall the resultant decline in health of the consumer. Once a politician, for example, is no longer of use to the Enemy, palliatives are withdrawn, hastening immediate decline. The health trials of Killary spring to mind—swivel-eyed seizures, loss of equilibrium and persistent spasmodic dry coughing fits, all aspects of the symptoms of kuru.

I must also add that the children most desired for consumption are Anglo-Saxon-Teutonic descent Whites with O- Blood Type, though any Rhesus Negative blood group will serve in a pinch.

What the Enemy desires above all is organically-grown, fully-ensouled humans, much like caviar connoisseurs prefer beluga to cod roe. They are intoxicated by the chemicals released when a child is terrorised, and exhilarated by the challenge of conquering and consuming what (they believe) is a pure, sovereign spirit. This is an addiction for our rulers, and by many accounts the world’s oldest addiction since the heyday of Babylon.

1979: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Bennewitz became convinced he was intercepting electronic communications from alien spacecraft and installations outside of Albuquerque. By the 1980s he believed he had discovered an underground base near Dulce.
1979: Philip Schneider, an explosive engineer who worked for the U.S. government, with high-level security clearance, claimed that in 1979 he participated in the building of a “secret underground base,” in Dulce, New Mexico. It was here that a horrific battle played out leaving 60 humans dead and countless subterranean aliens fighting for their life. – https://youtu.be/9COrANDQvWg?t=2430 (skip to 40:30)

Pull in also >>46892 . Which bring up an interesting, and opposite position to my posts here, idea. Human history going back to the late 1800s includes our increasing ability to manipulate spacetime. On the surface this leads potentially to gravity control. But it could when pushed to extreme make spacetime tunnels. Potentially contacting other creatures. So we would have two branches of history, the human branch and the interdimensional beings branch. Research based on documentation would verify the human branch but is incapable of verifying the interdimensional branch leading to the (my) biased conclusion that it is ALL human activity.



On the other hand this is a new narrative to cover up the MKUltra abuses. There is still the problem of why, if Philip Schneider did participate in a battle with "aliens" in 1979, were fake "aliens" dressed as fake "aliens" in what they would have assumed was a secure facility underground. Or he is lying and participating in the cover-up narrative.

Which then begs the question, why is interdimensional kidnappers and abusers better than admitting MKUltra did other bad things too?

I am disturbed by the possibility that our history is not the only participant in the UFO story.

human history
humans fold spacetime <------ interdimensionals

If you only have documents for the left side path you would erroneously conclude that only the left side events occurred. There are rumours of time experiments: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montauk_Project

Space might be dead, Afternon. But are the "other dimensions" dead??
I've been thinking, rockets look like cocks and planes look like cocks with triangle wings.

So... What if aliens have weird penises, and that's why their spaceships look like that?
Perhaps cone like shapes are best for penetration. And nature and engineers know this.
Missing-411 1950s spike.png

Interesting timing >>70176

89607 90392
What happens if a space rock does a close pass of Mercury (which has no atmosphere) and it breaks up. What if the debris converts some of its forward momentum into angular momentum. What if the debris is then sent towards Earth's orbit. What if it it enters the Earth's atmosphere in 1946 ("Ghost Rockets") and in 1947. Could fast rotating space rocks, molten in the Earth's atmosphere, look like Flying Disks of June and July 1947? Could they flash white light and glint in the sun? Could they drop molten metal and float in the air? Could they spiral around in the air like birds?

COMING SOON. If anyone cares.
79259 79260
Which technologies are capable of detecting gravitational distortion on a system scale rather than a single world's scale? A number less than four. During the first Hague Trials, the little green men were in such fear of being unable to intercept communications from those which they did not control that they felt at-all-costs measures such as the creation of a world wide military force, amusingly named NATO, were not sufficient enough in their eyes. I find it of great sarcasm that the Eyes which numbered Five, then Eleven, and now Twenty-Four, are yet another of their projects.

That depends on one's definition of secret. In 2005 there were multiple red flag contacts during command station watches which were labeled above Ultra Violet classification to be immediately referred to blue, white, green hat & La Sia code transfers to stations & departments that were identified as AT&T and Ma Bell centers. Do you see the pattern here?

Bob was one of the thousands of paid shill that did his job or else his family dies. If pressured: "he can do no wrong as he only knows what he knows", which is an immediate red flag as to whom owns his loyalty. Hubbard wrote scripts which are still used to this day with zero changes, Lazar was merely copying at the time.

The Flying Pancake was considered "alien" as well when the German High Command was shown the schematics. They were even more dumbfounded when the prototype's hull was displayed. A common drone today would be seen as an invading extra-terrestrial robot by a person from 50 years ago. Consider that it only took 2 years to acquire enough financial backing for production of many captured German prototypes, then consider how long it took for others to begin noticing them. The "Nuclear Family" meme subsequently followed by the creation of the Silent (Beating) Generation of little green men were used as dissociative influences in order to prevent inquiry from the strange technologies suddenly appearing everywhere, and as a shield against the crimes committed against other humans. There is no such thing as positive propaganda.
What is a 'system scale'? Solar system?
Little Green Men is /-\\rmy?
What are the coloured hats representing? I guess blue is sky, white is sea and green is land.
The pattern seems to be comms. 2005 is close to when N/-\\S/-\\ verified GEM. So experiments seem likely.
A gravity transmitter? http://www.searlsolution.com/members/documents/GravitoMagnetics-Superconductors.pdf
Flying Pancake: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vought_V-173

>...and as a shield against the crimes committed against other humans. There is no such thing as positive propaganda.
At the end of the day we end up here: http://constitution.org/abus/mkt/cannon_controllers.pdf
And face the misery that we humans are despicable creatures. Not even animals manage this level of self-harm.

101892 121952
Sky_and_Telescope_1947-07-pdf_0006--Sinusodal Curved Meteor Path Reports and Skepticism.jpg
There is another unrecognised player in this flying disc game. Nature herself can make flying discs. SOON. Because of the outlandishness of this claim I am researching every angle for flaws in my hypothesis. It seems both nature and man were making them in parallel and scientist culture intentionally failed to follow up a lead because it did not fit scientists narratives (that isn't science). This lead was a precursor to 1947 main event.
Larger. Isn't a "country" also made up of the ocean boundaries it claims?

Yes. Whom is always the second on scene, the first to reach an objective on land? The more interesting question here is, why were they the first to commit betrayal? With enough indoctrination, anyone can be a mindless drone, yet what was their reasoning? "It was the easiest option." What were once cowards in uniforms created uniform cowardice for all to hide behind.

Now you see the references. Essentially yes, and even matches their attitude: "Can't touch us!" "Also can't touch us!" "We outnumber you, peon, don't even try it." Yellow presents cowardice as an optimal outlook for their numbers. One can only defend their own life for a short time before being brought down.

The original debuted in 1939, 3 years before the copy was "built".

By the way, your end of the contract is still broken. Ever considered long walks at moonlight?
Heliopause, Oort cloud? You are too obscure.

I might have an answer to this coming. Nature made discs, they can shatter into foil all over farmers fields. These were a potential boon to aircraft design. Also if you pretend you have alien tech the Soviets might be less inclined to nuke you.
Maury Island incident is true as described by the witnesses, it fits my coming hypothesis.
A fair proportion of asteroids is magnesium (silicate), magnesium is a gas above 1091C. A meteor can reach 1700C, add in high spin and you get additional maintained heat. If it collides with planet Mercury along the way it experiences even higher temps and centrifugal rotations, and therefore separations of the various material components. Escaping gases can also make rotations. The silicate, with magnesium gas bubbles, forms an aerogel which can contain the heat inside the object. The object becomes a hot magnesium gas balloon of various shapes somewhat disk like. The iron can become magnetic, the silicate can become glass. It can drop molten material to regain buoyancy. This is what starts the spike in 1946 that peters out as time goes by. This also inspires the psyop because the public wen't to the ET hypothesis explanation. I am 50% through two sources of info, I am looking for aberrations that don't fit. Nothing yet. Then I'll do a detailed document. 1947 is too early for anyone to send hundreds or thousands of disc over the US and the world in a few weeks and then disappear. Some of these objects might still be in space and we run through them sometimes.



What contract? Are we dating? If you tell me what the contract is then perhaps I can meet the contracts conditions?! If you won't say, I'll ignore it.
81614 81615 85155 85575
The entire solar system, including the volatile, precious metals & materials heavily laden throughout multiple asteroid fields, the various moons of 2 certain planets, then there's the nearly incomparable, even more precious gases trapped in stable orbits. How difficult are those to mine in comparison to, let us say, near-volcanic conditions? The technologies to safely mine in zero oxygen environments are both readily available and relatively simple to mass produce. One might say that the cheapest component required here is human labor. Did you know that the United States census estimates per decade are incredibly, questionably wrong? One must consider what that means in a military context.

According to two colleagues in difficult to reach locations, your assertion has a strange, heightened merit. There is a nagging problem with the wide spread, seemingly mass distributions of disc-shaped objects appearing in the northern hemisphere. The resources of the top five countries post-WW2 could, at maximum, only account for a total of 110 aerial craft apiece in 1947 given the known postwar budget accounts. However, there may be a third negotiator in play for this problem; an answer to a question you posed earlier may relieve some of this burden.

As amusing as the suggestion sounds, not so much, Herr Vril. I deliver the goods regardless of their source. You pick them up and display them in public showcases for honest, logical examination. Care to trade wares? Khajiit has many goods to offer.
Are you suggesting that the SSP is using G to communicate as they harvest the Solar System? Is that you Corey? Actually you remind me of William Lyne.

The hypothesis is piecing together quite well. I now have a method of generating the foil, and the disk domes. Rather than type a lot here I will attach the current chapter titles that I will use to organised my amassed data. This should give a fair over view of the evaluation so far.
>I deliver the goods regardless of their source. You pick them up and display them in public showcases for honest, logical examination.

The one problem here is I am renovating a house, selling it and moving to a distant location. Once I am re-established I can build up an infrastructure suited to this. But I can't do it now because I am reducing everything in my live to zero to make the future move as simple as possible. The idea is good, the timing is bad. Sounds like fun later this year or next depending on how fate treats me.

Also here is an interesting piece of data. There is an asteroid (2004 TG10) that crosses Earth orbit twice a year (usually they cross only once) and it corresponds exactly with the 2 largest spikes in UFO reports over all years (minus 1947 aberration). 1 / ( 365 x 365 ) = .00000750609870519797 I'll use this to show how strongly meteors and UFOs correlate. The MöD discovered the same correlations. Waves seem to be when Nature joins in (at least early on). They also suggested a buoyant plasmas as causes of UFO reports and noted that science seems to not investigate this.

I would say my hypothesis is about 80% good so far. But I feel insane because I have wandered so far away from the "safety" of the herd. :)
85159 87633 89707
SN1976N Galaxy found plus extra objects that should not be - version 2.jpg
Comet 73P and asteroids and supernovas.jpg
Okay I get it.

Gravity comms perturbs everything in the environment. Solar System wide comms would be monitorable by just watching the environment be perturbed. (You could use LIGO like devices to monitor.) Brilliant. My estimation of you has improved, that was very interesting info. There is more in what you say that I keep missing. But I'll keep pondering.

In 1947 naturally occurring flying discs flooded the Earth. The source may have been 2002 XM35 which may have collided with Mercury and peppered us with hot melted Mg/Si(O)/Fe blobs. In the heat and spin they sediment out. The inner chamber is Mg gas/plasma that makes buoyancy. But I am also interested in the 1946-1979 band of UFO reports ( >>70176 ), more on this in section #2 below.

One or more discs crash and are recovered. They are discovered to be natural but of great importance to advancing aircraft ideas. They also have the advantage of being a new psyop cover story on the public and the Soviets.

They story is embellished by adding fake bodies. And so by the 1950s the story is now crashed ETs. The UFO research societies are infiltrated and steered towards the ET hypothesis. This is to become the new belief system of the population to explain away their biological harvesting by the elite for their health and life extention.

This is techo-p1zzagate. This is alluded to in Cathy O'Briens book.

The ETs are the new cover story to replace succubus/incubii human harvesting done by humans on humans. This ties in well with almost everything even 411, the occult, succubii/incubii, Spring Heeled Jack, Jack the Ripper, cattle mutes, etc. etc.

--- section #2 ---

I have been looking into competing objects for the cause of the 1947 Mg/Si(O)/Fe blobs of molten meteors. I notice that Earth runs parallel to the orbital path of Comet 73P ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/73P/Schwassmann%E2%80%93Wachmann ) in May/June/July. So I investigated it. It was first discovered in 1930 and then went missing until 1979, "in 1995 it broke up"*. I found the 1979 August reappearance interesting since the general volume of UFO reports dropped 1979 January.

I wondered if 73P was the cause of the higher 1946-1979 UFO report base "noise level" and prior to 1979 its ordinary doing of that higher "noise level" was disrupted resulting in it stopping making UFO report "noise" in January 1979. The dynamics of that is hard to explain concisely so I wont. What I then did was I started looking in the supernova catalogs for events that might instead be a Comet 73P/asteroid collision. After some days I have found a likely event.

SN1976N ( https://sne.space/sne/SN1976N/ ) occurred in 1976 when 73P was predicted to be out near Jupiter orbit. But in Jupiter-like orbit is also the Jupiter Trojans ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jupiter_trojan ). 73P was in the Trojan field when SN1976N occurred. SN191976N was only discovered on photographic plates in 1979 so we only have that one photo of evidence. The photo was hand drawn and published but when I compare the marked "stars" with the known "stars" there are 4 additional objects. See pics (pics are messy as they are research pics, not publication pics).

The orbit was calculated by astronomers in 1930, but the calculations needed to be adjusted by 34 days/degrees when it was seen again in 1979. This matches well with a collision in 1976 and the location of 73P using 1930 data matches well with being at SN1976Ns location. So this collision has changed the comet's orbit and so ended the splattering of Earth at low levels from <1930 until 1976. However we have to add some time lag to tag us to January 1979 because it is the trailing debris that hits us. And that travels some years behind the comet itself.

The orbit of 73P takes 5.36 years and takes it through the asteroid belt (and the Trojans). As the debris enters the asteroid belt itself it gets cleaned up and that is why the clean up for UFO reports takes the extra 2.25 years.

* Astronomers saw the 73P breakup in 1995 but I now suspect it began in 1976. The drawing for 1976 seems to show 4 additional objects in the sky and in 1995 73P is observed to have 4 components. The 1976 view is a sideways view, the 1995 view is a front on view. If the 4 fragments are travelling in a train/line we see the most separation in a side view and the least separation in a head on view. Advances in technology explain why we did not see it broken until 1995. And we are very lucky that a observatory in Budapest was taking nightly photos of the sky.

This is still preliminary, I give it a 70% chance of being correct. The counter-argument is the background galaxy held a supernova'ing star but I need to research if it is too far away. Aside from this everything lines up too well and the 4 extra objects need explanation if it was a supernova.

A good case can be made for general UFO reports being natural, waves also being natural, discs being natural, and post-1947 ( >>29447 pic#3-4 ) these natural events have been leveraged to make a new belief system in the public's mind to mask the elites biological harvesting of the public. Succubii and ET abductions are the same human generated cover-up phenomena.
The cover up is the opposite of ETI UFOs. The cover up is Natural UFOs and the cover is the false ET narrative. Because the public is gullible and excitable, it works and the elite conspirators can hide a little longer.
86254 87734 88621
Of course there are man-made discs, but in lower quantity than natural ones, especially during waves.

This severely changes the context of all UFO-like events in history including:
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mantell_UFO_incident
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1976_Tehran_UFO_incident
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Los_Angeles

Pics from Project Condign report.
For the record:

I am not feeling suicidal and I do intend to keep posting here.
If I disappear, THEY got me.


P.S. What they had planned as your next belief system:

Changing trip to more secure trip.
Change done.
85587 87633
Comet 73P northern hemisphere meteoroid splatter.jpg
Comet 73P northern hemisphere meteoroid splatter - orbit.jpg.jpg
Comet 73P northern hemisphere meteoroid splatter - orbit - zoom.jpg
Comet 73P and 2002 XM35 (1947) northern hemisphere meteoroid splatter - seasonal.jpg
266917-1942, unidentified flying objects were heard and seen in the sky over Los Angeles, California.jpg
>appearing in the northern hemisphere.

Reason 1:
I currently blame Comet 73P before 1976 break up for the (antiquity?)(1930s?)1946-1979 broad rise in UFO reports. Comet 73P comes in at 17deg above the ecliptic plane. It is biased towards having density between 17deg and 40deg above the equator. Pics.

Reason 2:
1947 wave happened when it was summer in northern hemisphere. The NH would get the densest and transformed meteors from the direction of sun onto the day side of the NH. Density would be at about 23deg above the equator. Last pic #4 and pic #1 @ >>67432

pic corrections:
*2002 XM35
>News of the “silver discs” spread fast. Later that day an update, “Additional Information on the Observation of Silvery Colored Discs On Mission To Stuttgart, 6 Sept. 1943,” was sent to 1st Bombardment Wing: “This observation was made by two crews of the 384th Group and was the only place it was noted. At this time from 2 to 4 FW190's or ME 109's and 1 JU 88 were flying 2 to 3000 feet above and a little ahead of our formation. These E/A were not seen to drop the material out. It came from above our A/C/. As to its shape, it was a mass of material, kept a good pattern, did not dissipate as it streamed down and fell comparatively slow. In one instance, the cluster appeared to be about 8 ft. in length and about 4 feet wide as it streaked down. Another observation stated it was about 75 feet long and 20 feet wide. These dimensions in length being the size from top to bottom as it fell. The cluster was composed of small round objects, silvery in color. In all instances, the objects fell in the path of our A/C. Some was observed to fall on the wing of a B-17 belonging to our group. The wing immediately started to burn. This a/c did not return. No further information available.”
>Finally, Chester notes that some bomber pilots actually stated clearly and unequivocally that German fighters “were dropping pie-plates” on them.

- Roswell and the Reich - Joseph P. Farrell ← Chester, Strange Company, p. 43, citing Confidential Memo, Attention: A-2 Duty Desk, First BW, Subject: Additional Information On the Observation fo Silvery Colored Discs on Mission To Stuttgart, 6 Sept., 1943. (National Archives and Records Administration). Chester also states “Note the different terminology used in the description of the objects. They are described initially as “discs,” but then “balls” within the same paragraph.”(p. 229)

BURNING MAGNESIUM BLOBS FROM SPACE! ARRRRRRGHHHHHHHhhh... why should the fun of killing in war be reserved for man alone??
85939 86021
I've been slow at catching up on your posts, but I enjoy seeing them made. So yes I would like to know more.
Yea, i like reading your ayy lmao posts.
86026 87633 88627
You guys have been very kind. Let me share what I consider to be a close up witness report of these natural flying saucers. This report is considered by the USAF, the FBI, and UFO researchers as a hoax report. The witnesses themselves also end up stating that it was a hoax. The reason for this in my view is that everyone was looking for air/space craft. Either man-made or alien-made. It's been 60 years and there is no conclusive evidence that man or alien made them and flew them. They are still a mystery. So why witnesses claim it was a hoax? The witnesses tried to sell the story which did not work all they got for their trouble was everyone saying they were lying. In order to avoid further conflict and trouble they succumbed to pressure and and agreed that they lied. This then made everyone ignore them and leave them alone. But if you read the report, the report is insane if you want to make people think you saw a man-made or ET-made flying saucer. This report comes from Kenneth Arnold interviewing the main witness. Keneth Arnold is famous for seeing the discs also ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenneth_Arnold ). Here is the report:

As I looked up from the wheel on my boat I noticed six very large doughnut-shaped aircraft. I would judge they were at about 2,000 feet above the water and almost directly overhead. At first glance I thought them to be balloons as they seemed to be stationary. However, upon further observance, five of these strange aircraft were circling very slowly around the sixth one which was stationary in the center of the formation. It appeared to me that the center aircraft was in some kind of trouble as it was losing altitude fairly rapidly. The other aircraft stayed at a distance of about two hundred feet above the center one as if they were following the center one down. The center aircraft came to rest almost directly overhead at about five hundred feet above the water.

All on board our boat were watching these aircraft with a great deal of interest as they apparently had no motors, propellers, or any visible signs of propulsion, and to the best of our hearing they made no sound. In describing the aircraft I would say they were at least one hundred feet in diameter. Each had a hole in the center, approximately twenty-five feet in diameter. they were all a sort of shell-like gold and silver color. Their surface seemed of metal and appeared to be burled because when the light s[h]one on them through the clouds they were brilliant, not all one brilliance, but many brilliances, something like a Buick dashboard. All of the aircraft seemed to have portholes equally spaced around the outside of their doughnut exterior.”

“These portholes were from five to six feet in diameter and were round. there also appeared to have a dark, circular, continuous window on the inside and bottom of their doughnut shape as though it were an observation window. All of us aboard there boat were afraid this center balloon was going to crash in the bay, and just a little while before it stopped lowering, we had pulled our boat over to the beach and got out with out harbor patrol camera. I took three or four photographs of these balloons.

The center balloon-like aircraft remained stationary at about five hundred feet from the water while the other five aircraft kept circling over it. After about five or six minutes one of the aircraft from the circling formation left it's place in the formation and lowered itself down right next to the stationary aircraft. In fact, it appeared to touch it and stayed stationary next to the center aircraft as if it were giving some kind of assistance for about three or four minutes.

It was then we heard a dull thud, like an underground explosion or a thud similar to a man stamping his heel on damp ground. Immediately following this sound the center aircraft began spewing forth what seemed like thousands of newspapers from somewhere on the inside of it's center. These newspapers, which turned out to be a white type of very light weight metal [magnesium], fluttered to earth, most of them lighting in the bay. It then seemed to hail on us, in the bay and over the beach, black or darker type metal which looked similar to lava rock [iron]. We did not know if this metal was coming from the aircraft but assumed that it was, as it fell at the same time that the white type metal was falling. However, since these fragments were of a darker color, we did not observe them until they started hitting the beach and the bay. All of these latter fragments seemed hot, almost molten. When they hit the bay, steam rose from the water [above 100C?].

We ran for the shelter under a cliff on the beach and behind logs to protect ourselves from the falling debris. In spite of our precaution, my son's arm was injured by one of the falling fragments and our dog was hit and killed. We buried the dog at sea on our return trip to Tacoma.”

“After this rain of metal seemed over, all of these strange aircraft lifted slowly and drifted out to the westward, which is out to sea. They rose and disappeared at a tremendous height. The center aircraft, which had spewed the debris, did not seem to be hindered in it's flight and still remained in the center of the formation as they all rose and disappeared out to sea.

87633 88621


We tried to pick up several pieces of the metal or fragments and found them very hot - in fact, I almost burned my fingers - but after some of them had cooled we loaded a considerable number of the pieces aboard the boat. we also picked up some of the metal which had looked like falling newspapers.

My crew and I discussed this observance for awhile and I attempted to radio from my patrol boar back to my base. The static was so great it was impossible for me to reach my radio station. This I attributed to the presence of these aircraft, as my radio had been in perfect operating order and the weather would not have causes this amount of interference [magnetic iron?].

I might add that these strange aircraft appeared completely round, but seemed a little squashed on the top and on the bottom as if you placed a large board on an inner tube and squashed it slightly. The film from our camera, developed, showed these strange aircraft, but the negatives were covered with spots similar to a negative that has been close to an x-ray room before it has been exposed except that the spots prints white instead of black as in the usual case.”

- Source: http://www.beamsinvestigations.org/The%20Coming%20of%20the%20Saucers%20%281952%29%20PDF%20Digital%20Edition%20%28July%202011%29.pdf

If that was a made up story of man-made saucers or alien saucers, it is insane and irrational. I discovered this detailed after I formulated my hypothesis about molten meteors. To say I was surprised when I decided to overlooked everyone saying this report was fake and read it for myself is an understatement. This report reads like what my hypothesis would expect. Notice the phenomena shows no signs of intelligent operation it appears to be at minimum malfunctioning or, as I would suggest a natural but rare phenomena.

The falling black rock is Iron(Nickel alloy), the "newspapers" are re-solidified, precipitated magnesium from the central former magnesium gas chamber. The windows are an effect of the 3 directions of rotation they had in space, and it leads to a even geometric sedimentation of the denser metal on the outside. If it glows hot it looks like internal lighting. It's hard to explain but think of the consequences of pitch, yaw, and roll spin all happening together in space and becoming harmonic and then how that would geometrically spread out the denser metal (iron and nickel) into "windows". The black rock/metal is the former Iron "hull" which got separated because meteoric iron nickel alloy goes brittle at high temperatures (and atmospheric shock it cracks off). These objects must still have some magnesium gas chambers unimploded. Whilst the magnesium gas chamber probably has no longer any magnesium gas, because it is now below 1091C (and has solidified and precipitated into magnesium foil), the chamber unbroken is a vacuum chamber now. This makes the object buoyant in the air. The material that fell reduced the mass of the object which allowed it to rise again. The dense material lost, and the light material kept (silicate, ie glass or quartz now; and the magnesium) make a light floating disc which visually has the shine of magnesium and the gloss of glass. If any of these crash people will find odd but ordinary non-spacecraft and will dismiss it as not being the cause of flying saucer - perpetuating the mystery. And ofcourse witness reports that don't fit human expectation are hoaxes.

Another disc found by someone who actually captured it:

>Case 211 – July 4, Hillsboro, Texas: An object about the size and shape of an ordinary saucer, that had not been seen in flight, was found in the garden of Bob Scott, a farmer living two and a half miles east of Hillsboro. Scott said that when he found it, “it was bright as a blow-torch, but it didn't burn me when I picked it up. I got to thinking about all these new inventions now-days, and it scared me. So I put it down. It sure didn't belong in my garden,” he added. He didn't mention the discovery until he met a friend, W. O. Kissick, and when the two of them went to investigate the object they found that it was disintegrating. Another friend, Joe Gerrick, of Hillsboro, also examined it and said that one of the remaining pieces “looked like tinfoil,” but when they picked it up “it appeared to be celluloid.” Whatever it was, most of it seemed to “have melted,” subliming into a gelatinous residue. The men contacted Hillsboro newsman Dan Shults, who also viewed the remains. “It was a dusty, silvery substance,” he reported. “I picked up some of the pieces and it wasn't like anything I'd ever seen before.” Unfortunately, it seems that none of the material was given to appropriate authorities for analysis.
- http://nicap.org/waves/Wave47Rpt/ReportOnWaveOf1947.pdf

What an amazing find for science! What shall we do with it? Make a newspaper story for it then forget and report it to know one! What will scientists do? Nothing, because they know the discs are just military things not meteors! What happened to this miraculous object? Who knows, no one cared. How wise are we? Not one bit. How humble are we? Not one bit.

Makes Roswell look completely different now?
The green in the chart is nickel( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_meteorite ). Nickel is in meteors and meteoric iron is often iron nickel alloy. However with sufficient heat and rotation the denser nickel will be at the surface of the hull over the iron. It burns green.

See density and spectrum here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nickel
Where's viryl? I need to contact him.
87736 87737 87738 87739 87742 88080 88084
If so then this would mean all issues with the Van Allen belts have been negated. Counterpoint: 29 trillion has gone missing since 1991. I have great doubts on this as a possibility though it is possible.

Outside of propaganda & widespread chemical usage in food/drink, since 1948 the average qualities of the following have rapidly degraded: quality of sleep, comprehension, logical decision making. In addition there are some papers questioning mass downswings in stable brain EM readings beginning in the late 1970's.

Colleague's estimate: from 14,000 to 23,000 fragments, give or take 1,000. There is some low profile evidence which suggests that impacts in space caused by significant speed & force produces spherical wreckage rather than the typical breakup one would see in in vehicles & aircraft.

Watched a video during radar operation/sine diagnosing training detailing a metal-only battery in the early 1800's used for experiments. Magnesium plates were used in manners similar to both modern day transformers and capacitors, reducing or increasing voltage & amperage; frequently used in gravity rotation experiments too. NOT mere coincidence.

Case 211 is interesting yet strange. Rumors circulated of a self-destroying material captured in Japan used in many sensitive projects including Aurora 2 in 1997. Will look into this carefully.
I need to discuss something with you, vyril.
Send me a mail so we can have some privacy.

87735 89600
>If so then this would mean all issues with the Van Allen belts have been negated.
Why would blobs of rock/metal care about Van Allen belts?

>Counterpoint: 29 trillion has gone missing since 1991.
As time goes by the man-made UFOs will increase in proportion to the natural UFOS. However the main focus of this investigation is 1947. If 1947 can be explained then we have the bedrock of UFOs sorted out. The rest is human activity on top. Human activity is larger post 1989 because:

1989: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belgian%20UFO%20wave
1989: “In 1989 Japanese scientists H. Hayasaka and S. Tackeuchi reported in a mainstream journal that a gyroscope spinning about a vertical axis in a vacuum experienced a small weight loss directly proportional to the rotation speed. The effect was observed only for rotation clockwise (as viewed from above in their northern hemisphere laboratory). The anomaly was buried in an avalanche of rushed criticism and flawed efforts to replicate the experiment.” “In 1997 Hayasaka’s team reported an experiment that confirmed their earlier findings: when a gyroscope was dropped 63 inches in a vacuum, between two laser beams, it took 1/25,000 second longer to fall this distance when spinning at 18,000 rpm clockwise (viewed from above), corresponding to a weight reduction of 1 part in 7000.” – http://davidpratt.info/gravity.htm ← H. Hayasaka and S. Tackeuchi, ‘Anomalous weight reduction on a gyroscope’s right rotations around the vertical axis on the earth’, Physical Review Letters, 63:25, 1989, pp. 2701-4; Gary C. Vezzoli, ‘Gravitational data during the syzygy of May 18, 2001 and related studies’, Infinite Energy (infinite-energy.com), 9:53, 2004, pp. 18-27 (p. 18). H. Hayasaka et al., ‘Possibility for the existence of anti-gravity: evidence from a free-fall experiment using a spinning gyro’, Speculations in Science and Technology, v. 20, 1997, pp. 173-81; keelynet.com/gravity/gyroag.htm.

1990: BAe University Round Table on Gravitational Research http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1990pruk.meet...26E they were scared that they missed a breakthrough and were anxious to uncover it.

1991: (ECE precursor) optically induced magnetic phenomena … inverse Faraday effect … spin B(3) field … electromagnetic fields are circularly polarised http://aias.us/documents/miscellaneous/ECE_and_Spacetime.pdf (Therefore we can (counter-)rotate atomic nuclei generating gravito-electromagnetism.)

1992: (GEM) “Shielding properties of single-phase dense bulk superconducting ceramics of YBa2Cu3O7-x against the gravitational force were studied at temperatures below 77 K [liquid nitrogen] . A small non-conducting and non-magnetic sample weighing 5.48 g was placed over a levitating superconducting disk and the loss of weight was measured with high precision using an electro-optical balance system. The sample was found to lose from 0.05 to 0.3% of its weight, depending on the rotation speed of the superconducting disk. Partial loss of weight might be the result of a certain state of energy which exists inside the crystal structure of the superconductor at low temperatures. The unusual state of energy might have changed a regular interaction between electromagnetic, nuclear and gravitational forces inside a solid body and is responsible for the gravity shielding effect.” - http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1992PhyC..203..441P (Podkletnov, Tampere Uni, Finland), 2004 video interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgyAFElQZcU

1992: In 1992, black project scientists disclosed to Aviation Week and Space Technology magazine that the B-2 electrostatically charges its exhaust to a high voltage and also charges the leading edge of its wing-like body to the opposite polarity. This information led Dr. LaViolette in 1993 to reverse engineer the B-2’s propulsion system. He proposed that the B-2 is essentially a realization of Townsend Brown’s patented electrogravitic aircraft. https://www.theorionproject.org/en/movingbeyond_laviolette.html

1994: Late. (ECE) Myron Evans … Inverse Faraday effect … EM as O(3) gauge invariant theory … radiatively induced fermion [quarks and leptons, probably quarks as they are affected by photons/light, quarks make up neutrons and protons] resonance (RFR). “In ECE theory gravitation is the curving of spacetime and electromagnetism is the spinning of spacetime. The two fields interact when curving and spinning interact.” http://aias.us/documents/miscellaneous/ECE_and_Spacetime.pdf Quark triad in neutron/proton is rotated to make spacetime vortexes.

1996: Spike in UK sightings (pic also >>85165 ) – Unidentified Aerial Phenomena in the UK Air Defence Region: Executive Summary SCIENTIFIC & TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM - No. 55/2/00 --- which pushes the blame onto plasma meteors. Ironically true for non-black triangles, but the only natural black triangles I know of a comet/meteor fragments. Cases do match this. But this is sophistry, I suspect they know the original flying saucers were plasma based.

Free bonus: https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2017/12/secret-labs-and-strange-things-in-the-desert-my-truly-bizarre-email-exchange/

1996: (pic2) BREAKTHROUGH AS SCIENTISTS BEAT GRAVITY by Robert Matthews and Ian Sample, Article in Sunday Telegraph (UK), September 1, 1996, page 3.

1996: Searl Effect Commercialization project proposed and planned. http://www.searlsolution.com/johnsearl8.html



1997: (GEM) (pic1) Gravity Shield “A high-temperature YBa2Cu3O{7-x} bulk ceramic superconductor with composite structure has revealed weak shielding properties against gravitational force while in a levitating state at temperatures below 70 K. A toroidal disk was prepared using conventional ceramic technology in combination with melt-texture growth. Two solenoids were placed around the disk in order to initiate the current inside it and to rotate the disk about its central axis. Samples placed over the rotating disk initially demonstrated a weight loss of 0.3-0.5%. When the rotation speed was slowly reduced by changing the current in the solenoids, the shielding effect became considerably higher and reached 1.9-2.1% at maximum.” - http://lib-arxiv-008.serverfarm.cornell.edu/abs/cond-mat/9701074 9701074v3.pdf (Podkletnov, Moscow Chemical Scientific Research Centre)

1998: TR-3A and TR-3B https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_triangle_(UFO)#TR-3A_Black_Manta

2003: Einstein–Cartan–Evans theory (ECE thought up) , patents “electromagetism is the torsion [that can be applied to atomic nuclei] and gravity the curvature of spacetime”, http://aias.us/documents/miscellaneous/ECE_and_Spacetime.pdf applied to an atomic nucleus this then causes Gravitoelectromagnetism which can cause atomic anti-gravity, see 1991

2005: 2005 BAE Systems closes Project Greenglow - “BBC Horizons: Project Greenglow” TV documentary (2016)

2006: European Space Agency believe they may have measured the gravitational equivalent of a magnetic field http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Preparing_for_the_Future/Discovery_and_Preparation/Towards_a_new_test_of_general_relativity/(print)

2011: NASA proves Einstein Frame-dragging https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frame-dragging

2012: Device and method to produce gravitomagnetic induction, mass spin-valve or gravitational rectifier https://patents.google.com/patent/US9318031B2/en

There is a fairly smooth timeline here. If you can control the atomic nucleus via light or EM you can make the super-dense nucleus affect spacetime, including warp it. Where ever the nucleus doth go, the atoms/craft is sure to follow. Some nuclei have intrinsic spin that can't be thwarted. What happens if you leverage that?? What happens if you remove thermal jitter and align their rotational axis??
88621 89600 107136
Melt temperatures.png
>Colleague's estimate: from 14,000 to 23,000 fragments, give or take 1,000. There is some low profile evidence which suggests that impacts in space caused by significant speed & force produces spherical wreckage rather than the typical breakup one would see in in vehicles & aircraft.

A meteor impact can reach up to 2370C on Earth, and that is with "aero-braking". Imagine this without any air resistance. In addition space (Mercury has no atmosphere) is a thermal insulator. The only way to lose heat is radiation. Convection and conduction isn't available. After these collisions the rock is completely molten to such an extent that the elements separate from the compounds and then "sediment out" by density. See table.


1) , 2) https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/earth-atmospheric-and-planetary-sciences/12-570-structure-and-dynamics-of-the-cmb-region-spring-2004/lecture-notes/lec6_1.pdf (structure)
3) https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/bfm%3A978-1-4020-5075-6%2F1.pdf
4) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silicon_dioxide
5) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0032063300000544
6) , 7) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1365-2966.2009.15459.x

>Watched a video during radar operation/sine diagnosing training detailing a metal-only battery in the early 1800's used for experiments. Magnesium plates were used in manners similar to both modern day transformers and capacitors, reducing or increasing voltage & amperage; frequently used in gravity rotation experiments too. NOT mere coincidence.

Because man does something does not mean nature can't do something or even something else. It is a false dichotomy to argue between nature and man in this. Both are players in this. But man isn't a player in 1947, he is inspired by 1947 to start playing in 1952. Because the public psyop'ed themselves which is just exactly what the CIA etc likes, and it provides cover in a way the public already showed itself to be gullible for.

88621 89600 116138
>Case 211 is interesting yet strange. Rumors circulated of a self-destroying material captured in Japan used in many sensitive projects including Aurora 2 in 1997. Will look into this carefully.

I recall that the FBI investigated many UFO models. I have not looked closer but if this molten meteor idea is correct they will report a nondescript disk which is passed off as a child's toy or model and forgotten. It isn't the FBIs job to think up weird science. That's my job. :P

Is my idea challenging your preconceived notions? It's always exciting when that happens to a researcher!

The same short-sightedness happened in 1946 with the ghost rockets: See pics.
Source: http://www.cufos.org/UFO_History_Gross/1946_Ghost_Rockets_3EDR.pdf

The evidence continues to mount on the side of my hypothesis. I especially like the soap bubble!!

1947 meteor shower science paper 1947MNRAS.107.png
1947MNRAS.107-Taurids sky 1947.jpg
>This daylight activity continued throughout July and August [1947], and comparison with the known major showers indicates that it is without precedent in extent and duration.

Title: The Daylight Meteor Streams of 1947 May-August
Authors: Clegg, J. A., Hughes, V. A., & Lovell, A. C. B.
Journal: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 107, p.369
Bibliographic Code: 1947MNRAS.107..369C


Why daylight? I propose because 2002 XM35 hit Mercury is 1946. Mercury is close to the sun always.
Should I stop?
mail to? Send a public key or we can use https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptocat
89600 104342
Thermite reactions in molten meteors:
>Thermites have diverse compositions. Fuels include aluminium, magnesium, titanium, zinc, silicon, and boron. Aluminium is common because of its high boiling point and low cost. Oxidizers include bismuth(III) oxide, boron(III) oxide, silicon(IV) oxide, chromium(III) oxide, manganese(IV) oxide, iron(III) oxide, iron(II,III) oxide, copper(II) oxide, and lead(II,IV) oxide.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermite

How will the gaseous Mg act in the molten meteors in space?
>Without buoyancy, the vapor produced by boiling simply floats as a bubble inside the liquid after the heating has stopped. Surface tension effects cause the many small bubbles produced to coalesce into one large sphere. (pic)
- https://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2001/ast07sep_2/

And to go over the top:

>Iron-magnesium-silicate perovskite may be slightly buoyant while above 60GPa. [600,000,000HPa or 600,000 atmospheres]
-- MELTING OF IRON-MAGNESIUM-SILICATE PEROVSK1TE by Jeffrey S. Sweeney and Dion L. Hein (10.1029/93GL00556) https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1029/93GL00556

Superconductor effect? (25Mg is 5/2+ spin and 10% naturally occurring in all of Mg) or magnesium plasma/gas?
87745 122672

Never Stop, we Ahnenerbe now
Did the SS have anything on Aliens?

Always be wary of "leaked documents" to UFO researchers. This is how you distract UFO researchers. Remember people looking for UFO answers want to find particular answers, not objective research, when you "leak" to them what they want to see they fall for it every time. I propose above that we have constantly been shown that the 1946-7 flying saucers were molten space rocks. And each time we found those molten space rocks we ignored them because we expected Nazi/Soviet/US aircraft.

Quote about a 1930s "crashed" saucer in Italy:

RS/33 cabinet

The Cabinet RS / 33 is according to a group of Italian ufologists a presumed structure created by Benito Mussolini in 1933 with the fall on June 13 of the same year in Lombardy of a UFO , unidentified flying object. The spaceship would have fallen between Milan and Varese , the occupants and the aircraft would have been transported to Vergiate , in the SIAI-Marchetti workshops.

The letters R and S stand respectively for Searches and specials. Roberto Pinotti , president of the National Ufological Center (CUN) says that the documents concerning the existence of this program have been sent anonymously to the Center itself. Pinotti wrote various books and articles on the subject.

The institution would have been composed of illustrious scientists of the time led by Guglielmo Marconi with the aim of studying the new phenomena. The RS / 33 cabinet would have worked from 1933 to 1941 under the cover of Benito Mussolini , Italo Balbo and Galeazzo Ciano and under the protection of the OVRA , to avoid the leak of information and otherwise start a debunking , despite this protection, in the 1941 , the data collected by the fascist team were taken by GESTAPO , for the start of a similar Nazi program.

In 1941 Nazi Germany set off a research program, dedicated to the study and construction of these non-conventional aircraft , such as the RS / 33 Cabinet, the technicians supported the hypothesis that these aircraft were part of a secret paraphernalia of the Allies ; the confirmation of the study of these aircraft by the Nazis, was given by the pilot Rudolph Schriever , the Milanese engineer Giuseppe Belluzzo and Andrea Epp .

Among the alleged weapons developed by the fascist team, we can mention the Ray of death (electronic weapon studied superficially by Guglielmo Marconi ), the flying wing, when the program passed to GESTAPO , were developed the V-7 (circular transport) , traded for Ufo for their form after the 50s .

Some of the alleged members of the RS / 33 cabinet were:

Filippo Bottazzi surgeon and experimental biologist of the University of Naples
Gaetano Arturo Crocco aeronautical engineer founder of the Italian company Razzi
Pietro Romualdo Pirotta botanico of the La Sapienza University of Rome
Francesco Severi, mathematician, teacher at the Sapienza University of Rome and at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.
Giancarlo Vallauri, teacher of electrotechnics and academic ferromagnetism of the Lincei
Francesco Giordani chemist at the University of Naples
Dante De Blasi, a medical hygienist of the universities of Naples and Rome


See also:
https://web.archive.org/web/20050218033457/http://www.cun-italia.net/fasfile/fafil03.htm (pics >>755 )
https://atlantisrisingmagazine.com/article/mussolinis-roswell/ (full story in English)

thanks for the links the archive gives me a 502 error though. what i don't understand is why Il Duce would keep it a secret.

Don't let them get you, anon!
Watch the skies!
_sad appul.jpg
>tfw no Big tidded grey gf
xerogel and cryogel precursor to aerogel.jpg
xerogel and cryogel precursor to aerogel2.jpg
>Case 211 is interesting yet strange. Rumors circulated of a self-destroying material captured in Japan used in many sensitive projects including Aurora 2 in 1997. Will look into this carefully.

Perhaps this is a thermite reaction. The central magnesium is stealing the oxygen from the silicate. The silicate is acting as thermal insulation like glass fibre batts. The surface silicate/glass/quarts is sealed due to xerogel properties which collapses the openings on the outside. The air friction could have helped this. With the magnesium plasma/gas condensed, between the fibres of silicate, is vacuum, a thermal insulator. This makes it superior to house thermal insulation. Therefore the witness picked up a objected undergoing thermite reaction temperatures. Neat!

Comet 73P was known to flare up in brightness and then disappear. I am suspicious that its constant asteroid belt pass-throughs leads to a slow process of melting -> centrifugal sedimentation -> thermite reaction initiation -> comet outburst.

http://www.cbat.eps.harvard.edu/iauc/06200/06246.html for 73P surprising outbursts.

88085 88086 89600
>Case 211 is interesting yet strange.

Have another:

>Case 383 -- July 6, near Pocatello, Idaho: H. C. McLean, a touring Seattle resident driving through Pocatello, reported by letter to the local paper that he had seen a small disc float slowly to the ground in front of his car just after dawn. He described the disc as about two or three feet in diameter, "about the size of a wagon wheel." It came down on edge, like a wheel in the road. "Something held it upright," he reported, and then moved it forward in "a series of short jerks," each move carrying it a foot or two further. "In the middle of the disc," McLean wrote, "I could made out a bulge, as if a plate had been welded onto the disc, and there were two narrow strips of metal running almost parallel to each other above and below this mid-section." The edge of the disc was surrounded by a tube that had a funnel-like opening at one end, "set into the disc's rim so that the latter could roll freely." After having moved ahead about 20 yards, the object "rose easily and at once began to climb. I examined the place where the disc had landed but it touched the ground so lightly that it left no mark. I am convinced that the disc's flight was controlled, that it gave out signals indicating its position, and that it is harmless."

- http://nicap.org/waves/Wave47Rpt/ReportOnWaveOf1947.pdf
88242 89600
>Case 399 -- July 6, Kansas City, Kansas: Miss Barbara Mehner, of 2309 South Glenwood Avenue, in the Intercity District, said she was playing baseball on a field near U.S. Highway 24 when a small, grey disc flew around her. "I was facing west when something flew in from the side," she said. "It was dark grayish, about five inches across and flying two feet from the ground. It flew around me several times, then flew off south a short distance, came back and circled me three or four more times. Then it disappeared."


>Case 501 -- July 6, Towanda, Pennsylvania: A close-up observation of two small "objects" was described by Mrs. A. C. Smith, who saw them hovering 20 feet above the ground. For a period of two minutes, they "bobbed about, merged together, and separated," she said, be fore they finally soared into the sky. According to Mrs. Smith, the discs were about six to eight inches in diameter and appeared to be "saucers of intense light." She did not believe they were solid objects.

Case 603 -- July 7, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania: Eight Gettysburg College couples reported seeing two flights of small objects at low altitude while they were on a Sigma Chi fraternity picnic near the Pennsylvania Monument on the historic battleground. About 3:30 p.m. EDT, five or six small, grey, shiny discs drifted eastward overhead at moderate speed, appearing to roll on edge as they flew. A few minutes later another group of six similar objects flew over in the same direction.

>"Each time they were traveling in two distinct groups," said Frank Toms, a senior at the College. He estimated the size of the discs at six inches in diameter. They appeared to be at an altitude of "about 150 to 200 feet above the ground," he added. Among the witnesses present was Peter John, a sophomore from Camden, New Jersey.

>Case 853 -- July 30, Tamarack, Idaho: John E. Ostrom, of Nyssa, Oregon, was driving an Army truck from Council to McCall, Idaho, on Route 95. At 4:00 p.m. MST, in the vicinity of Tamarack, he suddenly saw a small, silver, ball-like object approaching his truck head-on at a downward angle of about 30 degrees. As he instinctively covered his face with his hands, the baseball-sized object glanced off the roof of the cab, just above the windshield.

>He brought the truck to a halt several hundred yards down the highway and got out to see what damage had been done. The point of contact was perfectly clear, and the metal of the roof of the cab, just above the windshield, appeared to have be en "melted" as if "by some terrific heat." Experts examining the damaged spot later, about the size of a silver dollar, said that it had the appearance of having been "welded," but Ostrom denied there had been any welding and insisted that the damage had been done by a small flying object.

Death to miniature space aliens!!
Maybe the ships can shrink?
>1950: “In The Ethership Mystery and Its Solution Layne [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meade_Layne ] says: “In spite of a policy and an unofficial censorship, it is widely believed by this time that a number of ether ships of the disk type have landed in the United States, through accident of some kind. We have no reports that any of the `dwarf' occupants survived the landing, and we are told that the propulsion and control of these craft is very much of a puzzle to scientists who have inspected them. They are said to be without motors, propellers, or anything recognizable as a drive mechanism. This suggests, of course, some kind of magnetic propulsion. And the performance of these crafts, their extraordinary speed, power and maneuverability far outclasses anything our own engineers have been able to achieve.” – Scully (1950) ← "The Ether Ship Mystery and Its Solution" [ https://borderlandsciences.org/project/etheria/mimeo/esm/index.html ] (1950). Also from same BSRA article: “It is probably well known by this time, that several of these ether ships have fallen, and their contents carefully studied – although with utmost secrecy. We cannot enter here upon this part of, which has been printed in other BSRA publications; we wish to refer only to the “little people”, dwarfs about 30 inches in height, whose bodies were found within the Discs.”

>1950: “To the ribaldry attending testimony that the crews of flying saucers were dwarfs or little people, a doubt which even Associate Hayes shares, the Borderland Sciences Research Associates advanced a solution. In fact, they advanced two. One was that the Etherians suffer shrinkage when they and their craft penetrate into this atmosphere too rapidly. The other was they chose to materialize in small forms “simply for convenience of operation and flight.” – Scully (1950) https://www.scribd.com/doc/3927939/BEHIND-THE-FLYING-SAUCERS-Frank-Scully-134-pp-ebook

What laws of physics allow shrinking?

some advanced technology.
88622 88624

I have a new idea for the foil. The Mg plasma/gas will thermite react with the silicate abd steal its oxygen. The Mg becomes MgO https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnesium_oxide and the silicate becomes elemental Silicon metal https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silicon . And the interesting consequence here is that Si looks exactly like foil, even when a blob.

Which removes the need to deal with the assumption of wafers of metal.

Silicon's spectrum is very bright and accross the spectrum and so would burn in the atmosphere when traveling at speed as bright white.

So the process would be, loose the Iron(Nickel alloy) through shock (slag, slag everywhere >>87738 >>86025 ), burn away the silicate, burn the silicon (bright white), burn the magnesium (bright white) >>85165 .

Natural hot insulated meteors according to scientists:

>Important parameters in such thermal models include the initial abundances of heat-producing short-lived radionuclides (26Al and 60Fe), which are determined by the accretion timescale and the terminal size, chemical composition and physical properties of the chondritic planetesimals.

>Results: Our new model demonstrates that in initially porous planetesimals heating to central temperatures sufficient for melting can occur for bodies a few km in size, that is, a factor of ≈10 smaller than for compact bodies. Furthermore, for high initial 60Fe abundances small bodies may differentiate ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planetary_differentiation ) even when they had formed as late as 3-4 Ma after CAI formation.
>The model starts with a porous body that is later compacted first by "cold pressing" at low temperatures and then by "hot pressing" for temperatures above ≈700 K, i.e., the threshold temperature for sintering ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sintering ) of silicates.
> These burial depths are shallower than those derived in previous models. This reflects the strong insulating effect of the residual powder surface layer, which is characterised by a [u]low thermal conductivity.[u]

So we have 3 sources of heat: radioactive, solar, atmospheric entry.
We have 3 sources of sealing the silicate: sintering by solar heating, sintering by atmospheric entry, and xerogel cavity collapse as the Mg moves/evaporates into the core. Sintering occurs at 700K which is 447C and 2002 XM35 got close enough to the sun to reach 527C ( >>87736 ).

It's getting easier and easier to make this work.

High Si/Mg content meteors:

>The lines commonly observed in meteor spectra belong to Fe, Na, Mg, Ca, Cr, and Mn. In good spectra the lines of A1, Si, Ti, Co, and Ni are observable. Lines of O and N originate in the atmosphere.
>The meteor EN 041089 was observed on October 4, 1989, 23:33 UT. The meteoroid of original mass of about 0.7 kg was completely destroyed in the atmosphere. The spectrum of this meteor is unique in our sample by the low intensity of the Na line and high intensity of the Mg line. It was found that the Na/Fe ratio was at least seven times lower than in other meteors and the ratios of Mg, Si, and Cr to Fe at least twice as high. This is consistent with the composition of diogenites.

>Diogenites are composed of igneous rocks of plutonic origin, having solidified slowly enough deep within Vesta's crust to form crystals which are larger than in the eucrites.

Silicon density: 2.57 g/cm3
Aluminium density: 2.70 g/cm3

A casual assessment could not distinguish silicon (foil) from aluminium (foil).
>>88621 (You)

Mg - 1.738g/cm3 - 1.584 g/cm3 when liquid (650C)
SiO2 - 2.648 (α-quartz), 2.196 (amorphous)
Si - 2.70 g/cm3 - 2.57 g/cm3 when liquid (1414C)
Fe - 7.874g/cm3 - 6.98 g/cm3 when liquid (1538C)

Silicon and silicate density is close. It could mix and lead to the scintilating effects: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenneth_Arnold_UFO_sighting
Fe/Ni magnetic properties:

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permalloy
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mu-metal

Light weight objects and orientation to the Earth's or local magnetic field could affect the Mg plasma, routing the Mag field either around the plasma in one orientation and through the plasma in another orientation -> sudden acceleration.
burled wood.jpg
>Each had a hole in the center, approximately twenty-five feet in diameter. they were all a sort of shell-like gold and silver color. Their surface seemed of metal and appeared to be burled because when the light s[h]one on them through the clouds they were brilliant, not all one brilliance, but many brilliances, something like a Buick dashboard.

Silicon foil: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Pictures-of-the-4x4cm-2-silicon-foil-with-the-removal-of-the-epoxy-layer-a-and-its_fig1_236754019

The gold is the silica glass.

How beautiful is silicon????!

Case 501 -- July 6, Towanda, Pennsylvania: A close-up observation of two small
"objects" was described by Mrs. A. C. Smith, who saw them hovering 20 feet above
the ground. For a period of two minutes, they "bobbed about, merged together, and
separated," she said, be fore they finally soared into the sky. According to Mrs. Smith,
the discs were about six to eight inches in diameter and appeared to be "saucers of
intense light." She did not believe they were solid objects.
So obviously these >>88764 can't be solid. So they must be plasma or magnetic fields.

>The spectrograph revealed that the main elements in the ball were the same as those found in the soil: silicon, iron and calcium. The observations support a theory for making ball lightning put forth in 2000 by John Abrahamson at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand.
Gold dust

>Abrahamson surmised that when lightning hits the ground, the sudden, intense heat can vaporise silicon oxide in the dirt, and a shockwave blows the gas up into the air. If there’s also carbon in the soil, perhaps from dead leaves or tree roots, it will steal oxygen from the silicon oxide, leaving a bundle of pure silicon vapour. But the planet’s oxygen-rich atmosphere rapidly re-oxidises the hot ball of gas, and this reaction makes the orb glow briefly.

>The theory garnered support in 2006, when scientists at Tel Aviv University in Israel were able to create ball lightning in the lab by firing mock lightning at sheets of silicon oxide. The event in China marks the first time such an orb has been captured in nature with scientific instruments.

Hello, silicon, we meet again. So lets have magnesium steal the silicon's oxygen (thermite), and then have silicon steal oxygen from the air. But how is it bound together?

>Scientists bound the magnetic fields of a supercooled quantum object into a complex knot. And what they found may have finally solved the centuries-old riddle of ball lightning, luminous orbs that sometimes linger in the atmosphere during thunderstorms.

>That bizarre knot was a quantum object called a "Shankar skyrmion" that was first theorized in 1977, but that no one had ever managed to generate in a lab. A skyrmion is a tightly clustered group of circular magnetic fields, with each circle crossing each other circle exactly once, the researchers explained in a paper published March 2 in Science Advances.
> Back in 1996, a paper published in Nature proposed that ball lightning might be the result of the magnetic fields around the plasma of a lightning bolt curling into a knot and trapping it within, and proposed a model for what those knotted fields might look like.

>The researchers reported that the fields they observed around their cold little skyrmion matched the model proposed in that paper, suggesting that hot ball lightning may, in fact, be a giant, naturally occurring skyrmion.

>Observation of the Optical and Spectral Characteristics of Ball Lightning
>Ball lightning (BL) has been observed with two slitless spectrographs at a distance of 0.9 km. The BL is generated by a cloud-to-ground lightning strike. It moves horizontally during the luminous duration. The evolution of size, color, and light intensity is reported in detail. The spectral analysis indicates that the radiation from soil elements is present for the entire lifetime of the BL.

Look at all that Iron and Silicon!

And there is something going on with cold plasmas that I haven't worked out yet.
>Thermodynamic and kinetic properties of nonideal Rydberg matter
>As a result, it has been found that an increase in the nonideality parameter is accompanied by a change in the structure of such a system from gas to crystal like. The lattice parameter in the latter case is equal to the mean distance.

89585 89600
>This does not mean that there were no reports of occupants in 1947. Local newspapers published at least three accounts of small beings associated with "flying saucers" that year. An elderly woman reported the first incident, at Webster, Massachusetts on June 19. She had seen from her window a "moon-sized" object fly nearby with a "slender" figure inside dressed in what appeared to be a Navy uniform (2). On July 7, during a flurry of object sightings at Tacoma, Washington, residents of the Center and J Street neighborhood, Gene Gamachi, I.W. Martenson, and others, told of seeing a number of objects, some of which landed on nearby roofs. Witnesses saw several "little people" who disappeared upon the arrival of newsmen (3). On July 8, during a concentration of sightings all over Texas, an unidentified merchant seaman in the Acres Home suburb of Houston observed the landing of a "silver saucer." From it emerged a dimunitive pilot no more than two feet tall with a round head "the size of a basketball" who greeted the seaman, re-entered his vehicle, and took off (4) .
2. Worcester (Mass.) Daily Telegram, July 7, 1947, p. 1.
3. Tacoma (Wash.) News Tribune, July 8, 1947.
4. Houston (Texas) Post, July 9, 1947, p. 1.

So we have some small humans from twinning mixed in.
43 humanoid cases from 1947. So much for no flying disc pilots in 1947.

89585 89600 103544
Afternon, what if the hands are actually a device to put magnetic fields in her temporal lobes to cause her to hallucinate.

Interesting rabbit hole to fall down.

89600 89601 89607
File (hide): C06D7C0BD139FE74EEF7739593584430-8866396.mp4 (8.5 MB, Resolution:360x248 Length:00:04:48, Persinger-Horizon-God_on_the_Brain.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Can being in the presence of an EM field (from a plasma object) cause hallucinations? Yes, see video.
89607 89610 89735 89747 89762
Such blobs would not care. The effects of extensive radiation do not deform protons, ions, etc. in metals. No effect, at least until:

Collision suspicions confirmed. Sedimentary divergences of spaceborne materials create debris clusters; specific debris clusters magnetically attracted to certain planets. Majority of spherical impacts are natural, implications used to further division & infiltration tactics. "They played us like a damned fiddle!"

Answers confirm suspicions of principle materials deliberately utilized in "sensitive" testing designs for rapid incineration/destruction methods. Aurora 1 thermal-skin pieces recovered from crash in northern Texas desert 1985. Known material compositions: thermally responsive semi-synthetic resins, silicon, "allotropic" iron, whatever that means. Later results released or destroyed. Colleagues of others wanted in, didn't have safety net. Lost contact in 2015. What important extra-planetary events happened during that year?

No notions are allowed to be preconceived until 99.9% proof is acquired. A failure in linking information together is attributed to: research failure, false information, research failure, lack of discovery, carelessness, personal fault. Constant, unusual space debris impacts show no evidence of non-terrestrial sapient life. Zero evidence = zero tolerance.

Pre-Star Wars era technologies in use, most created in 1950's. Post-Star Wars era examples mentioned before, used often by La Sia, no information to compare to at current. Top 3 suspects: Project Skyhaven, Operation Midnight Broadcast, 17th Naval Intelligence. Short list, few "survivors".

Forced eugenics insanity. True natural selection superior, no erratic mutations, permanent genetic diseases. "Gene editing" new craze, now in use among rich circles. Irony: Futureland does not seem so bad to me now.

Consider Tesla & Vril Societe` experiments in EMF research refusing to test on biologically living matter. No 'happy accidents' allowed. What did/do they know that we do not? "Black Box Tower" stations across north America & Europe. Mass subject testing without public knowledge/supervision. Recently came across article related to designer in 1920's, built anti-waveform/anti-sonic screen to incorporate into Faraday Cage for precision experiments. Did it work? None know, design was stolen by Jew-S agents after death.

The more I learn, the less empathy I care to acknowledge.
i had a strange dream, i went outside on my porch and i looked up to the western sky and i saw 4 sun like ball objects in the sky about 100 feet away from me, and they all combined into one massive sun like ball. then i "lost conciseness" and after i came toi was still dreaming i thought to myself "my seed will be useful to them." was that a dream or a repressed memory?
89610 89671 89775 90720 101718 104643 122487
>Collision suspicions confirmed.
Wheee! So I am no longer alone in my "insanity"! Do they know or suspect 2002 XM35 (or the parent body of) hit Mercury? There is unfortunately no data on 1946 Mercury monitoring. There is a 10 year study that ended in 1945 but as you can see they can bearly make out what is going on on Mercury due to its proximity to the sun. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1947PA.....55..137H There is good data to suspect something happened in space before 1947 >>87739 .

An unexpected additional piece of information has been found to further support that 1947 was somewhat meteor/space based event. Whilst looking at old Persinger publications (he was originally very much like Charles Fort, cataloging paranormal events with an IBM 360-40! What a nerd!), Persinger pointed out that when the moon was about 1/4 full there were extra meteors reported. Finding the paper showed that this occurs when the moon was at either or the two 40% full part of its phases. When looking at how that relates to the 1947 June/July flying discs it is either side of the main events. (pics #1 and #2):

1947-06-24/25 is 40% waxing moon. This is the first bump. (the 27/28 bump is still unidentified.)
1947-07-03 is full moon, moon rise ~8pm, set ~5am. Moon-Earth-Sun(Mercury) alignment. Extra gravitational pull?
1947-07-04 Peak #1 (This also coincides with Earth crossing orbital path of 2004 TG10 who also did a Mercury fly-by; pic#3 here, and >>81615 pic#1 )
1947-07-07 Peak #2 (Unknown object but fits within the expected 2002 XM35 children objects which I suggest are the result of a Mercury fly-by also >>78826 )
1947-07-12 is 40% waning moon. Small bump at the end of the main event.

It is bothersome that there are two Mercury impact/flyby possibilities. It seems incredibly unlikely that 2 objects would hit Mercury such that both would send molten blobs to Earth within 3 days of each other. This needs to be examined much deeper. The individual reports need to be classified into Vallee categories and then sorted to see if the character of the 4th and 7th reports are slightly different. I would expect one will show a preferences for fly-bys and the other for hovering and speed/direction changes. I have categorized about 500 of 853 reports so far. It is a very tedious ongoing task.

-- http://nicap.org/waves/Wave47Rpt/ReportOnWaveOf1947.pdf

>“A most remarkable relation exists between incoming meteor rates and lunar phases (Bowen, 1963); apparently peak meteor rates occur around first and third quarter.”
-- Space-Time Transients and Unusual Events by Michael Persinger (1977)

-- Bowen, E. G. (1963). A lunar effect on the incoming meteor rate. Journal of Geophysical Research, 68(5), 1401–1403. doi:10.1029/jz068i005p01401

At this point I think most of the shape of the sighting reports stats can be accounted for by astronomical causes.

The source of "alien" experiences is not limited to men in Hollywood costumes, it can also be from hallucinations by being in proximity to plasma giving off fluctuating EM fields. My research has shown (Persinger, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilder_Penfield ) that it is not the intensity of the EM field that causes hallucinations (See clock radio and Persinger saying it gave off the correct type of EM signal >>89585 ), it is the character of the EM fields. Small EM fields, of the correct protocol, can cause involuntary dreaming (recollection of subconscious iconography and memory) in an awake witness to such a degree that it overlays the 5 senses input. You dream while awake. It seems the memory/iconography has to exist in the mind first and is then triggered after. You asked before about the ability to play-back visual events to a victim, I had speculated that this could be done via the eyes, but it seems you could remotely provoke dreams, that is, iconography and memory from the subconscious.

Therefore if you populate the public's mind with iconography and then record the brain signals of a person experiencing it (acting it out) you can then broadcast the correct signals later to replay it from the subconscious of other victims who also have those icons in their mind (from TV shows/movies).

The subsconscious does not seem to store fine details. So facial features are very difficult but vague things like how a dress hangs are easy. So things that obscure the face are common. Helmets and simplified "grey alien" faces are obvious ways to do this.

This extends also to ghosts. Persinger has shown in his research that ghost sightings occur during seismic stress (piezo-electric effect) and geomagnetic disturbance (sun). The same occurs with people who have Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. These events make susceptible people more conscious of their subconscious imagery. Because the predominant concern of a person going through the death of a loved one, is the loved one, they will then see the loved one overlaid on real perception when they are affected by the appropriate EM field. This is ghosts. The sense of a presence is the sensing of the EM field itself. People who are subject to this effect all the time are considered schizophrenic, insane, etc.

It would seem that nature is attempting to find the right balance between making us too aware of magnetic fields (as a type of 6th sense) and have us filter them out. And so people have a range of sensitivity from none (skeptics never see/feel anything) to full (insane) and in between is all of the rare paranormal. In addition nature is using this as a recovery mechanism for us dealing with the death of those we love, and our own death awareness. By allowing this malfunction of the brain people achieve happiness "knowing" life after death exists. So a part of our evolution includes brain malfunction in EM fields to make death less traumatic and to inspire continuing living.


Having said >>89607 , https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_Stevenson#Reception work still exists, and I have experienced apports ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apport_(paranormal) ) myself so we can't completely rule out the paranormal as hallucinations. But Nature is under no obligation to keep us happy and alive with truths alone, anything that works will propagate.
>3rd image
Sorry to go off topic, but do you know what software that is?
Type an object in the search box. You may get a list returned. Select one of them. On the next page click "Orbit Diagram".

Another interesting place, if you want tables of objects is https://minorplanetcenter.net/data

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stellarium_(software) is nice. You can even place yourself on other planets.

And some really nice complicated and detailed software is: https://aladin.u-strasbg.fr/java/
which I used to make image 1 regarding supernova SN1976N and it being reported in two different locations in 1976/9 and in 2013. >>85155

The second picture is an overlay of where the initial report of the SN was, laid on top of recent sky images. It shows the original astronomer was very precise in his drawing of the location of the SN, so why was it moved in 2013??? One possibility is that the 2 photo-plates taken in 1976 show the "supernova" in 2 different locations because it was in motion and both observers of the plates have looked at different plates. Adding to this is that the original astronomer also drew extra objects that no longer are in astronomy photos. This shows that, possibly, local collisions are being misclassified as distant SNs.

90135 101718
>Answers confirm suspicions of principle materials deliberately utilized in "sensitive" testing designs for rapid incineration/destruction methods.

Are you saying the capture of the naturally occurring discs lead to the idea and implementation of making craft/rockets/etc from self-destructing materials similar to the naturally occurring discs? or even retrofiting the natural discs as controlled craft? That seems to be what you are saying... you mentioning silicon and "allotropic" iron:

>Iron represents perhaps the best-known example for allotropy in a metal. At atmospheric pressure, three allotropic forms of iron exist: alpha iron (α), gamma iron (γ) (also known as austenite), and delta iron (δ). At very high pressure, a fourth form exists, called epsilon iron (ε) hexaferrum. Some controversial experimental evidence exists for another high-pressure form that is stable at very high pressures and temperatures.

Looking at the chart, the change of allotrope for iron, from normal requires a temperature above 910C. The magnesium, if any, would have melted and perhaps was lost. Silicate could have sublimated away.

It might be impossible to track back from a date to a prior astronomical impact, previous finds have been partly fluke. Do you have a date for the crash? Without a exact date it is impossible. I have considered writing software to to look for impact and Earth/object-path crossings but the reward vs effort is not there yet.
You can see a list of supernovas here https://sne.space/ . The name of a supernova is SN[YEAR][letter]. If a "supernova" was the cause it could be any of them up to about 10 years prior to the Earth impact. I need to look into heat loss in space. Would molten meteor blobs arrive hot or cold? And if cold are they Bose-Einstein Condensates which would have superconductor-like aligned (gravito-)magnetic moment? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_moment And is this the explanation for the whimsical changes in thrust/direction? There is a very strange absence of discussion of both gravito-magnetic moment and atomic nuclei magnetic moment.

This leads into Cartan's ideas on EM is space-time twists, and gravity is space-time bends. But what does the actual twisting? The only thing in an antenna that can twist space-time sufficiently is the hyper-dense atomic nuclei. As the electrically charged electrons move in the metal antenna the atomic nucleus is rotated to some degree as well. Since it is in a frictionless electron shell it can rotate as dictated by electron movement. The only impediment is thermal jitter.

The receiving antenna does not need these twists of space-time to move it's own nuclei it is sufficient to perturb its electron (which have about 1/4000ths the mass of the nucleus) only to lead to reception. This unites both EM and G into a unified theory and suggests the strong EM can make artificial G.

>"The sleek aircraft would cruise at Mach 5 (3,350 mph) speed at a maximum altitude of about 100,000 feet. The aircraft would be made primarily of titanium with its outer edges constructed of Inconel, a heat-resistant stainless steel. At Mach 5 speed the leading edges of the air-frame would glow red above 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit. [537C]
Keeping an aircraft sufficiently cool during extreme speeds is a primary challenge of hypersonic flight. According to studies done by General Dynamics and Boeing, an aircraft travelling at between Mach 5.5 and Mach 6 would have an average skin temperature of approximately 1100-1300 degrees Fahrenheit. [593-704C]

Not high enough temperature to warrant a mention of "allotropic" iron, need 910C. Uncontrolled re-entry/impact would be needed. If its uncontrolled it could be natural origin or man-made. "Semi-synthetic resin" sounds man-made, I have no info on this. Does semi-synthetic absolutely mean, non-natural or is their uncertainty?

89755 90134 101718
>Pre-Star Wars era technologies in use, most created in 1950's. Post-Star Wars era examples mentioned before, used often by La Sia, no information to compare to at current. Top 3 suspects: Project Skyhaven, Operation Midnight Broadcast, 17th Naval Intelligence. Short list, few "survivors".

It's important to add in that people will hallucinate "UFO pilots" in the presence of a fluctuating EM emitting object. This needs to be included in assessments. Some scientist experiments and witness reports to demonstrate this:

This is direct on brain electrical stimulation:
>Previous perceptions that were already primed by comparison of present situation with past situations would be the ones most likely to gain in intensity.
[ie. the situation determines the hallucination]
>We found certain images were not derived directly from real prior perceptual experiences but were products of the imagination as, for example, the image of a pig on its hind legs, talking.
>Another finding was that more of the hallucinatory [acts perfectly real] or pseudo-hallucinatory [acts obviously not real] reports occurred after stimulation of the posterior hippocampus than from stimulation of any other structure. The hippocampus has been thought to serve a regulatory function over working memory - the process of relating present situations to previous ones. Disruption of hippocampal functions is more likely to be found on electrical stimulation than excitation or enhancement of such functions. We can speculate, then, that temporal lobe stimulations and, possibly specifically hippocampal stimulations, may disrupt regulatory functions over the processes that register optical sensation, hold a percept as an image, and then match this image against memory images of prior perceptions. Loss of inhibition might lead to increased vividness of internally derived imagery.
[You can make people dream while they are awake. See pic1 for a table of visions including people.]

>The subjective experiences for those participants who reported a sensed presence were similar to those reported by others exposed to these procedures. The detailed experiences have included feeling another self, sensing a deceased person known to the participant, experiencing a human-like gray face with lights around it (upper left peripheral field), and experiencing “someone” standing nearby.

This and Persinger is using EM fields:
The importance of verifying the specific timing and temporal pattern of the software-generated fields and following an effective protocol is emphasized.

Persinger uses specific patterns recorded from other people in his experiments!*. Persinger was also involved in Remote Viewing with Ingo Swann ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9l6VPpDublg ). Ingo Swann was involved in Remote Viewing experiments at SRI for CIA:

>Axel had his fingers pressed against his lips. He was no longer smiling, and seemed pensive. So I asked: "I gather you want me to try to remote view something?"
>"Oh, absolutely, absolutely," he responded, resuming his smile. "After the American Society, then, you went to SRI and developed a coordinate-ordinate system for remote viewing?"
>Well, that came about because we wanted to try to View sites around the world. The CIA was interested, you know. When we tried to target the cities by their names, we realized that the name had too many clues which might aid me in identifying the target.

The situation appears to be that our subconscious is connected to magnetic fields, which can contain information. However we also have information in our subconscious, we also have our own imaginings there as well. There is no firm demarcation between real memories and imagination memories AND other data in the EM fields. This makes being a psi-spy very difficult and so the need for double-blind remote viewing. In the absence of objective data the mind will likely use imagination to fill in the gaps.

* See pic3 for crude brain programming with magnets, pic2 adds context. Persinger in the clock video mentions specific types of EM signals and his publications and videos talk about sending specific types of EM signals. Obviously this branches out into dangerous territory for our assumed freedom of thought in our own heads.

>Third, if TLTs [temporal lobe transients, hallucinations] are primarily biogenic neuropatterns, they will be simulated, ultimately, by modern technology. If they can be evoked by artificial methods, what are the clinical implications for the control of religious experiences? These questions are immediate derivations of the hypothesis.
-- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6664802 Persinger (1985)

I bet absolutely no one at the CIA pondered this question!




UFO "creature" hallucinations:

>Dome and Lee parked next to the heel-stone, beside the fence, and got out to look at the orange globe, leaving the engine running. For some reason Lee would not look at it, but gazed instead at the full moon above the Stones. During this time, the globe performed aerial acrobatics in a regular pattern which engaged Dorne’s attention. while Lee continued his moon-watching. At times, the brilliant orange ball dived behind a small hill nearby or vanished and then reappeared.
>All of a sudden, Lee screamed to Dome to get into the car because security guards were approaching, which she did without looking back and they sped away. The globe followed them as they drove through another band of fog. They stopped in a lay-by after five minutes and Lee recounted what had frightened him so much. Apparently, a dark figure had suddenly appeared beside the monument and approached menacingly and noisily by stamping through the thick leaves. When it got to the fence, Lee saw that it was about 7 foot (2 m) tall and correspondingly broad, and totally black and featureless. It was at this point that he screamed to Dome to get into the car, although it was behind the security fence surrounding the monument. As they climbed into the car, the figure appeared mysteriously on their side of the fence, and at the moment that they had sped away, it was beside the driver's door.
>Still in the lay-by recovering from this getaway, Dome and Lee noticed that a fresh banana on the dashboard had turned to brown syrup, so they threw it out. The orange globe followed them further, until they reached the motorway. where it vanished.
-- Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden (1999)

Notice both are acting weird and only one sees the creature. The witnesses have malfunctioning brains.

Lets look at two 1947 presumed hallucinations:

>Location: Island of Muck Highland Region Scotland
>Time: unknown
>80-year old Alexander Gunn, an angler saw a mermaid like creature right off the coast of the island. The being was a female humanoid in appearance, and sat on a floating wooded box and appeared to be coming her long blond hair. She plunged into the sea when she noticed the witness looking at her. No other information.
>HC addition #408
>Source: Janet & Colin Bord, Modern Mysteries of Britain

We can be reasonably certain that the seas do not have mermaid populations. We can be reasonably certain that she did not travel to Earth on a flying disc in order to sit on a crate and comb her hair.

>Location. Dolores Remedios Cuba
>Date: Summer 1947
>Time: unknown
>A woman had to be treated for nervous shock as she reported that while doing some laundry outside her home, she saw a large bright object shaped like two bowls put together land silently and a man about 2 metes tall emerged from the object. The man wore a shiny white outfit and some type of luminous headgear, he quickly approached the witness and pointing at her and at the ground he yelled something that sounded to her like Terra"
"Terra"! The witness fainted at this point and when she came to [both] the man and the object were gone. Other independent witnesses thought there had been a "crash" of some sort and remembered that US and Cuban military forces had cordoned off an area and had called for heavy quipment and trucks to come in. Something of an unknown nature was taken from the site.
>HC addition #262
>Source: Dr Sergio Cervera and personal interviews

For me, the fainting is a tell, her brain ceased ordinary operation like the salamander above. When she comes to there is no object, but the military take something away? How can that be, did it move then "crash"?

Source: https://studylib.net/doc/8063719/1-albert-rosales-catalogue-of-humanoid-cases-1965

Our brains have no firewalls, we are truly mind-fucked in a techno-dystopia society because we are evolved to recieve EM field data, it seems. Tin-foil hats ARE NOT CRAZY!!!@~
>The more I learn, the less empathy I care to acknowledge.

The black pill. Rule of the jungle applies within the technology space. Their will be a division between those that can access and use technology to control the population, and the ordinary, mostly innocent, population. Techno-dystopia seems inevitable, this should have been obvious since MKULTRA. That will probably lead to the technology cycle. I would expect a anti-technology movement at some point once this remote mind control tech gets noticeably implemented. Of course that will blossom out into a new type of human dystopia also.

There are rumors of it's implementation:

/adjusts tin-foil hat.

There will be a future market for stylish tin-foil hats! Also harvesting the signal in your Faraday cage house could save on electricity bills! But be sure to do it before they in turn harvest your adrenaline filled blood!

Correction: 2004 TG10 did not do a Mercury Fly-by in 1947. But debris in the same orbit from 2004 TG10 could have.
>An example of a hallucinatory CE experience induced by proximity to a UAP is the event which took place on Plumstead Common, south-east London, on 17 July 1978. A woman who decided to rest on the grass while her husband and children went on ahead was suddenly confronted with a large ball of orange light which came hurtling down out of the sky and settled on the ground about 50 yards (46 m) away from her. Totally bemused, she watched as two entities, who changed size as they walked towards her, confronted her in costumes which were a cross between space-suits and chauffeur's uniforms with peaked caps. Then the figure of her father, who had been dead for six years, appeared in a suit and sat on the grass beside her. At this point she felt all the blood drain downwards in her body and she passed out. She lost her sight for about three months and ended up in hospital.
-- Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden (1999)
89786 90092

UFOIC Newsletter No 45 Sept-Oct 1975--1.jpg
UFOIC Newsletter No 45 Sept-Oct 1975--2.jpg
How curious.
89833 89834 90081
>Ferdinando Cazzamalli ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferdinando_Cazzamalli ) was a fellow a t the neuropsychiatric clinic a t the University of Rome. He attempted to record electrical activity of the human brain without the usual attachment of electrodes to the scalps of his subjects. He attempted this by using antennae placed some distance from the scalp, recording the changes as the subjects would go through certain kinds of mental activities. This work appeared as early as 1925 and was continued for approximately 10 years.
>The subject remained in a passive state for several minutes. He was then instructed to think of people or activities, particularly those of an intense sort. After a brief instant, an abrupt change on the oscillator was determined; these changes were registered on the film. These recordings varied with the degree of stabilization of the oscillator, the velocity of the unrolling of the film, etc. Cazzamalli compares this with the psychogalvanic reflex, and used the term “cerebropsychoradiant reflex” for the phenomena observed.]
-- Attached.

Recording peoples brains at a distance in 1925.

>It was in the early half of the twentieth century that an Italian professor, named Cazzamalli, conducted experiments in which he exposed human subjects to high-frequency fields in the form of radio waves up to 300 megacyles.” He found that these subjects hallucinated at a particular frequency (between 380 to 500 mc) and reported definite ‘pulsing’ in the brain.
-- Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden (1999)

>The trouble is that Cazzamalli never mentioned transmitter power in his somewhat unprofessional papers. His oscillograms meant to show variations of the "beat" when his subjects were emotionally aroused or engaged in creative tasks when they were in the Faraday cage. Later, he told an astounded world that his subjects would hallucinate when under the influence of his "oscillatori telegrafica," its frequency being about 300 MHz at the time.

>Tom Jaski, a noted science writer and engineer, duplicated some of Cazzamalli's work with a modern low-power oscillator that was swept from 300 MHz to 600 MHz. His subjects could not see the dial. They were told to sound off as soon as they felt something unusual. At a certain frequency range — varying between 380 MHz and 500 MHz — the subjects repeatedly indicated points with exact accuracy in as many as 14 out of 15 trials. At these "individual" frequencies, the same subjects announced having experienced pulsing sensations in the brain, ringing in the ears, and an odd desire to bite the experimenters. The oscillator's output power was only a few milliwatts, while the oscillator itself was located several feet away from the subjects.
-- Electronics and Brain Control, Popular Electronics (1973)
caldwell1959--Experimental Method and Findings of Ferdinando Cazzamalli.pdf