Dark Star has been contracted by the occupying government to lead a team to infiltrate and stop a meeting of the Communist party in Baltimare. He discovers that they are importing arms, and more importantly, special forces advisers from foreign nations. Things reach a literal boiling point when a warehouse of gasoline drums is set on fire, and now we will see who will live and who will die
Welcoming Silver, the unicorn fighter
1542 replies and 104 files omitted.
>>72362Iron opens the door of the superstructure.
>>72365Fucking attacked. Roll damage for him, because I'm not sure what that would be
>>72363A dorm. This one is empty. One bed is unmade, three of them are
>>72366Ash is looking into a room in the hallway. There is a stairwell to his immediate right
>>72363I'm getting ready to pass out, tbh...
[1d4+1 = 5]
"I really need to go back and pick up my blades, I've only got 6 left now" he Eeeee's to himself.
>>72367Iron goes down the stairs, see if he finds anypony down there.
>>72367She decides to return to the stairwell and find the party, since she isn't sure what she was looking for in the first place.
>>72370Down stairs he can see an entrance to what must be a cargo hold, another to a different cargo hold, and one to a boiler room
>>72370>>72371>>72365>>72354>>72280A single gunshot is heard from a deck or two above
>>72371She can see an open door with Dark Star and Brie
>>72369He yells in a foreign language
Fuck. I'm dying. It's 1:30 and I have shit to do tomorrow.
>>72372Iron decides to calmly find a way up the stairs towards the shot that was fired. He thinks the advisor mare is where the shot went off.
>>72374Night >>72374F, Night
>>72373"Guess it wasn't a spell then,...."
>>72372"I don't suppose that was any of our friends was it?" I run to the stairwell and begin to go up stairs.
>>72375>>72377Circular, going up two flights
>>72379I go up both flights and check out the top floor.
Iron finishes the climb. "I will go first." He starts the walk towards the shot.
>>72380>>72381"Bang. Bang"
There are two open doors. There is the far end, and a closer door
>>72382Could we tell where the sounds were coming from?
>>72382Iron, curious at the supposedly random shots he's hearing, keeps going closer to the shooting.
>>72384>>72385Upstairs relative to your position
>>72386More upstairs than our current position at the top floor?
>>72387Not if you are already there
>>72387>>72386Iron keeps going to the noise, going upstairs to know what is going on?
>>72389All Iron can know is that the gunshots came from the top floor
>>72388Then I guess we better check those open doors first. I go to the first open door and look inside.
>>72385>>72384>>72390Dark star is right behind iron
>>72392>>72391>>72393One open door at the far end, one door to the left, one door to the right
>>72394Iron checks the door on his left.
>>72394Dark Star opens the one to the right
>>72395As he opens the door, he can see that there is a bed in the center of the room against the left wall, a door to the far right, a dresser to the far right, a griffon corpse close to his right, and.... Hello. It's a griffon, standing on her hind legs. White feathers through and through, wearing a flak jacket that looks damaged, and holding a revolver in her right claw, and documents in her left. There is a door behind her. She is looking at iron, with the most deer-in-headlights expression possible. She was not expecting to see you. Well, any of you
[1d20+8 = 23]>>72397"Drop the gun and lay down right now or you'll regret it."
>>72398She opens the door, and steps through
[1d20+8 = 27]>>72398*you will
**he glares daggers at the griffon
>>72399Iron follows. "Hey! Do not think you can run! I want answers!"
>>72401He gets a response from her
"The Sunset police are on the wharf by now"
>>72402"I am not so sure that they are police, judging by their weapons. They do not use batons." Iron closes the distance "Why are you here, shooting your kind?"
>>72402So... is she simply in a different room, or is she running down a hall or something?
>>72403"I could ask you the same question. They are Military Police"
She looks back and behind Iron. She has a foot out the door
>>72404She is in the first room on the left in the hallway. She is stepping slightly out a door on the opposite side from the hallway that basically has to lead outside to a balcony
>>72405Silence to this question
>>72406"Are you with the revolution?"
>>72406"If you are not a member of this boat's crew, you should know the area is mostly clear out the boat. As for my role, I just came as muscle." Iron looks back at the documents. "Are you looking for those papers?"
>>72407"No. Would I have shot them if I were?"
She moves a claw down to try to rummage through a dresser next to her
>>72408"Would I have grabbed them I were not?"
>>72409"You could be playing coy." Iron tries to look behind her shoulder
or whatever the top part of the arm is for a griffon "So, you are not going to say to potential allies about your mission? We could escort you out if you want."
>>72409On the right side above her shoulder is just the door, on the left side above her is the Night sky
>>72410>>72410"An interested party. Who hired you?"
Her right claw is inside the dresser now
>>72412Can I see enough past her to see the balcony?
>>72413If you are on the other side of Iron, sure
>>72412"This stallion next to me. Says it's some political faction from the region. He could tell you more if you were more cooperative. I am sure he only fights against the ones that worship the red star."
[1d20+3 = 19]>>72414I move to the other side of Iron and cast an image of Blue Skies behind her on the balcony. We will know her true allegiance based on how she reacts to that. Plus, if she tries to escape, she may fire at the image, giving us a chance to stop her.
>>72416Here's hoping the GM sees it before responding to my dialogue
>>72416She jumps back for a moment, then pokes her gun through the image, to confirm that it is in fact a false image
>>72415"What assurance do i have that you won't kill me?"
>>72412"Thats an interesting story."
>>72419"Well you told us you weren't a communist."
>>72422"Hired me? i volunteered."
>>72423"The Sunset Police are on the wharf"
>>72419"To start, you did not shoot first and ask questions later. You also are killing our mutual enemy, so that chalks up as allies for the time being."
>>72424"I Believe those are the reservists."
>>72425>>72424At this, she moves forward, and goes to a dresser away from the door
>>72426"Indeed they are. Do you think they will spare all of you in their sweep?"
>>72427"Well? Your cause cannot be worse than an uprising by the weakest ponies imaginable, I do not think you can go wrong with siding with us. Unless you want to get shot down as you escape."
>>72428"That Depends on if some information was passed along."
>>72429"You don't have a gun on you"
>>72430"Information is quite a commodity indeed"
She is searching a drawer
>>72431"im guessing this isn't your ship."
>>72432This solicits a laugh
"Nope. There's Gold here somewhere if you want something more interesting than me"
>>72431"For me, there is no need for guns. However, we have a stealhier means of escape if it bothers you too much." He looks to Dark Star "And from what he says, we may not even need it."
>>72433Iron cocks his head. "Are you saying there is gold on this ship?"
>>72433"oh really? and why would someone such as yourself Not Be going for the gold? unless Are you with a Government Agency?"
>>72435"How many of those soldiers and officers do you think will recognize you as vicariously working for Sunset, if that is who you claim to be working for? And probably, I don't think all of these guns are donations"
>>72437"I guess it is true." He lets Star keep up the questioning.
>>72436"I was. Then you all showed up"
>>72438"Then do you have a way out of here? I don't imagine you will be flying"
>>72439"I do not want to tell you our escape plan when you cannot even tell your motivations for shooting these griffons or any info you can give. You were not exactly subtle." Iron shrugs. "It is a mutual agreement. You tell me what you want, know and need, and I will let you know your escape plan."
She shifts positions back to the dresser by the bedside
>>72441"Oh I don't need to know it, I was just curious if you had one. Do
you want info?"
>>72440"Who are you with?"
>>72442"Of course I want info." Iron points to Dark Star with his head "Or at least he does. You may have important info on these people aboard the ship, judging by how there are strewn out docuemnts here." He walks to the document and skims it. "I am sure we can fit you in our plans if you help us."
>>72444There are no documents strewn out, just ones she is carrying
>>72444>>72445*how you are carrying documents
>>72443"I work for Sunset"
>>72444Okay, I want to know, is Iron trying to close some of the distance between her and himself?
>>72448"This was a test mission for the Black hooves For me."
>>72448You can say that. Sure, I'm closing the distance, but not to the point of being uncomfortable or posing a danger.
>>72448"'Sunset'? What group is that?."
>>72449"Judging by the gunshots you left a hell of a lot of dead communists. Let's hope your mission wasn't so secret you never get the credit for it"
>>72450This action spooks her. She quickly swings backwards, and jumps on the railing, and partly jumps off, spreading wings
>>72451Iron snickers. "I see no real reason to hurt you. Do not be afraid." Iron coughs "You still did not answer my question, what is your group?." Iron stays in place.
>>72451> Let's hope your mission wasn't so secret you never get the credit for it"Dark star is quiet for a second
"they Dont actually Do that right?"
>>72452I think I misread the damn lines again. She left already, didn't she?
>>72452She stops, but she is on top of the railing, and would fall off if she fell backwards. "I believe I just told you"
>>72453"Ask yourself how many of their officials you talked to, and how many have seen these two" Points with a claw towards Iron and Shimmer
>>72454That actually is how it was written and intended, but this works as well
>>72455Iron shakes his head. "Sorry, your acrobatics distracted me for a bit. I meant what does your group do or represent?"
>>72456"To make sure this ship doesn't escape its berth"
The Guardian Protector of Western Ponykind against the Griffin and Changeling menace" she says with a very definite tone of sarcasm
>>72459"I was looking for it when you found me. Not like I could fly with it anyways"
>>72458Iron laughs. "You have some sense of humor, pretending to work for an organization that actively hunts your kind." Iron composes himself. "I suppose it's a small band of thieves then?"
>>72460"As for your carrying problem," Iron adds, "we indeed can help you with that. But we cannot become... "friends" if you are so secretive about your motivations.
>>72461"From a certain perspective it is a very big band of thieves"
>>72462"You're right, I don't think you and I
can become friends."
>>72461>>72459Her expression changes
"Why don't we split this gold? The police will be here soon"
>>72463"that seems like a plan to me."
>>72463Iron shrugs "If you have it on you, then sure. But I would rather see it with my own two eyes before just trusting your word for it."
Should we stop at this point? I think Brie would be important for this part, seeing how there's a rival NPC who wants the gold and all >>72465>>72465"I've never seen it myself, I just assume at least some of those guns out there were paid for"
>>72464"Tell you what. Your handler will know there was something on this ship. Hand it over to them"
>>72466"It is a fair assumption." Iron pokes his chin. "Just do not do anymore funny moves when I am close to you. You do not have to comply to that, but it is distracting for me to see you doing that." Iron scratches his chin. "So, where did you search so far? We can group up to avoid any scuffles with guards around here."
[1d2 = 1]
I think I am going to roll for this
>>72469Pretend you rolled for drive your forelegs and hindlegs.
>>72471Oh, you were choosing a path. Ok. Sorry.
>>72467"Sorry, but you were never supposed to see my face"
>>72468"May your honor rest upon it, because they want their large share of the gold. They trust you. I must go now"
>>72468>>72467She falls back, spins 180, extends her wings, kicks back against the rail, and flies off in the night
>>72473>>72467"Where Do you think the gold is?"
>>72474"I would not know. You should ask that bat. Maybe he can tell you if he's not cackling like a madpony."
>>72473Iron turns to Dark Star. "I do not think she has good intentions. I will go back to the escape vehicle just in case she gets any funny ideas. You go ahead and find that gold or something." Iron proceeds to walk out the superstructure and makes the small journey to the boat.
A new record for staying up, yippie! Going to bed now Session Body Count:
Second Adviser Killed
13 armed Communists, like 4 stabilized by Ash, maybe 5
3 unarmed truck drivers and boat pilots
5 Griffin ship crew members, all armed. One was stabilized by Ash
Two communist attendees left alive
One truck driven into the water, one left with an exploded fuel tank
>>72477Not to bad, sad we didnt 100% the level though.
Okay, let me backread to see what I missed while I was passed out.
Sister Ash just went into the ship to join the group (and also a way for me to have an excuse for not just running away or looking for Ollie).
>tfw last 50 posts isn't nearly enough
It would be nice to have a new thread after we finish the immediate conflict.
Can I get a quick rundown of what's important? I'm not even sure where my character was in relation to everypony else.
>>72489Basically we killed some griffons. Brie encountered a griffon who can't speak ponish and is currently scared by the other female griffon working for Sunset's shots at the commie griffons. There are rumors that there is gold inside the ship, possibly on the captain's quarters, as well as possible profit for the guns inside the ship on the cargo hold, if I have to guess. Boat is being guarded by Onyx and me while everyone else is inside the ship together, expect for maybe Brie.
>>72489I'm stressing this a bit more. The scared griffon and the other live griffon are in different rooms.
>>72492>>72493ONE MORE THING I forgot.
Other live griffon decided to go away and stuff.
I'm still not sure where my character is, but she was just trying to replace her lost spell components.
Btw, these are the spells Sister Ash has left:
>Detect Magick>Light>Mending>Create Water1st level:
>Obscuring Mist2nd Level:
Animal Messenger
She's lost her Spell Components Pouch, but none of those spells, save for Animal Messenger have a material component for Divine Casters; the material component for that one is a small piece of food, which she could have found in the kitchen when she was looking around.
She should have about ~2 mins of Produce Flame left before the spell's duration expires.
[Read more] >>72495Maybe you're with Spark and Star since you decided to go to the party and stuff.
>>72497I'll figure it out next time we play.
>>72498How come you're only using up to the second level spells? Don't you level up your domain magic with your level?
The RWDS seems to be taking their sweet ass time to make a sweep of the area.
>>72500We did leave like two burning buildings and exploding trucks to deal with, as well as a lot of corpses.
>>72499>Domain magicOnly Clerics get those.
I'm a Druid. My Spellcasting ability isn't nearly as potent or god-like.
>>72498You said you were with Dark Star and iron right?
>>72503But in exchange, I get WildShape, and a few skill perks. Wild Shape can be really great with the feats that improve it. It's a reliable ability.
>>72507I guess you know better than me, since I am a rookie in this game.
>>72507I just like the idea of being able to turn into a bear as a fallback ability.
Few of my spells are actually good for damage.
>>72510yea its a great back up plan.
T. my First Character was a Druid
>>72511Sister Ash does not actually consider her Wild Shape to be a combat practice, but a religious practice (same goes for her spells): it's her way if becoming closer to the natural world, and thus godliness. Because of that, she would only use it sparingly.
I've got a couple questions: 1.) How many feats at his level could Silver have, and 2.) what does "base attack bonus" specifically refer to?
>>72513If he's a fighter, he can get 5 feats total. Base attack bonus should be that plus number after an attack roll. Not the damage but the hit chance.
>>72513You should have 5 feats altogether at your level; three of which should be Fighter Bonus Feats.
Your Base Attack bonus is how easily you hit in melee. For a Fighter, it's equal to your level. As your BAB goes up, you may also gain an extra attack in s full round, every few levels:
https://dnd-wiki.org/wiki/SRD:Fighter >>72514>>72515Thanks. Any suggestions for good feats?
>>72516Power attack is a must. It transfers that extra hit bonus to damage. Weapon focus and specialization are good if you intend to use the same weapon forever since it adds more hit chance and damage respectively. After that, not sure what you could pick.
>>72516Power Attack is not optional for Fighters.
Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization are good too.
>>72520There's also Greater Weapon Focus and Greater Weapon Specialization.
If GM let's you take feats from other books as your levels progress, feats like Slashing Fury, Melee Weapon Mastery, and Weapon Supremacy are pretty awesome.
>>72521Also, Cleave and Great Cleave.
Most of your physical stats are pretty good, do you qualify for a lot of different kinds of feats.
>>72517>>72519>>72520>>72521>>72522Thanks for the input. So far, I'm thinking Power Attack, Cleave, Weapon Focus (Greatswords), Weapon Specialization (Greatswords), with one last feat to take. Any other suggestions?
>>72523Since you're going for two handed weapons, I'd say go for improved sunder to break weapons without fear of AoO or greater weapon focus for increased hit chance to transfer to power tattack.
>>72523You could even go for great cleave to attack after every kill.
>>72524Can't take Greater Weapon Focus, unfortunately. Silver would need to be Level 8 to do so.
>>72523Great Cleave, if you wanna go offensive.
I think you also qualify for Combat Reflexes.
In 1947, the old WW2 frieghter
Grandcamp berthed in the harbor of Texas City, Texas, was loaded with a cargo of 2000 tons of Ammonium Nitrate in its hold and small arms ammunition, twine, and machinery on its deck. A fire was noticed in its hold one morning and the crew, as well as the Texas City fire department were dispatched to put out the fire. After an hour, the hold was filled with steam to try to starve the fire of oxygen, as if Ammonium Nitrate needs an external source of oxygen. Twelve minutes after that, the hold detonated.
The entire seaport was destroyed, as were 500 homes, more than 300 railcars, hundreds of cars, and several refineries. The ship’s 2 ton anchor was found in a 10 foot crater more than one and a half miles inland. A 15 foot wave was created, several ships were sunk, and half the windows in Galveston - 10 miles away - were blown out. With with all but one member of the local fire department - and a neighboring town - dead, firefighters were called in from as far away as Los Angelos, to combat fires that lasted up to a week. A separate ship, the High Flyer, caught fire from the explosion with its 600 tons of Ammonium Nitrate, and it exploded 15 hour’s later. The High Flyer’s propeller was found almost a mile inland. At least 581 died in all, with bodies placed in the school gymnasium for identification.
Now consider the position of the Black Hooves. There are two burning warehouses, one with thousands of gallons of high octane gasoline, and the other with unknown tons of Ammonium Nitrate. Are you sure there aren’t artillery shells or bombs in that warehouse? Are you sure there aren’t barrels of industrial alcohol boiling into explosive vapors in the other warehouse? Are you willing to get your life that these warehouses, burning 10 and 20 minutes now, aren’t ticking time bombs? The safer choice is to check with the shipping company as to what exactly is in those warehouses before proceeding to walk up next to them as if they are harmless. But really, the burning warehouses are hardly the only danger. The first two police officers to approach were machine gunned. There are unconfirmed reports of shape-shifting enemy agents who can take the form of any friendly. And besides that, gunshots are heard on the wharf. Besides, standard operating procedure is to completely encircle the enemy, and then attack with overwhelming force. So you may as well wait for the other units to get into position to cut off all possible routes of escape, before venturing into the gunfire and... literal fire
[Read more] >>72528RWSS could have prevented this.
>>72527Is the number of AoOs you can make with Combat Reflexes limited by your armor's Max Dexterity Bonus?
>>72533No, wait, "Is" is correct, there.
>>72535Your Dex is pretty high, so your best off using a Breastplate.
>>72528Shit How am i gonna explain this?
>>72531We do have the boat to escape with quickly and quietly. Also, we're going to reach the bump limit for this stuff. When we are all ready, we should jump thread yet again.
Anyone of you were in that Le epic maymay RPG campaign I remembered was at the Overboard forever?>>72532I would think so. The heavier the armor, the harder it is to move in it.
>>72535In that case, I think Combat Reflexes will be Silver's final Feat.
>>72536By the way, if one does not have improved overrun, how does the enemy sidestep the action?
>>72540An enemy can choose to avoid you if you try to overrun them by dodging out of the way. They also get an AoO.
>>72542>also get an AoOWiki doesn't say that
https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Improved_OverrunAlso, what do they roll when they attempt to dodge
>>72543Rules are detailed on this page
https://dnd-wiki.org/wiki/SRD:Overrun>I prefer this site for core rules >>72523This is a campaign setting where three kinds of combat may be needed: Non-lethal quiet, quiet lethal, and ranged and loud. That’s an unusually diverse set of needs for D&D I know, but I think that any fighter build playing in this campaign needs to do at least two of those well.
Purely in terms of damage, a character with strength and a great sword is at no disadvantage at all against level 1 warriors with knives, rifles, or pistols. And fact that a sword doesn’t alert every enemy and police officer in a mile is invaluable. But all these sand enemies need to do to make your sword useless is to stand on a higher floor, stand more than the 40 or 60 feet away you can charge in a round, or fly. And sometimes, the attention you attract from the Homicide detectives of the police agencies can be very undesirable. An unconscious enemy, it is true, can be a witness, but live hardened gangsters don’t talk to police much more than dead ones, and overworked police can’t be bothered to investigate misdemeanor assault
>>72545Is this campaign going to be mostly urban, or are we going to go explore dungeons and forests for the better part?
>>72536Probably more of a question for the GM, but what would the Interwar/WWII equivalent of a Breastplate be, do you think?
>>72545Oh, so that is why you want me to keep my unarmed attack for nonlethal damage. However, can't bludgeoning weapons be nonlethal somehow? I guess I can always just break weapons with weapons and then punch the lights out of them, but I'd rather not tread on shaky ground by unequpping my weapon every time I want to hit the pony.
>>72547I could ask the same question.
>>72545Honest question, then: could Silver use the pommel of his sword for non-lethal damage, to try to knock opponents out?
>>72545What Would Be the best Quiet lethal that Dark Star can use?
>7 str gang >>72550You can deal nonlethal damage with a lethal weapon, at a -4 penalty to Attack rolls.
There are also Merciful weapons. A +1 Weapon enhancement that aren't that expensive, but popular/useful because they only deal nonlethal damage:
https://dnd-wiki.org/wiki/SRD:MercifulSaps (blackjacks) and unarmed strikes also deal nonlethal damage.
>>72552I would say a Longbow except
>7 str >>72554>>72552Rocks best weapon. No need for str there.
>>72555You mean a sling?
Pretty reliable, only rocks only do 1d3 damage. Sling bullets aren't expensive though.
>>72555>>72552But you add your strength modifier to damage for slings and thrown weapons, so that wouldn't work either.
>>72558That also applies your Str mod.
>>72557Lolno, I can't do that for missles apparently, If rocks count as handheld, unarmed or grapple I could've used +10 modifier. It is actually decided by dex, not str.
>>72560>>72559i should take weapon finesse i think.
>>72562You don't want to do that.
You'll still do abysmal damage in melee.
>>72546>>72546The original idea was to use Baltimare the same as Independence, Missouri in Oregon Trail: just a starting point to find party members and equipment before going on a long journey in the wilderness. But it looks like Baltimare can hold its own as a setting. Combat in the Rainforest will be much more lethal and gun friendly
>>72550>>72550Yes, with a -4 attack roll
>>72552With 7 strength, your options are limited. Maybe a light crossbow doesn’t have a strength limit
>>72548Yes, unarmed attack with a hell of a lot of strength is king
>>72547There were attempts at making an infantry version of the flak jacket with more steel. But at the end of the day, this will not be a heavy armor campaign, as a representation of the superiority of the bullet over armor at the time
[Read more] >>72564Oh. Well I guess it's true.
>>72560>crossbows>silentThey are not as silent as you think, unless you fire from far away, unless game logic dictates otherwise.
>7 strMeans -2 to all of your melee damage rolls.
>>72553>>72566Does Weapon Focus for a lethal weapon still work with a non-lethal strike?
>>72568>>72568Have you ever shot a bolt action rifle, an AR 15, or a pistol without hearing protection? It hurts like hell, and you will learn real quick the antithesis of “silent.” And growing up in Texas, I can tell you that if any of your neighbors are testing out their guns, you’re going to know
>>72577Indiana here, I can confirm this.
>>72566Well, you convinced me for the time being of "not going for bludgeoning weapons". However, are you going to increase goon health further on? I'd like not to die of goonbanging and I can't have that fabled two weapon fighting, but I can place weapon focus, weapon specialization for increased effectiveness and then place the last feat on improved initiative to increase the chance to attack first.
>>72577>tfw want to shoot a real gun but can't cause no money and country is very restrictive of themAt least there's some ammo my grandfather had, however it's just .22LR