Dark Star has been contracted by the occupying government to lead a team to infiltrate and stop a meeting of the Communist party in Baltimare. He discovers that they are importing arms, and more importantly, special forces advisers from foreign nations. Things reach a literal boiling point when a warehouse of gasoline drums is set on fire, and now we will see who will live and who will die
Welcoming Silver, the unicorn fighter
1542 replies and 103 files omitted.
Ash hears a very loud drawn-out sound, like a sort of typewriter perhaps
Bullets fly into the police car in a sort of line left to right. The stallion is hit three times, once in the head. The door and the windshield are hit and the windshield shatters. The mare on the driver’s side takes three hits and falls down to the ground. All this happens not more than 20 feet from Ash. A blood filled cough shows that the mare isn’t quite dead yet.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGFLyA3u_rw [Embed]The Red maned unicorn with black fedora, coat, and submachine gun walks up further, next to Ash, and looks ahead down the dark road, aiming her gun that way. She looks to Ash and says “The police are here, sister.”
Dark Star, Onyx, and Shimmer see the same, but from 100 feet behind
>>71159Ash makes an absolutely mortified expression before running off as fast as she can.
>>71164Still looking for the colt..
>>71159Onyx walks up beside Ash and stares at the scene
>>71165Which direction?
>>71166Not if she's running deeper into the black unknown
>>71167The direction she was directed in the first place.. unless I'm mistaken...
Which way could he have gone?
>>71169He must have evacuated when the explosion occurred. I take it Ash wants to go into the big open area between the mare firing the gun and the other mares firing their guns, so she's in between the two sides fighting each other?
>>71170"Umm... now what? I don't suppose we can drop this on her now from here."
>>71171I have no freaking idea where anything is...
Is there a way around she could detour to?
>>71173Also, is there any cover anywhere?
>>71172"Shoot her with a laser beam or something, youre a unicorn."
>>71173If this were a vidoegame, there would either be a cliff with 200 ft drop, an invisible wall, a whale that jumps and eats you, a minefield, or just a timer with the warning "leaving combat area: 10 seconds until character death"
But this isn't a video game. On the far end are police who are using a car as makeshift cover, pointing guns at those who want to proceed down the road
>>71174She can stand next to marecuse, who is in the alley between the Union Hall and the building next to it, or she can go back the way she came
[1d20+1 = 11][1d20 = 19]>>71177Scratch that. She's standing out in the open, with her energy shield. Because she can do that
>>71176"The thing is... I only have a set amount of magic I can use. It was a birth defect. I got only one shot left. Should we try to use it now?"
[1d20+7 = 13]
As Onyx is walking toward the unicorn he decides he's had enough of pretending to be a commie, and sticks the pointy bit of his weapon directly in her flank.
-5 for power attack, +2 for charge.
[1d20+5 = 21]>>71178Iron makes the effort and attempts to swim all the way to the motorboat. Maybe he can reach that veterinarian to patch his wound and come back to fight.
Thought of a question regarding attacking: if a unicorn swings or throws a melee weapon using their magic, does the unicorn still add their Strength modifier to the attack bonus, or do they use a different ability?
>>71183Why did I use the E-mail field instead of the name field?
>>71183IF I had to guess, then I'd say sure, since magic is like an invisible force of your mind?
>>71184Thanks for putting your name. I sure appreciate it.
>>71185Decided it would be most useful. Also, only just realized we now have three characters named after metals.
>>71178>No space to run>Kid could be dead by nowFuck it! It's now or never: Wild Shape.
Sister Ash meditates as a standard action, giving a prayer in the ancient language.
She turns into a bald eagle (medium) and soars up over the city.
Then she continues to scan the area looking for Ollie with her remaining move action.
>>71182"All in good time. I think our bartender is in trouble. We need to help him."
>>71185I suppose it would be easier.
>>71188"Hmmmmm, yea lets get closer to them."
Onyx Steel
Quite funny if you ask me.
[1d20+13 = 30]>>71187Spot check to find the colt.
+8 racial bonus, +3 Wis, +2 circumstance (high ground)
>>71180The clopping sound of the galloping horse gives Marecuse just enough notice to know that, well
something is coming her way, and she must have turned something his direction as well, because his weapon hits an invisible obstacle before it can make it to her hot flank
Roll for will save
>>71181He is able to swim well enough, and raises his head on occasion above water. He makes it to the side of the motor boat
>>71187Can you please not? We can do this if you want to, but... Just
>>71189I advance alongside Dark Star.
"Walk toward the pony with the gun... I'm not liking this. What's the plan?"
>>71193I'm pretty sure your Will save is better than that, but if not, Onyx is placed into sleep
>>71194"how well can you throw things?"
>>71192I guess not then...
Sister Ash turn back the only way she could come, and slowly makes her way towards the evacuation area.
>>71197"I wouldn't place your trust in it. And by the looks of it... you shouldn't trust close range combat. How's your throw?"
>>71198I mean, she can change shape in front of two police officers who are going to shout "CHANGELING!" and shoot at her, while leaving Onyx unconscious and the other two to try to defeat Marecuse on their own. Just don't expect to find the colt without a damned good dice rollShe comes across onyx, who is asleep on the ground. In the middle of a damned battle at that
>>71199"im good at throwing things, how heavy is it though?"
>>71200I gallop over his stomach nondamagingly (but painfully) as I run by, at full running speed.
[1d20 = 8]>>71196Is Onyx the U.S. Constitution? Because someone stepped on him. He is rudely awoken
>>71202Rolling for the fire
[30d20 = 289]
Marecuse continues laying down a stream of bullets, although with much less effect now that her opponents have sought cover
Anyway, Onyx gets up. Can he attempt an overrun with his turn?
>>71205How many people are shooting?
>>71206I would recommend coordinating an attack with at least one other character on scene in case he fails a dice roll. I don't want to have to kill characters
>>71207Two officers and Marecuse at the moment
>>71208Half the fun is getting your character killed.
>>71199"Fuck it. Lets just shoot her."
>>71210Onyx and Ash are nearby. You can talk to them if you like
Marecuse runs out of ammunition, and ducks into an alley, as she pulls out a drum magazine
>>71213Well, your character is already not identified as a hostile
Can I see her from where I am?
>>71214he runs over to her
"Shit Comrade are you okay?"
>>71218"The Police haven taken cover in front of us, but I am holding my own." She says with an accent
>>71217Well, not like I can do anything...
Sister Ash keeps running to get to the evacuation area.
>>71221I don't want to get shot.
>>71219Dark Star takes cover beside her and yells at shimmering "Take cover comrade"
>>71222Moreover, is there anything I could possibly do that wouldn't end in me dying in one round?
>>71222I mean, doesn't she have some abilities she could use to potentially help her friends?
>>71225I don't have any buffing spells prepared.
If I tried to cast offensively and didn't kill her, I'd die...
>>71223She jams the drum magazine in, pulls back the bolt, and returns to firing position. She says
"I can hold them down if you run around and flank them"
>>71225Yes, like killing the enemy or treating the wounded
>>71219Dark Star is gonna take some shots at oynx and miss on purpose
>>71228Is there some kind of cover I could cast from so she doesn't kill me the same round I cast?
>>71226Dark Star gives Shimmering a look that says "Do it now."
>>71230You have three other players there to use as shields. Or use a Metal trash bin, that works. Or retreat behind a wall. Or just do it the same turn as everyone else attacks, so you are guaranteed to win
>>71209Looks like Shimmer and Dark Star walked right up next to her. Get back in here
>>71233I am here, waiting to know what to do.
[1d20+14 = 28]>>71232Fuck it.
(Tense whispering)"I've had it with all this gunfire!)
Sister Ash grits her sharp teeth in despair and gives up her WindWall to cast Summon Natures Ally and summon an augmented dire wolf.
It has a 59 foot range, so I'll put it a mere 10 feet behind her to promtly charge her by surprise (flanking, no Dex bonus to AC for her).
>>71235Does that hit?
It appeared right behind her and charged from a flanking position, taking a big bite out of her ass.
[1d20+3 = 23]>>71235I yell out. "ATTACK!"
I use my last scorching ray on her.
[1d20+7 = 20]>>71237OH SHIT
Onyx now decides to charge again with -5 from power attack, +2 for a charge.
[1d8+14 = 16]>>71235Rolling damage, because that obviously hit.
*Bites her ass off*
[1d20+6 = 26]>>71233Dark Star Shoots her with his shotgun
>>71241Oh sure, NOW we get two 20's
[1d20+12 = 26]>>71235Also, the wolf can trip her as a free action.
>>71235>Ass bitten off>Thrown to the ground>>71237>Face melted off>>71241>Torso blown to bitsPress S to spit on the overpowered bitch's grave.
[3d6 = 13]
[5d10+18 = 42]
[1d8+10 = 17]
>>71256Thinking she can survive just because she could shoot an adult dragon to death in one round...
>>71235Marecuse stares forward, aiming down range at covered officers. Ash summons a dire wolf, that springs forward and tears its fangs into Marecuse's back
Shimmer sends a sorching ray down range that hits her squarely in the chest, and lights her shirt on fire. Onyx charges forward and skewers her in the side with his halberd, and finally Dark Star shoots her with his shotgun, making white sparks against an invisible shield before penetrating through and into her face
She falls down, and with a brief flash of blue light invisible shield disappear. Then, with a flash of quickly fading light, Marecuse's cream colored coat turns to black, and her Blood red mane to a green-blue swiss cheese. Her legs are filled with holes that run straight through, her horn is bent, a green wing pokes out through her coat, and her one remaining eye is pure green. She is dead, a greenish blood surrounding her
>>71264Indeed, it would appear that way. She is still wearing her damaged coat
>>71262Officers beyond the scene pause at this scream
>>71260"Huh... these communists are as ugly on the outside as on the inside."
>>71264"You might want to report this after we find our friend."
>>71262>>71263"Come along. It's time to stop getting into trouble and help us get out of it now."
>>71255Sister Ash doesn't sit around to celebrate, but instead runs off to find Ollie.
>>71266"Spark put the gas on the guns, we need to find Iron."
Onyx then picks up the gun.
"Hey guys I-"
"Think I know-"
"How to use this"
After pumping a few more rounds into the changeling for good measure What do you mean "accidentally fired?" Onyx is still pretty sure he can use it.
>>71270He manages a few seconds of fire before the weapon clicks out. That changeling is either dead dead, or a damned fine actor
>>71267As she goes forward, she is confornted by two police officers, who aim guns at her."HALT!" They jump backwards when they hear the gun firing again
>>71269The way back to the docks is clear
>>71271would there be any sign of him going that way?
>>71270"You look like a strong fellow, bartender. Hold onto this while we fetch our companion."
I hand over the explosives.
"You should come with us. Probably going to stay away from the police with that evidence."
I then follow Dark Star.
>>71271Sister Ash is visibly frustrated and desperate
"It's dead, let me through. I need to find Ollie!"
>>71271Onyx then searches the body for ammo
>>71270>>71271"cut off its head my boss will want to see this."
>>71275One of them tries to aim a gun at Ash, and neither seems willing to poke their heads up. "Ma'am, cease!"
>>71277Well, now it's definitely dead
>>71276There is one drum magazine remaining, and two spent drums on the ground. Roll to see if the drum has been penetrated by teeth, bullet, shot, ray, or halberd
>>71279Well, that drum mag will be missed.
>>71278>>71279INB4: the drum has been bitten, shot, blasted, and pierced all at the same time.
>>71283>>71278Dark Star heads to the Docks
>>71185Are you here Iron?
>>71284Not only does the drum not appear to be in a condition such that it would feed a gun, but it appears to be damaged in such a way it wouldn't even fit
>>71287Female officer: "Ma'am, we haven't seen any children. We are sectioning off this area"
Male officer: "We're not falling for your tricks, changeling!"
neither officer wants to poke their heads up, and only the female officer bothers to point a gun at Ash
>>71289Onyx retains his other weapons
>>71285>>71288Where is Iron? [Read more] >>71290Ash turns the other way and gallops around the long way.
>>71290"So now what are we doing?"
>>71293>>71292Dark star and Shimmer head towards the docks, while Ash tries to find a way to escape the map and find a colt in a large city
>>71295Wait, where was the evacuation area?
[1d20+12 = 26]>>71297Well, it was indicated that he would have evacuated in a certain direction...
Fuck it. Rolling survival to see if I can figure out where s little colt could have gone off to.
>>71299A few statments the colt made come to her mind
"They didn't want me to go down to the docks in case the police come"
"They won't let me go down there, it's too dangerous."
"I was taken in by these nice stallions at the soup kitchen"
Or statements to that effect, and hopefully these statements will give Ash an idea of what happened to the child when a freaking warehouse less than 1000 ft away exploded into a fireball
>>71300*Makes U-turn for the docks*
>>71301>>71298>>71294>>71285Two more ponies with rifles run forward from the direction of the docks
>>71303>>71304They look at Onyx and Ash, then lose interest when they see they are wearing civilian clothes and not uniforms
>>71305Ash runs past them, still intent on doing the one thing she set out to do tonight.
"Ollie?! Ollie?! Where are you?!"
>>71302What kind of Uniforms are they wearing?
>>71309One is naked, and the other has a red and black scarf
>>71308Running past the foundry, no pony responds
[1d20+5 = 15]>>71310She keeps running, still looking for the colt
Listen check
>>71310Continues towards the docks
>>71312I also head towards that general direction, all the while looking for the foal.
>>71311She hears definite moving in front of her, and more than anything, in front of her and to her right, on the docks
>>71312>>71313Damn it, I don't want to leave Iron behind/s]
>>71315I thought It on was at the docks?
>>71313>>71315>>71316>>71312An ice blue pegasus runs past, followed by a griffon (not Redclaw) and a pony
>>71315It would be nice if he offered a post saying if he was leaving for the night or not.
>>71318Not Sky Blue, right?
*Ignores them and keeps looking*
>>71324>>71321>>71317>>71294The griffon and the pony take shots at her with their rifles as she darts off to the alley between the rolling mill and the foundry
>>71325Wtf. Backstabbing glowniggers.
*Runs for cover*
>>71326>>71325Do they pursue her at all?
>>71327They are pursuing her, and they are rounding the area between the seawall and the dry goods warehouse. Ash could dive into the alley between the rolling mill and the foundry, between the burning building and the warehouse, or run 100 feet forward and towards the pony and griffon and go inside the dry goods warehouse to seek cover
>>71326The shots in
>>71323 were for Blue Skies, if that was not obvious
>>71328She dives into the alley, now fighting defensively (+2 Dodge bonus, AC now at 17).
Does that lead her closer to the docks?
>>71330Which alley? Both are away from the seawall, but this whole set of buildings could be called "the docks"
I thought they were both shooting at
>>71331Gosh, I really don't know where anything is.
Whichever leads her furthest away from the gunfire, or the nearest one.
>>71333Preferably, she would be intent on getting closer to the seawall, to try to find Ollie.
[2d6 = 7]Fuck it, I made a map. I should have done that days ago
>>71335Well, that's certainly enough to hit.
Sister Ash decides to check the pier.
>>71336Sorry guys, pillow ambushed me and forced me to sleepIron decides to get on the motorboat and starts the engine. Maybe he can scout the scene which he left for the group.
>>71338You could say I got grappled and pinned, amirite?
[1d20 = 1]>>71337Does she want to travel through the firefight
>>71335The pony with the scarf is wounded. The griffon looks to Dark Star. It's none other than Black feathers, from the dossier. He shoots at Dark Star
>>71338He hears commotion on the pier behind him, but finds that no one seems to be shooting near him. He later hears machinegun fire in the distance, towards the road. When he gets to the motor boat he can climb in. There is one pony sitting down smoking, who has not noticed him. Iron is bleeding. and no, he does not know how to start a gasoline engine
>>71335>>71340Black's gun fails to discharge. The wounded pony picks up his rifle and fires at Dark Star
>>71342Yeesh. That's gonna hurt.
>>71339Nice to see you're back.
>>71340Not if she doesn't have to....
I guess she darts into the dry storage, to check there.
>>71340Well, what better time to not know how to handle technologyIron's pain makes clear that he needs some treatment right now. He decides to walk towards the smoking pony, exagerating a limp. Maybe he doesn't know that he attacked the griffon and can heal him up.
[1d20+8 = 27][2d8 = 5]>>71342>>71335The pony's shot lands, doing damage. But to his right, Blue Skies walks up, and shoots him in the side with his carbine
>>71346He hears Iron, and says "what happened to you? You look like you got ripped by a propeller"
>>71345She can see ponies moving down towards the end. Towards the front, it is many crates
[1d20+5 = 6]>>71347Can she see Ollie?
Also, another Listen check, to try to locate him
[5d6+1 = 18]>>71335>>71347The pony's gunshot did 5 damage to Dark Star when it penetrated his flak jacket. He is probably super dead from the carbine shot though
>>71348Tinnitus from gunshots is all she can hear at the moment
>>71351She keep looking, searching through the room trying to find the foal amongst the ponies.
>>71347"I cannot tell, can you heal my wounds?" He points at his machete wounds-
>>71352She can see finally that some are labelled, things ranging from Twine to Automobile parts to Ammonium Nitrate Fertilizer. No colt can be seen though
>>71353"Huh? Uh... Let me find a first aid kit"
He gets up, and walks into the boat, looking around
[1d20+6 = 26]>>71350Dark Star Shoots at the griffon
>>71355You might have been shot, but at least the dice gods have still blessed you with crits.
[4d6+2 = 16]>>71355And the ranger's aim was deadly
[1d20 = 13]>>71354Iron, while he waits and hopes to get this kit of his, decides to look for the rest of the group. Rolling spot.
>>71357>>71358"Big Iron Where are you!?"