Dark Star has been contracted by the occupying government to lead a team to infiltrate and stop a meeting of the Communist party in Baltimare. He discovers that they are importing arms, and more importantly, special forces advisers from foreign nations. Things reach a literal boiling point when a warehouse of gasoline drums is set on fire, and now we will see who will live and who will die
Welcoming Silver, the unicorn fighter
1542 replies and 109 files omitted.
[2d6 = 6]>>72143Only three
>>72163He's like 300 ft away
>>72162He had +4 AC, he just got lucky. i think it is Brie's turn. He took 7 damage
>>72164Kek, rolling damage
[Read more] >>72160Iron is somewhat judging of Onyx killing of an unarmed opponent. "While I agree that he could have escaped, there was no need to kill this pony with such dishonor."
>>72161Give an Onyx a halberd, and he'll ask for a gang member to kill.
Give him a gang member to kill, and he'll ask for a carbine.
Give him a carbine, and he'll ask for a commie to kill.
Give him a commie to kill, and he'll fuck up six more without even a single scratch.
It must be crystal pony bias.
I send that fireball towards the truck instead.
>>72168Check your Crystal pony Privilege, Shitlord
>>72167Onyx shrugs while looking around
"If he gets away, the more armed commies we have to deal with in the future"
[1d20 = 11]>>72171Rolling to check my crystal pony privilege
>>72173That looks like a hit, tbh.
>>72164He's dead Jim
>>72167Somepony is jealous of Onyx's killing spree
>>72169>>72170Truck is damaged, and the two ponies do not get on the vehicle
>>72172Two unarmed ponies are at the end of the docks, and griffins in the ship. The motor boat is now the last remaining vehicle that could provide escape from this area before the military police storm in
[Read more] [1d20+7 = 10]>>72175Dark Star runs over to the truck and trys to back it into the water
Drive check
>>72175Sister Ash stabilizes another dying guy, if there's no other immediate threat.
>>72175Onyx turns to Iron
"You know how to drive a boat?"
Then he gets on
>>72166"Better not to tempt it." he Eeeeee's to himself.
"Nothing ventured, nothing gained,..." he Eeee's in response.
"Dude has a gun! We're lucky we've made it this far without pissing our pants!" he Eeeee's back.
"Where's the leftover pizza?" he Eeee's at himself.
"ITS IN THE DRAWER!" they both EEEEE at the third one.
"Anyway, we're already wounded, we know where the loot is, and most importantly,
I'm driving!" he Eeeeee's at the others.
"Bitch,...." he Eeeee's spitefully in response.
Tl;dr Total defense, maximize coverage, don't get shot again mode [Read more] >>72175Iron suddenly remembers. "Onyx, we need to evacuate. I think many ponies are here to kill everyone in the vicinity."
[1d20 = 12]>>72179"No, I am afraid I cannot. Though I can try." Iron gets in the boat and tries to start the engine. Rolling luck to see if his fiddling works.
>>72176A Stick shift is hard. At least the truck is on fire
>>72178Roll for heal check
>>72179Let the Dice fun begin
>>72181>>72179>>72178>>72176A loud EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEing sound is heard from the ship, besides gun shots
[Read more] >>72181"I figured that too. It's why I'm curious if you can drive a boat"
>>72183"What the hell is that noise?"
>>72183Iron feels a small shiver on his spine at the piercing screech. His ears fold a bit, obviously bothered by the noise.
>>72186"I think I am ready." Iron states
>>72183I check the trucks for enemies. I think there is one left.
[1d20+5 = 15]>>72189She moves on to the next guy who's still breathing
>>72188"Gotcha, one last thing to do"
Onyx turns so he's somewhat facing the other characters
>>72192Iron feels the power and strength from Onyx's commanding voice.
"You know they're not going away, we're probably sitting on a literal boatload of money."
"He's right dude, we're not gonna get away with this by duck and cover."
"He's right, we should probably die in a more favorable manner."
"Fine, FINE! Let me think of a plan."
"Why do you always get to think of the plans?"
"We covered this, I'm driving. If YOU guys think of a plan, I'm all ears."
"Was that a joke?"
>>72190A very wounded driver in the lead truck
>>72192He turns the boat around, towards the pier. Don't make me make you roll a die to see if you hit the seawall
>>72191Only one more, stabilized. EEEEEEE!
>>72193Vehicle is in drive and wheel is turned to the left, let it ride. Also, EEEEEEEEEEEE!
[Read more] >>72196>>72195jumps out of the truck at the last second "What the Shit is that?"
[1d20+5 = 18]>>72196I go for another heal check to save one more life.
[1d20 = 12]>>72196"A shame. You should have surrendered when the fighting started."
I fire at the driver.
[1d20+5 = 9]>>72195o_O
I think this guy might be batty...
Ba-dum tsk!
[2d6 = 5]>>72199Hmmm. I am less sure. Some time has passed by now
>>72202Hit. The EEEEEing finally stops
>>72203You wanna roll?
>>72197Well, you rolled through six ponies with guns, so I suspect he's feeling the power of that feat.
>>72205Can Brie tell which way is the Captain's quarters?
>>72205She goes for the boat then.
Wolf boi should have vanished into thin air by now.
>>72205"Should we move this boat closer to the others?" Iron then tries to remember if he heard Onyx's name out loud by someone. "Did you tell me your name?"
>>72209The motor boat is being moved. The EEEEEing and the gunshots at the ship have ceased
>>72207Must be inside the superstructure. There is a door to his left that the griffin is by, and a door on the opposite side, to his right, which the griffin is not by. Brie is on the Right side
>>72210Link this post to the Ancap flag
Brie checks his vest.
"Only nine left,..."
"So eight too many."
"She's right, don't be a bitch."
Brie squares his shoulders, and makes for the closest door of the superstructure, tumbling for the +4 AC
>>72211"So should we move towards the others? You did not answer my question."
>>72212I'm kinda hinting that I'll roll for it >>72215Again, there are two floating objects, one of which is sailing in the water
>>72216Do I need to post the Shia Lebouf video?
[1d20 = 12]>>72212I'm guessing the driver is down. I guess a spot check to see where the others are and any more enemies?
[1d20 = 12]>>72212Dark Star trys to tell where the EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEing came from
>>72218Whichever one Onyx is driving.
She moves closer.
>>72219Moving motor boat, Dark Star has been near the trucks, Ash has been too. Shooting and EEEEEEEEing from the ship
>>72200This leads him to the Ship. There is a gang way to the ship, and he could hear shooting from there earlier
>>72216"Sure, if you think it's best"
>>72222Nice number.
The sorcerer limps toward the shooting on the boat, despite his better judgement.
Wait, weren't we meaning to escape right now?
[1d20 = 9]>>72224Iron, trying hard to understand the vehicle, attempts to move the motorboat closer to the ship. He thinks that's where the noise came from. Rolling ride
Cuz driving a boat is the same as a horse >>72217Good enough. He is unshot and by the door. The door, when opened, has the other griffin on the other side, and a hallway down the middle
>>72227There is a Griffin with a rifle on the far side of the superstructure
>>72226There is a gangway to the ship
>>72229>>72224Well, it is closer. A griffin with a gun looks over the side of the ship at the morboat
[Read more] >>72230Fine.
I guess I didn't prepare detect magivk for nothing.
Sister Ash moves towards the ship.
[1d20 = 10]
Iron throws a rock at the griffon, using the +5 modifier for damage.
[1d20+6 = 25]>>72231>GunHostile
D E T E C T E DYada yada carbine, you know the drill
>>72234Onyx is a freaking killing machine.
>>72231I go up the gangway and look around.
Can Sister Ash get on the ship?
[1d3+10 = 11]>>72233You're lucky I didn't give that griffin a dexterity modifier when it was shooting at brie. Rolling damage
>>72238>>72237The griffin just got shot and hit by a rock, it is dead. There is a superstructure
>>72240Sister Ash gets on the ship.
>>72234>>72240Iron is not so impressed by his gunplay unlike his halbred skills. Although he still respects him in general.
Sorry, gotta keep the charade for his "tools r bad" spiel here He flings a dagger down the hallway, more as a diversion than any attempt to injure, and then takes flight to swoop around to the Griffon's position.
[1d3+10 = 13]>>72242>>72241Through the door leads a pathway
>>72245After flying to the griffons position, 2 rounds later, he can see that the griffin is dead. But... Is that another two griffins on the back of the ship?
>>72243Right now, he looks dead
>>72244I get it
I prefer the halberd too, tbh"Eh, I like using my trusty blade better. But I can't use it from a range sadly"
>>72246There sure are a lot of griffons around.
>>72246I got down the pathway... Are there doors along it?
He picks up his thrown dagger, and then flies back to the other corpses to retrieve his other daggers, before closing on the rear griffons.
Ha! Fooled you didn't I? No, he picks up his thrown dagger, and then enters the superstructure, looking for the Captain's quarters.
>>72246Iron, now grasping driving the boat, gets even closer, see if they can get out on the pier near the ship. "Does this thing stay here? If so we can continue."
>>72244Iron's jealousy at Onyx's kill count is noted
>>72248He can see that a griffon opened a door. Down the hallway, he is holding a shotgun, but looking a different direction
>>72249Name of the Ship is
Frequent Voyager, Registration, Skyfall
>>72250shit, a griffin holding a shotgun looking down the hallway, but not at Shimmer. Also Dark Star is there
>>72251Does he not want to kill the two new griffins he saw?
[Read more] >>72255Nope, he wants to secure the ducats
>>72252"I don't know, I just figured this was are best chance of getting out of there"
>>72249This campaign is essentially recursive fanfiction of the Hearts of Iron 4 mod, "Equestria at War." That mod has as many griffons in it as ponies>>72256Well, there are two dead griffons outside of the ship
[1d20 = 4]>>72255While Spark is still alive, he casts Mage Armor on himself. +4 armor bonus
>>72260Does he not want to move out of the hallway?
>>72258"I do not know. I thought Dark Star went this way from way back, so I decided to come closer." Iron seeks some rope while on the motorboat. "I think we need to tie this for now. I am sure he entered for that insane bat."
>>72259She gives a silent prayer to repose them a before she heads inside.
[1d20 = 16]>>72261Well... a little late for that huh? I failed the spell and have to wait a turn.
[1d20 = 8][1d20 = 20]>>72262Rolling for spot and use rope
[1d20+4 = 7]>>72255He Shoots him in the head
>>72264Fucking left the dice on. Don't pay attention to that
>>72259I know that much, but I also know that there's only two griffon nations on the western continent at the start of the game (Nova Griffonia and the Griffon Frontier), while most of the griffons are on the eastern continent.
>>72265I don't know if he found any rope, but he sure as shit tied that boat down
>>72264Or, just move then cast the spell with a standard action
>>72266Do you want to give away your position like that? Only a rogue can target specific areas
>>72269Ok. I'll do that.
I move out of sight and cast the failed spell.
>>72268Correct. This ship alleges to be registered to the Skyfall Trade Federation
>>72257He gets back to the door again, finally
>>72271What does Ash see once she enters the ship?
>>72272She sees dark Star and shimmer at the beginning of a hallway. At least shimmer is to the side of the hallway and not looking down it
>>72271Targeting, search mode, the ducats
tell me what to roll >>72273He steps over to the side of the hallway, not visible to the griffin
>>72269>>72258Iron jumps onto the dock. "Well, from what you have shown me, these griffons cannot shoot straight. Shall we storm the ship, Onyx?"
>>72274She follows them, not really sure what she's doing, but wanting to stay in group.
>>72275When he enters the ship, he sees that Shimmer and Dark Star are there, to either side of a hallway, as if not wanting to look down it
>>72279"Well there you are! I thought it was all me for a minute there!" he snaps out of cordial-mode and resumes searching for ducats.
He's proceeding, in whatever direction he feels will get him to the Captain's quarters. He's not sure
where the captain's quarters are, but that's where he's intent on.
>>72282Hmmm. There is a griffon down the hallway. Roll for initiative
>>72279Iron decides to enter the ship. The sooner we clear out the enemy, the better. Those ponies do not seem to care about honor.
>>72278"shh theres a griffion at the end of the hallway"
>>72258Is onyx kill? Iron got on the ship
>>72285Sister Ash steps back, less than enthusiastic to get into combat.
>>72286IRL maybe. It's kinda late.
He's just hacking the dice for some phat 20's and negate all damage from himDo I see the griffon?
>>72283is this the same one i saw?
>>72288Brie wins initiative. He can treat his opponent as flat footed in the first round, and thus get sneak attack damage
>>72290That griffin? No? A different griffin?
[1d20+5 = 9]
"Too slow!"
>>72291You want to roll initiative?
[1d20 = 10]>>72293Rolling initiative against the griffon
[1d20+6 = 7]>>72293"Shit hes aatacking Brie"
i shoot him
[1d20+8 = 19]>>72298Iron charges at the griffon, adding +4 to the damage for his spiked gauntlets.
>>72297Iron wins, but the only way he could possibly close distance is with a charge
>>72299You are at the end of the hallway next to Brie, and near shimmer and ash. you may enter combat if you roll initiative
>>72300You are behind a wall and need to roll initiative before you make an attack
>>72302>>72300You can't into the edge.
>>72303I've literally stated that I charged at him. I even added a +2 hit modifier.
[1d20 = 19]>>72303I guess I should join in.
[1d3+9 = 11]>>72301Rolling damage
>>72304You win initiative versus the griffin. You may make an attack against him before he kills brie this round
>>72306You definitely win over the griffin, and so may make an attack before he kills brie
>>72305Calm yourself, and check which post that was in reply to
[Read more] >>72307you have a higher roll than the griffin, and thus may make an attack against him before he kills Brie
[1d20 = 8]
I run back into the hall and shoot the griffon.
[1d20+3 = 19]>>72308I still have Produce Flame, so I target him with a touch attack.
[1d4 = 3][1d6+5 = 6]>>72312That's 1d6+5 fire damage, 1d4 extra fire damage, and a 15 DC reflex save to avoid catching fire.
>>72314Are you even with Dark Star and Brie? Becuase I'm not, and you came with me.
>>72316Idk anymore, but I think she came in a few minutes before him.
>>72314>>72315I don't know if he moves, but he is killed anyways by Dark Star, even besides this damage
>>72316She is, they are together inside the ship
>>72318Yes. He would be exactly 1 round from death with all the damage
>>72318Iron keeps looking around for enemies to fight. He doesn't remember that he had to kill every single one of them here, just the two advisors. Maybe the mare is hiding around here?
I do get to roll initiative again next fight, right? [1d20+1 = 15]>>72321They find him. Roll for initiative
>>72302Brie failed to kill the griffon. However, his allies jumped in and managed to kill the griffin before he could shoot his shotgun. Ash just saved the griffin from bleeding to death, and the griffin is unconscious on the floor
[1d20+1 = 2]>>72324I had intended it to be only one griffin, the second of the two that Brie spotted. But.... I mean, a ship should have a large sized crew
This griffin wins initiative, and shoots at Iron
>>72325>shotgunOh, that's what you meant by "before he kills Brie"
"Just go with it."
"You be quiet!"
"Make me."
"Forget about them, focus on the ducats."
>>72326If there was ever a time to roll a 1, that was it
>>72326He must have panicked. Hard.
>>72321Which Mare?
>>72328Now, where does Brie want to go? That griffin came out an open door
>>72331Iron, at least to my knowledge, doesn't know the other advisor is dead or a changeling.
[1d20+11 = 29]>>72331Might as well go into the door, he was there with a shotgun for a reason,....
Stealth roll
>>72333No one sees him go through the door
>>72332Oh, so it's a changeling you want to find?
Sister Ash proceeds down the hallway, after determining that the Griffin is alive.
>>72336More closed doors, and a stairway
>>72334No. As I said, he does not know that the mare advisor is a changeling, or that he's dead either. He believes that's why they are all there still and not running away on the boat.
>>72338He needs to make an attack against that griffin that failed to close the bolt on his gun
[1d20+8 = 23]>>72341Right, sorryIron charges at the griffon that tried to shoot at him, again putting +4 on his damage modifier.
[1d3+9 = 10]>>72340Oh shit! The room is only a dorm room. There is a griffin in a bed with a claw in in a "don't shoot" position
>>72343Is attack. Rolling damage
>>72342Looks like an entrance to a kitchen of some sort. No creature is seen
>>72344I walk into the kitchen and look for a fish head or piece if cheese (I list my spell components pouch; I need something for Animal Messenger).
>>72344Iron keeps looking for any other enemies in the area, intending to find that advisor mare.
>>72344"Got a live one here." Brie calls out to the hall.
>>72345Yes and yes, if you give it a few turns
>>72346None can be seen on the deck
I grab an apple or something while I'm at it.
Iron checks his options for further exploring.
>>72349Do griffons eat apples?
>>72350There are several doors to enter the superstructure or the cargo hold
Is no one following? Is no one in the hallway?
>>72352Iron deduces that the superstructure will be where any cowards will hide. He decides to check the room out.
>>72355No apple is readily seen
>>72357There is an entrance to the superstructure in the back
>>72354"I don't know about red, more of a mix of brown and white. He might give us information though." he calls to the hallway.
"You WILL give us information, won't you? We've already dispatched several of your associates, we'll have fancy head-dresses for days. No need to spill more blood, as long as we get what we came for."
When he says "we", he doesn't mean the party btw >>72358Once she's finished, she explores the rest of the hallway.
[1d20 = 2]>>72358Iron put his ear on the door to listen for any suspicious sounds like breathing, stuff falling down and other noises that an empty ship wouldn't have.
>>72359He seems startled, and says something in some sort of foriegn language
>>72361The sound of the boiler alone
>>72360There are more doors along the hallway