Dark Star has been contracted by the occupying government to lead a team to infiltrate and stop a meeting of the Communist party in Baltimare. He discovers that they are importing arms, and more importantly, special forces advisers from foreign nations. Things reach a literal boiling point when a warehouse of gasoline drums is set on fire, and now we will see who will live and who will die
Welcoming Silver, the unicorn fighter
1542 replies and 97 files omitted.
>>71964I don't think you needed to reroll, just change the target without the roll
[2d6 = 9]>>71965>>71964Well, a 13 is enough to hit most unarmored opponents. Rolling Damage. The enemy has 5 HP
>>71967Wounded enemy 1 is kill
Next round
Prone enemy gets up, and tries to get his gun
[1d20+1 = 12]
New enemy shoots at Shimmer
[2d8 = 9]>>71970Well, considering the wolf is literally on top of him, yes
>>71969Shimmer is hit, rolling damage
[1d20 = 5]>>71969>>71971Iron preps another rock and throws it at the wounded enemy that goes before Shimmer. +5 modifier goes to damage
[1d20+7 = 25]>>71971The wolf snarls and tears into the poner as he tries to get up.
Also, keeping the +7, since he lost the charging benefit, but gains a +2 bonus against prone enemies.
>>71974Holy Shit. Poor poner
>>71972A +5 power attack is over kill on an enemy with 4 or 5 health. No power attack would have done it
>>71977Is kill. What does Ash do?
>>71975It had to be done...
Since it's wolfs turn, it seems out the next available enemy to continue it's path of destruction.
It can move 100 feet on a charge, are there any enemies in reach?
>>71980Yes. 2 new enemies and 1 wounded enemy, as they are what remains that is hostile
>>71979Ash winces as she watches the poner tear into the prone horse, and takes a move action to reach crawl over to the dying poner and a standard action stabilize him.
So long as nobody's attacking her right now, she can take 10 on her check (she has a high enough mod to do it).
>>71982Pony is at exactly 0 HP and stabilized
[1d20+7 = 10]>>71981The wolf smells blood and charges towards the wounded enemy.
Wolf will be around for another 4 rounds unless somepony kills him. He had 14 AC and 17 hp.
[1d2 = 2]>>71985>a 10I'm going to roll to determine if this guy has a positive dex bonus
>>71985>>71986The wounded pony moves, just slightly, and avoids the bite
[1d20 = 8]
A new enemy shoots at the invulnerable Onyx
>>71987The wolf makes a hilarious skidding gesture similar to a dog sliding on hardwood tile as it misses the poner, before snarling once more.
End of turn.
>>71988Onyx remains unassailable
As the other wounded enemy has been killed by Dark Star, it is now Shimmer's turn. 2 new enemies and 1 wounded enemy are on scene
Gee. Wolves are pretty great for a first level summon. None of the fancy stuff from the Summon Monster table: animal masterrace.
[1d20 = 3]>>71990As these wounded don't seem to be stopping their attack, Spark decides to aim for the wounded.
>>71992Oh dear. It appears the shot missed
Onyx's turn. 2 new enemies and 1 wounded enemy remain
[1d20+12 = 22]>>71993Onyx charges at one of the new ones.
[1d10+8 = 10]>>71994It hits. You're at least a 1d10+8 right?
[1d20+2 = 10]The wounded enemy now shoots at the dog in front of him
>>71995>>71994The enemy is kill.
>>71999Does Wolf boi I get an AoO for him using a ranged weapon in melee range?
Also Checked [1d20+6 = 16]>>71999Dark Star shoots one of the new ones
>>72002And he moves behind a crate
[1d9 = 1][1d9 = 2]New Round. 2 new enemies join this round, one of whom ran in from the pier, where he was targeting Brie, and another who has been in the middle of the fight the whole time but was not identified as an enemy, but has just now figured out how to load a stripper clip into a rifle
Rolling initiative
Previous intiative:
Dark Star
Prone enemy - 0 HP stabilized by Hippie
New Enemy - Still here
New Enemy - F
Wounded enemy - F
Wounded enemy - still here
>>72000I am thinking no, because the rifle he is holding isn't really that much different from holding a melee weapon like a club or staff, and an attack under these circumstances would be too much like a normal attack
[Read more] >>72004Okay...
Also the stabilized guy should still be unconscious (just no longer dying).
[1d20+1 = 9]>>72002>>72003Dark Star hits an enemy, wounds him, and now has total cover +4 AC
A new Enemy shoots at Onyx, who has killed so many enemies and is fucking invulnerable
>>72008Damn man, you're stealing the show here, Onyx.
[1d20+1 = 15]>>72008An enemy shoots at Dark Star before he can take cover
>>72009Uh, what my kill count at this point?
[1d20+1 = 10]>>72003>>72010The Bullet hits at an oblique enough angle that it bounces off a steel plate in his Flak Jacket
>>72012In this Battle, 3. In total in this Campaign, 4. You're definitely winning
The pony after Dark Star shoots at Onyx
>>72016The bullet glances and bounces off a steel plate in Onyx's Flak Jacket
>>72009Iron's turn. you have a -2 negative modifier for range
>>72018Onyx's nickname is going to be "Juggernaut" at this point.
>>72018Say, can I pounce a pony from the roof? Even though I am wounded, the enemy rolls are boosting my confidence that they won't kill me.
>>72020Jumping should count as a charge, unless he's too far away.
>>72022Please, don't jinx it. I'm sure Onyx doesn't have armor, while I have that boosts it by 3.
>>72020Hmmm. I want to say no, because the parts of the roof closest to the combat are on fire or are close enough to be unsafe. Maybe if you run fast and jump?
>>72024I do have armor luckily, with +3
[1d20+7 = 22]>>72025Come on dice, don't fail me now on my first game hereIron backs up to get a running start then charges at any enemy available, rolling jump to see if it works.
>>72028The dice gods have spoken.
[1d3 = 3]>>72028Hmm, it looks like Iron runs, runs over a smoldering area, then jumps from atop the roof, hitting an enemy just enough to knock them prone. Rolling non-lethal damage
>>72029Ash's Turn/wolf. That wounded pony is still there, even if I forgot to include them in the initiative roll
[1d20+7 = 24]>>72031The wolf recoils, snarling savagely at the poner.
Then, after a 5 foot step back, it charges once more.
>>72032It freaking hits, biting down
[1d20+5 = 13]>>72035Also rolling to trip him prone (free action).
Is there another dying guy Sister Ash can patch up?
>>72036>>72035knocked prone. He is at 0 HP if this is that enemy that Shimmer did 6 damage on
Can I perform a sneak attack or something?
We have 1 wounded enemy with 4 HP
One prone enemy under Iron
One unwounded enemy, who is very nervously looking at Onyx
>>72040Yes, although the ponies that were going to shoot at you have now all entered combat away from Brie. Brie can of course attack one of those griffins who are near him
>>72039Sister Ash begins moving defensively (AC 12), crawling to avoid bullets (AC 14) as she moves to patch up the next dying guy.
[1d20+5 = 22]>>72041The only character that can perform sneak attacks>>72042No one has killed the griffons yet???Attacking the uninjured griffon
+5 cuz you haven't vetoed the masterwork throwing knives afaik [1d20+12 = 27]>>72042Oh, one unwounded guy you say?
Not for long...
>>72047I swear if that heals him enough that he kills someone it's the Nun's ass on the line
He was not looking at Brie, and therefor Sneak attack bonus applies to flanked enemy
>>72047Ash manages to cure an ailment of his as well as stabilizing him
>>72046Rolling damage
>>72045I don't know who that is.
>>72048If he's stupid enough to try to get up, I'll set his ass on fire.
[1d10+8 = 13]>>72050Failed to roll Onyx's damage
>>72045That Griffin is dead
Shimmer's turn, but I think that With the exception of the prone enemy under Iron, every foe has been disabled
>>72055Wrong. One wounded enemy with 4 HP. Shimmer's turn
[1d20 = 17]>>72057The sorcerer takes aim and fires at the target.
>>72058>>72059The wounded enemy is killed
>>72060Darn, I was hoping maybe for 6
Here is the situation
Across the wharf, several hundred feet away, two ponies with rifles climb down from the mill roof top, and are running for the motor boat
Where the party is, 5 ponies run towards the other truck that is not disabled, one for the driver's seat. Iron has a pony prone beneath him
>>72061If you want a higher count, run towards the motor boat. Also remember that you have a Carbine with Weapon Specialization
>>72062Can I throw a fireball at the truck?
I've still got 4 minutes of Produce Flame.
>>72063If you have a spell, yes. Yes you can
[1d20+5 = 6]
When the opportunity presents, I'm attacking the wounded griffon
[1d20+5 = 8]>>72064Rolling a ranged touch attack against a large object.
[1d20+1 = 10]>>72065Ooow.... The griffon attacks back with naked talon
>>72067I know it's an inanimate object, but that looks like a miss
>>72062Meh, this halberd likes me.
Remind me to use them more.
>Onyx runs to the boat>>72065F
[1d20+6 = 17]>>72062Dark Star shoots the tires with his revolver
>>7207013AC (unless you determine I'm flat-footed cuz >1)
[2d6 = 9]>>72065The griffon misses Brie
>>72071And it is so. Unfortunately, the boat is far way, so his 120 or whatever feet a round is not quite enough to close the distance. They get closer to the boat
>>72072Hit, rolling damage
"You know, you could always opt to save your own hide. I already took care of your associate, I can make a fine head-dress out of him. What do you say? Tell me where the loot is, and I'll let you go." Brie taunts the Griffon.
>>72074How far away am I from the water? I can summon sea creatures within 50 feet.
>>72076Judging by the map, pretty damn far.
>>72072>>72074The tire is damaged. Two ponies get on the truck, the other pony goes for the driver's seat, two ponies reach down to pick up rifles from dead and dying comrades
>>72076She could walk to within 50 ft if she made a move action to the water, but she is more than 50ft away as she is. Please be aware that the motor boat may be the only way the party can get away before the Right Wing Death Squads come in
>>72075"W-What loot?"
[Read more] >>72078Well, Summoning is a full-round action, so I take a move action to get closer, and then take the Total Defense Standard Action.
Wolf, on the other Hand, charges towards whoever is near the boat (100 foot charge distance).
>>72078"Oh come on," he says with an incredulous eye-rolling look, as if to say "I wasn't born yesterday" and this time pulling a dagger in each hoof. "
Everybody knows how griffons are with their shekels. I'd bet they're here on this ship. I'm not talking about you organization's shekels, I'm talking about
yours." he says, finally, adopting a ready-stance (just posturing).
Two ponies who were going for the truck are now reaching for weapons
[1d20 = 7]>>72080"Alright, alright, they paid us when we first arrived. The money was taken...." He stalls
Shot from behind Brie at Brie, flat footed
[1d20+6 = 8]>>72078Iron charges one of the ponies picking weapons up with his steel gauntlets, also increasing his damage by 4 through power attack.
>>72075>>72082>>72080Unseen attacker who shot at brie has missed
>>72083Iron has a pony who was knocked prone beneath him who is not disabled or unconcious. He is not in a position to move
[1d20+6 = 13]>>72078Dark Star Double taps the tire
[2d6 = 7]>>72087Also hits. Be advised that two of the ponies are going for weapons from dead and unconscious opponents
>>72086Is the wolf able to attack one of the poners at the boat? He's got a 100 foot charging distance, and he'll last 2 more rounds.
>>72087One of the six tires of the truck is now decidedly flat
[1d20+8 = 20]>>72086Pretend the first roll never happenedIron hits the prone stallion with steel gauntlets, using power attack to increase damage by 2.
>>72082"Oh ho ho ho! Trying to take advantage of my generosity? That's not very sporting of you," he waves a dagger at the griffon playfully/menacingly, then gets serious. "Spill your guts,... or I do."
[1d20+12 = 27]>>72088Well Onyx will have to end that now won't he?
[1d20 = 18]>>72078The sorcerer is still kicking and fires at one of the ones going for weapons.
[2d6 = 10]>>72089He cannot go that far. He can definitely attack one of the two ponies diving for rifles
>>72093How far can you charge? 60 ft?
>>72092Is he going to ignore the griffon that shot at him from behind?
>>72094Hit, rolling damage
[Read more] [1d20+12 = 13]>>72095Idk, I don't have a spees
[1d4+7 = 11]>>72094Shimmer kills him with a single shot
>>72096And I forgot the leave out the dice that time....
>>72095He didn't know it was a griffon, but yes, he's ignoring him for now, intent on this one (which he assumes is in some degree of command/authority)
[1d6+5 = 10]
Rolling damage
[1d10+8 = 13][1d20 = 9]>>72091Well, two things. First, the griffin is actually genuinely scared by this. Second, the other griffin is not
"Alright! We moved it into the captain's quarters!"
Second griffon shoots at Brie
>>72096Fuck it, I'll count this. This opponent is by the seawall. The other is already on the boat. There is an unarmed opponent on the boat
>>72100Hit. The other pony is already dead
>>72102And now this pony is dead. Both that have gone for weapons are dead
[Read more] [1d20+2 = 13]>>72099Brie is unharmed
>>72098One is dead, one is in the boat and aiming at onyx. He shoots
>>72098>>72104The bullet embeds itself in Onyx's flack Jacket
[1d20-3 = -17][1d20+5 = 25]>>72103"You're friend isn't a very good shot. You paid him way too much." he smirks. "So the Captain's quarters you say? Well then I don't need you anymore do I?"
Throws both knives
>>72103Sister Ash pulls out her grestclub with her horn and prepares herself to hurl it at one of the guys on the boat (on her turn).
>>72104>>72105Wee, still untouched in this battle.
>>72103I guess I killed the pony under me?Iron, inspired by Onyx's bravery, decides to follow suit and runs at the motor boat.
>>72106Goddamn, Brie! Talk about overkill!
>>72106Whatever he aimed those at is fucking dead. Each hits an eye, and the griffon slumps over
>>72107Hmmm, she's far away. very far away. What she can do though is hurl a great club at the would be driver of the truck with one flat tire
>>72108Fucking Invicible
>>72111Done. It will take about 2 turns or more
[Read more] >>72115Is there someone that Onyx can shoot to see if the luck carries over?
[1d20+5 = 18]>>72115In that case, I use produce Flame to shoot a fireball at him (no range increment).
This reduces the duration to 3 minutes.
Touch attack.
Or mod is rigging the dice >>72111Dark Star seeing both oynx and iron running to the boat he decides to run there as well
>>72117The pony in the boat that shot him
>>72119So much for pacifism. Fuck you unarmed guy fleeing the scene. He is lit on fire
Brie, with an understandable spring in his step, spins and looks in the general direction of the sniper and does a "Nonono" wag of his hoof, followed by a smirking shooing motion.
>>72122>Fleeing the sceneOh...
Sister Ash's eyes sieze smoking as she returns to her senses
"Umm.. whoopsie.."
>>72127Murder hobo best character
[2d6+2 = 12][1d20-1 = -7]>>72123He is slightly scared, but shoots anyways. -1 aim because he is unnerved by Brie's edge
>>72126Jesus Christ. Rolling damage
[1d6+4 = 9]>>72125I guess I outta roll damage
Rolling at decreased caster level, cuz she held back just barely
>>72126That pony is kill. The other guy next to him by the motor looks at onyx. He is unarmed
>>72123This Griffin has shot at and missed Brie a third time
>>72129Oh god, why were we scared of fighting these ponies when dice like this to just go for a streak?
>>72129>Edginess decreases the enemy's rollsNoted
>>72132Another one bite the dust...
>>72131Yes. The shooter is by the door of the superstructure
>>72132Remember to call me out when I reach the area near the motorboat so I can do something.
>>72137Because all armed opponents have been killed, he can walk there without rounds being an issue
>>72136What is the damage die on that fireball?
>>72135Brie tumbles toward cover (+4 ac)
>>72138It does 1d6+ caster level.
[1d20+8 = 17]>>72138Alright, guess I can interact with the motorboat driver."If you move this boat, your life is forfeit." Rolling intimidate against the driver.
>>72138The sorcerer sits there, holding a hoof over his wound. He levitates the glass and stares at it as he waits for a new sign of danger.
[3d6 = 9][1d20 = 19]>>72139Is so. Remember that the cargo hold is about 3 or 4 feet high, so he can have cover on most areas of the ship against other parts of the ship
He shoots yet again
>>72140Rolling damage
>seven kills>Not a single scratchThis is nuts
>>72132Onyx spares the unarmed man and makes sure no one else around him is armed.
>>72144Holy moley, I hope your critical edge doesn't work against you.
[1d20+8 = 16]>>72142Assisting
"ill blow your head off if you move this boat."
[2d8 = 7]>>72145The guy pulls the cord to start the motor
>>72139Even though behind cover, Brie is hit. Rolling damage
>>72149Does he have full cover against the sniper? If not, is there full cover available?
>>72150Sorry GM, saw that Onyx didn't try to stop him doing his thing.
[1d20+6 = 26]>>72149I choose to interpret that as a hostile action.
>>72153The Juggernaut strikes again.
Is there anything productive I can do that doesn't involve slinging fire at noncombatants? If not, I'll go back to healing dying guys.
>>72156Nono, keep throwing fireballs around. It would be so edgily funny that Ollie was in one of the trucks.
>>72156You could do something about the sniper,....
[4d6+2 = 20]>>72148>>72130He is very injured, but gets in the driver's seat and closes the door. That one flat tire may not get them far, but it may get them far enough
>>72151Is +4 AC not for the full cover?
>>72149>>72148He puts his hooves up. Then he gets shot in the head
>>72156More attacks on the structure of the truck, or intimidation of the driver
>>72158Don't say that!
[Read more] >>72153Jeez, you think you can slice the entire communist population with that halberd of yours?
>>72160No, the +4 AC is for tumbling to get behind full cover
[1d20+5 = 12]>>72159Thanks.
I sends a bolt of fire in his direction.
Touch Attack
[1d20+6 = 14]>>72160Dark Star tries to shoot the pony in the truck