653 replies and 72 files omitted.
>>23081"Yeah, no thanks."
Torcuil looks for some tropical fruit
>>23086Fucking take it, you bitch.
>>23088What the hell do you store in pocket sized pockets?
We aren't talking pockets that can store and infinite amount of items.
We are talking pockets all over the robe.
>>23082That meme made me sad. That poor GM
>>23086>fruitPlenty of that though. Take your fill
>>23091Sounds pretty awesome, imo...
>>23092GM!!!! Korak said something about a "tropical island where I found her. Beautiful place." Is there a market for Tourism? Can I do some investigations?
>>23095You know what, fuck it.
Torc buys the stupid ass robe. Maybe he could find a porpose for it some day.
>>23092Torc buys all the
bananas >>23083Can it at least give my enemies light colds?
>>23094this. if torc dont go we gotta make him tell us about it.
>>23102Points rod at....
I'm not that much of a jerk..At space full of nothing.
>>23105"Not for you"
>>23102Torc teleports himself and the bananas to the stables
I'm suprised no one picked up on my plan >>23102During the festivities after Korak arrived when he was talking to Trump and Tracy, he started talking about Slovenia. He said "I found her on this tropical Island. Beautiful place. Even more beautiful mare" something like that. It just screams out to me as a potential resort destination in a world with wealthy people no existing international trade.
I think I know an NPC who might know something about that place...
Actually, I think I know quiet a few
>>23108Slovenia said she came from Equestria. She wasn't native to that island.
>>23109You point? Island still exists, and she's seen it
>>23107You want to go to the moon?
>>23111Nobody asked for your opinion on the matter
>>23111i do our engineer needs to Research rocketry
>>23112>>23113If you do go to the moon, and there are moon nazis there, please bring back genetically engineered horse waifus. Please
>>23108good idea we would need to clear it out. we dont want any deaths.
>>23114aryanne is gonna be my second waifu.
Does Thez still want the wings? They're perfectly preserved.
>>23117How many body parts do we need to cut off of you to get you to learn your lesson?!
>>23121trump gets two waifus. and something happend that hurt me alot.
>>23122Slovenia isn't a waifu. She's a carpenter
>>23123s'hell just call you a kike.
>>23108No worries, I just didn't recall that detail
>>23119"Yes PLEASE!"
>>23125Maybe if there's an army of aryannes we can each get one. I mean, there's an army of Taylor Swifts in one dimension...
You have plane shift
>>23127>assuming the teleportation worksTorc walks into the stable.
"Hey Troll, I got a gift for you."
The bananas are still outside so Troll cant see them
>>23128There is also a dimension with an army of Tracy's.
Sure you want that kind of power in her hands?
Thank God it's Inferius's power...
>>23126That's the saddest "This" (you) I've ever gotten
>>23131"THANK Yoouuuuu......"
She yells as she runs off with the wings.
>>23129Can confirm that's not what it looks like
>>23138sigh... That's what I thought when I read that too >>23135"Just your friendly neighborhood body-snatcher doing her job."
>>23140"Does the friendly neighborhood body snatcher have Kefka's head? I don't need it yet, but I'll need it soon"
>>23142Except the face, that got eated.
Didn't you roll a 6?
>>23145You've gone toa greatlevel of effort, good mage."
>>23142Do you have any essential articles of clothing? Anything that anyone who had ever seen him would look at and say "yeah, that came off of him. And you had you have killed him to get it because he loved that thing"
>>23147>roll a 6For what?
>the face, that got eatedWh-When did she..?! Oh well..
>>23147"Well, you've gone through plenty of effort dealing with my stupidity. Consider this a thank you."
>>23148Everything is in the bag.
Except for the face..
>>23148Thez ate the face., you were there for that, there was a 'moment' wrt Thez eating faces.
"It was delicious, at the moment
>>23152Ah, I remember now.
>it was deliciousWhat kind of clown make-up was he wearing? I'd take it he could afford the fancy stuff.
>>23152"Did you think, for a moment, that maybe faces are useful for the process of identifying human beings? Like if we said "we killed Kefka" and someone said "bullshit," maybe having his face around to prove that we have his severed head might be off use?"
>>23151I need an article. Preferably the stupidest looking part of his headdress
>>23154All enemies faces belong to Thez. She never even once demanded anything else.
We'll just have to figure it out without the face.
>>23155Tracy has all of his clothes.
>>23157>>23156"Can I have an article of his clothes?"
>>23158You are not in the same placeI'll give you his feathery-thing later on.
>>23159We're both in town looking for shit aren't we?
>>23160Yeah, but Tracy's in the dark, spooky, ebil side of town.
Do you have anything else to say to her?
>>23161Can I have the wand?I feel like this question is supposed to shame me into a particular response...
>>23162It is, but I'm too tired to pry for it tonight...
If you're a good boy >>23150After this statement, Torc feels a blunt pain in his stomach. Not unlike getting hit with a baseball bat. He falls over in pain.
"Help me" He wheezes out.
No he is not dying. I'm going with a sudden coma caused by a chaos magic flux >>23163Damn it, now I want to know what it is you want me to say!
Tracy returns to the tower to work diligently on that ring and cloak.
Tracy's faggot goes to bed.
>>23161>>23163>>23162>>23165Let me think...
I don't think there's anything she wants me to apologize for
I don't think she want's me to small talk like "how was your day" or "how are you feeling"
I don't think she expects a proposal or be made mount at this weird time and place
She doesn't care if I say I love her
She doesn't want to be asked for sex
She doesn't want to go on a date
I don't think there's any information she thinks I have that she wants
I don't think she wants me to help her in her crafting, since I don't think she thinks I can help
I would ask her to accompany me to Spinitar of the Court City as a spy, but she'd say "no," and that can wait anyways
I would ask her for a cloak or a ring, but she'd say "hahaha no"
Like I'm legitimately at a loss for what she wants me to ask.
[Read more] >>23164>GM is killOkay then, continuing
Torc looks like he is having a seziure, but stops after a minute. He is still alive and breathing, but he does not respond to any stimultion.
Good night guys, and Happy Thanksgiving for my fellow Americans.
I'll be back Sunday night to fuck up everyone's plans and flowcharts >>23168Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless America
We'll be waiting >>23167I should be asleep, but holy shit it's the exact opposite of literally everything you just said.
>>23170I am insanely confused right now
>>23169>>23168god bless america remove zog when?
>>23172>>23171she wants that trump dick.
>>23154"You can still identify his face, I only ate SOME of it. Sheesh!"
>>23160I'll have better bazaar responses later on, those were just initial finds.
>>23168Stay safe
Also Thez starts doodling on Torcuil's face.
She wants all of the things you just said she didn't want (to a mathematic level). Her faggot just doesn't do a very good job expressing it.
Can enchantments be added to existing magic weapons?
>>23179Or existing items in general?
>>23180In nightmare form, does Tracy have Nightmare stats or Cauchemar stats?
>>23181Nope.. her transformation is greatly nerfed (would be epic otherwise though).
>>23182She does get a slight stat boost though.
Cauchemar's are like fucking tanks.
>>23181I misinterpreted the question.
GM said she doesn't get Cauchemar stats. I assume her transformed state is closer to a regular Nightmare's stats.
>>23180Only to non-magical masterwork weapons or items
>>23184Its mostly because transformed or not, she's still a poner base.
>>23184Well, she'd get +8 Hit Die, +10 AC, and +4 strength in that form as a Paladin's mount, which would be like a 50% in health if using player stats, and about a 40% increase in armor.
Depending upon her current base attack level and Hit Die, she'd probably also see a reasonably substantial increase in her base attack bonus
The listing for a paladin's mount refer to the creature being substantially better than a 'normal' hoers or mount, alluding to how a paladin's mount is exceptional even for its species.
Tracy is already plenty exceptional
>>23190That's not what the text says. The text says
>Paladin’s Mount Basics: Use the base statistics for a creature of the mount’s kind, but make changes to take into account the attributes and characteristics summarized on the table and described below.>Bonus HD: Extra eight-sided (d8) Hit Dice, each of which gains a Constitution modifier, as normal. Extra Hit Dice improve the mount’s base attack and base save bonuses. A special mount’s base attack bonus is equal to that of a cleric of a level equal to the mount’s HD. A mount has good Fortitude and Reflex saves (treat it as a character whose level equals the animal’s HD). The mount gains additional skill points or feats for bonus HD as normal for advancing a monster’s Hit Dice.>Natural Armor Adj.: The number on the table is an improvement to the mount’s existing natural armor bonus.>Str Adj.: Add this figure to the mount’s Strength score. >>23191Yes, but you're talking about a 16HD character, who already has a plethora of skills, attributes, and both standard and non-standard buffs. Its a little late to expect me to go 100% by the book.
>>23186Can she at least get the full stats of her hybrid form (warhorse)?
>>23193S16, D16, C13, W9, I13, Ch11
>>23192Just make the difference between being a mount and not being a mount pretty clearly large so I have some bargaining power
Also, for the record, could we at some point establish the traits of ponies as a formal race? Tracy isn't exactly an iconic example of a normal pony (being borderline semi-anthro), but there may be more characters who want to play as ponies.
In stature, they seem similar to halflings; although they also have several item-usage limitations, and a non-humanoid build. I've been looking at traits of halflings, horses, and even centaurs trying to figure out a decent conjecture of their racial traits, but I'm not really experienced in designing races.
>>23195Tracy's transformed stats. They're based on her existing scores vs. Light Warhorse
>>23197Hmmm. This is a good point.
>>23198>Light WarhorseCan I just go with the regular Warhorse stats, and reverse the Int and Wis? She's not going to be doing any Assassinations in that form.
>>23199I'm not seeing a 'regular' warhorse listed, I have "Light" and "Heavy". I also have "Warpony".
>>23200I'd prefer Heavy, but the point being was that both warhorse varieties have 13 Wis.
>>23202Now here's the big question. Note, I haven't said no, but first answer this:
Why should I?
>>23205Trade? What are you talking about?
>>23204...Because it would make us both very happy, and we'd greatly appreciate it?
>>23207This was your most compelling argument, however I'm unconvinced. Tracy is already a walking haxxor ball of murder who catches fire from time to time so I'm really not seeing the immediate necessity desu, but I'll look into it as something that can be progressed toward.
>>23210AllI want is to end this damned constant cold war between myself and Tracy's faggot. This has thus far proved impossible, because I don't have anything to give him that he wants, so there's no real benefit to coopoeration over competition. All he wants is to add on buffs, spells, ranks, and other things onto his character like M.A. Larson adding wings onto Twilight. But almost nothing else interests him.
Paladin's Mount is the biggest set of wings he could put on that character. While remaining entirely within D&D canon. It gives buffs worth more than several classes. Even if it were nerfed and half of the powers were taken away, it would still be worth more than several magical items. But all of this would go to him
if I gave it to him. That is to say
if I want to. And if we follow the actual requirements of the class, it would allow me to exercise some degree of control through "Call Mount" and "Empathic Link." Even with those nerfed to a degree it's useful. And all of the benefits can be taken away, at least I think, by "releasing the mount from service." I would finally have the necessary carrot for cooperation.
>>23210>>23213Just nerf the base form (for example, a nightmare has vastly less than 16 hit die. like 6 or 9) but keep the Mount buffs, or at least some of them, so that way it even out
>>23214NPC Cauchemar has 15 hit die. Just let her be in full NPC Cauchemar form, but only while being ridden, then treat that as the Mount's dice increase instead.It would make for an insane Cavalry charge, during boss fights with a whole army of NPCs to push through.
>>23215>Cauchemar only when mountedAnd that is a perfect story-inclusive, customized explnation as to why and how. Alright, now I'm convinced.
>>23215>>23216Well... If we say that she's a nightmare but with mount buffs, then she'd be superior in several regards to a cauchemar, most clearly in AC and having the benefit of improved evasion like that ring you wanted. But she'd be much weaker in strength and a few other regards.
I think it would be more balanced because it would allow her to maintain the buffs while not being ridden - like when we have many enemies and it makes it easier to split up after different targets - but neither would she be extremely strong when both are together attacking an extremely strong antagonist, like a player character (cough, leader of the drow, cough) or a dragon, or a tarrasque
>>23216Just give me Call Mount with reasonable limits
>>23217It's good that way. In that form, she can't really use most of her rogue skills, use a bow, dual wield, or perform effective sneak attacks anyway; due to her build. It's really best for intense fights with large targets or multiple enemies, or just quickly bulldozing her way out of trouble to flee when stealth fails.
>>23223I actually had a different use of the trips in mind
>>23221Which is good this way? Cauchmare when riddent or Paladin's Mount Nightmare any time in Nightmare form?
I think Tracy should have Command Powers even in pony form, since, well, she'd still be an equine.
>>23219You wanted her to be an extra planar entity...
>>23221On one condition. You both have to post "Fusion Dance" for it to work.
kidding >>23224The way I interpret it, is by becoming a paladin's mount, she gains the command and summon-able powers, and she only transforms (Full Cauchemar, with the flaming and smoke n shit) when ridden
>>23226That works. So long as Tracy's faggot is fine fighting like a rogue when being ridden is unnecessary
>>23224My point was for her only to be able to fully transform in while being ridden.
Her incomplete transformation, as to my knowledge, has a limited number of rounds per day, has nerfed stats, and causes intense fatigue and starvation afterwards.
>>23225I'll think of something funnier.
>>23228Basically, just 1/day Rage with a fancy makeover.
"Can I use coma-Torcuil as a weapon? Kind of like how Jackie Chan fights with a ladder?"
"I mean I can always throw him in the entertron if I break him,...."
Thez picks up Torcuil and slings him over her shoulder. <whoooof>
By the way, the bazaar is still going on.
>>23234Tracy continues walking deeper and deeper into the depths of the bazaar, looking for the spookiest and edgiest merchandise to match her tastes.
What's it look like?
>>23234Trumpaladin is meeting a bald guy
>>23235Its rows and rows of booths and tabled areas. Its like a flea market except fantasy RP setting.
>>23236Not sure what you mean by that
>>23026 was the last post when he went into the weapons and armor shop
>>23237The puts on her hood to avoid attracting unwanted attention, and checks out some of the stands and shopkeeps.
>>23239Tracy finds a scroll of monster summoning III.
>>23238Wait, you're
not at the bazaar?
>>23238I guess I have a lot of driving to to do. In the mean time, leave the weapons shop scene open, and I think I need to encounter Tracy to make
>>23226 >>23228 >>23231 happen
>>23240>>23240I had him go to the weapons shop. It seemed like the best idea at the time
>>23240That's a nice find.
How long does the summon last for?
>>23241Stay safe
Nothing of the stock at the weapons shop seems to have changed since the (((rats))) were routed. They appear to be in need of suppliers.
>>23243caster level 3
>>23244Well fuck that then. This city is an obvious entrepôt location, so go to the place that most likely would benefit from that fact. I guess the bizarre then?
Note to arrange for weapons imports
>>23246*disorganized ay-rab open air mall
>>23245Thats a good idea. Trump senses he might find something useful browsing the tables.
>>232464. It would be 3, but you got that right (that was a test)
Does she have any time to keep looking around?
>>23250Continues browsing like it's the Indoor Emporium settup at the Rodeo
>>23249After searching high and low through the tables and displays, Trump comes up with nothing. Everything here is not to his satisfaction, is lacking in some way, or is generally not a good idea.
"Wait! Habibi! I found something you might like!!" the bald fellow (think Maz Jobrani) calls to Trump as he shows his disgust openly.
"Is FULL plate, not like plate you have! You have FIELD plate, this FULL plate. It have level 17 spell resistence too!"
>>23252Not really, the vendors are closing up for the day
>>23254Can the Bazaar be treated like a pantry? That is to say, you don't find anything you want, lower standards and repeat?
>>23257No, I distinctly and deliberately informed Trump - very early on - that he was wearing ceremonial armor, which though shinier and prettier, does not protect as well (field plate is essentially parade armor)
>>23258Not this afternoon, but in future.
>>23259I... Don't remember that
Why wasn't I corrected when I said he was wearing full plateTakes the full plate! Offers Jew gold or whatever is necessary to make it so
>>23256I've have her head back to the tower and keep crafting until the next session then.
>Tracy and Trumpaladin, although both thoroughly exploring the same location for a period of perhaps an hour, never meet each other
>>23260that jew gold isnt ours,kike.
>>23261For the record, she's working on the cloak and the ring mentioned earlier.
>>23263Also this.
>>23263We have no other funds. Don't be rude
>>23263Oh, cuz you're gonna give it back to jews,....
>>23264You were hoarding the damned gems, the only other money we had. Shut up
>>23266its for the citizens and betterment of port barry.
>>23267>the only other money we hadThere's still a pile of treasure in tower, isn't there?
>>23268This, desu.
It should go to developing the Port and raising the standard of living of its residents.
>>23268The gems are off limit for some reason, Ben is out of money now, so what it left? It's a procurement for the public defense anyways. That benefits them
>>23270What about the treasure that was uncovered the day the Ant Queen was defeated? The treasury was full.
>>23272Then hand over the gems so we can spend it kike
Thez looks at Tracy expectantly.
>>23274THAT hoard went to Make Port Barry Great Again, ver 1 and 2
>>23279This. The city burnt down, and wasn't cheap to rebuild. Besides other investments
I said earlier that Tracy left it in the dungeon for Thez to pick-up, after I heard her say "Don't you DARE spend them!"... Did Thez pick it up before the dungeon was kill?
>>23280you know trump i think i got a pretty good idea to help protect city.
>>23281Kek, no she didn't. "My pretties," @_@
>>23283we would need mages and since torc is down for the time being it would probbbaly cost us a bit, i was thinking a giant force field that keeps out monsters and kikes.
>pic related except us and the towns folk can move through it. >>23286Hmmm...
Any Idea how it could be accomplished? For maximum effectiveness it would need to keep out even the sneaky little things like drow
>>23286>except us and the towns folkToo complicated. Everyone would need some kind of item to let them pass through the fence. Also, Port Barry is a port: new people and ships come and go every day.
>>23288>Magic itemLike a passport or ID? It's not an unoriginal concept
>new people come and goLet humans elves and dwarves pass freely, or make the force field not extend to the harbor area