48 replies and 2 files omitted.
>>189151[1d20+16 = (17+16) = 33]Posey is lost stone face and unreactive.
... Wait.. Is she dead?
>>189152Damn, that's pretty convincing. So much so that Kira, concerned, start poking Posey's cheeks in an annoying fashion to see if she can provoke a response from her, just to make sure she's not actually dead.
>>189153"One task at a time, Kira." Posey finally speaks up
"You still need to find those airponies."
>>189079Peeping her head up, and flicking her tongue, Kira searches for that distinct scent of friendship.
flick flickWait. There it is! Friendship! We found them!
Wait. No. That's just the ponies nearby.
flick flickWhat is that? Salt... Fish... No friendship... Why is no friendship? Where have they gone? Oh. The wind is blowing from the sea, and it's impossible to smell anything far upwind with wind this strong. So where is friends?
Wait! Kira has an epiphany. She can't smell the friends. So they must be... upwind! That's it! Yes, there we go.
Unless they are perpendicular to the wind but... we don't speak about that possibility.
Kira believes the airponies are across the island.
>>189081Mala walks up to the bat, and with his right paw, pats him on the back.
>>189120But now, Mala is pet. He closes his eyes, and leans his head up in the direction of Silver's hoof.
>>189152Oh noes
Blackheel approaches the mare, who is hopefully not about to be crushed and or eaten by Kira.
"Are you alright?"
>>189154>>189155Kira looks relieved at Posey's reaction. "Whew! I got worried for a second there. Anyways, I think they're across the island. But what about your whale bones? It sounds like they're important to Silver's plan, too."
>>189156"The airponies come first. Lead the way."
>>189159Now Silver speaks up. "Backtracking to this part of island will be difficult, lengthy, and very, very dangerous. It is best we do it now, get it out of way so we do not need to come this way again."
>>189160Okay, fine, let's do the other thing first.
GM, can you take us to the whale bones now? Do we get there in one piece?
>>189161Consider phrasing your appeals in a manner not akin to a petulant child
>>189161Kira can make a Survival check if needed. It should only be a five minute journey to the whaling village. About the same distance as it takes someone to walk to the store.
Okay, I’m about to do final call
Everypony err, creature declare an action
>>189165Kira and Silver are going to lead the party back to the whaling station.
>>189165>>189166"If time is as of-the-essence as everypony seems to think - self included - then I'm wasting my time baby-sitting the lot of you. SOMEpony should get a head-start on assessing the situation at the Kostromo," before Silver can pipe up, Brie raises a hoof in his direction, "Shut up, this is the point where I do what I was specifically tasked for. I will need a radio; perhaps 'need' is a strong word, but if you wish for me to relate what I find in advance of your arrival, that will be a necessary concession," He states, before looking to Rosey. "Oh dear, I still haven't had the time to finish appraising those trinkets of yours. Or have I? It's so hard to tell. In any case, I trust that you will do the righteous thing and save those poor and waylaid marines, and hopefully avoid damaging the airship."
In character, Brie still wants the airship. He looks back to Silver before reiterating, "Yes, this is comparable to the time you decided to tell me to be cautious around explosives."
OOC, I just want this mission fucking over. IDGAF about loot, IDGAF about story (other than Brie survives with one of the eggs), experience; Brie could arrive back in baltimare naked with 1 hp and a permanent handicap and I'll be happy. Especially if I don't have to wait on all you idiots. This isn't a rage-post so I'll leave it at that.
But Jesus christ, its been over 6 months already. I've had campaigns last less time. Consider brie 'no longer present'.
But don't think for a moment I won't talk shit.
>>189169I thought he was already gone? Why is he speaking?
>>189170Because GM doesn't think my posts are serious, and haven't been ratified or even acknowledged, other than to acknowledge they aren't being acknowledged.
Tell me GM, is Brie fucking off and gone, or is he still here?
>>189170While we wait for confirmation, whatever gives you the impression that you are in a position to critique when/where anyone posts? Why don't you mind your OWN business?
I mean, I'm trying to move on to bigger and better things, but if you wanna pick a fight on my way out, we can do that too.
>>189174I apologize for not orange-texting the first post, but it was VERY in character, sop fuck off.
Also, while you're trying to criticize OOC posts, do I need to go back and cite all yours? Seriously, mind your business.
>Is Brie there or not
I’m asking now for players to declare actions. I am asking you.
>>189169Silver looks at Brie seriously. "If you are forced to choose between death and capture, choose death. It is not just GRU I am worried about. If you get ambushed by Traveler's minions, and they knock you unconscious, then Traveler will attempt to puppeteer you. If he succeeds, then he will learn
everything. Our forces, our targets, our armaments...our plan."
>>189176I am certain I didn't stutter, because then you would have heard it twice and would need no clarification.
This is what I definitively said.
>>189169Will that be all?
>>189180Silver's only response to what Brie said is to furrow his eyebrows at him and scowl. "When you die, do not haunt me. It will have been your own damn fault, not mine."
>>189182Silver snorts, but offers no further reply.
>>189182"Give us the camera before you fly off to die."
>>189184Silver still has the camera, actually. He used it to take a picture of the Abomination that attacked Black Heel. Silver also has the demolition kits, so Brie shouldn't have any mission critical gear left on his person.
>>189185Oh, nvm
"Let him go. It is not our business if he wants to die. That is just one less pony to split the reward with. We can try to recover his personal equipment later if need be."
Okay, so we all know what we are doing now.
Do we make it to the bones?
>>189188>Garv's response>Dust's responseGood of you to be so patient and accommodating
>>189189Garv already said he would follow Posey to the whale bones, and Dust has just been following the group for the entire adventure. I think it's safe to say our decision is clear.
>>189191I stand corrected. Carry on, peach.
Across the restless waves of the sea, on the grey horizon, a new bank of fog is on its way. The grey skies increasingly darken. The ponies in the group stand up, Blackheel says
"For now... I acknowledge that travel is safer in a group... Certainly with that thing spawning monsters of out air..."
The whole little herd slowly picks up to start to follow Kira, Posey and friends. The way to the whaling station is around the hill - the plane crash site can be avoided - and down it to the little valley where the first fight with the Petrushkas was fought, then down to the small sealing station by the water.
>>189198Posey cocks an eyebrow at Blackheel's approach, and then gives a quiet, subtle chuckle
"So you decided to follow us after all. Very well. Come along."
As Posey approaches the whaling site, she turns to Mala
"Mala, help me out with that nose of yours and look for where the griffons discarded their spare seal bones, while I inspect the leviathan skeleton."
>>189198Silver, for once, smiles. "It is good to have you with us."
Kira, meanwhile, looks at the whale skeleton when the group arrives. "Hmm...it looks like it's missing its head. Did the griffons mount it up somewhere as a trophy?" She looks to the griffons in the party, to see if any can answer in Ponish.
>>189203"I would strongly prefer it if the head were to be found... But it is not necessary."
The ponies come to the sealing station, with its tins roofs and weathered wooden walls, dim windows and still open doors. There is no sound but that pervasive tinnitus ringing. The buildings cast long shadows onto the hill behind as they contrast against the near-setting sun.
>>189201Blackheel has a muted expression.
Mala wags his tail once, then moves off, through the set of buildings towards the north, cautiously looking through each door before moving past.
>>189205>near-setting sun"We cannot afford to delay any longer."
Posey trots up to the whale bones
"Mala, gather whatever seal bones you can find. They do not need to be in good condition or of any particular type, they just need to be many of them."
Posey brandishes her scroll
>>189205>tinnitusOh no...
Kira looks around with a worried expression. She pulls her bow out, just in case. "Anyone feel static in the air?"
>>189203Johan, the white griffin, answers
"I am... not sure... Maybe it was placed in the water, or the bone pile... I would assume it was cut off."
>>189207Mala moves his head up in the air, then looks back to Posey.
"Over this way."
Taking his right forepaw, and moving all but the inner most toe, he points straight ahead to the north.
"There is a pile this way."
>>189208The radio is on, but fortunately,
not picking up excessive static. for now.
>>189209Kira lets out a sigh, but does seem too relieved. "Maybe this island is just getting to me...maybe..."
Silver gives Mala some pets, offering him a "good job, Mala" for his efforts.
Survival: Kira, meanwhile, has an idea; perhaps the bones still carry a scent, and if so, she could use it to track down the skull that shares the same scent. She flicks her tongue in the air to test.
[1d20+11 = (5+11) = 16] >>189209Posey prances after Mala, her bone-obsession getting the better of her.
"I really should not waste time looking for the head... It would look so amazing!"
>>189210flick flickKira can't quite get the smell of it
>>189211The two wright whale skeletons, as well as a pile of seal bones are to the north. The giant rib cage is to the south.
>>189212Posey loads as many whale and seal bones as she can onto her floating disk, especially the skulls, and then she proceeds towards the leviathan skeleton.
She requests that Mala do the same.
Is the leviathan's ribcage intact?
>>189213Kira and Silver, following Posey's lead, also take as many bones as they can carry to the leviathan skeleton.
I will need to sleep soon
>>189176Cavaliere will accompany Posey to the skeletal remains and assist with gathering bones for whatever this plan might be. May I roll a search to find that "leviathan" skull?
[1d20+2 = (15+2) = 17] >>189189Don't use me as a cope for your arguments
>>189176Dust does NOT follow to the bones, as I am hoping to keep the poor zeeb's sanity intact a little longer.
I'm assuming Silver and Kira aren't going that way (I think) so he sticks with them.
>>189219Then play, or have the good sense to not leave other players waiting on you.
>>189219No seriously, I will bend over backwards if you actually engaged the thread/site
>>189219Silver and Kira are in fact, going towards the bones
>>189216Cavaliere thinks that there is...
something... In the water north of the pier, and near the main set of bones
>>189223I don't want you to bend over backwards, I want you to leave me alone. 2025 has sucked and I'd just like to pretend I don't exist.
>>189224Of course they are. I guess Dust has no other choice at this point... He follows. This should end poorly
*deep breath*
Anon, I don't want to make things harder for you. I'm an asshole, but I think the world of you and what you have accomplished. I know a bit (I wont say) but I'm one of your biggest fans, even if that doesn't come across.
You know who I am Xp
>still waiting on GM
Lads, this mission started in October. The dialogue to just actually get to the island lasted weeks. For fucks sake. Look back at the logs, and then pretend to care about efficiency.
>>189255>>189256>>189258Your character is not even present: you have nothing to roleplay. Stop shitting up the thread.
>>189259That has yet to be affirmed by GM. Are you GM? Maybe stfu
>>189215>>189213>>189191>>189188A cursory glance at Posey's OOC posts
As they say, what's good for the goose is good for the gander, innit?
>>189259Do I have to resort to handles? Are you seriously begrudging me for trying to at least apologize to "anon with the snek"? No, not you Silver, I mean anon who made the snek. Its complicated.
But yes, I'm not gonna apologize for taking the opportunity to make peace with him, even if it's only tenative. I would do the same with/for you if I thought there was receptivity. I have been trying for half a year to try and mend all the bridges, but if you want them sundered, good to know
Go on, quote my posts and bitch about >ooc
>>189225Cavaliere whistles.
"Look over there, in the water."Let's be nice to each other.
Tries to do questBrie:
“I’m leaving!”
continues questBrie:
Storms back into room “Hey everyone I’m leaving! Why won’t you see me leaving?”
>>189197>>189266Posey prances after Cavalier
"Did you find it?"
>>189267You couild LET him leave. You know, acknowledge what I posted. You've had months
>>189268Cavaliere points to the gloomy waves.
"Not sure, but I would wager there is something of interest in the water over there." >>189225>>189266>>189270Kira comes over to investigate the whale skull after depositing the bones she collected over near the ribcage. "I feel kinda bad for the poor thing. I know it's long dead, and carnivores both on land and in water still need to eat, but whales are very intelligent and peaceful animals. It's sad to see one that perished like this. It never asked for this..."
>>189264For what it's worth, I do think it's commendable that you're making sure everything between you and Dust's player is good. I'm a little confused though, he actually didn't have anything to do with Kira's creation. I came up with the idea for Kira, and GM pone and I worked together to come up with the lore about how lamias work and what their civilization and society is like. >>189271I betrayed Dust's player's confidence once. He drew a line, and I crossed it. And fwiw, it was retarded, cuz I didnt know what I was talking about at the time. Kind of like now, except at the time I wastrying to blow shit up, whereas now I'm trying to mend the damage. I dont expect reception or acceptance, I just want it not left unsaid, especially if I'm to leave y'all to play without interference
>>189272Bro, shut the fuck up. We have a separate thread for this.
>>189270"Oh... Seawater..." Posey says, stopping just at the edge of the waves, prancing hesitantly
>>189271Kira still has Endure Elements up, right? Can she swim to it?
"Kira, can you go see if the skull is there?"
>>189252Oi, one of those posts does declare an action for Dust, but yes yes I've gotten to wishy washy, whatever. Come put me in the ground yourself.
Also is everyone really going to the bones? I'm trying to postpone Dust seeing necromancy for as long as possible since we didn't come to another satisfactory truce.
>>189274I thought we were going to go pick up the airponies first, but Silver wanted to do this instead and I am not going to spend another month arguing about it.
>>189274Yes apparently.
I can see absolutely no justification for it besides “We’re doing necromancy now.”
If Dust wants to take a few NPCs and run off though, he can.
>>189273>bro shut the fuck up110% no you
If theres a problem with the tone you have painstakingly cultivated, check the mirror. Meanwhile, I appreciate that my character is a cause of friction, and rather than insisting on being the main character like SOME people, Im trying to relegate him so you can do your 'thing'
>>189273>>189274Kira looks at Posey surprised, offering her an "Oh, okay" before wading into the water to get to the skull.
Silver meanwhile, takes Posey on the shoulder. "You should really talk with Dust about what we are about to do, see if you can soothe some of his fears and work something out with him."
>>189278Darling. Bro. Brie’s already left the group. This is a settled issue. You’ve said this already. I said “everyone declare an action.” You said “Brie leaves.” I said “K” and moved on with everyone else. It’s done. What do you want?
poofBrie has left apparently.
Okay. There. It’s a done a second time. Everyone, look and see how not there Brie is.
Now we’re moving on.
>>189279>>189266No, you can’t really see it. It’s just water.
But then the trough of a wave moves over the shallow water near the pier, and a massive yet of yellow-tinged bone can be seen.
>>189280"Ooh! That will do..."
Posey grips the bone with her magic and begins to drag it towards the beat
>>189280>I said KDid you now? Lets look.
>>189267If this was your "k" then it domes across as contempt. Small wonder I want out of this game.
Is there another post that I'm missing, or are you as inconsistent as I have come to recognize you as?
>>189281It’s not exactly the size of a basket of apples.
>>189283Posey can drag up to 1950 pounds, or half as much under poor circumstances.
"Hrrrrhk..! A little help here." she groans as she exerts herself
We'll say Dust is still a decent ways off to the side, checking on Pipette, making sure she doesn't have a fever and her pupils are dialating normally. Typical medical stuff.
>>189284Kira continues to wade out into the water, wrapping her tail around the skull and pulling with all of her might towards the shore. Silver helps using his magic to try to lighten the load, as he again speaks to Posey. "I am serious though, you should talk with Dust about what you are about to do. I am not sure he will be most pleased with this plan."
>>189280>>189282Cavaliere ties some rope into a lasso and tries to hook onto part of the whale skull.
[1d20+9 = (15+9) = 24] >>189284>Can lift a car with telekinesis magicNo.
And that’s not what the word “drag” means.
>>189285She’s… She’s right there. Actually she’d probably scare Dust a little, standing only a few feet away and looking at Dust. Her tail wags twice when he makes eye contact.
She’s obviously tired, and her eyes are… well they could be worse, but her pupils are more narrow than normal.
>>189286A Blue whale skull is 18 feet in length. I don’t think you understand how big it is.
>>189287Now we’re getting somewhere
>>189288Hmmm...perhaps a Strength roll then from Kira and Silver?
[1d20+3 = (20+3) = 23]Silver:
[1d20+3 = (9+3) = 12] >>189289And the griffon helps with pulling the old bone.
[1d20 = 5] >>189288He feels her forehead with the back of his hoof. Is she hot? Cold? Normal?
>>189288What if I used a rope? Could I drag it then?
>>189292As a single little pony, no.
But though a single stick may snap in two, sticks in a bundle hold strong. Together as one mighty faggot, you all may overcome.
>>189291Dust quickly notices a major problem. There’s a decent sized, cone-shaped, velvet-covered protrusion growing directly out of her forehead. Is that caused by the Traveller mutating ponies?
Wait. That’s just a thing that ponies have. Or some of them. Why don’t all of them have it? Anyways it doesn’t matter. But touching that part of the forehead is a no-go. So… above that is covered in tin foil. Can’t move that, she’ll freak out. Maybe place the hoof on her cheek? No, she might get the wrong idea. So… touch immediately above the eyes? Maybe the top of the muzzle? Uh… sure.
She feels… normal? Maybe a little warm? She isn’t dead, anyways.
>>189289Kira is able to move the thing out of the sand.
>>189292That would work better
>>189295>>189292While Kira is able to move the heavy skull, she would definitely appreciate some help.
Also, Posey, please give me any indication at all that you actually saw Silver telling her she should go speak to Dust, preferably before she actually raises the Bone Lurker? Pardon, I fell asleep
>>189296Posey helps Kira
I am willing to speak to Dust. Is Dust present at the moment?
>>189274"Dust, a moment, if you will." Posey says
>>189301It's fine poner, only one player gets punished for falling asleep, and it isnt you
>>189296>>189274Posey approaches Dust and pulls him aside to speak to him privately
"Dust... I have a feeling that you know what I am about to do with this scroll." She says, brandishing the black, bone-decorated scroll, the onyx gems inside it rattling inside the bone centerpiece.
"I can fool around with the other ponies by dressing it up with fancy Arcane buzzwords like 'conjuring a spiritual ally' or 'waking the beast to combat the forces of Dagon, but I know that a Zegro of faith like you would not be fooled by such language. While Silver has grown quite enthusiastic by the way I delivered it, I suspect you might be less than comfortable with your suspicions, so I will be frank with you. This scroll, that my old master bestowed upon me, is a scroll to animate the dead, and I intend to use it on the bones of that leviathan over there." she says, pointing in the directions of the bones
"Perhaps you might be familiar with the concept of a Bone Lurker: a mindless, flying amalgam of shambling bones; that will be the product of this spell. I intend to use it as a minion to counter the monsters that the Traveller conjures, to carry that explosive, and potentially use it as a mount to flee this island should things turn sour." she continues
"It is likely that what I am about to may conflict your spiritual beliefs. Silver seems convinced with this maneuver is essential, but we could be persuaded to reconsider... Knowing this information, what do you intend to do?"