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Occupied Equestria - Mended Horn
GM Pony
179006 180235
It Begins.
1392 replies and 98 files omitted.
179247 179279
"Ah,... uhm,... not to be a bother,... but is there a chance of any hollowpoint? Or just a hammer and a phillips-head,...."
Rosey "Posey" Ring
The radio should probably go to the decisionist.
I want a few grenades because I don't have firearms proficiency and I don't have very many damage spells.
I can take advantage of my damage reduction to use frag grenades creatively.
179225 179239
The nades, I'm open to negotiate in and out of character.
But oh no, too late, I has the radio, muhuhahahaha.
Relax I'm prolly not gonna keep it, its just a bargaining chip

Rosey "Posey" Ring
Bargaining for what? What do you want?
I want as many grenades without leaving allies without
179239 179247 179279
Oh, the radio. The first question is, who is on the other end.
"Yes hello? SEE QUE? dot dot dash, dot111
179230 179247 179279
BTW, allow me to subtly point out that Vul (the pony musician, patron of Marefair) is either A. an Mlpollack or B. has astonishing good taste.
He uses alot of the german Our Town in his songs, and they slap
Rosey "Posey" Ring
Pardon, what does this have to do with the game?
U judge
179233 179247
Oh, am I interrupting?
Rosey "Posey" Ring
Kind of, yeah.
Yeah, I saw. e_e
"Oh! You're looking,... well,... hard to put into words but, your recovery is remarkable!" (doesnt want to touch)
For other players with 'vomiting blood' in their meta. Maybe dont
That was all meta ooc
"I can't imagine what a hard time the cleaning crew will have. The stains..."
(not trying to assert any viewpoints, but given the gallons of vomited blood, the REASONABLY CERTAIN death, and the WTF alive? Brie's probably the only one who isn't gonna treat you like a complete,... abnormality)
(waiting on a frag/smoke tally)
The Floof and The Noodle
179240 179241 179242 179250 179279
Silver: "It is probably best that I take possession of radio. Something tells me Shoal Water and New Mareland Navy would appreciate having ex-military pony on this end."
Rosey "Posey" Ring
Lets file that under "to be negotiated" ^_~
Rosey "Posey" Ring
"We could just ask Captain Water who he would prefer to communicate with."
Adorable maneuvering
179245 179247
Talk in character, fag
GM Pony
179249 179250 179251 179279 179295
Tin Hat just gives most items directly to Silver. This doesn't mean they are for Silver. This means that Silver, and not Tin Hat, is in charge of distribution. This includes

The radio (yes, the radio)
Two Fragmentation grenades
Three demolition kits
two smoke grenades
four potions of cure moderate wounds
A camera

Specific to creatures:
box of 12 gauge shells to Silver
Two healing kits to Silver

Box of .45 to Garv

Feather token to Posey
horse blinders to Posey
Sewing kit to Posey

Box of 9mm to brie

Four healing kits to Defiant Dust

>commander aura
You keep referring to things that are not in the d20 SRD, and do not show up at all in a Bing search. I have to change devices to go to my phone to try to get anything to show at all, and even then, it's rarely what you're talking about, but something adjacent. Like yesterday with "black weave," there is nothing at all that shows on d20srd.org, nothing on any kind of bing search with words like "spells" or "dungeons and dragons" or d&d 3.5." The closest I could get to anything other than hair products was an article about a "black weave" as a kind of spell caster on my phone when I looked it up, and even then it named a class. It did not name a group of spells. Same thing now with "commander aura," and "avatar of guidance."

Do you think you could consolidate your posts into a single post, or at least, make fewer single sentence replies? In speaking with Tenebrous's player he'll say things like "Oh, there's been 250 replies." I know it discourages him from playing. Also, taking up a higher number of posts kills the thread quicker and makes it harder to load, especially on my phone.
Oh, are we being serious now? Okay.
Rosey "Posey" Ring
179252 179254 179260
>Feather token to Posey
The feather token is for the party, to become an emergency boat. Posey will hold onto it though.
Although, Rosey Ring has demonstrated that she has debilitating sea sickness, so it may be wider to hand it off to silver >>179239

Rosey Ring immediately starts knitting Kira's sock with her horn, taking advantage of her unseen servant to knit from both ends. It shouldn't take her long to make a very long sock.
>no scorpion amulet
Can't have everything. We'll manage.
>Fragmentation grenades
Rosey Ring would like to take one grenade.
>black weave
It's a lore term that just means the Githyanki term for "negative energy". I borrowed it from a dungeon magazine article. It doesn't actually mean anything except "Necromancy spells that DON'T create undead".
Posey explained what it was in-character when she met Diligent Debride. I thought we were on the same page, sorry.
I thought I brought those up at the beginning of the game. I guess it wasn't relevant at the time though. They're from Heroes Of Battle, the book about war and mass combat. I used Posey's to buff the ghast when we fought the mushroom monster in the temple.
>You keep referring to things that are not in the d20 SRD, and do not show up at all in a Bing search. I have to change devices to go to my phone to try to get anything to show at all, and even then, it's rarely what you're talking about, but something adjacent
When you put it that way, it sounds pretty annoying... I'll do better.
I have a habit of geeking out about this stuff. I will try to be more considerate.
>Do you think you could consolidate your posts into a single post, or at least, make fewer single sentence replies?
Seconding this request. It makes the thread harder to read.

Also, the orange text is difficult to read and contributes nothing, and ngl 3/4 times I just don't read it.
Can you not be relentlessly sassy for 15 minutes?
zeeb zeeb zeeb
Dust inspects the healing kits and seems content with their contents, slinging them over his back. what do they actually do?
Also d20srd sucks, I use this one https://srd.dndtools.org/
Are you done making a horrific spectacle that we're gonna need to memory-hole?
"I guess that's a yes!" Brie exclaims, both in character and semi 4th-wall breaking. He tosses the radio-comm to Silver.
"I trust that's enough of THAT nonsense!" he says, with a gleam to his eye
The Floof and The Noodle
179255 179256 179259 179279 179295
Silver gives one of the two frag grenades to Posey, though before he relinquishes full control over the item he looks at her with a very serious expression. "Do you know how you use these? Will you be responsible with it, and do your best to avoid catching other party members in blast?"

Silver takes the radio from Brie, and offers him the other frag grenade with the same expression and questions that he plied Posey with.
Silver catches the radio Brie tossed. Yes, GM can nerf, but I think this will be a useful exchange
Which expressions/questions? The side convo?
Rosey "Posey" Ring
>avoid catching other party members in blast?"
"Certainly. I am a professional."
She pauses
"Although, I don't necessarily need this for myself. Perhaps Tenebrous would be better served with this."
The Floof and The Noodle
179259 179295
It's a serious expression, paired with the questions, "Do you know how you use these? Will you be responsible with it, and do your best to avoid catching other party members in blast?"

Silver: "Good. I am trusting you with this. If Tenebrous wants it, make sure you ask him same thing before hoofing it off to him." Silver fully relinquishes control of the frag grenade to Posey.
Brie takes the frag grenade and looks at Silver like he's an idiot. He probably looks like he doesn't understand what Silver is saying, but he's actually wondering how to convey to Silver that what he is saying is the most idiotically basic shit, that for him to think Brie needs to hear this info,....
The Floof and The Noodle
179261 179295
Silver: "I have seen that look many times training ponies in Basic. Yes, it is basic information, but it needs to be asked and answered. No one wants to end up with face full of fragmentation, much less when it is coming from grenade thrown by one of your own allies."

Almost forgot about the first part of this one. Kira looks on in awe at how fast Posey is sewing and the deftness with which she can manipulate the knitting needles with her magic. She tilts her head at it at first until it starts taking shape. Silver meanwhile would take the offered feather token, but as he's not very well experienced with magic or magic items he would need basic instructions for usage.
179262 179263 179270
"I don't doubt that you've seen many ponies in many contexts," he pulls the pin.
"Do you want it now?"
179263 179270
Carefully reinserts the pin
"Now then, are we resolved?" Hes all smiles again
The Floof and The Noodle
Silver: "...yes, we are resolved," he responds in scarily the most calm and collected voice Brie has ever heard, before,


Brie finds that the grenade in his possession is no longer in his grasp, but is instead now held in Silver's magic. He pockets the grenade, pin still attached, in his bags before Brie has a chance to take it back. With the grenade safely stowed, Silver's calm demeanor very quickly changes for the worse. Brie can swear Silver's normally blue eyes have turned a bright red not seen outside of lava fresh from a volcano, he looms over the comparatively smaller bat as if he were a giant, and he speaks in a low and dangerous voice.

Silver: "If you ever, ever, ever pull that kind of shit with me again, it will be your last. Are we resolved?"
Silver's magic would be making an opposed grapple check

A really bad idea

179266 179295
SINCE players can't be forced to make saving throws against other players, I'll just stash that frag grenade, and we'll pretend this didn't happen
The Floof and The Noodle
179267 179268
There will be no grapple check, because Brie is not getting to have a grenade after that stunt. Instead of simply saying "yes" and taking the grenade without issue, Brie decided to risk the lives of everyone in the party and and whoever else is nearby. That is final.
Too late
Oh, I have one already. If you want you can have the one you're fussing over, and I can play with this one.
Or, we can move on, and Silver knows better than to try to do anything more than reason with Brie.
GM Pony
179271 179279 179295
I'm sure this scene is very neat in your mind imagined as animated in a Japanese anime, but I really have to ask:

How did you think Silver was going to react? How did you think Garv, Posey, Defiant, and whom ever else would react?

Did you think that after seeing this, Silver would be inspired to give Brie more grenades if more grenades are given or otherwise acquired? (There's still the two smoke grenades).
179273 179295
>more grenades
No, certainly not! I was content with the one. As for the smoke grenades, I assume they'll be negotiable as things play out ^_^

But I DID think with the one player blood-vomiting and getting a pass, that I might avoid getting patronized about how "erhmagherd grenades explmode and hurted pplz!"

Jus saying
"We're totally fine with this one vomiting their own weight in blood, but we gotta make sure this one is filing their taxes right"
The Floof and The Noodle
Do we really have to explain the difference between the two scenes? Like, the blood vomiting was kinda stupid and she basically had to be given a pass in order to keep the party together and the mission intact. But Brie pulling the pin on the grenade before putting it back is both exceptionally stupid and exceedingly dangerous to everyone in the party. You have three options as to proceed:

1.) Retcon it where Brie never pulled the pin on the grenade in the first place

2.) Concede the grenade to Silver and leave the issue be, knowing that Silver now no longer trusts Brie

3.) Push the issue and force the 600 lb. lamia right next to him to engage in a grapple to take the grenade away from him
179276 179295
Let's review shall we? This happens alot, sorry.

Silver decided that he was A. in an authoritatively authorized position (even though anything that had been said was OOC and unofficial) B. in an authoritative military position, and C. a bunch of other middling shit, to lecture Brie on how grenades work, function, consequences, etc.

Because Brie realized that Silver didn't know who he was talking to, he decided to make a display of his competence with grenades by both forcing the issue and safely arming and disarming a grenade.

In response, Silver decided to try and wrestle the readily armed and blown up grenade, claiming its my fault.
Silver is well within his rights to want to deny grenades heretoforewith
But that frag is going on my item list next to the other one
The Floof and The Noodle
179277 179295
1.) Silver asked, verbatim, "Do you know how you use these? Will you be responsible with it, and do your best to avoid catching other party members in blast?" This is because the grenades were given to him, and he as a pony with a military background treats explosives with a greater level of respect than your average civilian. All Brie needed to do was say "yes", pocket the grenade, and it was his no issue.

2.) It is not a display of competence, it is very much a display of incompetence to act so recklessly with a live grenade. All Brie needed to do was say "yes", pocket the grenade, and it was his no issue.

3.) It is indeed Brie's fault. All Brie needed to do was say "yes", pocket the grenade, and it was his no issue.

All of this is on top of the fact that Posey was able to do this with no issue, and she got her grenade.

No. Silver will not allow Brie to have that grenade after such a reckless stunt. So, I reiterate, will you Retcon, Concede, or shall Kira break out her grappling skills to take the grenade back by force?
>all he had to do
To comply with Silver's sensibilities, yes. It should be apparent that he is okay with not. Thanks for the frag.
2. See 1
3. See 2
And so did Brie ^_^

Lesson learned. e_e
Brie walks off whistling, trailing his large case
179282 179297 179308 179344
"Then we are on the same page regarding this," Cavaliere responds with a respectful nod.

He remarks, "It is a formidable fleet, but coordinating so many different ships adds extra complexity. Whatever they are facing must be a serious threat to require consolidating so many ships."
Also, DM, I don't know how long it has been since playing HOI4 but too many capital ships in one fleet incurs significant debuffs

With Posey's situation having calmed down, he looks out towards the city with a watchful and trained eye. However restrictive Baltimare may be, Manehattan looks to be much more from just a glance.

"You should've told us about that before embarking on a mission with significant travel. Also, no living pony can lose that much blood and still function…" he trails off with a wary glare as Silver takes her aside. He does not press the issue when they come back.


Teasing is definitely a thing.

Fond memories of using a pump-action version of this Trench Gun in video games.

"Some say that a select few griffon countries have highly trained knights with enchanted armor capable of withstanding even rifle rounds. I am not one of those, and in lieu of any weaker alternatives I am better off without armor completely."

A diner capable of serving carnivorous sailors is definitely possible on a major naval base. It being anywhere near the secure section? Ehhhhh….
Also, batponies aren't carnivores….

I second this. OOC, Silver's player is both experienced enough to know what he's doing and gets along well enough with everycreature everypony else. The same applies IC too.

>Enlarge Person is a good buff.
Less so on a stealth mission on an island with little in the way of cover, in a setting where long-range rifles are very accurate and very lethal.

Cavaliere is level 5, at least until he gets enough XP to level up.

Cavaliere already has everything he needs aside from the already-given box of ammo (how much is in it?) and a camo net. Actually, a smoke grenade couldn't hurt either…

There should be an electronics skill check for using a military-style radio, at least under pressure.
When there's no pressure you can take 10 or even take 20 over several in-game minutes

That's not how hollowpoints are made, reee

He is indeed based and talented, I need to commission more art from him. If you want art from him, contacting him on Ponerpics is a good bet


Can confirm that it makes catching up a little harder

Cavaliere adds, "Most fragmentation grenades have a kill radius of five meters, and a wounding radius of fifteen. That means they will almost certainly kill or wound within that distance, but they can do so at a much farther distance."

>How did you think Garv, Posey, Defiant, and whom ever else would react?
If I was active at the time, similarly.
179283 179297
Could we please not go around exposing Discord usernames of players? I assumed this was a common courtesy, and we could do with less drama resulting from it.
179286 179297
>too many capital ships in one fleet incurs significant debuffs

>Teasing is definitely a thing
no u
Then don't call it "seduction"

>in lieu of any weaker alternatives I am better off without armor completely.
Tin Hat:
"It won't stop a bullet that hits squarely, but it's relatively light and maneuverable, and it'll stop many blades, some bullets, and especially shrapnel."
Chainshirt Equivalent
Its me, I'm fine with it
GM Pony
179285 179297
Okay, fuck it. This is how we are resolving it


We are back to the point before Silver hoofed over the grenades respectively to Posey and Brie. Brie is not talked down to or otherwise not assumed to be competent to handle a grenade. And Silver doesn't have to watch Brie endanger the lives of himself and everyone around him in a stunt.
179287 179297
Cavaliere reiterates, "Being unseen and quick is better for keeping oneself alive than the heaviest armor."

Seduction is what precedes anything else and also doesn't have to lead to anything else. But you can make the call.
"Precisely what I'm here for!
"Well, if there's nothing further, I believe we all have our provisions? Shall we then?"
Next time, Ill dissassemble the grenade
Rosey "Posey" Ring
Sorry, I fell asleep. Let me check what I missed....
I don't care if I get a grenade or not. I just thought they might be useful.
Excerpted from discussion with GM:

"So for review:
I will endeavor to condense my posts singularly. I could explain the impetus, but suffice to say I am aware of why I do that and will actively avoid doing so.

Brie will be ... a little... nicer... and looks forward to seeing characters give him a wider berth

I will consciously attempt to ensure that I am namefagging when posting; not difficult, I got my laptop out and my desktop is almost reassembled.

I will will remain calm and try to not be a smart ass when a player does something silly.
I will still make them look silly even if they don't realize it but I can be less adversarial/brutal about it"

When Brie does something crazy, I invite players to inquire OOC wtf I am thinking, or utilize a variety of in-character resources - including asking "hey, wtf are you doing?" - rather than grtting physical or trying to teach him a lesson.

I will take liberties with my character as far as what I depict him doing, but remember that it is just a dancing cardboard cutout like in Ogres and Oubliettes.
Mine is just crazier than (you)rs
Rosey "Posey" Ring
179296 179298 179301 179308
Posey puts on her blinders to suppress her curse-reaction for the next plane ride.
>Guidance Of The Avatar
This was a web spell that appeared on the WotC web archives, before Hasbro nuked them in 2018 in their attempt to make sure that nobody ever remembers life before 5e. It's widely considered to be the most potent skill-boosting Cleric spell in 3.5e
Tbh, it's a bit overpowered for a lvl 2 spell, but it's one of my favorite spells to put in a potion because "drink this to pass any skill check" is well worth the overpriced nature of potions.
I requested it from the Cleric when I did the sacrifice check to reanimate Agire, so I thought you knew about it (even though he didn't give it to me). I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to remove it from your game entirely, even though I really wanted it as my Advanced Learning spell for my Nightstalker cohort.
>Commander Aura
From heroes of battle. You can read about them on realmshelp:
They do nothing for Rosey Ring because she doesn't have an army of intelligent minions (yet), but I would encourage using them if you have any intention of running mass combat and/or warfare with leadership and followers. Heroes Of Battle is also generally a good book for war based games in 3.5e.
If Brie really wants both grenades that badly, just let him have them. I have spells: I don't need them. I just requested it because I'm not proficient in guns and grenades require no proficiency. I just wasn't privy to letting him "negotiate" with the radio because after some of the things he said in the previous thread I honestly don't trust him with our only means of communication.
(Do guns require extra proficiency in this game? I have Simple Weapons proficiency from my class and Archaic Weapons from undead. Dread League is notoriously low-tech, so I made Posey low tech as a voluntary nerf to reign in my powergaming habits; which is the same reason I gave her weaker versions of the vampire weaknesses, hence the blood vomit over sea and the force of habit to knock on doors before entering).
>Kira looks on in awe at how fast Posey is sewing and the deftness with which she can manipulate the knitting needles with her magic.
Rosey Ring is knitting a long black sock, with a white pattern that appears to be a spine and ribcage: it's basically a Halloween skeleton suit, except for a snake.
>Silver meanwhile would take the offered feather token, but as he's not very well experienced with magic or magic items he would need basic instructions for usage.
Rosey Ring hands it to Silver, since it makes sense for the leader/decisionist to carry the consumable item that could be our means of transportation.
>players can't be forced to make saving throws against other players
No. That's not a rule. You made that up. I'm looking at the rules compendium right now, and that isn't a thing. There are some recommendations for conflict resolution in the DMG that discourage party infighting, but there is no such rule that says players have any sort of immunity to attacks by other players. I have never encountered such a rule, and I don't believe it exists in any edition of D&D.
If you have evidence to the contrary, feel free to cite it.
Also, a grapple is not a saving throw.
How hard is it to say "I am normal and can be trusted with explosives", even if it's a lie? It's not hard.
I know I'm none to throw stones because I did that whole blood vomit scene (which I only did because I thought it would give people a laugh, the actual penalty is just -1 to all d20 rolls), but at least I wasn't expressing any intent to attack party members.
>I was content with the one.
Then why were you trying to "bargain" with the radio earlier? What's with the drama?
>But I DID think with the one player blood-vomiting and getting a pass, that I might avoid getting patronized about how "erhmagherd grenades explmode and hurted pplz!"
See above.
Not blowing us all up isn't as trivial as "filing taxes right".
>Like, the blood vomiting was kinda stupid
Oh, I'm sorry about that. I thought it was funny. I wouldn't have done it if I knew you didn't like it. I apologize for being disruptive and stupid. I just wanted to add some spice.
Posey Will wear the horse blinders so that she doesn't vomit on the next trip.
>Silver decided that he was A. in an authoritatively authorized position (even though anything that had been said was OOC and unofficial)
We already decided that we were going to let Silver's player be in charge of dividing the quest items.
If you want to fight over loot, at least wait until we get something actually valuable in the treasure for this adventure.
>Because Brie realized that Silver didn't know who he was talking to, he decided to make a display of his competence with grenades by both forcing the issue and safely arming and disarming a grenade.
Idk how you thought that was a display of competence. To anyone else, it looks like a threat at face value and a display of recklessness at best.
I agree with all of these points.
>Posey was able to do this with no issue, and she got her grenade.
I don't even care if I get a grenade. I don't even care if he tries to blow me up (3d6 nonmagical, nonsilver slashing is barely going to put a dent past my DR), but maybe he could try harder to express that he won't blow up the rest of the party.
179297 179301
It was never about the grenade. As I said, next time I'll do something like disassemble the grenade rather than show off how readily it can be armed and disarmed.

That's kind of his thing,... explosives and traps and things
Rosey "Posey" Ring
179299 179301 179308
>"You should've told us about that before embarking on a mission with significant travel. Also, no living pony can lose that much blood and still function…"
"I can normally suppress my curse by staying still when I go over water, but this was my first time flying in a plane, so it took me some getting used to."
She adjusts her horse-blinders
"It shouldn't be an issue now. So long as the spirits in my body don't know when I'm over water, I should be able to prevent the reaction."
>Teasing is definitely a thing.
Rosey Ring is a sadistic bitch who relishes in making stallions fall for her, even if she has no intention to see them again.
>I second this. OOC, Silver's player is both experienced enough to know what he's doing and gets along well enough with everycreature everypony else. The same applies IC too.
I third this.
>Less so on a stealth mission on an island with little in the way of cover, in a setting where long-range rifles are very accurate and very lethal.
Then maybe Reduce Pony would be better.
>There should be an electronics skill check for using a military-style radio, at least under pressure.
When there's no pressure you can take 10 or even take 20 over several in-game minutes
There's a skill for this in d20 modern, but most of us appear to be using d&d classes instead of d20 modern Hero classes (most of which are actually very good hybrids of fighter and rogue with lots of skills and bonus feats), idk if any of us have skillpoints to spare for that.
>How did you think Garv, Posey, Defiant, and whom ever else would react?
>If I was active at the time, similarly.
I was asleep at the time, although Posey believes herself to be invincible and isn't scared of nonmagical weapons, so she probably wouldn't have flinched.... Which admittedly could have just made the situation worse...
>Could we please not go around exposing Discord usernames of players? I assumed this was a common courtesy, and we could do with less drama resulting from it.
I second this, because it's troon-tier behavior.
>Then don't call it "seduction"
Ngl, my nightstalker character, the one who ordered 40 pancakes at the diner, is a Diplomancer build with Silver Tongue, which has the function of being able to make subjects fall romantically in love, and Wanderer's Diplomacy, which allows a function of rolling Diplomacy for other characters.
Some DMs dislike Diplomancer builds. Is this an issue for you?
>"Being unseen and quick is better for keeping oneself alive than the heaviest armor."
"I'm more easily unseen with no armor at all, but for me my armor is an implement for my fear magic. Besides, it goes with my pirate disguise." She says, the bones on her armor rattling
Okay then, whatever.
The Floof and The Noodle
>Rosey Ring is knitting a long black sock, with a white pattern that appears to be a spine and ribcage: it's basically a Halloween skeleton suit, except for a snake.
That is absolutely adorable and Kira would love it and treasure it.

>Oh, I'm sorry about that. I thought it was funny.
pet pet pet
It's okay, it was actually a pretty funny scene taken on its own (and knowing that Posey was actually fine and not in seriously mortal danger of dying), it's just that in the moment of us travelling to go to the quest the rest of us were sort of looking at each other going "well shit, where do we go from here". I don't mean for you to feel bad, in the end it was a minor thing that we got past, like how we'll get past what happened last night.
I forget where, but GM had indicated that there was 2 frags and 2 smoke nades, so unless anyone else wants one, we would split them evenly.

I had claim on one of the healer's kit for reasons I really hope has to happen, but aside from the 9mm (is it 50/box like irl, or are we talking a box of 1000?)
he just wants a flare and 2 MREs
179302 179308 179310 179312 179391
>Guidance of the Avatar
I wouldn't mind it if it's a very rare potion you can find only from a Zecora-tier alchemist, and not one that's standard-issue for the military.
>Heroes of Battle
Lots of good stuff in here. Having a morale check for 50% casualties is actually quite generous; historically organization fell apart after only about 10% losses in most battles. That could get annoying fast though. It specifies this applying to smaller units, so maybe 50% is realistic.
Ability modifiers are much more modest on the positive end than in the 3.5e handbook. Is this for a different edition?
Auras are very interesting. There are only a few applicable to EaW but it would be fun to homebrew a lot of them up.
>grenades require no proficiency
There's no throwing skill that would improve their range and accuracy?
>Do guns require extra proficiency in this game?
They do in DnD Modern, which is being selectively homebrewed into the game, but I don't think there's anything official yet. If that is done then it would be necessary to change starting proficiencies for classes a bit, since in this modern setting a "fighter" would most likely be starting with a gun rather than a melee weapon (Silver Sword being an explicit exception as part of his history). I suppose that's why so many players have played rangers, since ranger skills and feats translate to guns very well.
>players can't be forced to make saving throws against other players
I agree with Posey's player here. The rule that was decided was specifically for saving throws that affect character disposition, as players are the ultimate decision-makers of what their characters choose to do. That doesn't include anything physical.
>Oh, I'm sorry about that. I thought it was funny. I wouldn't have done it if I knew you didn't like it. I apologize for being disruptive and stupid. I just wanted to add some spice.
I thought it was funny and harmless personally. It does complicate matters for the characters though. A pony who does this over water isn't going to look like a good pick for a spec-ops mission taking place on an island and that's a little important to me. Part of the motivation for making Cavaliere was because I didn't want to send Amber–a young adult with zero combat experience or reason to go–on a combat quest because it would be jarring and blatantly unrealistic. One day she might but that has to be worked up to.
Also, every witness to Posey's apoplectic fit on steroids will be a little more suspicious of her being undead because no living being other than a sea cucumber could walk it off.
As long as he acts less like the Demoman from TF2, then we'll be good.

"Spirits? Are you possessed?" Cavaliere asks with visible concern. Remember that she had admitted this only to Silver in private, not to anypony else. "Does that have anything to do with your 'fear magic'?"
>There's a skill for this in d20 modern, but most of us appear to be using d&d classes instead of d20 modern Hero classes (most of which are actually very good hybrids of fighter and rogue with lots of skills and bonus feats), idk if any of us have skillpoints to spare for that.
Unfortunately my cowboy-themed character did not take ranks in electronics, and the idea of incorporating skills from DnD Modern is new enough that none of the other characters took it. Maybe Silver did after leveling up though.
>Ngl, my nightstalker character, the one who ordered 40 pancakes at the diner, is a Diplomancer build with Silver Tongue, which has the function of being able to make subjects fall romantically in love, and Wanderer's Diplomacy, which allows a function of rolling Diplomacy for other characters.
That sounds like a bard on steroids.
Don't let me spoil that, because it's a great mental image, but where did she get all the yarn? Kira is a big girl.

Cavaliere has offered to take one of the smoke grenades. We still have to decide whether to use them as a distraction, cover or as a signal.
It's true that that sat in a grey area (as yet unspecifically defined) but my understanding is that GM wants to avoid inplayer fighting, which is what potentiated the "no will saves" rule.
Engaging in a grapple is a complicated matter, nothing so dismissed as "I yoink and that's that", especially with unicorn magic
Cavaliere can have the smoke canister Brie wanted (plz answer, its italian, yes?)
179306 179310
Okay, how far out from actual combat? Should Brie be getting ready? It takes a few rounds
179307 179310 179313
You can technically start combat right now, it's just ill-advised.
Also you're doing the thing again instead of collating your posts.
I mean combat with actual adversaries, not misunderstandings amongst party members
179309 179311
>No. That's not a rule. You made that up. I'm looking at the rules compendium right now, and that isn't a thing. There are some recommendations for conflict resolution in the DMG that discourage party infighting, but there is no such rule that says players have any sort of immunity to attacks by other players. I have never encountered such a rule, and I don't believe it exists in any edition of D&D.
I think it's a misunderstanding of my ruling earlier that spells and rolls that influence attitude are not enforceable on players. To clarify, I said that players can't be forced to roleplay the effects of a charm spell or a diplomacy roll. This is because I think it would be absolutely silly for me as a DM to enforce an "attitude" on player characters and how they rollplay with each other. What am I going to do? Say "noooooooooooo!" (crying soyjack) "you're roleplaying as being merely friendly to that player! The spell says you should be helpful!" That's absurd. Like really, am I supposed to tell players "Noooooo she succeeded in a seduction roll you should be fucking her right now..." I'm not saying that you can't roll diplomacy or seduction or whatever on other players. I'm saying I can't enforce it should the target player not abide by it.

None of this means that spells, rolls, and area of effect don't apply to other players in PvP. They do, and this includes mind affecting spells.

However, he has a point. PvP is almost certainly going to piss at least one of the two involved and have permanent effects on the game. It will basically always result in GM adjudication.

Assume PvP to be banned.

>Posey believes herself to be invincible and isn't scared of nonmagical weapons, so she probably wouldn't have flinched
>I don't even care if he tries to blow me up (3d6 nonmagical, nonsilver slashing is barely going to put a dent past my DR)
No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Fuck no.

I don't give a fuck what kind of source you're citing for an Mk 2 Fragmentation Grenade being on the same level as whatever parlor trick firecracker you are actually citing here, but a direct explosion from a grenade in your square is not going to do some mere "3d6" of damage. That won't even come close to knocking unconscious, nevermind kill, a generic NPC enemy. I was actually content with your character being perhaps the only one to tank a direct explosion until I read that. No. Fuck your damage resistance, fuck your whatever bullshit you pulled out of whatever the fuck addendum you found where ever to say that your character is somehow immune to fucking everything, fuck all of that. You will respect the Mk 2 if I have to make every single one of them do 10d100 Magical Silver Piercing Damage out to 30 feet, and if I have to make every single enemy soldier spam them like it's fucking Call of Duty World At War.

>Teasing is definitely a thing.
>Rosey Ring is a sadistic bitch who relishes in making stallions fall for her, even if she has no intention to see them again.
It's hard to express just how absolutely fun-sucking an attitude this is, or why it pisses me off. If you want Seduction to mean literally nothing else than a diplomacy role, just call it diplomacy. It's a meme concept anyways. As best as I can tell it means "Does the target want to fuck you? Roll to see if you hit the DC." If you want to tease, roleplay teasing. It's not that hard.

>Some DMs dislike Diplomancer builds. Is this an issue for you?
There's one problem and only one problem with diplomacy builds - roleplaying diplomacy is more fun than rolling for it. I get it, our characters are supposed to have the ability to do things in game that we as players are not capable of, like flying, seeing in total darkness, casting spells, hitting an apple with an arrow at 100 feet, or in this case, having social skills and some modicum of charisma. Your character's skills are supposed
to exceed your own, I get it. But if you could I like roleplaying diplomacy (in addition to rolls), and I'm happy to bend skills like "sense motive" to be useful in finding an NPC's emotions or motivations to aid in that.

MRE's are actually a good idea

>Kira is a big girl.
For you
>MRE's are actually a good idea
"Well I BROUGHT a pack of this new thing,... Lunchly they called it, but the cheese was grown over with mold!
Rosey "Posey" Ring
179314 179323
>I wouldn't mind it if it's a very rare potion you can find only from a Zecora-tier alchemist, and not one that's standard-issue for the military.
Considering that it is a Cleric spell, it is unlikely that this military would have easy access to it, with the monarchist Harmonists chased off for their reverence of the princesses.
>Lots of good stuff in here.
Yeah, it's a good book. It came later in 3.5e, and is therefore better written.
>Ability modifiers are much more modest on the positive end than in the 3.5e handbook. Is this for a different edition?
No. Heroes of Battle is 3.5e.
>Auras are very interesting. There are only a few applicable to EaW but it would be fun to homebrew a lot of them up.
Iirc, there's an article in Dragon Magazine somewhere that gives a guide for homebrewing auras. Has new auras for the Marshall class too.
>There's no throwing skill that would improve their range and accuracy?
I think there's a couple feats that improve splash weapons.
Throwing is based on your BAB, so if you're good at using any other kind of weapon you're good at using splash weapons.
>They do in DnD Modern, which is being selectively homebrewed into the game, but I don't think there's anything official yet. If that is done then it would be necessary to change starting proficiencies for classes a bit, since in this modern setting a "fighter" would most likely be starting with a gun rather than a melee weapon (Silver Sword being an explicit exception as part of his history). I suppose that's why so many players have played rangers, since ranger skills and feats translate to guns very well.
There's a dragon magazine article about guns that suggests several of these things. Idk the number, but it's the same one with the Adamantine Dragon and the Beast Dragon.
You can get guns from Starting Occupation in d20 modern.
There's also the option of using Weapon Groups, from Unearthed Arcana:
I use this in most of my games.
Worth noting that there's no extra cost for being proficient in the [Heavy] version of an exotic weapon, so you can get a two-for-one deal if you specialize in using a solid gold carbine.

You can also get guns from starting occupation in d20 modern.
>melee weapon (Silver Sword being an explicit exception as part of his history)
Silver Sword comes off as smarter and more skilled than an average Fighter. He would make a good Warblade (which has Simple starting age, but he did just reverse-age 20+ years younger).
>The rule that was decided was specifically for saving throws that affect character disposition
I believe that being charmed is not the same as a disposition (the charmer can influence you with an oppose Cha check), but it's not my call to make. It's not really my business to charm other players anyway.
>That doesn't include anything physical.
I think that attacking other PCs should generally be discouraged (because we're supposed to be on the same side), although not mechanically disallowed.
>I thought it was funny and harmless personally.
That makes me feel better. I was just trying to be entertaining.
>Also, every witness to Posey's apoplectic fit on steroids will be a little more suspicious of her being undead
Well, the undead weaknesses I voluntarily gave Posey are supposed to be RP obstacles that make her mission more difficult; if I didn't roleplay them, it would feel like cheating. I agree that that can cause difficulties in party dynamics though... I'll try to be more subtle.
>no living being other than a sea cucumber could walk it off
Curses work in mysterious ways. It's your choice to decide whether or not to believe that though.
I didn't do the blood-vomit scene believing I could avoid any RP consequences. Let's see how it plays out. I will honor any conclusions that are drawn from it.
>Are you possessed?
"No, no... It's nothing so simple. It's a curse ingrained into my body. 'Spirit' is just the catch- a term for such auspicious and elusive magic."
>That sounds like a bard on steroids.
DM told me only arcane casters could be bards.
>where did she get all the yarn?
She requested yarn from the military. Why the military has so much yarn is beyond me. Must be a vestige of a certain unicorn seamstress being a national hero in the previous regime.
>"no will saves" rule
He only said you couldn't be charmed.
We haven't even gotten to the island yet, let alone seen the enemy. There's technically no guarantee that there will be combat on this rescue mission, but we all know that there's no such thing as a cake walk in d&d (at least not in good games).
>you're doing the thing again instead of collating your posts.
It's actually a bigger issue than you might think. It makes it less likely for all relevant posts to be visible when selecting last 50/100/200 posts.
There won't be combat at least until we get to the island... Unless we get swallowed by an island-sized leviathan beforehand...
When DM plans to start the adventure is beyond me. I thought it would be yesterday, but we spent yesterday distributing equipment (resource-tracking takes so much time in 3.5e... At least we're not crafting).
Also, if we ever do get crafters, I would strongly recommend using the Craft Point system, from Unearthed Arcana, as it lets you pay a fixed resource cost in exchange for down time.
(I totally would never abuse this system to conjure a massive crystal castle above Curwhinny dungeon by creating a bunch of Necrosis Carnexes with the Landlord feat and having them immediately spend all of their craft points contributing to my castle. I totally don't already have a name for the castle and a spreadsheet for how to expand it and able dungeon map for how to send it with minions and traps. I also wouldn't haunt-shift my minions to make them part of my undead castle. I wouldn't make the castle a mobile walking sentient magic item either.)
Rosey "Posey" Ring
179314 179318 179321
>Assume PvP to be banned.
Completely fair.
>I was actually content with your character being perhaps the only one to tank a direct explosion until I read that. No. Fuck your damage resistance
Oh, okay...
In my defense, I did pay two character levels to gain this damage reduction. I'll stop acting cocky though.
>I was actually content with your character being perhaps the only one to tank a direct explosion until I read that. No. Fuck your damage resistance
>It's hard to express just how absolutely fun-sucking an attitude this is, or why it pisses me off.
Oh, okay. I didn't realize that. I won't do it again. I thought it was adding something to the atmosphere, but now I see that was the opposite.
>If you want to tease, roleplay teasing.
>There's one problem and only one problem with diplomacy builds - roleplaying diplomacy is more fun than rolling for it. I get it, our characters are supposed to have the ability to do things in game that we as players are not capable of, like flying, seeing in total darkness, casting spells, hitting an apple with an arrow at 100 feet, or in this case, having social skills and some modicum of charisma. Your character's skills are supposed
I understand with this sentiment. Diplomacy is kind of a broken skill by nature. 3.0 was the first edition to make it a skill, and it's still kind of wonky. Reminds me of this article from 2007 I read
>But if you could I like roleplaying diplomacy (in addition to rolls), and I'm happy to bend skills like "sense motive" to be useful in finding an NPC's emotions or motivations to aid in that.
Rosey Ring has zero ranks in Diplomacy anyway. It's not a class skill for her.
>MRE's are actually a good idea
Yeah, especially if our way back is somehow sabotaged (the swan boat might not cut it if there's a storm) and we have to stay in the island for some time.
She zeeb my zoob til I ziib
>Don't let me spoil that, because it's a great mental image, but where did she get all the yarn? Kira is a big girl.
Knitting for the war effort was a common thing. Especially socks, you can still find patterns from the red cross of socks to knit to donate for soldiers. It's not unreasonable to assume a military base would have yarn for either the soldiers or to give ponies so they could knit for the soldiers.

The zeeb chills off to the side, wondering when the group is gonna get a move on. These ponies are so chatty....
>you're doing it again
There's a difference between doing it when no one is fucking on or posting, and when we're trying to do things. Yes, I could have deleted the posts and condensed everything, and thats an option I will entertain in the future.
Having said, players like to act like the thing they just posted is canon, and then post continually off of that under the auspices that they are all based on previously "established" posts. I'm okay with abandoning that practice, in that it forces other players to post reactions, which are usually only one or two lines of comment and not warranting a separate post. I acknowledge we could all be better.
179315 179316
>Considering that it is a Cleric spell, it is unlikely that this military would have easy access to it, with the monarchist Harmonists chased off for their reverence of the princesses.
Harmonism as a religion is allowed to persist to avoid instigating a revolt, but one can assume the churches are closely monitored for signs of rebellion. I'd think a little-known potion like this would be known only to one religion as well, such as that of the zebras or maybe the griffons.
>No. Heroes of Battle is 3.5e.
Derp, I forgot spells get different modifiers than skills.
>Worth noting that there's no extra cost for being proficient in the [Heavy] version of an exotic weapon, so you can get a two-for-one deal if you specialize in using a solid gold carbine.
>I believe that being charmed is not the same as a disposition (the charmer can influence you with an oppose Cha check), but it's not my call to make. It's not really my business to charm other players anyway.
The DM ruled above, I was wrong.

>"No, no... It's nothing so simple. It's a curse ingrained into my body. 'Spirit' is just the catch- a term for such auspicious and elusive magic."
He mulls this over. "I've heard many tales of curses, but they are elusive to the point that most doubt their existence. Do you know who or what cursed you?"

>I thought it would be yesterday, but we spent yesterday distributing equipment (resource-tracking takes so much time in 3.5e... At least we're not crafting).
It's not a lot of equipment and I'm all set (as long as Cavaliere has obtained that camo net). I think we're just waiting on Dust, Kira and Tenebrous now. All these posts won't be good for them considering they have to catch up.
>(I totally would never abuse this system to conjure a massive crystal castle above Curwhinny dungeon by creating a bunch of Necrosis Carnexes with the Landlord feat and having them immediately spend all of their craft points contributing to my castle. I totally don't already have a name for the castle and a spreadsheet for how to expand it and able dungeon map for how to send it with minions and traps. I also wouldn't haunt-shift my minions to make them part of my undead castle. I wouldn't make the castle a mobile walking sentient magic item either.)
I don't know, is it marketable by Hasbro, Inc.?

>I understand with this sentiment. Diplomacy is kind of a broken skill by nature. 3.0 was the first edition to make it a skill, and it's still kind of wonky. Reminds me of this article from 2007 I read
I like how anypony can mention anything related to DnD and you'll be able to immediately cite a random article from almost 20 years ago about it. You're by far the most knowledgeable player here. That makes us intimidated and nervous you could use that knowledge to powergame very easily

Dust has everything he needs? Afaik we're just finishing up, and the only one I know who hasn't gotten a chance yet has been Tenebrous (who has hundreds of posts to catch up on).

>Having said, players like to act like the thing they just posted is canon, and then post continually off of that under the auspices that they are all based on previously "established" posts. I'm okay with abandoning that practice, in that it forces other players to post reactions, which are usually only one or two lines of comment and not warranting a separate post. I acknowledge we could all be better.
That is definitely true. There needs to be a little bit of a grace period.
She zeeb my zoob til I ziib
Yeah I'm good, unless DM wants to run with an idea I mentioned yesterday. Zeeb doesn't need a lot, he's pretty self sufficient for missions.
>There needs to be a little bit of a grace period.
well, DnD is supposed to be more or less turn-based to begin with. It stands to reason that a smol degree of standardization - one effort post per player (outside of side meta/interactions) - per GM post?
But, what characters "do" and what they "attempt to do" are two different things, which is why waiting on GM is a good idea. It could slow things down a bit - outside when individual players permit non-sanctioned activity - but it would avoid confusion on many degrees.

I know, I'm doing it again, but the ideas are coming so I wanna put them out before I forget.
GM Pony
179321 179327 179329
>In my defense, I did pay two character levels to gain this damage reduction. I'll stop acting cocky though.
Basically the problem is that when a character (and especially the player in an ooc of character remark) clearly doesn't respect something in the world as being a potential threat when anyone in real situation absolutely would, and basically every character in fiction would, it's extremely disrespectful and personally offensive.

Yes, I get it. In D&D, when your character dies, that's the end of it (or close to it). It's not like a video game where if you make a mistake you can respawn an endless number of times. And the result is that to balance, characters get a lot of HP. Because with a large number of encounters your characters are absolutely going to be suffering a death by a thousand cuts. This means that getting stabbed or what have you is almost certainly not going to kill you

If Posey doesn't think that grenades have any meaning - she's not afraid of them, she doesn't care to want one - why did I bother putting grenades into the game at all? Why did I bother thinking about it? Should I bother giving enemies grenades? Why should I bother with guns, since they are clearly less powerful than grenades? Should I bother with this setting at all? With this game? Why am I here GMing? It isn't doing anything for you. You clearly don't get any enjoyment out of it. I should go play Stellaris instead. That's what I spent most of 2023 doing instead of this game, I can do it again. I just spent $27 on two DLCs that I have never played before last night. Maybe I should go do that instead of wasting my time here.

If a grenade gets accidentally or otherwise thrown and Posey jumps on it to save the others, this can easily be an extremely compelling moment. If Posey survives precisely because she's powergamed to all shit with damage reduction, that doesn't make the moment less special, necessarily. She'll be on extremely low health and vulnerable to any incoming attacks. Maybe there's a risk that it could have been fatal after all if the dice were less favorable. Maybe it's heartwarming that the strongest tanks the damage. There's a lot you can do with it.

But if the attitude is "lol Posey isn't afraid of grenades she'd tank it anyways and even if she did, regenerating health, she's invulnerable"... why are you here? Why are you playing at all? Clearly this is boring to you and I'm sure you have better things to do this afternoon because I know I sure as fuck do.

Reducing Posey to death by a single failed round happened twice and clearly didn't work. There is nothing left for me to do to correct the attitude except character death. And would that correct it? Because I really don't think it would. I must be the wrong GM for you, or maybe Table Top Roleplaying is just entirely the wrong kind of system for you. Because I'm wondering if it's wrong for me.

>Oh, okay. I didn't realize that. I won't do it again. I thought it was adding something to the atmosphere, but now I see that was the opposite.
That statement actually was not directed at you
Okay, actually I can express why it pisses me off. The problem is that it misleads me. Do you mean to tell me that if Posey had succeeded in seducing the goat priest (she didn't) that she would not have made infernal love to him right there in the swamp? Then why try to make me think that that was Posey's intent.

And I understand that I'm in the minority here, but why is sexlessness prefered over having a world with sex in it? How many James Bond films have you watched where you thought "wow, I'm so glad that there was no sex in that." How many adventure serials without any kind of romance did you really think "thank goodness there was no romance or sex in that." And why oh why would you want to roleplay as ponies online unless you wanted the ponies to sometimes fuck each other? Yes, I get that most people, even here, don't want to do that. Fine. Whataver. They don't pretend like they are doing otherwise though. Their characters are celibate, I know that, I leave them alone. They don't lead me on, as the person controlling the NPC interaction in the situation, to thinking that this game is going to get more interesting than it actually is.

I remember some years ago, we had four different players who would willingly romance NPCs and even engage in ERP, even if it wasn't all four active at the same time. The players would go kill a shitload of communists, and then one fucked his Fascist handler. One went and beat up some people for the mob, and he didn't have sex with his mafia handler, but there was a romance that was going somewhere. In another the party killed a shitload of griffins, one character stopped during the quest to have sex with a disguised changeling he rescued, and then another did with a rescued griffin after all was done. There was lots of sex and violence and it was fun. Now there is much less violence and this sterility. If you don't want sex or ERP just say it and don't deceive me so I can keep my expectations low and not be disappointed. No, I don't have a problem with characters deceiving the NPCs. What Posey did with the street preacher was funny. The problem is how the fuck am I going to know where you are trying to go with this if you lie about your intent when calling out the roll?
GM Pony
179320 179321
Okay, so we are wrapping up resource Aquisition.

I don't know if I have already said it, but there are six flares (given to Silver for distribution). I'm considering one more fragmentation grenade and another smoke grenade. Maybe bulls strength.

Rope and hoof cuffs can be acquired

Tenebrous will get eagles splendor and a rifle and armor as needed

I think Kira and Defiant may receive minor popping ammunition that gives some explosive damage.
She zeeb my zoob til I ziib
>Rope and hoof cuffs can be acquired
Kinky, anyways.
Dust can make minor alchemical items that he can use, though any additional resources would not be turned down by the military.
179323 179326 179327
The actual finished version is this:

It's a robust system and I'd like to have it homebrewed in. Though, it makes Posey even stronger with her Charm spells, since everypony who fails (which would be most of the time) is set to a -10 DC modifier, far better than even diplomacy-oriented builds at this level. I'd like to propose an additional rule: Posey can do this, but all witnesses to the charm spell make an Arcane Knowledge check (maybe DC 15) to be alerted to what's going on. It'll still be powerful, but more circumstantial instead of an automatic choice like it's been so far.

What do the DM/other players think of this?

Okay, so it seems like the issue is that OOC intent is not specified beforehand to let the DM know in which direction the scene is going. Using seduction rolls as a form of diplomacy that does not lead to sex (whether that's "fade to black" or roleplayed out) seems to be okay though. That's what this homebrew indicates anyway: https://dnd-wiki.org/wiki/Seduction_(3.5e_Skill)

Cavaliere came prepared and already has rope and manacles. This actually reminds me to check his weight and see if he should grab extra hoof-cuffs to be on the safe side. 2lb each, right? And how much does ammunition weigh?
Right now, not counting ammo, he has 50.5 lb which qualifies as a light load. He can take a couple of extra hoofcuffs.
GM Pony
179324 179325 179327
Also, food for the creatures

>DM told me only arcane casters could be bards.
... No? That's clearly wrong and not what's in the SRD. And besides, only horned creatures can be arcane casters, and our lone, long running bard is an earth pony.

>She requested yarn from the military. Why the military has so much yarn is beyond me
Uniforms, caps, cloth bags, pants, signal flags, national flags, battle flags, standards, tarps, tents, sleeping bags, parachutes, blankets, and a hell of a lot more than that are extremely regular, extremely common parts of a mind-twentieth century military. Those things wearing out and breaking is not uncommon. A sewing kit was actually a standard part of the equipment issued to each individual deployed soldier in WW2 in the US military. This base, which mind you, is actually the center of operations for the Navy of this entire multi-continent empire, would have thousands of kits.

Also, I didn't say yarn. You did. But there's no reason to correct that because it's more fun to believe that Posey can just knit out a giant snake sock on the flight to Trottingham.

What kind of minor alchemical items?

One source claims a box is 2 pounds. Another claims each cartridge is 78 grams, which would mean 8 pounds?

>Using seduction rolls as a form of diplomacy that does not lead to sex (whether that's "fade to black" or roleplayed out) seems to be okay though
No. Like I said, if you mean diplomacy, then say diplomacy, and don't imply something else.
She zoob my ziib til I zeeb
Tanglefoot bags, alchemist's fire, thunderstones, flashpellets, and a few others. Nothing insane, but better ammo than pebbles for a sling if you ask me.
I don't know if the military would have anything better, but iirc there's one 3.5e book that says items like that can also be put on arrows. Don't quote me though, it's been too long.
And that's 50 rounds per box? I'll say Cavaliere has 50 rounds on his gun belt already, bringing his total now to 100 with a weight of 54.5 lb. A bit heavier than he'd like, if he can't lay some heavier items at a camp site, but with no negative consequences. Griffons have bipedal weight limits

>No. Like I said, if you mean diplomacy, then say diplomacy, and don't imply something else.
DM has spoken
But, what do you think of the advanced diplomacy rules?
>Advanced diplomacy
Could be applicable, outside of an expressly combat environment like what we're looking at. I think the existing rules for bluff and such are sufficient for the immediate concerns, but an incorportation of a more advanced mechanic even if it does favor an existing character-kit, is worth considering.
Brie also (expressly, I asked) has a pair of hoofcuffs, not that he would volunteer that info. There's alot about him he wouldn't volunteer that the party could find useful, perhaps. GM keeps telling me that so I keep looking for ways to make this info available without being ham-fisted with veiled exposition.
Rosey "Posey" Ring
179330 179335 179355
>Basically the problem is that when a character (and especially the player in an ooc of character remark) clearly doesn't respect something in the world as being a potential threat when anyone in real situation absolutely would, and basically every character in fiction would, it's extremely disrespectful and personally offensive.
Understood. It's really disrespectful, in hindsight.
>she's not afraid of them
Rosey Ring uniquely does not fear death, not just because she doesn't believe weapons (many of which she's yet to experience), can't kill her, but also because she craves the grave to free her from her torment, even though the seal that binds her prevents her from destroying herself.
>It isn't doing anything for you. You clearly don't get any enjoyment out of it.
>Clearly this is boring to you
That's not how I feel at all. I really enjoyed the combat in this game, especially the dangerous, close-victory fights like the hydra fight and the fight with Luminous. I look forward to dangerous combat.
As for guns/grenades/mines/bombs, Posey has barely ever been attacked with a modern weapon in this game, save for the diamond dog fight in the swamp. There haven't been many opportunities for me to roleplay reaction to modern weaponry, although Posey did run away when she was faced with a machine gun after the Luminous fight.
I see how talking about it ooc wasn't cool though.
>Maybe I should go do that instead of wasting my time here.
I see that I have upset you. I apologize.
If my behavior isn't appropriate for your game, don't hesitate to just throw me out of it; although i'd prefer to try to work it out. Please don't punish the other players because of me though.
>If a grenade gets accidentally or otherwise thrown and Posey jumps on it to save the others, this can easily be an extremely compelling moment.
Lowkey what I was thinking of doing.
>"lol Posey isn't afraid of grenades she'd tank it anyways and even if she did, regenerating health, she's invulnerable"
It sounds pretty gay when you put it that way...
>Reducing Posey to death by a single failed round happened twice and clearly didn't work
That was really fun. I really liked those fights.
I remembered roleplaying the flesh melting off of Posey's bones as she dwindled to single digit HP. That was exactly the fantasy I was thinking of when I wrote her.
>There is nothing left for me to do to correct the attitude
>And would that correct it?
Well, now you're telling me about it, so that's something.
>Do you mean to tell me that if Posey had succeeded in seducing the goat priest (she didn't) that she would not have made infernal love to him right there in the swamp?
Oh yeah, she definitely would have done that. She had the whole day.
>Then why try to make me think that that was Posey's intent.
It was her intent though. I thought I made that clear.
>And I understand that I'm in the minority here, but why is sexlessness prefered over having a world with sex in it?
Idk how you came to the conclusion that Rosey Ring is a sexless character. She's a literal whore. She's been a sex slave since before she could walk. She doesn't value the body she's trapped in any more than she values her life.
>And why oh why would you want to roleplay as ponies online unless you wanted the ponies to sometimes fuck each other?
I did though. I backread before I made this character: I knew what I was getting into.
Rosey Ring has tried to fuck Licorice, Mason, Baka, the Demon priest, Agire, the ghosts, the ghasts... Etc. somehow it was only August Wreath that fell for her (after this adventure, I was going to try to do a Dream Haunting stunt to see if Posey could fuck him again in the Dream Realm and corrupt him overtime)
Maybe I'm just too autistic to communicate that.
>They don't pretend like they are doing otherwise though.
The only time I was pretending was with Street Preacher, and that was just because I didn't want to interrupt the mission.
>They don't lead me on, as the person controlling the NPC interaction in the situation, to thinking that this game is going to get more interesting than it actually is.
Maybe we could communicate this better.
Posey is a whore: she has and will fuck demons, tentacle monsters, corpses, zombies, random stallions, dogs, wolves, oozes, deity aspects, ghosts, objects, zebras, dragons, swarms of insects, bones, etc.
She fucked herself with Luminous's wishbone.
She's tried to fuck almost stallion she's met, except Glass Horizons which she intended to fuck immediately before buying his land.
It's why I made a character with the ability to charm ponies at will.
For some reason, it's just not clicking. I guess I'm too shy and autistic to be clear that I'm initiating things.
>They don't lead me on, as the person controlling the NPC interaction in the situation, to thinking that this game is going to get more interesting than it actually is.
Charm already makes a character friendly, which already lowers the DC.
>They don't lead me on, as the person controlling the NPC interaction in the situation, to thinking that this game is going to get more interesting than it actually is.
Well, I did pay two character levels for that charm ability, so I really wouldn't like it to be nerfed.
>so it seems like the issue is that OOC intent is not specified beforehand to let the DM know in which direction the scene is going.
Every time I have said seduction, I meant seduction.
Except with Dust's case, because that was a joke.
179330 179335
On the subject of in-game/character sex, I'm actually pretty okay with it BUT I prefer my "debutant's" to be OC NPCs. Where the seduction and vigorous activity can occurr off camera, such as with pic related
Rosey "Posey" Ring
>They don't lead me on, as the person controlling the NPC interaction in the situation, to thinking that this game is going to get more interesting than it actually is.
See, GM, thing is, I wasn't leading you on. I'm just not really used to that kind of stuff, so I tried to make it subtle. When I don't see enthusiastic affirmation to Rosey Ring's advanced, I just assume that it's not happening and I give up very quickly.
Maybe I could be a bit more clear about it. I'll try.
GM Pony
179331 179332
Okay, everycreature on the plane. We've got ponies to rescue

Thank you, I feel much better

Well, as I said, it wasn't actually you who prompted the pushback
But an excellent example of where it matters is with Tin Hat here, where she "seduced" Tin Hat. One interpretation of that is that she just pulled a Rarity, and gave bedroom eyes to Tin Hat in hopes it would manipulate him into giving her magic items. The other interpretation is that yes, she is seriously willing to put her body on the line and take this random stallion inside and spend the last 10 minutes before boarding the plane being mounted... so she can manipulate him into giving her into magical items. The former is perfectly valid, but we literally see it happen in episodes of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic on multiple occasions. The second... is very interesting

Explicit ERP is more fun though
Rosey "Posey" Ring
It was either, but I also didn't want to distract the party from their quest with 300 posts of cancer, so probably just the former.
179333 179335
Explicit RP makes the experience more raw and "live". Unfortunately, that's expressly the part I personally don't want to with dudes.
Rosey "Posey" Ring
179334 179335
I just think doing the quest takes priority.
Uh yeah,... but GM made a point to ask about sex, and respond, so I did.
>If my behavior isn't appropriate for your game, don't hesitate to just throw me out of it; although i'd prefer to try to work it out. Please don't punish the other players because of me though.
That's magnanimous of you, but you're a good player and any hurdles we encounter seem to be overcome simply by communication.
>Well, I did pay two character levels for that charm ability, so I really wouldn't like it to be nerfed.
I don't either, but reducing DC by so much, very reliably, is much more powerful in terms of persuasion than any other PC is capable of doing right now. I understand that Posey essentially brute-forces her diplomatic targets, having very little tact and instead putting them under a spell and whoring herself out. Other characters ought to be able to notice just what she's doing. We could even make it a DC 20 check for them, and it would still make it riskier to attempt it in a crowded room or in the presence of a skilled mage. Getting another pony alone would make it work just as well. It's just a suggestion.

So fade to black is okay in terms of romance? By OC NPCs do you mean those made by you specifically, or does any NPC made by the DM count?

"Yes, it sounds pretty cringe!" –Marefair opening

I'm ready if you are, unless if you want to talk more about the merits of advanced diplomacy mechanics as a homebrew.
Rosey "Posey" Ring
>I understand that Posey essentially brute-forces her diplomatic targets
Yes, actually. Rosey Ring is based on the white horse of Conquest. For her entire life, she's only ever known a would of masters and slaves, so she only knows how to make relationships through power and fear. Thus, she has no ranks in Diplomacy, only Intimidation and Bluff
(She could use some friendship lessons. Dread Necromancer only requires being non-good)
>Other characters ought to be able to notice just what she's doing. We could even make it a DC 20 check for them, and it would still make it riskier to attempt it in a crowded room or in the presence of a skilled mage.
You can already make a Sense Motive check to see if a person has been charmed.
>you're a good player and any hurdles we encounter seem to be overcome simply by communication
Thank you. That makes me feel better.
>I'm ready if you are
I was ready yesterday. Let's do it.
I do have to go to work tomorrow, but idgaf.
179340 179344
I'll get the formatting right one of these days
Personally/strictly speaking, I have issue with fapping to GM's sockpuppets
I am well capable of creating my own. Instead I would prefer to peruse the fandom and insert as desired, pun intended. UWU
I'm a furry, I can get away with saying that Xp
And yes, Lucky is still getting it tonight
>You can already make a Sense Motive check to see if a person has been charmed.
Okay, I didn't know it worked like that. Maybe NPCs could use that if they have reason to be suspicious. Are you sure you can't use an arcana check?
Why not invite Batfang into the campaign?
We can get to Brie's ostensible female consort later!!
GM Pony
179345 179346 179349 179353 179356 179363
Cavaliere doesn't have the best perspective to view the city, but if he wishes to find signs of restriction, he can find at least some.

As the plane landed, Garv could see a few armored cars, and the hints of barricades in the streets. In faraway Haystin, two small streams of black smoke from what must be smoldering, mostly extinguished fires.

If he's looking for something a bit closer, he can find it. Peering into hangers or the armory, and looking at the breakroom, he can find posters.

One is one he thinks he may have seen before, which shows an intoxicated green stallion in a uniform at a booth in a restaurant with a bar behind. He leans over the table with a stupefied lovey dubby expression, and makes muzzle contact with a cream-colored unicorn mare who has lidded green eyes, a satisfied smile, and a red dress. Beneath the table, and in what is exposed from the dress, the cream coat meets a bright green line where it becomes black with a sickly insectoid belly and legs with see-through holes.

Another one shows a wooden theatrical stage with two ponies in the spot light. One is a light-purple/pink unicorn mare with a with a curled dark purple mane with a light blue stripe. She carries a purple book with a golden horseshoe. The other is a blue unicorn mare with a light blue mane. Both ponies, however, are blatantly wooden marionettes with fake cheeks and visible strings going upwards. In the shadows above the stage, on the left, is a dark black figure, evidently a changeling, with bright green eyes and a flowing dark blue mane. On the other side is a red... fishlike creature, presumably a seapony, with a big green cap, who controls the blue mare.

The most impressive Poster, however, certainly in terms of sheer size, is outside and on a building (evidently offices) near a hanger. Its edges are visible damaged, and it is worn down. It presents a map of the world in caricature with the oceans reduced in size and zoomed in somewhat on the center. Manehattan is marked with a star and a cartoonish portrayal of buildings. The Manehattan District is shown in outline, as are all of the districts of East Equestria. Next to it are four ponies. On the left and looking to the east, an earth pony with a rifle and bayonet. On the right, a Unicorn looking across the ocean with a glowing horn. Above, as if soaring, a pink-tinted outline of a pegasus. Below that, a head, hooves, and bat wings with a wrench in her mouth. To the left is a cartoon portrayal of Queen Chrysalis with the glowing eyes of numerous drones behind her, with a dreary pony with a drooping mane in West Equestria, and the same in the form of a crystal pony in the Crystal Empire. Above Equestria, an oddly effeminate looking stallion in red uniform reaches out with stretched legs towards the named "White Severyana." A pony with a feathered cap pulls a plow in the South East and another looks on next to a ship in Puerto Caballo. A hippogriff laughs Maniacally in Aris, while in New Mareland, a Unicorn Pony stands with a rifle against Beakolini, who is very fat and smoking his cigar. In Aquelia, a red grififn with a maniacal look stands in a set of flames, and stares back at the unicorn across the ocean. In Gryphus, a pony stands over a griffin laying on the ground, and stretches out a hoof. The remainer of the world is not depicted, with the Riverlands, the polar north, and the great majority of Zebrica being outright cut off. Below is the Text "PONYKIND STANDS UNITED"

What is, or at least ought to surprise perhaps Garv, and certainly Silver if he saw it, is that these posters are not signed with the name of the Blackhooves, or the more formal name of the Fascist Republican Party of New Mareland. Rather, all three posters are signed as from the "Pony Populist Party of Manehattan."

>Personally/strictly speaking, I have issue with fapping to GM's sockpuppets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4n4rBrs5-LY
179347 179350
Very interesting posters with vivid descriptions. What knowledge check should I roll to know what the Pony Populist Party of Manehattan is?
179348 179350
Local. Int Modifier
179350 179352
[1d20+5 = (14+5) = 19]
Rosey "Posey" Ring
>Farbrook not depicted
Posey gives an indignant huff that her fake identity is not represented.
Rosey "Posey" Ring
179351 179352
I would like to roll this as well, since a pony from Farbrook would plausibly be a pony populist.
[1d20+3 = (3+3) = 6]
Rosey "Posey" Ring
Oh well
GM Pony
The Pony Populist Party has some history pre-war as a local political party in the areas around Manehattan and Canterlot, but its breakthrough has been in the political reorganization of the Manehattan District that happened after the assassination of the former governor, mass resignation of the political class of Manehattan, and then the failed crackdown on the ELF and crime in the district. The Pony Populist Party is enthusiastically pro-New Mareland Administration, anti-banker and upper class, pro-worker, and anti-immigration, with a more racial bend even than most of the rightwing parties in Equestria and New Mareland. They are reasonably popular, if far from uncontroversial. The Blackhooves are oddly content to let them do whatever they want, and funnel resources into them.

In fairness, neither is any of the Riverlands, or even Maregypt.

It's.... probably a populist party for ponies.
The Floof and The Noodle
Silver: "These crazies got into power here?"
"Useful fools, kept around as a barking threat by the Blackhooves…." he mutters to himself.

He wonders if the other pre-war parties of Equestria, forced underground, have largely united under the mysterious ELF.
179356 179359
>Rosey Ring has tried to fuck Licorice, Mason, Baka... Agire... the ghasts
Wait, what?! I missed most of this. I think I even had Licorice get kind of pissy with Posey because he rejected her, and Mason is cold with Posey because he isn't nice to her.

To be fair, virtually every other option either got murdered, resigned because they didn't want to cooperate with the Blackhooves in any capacity, got caught with their secretaries, or bungled a crackdown on organized crime.
The Floof and The Noodle
Kira, meanwhile, tilts her head at the posters first one direction, then the other. "Soooo...is this meant to be art? I don't get it."

Regardless, Silver can see why Manehattan is such a mess right now.
GM Pony
179358 179359
>Is this supposed to be art?
Oh come on, it's not that bad
The Floof and The Noodle
Perhaps it's not the quality of the images on display she is commenting on, but the messages which they contain. Kira is from a tribal society, after all, one without political parties and propaganda as the other creatures present would know them.
Rosey "Posey" Ring
179360 179364 179365
tumblr_m3akbte6911rv231do1_640 (1).jpg
>Wait, what?! I missed most of this. I think I even had Licorice get kind of pissy with Posey because he rejected her, and Mason is cold with Posey because he isn't nice to her.
Okay, well, that's something for later then. Posey put on her special cocktail dress and tried to charm him as an icebreaker.
And I thought I was being nice to Mason. I like Mason. Posey likes Mason. Mason is cool.
Would you believe it that a brony doesn't know how flirting works?
>To be fair, virtually every other option either got murdered, resigned because they didn't want to cooperate with the Blackhooves in any capacity, got caught with their secretaries, or bungled a crackdown on organized crime.
Posey makes note of this to leverage it when she takes over New Mareland.
>He wonders if the other pre-war parties of Equestria, forced underground, have largely united under the mysterious ELF.
Based on my adventure with August Wreath, it appears so.
It's probable that many of them were guilds and knighthoods loyal to the princesses, so freeing the princesses would be their priority.
Cool propaganda
The Floof and The Noodle
179362 179363
Also don't think Kira didn't notice that Posey didn't ask anything more about lamias, such as the different varieties or their varied abilities. If Posey is planning on doing anything lamia-related, it may be useful to learn more about them sometime.
Rosey "Posey" Ring
4ffc075dc6fd303964753fbd20f0f862 (1).png
>If Posey is planning on doing anything lamia-related
she ziib on my zeeb til I zoob
179364 179366
She lams on my ia til I snej
Dust looks at the posters, seemingly unimpressed while he waits for the group to head to the plane.
"Ponykind stands united?
Are you all not of the same tribe?
Do these feelings have to be ignited?
To love your kind, does it take a bribe?
I know equestria views us as lesser
But to come together, we do not need pressure"
With that, he plods off again, seeing if there's any propaganda worth falling for
>Would you believe it that a brony doesn't know how flirting works?
Tell me about it, on several occasions Amber accidentally offended her coltfriend because I, the player, missed important social cues and expectations.

>Posey makes note of this to leverage it when she takes over New Mareland.
She wouldn't know this, and she missed her knowledge check.

"You would be surprised what petty squabbles and insecurities will divide even brothers," he replies.
GM Pony
179366 179367 179368 179371 179372 179379
A truck will help the ponies back to the plane, which sits with engines running. The white pegasus says,

"Be careful. The floor is wet and slippery."

>Posey put on her special cocktail dress and tried to charm him as an icebreaker.
She did, but then for some reason I remember something like a rejection later.
>And I thought I was being nice to Mason. I like Mason. Posey likes Mason. Mason is cool.
D'aww I seriously thought she didn't care for him. She did outright deep throat him, but that was combined with an intimidation roll and in context felt hostile, if anything
>Brony's don't know how flirting works
Okay. That's pretty fair
The Floof and The Noodle
179369 179373
(You) r silly

Silver joins the zeeb in his plodding. "We are all ponies, but we are not all of same tribe. Not even Equestria is of same tribe. Point of Equestria was for all of us different ponies and other creatures no matter our tribe to work together for greater purpose, to put our differences to use and join together in friendship and Harmony because we all at heart want what is best. Those 3P nutjobs, they claim to want similar thing, but I know they do not understand. Not really."

Kira especially seems to have trouble getting back to her spot in the plane back near cargo, with her slithering rigorously without getting any traction on the wet metal floor of the plane.
Brie pretends to not notice all the to-do, while reboarding the plane(?)
He looks up to the sky. "The sun is not going to be up much longer. We have to hurry."

>She did outright deep throat him, but that was combined with an intimidation roll and in context felt hostile, if anything
She what.
The Zoober
179371 179373
is silly

The zeeb listens to his plodding friend as they walk to the plane.
"I suppose what you say is completely fair,
I see that for your fellow ponies you do care.
We do not have to deal with this political tripe
In Zebrica we are all bound by the stripe.
Perhaps Equestrian ways I shall come to see
But for now I shall leave your ways to thee."

Dust arrives at the plane, and attempts to help the snek overcome the lack of friction. Str. Check
[1d20+4 = (12+4) = 16]
The fuck
The Floof and The Noodle
179373 179376
Before Silver gets on the plane, he halts in his tracks. For a second he looks at the plane, before turning around to face a different direction, looking towards somewhere outside of the city. There he stays, staring in a direction that to anyone else watching would feel totally random, looking at nothing at all, his gaze locked onto something no one else can see. But he knows why he looks in this direction, what he can see. There he stays, transfixed in that spot, staring silently with the wind from the plane's propellers blowing in his mane, until someone disturbs him from his trance.

The snek is quite heavy, 600 lbs. of heavy to be exact, but with the zeeb's help she is able to overcome the lack of friction and get back into her spot. She lets out a sigh of relief, and beams a bright smile at the friendly zeeb. "Thank you! I don't think I could have done that without you."
Rosey "Posey" Ring
179373 179376 179379
Rosey Ring puts on her blinders, and wraps some yarn around her muzzle. She won't vomit this time (probably).
>then for some reason I remember something like a rejection later
Idk, it was more than a year ago.
>deep throat
I don't remember this.
179374 179375
Mala stands next to Silver, and looks in the direction Silver looks, then back to Silver

Well technically the wet area is kind of in the middle of the plane, which Kira wouldn't have to move past if she stayed where she was before

Still, it may be worth having more interactions with Licorice and Mason
Rosey "Posey" Ring
>it may be worth having more interactions with Licorice and Mason
Sure. I've just been preoccupied with trying to get quests done.
I've been playing for a year and a half, but in game less than a week has passed.

Are we doing stuff tonight? I gotta decide if I'm going to take melatonin or a monster energy right now.
The Floof and The Noodle
Without being disturbed, Silver just stands there, staring off in the distance. Mala, even with his keen eyesight, can't see what it is Silver is looking at. Either Silver has some truly incredible eyesight, or it's something he knows deep at heart. The expression on his face is entirely inscrutable just from the surface.

As for Kira, sure she could have stayed where she was, but she kinda enjoyed sitting at the back.

I would also like having interactions between Silver and Licorice/Mason. Also more interactions with Posey so Silver can teach her the meaning of friendship.
The Zoober
Dust smiles at Kira and nods at her
He then turns around and walks over to Posey with a very stern expression on his face. He lifts a hoof and places it on her withers. He mutters something under his breath, and something in his pack glows a bit. Posey can feel a definite warmness resonating from the spot as Dust's eyes open and his expression softens a little.
"On this trip, I hope you feel better
And your sickness does not hold you like a fetter"
If she has to make any more saving throws for now, she has a +1 bonus from resistance
One word about muh spell slots or other looking a gift horse in the mouth and I'm changing it to a healing spell
179378 179381
>Are we doing stuff tonight?
Probably no getting to the island until tomorrow. There will be posts about the travel, but if you don't want to respond, you don't have to
Rosey "Posey" Ring
Okay. Go ahead and do that without me. Posey is blinded and muzzled, with only a narrow field of vision to focus on her knitting. She is functionally removed from roleplay as she shuts out the world to prevent the failed godling in her chest cavity from throwing a hissey fit.
GM Pony
Okay, "Deep throat" was entirely the wrong phrase for this
Cavaliere is frankly out of his element in a major city, especially one much larger than Baltimare. Without looking back, and with all his gear in tow, he boards the plane, eager to get underway. "Are you ready?" he asks the others.
GM Pony
179383 179384 179391
With the ponies inside, the white Pegasus lifts the door and locks it. The plane powers up, and taxis to another runway. With a roar of its engines, it lifts off the ground and starts to rise. It does not, however, move to the right and north, but rather to the left, to the west and east. "We're not allowed to fly over the city anymore" the white pegasus pony says to the cabin. Looking over and back, the creatures can see big clouds rising in the distance, the large buildings piercing the sky, and the giant airship losely tethered to the top of a skyscraper, its nose angled into the wind and its propellers rotating.

Soon the plane rises and goes through a cloud layer, with some rain getting on the windows in the process. As the plane rises up, it turns to the right, north and east and around the city. Though a cloud blocks much of the view, the party can see the buildings of Manehattan through the breaks, the endless rowhouses of Bronclyn, and the tenement buildings of Haystin. They pass over the great river, and though the city legally ends, the industrial developments do not, and a large powerplant next to the river is joined by a great many factories, refineries, and a railyard, before breaking up into towns of smaller houses, and then eventually countryside.
The Floof and The Noodle
Cavaliere speaking is enough to get Silver to snap out of his trance. He and Mala get on board, returning to their position by Kira. Kira and Silver begin conversing again about their respective cultures, sharing details and information with each other. Kira is certain she has learned more about Equestria just on these plane trips than she ever knew before in her life.

If Mala is freaked out again by the flight, Silver and Kira work together to help keep him calm.
"Am I correct in assuming that some incident is the reason for that ban?" he asks, having to raise his voice over the drone of the engines.
179386 179388 179391
After Mala gets on the plane, he lingers around Kira as if waiting for the right moment. But that moment does not come. With Silver and Kira chatting, after the plane takes off, Mala lays flat on the bench-like seats and digs his claws into them.

"Um... Yeah... Yeah, a little bit. There's a lot of fog sometimes and it makes the very tall buildings very hard to see, especially at nighttime. It's more for landing, and really the rule technically applies to Idlewild, but it's applied to us here too. Landings have to be done from over the water, and takeoffs to the west and south, depending on the winds."
He raises an eyebrow. "I hope you built them strong enough to minimize that risk."
GM Pony
"What, the buildings? Oh yeah, they are strong enough to take a plane."
The Floof and The Noodle
Kira looks over at Mala, and smiles at him. She pats her tail, asking him if he wants her to coil around him like earlier.
Rosey "Posey" Ring
>"Does that have anything to do with your 'fear magic'?"
Rosey Ring shakes her head.
"No... well, only what got me through the door. Fear Magic is just another way to use blackweave (negative energy). Instead of using entropy to attack the body and cause illness or injury, dread magic attacks the mind and spirit. It's not charm or compulsion, we just... squeeze the heart a little bit, to invoke primal fear." she explains
"... Some ponies would consider such magic to be 'villainous', but as far as I'm concerned, it's the most merciful kind of magic. By proving the powerlessness of our adversaries and making them surrender or flee, we can prevent further bloodshed. Far less villainous than burning them with beams of light or turning them into frogs like some other unicorns do, if you ask me." She says
"The ominous aura emitted by my curse gave me a natural talent for fear based magic. It's why my master took interest in me, and how I got where I am toda- hrrk!" she refastens her muzzle and closes her blinders
Rosey Ring gives Mala another bone to chew on, to calm him down for the flight.
"Don't worry, big guy. We'll get through this." She says, blindly petting him with her hoof
179394 179397
On the subject of firearm proficiency, well that is something that could be homebrewed to death, so I'm titling this:
Why It Makes Sense to Have Proficiency
For the record, Brie does not have firearm proficiency, but he does carry a firearm. This is because while he isn't specifically trained and drilled as one with a military background would (so he would take a -4, even though,...) which is pffset by his BAB, and relevant skill (dex). Lack of proficiency doesn't mean incompetence, it simply means the person is somewhere between novice and amateur.
Firearms it seems would fall under a Special Martial Proficiency: Firearms fest and would naturally accompany several background types.

One can have/be training with firearms; decent groups, reload times, etc, but couldnt be expected to take apart/reassemble it especially under fire. Decent, but not proficient. Over here we have the guy who can take it apart and reassemble with a timer, and gets 1" groupings; hes proficient.
Rosey "Posey" Ring
179396 179397
Or we could just say that guns are common enough in this mileau that all heroes get them, and not worry about proficiency. Pretty sure that's what GM has been doing. It's low-key MTP, but who cares?

I said Rosey Ring doesn't use guns because she's from the Dread League, which is uniquely low tech. I also tend to make up imaginary restrictions that only I have to follow as an obstacle to be overcome with my characters (people call me a power gamer, but pros have standards). Since Rosey Ring is a vestige from another age, she only uses medieval tech.
One could say that guns are prolific enough - at least in most of the states - that most anyone could pick it up and shoot it, sure and that would carry over to OE. That is why a firearm would be usable by someone not proficient. But when it comes to accuracy and consistency - which the -4 modifier is a reflection of - there is still a huge set of small details of firearm proficiency that have to be learned (and consistently reaffirmed) through drills and courses that separate an average joe from a professional, which weapon feats imply to convey.
The way DnD Modern handles it is having multiple levels of firearm proficiency that apply to different weapons, with Personal Firearms Proficiency (applying to handguns and rifles) being the basic level. Automatic fire has additional -4 modifier if you lack Advanced Firearms Proficiency, and more for advanced tactics or other weapons. In a modern setting, bows and swords are uncommon and they require an Archaic Weapons Proficiency (presumably Silver, Iron, Kira and Posey have this) to use without a negative modifer.

>Or we could just say that guns are common enough in this mileau that all heroes get them, and not worry about proficiency.
They aren't that common in civilian life. New Mareland, and many other states in the setting, have strict gun control, so if a PC is not of military/police background, doesn't have a life in the Underworld, isn't uniquely rural, or is a barbarian, then he or she might never have used a gun before. A -4 modifier isn't terrible, but definitely makes a difference in extended or repeated combat.
The idea of a tiered proficiency seems like a decent compromise, whether in form of ascending ranks or in a decrease in penalty. Having proficiency categories as feats was a mistake for 3.5e, and having to use a feat to remove a -4 is kinda ass imo
GM Pony
179401 179402 179408
Turning north and west, two thirds of the remainder of the journey is over land. As the great industrial city fades further and further from view, the sight is replaced by endless plowed fields and dormant winter wheat. The plane now flies over the ancient lands of Old Equestria, a place first settled by the Unicorn Race back in the days of Unicornia, and which has scarce changed much since. They fly over the old lands of Algonquin with its quaint, gambrel-roofed villages and ancient chapels with tall, sun-adorned steeples, and past hills covered in rowed orchards of apples and pears.

Into Prance, where sleepy villages cling to the edge of hardwood forests covered in snow, with bare brown branches and the walls and chimneys, smoke rising, of cottages peaking through the white. They pass grand chateaus in the middle of snow-covered fields and rowed orchards. But the plane turns to the east to try to avoid a vast cloud. All the same they fly right through one, and the plane shakes intensely, as if the sky itself is trying to through them out. Mala especially is terrified, though surely every creature is, save the two pilots.

By the time they fly Into Albion, the forests give way to rolling hills, often crested with small castles forgotten by the world and by time, and past older villages still and their little watermills on streams that are crossed by stone bridges. Into Mirage district, and the land becomes flat again with walled in pastures and fields and periodic patches of trees.

"Entering Miraz VAR. turning North East."

Mala seems to like this. He does not slowly chew on the bone, but loudly crunches it and eats it in a short amount of time.

Mala looks over, not sure of what to do.
Rosey "Posey" Ring
>Turning north and west, two thirds of the remainder of the journey is over land. As the great industrial city fades further and further from view, the sight is replaced by endless plowed fields and dormant winter wheat. The plane now flies over the ancient lands of Old Equestria, a place first settled by the Unicorn Race back in the days of Unicornia, and which has scarce changed much since. They fly over the old lands of Algonquin with its quaint, gambrel-roofed villages and ancient chapels with tall, sun-adorned steeples, and past hills covered in rowed orchards of apples and pears.
So long as we are not over water, Posey would take off her blinders and be very interested in this.
Uh, oh, rivers.
Posey freezes like a corpse with every passage over running water.
She seems to have the vomiting problem under control now.
The Floof and The Noodle
Silver: "It is okay, Mala. I trust her, she is exceptionally kind soul."

Assuming Silver's word is enough to get Mala to come closer, he leads the gnoll over to sit on Kira's tail next to him. Kira smiles at Mala, glad to have another new friend, especially one like him.

Kira: "So, you never finished asking that question from earlier, Mala, back at Manehattan. What were you going to ask?"
GM Pony
179404 179405
The antique land beneath may hold meaning to some, particularly Silver, who has executed contracts there, and Posey, who has heard the legends, or it may just be flyover country. All the same, the lower portion of the horizon turns blue as the plane passes from land to water, passing a pair of small fishing villages as it does so, and over tiny sailing vessels. Now beneath is blue ocean and a thinning of the persistent clouds. The plane turns North.

Soon, there are large islands with smaller mountains coated in green, brown and white. The plane turns westward following a chain of islands of rolling snow-covered hills that are periodically capped in deteriorating castle ruins, mountains that break with bare, grey granite surfaces, grass dead and alive on areas of plains, and many small stone villages.

Soon enough, they come to a much larger landmass with rolling hills and plains and miles and miles of beach, which the plane more or less follows. Villages dot the coastline, and inland along the planes and rolling hills, the landscape is divided by low stone walls into many smaller padlocks. At this height, it almost looks like so many cell walls in a plant stem under the microscope, were the brown and green covered in part by white. The clouds thicken, and the plane banks to turn south, then east, and then north, turning in a sickle pattern.

Below now are dense brick apartment buildings with sets of four chimneys together that spew light smoke. There are the great rising smokestacks of larger factories, and beyond the rows and rows of brick buildings, cranes of a freightyard in the harbor, and massive drydocks with unfinished ships, as well as great buildings on the land with cranes and the bare skeletons of merchant ships under construction. The plane goes through a cloud and the view becomes white, before going beneath the cloud into snow. The plane touches down and lands on a runway less complete than the one before, and with buildings and water in the distance.

The pilot comes back
"Alright, there's a seaplane waiting for you. It's a short walk."

Mala looks up towards Silver.

"Uh..." He says to Kira

When Kira speaks to him, he looks at Silver, sitting nearby, then over to Posey, presumably nearby, and at Defiant Dust, presumably nearby. Then he looks back to Kira. "Nevermind."
GM Pony
179407 179411
The Pilot is willing to lead them down a little pathway that takes them through a gap in the buildings, and to a small harbor.

There they see it - the sea plane. It's a rather large plane on its own, around about the size of the Skytrotter. It has a straight wing with two propeller-attached engines that is mounted on a pylon above the fuselage, and the fuselage and two pontoons float in the water. The cockpit windows are high on the nose, and in the rear is a bulbous glass "blister" for a gun port extending from the fuselage. There is an open door to access it at the end of a pier.

"Get in, they are waiting."
The Floof and The Noodle
Silver indeed holds some meaning in the antique land, not just for the jobs he's done in the area but also for what is nearby. When the plane stops and the door is opened, Silver steps out, breathing in the cold winter air deeply and letting it out with a sigh. Even if the air has been flavored with the smoke and detritus of industry, Silver can still smell the North underneath it all. His floofy winter coat seems to have floofed up even more in reaction to the cold temperatures. As for Kira, she smiles some more at Mala before replying.

Kira: "Why nevermind? Are you waiting for the perfect moment to ask me? I'm sure the question is fine to ask, whatever it is. If you don't ask it then, you know, maybe you'll forget what the question was, or the moment will pass and you'll lose your chance to ask. It's like when you're out hunting; we all want that perfect shot, with a clean sight of your target, close enough that you're guaranteed to hit, with the wind blowing ever so slightly towards you so your scent doesn't reach the prey without being so strong they become spooked...but it often never comes, and you just have to take the shot that you're given and pray that your arrow finds its mark."
GM Pony
179407 179408 179409
The interior of this plane is much more cramped, and the creatures will have to move closer together. The pilot of the Skytrotter comes in, though another pony, a black pegasus, seems to be in control here. The ponies explain,

"The plane is to fly close to the Island, and lower in speed, and you can get out on small dinghies. We can land, if need be, but you'll almost certainly need to row the last few feet."

If any player wants their character to do anything at any point in the last few posts like inside of the plane or as they are landing or what have you, you can post it. We can address it before moving on.

Mala looks away, and says
"No. No, I'll remember."

Then he looks back to her and says,
"You would hunt?"

If this is answered, he tilts his head
"You don't live in a city? What is it like? The wild, I mean."
Rosey "Posey" Ring
Rosey Ring boards the plane, facing away from the sea, and closes her horse blinders
"Ready." she says, as she puts on her muzzle

(I think that's enough vomit humor for one quest)
179410 179429
This description is very charming.

"What does VAR stand for?" Cavaliere asks on the plane, and "Where have we landed?" when the pilot has spoken to them.

He does not take any more time though. The weather is perceptibly chillier than it was in Baltimare and Manehattan, and it being the coast likely has a wind factor as well. He boards the plane, and while he helps Posey to her seat (assuming she still has blinders on) he does not sit next to her.


"Where are the dinghies stowed?" he asks the pilot.
The Floof and The Noodle
Kira: "No, I do...well, did live in a city. Dhamaji. But I also spent a lot of time out in the wilds as well, fending for myself. It's just part of the training process for becoming a hunter, learning to survive in the wilderness. The survival stuff is easy, it's basically all general-knowledge stuff like having a clean source of fresh water and knowing how to build your own fire. The hard stuff is the loneliness. Like, the solitude and isolation helps with getting an appreciation for nature, both its beauty and its danger, but...you really miss having friends when you're out there on your own...

"Oh, but yeah, I would hunt for food sometimes, not just for myself but for the tribe as well. Hunting isn't enough to sustain our entire population and animal husbandry and agriculture are a lot more effective at producing food, so it's really more of a thing we do to support our food production and diets."
Rosey "Posey" Ring
Posey sits next to Mala
179412 179429
"Have any of you seen Ghallaghors? Plastic sheets." Brie says, winking to the plane staff, while entering. "Is there a bathroom on this plane? I will need to change"
Rosey "Posey" Ring
179414 179416
"What is plastic?"
>needing a bathroom to change in a nudist society
Plastic was well in use in ww2 and thereby OE, I assume
Rosey "Posey" Ring
Posey is from Magehold, which is still medieval tech and ruled by centuries-old undead wizards. She's never heard of plastic. She's still not even sure how electricity works.
Seeing that Rosey doesnt appear to be feigning an ignorance about plastic Brie says, "What?"
Rosey "Posey" Ring
179418 179419
"Is it, like, some kind of new fabric?"
The Floof and The Noodle
179420 179425 179429 179433
Silver: "I am assuming we all are on same page our primary objective, but there is one thing I think we all need to talk about before we arrive at island: that freighter, specifically whether we are to attempt to board it to take or at least see what it is carrying, and whether we will do so quietly or loud."

Silver: "It is new material made out of oil. It is easy to mold into whatever shape it is needed for. I think nylon fabric is actually type of plastic."
179420 179421
Brie tilts his head while staring at the pony.
"More like a tarp, so where if you were painting and wanting to avoid an inevitavble mess."
Rosey "Posey" Ring
"Oh yes, oil. I hear that it has grown very popular. 'The new spell shards', they call it."
Posey has her blinders fastened. She can't see the staring.
Ooooh, time digits
Anyway, Brie "follows" off, not wanting to socialize
Total Zigger Death
179424 179425
So, Idk specifically when, but Brie will go sailor moon costume change. Ill describe it in time
are you seeing these time digits
179426 179427 179433
Nylon iirc was invented in the 70s. Plastics used in the 40s would have been stuff like Bakelite

"We need to see what the enemy sailors are doing, how heavily the freighter is guarded, and whether there is an approach we can take. But, if possible, one or two of us should infiltrate it quietly. That would probably be myself and Brie, since we both have wings and will not be needed to treat the New Mareland pilots."

It isnt a sailor moon costume change. But it is a costume change, and no one sees it, so by schrodingers rules, its a sailor moon costume change,
The Floof and The Noodle
Actually, it was invented in 1935, and was on the market by 1939

Kira: "Um...I can't fly, but I am really sneaky. I don't know how we would get to the boat though..."

Silver: "That part is simple. We will 'borrow' boats that marines used to land on island, and row our way to freighter."
Tenebrous Adamance
179436 179438 179440 179458
Out of Character: Hi guys. My current status is trying to read the history document so I can understand what's going on better. I had it while making dinner a couple of days ago, but haven't been able to read it yet. I'm sitting down to read it now, then I'll try to find the last post I was in in the last thread.

Then, I expect to spend several hours writing up several mass reply posts to continue role-playing with the conversation and trying to figure out when the scheduled meetings were. My understanding was that this was a sort of drift in drift out thing of a couple of posts a week.

My rough build idea was a dex build melee fighter with a great sword and cleave, burning most of my feats to get power attack and a smite skill that lets me guarantee that I do not waste my smite skill on a miss. I have little to no understanding of the power or role of ranged weapons in this setting yet, only that they're dramatically more powerful than regular D&D.

My character feature, sacrificing the mount, is a magic sword that I can summon. The feature has a major subfeature relating to being able to use crafting to improve the weapon and add magical properties to it, but crafting as a feature is never used in any D&D game I've been in before, so I hope that item customization isn't important.

What is the role of other people's builds? Or is this a discussion meant to be had in character? If so, I'll need to spend a few hours, at least, reading and getting in to character before I can do that.

My current focus is going to be reading the history document, then reading up from where I was to where we are now, then on making the roleplay posts in super huge post blobs. With no understanding of how long this will actually take, I tentatively express hope to catch up to the group in three days or less.

The last I recall from the thread was discussion on how it was bad to have OOC posts in the thread, but being absent for a couple of days in this thing that was supposed to require little and occasional interaction seems to need more than I thought. I will rearrange my efforts to the best of my ability. I haven't played a D&D campaign in a few years, and those were based on regularly scheduled sessions. Playing online via thread is new. I'm sorry for being out of touch for a bit.

I don't know what the thread's agreement on out of character posts is, but I hopefully will after I read the history document and catch up on the thread.
GM Pony
179436 179438
"Visual Aural Radio Range" the white pegasus answers. "It's a radio navigation aid. It's necessary here, since it's easy to either go too far north and into Stalliongrad, or too far west and get lost at sea."

The pilot answers the later question
"Trottingham Naval Base. Center of the Rocky Seas Operation."

Inside of the seaplane, the blue pegasus says
"In the back. We have Carey Floats"

He looks down
"Oh... You can get lonely in the city too. Even when you are sharing a bedroom with three others..." He looks back up. "But I mean... what is the wilderness like? I've seen trees before, but.... I don't know. I don't really know what to ask."

"Did you like hunting? I always hated it. It meant there was no other food available."

Mala looks over and smiles, evidently liking this

"Yeah, there's a bathroom behind the covkpit. Careful, it's tiny and... not well furnished."

Mala simply looks up at Silver

Who would post such a bold, and based take?
>The invention of plastic traces back to 1862 when Alexander Parkes, a Bri,...
"Yokels can be fun!"
Rosey "Posey" Ring
179434 179444 179481
"The first and highest priority will be to locate the soldiers, and figure out what position they are in. In the event that they are being held prisoner or hostage, we will need to approach carefully, as to avoid risking harm to our charges. After that, well... We can take creative liberties. Remember, we are pirates."
"Infiltration will be the key. Find out where the Marines are so we can plan accordingly."
"We have one swan boat feather token that is large enough to carry ourselves and the Marines, but considering that it may be our only way off the island we should use it carefully."
>how we would get to the boat though...
"Boarding a ship isn't an issue for me... So long as it isn't moving. It shouldn't be hard for the fliers either. I could get creative with my floating disk as well."
>My rough build idea was a dex build melee fighter with a great sword and cleave, burning most of my feats to get power attack and a smite skill that lets me guarantee that I do not waste my smite skill on a miss. I have little to no understanding of the power or role of ranged weapons in this setting yet, only that they're dramatically more powerful than regular D&D.
Consider Shadowbane Inquisitor.
I can help you out with your paladin build, if you want. I'm a huge optimization geek.
>What is the role of other people's builds?
For me... Probably tank, tbh. High HP and AC, plus damage reduction. Good melee damage. Posey is a spellcaster, but she only really knows a few kinds of spells, most of which are touch range.
>I don't know what the thread's agreement on out of character posts is
There isn't one. It's anarchy.
>The last I recall from the thread was discussion on how it was bad to have OOC posts in the thread, but being absent for a couple of days in this thing that was supposed to require little and occasional interaction seems to need more than I thought. I will rearrange my efforts to the best of my ability. I haven't played a D&D campaign in a few years, and those were based on regularly scheduled sessions. Playing online via thread is new. I'm sorry for being out of touch for a bit.
There's no pressure, mate. Don't worry.
Brie glances at Rosey
Shes not wrong
[1d20+3 = (7+3) = 10]
Subtext: "this one is unique." Notes taken
The Floof and The Noodle
179442 179458
>What is the role of other people's builds?
Silver - Tank/Riflepony, Weaponsmith, sort of unofficial party leader?
Kira - Archer/Grappler, Survivalist, very sneaky snek

Silver pet pet pets Mala between his ears.

Kira: "Really? You've never been out into the wilderness? Well...like I said, it's beautiful, but also sort of dangerous? Like, it's dangerous if you're stupid about it, but as long as you're paying attention to your surroundings and not doing any dangerous things like eating random berries then you'll be perfectly fine! I could take you out to camp in the wilderness sometime to show you. I need to learn more about the wilds of this strange land, too, and having some company would be really nice. Though, maybe I would wait to invite you out until it warms up a bit. I think all of this cold is making the world sleepy. All of those trees we saw out of the window had no leaves, and the grass was all brown like it was dead."
179441 179481
>Then, I expect to spend several hours writing up several mass reply posts to continue role-playing with the conversation and trying to figure out when the scheduled meetings were.
>My current focus is going to be reading the history document, then reading up from where I was to where we are now, then on making the roleplay posts in super huge post blobs. With no understanding of how long this will actually take, I tentatively express hope to catch up to the group in three days or less.
You don't need to be doing that unless if you really want to. I can't write up a summary right now but if you'd like one, then you can continue just from the last few posts which you may prefer. If you do massive catch-ups not only does it take more time but the amount of effort might turn you off from playing, since it will seem more obligatory and not for fun.

>What is the role of other people's builds?
Cavaliere is a stealth ranger with a gun, with a couple levels in monk as well. Good at shooting and punching.

"Good, we will be underway with everything we need.

I will be inactive for several hours, good luck
I think you have a wide array
>Cavaliere is a stealth ranger with a gun, with a couple levels in monk as well. Good at shooting and punching.
Do you have ascetic hunter?
GM Pony - Mala Mata
"Well... Not really... There was this farmhouse kind of we'd go to... And i went to a swamp on the edge of the city, but uh... No... So uh... Why have I never seen anything like you? Are you an exotic animal? I've seen a few of those before. Just not a snake-pony."
The Zonkler
179447 179483
Since we're posting party roles, Dust is a certified healer/tank/undead killer.

Also plastic was a fairly common and important commodity during WWII. Nylon is the best example, but a lot of the plastics were thermosets that would have been more expensive and less common to see today. The first "plastic" was just cellulose extracted from wood.
The Floof and The Noodle
Kira: "I don't know, I guess there just aren't any lamias here in Equestria.. I heard a pony from Baltimare talk about 'Winged Serpents' and that sounded kinda cool, but no lamias. I kinda wish Princess Twilight invited some of us to attend her Friendship School, it would have made my task a lot easier...You're a gnoll, right, one of the Kaftars? I've heard of your kind before from stories, they say you're famed for being honorable warriors and proud hunter-scavengers. Have you lived your entire life here in Equestria? Did you come over here from Zebrica?"

Silver: "Of course, our primary objectives always take priority, but planning out potential side objectives now rather than in thick of it could be useful."