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Occupied Equestria: Through the mist
In the south in the Kululu Forest, Posey searches for a lost instrument of war. In Baltimare, Kira establishes herself, while Silver enjoys a brief respite. In Hellquill, Amber prepares to play her music to the dictator of Hellquill. Elsewhere, trouble brews.
1100 replies and 90 files omitted.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"I don't know...the Customs agents and the military ponies were pretty nice to me..." She straightens herself up. "I have to try. My tribe is depending on me, I can't fail them."
>"Are you two dating?"
>"Anything else?"
"That'll be it, Mason."
174623 174627 174628
Mala closes his eyes and simply accepts any headpats, standing there silently.

“Can you depend on the ponies though?” She asks. “The new government, more specifically I mean.” And a little pause, “They will assume things about you, and have their minds concluded.”
Does Posey need to roll anything to get home, or can she take 10 on Bluff while Charming the checkpoint guards?
174625 174626
Posey needs a cover story as to why they were out and why she has so much… stuff. She needs to keep the diamond dog quiet, and keep the ghosts from spooking the guards.

If this is satisfactory, she may take a 10
174626 174629
>Posey needs a cover story as to why they were out and why she has so much… stuff
The medical supplies are licensed tools for her profession.
The Polearm is a historical artifact, as is her other archaic weaponry.
She didn't take very much else besides jewelry.
>She needs to keep the diamond dog quiet
I figured Charming and and asking her politely might work, and if not that maybe threatening her would be good enough...
She could put a Necrotic Cyst inside her that could allow her to detect, scry on, or destroy her at any time. I was looking for a chance to use that spell...
I guess this is as good a time as any to ask what the bitch's name is.
>keep the ghosts from spooking the guards
Posey asks them to un-manifest for the sake of convenience.
Posey takes the gag off of the bitch and gives her a chance to speak.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"Well...then I suppose I will just need to give them reasons to not assume bad things about me!" She says, optimistically.
Silver "The Floof" Sword
pat pat pat

"Is something matter, friend?"
174630 174631 174632 174645
"You ought to talk to Guy more. He plays a musical instrument, and he's in college too." And after a pause "I'm not sure what music could do to help... this, except maybe to improve the atmosphere. But I wouldn't consider myself a connoisseur of music either, so I can't really comment."

And smiling again,
"Yes, bring him here. I'm very curious to see what 'cute to me' looks like."

She is still sweating.

With a hoarse voice, she answers

"Oh, they won't need a reason" she says, almost to herself

"It's just..." His ears go down "I don't know... I haven't really been trusted... either to do things right, or... to do the right thing..."
"Well, Sasha, are you going yourself on this car ride without that muzzle on?" Posey asks flatly
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"I trust you to do right things, and to do them right."

Silver smiles at his closest friend.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
While the sentiment of her saying is understood, combined with what Kira said makes it sound as if they won't need a reason to *not* assume bad things about Kira. Regardless, Kira smiles at her deer friend, and flicks her tongue.

"Well, ready to go to the market, to get some food and this 'radio'?"
174634 174635 174658
Breathing in, "I -" then out, and back in again "Yes?"

Mason comments
"She looks very sick"

Mala looks up at him
"But do you trust me with Minty?"

"I think we have everything but... are you looking to have the furniture delivered later?"
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"I would prefer sooner rather than later. You know, so we don't have to worry about it in the future."
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Silver nods resolutely.

"I trust you completely."
174637 174638
"Oh, well... we should probably do that then" She says

The stallion who has agreed to help is still nearby

Mala simply looks up at Silver with big, brown eyes
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"What is it, Mala?"
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira turns to the stallion who has been waiting patiently for them.

"Uh, excuse me. Is there anything we need to do with regards to the delivery?"
174640 174641
He turns his head, and looks away
"Nothing, really..."

"Already have the address, just pay, and whenever you're ready"
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
I thought Kira already paid, tho
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"Are you sure? It sure does not seem like nothing."

Silver tries to get a look at his friend's face.
174643 174644
Uh, okay then

The stallion gets with another stallion, who move the items of furniture into a truck that is outside to ship the items to Kira's apartment.

"Well, maybe I could use a few more pets... and nice words..."
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"Heheh. Very well, then."

pet pet pet pet pet pet pet pet pet

"You are great friend and protector, Mala. Mint Marine really is lucky to have you looking out for him."
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
This is something Kira can help with, if they let her.

"So, is there anything else we need to do? Should we return to the apartment immediately, or can we attend to our other tasks?"
Amber Sunset
"We have something in common so it can't really go wrong," Amber replies with typical optimism.

If there's nothing more to be said, she returns to work.
174647 174651 174652
Mala is pet pet pet pet pet pet pet pet pet

Mala smiles, and turns his head, then an ear moves to the side and back up.


The stallions think they have it under control, and they seem to, picking up the large furniture with their hooves, placing it on their backs, and getting it in the truck. They are quite good at it.

"Well, usually the customer is there to unlock the apartment, direct where they want the furniture to go, and to supervise the whole process." He answers

The little pony works on inventory, and is joined by Guy at around 1 PM, when the store reopens.
Amber Sunset
"Hello Guy, it's good to see you this afternoon," Amber greets warmly. "How is school?"
Guy looks over at Amber strangely, clearly not expecting the little pony to engage in conversation with him

"Good... It's just started, more or less"
Amber Sunset
"What are you studying again? It's in college, right? What is college like?" Amber fires off these questions in rapid succession and suddenly stops, as if she wants to ask more but is holding herself back.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira watches in awe of how strong and deft these ponies are.

"Ohhhh, okay that makes sense. I suppose that means we should hurry up and get back home, huh?"
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Silver gives Mala's ear a nice little rub.

"So, why is it you want to be warrior and protector like me?"
174654 174659 174660
"I was studying accounting, when my parents had hopes of sending me back to Nouveau Aquila. I still am, but I may change. I'm taking classes with the University of Baltimare. I am living off campus and am not taking classes full time, so it's not the full experience, but... why do you ask?"

His ears perk up, and then his head

"Can I?"

"Sure. You might be able to ride with us" He looks down at the not-really-a-pony. "If you can fit"
Amber Sunset
"I'm curious, because I want to apply for music school when I can. Where is Nouveau Aquila and why do yer folks want you to head back? Is accounting difficult?"
"I see... Nouveau Aqila is where my family is from. It's in Nova Griffonia, far north from here. They've thought of returning once things have... settled down. And accounting... yeah, it's kind of hard. A lot of math. Many principles to memorize."
Amber Sunset
"It must be very chilly up there. Why did you have to leave?" Amber would be beside herself to turn down an opportunity to ask about a distant land.
"Very well then."
Posey looks at Mason
"Let's get going."
>"She looks very sick"
"We can treat her when we get back. If her condition acutely worsens before that, I'll sedate her."
Posey uses her horn to crank down the window on the bitch's side so that she can get some fresh air
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Silver nods and smiles at his friend.

"Of course you can, you already seem to be well on your way. Maybe sometime I can show you some techniques my father showed me for wielding that sword I gave you?"
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"Oh, no need to worry about fitting! I can fit into whatever nooks and crannies are left for me for the ride." She smiles brightly as she says this, but she does not yet really realize if she can fit or not.
174662 174663 174667 174695
[1d20 = 13]
"It can get cold, yes. Much colder than here. The ocean keeps it from getting too cold, however. We left because of the instability and... malaise... that was common in all griffin lands at the time."

"Then let's get going. I'd rather not drive through this area at night anyways." Mason gets in the car and closes the door.

The diamond dog is not very well able to move on her own, although with much effort, she can sort of make it into the car on her own.

Mala moves his bushy tail side to side
"Yes." With big bright eyes

He raises an eyebrow

"Okay... you can try."

Going downstairs, and to the curb, Kira can see that there is a truck waiting with a red paint job, and a covered back. It's a different model of truck than Kira saw at the docks, but similar enough to not be completely unfamiliar. There are only two seats in the front, however, although some pony could probably stay in the back.
Silver "The Floof" Sword
This causes Silver to ruffle the top of Mala's head.

"Anyways, we have big day ahead of us. I want to see if I can find mission to get money to pay for house expansions, make it so everyone has their own room if they so wish."
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira volunteers to stay in the back to give everyone else room in the front.
174665 174666
Ideas floated include one of the stallions sitting in the back and Neela up front, Neela sitting on the lap of one of the stallions (Neela proposed that one), and maybe Kira popping in through the window between the cab and the back

Mala tilts his head
"How are you going to do that?"
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira likes that last idea, if for nothing else than to still be able to talk to everyone during the short trip. But besides that, what are the stallions' thoughts on Neela's proposal?
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"Well, I have had two really lucrative missions within city so far. First was clearing out quarry of undead, but I do not believe those are exceptionally common. Second was from Customs, and I think you are familiar with that job. Maybe they have more jobs they need help with?"
Amber Sunset
"Hmm, malaise…you mean a fatigue of the corruption and short-sightedness of the ruling class?" Amber feels like this is an oddly familiar subject.
174669 174670 174673
[1d20 = 10]
[1d20 = 16]

"Maybe... That sounds very dangerous though..."

Guy seems mildly offended
"Well... Yes, but it's more than that. It was an economic collapse and, well, it's hard to explain to someone who isn't, well, a griffin, but there was a real lack of hope. The loss of the Idol of Boreas hurt on a spiritual level."
The stallions don't seem terribly impressed, but one decides to allow her to sit up front with him.

Roll dexterity for Kira's ability to fit
Amber Sunset
Amber likewise becomes a bit more dour as she replies, "Sort of like losing your gods and not knowing where they could be at? That does leave you feelin' adrift and worried…."
"Not 'losing' them, but more losing their favor, and their connection to us."
Amber Sunset
"It's so easy to take them for granted and forget how important they are for well-being, prosperity, and culture…. Amber whimsies. "Y'all don't have any hope of this 'Idol of Boreas' returning?"
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"Maybe, but I am used to that. Plus, usually more danger means more money."
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Dexterity? That's something Kira can do!

[1d20+3 = (6+3) = 9]
Guy's widen and he tilts his head slightly back, as if he only now understands what Amber meant

"No. I think the ponies tried to find it some years ago. It's been lost. Nova Griffonia has tried to move on since then but... Griffins can't agree on what direction to go. There's been fighting."
Amber Sunset
"Disharmony is affecting more than just ponies…." Amber murmurs. "What direction do you think griffons should go in?"
174678 174679 174680
Mala nods his head slowly
"Then I guess... we go into danger."

Kira can fit, kind of, but it's very inelegant. Kira is longer than the bed of the truck and must curl up to some degree. The edges of tables and the bed frame are unpleasant and jab into Kira, while the top of tables almost make her slide off.

A stallion says, looking back
"Careful. Don't put too much weight on anything. You could break something."

"We don't have a royal family. I would say that an elected republic is best, but there's just too many view points, too much disagreement. At the moment Nova Griffonia has a strong griff, and I think that's where it will need to stay for the time being. Over in Old Griffonia... I don't know. I've never been there. Then again, I don't know Nova Griffonia well either."
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira nods, feeling just a bit uncomfortable and perhaps second guessing her decision. Oh well, nothing to it other than to keep going she supposes, as she does her best to avoid causing damage to her brand new furniture.
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"I am guessing you are not thrilled to dive headfirst into danger?"
Amber Sunset
"There are a lotta griffons in Baltimare, and probably a good number in the university too. Don't you talk about world events with them? They might offer some insights."
"I have, a few times. With family too. They are... opinionated..."
174686 174687
"No, that... that makes sense. I am ready to dive into danger. If you are..."

Kira is able to poke her pony body through the window, placing her partly in the cabin. The stallion in the passenger seat has Neela on his lap. It's a tight fit. Neela has a smile, enjoying it, while the stallion is clearly second guessing his decision. The driver is the only one with much room, which he needs for the gear shift. This is likely Kira's first time to see how a vehicle is driven.
Amber Sunset
"Nopony can agree on everything. What do they think?" Amber seems curious about why he's open with a pony coworker and not his fellow griffons.
"One is absolutely bent in favor of a republic lead by the social democrats. I guess more than one is. Another wants a kind of libertine state that's business friendly, lead by an elected monarch. That's an uncle of mine. Another wants a Discret to be brough in as a monarch" He visibly gags "And then at school one wants a communist government." And frowning "They can be rather passionate about it."
Amber Sunset
Amber's mouth droops open in surprise. "Those are all completely different! I ain't sure which is the most popular among your folk, but did they come up with those ideas by themselves?" Maybe ponies and griffons aren't that different after all, if we're all so divided, she things to herself.
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Silver smiles at his friend.

"It is okay to admit that you would rather not. Besides, I have something else for you to do, if you want it."
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira watches intently to see how it's done. While she was a passenger in that truck earlier at the docks, that was just riding in the back with the nice Customs ponies without a view that was anything like this.

"Wow...this really is amazing! I have no idea how ponies came up with all of this stuff."
174689 174691 174692
He sighs
"They didn't. Many griffins support each of those ideas." And after a pause
"It's okay, they can't figure out which idea is the most popular either."

Mala looks up at Silver
"What is that?"

Neela has her hindquarter's on the stallion's lap, and her legs up and on the dash. She's content with the situation. The stallion kind of holds her up with his forelegs, and moves her a bit to the right, giving more room for Kira, who is behind and in the middle. The truck moves forward, stopping and going frequently. The driver asks

"What do you mean?"
Amber Sunset
"How do they get along at all? It sounds like they're all on edge. Do you think one will come out on top? And what do they think of Equestria?"
"They haven't really gotten along. There was a series of armed conflicts that really was a civil war, which ended with the CEO of an arms company taking over as president of a new republic, and he's more or less kept a sort of order, between force and money. As for what they think of Equestria... Back in the day they were kind of just dismissive of Equestria as weak and effeminate, and kind of just 'over there'. I haven't been recently, though."
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"You know, all of this...technology! Vehicles, and radios, and all of this stuff! We never had anything even remotely close to any of this."

Kira is still perhaps slightly confused as to why Neela decided she wanted to sit in this pony's lap. Curious...
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"Well, if I am gone, that means I would need to have somepony - or someone - serve as head of household until I got back. Someone I trusted completely, who is big and strong and able to protect everyone, who I know would be able to do good job..."

Silver looks right at Mala as he says this, and raises his eyebrows.

"Does that sound like...anyone I know? Perhaps anyone who might be right here, with me now?"
Amber Sunset
"You haven't kept in touch? Well, what do the griffons over here think? I haven't had the chance to speak with many of them." Amber neglects to mention the disgusting landlord she has, who represents the less desirable aspects of griffonkind and who casts a shadow on the day merely with a thought.
Does Posey make it back to the manor?
174698 174699 174700 174701
"We do, - kind of - we just don't talk about politics. As for Griffins over here, they vary. Some want a social democratic republic, some want a kind of communist or anarchist state... or non-state... some want the princess back, and some are enthusiastic about new business opportunities in southeast Griffonia... Mostly they care less than the griffins back in Nova Griffonia, which is a nice change."

Mala tilts his head
"So... not with you... on the job?"

Kira can, in fact, discern why Neela chose to sit where she did. It's actually pretty obvious. You see, ponies are fairly soft, and generally nice to sit on or lean against. Much better than the edges of furniture, or the tops of tables that don't quite give you good grip in a moving vehicle. And certainly it's better than having a doe sit on you. The only other creature that potentially has a better seat is the driver, and he has to deal with three peddles, a wheel, and that stick. Neela's seat is thus best in the house, though it does leave her head and neck exposed to possible predator attacks from the cargo-window.

What Neela did not appreciate that Kira surely can is that Kira's position places her in-between multiple possible friends/existing friends and gives her a good view of the Baltimare street.

"Oh really?" The driver looks back towards Kira and seems kind of off put by Kira's way of being in the vehicle, and looks back to the road
"Where uh, where are you from?"
174704 174705
Does Posey get home?

Posey's first order of business is to check on Gloomy, then to escort the dog inside and get her treatment so that she's still alive for Posey to decide what to do with her later. Posey recounts her adventure to Licorice Lament, and she makes arrangements to have the cylinders shipped back to her masters.
At this point, Posey is looking a bit strained; although not physically tired, it has been some time since she last had her daily 8 hours in meditation that she needs to replenish her arcane spells. She's never had her powers depleted for this long before, and that makes her feel vulnerable.
Amber Sunset
"Those that do care seem to be less than welcome among the ponies here," remarks Amber. "They tend to have a reputation for mischief in service of their causes."
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"Well, if you choose this task, no. Instead you would be stallion of house while I am gone, in charge of making sure everyone is safe and sound and dealing with any emergencies."
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
That does make sense, ponies are indeed really soft and friend-shaped. Kira would sit in one's lap if they were big enough. She also does appreciate the benefit of being in the position she's in, even if the furniture poking into her body is a bit uncomfortable.

"Dhamaji. You probably haven't heard of it? It's a city in Southeastern Zebrica, in the area near the Zeblu, Talonsvaal, and Roam. Actually we're also really close to the frontier of the Kirin Empire. It's way, way far away from here, so far away that I had never seen a pony before in my life until I got here. Like I knew you all existed, we had books about you and Equestria but still, we only ever saw zebras or griffons. The kirins liked to keep to themselves rather than coming all the way out to our tribe."
I just need confirmation that Posey gets home.
Oh, Posey is definitely tired. Somehow, she feels like more has been taken out of her on a physical level than expected. Must be the weather, although it's actually cooler here and now than it is on the Dread Peninsula in summer.

Mason turns the vehicle on, and begins to move. The cylinder barely fits in the back, needing to be angled, and the diamond dog lays back, with a few bags covering her to act like blankets. The door closest to her head is cracked open to allow the flow of air. Mason himself rolls down some windows on a few occasions. The roads are long, windy, and lonely for the first portion of the trip, travelling through endless forest, and periodically over creeks and in one instance, a true river.

At one point, the vehicle comes upon a segment of the road where there are very clear cracks in either side, and the tree line is clear on either side. Mason slows down, and looks to either side, where trees are snapped off from their bases, uprooted, branches broken, or in some cases simply bent to either side. The broken trees form a line that crosses the road and is maybe 20 or 30 feet wide. When this segment of road is crossed, Mason steps on the gas, accelerating the engine much faster than the shift of the gear can match.

Mason enters the main road going north, and by this time the sun has set, and the remainder of the trip is in increasingly dwindling twilight, becoming full night by the time they meet the one checkpoint outside Baltimare. Posey is only minimally expected, and they make it to Licorice's manor, where he is up and about with Day Low Rain.

174707 174708 174710
Guy tilts his head, looking a bit offended

"What? What do you mean?"

Mala simply looks up at Silver

The stallion listens, and occasionally looks back

"Oh uh... yeah, I've heard of the Kirins and their grove before. I've delivered furniture for a few kirin. They are a bit odd though. Reserved. Most of them anyways."
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"What is it Mala?"
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"They are a bit odd." Kira giggles. "They look really exotic though, a different kind of exotic from you ponies. You're exotic because, well, we never see any of you around where we live, while kirins are just, well...exotic! I've heard of lamias living within the Kirin Empire and the other kirin nations. An entirely different subspecies called 'fire lamias'. Supposedly they have fire magic, hence the name, and I've even heard some of them have the physical features of kirins! Very reclusive though, and apparently very territorial. I'm not sure if they're more or less territorial than the huge jungle lamias to the south of my tribe."
>Posey is definitely tired. Somehow, she feels like more has been taken out of her on a physical level than expected. Must be the weather, although it's actually cooler here and now than it is on the Dread Peninsula in summer.
"I should have never gone out during the day, or crossed over and through all that water... Anything for the mission though... urgh!" Posey groans glassy-eyed, necrotic black veins visibly pulsing through the white fur on her face in what could be described as the undead equivalent to a migraine. Her fur appears blotched and patchy, and her mane is frizzy and discolored. Her face contorts erratically, at times seemingly feral as bat-like or wolf-like features push themselves to the surface. Despite being a daywalker, adventuring in such conditions doesn't come without its costs...
She distracts herself by combing her mane, brushing her fur, polishing her armor, checking her makeup as best as a pony can without a mirror, and generally trying to salvage her appearance.
>over creeks and in one instance, a true river.
Posey winces and yelps quietly at this, trying to suppress the visibility of her pain.
>At one point, the vehicle comes upon a segment of the road where there are very clear cracks in either side, and the tree line is clear on either side. Mason slows down, and looks to either side, where trees are snapped off from their bases, uprooted, branches broken, or in some cases simply bent to either side. The broken trees form a line that crosses the road and is maybe 20 or 30 feet wide. When this segment of road is crossed, Mason steps on the gas, accelerating the engine much faster than the shift of the gear can match.
"I wonder what caused that...?" Posey wonders aloud
>by this time the sun has set, and the remainder of the trip is in increasingly dwindling twilight, becoming full night
"At last, the Night..." Posey says, her mood improving alongside her face, seemingly energized by the darkness. The blacked veins on her face fade away. Her fur becomes snowy white, seemingly absorbing the filth into itself. Her mane shines scarlet once more. Her eyes glow with that menacing golden aura. All monstrous, un-pony features fade from her face as she reclaims her comely and delicate appearance.
Posey performs all necessarily checks and charms with her improved modifiers to get past the checkpoint.
>Posey is only minimally expected, and they make it to Licorice's manor, where he is up and about with Day Low Rain.
"At last, I have returned, victorious!" Posey declares, puffing her chest out with a whirl of her cape, raising her sword in the air, her horn shining with a halo of sickening light in all her golden vainglory. A vain smugness betrays her normally paralyzed face and calm demeanor.
The Dread animated diamond dog arms levitate just behind her, one brandishing the electric polearm as if held by an invisible sentinel, the other gently leading the captured bitch by her shackles.
Behind her, the disguised ghoul drags the cylinder, saddlebags loaded with other spoils of the adventure.

The ghosts do whatever they want, I guess. Posey doesn't control them.
Amber Sunset
Amber gives a small, reassuring smile as she explains, "Nothing to do with you, but I've heard of griffons working with radical groups like the anarchists that give Sewn so much trouble. But, uh, I guess those are only rumors to me, since it's been only ponies that have gone after the shop."
Random bat
Uhm,... OP,... is there a wheel of cheese in the fridge?
174715 174716 174717 174718
Mala sits down, and continues looking up at Silver.

"Uh," He looks back towards Kira, mouth partly open, and then back to the road. He'd probably stare at her if navigating the streets of Baltimare were not so demanding.

"Fire magic and jungles and... what now?"

Oddly, the sun seemed a little less draining today than before. You could say she's getting accustomed to the sun, but Posey has gone through 22 hour days before, and did not acclimate. Still....

Day Low Rain, wearing a purple dress different than the last time, comes out with Licorice, who looks very pleased. It's hard to tell whether he is pleased with Posey, or with his existence generally. All the same, he says

"So... Tell us about today's exploits"

Guy stares at Amber for a few seconds, and then places a shirt on the top of a shelf and turns back to her

"Oh, yeah. There are a few, to be sure. Anarchism is mostly a pony thing here, mostly. Griffins tend to be a bit more fond of... structure."

Amber Sunset
Amber makes sure she's doing something instead of just idly chatting, like straightening out assorted clothes. "How do you mean? Ponies were plenty structured before the war. Do griffons mean something different by that?"
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Sense Motive: Silver tilts his head at his best friend, trying to figure out what he wants.

[1d20+3 = (10+3) = 13]
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"Jungle lamias. There are a bunch of different types of lamias, I'm not sure how many types of ponies there are but maybe there are as many types of lamias as there are types of ponies! Let's see, so there's us, I guess you could call us savanna lamias because, well, we live in the savanna. You can guess why desert lamias are called that. They live as part of nomadic tribes crossing the deserts and dunes of Central Zebrica, they're venomous and have a cobra hood and I've even heard a rumor that they have hypnosis powers but I think that was just my cousin trying to make them sound cooler. There's also the fire lamias, the jungle lamias. Oh, and the sea lamias! They're absolutely massive and they have this extra potent venom that's supposed to be painless so you just go 'bleh' and drop dead without warning, but I've also heard they're constrictors so I don't know which one is true or if both of them are true or what. What I do know for sure is that they're actually really nice and like us they actually have settlements and a society and everything! They have fishing villages spread all along the coast of Southeastern Zebrica and the South Zebrides. They get blamed for ships mysteriously sinking in that region, but if you ask me I think it's the sea serpents doing it."
Rosey "Posey" Ring
>"So... Tell us about today's exploits"
Posey recounts her adventure this past quest, in detail, speaking at such length and with such a bombastic voice that could only be done by a mare who apparently doesn't need to breathe. She recounts how she arrived in the swamp and looked for ways to cross the mire after seeing the bridge was out. She recounts how she moved across the abandoned airship inhabited by diamond dogs who made a futile attempt to resist her conquest, crushing them with her aura and lashing out with her swordsmanship, their bullets no no match for her. She exaggerates her battle with the wildcat, making it seem larger than life, but nonetheless explains how she made the beast turn tail with her aura. She mentions how she checked for damaged trees and craters that could have been signs of artillery fire. She mentions how she wandered the bottom of the stagnant bog, only to face off with a hydra.
The battle with the hydra takes up the longest potion of her story. She goes I to great detail about every swing and slash, everywhere the hydra bit her, how quickly her wounds healed due to her vampiric heritage (damage reduction carried her through that fight), how she cleverly summoned the amoebic crawlers to digest the hydra's wounds as it attacked her (although she omits the part where she failed to control the second crawler after she resummoned them), how she lashed out in the murky waters on unstable footing at the bottom of the lake, how she expended all of her spell powers fighting the creature but triumphed in the end, and how she climbed on top of its corpse and shouted with victory.
She goes on to express how she wandered through the forgotten battlefield with the swamp flowers, still searching for artillery. She continues to the clearing full of craters where she met the ghosts, hyping up how her charms as a spiritualist were all she needed to face such an encounter.
(At this point, the ghosts most interject to introduce themselves)
She explains the deal she made with the ghosts and the objects that they are anchored to.
She continues to how where she found a damaged shell in the clearing, and after determining it to be insufficient she went to another section of the swamp to and found another. She describes the horror as the ghastly drowners appeared, and how they were compelled to kneel before her powers. She moves on to the Odyssey home, describing how the ghasts dragged the hydra bones to the ship. She refers to how the ghasts attacked the diamond dogs in her steed, and show she finished the paralyzed dog to call upon the Artaaglith priest (she mentions how she has friends in low places) who animated the bones a huge bone Lurker and two dreads, the former of which she was sadly forced to bury to reclaim later. She recalls how she found the diamond dog prisoner, Sasha, and decided to take her with her. She finishes by expressing how she felt her powers grow after the adventure, and how she disguised the ghast with power drawn from her newly increased reservoir, before the journey home.

Posey recounts her adventure with oratory skill appropriate for her charisma score. I could also type it out in dialogue too, if you wish.