Amber runs from a police raid. After an intense firefight, Dark Star provides shelter for two young maidens, and Silver takes a lovely Kirin he's had his eyes on to see a movie. Iron retrieves treasure from the mountains, and Spark goes back to the wolf village with the resistance fighter.
1730 replies and 30 files omitted.
>>161425He Smirks at him
and takes the water and heads back to the room
>>161426Tricky is leaning against the wall sitting on the bed, with Sorrel in her forelegs, her head buried in her chest fur. Trick looks at Dark Night as he enters.
>>161425Silver nods
"That is understandable. We will turn you into Equestrian noblemare yet, at your own pace."
>>161427"Am i interrupting something?"
>>161429Tricky shakes her head
>>161428Khoi closes her mouth, and looks to Silver with a grave expression.
>>161430Silver looks to her before looking at the road once more.
"What is wrong?"
>>161431Khoi does not volunteer to say anything.
>>161432“Yes.” She says, looking up to Dark Night, and then petting Sorrel
>>161433how does the mood in the room feel?
>>161434It’s not dissimilar from the last time Dark Star walked out, although Sorrel does not appear to be crying. Tricky does nog appear to be offended by Dark Night’s presence.
>>161435“Yes?” She asks
>>161437"If something is wrong, I would like you to tell me. Especially if it is between us. You do not build house atop broken foundation, after all."
>>161441Something made her uncomfortable at some point, but her expression is mostly neutral.
>>161442"Was it snuggling that is issue?"
>>161444" seemed to have grim reaction to my comment about turning you into noblemare. Was it that?"
>>161445“Well…” she turns her head
"Talk to me about it. Is that not what you want to be?"
>>161447She lowers down in her seat.
“I don’t want to become… too much like that…”
>>161448"Go on, what is it you want to be, or avoid being?"
>>161449“I want to stay spiritual” she answers
>>161450Silver nods.
"It is wonderful part of you, your spirituality. But you do not think you could be both spiritual and noblemare?"
>>161451“I don’t know.” She answers
>>161452Silver looks at her.
"What is it you do not know? Talk to me."
Equestrian I will become.” She answers, looking over at Silver
>>161454"I assume by 'Equestrian' you mean more materialistic aspects. I do not know, but I look at you and I see mare with strongest moral conviction I have ever witnessed. I can not imagine way you could be corrupted like that in that way."
>>161456"I have faith in you, Khoi. If anything was to change, it would be that you would make more spiritual generation of noblemares."
>>161457She continues smiling, fairly warmly, looking over at Silver
>>161458And Silver smiles back warmly as he continues to drive them home.
"We really could use more people like you, Khoi."
>>161459“Thank you…”
After a moment, she places a hoof across, and touches the edge of Silver’s forelegs.
“And you are a good pony.”
>>161460Silver is a very happy pony when she says that. He can't help but grin from ear to ear. She can still feel how soft he is, even under his suit jacket.
"Thank you...thank you Khoi. My love."
>>161461She lowers her head and her ears, pulling her lips back to show teeth.
The beach house is west and a little north of their starting position.
>>161462And so the happy stallion drives the pair towards home. When they arrive and park, Silver gets out and helps his date from the car.
"I had fun tonight with you. Did you have fun, Khoi?"
>>161463She takes his hoof, and exits the vehicle.
“Yes…” she says, with some hesitation.
>>161464Silver keeps a hold of her hoof and steps close, face-to-face. He speaks to her in a low, sultry tone.
"Khoi...would you like me to show you how good date is ended?"
>>161465She moves her head back, and then tenses up, moving her whole body slightly back even as her hooves remain still. Her tail curls upwards, with the wavy dark brown hair of her tail extending far out past her honey yellow tail. The front of her lips are down, while her lips are pulled up in the back of her mouth.
After a moment of silence, she answers
>>161466Silver smiles, and goes in slowly for a kiss. If Khoi wishes to stop this, now is the time.
>>161467Khoi, once again, neither actively participates nor resists, but is entirely passive. She does not lean in, and indeed is somewhat leaned back. Silver has to lean in further to make contact with the Kirin. What she is feeling can only be guessed.
>>161468Silver makes contact. The kiss isn't particularly advanced or messy, it's a simple lip-to-lip kiss, perfect for a first kiss and to judge her reaction.
>>161469She closes her eyes, and pulls up her lips as Silver makes contact. Silver can feel her soft, moist lips - they are rather thin, and cold on the outside. He can feel the edge of her teeth.
>>161470How is she reacting so far to it?
>>161471She has locked up into a passive state - frankly how she has reacted to most of Silver’s physical advances, from hoof holding to snuggling. She appears to be acquiescing.
>>161472Silver nibbles on her lip a little before pulling back. He gives her a concerned look.
"You do not like it?"
>>161473Her lips are pulled back in a smile. She seems to be blushing, and her eyes open, she looks at Silver. Her tail is now curled to her right side.
She blinks
“Uh, no?”
>>161474Silver tilts his head at her.
"...No that you do, or no that you do not?"
>>161475She blinks, and curls her tail down in an expression most suggesting confusion.
[1d20+3 = (6+3) = 9]>>161476Sense Motive: Well...what did she mean?