>take what is useful from his material and apply it pragmatically, while discarding the rest.So third party source, ie /vx/, claims the kabbalah is something more fundamental then the Jewish claims on such a thing.
Something called-wait for it-Planetary Magic. Suprise! It uses the Greek or Roman names of the planets and is better in general.
Why? Hebrew mysticism is laced with traps and poison and smoke and mirrors and enough bullshit to seriously hamstring anyone without (((direct and approved))) supervision.
However I'll not get into character study of him.
Keep an eye out to see if he gets wacked at some point.
As above so below. The general description of everything sums up the vital points in regards to the apocalypse message(s).
Too many connections to esoteric matters briefly touched/nudged/hinted/gestured/estimated to not just to through all out.
However caution is advised because when esoteric that actually gets near 'Actual Occult Traditions extending far back in time' the chance that everything is as it is without any kind of fuck ups (intentional or not) is low for those not experienced and practiced. (Kind of like an instrument and a calculator with wacky symbols.)
So brief shitpost on planetary magic (see BearHeart /Grand Order Of the Draco Slayers /Temple of the machete that wins all battles).
The tree of life PLANTARY MAGIC describes the energies and locations and beings that reside there.
Our solar system is made specifically for us (or vise versa but whatever). The energies and behavors of the planets have a correlation here in the physical, mental and spiritual.
Because the Occult is/was supposed to be science just hidden knowledge of the phenomena dressed as stories, fables, myths, magical workings or axioms is a possibility.
Point being, stuff outside our solar system is janky and wack as all get out. Our solar system especially our Sun (physically, metaporically, spiritually, mentally ect) rids the presence of those fucks.
It's as if the rest of everything else was Lovecraftian but a cheap knockoff that a stare a poke and firm no makes them dissolve. We're anti-thetical to their existence.
So they want to remove us. More to the point they want to remove the Sun aka the Light.
In every way possible. Now considering just about everything here yeets them to nonexistence they have a bit of a conundrum.
So the simple solution is proxies. Lots and lots of proxies.
That's not to say they don't try and reach through by force they do that too.
Is just so happens Jews tend to also use proxies (puppets, useful idiots, 'just for the X' ect)
The magnetic happening along with the grand solar minimum with myths and legends that fit together is enough to get my attention raised.
As creator beings (or if you prefer as servants in the image of God) to imitate / create what is above/below (inside/outside, bigger/smaller, left/right, ect) what occurs. However fuckery is abound and the 'chess game' of the world is entering the phase where (((they))) are on a dead line to deliver.
The point being is happening and has been happening. What do?
Steel your body.
Strive for the mental apex.
Realize your soul and spirit.
Use everything you have in the right way with considerations for yourself and surroundings.
Pull your sword from the stone.
Become self governing.
Become the ruler of yourself and your domain.
Respect yourself.