1465 replies and 12 files omitted.
>>141002>>141001 →A letter opener, a stapler, a couple pens.... can paperclips be used as weapons? What about this rock? Looks like someone took an orange sandstone and turned it into a paperweight or something. It's actually a pretty neat rock though
>>141005Silver definitely takes the letter opener, stapler, and pens. He decides that the rock can stay since it's pretty neat, and he'd honestly be impressed if he managed to turn the paper clips into a usable weapon. He turns to the changeling, motions down with a hoof.
"Stay here, okay? We will get pony who can speak your language soon, so we can communicate."
>>141006The creature sits, but says nothing back to Silver
>>141007"Thank you."
With that, Silver and Sleetfall leave the room, locking it as nessecary. He goes to report to Lieutenant Brisbuck after.
>>141008Brisbuck comes to Silver Sword
"Sergeant? Report."
>>141009He salutes his Lieutenant.
"Sir. Telephone Office is clear of hostiles. All changeling defenders have been killed save one drone who willingly came back with us as prisoner. He does not speak Ponish, but we have him locked up in office. We took some casualties in process, though. One dead, unknown number of wounded. Squad C's Sergeant took shrapnel from bad grenade, and requests alternate NCO and medic."
>>141010"We're up to 10% casualties and we haven't even made it to the frontline..." He remarks, almost under his breath.
"Good work Silver Sword. Our medic is busy, but add the wounded to the list so he may prioritize. We'll send over a corporal from A squad, or the sergeant if necessary. With Amber Grain and the Sergeant of B squad taking hits, it looks like the rumors of officers taking higher casualties are true in our case as well."
Then he adds
"Why do you have a drone?"
>>141011"If I may, Sir, once we get pony who can translate for us, we may be able to get him to tell us where any cocooned ponies are, if he knows."
>>141012"I see... We should find one then. But in any event we must secure this town. Nightfall will be coming soon, and we are at a critical transportation point."
>>141014"Agreed. But if I may, Sir...I am unsure I am fit to lead troops into battle at the moment. I got hit twice by changeling SMG at point blank in chest, and I think it may have reached my tolerance for bullets."
>>141015"Well, see the medic, and we'll look for anypony who can speak the bug's language."
>>141016"That...would be wise. Where is he?"
>>141017"Over in the dining hall" he answers
>>141018He nods, and heads immediately in that direction.
>>141019Silver enters the dining hall to see a tired looking Firm Heart above perhaps five ponies lying on their backs in sleeping bags or on blankets. He is working with an I to insert plasma into one of them, it seems.
>>141020"Firm Heart!"
Despite the current state of his body and the lack of blood therein, Silver can't help but be elated at the sight of Firm Heart up and moving around.
>>141021Slowly, Firm Heart turns and looks back to Silver. His eyes look tired, and he wears a frown. He turns back towards the patient he is dealing with, trying to keep the bag of plasma elevated.
>>141022"I, uh...I will not distract you, then."
Silver finds a place to sit in the room, and sits down.
>>141023Firm Heart places the bag up, and turns back to Silver
“Yes, Sergeant Sword?” He speaks slowly.
“You need medical attention too, don’t you?”
The unicorn looks down at the array of bullet wounds adorning his person.
"...yes, unfortunately."
He walks up slowly, and uses his magic to move around a flashlight, and some other device.
“Let’s see here...two woulds from I think rifles, three pistol shots, a grazing wound from another bullet, some shrapnel, explosive burns... how are you still alive? You need plasma, preferably blood, and you have three, I think, bullets still in you, plus I don’t know how much shrapnel. Here, swallow this.” He uses magic to hover over an pill. “It will help keep your digestive system from becoming infected if your intestines are pierced. Now let me get you some morphine, and some tonic.
>>141026Silver swallows the pill as he is told, like a good patient.
"I am glad to see you are alright. I am sorry for putting you through such danger earlier."
>>141027“Some how I don’t think I was in more danger than most” he says. His tone isn’t sarcastic, but almost matter of fact, not that he has inflected much emotion since Silver met him after the incident. He starts to inject an IV.
“Okay, let me add some plasma to you. We may want a blood donor if we can find one.”
He goes through the process of setting this up, then pulls a syringe, which he injects into the plasma
“And here is some morphine to deal with the pain. I’ll give you a magical tonic to help with healing and hopefully internal bleeding, and I’ll remove the bullets inside you, then patch you up. But you will probably need something more intensive after today.”
>>141028"Ahh...another day, another near death experience..."
He scratches an itch near where the IV is, as the morphine takes effect and starts numbing the area first.
>>141029Silver does feel the pain go down, and feels some areas becoming numb.
“Alright... now let’s try to remove some of these bullets.”
Firm Heart uses a scalpel and a small metal pick to try to insert into his wounds to help pull out foreign objects, though magic does most of the work. His horn remains lit bright yellow as he works, focused on his work. The first is near his shoulder.
“Alright, let’s get this one out.”
The second is around his right flank and thigh. He uses a localized shot of morphine to help. He has trouble, and has to try twice. Silver bleeds much more during this process, but at least the plasma and some dried blood is being injected into Silver. The third is around his belly.
This whole process is not complete before a private comes in pushing another private.
“Sergeant Sword, we found somepony who speaks Roach.”
>>141030Silver turns his head towards the private.
"Ah, good! Give me minute while Firm Heart finishes patching me up."
>>141031Firm Heart:
“This... could take a little while longer.”
He starts to pull out the last bullet.
The private says
“Alright. I’ll leave him here with you.”
The other private is pushed forward, and stands there
>>141032"Ngh! So...you can speak Changeling?"
>>141033The private sits down. He is a daffodil colored earth pony in a private’s uniform, who wears a helmet, and is holding onto a carbine despite being indoors. Not quite holding, but hugging it.
“Yes.” He answers simply
Firm Heart continues
>>141034"Goodm. Think you can help me?"
>>141035“Um... maybe.”
He looks a little familiar, but Silver can’t quite place him. And... there’s a sharp pain
Firm Heart:
“Got it!”
>>141036Silver sucks his teeth at the pain, but it goes away soon enough.
"Ugh...hey, where do I remember you from?"
>>141037“Uh.... the town hall....”
His uniform and markings suggest a hygienics equipment supply specialist, or something like that. He is from the 332nd.
>>141038"Oh! Right, you were one of supply specialists we found when we stormed Town Hall. Sorry about that, again."
He turns to Firm Heart.
"So, Doc, are you finished, or do you have more to do?"
>>141039“Wait... let me stitch this... and add a little bit of magic to aid healing.”
>>141041Firm heart applies stitches, tries to remove shrapnel, and has Silver drink some kind of potion, before applying bandages.
“Alright” Firm Heart says. “Not as good as you could be, but as good as it gets right now.” He says, finished in his work
>>141042Silver nods.
"I feel much better already."
He motions for the private to follow him.
"Come on, let us see if we can not communicate with drone."
>>141043The private stands up, and follows Silver. He says nothing
[1d4 = 2] >>141044Silver leads him to the office, unlocking it and going first into the room.
>>141045Silver sees the drone crouched up against a desk in the back of the room, beneath a very high and cracked window. There is some blue blood on the wall, and the rock sits on the desk. The drone looks back at Silver
>>141046Silver looks at the changeling, then the blood, then the cracked window, then back at the changeling. With a deadpan expression he asks,
"Did you try to escape and fail to?"
>>141047The changeling drone blinks, with eye lids that close diagonally across the eyes. Its bandages look to be moved or falling out of place, and it sits down, again holding its wound.
>>141048Silver looks to the private with him.
"Can you ask him if he speaks?"
>>141049The private looks over to the drone, and speaks a sentence. This prompts a response, and then something inflected as a question. Then a series of questions and back and forth goes on between the drone and the private. The drone seems to have an angry inflection, and the private more nervous, though the latter speaks the language surprisingly well. After a back and forth exchange lasting perhaps 40 seconds, the private says to Silver
"He says 'yes.'"
>>141050Silver raises an eyebrow at the private.
"I get feeling he said more than 'yes'."
>>141051"Um, well... well he speaks. So yes."
>>141052"I get feeling he is upset, and rightfully so. What did he say?"
>>141053"He's... He's concerned about his captivity. You know... what you are going to do to him, and any other drones you may capture..."
>>141054"Alright. Can you continue to translate for me as I try to answer his concerns?"
>>141055He nods, then looks back to the drone, who stares at the private
>>141056Silver sits down in front of the drone, and begins to speak.
"I know you are angry and afraid, and you have every right to be. I am not certain if you could understand my Ponish earlier, but I promised I would not hurt you, and I intend to keep that promise. I hope we will only have you captive shortly. Long enough to patch you up and for you to help us out. As for your kin, I do not know how many will choose to come peacefully as you did. I know leader of Infiltrators here, one who replaced Captain Forrester, is or will be taken captain, but that is all I know for certain."
>>141057The private begins to translate Silver's words, speaking slowly. When he is done, he asks:
"There are no others?"
The private seems to ask this himself, as there is no statement from the drone to be translated
>>141058Silver looks at the private, and shakes his head.
"I have tried many times to give same deal to them I am giving this drone now. Every time until now, they have decided to resist and attack rather than give up, be it them pulling gun or trying to use grenades."
>>141059The private looks at Silver with his golden eyes, before turning his head to the drone, and presumably relating what Silver just said. Then the drone speaks, and the private says
"What about love?"
>>141060Silver winces a bit.
"That...is more difficult prospect. I can not ask my own soldiers to let you feed off of them, but I know you need it to survive. I will find solution very soon, but for know I am uncertain."
>>141061The creature says something, then the private relays
"Then we will starve to death, slowly"
>>141062"That is something I would like to avoid. As I said, I shall come up with solution shortly."
>>141063The private turns to the drone and speaks. The drone sits down.
>>141064"What I would like to talk with you about is how we can let you return home, however. If you are interested."
>>141065The private relates this, raising the pitch of his voice towards the end. The drone stands back up, and says speaks with more enthusiasm
"He says he is interested."
>>141066Silver smiles at the drone, and nods.
"You and other changelings were impersonating ponies, ponies who are most likely cocooned somewhere only you and other changelings know. Help us find them, any of them, and you will have earned your freedom. Life, for life."
>>141067The private relates this to the drone. The drone's response is short, only a few words.
"He says he will do it."
>>141068Silver gives a firm nod.
"One thing to note, we already found cocooned ponies in Whinnyton church, so I am afraid that will not count."
>>141069The private relates that, there are more words, and the private says:
"What became of the second squad that was defending south town?"
>>141070"Squad defending Whinnyton Church was wiped out, but they put up impressive fight. There are still changelings defending Grain Elevator."
>>141071The private himself takes a moment to process this information, and then relays it to the drone, whose mouth starts to open. The drone makes some kind of remark, but it is not relayed.
>>141072Silver lowers his head to the changeling.
"I am sorry, son."
>>141073The private pauses for a moment, and then speaks to the drone. There is no visible reaction from the drone. Only silence
>>141076Silver nods, then points to his bandages.
"Am I safe in assuming you need medical assistance?"
>>141077The private relays this, then the creature speaks back, then another set of words by the private and another relay.
"Yes. He says he is shot in the thorax."
>>141078"Alright. I will go to our medical officer, and see what we can not do to help you."
>>141079The private relays this, and the creature replies. The private's translation is much shorter
"He says alright."
>>141080Silver nods, and leaves the room with the private, once again locking it behind him. He goes over to Firm Heart in the dining area.
"How would you feel about operating on changeling?"
>>141081He looks upwards towards Silver, and blinks
"Like, dissecting one? Are you trying to remove their magic sacks, or something?"
>>141082"Erm...I meant more like pulling bullet out of one."
He answers, almost plainly
>>141084"We captured injured changeling drone, and he has agreed to help us find cocooned ponies. It will be hard for him to do so while he has bullet in his thorax and is trying to avoid bleeding out."
>>141086"Not at moment. Any suggestions on what to use?"
>>141087"Well, I'm not sure. Perhaps we could try a pony sedative, but it could fail, and it could keep him out for a while."
>>141088"Hmm...well, I will have to tell him. Should we bring him to you, if he agrees to be sedated?"
>>141089"You can... I'm not sure he should be out in the open here."
>>141090"Unless you thought it would be better for you to come along."
>>141092"...but you do not want to because you do not want to get changeling bit again."
>>141094"That is reason why I came to ask what your thoughts would be."
>>141095"I don't know the anatomy of Changelings." He says
>>141096"Neither do I. If you do not feel comfortable doing it, then I shall do it myself."
>>141098Silver nods.
"Alright. I will need to borrow some of your tools, however."
>>141099"Well, here. These have been sterilized on a grill we found."
It's a scalpel and a small pick.
>>141100Silver takes them.
"Thank you. I do not suppose we have any bandages to spare as well, along with painkiller?"
>>141101"Bandages, yes. You can try opium, but I can't promise how that will affect it. Maybe smoke like you do with bees? I don't know. Your real problem is blood. Unless you want to take it from one of those dead things, I don't know how to get it, and even that may be difficult."
>>141103"Hmm...any suggestion for that?"
>>141104"Not really. Not right now, at least."