>>139419There are many parts of the Town hall building, including a pair of offices off to the left, a kitchen, bathroom facilities, a big room with tile floor that seems to be used for food... But it's the main hall, and the stage behind it, which takes up half of the building. That, presumably, is where Silver and company go.
The room is darker than when Silver first entered there a couple hours before with the setting of the sun, and Silver ca see that objects are moved somewhat on the stage. Or, more likely, Silver takes notice of things on the stage he had not before: a few cardboard boxes, and a table. At the table sits Captain Forrester, hat removed. The greyish white stallion sits upright, leaning over a set of papers, looking down at them, and holding a pen through magic embrace. Standing, reservedly, to either side, are two guards, all with weapons, though none brandishing them threateningly. Two carry carbines, and two carry submachine guns. One of the submachine guns is a Changeling model and issue.
Behind Silver and the group, on the opposite side of the hall, at the very end of a row of seats, are a group of soliders reclining in their seats, the exact numbers hopefully being counted by the corporal, but hard for Silver to discern at the time. They sit down and don't carry their weapons, but Silver can see rifles - full sized rifles, not carbines - to their sides.
Forrester looks up with yellow-green eyes:
"Yes, Sargent Sword? Given that your platoon is still here at dusk, I would have to assume something
is wrong, to disrupt your march to the frontline."