>What is BLOC?BLOC is a Cold War simulator where you are a third world country. As of now, MLPOL doesn't have an alliance. If there is interest, we can make one
>How can I join and bring glory to the board and horse pussy alike?Go to
https://oppressive.games/bloc/Fill in the blanks.
Post your country name and region in this thread so we can invite you. Preferably we should be in the same region so we can protect each other if we'd be smaller.
Rumsod is a nigger when it comes to the layout, it should be fixed soon. It's been a while since a pone alliance has been in this game.
>Common mistakes:>HURR DURR SHITTY INTERFACEThe game is supposed to be a cold war simulator involving more diplomacy than actual war.
>HURR DURR ITS BORING AND ONLY FARMING AND BUILDING UR NATIONThis is true to some point due to the diplomacy, but a war always comes up sooner or later. Our objective would be to become the strongest alliance.
298 replies and 20 files omitted.
It's silly that allied spies are treated like foreign spies. Pones, I have my spy hunter in my territory so maybe that makes a difference.
Message from Easternside2:
"Price of food. Is lewd pics sent on discord or oil"
>>137243Kek, nice I guess.
Also, just got myself another weapons factory.
By the way not sure what's happening but I'm having trouble replying on here. I'm clicking "New Reply" but the button just turns gray.
my country is "The World" I am kazemi kun 515 I have no idea how to play I think I'm too dumb but whatever inv me :D
>>137574Joined too your local military power Easternside2
>>137576>>137574Well to end the war as quickly as possible, I'd guess navel bombardments, depending on how many troops are left. Then an air attack from Easternside2 who hopefully shouldn't loose any planes due to the size difference, but...
Any plans?
I already bombed his planes
with my Korean war suplius and airforce advantage
Got 2k troops with plane attack
Took out 4k with my planes and ships, 12k left.
if either of you want you can do land offensives or for price I can do it
>>137577>>137583Can I have dibs on the first capital march? I've the least land of us three. One of you just has to wipe out 7k troops in a battle and I can capital march this turn. What's your price?
Discord is currenlty being fucking bananas with it's concection so can't ask for alternative payment
I spent all my MG this turn on another ship. Pones, do you have 10 to send? I can pay you back in a few turns.
you could buy MG with cash and send it to me I will do offensive
With Beat of Slavic war Drums Imperial army of easternside2 smashes pitefull defence of Prozadia army. Driving deep in to enemy territory as armies from Deponya are read to strike and deliver finall blow to end this war.
>>137583>>137584>>137592Thanks, sorry I was in the middle of something.
Want the second capital march easternside2?
Built my second university!
Also declared on Calcionia, he's ripe for conquest!
Also, would you guys prefer if the tax was 99% and we could just take the amount we needed out of the bank? Or do you prefer the current system of 5%?
>>137626Kek, Calcionia attacked me, lost 16k, and sued for peace. I think you should have dibs on first capital march but Nirvana is online now. Should we contact him about this?
>>137627I like the current system because my budget is my own and I can always donate if you need it. I can see why some big alliances have it the other way, though.
>>137626If you want, you can march on them now. Only 5k troops left.
Another guy attacked me but he's pretty weak. Free land I guess
Nation of easternside2 now has large airforce
And soon will have more weapons
Quick reminder Bloc has meta rule about about 60 hours inactive nations.
Is that they become free real estate aka they get attacked
https://oppressive.games/bloc/stats.php?id=15220One of your memebers is getting closer to that mark and there is high demand for land and a lot of strong armies
>>137667Yes, forgot about this game for a while.
Going to get my fourth factory in three turns, I can get any resources to whoever needs it then.
Also, Equus, when will you be done sending us troops and we can send you some?
Btw things heating up /mlpol/ migth get dragged in to war
>>137716Not quite sure. I'd be comfortable with everyone having at least 200k troops but in some cases that might be too much
>>137718200k is quite a lot. How effective is training? I hope it's worth it because it's kinda expensive.
>>137719I'd say it is very much worth it, at least to get to standard/good training when you have over a certain amount of troops. It'd be a lot better to then spend the rest of your money getting navy and especially air force.
>>137718That's way too much, I have only 27,000 pop unemployed now and I'm going to build a factory in two turns, not counting additional mines. Bear in mind though that the three of us will have to send a quarter of our militaries to you to balance things out (after which we can't get any more troops without buying them from outside), so I'd say 148k would be a good amount. We'd each send you 37k which would bring all of us to 111k troops.
I'm working on having a very decent air force then navy. It would be helpful to have weapons production internal to our alliance because it would be difficult/costly to buy weapons from outside.
>>137719Training is very good but I'd advise keeping only a "standard" level of training in the 40's until we finish our troop sizes, because every time you receive new troops they have 0 training and bring your average down. Four elite armies of 111k each is nothing shabby.
>>137734>>137718I am okay with having at least 200k troops. Lay it on me boss.
I like to strike fear before they even have a chance. Also having enough armies to send back (which is also sent back with 0 training) so keeping a large stock pile then a transfer the fewest amount of times would be the most cost effective.
Only problem would be fuck tons of spys or a nuke to wipe the nation.
Oh and something about using up loads of weapons per deployment or something.
>>137734Alright, I'll set the limit at 140-150k then.
>>137734>minesActually, scratch that, I have only 1,400 square kilometers left and that's enough only for a factory and a university, both of which I want to get. So, unless if I find a bunch more nations to conquer, I will head into economic decline eventually.
>>137735>spiesWell, always keep a spy hunter in your country and sweep the country every so often
>weaponsIf you're turtling up defensively and providing reinforcements to whoever uses it, that wouldn't require any weapons. It would be impossible to counter a nuke and if someone wanted one we'd need to provide ALL our research for a bunch of turns to get it in a decent amount of time. Chemical weapons would be a more realistic project.
>>137717Between whom though???
>>137737>factoryScratch that, I had to buy just a bit of RM and MG so I have my fourth factory up and running.
>Between whom though?
I ca. Guess it would be between Invictus and PMM.
Also now i easternside 2
Have reached Vietnam war surplus in weapons
>>137743What's your secret, if I may ask? Are you able to buy that many weapons?
Also if anyone in /mlpol/ wants help expanding industry, let me know and I'll send you materials.
> What's your secret
It is secret.
You know friendship is magic
I've run out of usable land and since mines were my biggest expense I'll have an accumulating fortune as I wait for my economic growth to stagnate. I guess this means I don't have to sell research anymore. What should I do with all this money? Maybe I should buy weapons and MG to build up my military? Or maybe I should just donate more to the alliance bank. Let me know if you need anything and I can try to buy it for you.