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Mixed Nuts - 'THAT' Pen and Paper RPG Thread
Quick Rundown:
This(these) thread(s) started as an experimental attempt to determine whether a D&D type game could be possible over an anonymous imageboard. The results have exceeded my wildest expectations. During the week, these threads consist of game meta discussion, shitposting, bants, and more shitposting. On the weekend its on, and its something far more intense than standard pen and paper; I'm still trying to figure out all the aspects and elements.
New players are welcome at any time, and with that let me tie up the previous questions.
Nevermind that, I was trying to help you get the unicorn right away, but its gone now.
>>13270 →
First off, you're BOTH wrong. Its an Archmage, but no one outside the Archmage knows that so spoilers.
>>13279 →
>>13282 →
Just because a race or species is listed as 'Outsider' doesn't mean they cannot migrate to other planes/realms.
>inb4 Trump says something about going back or w/e
Additionally, these factions (there are many, above/beyond the ants) have been written into the story, have been there the whole time. The ants were part of all previous 'boots' of the story, and have had successful and beneficial relations with several iterations of the active party.
The travel ban on outsiders limits those who's home is/remains any of the outer planes from entering willfully OR being summoned from interally.
Meaning, it is impossible to summon foreign ants from their home plane, but one can readily interact with ants 'from' this plane.
The scroll will come up in the future, its relevance has to do with a particular location which will be obvious after inspection. As for the potato, I'm sure he will never be heard from again. Ever.

And with that, the Game continues.
950 replies and 81 files omitted.
