Last night was the new moon and i decided to do tarot cards and the 9th card i pulled was the upside down high priestess and i felt as if this card was extremely powerful in it's symbolism and all throughout today they have been number 9's everywhere, it also says
"a secret is about to be revealed" and is ruled by la Luna so i know exactly what it means and it is not good.
Obviously the meaning of the card has come true with the fucking FBI posting this
>>>/mlpol/280249 → And activision posting this
>>>/mlpol/280250 → Obviously means that a secret has been revealed but i think there is more yet to come over the next couple of dates that involve the number 9, as the date (((they))) have revealed (((their))) secrets had the number 9.
I am obviously right, now that you can see.
The explanation of the upside down version card of the card reads as "delay all plans, because there are hidden obstacles or enemies. Be discreet"
Obviously i have not been discreet so the glow niggers might be hot on my ass trying to find me as this is something they probably don't want (You) fags to know, if i am abducted please know that this is the best Chan on the internet as of the moment and i had many laughs here.
I don't know why wouldn't still believe me.
>>142769Almost half a year has passed, time to turn the lights back on and have some tea, do some cards and spread some seeds.
The plan has come to fruition and brought bounty along with pony booty, it has been strangely successful as well as sexual. Though the journey was hard the destination is worth every minute of blood and sweat
semen too that I could muster without a fluster.
Busy and dizzy, a lot to do but a lot to choose, the decisions are not always the best yet it's exciting to see the outcome of indecisiveness. Happier and crazier, manic but not mad in the sense of situational awareness.
Mares, mares, mares. Bitchy and witchy, fussy and lusty feminine beasts full of horny hormones. Erotic and chaotic, magical but impractical. Squealing sluts.
It's fucking raining, again.
Maybe more magic mushrooms will grow with all this cloud water so I can trip balls on spices and fungus with some fragrant flowers. This summer has been very wet and humid so far, perhaps in a week or two it shall brighten up. The solstice was last month and it was pouring it down on that day too, there was some thunder and lightning a couple of weeks ago.
>>149269That better be sweet tea you are talking about.
>>149270It's sweeter than pony piss, minty too.
What's your preference in reference to teas that make you pleased?
>>149271The only tea that is for me, is southern style sweet iced tea
>>149272Iced tea is never frozen as you wouldn't be able to drink it if it was, because then it would be a frozen tea.
My tea was sweet and hot, herbal and pleasant, honey invigorates the taste buds and nettle stings the tongue.
>>149273I’ve never had Euro style tea. I have yank tea. And like every thing from the norf it was terrible.
Why nettles though I’m genuinely curious about that.
>>149274>Why nettles though I’m genuinely curious about that.Stinging nettles contain beneficial alkaloids which when boiled and drank can help the body in a variety of ways, I enjoy it with honey and a mixture of berry teabags as the plain taste of freshly brewed nettle tea is foully bitter. I collect around 14 nettles around the beginning of May before they mature and bring them home then put them inside a cast iron Dutch cauldron (or pot) then add whatever I wish to sweeten the flavor, the aromatic smell of the nettles when they are boiling is earthy and vegetable. Sometimes I like to add dandelions to brew in the spring when they both start growing, other flowers like lavender or thistle go good in the summer when the dandelions die.
>Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) has been a staple in herbal medicine since ancient times. Ancient Egyptians used stinging nettle to treat arthritis and lower back pain, while Roman troops rubbed it on themselves to help stay warm >Its scientific name, Urtica dioica, comes from the Latin word uro, which means “to burn,” because its leaves can cause a temporary burning sensation upon contact.>The leaves have hair-like structures that sting and also produce itching, redness and swelling.>However, once it is processed into a supplement, dried, freeze-dried or cooked, stinging nettle can be safely consumed.
Psychotic delirium, the voices, the noises, the shadows. Schizoaffective Scottish detective. Bipolar polar bear was caught in a snare but I don't care.
Money for honey is funny, look it's lucky to be sunny ya dummies with big tummies. Keep curb stomping bunnies mummies. (maniacal laughter comes after the vodka)
Yiddish kabbalah don't like uisge beatha.
Ha ha.
The hobgoblin is hobbling down the road on his crutches, such as the toad with his knob gobbling, the snob on the hob with a big gob.
>>132978Is this the new tarot card reading thread?
>>150250It Could be, my guest of princest.
>>150255Ok tell me will Chris Chan die in prison or will he be back out on the streets within a year?
>>150257Yea I am srs. He’s been entertaining for years. If he dies we can’t milk the cow anymore
>>150259His mother shall die before he does while he is in prison and he will go to the funeral.
>>150288Tell me,Will the south ever rise again or will we be forever under the boot of the yankee?
>>150871I ain't no Alabama genie in a bottle, but it would be beneficial to reunite the confederacy and make the niggers slaves again.
It is possible given the right circumstances and armaments, Dixie could once again be reclaimed under the belt if the courage and volunteers to do so were provided, although the opportune time to strike would not be at this moment in time for your enemies are prepared for such a rebellion, patience is a virtue for one does not attack unless they are confident in their ability to defeat such an opponent.
Wait until the stars and stripes are unaligned enough for a southern surprise or wait for the yanks to inevitably fight another war for Israel and their backdoor is wide open. Then victory shall soon ensue.
>>150940>make the niggers slaves again.And to get entangled with them again?
The idea is to be as far from them as possible, not to have them onto White territory.
>>150942Build 6 million Titanic's and ship them to Israel because the Zulus don't want their cousins back, the Jews or Muslims will deal with them or if not deliver them to Egypt to reignite the slave trade.
>>150940Slavery was a mistake. This country would be much better off if it didn't have any niggers in the first place. It's unhealthy to have a permanent underclass of subhumans, even if they are enslaved.
Today, unskilled labor isn't nearly as scarce or as valuable as it used to be. Slavery wouldn't even be profitable in the modern age, when wagies work twice as hard and fight tooth and nail for minimum wage jobs.
>>150956It's better to enslave them in their own countries than to use them for manual labor in our lands, look at what the Afrikaners did to the kaffa's and what the English did to the Indians, they used them for the cultivation of exotically indigenous plants, fruits, herbs and spices. Or just fucked their women.
When they are brought overseas to do farm work or other menial tasks, the inferior races are open to the possibility of escaping and becoming feral like they are now. The current state of these districts that are infested with them are evident of their inability to cooperate or their susceptibility to addictive drugs, almost all of the large cities in the western world that have accepted the dogma of maddened multicultural civilization have fallen into petty crime or various other problems that tie into submissive racial embrace. The jigaboo ghettos in the southern states are another example of this.
They are a subclass of ourselves and thus should be treated like that, their genetics and bone structures prove that they are a different breed to myself, much like the types of horse breeds which have different skulls and differing intelligences between each other.
The corporate slavery of businesses upon white men and women should be abolished and replaced by that of communal trading or that of self sustained towns and families.
There is no dying need for the large industrial cities and parishes or the monolithic skyscrapers, it is a waste of effort and material to construct such towers that are only disgusting eyesores in reminiscence of Babylon.
But that's besides the point anyways.
>>150977Sounds like a waste it time, imo. It would be better just to employ white people and/or invest in automation for labor intensive industries.
>>150977>It's better to enslave them in their own countriesAgain, you are trying to keep a relationship with them.
>>150978Industrial mass production should be done in the tropical regions of the world, there is a reason why the Chinese sweatshops are so efficient in production in comparison to that of the European or even American factories, my vow is to go to the black lands and use the tribal population there in a similar fashion to that of the southern plantations did or the way Boers made them do their grape picking. In other words, the industries should all move to Africa to free up space in the northern hemisphere and import their goods from down there instead of nestling their greedy labyrinths of chemical filth here.
>>150979Exterminate them then, I see no issue in their removal nor their absence from this world. I do not need their putrid hands upon the machines or the fields, neither is it necessary for their foreign foods to be consumed when we have our own crop cultivation.
>>150981Elaborate the propose. For it carries no weight.
Conjure up the reason behind the refusal.
>>150980Empire building is gay. Governments should be focused on domestic issues and improving the quality of life of citizens, not keeping a constant military presence in third world shitholes to keep the local niggers in check.
Most things necessary to a country can be produced in excess at home, without having to go abroad to maintain colonies.
>>150980>my vow is to go to the black lands and use the tribal population there in a similar fashion to that of the southern plantations did or the way Boers made them do their grape pickingIt didn't go well for the Boers. The thing you propose is unsustainable in the long run.
>>150982>Elaborate the propose./mlpol/ is a board of Peace and Friendship, fren
So there's lots to consider barring moral implications. Not going to touch that.
Instead the economic, ecological, social, genetic, infrastructure, and monetary points to consider.
If you just take the resources out of a place regardless of the people, and you use your own workers your country is on the net positive for resources.
They stay there but it's not your problem. Even when they do stuff you might have to secure areas and that can get costly.
Building infrastructure over there means having not as much in your country to do the same thing. Having the capability to stand alone is nice to have.
Ecological is that some places have stuff that is really fucking hard to move around. If the biome is fucked your shit out of luck. Beside all the spiritual benefits of not living in a toxic burning dumpster.
Social is that some dip is going to want to bring them over in massive waves.
Genetically well you do whatever but that's the consequence you'll have to live with.
Logistics to and from the place is important, it's possibly the most important part of the long range operation.
Monetary for the little monopoly bucks you'll use at the resource extraction area. Then your currency is being pulled into another country.
If the little resources extraction point is too vital they could say fuck that and hold it till their demands are met.
>Just stop feeding and funding the warlords, because that's seriously what's going on.
>Close the borders
<Then how about
>Or even just the ocean.
>On the tech tree we're almost close enough where communication and distance and storage will reach a super stable point.
>wagies work twice as hard and fight tooth and nail for minimum wage jobs.
<if you had a society of mentally well people (and a lest corrupt government) wage slaves disappear and you get an influx of innovators, artists, thinks, culture, memes, food, design, aesthetics, grand works, structures that actually look good, things that have a little more effort in them, a communal spirit.
You'll always have low to un-skilled labor in some shape or form.
But the kind of hell would be lessened.
>Applied Political Ponerology
<Dogshit business practices go away and shit improves
<Asinine redtape goes away and things improve
<Bullshit in any club, activity, or meetup goes away
<Military gets better
<Schooling starts working!
Imagine that, now looking at the niggles fo shiggles, now back to the gleaming glimmering future.
Because then people could make choices that actually make sense instead of just the feefees, and being lead around like a beaten circus elephant.
It's crazy that even while occupied jumping to space is feasible.
That stopping the poisoning is possible in a crazy short amount of time.
At a certain point it becomes asinine to utilize some... beings in certain ways due to innate advantages and disadvantages. The costs vs the benefits.
Eventually something will probably have to be decided one day.
Now that said having emergency resource stockpile where you live that could last for a very long time is a good idea. Running out of that means you are now dependent somewhere else. Until or unless you find an alternative.
Since this is also /vx/ soon more wackey spiritual phenomena is to be made apparent. Getting those skill sets and professions and new 'old' communication lines working is one of a kind opportunity.
>>150983>Empire building is gay.And so it is.
The industries already operate abroad and they require no authority. Fairtrade does not require guns in order to maintain it's monopoly. Nor did the gold mines in Africa.
>Most things necessary to a country can be produced in excess at home, without having to go abroad to maintain colonies.There are many sustainable resources in the tropical regions of the world, colonial maintenance is not required under independence for then there is no colony.
The ability to self sustain oneself is becoming more difficult as time progresses and laws change under rule with regulations alongside licenses and certifications.
>>150984>It didn't go well for the Boers.Due to foreign intervention and lack of support, the apartheid south was always at conflict and destined to doom since the Dutch stepped foot there. The communists had a hand in their planned demise and supplied the blacks henceforth.
>The thing you propose is unsustainable in the long run.Not if the prim and proper measures are undertaken first, if an uprising occurs then usually it is a third party that intervenes in the coup d'état prior to the overthrow. A controlled population of farming niggers work if they are unable to group together when they are being monitored.
>>150985boohoo, want me to kiss your big toe and make it better?
Infringe the consent and turn the peace rune upside down to death, perhaps?
Correct it by misinterpreting it as I meant to exterminate all the black villagers in Minecraft.
>>150986Your points are solidified rather than liquified.
>>150988>Due to foreign intervention and lack of supportYou cannot ever be sure that you'll always be free of foreign intervention, or that you'll always have support. As foreign relations change, the colonies become more and more expensive to maintain.
Our government can't even fix potholes on my street, and it's supposed to maintain military presence in third world shitholes just to get cheap bananas or some shit? Governments shouldn't even consider crap like that unless they're already 100% satisfactory with their own domestic concerns, and prove themselves to be competent.
>>150989Sure, there are foreign agencies operating within and outside our borders, spyware that is used by the common folk and tracking devices too.
To be honest, I don't give a fuck about colonies or the general mass of the world, they can eat shit and die for all I care. Expenses are nothing more than a gain of a greedy game.
>Pothole repairsKek, neither can ours or the rest of Europe, Eastern Europe more so alongside the Slavic lands too.
The government should be blown up with 100 tones of dynamite and Minecraft TNT, it's the best solution.
Hermes, Mercury, Thoth.
Lugh. Epona. Bel.
In nomine Nix Tempis.
Ego probem devotum, ego amore Nix Tempis.
Pax vobiscum Nix tempis.
>>151015I hear stories of companies fixing roads the govt can't be bothered to fix.
Says a lot about our society.
>>151194Sometimes the electric, plumbing or gas corporations refill holes that they've made.
>Says a lot about our society.There are many ironic imperfections within the governmental structure, amidst the chaos of the modern world.
The contradictions within their authoritative delusions are easily recognized upon suspicion-aroused inspection.
>>151169My dear beloved mare you were the one for whom I gave the most care with your fair hair that i bushed incessantly and pleasantly, presently within my lair i still remember this year together that we shared and played. I'm sorry for not saying goodbye darling, it all happened so fast.
I loved you.
Amser eira...
>>151628>it all happened so fastThat it does fren. Without knowing your context, I sympathize most emphatically with your words and the spirit behind them.
>>151631The context is presumable, if you have an inkling of the past.
Last year the disappearance of Fionn brought forensic confusion and mania. Whilst the sudden death of Snow time has not been nearly as traumatic as the dismemberment of the previous bond, she has left the lingering stench of separation behind but not without dissatisfaction as previously before.
I accepted the mare's macabre ending as opposed to Fionn's relocation, upon which I gave my resentful rebellion for my love was taken away whereas Snow time has been put down by method of bolt to the brain.
My lessons learned from this snow mare have been unique and far more exciting than with any other pony, I had worked on gaining her trust for half a year before she recently died.
In which period of pleasure I had many hours of playtime. What I have been imposed upon by her end is that my time spent with this barren dame has made me happy and content. Even in her physical absence, the legacy of her spirit rests under my care and no one else. Of which I am content to assume the rewarding role of tail keeper, that I shall honorably claim as some traditional type of sentimental remembrance. Her body has been burned in what I can only presume as being an oven from Auschwitz, her ashes were not kept however.
>>151644She wanders through the darkness tonight, curious and studious, but alas, not studious. The presence of this invisible equine force is not unbeknownst to my awareness of her fairness, the erudition of this keen imagination is a mixture of comforted sorrow and benign melancholy.
The shadow of her spirit still lingers amongst the quiet hours of the night, translucent and angelic but nevertheless still somewhat haunting and daunting to bare solitary witness upon. This sepulchre specter is invigorating.
>>142752Almost a year ago now, back when i lacked a path and wandered in vain of hope within the snow. So many experiences have come and gone, good and bad, happy and sad...
It appears now more than before that these words have become more comprehensible in a manner that i can somewhat use in remorse of my perverse plans of the past and present, the future is still a mystery but i have the ability to shape it into >rape
>>142755To be frank, the vagueness was too far fetched for the mindset i used to be engulfed within. What i have willed has manifested but out of entirely emotional reasons.
>>150479I remember that day clearly as if it were yesterday, the 19th. It was a nicely sunny day at the ending of Leo when the summer cycle was turning.