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File (hide): EDE90770AE2050ED294B578C5F85ABB6-8384339.mp4 (8.0 MB, Resolution:640x360 Length:00:04:25, Black Magick SS - Hymn of Pride.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Black Magick SS - Hymn of Pride.mp4
i told you fags.png
132979 134958 135121 142611 150250
Last night was the new moon and i decided to do tarot cards and the 9th card i pulled was the upside down high priestess and i felt as if this card was extremely powerful in it's symbolism and all throughout today they have been number 9's everywhere, it also says "a secret is about to be revealed" and is ruled by la Luna so i know exactly what it means and it is not good.
Obviously the meaning of the card has come true with the fucking FBI posting this >>>/mlpol/280249 →
And activision posting this >>>/mlpol/280250 →
Obviously means that a secret has been revealed but i think there is more yet to come over the next couple of dates that involve the number 9, as the date (((they))) have revealed (((their))) secrets had the number 9.
I am obviously right, now that you can see.
The explanation of the upside down version card of the card reads as "delay all plans, because there are hidden obstacles or enemies. Be discreet"
Obviously i have not been discreet so the glow niggers might be hot on my ass trying to find me as this is something they probably don't want (You) fags to know, if i am abducted please know that this is the best Chan on the internet as of the moment and i had many laughs here.
I don't know why wouldn't still believe me.
295 replies and 154 files omitted.
The eclipse screenshot was from last night but forgot to post it.
88 69.png

134923 134934
>1st image
The comment is the center of attention because it has 1.4k likes, 69 comments and was made 9 months ago, the likes is obvious since it refers to the 14 words, the 69 is showing that the 14 words is thought about by more people and there is something else going on behind the scenes in the astral dimension, it was made 9 months ago and it is the 9th month now which means the 14 words are going to come into play by next September.
The comment itself speaks about the new generation which is funny if you look at the numbers.
>2nd image
I see four 9's in this one and there is also a 666, over the next 4 months by new year there will be a lot of Satanism in the media in winter since the album is called "Sun of Man IV" and it even has IV which is 4 and there is four 9's which means there is a lot of numbers repeating themselves, maybe inside of January there will be a great enforcement by the police.
>3rd image
76 9 and 5 are the only non repeating numbers, there is a lot of things referencing me or that's what i see since the 12th of this month was 7 years since it was posted and that was the night i saw the orb, it says something about secrets revealed under the eclipse and further restrictions by then.
This one doesn't really have any meaning other than me learning and using chi at some point, a slight nod to me spreading Vril.
This one is referencing Hitler in the use of black magic, mostly occult symbolism and there is 1.9K likes, 12.1K subs and 191 dislikes, add 2 and two 9's together and you get 20 which is funny since the date it was posted happened on the 20th of the 2nd month so you a couple of 20's, i think it means there is a lot of shit that's gonna go down in the future, essentially the people in power want to make this year hell.
>Pic related
Four 27's in this that i just saw, the beginning of a great fire on the last day of January in Washington, i see the white house or the pentagon involved in this somehow.
I closed my eyes and saw the pentagon shape.
Maybe a witch hunt by the glow niggers on the internet or the internet will go up in flames around that time, there are a couple of possibilities for this one but one of these will happen around that time.
You're literally pulling shit out of your ass based on likes and shit of youtube videos.
Well the same thing happens in cards, you pull a card which has a number on it and has a certain affiliation with symbolism and the stars, the videos are music and there is almost always a form of reference in the lyrics to something unless there is no lyrics but the name of the song influences the meaning the most.
Are you going to actually try and make an argument this time against my techniques are you talking shit again?


So just renaming things, because I fucked up.
Well I suppose here and now's a good of a time as any.
Lastly I asked what would happen if I did share these results. Once again honesty is the best policy in the long run.
>pic the first.
The next three in actual chronological order is of the tree reading.
More coming in the next post.
Why are you posting these here?
Do you want me to spoon feed you?
Nah, I just had to post them here. It's what needed to be done at the moment.
Okay then.
Let me see if I've got this straight. You're suggesting that because a guy put 666 in his name and posted a youtube video, that means theres gonna be a push by the mainstream media towards satanic influences in a year or so.
This is beyond parody.
There's a city in CA where all the phone numbers start with 666, you'd love it there
Okay so you are talking about California and the video up-loader now? What does that have to do with what i have posted?
And i thought Nigel was the number 1 at derailing but it turns out we have a competitor to take his name.

Seriously though if there is 666 in California then that is obviously a occult method of control, i don't think you have any idea what magic is so i would recommend you to:
>lurk moar
As so far you have not backed any of your claims and neither have you made a solid statement other than.
>(You) are wrong because i said so
Which is pretty childish of you, there is nothing that is solid to your sentences as they are without foundation, literally Reddit tier responses.

I can see you don't understand and you are angry because of it, you can either help yourself or remain dumb fully angry without thought.
134937 134938
What does the videographers name, which you derive the 666 forecast from, have to do with it and why am I bringing it up? Are you mental?
>lurk moar
No u. You seem to be laboring under the delusion that you and your methods are immune to criticism, and that anyone who 'doesnt get it' is buttmad because reasons you probably divined from your latest gas station receipt (excuse me, 'petrol'). Your error is compounded when people who do know what they are talking about reference the fact that you are clearly an overzealous attention whore who feels entitled to 'impress, wow, and minister' to the vapid unwashed who are not on your level, who you then claim are not on your level.
Make no mistake, I'm not offering a counterparty method of metaphysics (numerological or otherwise) because your method is not credible enough to warrant it. Candle meditation has more legitimacy than what you are trying to pass off as numerology.
There's fundamental breakdown of communication going on here.
What's the core point you're trying to make?
134939 134944
aryanne is used to this shit.png
>What does the videographers name, which you derive the 666 forecast from, have to do with it and why am I bringing it up?
The channel controller is different from the band or the song as they almost never have anything to do with it when they are only uploading the songs, they did not create them so it does not belong to them, the date of the upload might but the name does not essentially play a part in it because they are not associated with the song or band.
It does not matter who uploads the songs since the guy has uploaded way more songs than just that one, so you are connecting opposite things together which are insignificant.
Are you mental?
Probably more sane than you, you resort to calling me crazy now because you can't see what the point of it is, i am the opposite of your brain patterns which you see as an anomaly thus you view me as alien.
>No u.
for (You)
>You seem to be laboring under the delusion that you and your methods are immune to criticism, and that anyone who 'doesnt get it' is buttmad because reasons you probably divined from your latest gas station receipt (excuse me, 'petrol').
I am not immune to criticism but i have yet to see a proper critical question that opposes my ways come from you so i am still waiting for a ear-raiser, but you lack the essential way of criticizing since your only way of breaking down what i am doing is just pointing to them being numbers without telling the why or how they are wrong.
Show me why and i will listen, i am waiting for it but it has not yet come.
>Your error is compounded when people who do know what they are talking about reference the fact that you are clearly an overzealous attention whore who feels entitled to 'impress, wow, and minister' to the vapid unwashed who are not on your level, who you then claim are not on your level.
Depends on the question raised, if i have thought long on something and have assumed a clear path of thought on the subject then i will defend it devoutly but when proved wrong i understand, i think about what makes something work and what doesn't so this way of divination works because it is completely random, you cannot control the exact number that a video has but you can control a store bought item since that is specifically priced according to-rules and regulations, so that is what makes it suitable for influence from the forces.
I am attempting to go above the normal man as i have always been unequal to everyone and no one is truly equal due to genetics and race.
>Make no mistake, I'm not offering a counterparty method of metaphysics (numerological or otherwise) because your method is not credible enough to warrant it.
Again you claim i am not a "worthy" opponent of debate so you repeat yourself by not explaining why i am wrong, you run circles without a second thought.
>Candle meditation has more legitimacy than what you are trying to pass off as numerology.
Okay this is getting pretty funny, you compare candle meditation to random number divination which is evident you have no idea what you are saying.
You are spitting claims that i am a plastic messiah without explaining why, yet again.

So far you have been disappointing with every post, you claim to know magic but do not show that you do, you claim i am fake without really explaining why, you claim that numbers are a inadequate way of performing divination without explaining how and lastly you make unrelated comparisons to unrelated subjects.
What are you? Some sort of cryptic keeper of knowledge who doesn't share his toys of wisdom? Fucking hilarious.
134940 134944
OP is a faggot
>using random numbers to pull shit out of my ass is way more legit than staring at a candle to pull shit out of my ass
While I would leave it at that, theres an important message there.
What do your 'numerology' methods have in common with candle meditation? The person doing it.
I'm not saying you shouldnt pull shit out of your ass based upon random numbers, I'm just saying you should be willing to call a spade a spade. What you're doing is a form of mentalism; I see this, which I correlate with that. It's not numerology at all.
Tl;dr. If you wanna read tea leaves and larp as nostradamus, have fun with that. You're still just reading tea leaves and larping as nostradamus.
When did i say candle magic is inferior?
I am not experienced in it so i prefer to use methods that i have found that suite me, if that bothers you then so be it.
You can call it whatever you want but i am looking at how the numbers correlate with each other and deducing my methods from them, if i am performing "mental-ism" then i wouldn't need numbers.
Still waiting for that gospel.
You also seem incapable of debate, why is that you cannot refute my points but instead swerve around them and call me names?
I don't listen to you because of your arrogance as you are filled to the brim with it.
I offered a detailed explanation and you have ignored them, you bring nothing new to the table, YET AGAIN.
134944 134946
Incorrect. Mentalism is all about stimulus response; for you, the random numbers are that stimulus.
No u
>offering nothing new
That's not true at all. That its neither to your liking nor what you think it should be is immaterial. But okay, I'll throw you a bone.
The whole point of numerology is to understand the significance of numbers and then use them deliberately to achieve a greater degree of order in your life by their observance and application. The end goal being to sort yourself as an individual in the process of becoming a more formidable and competent individual. It is not however, intended to be a vehicle by which to tilt at windmills while employing an absurd and unwarranted sense of megalomania with reference to the topic.
Tl;dr. You're supposed to use numbers to become better, not to self-aggrandize on the internet about your speshul powerzzz
134946 134948 134951
Hey. Same dude here who suggested making this thread on /vx/ a while ago. I've been coming to check out what's going on here periodically. This is the point I feel I should jump in, as I think there are things here you failed to notice. But before that, some backstory to put what I'm about to post into context:
I'm a skeptic, and tend to not believe in gods and supernatural things. Well, more accurately, I don't believe stuff just because people said so. The more complex one's claim is, the more proof it needs, the more ready they need to be to answer any follow-up questions. As our time is finite, the inverse tends to be the case. The more complex your claim is, the less you are able to sufficiently demonstrate that everything it encompasses is the actual truth. Hence people rejecting stuff like holy books and complex ideologies right from the start. They are skeptics, critical thinkers, and I am among them.
That said, I have learnt long ago to be respectful towards you wizard types. Just because I don't take someone's word for something, that alone doesn't mean it can't be the case, it just means I personally don't take it for granted.

So, onward to the point: The burgerbro you are replying to is a skeptic, but an especially retarded one. His stance is that your divination method straight up doesn't work, not because your method is flawed, but because he believes divination itself is just fiction.
First he tried larping a bit with
>Make no mistake, I'm not offering a counterparty method of metaphysics (numerological or otherwise) because your method is not credible enough to warrant it.
letting the reader believe he's just saying your methods are shit, but doesn't outright claim he rejects the whole concept.
I started typing out this reply, but then he posted this, stepping out of the facade >>134939
(And the post ended in a 9. Make of that what you will.)
So, just to clear things up, know all of this and treat his posts accordingly:

-He rejects the whole notion of divination. In fact, he conflates number-based divination with numerology.
-He doesn't know this whole random number divination shit is pretty old and an integral part of chan-type imageboard culture.
-He also doesn't know that it is in essence an Internet-age rebirth of Jungian synchronicity, stepped up to turbo-speed.
-He probably doesn't know what half of these words even mean.
-Him using the term "mentalism" is meant to drive home the point that what you are doing is akin to what a magicians do. He's calling you a magician. A prestidigitator. He's also kind of implying you're tricking yourself too, and not just the audience.

And considering all of the above, I think it is worth to ask:
What the actual fuck are you doing on /vx/, lad? This is the home of video games and the paranormal. This thread fits the latter, and it is clearly addressed to people who either have an interest in this type of "random number divination" / synchronicity interpretation / whatever you want to call it. It isn't about discussing whether divination itself is valid or not, it is literally just about Bong Anon reporting his findings he achieved through a method he believes to work. So, again, what the fuck are you doing here? If you feel like venting about how this shit so fake, then go write a blog post about it or something, because nobody here cares. Not even the lurkers. You think it's not real? Okay. Read it as fiction and move on. OP was sensible enough to not shit up other threads with his posts related to this when pointed out he's being off-topic. So kindly don't shit up this thread with trying to convince the self-proclaimed divination wizard that he's actually a magician. Thank you.
I offer you this, i understand the significance of the numbers and i use their meaning to compose an idea of the future by observing them, that is all i am doing, i am not going away from the meaning of them but instead i look at how they interact with the other numbers depending on the level of random repetition.
Do you have any backup to your claims of how numerology works? Or are you repeating yourself for the 6 millionth time?
I am applying my force onto the numbers and seeing how it bounces between each of them, i am not going crazy as it depends on how much i am concentrated on them which usually produces an effect from them, if there is no effect or way it correlates with the specific song or other numbers then it is a dead end but when there is a repeat of certain numbers then i pay attention to the ones that spike my interest.
Skeptics are usually great thinkers, i do not believe the modern works of modern science since it seems to be all mere guess work.
I used to be one but i wondered if there really is something more than meets the eye, so i delved deep and found somethings which rustled my curiosity which lead to further investigation and came to the conclusion that there is something than just us but most men do not wish to look or find out just because they are bored.
When you call out to something and that something responds in a way you never expected it changes you, as when there is no other way it could possibly be anything else i realized i am not alone.
To find out if something exists you must search for it and decide if it exists or not from your personal findings, basically you need proof before you start believing in fairies as most of the shit you hear everywhere is nonsensical make belief or is simply just a story without anything else to prove it.
134950 134952
>why are you here?
I'm a metaphysicist; this sort of thing is my avocational stock and trade
The last one is spot on, but the rest is abject horseshit, though its amusing that you think I dont recognize divination as being legitimate.
Bong anon could gave saved himself alot of this had he given more emphasis to the fact that these are his subjective impressions rather than being objective conclusions, with an admittedly self-concocted method that so far doesnt pass the sniff test. But now I'm rather enjoying myself and since we ARE discussing the topic at hand, you'll pardon me if I opine as I feel the inclination. No thanks are necessary
>I'm a metaphysicist; this sort of thing is my avocational stock and trade
>Bong anon could gave saved himself alot of this had he given more emphasis to the fact that these are his subjective impressions rather than being objective conclusions
Didn't think I'd see one here.
Well since you're here do you happen to believe in scientology or some wack ass shit like that?
What exactly kind of metaphysicist are you?
I am a psychologist. I cause the world to shift and tremble not at my command, but because it is what must be.
I am a chaos magician. A layman of metaphysics, and connoisseur of mystery.
All useless titles that mean jack shit without from proof. So feed me faggot.
What say you?

Excellent post frien.
>you think I dont recognize divination as being legitimate
Also you:
>>using random numbers to pull shit out of my ass is way more legit than staring at a candle to pull shit out of my ass
>If you wanna read tea leaves and larp as nostradamus, have fun with that. You're still just reading tea leaves and larping as nostradamus.
You are referring to divination as a one pulling shit out of one's arse. Couldn't be more clear. So either give an example of actual divination, or fuck off.
>haha you're just saying random shit
Is not a critique of a certain method of divination, and is much more likely to be (I think correctly) interpreted as a rejection of the concept itself.
>The last one is spot on, but the rest is abject horseshit
Thanks for confirming you do not even understand the concepts mentioned in the first 3 clarification points. At least read the wiki page on synchronicity FFS.
>we ARE discussing the topic at hand
You want to discuss his method (whether out of curiosity or to point out faults)? Good. Try actually doing that then.
You are not discussing it, you are just stating over and over again that OP is full of shit. That's not discussion, and if that is all you have to say, then one short post would've sufficed. At this point this is drifting into derailment territory, so I'll leave you with this: Either post something that actually furthers the discussion, or don't expect a reply.
Luciferian, since you asked
Belief? Are you draft? Having said, there is wisdom to be gleaned from studying any/all all traditions including scientology, not that one should ever promote scientology unironically.
But now we ARE getting off topic.
The thing about divination is that one is accessing ALL potential futures, not just that which is inevitable. It is for this reason that everyone - particularly the person divining - needs to take with a grain of salt what their findings are. The problem with the divining method indicated (at least as its explained) is that the user is susceptible to all sorts of energetic phenomena that can skew their results.
Yes, divination is literally pulling shit out of your ass. The method is supposed to metaphysically filter out unrelated input and thought. Didnt you know that? I'm being cheeky in my reference, but that alludes to taking everything with a grain of salt which by the way, was the point of my nostradamus quip (it was aimed at OP's grandiose sense of self, not the practice of divination). When I perform ritual, I literally call it "the song and dance". Its deliberate irreverence, but since terse language seems to bother you perhaps I should use more.
>thanks for clarifying
You're welcome. I'd hate for you to not know how laughably misguided your conclusions are.
Self divinity and all that right?
Well, I have to say being an excessive dick tends to have a negative outcome over time.
>The thing about divination is that one is accessing ALL potential futures, not just that which is inevitable. It is for this reason that everyone - particularly the person divining - needs to take with a grain of salt what their findings are. The problem with the divining method indicated (at least as its explained) is that the user is susceptible to all sorts of energetic phenomena that can skew their results.
Finally something that makes sense.
From what I see the number bit is being in the right place at the right time noticing and connecting meanings that on the physical level have no real connection, but due to the momentum and putting stuff together from that perspective the fabricated information shows some relevance to this reality and timeline. The knowledge base, and current views of reality as well play a part.
A constant living ritual if you will. It is in this case more attuned to this reality and the subset of futures. Having entities that actually want to see (((them))) fail does help a bit. Normal amount of interference by them as well.
>inevitable future
It's a bit more pliable than that the 'higher' 'up' and 'out' you go. Many have some invested interests in specific futures.
More importantly I have an interested interest.
>I'd hate for you to not know how laughably misguided your conclusions are.
Well pulling out useful positions out of your ass just means when you ride a bike with the seat off its the usual.
>normal interference
Is that what this is then?
>Obviously i have not been discreet so the glow niggers might be hot on my ass trying to find me as this is something they probably don't want (You) fags to know, if i am abducted please know that this is the best Chan on the internet
Cuz that looks like more than 'normal interference'. I mean, the latter part is accurate, but the rest seems a bit reaching
That's not interference, interference is the degree of which divinations and predictions are reliable and true to.
Akin to someone hiding the fact there is a building in the future that will become a hot spot. The ripple effects are there, but trying to do a read on that an entity might try to feed in some bs to throw off the prediction. Or a message being twisted and misinterpreted do to outside influencers.
>>Obviously i have not been discreet so the glow niggers might be hot on my ass trying to find me as this is something they probably don't want (You) fags to know, if i am abducted please know that this is the best Chan on the internet
What's wrong with this? It seems fine to me.
Sure the likely hood of being in a physical altercation due to a random anon correctly predicting stuff is kinda slim. They would bury it in bullshit, and proceed to go about different means and methods that would get the job done. Not to mention the degree of competency.
It's not "There are glow niggers hot on my ass AHHHHH!" it's a deduction that the information could prove to be valuable. In the worst case he said his piece.
Silencing anon would be counterproductive, sure they would do all they can to discourage and disincentivise magic.
This is communication, and human based perspectives that can hold erronious judgments, and emotional charges, and altered states of mind.
That doesn't mean the divination is wrong, or that it failed. It doesn't even mean that the means of how it's typed is wrong either nor that a different phrasing would get the right message across even if it's not exactly what the direcr divination said.
It's useful information.

The logical progression of events make sense from a certain point of view, and the necessity for stating that is useful by also making doing so problematic as others are alerted of Anon's absence.
Reality is on a technical level is strange as fuck.
Alright i was just doing tarot cards and as i was shuffling the pentacles of nine fell out upside down,
The card's reversed meaning reads as
>Heavy debts, or a successful life that rests on misfortunes of others. Dangers of theft.
This might haves something to do >>134959
This anon since his dad had a dream which involved theft, watch out anon in case anything goes down around you.
Is there by any chance you are a earth sign? I don't mean for you to give your date of birth but are you a Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn? Because the pentacles is associated with the earth element.

Anyways the cards read as:
1, upside down 6 of wands, this refers to something personal so i am not gonna talk about it here.
2, upside down world card, this is the indication of the new moon since the cycle begins anew.
3, 3 of wands this is a sign of luck so i think i will soon find happiness and the Libra moon will bring some form of luck.
4, upside down knight of cups, this is referring to me leaving Fionn in the past and accepting she is gone. Tfw.
5, upside down justice, this means the law shall soon do something in the near present but before the Libra sign begins.
I expect another crack lives matter thing with a dindu to happen in the next coming days, been a while since some action for the cunts with the controllers so something furthering the burning of California and the increase of nigger ash piles.
Well, I might as well make a token appearance of anonymity for now and can't deny or confirm anything.
I will say, I've been getting alot of cards that deal with riches, and nobility.
Also death, and the various situation going on in the world. Chaos and the like. Also evil.
At the end good times. 10 of cups (happiness), and various positive cards (even a 4 of cups for personal related matters at times).
Also to beware of spycraft and the like.

Also sharing and caring and the power of friendship. Also being nepotistic, and generally shitty at the job has consequences. Being lax or lazy looks like it'll be costly.
134980 134981 134997
Asked for a card to share that has meaning. Here's the last judgement.
jew lightning.png
Fuck didn't mean to post but i accidentally did high as shit right now, which is for easier interpretation so i'll keep it there.
Carrying on:
6, 2 of cups, this is a indication of love returning to me in the future under the Libra sign, i know what it means totally but i won't type it here.
7, upside down devil, this refers to me as well in the magical sense because of the number 7 it is a sign of positive actions to people in the past and drug use.
8, tower, this is number XVI and devil was XV so they have a connection, this indicates something major will happen in the media and somehow bighead narrow nonce's will wake up a bit more. (sheep)
9. 6 of pentacles, (reverse the numbers and you get 69) things will be burned, fueled by demon lives shatter commies.
People will realize Negros and darker in soul then they might think, a well and true nigger will be killed for doing something terrible and fellow baboons will start to howl.

A couple of ones i picked at random but most of them were personal so i'll keep them at heart, got a repeat of V and the five of cups i think has more meaning than the 5 of swords as it refers to the anon in this thread, as 5 of cups refers to struggle and becoming stronger at the end, kind of relating to this anon's >>134978
>At the end good times. 10 of cups,
Because 5 add 5 is 10 in case you don't see the connection.
I understand your value of anonymity, the death cards you have been pulling are the most accurate, just feel like they are so i listen to what my body tells me is right.
Laziness is referring to the current state of the world.
Motherfucking what, War of the sorcerer was playing when you uploaded this! This is a strong card as the song is about calling up the dead, fucking wow.
This might reference that i am right in my predictions as it is a direct link to me and you.
Well what do you know, digital Judgement has been pulled again. Double judgement time.
Pulled the lovers next. One moment.
>I asked what would be of use, the fool came and answered.
I then forgot to click remane. Again.
I have been thinking about the lovers card all day yesterday and when i was doing the cards but never got it.
Here it is now, without me even having to pull it, it tells me something about me being complete inside of love.
This is 100% related to me, it might have a meaning to you but it tells something definitely personal.
This is something that is meant for you and not me so i can't understand it.

I believe my tarot readings are more accurate then the song numbers, there is something in the numbers but it depends on how many there are, the more numbers that are constantly repeating themselves are better but tarot has more accuracy as i am experienced in doing it on the new moon so it i have found to be easier at this time.
Gonna go to sleep in the next 20 minutes, i'll try tell you whatever before then.
Probably I've seen alot of the fool today.
And the knight of pentacles.
The knight of pentacles was at the front of the pack when i started.
I think the upside down version is more influential than the normal version, what way around was the first knight of pentacles?
The nigger that commits the crime will be of the earth element.
Goodnight frien.
Makes sense. [s[Do tarot cards dream of mystical sheep?
His zodiac shall be of the earth element.
Goodnight and sweet dreams.
have an image of her glory, the goddess of the moon.
She bestows power on this dark phase as it begins anew once again.
Probably, they can any meaning to pretty much anything, doesn't matter what but they will tell you about it, if you know what they are telling you.
But this monkey is a bit different as he is soon to be on the spotlight, so the world is getting him dressed up for his big stage show, some shit like that.
>His zodiac sign shall be of the earth element.
luna 25.png
Got this gem before i decided to head to bed.
I am gonna try estimate this because i feel in the mood to share it.
Somehow is a reference to this song >>134880
And the anon who got the 777 get on /mlpol/, perhaps his estimations are true.
The only screenshot i didn't dissect is now being dissected.

Have a goodnight, was gonna go to sleep earlier but wanted to study the meaning of this gem, couldn't get any more hidden in plain sight than this bastard.
69 777.png
Fuck forgot the goddamn image.
The screenshot references >>134979
The judgement card (You) got because dead is rising from the dead to tell us some anon was right because of numbers.