Last night was the new moon and i decided to do tarot cards and the 9th card i pulled was the upside down high priestess and i felt as if this card was extremely powerful in it's symbolism and all throughout today they have been number 9's everywhere, it also says
"a secret is about to be revealed" and is ruled by la Luna so i know exactly what it means and it is not good.
Obviously the meaning of the card has come true with the fucking FBI posting this
>>>/mlpol/280249 → And activision posting this
>>>/mlpol/280250 → Obviously means that a secret has been revealed but i think there is more yet to come over the next couple of dates that involve the number 9, as the date (((they))) have revealed (((their))) secrets had the number 9.
I am obviously right, now that you can see.
The explanation of the upside down version card of the card reads as "delay all plans, because there are hidden obstacles or enemies. Be discreet"
Obviously i have not been discreet so the glow niggers might be hot on my ass trying to find me as this is something they probably don't want (You) fags to know, if i am abducted please know that this is the best Chan on the internet as of the moment and i had many laughs here.
I don't know why wouldn't still believe me.
(There is 2 fourteens and two eighty eight's.)
Oh shit it's happening again.
>>134816Not as good as the other but decent enough.
>>134812There is no fives, sixes, sevens OR
nines in this get.
I am clearly showing this to you, do you understand that this is unusual?
>>134818<134818Okay this post also has a 1488 in it, 4818 is 1488 mixed up and then there is 13 so i think it means the 13th tribe is trying to eliminate the Aryans because 1488 is white nationalist for racial supremacy, or that's what the Jew's say it is, so 1488 is hidden in plain sight but no one can really see it but just me.
>>134819>4818 is 1488 mixed up and then there is 13I think you are stretching this too far.
>>134825I can number-crunch this bitch for you.
>Time is 2020>Luna's distance is 369 965<The percentage is 88
Guess i don't have to explain myself here, De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas.
All right i have been wondering what this all means and i think it has something to do with the next eclipse that's going to happen i am very certain something is going to happen, you can believe me or not but this is going to be a very significant astrological prediction.
>>134827Of these numbers
<76 666The next eclipse is in 76 days so i think that this is very important, the sons of the devil shall come out of hiding and reveal themselves.
Alright the numbers are consistently repeating themselves which is a sign that this eclipse is gonna be quite a unique one, i shall repeat what i have previously posted:
Prepare for the eclipse.
Because this ones gonna be fun.
>>134828US election in 50 days.
76 days for the London eclipse.
>>134567California troubles as well.
And Corona vaccine
So I'm thinking why would they show themselves in winter.
An ill prepared force attacking in winter and the snow would be rough.
But, if they cut utilities, and transportation people would be in for a very rough time. An incident that would be justification for the UN to 'peacefully' invade.
Perhaps another 'outbreak' or real outbreak.
Not to mention the economic punch to the gut.
At least for the US.
I'm sure they are also plotting something in every country as well.
Prepare for famine. Expect them to act in all ways they can.
(((They))) might have set this up so three of their main enemies can end each other. The whites, the Christians, and the Mudslimes.
They are going to make things hot, and point the blame to eradicate those who would make their world be impossible. The rest left over would be the lemmings, the sheep, the unknowing slaves, and the knowing slaves.
They will leave no one with a hint of resistance unmolested.
They will probably be in the streets dancing and celebrating early before the deed is completely finished. Exposing themselves entirely.
Have you ever seen an elephant jump? This message is gossip and ought to be taken with grains of salt. Their red flag flies. There are more allies that are our guys. The spider that entrapped humanity will be burnt by the buzzing of bees. Ten fold, ten fold. The foes will fail to end it all, but try to do. Radiation, Air displacement, space rods, unleashing the plagues, ripping the arteries of nations, fighting tooth and nail, and begging for mercy to attain their victory with backstabbing. Keep your friends close and the eon enemies in caskets. Amontillado.Hopefully that interpretation of a gift of gossip helps.
>>134829There is 3 9's in this post, the last number of the post is 9, the second it was posted ended in a 9 and that was my 49th post in the thread.
I'm going to sleep now so take my advice or ignore it.
>>134830>spoilerI saw a dead spider and a dead dragonfly before i left and saw the spirit in the fields, fucking strange how you specifically typed spider and buzzing because dragonfly's make a very loud buzzing noise.It will be a prime opportunity for them to try everything in their power to enforce the apocalypse. I took this piece of rye home with me to see if it had ergot because i wanted to see what i could do with it but it turned out to be fly eggs on it instead so they hatched and the maggots were black so i gassed them and salted them, if that isn't a sign of pestilence then i don't know what is, don't take this as ill advice to prepare because i think (((they))) will try and enforce the vaccine of Satan onto everyone around this time because the Jew's love numerology and so i see through their tactics and attempt to predict (((their))) next move.
I have out Jew'ed the Jew.
>>134831You look like intoxicated with an overdose of redpills.
Calm down anon, you need to rest.
>>134831>>134832Sleep tight friends. The time for rest and recuperation, and the time for action are important dualities to balance.
>>134832Well i don't like Jew's so i try everything in my capability to smite them, no matter how crazy i might be seen i know their tactics so i use them against them, i don't partake in kabbalah but i understand demonology or try to at least.
>>134856Avoiding showing off and keeping a low profile is best.
>>134831>this means that and that means this, which coupled with the other thing = illuminati confirmedThat's not how numerology works anon
>>134858I am trying to understand the numbers and in the process i am recognizing patterns which you may ponder about or ignore.
Numerology works in a lot of ways but if you try to listen to what the numbers are saying using your eyes then you will see.
(You) can only understand if you pay attention but magic works in a very strange fashion so not everyone sees the same things either because they were never meant to or they predetermined to see it, (((they))) are not fully fool-proof in their plans.
So if numerology doesn't work that way then how does it then? Are you sure you know how it works?
>>134859>>134858>That's not how numerology works anonIf I had to classify magic of extracting information from whatever, I'd put this more in the camp of chaos magic and personal understanding. Maybe even techo druid divination or something.
>if you pay attention but magic works in a very strange fashion so not everyone sees the same things either because they were never meant to or they predetermined to see itOne could video record a ripple in the water the wind through the trees, and birds flying over head with a lawnmower starting to find meaning. Not necessarily that any of those things have a 1-to-1 meaning, or even have a technically sensible logic to it.
Other times it's a backdrop for a message to be made.
>Step 1. The thingy.>Step 2. Experiencing the thingy.>Step 3. ???>Step 4. Profit! In this case the message is delivered.Skipping to step 2 also works. Or even step 3.>>134857Being in public would be one hell of an experience.
All sorts of peoples, plots, and entities see you're acting out in the open. Dangerous option, it will show you exactly how much you're worth to these groups. Dead or alive, the temptations and offers, and to what extent they will be willing to go to for whatever they decide to do.
Going half cocked is not good. If the protections aren't up to stuff, and the physical body isn't really at a hard working tough physical condition you might have a problem. Not to mention targeting anyone you might have cared about.It would be a magical time probably is some pretty terrible ways. Directly confronting them, and other malicious parties would be pretty interesting.
I would not advise that course of action. Being able to do that? Yes. Doing it? If necessary. Magical proxy stuff can be very effective.
Oh shit it's happening again.
>>134867Oh? You're about to go off on another farcical tangent of extra-ordinary proportions because of sequential numbers on an image board?
I bet you would like me to tell you what these ones mean if you are so keen.
It has something to do with Hitler again.
>>134870No actually. You've already eliminated yourself as being potentially credible/authoritative, so why would I?
>>134874>You've already eliminated yourself as being potentially credible/authoritative, so why would I?And how have i managed to do that?
Here's another one for you, the date just hit 16/9 here so it has a meaning if you think about the meaning of the numbers, which i know you love doing because you are such a genius mathematician that understand every number.
Here's another one for (You) to do with your homework.
>>134874Do you have anything better to bring to the table anyways?
Are you trying to understand the numbers?
IF you know how numerology works then why don't you give me a lesson? Or will you ignore the possibilities of the meanings of them?
Another complex math problem that only (You) can solve.
>>134875>howBy posting, of course
>16/9Oh look, its ALSO 9/16! Oh shit! That could mean twice the things! Luckily you're here to dictate by your juju powers what is correct.
>>134877>anything betterNot really. I figure offering confirmation that OP is a faggot who perhaps (I'm being generous) knows A (singular) tradition and thereby is not in a credible/authoritative position to opine on what is or isnt numerology (in a macroscopic context) would be sufficient.
But while I'm here, what would you like?
Oh messiah what does the 69 mean?
Without you we are stumped!
>>134879>By posting, of courseSo by your logic i shouldn't post because i hurt your feelings?
Makes sense.
>Oh look, its ALSO 9/16! Oh shit! That could mean twice the things! Luckily you're here to dictate by your juju powers what is correct.How wonderful is it that someone finally understands how much of a god i am, someone to stroke my ego.
What do you see the numbers as? Just shapes?
>Not really. I figure offering confirmation that OP is a faggot who perhaps (I'm being generous) knows A (singular) tradition and thereby is not in a credible/authoritative position to opine on what is or isnt numerology (in a macroscopic context) would be sufficient.So you decide to ignore the signs and preach silence, i may not be as accurate of a navy seals sniper as you but at least i'm trying.
Are you trying to understand the numbers? (You) still have yet to tell me your gospel on numerology.
>But while I'm here, what would you like?I would like to know what you see the numbers as, what meaning do they have to you? If you consider my view to be false.
What does this one mean to you?
>>134881Oh, it's not my jimmies that've been rustled. By all means, post as you like
>preach silenceWhy is it always that way? Every time an uppity faggot is challenged, the presented dichotomy is always "You either listen to MEEE or you ar DOOOOMED!"
Like, I cant even employ a degree of skepticism without affronting your divinely derived god powers. How dare I detract? What a faggot.
Quick tip. Ppl who have authority in this genre dont need to self-validate by asserting their authority. When one has authority (read: skill, competence) it is evident by their expression. It doesnt for example, look like a garbled series of proofs based on internet numbers. For example.
>Why is it always that way? Every time an uppity faggot is challenged, the presented dichotomy is always "You either listen to MEEE or you ar DOOOOMED!"
It seems you are straw-manning me, why do you believe i am wrong? I said before that you can believe me or not but i am specifically asking you WHY because it seems you don't like how i rub off on you and when asked why you seem to ignore what i have asked you.
(You) specifically posted:
>But while I'm here, what would you like?
And yet you have not explained why, why are you tip toeing around this?
>Like, I cant even employ a degree of skepticism without affronting your divinely derived god powers. How dare I detract? What a faggot.
And what are you the yin to my yang? All praise be me and you for being cunts.
>Quick tip. Ppl who have authority in this genre dont need to self-validate by asserting their authority. When one has authority (read: skill, competence) it is evident by their expression.
And what does that "expression" look like?
Do they go around whispering runes?
>It doesnt for example, look like a garbled series of proofs based on internet numbers. For example.
Then what does it look like then? You seem to not explain the whys or hows but instead claim that i am a faker without explaining why i am. What do you know about divination if you claim to know everything about it?
Or this one? What does this one mean to you? (You) still have ignored what i asked of your opinion of the numbers, instead you attack me and call me a untrue faggot.
I would like to (You) do some divination if you claim to know it better than me.
>>134884>why do you believe I am wrongBecause you are certain that you are right
>those quotes from postYes, I do present myself as a counter-point.
>what does it look like then?Thank you for admitting you dont have experience.
I dont explain things because that's not my responsibility. If you wish to present yourself as an authority however, that IS your responsibility. So go on then, make sense of all this.
>>134887>Because you are certain that you are rightAnd why is that something bad in divination? Isn't that what you want when divining? To be absolutely sure of the meaning?
What is bad about it if that is the specific thing that i want to gain from divination?
I want to be certain of the future, you seem to have worse knowledge of this than me, if i believe what you say and think about it.
>Yes, I do present myself as a counter-point.Then why are you ignoring what i have posted? Are here to cause a stir in the pot? Is that it? To show your dominance over me?
>Thank you for admitting you dont have experience.And thank (You) for admitting you haven't a clue how to divine, congratulations you are a bigger faggot than me, a feat i once thought impossible but now broken.
>I dont explain things because that's not my responsibility. If you wish to present yourself as an authority however, that IS your responsibility. So go on then, make sense of all this.There is always a cycle of fighting everywhere, a clash of ideas which end up with no improvement in the end, you speak in circles yet want to assert yourself since your ego controls you so it wants itself to be known.
If you are incapable of explaining how things work then why are you here to tell me that i don't know how to interpret things if you cannot?
You don't understand my process of so you want to defame me because it is beyond your capability of thought and you don't wanna spend the time analyzing numbers because that's just too boring for you, so instead of studying them you wish to prove a point that you do not use the true way of thought and study.
Me, myself and i.
Who are you?
Let's start learning how to start a conversation why don't we? If we are going back to the basics of argument.
>>134900But you are not everything?
>>134904What do you mean by absolute?
Jesus was never a absolute son of god, it is a mindset that you must achieve with combinations of other sorts of genetics and intelligence when applied in a specific way to your willpower.
Maybe i am an absolute dick.
No you are preassigned what you are going to think because of what has happened before or how something unfolds but to be a absolute force of energy depends on how much dedication you are willing to offer to what you want to achieve, if you are willing to push yourself to the limits then you will get results if you practice long enough, this works in almost everything because the body must first learn.
Maybe i am highly intelligent but i cannot do anything to prove this to you since i go against the normal way of thought to achieve something beyond that no one wants to step into for fear of themselves and lack of will
What do you want me to say?
>>134905Calm down anon.
Arguing about rhetoric is a waste. Stick to the numerology and deploy the basis for your statements, because most of it is missing.
>>134907Alright, which basis for which statement?
I am not gonna stay awake for much longer.
>>134908I'm sticking to numerology, if you are kind enough to explain some of your findings it will be a good start. I mean, when you say "-This number combination is relevant", can you explain the basis why?
Got a couple more.
I will start posting a collage of screenshots instead of individual gets so it is easier to find them and decipher them.
I will post the screenshots then spend the next post trying to interpret what they mean.
>>134910I look to see if the numbers have meanings so if the meanings of them connect with other numbers then i pay attention to them, that's why i ignore some of the other numbers either because they don't have a lot of meaning or they are referring to something else, if they have any connection with other numbers then i will try to understand what the meaning is.
If there are 14 88's in a song then there is obviously something else other than just numbers at work, right now i am seeing a lot of yin yang chi sorts of references and the date here is 16/9 so i see a connection.
When you know the meaning of the numbers and connect them together they can produce a revelation if you pay attention that is.
I will explain these screenshots later today at some point.