Occupied Equestria is an RP campaign set in a post-Equestria Equestria, where the princesses are gone, as are the Elements of Harmony. Gone, temporarily at least, but not by any means forgotten.
New players are welcome.
Fantasy Play has a few "kitties" to cuddle with
Brie has a Changeling Queen to negotiate with
Iron has some gangsters to beat
Silver has some follow up to do
Amber is exploring her new home
Spark is either looking for forest demons, or negotiating the fate of a tribe of Wolves
Midnight has more cultists to kill
Onyx has a colt to look after
Dark Star has some communists to kill
1780 replies and 54 files omitted.
>>131678>>131679Fuck. I'm retarded.>>131679"So you mean to tell me you were not already trafficking people, foalnapping them, and then squeezing as much profit out of them as you could?"
>>131679She watches the waves break against the seawall for half a minute before deciding to step onto the dock. She steps down only with her forehooves at first, making sure the old wooden structure is safe before continuing onwards. She approaches the sailboat first, but not so close that it looks like she's trespassing or interfering with its operation.
>>131680"No. No. No... We provided a service by ferrying creatures across to where they wanted to be, taking them around customs and their own governments. Of course they didn't usually have the money upfront so they would work after they arrived to pay us. 'Indentured servitude,' your people used to call it. You know how it works. But it's hard to keep track of them that long and the local gangs here didn't cooperate much on that. That's why I wanted this building. It was built for that. So I rented it out, and then I found a group of griffins wanting to travel out of the Herzland... The owner took an interest, and, well, every now and then a migrant wouldn't be able to work, or wouldn't want to work. And then later we would just start taking those who couldn't pay us back. It's a bit... slippery... but I was just a trafficker, or a sweatshop owner. There are many sweatshop owners out there. I am just a businessgriff, same as your 'legitimate' entrepreneurs. That is what you must understand..."
>>131681The dock is perfectly solid. The sailboat is wooden, and covered in a white paint. Maybe 25 feet. It's probably a private pleasure boat, but it can definitely be used for fishing.
>>131682"Alright. So, if we let you go, where would you go? What would you do?"
>>131682Is there anypony on or near the sailboat who is visible or can be heard from the dock? If not Amber will go to the motorboat.
>>131683"Away from here. Probably to Nova Griffonia, or the Hauklands where I have connections."
>>131684The motorboat is a little smaller, with a varnished wood exterior over a small cabin, and a glass windshield
>>131685"Alright. What would you?"
>>131689>>131688"I don't ask what
you do. I would have to start over. You destroyed everything. But not
everything. I have money. I could have more money from these griffins in the colony. I could pay that to you if you let me go."
>>131690"I just do not want anything even remotely like
this happening again if I let you go."
Silver inspects Maakie's wounds, while he's there.
>>131691He is wounded pretty badly with multiple stabs and cuts, and has lost a lot of blood. All of his wounds are covered in matter feathers, fur or clothes soaked in blood.
>>131692He whistles at the sight.
"You are in pretty bad shape. Think you can make it as you are?"
Alright, I have to sleep now
>>131694Have some good dreams and make sure to share them in the thread on
>>>/sp/ >>131694I should be free tomorrow night.
Okay ponies, who is here this weekend?
>>131684>>131687Alright, let's see about this...
[1d4 = 1]1. G
2. C
3. R
4. O
>>131687Through the tinted brown glass of the motor boat's cabin, Amber can see the face of a unicorn move up. She's a bright white, with a mane that might be some shade of orange, hard to tell through the tint, and she seems to be very young. A filly.
>>131726Amber waves at the boat's inhabitant, smiling.
>>131727She looks back at her with a blank, perhaps even scared expression, keeping her head in that position for a number of seconds. Then she moves her head to the side, and to where a wall blocks Amber's vision of her
>>131693"Can I
make it? Make where? As it is, I am likely to become infected. What do you mean 'can I make it'?"
Amber frowns and puts her hoof back down. Did I scare her? She decides to wait in place for a little while to see what happens and starts to whistle a little ditty.
>>131730After more time, she moves and peeks out of the window.
Amber smiles softly. "Hello?" she asks in not too loud a voice.
>>131732Now, the Unicorn stands up, and moves to the already open door on the cabin, and pokes her head out. Her mane is burnt orange and definitely well enough groomed. Her purple eyes stare almost blankly at Amber with trimmed eye lashes. She is definitely much younger than Amber, appearing to be an adolescent.
>>131733Amber stays where she is but asks, hopefully loud enough to be heard,
"Is this your boat? It's really nice." >>131734She turns her head, looking at Amber awkwardly. She speaks to her, with a kind of quick partly afraid, partly defensive, and partly annoyed voice
“No. But I am here with the permission of the owner.”
I can't help but imagine a posh British child's accent with that use of language>>131735Amber is looking a bit awkward and uncertain.
"Oh, I just found this dock and wanted to look at the boats. I've never been to sea myself, you see." >>131736I would have preferred middle Atlantic, but writing accents and patois isn’t my strong point.>>131736“Look at them? Don’t look at them. Well.. you must be very careful with these boats since they can be so expensive.”
>>131729"Can you make it to where you are wanting to go without dying?, or will you need medical treatment?"
>>131738“I had been out... once.”
She moves with her body covering the entry to the cabin. Her cutie mark seems to be a sub with many rays extending
>>131739“I will need medical treatment yes. I want to go far away from here, as soon as possible.”
>>131740"What was it like, if you don't mind my asking?"Amber sits down on the dock.
>>131741She remains standing in that position with her body sideways across the entryway
“Well” she turns her head, looking away
“Not all that pleasant. The boat rocks a lot, for one thing. Makes me feel queasy. Then there’s the smell of the sea. It was kind of tense. I like being on solid ground.”
>>131743She turns her head, and looks away, then down, until her eyes fix on what seems to be a spot in the wooden planks of the pier, or perhaps past it
"I remember that day" her voice takes on a lighter tone. "There was a storm. Spun off a hurricane further south. I was with a large group of foals in a room on the lower level. It had been used for laundry, there were no windows. I ended up mixed with some of the younger foals. The wind rattled and shoo the walls. Then came the lightning. The thunder was almost constant, like a rolling barrage. When the shelling came two years later, well, it was a lot like that. There were two nuns with us in the laundry room, but there was a leak or a broken window, or something, they had to leave, and I was one of the oldest left in the room. The young colts and fillies... They couldn't really handle it, with no adults in the room. Some of them curled up in shirts and sheets and other assorted dirty clothing. That only made them feel a little better. So I went up to them, and sang to them the hymm of the Gusty the Great, then the ballad of Airy Jade. I picked up one colt, I could tell that colt, with the little brown patch around the eye, he never quite accepted that his mother wasn't coming to get him - I picked him up, and rocked him, like I saw a nun do with a younger child. He was actually too old for that kind of thing, but it was an unusual circumstance. I tried to comfort him. They all needed comforting when one of the two candles went out. Room was almost completely dark, they didn't like that. But I started to tell a story, the one about Mist Mark and the cave, and they listened as best as they could, and then eventually another colt started speaking as well, until we had something like a campfire story circle going, occasionally singing songs. Most of the younger foals didn't say anything. Some of them tried to sing but they only knew one or two lines that they kept repeating, They weren't crying any more. We older fillies and colts kept telling stories, until eventually the thunder stopped and it was just wind. Many of the foals went to sleep. Some hours later, we were able to go outside. The old oak tree had fallen over in the wind, but we were still there. I saw the light break through the clouds in the sky. It wasn't the 'eye' but I imagine it was something like that. And then Cinnamon Drop told me 'your cutie mark!' and I saw that the sun with the golden rays had appeared on my flank. And several of the foals came up to me, and huddled around me. I remember that day..."
Her face has migrated upwards, pointing towards the sky, mostly blue with some clouds. She has a tear or two in her eyes.
>>131740He seriously weighs his options before looking at Maakie.
"Unless you would rather go to hospital, if you know of hiding place I can go and get medical supplies for you."
>>131745"No no. No hospital. No hospital. There is this house by the bay, Take me there."
>>131746"Alright. Follow me closely, there are couple officers patrolling hallways."
Silver uses his knife to cut Maakie's bindings, helps him up, and pokes his head out into the hallway to see if the way is clear.
>>131747There is indeed movement in hallways, more so upstairs, with the lower level being more or less un-patrolled.
I thought her cutie mark was a submarine which was why it caught my interest. Next time you want me to ask about a character's cutie mark just "accidentally" misspell it as something atypical.>>131744Amber leans forward during the monologue, nodding with interest. When the filly is done she closes her eyes and claps her hooves together.
"What a great story! I can tell you definitely have a talent for telling stories, especially to cheer ponies up.
Princess Celestia's cutie mark is kind of similar, do you think she got it the same way?"I suppose I could roll for knowledge for Celestia's cutie mark, though I dunno if it should be history or religion. I'm happy hearing from a character though >>131748Silver decides to lead Maakie out the back way, out to the water. He keeps an eye out for patrols and lets Maakie know when it's safe to move.
>>131749Reee“Well, I mean hers is a sun with smaller rays and a larger, well, sun. A larger sun and mine, you see, has straighter and longer rays... I always thought that Celestia always had that cutie mark. Like, I don’t think there was a moment when she was a filly and she just willed the sun to move in the sky. I can’t imagine her as a filly.”
>>131750What kind of restraints does silver keep on Maakie?
>>131751Amber nods.
"I think you're right. Celestia is…well, a celestial being and I think special rules apply to her. Destiny was always something she could fulfill."She looks over the motorboat. Is it particularly large and what color is it?
"Are you the coxswain of the ship or is it family taking you around?" >>131752Silver - presumably - cuts or unties the bindings on Maakie's claws. Loputu's rope was tied rather thoroughly, and prevented him from moving much at all. It unties easily with pulling the rope in the right few places.
Before this, Mala stayed very close to Maakie, above him in a rather dominating position. But as soon as the restraints are untied, Mala jumps back and away to a new position of about five to seven feet at minimum, staying closer to Silver and sometimes behind him.
Maakie stands up on his forelegs, opens and stretches his wings, and then stands up on his hindlegs when those were undone. His wings, pepper gray and white tipped, stretch to an extent, before the left wing learns that it cannot extend its full length, and he has to stop. Likewise for a hind leg that will not stretch all the way out. Even standing, he has to lean to a side, and any walk has a definite limp. He quickly looks around at his surroundings, surveying with determination and anger.
>>131753"Not so fulfilled anymore does she. There was a colt I knew who said that she was not any kind of divine being, just a pony the others appointed princess. I think in his mind that made her even more special, because who else can say that they were so liked that everypony else basically voted for them to be princess forever? Well, to me it sounded less special. I liked to think that she never had a mom or dad, but she was kind of just alone there with her sister, and even that didn't last, so she was just kind of there all on her lonesome, and no pony in all of Equestria to call her equal or her family. But I don't know... I don't think about it too much any more."
She turns her eyes back towards Amber
"Cock what? Uh, no... it uh, well it's an aunt of mine, you see who owns it, and I was checking it for them."
>>131754Assuming Maakie is following Silver, he leads him closer to the back exit.
>>131755"Well, you know... make sure everything's in order. It's not really safe alone or in groups, but I know she will protect me and keep me from coming to harm. The neighborhood can welcoming if only you are coming from any meeting the right sort of ponies. She's a few blocks away."
>>131756Mala looks back, then drops to the side, then looks back again and drops back further, and then drops to the back with resignation. Maakie looks behind at Mala, and only then moves forward, limping.
>>131757Silver keeps going until they reach the rear exit, keeping an eye out for patrols along the way.
>>131758There are no visible patrol ships at this time, at least that are deep in the harbor as opposed to the mouth of the bay
>>131759Silver motions for Maakie to follow him out along the edge of the water. He keeps going along the seawall until he feels it's safe, then he climbs up out of the water.
>>131760He has an air of indignity about him, looking up at Silver and limping out. Mala keeps distance behind them
>>131761"Alright, we should be clear. Now, where is this house by bay?"
Is anypony here?
[1d3 = 2]>>131762"It's on 314 Friesen Road, Cherry Hill"
>>131767That isn't where Silver, Mala, Khoi, and Jubilosa have set up, is it?
>>131768Yes. Yes it is.Or at least the same road and neighborhood
>>131769Silver's ears fold back at hearing the address mentioned.
"...going there
might not be best idea..."
>>131771"...What was it you needed from there?"
>>131773"Uh...huh. In all seriousness, what is it?"
>>131774"A safehouse." He answers
>>131775"Ah. It is not so safehouse anymore. I do not suppose you have any
other safehouses around?"
>>131776"Are you hoping to take any money I have hidden there and kill me then?" He asks
>>131777Silver only slightly winces.
"That reaction is...warrented, but no."
>>131778He continues staring, with narrowed eyes, turning his head back around to look back to Mala, who moves a step back
>>131779Silver lets out a sigh.
"If I wanted you dead, I would have already killed you, or left you down there. If I wanted money, I would have turned you in. I understand why you are skeptical, but it would not make sense for me to go to all of this trouble just to kill you and rob you."
>>131781"Right now, trying to get you to safety, under hope that you have, err...well, learn lesson, for lack of better term."
>>131782"I know the difference between stereotypes of ponies and reality" he says
>>131783"...I do not know how that relates. What stereotypes?"
>>131784"Nevermind. Its your initiative, ..." He sounds as if he was going to end that sentence with some kind of name or term, but never found the word
>>131785"Alright then. Back to task at hoof, do you have other safehouse in city you can use?"
>>131786He stands there, staring at Silver in silence
>>131787Silver stares back.
"We do not have forever."
>>131789Silver looks to Mala, then to Maakie.
"Well...unless you would rather some officer on patrol come across us, let us go there."
>>131790Mala nods
"But first we need to move out of here"
>>131793"Only kind of... she leaves the sailing to others most of the time, and stays on land"
>>131792It's not a perfectly straight forward process leaving the property. Going into the room with the cage past where Mala and Zwolf were found, the cage where the gnolls were placed is now empty and open. The rowboat is still there. The area is dark, and Mala is uncomfortable about Maakie marching through a location with dim light. It's more than a little hassle to get him through the tunnel, but he can be taken out. There are no ships patrolling so close to the shore at this time, and they can move off the property easily enough. It's when they get next door that they find the next issue
"His cuts and scars show. He might need a cloak or something to hide him."
>>131795"She'll go sometimes, or a stallion... family friend. It could be me."
>>131796"He needs a coat, I think. Something to cover his injuries. Unless we had a car, or a covered cart."
>>131797Amber scratches at her mane under her scarf.
"Hmm, well, I won't pry. What do you normally do on days like this?" >>131799"What do you mean 'days like this'?"
>>131798He looks down the street for any taxis.
>>131801Mala places a paw on Silver
"But what if the driver sees the cuts on him. He will think there was a stabbing, or some kind of gang fight"
>>131802He looks back to Mala.
"It is not as if I have cloak, car, or cart. I can not see better idea, unless you have one."
>>131803"I help my aunt in her store, do chores around town and so forth."
>>131804His ears fall down
"Well... unless we can get a cloak or a jacket or something... okay... do the thing."
>>131806For the first time, she gives a vague smile
"Why do you ask?"
>>131805"Where would we get cloak?"
>>131808He tilts his head
"There were coats back in the building or they could be bought from stores. I could go get one..."
>>131809"Well, that isn't how it is here. Not everypony knows everypony. But knowing the right ponies... that's very valuable."
Amber looks puzzled. "How do I know who the right ponies to know are? I did meet an acolyte at St. Eligius but for the most part everypony is a little distant."
>>131811"Saint Eligius... Yes, I've heard of them. Might have met them, I am not sure. You will know once you know them. Or maybe before. Ponies here do tend to be distant. It's not like a small town. Too big. They don't all come from the same place, and they aren't going to the same place."
>>131813"Oh yeah, there are plenty. There's Tallend Tavern, Gurando's Giros, and many other restaurants out there. Night clubs... There's the the carnival on the pier, the zoo, the old fort... many things. And that's besides the fun you can make on your own."
>>131815"Well, I've only really just come to know them, but I've learned a lot since then. I'm a quick learner."
>>131817She smiles a bit more
"Shortcuts? Secret passages? What are you talking about?"
>>131819"Sorta. There are some alleyways that cut through. Many of the older buildings especially have things like inner courtyards that you can go through and cut across the block. A few buildings you can cut through inside, just walking through doors, and some of them are abandoned now because of damage."
>>131821"I'm... getting to know more"
>>131822"I guess we're in the same boat then." She inadvertently chuckles at the unintentional wordplay.
"I'm Amber, by the way. Amber Sunset." >>131823She pauses for a moment, and then another moment, seeming to not answer.
Then she blinks
"Golden Rays"
>>131824Amber is wearing a beaming smile.
"That's such a lovely name! You're blessed to have one like that." >>131825She blushes, and shows teeth in her smile
>>131826Amber gestures out to sea.
"Do a lot of ponies go fishing? I do know that a lot of freighters come through Baltimare." >>131827"I don't really know. I know there are some ponies around here who go fishing, and many more griffins as well, but I don't really know how many."
>>131829"What do you like? What are you in the mood for?"
>>131831"Oh yeah, there are several nice nightclubs you can go to. There's dancing, and bands play music there. There's also stallions. The Coconut Cove, for instance."
>>131832"Do you know how I can get there, and when they're open?" She looks at the dock's boards with mild embarrassment.
"Also, I don't have any money on me." >>131833"Well, the 'no money' thing is a problem. But they are open much of the day, and play their best music late at night. They are on Prance avenue, just a few blocks south of the public gardens.
Amber frowns when 'late at night' is mentioned. "I have to be in bed early, but I'll keep that in mind when I have more free time. What about a place where I don't have to spend money to have a good time?"
>>131835"Haha! Oh. You're serious, well... go to a bar, I think a lot of the mares get stallions to buy their drinks for them. Actually that'll probably work at the night clubs. There isn't always an entry fee. Uh... the zoo has a low admission cost, same with other public stuff like the fort... There is some beach front as well, that's generally free."
Amber reddens a bit more. "Yes…erm, well, I don't know if I would meet the right sort of ponies in a bar and, well, it's a little late to go to the zoo today. Maybe there's an interesting landmark I could visit around here?"
>>131837"Well, there's the mansion, the old fort, the lighthouse, the shot tower... There's the picture shows! And some of the restaurants have live music"
>>131838Amber resumes her smile as she exclaims,
"That's swell!" She pauses for a second before continuing:
"The mansion and the old fort sound particularly interesting, what can you tell me about them?" >>131839"Well, the mansion I've never been to. The fort I went to a few years ago with a school group. There's walls and cannons and an old battle and well... it's more of a colt thing. The city keeps some of these old buildings around for some reason."
>>131841"Well, both are along the water here. One is just up the road, actually, and the fort is on that small peninsula down there. There are some other houses from important people, they just aren't right here on the water."
Amber grins. "Thank you, I hope I find something interesting. When can I find you here at the dock, if, you know, you want to meet up again sometime?"
>>131843"Meet up somewhere...? Oh, I don't know, maybe about sunset, Or, you can come to Curio's Corner on Westhaven."
>>131845"Sort of. It's several blocks"
Alright, I have to sleep now >>131846"Not too far, then. Thank you, Golden, and have a great day!" Amber smiles broadly and waves goodbye, then trots to a place where she can move up the waterfront without too much obstruction. Once there she takes a swig of water from her canteen.
Alright, that's perfect timing. >>131846Are we good to play today?
>>131856>>131866Hi pony!
Silver's last post is
>>131847A roadway follows along the waterfront. It's not directly by the waterfront, as there are plots on the water, and buildings often obscure the view of the bay, but it does follow along perhaps a hundred yards or less from the water.
>>131810"Alright then, could you go get one please?"
>>131868"Uh, okay" Mala slowly walks off. Silver is left alone with Maakie
>>131869Silver looks over to Maakie, and speaks to him after a couple moments of silence.
"I do not suppose you could answer question for me?"
>>131870Through little can be read from his beak, his eyes are slightly narrowed.
"And that question is?"
>>131871"Your former servant, Undertow, do you happen to know what happened to her friend when she was captured?"
>>131873Silver sighs sadly in response.
"I suppose that gives answer. She was with friend in college when they were ambushed and captured at night, and they were separated when they were brought here."
>>131874He pulls the thin lips behind his beak back in what must be a smile, and his eyes light up
"You are talking about the hippogriff, right? Red, dolphin necklace?"
>>131875Silver's ears perk up slightly, and he nods in affirmation.
>>131876"Heheh. She told you her name was 'Undertoe' and she was a...
college student?"
>>131877"Along those lines, yes. I suppose you have different story?"
>>131878He rocks slightly, back and forth, with as a big of a smile as his limited face muscles will allow. He looks a bit like a school child, filled with glee at the idea of being the sole member of a group privy to a secret.
"You have
no idea who she is, do you?"
His smile has a slightly maniacal bend to it
>>131879Silver seems to show only mild concern at the display of insanity in front of him.
"I suppose not, outside of what she told us. You are not going to say she is serial murdering psychopath, are you?"
>>131880Some of the feathers around his head and neck seem to stand up
that I am less sure about. It's kind of a matter of perspective, really. But no."
>>131881Silver leans against a nearby wall, if it's available. Otherwise he just stands and looks at Maakie.
"Well, you have certainly roused my interest. Please, enlighten me."
>>131882The cement facade of the fishing gear shop is readily available to lean against. He slowly shakes his head
"You have no idea..." He looks past Silver
"She came after me. Tried to hunt me. To track us... to shut us down. But I was more clever. I fought her, and I won. She was from your government. Your old pony government, before the Colonials took over. Did you think that you were first hired guns the government sent after me? No... They've been after me for many years. They made a raid five years ago. Didn't think to search the walled off places, at least at first. But they became wise to me. They knew more than they would let the public know. More than they would let me know. They nearly got me, when they sent her. But... Well, I don't think even she knew I was there on that boat, when she tried to follow me. I learned quite a lot from my time fighting pirates. She didn't really have any lead over me. So we fought, claw to claw. And I won, because I was stronger. She came close to ending me that day. The closest any creature had come since a pirate spared me while I was an ensign. And like how that pirate spared me, I spared her, in a way."
>>131883Silver's eyes widen a bit at this information.
"That would explain things, yes. So, why is it you had her tied up in your own private room in fortress?"
>>131884"Yes. It was like a punishment at first, for the audacity of trying to hunt me. But I came to know her better. More... personally."
that I had assumed as much, what with us finding her in your own private quarters. But I am curious as to what lengths your relationship went to while, if you would oblige."
>>131886"Lengths? Do you not realize? I
love her. I love her in a way I have not loved any creature since grade school. I bought her the necklace, and would let her out on the streets sometimes. It hurt me so to see... to see her with you... you all."
>>131887This one actually does hit Silver right in his heart.
"Oh...that is, uh..." He searches for a word to describe it, but comes up short. "...fuck."
>>131888He winces, and resumes staring at Silver
"She had such a charm to her..." He forms a few small tears
"And she betrays me!"
>>131889"She seems to have not thought same of you..."
He looks down, ears folding on his head.
"I know we put you inside that chute, but...I am sorry."
>>131890A tear moves down and is absorbed into the feathers on his face. He has an unbelieving expression, and stares back at Silver
>>131891"I know what words I could offer are meaningless and empty to you, but they are all I can offer to you. I am sorry."
>>131892"Then I will take that." He says, almost plainly
>>131893He looks up at him.
"Would you want me to look for her, ask her about why?"
>>131894He sighs
"I don't know. I thought she loved me too."
>>131895"What is her name, if it is not Undertoe?"
>>131896"After I captured her, she told me her name was Serene Cenote. I would think later that it was a beautiful name, Serene Cenote." He looks down to the gravel between Horseman Avenue and the loading area behind the stores. "For all I know, she told her real name to you."
>>131897"It is indeed beautiful name...would you like to talk about her? What was it about her that made you fall in love?"
>>131898"I... don't know. Can you say what it is in the griffin... uh, mare you love that makes you love them? It defies words. When she placed her claw on my cheek and looked into my eyes with her own, purple gems. The smile on her face... I even... I even came to love how close she came. How I did not even know she found me, that she was on the boat hunting me. She was smart as well as beautiful. Clever."
>>131899"...you truly did love her..."
He looks down, seriously considering looking for her and getting some answers.
>>131900"Yes. Yes I did." His eyes move around, eventually to the ground
>>131901Silver looks up at him.
"Are you certain you do not want me to go look for her?"
>>131902"What are you going to do with me?" He asks
>>131903He looks in surprise of the question.
"Get you safely to this safehouse of yours, then let you go."
>>131904"And why would you do that?"
>>131905"Because I believe in second chances, and I am hoping, perhaps naively, that you will not be involved in anything like 33 Hoebuck again. Stick with smuggling goods, it is far more respectable profession than trafficking."
>>131906"So you say. I will trust you for now..."
Mala walks back, carrying a long, black cloak
"I think this will do" he says
>>131907Silver looks over to Mala, and smiles.
"Ah, good! Give it to Maakie, he is one who will be needing it."
>>131908Mala goes towards Maakie, but stops a little distance away. He extends out the coat hanging over his extended left foreleg, and Maakie grabs it as if snatching it with his own right claw, while Maakie stares at Mala. Maakie places the coat over himself as Mala walks backwards away from him.
"Shall we go now?"
>>131909Silver nods to Maakie, and attempts to hail a taxi.
>>131910This is easy enough, as a taxi stops to pick them up. The driver says nothing about Maakie, covered in his long, black coat. Mala sits away from a Maakie, and is the one to tell the the driver the destination. It’s a location on the far side of the city
>>131911Silver sits in silece for the ride there, unless one of the passengers was to say something.
>>131912Mala does not. Nor does Maakie. Mala does, however, look over to Silver, never actually saying anything. It’s a surprisingly long trip, cutting through downtown, then through town houses on the southwest side, then denser and denser tree formations, then alongside a grand river, until the site is finally reached. The fare is 12 bits, which is the highest Silver has yet had
>>131913He pays the fare, and asks the driver if he can wait for a minute or two since they'll need a ride elsewhere.
>>131914He obliges
Silver finds himself next to a lot with a grassy ditch, a dirt road and a culvert, and a wooden fence that goes up perhaps four feet or so feet in height and does not let you view through the other side. There is a gate with a visible lock, and over the fence the metal roof of a small house, as well as several bare-limb deciduous trees are visible. Mala steps out next to Silver
>>131915Silver looks out at the property.
"I must say, this is very well out of way."
>>131867Where did we last leave off? I think I had figured out that the monster threat was minimal to occur in the forest.
>>131924"I could offer guns, food, barricades and walls, of which I'm sure we can get, but those alone won't be enough. What I offer is friendship."
He pulls his lips back, showing sharp, white canines, and raises his head up slightly, then away down to his right, and around in a clockwise circle until his head finally comes back to Spark
>>131926"By meeting with the ponies to the east of course."
>>131867Amber heads north along this roadway to the mansion.