Occupied Equestria is an RP campaign set in a post-Equestria Equestria, where the princesses are gone, as are the Elements of Harmony. Gone, temporarily at least, but not by any means forgotten.
New players are welcome.
Fantasy Play has a few "kitties" to cuddle with
Brie has a Changeling Queen to negotiate with
Iron has some gangsters to beat
Silver has some follow up to do
Amber is exploring her new home
Spark is either looking for forest demons, or negotiating the fate of a tribe of Wolves
Midnight has more cultists to kill
Onyx has a colt to look after
Dark Star has some communists to kill
1800 replies and 52 files omitted.
"What is Storganoff?"
"Uh, sure"
Mala just looks up at Silver
>>133241She maintains thee slightly mischievous smile
"In a way. 'Anti-Partisan' is what our work is called. I collect information, work with informants, and look for faults in loyalty of local allies. Search and destroy, assassination, and Counter-espionage can be a part of the job, but are less common."
>>133242"It is casarole native to my homeland. It has egg noodles, cream of mushroom soup, mushrooms, and sour cream. I can also try my hooves at making meat option for you, Mala, so you can eat."
>>133242"Hmm," Fantasy mumbles and nods." I hope we can all can become friends. "She makes a quick nod owards Seabreeze. "I must warn you though, my mother, Diligeant Cookie, have told me that I'm annoying and immature. She used to say that I, `Put the wit in twit.´ The point is, I will evenutally prank both of you. It is just unevitable."
>>133244The "wit in twit" is not my joke. Its from Rachet and Clank but I wanted to share it.
>>133243Jubilosa and Mala nod at the description of the stroganoff. Khoi twists her mouth a little more skeptically
Mala pulls his lips back in an awkward smile that shows off his yellowed, sharp, jagged teeth
"I don't need meat in
every meal..."
>>133244Blue Skies scrunches
Sea Breeze smiles
"Well, I'll let Ms. Skies cut you into shape. I'm sure she an find a use for you."
>>133246>Blue Skies scrunchesWhat is this feel?
"That sounds great. So now I have a senior shadowmare to follow. I'll not let you down master Blue Spies," Fantasy does a salute.
>>133247A little unamused at being be the subject of a future prank
She twists her mouth in uncertainty at the pun of her name.
"Yes. Now you can help in intelligence gathering."
>>133249She tells Fantasy
"Well, we have an active patrol searching looking for the location of a hidden printing press. You can either join that now, or come back later."
>>133250Fantasy brings a hoof up to her chin for a moment before nodding.
"Ehh, let's do it. But i need material components for my spells. Can we buy them on the way?"
>>133251"Uh, sure. What spells are those?" She asks
>>133246Silver smiles reassuringly to Khoi.
"It is good, I would recommend trying it at least."
He then turns to Mala.
"It is your choice, but I do not mind."
>>133253Khoi remains unsure
"Uh... okay"
Mala is more enthusiastic
>>133252"Well, they are mostly ordinary and weak illusion spells. My most powerfullest spells are invisbility and minor illusion. If we pass by the hotel I'm staying at we can pick up my cat familiar, he is my guru when it come to sneaking and I sneak better with him withh me, believe it or not," Fantasy says.
0-level(6 known):
Dancing Lights
Ghost Sound
Mage Hand
Read Magic
1-level(4 known):
Disguise Self
Nystul’s Magic Aura
Silent Image
2-level (2 known):
Minor Image
So on my need to buy list:
A small quare of silk.
A parchment rolled up into a small cone.
A bit of fleece.
A clear crystal or mineral prism.
A short piece of copper wire.
A bit of wool or a small lump of wax.
An eyelash encased in a bit of gum arabic
>>133254Silver continues to watch the music play on the TV to pass the time.
>>133255"Huh... Well those could be rather useful"
Unless there is some desire to play out the acquisition of the components, or the acquisition of components was just a cover for some other activity, let's assume that over a period of an hour or less Fantasy Play acquired all of the required components
and Mr. Snuggles
I think that's the cat's name. Blue Skies often watches over Fantasy's shoulders, observing her actions as if not trusting her. But she also disappears for a period of time, only later showing up on the street.
>>133256Silver does so
>>133257That sounds fine. The cat's anme was Slogo but Mr. Snuggles sounds better, or more fitting in this universe, so we retcon it to be his name.
"Master Blue skies. Where were you?" Fantasy asks the reappearing pony she meets onthe street. Is this fine?
>>133258She pulls back, spreads her wings out in part. and then stands up straight moving her head forward. She is not wearing her uniform, or anything else.
"Are you ready?" She asks
>>133259"Ehh, why are you n-nude?" she ask while pretending to be nervous and with a smile on her lips.
>>133260She looks down and over herself, then back to Fantasy Play, smiling
"I can't wear a marked uniform. That would defeat the point. Thus I wear nothing. I don't think the stallions we meet will mind."
>>133261"Say no more, say no more. Wink wink nudge nudge," Fantasy says and winks at the pegasus. She begains to follow the mare.
Fantasy has a brown cloak on though and like a bag or something with belongings. Snuggles is snggling ontop her back.
>>133262"Now, what we're trying to do, is to locate a printing press being used to spread dissent. An informant showed us a paper printed by one, and it contained many statements that shouldn't be spread, like details about the uprising in Manehattan, and anti-government propaganda. We believe the printing press is being operated by the Anarchists, but it doesn't really matter who is operating it because it needs to be shut down regardless. We can shut it down ourselves, or just note the location so a raid can take it down later."
>>133263"So do we have any clues, miss Sherlock Pones?"
>>133264>Sherlock PonesOkay, that's a pretty great one
"Well, we know it was sold on twenty eighth and Laffter street. Do you mean like where the ink was acquired from, or the paper?"
"Really anything. But really, I'm no detective so giving me teh information would be a waste of time. Just tell me what to do and I'll do it, Master Blue Skies."
>>133266"It's hard to say exactly how to do it, and really, there isn't just one right way to do it. But remember that the anarchists don't know that you aren't one of them. You can just talk to them, ask them who does what, say you were a paper girl when you were younger, ask some questions like if they need help with ink supplies or distribution, or anything like that, and soon you could get much closer. I get by usually with just lies, but since you have magic, well, you can probably do even more."
>>133219I thought the session cut out abruptly, turns out my VPN needed to be updated abruptly. Just as well because I've slept the entire interval.Amber frowns and looks for an entrance to the odd structure, or at least a policepony standing around.
>>133268Konnichi wa
Amber sees that there is a blue uniformed officer standing outside
>>133269Amber approaches the uniformed pony and politely asks,
"Excuse me mister, but is this a local jail? I'm new to this part of town and this building just feels…off, somehow." >>133270She blinks
"What? No? Well, sort of. It used to be the old debtors prison, more than a century ago. But it isn't now. Right now it is a crime scene. Some sort of cult or something, and these foreigners and their mercenaries weren't very delicate in putting it down."
>>133271Amber blinks.
"Crime scene? Cult? Mercenaries?" She looks a lot more confused than before.
>>133272"Then you know how we feel" she says, with a "not amused" expression.
Okay, I have to sleep for tonight, but I hope everypony comes back to play soon. Post here when you can
Fantasy Play. The mare. The myth. The legend.
Tonight on Adventurers Extra we'll look into the story of Fantasy Play and hopw se went from being a nopony illusionist from Nuzzleville to becomning the greatest pony that has ever live!!!1111
Right after these messages.
Have this ever happened to you...
The last words to Fantasy Play were
>>133267 >>133267Fantasy looks upwards while she walks.
"Then we have to find some anarchists in the first place," Fantasy says.
>>133297"Well, that should be pretty straight forward. Our informant told us there is a mane parlor at that location where the pamphlet was acquired."
>>133298"Ah, okay." Fantasy nods. "So how do you wanna do this, Master Sky?"
Sorry I'm late, my circadian rhythm's been messed up.
>>133300Fantasy bites her underlip.
"Well, my ideas are bit crazy. The least crazy idea I have is to find one anarchist with pamhplets and then tail them," Fantasy says.
>>133303"Well, it's... You see... There were smugglers here, helping to smuggle in refugees, and the 'customs' agents here hired mercenaries who killed them."
>>133304She nods
"That could definitely help. But they could also lead us back to the grocery store, or something"
>>133305Amber blinks and folds her ears back in shock.
"That's…that's horrible! How could ponies have such evil intentions toward each other?"She looks away for a second and back to the policemare.
"You said customs agents…do you mean like at the immigration building near the fort?" >>133305"Mm." Fantsy brings up a hoof to her chin. "Truth be told, Master Sky, I don't think I'll make a very convincing anarchist. I just can't fathom why a pony now of all times would do something so detrimental to themselves and other ponies. All I can imagne is that they base their view entirely on misconceptions and misinformation but if I'm wrong and play up a strawpony version of their beliefs they could use this to set us up or something,"
>>133306"Mhmm, it's terrible what creatures can do to each other. Well, sort of like that place. These 'customs' agents are mostly from across the sea, and their hired help."
>>133307"Then it sounds to me like it isn't your style to pose as an anarchist. Maybe there's another way for you to accomplish the same. We know that there is a building somewhere in this city that has a printing press in the basement or the lower floor printing banned reports out of the Manehattan District. We have a few of their pamplets. What we don't know is which building it is."
>>133308Amber looks like she slowly starts to understand.
"…You mean the New Mareland invaders." >>133313She nods, maintaining eye contact
"Yes. Them. And they have a very
rough approach to smuggling. Left quite a few of them dead."
>>133308"Are you sugguesting we should sneak into supicious lookin' builings and check them? Because that sounds like something I would be good at," Fantasy says pushes out her chest.
>>133317She smiles back
"If only. But there are too many suspicious buildings in the city to check them all. You have no idea how many block owners are too poor to fix explosion damage... or are missing altogether. First, to narrow down the number of buildings to search."
>>133319She is silent at Amber's question
>>133321"Normally they don't have to do anything with our normal work. We deal with actual crime, after all. It's just on rare occasions like these, they want to claim jurisdiction over what is clearly a criminal matter."
>>133323"You have no idea what it was like inside when we found it. It was nothing less than a massacre"
"But…why? Why do all this over some smuggling?"
>>133318Fantasy rolls her lips in and out of her mouth.
"Well, I can try talking to those anarchists if ytou want. I guess it wouldn't hurt. Though, I do wonder how you get around. Don't these ponies communicate with each other? Wouldn't they notice you after while?"
>>133325She shakes her head
"They don't have much care for the refugees, and it didn't help that the smugglers were a little... rough themselves."
>>133326She smiles in a mischievous way
"I have my ways... The key is to just never let them connect you with the misfortunes in their lives. Don't be there when things turn sour. But our informant suggest he got it from the ponies at the mane parlor."
>>133326 >>133328"I can understand that. Baltimare has been comparatively peaceful. Maybe not as peaceful as Vanhoover or Canterlot, but more so than Manehattan. I don't like it spreading here. Gang violence especially."
>>133330"I don't know what books you read, but they are very real here. Organized crime syndicates running crime like a business. When they clash, it can be like wars."
>>133327Fantasy scratches her mane.
"Sure, I'm ready to go there but the more I think about this the more I wonder if this will work. It feels like only a few high up ponies would be in on the location of the printers and they would probably keep low profile with their views in public. A mission like this is more of a longer undercover infiltartion mission were one would have to rise in the ranks to even gain valueable clues or I'm I overestimating them?"
>>133332"Possible, yes, but i think you over estimate how organized the Anarchists are. These printing presses are kind of hard to acquire and to stock with paper and ink. Radios to gain the information from across the continent are just as hard. Just start asking about ink and soon enough you'll find somepony who wants help stocking more. Or track down whoever is distributing the papers and find out who they get it from. If we were dealing with communists, you could expect more secrecy and discretion."
>>133333If only I knew..."No, it's definitely hear in the city, preying on the poor and downtrodden. But it's been less violent."
>>133334Fantasy nods.
"Let's go to that Mane parlor, then. But I wanted t discuss something before we did."
>>133335"And what is that?" She asks
>>133333That was supposed to be spoilered, sorry, but it's fitting my get has it all in bold.>>133334"I see. I'll just have to be a bit careful and try not to encounter any smugglers." She gives a nervous smile.
>>133336Fantasy scratches the side of her neck and looks away.
"While I might act tough, I have never killed a pony. If such a situation would arise, I'm not sure what to do."
>>133346Now her grin is more playful
"And you shall not have to kill a pony. We are only dealing with Anarchists here."
Then she drops her smile for a more serious expression
"Our employer prefers that no one dies. Not even in self defense, and especially that we do shoot first. But if you have to, I think you'll know what to do. And if you still don't, I do."
>>133337She sighs
"These ones don't target just new comers, but immigrants. Creatures who the government doesn't even know were ever here."
>>133347Fantasy hangs her head but peers upwards towards Skies as she talks. She nods at the end.
"Well, then lead the way, Master Sky."
>>133348She nods
"And easy to exploit like that. Very vulnerable. But that's the position they often find themselves in when they enter the city."
>>133349She takes the two to twenty-eighth street, and then to where it intersects with Laffter street. There, they find "Merrily Minted Manes," a barber shop or beauty parlor of sorts on the first floor of what seems to be a two story building. The glass allows some ability to see inside, and it looks to be open.
Skies takes a special note of a piece of cloth, and words written on a piece of cardboard displayed in the window over to the left
"The red and black flag... 'We support the Unions and the right to organize'"
>>133351She nods
"That it is. Especially since it went on for a while under our snouts."
"We can pray that justice will be done. Thank you for trying to make things better."
If the officer has nothing else to say, Amber will slowly head off.
>>133350"Well, I guess I could go for a new mane style," Fantasy
Play says playfully and drags a hoof through her thick brown hair which bangs reaches down equally far down on all sides of her head while remaining above her nose's level.
>>133354She twists her lips
"That, you could. Let's go in."
Stepping in, there is a mint earth pony mare
[1d3 = 1]>>133353She doesn't. He does.
A yellow pegasus stallion walks up. He wears a green uniform and a cattlemare's hat.
"Ay. Well hello. The fuck's a beut like you doin' here?" he says jovially
>>133354>>133355The mint mare is helping to trim the mane of a Zebra stallion, which is stylized in a Mohawk.
>>133355Amber blinks, confused at the arrival of an interloper.
"Hello mister, I saw things weren't quite right 'round here, and…and I just wanted to know what happened.", she says with a slight nervous tone.
>>133354She has a bowl cut? >>133355>>133356Is is there a receptionist or is she the only pony in the room?
>>133357Yes, onethat reaches past her eyes.
>>133357"Ain't quite right? Shit's pretty fucked here. There's some strange cultist shit here, let me tell you. Moon cultists got nothin' on it. You shoulda' seen it when we first got here."
>>133358No receptionist. She is clearly a barber, cutting the hair of a zebra stallion. She looks over to the two entering mares. As to where there is anypony else in there...
[1d2 = 2]"
>>133358>>133360No pony else is visible in the front portion of the room. Just her and the zebra
>>133360Amber's ears flip back at the use of such rough speech–at least she instinctively senses its vulgarity. However, curiosity gets the better of her.
"What do you mean, sir? I thought it was about smugglers and customs agents." >>133360>>133361Fantasy smiles and makes a small wave towards her.
"I see that your busy. Can you make an appointment for after your done here? Should we come back?"
>>133362"Smugglers and customs? Ha! These hook beaked wanker were doing some weird equine sacrifice kind of ritual. Would you like to see what remains? They cleaned up all the bodies but you can still see most of the blood. There were some wicked shit in their, like a meat market."
>>133364She smiles, with her light blue mane elegantly moving over to the side.
"Oh, I'm almost done here if you want to wait. But you can make an appointment if you like" Her voice is kind of soft
[1d3 = 2] >>133365"We can wait," Fantasy says, smiles back, and looks around for some stols to sit on while waiting.
>>133365Amber strongly grimaces.
"Um, er, n-no…I–I really think–I beg your pardon for this–but I think it must have been something else. C-cults are from stories–good st-stories I might add–but nopony actually believes in them." She looks around in a perturbed fashion.
>>133366There's a few simple chairs near the entrance for Fantasy, unless she wants to commandeer a barber's chair.
It's only a few more cuts, and maybe three minutes before she is done with the stallion. He looks at her and smiles, says "thank you minty," and she smiles to him and says "see you on the line," and he raises his hoof to her. No exchange of money takes place there before he leaves. She looks over to Fantasy with dark blue eyes and says. "Well young filly, I do believe you're next." She smiles in a charming enough way.
>>133367"Oh well this'll make a believer out of ya. There were wearing robes in a heated building and were all gathered around this old stallion that got stabbed to death or something, and let me tell you they had this altar in the center of like an old chapel. And they had a stallion on a slab cut from his neck down to his junk. And this stallion was still alive, like some back woods surgery shit going on here, but there was no surgery or doctor. And they did the same thing to a deer. I'd never seen a deer before but fuck me, they had one on a slab like it's a damn nightmare night treat offering."
>>133368Amber initially says nothing but remains still with a fearful expression, her eye twitching. See >pic related
Eventually she meekly inquires,
"But…but what about the mercenaries? What did they have to do with it?" >>133368Fantasy walks to a barber stol and sits down. She looks into the mirror and shakes her head a bit so her mane's fringe falls forward and actually cover her eyes.
Now she can't see.
"What do you think? My friend over there have been moaning on me to get a hair-cut but I don't
see what the problem is?"
>>133369"Aye. Half the office is over up in Manehattan huntin' snipe or something and the other half's chekin' fruit crates in the harbor, so the agency pawns off handlin' smugglers to the anti-partisans, who just promise we'll pay them for every live alien they turn in. Heheheh, didn't do a very good job at that. You shoulda seen the main hall. One of them poor hook nosed bastards was roasted like a chicken that got caught in the electric fence. There was blood and oil everywhere on the floor. Did somethin' similar in the chapel. You shoulda seen the ones they tied down and captured. They were scared shitless."
>>133370"Hehe" she smiles, and pulls aside her mane with her hoof
"Let's get this cut to something a little more... stylish. Just a little. And a little more practical."
>>133371Amber is obviously not very comfortable and starts edging away.
"I see. I'm glad I wasn't allowed in after all…" >>133372"Well don't you worry, little filly"
He actually
reaches out and touches her, patting the top of her head
"Because now you won't have to worry about being kidnapped and dragged in, like at least one colt was."
>>133373She lowers her head after the fact, looking up at him with a plaintive expression.
"K-k-kidnapped?"Autistic note: the term from the show is "foalnapped" >>133371"I used to sing sonbird's serenade's songs when I was filly so I got a similar cut. Well, something that cover your eyes when you want but a bowl cut isn't really the same her layered bangs."
>>133375"Well, Songbird Serande's old style it to have set of bangs forward over the eyes, and then move the hair that normally would fall to the side into two sets that move forward in another layer. So two larger layers of bangs facing forward. And that isn't
quite what you've got going here..." She says, looking at the bowl cut with an almost concerned expression
>>133374"Aye. He witnessed a murder or something, so they foalnappened him, right off the street. He was rescued though, thank Celestia. Sent back to his mum."
>>133376She nods, slightly relieved.
"Thank Celestia. I…I really should be going…" Next time on, "The Adventures of Fantasy Play and some other guys:" Fantasy Play and Amber Sunset go to the My chemical Romance concert but in for a big surprize.
>>133379That was just so bizarre! Was he pulling my hoof?
But then, how could he make up things like that…Disoriented and brooding over what just transpired, Amber doesn't have anywhere specific to go. Perhaps her legs will lead her someplace without her realizing it, or perhaps she'll get a nudge from an unlikely source.
It's too early to go home–and I don't want to go home with that fresh on my mind–and too late to be exploring a whole other part of the city…>>133378Nice title, poor music taste. Then again, I don't know the 1940's equivalent of MCR either. >>133380Now, just to figure out where to nudge her to...
Goodnight, ponies
>>133381One day we'll upload your lawyer brain to a computer so we can get DnD anytime, anywhere.
>>133376"Hey. Don't be mean," Fantasy Says but with still a playfull smile on her face. "Dad was a simple blacksmith in a village and I had a lot of siblings. He didn't wanna waste the money on getting us fancy mane-cuts so my mom did the best she could."
>>133424>>133423She scrunches for a moment, but then has a look on her face like she is genuinely sorry for the statement.
"I see. There are often not many options for families. Well, you're here in the chair right now, so I assume you want a change. So tell me, are you trying to impress a stallion? Trying to fit some idea of 'professional' for a new job? Do you just want to change how you look? Or are you tired of running into lampposts?"
>>133426What was Blue Skies cutie mark again?
>>133427A knife with wings coming out from either side. Sort of like the SAS symbol
>>133426Fantasy giggles and puts a hoof to her mouth. Then she pushes her lips together.
"Mmm... I guess I just want a new look," Fantasy says and taps her cheek as she ponders. "But I guess this board spread of hair-" Fantasy brings her hooves up to her hair and then spread tehm over the her mane. "-is so tightly connected with my own idenity by this point that I don't want to change it too much. Mmm... Would it be possible to get Songbird Serande's old look-" Fantasy lookas a bit away as she says this and a blush appears on her cheek. "-but maybe a bit shorter so that I don't need to move my mane out of the way all the time?"
A wooden one to be specific.
>>133430The pony rears up on her hind legs and holds herself there, standing behind and over Fantasy as both look into the mirror. She places her forehooves on each side of Fantasy’s head.
“Yes, though keeping it that way is going to require maintenance. We just pull this up here” she pulls some of Fantasy’s mane around her ears up and forward “layer it, cut the first layer, and maybe pulls some of the mane back here up and over” she pulls on a section of Fahtasy’s mane further back. “And we cut it all short enough so you can see, walking forward.” Of course fantasy can’t necessarily see what she is doing, but she
can feel it.
>>133433"That actually sounds great! I guess if I should go for full cosplay I need to get large pink bowtie as well." Her head turns towards where Blue Skies is. "What do you think, Cloudy? You think it would look cute on me?"
>>133434Blue Skies:
“If you’re dressing up for the concert in Fillydelphia, you can certainly try. You’re missing the wings though, so you won’t
quite look like her.” She smiles back
>>133435Fantasy chuckles and smirks after that.
"I guess I'll have to cutout some wings from cardboards and attach. Mmm. Yeah, I think I'll go with it actually."
>>133437This makes the earth mare chuckle
“Now let’s get started”
She pulls up fantasy’s mane, and motions to cut it
>>133438Fantasy let's her cut it.
>>133439"I'm Broomstick by the way," Fantasy says. "But you can call me Broomie. Uh, I'm sorry perhaps you can't focus when somepony is talking?"
>>133439>>133440The mare pushes her bangs down, cuts it straight across, and then gathers a set of hair that normally falls to the side in two separate bunches, cutting them straight across and making them fall forward. Then she moves on to a third layer. Fantasy can swiftly tell that her ears do much of the work in keeping the mane in place, as much of it would want to fall to the side. She doesn’t do a bad job at imitating Songbird’s style, but it seems to be missing something with the front layer of the bangs cut above the mane.
Fantasy has plenty of time to talk or ask questions as this process is going on
>>133441“Well hello Broomstick. That’s a pretty neat name. My name is Minty Mane, the owner of this shop.” She takes another piece of hair. “No, I can talk”
>>133442>Pic >cardboard cut out >kek>>133442"Do you also color manes?"
>>133445“It’s possible, yes” she answers
>>133446"Well, Maybe for another day. I'm not sure if I'm ready for that yet and besides, if I colored my mane in black and yellow, then everypony would know who I was imitating and I would be could be a bit embarrassing. Anwyay, you said this mane would require maintenance."
>>133447“I can understand that. A mane is an essential part of a mare’s identity, and you want it to reflect both who inspires you but also a bit of yourself. As for maintenance, it’s not that complicated, but you’ll need to carefully comb the layered segments and keep it between your ears and facing forward. Otherwise, it will just fall down to the sides.”
Fantasy mumbled, "Mm-mm!" in agreement as the mare talked about a mare's mane being important for her identity.
"Mmm, could you show me later, just a little bit how I would go about doing that?" Fantasy asks.
>>133452“Of course. I can do it right now.” She positions a comb in her hoof, partly in the frog and partly on a steel horseshoe. She places it against Fantasy’s mane. “Just pull those up like so” she pulls a set of hair, and then another set. “Nestle it like so.” She places it between her ears. “Do the same for the other side... And there you go” she pulls away, showing the somewhat Songbird-like hair
>>133455Fantasy's eyes widens a bit as she follows the mare's hooves working in her hair in the mirror.
She smiles when it is done and claps her hooves together.
"Oh, how nice well. I will practice that when I get home. It looked pretty easy. I never got it liike that no matter how I." tried."
>>133456>>133457“And there you go. You look a little like the big singer. But much more than that, you look like you” she smiles
>>133458She wasn't finsihed cutting the mane right? She has just combed the mane in that style now.
>>133459Whether we skip to her being finished or not is basically a matter of whether Fantasy engages in more conversation before then.
>>133460Well, good. Then we haven't skipped forward yet, right?
>>133458"Oh, thank you. It looks great. Well you were right, Cloudburst. this was a nice shop," Fantasy says as she turns her head towards Blue Skies. "You know?" Fantasy leans her head backwards a bit as she speaks to the earth-pony mare. "Since Cloudy had been nagging me for a while now to get a mane-cut, I brought her with me out to look for one. It was actually her that picked this shop out. Though... She said she never been here before... Hmm... What does that flag mean?" Fantasy waves a hoof towards the flag in the window.
>>133460Does the piece ofcloth in the window looks like a flag? It does look like a flag right?
>>133461There is no skipping forward unless desired
“It’s nice to see you two ponies here. One of the best parts of operating a shop is meeting new creatures and talking to them. Hearing their stories...
Oh that? That’s the red and black. They call it Anarcho-Syndicalism, but that’s a more theoretical way of looking at it. Really, it’s about equality, rejection of hierarchy, the unity of all creatures, and freedom of the self while being part of a larger community.”
>>133462It’s a square piece of cloth that was most likely intended to be a large bandana, but it could be used as a flag
"Oh, so its like political stuff then," Fantasy says a bit downtrodden. She looks down into her lap and shifts a bit in her seat. "I'm not too big on poltitical stuff. Ponies just argue."
>>133464“Well... that makes sense. Mostly I just have it up because the Fascists banned the workers right to organize and bargain for their wages. And that’s not right. It’s to show solidarity with the workers who live around here and who are my customers.”
"As to cheer them up? Well, that's very nice of you," Fantasy says.
>>133466“Well, you know, to show that I support them and stand with them, and with the non-pony creatures of the city against the Fasvist occupiers.”
>>133468Fantasy begins to nods so that if the barber cuts at that moment she misses.
"That's brave," Fantasy says.
>>133469She smiles, and doesn’t even seem to notice her scissors clipping air
And thankfully not Fantasy’s ear“Bravery is needed in these hard times.”
>>133470Fantasy is silent for a bit and chews her own lips.
"Do you have like something that I could read about this on? Uh, like, you know, I have seen political ponies give out papers with their thoughts on before. Do you have something like that?"
>>133471“Well....” she moves back, pulling away from Fantasy's mane
“Have you wondered what’s been going on in Manehattan since the new governor took over?”
>>133473"Well, no. I kinda moved here recently so I don't even know that a new governor has taken over," Fantasy says.
>>133474"I used to live in a small vilalge called Nuzzleville," Fantasy says.
>>133475"We lived kinda remote from the bigger cities."
>>133476>>133475>>133474She nods, slowly
“A small town pony, are you? Well, it looks like you don’t have class consciousness yet. I can hardly blame you. There are some ways to learn more though, about what’s going on.”
>>133477"Oh, well. That's good to hear. What are these ways then?" Fantasy asks.
>>133478"i mean I know I should probably read the newspaper but you might have a better sugguestion where to start."
>>133478>>133479She shakes her head
“The newspapers the big publish companies print are censored by the fascist government. They don’t tell you everything that’s going on about uprisings, riots, and The War. And then there’s what’s been going on with the unions. That’s not banned, exactly, but the newspapers don’t cover it.”
>>133480Fantasy gasps and her eyes go wide. She tiltes her head back and peers up at the mare.
"So they are not telling the truth?"
She shakes her head
“Not all of it. It’s a very different world away from the smaller towns. One with great struggles. But it’ll effect the small towns too, where it doesn’t already.”
>>133482"It will effect smaller towns as well?"
>>133483"Well, yes. The Fascists want to centralize power. The Communists too, but that's a different story. They are helping the landowners slowly to aggregate land for themselves, and leave the rest in the countryside too. And as things industrialize it gets worse. All of the smaller crafts businesses and shops get pushed out by the bigger ones, until eventually it will just be those who own things and those who don't. It's happening slowly, but its been going on for a long time. And the Fascists want to divide the creatures by nations, and place one nation against the other. In this way they drain even more resources that we make for them."
>>133484Fantasy seems to mull over this. She shakes her head.
"To be honest I didn't get all of that. It was a bit complicated but I don't like the thought of having dad's blacksmith be closed down for a bigger factory."
Fantasy won't make anymore moves towards having this mare give her some of those pamphlets or lead the converstaion into more polticial topics. The mare will be the one to take that initative now or nothing will happen.
While I don't think you need to hury up, I'm kinda done with this scene. Is was a fun scene but since this "going in for the kill" >>133471 missed, I have lost my enthusiam.
Do what you want, I'll still play but as fast as the topic changes to a none-political topic I want the scene to play on autopilot with Fantasy speaking about mundane things in cherry or pleasent tone of voice with this mare before finishing the cut and leaving.
Also, where is Mr. Snuggles in this scene? Is he outside at the entrence or what has happened to him? We never specify this. Is Fantasy's cat dead or alive right now? Well, the only way is to check. Heh heh, I'm so funny.
>>133485Mr. Snuggles is back with
Shrodinger in Blue Skies' lap. Not that the two particularly get along, but she keeps a hold of him.
It doesn't necessarily miss just because she wants to talk more after the question..."Yes... It's very hard to live through... I have a few pamphlets somewhere that summarize most of this. They are very informative. But they don't really tell you much you don't see living in the city. It's like they clarify your thoughts, or show you the wider world."
>>133487Okay, nice. I must go. This fun session, I mean it. :D
I'm very annoyed at being late like this.
>>133488Um... I hope it's fun. Hope to see you again soon!
>>133496Hello again. Whatcha' wanna do?
>>133497Well ill leave it up to you. But i think dark star would have just finished bringing the colts from the orphanage on a trip to see the docks and get ice cream.
>>133498Waking up the next morning, Dark Star finds he's woken up late, with Blue Skies long since gone. But the blankets are thick, making him cozy in the otherwise cold room, and sleeping in is well welcome. Dark Star easily catches a taxi to the orphanage, where after careful negotiation, Sister Marery lets the two colts out early to go to the docks with Dark Star (their lessons were halfway done by this point anyways). Dark Star's experience on the pier into Horseshoe Bay, and then later by the banks of the Delamare River, is quite enjoyable to say the least, helping him bond with the foals. But they have to be sent back eventually. This is where we meet Dark Star (or even the next day).
>>133499Dark Star smiles to himself after seeing the colts heaf back inside.
Then says to himself
"What a Great Day so far"
Forgive any spelling errors im phone posting for at least the next month
>>133501White Orchid waves back, then goes in, and Mint Marine smiles
What does Dark Star want to do next?