Up in the North, the ponies have successfully found who, or rather, what was damaging the mine. But their quest is not over, as they go to look for the source of the trouble. In Baltimare, Iron, Silver, and Dark Star enjoy the fruits of defeating the cultists, while Midnight herds the remaining rescues.
We welcome any new players to join
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>>128640He follows Silver, looking almost unsure
>>128639She waves a hoof in the air at him.
"Ah ah ah. Mister Seabreeze, I don't like it when ponies play tricks on me. You clearly disclosed classified information to me. I shouldn't have a choice anymore."
She takes one of the mints and starts to chew down on it.
>>128641He leads Mala to the taxi, getting in first so he's between Jubilosa and Mala.
>>128642He smiles at her
"Is that what you think we have told you? Very well."
He repositions himself in the chair
"You're an
illusion magic wielder, you say? Very well. Then let's see just how far you can get without being noticed. I am going to pair you with a certain agent of ours. She historically has specialized in testing the loyalty of NMAC soldiery recruited from non-pony races, and of collaborators. But very recently she has shown herself effective in recruiting and leading ponies outside of our organization. She will accompany you"
>>128644He is not as pleased by this
>>128645Mala looks over at Jubilosa, and Jubilosa looks back. Mala has a noticeable bulge in his belly, evidently from his feeding last night. Yet still, he's far from the ugliest of creatures, with a reasonable enough stripped tan coat, and hair that sometimes poofs up almost like a Mohawk, running from the back of his head down to his tail
>>128646Silver looks between the two.
"It will be nice to do something with my friends."
He gives the driver the location of the restaurant they're going to (the one where he first ate out at in Baltimare, where they serve meat), once Mala is inside.
>>128647The driver seems to linger as he looks back for a moment, but he continues, pulling away from the curb and back onto the street
Mala looks up at him
"What is this place, exactly?"
>>128646Fantasy waves her hoof away dismissively.
"Regardless, if the information was true or not, the intetion to lay a trap for me was there. If I said I wanted to take sometime to mull it over you would have me followed to see where I would go, wouldn't you?"
She flashed him a smile.
"You should really congratulate me for seeing through your ploy. Or maybe I'm just reading to much into it."
Then she scratched the back of her head.
>>128648Silver looks over to Mala.
"We are going to restaurant. They serve meats for people like polar bears, griffons, and others."
>>128649He nods
"And listened in on the following conversation, to determine the intel we made up about a "communist hiide out" or sabotage plot were true" He says
"Very well. I'll have her summoned"
>>128650He blinks, and looks at Silver curiously
"A restaurant for carnivores in Baltimare?"
>>128651"No," Fnatasy says and holds up a hoof into the air. "Not yet."
>"And listened in on the following conversation, to determine the intel we made up about a "communist hiide out" or sabotage plot were true"
I don't get what he is saying here. Can you elaborate?
>>128653She looks him straight in the eyes.
"I still want to join, however. I realized that there is something I must know before I can swear my allegiance to you, and can't ask you because your answer is biased. I must figure this out on my own, otherwise any oath I make to you is pointless."
>>128654Imagine he tells Fantasy Play that the Black Hooves have intel on the location on of a hideout for communist insurgents. In actuality, he has no such intel. He doesn't even know if the insurgents have hideouts at all. It was just a guess. Fantasy Play agrees that she will aid in the mission, but only later. She leaves. What the Blackhooves don't know is that Fantasy Play is actually an infiltrator working for the communists. And what Fantasy Play doesn't know is that she is being followed by a Blackhooves agent. So she goes back to where another communist insurgent is located - possibly even the safe house itself. "Our safehouse is compromised!" Fantasy exclaims. "Which one? The one on main street? Or in South side?" the insurgent answers back. And just like that, the follower knows that the insurgents do indeed have a safehouse - two of them - and the general locations of both.
>>128655He looks her straight in the eye
"Very well. As I said, you do not need to be a proper member to work assignments. Nevertheless, I cannot say it is not a big commitment, that can affect many things in your life. I can say with certainty it did for me"
>>128651Silver nods in confirmation.
>>128657He looks intrigued
"That would have been helpful for my parents..."
Considering the Tavern's location in Eastside, it doesn't take long at all for Silver and Friends to arrive at their destination, located in the northern corner of Redheart near where Redheart, Eastide, and Cowtown meet. A single story building named "Rover and Grimm's Carnivora"
"Two bits" says the driver
>>128656Oh, awesome. So I wasn't just blathering dumb stuff then, cool.
"Yeah, it seems to have really been pulling your le-" she interupts herself and looks for the first time sympathetic in her eyes. "I'm sorry. That was too far."
>>128659Or maybe you are just playing along as a dm. I will never know.
>>128658Silver pays the driver 2 Bits, and opens the door for Mala to get out first.
"After you."
>>128661Well, have to leave it here for today. I hope my character hasn't been too obnoxious.
I have been enjoying myself.
>>128662The gnoll walks out of the taxi. He's kind of fluffy with all of that fur, especially on the top of his back
>>128663She does seem kind of deliberately disrespectful, especially the mint thing>>128664Yay!
Hopefully there should be several possible options for mini quests soon enough
>>128665I'm probably gonna have her jon the ELF, is that possible? And if I do so, will she be able to go on quest with other pcs?
>>128666Those are two harder questions
>>128667Okay, take your time. If not, that's fine too btw.
>>128669Well, we have one who has unambiguously signed up with the Blackhooves, another who has signed up for the Changeling Hegemony, another who is apolitical but is working for a criminal syndicate, and another who would probably like ELF but thus far has if anything allied with Blackhooves
>>128665Silver gets out after him, and offers a hoof to Jubilosa for her to get out last.
"Ready for lunch, Jubilosa?"
>>128672She takes his hoof with her claw
"Yes, I'm starving"
She gets out, and looks around
"Huh. 'Carnivora'"
>>128671Her question is to tthe ELF since they seem to be under the impression that they can fight and bring liberty to Equestria, she plans to seek them out to see why they think so.
>>128670 I was under the impression that there were two seperate groups in different parts. Now it seems like there is just a bunch of solo missions. Going on. Not that there is any problem with that, I certainly don't have a problem with that. It was just my impression.
>>128673Silver chuckles.
"It certainly makes its purpose obvious."
He leads the griffon and gnoll into the establishment.
>>128675They walk in, and are met with the definite smell of
meat. They take a booth. Jubilosa sits inside, next to Silver. Mala sits across from both
>>128674It is two separate groups in separate areas. One is working on a mission for the Changeling Hegemony. The second group was working for a faction related to but not the same as The Blackhooves, until recently completing it
>>128676Silver takes a deep breath in of the strange smell, and looks to his companions.
"Have any ideas of what you want?"
>>128677"Mutton" Jubilosa says, picking up a menu after she answers
"Uh..." Mala looks over to Silver
"I'm not really
that hungry"
>>128678Silver picks up his own menu, and looks over at Mala.
"Oh...well, you can still order something if you wish."
>>128679He looks at Silver, and then down at the menu
"Oh. Well... I'll look"
>>128680Hmm...do they have BLTs on the menu?
>>128661"No, but really."
Fantasy gives him a sad look.
"I'm sorry about my behavior. I have troubles not being a... Well, smug flank, it's hard."
She puts a hoof to her chest.
"When you spoke of ponies before, you actually plucked one of my heartstrings."
She moves towards the door.
"Thank you for taking your time and remember, In the end, you and I aren''t so different and I like you. You should always remember that."
>>128685A single nod, and nothing more
>>128683Alright...what about a porkchop?
>>128688D'awww. He'd like that.
>>128689There's some meat Silver can eat, but it depends on how much he likes lollipops.
There's fish as a safe bet. Fish never are sapient....unless they have hooves.