It looks like thinks are concluding in both the North, and in Baltimare
1831 replies and 24 files omitted.
>>125205Onyx charges while it is still reeling, his halberd aimed like a lance.
[1d20+12 = 21] >>125207This is not straight forward, as it is down inside the mine while teh ponies above it. Of course going into the mine is not particularly difficult, given the presence of the ramp nearby, but it takes just a little bit longer
>>125208But can he still charge at the bug?
>>125208Then maybe I should resolve my final Ray first?
"Shit. We're gonna have to go down there after it aren't we?" Brie sighs, realizing that presenting a head and saying "There's more, we just didn't bother" won't fly with the queen.
The creature, one eye bleeding a black goo, tries to get up. One of the limbs is visibly shorter. It's been partly severed. But it places it on the ground, pulling itself up
>>125209Not before it has the chance to maybe respond
Roll initiative
Actually, everyone, roll initiative
Changeling Wetiko
>>125217Onyx does little tacticle stabbing with the halberd
[1d20+12 = 29] >>125219The halberd frosts over the wound a bit
[1d10+6 = 11][1d6 = 3] [1d20+5 = 8][1d20+5 = 12]>>125220The halberd stabs into the creature, like crushing through the shell of a beetle. The inside has a frozen quality
But it still stands. It swipes at Onyx with a broken, hoofless leg, and then tries to bite
Brie's turn
>>125221The broken leg would have hit, if there were a hoof at the end of it. But it doesn't and neither do its fangs make contact
>>125222Double daggers, por favor
[1d20+8 = 14][1d20+8 = 23] One hits the hide.... but bounces off of it, flinging down into the mine
The other dagger lands
>>125225It stabs into the hide, not quite knocking it down
>>125213Spark's turn
[1d20+3 = 17]>>125226Final Scorching Ray. Hope this is the last monster.
>>125227>>125225>>125220The creature, partly exploded, stabbed, and stabbed again, catches fire around its chest, a fire that spreads through out its body. It burns, with a smell strangely similar to burning wood. It falls over, to the ground
"Anypony else planning on mutating into a abomination?" Brie calls out, visibly frustrated.
>>125230Changeling drones, pretty much entirely all in flight, come closer, looking over the scene. The Owlbear has left, and the creatures are dead. The buzzing sounds like a swarm of bees, or hornets
>>125231Brie retrieves the one dagger he can be assumed to be able to find, and would like to take
this creature's head as well
>>125232The bodies of Drie and the Low level drone present a difficulty. They are partly burned
>>125234Only that the heads are damaged, with features partly burned. They can be severed
>>125235Brie will take his time cutting off the heads, to serve as evidence
>>125236The head of the drone is severed. It's tougher around the edges, but softer on the inside. The head of Drie has a leathery exterior that is easier to cut through, but a harder interior. Both are severed. Blood is red, then purple, then blue, but in all cases thick and not forthcoming
>>125237"Distasteful, but not unwarranted. This will do I hope."
>>125238And so it is
Drones start coming in, closer, looking at the bodies, and the scene of the action. So too do ponies in the pt, slowly wondering back after teh gunfire has ceased
>>125238>>125239Brie finds that, as time passes, the body of Zu Lang slowly transforms back into the body of a decapitated changeling drone, bleeding blue blood and wearing a white fur coat
>>125240Well that's a relief. They don't appear to be regenerating
>>125241Nope. He's dead. The drones come in closer
>>125163Iron really can't tell very much about these items, either what they are or how valuable they are.
But Iron can discern two things. Ponies only put things in safes either because it's something they have that they are afraid of being stolen, or it's some secret they must hide that they cannot destroy. Either way, it means it must be valuable, at least to someone. But Iron also knows that while an item may be valuable to someone, it can only be valuable to Iron if he can figure out how to use it.
Brie takes a deep breath, after having acquired the 2-3 heads of the,... wetikos, he guesses, that's what they were called.
>>125244A few of the drones, buzzing around, move back a few feet
>>125245Brie looks up and to the right, not at anypony in particular. "Yes, you're right."
He then focuses his attention on the drones.
"Jemand sollte anfangen zu reden. Ich suche keine Köpfe, ich habe diese, aber ich brauche Antworten. Jetzt!"
>>125246A black dog pops out from underneath the carriage that Brie bought, which is in the mine, and another dog pops out from behind a tree. So too do two stallions come out of the breakroom trailer, a drone out of the office, and a few more stallions from behind a piece of equipment, now that the gunfire has ceased. Drones haven't answered Brie's question yet, but a couple land down, far away. One particular one dives down and comes kind of close to Brie. It's Drie's guard and medic, who is trying to recover his carbine, which he dropped.
>>125247"Niemand? Niemand." He sighs and wipes some blood from his forehead. "Jetzt verdammte Hunde?" he mutters. "Ich gehe nicht, bis ich einige Antworten bekomme. Du." he says, pointing a hoof at the medic.
>>125248The drone lands down, and uses magic to pick up the carbine. He looks over with his big (lliteral) bug eyes at Brie, silent for a moment, when Brie speaks to him
"Eh... In diesen drei Fällen gab es seit einiger Zeit einige "Unregelmäßigkeiten" in der Nacht"
>>125249"Ich könnte mir vorstellen. Wurde etwas darüber beobachtet, was ... dies verursacht haben könnte?"
>>125250Wings falls down a bit, and after he starts speaking, he looks down, before looking up again
"Wir wissen nicht wirklich warum. Es begann nicht lange nachdem wir hier angekommen waren. Wir glauben, dass es etwas mit einem Stamm der Ersten Völker nördlich von hier zu tun hat, gegen den wir gekämpft haben, als wir versucht haben, die Region zu sichern. Entweder taten es ihre vergifteten Pfeile oder sie verfluchten sie. Vielleicht war es der Wald selbst ... Wir wissen es nicht"
>>125251"Das ist ganz in Ordnung, das wird nicht erwartet. Die Königin wird jedoch eine vollständige Nachbesprechung wünschen. Wie früh können Sie einen zusammenfassenden Bericht erstellen? Dies kann ohne Angst oder Androhung von Repressalien durchgeführt werden, wie ich genug gesehen habe, um aussagen zu können, ohne eine Fledermaus zu implizieren?"
Yes, I'm thinking that while everyone does the 'everypony' thing, Brie will do the same, except with bat Xp >>125252"Ich kann ... Ich kann jemanden dazu bringen, so schnell wie möglich einen Bericht zu schreiben. Ich weiß nicht, wie glücklich die Königin sein wird, aber sie könnte sich mehr darum kümmern, das Erz wieder auf Kurs zu bringen"
Is Brie secretly a Bat nationalist? >>125253Brie is a pure opportunist, who unfortunately is having to manufacture his opportunity."Das war ihr Hauptanliegen, ja. Unabhängig von den Anomalien bin ich sicher, dass sie zufrieden sein wird dass die Dinge zu einem Anschein von Normalität zurückkehren können."
>>125254He nods, and then volunteers the following:
"Es beginnt normalerweise nachts, nicht die meisten Nächte, aber manchmal. Wir denken, Stress verursacht es, aber wir wollten es nicht genau testen. Einige Arbeiter hatten nachts Pech, andere hatten sie gesehen. Also haben wir die Arbeiter vor ein paar Monaten ersetzt. Die Arbeiter hatten Angst und waren sowieso nicht produktiv oder vertrauenswürdig. Wir haben sie nachts an die Box gebracht, um zu verhindern, dass sie viel Schaden anrichten oder verloren gehen, aber manchmal haben sie die Maschinen angegriffen, weil die Maschinen sie tagsüber frustriert haben. Die Maschinen haben das Schlimmste davon."
>>125255Brie thinks long and hard before answering, his hoof at his chin pensively. After a lengthy pause he replies "
Waren sie völlig wild oder gab es eine Möglichkeit, sie zu kontrollieren? Ich meine, sie schienen sich auf die Maschinen zu konzentrieren, nicht wahr? Ist es möglich, dass diese Wildheit beurteilt werden könnte? Oder ist es zu früh, um eine solche Entscheidung zu treffen?
For the record, I meant 'judged' to be 'directed' >>125256He nods, and answers, now clearly calmed down
"Wir haben es nie gewagt, unsere Kommandeure zu kontrollieren. Aber nein, die Drohne war unkontrollierbar, obwohl sie abgelenkt werden konnte. Ein vierter starb an Wunden, nachdem er sich wieder in eine Drohne verwandelt hatte. Ich glaube, es war sowohl von den First Nations als auch von Kugeln, die in Dämonenform auf ihn geschossen wurden."
"Deflected" is "distracted" >>125257Brie nods thoughtfully. "Sehr gut. Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich meinen Fragen gestellt haben. Darf ich deinen Namen haben?"
>>125258He nods, and touches his cap, though he does not fully tilt it or remove it
"Ich bin Drohne vierunddreißig von Lacenia und Schwarzer Flügel. Mein späterer Name ist Fultoni"
>>125259IndeeddAnd thank you Alright, so Silver was returning to the rest of the party.
>>125261Silver walks through the upper hallway of the second floor, past the lone zebra corpse and a blood trail and Maakie’s gun and saber, over to the stairwell. The area is pretty empty, even as their are distant noises.
Meanwhile, Iron's still mumbling to himself about these accursed items, obviously storing the ones that hold immediate value in his eyes.
Please don't make me go through the list again. It's so far away from the 50 post limit
>>125264Ah coolIron, not sure how to use these items in the first place aside from pawning them off to Cauldron for her to sell off somehow, simply looks around for a convenient container to put all these things in.
>>125265It’ll fit in a saddle bag, but unless he has one, none are immediately present
>>125266Iron hums softly.
(Maybe I can stuff them in my clothes?) he ponders to himself as he gazes on.
>>125267There is the adjacent set of rooms, after all. But if folded, it could probably fit on his back or in a pocket. (He’s covered in more than a little blood, though)
>>125270Iron trots forth, and trips and falls into the desk
>>125272Iron's jaw hits the desk in mild annoyance, shaking off his head before actually going to look for a saddlebag.
[1d20+1 = 10]<Search roll (again) >>125273There’s like a white robe in the closet, a couple formal business suits (stripped pattern), some towels in the bathroom, and a briefcase (which does not have a shoulder strap)
>>125274Iron decides to inspect the white robe, wondering how thick it was as he takes it out of the closet and extending it to its fullest on the floor.
>>125275It is made of cotton, seems like it would be reasonably warm in cold weather, and offers zero armored protection. It’s it seems like it would fit on Iron, but is intended to be loose on the wearer. It will cover down to approximately a few inches above Iron’s knee, and over everything from Iron’s shoulder to tail. A mare might be able to wear it, though it would be obviously oversized
Humming softly, Iron takes the marble statue, placing it on top of the inside of the coat.
>>125278With that, he tries to close it to see how it looks like.
>>125279The marble griffin is rather small, maybe ~15 cm or less in height. It is covered completely by the robe, though the bulge is visible
>>125280Seeing the potentially most difficult thing to store, he'll go on to place the notes, bits and foreign currency inside as well, making sure it can still be closed by the top, akin to a bindle.
>>125281This is doable, it looks almost like a towel. The papers have to be bent and crinkled to make this happen, unless they are carefully rolled, or if the robe is folded in a rectangle. The robe is pretty large when rolled or filed up
>>125282Making sure the fold is in a rectangle with his hooves in order not to break the items inside, he then proceeds to place all of the money item group inside the white robe, closing it once more.
>>125283What are all of the items Iron takes? (List). And does not take
>>125284The gemstones, Equestrian Bank Notes, the idol, and the bracelet first, to try it out.
He does not take the rest.
For now. >>125285This is easily wrapped inside of a bath robe, though it is awkward to carry and could unravel
>>125286Iron then proceeds to look in the bathroom, wondering if there could be a long stick of wood inside.
>>125287A detachable metal towel hanger rail, and a plunder (hiding behind a wooden door)
This is a rather nice and large bathroom. The bathtub is basically a hot tub, and the shower is rather large as well
>>125288Iron inspects the length of both rail and plunger handle, humming softly as does so.
>>125289Neither is as long as a meter, the plunger handle being the longer of the two.
>>125290Looking between the two, Iron finally decides to pick up with his mouth the plunger handle, assuming the plunger itself will make haste in removing itself.
>>125291It needs to be pulled off, but it seems possible with enough effort
>>125292Huffing with the plunger still in his mouth, Iron tries to do so.
>>125293And.... it’s torn off. A ~.92 meter long wooden stick remains
>>125294Bringing it back to the extended, closed robe, Iron grabs the tips of the robe, tying it up to the long, wooden stick.
>>125295It’s a short stick and a long robe, but this is more or less doable, if ungraceful
>>125296Iron then tests it by pulling it up with his mouth and shaking it slightly.
>>125299It holds, mostly. But don’t go too hard on it either.
Iron may now waltz Matilda
>>125300Iron proceeds to lay down the home-made equipment and undress himself, loosening the leather belt under it to slide the handle through the belt and fasten it so as to free the mouth.
>>125301The bag is still in an awkward position, running up against his side. Unless iron puts the belt around his neck, and tries to have the pole go upward
>>125302Iron proceeds to move the belt about, up to his neck as to try out the position.
>>125303It kind of hurts. Or would, but iron feels great right now. If iron stops suddenly, the bag will hit the back of his head, but otherwise it works
>>125304Beaming with pride, Iron proceeds to pick up the briefcase, stuffing all the info stuff he got into it and closing it, leaving him with the two fluids on the table.