Alright Poners, are you ready to kick some griffin ass?
The ponies have determined that there is a mass group of griffins who belong to the organization inside of a central meeting area in the dormitory square.
>>121010Dark Star was scouting for exits with Blue Shekels
[1d20+5 = 15]>>121011Dark Star looks for a exit
>>121012Down the hallway, it looks like one is visible over to the right. It's recessed into the wall, so he can't see the actual door itself, but he can deduce that it is there.
The greater trouble comes from the fact that across from it on the other side is an entrance into the central area where the griffins are gathering
>>121013Dark Star points this out to Blue
"Looks like one over there."
>>121014She nods, and looks back to him
"Well, that's one. There may be more past it"
[1d20+5 = 6]>>121015"I Don't like this one its too close to the entrance. Lets try to find a better one."
He moves quietly past it
>>121016Dark Star walks past the entrance, carefully, delicately, on his hooves until..... A griffin collides directly with him, knocking him to the ground, and making quite a sound
>>121017He has a look of shock on his face
"Sheeit. sorry griff."
He Reaches down to help him up
>>121018The griffin is a young to middle aged looking griff of grey feathers and a brownish coat who is wearing an off-white colored robe. He looks to Dark Star/Zekker strangely, not immediately taking the hoof
>>121019He shakes his hoof slightly
"Lemme help ya up."
>>121022He pulls on Dark Star, evidently to pull himself up
"I saw you. You and that Unicorn. You came into the temple and sat down for the lessen. I did not see you come back here..."
>>121023"Yea we come here,heard there was fun. we come straight here after temple."
>>121024"How.... who let you in here? You should be with the rest of the group in the other building"
>>121025"My Zigga with a turban."
>>121026He sighs, almost with disgust
"Well, that would explain where
he has been... But the event is upstairs.... If that is where you want to go"
>>121027"Dat Sounds good my griff. Which way do i go?"
>>121028With a foreclaw, and a look of mild irritation, he points behind him, and through the entrance that he just came from
"Through there. Up the stairs you can find on your left. To the top floor, the third one. At the end of the hall, you will find them."
With a pause, then he says
"Did the Minister approve you?"
>>121029"Yea he did do dat. hey wheres da bafroom?"
>>121030"Behind you. Around the corner. On your left. I would not go up there unless the Minister or the Landlord has invited you first"
>>121031"Thanks muh griff."
He walks towards the bathroom, he walks loud enough so blue can hear his hoof steps.
>>121032The Griffin looks back to him with a somewhat uncomfortable look. At least two more griffins from within the central look over to Dark Star as he walks, but say nothing and do not move. As soon as he moves out of the doorway, they pass out of line of sight. Blue Shekels stands further away, and out of line of sight from any intruding griffin. As he approaches, she says to him
"Well that was unsettling"
>>121033"Very. the one i ran into suspects something."
>>121034"Well.... It looks like we have limited time. Let's hope we don't run into any more."
>>121035"Lets hurry."
Dark Star continues moving towards the bathroom
>>121036It becomes quickly apparent that the bathroom the griffin sent him to was the one that the party is using as a staging area
[1d20+5 = 20]>>121037Dark Star spots to try and see if any griffins followed them
>>121036Um.... is Dark Star going into the bathroom and talking to ponies, or waiting, or.... what is he doing?
>>121038None have followed him to the bathroom
>>121040>>121039He's trying to make them think that he's going to the bathroom,so they go back to doing whatever they were doing. before he goes back and continues searching for exits.
[1d3 = 1]>>121041Alright. Dark Star goes into the other hallway, and waits an appropriate amount of time before, presumably, going back the way he was going
>>121043Hello poner! Silver floof is (presumably) in the bathroom. He may plan, prepare, or otherwise act for the mission at hoof
[1d20+2 = 18]>>121045Alright, how does edge pone cross the same entrance?
>>121047As he walks forward, stealthily, a different griffin moves forward. Into him. Directly into him. Dark Star collides with a griffin and falls to the ground. Again.
>>121048Dark Star Continues walking the way he was going
He hears a yelling from behind
[1d20+5 = 10]>>121051He ignores it and looks for a place to hide.
>>121052He does not find one. The other griffin quickly gets up and angrily follows him
“What are you doing? Say you are sorry”
>>121053The Griffin thinks he can smell some alcohol on the zebra
"Sorry, griff. i didnt see you there."
>>121054“By Maar you didn’t! Knocked us both right down!”
He moves closer to Dark Star
>>121056He looks at him, and stands before him
“You ran into that other griffin before, didn’t you, stripes? Where did you come from?”
>>121058He is silent for a moment. Then he nods.
“I take it the town group must have shown interest in you. I do not think they will take so kindly to your showing up under the influence of intoxicating spirits... unless they had other plans. Where are you going?”
>>121059"I is looking for some creature."
>>121061"Some zigga named zebron."
>>121062He is silent for a moment
“I don’t think he’s here. This is a private residence. You should not be here at all”
>>121064After still another pause
"... By who?"
>>121065"None udda den maakie himself."
>>121066His eyes grow wide
"Maakie....? What did he invite you for?"
>>121067"He wuz impress by me."
Dark Star tries his best to look smug
>>121068He stands there for another moment, opening and closing his beak as if in a smack
“If that’s the kind of help he’s hiring... no matter. We’ll leave him to his business, while we pursue ours.”
>>121069"Here an apology from me. i really is sorry."
He hoofs the griffion bits.
>>121070He takes the bits, inspects them, then pockets them, before nodding to Dark Star
“Carry on”
>>121071He tries to see if blue is watching if so,He continues down the hallway.
>>121072Blue Skies is indeed watching. Dark Star can also travel to the end of the hallway
>>121074The griffin does not hang around, but goes back the way he can’t from, back into the central area. Blue sheckeks, peaking around, comes through too, to end of the hall. On the sides it rolls more or less symmetrical, with just a couple rooms on the walls. Dark Star has reached the corner
>>121075He peeks around the corner
>>121076No creature visible at the moment, and the hallway stretches down to an end
>>121077Dark Star listens at the doors he's near
>>121078Seems to be silent, though hard to tell with sounds from inside the central area, and from pipes in the walls
>>121079Dark Star slowly opens one
Silver looks to Mala. "Do you have rough idea of how many entrances there are to common room?"
[1d3 = 2]>>121081“.... I think... I think there is the one from the central building, one to the street.... maybe another to the north or to the sea? Those should be closed I think. And the stairs”
>>121080The room is dark, and no signs of any creature in it
>>121083He shuts it. and continues scouting for an exit.
>>121084Looking further down, three things are visible. To the right, halfway down, a recess in the wall. It looks like an exit. To the left, an opening in the hallway, evidently to the central area, right across from the exit. Also the right, just further down, what seems to be a door to a stairwell
>>121085"Buck. this exit looks like the same one. maybe if we go down the stairwell we can find an exit?"
>>121086“That one probably connects to outside. I’m not sure what is through the stairs”
>>121087"This exit might work."
He puts his hoof to his chin in thought
>>121088“.... What are you trying to do, exactly?”
She asks
>>121089"Let's relay the location of this exit to silver."
>>121090“Alright... what’s next?”
>>121092"Did those fire bombs ever get finished?"
>>121094"Prehaps we should scout the main area?"
>>121096"Yep. i want to see if maakie's ugly beak is in there."
>>121097“Alright.... but don’t get their attention”
>>121098He Chuckles slighlty
"I've been very good at that tonight."
>>121099She smiles back, and shakes her head with an "Oh you"
>>121100Dark Star enters the main hall inconspicuously.
>>121101Gonna need a check on that.... not entirely sure what, but I'm going to need a check
>>121103>>121104A couple creatures look towards him
>>121106No. This is a room full of similar looking griffins, unlike the more diverse crowd in the church earlier that night
>>121107"Dis aint da bafroom. sorry."
He turns around and walks out.
>>121109He Walks over back to blue
"Lets just go back to the others. im not very agile tonight."
>>121110Before Dark Star leaves the room, he is able to gleam the following information:
The room itself is square. However, the second floor on the east and west sides "hangs over" the lower floor, making the raised ceiling a few stories above a rectangular shape. On each of the long ends is a railing to a hallway. Some of the rooms on the hanging sections have windows that look into the open area in the center.
The griffins are all dressed in robes, which include brown, white, and red. Some wear hats. Many seem completely relaxed and are clearly socializing in a normal way, while a couple read from books, and a few loiter and stand anxiously, or expectantly.
There is one familiar face - aside from the griffins he ran into, literally - the speaker at the church from earlier, who at the moment is talking to some griffins with a sort of urgency
>>121111>CheckedDark Star Takes in the Sights and gets a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.
He trots over to blue and says"Something is wrong."
He then moves back to the bathroom.
>>121112She nods, and scurries back
>>121113if he is at the bathroom he enters it
>>121114Behind him, he can tell he has two guests
>>121115He stay calm and walks over to one of the toilets.
>>121116The two creatures follow him from the hallway
The only question is whether Dark Star makes it inside first
>>121119He walks inside. towards the toilet.
>>121118He walks inside
>>121120They follow him, and speak
"And where did you come from?"
>>121121"Who wants to know?"
He hasnt turned around yet.
>>121122Insisting, angry:
"What are you doing here"
>>121121Silver tries to hide somewhere in the bathroom while the griffons are distracted.
>>121123"What i'm doing here? in the bafroom? what you think?"
[1d2 = 1]>>121125"You should not be in the building"
>>121126>1"Are you sure about dat?"
[1d20+4 = 13]>>121127At this point, the first griffin reaches to put his claws on Dark Star
[1d20+4 = 12]>>121129Well, what he's doing is reaching to grab Dark Star. Assuming Dark Star is not flat footed - which is actually not a solid assumption if Dark Star is turned to them, and initiative has not been rolled yet - Darl Star's AC should be 13, which is exactly the number required for it to land
Of course, Dark Star has an attack of opportunity.
Either way, the other tries to grab him as well, next
>>121130Only if you want
>>121131Silver is not going to leave his friend to be taken. He rushes out of the bathroom, sword in his telekinetic grip.
[1d20 = 14]>>121131"Hey git yer dirty griffin claws off of me."
He says loud enough so his friends can hear.
Dark star bites at one
>>121132You damned, dirty griffin!Dark Star manages to move his muzzle over and bite down on a shocked griffin's claw, as his eyes raise in shock
>>121132The other one, just freshly missing Dark Star, looks up in shock at the Unicorn waving a sword
>>121138>>121137These griffins are begining to question their decision to enter the bathroom
Dark Star, then Silver
[1d20+8 = 28]>>121139Dark Star takes a five foot step and draws his bow, then fires at the one that touched him
Bab is +5 dex is +3
>>121142>>121140Dark Star takes a step back, pulls his bow and a single arrow, draws the string, and lets it fly almost point blank, right into the griffin's forehead, dead center between the eyes. A pink electric shock goes over his skull and shines in the eyes, as the energy pushes him backwards before he collapses to the ground on his ass, and then falls over to his side
Khoi and Jubilosa peak out from behind a shower curtain to watch the scene, as Blue Shekels stares
[1d20+8 = 19]>>121144I forget what the penalty is for a nonlethal strike, so just take it off of the roll.Silver aims a nonlethal pommel strike at the remaining griffon's head.
Silver swings his sword down, and strikes the second griffin with the broadside
>>121145>>121146The last griffin, having been hit on the shoulder and wobbling because of a pain that runs down through the shoulder and into the right foreleg, turns and tries to run for the door to escape
>>121148And he's hurt
[1d20+8 = 20]>>121149Dark Star
assuming its my turn shoots another arrow at the retreating griffin
>>121152>>121150>>121148Already in pain from the sword strike that came down upon his shoulder (and may even have broken something), the griffin turns around and seeks to flee the room.... but not before being shot in the back around the base of the wing by an arrow from Dark Star, which, with a burst of pink energy, stops the griffin, lets him shiver once, then collapse to the ground
>>121152>>121148Jubilosa and Khoi come out from behind their shower curtin, and Mala from behind Silver, as Blue Shekels comes closer into the center of the room from near the doorway
>>121153>>121153Dark Star drags him back into the bathroom
>>121154>>121155Silver drags the other griffon inside as well.
>>121155>>121156And so the griffins are pulled inside, tied up by the females, and thrown into the pile of the other griffins inside the showers. There are about five of them now
>>121157>>121155"So...find anything useful out?"
>>121158Dark Star gives him the description of the room from
>>121111"We Found 2 Entrances to the main hall."
>>121158Blue shekels:
“At least two entrances, plus the stairwells. There’s a railing overlooking the main hall.”
>>121160>>121159"Hmm...should we split into groups to cover them?"
>>121161"perhaps. its gonna be hard to get into the main hall without being noticed though."
Hello ponies! Who is here?
>>121167>>121166>>121165Hello little ponies. The ponies are about ready to attack, once they have an approach to the area.
As far as is known, at the center of the building is a large square where many of the members of the organization are congregating, including the minister, but not including Maakie. A set of hallways form a square around the inner square, with four connections to it. These lead to an exit to the central building, one to a Hoebuck street, maybe one to the sea, and a pair of stair cases. The square is over looked by windowed rooms on the second and higher floors, and railings on the second floor on two sides
>>121167>>121168>>121165"well that was quite something" he says motioning to the dead griffins they just killed
>>121169Blue shekels looks down at the griffins as they are dragged off by Khoi
“I think your bow just stubs them... They must have suspected you shouldn’t be here. They seem to know everyone who is here and anyone who isn’t one of them stands out.”
She looks back to him
“The communists were expecting visitors and new faces. Maybe the creatures at the church were. They are not.”
>>121170I think he would be with the others in the bathroom
>>121172"i convinced one earlier that i worked for maakie."
>>121174“ Well, then at least there are some creatures they don’t know that they don’t want to mess with”
>>121172Fair.Iron listens to the conversation for now.
>>121175"Its going to difficult getting into the main hall without being a griffin. its packed full of the flappy merchants in there."
>>121174>>121176>>121173“Well ponies... What is the plan?”
>>121177“Do you want Jubilosa and I to go? Or should we not go inside the main hall at all?”
>>121178"well you said the fire bombs were unethical right?"
Dark Star puts his hoof to his chin in thought.
>>121177>>121178Silver turns to Dark Star for guidance.
>>121178"All we know is that we need to surround them and do not let anypony escape from the room," Iron comments.
>>121179“Well, here’s the thing. Every creature inside of Baltimare territory is protected by the laws of Baltimare, even if they are illegal aliens, and even if they are criminals guilty of acts so heinous even the SDP would hang them. So you can’t just sneak up on them, light them on fire, and kill them. That would be murder. You can kill them if they fight you with potentially deadly force. You can kill them if they imminently threaten someone else’s life. You can kill them if they are felons fleeing capture. But you cannot ambush them and kill them. I know we did exactly that over at Blackwood Pier. But that was a mission from the SSA itself, and the SSA considered itself at war with foreign elements and fifth columnists who themselves would not fight by the rules of law. So we treated it as war. But here, as of now.... even though these criminals are
worse than the communists ever were.... we have a few more restrictions.”
>>121183""the law didnt care about me when i got kicked out of my home."
>>121184>>121183Blue Shekels reaches over and tries to pet Dark Star with a claw
"Dark Star.... The law needs to care about the zeebs and the griffins. If it doesn't, they will become as disenchanted as you are. And if they do, they will rebel. And I assure you the Party cannot afford that, not at all."
>>121182"We split up into teams. Each team covers one of ground exits. When we are in position, we give griffons order to surrender, and alerting them to status of their comrades we have already captured or killed. Those who do will be taken peacefully. After that, we will converge on those griffons who did not and dispatch them, capturing them alive if we can, killing them if it is not option."
>>121185>>121183"I would rather let them feel shame from being beaten up, frankly," Iron comments.
>>121186"Alright... who is in which team, and will the exits just be the ones that can get out of this building, or get out of the square?"
>>121188Iron raises a hoof, waving it excitedly.
"Oh! Me! I can be obnoxiously loud and threatening to make others surrender!"
>>121189She nods
"Alright, very good. Now which area will you cover and with who?"
>>121185Dark Star frowns and then sighs.
>>121186"that sounds like a good way for none of us to see dawn ever again."
>>121189Dark Star chuckles at iron's response.
>>121191"So you'd rather not split up?"
>>121188>>121189>>121190"We will cover exits to square. We have eight battle-ready ponies, so we will split in teams of two to cover four exits. Teams will be me and Mala, Dark Star and Blue Skies, Iron and Khoi Lua, and Midnight and Jubilosa. Loputu will stay with me, and Meadows will stay with Midnight. For their safey, they should avoid battle as much as possible."
>>121191"I understand your concerns, here, but if we do not split up, we will end up bottlenecked, and they will be able to retreat out of other exits."
>>121193Blue Skies:
"Uh... Well, we could do that, but both Dark Star and I are really... well, we're not entirely effective in melee. We are both more of the ranged type"
>>121194"We could also explore the possibility of blocking off exits"
>>121193Iron glances around the room, thinking a pony is being left out of the plan.
>>121192>>121193"This is likely to get at least one of us killed, if not Everypony."
>>121196With slightly narrowed eyes, White Sands stands rather close to Iron, listening to Silver Sword
>>121198Iron nudges Sands on the shoulder, offering her a small smile. "You keep my flank safe in case some griffon tries to sneak up on us."
>>121199With malign glee, she responds
"Don't you worry.
No one is taking you away from me"
>>121195"So, you and I, and Dark Star and Mala?"
He rubs his chin for a second in thought before realizing how stupid he is. "Sorry, Sands. Where do you think you would be most effective?"
>>121195"That could work, but what would we block them with?"
>>121197"All plans we could come up with have that chance. I will do my best to make sure you all get out of here safely."
>>121201>>121200Iron throws out a guess.
"Considering she uses the tube thing that fires metal bits, she most likely will be guarding the rear."
>>121201"Oh, I'm staying with him"
She places a leg over Iron as Khoi Lua gives her a glare
>>121201"Well, we could rope things off, find some metal objects, furniture, traps.... Fire"
>>121203Iron can't help but blush slightly over the leg placing on him.
>>121195"that could be bad if one gets too close."
>>121201"how about Skies and Mala, and You and i?"
>>121202"Well, I don't think we are alone in this building. It's best to make as little noise as possible."
Sands narrows her eyes and turns her head slightly while keeping her eyes locked on Skies. But she does nothing more and says nothing.
>>121204She looks to Iron and smiles almost smugly
>>121205Mala turns his head, and becomes a little droopy at this suggestion
>>121205"That also could work. I am only one pony out of this group, I am just explaining plan so we have one."
>>121206Silver trots over, and gives Mala some head pats.
>>121203Silver looks over to the firebombs he's packed. "...That could work."
>>121206Dark Star scratches Mala's head
"You're a good boy, i'm trusting you to protect my marefriend."
>>121207"yea i understand. its always better to work together to come up with a plan though."
>>121206Iron chuckles.
"Do you have some tricks in your horn to deal with far away opponents?"
>>121208>>121207Mala closes his eyes, and smiles at the pats, pressing his head upward against the frogs of the hooves as his short fur is rubbed. But when it finishes he says
"But... But I wanted a chance to protect my new friends"
>>121209Her horn glows that yellow-green color just off from her eyes, and pulls out from her pack the strangely curved knife
"There are always other options"
>>121210"It doesn't matter who you are will. By fighting with us, you will be helping to protect all of us; including your friends." Silver smiles at the striped gnoll.
>>121211Iron nods.
He turns to the rest, awaiting the moment to start.
>>121212"Oh... oh... okay"
Blue Skies
"So, will we split up or not, where do we put the archers, and what are we doing with the entrances?"
>>121210Sorry had to go take some meds, i feel like shit"What do you mean?"
Dark Star scratches behind his ears
>>121215"To help you two... To fight for you two. To be useful to someone"
>>121214"I definitely want to get in there and demand surrender or force them into it through my hooves," Iron offers.
>>121217She nods
"That will probably be pretty effective"
>>121216Dark Star continues petting him.
"you will though. you're a Good Boy. Yes you are!"
>>121219He moves forward, now almost pressing into Dark Star, before his tail wags back and forth, and he moves, squatting as if about to sit
His tongue comes out, moving slightly in and out with each breath
>>121221Dark Star's hooves go down the spined back of the gnoll, which arches down onto ribs. The fur is lose and moves around over the body as the hood presses against it, and there is a little fat on him.
He seems to really enjoy it, his tongue going in and out as Dark Star pets him
>>121222Dark Star picks up speed on his rubs
"Whos a Good Boy? Whos a Good Boy?"
>>121223*pant pant pant*
The fur is rubbed by easily, as the organs below the ribs bounce a little. Mala is fairly large, larger than Dark Star, actually. But Dark Star manages
Blue Skies:
"Well? We still need a plan"
>>121224"I Think Silver's Plan Could Work."
>>121225"Do you mean, we split up the group into four and one covers each entrance?"
>>121226"Yea, now that he has explained a little more. i think it could work."
>>121227"You do not want to close any of the exits with fire or other things?"
>>121228"That does actually sound nice."
>>121229"So.... Where does that leave us?"
>>121229>>121217>>121212"You know what? We can all just move into positions, so long as we know where those positions are"
>>121230"That leaves us setting an exit on fire."
>>121230"I take the biggest door possible!" Iron extends his hoof as he exclaims.
>>121231"If a pony could sneak past, they could certainly do it. They could time it at the same time as one of you makes a speech to get their attention
>>121232"Well... they are similar in size, but the one right before the entrance to the center building is most obvious to flee to, as is the one near the street. It also requires the least stealth to get to"
>>121233"Excellent. That is where I will go," Iron nods. "I shall wait for the others to decide what positions they want to take before moving out."
He turns to Sands with a grin.
"I will be in good company," he says, proceeding to turn to Khoi. "Will you also accompany us there?"
>>121233"A Speech?" Dark Star smiles.
"That sounds like an excellent plan."
>>121234Khoi nods
"I may. I do not want to fight, but it would be immoral not to"
>>121235"Well, I'm sure one of you three will be happy to provide. Just... don't get us all killed"
>>121237"So no calling them Dirty hook beaks?"
>>121236With a nod, he returns his gaze to Skies.
"We three will take the entrance you have suggested, boss."
>>121238Jubilosa stares at Dark Star
Blue Shekels
"Well, what I mean is, beware that most of us can't take combat well. Maybe put some of us behind walls of fire so we can shoot over them, or try to attack griffins that jump over?"
>>121239She nods
>>121240"Yea that does sound like something we should do."
He makes eye contact with jubilosa
"i didnt mean you. i meant your captors."
>>121241Jubilosa responds:
"Herzlanders. From the Imperial Remnant, maybe. They have the attitude for it, it seems"
Blue Skies
"Where do you want to go?"
>>121242"Imperial remnant?"
he looks over to blue.
"I'd like to give the speech to distract the griffins."
>>121212>>121239>>121241"Alright, here's the situation.
There are four entrances: North, East, South, and West. The North entrance is right across from the connection to the central hallway of the building. That's the easiest way for them to get out. It's also one of the easiest for us to get to.
Then there is the East doorway. That is maybe across from an exit to behind the building and towards the sea, but we don't know. It's most likely locked, if not boarded up. It's also easy to get to. The east entrance is also next to a stairwell, which we know can go both up and downstairs.
Then there is the entrance to the West. That entrance, we know, is right across from an exit to the street. It's probably locked, but still. There is also a stairwell there. This one is harder to get to.
Finally, there is the one furthest to the South. That one may have an exit across from it, but if it ever did it's almost certainly boarded up. It's also harder for us to get to.
Don't forget that there are stairs and rails overlooking the central area"
>>121243"Grieffenhiem" She answers
"The Griffin Empire. If not one of them, one of the surrounding areas. They all have the same decadence to them"
Blue Skies:
"Just... do a good job. Remember that you have several civilians here who you may need the help of, and who will want sympathy for their own personal struggles, as well as for all of the... victims, of the organization here"
>>121244"I will definitely take the North entrance with Sands and Khoi," Iron responds with certainty. "We will strike them down when it is time."
>>121246"Tear the door down, ask for their surrender and if they do not, I beat them up until they do, right?"
>>121244"Dark Star and I will cover North."
>>121244" i won't let you down,blue."
"Grieffenhiem? what do you know about this situation?"
>>121249"I suggest you two take the West. You might need to sneak in to deliver the speech."
>>121251"If it is what you suggest."
>>121248“Oh, there is no door”
>>121249“Hmmmm.... it looks like Iron wants that one”
>>121250Her tail, cat like, with a puff at the end, flips, and she looks away for a moment with her catlike eyes
“I can say they’ve been the sick bird of Griffonia for quite some time, and that they are... Como se dice.... ‘consolidando’? They are... becoming as one. Maybe that is why these are here. But I do not know”
>>121253"Consolidating? that....seems very very dangerous."
>>121253Iron's ear flickers at the sound of his native language, storing the possible question after taking down the big group of griffons.
He turns to Silver and Skies.
"My decision remains firm. We will act as the enforcers of justice from the main entrance. You will have to choose another door."
>>121254Her eyes are narrowed
“Indeed. Much like the Colonists. They try to dominate over everything. But we shall beat them back”
>>121255“Well okay then. Don’t get overwhelmed”
>>121256"It should be alright with three ponies dissuading them from exiting through the northern door, right?"
>>121257“Not if they force through en masse. It may be better to block off two doors and have only two groups”
>>121256"Damn colonizers, beat them all back."
>>121258"I see. I assume Star will do that part of the job with Silver, then?"
>>121259She nods
I still think he may have told all of them>>121260“Probably. Where is Midnight?”
>>121249“What do you think, Silver?”
“Alright... the south entrance is less important. Somepony stealthy will go light a fire there with our fire bombs to close it off. The west entrance will have silver and probably dark Star. The north will have Iron. The East... well, that will either be closed off with more fire, or covered by midnight. I don’t suppose anypony will want to throw firebombs from the second level or shoot arrows from there?”
>>121265Iron glances at Sands when Skies' suggestion props up.
>>121266Her eyes are wide, not obvious expecting that
“Uh... maybe?”
>>121265"I would but shoot arrows from there but, it'll be hard to do that from the west."
>>121267"Your choice, Sands," Iron places a foreleg on her. "Choose what you think you will do best."
>>121269Now she smiles.
“Give me another smoke”
>>121268“So... you’d rather go to the west?”
>>121270Iron blinks, not sure if she chose or not, but assumes that time will tell what she chooses.
>>121270"thats what i planned on doing. but then again. im not sure anypony else could shoot well from there."
He puts his hoof to his chin in thought
>>121272“Well... you have one other archer. And firebombs. If you want to use those”
>>121274“They should be on the floor of the bathroom” she answers
>>121270He does so, and holds his lighter up to light it for her.
>>121276>>121271She takes the cigarette with her magic, then takes a deep puff
When she pulls it out, there is an orange, glowing end.
“I may be able to light something with this”
>>121277Iron nods, putting his hoof near the glowing end of the cigarette.
"I assume you want to set the place on fire, then?"
>>121278“That’s kind of the question”
>>121279She shakes her head
“If only brick and mortar burned”
>>121280Iron pouts slightly over her comment.
"I assume it does not, from your comment."
He gently squeezes her.
"At least you will get to stab some of them to death."
She is squeezed
She takes another draw, and says
“I’d do worse to them if I had the chance”
>>121283He stares vacantly at a wall.
"I would not put it against you."
>>121284She looks away herself, grits her teeth, and says
“Just... punch them real good”
>>121282“I can go to the south, maybe shoot some of them in the back. Or above to the second level. Or, I can stay by your side”
>>121285"Will do, Sands," he responds sternly.
>>121285"We Could both shoot them from the balcony."
>>121287She nods, and she smiles.
“Let’s run that by silver and midnight”
>>121288"I do not see problem with it."
“Alright then... looks like we know at least most of what we are doing”
>>121290Iron nods.
"I will enact the blunt force trauma and scare tactics to take out the will of these souless beaked folk."
Spark will continue in the north soon.
Floof pone sticks head out of bushes
>>121302Sorry i didnt post yesterday. i had a Fever.
>>121303Awww! I'm sorry to hear that, buddy. I'm glad to see you back, though. You feelin' any better?
>>121305Not really. although i think my fever has broken.
>>121303Aww, it’s okay little edge pone. I hope you are feeling better now than before
>>121304>>121303*Hugs both ponies, keeping mouth and nostrils firmly closed bear fever pone*
>>121306Awwww! I hope you start to feeling better soon.
>>121307is huggedhugs back I guess we could proceed to the next stage as soon as everypony is here. Midnight may be absent, which could be problematic
>>121308*Is hugged*
>>121311*is hugged back*
Um... was Dark Star wanting to go to the upper level and shoot his bow?
>>121312Iron wants to enter through the northern door and act as a stone wall with Khoi (and maybe Sands, depending on what she believes is best at)
Even without Midnight around, Dark Star could go upstairs
>>121314Sands seems just a little hesitant to leave Iron with Khoi, but is even less desirous of melee combat, so she slinks off. Khoi and Iron don't know each other well, but she seems.... motivated
>>121315That is all Iron needs to know, as far as he knows.
Should Iron move out now or wait for Silver and Midnight to choose their positions?
>>121316As soon as Iron moves into the actual opening itself, he will be visible to the creatures inside of the square, and from basically every point in the square. This is true of all of the characters. Silver and Mala (and White Sands) are at a special disadvantage because they will have to run past an opening to get to their positions.
>>121318I'm wondering if someone else should take control of that character
>>121320Sounds like they'll need a distraction.
Is it time to pull out the trans advocate Iron again? >>121321Now a distraction could work
>>121322Being on the top level may result in some enemies at the East and West doors being out of line of sight. Dark Star should also be up there before the others
>>121323Hm...Is Skies around Iron for him to ask?
>>121325"Boss, the path for Silver, Midnight and their companions seem to be pretty exposed," Iron comments.
>>121327"Have you come up with anything to alleviate this small blunder? I could act as a big distraction if need be."
>>121329"I think Silver and his companion are just going to have to run past and hope it will be okay. A distraction may be possible, but it is more likely to alert them to danger and will be very dangerous for the one putting on the distraction"
>>121330"Do you think making noises with rocks would help, at the least?"
>>121331"Hmmm.... It could. But there are a large number of them and every single one of them would need to be distracted and not paying attention while also not being aware of danger. If even one of them is looking that way and thinks something is strange, that might alert all of them"
>>121328Just be sure to be up there
before combat begins
>>121332Iron hums.
"That is a problem. Not to mention they will be nervous of the bat-winged pony if they were to casually glance her way."
He looks at Skies.
"I suppose I could stir up trouble of some sort by mocking a big griffon or something."
>>121334"But if you do that, you've substituted them noticing they are under attack because they see silver to them knowing they are under attack because they hear you"
>>121335Iron huffs in frustration.
"Alright. Maybe I could just make an extremely awkward conversation to make everypony look my way. Would that work?"
>>121336Dark Star puts his hoof to his chin in thought.
>>121336>>121337“Maybe it would be better for Dark Star to draw their attention - he’ll be on the second floor and so out of range.... hopefully...”
>>121339“To go to position upstairs? Certainly we can.”
>>121340>>121339"I assume I will have to hold for now, considering the possibility of our cover being blown before the roof pony squad gets there," Iron comments.
>>121342“But once it doesn’t matter if the cover is blown... feel free to be as loud, rude, and obnoxious as you like to our griffin hosts”
She says with a smile
>>121341“Up the stairs. We can go in front of them or behind when there”
>>121343"Lets go in, in front of them."
>>121345“Okay... but I’m best at shooting from behind”
>>121346"Then we can go in the back way."
He Smiles at Her
>>121348“Alright... just remember that somepony needs to tell them all who we are, and give an ultimatum to surrender.”
Outside of the bathroom, to the right on the other side is a stairwell. Going up one flight leads to a landing with another door and another set of stairs going further upwards
>>121353"I'll be sure to include that."
>>121354If Dark Star goes up, he finds the door opens inwards to a hallway
>>121356No immediate activity in the hallway. It's actually less well lit on the second floor, with painted off white walls on both sides, and a tan set of tile on the floor
>>121357Does Dark Star see anypony in the hall?
>>121358Judging from what can be seen and heard, nocreature seems to be active in the eastern hall, second level at that moment
>>121359Dark Star Creeps towards the position they are moving to.
>>121361To the right, presumably, is the North side. This would place them above Iron, and above the entrance to the other part of the building. To the left, presumably, is the South side. This would place them opposite Iron and the entrance to the other building. To the left and in front of them is a closed but wide pair of wooden doors that evidently enters a room that partly hangs over the central square, and also covers the eastern entrance from above
>>121363He goes to the spot the decided on before
[lonely pony stuck in the north noises]
>>121515[floofy unicorn in the south noises]
Alright ponies... let’s try this again. Who is here?
>>121528>Canadian Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
>>121529I’ll take you to Tim Hortons later
>>121530Eh thats pretty Good m8. Can we get a bag of milk along the way?
>>121531>milk in bagAlright, that’s way too much Canada for me
>>121532All hail, the glorious leader black Trudeau! hey you got any ketchup chips,bud?
Alright, I am at my apartment. Who is here?
>>121535Before she goes upstairs, Blue Shekels ask midnight
“To our winged pony friend, would you like to guard the East entrance that goes to the hallway and the seaside exit, or would you rather trust that be walked off by flame, and instead stand beside silver or iron at either of two other entrances?”
>>121538Midnight pauses for a moment, considering her options.
"I will take the east entrance."
>>121539Blue shekels looks at midnight for a moment, and pauses, as if not certain. But then she speaks
“Okay. That should divide them, hopefully.”
She moves forward a step
“It will be dangerous to go alone. Take Jubilosa.”
The weird catbird looking thing pauses for a moment, then steps forward, each paw in a line, and with some raised hairs visible between the ends of her forelegs legs and where the leather vest begins. Her head moves from direction to direction in quick, clean movements, like a bird, and she looks at midnight with slit, green eyes
>>121540Midnight politely nods to Jubilosa
"It will be good to work with you."
>>121541She twists her head significantly to the right, causing medium-brown feathers on her neck to pop out almost like cards in a deck-mid shuffle. She responds,
“Who are you?”
>>121542"I am Midnight, I am working with the other ponies here."
>>121543“Working what, exactly?”
Her paws are almost in a line one behind the other, and dried blood stains her brown leather vest running down from a slice in the middle, which overlays her dark-gold fur.
>>121544"Well, I am just here to follow orders, not make them. And now, you and I will be working defense."
>>121545“What... what are we defending against?” She asks
>>121546"I... Am not completely sure..."
>>121547She nods, slowly. As she does so, her green, slit eyes are wide and fixed on midnight
[continuing to look for terrorists noises]
Are these terrorists religious based, closer to Muslims? Or are they simply trashing things Antifa style?
I wonder what the bugs are up to...
>>121551Spark finds himself walking through the active mine. Most vehicles move, some do not, and there is no shortage of workers, both actually working and standing around. Some, at attention, some, idle or waiting.
>>121561Spark doesn't really know that at this point. It looks like the exterior panel, as well as part of the engine and transmission block, where damaged by blunt force applied from the outside
>>121567Ruby is still over playing with Mutey and Broody over by the partly flooded area in the lower mine. A couple workers look over, or seem either irritated or intrigued by the presence of the foals, but most pay them no mind, or seem to not notice them.
Spark ponders for a moment.
"Are there workers here that would do something like this?"
>>121576Wasn't the boss there talking to Spark last we left off?
>>121577We'll go with that
"Some of the workers are Equestrians from the area. After many of them refused to work here we replaced them from workers from the Crystal Empire.... they are marginally better. The thing is, really any of them could be motivated to sabotage the equipment. They are not too thrilled about mining for the Hegemony"
>>121578"Any of them make any threats that could be more directly related to these attacks?"
>>121579"Threats? No. No threats. Well, except maybe Gemmy last Tuesday. But mostly they claim it's an outside force"
>>121580"Well, let's hear about Gemmy. Might as well while we figure things out."
>>121581"He made a threat about damaging his shovel last week after being ordered to do something he didn't like. He was detained."
>>121582"Do you think that others that were his friends might not have taken a liking to your punishment and acted out?"
>>121583"The Gendarme say that reprisals and being tough stamps out the will to resist"
His facial expression betrays some doubt
>>121584"Which is why you are having terrorism obviously, internal or otherwise. Your defenses are weak and you don't have a clue where or when it will happen again, but you can be sure it will."
>>121585"Look. I know we are having problems, alright. I just need to make it stop. We haven't met a single quota"
>>121586"Not a single one? My, you must be in good graces with the hive to get away with such a bit reputation. Regardless, looks like I will have to get things in working order here. Let me talk to this Gemmy and maybe I can find out what is going on."
>>121587>>121587He is left looking something almost like pic related at Spark’s words
“We can make the quota if we can just stop the sabotage! The rains finally stopped…” he looks down and away, and then back up. Then he answers
“I think Zu Lang has him…”
>>121589"Well... I think we can get things back up to speed soon if you let me work my magic. So... where is this Zu Lang?"
>>121590"He's probably been provoked by your arrival. Maybe near your cart"
>>121591Spark nods and heads to the cart.
>>121592Outside of the wagon, looking in, is a peculiarly tempermental creature. A Changeling, of the dry, almost beatle like skin, wearing field grey.
>>121593"Hello there. Are you Zu Lang?"
>>121594The creature looks back at spark with red eyes that narrow on Spark
"Who are you?"
>>121595"I'm here to get things back on track before you wind up with a crack down. I was told you had someone by the name of Gemmy. I need to ask some questions to figure out the source of the mishaps here."
>>121596He narrows his eyes again. His solid, magenta eyes
"Yes... we do have a 'gemmy'."
>>121597"Fantastic. Arrange for me to speak with him please."
>>121598He tilts his head at him
"Perhaps.... who sent you here?"
>>121599"Your boss of course, from right over there. Or do you mean in the grander scheme of things?"
>>121600"My boss?
My boss? Is that what Otis told you? If anything I am
his boss. I report to the Lieutenant General in Whinnysota"
>>121601"He didn't tell me anything other than you are holding someone called Gemmy. Now, if you would like to report something decent for a change, I would be happy to fix this place up, but I'm going to need a chat with this rebel."
>>121602His mouth opens, and emits a definite "hiss"
But he does not move forward, and means less aggressive response than expressing internal frustration.
"Yes.... He is up in the genderarme center in the town"
Spark makes sure the party is all inside their ride.
>>121604This takes them out of the mine. Down the path that goes back up. Through the thin hundred yards of forest, and back into the lower town to the building across from the comapny building. A lone changeling stands outside. It looks like a normal Equestrian police station, with stone elements in the lower floor, and wood above. It must have been a police station not long ago. In a way it still is
>>121605Spark heads towards the police station, hoping the changling isn't the attack on sight kind.
>>121609Perhaps the changeling doesn't notice Spark?
Does the changeling outside look like this?
>>121615>changeling swatterIf only it were that easy.
I meant more the design and cute bow.
>>121616Spark approaches the building whenever you are ready.
>>121616If you tickle a Changeling, it's forced to change back.
>>121634I hope you had a good one.
[sneaking past bug noises]
>>121639Maybe we can play tomorrow?
Hopefully I will make some fan art for this game soon. I just need some free time.
Spark continues to investigate the building if he makes it past the changeling.
Alright ponies, are we about ready?
In the central hall of the square, stone and mortar, northern building of 33 Hoebuck, a large number of griffins congregate. They talk amongst each other, sometimes in groups of three or five where one or two personalities dominate, and the remainder listen, though more often in pairs, talking as creatures do in parties and large social settings. Their spirits tend to relaxed and sociable - at least where not excited by argument or heated conversation - and tend at worst to be bored. They chirp not in the cacophany of myriad languages plucked from all corners, as can be heard in the streets and markets of Red Heart, but overwhelmingly in the same, obtuse-sounding foreign language. Off to the side of the hall stand lone individuals. Some seem anxious. Some others, more introverted types by nature, hold with a single claw a small book that they read lines from. A couple more, new arrivals, enter the hall from the entrance closest to the street. All wear robed clothing, mostly red, less often white or brown, and always with a darker band around the beginning of the neck. Some wear headware, and like the robes, it is not a head wear typically seen in the streets. The group is uniformly griffin, excepting a zebra or two, and similar shades of brown, tan and yellow predominate.
In the Bathroom in the corner, and in the hallway, the party and their array of freed prisoners wait. Here, a mood of quiet anxiety pervades. Khoi Lua stands perhaps the strongest, quiet and expressionless, but even she seems to grind her teeth. Mala whimpers and lowers his ears, but then turns his head closer to Dark Star and Silver, and his ears return upright. Jubilosa stands tall, but her eyes focus on distant objects past the wall, and her lower beak is pulled back. White Sands lights another cigarette - where she got it, no one knows - and regularly looks off to the side, in any direction. Loputu takes it perhaps the least well, cowering in a corner, though he's been in such a poor state at least since the garbage chute.
In the center of the group of griffons, a single griffin in flowing dark red robes and with red cap stands on his hind two legs, and yells "Beachtung!" Most griffins turn their attention to him, and with a second "Beachtung," the remainder silence themselves, and turn to him. He then says, in that obtuse tongue, a small speech that all listen to. Upon the completion of this, he then is silent for a moment, looks around, and says, with only slight accent and in the Princess's Ponish:
"The Town congregation is inducting new members tonight and so has us separate until the first stages of their induction are completed. However, we will begin the ceremony as normal before the moon is directly overhead at midnight. We will head over collectively in six minutes."
>>121659Silver looks over at his companions, feeling equally anxious about what's to come.
"Sounds like it is time. Come on, Goddesses will not give us second chance."
>>121660Silver is in a delicate situation, as he has been assigned to handle the entrance next to the street-side exit. That means he'll have to run past another open doorway to get there.
Mala is Silver's assigned companion. He stands up, places his sheathed foreign sword over his shoulder, and looking to Silver, moves his tail from side to side slightly.
Also, you'll probably need to play Dark Star as well, who is with Blue Skies, going to the railing on the second floor to try to shoot down on them from above with his bow >>121661Let us get to that area before worrying about it too much. The unicorn scratches Mala behind the ears briefly before giving him a, "Come on, friend," and leading him to the doorway they need to pass by.
Dark Star smiles wickedly at Blue Skies. "Ready to get some target practice in?"
Can Silver use a Hide check to stay hidden while crossing the doorway? >>121662Mala smiles, then returns his face to a more serious expression, and slowly nods.
Blue Skies, calmer even then Khoi, looks from over the railing and back to Dark Star. Her expressionless mouth twists over to the side, then up into a malicious grin. “I’ve been practicing much of my life. Time to do what I was made to do.”
There isn’t really anywhere to hide, but he can roll luck with a dexterity modifier, which is basically the same thing [1d20+4 = 11]>>121663Dark Star can't help but swoon. "Have I ever told you that I love you?" He leads himself and Skies up and into position.
Dexterity: Silver tries to avoid detection while moving past the doorway.
>>121659>>121660Iron nods, shield and hoof bared.
"Alright, then. I'll move to my spot right away."
With that, the stallion beckons Khoi.
"Let us move."
>>121665MOOPMidnight is pared with Jubilosa, who stands tall if occasionally jittery at Midnight's side, armed with a machete
Meadows stands over to the side, looking somewhat tired, and almost oblivious to the situation
>>121664Silver runs past, dragging a slightly noisier Mala behind him. There is no immediate sign that they have been noticed, not that they can be certain.
Blue Skies keeps her malicious grin, and now moves a step closer to Dark Star
"Not enough"
Light just a bit more yellow than preferred shines down big bulbs tacked on to the side of the walls, positioned as high as two stories up.
>>121666She nods, slowly. Iron presumably equips the large white and black hide shield from the records room
>>121667boopMidnight steps over and gently places a hoof on Meadow's withers
"Do not worry, it will all be over soon... And then I will get you somewhere safer"
>>121668She turns around, and looks back to Midnight - almost looking at her, but not quite, slightly above and to the right
"Well.... I hope it ends well for.... others" she says, somewhat weakly
>>121667Thus both Silver and Dark Star get into their respective positions, and wait for the others to prepare.
>>121669"So do I..."
Midnight nods to Jubilosa and gets in position
Alright little ponies
Blue Skies: "Remember that we can only attack them with lethal force if they attack us first or if they 'flee' from legal apprehension. So be sure to ask them to surrender first, and identity us as acting under the authority of the New Mareland State and the Baltimare Governate. Remember that most of them are only wanted for immigration violation, and their may be a bounty on them if turned in alive, but only the ones wanted for trafficking or other crimes carry a dead or alive reward."
>>121672Midnight nods and prepares her shortswords.
Alright, somepony deliver a speech to make them give in, and roll intimidate
Dark Star and Iron are the best candidates
>>121682Dark Star nods at Blue Skies, clears his throat, and begins his speech in the most authorative voice he can muser:
Attention! You are all in violation of the law, and have committed crimes against the State of New Mareland, the Baltimare Governate, and the ponies therein! By order of the aforementioned powers, you are to be placed under arrest! You are surrounded and outmatched! Surrender peacefully and come with us, and no harm will come to you!"
>>121684With these words, all creatures in the hall, whether they be reading or socializing, look up the intruders on the second floor railing. Many also look over to the doorways where now Midnight and Jubilosa, Iron and Khoi, and Silver and Mala step into. Only the rear exit remains open. Many react with expressions of shock, or fear. Some gasp, or whisper. Some are angry, and growl. Perhaps most simply look over and listen, slowly taking in the information they cannot yet process. At least one, standing near the middle, looks on calmly, almost as if with a smile.
You may now make an intimidation check >>121688>>121689Some remain calm, but many seem not so convinced
>>121690Stone stomps the floor, grinding it back against the floor, a menacing grin on his face.
[1d20+9 = 12]<Intimidate roll Well guys, it was nice knowing you.
[1d20+3 = 17]The Griffin in the center speaks:
"So there were intruders... That is why Schwarze Feder did not show up"
Then he addresses the crowd
The City has found us, and has sent its revenue agents to arrest us. Remain strong, for there are only a few of them, and so many of us. What do they have? Little Ponies? A deer thing. No. They have attacked us before and we have driven them back. They are not like the Inquisition back home. For they will all Fall."
Then he looks with a devilish grin, and a redness in his eyes that looks unnatural except where caused by reflection
With the Power of Maar against our foes, they will beg for merciful Oblivion, and they shall not receive it."
>>121691A small amount of phlem in his throat and the only-so-intimidating female kirin to his side makes his delivery of the line sub-optimal, but his strong will shines through in the line, and some recline to the center, while still more peer out to the sides at the exits
>>121693 Midnight rolls her eyes before clearing her throat.
"Attention griffons! We do not wish to have you! If you come out now you have my word as a worshipper of Luna that you will not be harmed, and your sentence will be shorter. If you show agression, it will be met in turn, and we will not restrain ourselves. IF you survive the ordeal, you would be lucky to gaze upon the light of the moon again within your life time. Please make your decision quick, and for all of us, I beg you to choose correctly."
[1d20+10 = 23]
A majority stay in the center, some pulling out weapons
However, 3 run out, towards Midnight, some bearing knives and short swords
4 Run out towards Silver.
4 Run out towards Iron.
3 run out to the unguarded door, with more looking to follow.
And still more reach for weapons, take them from comrades, or survey their surroundings
Roll Initiative
[4d20 = 27][3d20 = 26][4d20 = 34]>>121695As if from directly behind, Midnight can hear a voice speak into her ear:
"The Moon is Not on your side tonight, for it belongs to those older than your god, and they are the more powerful">>121698>>121699>>121700>>121701Dark Star is not threatened this turn, but may attack. Silver fumbles his sword
>>121702All the hair along her spine sticks straight up as she looks behind her, short swords held at the ready.
Silver gets attacked by 4
Midnight, then three griffins
Two griffins attack Iron, then he attacks, then two attack him
[3d20+3 = 40][1d20+4 = 21]>>121698Four Griffins attack Silver, as Mala tries to thrust his way in to help his friend
[1d20+3 = 9][1d20+4 = 18]>>121701Two griffins attack Iron. Khoi is behind in reserve
>>121704Midnight places her attention back on the griffons, and swipes at the first one to get close
[1d20+7 = 8]
[1d20+7 = 8]
[1d3 = 3][1d6+1 = 3][1d20+3 = 4]>>121700>>121705One definite hit, and rolling to confirm
>>121707I spy a double bullseye
[1d20+5 = 19]>>121708One comes forth with a sword, and cleaves it through Silver's plate armor - though the hit could be worse. Far more unfortunate is the dagger - it seems as if every single one of these griffins has a dagger of this kind - that is stabbed into the opening for the neck, and hits Silver's shoulder
Mala breaks in, and attacks the griffin with the dagger directly
Dark Star may shoot
>>121706One hits Iron square on his chest, grunting painfully as he readies a powerful hoof punch straight on the offending bird with a swift exhale
[1d20+5 = 8]<Power Attack filled Melee Attack [1d20+7 = 12][1d8+3 = 8]Blue Skies shoots her crossbow at the back of a griffin fleeing to the northern exit
>>121711Mala hits, and stabs into the creature
>>121712I don't.... I don't think that hits
[2d20+3 = 24][1d6+2 = 6]>>121712The griffin that hits Iron is one that is carrying a sword.
Now, two mare attack Iron
[2d20+3 = 25][1d20+4 = 20]>>121707Three griffins attack Midnight
[1d3+1 = 2][1d6+3 = 9][1d20+4 = 9]>>121707>>121715One hits, and rolling to confirm a crit
[1d3+1 = 3]>>12170312 damage to Midnight,
6+dice damage to Iron
6 Damage to Silver
5 damage done on one griffin attacking
>>121714Iron takes the second hit as he dodges the first, growling slightly as delivers the second strike lashes out at the mare that hit him nonlethally.
[1d20+5 = 22]<Power Attack Melee Strike [1d20+4 = 13][1d20+4 = 24]>>121717Khoi jumps in to attack with her hammer. Rolling her attack
>>121707Jubilosa attacks with a sword. Rolling her attack
[1d20+3 = 11][1d20+4 = 12]>>121719I don't think it's quite Iron's turn yet, but he can move after enemy griffins get two more attacks
[1d6+2 = 7][1d6+2 = 3][1d20+4 = 6]>>121720Rolling to confirm Khoi's hit, and to roll damage for Jubilosa
[1d20 = 9]>>121718I have no idea what Dark Star's attack modifier would be so just insert whatever it is."ARGH!" Silver staggers from the shoulder hit. He's down one leg.
Dark Star looks over at the griffons attacking Iron. "Hey Blue, do you think we can drop firebombs down there without catching the others in the blast?"
He fires an arrow at a griffon attack Midnight.
[2d6+2 = 9]>>121723Hit. Dark Star lets loose an arrow that goes forth and hits a griffin in the side, exploding with electric pink fire
>>121722Iron proceeds to throw a punch at one of the griffins, connecting with the closest one that could potentially flank him.
[1d3+10 = 11]<Damage [1d20+3 = 7]>>121723Silver can and should reroll initiative
>>121725And.... Bang! stunned, and knocked down. Another one attacks Iron
>>121707Midnight may attack again
Midnight winces in pain before lashing out at the griffon who attacked her, and got a crit.
Sword: [1d20+7 = 12]
Dagger: [1d20+7 = 25]
[1d20+4 = 21]Over in the back, three griffins run for an empty exit
>>121727The one that attacked Midnight is a female with a partly curved dark beak, armed with only a dagger. Midnight's sword and dagger both stab into her
[1d20+4 = 6]>>121728Clash!A bottle hits the floor, and lights up in fire around the griffin closest to the exit, as another one is shot in the back, and the third runs away
>>121725None land hits on Iron, as Khoi makes another attack on the same griffin
[1d20+4 = 20]>>121729She takes a sword through the chest, and a dagger through a little between the neck and shoulder. Jubilosa attacks her
>>121729And with a stab of Jubilosa's sword, the griffin falls to the ground, bleeding, if not quite fully unconscious
[1d20+3 = 18][1d20+4 = 11]>>121733Silver is midway between 2 griffins. 2 Attack before him, and 2 after. Mala is fully in the fight. Rolling attack on the first two griffins, one of whom is an armed sword wielder. Mala has already wounded one of the dagger wielders in pair of griffins that attack after silver's turn.
[1d20+3 = 20][1d20+4 = 9]>>121725Rolling attack for two of the griffins attacking Iron
>>121735That's one hit. Roll damage.
[1d3+1 = 3]>>121725The sword misses, but one attacks with a Dagger. Rolling damage. Iron may attack
[1d3+1 = 3]>>121737Rolling Damage. Silver may attack.
[1d20+3 = 22][1d20+4 = 13]>>121729Two alone attack Midnight. One wounded, one nearly stunned
[1d20+8 = 21]>>121739Silver winces from obtaining yet another stab wound. He stabs at a sword-wielding griffon attacking him with his greatsword.
>>121738Iron, having racked up a surprisingly number of three attacks, figures his odds are lower than expected.
(I must change my strategy)
With that, he rushes at the dagger wielder, attempting to start a trip attempt.
[1d20+10 = 28]<Melee Touch Attack [1d20+5 = 19][1d3+1 = 3]>>121740>>121729One with a dagger stabs into Midnight.
>>121741>>121742This wound hits the Griffin square in the shoulders, cutting through his red robe, and shattering bone. He falls to the ground. Even in the bright red of the robe, the blood drenched sections can be seen, ever so slightly darker than the rest.
Mala attacks with ferocity, jumping forward, sword in mouth and swinging wildly
Dark Star's turn
[1d8+3 = 5]>>121744Mala hits the same griffin again with his sword
[1d20 = 1]>>121744Dark Star lets loose another arrow, aimed at the griffon he hit before.
One downed y
Midnight 15 damage
Iron 9 damage
Silver 9 damage
One downed by midnight, 2 wounded attacking
One downed by Silver, 1 wounded, 2 attacking
One downed by Iron, 1 wounded, 2 attacking
Dark Star has the misfortune of the arrow remaining in place as the strong is released
>>121741One dagger wielding griffin may attack Silver, then Silver's turn
>>121729Midnight's turn
>>121743Iron's trip attack lands
>>121747>>121743Correction. Iron has 12 damage
[1d20+3 = 19]>>121746One griffin attacks Silver, then Silver may attack
[1d3+1 = 3]>>121749>>121746The dagger hits into Silver's leg
>>121747>1 downed2 to go
Another strike, this time at the one who attacked her this turn.
[1d20+7 = 9]
[1d20+7 = 8]
[1d20+8 = 21]>>121751Silver is still standing, if barely. His legs are quite shakey, however, and blood runs freely down them. The unicorn tries to return the favor.
>>121748Iron struggles with the griffin, using his strong legs to sweep under him so he becomes prone.
[1d20+9 = 28]<Trip Attempt (Strength check) [1d20+5 = 10]>>121755>>121753All Severyans must know Suffering in their lives. As it was with those brave cossaks who fought off the Emperor and who held back the Knights on the Frozen Lake, so too does Silver know it tonight, bleeding from multiple wounds.
But he is a teacher, for a new griffin came to learn it in kind. Silver smashes through a dagger wielder, cutting open a rib. Unlike the last griffin, whose blood was disguised by a red robe, this one's intestines seep out in part onto the floor.
Mala makes still another attack at a Griffin behind him
>>121754Complete Success
[1d20+4 = 8]>>121752A miss, knives barely slipping past the griffin in front of her. But she is not alone. Jubilosa attacks
[1d20+3 = 6]>>121755>>121753One griffin swings at Silver
>>121756With the sweep, Iron adds a slight buck to the beak (as per Improved Trip allows)
[1d20+10 = 22]<Melee Attack [1d20+4 = 16][1d20+4 = 18]From the center of the room, two Griffins aim bows at Dark Star. They shoot
[1d6 = 3]>>121761>>121755One bow barely goes through Dark Star's jacket. But it hits.
>>121762Dark Star has pretty full armor on (surprisingly)
Dark Star's Turn
>>121761With a swift motion, he crashes her hooves on the griffon's head, before returing to original position.
[1d3+5 = 6]<Quick Buck to head [1d20 = 7]>>121763Dark Star: "Ngh!"
He snorts out air from his nostrils, and aims a retaliatory arrow at the griffon that shot him.
[2d6+2 = 12]>>121765Khoi is stunned for a moment, looking at the contact, throw to the ground, and headbutt before her
>>121766Dark Star has +5 BAB, like +3 dex, and +2 for ranger's favored enemy. Hit
[1d20+8 = 22]>>121767Good to know.
Silver turns his sword's wrath on the griffon attacking his friend.
[1d20+2 = 19][1d20+2 = 6]The bow Wielding Griffin rides the lightning
Midnight is at 15 Damage. 1 enemy downed, 2 wounded.
Silver is at 12 damage. 2 enemies downed, 1 super wounded, one unscathed
Iron is at 12 damage. Two enemies down, 2 unscathed.
Dark Star is at 3 damage. One enemy down, one unscathed.
As if Directing the battle, the griffin in the center points a claw over to Midnight, and another over to Silver. From each sallies forth a Zebra. These are Zebra Stallions wrapped in white turbans, covered in orange and brown jacket, and each carrying two big spears.
He chants,
"Geben Sie Ihrem Instrument die Kraft, sich zu rächen"
And a Black energy surrounds the zebra going towards Midnight.
>>121768Just a moment, little pony
[1d20+8 = 14]>>121768The one nearest Silver jumps in first, and attacks Silver with his spear
>>121771Said spear is deflected by one of the metal plates making up his armor. Miss.
Now silver may attack, using the same rolls if preferred
>>121752Midnight now has a Zebra entering to attack her, but he is somewhat delayed. Midnight's turn
[1d20+4 = 19]>>121765Khoi attacks with her hammer at another griffin
>>121774Is he still attacking the same target?
>>121773Midnight decides to slash with just her sword this time, at the same target as last turn.
[1d20+9} [1d6+3 = 8]>>121775>>121765Khoi's hit lands
>>121777The griffin falls down onto the ground. One remains, and the zebra
[1d20+4 = 23][1d20+4 = 16]>>121765A new griffin salies forth towards Iron in white robes, while the sword wielder attacks again, and the remaining dagger wielder attacks again. But the sword wielder is wounded now, hit with a hammer swung by the pissed off Kirin
[1d3+1 = 3][1d6+3 = 4]>>121780>>121765Both Hit Iron, stabbing into his hide and slicing his back.
[1d20+4 = 16]>>121781>>121781Midnight's sword slices the Griffin, drawing blood. It isn't a lot, and Midnight has seen griffins, even these civilian griffins, survive worse. But an arround sticks out of this griffin's barrel, which, with a residual shock of pink light, causes him to fall over and down. One wounded griffin remains, and the Zebra. Jubilosa stabs at the remaining Griffin
[1d6+3 = 9]>>121783The sword stabs into the griffin
[1d20+5 = 8]>>121781>>121784>>121783The griffin, already wounded, falls over. Only the Zebra remains.
>>121782>>121765Iron has taken 7 more damage for 19 damage in total.
>>121779>>121777Now, Mala attacks the remaining griffin
[1d8+6 = 7]>>121786>>121781The Zebra Stabs into Midnight with what might be an unexpected ferocity
>>121785Iron grunts loudly by the double attacks he suffered from the persistent griffons, flesh and white cloth slashed and pierced.
He proceeds to quickly bash the most recent victim of Khoi's bashing, striking him with a quick jab, eyeing at the unarmed griffon.
[1d20+10 = 23]<Melee attack [1d20+3 = 7]>>121777A remaining Griffin stabs at Silver
[1d20+3 = 22]>>121788And now, the White robed Griffin reaches out to touch Iron with the end of an extended claw. Not swiping at Iron. Touching Him
>>121790The dreaded
CLINK! of a deflected blow is all that greets the remaining griffon.
>>121789Quickly and non-lethally punching the griffon chest, Iron breathes out to further strengthen the blow
[1d3+5 = 8]<Damage >>121787[silent reeeeing]Midnight looks absolutely peeved, and strikes back against the zeeb.
[1d20+7 = 26]
[1d20+7 = 23]
>>121794Rolling to confirm sword crit
[1d20+7 = 17]
[1d8+1 = 2]>>121788>>121788The Griffin touches Iron right on the end of his snout, and mutters,
Bringt unseren Feinden Schmerz"
It feels like Iron has been punched. Hard. Or more like a strong electric shock, that radiates across his face, and his body as some black, dark energy runs through him, and saps him
Rolling damage
>>121793As this Griffin has already been hit with a hammer, Iron's punch is enough to knock the air out of him with a "heee" sound, and he falls to the ground. Only the dagger wielder and the white robed griffin remain.
[1d20+4 = 12]>>121792Two griffins fly up into the air, towards the second level. One bowgriff shoots at Dark Star
[1d20+10 = 17]>>121798"Wrong move, feathers-for-brains!"
He fires off his bow towards the griffon that has yet to attack at him.
>>121800>>121799Not enough to knock him out of the air, but enough to make him slip in his glide, and fall down several feet before righting himself, and forcing him to make a turn to land elsewhere. Never the less, one griffin lands on the same level as Dark Star and Blue Skies, landing on the railing with his hind legs, and falling down inside, opposite Dark Star
>>121796Iron's body shakes slightly from the shock sent across his body, leaving his muscles sore as his eyes go unfocused for a bit, before staring at the griffon intently.
Silver 12 Damage. One griffin remaining, One Zebra Remaining Silver. 3 Griffins down.
Midnight 22 Damage, 3 Griffins down, 1 Zebra remaining
Iron 21 Damage, 3 Griffins down, 2 Griffins Remaining
Dark Star 3 damage, one griffin down, one wounded and knocked back a round, 2 remaining.
[1d20+8 = 12]>>121800With a shout of the red robed griffin, "Stärke für deinen Diener",
A darkness surrounds the Zebra in front of Silver, and enters into his body, nearly making him bigger
He stabs forth, with new power
[1d20+4 = 9]>>121795>>121794With all of the Righteous Fury of the slighted Moon Goddess, Midnight lands her hits against thee Zebra. Roll damage
>>121802The dagger wielding Griffin attacks Iron
[1d20+8 = 11]>>121804Silver's armor is working hard to be worth the money he payed for it. Another deflected blow.
"Ты уже заткнешься?"
Silver turns to the new attacker with a calculated gaze, and strikes forth with his sword.
>>121805Woohoo! the sword is a x2 crit!
[1d6+1 = 4]
[1d4+1 = 4]
[1d20+3 = 6]>>121806Not quite a hit, as it seems this Zebra has Armor of his own
>>121802A griffin attacks Iron with his dagger
>>12180712 damage. The Zebra shouts "RAH!" in pain, but carries forth
[1d20+8 = 17]>>121807He stabs forth, yet again
[1d20+2 = 15]>>121806Dark Star should roll Initiative (+3 dex bonus) against the new griffin
[1d20+4 = 17][1d8+6 = 13]>>121807>>121809He hits, and stabs forth with a fury all of his own
>>121811Dark Star wins. The +4 roll is the attack roll of the bowgriff against Dark Star
[1d20+3 = 23][1d6 = 2]>>121812>>121811An arrow Flies forth, penetrating Dark Star's jacket
The +3 roll is Blue Skies initiative
[1d20+7 = 21]>>121811>>121813Blue Skies turns, and shoots the incoming griffin
[1d20+10 = 25]>>121813Dark Star winces from being turned into a pincushion, and fires his own arrow at the griffon in front of him after Blue.
[1d20+4 = 13]>>121811>>121815Dark Star is shot with an Arrow for 2 damage. There is a new griffin on the same level as Dark Star. It is wounded by Blue Skies, but is not out. Silver has initiative over that one
>>121812+13 Damage to Midnight, 35 damage in total
Khoi attacks the Zebra
>>121818Jubilosa doesn't
quite make it
>>121817>>121816The arrow goes squarely in the chest, between the lungs and below the heart. A massive wave of punk light hits him, and he falls down to the ground, dropping not one but two knives
>>121808>>121805Iron shuffles closer to the robed pony, deciding to trip him.
[1d20+10 = 24]<Melee Touch Attack [1d20+3 = 9]>>121806A griffin attacks Silver with his dagger
>>121818>35 damage totalI gotta end this quick...
>>121819Midnight strikes once again, praying to Luna this won't be her last time.
[1d20+7 = 20]
[1d20+7 = 23]
[1d20+5 = 19]>>121817>>121821>>121821Miss, and Mala attacks the Griffin
>>121820Hit against the robbed Griffin
>>121822Luna guides her weapons true against the griffin
>>121824With that, the native proceeds to wrap his foreleg around the robed griffin's backlegs, pulling him towards him in an attempt to trip him up.
[1d20+9 = 29]<Strength Trip Check [1d8+5 = 9]>>121821>>121825hehehehe, leave the specifics of "Zebra," "Griffin," Changeling" etc to Twilight and her Vizier. Killin' is Luna's specialty.
A stab into the side, then a stab up through the chest, the zebra's eyes turn up, he lets out a "uh.... cuh!" and falls forward, to the ground.
>>121826Suffice it to say, Iron has this griffin's
ass>>121824>>121823Mala cuts into the remaining Griffin
[1d20+6 = 18]>>121826The griffin struggles to keep focus
>>121827>Iron has this griffin's assMuch more homoerotic than I expectedAs a finally offering against the griffon, he raises his free hoof, bringing it sideways to slap the griffon's flank square on where his cutie mark should be.
[1d3+5 = 8]<Damage >>121827W-wew, priase Luna for that.
Midnight pulls the blades from the zebra, saying a short prayer as she crosses her blades over her amlet. It then begins to glow a deep blue as she casts cure light wounds on herself.
[1d6+2 = 3]
[1d20+6 = 24]>>121823Silver can proceed to his next turn. 12 damage, One Zebra remaining, and a wounded griffin remaining
>>121830We can go with that roll.... or we can wait
>>121829Again, the griffin tries to concentrate
[1d20+8 = 22]>>121832Once again, Silver aims a swing for the beefed up zebra.
[1d20+3 = 18]>>121829The griffin is most definitely knocked down, down to the ground. But he tries to reach up, and touch Iron
[1d8+1 = 6]>>121833With far less energy than before, he makes contact with Iron. But he
does make contact.
"Bringt unseren Feinden Schmerz"
And another shock. This time, to Iron's barrel
[1d20+4 = 7]>>121829>>121837Khoi smashes at the white robed griffin, for good measure. To keep him down
>>121833Silver slices into the Griffin. And yet, he stands
>>121837Iron's body shakes quite more strongly this time, eyes popping open from the shock, almost threatening to step on the robed griffon before subsiding, thankfully without stepping on his head.
End Round
Midnight 35 damage. Skipping ahead a round, all enemies down
Iron 28 damage, 3 griffins down, one prone and wounded, 1 remaining
Silver 12 damage, 1 wounded griffin, 1 wounded zebra, 3 down
Dark Star 5 damage, one bow griff, one wounded enemy, 2 down
[1d20+3 = 20]>>121839The Griffin with a dagger has a definite fear in his breathing. He swings nevertheless at Iron
[1d3+1 = 2]>>121839>>121841Iron is stabbed into, albeit with less force than as if attacked by a larger griffin
[1d20+8 = 14]>>121834The Zebra, wounded, attacks Silver yet again with a thrust forward. His exhale is labored with a big "huh!"
>>121834From the opposite Direction, a new challenger approaches Dark Star. It's the griffin he wounded earlier, landing elsewhere and going around
>>121842>>121841Briefly glancing back at the stabbing griffon as his flank was stabbed, the native turns his head and headbutted the robed griffon right on his face, making sure this beaked mage was taking a long nap.
[1d20+10 = 17]<Melee attack [1d20+8 = 25]>>121843Silver's armor continues to do its job. He retaliates with another swing.
>>121844Dark Star turns to face his new opponent.
[1d20+1 = 5][1d20+5 = 20]>>121846This Zebra is cut into, damned near cut in half, as his intestines enter upon the floor. Like the griffin next to him, perhaps even more so. Mala, growling through teeth that clasp a sword handle, strikes again at the remaining griffin
Dark Star roll initiative. The +5 is mala's attack, the +1 is the initiative from the other griffin
>>121845He hits alright. He hits.
>>121848With a sickeing crunch, Iron's stone forehead collides with the griffin's beak, before retreating to face the dagger griffon
[1d3+5 = 7]<Damage [1d20+4 = 11]>>121850>>121848>>121849The remaining Griffin, likewise, is cut, and falls down in a blood pile. Mala growls at his fresh kill, the second today Silver has witnessed. No enemies remain around Silver
Dark Star has the draw. But the bowgriff on the floor fires first
[1d20+4 = 21]>>121852>>121850The arrow misses. Dark Star's turn
>>121851With that, he falls out. One griffin remains, But Khoi Swings at her
[1d20+10 = 18]>>121852>>121853Dark Star looses an arrow towards the griffon now in front of him.
Seeing that the rest of the party is mopping up their attackers, Silver points his bloodied sword at the remaining griffons. "He said you were outmatched. Surrender, or you can join your comrades."
Midnight 35 damage. No enemies remain
Iron 30 damage. 1 wounded griffin remains
Silver 12 Damage. No enemies remain.
Dark Star 5 damage. 3 enemies down. 1 remains.
>>121856That griffin was already limping and wounded. He now falls to the ground, stunned.
>>121855Mala growls and shakes, looking as if ready to tear apart creatures. Jubilosa, likewise, points her sword at the group. Khoi, not finished with the attackers before her, concentrates on that.
>>121857>>121851The wounded Griffin near Iron tries to run past him
>>121858Iron uses this opportunity to grab ahold of the griffon, attempting to initiate a grapple.
[1d20+10 = 14]<Introductory melee strike >>121860Ohboi, you'll probably faint.Iron attempts to chokehold the griffon, falling backwards slightly to accomodate for his inability to stand with his two hindlegs.
[1d20+14 = 29]<Grapple check In the Center of the Room, the griffin looks around him at the damage. There is a griffin, caught on fire and fallen down, near the south exit, with two more lying on the ground between the center and the south exit having been shot in the back. In the center of the room, one lays downed from an arrow hit. Up above on the balcony, two are stunned, one of those with a regular arrow stuck in him. Bodies lay elsewhere. The best off are those near Iron, stunned. The worst are the disassembled corpses near Silver.
In the center are some griffins, maybe 10 or so in total, who either did not want to fight or never saw the opportunity to enter. Some of them want to come to the sides to retreat. A few eyeing towards the griffin and the winged pony. None want to go towards Silver, for what the sight of bowls and blood upon the floor do not do for the psychy, the growling, hunchbacked gnoll upon the floor does the rest, and it seems only the scimitar sword in his mouth prevents him from ripping at a griffin's throat.
The red robed griffin acknowledges the set back, but is not out. He stands still for a moment, then says
"Ziehen wir uns hinter einen Schleier zurück"
With this, from the air, in three swiftly assembling vortexes, mist forms, then comes around the griffins, growing to obscure the center of the room - only the center - in a dense fog that cannot be seen through
>>121861He's grappled alright
>>121862With that, he presses on the griffon's neck, making him 'fall asleep' on his arms.
[1d3+5 = 7]<Grapple damage >>121863That's enough for the wounded griffin, who falls down unconscious. Khoi is taken back briefly from her watching of the magic in front of her, to look at Iron's theatrics
>>121862"Вернитесь сюда!" Silver circles around the pillar of fog, towards the unguarded entrance.
>>121865Mala continues growling towards the mist. Then a shape appears from the mist, looking forward
Midnight slumps back, sitting down. The mare is covered in many cars and scrapes, and is breathing heavy.
She takes a minute to pray, and casts cure light would on herself.
[1d8+2 = 6]
>>121864Iron simply dumps the griffon off him, looking strangely at both the mist and the shape appearing from the shadows, hooves ready to pounce whenever the attack comes.
>>121866Silver halts in his tracks, pointing his sword towards the shape. Dark Star draws his bow, and aims for the same object.
>>121867Midnight regains 6 points of health, but is still 29 below where she started, with two serious stab wounds and a number of smaller ones. Jubilosa looks intently at the mist, from cone sounds of talking
Two griffins poke their heads out
>>121869A griffin pokes its head out, looking over more towards the direction of iron after a glance in Silver’s direction
>>121870Silver lowers his sword slightly. "Will you surrender? For what it is worth, you still have our guarantee that you will not be harmed."
>>121870>>121867>>121869>>121871From deeper in can be heard the words,
"Nein, es soll keine Kapitulation geben"
But several more griffins seem to look out in interest of some kind of surrender
>>121871From one side of the mist, a griffin flies out, evidently heading towards a side away from Dark Star
>>121872As a sign of trust, Silver puts his sword back in his sheath.
>>121873Dark Star keeps his bow trained on the griffon as long as he can, just in case.
>>121874Mala too drops his sword.... Just to free up his mouth, which he now uses to spout high pitched yip-barks and growls at the enemies
The other griffin takes off, and lands on the second level on the side opposite Dark Star
>>121873>>121875Iron sees the two griffons fly up towards Dark Star, humming slightly as he looks suspicious about the ordeal.